How the application affects the development of the child. Non-traditional types of applications as a means of developing the creativity of a preschooler. The role of the application in the education of preschoolers

Application is a way of creating artistic images from various parts, torn off, cut off and attached in some way to a given background. The materials can be: leather, felt, fur, fabric, straw, paper. Children are always happy to do such work, they are pleased to work with different colors, cut and form a composition.

Application for children is the acquisition of new knowledge, the consolidation of ideas received earlier. The specificity of these classes allows you to gain knowledge about the color and shape of objects, their size, and composition. Application classes develop compositional knowledge and skills in children.

Depending on the form of application, it is divided into types: subject, plot, decorative.

In the subject, children learn to cut and paste on the background various objects that display a generalized, one might say conditional image of familiar objects of the world around them.

The plot-thematic application develops children in certain actions related to this activity, according to a specific theme or plot (“Masha picks mushrooms”, “flower bloomed”).

Decorative applique is the work of children with ornaments, intricate patterns, decorations of images, where preschoolers learn and connect a wide variety of details (squares, circles, dry leaves, silhouettes of people and animals) using the laws of symmetry, displaying bright colors against the background. Each child decoratively transforms real objects, generalizes their structure, endows samples with new qualities.

Consider the features of the application in preschool children.

Certain motives motivate the artist to create works of art. The Creator organizes his activity according to the set goal. Usually, the creative process is based on the experience accumulated earlier. The surrounding world and activity create a unique, individual experience of the creator, which is the basis of inspiration, the driving force behind the creation of works.

A child of preschool age does not have a preliminary idea, since this is a characteristic of the mental processes of children, their involuntariness. Preschoolers act impulsively, without planning or foreseeing the result of their activities. For a child, the main thing is to engage in gluing and cutting, and not to present an artistic result. For a preschooler, only the process itself, the direct doing of something, matters.

Application training has several tasks:

Using geometric, floral forms, combine them into certain patterns;

Collect images of objects from disparate parts; bring to life an imaginary plot;

Learn cutting techniques from different materials: gluing, sewing, weaving;

To form a sense of the integrity of the depicted, the required ratio of parts of the composition.

Depending on the age of the child, his life experience, the functions of the application change and become more specific. Applications for children 2 years old are already appropriate. Acquaintance with the application takes place in the first junior group.

At the age of 2-3 years, children are very sensitive to the proposal of an adult to do something, to repeat unfamiliar actions after the elder. And the main task of an adult is to use this desire of children to teach them new actions.

The tasks of applique classes at this age are the simplest: to teach children to act with material, primarily with paper, to show that all kinds of operations can be performed with this: from rolling to crumple; learn to use the properties of the material to create something new: learn to describe in words the studied properties of paper, its color, shape, shine, rustling, etc.

To develop the child's desire to imitate an adult, to make the same movements and participate in the creation of art products and create their own small projects;

To introduce children to the simple tools needed to create an application, as well as the techniques and techniques of cutting, gluing; to support the interest of children in performing new actions, to study the simplest methods and application techniques, repeating them after an adult and independently performing certain actions;

Teaches you to understand the beauty of created works of art, to feel and emotionally respond to work and finished products, to admire them and share these feelings;

The tasks of the application for children 3 years old are more complex:

To teach preschoolers to compose patterns from different parts on excellent shapes, be it a circle, a rhombus or a strip;

To teach children from individual details to make ready-made familiar images (trees, houses, animals) as well as simple plots observed by children earlier (cars on the road, children playing in the sandbox);

Learn to hold scissors correctly, use them safely for yourself and others, while fulfilling the simple requirements of an adult; learn to apply glue to parts, smearing it over the entire surface and only along the contour;

To teach children to be aware of the necessary actions to complete the work, to follow the order of movements (drawing up a pattern, laying it out on a form and then gluing each part of the composition);

To develop an aesthetic perception of objects and images, to form a taste.

Applications for children 4 years old solve the following tasks:

Learn to use different materials for cutting (paper, foam rubber, plant forms), using simple techniques;

To teach children to work with natural materials, create pictures from dry leaves, needles, try out techniques for gluing such details to the background;

Expand the themes and plots of applications, enriching the life experience of preschool children, acquaint them with artistic, literary works and simply images that are found in nature, the world around them;

Learn to compose a composition from a larger number of geometric and plant details;

As a background, choose excellent shapes (circle, oval).

Applications for children 5 years old are also peculiar. The more applique activities, the more difficult the techniques that children must use. At this age, children get acquainted with symmetry, recognize and cut out the silhouettes of figures, learn to cut and weave. They can also use several manufacturing techniques at once. In the appliqué classes for children aged 6, an adult helps the children learn a new way of connecting a part and a background, for example, sewing to fabric. Application plots are enriched, they become more diverse and more complex, finer details appear, their number increases.

Applications for children of 7 years old, with the fulfillment of all the requirements indicated above, move from the category of education to creative self-expression, independent activity of a preschooler.

Particularly important when choosing teaching methods are preliminary preparation for the lesson and the course of work itself. Before starting the lesson, it is necessary to familiarize the children with what they will need to portray. And also train children in comparing the shapes and colors of objects. In this, the development of attention, perception of children, teaching them the ability to analyze are significant.

For preschoolers, all actions with objects should be demonstrated, whether it be cutting or sticking. Conducting the lesson itself should be only in the form of a game. This is how children will better perceive what they see, and show a good result.

Surprises, interesting toys will stimulate the interest of preschoolers, cause activity in the presented action.

To view children's work, you need to organize a kind of exhibition. It must be colored with positive emotions.

In the middle preschool age, work continues on the study of the shape, color of surrounding objects. Knowledge about the environment is refined and expanded. This can be achieved by tracing the contours of objects with your hand, studying the depicted objects and observing what is happening in the world around you.

Of course, before starting work, it is necessary to study in detail, consider the proposed material. The adult gives the children the floor in the description of the subject, in its study and analysis. Composing any composition from separate pieces, arranging parts of peculiar patterns, preschoolers also learn to cut. The adult shows and explains in detail the actions necessary to complete the task.

Often, children need to be allowed to try to reproduce this or that action: correctly pick up scissors or make movements with them in the air, run their fingers along the future cut line. It is necessary to teach to analyze children's work only in positive emotions, encouraging children.

At the age of 6-7 years, already familiar images in children become even more understandable and close. In teaching, observation of the environment, analysis and comparison of various characteristics of images is becoming increasingly important. When preparing for a lesson, an adult does not use samples only if the work is difficult enough and can cause difficulties for children. It is difficult for preschoolers to perceive symmetry, so it is not easy for them to reproduce it. With the development of attention and perception, children understand the “half of the subject” and then use this technique.

Since the classes are systematic and the children already have experience in creating an application, an adult teaches mostly with words, and not with visual means. The teacher at this stage helps the manifestation of individual artistic abilities, develops the independence of preschoolers. It is also important to learn how to analyze work, search for errors, as well as the ability to correctly express a critical opinion.

Applications are of great importance in the harmonious mental, mental, physical development of preschool children.

Similar information.

Application learning methodology

Application training involves familiarization with the material, acquiring the ability to cut out various forms, arrange them on a sheet in a certain order and stick them in accordance with the image and plot.

The main tasks of learning the application are as follows:

Distinguish geometric shapes, know their names (circle, square, oval, rectangle, triangle, rhombus);

To acquaint with the main, additional colors and their shades, mastering the ability to make harmonious combinations;

Know the size and quantity: large, small forms; one form is greater (less) than another, one, several, many forms;

Develop compositional skills: rhythmically arrange the same forms in a row or alternate two or more forms; build an image depending on the shape of the sheet - on a strip, square, rectangle, circle;

Compose an image of an object from separate parts;

Arrange objects in the plot application.

Mastering the basic techniques of cutting:

a) cutting paper in a straight line, along the folds and by eye;

b) cutting out rounded shapes by rounding corners, symmetrical shapes from paper folded in half, several times, with an accordion;

c) cutting out asymmetrical shapes - silhouette and from separate parts;

d) cutting along the contour;

e) creating a form by tearing off (pinching off) pieces of paper.

Mastering the basic techniques of gluing (using a brush, glue, cloth; the ability to consistently stick forms).

The tasks of teaching applications in the senior group are as follows:

Develop the ability to cut out using a variety of techniques: in a straight line in different directions, with curves, from paper folded in half;

Develop the ability to compose an object from several parts and arrange patterns on a circle, square, rectangle from geometric and plant shapes;

Use new colors (orange, purple) and various light and dark shades of colors, combining them beautifully in the pattern.

So, the main task in the senior group is to master various cutting techniques that are necessary to depict objects with different shapes.

At first, cutting out rectangular and rounded shapes continues on the same topics as in the middle group, but with more details (a snowman in a hat, with a shovel in his hands, eyes and a nose are outlined on his head; an airplane with stars on its wings, etc. ). Then objects with smaller parts (chickens, rabbits, etc.) are introduced.

In the preparatory group, the program provides for the complication of educational tasks in all sections:

Learn new techniques for cutting out paper folded several times and silhouette;

Develop compositional skills in performing a decorative pattern on various forms, in composing objects from several parts and arranging objects in a plot application;

Use all the colors of the spectrum and their shades.

In teaching children 6-7 years old, the main task in all types of visual activity is to develop the ability to create the most realistic images. Therefore, when teaching appliqué, it is very important to introduce children to all the main techniques for cutting silhouette symmetrical and asymmetric shapes.

Silhouette cutting is the most difficult technique. The silhouette is formed by highlighting the linear contour of the object, which is the border of a three-dimensional form with a cut. In this case, the contour line determines whether the proportion and shape of the object are correctly transferred. At the same time, when recreating an object, the child isolates its individual parts and depicts them sequentially. In the process of silhouette cutting, the child needs to keep in mind the whole image of the object, observe the correct proportions, shapes and designs, coordinate hand movements with the shape being created. In this complex work, older preschoolers are helped by the ability to distinguish the main forms in the surrounding objects, to perceive their general outlines (contour). Therefore, mastering silhouette cutting must begin with the simplest forms (fruits, berries, vegetables).

The training program in the preparatory group provides for the implementation of the plot application. In the course of this work, the compositional skills of preschoolers are improved, since in order to create a plot image of various objects, it is necessary to first think over the sequence of their gluing. Themes can be an image of a street, an aquarium, illustrations for fairy tales and various fairy tales.

In the preparatory group, the gluing of finished forms continues. Despite the fact that older preschoolers already have basic cutting skills, they can still be given ready-made shapes of various sizes to make a pattern from geometric shapes.

Working with paper and other materials and tools, children acquire a number of useful practical skills related to the development of manual and instrumental actions. They learn how to process paper such as folding, folding in half and several times, cutting, gluing, etc. In the classroom, there is an acquaintance with various types of paper (drawing, drawing, wrapping, corrugated, desktop, etc.). its quality indicators. The child learns that paper comes not only in all sorts of colors, but in different textures: shiny, smooth, glossy, matte, rough, fleecy, thin, thick (to the touch), dense or loose (tearable), wet or waterproof. For example, loose paper is soft and easily torn off by fingers. In this way, expressive applications with shaggy contours can be obtained from it. This is how fluffy chickens, hares, squirrels, furry cubs, openwork snowflakes, soft corollas of dandelions, linden flowers, willow buds, etc. are depicted, using soft, pliable tissue paper, corrugated paper, and some types of wrapping paper.

The most interesting and accessible for preschool children is an application made of paper in bright colors. The very type of material, the simplicity of its processing stimulate the creative activity of the child, make it easy to master manual skills and abilities. Therefore, in each age group of the kindergarten, in accordance with the program objectives of teaching appliqué, it is necessary to have special materials and equipment for classes: paper for the background and appliqué elements, scissors, glue, brush, brush stand, pad for spreading figures, a box for scraps, clean napkin (per child)

The paper for the background is most often taken thick, the tone is selected depending on the content of the image in order to emphasize a certain situation. For example, flowers are placed on a green background of a meadow or meadow, silhouettes of birds are pasted on a blue background of the sky, and fish are pasted against the background of the blue depth of a river or sea.

Children cut out appliqué elements from more elastic, but elastic paper of juicy, saturated tones with a well-finished surface.

For work, the child is given scissors with rounded ends and developed levers. Their length should be approximately 120 mm. When making decorations for a holiday or evening entertainment, you can also give large scissors (up to 200 mm), since it is more convenient to make large cuts and cut out large elements with them. They store scissors in boxes or put them in tall wooden cups with the rings up. When using scissors, children should be taught to be careful: do not wave them, do not play, and put them back after work.

Brushes for spreading figures cut out of paper are taken depending on the size of the blanks. So, for a collective application, you need to have brushes of two sizes. For gluing large surfaces, wide flat brushes are used - flutes. After work, the brushes are thoroughly washed in warm water, dried and placed on a vertical stand with the pile up. In the process of work, the brush is placed on a horizontal stand made of thick paper with a notch.

Glue the figures with potato or flour glue. To prepare it, you need potato or wheat flour. It is poured with a glass of water and heated over low heat, stirring all the time and not letting it boil, until the paste becomes transparent and thick. It is removed from the fire and cooled, then poured into clean porcelain or ceramic dishes with low edges.

The figures are smeared with glue on a clean bedding. It can be a sheet of white paper of a small format. During the lesson, it must be changed several times so that the paste does not stain the colored side of the applications and does not leave unwanted stains.

Paper scraps must be folded into specially made boxes made of thick colored paper during the design lesson.

When selecting paper for applications performed by symmetrical cutting techniques, such property of paper as elasticity is of great importance. If the workpiece breaks, then cracks form on the folds, which worsens the aesthetic effect of the application, makes it impossible to correct errors and causes the child to feel dissatisfied with the result of his activity. Therefore, the educator selects a flexible and resilient paper that can be easily processed so that it can be easily folded without undue stress, but after cutting.

For the manufacture of appliqué works, both white and colored paper are usually used. White thick paper from the albums is suitable for the background. For the background, you can use colored paper, velvet, thin cardboard. The pasted forms are cut out of thin colored paper, best of all glossy, since it comes in very colorful colors, which is of interest to preschoolers in applique classes.

For application, matte and velvet colored paper of various colors and shades are also used. In the absence of paper of the desired shade, you can paint white paper in the desired color.

Application forms should already be carefully prepared for classes. Prepared geometric shapes should be the same in size, which will make it possible to make a whole pattern out of them (for example, the side of a triangle should be equal to the side of a rhombus or square).

In appliqué classes with older preschoolers, forms of a wide variety of colors and shades are used, since these groups mainly carry out decorative gluing from geometric shapes according to the ideas of children, and they need to be given a rich choice of material.

In addition to colored paper, there are many different materials that can be used for application. Nature gives us an unsurpassed variety of colors and impeccable finished forms. The use of various natural materials in appliqué classes will help ensure the development of love for nature and respect for it in children.

1) cereals and seeds. The use of cereals and seeds to create appliqué paintings and crafts always attracts children, and adults enjoy working with such material. Very beautiful works can be obtained from watermelon, melon, pumpkin and other seeds. To make applications here, the necessary material is cardboard, various seeds and cereals, paints, PVA glue. In addition, you can also use dried leaves, felt-tip pens.

2) Dried plants. Application of dried plants.

At present, the application of flowers, grass, leaves, the so-called floristry, has gained wide popularity. Working with natural material is quite accessible to students and preschool children. Fascinating, interesting and useful communication with nature. It develops creativity, thinking, observation, diligence, artistic taste. What a rich imagination you need to have in order to make apples from linden leaves or mushrooms from autumn aspen leaves, trees from poplar leaves.

Nature gives us a unique variety of colors and the perfection of ready-made forms. Classes with natural material contribute to the education in children of love for their native nature, respect for it. They are also useful because the collection and preparation of natural material takes place in the air.

We dry the collected leaves or flowers between the leaves of paper, which we put under the press. After a few days, the plants are ready for application. You can dry the plants in a faster way - by ironing them, wrapping them in a napkin or newspaper beforehand.

3) Straw. Straw appliqués are extraordinarily attractive, they shimmer with gold. This happens because the straw has a glossy surface and longitudinally arranged fibers. These fibers reflect light as much as possible only in a certain position. Composed of shapes at different angles in relation to the light. The application conveys a unique game: it shines like gold. Straw applications fit perfectly into the interiors of modern rooms. Straw souvenirs are a nice gift. These can be paintings, ornamental stripes, bookmarks for books, caskets, frames.

Even the group preparatory to school quite easily cope with the subject application of straws. For work, you should choose rectangular objects: a square house, a triangle roof, a tree consisting of a triangle, a boat with a sail, a flag, a fungus - the root of a strip narrowed upwards, a hat - half a circle. It is better to do straw appliqué with small groups of children (three to four children).

You can use many other handy materials for the production of appliqués: poplar fluff, sawdust, pieces of fabric and thread, beads and rhinestones, napkins, matches, plasticine, foil, candy wrappers, shells and pebbles, etc. Working with a variety of materials will be very interesting for children.

4. Fabric appliqué.

Embroidery is a widespread type of decorative art.

Fabric appliqué is a type of embroidery. Appliqué embroidery consists in reinforcing pieces of another fabric on a certain background of fabric. Fabric applications are reinforced either by sewing or gluing. Fabric appliqué can be subject, plot and decorative; one-color, two-color and multi-color.

Making appliqué from fabric requires certain skills. Firstly, one must be able to cut fabric (fabric is more difficult to cut than paper); Secondly. The edges of the fabric can crumble and complicate the work.

5. Application from poplar fluff.

The poplar fluff, which every spring covers lawns and city streets with "white snow", flies into the open windows of houses, causing displeasure of the residents, it turns out, can delight them. Sometimes it's hard to believe that the picture was made only with the help of fluff without paints, brushes and glue. Applications from poplar fluff are monochromatic, they resemble grisaille. They are soft, airy and graceful.

Application from poplar fluff, like paper application, can be subject, plot and decorative. The topics of the subject application are varied. When choosing themes for applications from poplar fluff, one must keep in mind that it is easier to work if there are few details and if they are not small. Animals, birds, plants should be chosen with a fluffy texture: hares, kittens, ducklings, chickens, plush toys, dandelion heads. It is easier to make applications from black and white drawings, contrasting photographs. In the plot application, winter landscapes, birch groves, fish in an aquarium, especially veiltails, succeed. Decorative applications are unusual, original. It can be ornaments, patterns on various forms.

5. Collage (from French Collage - gluing, sticker) - a technique and type of fine art, consists in creating animals and graphic works by gluing materials of different colors and textures (fabric, rope, lace, leather) onto a base. , beads, wood, bark, foil, metal, etc.). Unlike applique, collage allows the use of three-dimensional elements in the composition, both whole volumes and their fragments (dishes, sports equipment, watches, coins, records, shoes, gloves, fans of hats, etc.).

Moreover, the artist can combine a variety of artistic techniques; combine application and collage, introduce collage into the colorful layer of a painting, etc. And all this is done in order to create a unique artistic image, to find the most suitable means for embodying the artist's intention.

The use of various materials of various shapes and shades when applying will contribute to the manifestation of independence, creativity and imagination. Preschoolers can choose the color they want. Of particular importance is the selection of various colored forms and paper in the classroom, the purpose of which is to independently compose beautiful color combinations.

When cutting out objects, it is advisable for each child to prepare a set of the necessary paper in advance. For children of the preparatory group, all the material can be in one place.

It is especially worth noting that in the manufacture of applications in all cases it is necessary to have a larger amount of different material.

Glue can be prepared from potato starch, because after it dries, there are no traces left on the paper, which is important for accuracy.

Children are given brushes for glue, in older groups they sometimes use hair brushes to smear small details. Special requirements are placed on scissors with which children work. Scissors should be with rounded ends and freely moving levers, small in size so that the child can easily use them. The correctness of the created form will also depend on this.

Each child is given an oilcloth for spreading forms with glue, a rag and a brush stand.

All necessary equipment must be arranged so that the tables are not cluttered during class. By the beginning of the lesson, only the material that is needed at the very beginning of the lesson is placed on the table; then, as necessary, new accessories are attached, and unnecessary ones are removed. This is necessary so that children can work freely, so that nothing interferes with the movements of their hands.

Thus, for applique classes, a rather large number of different materials and tools are required, which must be prepared in advance.

The time when children and parents are engaged in joint creativity is priceless.

  • modeling;
  • drawing;
  • writing fairy tales and stories;
  • home theater;
  • applications -

for children, any creative activity with the active participation of attentive and caring mothers and fathers is important for a number of reasons. We have already written about the benefits of classes. The turn has come to talk about how the application is useful for preschoolers.

7 reasons to do appliqué with your kids

Reason 1: Fine motor training

Depending on the technique used, you need to work hard to create an application:

  • tear and crush;
  • draw and cut;
  • make and glue...

In any case, children's hands will not be left without work, which means that fine motor skills will certainly develop.

Recall that working on fine motor skills is necessary for the timely formation of speech, for the development of memory, attention and intelligence.

Reason 2: Working with different materials

Paper application is not the only option for home crafts with children. You can use a wide variety of materials:

  • threads and fabrics;
  • straw and seeds;
  • shells and cereals;
  • dried leaves and twigs;
  • plasticine and plastic utensils.

Lots of options. And each of them introduces the child to new textures, contributes to the sensory development of the preschooler.

By including the application in the program of your developing homework, you can systematically, together with your child, find new non-standard solutions for future masterpieces. For example, why not make an appliqué out of pasta or a plastic bag?

Reason 3: Familiarity with shape, size, color

Shape, color, size are the main signs by which we teach young children to recognize objects. Being engaged in the application, it is so easy and interesting to consolidate these basic concepts!

  • To get the application "Snowman", we need 3 white circles of different sizes, and we will make a carrot nose from an orange triangle.
  • If you glue three green triangles on the background sheet, we get a Christmas tree.
  • Large parts cover small ones, but small ones can be glued to large ones so that the large ones remain visible.

Connect your imagination by choosing which application to create with your child. Properly using the possibilities of this lesson, you will work out several key concepts at once that are necessary for the effective development of a preschooler.

Reason 4: Development of spatial and figurative thinking

Composing something common, more voluminous, large and significant from disparate parts, children already in their early preschool age learn to visualize theoretical solutions to various problems. Developed spatial thinking is a skill that many professionals need:

  • designers;
  • architects;
  • constructors;
  • engineers;
  • painters.

But even outside of professional activity, the ability to think in three-dimensional images will significantly improve the quality of life.

Reason 5: Formation of skills of collective creativity

To create a really interesting application, you need a lot of effort:

  • think of an interesting plot;
  • pick up original materials;
  • prepare the background and details;
  • carefully attach the details to the background.

If you engage in creativity together - with family or friends - then you can and even need to share tasks between all participants in the process. Delegating responsibility for the sake of achieving a common result is an important skill, without which it is difficult to imagine effective activity in any area.

Reason 6: The concept of work culture

All children love to engage in creativity with mom and dad. The main thing is to properly organize the lesson in order to interest even the smallest unwilling. By the way, we have already done a fairly detailed review on this topic using an example, but the tips published in it will be useful for those parents who want to interest their child in the application. Another issue is that creativity is not just entertainment. This is a certain amount of work. And to accustom to the culture of work should be already from the most tender age:

  • Everyone should keep their work area clean.
  • Tools for work must be kept in proper condition.
  • All excess material unsuitable for further work should be discarded immediately.
  • It is necessary to lay out the materials and tools that are in demand in the creative process in such a way that the work is convenient for everyone who takes part in it.

Reason 7: Aesthetic education

It is very important to instill in the child a sense of beauty from an early age. Admiring beautiful objects created by someone else, as well as creating beautiful things with their own hands, children learn to appreciate aesthetics, form a refined taste, and develop their spiritual needs. Application is an effective tool for creative self-realization. It is applicable even for people (children and adults) who have not revealed their outstanding artistic talents.

If you have been worried since childhood that you have not learned how to draw beautifully or create interesting crafts from plasticine, try to master the art of appliqué with your child. We are sure that these activities of joint creativity will bring many new shades of happiness and pleasure to your parenthood.

What crafts do you do with your children? You can send photos of your masterpieces to us on VKontakte. We will gladly publish them in our group.

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The role of the application in the development of childrensenior preschool age


preschooler applique pictorial

Relevance of the research topic. The leading role in the formation of the personality of a preschool child, the formation of his spiritual world belongs to the emotional sphere. It is precisely with this that the high power of the influence of art on him is connected - a phenomenon that is emotionally imaginative in its essence. The specificity of art, the peculiarities of the language of its various types make artistic activity a unique means of educating, educating and developing children.

Visual activity is very interesting for a preschool child, because it satisfies his desire to act, to express his attitude to what he has seen, experienced.

Childhood is characterized by an acute need for active knowledge and transformation of life around. The child discovers the richness and beauty of life, joins the world of beauty. Therefore, for the moral, labor, aesthetic education of children, such a type of visual activity as an application in kindergarten is of great importance. N.A. Vetlugin writes: “The beautiful reaches the child by no means only through contemplation. The process of its assimilation is much more intensive in the conditions of active actions of the child - feasible, understandable, attractive. The child has a desire to act joyfully, creatively” [1, p.19].

Application, as a type of activity, is included in the program for kindergartens, according to which work with children is built. The child gets acquainted with the materials, methods and techniques of paper processing, develops the skills of graphic representation of objects, masters the ability to transform the impressions received from acquaintance with the outside world, from reading fiction, acquaintance with illustrations, paintings, sculptures, works of arts and crafts creatively in the application .

The significance of the application in kindergarten also lies in the fact that it contributes to the development of not only fine and technical skills, but also such personality traits as perseverance, endurance, accuracy, independence, and the ability to concentrate. Thanks to the work on the application, the child masters labor skills (processing material and using tools). L. S. Vygodsky wrote - "Education, understanding in the broadest sense of the word, should in essence be the main core around which the entire development of the child's personality is built." The efforts of an adult should be directed to the formation of a work culture in him (the ability to keep the workplace in order, work tools clean, plan the sequence of work).

In addition, through the application, the child can show maximum initiative and independence, experience a sense of joy from the positive result of labor. The application helps to increase the level of preparation for the upcoming schooling.

Object of study- application as a kind of visual activity.

Subject of study- pedagogical conditions for the comprehensive development of older preschoolers in the application classes.

Target This work consists in conducting a theoretical study of the features of using the application for the comprehensive development of children of senior preschool age.

To achieve this goal, a circle was defined in the work hadachas:

1) define the concept, types and meaning of appliqué as a type of visual activity;

2) to diagnose the features of the influence of the application on the comprehensive development of older preschoolers;

3) to consider the features of the influence of the application on the development of older preschoolers;

4) determine the methodology for teaching applications to older preschoolers: tasks and program material; applicable materials and equipment; methods of teaching applications for older preschoolers;

5) develop a series of lessons on the application.

The methodological basis is a theoretical analysis of the literature on aesthetics, pedagogy, psychology, which reveals the essence of the concepts of "fine art", "application as a type of creativity", as well as significant provisions and ideas about the leading role of activity in the development and formation of personality, about the essence of children's fine art.

Hypothesis: application classes in a preschool educational institution contribute to the development of a comprehensive personality of the child.

The research work was carried out on the basis of the Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution. The kindergarten is located in the city of Domodedovo, mik-one White Stolby, d.s. No. 20 "Bell".

The structure of the work: consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a list of references.

Chapter 1andcations

1.1 Application as a type of visual activity

Application (from Latin appllcatio - to impose, apply) is one of the types of applied art used for the decoration of various objects (clothes, furniture, dishes, etc.) by attaching cut decorative or thematic forms to the main background.

The application was born a very long time ago. It appeared as a way to decorate clothes and shoes, household utensils and tools, and the interior of a home. Until now, many nations use it, despite the fact that there are faster and rather cheaper factory methods for designing products.

Applique originated in ancient times, when there was a need to sew skins together, join and decorate clothing details.

The plot for the appliqué was flowers, birds and animals, as well as people themselves, beautiful plants, etc.

The most favorite decorative element was appliqué in the 16th century. Most often, they were used to decorate the vestments of clergy, for example, chasubles, canopies, in addition, the application was used for interior decoration, decorating bedspreads, pillows, curtains, etc.

Gradually, the application became more and more diverse, as a variety of materials began to be used. For the manufacture of beautiful applications, colored beads and seed beads, various fabrics - velvet, satin, silk, began to be used.

Since the invention of paper, silhouetted paper applications have come into fashion, cut out of dark paper, which were subsequently very popular with both noble and poor people. Paper applications-silhouettes became objects of art, various illustrations and plots were cut out of paper. These were highly artistically executed images.

The application is of three types:

Decorative, which combines various elements of jewelry;

Subject, consisting of individual images (bird, tomato, fungus, tree, house, etc.);

Plot, displaying some action, event (winter landscape, vase of flowers).

Decorative applique is the simplest and most accessible even for a younger preschooler. The surface of each material is original and surpassed: soft leaves, fluffy feathers, smooth stones, etc. Through decorative applique, children learn to combine different materials, remake given shapes, making decorations and patterns.

The most characteristic for decorative application are tape and central-beam compositions. The tape composition is characterized by the fact that individual elements are repeated horizontally or vertically. And in the central beam composition, the pattern is collected from the center to the edges, corners or sides of the selected background. Decorative applique, based on the creation of new, original patterns, prepares preschoolers for more complex types of applique work.

For subject application, the most suitable material is represented by a large form. It is very convenient to use, for example, the leaves of various plants. For example, it can be large leaves of oak, chestnut, maple, aspen or elm. The shape of these leaves is distinguished by a clear configuration.

The order of work is as follows: initially a large sheet is selected and fixed on the main background, then smaller leaves are already located, which give the most characteristic features of the depicted object. For example, the shape of a chestnut leaf resembles the bizarre figure of a man. It will be enough to add a small leaf of elm or birch, and the little man will have a head. If you place a large elm leaf horizontally, you get the body of a fish, and its fins can be made from small poplar leaves.

The plot application poses more complex tasks and requires compliance with certain rules.

First, it is necessary to choose such natural materials that will be compatible with each other in color and texture. Such combinations are possible: leaves and herbs, poplar fluff and cotton wool, pebbles and shells. It is also very important to pay attention to the combination of the color of the materials and the main background. Color is very important in general, because it helps to convey the mood of the picture, the nature of the characters, the season.

Secondly, it is necessary to focus on the main characters of the plot. The main characters stand out in a larger size and brighter colors.

Thirdly, as a rule, the composition is built taking into account the perspective. In this case, the parts are not arranged "in a row". Anything closer will look bigger, anything further away will look smaller. For example, in the composition "Hedgehog in the Forest" the main attention is paid to the hedgehog, which occupies a central place. The image of the Christmas trees will be secondary, so they can be placed at the top of the picture and made simpler.

And finally, fourthly, the selection and reasonable use of color, materials and its combination with the main background is important.

1.2 Features of the influence of the application on the comprehensive development of older preschoolers

Initially, we note that in accordance with Art. 9 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" dated 07/10/1992 No. 3266-1, the content of education at a certain level is determined by educational programs. The curriculum is a regulatory framework that reveals the specifics of the activities of the preschool educational institution in the content and procedural directions. The curriculum of the preschool educational institution is adopted in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 12, 2008 No. 666 "On approval of the Model Regulation on a preschool educational institution", order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of November 23, 2009 No. 655 "On approval and introduction into effect of federal state requirements for the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education.

In order to maintain a single educational space and uniform requirements for the level of preparation, one of the educational areas of a preschool educational institution is artistic creativity (drawing, application, modeling).

Mandatory application classes in a preschool institution are not accidental. As already noted, in the works of Zaporozhets A.V., Davydov V.V., Poddyakov N.N., it was established that preschoolers are able, in the process of sensitive activity, including applications, to highlight the essential properties of objects and phenomena, to establish connections between individual objects and phenomena and reflect them in a figurative form. Hence the need arises to involve children in applique classes, because. they, with directed guidance and using age-appropriate methods and techniques, give a great educational and developmental effect.

Zharova T.V. in her study proved that the system of developing classes in artistic application, including tasks for mastering model and artistic-symbolic forms of mediation, contributes to the solution of "open creative" tasks and can be aimed not only at the development of cognitive and creative abilities, but also contributes to a general personal child development. The author notes a high correlation between the cognitive and creative development of older preschoolers, as well as the relationship between creative development and the level of symbolic representations of children.

For the mental development of children, a gradually expanding stock of knowledge based on ideas about the various forms and spatial position of objects in the surrounding world, various sizes, and a variety of shades of colors is of great importance. When organizing the perception of objects and phenomena, it is important to pay attention to the variability of shapes, sizes (child and adult), colors (ripe - not ripe berries, plants at different times of the year), different spatial positions of objects and parts (a bird sits, flies, pecks grains ; the fish swims in different directions, etc.).

Being engaged in application, children learn different materials (paper, paints, various natural materials, etc.), get acquainted with their properties, expressive possibilities, acquire skills in working with them. Children also learn the experience of working with some tools of human activity (pencil, brush, scissors). And, as you know, mastering these actions contributes to the mental development of children.

Knowledge of objects and their properties, acquired in an effective way, is fixed in the mind. The qualities of one form or another, size, color become not only signs of individual, specific objects, but are also generalized in the understanding of children as inherent in many objects. They will recognize and name them in any subjects.

In the application classes, children's fine motor skills develop, and, consequently, speech develops: the assimilation of the names of shapes, colors and their shades, spatial designations contributes to the enrichment of the dictionary; statements in the process of observing objects and phenomena, when examining objects, buildings, as well as when looking at illustrations, have a positive effect on the formation of coherent speech.

Application classes contribute to the development of mathematical concepts. Preschoolers get acquainted with the names and features of the simplest geometric shapes, get an idea of ​​the spatial position of objects and their parts (left, right, in the corner, center, etc.) and sizes (more, less). These complex concepts are easily acquired by children in the process of creating a decorative pattern or when depicting an object in parts.

When conducting classes, favorable conditions are created for the formation of such personality traits as inquisitiveness, initiative, mental activity and independence. Direct, sensual acquaintance with objects and phenomena, with their properties and qualities is the area of ​​sensory education. Successful mastery of the application requires the implementation of sensory education and itself contributes to this education.

The formation of ideas about objects and phenomena necessarily requires the assimilation of knowledge about the properties and qualities of objects, their shape, color, size, position in space. Children define and name these properties, compare objects, find similarities and differences, i.e., perform mental actions. Thus, the application contributes to sensory education, the development of visual-figurative thinking.

Children's applique, as a type of fine art, has a social orientation. The child makes an application not only for himself, but also for others. Children are very concerned about the attitude of adults, peers to their creations. They are sensitive to comments, assessment of parents, teacher, peers. The praise of the child pleases (the fact that his work is marked by the teacher, the child tells everyone), and the negative assessment upsets. Therefore, praise and censure should be used thoughtfully, carefully: if you praise a child all the time, he may develop self-confidence, arrogance; and vice versa: if you constantly tell the child that he painted, fashioned or pasted poorly, you can develop a strong negative attitude towards visual activity.

General group applique classes contribute to the development of sociability and friendly relationships (when, for example, children use one set of tools, one glue, scissors, etc.).

Application classes contribute to both mental and physical activity. To create an application, it is necessary to apply efforts, carry out labor actions, master the skills of cutting, gluing an object of one shape or another or another structure, as well as mastering the skills of handling scissors, a pencil and a brush. Proper possession of these materials and tools requires a certain expenditure of physical strength and labor skills. The assimilation of skills and abilities is associated with the development of such volitional qualities of a person as attention, perseverance, endurance. Children are taught the ability to work, to achieve the desired result.

The participation of children in preparing for classes and cleaning after them also contributes to the formation of industriousness and labor skills. Each child must prepare his own workplace, and it is important that he is accustomed to this. It is necessary already in kindergarten to develop labor skills for everyone, to teach them to start work only when everything is ready.

Application is also one of the means of aesthetic education. The immediate aesthetic feeling that arises from the perception of a beautiful object includes various constituent elements. So, one can single out a sense of color, when an aesthetic feeling arises from the perception of beautiful color combinations: bright stars in a dark sky, golden yellow dandelion flowers in green grass.

Gradually, children develop artistic taste. In the application, children convey their impressions of the environment and express their attitude towards it. Education should be aimed at teaching children artistic activity, the expressive depiction of objects and phenomena, and not just the transfer of objects and phenomena.

Thus, we can conclude that the use of the application is of great importance for the development of preschool children. In the process of practicing the application develops:

Fine motor skills of the fingers, which has a positive effect on the speech zones of the cerebral cortex;

Sensory perception, eye;

logical imagination;

Volitional qualities (perseverance, patience, the ability to bring the work to the end, etc.);

Artistic ability and aesthetic taste;

It contributes to the formation of good feelings for loved ones, and makes it possible to express these feelings, because origami allows you to make a gift with your own hands;

Affects the formation of independence, self-confidence, self-esteem.

At the present stage, one of the most important tasks of pedagogical theory and practice is the formation of a creative personality. The solution to this problem should begin already at preschool age. The modern direction of the system of preschool education requires the teacher to be able to see in the child the beginning of personality formation. Therefore, it is no coincidence that a tendency to integrate the content of the forms of work with children appears in pedagogical practice. The emergence of integration in the creative development of children is especially important. From the first days of life, a person begins to develop as a person. Development is a necessary condition for the existence of personality. Exploring the features of children's imagination, L.S. Vygotsky wrote that the products of real creative imagination in all areas of creative activity belong only to an already mature fantasy, that is, this imagination reaches its full maturity in an adult. In a child, "not only is the material from which the imagination builds poorer than that of an adult, but also the nature of the combinations that are attached to this material, their quality is significantly inferior to the combinations of an adult."

Organization of a fascinating and meaningful life of a child in a preschool institution, saturating him with vivid impressions, enriching his emotional and intellectual experience, which is the basis for the emergence of ideas and the development of imagination. All this creates the prerequisites for the creative development of preschoolers in visual activity.

Children of older preschool age are characterized by a certain need for creative activity, which indicates that they have abilities that require attention and proper pedagogical guidance.

In his creative development, a preschooler goes from an elementary visual-sensory impression to creating an original image with adequate visual and expressive means. The movement from a simple image - representation to a creative generalization, from the perception of an integral image to the awareness of its inner meaning is carried out under the influence of an adult, i.e. educator. In our opinion, the development of the creative potential of preschoolers is fully facilitated by the creative development of preschoolers.

For a very long time, material and experience in the study of children's creativity were accumulated. Over the years, the correct approach to this problem has been developed. Psychologist L. Vygotsky noted that any practice, any experience can be acquired in two ways. One of them is reproducing, reproductive. It is based on the exact repetition of previously developed behavioral techniques. Another way is based not on the reproduction of ready-made methods, but on creative processing, the creation of new images and actions.

Describing the creativity of preschoolers, A.A. Volkova wrote: “Education of creativity is a versatile and complex impact on a child. We have seen that the mind (knowledge, thinking, imagination), character (courage, perseverance), feeling (love of beauty, passion for image, thought) take part in the creative activity of adults. We must educate the same aspects of the personality in the child in order to more successfully develop creativity in him. To enrich the mind of a child with various ideas, some knowledge means to provide abundant food for children's creativity. To teach them to look closely, to be observant means to make their ideas clearer, more complete. This will help children to more vividly reproduce what they have seen in their work.”

In general, we can emphasize that the simplicity and ease of its execution make the application accessible to children's creativity. Preschoolers can use both ready-made forms of a certain color, and create their own compositions, cutting out elements of plot images, patterns, etc. Thus, appliqué classes are an effective means of developing fine skills and abilities, as well as developing the creative abilities of preschoolers.

1.3 Application learning methodology

Application training involves familiarization with the material, acquiring the ability to cut out various forms, arrange them on a sheet in a certain order and stick them in accordance with the image and plot.

The main tasks of learning the application are as follows:

Distinguish geometric shapes, know their names (circle, square, oval, rectangle, triangle, rhombus);

To acquaint with the main, additional colors and their shades, mastering the ability to make harmonious combinations;

Know the size and quantity: large, small forms; one form is greater (less) than another, one, several, many forms;

Develop compositional skills: rhythmically arrange the same forms in a row or alternate two or more forms; build an image depending on the shape of the sheet - on a strip, square, rectangle, circle;

Compose an image of an object from separate parts;

Arrange objects in the plot application.

Mastering the basic techniques of cutting:

a) cutting paper in a straight line, along the folds and by eye;

b) cutting out rounded shapes by rounding corners, symmetrical shapes from paper folded in half, several times, with an accordion;

c) cutting out asymmetrical shapes - silhouette and from separate parts;

d) cutting along the contour;

e) creating a form by tearing off (pinching off) pieces of paper.

Mastering the basic techniques of gluing (using a brush, glue, cloth; the ability to consistently stick forms).

The tasks of teaching applications in the senior group are as follows:

Develop the ability to cut out using a variety of techniques: in a straight line in different directions, with curves, from paper folded in half;

Develop the ability to compose an object from several parts and arrange patterns on a circle, square, rectangle from geometric and plant shapes;

Use new colors (orange, purple) and various light and dark shades of colors, combining them beautifully in the pattern.

So, the main task in the senior group is to master various cutting techniques that are necessary to depict objects with different shapes.

At first, cutting out rectangular and rounded shapes continues on the same topics as in the middle group, but with more details (a snowman in a hat, with a shovel in his hands, eyes and a nose are outlined on his head; an airplane with stars on its wings, etc. ). Then objects with smaller parts (chickens, rabbits, etc.) are introduced.

In the preparatory group, the program provides for the complication of educational tasks in all sections:

Learn new techniques for cutting out paper folded several times and silhouette;

Develop compositional skills in performing a decorative pattern on various forms, in composing objects from several parts and arranging objects in a plot application;

Use all the colors of the spectrum and their shades.

In teaching children 6-7 years old, the main task in all types of visual activity is to develop the ability to create the most realistic images. Therefore, when teaching appliqué, it is very important to introduce children to all the main techniques for cutting silhouette symmetrical and asymmetric shapes.

Silhouette cutting is the most difficult technique. The silhouette is formed by highlighting the linear contour of the object, which is the border of a three-dimensional form with a cut. In this case, the contour line determines whether the proportion and shape of the object are correctly transferred. At the same time, when recreating an object, the child isolates its individual parts and depicts them sequentially. In the process of silhouette cutting, the child needs to keep in mind the whole image of the object, observe the correct proportions, shapes and designs, coordinate hand movements with the shape being created. In this complex work, older preschoolers are helped by the ability to distinguish the main forms in the surrounding objects, to perceive their general outlines (contour). Therefore, mastering silhouette cutting must begin with the simplest forms (fruits, berries, vegetables).

The training program in the preparatory group provides for the implementation of the plot application. In the course of this work, the compositional skills of preschoolers are improved, since in order to create a plot image of various objects, it is necessary to first think over the sequence of their gluing. Themes can be an image of a street, an aquarium, illustrations for fairy tales and various fairy tales.

In the preparatory group, the gluing of finished forms continues. Despite the fact that older preschoolers already have basic cutting skills, they can still be given ready-made shapes of various sizes to make a pattern from geometric shapes.

Working with paper and other materials and tools, children acquire a number of useful practical skills related to the development of manual and instrumental actions. They learn how to process paper such as folding, folding in half and several times, cutting, gluing, etc. In the classroom, there is an acquaintance with various types of paper (drawing, drawing, wrapping, corrugated, desktop, etc.). its quality indicators. The child learns that paper comes not only in all sorts of colors, but in different textures: shiny, smooth, glossy, matte, rough, fleecy, thin, thick (to the touch), dense or loose (tearable), wet or waterproof. For example, loose paper is soft and easily torn off by fingers. In this way, expressive applications with shaggy contours can be obtained from it. This is how fluffy chickens, hares, squirrels, furry cubs, openwork snowflakes, soft corollas of dandelions, linden flowers, willow buds, etc. are depicted, using soft, pliable tissue paper, corrugated paper, and some types of wrapping paper.

The most interesting and accessible for preschool children is an application made of paper in bright colors. The very type of material, the simplicity of its processing stimulate the creative activity of the child, make it easy to master manual skills and abilities. Therefore, in each age group of the kindergarten, in accordance with the program objectives of teaching appliqué, it is necessary to have special materials and equipment for classes: paper for the background and appliqué elements, scissors, glue, brush, brush stand, pad for spreading figures, a box for scraps, clean napkin (per child)

The paper for the background is most often taken thick, the tone is selected depending on the content of the image in order to emphasize a certain situation. For example, flowers are placed on a green background of a meadow or meadow, silhouettes of birds are pasted on a blue background of the sky, and fish are pasted against the background of the blue depth of a river or sea.

Children cut out appliqué elements from more elastic, but elastic paper of juicy, saturated tones with a well-finished surface.

For work, the child is given scissors with rounded ends and developed levers. Their length should be approximately 120 mm. When making decorations for a holiday or evening entertainment, you can also give large scissors (up to 200 mm), since it is more convenient to make large cuts and cut out large elements with them. They store scissors in boxes or put them in tall wooden cups with the rings up. When using scissors, children should be taught to be careful: do not wave them, do not play, and put them back after work.

Brushes for spreading figures cut out of paper are taken depending on the size of the blanks. So, for a collective application, you need to have brushes of two sizes. For gluing large surfaces, wide flat brushes are used - flutes. After work, the brushes are thoroughly washed in warm water, dried and placed on a vertical stand with the pile up. In the process of work, the brush is placed on a horizontal stand made of thick paper with a notch.

Glue the figures with potato or flour glue. To prepare it, you need potato or wheat flour. It is poured with a glass of water and heated over low heat, stirring all the time and not letting it boil, until the paste becomes transparent and thick. It is removed from the fire and cooled, then poured into clean porcelain or ceramic dishes with low edges.

The figures are smeared with glue on a clean bedding. It can be a sheet of white paper of a small format. During the lesson, it must be changed several times so that the paste does not stain the colored side of the applications and does not leave unwanted stains.

Paper scraps must be folded into specially made boxes made of thick colored paper during the design lesson.

When selecting paper for applications performed by symmetrical cutting techniques, such property of paper as elasticity is of great importance. If the workpiece breaks, then cracks form on the folds, which worsens the aesthetic effect of the application, makes it impossible to correct errors and causes the child to feel dissatisfied with the result of his activity. Therefore, the educator selects a flexible and resilient paper that can be easily processed so that it can be easily folded without undue stress, but after cutting.

For the manufacture of appliqué works, both white and colored paper are usually used. White thick paper from the albums is suitable for the background. For the background, you can use colored paper, velvet, thin cardboard. The pasted forms are cut out of thin colored paper, best of all glossy, since it comes in very colorful colors, which is of interest to preschoolers in applique classes.

For application, matte and velvet colored paper of various colors and shades are also used. In the absence of paper of the desired shade, you can paint white paper in the desired color.

Application forms should already be carefully prepared for classes. Prepared geometric shapes should be the same in size, which will make it possible to make a whole pattern out of them (for example, the side of a triangle should be equal to the side of a rhombus or square).

In appliqué classes with older preschoolers, forms of a wide variety of colors and shades are used, since these groups mainly carry out decorative gluing from geometric shapes according to the ideas of children, and they need to be given a rich choice of material.

In addition to colored paper, there are many different materials that can be used for application. Nature gives us an unsurpassed variety of colors and impeccable finished forms. The use of various natural materials in appliqué classes will help ensure the development of love for nature and respect for it in children.

1) cereals and seeds. The use of cereals and seeds to create appliqué paintings and crafts always attracts children, and adults enjoy working with such material. Very beautiful works can be obtained from watermelon, melon, pumpkin and other seeds. To make applications here, the necessary material is cardboard, various seeds and cereals, paints, PVA glue. In addition, you can also use dried leaves, felt-tip pens.

2) Dried plants. Application of dried plants.

At present, the application of flowers, grass, leaves, the so-called floristry, has gained wide popularity. Working with natural material is quite accessible to students and preschool children. Fascinating, interesting and useful communication with nature. It develops creativity, thinking, observation, diligence, artistic taste. What a rich imagination you need to have in order to make apples from linden leaves or mushrooms from autumn aspen leaves, trees from poplar leaves.

Nature gives us a unique variety of colors and the perfection of ready-made forms. Classes with natural material contribute to the education in children of love for their native nature, respect for it. They are also useful because the collection and preparation of natural material takes place in the air.

We dry the collected leaves or flowers between the leaves of paper, which we put under the press. After a few days, the plants are ready for application. You can dry the plants in a faster way - by ironing them, wrapping them in a napkin or newspaper beforehand.

3) Straw. Straw appliqués are extraordinarily attractive, they shimmer with gold. This happens because the straw has a glossy surface and longitudinally arranged fibers. These fibers reflect light as much as possible only in a certain position. Composed of shapes at different angles in relation to the light. The application conveys a unique game: it shines like gold. Straw applications fit perfectly into the interiors of modern rooms. Straw souvenirs are a nice gift. These can be paintings, ornamental stripes, bookmarks for books, caskets, frames.

Even the group preparatory to school quite easily cope with the subject application of straws. For work, you should choose rectangular objects: a square house, a triangle roof, a tree consisting of a triangle, a boat with a sail, a flag, a fungus - the root of a strip narrowed upwards, a hat - half a circle. It is better to do straw appliqué with small groups of children (three to four children).

You can use many other handy materials for the production of appliqués: poplar fluff, sawdust, pieces of fabric and thread, beads and rhinestones, napkins, matches, plasticine, foil, candy wrappers, shells and pebbles, etc. Working with a variety of materials will be very interesting for children.

4. Fabric appliqué.

Embroidery is a widespread type of decorative art.

Fabric appliqué is a type of embroidery. Appliqué embroidery consists in reinforcing pieces of another fabric on a certain background of fabric. Fabric applications are reinforced either by sewing or gluing. Fabric appliqué can be subject, plot and decorative; one-color, two-color and multi-color.

Making appliqué from fabric requires certain skills. Firstly, one must be able to cut fabric (fabric is more difficult to cut than paper); Secondly. The edges of the fabric can crumble and complicate the work.

5. Application from poplar fluff.

The poplar fluff, which every spring covers lawns and city streets with "white snow", flies into the open windows of houses, causing displeasure of the residents, it turns out, can delight them. Sometimes it's hard to believe that the picture was made only with the help of fluff without paints, brushes and glue. Applications from poplar fluff are monochromatic, they resemble grisaille. They are soft, airy and graceful.

Application from poplar fluff, like paper application, can be subject, plot and decorative. The topics of the subject application are varied. When choosing themes for applications from poplar fluff, one must keep in mind that it is easier to work if there are few details and if they are not small. Animals, birds, plants should be chosen with a fluffy texture: hares, kittens, ducklings, chickens, plush toys, dandelion heads. It is easier to make applications from black and white drawings, contrasting photographs. In the plot application, winter landscapes, birch groves, fish in an aquarium, especially veiltails, succeed. Decorative applications are unusual, original. It can be ornaments, patterns on various forms.

5. Collage (from French Collage - gluing, sticker) - a technique and type of fine art, consists in creating animals and graphic works by gluing materials of different colors and textures (fabric, rope, lace, leather) onto a base. , beads, wood, bark, foil, metal, etc.). Unlike applique, collage allows the use of three-dimensional elements in the composition, both whole volumes and their fragments (dishes, sports equipment, watches, coins, records, shoes, gloves, fans of hats, etc.).

Moreover, the artist can combine a variety of artistic techniques; combine application and collage, introduce collage into the colorful layer of a painting, etc. And all this is done in order to create a unique artistic image, to find the most suitable means for embodying the artist's intention.

The use of various materials of various shapes and shades when applying will contribute to the manifestation of independence, creativity and imagination. Preschoolers can choose the color they want. Of particular importance is the selection of various colored forms and paper in the classroom, the purpose of which is to independently compose beautiful color combinations.

When cutting out objects, it is advisable for each child to prepare a set of the necessary paper in advance. For children of the preparatory group, all the material can be in one place.

It is especially worth noting that in the manufacture of applications in all cases it is necessary to have a larger amount of different material.

Glue can be prepared from potato starch, because after it dries, there are no traces left on the paper, which is important for accuracy.

Children are given brushes for glue, in older groups they sometimes use hair brushes to smear small details. Special requirements are placed on scissors with which children work. Scissors should be with rounded ends and freely moving levers, small in size so that the child can easily use them. The correctness of the created form will also depend on this.

Each child is given an oilcloth for spreading forms with glue, a rag and a brush stand.

All necessary equipment must be arranged so that the tables are not cluttered during class. By the beginning of the lesson, only the material that is needed at the very beginning of the lesson is placed on the table; then, as necessary, new accessories are attached, and unnecessary ones are removed. This is necessary so that children can work freely, so that nothing interferes with the movements of their hands.

Thus, for applique classes, a rather large number of different materials and tools are required, which must be prepared in advance.


2.1 The importance of learning applications for the development of older preschool children

Application training, like teaching other types of visual activity, is based on the development of children's perceptions. Enriching their ideas about shapes, sizes, colors, various ratios of objects in the world around them will help the work of thought and imagination during classes.

For children of older preschool age, the material for work and the organization of the learning process are of great importance. The material for the application is so bright that it can often distract the attention of children from the teacher's explanation. As well as in teaching other types of visual activity, appliqué training is built taking into account the perception of children. Enriching their ideas about shapes, sizes, colors, various ratios of objects in the world around them will help the work of thought and imagination during classes.

The main task of teaching applique to older preschoolers is to master various cutting techniques. In the appliqué classes, preschoolers depict objects that have different outlines, symmetrical and asymmetrical shapes in a static position or with a simple movement.

The teacher analyzes the structure of the object, isolating its individual parts, as well as outlining their forms, taking into account the ideas of the children and using nature (or a picture that replaces it).

Here we can recommend using nature with simpler forms, a small number of details, since children of the sixth year of life cannot yet make small details. The sample is used in the older group in cases where preschoolers depict an object for the first time. But even here, children should already be given the initiative in solving issues of color, size, arrangement of shapes on a sheet, etc. In the event that children are given the task of depicting an object already familiar to them, the sample can be replaced with a picture or in kind (for example, depict not just a bird , but a fabulous bird decorated with various flowers).

In the senior and preparatory groups, it can be recommended to use several samples, which will make it possible to show different versions of the composition. In addition, this will contribute to the development of the creative initiative of preschoolers in completing the task. For example, when children are introduced to the technique of cutting out two sheets of paper folded together. The teacher shows only cutting techniques, and looking at the samples, the children note which colors can be used and what shape needs to be cut out. When drawing up patterns from the same elements in decorative work, you can use paper in the form of a circle, square, etc.

As a rule, older preschoolers learn new methods of working with the application according to the demonstration of the educator.

The most difficult thing for children of six years is cutting out symmetrical shapes from paper folded in half. Mastering this technique requires the child to have developed perception and analytical thinking, namely, the ability to divide an object into two halves and cut it out.

At the first acquaintance of preschoolers with this technique, I.L. Gusarova recommends cutting shapes along a pre-drawn outline on paper folded in half. It is often difficult for a child to imagine that a beautifully shaped jug or vase can result. After the children realize that the drawn outline displays only half of the object, they learn to cut out by eye, of course, using the teacher's demonstration and explanations and his explanation.

Some application work in the older group of children can be done collectively. In addition, each child must perform some specific part of the composition. Then all the manufactured parts can be combined into a common background.

To complete some tasks ("Flowers in the meadow", "Birds on the tree"), preschoolers can be combined into subgroups of 4-5 people. Frieze compositions (“Houses and cars on the street”, “Boats on the river”) are performed by the whole group.

In the preparatory groups, silhouette cutting is also used, which changes the nature of the application of various teaching methods.

When analyzing nature, the educator focuses the attention of the children on the features of the contour of the object, drawing a finger over it. You can suggest doing the same to children. It is better to start tracing the contour from the part of the object from which cutting will then begin, so that the cutting technique is more understandable for children.

Simple objects (for example, vegetables, berries, fruits) were already carved by the guys in the senior group. In the preparatory group, applications are performed using objects whose outline includes any details (fins for fish, needles for a hedgehog, etc.).

Since it is difficult for preschoolers to focus on creating a general outline at the same time as cutting out small details, it is necessary to show them a two-stage method: first, a generalized shape is cut out of a pre-prepared piece of paper of appropriate sizes, and then details (legs and needles) are cut along the edge of this shape. hedgehog, fish tail).

In some cases, silhouette cutting can be carried out along a pre-drawn contour. This can be done in cases where the form must be depicted with full accuracy without changes. Sometimes cutting along a finished contour can be used to create complex floral elements for a decorative pattern.

In the preparatory groups, children are already getting acquainted with more complex techniques for cutting out folded paper. Initially, the skills acquired by them in the application classes in the senior group are consolidated when cutting out forms from paper folded in half. Children are offered tasks with more complex symmetrical forms - animals, people, trees. So. In the process of preparing a shape, for example, a Christmas tree, for application, it should be shown how to preserve its cone-shaped structure: a rectangle bent in half is cut diagonally, and then branches are cut along the edge of the resulting triangle, also bent in half. This technique is best used in the preparatory group, since six-year-old children can go in the construction of the image from the general to the particular and from the particular again to the general.

Cutting from paper folded several times is a more difficult technique, so it can be used when making flowers, snowflakes, etc. The teacher shows the children how to fold a piece of paper in the shape of a square several times (3-4), how to cut out one or more parts located around the center (corner of the folded square) depending on the contour of the object being created. When deploying, the cut part will be repeated 6-8 times. In the future, preschoolers will be able to use this technique on their own in decorative work.

Such a sample is used in the preparatory group not for copying, but for clarifying the task. Therefore, it may not give a complete image, but have the form of a diagram. For example, when performing a decorative application on a sample, the locations of the pattern elements are marked with conventional signs. According to the marked signs, the children make up a pattern, picking up elements as they wish.

In the preparatory group, classes on plot applications are also continuing. New for children is the observance of the sequence in the arrangement and gluing of forms. Unlike a drawing, where the sequence of the spatial arrangement of objects can be different, in the application the sequence of arrangement and gluing of forms is always strictly defined: first the general background (sky, earth), then objects of the background, middle and foreground.

Older preschoolers already understand that objects can block each other, so they will be partially visible in the application. In this case, the model is used only to explain the technique, while the children themselves perform the task without a model, on the basis of existing ideas.

The organization of execution in the preparatory group for the implementation of plot applications can be collective, and the children distribute the work among themselves independently without the help of a teacher. For example, when illustrating plots from A. S. Pushkin's "The Tale of Tsar Saltan", children can unite in groups of 4-5 people. At the same time, each group can perform an application according to one of the scenes of the fairy tale: “The wind walks on the sea and the boat drives it”, “Look, a white swan swims over the flowing waters”, etc. The teacher distributes plots between groups, and the guys decide on their own, who will do what and what actions: carve or decorate a barrel, someone will make clouds and stars, someone will make waves, etc. When all the shapes have already been cut out and distributed on the sheet, the guys decide in what order they should be pasted. Together, the children attach the forms to the paper: someone smears them with glue, someone puts them in place, etc. Such collective work is very effective, because, on the one hand, it fosters a sense of collectivism, and on the other hand, it contributes to the formation of the ability to plan and think through the entire course of work in advance.

In general, we can conclude that in all age groups of the kindergarten it is necessary to conduct appliqué classes according to the intention of the children themselves. In the older groups, the guys cut out the shapes on their own, taking into account the plan and stick them on. Children of the preparatory group can first make a sketch of the future work, and also prepare, according to the sketch, the details for the application.

There are also integrated classes.

An integrated approach in education for preschool education is deeply developed in the scientific, pedagogical and methodological literature. Only the first steps have been taken in preschool education. Therefore, we are trying to highlight the foundations of the integrated approach as the essence of the educational process. The principles of interconnection, closeness of the content of the leading topics are the basis of integrated classes. An integrated approach to modern education involves changing the content and teaching methods that ensure the vitality of the leading integrated principles: personal perception, personal responsibility for one's activities.

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Non-traditional application techniques as a means of developing the creative activity of preschool children

January 2017

Target- familiarization of parents with the types of non-traditional applications and its significance in the development of a preschooler.

Learning tasks:
- introduce parents to non-traditional application techniques;
- inform about the role of the application in the development of children.
Development tasks:
- to develop cognitive interest, careful and aesthetic attitude to arts and crafts.
Educational tasks:
- educate sensitivity to the perception of art.

In the history of preschool pedagogy, the problem of creativity has always been one of the most urgent. Psychologists and educators consider it possible for children to develop creatively in all kinds of activities. A great potential for the development of a child's creative abilities lies in the visual activity of a preschooler, in particular, appliqué classes.
Application is one of the most favorite types of visual activity for children. The specificity of this type of activity gives children the opportunity to more actively acquire knowledge about the color, structure of objects, their size, planar shape and composition. In the application, it is possible to move the cut out shapes, compare, superimposing one shape on another. This allows you to quickly acquire compositional knowledge and skills.
The application contains great opportunities for the development of fantasy, imagination, and creative abilities of children. So, the pattern can be made up of both ready-made geometric and plant shapes carved by the guys themselves. The use of ready-made forms in decorative work allows preschoolers to focus all their attention on the rhythmic alternation of elements in the pattern, the selection of beautiful color combinations.
The skills acquired in appliqué classes are used by children in other activities, mainly in design, in the manufacture of shadow theater, light decorations, Christmas tree decorations.
At present, educators of preschool educational institutions are leaning towards the traditional technique of teaching children applications, namely, working with paper. In turn, working with various materials, in various artistic techniques, expands the child's capabilities, develops a sense of color, harmony, imagination space, imaginative thinking, and creative abilities.
This is especially important for children of older preschool age, since they have an intensive development of the intellectual, moral-volitional and emotional spheres of the personality. The development of personality and activity is characterized by the emergence of new qualities and needs: knowledge about objects and phenomena that the child has not directly observed is expanding. Children are interested in the connections that exist between objects and phenomena. The penetration of the child into these connections largely determines his development.
But at this age, elements of labor activity are also formed, the main psychological meaning of which is as follows: the child must understand that he is doing the right thing, useful for others.

Purpose of working with children: creation of conditions for the development of creative abilities of children of senior preschool age.


- to introduce preschoolers to non-traditional application techniques;
- to teach the rules of safe work with various materials and tools;
- enrich children's knowledge of the seasons;
- to form in children a conscious attitude to the order of work;
- to develop the cognitive activity of children.
- develop compositional skills;
- develop the ability to compose an object from several parts and arrange patterns;
- develop independence, initiative and creativity;
develop fantasy, creative thinking and imagination.
- educate children in artistic taste;
- develop an aesthetic worldview;
- to cultivate accuracy, diligence, interest in classes;
- educate the audience culture.

In this way, the importance of practicing non-traditional types of applications for the harmonious and comprehensive development of children has been proven both scientifically and historically. Summarizing many years of pedagogical experience, we can identify the following parameters on which the application has a positive effect:
- development of artistic taste;
- formation of artistic and graphic skills;
- formation of aesthetic perception of the surrounding world;
- development of imagination, creativity, spatial perception and fantasy;
- education of the culture of the viewer;
- formation of knowledge about the world artistic culture;
- development of fine motor skills.
By teaching preschoolers various methods of applique from a variety of materials, you can create the basis for a child's creative self-expression. The preschooler himself chooses the plot for the application, the material or combination of materials, uses one or another technique that is suitable for the most expressive image.
Creativity is a very important moment in the development of a child. It is good when a child sees the beauty and diversity of the world around him. But it is even better if he not only notices this beauty, but also creates it. The result obtained is emotionally attractive to the child, since he made this or that little thing himself. After the child begins to create beauty with his own hands, he will certainly begin to treat the world around him with love and care.

There are the following non-traditional application techniques:
Application of cereals and seeds.
Cereals and seeds are excellent material for crafts. It can be easily painted, and thus make the work bright and attractive. Buckwheat, millet, semolina, rice, peas, various seeds are useful for work.
Groats are an affordable, beautiful and safe material for children's creativity. You can start working with cereals at 1.5-2 years. Even at such an early age, children with the help of their parents are able to create very cute applications from cereals. Applications from cereals are also good because neither special materials or tools, nor special conditions or skills are required to create them.

Application from autumn leaves.
Dried leaves are a wonderful material for artistic combination. The various forms of the leaves themselves will tell us what can be created from them. A maple leaf resembles a hedgehog and an octopus, an oak leaf resembles a fish tail, a poplar or birch leaf resembles the head of a fox, bear, dog, cat, etc. So give children the opportunity to pick, apply, arrange and experiment with leaves.

Eggshell application.
Application made from eggshells is a relatively cheap type of needlework. After all, there is plenty of this material in every home. In work, you can use the shell, both from boiled eggs and from raw ones; the color of the shell also does not matter - white or colored.
Most often, eggshells are used to make mosaics using the crackle technique, when individual pieces of the shell are glued to the surface. When straightened, the shells break into many small pieces, which are held by a thin film located on the inside. Craquelure - cracks form fancy mesh patterns on various materials, but they are almost invisible. It is worth covering the shells with varnish or paint, as the drawing immediately appears, and the usual shell turns into a great material for creativity.
This technique is very ancient, in oriental lacquer painting masters glued eggshells in those fragments of the picture where it was necessary to depict a rock or a stone wall covered with cracks, and with a scattering of small colored shells they exactly imitated the flowering of spring gardens.
Eggshells can decorate a variety of items - vases, plates, bottles, boxes, frames for pictures and photographs. The material is very plastic in work, the most complex patterns and places in the composition are filled in small pieces, and the technique of such a mosaic is not complicated, but the work is very painstaking. You can decorate any surface - from wood and metal to thick paper and glass.

Cotton application.
Cotton appliqués are monochromatic, they resemble grisailles. They are soft, airy and graceful. The topics of the subject application are varied. When choosing topics for applications from cotton wool, one must keep in mind that it is easier to work if there are few details and if they are not small. Animals, birds, plants should be chosen with a fluffy texture: hares, kittens, ducklings, chickens, plush toys, dandelion heads. It is easier to make applications from black and white drawings, contrasting photographs. In the plot application, winter landscapes, birch groves, fish in an aquarium, especially veiltails, succeed. Decorative applications are unusual, original. It can be ornaments, patterns on various forms.
With the help of applications from cotton wool or poplar fluff, you can make fluffy, voluminous animals, snow, depict the fluff of plants, clouds - the scope for imagination is very wide.
From small cotton pellets you can lay out a poodle and a lamb, from thinned and torn pieces of cotton - clouds, from cotton pads you can make chickens and flowers, snowmen.
Remember that cotton wool can be tinted with watercolors or gouache, and then the scope for creativity and imagination will increase several times.

Thread application.
Amazing material - threads! Whatever they do with them: I sew, knit, weave: carpets, tapestries, panels; embroider amazingly beautiful paintings. Products made using the thread appliqué technique look original, the methods of working with it are simple and provide unlimited opportunities for creative self-expression.
The thread application technique is very interesting, fascinating, accessible to people of all ages. Having mastered the elementary techniques of working in this technique, based on the knowledge gained, you can create your own work. Showing creativity in these works, the creative abilities of the individual, characterized by a willingness to generate fundamentally new unusual ideas that deviate from traditional or accepted patterns of thinking.

Application types:
- subject, consisting of individual images (leaf, branch, tree, bird, flower, animal, person, etc.);
- plot, displaying certain events;
- decorative, including ornaments, patterns that can be used to decorate various objects.

At present, cardinal changes have taken place in the social and economic life of our state, the age of nanotechnologies and informatization has come, society needs proactive individuals who are able to think outside the box, be ready for creative activity, who can create creative products of their activity. From a psychological point of view, preschool childhood is a favorable period for the development of creative abilities, because at this age children are extremely inquisitive, they have a great desire to learn about the world around them. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a sense of beauty, to form high aesthetic tastes, the ability to understand and appreciate works of art, the beauty and richness of native nature.
One of the techniques aimed at creating conditions for the child's creative self-expression is the organization of work with children in visual activity using non-traditional types of application. This attracts with its simplicity, accessibility, reveals the possibility of using well-known objects as art materials.
Non-traditional application plays an important role in the overall mental development of the child, develops fantasy, imagination, fine motor skills of the hands.
Having studied the possibilities of the non-traditional application technique, I came to the conclusion that this is a way to create a new, original work of art in which everything is in harmony: color, line, and plot. This is a great opportunity for children to think, try, search, experiment, and most importantly, express themselves.