A good foundation for combination skin. What features should the best foundation for problem skin have? Foundation Liquid Lift Foundation, Make Up For Ever

Going outside without foundation is like forgetting your skirt at home. Some people like deep textures that smooth the surface of the skin, others just need a light BB fluid for daily makeup. Today you will find a review of the best foundations according to 1000 women. Leave your options in the comments, we will definitely study their composition and give our verdict!

75% of women do not know how to choose the right foundation. Before buying, you should take a close look at your face and assess the dermis problems. Do you have rosacea? Enlarged pores? Deep wrinkles? Peeling? Greasy shine? This list of problems can be expanded to two dozen, but we will analyze the most common problems.

  • Deep wrinkles, enlarged pores, pigmentation. In your case, BB cream is powerless, choose a cream of dense texture that fill in wrinkles.
  • Greasy shine. Choose matte cream-powders, for such skin Korean manufacturers offer matte cushion finishes.
  • Peeling... It is rather difficult to choose a foundation for dry epidermis, it should moisturize well, not contain harmful components in the composition that can provoke dryness. The texture should be light.
  • Acne. First you need to find out the cause of the problem skin: dermatitis or digestive problems. Choose only hypoallergenic and antibacterial tonal creams!

Read more about the features of the skin and the selection of the right foundation on the website skin.ru.

Now let's pay attention to the tone! Many women find their color by squeezing a little on their wrist. But the skin in this area is 2 times lighter than on the face! Check the color of the tone by directly applying a small amount of cream to the area from the neck to the cheek. If the line of application is invisible, then the cream is suitable for your skin. To make a final conclusion, walk around the store for another 10 minutes, return to the mirror and look at the area with the tone - during this time the cream will completely give you its color and you can decide whether the tested product is right for you.


Do not forget that for summer and winter you should choose different tones: for spring and summer - warm, for autumn and winter - cold shades. The difference will be about 1 tone, and if you like to sunbathe, then by 2!

Best foundation for dry skin - top 3

From a huge selection of foundations, we recommend that you pay attention to the following, which actually protect, moisturize and restore, and not just create the effect of even skin. Dry epidermis requires special protection, which vitamins A and E, oils and herbal extracts perform wonderfully.

Revlon colorstay

The foundation has a rather liquid consistency, which allows it to cover the face with a light veil and hide imperfections. The manufacturer promises 24 hours of durability, in fact about 10 (this is also remarkable durability). For women with a dry type, we advise exactly the shade No. 220 - light beige, this natural color will suit many. It is he who contains moisturizing components in the composition, the lightest shade - on the contrary, dries the skin. Shade # 220 does not turn into pink or yellow, it is a neutral option - which many are looking for but cannot find!

The main disadvantage is that the bottle does not have a dispenser, but is a glass elongated jar with a screw cap. It is completely inconvenient to recruit the product. But using a sponge, you will not feel discomfort, the main thing is to store the bottle in an upright position!

  • UV protection- SPF 20
  • Result: remarkably hides pores, redness, pimples, does not require the use of powder.
  • Price: 400-500 rubles
  • Production: USA
  • Volume: 30 ml

BareMinerals Complexion Rescue Tinted Hydrating Gel Cream

Manufacturers presented 10 shades - this is a huge advantage, you can choose the tone as clearly as possible, even for dark skin. The composition does not contain synthetic fragrances. The cream is gentle, reminiscent of BB fluid, but at the same time it masks problem areas well.

For dry skin, there are many nourishing and moisturizing components - extracts of manzhishta, salicornia, melilot. The cream has an antibacterial effect, so you are protected from dermatological infections. The product does not draw moisture from the skin, so dehydration is excluded!

  • UV protection- SPF 30
  • Result:
  • Price: about 3000 rubles
  • Production: USA
  • Volume: 35 ml

Jurassic Spa natural foundation for dry skin

For lovers of organic cosmetics, you should pay attention to the Jurassic Spa products. Most suitable for those suffering from severe flaking, which other foundation only emphasize. Jurassic Spa has the strongest moisturizing properties, but it still cannot cope with acne and age spots.

It contains many useful substances - hemp oil, extracts of licorice, gotu-kola, panthenol, extracts of mountain ash and lingonberry. Manufacturers are so confident in the safety of their product that they indicate the ability not to wash off overnight. We hope you don't follow this advice. At night, the skin should have been cleansed and covered with a nourishing night cream!


Natural foundation has a shelf life of only 3 months! Store only on the refrigerator door to extend the shelf life.

  • UV protection- SPF 30
  • Result: light fluid, does not clog pores, masks skin irregularities well.
  • Price: about 3000 rubles
  • Production: USA
  • Volume: 35 ml

The best foundation for oily skin - top 3

Oily skin brings discomfort - a greasy shine, making its way even through powder, inflammation, comedones, acne. In no case should this type of skin be used for normal or dry skin! Choose mattifying cushions, antibacterial tonal creams, absolutely oil-free products!

Bourjois Healthy mix fruit cocktail - radiance activator

The foundation belongs to the mass segment, but beauty bloggers are actively comparing it with luxury products, claiming that there is not much difference!

The cream contains fruit extracts, panthenol and antibacterial substances. There are no oils in the cream, therefore it is recommended as specially for oily skin! The consistency is not liquid, but creamy. Shades are neutral, without pink and yellow.

  • UV protection- no SPF
  • Result: does not contain oils, therefore it fights well against oily sheen.
  • Price: about 800 rubles
  • Production: USA
  • Volume: 30 ml

Foundation Guerlain Lingerie de Peau

Definitely one of the best products for oily skin! The cream creates the effect of a second skin, without the feeling of a mask, the skin breathes easily and the pores are not clogged. The smell is very pleasant, violet, not intrusive.

Cons: If you have peeling, Guerlain foundation will accentuate them, in this case be sure to use a foundation!

  • UV protection- SPF 20
  • Result: reduces redness, prevents oily shine, is highly resistant up to 12 hours, does not cause allergies.
  • Price: about 1500 rubles
  • Production: France
  • Volume: 30 ml

MAYBELLINE dream matte mousse

At first glance, the mousse seems too dense, heavy in texture. But in fact, the cream fits perfectly with a sponge soaked in water! It lasts a long time, the use of powder is not required throughout the day. The only negative is that it is difficult to choose a shade. Choose a tone lighter than your skin, about 15-20 minutes after application, the mousse will darken slightly. Therefore, if you choose a tone to tone, there may be some differences when wearing the product.

  • UV protection- SPF 20
  • Result: perfectly masks enlarged pores, redness, pimples, provides a matte finish.
  • Price: about 400 rubles
  • Production: France
  • Volume: 18 ml

Did you know that ...

Before, women used white and powder, but the real foundation was developed in 1936 by Max Factor! For the first time, this remedy masked 50% of skin imperfections. Since then, a foundation is a must in every girl's cosmetic bag!

Best foundation for combination skin - top 3

The combination skin type is characterized by dryness on the cheekbones, temples and oily in the T-zone. It is necessary to select creams that do not dry or grease, but heal the epidermis. Do not choose products special for oily skin, do not pursue a matting effect, mousse tonal creams, such as MAYBELLINE dream matte mousse. Choose foundation with zinc, amethyst powder and other minerals, they are great for helping to cope with grease.

Dermacol Make-Up Cover

The hypoallergenic antibacterial cream is suitable for combination skin types. The consistency can alert you due to the high density. But with the help of a brush or sponge, the product is easily distributed over the entire face, matting problem areas of the skin - acne, inflammation. Doesn't clog pores!


The cream is not suitable for summer use; in extreme heat it begins to roll down due to its thickness. Use BB vibes in summer.

  • UV protection- SPF 30
  • Result:
  • Price: about 500 rubles
  • Production: Czech
  • Volume: 30 ml

BB cream Garnier Pure Active

This product can be used as a stand-alone foundation, for BB it is too thick and masks imperfections well. It does not clog pores! But large acne still does not correct, you cannot do without powder.

  • UV protection- SPF 15
  • Result: high protection against UV rays, hides imperfections, does not allow the manifestation of oily sheen.
  • Price: about 200 rubles
  • Production: France
  • Volume: 50 ml

Max Factor FaceFinity 3in1 foundation (foundation + tone + corrector)

If you are thinking about which foundation to choose for combination skin, pay attention to this rather interesting product due to its versatility. Eliminates oily shine for the whole day, perfectly masks skin imperfections. Durability up to 10 hours.

  • UV protection- SPF 20
  • Result: provides a mattifying effect, lasts a long time.
  • Price: about 500 rubles
  • Production: USA
  • Volume: 50 ml

How to choose a foundation for rosacea?

Vascular disease rosacea affects not only the thighs, but also the areas on the cheeks. In these areas, the skin is very thin and sensitive, and the proximity of the vessels requires choosing only high-quality and safe tonal creams.

CC Cream La Roche Posay Rosaliac - a special series for skin care with rosacea. The shades are quite natural, it evens out the color and texture of the skin well, hides the vascular networks. The secret is that the cream neutralizes the redness of rosacea, as a result, the skin becomes healthy and pleasant to the touch. The composition contains many useful trace elements that increase the elasticity and strength of tissues.

  • UV protection- SPF 30
  • Result: smoothes the skin, hides rosacea, lasts for 10 hours, has high UV protection, can be used at any time of the year.
  • Price: about 1500 rubles
  • Production: USA
  • Volume: 30 ml

Which brush should you choose for your foundation?

For a well-groomed and neat make-up, you need to apply products with high-quality tools suitable for your skin.

  • M.A.C. DuoFibra Brush This brush is used by professional makeup artists due to its soft villi and good shading ability (cost - from 2500 rubles).
  • Perfect Foundation by Shiseido. A brush for working with dense foundation, perfectly blends without causing skin irritation (cost - from 1300 rubles).
  • The mega-popular BeautyBlender sponge. It is convenient to use if you have not learned how to work with brushes yet. Unlike applying the foundation with your fingers, the tone lays down evenly and with a thin veil (cost - from 500 rubles).
  • A must-have brush MasterClass Brush from M.A.C. The tool is more like a toothbrush or bath cleaning accessory. But in fact, this is a wonderful brush for applying foundation and sculpting (cost - from 650 rubles).

Almost no woman puts on makeup without a tonal foundation that can hide not only minor skin imperfections, such as uneven tone, circles under the eyes from fatigue, but also quite noticeable redness, wrinkles, and pimples. A foundation that hides skin imperfections can ruin the whole image if the tone is chosen incorrectly or the product is applied unprofessionally. Also, the cream may not be of very good quality, albeit expensive in price. How to choose the right one that hides the flaws? We have provided reviews about expensive and budgetary funds, a rating of the best and the rules for applying to the skin of the face in this article.

Types of foundation

Foundations differ not only in origin and price, but also in their qualities: texture, amount of coloring particles, moisture, presence of additional components and vitamins. It is by these criteria that every woman chooses a cream that suits her. Let's consider the main types of tonal means:

  1. Liquid base. It is ideal for evening make-up, it perfectly evens out skin tone, makes its surface visually smoother and velvety. This product is suitable for normal to combination skin.
  2. Mousse is able to even out the texture of the skin, but is absolutely useless for hiding imperfections. Suitable for daytime use. Its weightless formula does not clog pores, ideal for mature, oily and problem skin.
  3. Cream powder is a favorite remedy for many women. This matte foundation is ideal for covering up blemishes on oily skin. It evens out the tone, removes oily sheen, hides redness and acne. The downside of this tool is its shedding. One of the most popular means of this type is the Maybelin foundation. We will write reviews about him in the further content of the article.
  4. The fluid cream is suitable for dry skin, as it moisturizes perfectly. It is also ideal for make-up in hot summer weather. There is only one drawback of this tool - the inability to hide even the smallest flaws, since it contains a minimum amount of pigmenting components.
  5. Camouflage cream is a real godsend for those who want to have perfect facial skin, but it is not. The camouflage is made on a water-repellent basis and has a large number of toning components. Perfectly conceals all imperfections, including acne, redness, pigmentation. Minus one - it can be removed only with the help of a special tool.

Choosing a foundation correctly

The quality of the make-up depends on the correct base - foundation. Professional makeup artists recommend using proven methods and tips when choosing a product:

  • Pick up only in daylight. Lamps can distort the color of the product and the skin, impart a yellow or gray tint.
  • In order to understand whether the tone is suitable for the color of the skin, apply a thin layer of the agent on the inner side of the wrist, blend well.
  • It is important to have two types of foundation: for daytime and evening makeup. In the daytime, you should not use products with a dense texture, choose a cream fluid or mousse, they perfectly even out the tone, but do not hide the flaws. In the daytime, the cream camouflage will seem like a "mask". Mousse is not suitable for evening make-up, as artificial lighting will make skin imperfections even more noticeable, a denser texture is required.
  • Depending on the expected result, it is worth choosing the type of foundation. The most popular is the liquid base, as it suits any skin type, hides all obvious imperfections; stick moisturizes dry skin, eliminates flaking; powder masks oily sheen.

How to apply foundation to hide imperfections?

Not every representative of the fair sex can boast of perfect skin. Age spots, flaking, enlarged pores, oily sheen, redness - this is not the whole list of imperfections that women are trying to hide. In order to visually make the skin of the face healthier and smoother, it is not enough to choose an expensive and good foundation that hides imperfections. Experts say: it is necessary to apply it correctly in order to achieve the desired effect.

  • Before you need to cleanse your face, if necessary, use a scrub.
  • Before applying the concealer, dry or sensitive skin should be moisturized with a nourishing cream so that mimic or age wrinkles do not become more visible.
  • Enlarged pores can be hidden with a foundation that contains silicone.
  • A bold shine will hide a matte foundation, it is also suitable for women who have wrinkles (a cream with a shimmering effect will make them more noticeable).
  • Freckles can be hidden under a layer of tanning cream. It should be applied in a circular motion to the areas undergoing masking, and then shade on the temples, neck, and the area near the auricles.
  • Redness, rashes and inflammation are difficult to hide at all. A dense foundation will help out only in the evening; it will not work for daytime makeup. Experts advise applying mousse or cream fluid to your face. In order to hide imperfections with these means, they should be applied in two layers with light patting movements and only with the pads of the fingers.
  • To hide the first wrinkles, a greasy foundation will help; it should be applied with a wide brush. This will allow you to mask age-related manifestations as much as possible.

Rules for applying foundation

Experts advise purchasing a fluorescent lamp for applying makeup. It will help you to apply cosmetics better in the evening. Make-up should be used carefully, to avoid the "mask effect", for this, the product is taken in small portions and rubbed into the face in a circular motion. In order for the tone to appear more natural, it is worth applying the product not only to the face, but also to the skin of the neck and décolleté.

Initially, a cream of a lighter shade is used to treat the skin around the eyes - under the eyebrow line and the lower eyelid. After that, the main tone is applied to the T-shaped zone, distributed over the forehead, nose, cheeks and temples. There should be no borders, each zone should be carefully shaded. Lastly, the cream is applied to the neck, décolleté area.

Foundation for problem skin: reviews

Many women have tried more than a dozen creams before choosing the one that fits perfectly according to all criteria. We reviewed reviews of almost all creams with tinting properties and compiled a list of the best. Here you will find a budget foundation that hides flaws, and more expensive products.

According to the reviews of women, it becomes clear that if the skin is problematic, it is worth choosing cosmetics more carefully so as not to aggravate the problem and hide it as much as possible.

Diorskin nude

Dior foundation has been loved by many women. They write that it fits perfectly on the skin of the face, does not smudge, creates the perfect tone with a thin veil.

They write that this is a really good foundation that hides imperfections. Reviews say that it does not clog into the pores, it is able to adapt to the natural skin tone.

There are records that the product perfectly moisturizes the skin, lays down in an even layer without borders. A large selection of tones is also noted. They write that with such an assortment, there is no problem of choice.

The Dior foundation was able to earn and the cons. It is noted that it smells unpleasant with alcohol, but the smell disappears quickly. The high price is also noted.

Foundation fluid cream "Matte" from "Yves Rocher"

"Matte" - a foundation for problem skin. Reviews about this tool abound, as there are also enough women with problem skin. Owners of oily and combination skin liked the "Yves Rocher" foundation "Matte".

They write that he perfectly hides the oily shine, lying on his face like a powder. The consistency is light, delicate, a little watery, so the cream lasts for a long time.

It is noted that the Yves Rocher foundation does not clog into the pores, it is practically not felt on the skin, it is not lubricated.

The downside was that it does not mask imperfections, but only evens out the tone and eliminates the shine of the skin. But here immediately there were defenders who wrote that it was a cream fluid, and it should be applied in two or even three layers to hide the flaws.


In the "Maybelin" cosmetic line, it is enough just to choose a suitable foundation that hides imperfections. Reviews about this company and its cosmetics are almost all positive.

Women note Affinitone Cream, Dream Fresh BB Cream, Dream Pure BB Cream and many others.

They write that the company "Maybelin" is a favorite, since the cosmetics are affordable and of decent quality.

There are opinions that the BB tonal cream from "Maybelin" not only hides imperfections qualitatively, although it has a rather delicate and light consistency, but also takes care of the skin. They write that the face has become less exposed to various types of rashes, there is less redness.

It is noted that "Affiniton" perfectly hides the oily sheen and gives the effect of a powder. Does not dry out the face, does not clog into pores, does not smudge.

The cosmetic product does not stain clothes, is absorbed into the skin quickly, lays down evenly, and is able to adapt to the tone of the face.

A wide assortment is noted, from which everyone can choose their own shade.

The tone has only positives. Women write that in the variety of tonal means they were able to find their own. The line contains creams with a fairly dense consistency, suitable for evening make-up.

Many people note that the Maybelin foundation is practically odorless. Only a light "powdery" aroma is felt, and this indicates a high quality.

Also, the absence of a large number of fragrances could not fail to please the girls prone to allergic reactions. They write that only from the cosmetics of this brand they were able to choose the optimal product.

"Black Pearl"

Many write that for a long time, due to the low price, they did not risk buying it, but after trying it once, they decided not to spend extra money on more expensive funds.

The girls say that they were able to get acquainted with the Black Pearl cosmetics for a long time, since their mothers still used it. They write that they immediately began to buy products of this brand for themselves, including foundation. "Black Pearl" was able to please everyone.

There are reviews that the foundation perfectly hides all imperfections, including freckles, age spots, circles under the eyes. Does not clog into pores, does not "make" heavy makeup.

They note that it perfectly hides mimic wrinkles, pimples, redness. They write that they perfectly cope with oily sheen.

There are records that the foundation is able to hold out on the face all day. Does not wrinkle, does not smudge, retaining its original appearance.

Many honestly write that they tried to find flaws, but did not find them. I liked the foundation for all its qualities, price, palette of tones.

Time-tested "Ballet"

I would like to note one more tool that has been produced by the domestic factory "Svoboda" for many years. Its quality is still noted as excellent.

Many write that it was "Ballet" that was the first foundation, but then they began to use more expensive ones, since the proven remedy practically did not appear on the shelves. Now "Ballet" is on sale again in almost all stores.

The quality of the foundation is noted by the owner of the enlarged pores. They write that the cream perfectly removes shine, hides pores. They note its extensive assortment, the ability to choose a tone in accordance with skin color.

There are records that Ballet cream is also suitable for dry skin, as it does not emphasize peeling. They write that it is easy to apply, evenly distributed, does not stain clothes in contact with the skin, adheres perfectly, evens out the tone.

Of the minuses, a not very pleasant aroma was noted, which quickly disappears. They also write that, although the texture is light, but dense enough, you need to use it carefully so as not to overlay too much tone.

In general, "Ballet" is a good foundation that hides imperfections. Consumer reviews confirm this.

  • in order to bring the triangular or trapezoidal face closer to the oval, it is worth taking a light base of tone, and shading the temples, chin and forehead with a tone darker;
  • you can also emphasize the correct oval with a darker tone, which is applied to the cheekbones from the cheeks to the temples;
  • the corners of a square face can be hidden by applying a darker tone to the chin and cheeks;
  • a round face can also be slightly tweaked by blending a dark tone over the cheek area.

Remember to blend the borders well every time! Only then will the makeup look invisible and beautiful.

There are many cosmetics for the skin that effectively deal with various problems: dryness, wilting, oily, and more. Means differ in price, manufacturer, efficiency. Below are the ratings of tonal creams that are better than other mattifying skin and hiding its imperfections.

Many girls suffer from excessive oily skin, and they do not always manage to find suitable cosmetics. The following are the best foundations for oily skin.

Dream matte mousse

Maybeline's Dream Matte Mousse is perfect for use on oily skin.

Product Features:

The advantages of the cream include: light texture, good masking effect and low price.

However, it can clog pores and cause flaking on overly dry skin. Price: 450-500 rubles.

Vitalumiere Aqua, Chanel

Chanel cosmetics are in great demand among women.

Features of this cosmetic product:

The advantages of the product are ease of application, good durability and the presence of components that hide facial imperfections. Of the negative qualities, the presence of alcohol in the composition, the absence of matting ingredients and a high cost are noted. Price: about 2000 rubles.

Bobbi brown skin foundation

This foundation, which mattifies the skin, as well as effectively hides its flaws, has the following distinctive features:

The main advantage of the cream is its unique composition and water base. Variety of shades and efficiency of use are also attributed to its positive aspects. The disadvantage is the high price. Cost - 3000-3800 rubles.

Vichy norma teint

Vichy's Norma Teint cream is also included in the list of the best tonal cosmetics for oily skin:

  • this cosmetic product contains components that protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation, bad weather conditions and chapping;
  • lasts 7-9 hours perfectly;
  • has a pleasant soft texture. The smell is not strong;
  • copes with masking acne, blackheads, wrinkles and blemishes, without overdrying the skin of the face, but does not hide large moles;
  • it is convenient to apply both with a brush and simply with your fingers. The product does not clog pores and is hardly felt on the face.

The main disadvantage is the content of alcohol and substances that can provoke irritation on sensitive skin. Cost - 1200 rubles.

Stay-True Makeup Clinique

The Clinique foundation, like previous products, deserves to be in the top five concealers.

Distinctive features:

  • hypoallergenic ingredients protect the skin from the appearance of acne and blackheads. Also in the composition there are matting components suitable for oily skin;
  • the product retains its original appearance on the face for more than 8 hours;
  • light in texture, does not smell;
  • hides even very noticeable skin imperfections. Does not create a greasy sheen;
  • the bottle has a dispenser, thanks to which it is even easier to distribute the cream over the skin. Does not clog the pores;
  • does not create a mask effect, has a good composition and a convenient bottle with a dispenser. At the same time, it can roll off after 5.5-7 hours of use.

Price: 600-700 rubles.

Five of the best tonal creams for sensitive (problem) skin

High sensitivity of the skin can make it difficult to find a suitable tonal fluid. Below is a list of the best remedies for prone skin.

Clinique Anti-Blemish Solutions Liquid Makeup

The top five quality products for skin with problems deserves to include a cream from Clinics.

Its main features:

  • Salicylic acid in the composition helps to eliminate blackheads and acne, and the complex of strengthening components maintains the balance of fat content;
  • has a high resistance: it can stay on the skin for more than 8 hours;
  • has a liquid texture. There is no smell;
  • does not roll, with regular use evens out the tone;
  • it is simply distributed and absorbed, remaining invisible;
  • the obvious advantages of the cream include ease of application, durability and the effect of evening out skin tone;
  • the disadvantages are the absence of dipropylene glycol in the composition (it has softening and bactericidal properties), as well as a rather high price.

Price: 2600 rubles.

L'Oreal Allaince Perfect

The popular company L'Oreal also released a decent foundation, which entered the top five of the rating.

Its features:

Price: 750-800 rubles.

Bourjois 123 Perfect

The best foundation, mattifying and concealing imperfections also include Bourjois 123 Perfect.


The product is persistent, effective, easy to use, inexpensive, but has a small palette of colors.

Price: 550-580 rub.


The Maybelin firm also produces high-quality tonal products, the features of which are:

Price: 400-450 rubles.

Dior Diorskin Ultra Mat

The cosmetic brand Dior is one of the leaders in the production of high-quality tonal products for the face:

  • this cosmetic product is partially composed of natural ingredients, protects against ultraviolet radiation;
  • stays on the skin for over 10 hours;
  • has a semi-liquid consistency and a slight odor;
  • masks medium-sized defects well, makes the tone even;
  • has a dispenser, so it is quickly distributed.

The main advantages of Dior cream are that it does not clog pores, it provides a wide selection of shades (16 pcs.). Minus - high price - 2500 rubles.

Top 5 foundations for dry skin

Dry skin type is quite common among women, and it also makes it difficult to find the right foundation. Below are five remedies that are suitable for dry-prone skin.

Rimmel Match Perfection Foundation

Despite the relatively low price, the cream from Rimmel hides the flaws of a dry face with high quality:

  • contains a complex that enriches the skin with oxygen. The formula of the cream allows the skin to breathe and makes the complexion more even;
  • perfectly adheres to the skin for 16 hours;
  • the liquid consistency allows you to quickly blend the product over the face, and the almost imperceptible smell does not irritate the sense of smell;
  • hides peeling, unevenness and even freckles, and also creates an ideal tone;
  • the bottle has a dispenser. The cream is quickly applied and rinsed off well. However, it can create a mask effect on the face. It is also quite sticky.

Price: 300-400 rubles.

Vivienne Sabo Ton elixir CC crème

Next in the top five is CC crème by Vivienne Szabo.

The features of this product are as follows:

  • the composition contains hyaluronic acid. In addition, wheat extract and vitamins are present;
  • retains well on the skin for 10 hours;
  • has an unobtrusive aroma and light texture;
  • copes with masking acne, red spots and freckles;
  • the cream is easy to apply, it merges with the skin. Also does not cause allergies;
  • hides imperfections, lies down easily and nourishes the skin. However, it is presented in only three shades.

Price: 300-400 rubles.

Dream satin fluid

The best foundation, mattifying and concealing imperfections, is not always very expensive. So, Dream Satin Fluid combines quality and low price.

Basic properties:

Price: 500-600 rubles.

Bourjois Healthy Mix Serum

The top five products for dry skin are also worthy of the Bourgeois cream:

  • the composition of the product contains vitamin extracts of Goji berries, Lychee, pomegranate. They nourish the skin and help relieve dryness;
  • lasts more than 9 hours;
  • has a gel serum-like texture and berry scent;
  • hides a large number of freckles and red spots, does not mask moles;
  • easy to apply and spread. Does not weigh down the skin and does not stain clothes;
  • vitamin complexes nourish the skin, create a matte sheen and hide minor damage. But the composition does not contain components that protect from the sun.

Price: RUB 500-650

Bourjois Radiance Reveal Healthy Mix Foundation

Another product from the manufacturer Bourjois is also included in the top 5 creams:

  • the formula of the composition with extracts of apricot, melon, apple, ginger nourishes the skin and creates a beautiful glow;
  • the cream covers the face with an inconspicuous film and does not roll off for 12 hours;
  • has a weightless texture and delicate fruit aroma;
  • copes with acne, pimples, minor scars and freckles. Does not form a "mask" on the face;
  • the product is easy to apply and shade comfortably;
  • nutrients in the composition, good masking effect and ease of use - these qualities speak in favor of the cream. The downside is that it is not suitable for combination skin.

Price: From 400 to 560 rubles.

Top 5 foundations for combination skin

Not all tonal creams are also suitable for combination skin. Below is a list of the best foundations to work with combination skin.

Shiseido Synchro Skin Glow

Distinctive features of a cosmetic product are as follows:

  • the unique formula of the composition helps the cream adapt to the skin tone and maintain the moisture balance of the face;
  • does not spread during the day;
  • the cream has a liquid texture and a barely noticeable smell;
  • even when applied in several layers, the cream does not create a mask effect and hides flaws with high quality;
  • due to the presence of a dispenser, you can accurately control the amount of the agent used;
  • the tool has only one drawback - the high price.

Cost - 3500 rubles.

Guerlain Lingerie De Peau

This Guerlain product is one of the best foundation for combination skin.

It mattifies the skin qualitatively and hides its imperfections:

Price: 3500-4000 rub.

Power Fabric, Giorgio Armani

The world famous brand Giorgio Armani has released his cream for combination skin:

  • the composition of the product contains a formula that allows the cream to keep its "shape" for a long time. Includes components that activate sun protection;
  • does not roll down for more than 10 hours;
  • the texture is quite dense, the aroma is invisible;
  • not only masks imperfections, but creates a matte shade on the skin;
  • has a convenient packaging and a sensitive dispenser. This facilitates fast and uncomplicated Power Fabric application;
  • light aroma, high-quality masking of defects and protection from the sun are among the advantages of the cream. However, it can accentuate flaking and is expensive.

Price: 3300-3500 rub.

Naked Skin, Urban Decay

This foundation works well with combination skin:

Price: from 2800 rubles.

All Hours Foundation, Yves Saint Laurent

Yves Saint Lauren released their foundation for combination skin:

  • the components of the composition provide a reliable coating and high durability throughout the day;
  • stays on the skin for more than 16 hours;
  • has a gel-like texture. Has an unobtrusive scent of fruit;
  • fights fat content. Hides most of the damage;
  • can be applied and washed off without any problems. Has a dispenser;
  • creates a matte sheen, has a unique texture, adheres well. However, it can oxidize during the day.

Price: 2500-2900 rub.

Top 5 foundations for aging skin

Aging skin prone to the formation of wrinkles and age spots often requires an even tone. Below is a rating of foundations for aging skin.

Relouis skin perfection

First on the list of the best age-based foundation is Relouis Skin Perfection.

Its distinctive properties are:

Price: 250-300 rubles.

Guerlain, Parure Gold

Another high-quality age-based foundation was created by the Guerlain brand:

  • myrrh oil refreshes the face and makes it smoother. Golden pigments give the skin a pleasant glow and maintain an even tone;
  • withstands on the face for 4-6 hours without changes;
  • loose texture fits well and shades well. The smell is subtle, with fruity notes;
  • the product covers small pimples, irregularities, even mosquito bites, but does not mask large defects;
  • a few drops will be enough to cover the entire face and mask imperfections. Almost does not stain clothes;
  • has a palette of 12 shades. Emphasizes the relief of the face, hides flaws;
  • has a high price tag.

Cost - 3100-3400 rubles.

Bourjois, City radiance

The Bourgeois company also presented a novelty in the field of foundations - City radiance cream for skin subjected to age-related changes:

  • the composition contains particles that protect the skin from the effects of ultraviolet radiation, as well as moisturizers that slow down cell aging;
  • stays on the skin for about 6-7 hours;
  • has a thick consistency in the absence of a strong odor;
  • the cream effectively hides defects, but when it comes to oily skin, it can emphasize them;
  • the product is convenient and easy to apply. The tube has a spout that will allow you to take the required amount of product;
  • protects from ultraviolet radiation, slows down aging, hides imperfections. However, it is presented in only six colors.

Price: 800-900 rubles.

Youth Liberator Serum Fond de Teint, Yves Saint Laurent

The best tonal creams, matting and hiding imperfections, are presented by both inexpensive brands and luxury firms.

The famous cosmetics brand Yves Saint Lauren presented their anti-aging cream:

  • the composition of the product contains particles that protect against ultraviolet radiation, an anti-aging serum, a complex of moisturizing components;
  • lasts about 8-9 hours;
  • has a greasy texture, almost no smell;
  • well masks redness, pimples, small wrinkles;
  • thanks to the dispenser, it is quickly distributed over the skin. After application, it is worth letting the cream absorb a little;
  • suitable for normal skin, easy to apply and good hold. However, it can highlight imperfections on very oily or dry skin and is expensive.

Price: 3000-3100 rubles.

Lumene CC Color Correcting Cream

  • the composition contains components that protect from the sun, and lingonberry seed oil, which makes the skin elastic and radiant;
  • the product is characterized by an average degree of durability (4-6 hours);
  • light aroma and pleasant texture do not complicate use;
  • hides small imperfections, fills in wrinkles and evens out tone;
  • spreads very quickly over the skin, does not roll or clog pores;
  • the main drawback is the meager palette of tones. Otherwise, the cream is ideal for aging skin.

Price: 650 rub.

The best foundation, which conceals skin imperfections well and has matting properties, can be correctly selected based on the type of skin. The variety of these funds includes products for every taste and color, from budget products to luxury creams.

Article formatting: Olga Pankevich

Videos about the best foundations

The best foundations for problem skin:

How to choose the right foundation tone:

The combination skin type has always given women a lot of trouble when choosing cosmetics. And all because some areas of the face need moisturizing due to excessive peeling or dryness, while others attract attention with an unpleasant oily sheen that must be hidden. To cope with both problems at the same time, it is important to find out the basic rules for choosing a foundation. All of them are based on the mistakes of women who, using the selection method, were able to determine which tool is capable of coping with the tasks.


How to determine your skin type

To make sure that a truly combination skin type is present, you can go for a consultation with a beautician or conduct a simple test yourself. In the latter case, it is enough to apply a dry paper towel to your face and blot it. If the skin is really combination, then an oily spot will remain in the T-zone. The rest of the area will be clean.

When the skin type is determined, one should proceed to the choice of a foundation that could hide all the existing imperfections on the face and at the same time have a positive effect on the state of the cells.

Features of foundation

It is not easy to choose a foundation for a combination skin type, therefore some representatives of the fair sex in such cases use several products designed separately for dry and oily types. However, modern manufacturers of decorative cosmetics produce a wide range of products intended for the care of combination skin.

Such products contain oils that nourish tissues and retain moisture, they also prevent clogging of pores, eliminate oily sheen. When buying a foundation, you need to pay attention to the packaging, where it should be indicated that the product is intended specifically for combination skin.

When choosing cosmetics for skin with dry and oily areas, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • cosmetics with a creamy-powdery texture are perfect, as it will give the skin a matte finish;
  • the composition of the cream for this type of skin should not contain glycerin;
  • water-based foundation spreads well on the skin and looks more natural;
  • do not use creams for oily skin in this case;
  • cream with a dense texture must be used carefully so as not to create a mask-like face and make the flaky areas of the face even more expressive;
  • excellent for combination skin, a product with an antiseptic effect.

If there are also dark circles under the eyes, then you may need to use concealer to mask them.

What kind of foundation to prefer

The beauty market is overflowing with different types of foundation, however, certain types of cosmetics are suitable for each specific case. To ensure proper care of combination skin, it is recommended to pay attention to the following products:

  1. Powder cream. It is an ideal base, as it adheres well to the skin and is evenly distributed. It only takes a few minutes to give your face a fresh look. The product gives the skin a matte finish, removes oily sheen in problem areas and maintains the effect throughout the day. Powder cream can also be applied to peeling areas.
  2. Antibacterial agent. This type of skin is often accompanied by problems such as acne. To cope with it and at the same time put your face in order, you should use a foundation with an antibacterial effect. It dries well the areas of inflammation, eliminates irritation, and prevents the emergence of new ones.
  3. Cream stick. Helps with flaking and does not clog pores. However, it has a rather dense structure, as a result of which it can lie unevenly on the skin. Therefore, when using, you should shade the product well.
  4. Cream mousse. This type is suitable for women of any age. It has an airy texture that allows for even distribution and is quickly absorbed. The composition of the cream-mousse may contain various minerals that compensate for the deficiency of vitamins in the cells and at the same time do not clog the pores, which is important for oily skin areas.
  5. Pencil. You should have a foundation like this in your cosmetic bag for emergencies. For example, when you urgently need to cover up a bruise, pimple or dark circles. However, it is not worth using it daily, as it can clog pores. The cream stick is applied pointwise and only in areas where the skin is oily.

Video: Comparison of different types of cosmetics

Application rules

To make the skin look smooth and natural, you need to learn how to apply cosmetics correctly, because even the most expensive product will not cope with the task if it is used incorrectly. So, makeup should consist of the following steps:

  1. Purification. It is necessary to remove dust, dirt, and do not use cosmetics containing alcohol, as it will dry out dry areas excessively and accentuate the oily sheen.
  2. Moisturizing. Before using the foundation, it is worth applying a nourishing cream to the skin, only after at least 15 minutes proceed to the next stage. This will distribute the makeup in a more even layer.
  3. Base application. This stage is final. Apply the product with a sponge, never with your fingers. In order for the foundation to lay down more evenly, the sponge must be wetted and squeezed out. Some beauties apply powder on top.

The combined type requires careful care, so all the nuances should be taken into account when choosing cosmetics. This will help maintain a youthful and natural look.

Every girl dreams of perfect skin. But, unfortunately, in modern realities, few people manage not to resort to the help of camouflage means. Bruises under the eyes, pimples, uneven skin tone are the faithful companions of almost every girl ...

And today we want to tell you about our favorites, which help us hide flaws.

1. Dasha (mrs_serejkina):

I have already repeatedly confessed my love for Max Factor tones. The recent novelty Miracle touch foundation has become another confirmation of the fact that there is a reason to love them.
But the constant inhabitant of my cosmetic bag for four years now has been the Max Factor Facefinity 3-in-1 foundation in the shade 45 Warm almond.

How did she deserve such affection? Firstly, it perfectly masks, evening out the general tone of the face, adjusting to it. Secondly, it has excellent durability: the tone lasts from morning to evening almost in its original form. Thirdly, Facefinity 3-in-1 does not negatively affect the condition of the skin. Fourthly, it has a pleasant texture of a dense, but not greasy, cream. And, finally, fifthly, the tone mattifies well, which will delight the owners of oily and combination skin.

At a time when my skin was not particularly beautiful, this foundation was just my magic wand, because it perfectly masks all kinds of imperfections. Now I use it less often and more often pointwise, but I prefer to have Facefinity 3-in-1 always at hand, in case you need to look your best.

I got acquainted with CC-cream from Lumene about two years ago. Then it cost about 300 rubles, even a little less, and now the price reaches almost 1000 rubles, which is not at all budgetary. However, there are often promotions in Rive Gaucher - that's where I buy this product.
The design is not pretentious - the cream is enclosed in a soft plastic tube with a twist-off cap. The "nose" is long and narrow, perfectly dispenses the product.

I became friends with this cream from the very first application - it adheres perfectly to the skin, creating a light and barely perceptible coverage, however, it perfectly evens skin tone. The cream hides skin redness, gives the face a rested look.
He is not able to mask acne / inflammation / dark circles under the eyes, but in general he can even out the skin tone, and this is exactly what I need.
The cream does not fall into the pores and does not flow. After applying the cream, I use loose powder - the makeup lasts until the evening.

I always go for Medium - neither light nor dark, ivory is perfect for me. Considering that the cream adjusts to the skin tone, it is almost invisible on the face.
I love this tool very much, it is not in vain that it is praised by many makeup artists and bloggers. True, I wonder if the ss-cream will somehow change after the re-release, which is planned in the near future? I hope no.

Honestly, I lost my temper to tonal means since the summer - it was too hot, and I was too lazy to use them. Now I resort to my camouflage masters no more than once a week, and my hand reaches for just one.

BB-cream Klairs Illuminating Supple Blemish Cream SPF40, PA ++

I can safely say that among all the other excellent and good students, he is the best. The cream is placed in a comfortable soft tube with a narrow spout, which perfectly dispenses the product. The color of the bibik is neutral, light beige, without a yellow or frankly gray undertone.

The consistency is not dense, but also does not spread. The smell is pleasantly floral, not persistent. The finish is near-matte, but if you do not immediately fix the coating with powder, then it gradually begins to shine delicately. The presence of UV filters is good news - SPF 40. The result of the work suits me completely - the tone of the face is evened out, redness is masked.

From left to right: face without makeup / applied BB / final result with powder.

It does not require a base or special moisturizing for itself, but if the skin is prone to peeling, then it is better to soften the problem areas before applying the BB. In this case, my pet itself acts as a humidifier. Sits on the face perfectly during the day - it does not slip spots, does not emphasize age-related changes. I need to powder my oily skin after about 4-5 hours.


For me, Klairs is an excellent student, though not at all budgetary. For 40 ml of the product, you will have to pay about 1,700 rubles.

My favorite for the cold season is CLINIQUE Superbalanced Foundation.
I have been using this cream for two years now and am still very pleased with the result it gives me.
Unfortunately, I am the owner of problem skin, which can often have rashes, peeling or post-acne, due to which my face looks completely different from what I would like.

The cream has a liquid, but at the same time quite dense consistency. It can be applied in a very thin layer to even out the tone of the face, or it can be applied to problem areas with patting movements, then you can well mask a pimple or redness.
The cream is not noticeable on the face, even on close examination. It does not look like a mask, and, what is important, does not accentuate peeling, but rather moisturizes the skin.
The finish is wet.

The cream adheres well to the face - it does not roll, does not clog pores. After 6-7 hours, a slight shine may appear, which can be easily dealt with with powder.

Overall, this is a great cream that makes my face look so much better even during my worst times.
I will say that a small disadvantage for me is the lack of a dispenser and a rather high price - 2 thousand rubles.

I can't even say approximately how many different tonal products I've tried in my life - a lot! But at the same time, 3-4 pieces fell into the category of ideal and loved ones. Now, however, the situation has become better: innovative textures, shades that adapt to skin color, bb-creams have also made a small revolution, so choosing something suitable has become a little easier. Last year I was in awe of Tarte's BB tinted treatment, and this year I think the best Naked skin from Urban Decay.
I'm 99% satisfied with it, it suits my combination skin perfectly, although, I think, in principle, it suits everyone, I have repeatedly come across enthusiastic reviews on it from the owners of dry skin.

The first thing that distinguishes its other foundations is that Naked skin is not a cream at all, it is very liquid, almost like a watery serum. Many, probably like me, are accustomed to first squeezing the right amount of the product onto the hand, and then transferring it to the skin. With this "cream" you need to be careful, I literally dose it drop by drop, otherwise it will just run away. Another important point follows from the peculiarities of the texture: this base should not be applied with your fingers and the usual stretching movements along the massage lines, well, or along some other. There will be streaks, uneven coverage and other troubles. Here you need to either drive in with a sponge (I, as always, use my favorite beauty blender), or apply in circular rubbing movements with a brush. Then the result will be excellent!
I did not find any flaws in Naked skin, so I will list only the pros.
There are a lot of shades, you can choose the right color for any skin. We have 20 presented on the official Russian website, and in general there are even more of them, the darkest and some neutral ones do not reach us. Shades ending in 0 are warm (with a golden / olive undertone), ending in 5 - cold (with a pink nuance), and there are also neutrals, with an ending of 25. 3.0 was perfect for me - a light shade, with golden undertones (official description) ... But keep in mind that the names of the shades are still American, they have a gradation of light-dark tones there that has a much greater amplitude than ours. My shade in our classification is rather average, for slightly dark skin or with a slight tan.
Many people love this foundation, and after trying it, I understood why. This is an absolutely weightless cream, neither at the time of application, nor in the process of wearing, it does not feel in any way and does not make itself felt.
It can be applied in a very thin layer (gives an average overlap), and layered. Such repeated application of the product for my porous skin usually does not end well, it all starts to seem like heavy, dense makeup, and there is a leveling of the face tone, but it looks rough and ugly. I apply this foundation with a thin coating all over the face, including the area under the eyes, and then apply as many layers as necessary to individual areas where additional masking is needed. And no mask effect or visible layers are noted.
The finish is natural, natural and semi-matte. I like it so much that I don't even use powder (I apply it only on the t-zone and under the eyes), so as not to remove this effect of matte, but at the same time, highlighted skin. All dry textures fit perfectly on the base, it is not sticky or wet, so there is no risk of putting a stain instead of a delicate blush or highlighter.
During the day, the tone is not clogged anywhere, does not emphasize wrinkles, does not oxidize, in general, behaves decently).
And yes, the Photoshop effect is present, there are definitely some reflective and scattering pigments in the composition, from a short distance the skin looks even and smooth, even if you do not cover up some problem areas with extra layers or concealer.
And one more pleasant bonus that is relevant to all of us: this tonal base behaves perfectly when shooting or in selfies :). Illuminates the face, gives a blur effect and hides all wrinkles, pores, bruises under the eyes - a useful thing. I am very pleased and am planning to try other Urban Decay foundation products now.

Price: about 2500 rubles, the largest selection of shades on the official website.

Max Factor Lasting Perfomance has been a bestselling foundation for more than one year. I only met him this summer, and for several months now he has been my favorite. I have already used 4 tubes.

I chose this cream solely because of the Fair shade, the lightest in the range. And if in the summer it was a little paler than necessary, now this shade blends perfectly with my skin tone. In addition, Lasting Perfomance provides long-lasting coverage, masks all imperfections without the need for concealer (including acne), does not accentuate flaking or clog pores.

Many long-lasting creams have a mattifying effect, and this one is no exception. Suitable for owners of oily and combination skin. The most important thing is that, despite its durability, it does not dry out the skin, so it can be used both in summer and winter.

The cream does not leave marks on the phone screen, does not disappear during the day. According to my observations, it lasts for about 7-8 hours. At the same time, it does not cause any discomfort, the feeling of a "mask".

My favorite foundation right now is The Saem Saemmul Moist BB in 01 Light Beige. The bibik is light beige without any pronounced undertones; it adapts perfectly to light skin. The consistency is not liquid, but also not very dense.

In the fall, when my skin dries terribly, one of the main criteria is to behave as decently as possible on dry areas. Here the bibik showed itself very worthy, emphasizing only the strongest peeling.

The tone leveling is excellent, plus a good masking of various redness / inflammation and other things.
BB cream does not fall into pores and does not accentuate wrinkles, for which it is another plus.
The finish is alive and shining.
Firmness on non-greasy skin for about 7 hours. With this bb cream, I am sure that the makeup will stay in place and will not creep off the face in the evening.

I won't get tired of talking about my favorite bibi-cream - this is Tony Moly AC Control BB Cream. I must say right away that he is not 100% perfect, but, nevertheless, for two years it has remained my favorite. Interestingly, it was the first Korean bibi cream I tried and remains the best I've tried in the future - I don't like any of them as much. So he's my bull's eye.

Bibi-cream is intended primarily for problem skin prone to oily content (mine is just that), the tone is universal. The color, in my opinion, is really neutral - neither yellow nor pink, it makes my pale skin look healthier (I think). The texture is pleasant - the cream is easily spread with just your fingers. Probably, I love this bibi-cream for the fact that it does not "substitute" me during the day - there are no unpleasant surprises with it: neither sinking into the pores, nor emphasizing wrinkles or slipping where it is necessary. And I know all its shortcomings very well and put up with them, because the advantages are more important (good color, texture, no "mask" effect, but the presence of a healing effect on problem skin (really!) And very good masking of shortcomings).

Of the shortcomings, I can note persistence - unfortunately, the Bibik will not survive a long day, plus it can emphasize peeling (not much). And the packaging closer to the end of the product simply cracks to holes on the sides, which makes it difficult to use - there were two tubes, history repeated itself with each one.
Now Bibi-cream has disappeared from sale, and I hope that only temporarily, since Korean manufacturers are very fond of re-issuing their funds once a year or at least two, but for now I have found a worthy replacement in the face of the new Miracle Touch Smoothing Foundation from Max Factor.

Maybelline NY Affinitone Perfect Tone has always been my favorite tone over the past year and a half. I really love a dense coating that could hide all redness and imperfections, and it will easily cope with even the most problematic areas of the skin.

The consistency of the foundation is liquid, but when distributed, it hardens quite quickly, so it must be applied at an accelerated pace so that the coating is uniform. Depending on the condition of the skin, it can lie in different ways. If I have previously applied peeling or scrub, the foundation will fit perfectly. If the skin has not been subjected to cosmetic executions for 4-5 days, he will go to bed with a "mask".
The finish is slightly damp, I really like this coating - the effect of well-groomed smooth skin is obtained.

Despite the fact that Affinitone has a couple of nuances in application, for me it remains the most ideal foundation with a dense coverage, and if you love the "Photoshop" effect and want to matte your skin tightly, I advise you to pay attention to it. The cost, by the way, is quite anti-crisis - 389 rubles.

We told you about our favorites in the world of tonal coatings, and we hope we helped you with the choice depending on your needs and price preferences.