If one cheek is more different. The right cheek is greater than the left. Makeup, which grows round cheeks in a few minutes

Appearance in our world plays a big role. It is for her "meet" a person. In the column, the requirements for many posts there is a "pleasant appearance" item. Therefore, every person is worried about how it looks. Sometimes, considering itself in the mirror you can see that one cheek is more different. What is this disease or such a structure of the body? - This question is asked those who saw a similar flaw. Today we will dispel all your doubts and carry out a small master class to restore asymmetry.

The reasons for one half of the face is more different

Many people complain that they have one half of the person different from the other. It becomes noticeable when carefully reviewing itself in the mirror or on unsuccessful photos. Some, noticing that their cheeks are very beginning to "beat the alarm" fearing that they are sick.

In fact, light asymmetry is present absolutely from each person. This is what makes our face alive, unique and unique.

To make sure that every person is not symmetrical, you can take some photos of your friends and cut them in a photo student into two equal parts along the nose line. Now one of the right halves "Mirroring" and connects on the other, also do with the left parts. Make such photos of several people, and you will see that persons from the right and left half of the same person are very different.

However, different half of the person are not always the norm. Let's see which factors can lead to pathological changes.

The reasons for the fact that one side of the person is very different from the other:

  1. Incorrect development of bones and joints, as well as connective or muscle tissue. Such problems can be more pronounced or weaker, they can be corrected only by competent makeup or plastic surgery.
  2. Inflammation of the cheek can also lead to its increase. After troubleshooting, the person acquires normal outlines.
  3. Stripping also can develop asymmetry of the face. The same applies to the curve.
  4. Facial muscles can be very distorted when pinching or motioning nerves. This problem often occurs during strokes and infarction.
  5. Incorrect bite or lack of teeth on one side can lead to face asymmetry. Also, a similar problem can cause flux.
  6. Fracture of the bones of the face that processed incorrectly.
  7. The habit of chewing, sleeping or pouching one strand - the most frequent cause of the asymmetry of the face.

There are a lot of reasons. Some of them can be avoided, engage in time treatment and controlling their facial expressions.

One side of the face is Other: Normal or pathology

If you have noticed that the sides of your person differ, first of all, you need to determine the pathology or the norm. For this you need to know the symptoms of pathology.

In the asymmetry of the face, parchment leather may be present. Such a sign is associated with a genetic disease.

Asymmetry, which is considered the norm, should not be too obvious. If this is the usual structure of the face, then the difference is noticeable only with a careful inspection.

Symptoms of abnormal asymmetry of the face:

  • The affected side is swollen, fabrics can be solid;
  • Corners of the mouth and cheek from the sore side saved and lowered;
  • Patient half of the face loses mobility;
  • Folds on the forehead and nose unexpectedly sharply smoothed;
  • Eye from the sore side becomes already, or, on the contrary, more;
  • Eyes, nose and lips from the sore side lose mobility;
  • There are violations of speech;
  • The affected part is painful.

Even one of these signs suggests that asymmetry is a consequence of a serious problem. In this case, it needs to be treated.

How to align different half of the face

If you have revealed the fact that the person has significant differences on both sides, due to some kind of disease, then to determine the cause, you need to visit the doctor. The specialist will appoint you tests, it will inspect and advise the right treatment.

Asymmetry can occur as a result of drug use. In this case, often the face becomes gray.

To determine the cause of the pathological asymmetry of the face, you need to visit the doctor. In fact, you may need a number of specialists, but first it is better to visit your attending physician.

In this case, you will not spend a lot of time to visit the health workers unnecessary to you. The specialist will make a list of doctors you need to visit.

What doctors may be required when asymmetry:

  • Neuropathologist;
  • Ophthalmologist;
  • Surgeon;
  • Orthodontist;
  • Dentist.

As soon as the reason for your illness is found, you will be able to undergo treatment and return everything to the circles. However, in some cases, after treatment, plastic may need additionally.

Gymnastics to restore symmetry or how the muscles of the face work

The muscles of the face are constantly working. However, if it occurs unevenly, asymmetry may occur. Also, such a problem often appears with age. If this is not related to the presence of serious diseases, then the problem can be eliminated by gymnastics.

Exercises for the elimination of asymmetry of the face:

  • The palms hold the muscles and the skin of the forehead, while the eyebrows rise as closely as possible, and fall at the bottom;
  • As widely as possible, we reveal the eyes and keep so three accounts, we relax your eyes;
  • As much as you can inflate cheeks, we consider to three and pull them away, again counting to three;
  • Inflation and blow up the cheeks in turn;
  • Smile in the whole mouth without a demonstration of the teeth, and then we put lips into the tube;
  • Move the jaw forward, left and right.

We carry out each exercise ten time. With regular execution, charging will give the first results in a month.

Why one cheek is more another cause (video)

The asymmetry of the face may be natural or pathological. If you suspect a second type of this problem, then you need to consult a doctor and identify a real reason. If you are sure that the asymmetry is harmless, but you want to adjust it to use our exercises. Watch your beauty and be healthy!

A lot of modern girls and women today want to have an ideal slender figure, beautiful appearance. In essence, they are leveling on well-known top models. In order to change appearance, not at all thinking about the consequences, the ladies lie under the knife of a plastic surgeon. Others simply suffer from flaws in appearance, laying away with the fact that fate presented. And the third actively and purposefully trying to get rid of them with the help of simple and affordable methods. Charms or too thick cheeks on people's faces - the problem is unpleasant. But you can get rid of it by attaching efforts, efforts and optimism. So what exactly needs to be done for weight loss in the cheeks? What methods to reduce them?

Causes of the appearance of thick cheeks

The main reason for the roundness in this person's zone is heredity. Unfortunately, it is quite difficult to defeat such a weighty argument, and sometimes it is impossible at all. If you inherited chubby cheeks, then, most likely, you will have to work regularly on their decrease with special exercises and balanced nutrition.

In addition to congenital predisposition, the "wrong" food has a large negative impact on the height of the cheek. And this face becomes noticeable when all parts of the body have already acquired unwanted fat deposits.

Still, how can you get rid of fat in this zone?

How to reduce thick cheeks

It is possible to quickly remove the fat here only with surgery - liposuction, that is, exemption from fat deposits in the necessary part of the body. But you should know not only that this is a very expensive fat removal method, but also that it is completely unpredictable, which is fraught with disappointment and various disorders of the human emotional state.

It should be borne in mind that thick cheeks will not lose weight with the help of exercises too easy. This is due to the difficulty of the motor activity of the facial muscles, as well as the fact that bodybuilders on the cheeks the body burns the latter. Therefore, balanced nutrition and special exercises can only adjust the magnitude of your cheeks.


The performance of these exercises will help reduce the roundness of your shy. You need to repeat them every day:

  1. Inflate the shoe limit, hold them in this position for five seconds, then make a fast exhale.
  2. Widely opening the mouth, not lifting faces, look up, and for one minute blink tirelessly. Repeat this exercise five times throughout the day.
  3. From the inflated cheeks gradually release air in small shoes.
  4. In highly inflated cheeks chase the air from left to right and vice versa. This exercise will help to quickly cope with your problem.
  5. Press your cheek hands and smile. At the same time, the fingers should not allow the corners of the mouth up.
  6. Keep the head strictly straight, try to lower down the corners of the lips and strongly strain the muscles of the cheeks and neck.
  7. Pulling the teeth with a pencil, start in the air to write words or entire proposals. For example: I want to have a beautiful thin face.
  8. Fold the lips with a tube and start singing all the vowels of the alphabet.
  9. A little tilting his head forward, turn it to the right and left shoulder, pulling the chin.
  10. Intensively slap the palms of hands in the face in the problem zone.
  11. Squeeze and squeeze the cheek muscles.
  12. Sit on the chair, tilting the head back, move the chin so that the lower lip can capture the top.
  13. Stand straight, arms crossed on the chest, take yourself by the shoulders. Start pulling up the neck up to the "extreme point", then breathe deeply, having counted up to ten, do the exhale and return back to its original position.

You should do these exercises not only until the result is achieved, but constantly it is not to be repaired to the former rounds.

Massage and masks

Masks and massages can really help remove the completeness. Their regular use will increase and will retain the skin of the skin for a long time:

  1. Clean the face skin carefully. Apply fat cream. Easily pacify the cheeks, ranging from the chin and heading towards the chests. Make massage once a week.
  2. With the help of special massage mittens, it is easy to massag the cheeks, trying not to stretch the skin. This massage can be done twice a week.
  3. During the adoption of the baths, send an alternately strong jet of water on the cheeks. You can make a water jet to make contrast. Contrast washes spend every morning daily.
  4. Make a face massage using natural honey warmed up. Mixed honey tips of the fingers are easy to tapping the surface of the skin of the cheeks to a small redness. Massage can be done once a week before reaching the effect.
  5. Wipe the cheeks of ice cubes clockwise.
  6. Do not forget before starting any procedure to clean the skin of the face. After completing the cream, the most suitable for your skin type.

    We offer to use and masks to reduce the roundedness of the pussy:

    1. In one egg yolk, add one teaspoon of honey and one dessert spoonful of olive oil. Mix the ingredients. Apply a mixture on the face with a special tassel for twenty minutes. Rock warm water. Course: twice a week for two months.
    2. Mix one tablespoon of crushed oatmeal with one tablespoon of a baby mixture "Baby", pour a little warm milk a little bit and still stir up to the state of thick sour cream. Take the mixture on your face, neck, neckline for twenty-five minutes. Rock warm water. Apply cream. Such masks can be made weekly for two months.
    3. Egg protein take a little bit and apply on the skin of the face for twenty minutes. Wash the lifting mask. Take advantage of contrasting water treatments. Apply nutrient cream.

    Masks perfectly tighten the skin of the face, give it a fresh healthy look, also have the effect of rejuvenation.

    Herbal infusions

    The appearance of your cheeks have a wonderful impact of various informas of healing herbs:

    1. Fill three tablespoons of crushed chamomile flowers (you can use cleanly, sage) glass boiling water. Cover the decoction tightly cover. Let break for several hours. Perfect. Use daily infusion as a face lotion.
    2. Dissolve three tablespoons of iodized salt in half licher. Use a solution for hot compresses (lower the terry towel into the saline and impose it for several minutes on the face), then be sure to cool the face of ice cubes.
    3. Fill three tablespoons of hormour grass and chamomile flowers with two glasses of boiling water. Let the decoction be mixed eight hours. Perfect. Wipe the face, neck, area decollet daily.

    There are small tricks, which also help to reduce chubby on nature and not only cheeks:

    1. Massage spend at the end of the exercise, and superimpose the masks before bedtime.
    2. Twist the use of salty food, because it holds the fluid in the body that can delay both in the cheeks.
    3. Enter products with high calcium content into diet. His consumption will help get rid of excess weight.
    4. Natural juices dilute with water.
    5. Try to eat small portions at least five times a day at a certain time.
    6. Preferences give to oranges, grapefruits, apples.
    7. 30 minutes before meals, drink a glass of simple non-carbonated water.
    8. Limit alcohol consumption.
    9. Try to sleep, lying on the back.
    10. Take up running, ride a bike.
    11. Visually reduce the cheeks will help let them in a more dark powder. Similarly, using a tonal cream.

    Those who have complete cheeks went by inheritance, it will be difficult to fight them. Those who have grown as a result of non-harmony food will easier get rid of thick cheeks.

    So, regardless of the reason for the appearance of chubby ships, sit, folded hands, is not worth it. In order to get rid of the problem, you need to try tightly. With the help of competent nutrition, special exercises, sports, the use of massages, masks and herbal infusions you will undoubtedly achieve the desired result.

Assimetary from everyone! I have tits here are different, my husband both does not know the same

If, only, mine cheeks)

I also be on one side, but the cheek does not repeat. Did you have it for a long time? Maybe fluids?

It's only in the photo and in my life all the okay I also ask friends so

I wanted to write ask my friends

And I do not have.

In life is not particularly noticeable, simply.

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One cheek is more different

My seven-month child has one cheek (right) more than another. The masseuse recommended us to massage and warm the right cheek. I would like to know your opinion on the effectiveness of these procedures and the potential opportunity to somehow correct the situation.

Responses Komarovsky E. O.

With the highest possible probability, the Massage Soviet Council pursues one single goal: to practically realize the classic mental principle "Well, it is necessary to do something."

To begin with, answer the question: why is a seven-month child one cheek more than another? What is it:

individual anatomical feature (most likely), or some disease. What you actually go to warm and massage.

Summary: Do not be treated from masseuses, because if you have nothing to massage, so the masseuses will die from hunger. It is necessary to be treated by doctors. But first it is advisable to make a diagnosis. Worry - to the pediatrician. Do not worry or, as an option, does not care about anything - leave the child alone.

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now, too, a little seen difference. Kryvyuya Left-sided and left cheek less.

by the way, I have the most hormonal problems (but I think it is still connected with Krivoshea) and Krivoshoy in childhood was. So the cheek will break slightly, and the eye is one more. And..m. The chest is less than one another. But no one treated me from Krivoshei.

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Right cheek more than left

I have for the last year and a half (I am 30 years old) The right cheek has become lesty than the left. Those. Oval Faces to the left of the chin goes smoothly, and on the right he is a little stray. And the cheek itself is a little awesome, looked. And the left is normal.

Previously, this was not.

Moving both half of the face is equally.

What could be the reason? What to do with it?

chronic diseases are there?

mimic is the same on two sides? When building grimaces, show the language?

chronic diseases are there?

1. 2-3 years ago

Snapshots in hidden mode

If it is a neurological reason because of the inflammatory disease (for example, neuritis), of course, it would be more likely to know about this, a neuropathologist is diagnosed, i.e. Full-time Ostort is desirable, of course, to determine if this innate feature or change occurred recently

Is there any pain or other symptoms in this place?

Could not be more noticeable because of sharp weight loss?

As for weight loss, I may have lost a bit during this time. But still for some reason one cheek is more complete.

Sisters (she younger than me) still children's cheeks. It seems that she has one cheeky slightly above another, so such an effect is created. But for some reason the parents do not have such things, they have the same cheeks.

By the way, I remembered one moment - a few years ago a dentist in a anesthesia me, and after that, for several hours, one lower half of the face almost did not harm. But then everything came to normal. I do not know if it could somehow affect.

Injections did not. From cosmetic procedures, massage and peeling.

The cause of lipodystrophy is only HIV, or other reasons can also be?

Where to apply with my disease?

Causes that one cheek is more different

In fact, each person has the difference between one half of the face and the other they are different, but one is less noticeable and the appearance in our world has a big role in other disadvantage. It is for her "meet" a person. In the column, the requirements for many posts there is a "pleasant appearance" item. Therefore, every person is worried about how it looks. Sometimes, considering itself in the mirror you can see that one cheek is more different. What is this disease or such a structure of the body? - This question is asked those who saw a similar flaw. Today we will dispel all your doubts and carry out a small master class to restore asymmetry.

The reasons for one half of the face is more different

Many people complain that they have one half of the person different from the other. It becomes noticeable when carefully reviewing itself in the mirror or on unsuccessful photos. Some, noticing that their cheeks are very beginning to "beat the alarm" fearing that they are sick.

Variations of the structure of a person's face, exceeding natural differences in the scope of the right and left half in significant quantities, are considered deformations.

In fact, light asymmetry is present absolutely from each person. This is what makes our face alive, unique and unique.

To make sure that every person is not symmetrical, you can take some photos of your friends and cut them in a photo student into two equal parts along the nose line. Now one of the right halves "Mirroring" and connects on the other, also do with the left parts. Make such photos of several people, and you will see that persons from the right and left half of the same person are very different.

However, different half of the person are not always the norm. Let's see which factors can lead to pathological changes.

The reasons for the fact that one side of the person is very different from the other:

  1. Incorrect development of bones and joints, as well as connective or muscle tissue. Such problems can be more pronounced or weaker, they can be corrected only by competent makeup or plastic surgery.
  2. Inflammation of the cheek can also lead to its increase. After troubleshooting, the person acquires normal outlines.
  3. Stripping also can develop asymmetry of the face. The same applies to the curve.
  4. Facial muscles can be very distorted when pinching or motioning nerves. This problem often occurs during strokes and infarction.
  5. Incorrect bite or lack of teeth on one side can lead to face asymmetry. Also, a similar problem can cause flux.
  6. Fracture of the bones of the face that processed incorrectly.
  7. The habit of chewing, sleeping or pouching one strand - the most frequent cause of the asymmetry of the face.

There are a lot of reasons. Some of them can be avoided, engage in time treatment and controlling their facial expressions.

One side of the face is Other: Normal or pathology

If you have noticed that the sides of your person differ, first of all, you need to determine the pathology or the norm. For this you need to know the symptoms of pathology.

In the asymmetry of the face, parchment leather may be present. Such a sign is associated with a genetic disease.

Asymmetry, which is considered the norm, should not be too obvious. If this is the usual structure of the face, then the difference is noticeable only with a careful inspection.

Symptoms of abnormal asymmetry of the face:

  • The affected side is swollen, fabrics can be solid;
  • Corners of the mouth and cheek from the sore side saved and lowered;
  • Patient half of the face loses mobility;
  • Folds on the forehead and nose unexpectedly sharply smoothed;
  • Eye from the sore side becomes already, or, on the contrary, more;
  • Eyes, nose and lips from the sore side lose mobility;
  • There are violations of speech;
  • The affected part is painful.

Even one of these signs suggests that asymmetry is a consequence of a serious problem. In this case, it needs to be treated.

How to align different half of the face

If you have revealed the fact that the person has significant differences on both sides, due to some kind of disease, then to determine the cause, you need to visit the doctor. The specialist will appoint you tests, it will inspect and advise the right treatment.

With a complete basis, we can say that there is not a single person with absolute symmetry of the right and left half

Asymmetry can occur as a result of drug use. In this case, often the face becomes gray.

To determine the cause of the pathological asymmetry of the face, you need to visit the doctor. In fact, you may need a number of specialists, but first it is better to visit your attending physician.

In this case, you will not spend a lot of time to visit the health workers unnecessary to you. The specialist will make a list of doctors you need to visit.

What doctors may be required when asymmetry:

As soon as the reason for your illness is found, you will be able to undergo treatment and return everything to the circles. However, in some cases, after treatment, plastic may need additionally.

Gymnastics to restore symmetry or how the muscles of the face work

The muscles of the face are constantly working. However, if it occurs unevenly, asymmetry may occur. Also, such a problem often appears with age. If this is not related to the presence of serious diseases, then the problem can be eliminated by gymnastics.

Exercises for the elimination of asymmetry of the face:

  • The palms hold the muscles and the skin of the forehead, while the eyebrows rise as closely as possible, and fall at the bottom;
  • As widely as possible, we reveal the eyes and keep so three accounts, we relax your eyes;
  • As much as you can inflate cheeks, we consider to three and pull them away, again counting to three;
  • Inflation and blow up the cheeks in turn;
  • Smile in the whole mouth without a demonstration of the teeth, and then we put lips into the tube;
  • Move the jaw forward, left and right.

We carry out each exercise ten time. With regular execution, charging will give the first results in a month.

Why one cheek is more another cause (video)

The asymmetry of the face may be natural or pathological. If you suspect a second type of this problem, then you need to consult a doctor and identify a real reason. If you are sure that the asymmetry is harmless, but you want to adjust it to use our exercises. Watch your beauty and be healthy!


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Right cheek more than left

girls. Look at what horror I noticed. One cheek is more different. And before everything was fine. And then some big and pimples climbed. To which doctor will turn. There are no problems with your teeth, I immediately say. We cry all day. freak me.

mind useless, look faster than the cause. If you live in a big city, there will be no problems to find a reason.

if there is something inside the ball (or something else) - urgently to the doctor-therapist, he will appoint and tell me where to turn.

i just have a tender, and at first the swelling was, and then the tumor recently deleted.

but you also have acne - so most likely the reason in the other.

Asymmetry: Why one side of the face looks better than another

The fact that my face, as, however, and the faces of other people are not distinguished by absolute symmetry, I always knew that I didn't see a big misfortune. However, over time, she began to notice that one side of the face looks not just slightly different, but frankly worse than the second: the skin and muscles on it less elastic, but wrinkles deeper. Having worried, I went to a specialist to find out the cause of changes to me. "Absolutely symmetric persons in nature does not really exist," says Irina Ivanov, a cosmetologist-dermatologist, doctor of the highest category of the "Droplastik" clinic. - The left side is always softer, feminine, slightly stretched vertically. Right wider and less feminine. It should be noted that such physiological asymmetry is visually practically not perceived. It is connected with the fact that the hemisphere of the brain is in different ways regulate the motorcy and the sensor of the body half of the body, and therefore the mimic activity of different aspects of the person is somewhat different. Another case is asymmetry acquired, which causes completely different reasons. Here are the most common. "

Problems with teeth

Dentists do not get tired of repeating that the loss of the tooth, and even more so few, among other things, a serious aesthetic problem. The relationship between the complete sets of teeth and a beautiful facial oval is the most immediate. After removing the tooth, the bone partitions, of which the tooth hole was formed, are gradually absorbed, and a dent is formed on the jaw. The jaw at the same time is deformed, slightly decreased in height and in diameter. This leads to the tension of the small facial muscles and the formation of new wrinkles or the deepening of the old. If there are lack of several teeth in the lower jaw, the angle of its location may change, and the soft fabrics of the face are shifted, forming wrinkles and chances. Prosthetics will help to avoid the deformation of the jaw and preserve the beautiful outlines of the face. Artificial analogs of the teeth will not allow jaws to decrease in size, support the work of chewing muscles and jaw joints.

Habit to chew one side

Most often it is again the consequence of the loss of the tooth (or teeth). We are chewing one side of the mouth, because there is nothing to chew on another. As a result, facial muscles on the one hand, not receiving due load, weakens, while on the other it comes to Hyperthonus. Overpriced muscles literally draw fabrics of the face, creating chances and visible asymmetry. It should be noted that the risk of earning aesthetic defect is especially great if you like chewing gum. Uneven load chewing muscles in this case is experiencing a long time.

Habit sleep on one side

Sleep, as you know, is a necessary beauty condition. However, if you are used to sleeping on one side, beauty you risk while sleeping. The fact is that fabrics from the face that you press up to the pillow, slowly, but inevitably deform. Gradually changes oval, the mesh of small wrinkles is formed around the eye, the deeper folds lie between the eyebrows, vertical lines on the cheeks and chin are formed. As cosmetologists say, if you love to sleep on one of the sides more, it will be quickly visible on which one. The best way to avoid the appearance of asymmetry and wrinkles during sleep is to eliminate any contact person with a pillow. You can do it, happiness to fall asleep lying on the back. So you will avoid not only long pressure on the muscles and the skin, but also save the normal fluid outflow throughout the night.


The cause of acquired asymmetry can be various diseases. "First of all, a violation of the facial nerve function," says Irina Ivanova. - At the same time, the ailment is developing the weakness of the facial muscles, the angle of the mouth is descended, the angle of the mouth is lowered, the eye slot becomes wider, the nasolabial folds are smoothed, the face from the affected side acquires an afflicted expression. Injuries, fractures, especially with the displacement, the consequences of unsuccessful plastic operations are also often the reason that the two sides of the face look different. "

Faced the problem of asymmetry of the face, according to experts, you can at any age. But over time, unfortunately, it is increasingly noticeable. Simply due to the fact that there are no harmful habits along with us longer. "However, do not despair," says Irina Ivanova. - Asymmetry, as a rule, can be corrected. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the reasons: contact the neurologist, dentist, orthodontist. There is physiotherapy, gymnastics for mimic muscles, massage. For the correction of violations of the proportions and volumes of cosmetologists, contour plastic is used. Botinotherapy is successfully used. In the most difficult cases, surgical correction is possible. "

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Causes of face asymmetry and treatment methods

A small asymmetry of the body (practically inconspicuous differences in the structure of the right and left half) is a normal widespread phenomenon caused by genetic features and dominance of the functions of the right or left limbs. The asymmetry of the face is also found in all people, but in this case the phenomenon can cause complexes, discomfort and even nervous disorders. In some cases, even the fact that among specialists is considered the norm, the owner of a non-standard person may seem like a pathological deflection. Causes of state can be diverse. In some cases, the formation of inconsistencies can be avoided, it is only necessary to eliminate the effect on the body of certain factors.

The difference between the norm and pathology

It is quite simple to distinguish physiological asymmetry from pathology. When normally, the difference is not obvious, there are only small differences in comparative analysis of two half of the face. Most often, the left half of the face is characterized by more feminine and smoothed features, slightly stretched vertically. At the same time, the right half is a little wider, courageous and sharper. Experts even established specific indicators to facilitate the process of diagnosis - the difference in proportions should not exceed 3-5 ° or 2-3 mm.

With particularly complex cases - for example, when the facial nerve is damaged, the asymmetry of the person is accompanied by severe symptoms.

  1. On the affected half wearly weaken the Mimic muscles, which leads to the sin of the cheeks, the omitting of the corner of the mouth.
  2. The affected part of the face becomes a similar mask due to the impossibility of the implementation of traditional movements.
  3. Natural frontal and nasolabial folds smoothed.
  4. The eye slot is noticeably expanding.
  5. In contrast to a healthy half, an afflicted expression appears on the affected part.
  6. Mimica suffers greatly: disappears the opportunity to close the eye, lift the lip, wander the nose or forehead. All this concerns only the sore side.
  7. Over time, signs of speech impairment appear, high risk of nutritional problems.
  8. In some cases, external signs are accompanied by pronounced pain.

In case of impairment of muscles on one of the sides of the neck, it is possible to form specific symptoms, such as a strong head slope in one direction, the obvious predominance of the volume of one cheek, smoothing the head shape.

Causes of asymmetry

The causes of the asymmetry of the body and face are divided into congenital and acquired. The degree of development of pathology and the method of its elimination depends on the type of provoking factor.

Congenital asymmetry of a person may be the consequence of the following states caused by a violation of intrauterine development or genetic predisposition:

  • pathology of the development of bones of the skull;
  • violation of the process of the formation of the joint, which connects the lower jaw to the temple;
  • defects of connective and muscle tissue;
  • slowing the lower jaw.

Acquired pathology usually becomes the result of injuries transferred diseases and improper care for jaws and muscle apparatus. There are many similar causes.

  • Long lying on one side of the body or a consequence of krivoshi in children.
  • Violation of the visual function of eyeballs with the formation of a squint.
  • Inflammatory and infectious processes (for example, a breakthrough of a furuncle), leading to the affection or pinching facial nerve.
  • Lack of teeth on one side of the person, pronounced bite disorders.
  • Fractures of facial bones with displacement and improper splicing of edges.
  • Systemic diseases of muscular or connective tissue.
  • Incorrect lifestyle (regular squinting of one eye, using only one piece of jaws during chewing, sleep on one side, constant use of chewing gum).

Often, the asymmetry of the face is a side effect of a stroke and occurs as a result of permanent paralysis of face muscles.

Diagnosis and treatment

Often for the diagnosis of a sufficient visual inspection of the patient, the collection of anamnesis, identifying injuries and inflammatory processes. In addition, facial proportions can be measured using special devices.

To clarify the degree of damage to the facial nerve and identifying the field of exposure, it is necessary to additionally undergo the following steps:

  1. get advice of the neurologist;
  2. complete full hardware neurological examination;
  3. make X-ray cranial box;
  4. get advice from relevant specialists (oculist, dentist or neurosurgeon);
  5. conduct MRI person.

Treatment of pathology depends on the cause and can be conservative. Massage and muscle frame gymnastics are well helped with enhanced stimulation of problem areas. In some cases, physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed. It is important to consider that the treatment of the state at home without recommendation and regular control of the doctor is prohibited!

If the person is not very disfigured, then there is quite properly imposed cosmetics, a certain form of hairstyles, the use of beard or mustache (for men).

If the asymmetry of the face leads to its disfigration, the radical techniques are going to move: treatment of orthodontics, surgical correction of the maxillofacser, plastic.

Negative consequences and preventive measures

If the pathology is not treated, high risk of deterioration of the state, which can lead to problems with nutrition, worsening hearing, painful sensations as a result of constant tension of muscles. Do not forget about the deterioration of the patient's mental state. Possible neurosis, aggressiveness, pathological closure and chronic depression. After an unsuccessful operational intervention, the facialism is often changed, nervous tick appears, a tendency to inflammatory processes is formed.

Development of such an unpleasant condition, as an asymmetry of a person, can not be allowed. It is only necessary to conduct a healthy lifestyle, to regularly visit the dentist and - if necessary - orthodontist, refuse bad habits, to see the doctor in a timely manner in the formation of risk factors.

If a person is no power to accept with its external data, harmonious existence is impossible. Even with a small asymmetry, which confuses the patient, it shows conservative and even radical therapy at the discretion of a specialist.

In secret

The face is younger in just 11 days!

Even in 40 you can look at 21, if the face smear overnight.

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Self-medication can lead to undesirable consequences! At the first sign of disease, consult a doctor.

Most of us consider full brushes attractive, after all, they are needed and thin cheeks are associated with illness and old age. If you increase your cheeks, it makes the face of beautiful, younger, keeping its attractiveness. The skin on such cheeks is smooth and taut. But what if nature did not reward you with beautiful cheeks? Eliminate the lack and give them the desired forms using professionals and their own.

Enlarge cheeks professional

Increase the volume of cheeks with cosmetic procedures and operational intervention.

Lipolifting for face

The technique consists in transplantation of the patient's own fat using injections in the cheek. Most often used fat hips, buttocks. It is processed by a special way and implanted into the desired area of \u200b\u200bthe face.

The advantages of the method: there are no allergies to injections, the low probability of rejection, a persistent result, no scars, a quick visible result, the speed of the procedure.

Cons: At low qualifications, the doctor may occur to the zone or asymmetry of the face.


Complications after surgical intervention

Immediately after the operation, some patients complain about the numbers of the areas of the person in which there were cuts. This may be associated with affected during the actions of the surgeon nerves.

Often the following phenomena are manifested:

  • Painfulness
  • Hematoma
  • Abscesses
  • Inflammation of fabrics
  • Bad healing
  • Allergic reactions to anesthesia
  • Injury of vessels, muscles, nerves asymmetry, implant shift

Making cheeks more on your own

If you are a supporter of naturalness or afraid of painful medical procedures, then make your cheeks more independently. How to make cheeks more at home? Special gymnastics complex will help for this area.

Exercises for the volume of the cheek

To the cheeks become a plush and more need to tighten their muscles and eliminate the skin's declaration. For this, an effective exercise complex has been developed.

  • Inhale, inflation cheeks. The mouth at the exercise remains tightly closed. Davim palms on inflated cheeks, resisting hands. After 5 seconds, we take exhalation and relax the muscles of the face. Number of approaches: 10.
  • Tension cheeks, at this time massaging them from the inside with the tongue. With a properly completed exercise, you will feel resistance, and the tongue with the cheeks are set. As soon as you feel excessive overvoltage of the muscles, finish and relax.
  • We recruit the water in the mouth, let's give her cheeks, do not open the mouth. You must feel the tension in the muscles, we are sprinkled, rest and repeat 10 times.

  • Open your mouth, pull the lips, giving them the form of oval. Pull the lips and try to smile. Muscles are shy and mouth should be tense. We do to fatigue.
  • We put the palms so that they are directed to each other with the back side. Insert the index fingers into your mouth so that they are located between the gums and the lower a number of teeth. Sprinkle the seal on the back of the pitch. Bend the index fingers, wash your teeth and keep them in this position for a few seconds. Corners of the mouth can not stretch. Number of approaches: 5.
  • We lake the average and index fingers to the lower row of teeth. Pulling the jaw down, return it to its original position, straining the muscles of the face. I do not close your mouth, we work only the jaw.

Regular repetition of gymnastics will help make muscles strong, and the cheeks themselves will increase their volume. The main thing to monitor the change in the symmetry of the face.

Good Makeup

There are often cases when the winners of the plump jacket as a result of a sharp weight loss see that the muscles in this zone weakened, the cheekbones went forward. The visual perception of the face is changing and it does not please the woman.

When reluctance to work on itself, in the absence of time or inability to make an operation, the volume of cheeks will help to give the right makeup.

  1. We apply to the entire surface of the face basic tone cream. Cover my face from the hair growth line to the neck.
  2. Then we adjust the area of \u200b\u200bthe pussy powder to a few tones darker than the tone cream.
  3. We are growing in powder horizontally, directing strokes to ear sinks.
  4. The chin is drawn up dark powder, grows in circular motions.
  5. The next step is correcting the sides of the nose. They are made in the same means that was used on the chin.
  6. According to the contour, the facial is applied a powder of a light shade.
  7. We form "apples" with the help of Rumyan. Rushes are growing towards the ears.
  8. The final stage: we apply to the powder (the same shade as the tonal cream) thin layer on the entire surface. He disguises color transitions and make the face natural.

The result of the corrective makeup: the face will be visually complete, outstanding cheeks and the shoulder cheeks are disguised, the nose and chin decrease.

With proper corrective makeup, it is necessary to match the tones and shades used, moderate use of each color. The eraser provides uniform overflows of the color, the tones should not be superimposed on each other.

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Some people are interested in how to quickly remove the cheeks from the face? It is on our appearance first to pay attention to all those surrounding, and the face is always visible to everyone without exception. The appeal largely depends on the grace of the neck and the volume of the cheeks, but over the years the skin loses its elasticity, and the cheeks can be sought. With completeness, the problem is even more aggravated. In today's article we will tell you how you can remove cheeks from the face at home and not only.

Causes of thick cheeks

One of the main reasons for the occurrence of large cheeks is the hereditary factor. And if the chubby cheeks in the child cause lunizing, with age it can turn into a serious aesthetic problem. Get rid of chubby cheeks on the face in this case is not so simple, but in some cases it is impossible. If you were inherited by large cheeks, you will not be able to do without constant exercises and diets to maintain them in a normal form.

In addition to congenital predisposition, large cheeks may appear due to improper nutrition. At the same time, their increase is preceded by a general increase in body weight and the emergence of fat deposits in different parts. At the same time, it is especially difficult to lose weight in the cheeks, since fat in the cheek area begins to burn not first.

Nevertheless, effective ways to get rid of the cheeks on the face really exist, and now we will tell you about it.

How to remove cheek men?

The external attractiveness of men largely depends on the right tud contours. Representatives of strong sex are thinking about their appearance much less often of women, so for them we have several special advice.

Regardless of the reason for the appearance of chubby cheeks, some men try all sorts of exercises and diets, but they usually lack patience on them. In order to remove full cheeks, men can advise the following methods:

  1. The simplest operation to remove special lumps, which are present in the cheek area. The surgeon makes small cuts on the inside of the cheek under local anesthesia. The entire operation takes no more than half an hour, and after her cheeks fix the bandage for about a week.
  2. In the case when chubby cheeks appear as a result of clusters of subcutaneous fat, you can get rid of them with liposuction. The method involves the fat dilution using a special solution, which is subsequently pumped out through punctures. The list of advantages of this operation is represented by a long-term and persistent result, as well as the speed of obtaining effect.

These are the two most simple and efficient ways to get rid of the full cheeks. Of course, to remove the cheeks at home, men can also, but it should be spent a lot of time, and also needs special persistence.

How to remove cheek women?

Beautiful sexes wishing to remove cheeks from the face quickly, in addition to massages, masks and exercises, some other tricks are available. For example, competent makeup can significantly transform face. It is important to choose high-quality cosmetics and properly apply a blush to visually hide the full cheeks.

Additionally reduce the completeness of the cheek visually helps the correct haircut and hairstyle. For example, elongated on the sides of the strands and a small nose can pull out the oval of faces, and the curls only emphasize the fluffiness of the cheek. Best suits torn short haircut. Also possessors of chubby cheeks may be interested in our article, with the help of makeup and a special exercise complex.

Cosmetologian specialists note that the beautiful sex representatives with a complete face and plump cheeks are old longer, as moisture and elasticity is preserved in the skin, so it is better protected from wrinkles. Thus, before getting rid of the full cheeks, think several times, do they all interfere with you?

How to remove cheeks per week?

How really it is to remove the cheeks for 7 days, depends on each individual case and the specific reason for the completeness of the cheeks. We give general rules, as for 7 days to remove the cheeks at home:

  1. If the chubby cheeks are due to excess weight, you will have to sit on a diet, start performing special exercises, make massages and masks.
  2. Recipient your diet (in the absence of genetic predisposition, the use of healthy food will allow you to remove cheeks at home in the week). Read more about the diet against chubby ticks can read in a separate article.

If the case is in the hereditary factor, you will have to be patient and persistence, otherwise you will not be able to change anything. Sometimes it is possible to remove the cheeks at home for a week only with the help of a surgical operation. Before you decide on it, try other ways to be described below.

Exercises against chubby cheeks

If persistences and patience do not take you, and you are ready to achieve a result by anything, it is likely that you will be suitable for special gymnastics for losing weight. So, how to remove cheeks at home with exercises?

  1. Sit on the chair, throw your head back and start doing the movement of the chin, capturing the upper lip of the bottom.
  2. Head direct straight, squeeze your teeth and try to hang out the bottom of the lip as much as possible.
  3. Direct your head straight and lower the corners of the lips, and then strain the muscles of the cheeks and neck.
  4. A little tilt your head and start alternately tighten the chin to one shoulder, and then to another.
  5. Hold the pencil or handle in your teeth and start writing out different words in the air.
  6. Stand straight, placing your back and crosses on your chest, and put your palms on the shoulders. Smoothly begin to pull the neck up to the limit, and then take a deep breath. Consider up to 10 and exhale take the initial position.
  7. Stand straight, straightening your shoulders and lowering your head down. Press the chin to the chest and start smoothly reach them to the right shoulder, and then return to the initial position. Wrap your head back and come back to the initial position. Repeat steps for the left shoulder.
  8. Stand smoothly, form the lips with a tube and start singing vowels in any order.

Immediately note that you will not notice the instant result from such exercises, but do not cease to perform them. On average, the effect manifests itself later, subject to regular training.

Masks and massages from thick cheeks

Another pretty painstaking way to remove cheeks quickly at home is the use of special masks and massages. However, with a regular execution of these procedures, the result in the form of elastic and beautiful skin is guaranteed.

How to remove the cheeks using massage

  1. Clean your face with the help of special means and impose fat cream. Start easy to pinch your cheeks, moving from the chin to the side of the cheek. Massage repeat once a week.
  2. Buy a massage mitching for the cheek massaging, but do not overdo it in order not to stretch the skin. Massage Repeat twice a week.
  3. When taking baths, apply for cheeks of a jet of water from the watering can. You can try contrasting washing, performing them every day in the morning.
  4. When carrying out a face massage, use a couple heated to a couple. Mo in it the tips of the fingers and start slightly tapping on the skin before the appearance of weak redness. Massage Repeat every week until you noticate the result.
  5. Wash the ice cubes, making movements clockwise.

Before any massage procedure, be sure to clean the skin of the face, and at the end, apply a cream corresponding to your skin type.

Slimming masks

Simple homemade masks allow you to quickly remove the cheeks from the face with a massage and without it, additionally giving the skin fresh and healthy look. We give the most popular recipes for cheeks at home.

  1. Mix 1 tsp. Honey, 1 tbsp. Olive oil and yolk of one egg. Apply the mixture on the face with a tassel and leave for 20 minutes, and then breathe warm water. Repeat the masks twice a week for a couple of months.
  2. Mix a spoonful of a baby mixture baby with the same amount of overgrown oat flakes and add a small amount of warm milk. You must have a consistency of thick sour cream. Take a mixture on the neck, face and zone with a decollet for 25 minutes. Clear warm water and apply cream on the skin. Masks repeat for two months once a week.
  3. Wrap the egg whites and impose it on the skin for 20 minutes. Wash the mask and draw a contrast washness, and then apply the nutrient cream.

Recipes of tinsels from grass to quickly remove the cheeks on the face

Remove the big cheeks to help you will help infusions from different healing herbs:

  1. Glasses boiling water Fill 3 tbsp. Furious chamomile flowers and cover the capacitance with a lid. Leave for several hours to appease, and then strain. Each day, use the tool as a lotion.
  2. Dissolve in 0.5 liters of water 3 tbsp. iodized salt. The solution is suitable for creating hot compresses (wet in it a terry towel and impose on the face for 5-7 minutes). After that, the cheeks should be chopped by ice cubes.
  3. Fill a pair of glasses of boiling water 3 tbsp. Chamomile flowers and the same number of Hypericum. Leave for 8 hours so that the tool is inhabited, strain and start using for wiping the cheeks and face as a whole.

Food for slimming cheeks

If you are interested in how to remove the cheeks from the face at home, be sure to note the following useful nutritional tips:

  1. Minimize the amount of salt consumed, as it holds fluid in the body. The cheeks are also inevitably fully fully.
  2. Add to the ration of products with a calcium content, as it eliminates the extra mass as a whole and allows you to remove the cheeks on the face.
  3. Dilute natural juices with water.
  4. Eat in small portions and more often (5-6 times a day).
  5. Choose apples, grapefruits and oranges from fruits.
  6. For half an hour before meals, drink a glass of water without gas.
  7. Refuse or minimize the amount of alcohol consumed.

Surgical methods of getting rid of the full cheeks

If the listed ways, how to lose weight in the cheeks at home, did not give the result to which you expected, remove the cheeks in a short time, contacting the clinic surgery. Experts will be able to make your cheeks lose weight, turning out excess fat without any subsequent defects. The operation is called the resection of Komkov Bisha. Many doctors ready to demonstrate their patients an exemplary result using computer simulation. Operation We can recommend girls with full cheeks that wish to get rid of them, avoiding the loss of the total body weight.

There is another popular procedure for the correction of cheeks on the face - this is a thermal. It does not give such a good result as plastic operations, but it costs quite expensive. In any case, before you decide on any surgical intervention, you will definitely consult a specialist.