Institute of Psychology at Kutuzovsky. Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis: distance learning, reviews

The Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis is the leading Russian university in the field of psychology and pedagogy, founded in 1997. Laureate of the competition "100 best universities in Russia". For 5 years in a row, it is recognized by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation as an effective university and has state accreditation in all areas of training.

Since 1997, the Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis has been conducting professional training in the field of fundamental and applied psychology, psychoanalysis, psychological, pedagogical and defectological directions. Its history begins in 1995, when the Institute for Humanitarian Education and Psychoanalysis was created within the framework of the Academy of Humanitarian Studies.

Now the Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis is a large scientific and educational institution. On his account, dozens of international scientific conferences have been held, unique laboratories for the study of states of consciousness and virtual reality, experimental and practical psychology, as well as the Center for Biopsychological Research have been created. The Institute has a Clinical Center that provides psychological support to the population.

The Institute has received wide recognition abroad. Honorary professors of the university are famous personalities and prominent specialists in psychological practice: Stanislav Grof, Irwin Yalom, Paul Wong, David Guttmann and others. In 2015, the Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis received EUROTAS (European Association for Transpersonal Psychology and Psychotherapy) accreditation.

Among the Russian partners of the Institute are psychological and medical specialized centers, professional associations, educational institutions.

Education at a university is closely related to practice. Students get acquainted with the specifics of a psychologist's activities in institutions of various profiles, prepare for work as a practical psychologist, and undergo supervision. The necessary experience is accumulated during practical training.

Student life within the walls of the institute is eventful: meetings are regularly held with famous people, practicing psychologists and psychoanalysts. There are also trainings, master classes, lectures and games. All this is aimed at the development of the student's personality and his professionalism - the psychologist-practitioner must constantly expand his horizons.

Applicants can try themselves at the School of Young Psychologists, analyze interesting cases and participate in discussions. Classes of the School are taught by teachers, undergraduates and senior students of the institute - an opportunity to directly learn about the specifics of study.

The institute also offers to become a student for a day - to get a "trial lesson" in the form of a school day, attend interesting lectures, communicate with students and teachers and feel the atmosphere of the institute. Traditionally, for universities, the institute also conducts preparatory courses for the Unified State Exam, which begin in October.

The Institute of Psychoanalysis annually allocates 12 budgetary places (at the expense of the institute) for the training of applicants who receive their first higher education in full-time in all areas of training:

  • 03/37/01 Psychology (bachelor's degree) - 3 places;
  • 37.05.01 Clinical Psychology (specialty) - 3 places;
  • 44.03.02 Psychological and pedagogical education (bachelor's degree) - 3 places;
  • 44.03.03 Special (defectological) education (bachelor's degree) - 3 places.

Conditions for the participation of applicants in the Competition:

the average USE score in three subjects is not less than 70.0. To participate in the Competition, the applicant must write a corresponding application. Within the framework of the competition, a rating of applicants is built in each area of \u200b\u200btraining and the first three in the rating of the applicant receive the right to free education at the Institute. The condition for free tuition in the second and subsequent courses is the absence of academic debts for the previous year of study and the average score on exams must be at least 4.00.

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There are times in life when a person is in dire need of help to find a way out of a difficult situation. When you are in the center of problems and scandals, internal tension and stress do not allow you to look calmly at events from the outside, do not allow you to really assess what is happening and make the right decision to overcome the crisis. At such moments, a person desperately needs a competent psychoanalyst who is able to professionally analyze the situation using the methods of modern science.

If you want to help people

One part of the population dreams of meeting a specialist who will get rid of all problems, the other wants to help people in crisis situations, based on altruistic motives. For the first group of people there are psychological offices, for the second, special educational institutions have been opened in which psychoanalysts are trained. In Russia, one of the well-known institutions of this type is the Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis. "Magicians", who get rid of problems, are taught at the address: 34 Kutuzovsky Avenue. There is the aforementioned university, which is distinguished by a very comfortable environment.

As a rule, to become a specialist, you need to study at an educational institution for five years, which is not so easy to get into. The requirements of the institute are high, it is difficult to study, but extremely interesting. During the classes, the student learns a lot about the private side of a person's personal and public life, gets acquainted with the fundamental ideological theses of logotherapy, experiences a spiritual crisis and a change in value orientations together with teachers who help the student to know himself.

Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis. Distance learning

To find out what the meaning of life is, and to become a professional in the field of counseling, to learn how to deftly cope with interpersonal problems and help clients in this, to be able to easily diagnose the characteristics of an individual and look for ways out of the crisis, many dream, but not everyone can afford a day Those who devote a lot of time to work, caring for children or other social or family responsibilities have the opportunity to get an education, as they say, without leaving home.

Distance learning is organized by the Institute of Psychoanalysis. It is ideal for those who love mobility and have personal computer skills. Since 2013, on the basis of the institute, a special department (ODO) has been created that deals with education via the Internet. With this method of teaching, there is no need to attend lectures, because you can freely get the necessary information on the topic at any convenient time of the day or night.

ODL teachers try to structure the electronic material for students so that they do not feel the difference between full-time and distance education. On the basis of the department, regular contact with the teacher is organized, offline and online consultations, seminars, conferences, discipline testing are held. MIP employees offer students access to educational literature in electronic form, video lectures, interviews.

What does the university do?

The Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis has been operating since 1997. All this time, the teachers of the institution provide students with the opportunity to acquire the necessary knowledge in the field of psychoanalysis, psychology or counseling methods. MIP - institution The Moscow Institute of Psychology and Psychoanalysis was created on the basis of a humanitarian university and the Academy of Humanitarian Research. The National Agency for Accreditation of Educational Enterprises considers it one of the best in terms of teaching staff.

The training offered by the Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis on Kutuzovsky is various courses, trainings, the practice of psychological counseling, the study of various schools of analysis, the peculiarities of the psychology of advertising and management. Those interested can continue their education in graduate school. Students at the university are given a unique opportunity not only to study theory, but to get rich practice based on the materials received.

The Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis sends students to crisis centers, advertising agencies, and educational institutions to acquire skills in working with people. And this is important for gaining experience.

How to enter a university?

Admission to the Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis is conducted according to the standard program, that is, on the basis of the USE scores received. All faculties provide an opportunity to get a second education in a special program. Additional projects have been organized here to retrain professionals. The levels of education at the institute are usual for universities - these are bachelor's, master's, higher qualifications.

Details about the cost of training, the programs taught, the rules and conditions for admission can be obtained from the employees of the organization by contacting the admissions office of the NOU VPO Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis. As a rule, a student comes for an interview with documents and USE results, writes an application for admission to a university, and concludes an agreement to receive an education. Payment for training is made according to the receipt posted on the institution's website. Full-time students are not drafted into the army during their studies, they receive a deferment until they receive their diploma.

What is taught at the institute?

On the basis of the university, the faculty of psychoanalysis was organized, within the framework of which there are four departments:

  • applied psychoanalysis;
  • department of psychology;
  • department of Psychotherapy and Psychological Consulting;
  • department of the fundamentals of psychoanalysis of the clinical type.

Additional educational programs

On the basis of the faculty, special projects have been organized that allow students to broaden their horizons, gain experience in consulting, get acquainted with the peculiarities of people's communication in practice:

  • lectures on the Jungian school;
  • training in the analysis of group relationships;
  • film club of psychoanalysts.

The teaching staff of the IIP are experienced practitioners in the field of psychotherapy and psychology. The training is conducted by candidates and doctors of philosophical, medical and psychological sciences. Experts do not advertise any one school of psychoanalysis, but offer students to make an independent choice in which system it will be easier and more convenient for them to work in practice.

List of disciplines for higher education

While undergoing training, the student receives serious training in a variety of subjects - humanitarian, economic, social, natural science, mathematical and professional.

General disciplines are philosophy, sociology, ethics, logic, pedagogy, economics, rhetoric, etc. The natural science and mathematical cycles include: anatomy of the central nervous system, statistics, neurophysiology, anthropology, physiology, conflictology, neuropharmacology, etc. From the list of professional disciplines, one can single out social, pedagogical, organizational, stress, family, legal psychology, diagnostics, workshops, basics neuropsychology and pathopsychology.

Separate modules provide training on marketing, communications, familiarization with the rules of conducting professional activities and the specifics of managing employees at the enterprise. Students will be taught the conduct of psychoanalysis and technologies of work in a group, projective methods of personality diagnostics, the basics of psychosomatics and psychiatry. There are disciplines that a student can choose independently for study. These are popular areas - gestalt, psychodrama, neurology, cognitive technologies, logotherapy, etc.

If you really want to go to MIP, but you don't have enough points

The company assists prospective students in passing the Unified State Exam and preparing for studies at the university. For this, preparatory courses have been organized at the institute. At them, applicants listen to lectures, participate in trainings and seminars, get the opportunity to adapt to the new team and teachers.

Teachers who are familiar with the USE system help students test their strengths for passing the exam. They conduct trial tests and make up for the lack of knowledge of the applicant. Classes are free. By the way, applicants who have completed a preliminary training course are provided with a 10% discount on university tuition.

Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis. Reviews

Some praise the quality of teaching at MIP, others complain about difficult tasks. In general, it is impossible to say unequivocally whether psychoanalysis is good or bad. Reviews are different, however, negative recommendations of students on the part of the educational process, selected materials, the depth of study and the nature of the presentation of disciplines are not found on forums and social resources.

Having studied the opinions of students, we can conclude about the high level of teaching at the university and good specialists working with students. It must be said that students are delighted with the potential of the Institute's specialists. The teachers are even praised by those who receive a second degree, who have experience in acquiring knowledge in other institutes, they have something to compare the educational process organized at the Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis at the MIP. Reviews note the possibility of gaining invaluable experience in psychological counseling in practice, which can then be applied in your own life and professional activity.

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