Essential oils for an aroma lamp: properties and application, recipes. Aroma lamp - warmth in the soul and comfort in the house

A great way to create an amazing atmosphere in a room is to use an aroma lamp. With it, you can enjoy exquisite incense. To understand how the aroma lamp works, how to use it, you do not need any specific knowledge or skills. Its application consists in languishing aromatic oil in a special vessel. Thanks to him, the air in the room is saturated with a wonderful aroma.

Aroma lamps can be used both at home and at work. Smells improve mood, tone up, and have a relaxing effect. This lamp is used during meditation, as well as as an adjunct in the treatment of certain diseases. You can buy it in almost every haberdashery or gift store, or in a pharmacy.

Aroma lamp with candle

The design of an aroma lamp with a candle consists of a small bowl for water and oil. The depression is located directly above the fire, which heats the vessel of oil, which begins to evaporate and thus spreads through the air. How to use an aroma lamp with a candle? Just. You need to fill it with water, add a few drops (no more than five) of essential oil. After the mixture is heated, the vapors will begin to dissipate in the air. Such an aroma lamp is convenient, it can be used in almost any conditions.

Electric aroma lamps

In such products, heating occurs due to electricity. The lamp looks like a ceramic saucer that is connected to a current source. Now you can even find USB aroma lamps in stores. To enjoy a pleasant aroma, such a device just needs to be connected to the network.

How to use an aroma lamp correctly

As a rule, it consists of two parts: the base (a candle is placed here) and the upper part, which is made in the form of a bowl. The latter needs to be filled with water. Although now you can see more original models, for example, in the shape of the month. In this version, the bowl hangs on a chain, and the candle is located under it at a short distance.

So, you have finally bought such a coveted thing as an aroma lamp. We will now tell you how to use it.

Before using the lamp, you need to ventilate the room well, then light it by closing all doors and windows. Fill the upper bowl with water, pour in a few drops of essential oil (at the rate of 2 drops per 5 sq. M. Of the area of ​​the room). The lamp can be used from twenty minutes to four hours. It is advisable to increase the time gradually, starting from the minimum. When the water evaporates, you need to add it little by little to the bowl.

Rules for using a device such as an aroma lamp

How do I use it? Do not use plastic as a support surface. Keep the lamp away from children.

When pouring your oils, don't overdo it. A delicate smell should appear in the room, not an intense one, otherwise you may have a headache from harsh aromas.

After use, the lamp must be washed with soap, then rinsed with water, you can sometimes use vinegar for this.

Note that aroma lamps are made of various materials (ceramics, glass, stone). Therefore, choose the right option for yourself. We hope you now understand what an aroma lamp is. How to use it is also clear!

Aroma lamps are the most affordable and popular method of aromatherapy, the simplest way to use essential oils in the entire spectrum of their properties. They fill the house with a unique atmosphere, create a magical mood, unobtrusively "saturating" the space with the most delicate and delicate aroma. Moreover, their effect is by no means limited to the aromatization of premises, they can be used to treat diseases, correct emotional and psychological states, and prevent infections.

Aroma lamps, or aroma-burners, are devices consisting of a container for evaporation (a bowl for heated water) and an arch, or a decorative body, where a candle is installed or where a heating device is located. They are usually made of ceramic.

According to the device, aroma lamps can be electric or with an open fire: they are heated by a small candle-tablet.

Principle of operation

The principle of operation of an aroma lamp is very simple: water is poured into a bowl, a few drops of essential oil or a prepared mixture of aromatic oils are added to it, after which a candle is set on fire, which heats the water and allows volatile substances to evaporate into the air. In electric aroma lamps, heating occurs gradually from a special thermoblock. Thanks to gradual warming up, slow and even, the air in the room is saturated with aromas.

The time of one procedure is no more than 2 hours, while it is recommended to start with procedures lasting only 20-25 minutes.

Before the procedure itself, the room must be ventilated. You can use the aroma lamp only in the absence of drafts and with closed windows and doors.

Aroma lamps are not installed on plastic surfaces, on easily flammable materials, as well as in the reach of small children.

Essential oils are selected individually, according to indications or personal preferences, if you use oils only for aromatization. Remember that the oils that work for you may not be for those close to you at all. If you plan on enjoying your treatments together, choose oils that are complementary to each member of your family.

How to use an aroma lamp

First, warm water (from two to six tablespoons) is poured into the container for evaporation, into which about 5-6 drops of essential oils are dripped for every 15 square meters of the room (maximum 15 drops, minimum 3). It is better to start with lower dosages, gradually reaching the optimal concentration.

Use the recommended doses for each essential oil, in no case increasing the concentration on your own, because this can lead to depression, deterioration of health and the opposite to the desired effects.

Periodically, as it evaporates, the water must be added. Never leave a running aroma burner unattended.

After using the aroma lamp, if you use other oils, you must wash the container with soap and then rinse in water and vinegar.

Aroma lamp as a method of aromatherapy

The aroma lamp method belongs to inhalation methods, but unlike hot and cold inhalations, the spectrum of its effects is much wider. The main direction of use of aromatherapy machines is the aromatization of premises, but the goals and objectives can be completely different.

They can be conditionally divided into aromatic, intended for the aromatization of premises and creating an atmosphere with the help of smells, and medicinal, in which the use of essential oils is designed to solve prophylactic or therapeutic problems.

The aroma lamp method is effective in correcting the emotional background and obsessive mental states, stress and depression, fatigue, as a method of preventing dystonia, to increase tone, memory and intellectual functions, in case of respiratory infections.

Essential oils for aroma lamp

For aromatizing the air, essential oils are selected in the same way as for individual perfumes, according to their tastes and character, but there are also basic mixtures from which you can start experiments with an aroma lamp.

For children's room a mixture of equal parts tangerine oils and, for the work area and office- lemon with half a part of rosemary, for bedroom an excellent aromatic background will be a combination of neroli and inspiring ylang-ylang, and for living room you can mix active and socializing oils of lemon and lemongrass.

  • To prevent disease, mix together oils and, which will also prevent the spread of viruses and infections if a family member is sick. For the same purpose, you can easily use a less aggressive mixture of essential oils from, and

Scented lamps can rightfully be considered a universal method of therapy. They are used to give the room an unobtrusive light atmosphere and comfort, which allows you to achieve the normalization of the psychoemotional state. Aroma lamps help you to relax, collect your thoughts and improve your health through the prevention of acute respiratory infections and other diseases. Modern people are increasingly resorting to such therapy, but not many people know how to properly use such an attribute. Let's take a look at the important aspects in order.

The principle of the aroma lamp

Scented lamps are also called incense burners, the device is a glass vessel (thicket for evaporation), connected to an arch. According to the idea, the arch can be replaced with a decorative body - the place for installing a candle or a heating zone.

According to the principle of operation, aromatic incense burners are electrical and mechanical. The latter, in turn, heat the water with an open fire by burning a candle (tablet).

To use the aroma lamp for its intended purpose, you need to pour water into the vessel, add your favorite ethers and light a candle (plug the device into a power outlet). The fire heats up the liquid, as a result of which the aromatic mixture evaporates, leaving behind a pleasant smell.

We should also mention electric lamps, which heat up much more slowly. Thanks to this design, the room is filled with a pleasant aroma evenly, without sudden jumps. For this reason, the therapy is going well, and the person does not focus on the change in odor.

As for the duration of the procedure, it ranges from 1-2 hours for an "experienced user" and 15-30 minutes for a "beginner".

The choice of esters for the aroma lamp

The selection of essential oils is made taking into account personal preferences, like composing a perfume composition. In the future, you will be able to easily navigate the whole variety of flavors, but for now, here are the basic recipes with which it is worth starting experiments.

  1. In the cold season, use a fragrant composition for disease prevention. A great example of a potent blend would be a tea tree, eucalyptus, lemon / grapefruit ester combination. It is also worth taking a closer look at the version of the esters of sandalwood, bergamot, tangerine and geranium.
  2. To improve the emotional state during the working day, it is worth purchasing essential oils of rosemary and lemon. The option is suitable for both office space and an office in an apartment / house.
  3. To create a calm atmosphere with a touch of romance in the bedroom, add lemon balm, neroli, lavender, ylang-ylang, yarrow to the lamp.
  4. For rooms with a large crowd of people (living room, reception), a combination of lemongrass, ginseng, birch bark, rose, orange and petitgrain essential oils is suitable.
  5. If you want to calm your child before bed or create a fabulous atmosphere in the nursery, give preference to esters of cinnamon and citrus fruits (grapefruit, lemon, orange, tangerine).
  6. If the room smells musty, there is a smell of tobacco smoke or pets, use a composition of esters of rosemary, lemongrass, mint / lemon balm, citronella.
  7. An excellent help to intimacy will be a mixture of essential oils of ginger, rose, ylang-ylang, oak and willow bark. Optionally, you can replace ylang-ylang and oak bark with lemongrass and limetha.

  1. Before the actual procedure, ventilate the room for half an hour to get rid of unnecessary odors that obstruct perception. After that, close the vents, windows and doors so that the aroma from the aroma lamp does not disappear into "nowhere."
  2. When choosing a place to install the lamp, do not place it on surfaces that can easily catch fire (plastic, foam, oilcloth, tablecloth, etc.). Make sure that the device is located out of the reach of children.
  3. Rinse the vessel with running water, turn it upside down so that the unfiltered liquid is glass. Pour 350-400 ml into a container. clean water.
  4. Choose a blend of aromatic oils, or use just one ingredient. Add ether to water at the rate of 2 drops of the composition per 100 ml. liquids.
  5. Plug the candy bar into an outlet, or light the tablet if the lamp is mechanical. After 10-15 minutes, you will feel the characteristic aroma. Do not forget that the duration of the first therapy should not exceed 30 minutes.

It should be understood that the ethers that are suitable for you may not be comparable to the health of your family or friends. If anyone is allergic to any of the ingredients, remove that oil from the list. Aromatherapy should be a joy to everyone in the room if you plan to enjoy a session together.

  1. Observe the well-being of not only your own person, but also those around you. If one of those present has asthma or other similar conditions, use caution with therapy.
  2. Pay close attention to the addition of ethers, their amount should not exceed the norm. Otherwise, you risk getting a depression, mixed with a hint of irritability, instead of cheerfulness and positive. Physical endurance and mental performance will also deteriorate significantly. Everything should be in moderation.
  3. For liquid, add only warm filtered or bottled water. Otherwise, during the heating process, the vessel may burst due to a sharp temperature drop.
  4. Keep the lamp in sight to avoid too much evaporation. When you notice that there is less water, add more liquid, the device should not work in this state.
  5. If you have nosy pets in your house, keep an eye on them throughout the session, or keep them away from the therapy room. There are times when a cat or a ferret drop an aroma lamp, provoking danger. The same applies to children, the device must be out of their reach.
  6. After each procedure, wash the aroma lamp with soapy water, and then rinse with a mixture of vinegar and water (for 1 liter of liquid there is 50 ml of a vinegar solution of 3-6%). Such a move will help to avoid mixing the components in the future.
  7. In the absence of an allergic reaction to the constituents of essential oils, you will cope with a number of problems, such as chronic fatigue and insomnia, general malaise, the development of influenza and SARS. In addition, aromatherapy helps to put in order memory, mental and physical activity, and psychological state. Very often the device is used in the fight against prolonged depression, stress, fainting.

Using an aroma lamp is not difficult if you follow basic recommendations. Make sure that no one present has allergies, move the device away from children and pets. Choose broadcasts taking into account your preferences, keep track of the general condition during the first session.

Video: how to choose and use aramolamp

With the aroma lamp for essential oils, we can create our own scent in the house that will positively affect the mood and life, we just need to choose a good aroma lamp and buy suitable essential oils.

Have you noticed how everything changes before, especially when a Christmas tree is brought into the house? The pine scent fills everything around, and you feel its fantastic effect on yourself and your family.

The aromas contain a great power, which has a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional sphere of a person, on his respiratory organs, at the same time, it disinfects the room and purifies the air, providing a healing effect on our body. Inhaling aromas, we feel physiological balance, harmony in thoughts, we feel how everything negative experienced during the day is removed or seems completely insignificant ...

Aroma lamps

Aroma lamps are one of the simplest methods of aromatherapy, with the help of which it is possible to aromatize rooms, as well as to prevent the treatment of various diseases on a physical and emotional level. Aroma lamps appeared in human life exactly when they began to use it.

To fill the house in which you live with aroma, a little water is poured into the bowl of an aroma lamp and a few drops of essential oil or a mixture of essential oils are added. Although essential oils do not dissolve in water, when heated, they evaporate and spread the scent throughout the room. If you have used essential oils more than once, then an aroma lamp is a necessary accessory in your home.

And if someone tells you that an aroma lamp is not needed, it is enough to drip essential oil on any object, for example, on curtains, upholstered furniture or other objects, do not take this advice seriously. This is not always possible, since some oils leave indelible marks on the surface. Oils are active compounds and their actions are unpredictable.

Aroma lamps can be used not only for their intended purpose, but also as candlesticks, incense holders, and, finally, the design of modern aroma lamps is such that it is very easy to choose it to decorate the interior of your home.

However, all aroma lamps have different efficacy. How to choose the highest quality and most effective aroma lamp?

How to choose the right aroma lamp for essential oils?

Aroma lamps are automatic, powered by electricity, in which heating is carried out using an electric bulb, and heated by a candle, that is, with an open fire. What is the advantage of some over others? Automatic ones are easy to operate, functional, quite convenient and modern, essential oils can languish in them for a long time. However, they do not have that homeliness that charms with aroma lamps with an open fire.

You will agree, of course, that heating from an open flame is your own mini-fireplace, which not only creates aromatization of the air, but also fill our room with the light of a living fire, its reflections. An atmosphere of comfort and peace of the hearth is created. It is this aroma lamp with an open fire that brings psychological comfort to the house. And caring for it is also quite simple; after each use, you just need to wash it with soap and water.

There are also ultrasonic aroma lamps and USB aroma lamps on sale, powered by computer power. The choice of lamps is large, and there is no doubt that you will find a lamp that will delight you for a long time.

If you have made your choice, then pay attention to the size, materials and shape of the aroma lamp, as well as the functionality and quality of work.

What is the best material for an aroma lamp?

How to choose the material of the aroma lamp? Essential oil lamps are mainly made from ceramics. However, clay vessels are different. The main requirements for the material are that it should not collapse during heating, absorb water and enter into chemical reactions with essential oils.

Glazed and unglazed fine-pored ceramics, glass, stone and porcelain can be used as materials. Stainless steel metal lamps can also be used in combination with a ceramic heating container.

There is another material from which the aroma lamp is made - this is a slip. It is based on kaolin, quartz, feldspar, water glass and a few other additional components. All slip products are made by casting, which allows you to create a variety of shapes.

Such aroma lamps are somewhat more expensive than ceramic ones, stronger, heavier, with a matte surface texture. Since casting allows you to create complex and original shapes, these lamps always have an interesting design.

They are handmade products. They are brought to us mainly from India. Of course, such a lamp is unusually beautiful, it gives sophistication and nobility to any interior. These lamps are often made of natural stone, have a carved pattern, sometimes they are covered with brass on the inside of the bowl.

These burners are durable and stable, they are heated evenly. Thanks to natural materials and handicrafts, stone aroma lamps look rich and unique.

And the most affordable price can still be a ceramic aroma lamp, and it is easier to find it in any ceramics store. Ceramic aroma lamps are easy to use, easy to care for and keep clean. After each use, it is enough to wash it with soap and water. Ceramics are fire resistant, easily retain their shape and are completely environmentally friendly.

Ceramics easily take shape, and therefore ceramic aroma lamps can be selected for any room design. All of the listed materials from which aroma lamps are made are refractory and do not react with heated essential oils, which prevents the possibility of aroma distortion.

Aroma lamp - design

The design of the aroma lamp is an equally important parameter by which the choice of a particular lamp is made. Every woman, choosing any item for her home, takes into account the interior and color palette. Therefore, the aroma lamp should fit into your interior.

Pay attention to the color scheme, ornament, motives or decor. It is important that the style of the interior and the lamps match each other. When you have to rest in the room where the lamp will work, you will appreciate all this. The lamp should not only create a high-quality aromatic atmosphere in the house, but also bring aesthetic pleasure.

Functional features

When you have decided on the choice of an aroma lamp, then the turn has come to evaluate the functional features. The essential oil lamp must have an evaporating container of sufficient size. If it is small, the water will evaporate too quickly, and the oil will start burning instead of aromatizing the air. The smallest volume of the container should not be less than 50 g.

The container should be removable, so it is easier to wash it, that is, keep it clean.

The distance from the container to the heat source should not be less than 10 centimeters so that the water warms up to a temperature of 50 ° or a little more. Water should not boil, and if this happens, boiling will lead to a change in both aromas and the nature of the effect. Therefore, in high-quality aroma lamps, the distance from the container to the heat source is always more than 10 cm.

You can check the aroma lamp at the time of work. If this is your first time using an aroma lamp, light it using a standard dosage of essential oil and leave the room for a few minutes. When you return, you should smell the scent, but after 3 minutes you will feel a subtle scent. This means that the choice was made correctly.

An intense odor is not an indicator of good quality, nor is it not present at all. Good aroma lamps create an unobtrusive, subtle scent. In large lamps, small "windows" are made so that the heat from the candle is better retained in the volume, and in small lamps - large "windows" so that the lamp itself and the water in it do not overheat.

With the help of an aroma lamp and essential oils, you can create in your home a delightful scent of pine needles or amazing smells of tropical flowers, the smell of linden or freshly cut grass, the smell of exotic spices or the smell of the surf.

Rules for using the aroma lamp

Before using the lamp, you need to ventilate the room, then close the windows. Pour some water into the bowl of the lamp, add a few drops of essential oil, then light a candle.

Stick to the rule - for 5m2 - 2 drops of oil in 2 tablespoons of water. Heating water with a mixture of essential oils no more than 60 ° C. Depending on the volume of the bowl, the time for the aroma to spread is from 20 minutes to 3-4 hours.

Check the presence of water regularly so that the remaining oil does not boil without water, otherwise you will get a burning smell instead. If you want to continue flavoring the air, but there is no more water, add water or stop flavoring. After using the lamp, let it cool and wash with water and soap, rinse and leave to dry.

Useful Tips

1. Do not let the water boil, otherwise the beneficial properties of the oil will quickly evaporate.

2. Hold the aromatic mixture over a burning candle for 20 minutes.

3. Do not leave a burning candle under an empty bowl, otherwise it may burst or heat up to a high temperature from overheating. And bowls made of colored glass can lose their color.

4. Do not wash a hot aroma lamp under cold water, as it may burst due to temperature changes.

5. If you bought a lamp with a "live" fire, follow the safety rules that are required when handling fire, and when buying an electric one - with electricity. In any case, make sure that the lamp is stable, that flammable materials do not touch it, and that children are not left unattended near the lamp.

Essential oil blend recipes to flavor the air

You are hosting guests.
Bohemian living room mix: 3 drops of ginger, 3 drops of vetiver, 2 drops of bergamot.
For a relaxed reception: 3 drops of ginger, 3 drops of bergamot, 2 drops of jasmine.
For important receptions (anniversaries, anniversaries): 3 drops of rose, 3 drops of nutmeg, 3 drops of vetiver.
For a youth company: 3 drops of rose, 3 drops of geranium, 3 drops of sage.

For good rest after hard work: 3 drops of incense, 3 drops of lemon, 2 drops of ylang-ylang.
Aromatic mixtures for the nursery.
Before going to bed after overexcitation (reception of guests, noisy games): 3 drops of valerian, 3 drops of ylang-ylang, 2 drops of sage.
Against fears of the night: 5 drops of myrrh, 4 drops of petitgrain.

An aroma lamp is a device consisting of a heated container that evaporates water, an arch and a body, where a heating candle is installed. As a rule, the aroma burner is made of ceramics. The use of an aroma lamp is by far the most affordable and popular way of aromatherapy. Moreover, its functions are not limited only to the aromatization of the room. The device is also used in the treatment of various ailments: to improve the psycho-emotional state and for prophylactic purposes during an epidemic of viral infections.

  • with candles (the heating process takes place due to a candle placed in the lower part of the lamp);
  • electric (heated by electricity).

The principle of operation of the aroma vaporizer

Those who want to conduct an aromatherapy session, but do not know how to use the aroma lamp correctly, should understand in advance the principle of its action. So, the device with candles functions according to the following principle:

  • water is poured into a bowl;
  • a certain amount of drops of aromatic oil or a mixture of essential oils is added to the liquid;
  • a lighted candle heats up the water, so that the essential substances evaporate.

Aroma lamps powered by electricity are heated gradually by means of a special thermoblock. Slow heating allows you to saturate the room with the aroma of essential extracts.

But, in addition, how the aroma lamp works, you need to know the safety rules, the observance of which is mandatory during its operation: the aroma lamp cannot be installed on a plastic surface or on other flammable materials. It should also be placed as far as possible from the area where small children can reach.

Rules for using the aroma lamp

The correct operation of the device is as follows: a little warm water (2-6 tablespoons) should be poured into the container where the essential oil will evaporate. Then you need to drip the aroma mixture there with the calculation of 6 drops of oil per 15 m2 of the room. It is better to start with minimum doses (2 drops), and then gradually increase them (up to 15 drops).

When using the extract, you must not drip more of the extract than is written in the instructions, as this can cause depression, feeling unwell, choking and other allergic reactions.

The duration of the procedure should take no more than two hours, at intervals of 1-2 times a day. And for novice fans of aromatherapy, 20-25 minutes will be enough. Before starting the "aromatic treatment" it is necessary to ventilate the room. Correct use of an aroma lamp implies the absence of drafts, that is, all windows and doors in the room must be closed.

When the liquid evaporates, periodically add new water. In this case, a working device should never be left unattended. After using the aroma-burner, if you plan to use other flavors, you need to wash it with soapy water, and then rinse it in a vinegar solution.

The choice of oils for the aroma procedure should be guided by personal preferences and the effect to be achieved. Today there are basic formulations of oil products that have one or another effect:

  • tangerine and, mixed in equal proportions - an excellent aromatherapy for a child's room;
  • lavender, ylang-ylang, lemon balm, chamomile - promote good healthy sleep and relax;
  • lemongrass, bergamot, black pepper, mint - have an invigorating effect and set you in a positive mood;
  • rosemary and (1: 2) - suitable for office premises, as they improve concentration and activate mental abilities;
  • lemongrass, orange, lemon - a great combination for the living room;
  • rosemary, lemon, mint - eliminate unpleasant odors;
  • tangerine, eucalyptus, tea tree, sage, thyme, sandalwood - these essential oils are an excellent prevention of colds;
  • lemongrass, limet, ginger - useful for severe mental, physical stress and prolonged work at the computer;
  • marjoram, rose, geranium, sandalwood - have a calming effect;
  • rose, ylang-ylang, lavender, patchouli - create a romantic mood;
  • lavender, neroli, chamomile - relieve headaches.

It is not enough to understand the principle of the aroma burner, you need to know how to use the aroma lamp correctly so that it does not harm your emotional and physical health.

  1. For some people, inhaling a particular scent can be hazardous. Therefore, before using any essential oil, it is necessary to check if there is any allergy to it.
  2. It is advisable to add only warm water to the aroma oil container.
  3. For an aroma-burner, you should choose odorless candles, since scented candles, during the combustion process, emit a specific aroma, which, in turn, will mix with the smell of essential extracts. For safety reasons, use only metal-sheathed alcohol-paraffin candles.
  4. The temperature regime must always be monitored: the liquid must keep the correct temperature - up to 60 degrees. If the indicators are low, then the active substances will not be released, and if they are high, then they will evaporate too intensively.
  5. In the process of purchasing an aroma lamp, one should take into account not only its functionality, but also its aesthetic parameters. Indeed, in addition to its healing properties, the lamp can also become a stylish addition to the interior.