How to deal with bad habits in children. Bad habits: how to wean the child's bad habits from them for 7 years

With the appearance of oddities in behavior, many parents are especially inexperienced, E is frightened, they begin to scold a crumb to drive him in specialists. But in most cases, it is fairly simply ignored such an unpleasant children's outcomes.

Strange as a stage of child development

Often, alarmed moms share their observations with each other: "My man twists myself for the curls during the treatment of food," "My I'm fighting the head about the floor," "My constantly cries the face", "My day after day sucks fingers" and t ..

Approximately 6 months, children begin to study their own body capabilities. From here and a variety of grabbing, torsion of items, repetition of the faithful of parents, touches of the genital organs. There are often cases when children study the world around us with their forehead, actively knocking their heads on the walls and sex.

Similar bad and, let's say straight habits (from the parent point of view), they usually continue shortly, can replace each other and pass without a trace. Many parents simply do not pay attention to such oddities, rightly consider that they will soon disappear.

This is the case, if such actions not only do not pass, but also participate. For example, the child sucks a finger in strictly defined situations and more and more often. In addition, we will undress either to reduce the habit of habits yourself.

In this case, expert consultation may be required and specialized support (sometimes pharmacological). But in order to understand this, it is necessary to consider popular children's outcomes in more detail and evaluate their probable damage to the mental health of the child.


For three years, the children often make repeated actions only with the goal to calm down in the situation of stress, relax or slightly "shake". Some movements and habits may look like, frankly. Consider these oddities in more detail.

Baby Beats Head About Wall

Such actions are found quite often, and in the overwhelming majority they do not lead to any serious consequences, since the baby usually realizes its behavior and does not harm.

In addition to complacency and the desire to relax before falling asleep, beating the head of solid surfaces can be caused by the following factors:

  • the desire to draw attention (crumb, noticing a couple of times that Mom acutely reacts to the head of his head against the wall, starts practicing similar actions to attract attention or manipulation);
  • hysterical attack (often accompanied by aggressive behavior, while negative emotions can be directed not to those around people, but on themselves);
  • disappointment in something (for example, a child who did not work out something to do, may shout, knock on the head about the floor or beat fists on the back of the back);
  • self-knowledge and perception of painful sensations (the kid in early childhood is interested in his feelings, including pain, the result of which he can experiment, knocking his head on the floor);
  • awilling (crumbs are often fighting forehead due to flu or colds, teething, high).

What to do parents?

Most often, all actions ends with maximum bruises, as a child does not cause himself serious harm, but something needs to do something. First of all, you need solid surface to wrap with soft tissues to soften the blows.

In addition, it is necessary to completely calm the baby, for example, to bathe it with the corresponding aromatic oils (subject to the absence of allergies), eliminate the swearing and screams, including the metronome, his rhythmic sound can reassure the child.

If the child develops at a normal pace, without any deviations, should not be too worried. However, if this oddity remains and after three years, there are other unfavorable features or crumb causes serious harm, it is necessary to apply for medical and / or psychological help.

Sucking finger or clothes

When children grow up on natural feeding and sucked her mother's breasts as much as it was necessary, such an unpleasant feature, like pushing fingers in the mouth, develops quite rarely. Well, or such cases differ with an episodic character. It is completely different with artificials.

However, any child can start sucking a finger if it wishes to calm down in this way. So he wants to remember about those pleasant moments when Mom held him on the handles and fed with breast milk or a mixture of a bottle.

Usually, experts do not advise the alarm, if such a bad habit has a child under 3 years old. Yes, and, most likely, this oddity will disappear very soon, since the grown children can relax and calm down in other ways.

What to do parents?

Recommendations for correcting habits set, but some of them are rather radical and even can harm the baby. Most often, psychologists advise children to occupy children, for example, modeling, collecting a mosaic or constructor. This will allow you to simultaneously load children's handles, and calm the nervous system.

Similar distracting maneuvers will have to perform constantly, as unwanted habits are formed quickly, but disappear long enough. At the same time, it is extremely important not to scold a child, because negative emotions will only strengthen anxiety and make it even more nervous.

Commitment of rituals

Approximately one and a half annual children often have certain ritual actions that are performed every day. For example, some kids carefully put toys in a row or wish to dress on a strict algorithm (first, the blouse is necessarily, and then tights). If this ritual is broken, the child comes out of himself, angry and suits the tantrum to parents.

Where does such a strange habit come from? Little kids seek to live in an ordered space, in a stable state. Similar desires and actions are absolutely natural, especially since it often happens in the form of the game.

It is necessary to worry if the child is obsessed with ritual actions, with interest in other classes and communication with peers or adults in whole or in part. Such oddity may indicate autistic inclinations.

What to do parents?

If the crumb is active, it is developing normally, it is interested in the world around the world, but at the same time performs some ritual actions, nothing to worry about. But, if parents disturb such behavior (or other "calls" sounds), you should seek qualified help.

Study of your body

Studying your own body takes different forms. The simplest is picking in the nose, ear or navel. The child is very interesting what is there, inside. This habit is generally difficult to call as oddity, if, of course, the baby does not do it in public, and at the bottom.

A business is a study and touch of intimate places. Such a feature may arise completely early - literally at 7 - 8 months of age when diapers are removed from the crumbs and it will finally be attentive to study the organs hidden before.

Having matured, the child begins to repeat similar actions, as it gets some satisfaction with the touch. It should be understood that such reactions are not a deviation if we carry a single and non-public character. It is not normal if the baby seeks to touch himself often, and refuses games with peers, other activities.

Experts do not recommend prohibiting to explore the body, scold or mocked the child. It is important to switch child interest on something else. If you fill in the leisure of the baby, he will not be bored, therefore, it is not necessary to talk about masturbation.

As a conclusion

Separate strange habits are concerned with adults, but are not something terrible and terrible. For example, if a child in particularly stressful moments swing his head, most likely, he just so calms down and relieves anxious.

Other oddities are associated with inappropriate behavior, when, for example, the baby picks up in a spout in a public place. But in any case, it is important to build the right strategy of behavior that excludes the pressure on the kid.

First of all, psychologists advise to calm the baby, to remove his anxiety and concern with various imaginary ways. The main thing is not to laugh at the habit and child, otherwise he will have distrust of his parents and disbelief in the benevolence of the world around.

But, if you notice any deviating features, excessive increase in the intensity of unwanted or strange actions, it is important to immediately apply for qualified psychological support and, possibly, medical care.

Successing thumb, nail cloaking, hacking hair on a finger ... Grinding on a chair, picking in the nose, habit of sludge or excessive gesticulation ... Most of these habits do not represent any danger, but it is bad that over time the surrounding will laugh Child. And if it becomes an adult habit, it may be a serious interference in life.

The director of a large company at a meeting in the nose should not be painted. Georgian president hardly should even in a difficult situation to chew his tie ...

If your child has one or two bad habits, and they are not very pronounced - it means that you have a normal child, and you are excellent parents. Of course, you will slowly beat your child from these habits to teach, teach to more adequate behavior, and you can be sure: in a month, in a year or a few years, all these habits of your child will disappear. Everything is fine!

Another thing is when your child has bad habits, if one leaves one - another comes to replace it, and with age, the situation is somehow not improved - this situation is more difficult. Diagnosis: You have launched a child, and good parents are difficult to call you. The harmful habits of your child - a signal that you have in your family and in the child's life is not all good, and the tip of you about what the child needs to be engaged.

You can, of course, do not engage, just worry and swear on the child - but it means that with time the harmful habit of your child will have a problem behavior. And sometimes - and deviating, and asocial. Now sucks a finger, and after 10-15 years it will suck beer. Now everything drags in the mouth, and after some time it will drag things from the house ... If you don't care about the child, the district will tell you that the teenagers should not be. Yes? Do you like such perspectives? So, after all, it came to the child to do.

And the third time we emphasize: to do the child - it means to do it.

He just I have an abnormal one, "Mother complains several minutes, angry at the roaring baby. "Three years turned out that week, and he, like a small, sucks a finger." How much I told him how much I explained to him ... Everything understands him, but he really called me. No warehouse I did not want to have children. Some troubles and misunderstandings.

Such a mother may complain about even a few hours, but the last two phrases are enough to reveal the reason for the obsessive habit of the child. It is unwanted and unloved - and this is the main starting mechanism. Any kid intuitively feels even veiled dislike. And if a clear rejection? The child is bad, and sucking his finger naturally soothes.

The bad habits more often appear where the child is bad. Lack of caress and warmth when communicating with him, quarrels of parents, their conflicts, divorces, the provision of the kid to himself. However, there are other reasons for a more medical nature. For example, the sucking of the finger more often demonstrates children weakened by diseases, children with frequent colds, glider invasions, intestinal infections and neuropathy. With the alcoholism of parents, the prerequisite of this habit can be minimal brain failure.

Children can suck not only the finger, but also the angle of the blankets, as well as other things falling under the arm, though, usually the same. Simultaneously with the sucking of the finger, many kids make some obsessive movements (stroking ears, pick up in the nose, "shy nose", lick lips, etc.). Very often, these movements are fixed by the type of conditional reflexes. For example, repeating several times a year, the runny nose goes into the habit of "pinned the nose", and often drying lips to lick them. The older the child, the more precisely the moment of imitation.

Habit nibble nails usually appears later, starting from 4-5 years. The nails "ourselves" gnaw and "ourselves" bite, children do not even know "when." And "when" is either an excitement, or an excitement that is concerned. Conversation, speech, waiting, watching the film - All the disturbing child can be accompanied by nail cloaking, especially in cases where the baby is ambitious, and mom and dad want to see "Wunderkinda" in it, overloading his intelligence. And by this enhancing the nervous tension of the child, turning everything into the enchanted circle. On the one hand, the parents are outraged by the "bad" habit of a preschooler and require its termination, on the other hand, it strengthens it with its requirements. Of course, this is not a matter.

And what will happen? To fight with bad habits - the same thing that fight with your own shadow, if it seems to you suduna. Not with a sutural shadow you need to fight, but straighten yourself. If you bring order in my life and will become a good parent - the bad habits will disappear almost themselves. That's about it - take care in the first place. The child needs your calm, goodwill, fun games together, praise and at the same time a teaching to ensure that it heard you. A lot of special articles about this on psychologism, begin to slowly rebuild your life, and the child will be a sensitive indicator, as your business goes.

Nevertheless, you can tell the simplest things under some bad habits.

Pulls hair? Do not scare a child "What you pull your hair, soon you will be completely bald!" No, there is no harmful to calm: "It is not hurt to pull the hair, it's just that blood circulation is improved from jerking hair, children become smarter. Better all the same Hair combed more often, then you will be smarter faster, and it is more pleasant than pulling yourself. Try! "

If you sucks your fingers - to bother your fingers a bad idea, smearing their unpleasant substances - you can try, but also helps rarely. Creative parents can come up with some exciting role-playing game, such as a hairdresser, but where they make manicure only to children with beautiful nails and not wet fingers. There were cases when the paradoxical task was helped: "sucks your fingers specifically! I can do it with you. Five minutes of sucking - started!", But such a task can only help if it sounds not as a punishment, but how to help In order for the child to start this his action to notice.

Be sure to read the beautiful fragment from Milton Erikson, where he helped the child, inspiring him confidence in himself - and at the same time giving the installation that he would soon stop sucking his fingers.

Nails gnawing - you need to help in studies so that the child is confident. It is useful to encourage him more often and inspire confidence. By the way, it is not bad to exclude exciting activities, such as browsing exciting films and reading terrible fairy tales. There are two meanings - and the worker is not excited by a child, and to create a situation where the nail cloaks turns out to be a child with a habit of disadvantageous. Indeed, because of some nails to deprive yourself of cool films? No, here you can try!

And try this: if the child has a bad habit of gnawing his legs or wind the hair on the fingers, react to it with an unfortunate or displeased face, but merry demanding: "Making the sun! A smile!". If a child at the time of nail polishes or hair breaking begins to smile lightly, it turns out, often really miraculously helps!

Like this. All slowly - it will turn out!

Someone unscrewed his ear while eating, someone sucks a finger, pulls her hair or picks up in a nose - a variety of bad habits could be envied ... if it were not to concern our children.

Bad habit as a stage of development

Often you can hear from the excited moms: "My man pulls himself at the time of food," My head beats about the wall / corts of the face / wrinkle nose. "

Since six months (and sometimes before), kids are beginning to study the possibilities of their body - here and the first uncontrolled movements of the hands: grabbing, twisted; and copying adult facial painhers, which they can peering once; and extraction of sounds from the wall and floor (even if even the price of your own forehead). These "habits" last long, replace each other and often do not focus on adults.

Another thing, if the child involuntarily repeats the same action - sucks a finger / collar / toy in certain situations, and there is no way to wean from it.

Obsessive action, nervous tick

Obsessive actions and ticks are manifested in different ways - someone sucks a finger, someone often blinks, pushes or leans back her head, someone is strained by the muscles of the face and neck. If the movement seems to you not clean (especially in situations, when a child after such "attacks" feels uncomfortable), then it is better to consult with a neurologist, to surveys and eliminate the possibilities of serious diseases.

If the effect is quite harmless, but repeated constantly, then you should pay attention to the neuropsychic state of the baby. Often, the child finds calm in such a "ritual", being in a state of tension or anxiety.

Possible causes: moving, stretched relationships in the family, quarrel, stress or chronic fatigue. In completely small children, it may be a sign of insufficient physical contact with mother - caress, strokes, hugs.

FROMazhable reflex

Well, if the child grew up on breastfeeding and had the opportunity to suck the mother breast as much as he was needed. Such children have harmful habits - such, for example, as a constant sucking of a pacifier or finger, almost do not manifest themselves, because there is no need for the so-called "coat". But even if they, it happens, stick a finger into the mouth, it is episodic.

The "sucking" stage more often occurs in kids who are not able to suck the mother breast, or those whom they left it before they needed. "Water drinks, eats food - it's time to collapse from the chest" - such a motto often leads to the fact that children up to 2-3 years cannot learn from sucking everything in a row: nipples, fingers, corners of clothes or toys.


Of course, it sounds loud, but the habit of talling the genitals appears in a very young age, although it does not carry any sexual nature (at least by virtue of physiology).

For the first time, it appears when the kid is 7-9 months old, remaining without a diaper, suddenly begins to be interested in his body. Pup, belly, genitals - all this is inspected and feeling with great attention. Later, enjoying touch, the child can repeat these actions.

The task of parents does not scold a child, forming a negative attitude towards the whole related bodies (and in the future and sexual relations), and try to distract his attention to anything else.

Safe habit

Some habits should not be a reason for the concern of parents. For example, swinging your head before bedtime or in particularly intense moments - so little child soothes itself. The same applies to some "cherished" words, uttering which he feels more confident: "Mom will come," "Mom is near."

There are habits safe, but not adopted in society, then the main focus of education should be built on where and in what situations it is not enough to do so (for example, picking in the nose can not be cleaned, thus clean the nose in the bathroom and the like).

Memo parents


Distract your child from action, habits. If the child is nervous or experiencing stress, then it is more likely to hug around. If the habit is the consequence of overgrowing from the chest, try to direct the child's attention to the game, communication.

Older children can be sent to "adult" behavior. Especially in cases where children nibble nails or pick in the nose.


Do not scold and not prohibit. The words "do not need to do" mean that the child must control his actions, which he can not be able to.

Do not make fun of the habit, not to joke on it - it will not only can aggravate the problem, but also to cause a child with an adult disbelief, disbelief to their help, support and love.

Julia Aslanova

The habit is a frequently repeated model of behavior that does not require long-term thoughtful.
Some habits do not cause concerns of parents, while others require their increased attention. Some habits disappear independently without much effort. But there are those that remain forever and even harm the child and others around him. They are called bad habits.

Harmful habits are usually produced in babies as a way to calm and self-help in unusual life situations, and also indicate the presence of such complexes:

Insecurity in their own strength;

There are habits arising in the mother's womb. A bright example is sucking your fingers. Some begin to appear at the time of overcoming a certain age boundary.

From some bad habits, there is no trace, subject to proper education. These are:

Durable habits most often indicate such problems at the kid:

Low self-esteem;
Communication problems.

Some bad habits even carry a hazard for crumbs. For example, sucking the fingers leads to the formation of an incorrect bite, and picking the nose to wounds and bleeding.

Some kids appear so-called self-destructive actions:

Jerking hair;
Prying & NBSP & NBSP lip and inside of the cheeks;
Targeting or sprinkling burstles.

In these cases, the baby simply needs the help of a qualified specialist.

Assigning other people's things.

Very often, children understand the dangers of their actions, but do not know how to overcome them. In such cases, it is important to assist the baby in getting rid of such habits.

So that parents can help the crumb to cope with its bad habits, it is necessary to find out the reasons for their appearance. It is important to understand that it is often a bad habit - this is a strategy for the survival of the kid in society.

In the process of combating habits, it is important not to overtake the stick! If adults will constantly sharpen attention on them, then the likelihood of saving them for a long time will significantly increase. This is due to the fact that the baby will understand that in this way he attracts the attention of his parents. Get rid of such habits will be extremely difficult.

In fact, bad habits are available in every person. The difference lies in the fact that adults understand the harm of such habits and try to get rid of them from them. And the kids are not yet able to analyze their danger.

Types of bad habits:

1. Psychological character . These include:

Spraying nails, lips, leather on her fingers, cheeks;
Sucking fingers, clothes, bed, lips;
Picking in the navel;
Screwing hair on your fingers;
Rocking head;
Boots head about various surfaces.

2. Impassant. These include the following:

Why do bad habits appear?:

The main factors of their development are as follows:

1. Stress;
2. Anxiety and experiences of the baby;
3. The kid suffers from boredom;
4. The existence of bad habits from parents;
5. Violations in the child's health state, including mental.

Bad habits in young children appear under the influence of stressful situations, strong experiences and uncertainty in their own power. Such absolutely simple actions of Kroch seek to calm down: sucks fingers, nibbles nails, picks up in the nose, pulls himself behind the ears, screws the curls of hair to the finger. If adults begin to notice such a kid actions at an early stage, then it will be enough to get rid of them. If the habits have become permanent, then it will be much more complicated to cope with them.

Causes of psychological habits:

Lack of attention to the baby from parents;
Lack of love from parents;
Hard type of education;
Too early ridiculous child from the chest.

With such habits it is very difficult to fight, because it is not about the termination of any certain actions, but about the correction of the psyche of the baby. Only a specialist will help to cope with such a problem.

The most common bad habits for kids:

The most common habits are:

Sucking fingers;
Nail spraying;

Sucking fingers:

Such a habit to a certain extent is the physiological need of crumbs. But over time she should weaken. But often there are kids who have such a sucking reflex remain a long time.
The attention of adults should attract the fact of sucking the fingers from the kid over the five years of age. In this case, the sucking of the fingers is a frequent sign:

Excessive anxiety;
Low level of self-esteem;
Emotional disorders.

Prolonged sucking is negatively reflected in the process of growth and the formation of teeth in the child.
Effective way to get rid of: Before bedtime, my mother is located near the baby, gently and calmly talks to the bluer, keeps his hands. As a rule, the child quickly calms down and falls asleep. Such a daily ritual before bedtime will help your baby become more balanced.

Spraying marigolds:

When your child disperses teeth, he begins to keep his fingers in his mouth. As a result, he is formed a bad habit of bathing nails. Another reason for such behavior may be frequent children's experiences. Harp the nail, the crumb calms down.

Effective way to get rid. Pay attention to the psychological microclimate in the family. Ensure the baby from such a habit calmly, demonstrating love and respect for him. Parents must learn how to choose the methods correctly, given the characteristics of the child. You can use bitter varnish, play the beauty salon. The child seeing beautiful nails, will not dare to gnaw them. Do not pay out of this habit, because it is dangerous to health. The baby takes into the hands of different items, which threatens the hit of bacteria into the body and infection. Remember that many diseases are transmitted through dirty hands!

Children's onanism:

When the baby is freed from the diaper, he begins to touch the handles all parts of his body, which before he was not available. Penis is no exception.

Effective way to deliverance:

Do not leave the crumb one in the crib if he has a tendency to masturbation. Strive to put him to sleep by persuasion. If he does not want to fall asleep - lay down later;
Do not allow the baby for a long time to sit on a pot. Try to warn constipation in a child;
Follow the rules of personal hygiene. This will prevent the itching of the genital organs;
Do not wear a little clothes on the child;
Do not give the baby on the knee in an adult;
Take more time to communicate with your chal.

How to prevent the appearance of bad habits?:

Naturally, all events aimed at preventing bad habits should begin at an early age:

1. Teach the baby to the elementary etiquette skills;

2. Form the Krochi basic self-organization skills;

3. Raise the child a dedication and desire to maintain cleanliness;

4. Before the birth of a child, eradicate the bad habits in your family.

We help crumbling to get rid of habits:

The most common mistakes of parents:

1. Punishment of the child for the manifestation of a bad habit. This will aggravate the situation, because injury from punishment to the existing problem;

2. Ignoring the children's bad habit will lead to the fact that the child will not know that he has a bad habit.

You should not scold a child for habits, because it is likely that parents themselves are to blame themselves in their appearance. Frequent cause of the habit is stress:

Admission to the pre-school institution;
Moving to a new place residence;
Loss of loved ones;
Divorce of parents.

In difficult moments, parents must support the baby, help him overcome difficulties. If this does not happen, the kid will find a replacement factor - a bad habit.

In the case of prohibitions from parents, the child will experience additional stress. Do not fight with the consequences of stress, you need to find out its cause.

What is forbidden to do?

Scold and punish the baby;
Make fun of crumb
Criticize the baby;
To put an ultimatum child in case of repetition of bad habits;
Be angry
Prohibit bad habits;
Constantly monitor all the actions of the baby;
Punish crumbus for the manifestation of bad habits;
Binting fingers and lubricate their unpleasant substances;
Speak crumbus, as if you do not like it.

Such educational moments may lead to the fact that the child will clict in itself.
To overcome the bad habits, the kid can at any age. But the most easily this process will occur in childhood.
If adults can choose the correct positive strategy of combating habits, then the child will gradually get rid of them.

What you need to do parents:

Take care of child care and attention;
Fight a habit, and not with the baby;
Encourage the child for victory over the harmful habit;
Teach a child to express their negative emotions and remove the voltage by other methods;
More often to talk to a child about his merits, not to focus his attention in harmful actions;
Reinforce your intentions with practical actions: nails gnawing - anticipate & nbsp & nbsp them, & NBSP & NBSP Sleash Sleeves - Wear a T-shirt;
Get rid of their, adults, bad habits;
Pointing to nonesthetics of habits;
Suggest an alternative to a bad habit;
Talk to your child about his experiences;
Encourage the child for trying to overcome the harmful habit;
Redirect the behavior of the child into the structural channel;
Interest kid with the cessation of a bad habit;
With several bad habits & NBSP & NBSP do focus on the most dangerous to health;
Need calm, friendly communication with the child to clarify the causes of harmful habits;
Explain to the child the consequences of bad habits;
Make a child's day in rich different types of activities in order to limit the time for bad habits;
Strive to understand your child;
Bring up self-confidence in a child;
Praise a child and distract him from bad thoughts;
Do not scold the baby for bad habits;
Show love for a child;
Reduce the intellectual load of the child;

Each harmful habit is an indicator of relations inside the family. As soon as they appear at your baby, it is worth thinking about relationships between family members and eliminating the negative sides. Having created a favorable psychological microclimate in the family, parents are highly likely to save crumbling from its bad habits.

What experts will help overcome bad habits?:

1. If a child under the age of three sucks a finger, it is worth consulting with a pediatrician about the use of special funds;

2. With suspected anxiety and neurosis at the kid, consult with a neurologist and psychologist.

Parents must be an example for their child to imitate. More often praise the baby for his good actions, encourage every positive step in the fight against the bad habit!

The bad habits in mammals, the habit of loss and eat life waste is dictated by security, and they did not hear the pants. In children, their body and all with it related produces healthy curiosity - until adults explain to them that the nose goats and picking with a finger in the holes of the body is "Fu!" And horror is not good. Parents can be understood - certain things are unsightly cause squeaming and rejection. A rare mom will retain an exposure, seeing that the kid gnawing nails or studies the contents of diapers. What to do?

Take advantage of the Karlson Council "Calm, only calm." Limiting the natural interest in the body, you can cause a child psychological trauma, provoke complexes and even damage development by fixing the idea of \u200b\u200bthe "dirty" associated with the sexual authorities, ensuring psychologically conditioned constipation or enuresis. If interest in excrement, intimate places and other unpleasant things is a one-time phenomenon, it is enough to explain to the baby that it is not accepted that it is not accepted. In no case should not beat the hands or tie hands, smearing the fingers of the mustard, as our grandmothers did, scold the baby loudly and shame it - strong emotions only fasten the unpleasant behavior model. It is best to unwindly distract the child, translate his attention to a more interesting occupation.

SOS signal

It should be started to be worried when an unpleasant habit becomes obsessive, the child is not able to abandon her, despite the prohibitions and warnings. Sucking toes and sprayed nails - a consequence of a sucking reflex, most likely the baby did not have enough maternal breast. Picking in the nose, hair tapping, nodding head, swinging, etc. - Ways to distract, calm down in a stress situation or before bedtime. Masturbation consults and relaxes a child, provides pleasant sensations that, most likely, not enough. The eating clay, coal and other inedible things indicates a serious avitaminosis. Two-three-year-old karapuse, which lacks attention, communication and tactile contacts can be formed quite adult neurosis.

Before starting the fight against the bad habit, the parents should be understood - a small child nibbles nails or eats the earth by no means to make a pope with her mother. Such children are useless to re-educate, as a patient with a mania of purity it is impossible to weanly wash your hands. The baby needs psychological comfort, the elimination of an irritant, provoking stress and a safe trust. Do not focus on the problem, treat it by bypass.

Children's masturbation can be triggered by close linen, diallos, inflammation or even worms (the sharpness causes itching and irritation) - check it out. If it is obvious that the child does not have enough attention and bodily contact - try more to communicate with him, more often take on your hands, stroking, squeezing, fight, make a massage, tickle heels. Suspend in a bed toys that the baby will be able to telete before bedtime, put a soft pleasant to the touch blanket, a teddy bear or a hare. And try to provide enough positive sensations - from delicious food, pet contact, warm baths with foam.

A sucking reflex is best satisfied in infancy so that the baby then does not switch to cigarettes. If the child sucks the fingers or nibbles, let him always have more appropriate things for glaring or sucking - lollipops, crackers, bread sticks. Switch the child to the permitted behavior - and everything will be fine.

If the baby swings before bed - it means that it should be rock, in the cradle, stroller or hammock, a lullaby song reminding that mom is near. If he turns his hair, pulls himself behind the ear or nose - give him a rosary or balls for a versa, let "let the stress" acceptable.

Watch that children with obsessive habits have slept enough and moved a lot, did not sit on a TV or computer more than half an hour per day, did not cry too long, did not expose physical punishments, were not witnessed parenting "disassembly", did not attend seriously ill relatives or cemeteries. Strong stress and nervous exhaustion can aggravate the problem. More often, praise babies, talk to them.

Sometimes a negative behavior in a child is conscious - even a three-year older can understand that Mom does not like hard when he picks up in her nose or shows the ass on the street. From neurosis such behavior is distinguished by the ability to control himself - the little chaloon knows exactly what you can't burn with a dad or tutor. The child provokes mom or grandmother to achieve attention - at least negative. The treatment method is simple - to ensure more positive attention And completely ignore the dirtiffs of a small tenant, as if unpleasant they were.

If the child's bad habits multiply, combining mood jumps, problems with speech, rampant fantasy, hyperactivity, aggression or reluctance to communicate with peers - it is better to consult a psychiatrist, it may be the beginning of a mental illness.