How to quickly grow eyelashes at home: tips, practical recommendations. How to grow eyelashes at home: effective methods

Any woman dreams that her eyelashes are thick, long, voluminous and do not fall out. Sometimes this process is due to the end of the life cycle of the hairs. But if severe loss is caused by recent eyelash extensions, then you need to take action. You need to know how much hair grows and how to speed up this process.

In the upper row, the cilia grow in 2-4 rows. Their number reaches 150-200. On the lower eyelid there are no more than 70-100 pieces. After a hair falls out, a new one grows in its place.

The life cycle of eyelashes is divided into 3 phases:

  • Active growth lasts from 2 to 7 weeks.
  • The cessation of growth, the reduction of the follicle lasts from 2 to 5 weeks.
  • The resting phase, when the dead eyelash falls out, and a new one begins to grow in its place.

Many women are interested in how long the eyelash grows in place of the fallen one. The average hair growth rate is 0.5-0.7 mm per month. The lifespan of one eyelash is 30-100 days.

The following factors can reduce the growth rate of eyelashes:

  • diseases of internal organs;
  • improper care;
  • stress;
  • frequent use of forceps;
  • low-quality cosmetics;
  • malnutrition;
  • lack of eyelash care;
  • harmful environmental factors;
  • individual characteristics.

In those who do not suffer from any diseases, almost all hairs are constantly in the growth stage. Eyelashes grow slowly if a woman uses low-quality cosmetics. Harmful components affect the bulb and inhibit its development. The second common reason for growth retardation is recent buildup.

The hairs weakened by the procedure can break. This affects not only the length, but also how quickly the cilia will grow. Therefore, it is recommended to use special products to strengthen the hairs. They allow you to increase their length by 20-30%.

Ways to accelerate the growth of cilia

In order for the cilia to grow faster, it is necessary to provide them with proper care:

1. Use high-quality mascara with a safe composition, in particular, organic mascara with natural ingredients. It is useful to apply the gel base first.

2. You need to take care not only of the eyelashes, but also of the eyelids. They prepare nourishing masks with oils and rub them into the skin, while doing a massage at the same time. This will increase blood flow to the hair follicles and speed up their growth.

3. It is important to eat properly and in a balanced way to provide the hair follicles and eyelid skin with vitamins. This will speed up the growth of cilia. It is recommended to exclude spicy and fatty foods from the diet during the growing period. It is necessary to choose the right vitamin complex.

In order for eyelashes to grow well, you can use both home remedies and professional ones. Various masks, compresses, rubbing oils and massage will help.

At home, almond, peach, sea buckthorn oils are used to activate growth. They are smeared on the eyelids and massaged into the skin. Castor oil is considered the most popular and effective for accelerating growth. It is applied to the eyelashes at their base and along the entire length, and then washed off after an hour. If this is not done, then inflammation can be provoked.

Store-bought drugs are also effective. There are colorless restorative and strengthening products for eyelashes on sale. All funds are divided into 2 types:

1. Hormonal growth stimulants give an immediate effect. But with constant use, they make the eyelashes brittle and thin. They may start to fall out. Synthetic hormones in the composition of such a remedy are addictive and over time, the drugs cease to act. Therefore, they must be alternated with others and not used for too long.

2. Non-hormonal preparations are made on the basis of vitamins, oils and other useful substances. The result from them is not so fast and obvious. But these drugs are safe and able to have a therapeutic effect. Therefore, they can be used for a long time.

If eyelashes grow especially long, break and constantly fall out, then you need to cleanse the body, eat right and use eye makeup less often.

Recovery after extension

Usually eyelashes after extension look not the best way and need to be restored. During this period, you must adhere to the following rules:

1. It's not worth the eye now. Touch your eyelashes as little as possible. So they can rest and recover better.

2. During the first 1-2 weeks after removing the eyelashes, it is better not to paint at all. It will be possible to use mascara later, but it is desirable that it be water-based and natural ingredients with vitamins and nutrients.

3. Eyelashes should have a good rest from building. Therefore, the next session is carried out not earlier than a month later, but better later. If the condition of the eyelashes after removing the extended hairs has deteriorated greatly, then the procedure should be completely abandoned.

4. At night, make-up must be removed with soft, natural-based products. If you leave the mascara, then in the morning you will notice that a few hairs have fallen out.

Since eyelash extensions spoil them very much, intensive regeneration is necessary for the hairs. Castor oil restores the structure (more information about its properties in the article), peach and almond oil accelerate growth, and burdock stimulates blood circulation in the skin tissues of the eyelids. The selected vegetable oil or a mixture thereof is applied daily for a month. It needs to be warmed up first. It is convenient to spread the oil with a mascara brush. The bottle is thoroughly washed and the composition is poured into it. This mixture can be enriched with vitamins E and A at the rate of 3 drops per teaspoon of the mixture. After 2 weeks, the growth of cilia will accelerate significantly, and after a month they will look much better.

Masks and compresses help to enhance the effect. They are made twice a week. A mask with the following composition will help:

  • Castor oil;
  • aloe juice;
  • Burr oil;
  • vitamin E.

Oils and juice are mixed in equal proportions and 3 drops of vitamin are added. The finished composition is applied to the eyelashes for half an hour, and then removed with a napkin.

Another mask contains:

  • aloe;
  • parsley;
  • any vegetable oil.

Mix the same amount of aloe, finely chopped parsley and oil. The mask is applied to the cleansed skin of the eyelids for a quarter of an hour, and then washed off with warm water.

Useful for stimulating growth and preventing eyelash loss after the extension procedure, compresses with herbal decoctions. They will eliminate inflammation of the eyelids and provide nutrition to the hair follicles. Prepare a decoction of the following herbs:

  • chamomile;
  • cornflower;
  • thyme;
  • calendula;
  • sage.

Mix the same amount of each plant and pour boiling water. The remedy is insisted for about an hour. The solution is impregnated with cotton pads, which are then applied to the eyelids for a quarter of an hour.

How quickly you can achieve a positive result depends on how badly the eyelashes were damaged after extension. If they are in relatively good condition, then it will take no more than 2-3 weeks to recover. If they were greatly weakened, then you will have to be patient and make the care as intense as possible.

You can calculate how long it takes for eyelashes to grow anew, knowing that in a month their length increases by no more than 1 mm. Speed ​​depends on many factors. It is important to provide cilia with good care and supply them with useful substances.

Everyone knows that the eyes are a mirror of the human soul, but they become especially beautiful when they are framed by chic eyelashes: long, black and thick. Then the face becomes more beautiful and feminine, it begins to attract the attention of the opposite sex. Therefore, today we will share with you those secrets that will help you get the most beautiful eyelashes in the world. From this article you will learn how to properly care for them, how to strengthen, accelerate growth and how to make them as long and thick as possible.

Every day we use low-quality cosmetics, eat improperly and lead the wrong lifestyle. All this is extremely negatively reflected in the condition of our eyelashes. In addition, they are affected by both ecology and mechanical damage. Over time, you may begin to notice that your lashes become thinner and shorter. But how to resist the fact that eyelashes begin to lose their former attractiveness? How to stop the loss of eyelashes and make them strong, restore their number and length? Let's figure it out together.

Some interesting facts about eyelashes

  1. One eyelash lives on average for about 90 days.
  2. As soon as the old eyelash is about to fall out, a replacement will already be prepared for it - a new eyelash.
  3. There are more eyelashes on the upper eyelid than on the lower eyelid. On the top 150-250, on the bottom 50-150.
  4. Eyelashes grow not only to make our eyes beautiful, but also to protect them from dust, dirt and small insects.

Eyelashes fall out: how to avoid it and make eyelashes strong

Of course, every woman is very upset when her eyelashes begin to fall out. We can notice that on the upper eyelids, the eyelashes are longer and thicker. Gradually, all of them are updated: the old ones fall out, and new ones grow in their place. All this happens at different times and usually we do not notice such a complex process. In any case, it does not affect our appearance very much. But when the loss of eyelashes becomes very noticeable, then this becomes our number one problem. There are several reasons why eyelashes begin to fall out:
  • improper care or use of cosmetics that are of poor quality and, accordingly, do not affect our eyelashes in the best way;
  • the use of harmful products, vitamin deficiency and lack of necessary trace elements;
  • serious health problems;
  • stress and constant anxiety.
If, in addition to the loss of eyelashes, you notice other ailments and health problems in you, then you should immediately consult a doctor. After all, by the state of your hair and eyelashes, you can tell how healthy you are. If, after a thorough examination, you find that there are no health problems, and the eyelashes continue to fall out, then only proper care for them can help you. It should be borne in mind that care should be as regular as possible.

In order to avoid problems with eyelashes and they remain healthy, you need to follow a few simple but very effective rules.

1. Eyelash care should not be separated from general face and eye care. Remember to take off your makeup every night before going to bed. If you do not wipe off the mascara from your eyelashes, then in the morning you will notice that their number has decreased somewhat, and those that remain have a completely ugly appearance: broken and bent. This is due to the fact that the mascara fixes the eyelashes in one position and then any mechanical impact on them will simply break your eyelashes.

2. Mascara is considered to be the most persistent element of all makeup, and therefore, when you remove it, you should remember a few tips that will help preserve the beauty of your eyelashes. You need to learn how to remove makeup as correctly as possible and for this use only professional makeup removers. No need to use soap to remove makeup, which dries not only the skin of the face, but also the eyelashes. Give preference to high-quality cosmetics. You can buy them at any store, but it would be better if you use professional cosmetics.

3. In order to properly remove makeup yourself, you need to take the following steps:

  • take a cotton pad and moisten it a little in warm water, put it under the lower eyelid;
  • after that, soak another cotton pad in makeup remover and place it on the upper eyelid, after closing the eye;
  • when you clean the eyelashes, then make slow and gentle movements from the roots of the eyelashes to their tips;
  • if you use waterproof mascara, then you should use a special lotion to remove such mascara. The product is applied to a cotton pad and placed on the eyelid for a few minutes. Then they begin to wash the carcasses very carefully so as not to stretch the skin during these manipulations.
  • When you have completely removed makeup and cleansed the skin, then you need to apply special creams, and each must strictly correspond to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe face for which it is intended. It is also worth using different products for facial skin care and eyelashes.
4. Use exclusively high-quality cosmetics, no matter what it will be intended for: for the face or for eyelashes. Of course, this does not mean that you should buy the most expensive creams or mascaras, but when buying, you should consider safety and practicality. It is not worth experimenting in this important matter and it is better to buy proven products from well-known manufacturers. You should also pay attention to the expiration date of cosmetics. For example, mascara can be used on average for 6-8 months.

It will be very good if a variety of vitamins and microelements are added to the mascara, among which there will be A, B5, E and F. It is thanks to these vitamins that the eyelashes will be stronger, their growth will accelerate significantly and over time they will become longer and thicker. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the composition does not contain hydrogen peroxide, because then your eyelashes will be light and damaged. Some women dye their eyelashes to the very roots, but this cannot be done, because by such actions you can harm your eyes. As a rule, only the upper eyelashes are painted.

When it comes to how to grow beautiful and long eyelashes, then it is worth recalling how useful oils are for our body and body. After all, many people know that in order for the hair on the head to grow more intensively and be healthy, special masks with oils are made for them. The structure of the hair and eyelashes is almost identical, and therefore the same oils that you use for your hair are perfect for them. The effect of castor oil is displayed very well on the condition of the eyelashes. To the oils that stimulate the growth of eyelashes, you can also add almond oil, burdock, linseed, coconut and wheat germ oil. All of these oils can be mixed in equal proportions and applied to your lashes. Leave the oil on the eyelashes for several hours. It is also worth remembering that a huge role in how quickly your eyelashes grow is played by your lifestyle and nutrition itself. If your body will have enough vitamins and nutrients, then you will very soon notice its gratitude in changes in your appearance.

Strengthening eyelashes with castor oil; all the details of the procedure

  1. Castor oil is great for those women who want their eyelashes to grow quickly and be healthy at the same time. You need to apply castor oil with a cotton swab directly on the eyelashes and on the eyelids before going to bed while gently massaging them.
  2. In order for the eyelashes to be as thick as possible, you can use a variety of combinations of oils, as well as mix them with liquid vitamins. For example, you can take castor oil and add sea buckthorn oil or rosehip oil to it, as well as carrot juice and vitamin A.
  3. A pretty good result can be obtained if you mix castor oil with rum, but when you use this tool, you need to be as careful as possible so that the mixture does not get into your eyes. To make eyelashes not only strong. But also darker, mix castor oil with very strong black tea (brewed) and apply to the eyelashes.
  4. Take castor, olive and burdock oils. To apply the product to the eyelashes, take an eyelash brush and comb them. Nourishing oils bring great benefits to eyelashes, they make them healthier and stronger. Thanks to castor and burdock oils, eyelashes begin to grow faster, and their structure is significantly improved and they stop falling out over time. If you notice a strong loss of eyelashes, then this procedure should be carried out every day and very soon you will have the opportunity to admire the result. Depending on the characteristics of the body and the condition of the eyelashes, they can recover in a week or a month.
  5. This wonderful and effective eyelash care product is made from several oils: castor, rose, linseed, almond, wheat germ and grape seed oils. If you are unable to purchase all of these oils, then you can use only a few of them that you have available. You need to take oils for the mixture only in equal parts, then you need to apply on the eyelashes for 10 minutes and then rinse with warm water.
As mentioned earlier, castor oil improves the condition of our eyelashes very well, primarily their structure, stops strong or partial loss and stimulates the growth of new eyelashes. Almost the same effect on the hair and almond oil. Rose oil helps to slightly slow down the aging process of the eyelids and soothes the skin, so after a few applications it will also be possible to note the cessation of eyelash loss. Rose oil is still an excellent makeup remover and can replace any even the most expensive and high-quality product.

What are the ways to strengthen eyelashes and stimulate their growth

Eyelash masks
Strange as it may seem, but for our eyelashes a mask made from the most ordinary vegetable oil mixed with oil solutions of vitamins A and E can be very useful. These vitamins can be bought at any pharmacy in the form of capsules, but storing such a mixture is not very convenient. how it deteriorates so quickly. In order for it to stand for at least some time, put the mixture in a transparent bottle in the refrigerator. Of course, a mascara bottle can also work, just before using it, try to wash it thoroughly and dry it completely. When you apply this mixture, then wait until the excess oil drains from the brush and only then start applying it to the eyelashes, combing them from root to tip. When doing this, you need to be extremely careful so that the mixture does not get into your eyes.

Probably everyone knows that eyelashes are somewhat similar to hair. They are composed of moisture and 97% of keratin (protein substance). This is precisely the reason that any oil mask with the addition of liquid vitamins is suitable for the treatment and strengthening of eyelashes.

Eyelash massage
In addition to what was described above, there are several more ways that will help you quickly strengthen your eyelashes, as well as make the skin of the eyelids more well-groomed and young. To do this, you only need massage oil. In order to prepare it, take vegetable oil as a base and add a little aloe juice and very finely chopped parsley to it. Mix the whole mixture very thoroughly. You need to apply it on the eyelashes with massage movements and lightly pat. Do not take too much money so that it does not get on the mucous membrane of the eye. Otherwise, an oily veil will form before your eyes, from which you will not be able to get rid of for a long time.

Compresses for eyelash growth
In order for the effects of stress not to be so clearly reflected on the condition of the eyelashes, you need to make a compress so that they can “relax”. This can be done with a cold compress using decoctions of a variety of medicinal herbs. To rest your eyes, and at this time your eyelashes receive additional funds for strengthening and growth, use the following plants: chamomile, sage, cornflower, black tea or green. The procedure should take an average of 15 minutes. As soon as you remove the compress, you will notice that you have rested, and your eyes have calmed down, even your vision has become a little better.

What are the means to stimulate growth and strengthen eyelashes at home

Means that would stimulate the growth of eyelashes are sold in the store in ready-made form. It can be a variety of balms, gels, mascara bases, and so on. At home, it is not always possible to make a product that would have all the necessary ingredients (essential oils, vitamins) in its composition, but all this is in purchased products. In addition, their packaging and how they should be used are very convenient. Surely, with their help you can grow beautiful, long and thick eyelashes.

There are also other ways to make eyelashes appear thick and very long. To do this, many women use special mascaras that give the eyelashes extra volume and length. Others can go to the salon and there professionals will very quickly help you grow eyelashes to the desired length and density. But all this can cost a lot of money, and such a result can be obtained at home, for much less money. To do this, you can use professional tools on your own, which will give a simply gorgeous result that will please you for a very long time.

How to take care of your hair at home using professional products

  1. When you start thinking about which product to choose for eyelash care, then you should pay attention to "AdvancedLash". This tool contains extremely safe components of cosmetic origin, as well as prostaglandins in order to stimulate the growth of eyelashes as much as possible. It will help to grow not only those eyelashes that already exist, but also those that are at the time of application in the "sleeping bulbs". In order for the eyelashes to become longer, you will need to use this tool for about 3-4 weeks. In addition to stimulating growth, these drugs have the ability to protect against external factors. You need to apply the product before going to bed on the roots of the eyelashes with a very thin strip and at the same time with only one movement.
  2. A little more effect than we can get from castor oil will give us a special gel "Kareprost". He is responsible for stimulating the growth of eyelashes, and the eyes become more attractive. Shining framed by lush and long eyelashes. The tool nourishes the eyelashes very well. All experts can advise him to women who are fond of false eyelashes to restore destroyed eyelashes. The drug belongs to ophthalmic solutions, so it is safe to use and not be afraid that it may fall into the eyes or onto the skin. Of course, you should be as careful as possible so that the gel does not get into the eyes, and when it gets on the skin other than the eyelids. It should be removed. The gel is applied in a thin strip at the base of the eyelash growth.
Remember that if you just try to take care of your eyelashes as well as possible and follow simple rules, then very soon they will shine with beauty and become long, thick and dark!

Expressive, truly beautiful eyes are the dream of absolutely all girls. Many of them are wondering: how to grow eyelashes at home, if nature was not too generous from the very beginning? Someone is faced with another problem: due to poorly selected cosmetics, improper care, or after extension, the cilia become sparse and brittle. Both appearance and self-esteem suffer from this.

It is quite possible to help the trouble! You don’t even need to contact specialized salons (although similar services are also provided there). No extra money and time? We cope with difficulties at home, which is important - with minimal financial costs. Just do not think that the effect will appear instantly, the main thing is not to quit what you have started, to perform all the procedures regularly.

Any hair on the human body is a “litmus test” of general health. They are very vulnerable, they are the first to respond to the lack of nutrients obtained from food, hormonal disorders, and bad habits that have appeared. It is possible that the “root of evil” is the intake of specific medicines, seasonal beriberi, poor-quality ink.

The habit of rubbing your eyes can also play a negative role. If the constant itching of the eyelids is to blame, an allergic reaction should be excluded (primarily to a cream or cleanser). Peeling of the skin in the eye area, swelling, redness - a reason to visit an allergist and a dermatologist.

Is your health okay? Then it is worth looking for the cause in improper care. In order for the eyelashes to be thick, healthy, really long, you must follow a few simple rules.

  • Never forget to wash off makeup before going to bed - the remnants of mascara or shadows on the eyelids can cause serious irritation and inflammation.
  • Try not to use the same bottle of mascara for more than three or four months - even if its expiration date has not expired (pathogenic bacteria can settle and multiply inside).
  • Use a gentle make-up remover that suits your skin and the type of makeup. Constant washing with ordinary soap will definitely dry out the epidermis.
  • The eyes should rest, and the bulbs of the cilia should receive the necessary amount of oxygen and nutrients. This means that after washing, you need to do a light eyelid massage and apply a nourishing cream.

Attention! During the massage, the eyes are not rubbed, but gently tapped with their fingers: on the upper eyelid - from the inner corner to the outer, along the lower - in the opposite direction.

  • Do not forget to comb your eyelashes with a special comb (brush) - this perfectly stimulates their growth.
  • Do special therapeutic compresses several times a month, and apply masks more often - every day or every other day.

Folk remedies for growing eyelashes

Our eyelids love to be pampered with special nourishing mixtures based on various oils. However, these biologically active "cocktails" must be used in different ways.

Mask for the night - a way "for the lazy"

There is nowhere easier: with the help of a cotton swab, sponge or cosmetic brush, the product is distributed along the roots of the cilia. After that, it is advisable to do a small massage of the eyelids, let the “medicine” be absorbed and go to sleep.

Oils from peach or grape seeds, almonds, as well as natural olive oil with the addition of vitamins work best. Many cosmetologists forbid to keep burdock or castor oil on the eyelids for too long, so they are not suitable for everyone for night recovery.

Attention! Manipulation requires skill and caution. If the composition gets into the eyes, it is advisable to rinse them immediately, otherwise unpleasant consequences are possible - up to deterioration of vision.

Application of the "elixir" for one hour

In this case, the oil acts as a base, the action of which is enhanced by special "secret" additives. Usually all ingredients are mixed in a one-to-one ratio. The mask is applied to the upper and lower eyelids, not only the hairline is moistened quite abundantly, but also the entire skin around. Massage also does not hurt, but it is only necessary to remove the nutrient after an hour (maximum - after two). Going to bed without washing off the mask is impossible!

To quickly become the owner of gorgeous eyelashes, try combining base oil (castor, olive) with other natural ingredients:

  • aloe juice;
  • well chopped parsley;
  • rose oil (or gruel from petals);
  • beaten egg white;
  • carrot or cucumber juice;
  • rum.

Some women claim that the maximum effect can be achieved by mixing several oils at once in equal proportions. For example, sea buckthorn, burdock and linen. The mask works better if the composition is slightly warmed up.

Herbal compress

To make eyelashes long and thick, it is necessary to soothe the skin of the eyelids, relieve fatigue and possible inflammation, and “spur” regeneration. This will help compresses with decoctions of medicinal herbs - all the same burdock (burdock), chamomile, calendula, cornflower or mint. The recipe is the same: a tablespoon of vegetable raw materials for half a glass of boiling water. Mix and let it brew for half an hour.

The solution can be filtered, but this is not essential. The main thing is that it should not be hot at the beginning of the procedure, so as not to get burned (the skin of the eyelids is very delicate). Cotton pads or gauze napkins are moistened in the infusion, squeezed out a little and placed on the eyes (for 15-20 minutes). It is advisable to just lie down at this time - relax and unwind.

Tea is also suitable for compresses - black, green, herbal, but only natural, without flavorings.

Proprietary drugs - pros and cons

If traditional medicine does not inspire confidence, you can use special cosmetic formulations (conditioners, serums and balms). It is best to be tested before that in a good salon, where they will select the most optimal care complex. Among the main disadvantages of professional products are the high price and the high frequency of allergic reactions.

In Europe, the drug Careprost (bimatoprost) is widely used, which is usually prescribed by ophthalmologists to correct vision, and along the way, to improve the appearance of eyelashes. It is impossible to “prescribe” this medicine to yourself, it is contraindicated in a number of diseases, and side effects are quite common.

Video blogger adviser: how to “stretch” eyelashes at home?

The Secret of Castor Oil by Lilith Moon Ru

Castor oil (cold pressed, 100%) is good for hair growth in general - this rule also applies to eyelashes. You can buy it at a pharmacy, and it is most convenient to apply it with a brush from a liquid eyeliner (naturally, completely free of paint). The blogger suggests using a syringe to fill a thoroughly washed cosmetic bottle with oil.

This medicine is used in the evening, when the makeup is removed and the skin is cleansed (approximately an hour or two before bedtime). The brush is dipped in oil, and then the roots of the cilia are gently smeared. After a couple of weeks, you can notice the first results, and after two months the effect is already obvious: the hairs become longer and much thicker.

Oil "cocktail" with vitamin E from Sasha Chistova

The blogger suggests treating weakened (damaged) eyelashes with a mixture of coconut and burdock oil with the addition of a pharmacy solution of vitamin E. You can buy all the ingredients in a pharmacy or in cosmetic stores. You will also need a special brush for applying the product (resembling a brush with hard bristles from a standard brass mat).

The components are mixed in equal proportions. The brush is dipped into this cocktail, and then the hairs are gently combed from the roots to the tips (Sasha advises doing the procedure before going to bed).

The blogger's way to get thick and long lashes quickly doesn't involve using any oils (plus, it doesn't take extra time). First of all, you need to buy keratin in ampoules (it is sold in specialized cosmetic stores, salons) and add exactly one drop to your eyelash dye. Mix well and use every day.

How will this help? Keratin restores the damaged structure of the hairs, makes them satiny, strong, healthy, and prevents brittleness.

Inna advises not to throw away the opened ampoule - there will still be a lot of unused product left in it. Keratin can be stored in the refrigerator, adding a little to hair masks, shampoo, baths to strengthen nails.

Now a huge amount of funds is being blown to accelerate the growth of eyelashes, but the composition does not inspire confidence. How to grow eyelashes on your own and not harm them?

Eyelashes themselves are short-lived, they fall out and grow back more often than the rest of the hair on the body. One eyelash lives no more than two hundred days.

How long can eyelashes grow?

With the help of folk recipes and various cosmetics, you can grow eyelashes by no more than 30% of the original length. Using all the tips, the result will not be long in coming, in about a month the cilia will please with their length. But the first results will be noticeable after just one week.

Need to remember that eyelashes are, first of all, hair. It is for this reason that they need the same care: the right massage and various masks for rapid growth. But the bad thing is that the eyelashes are next to the eyes, and components can get into them, thereby causing allergies and irritation. Therefore, the choice of composition must be approached especially carefully.

How to grow eyelashes fast

Now there is a huge selection of products for rapid hair growth, but do they really help? Rather yes than no! But in turn, the substances that make up their composition can cause no small harm, and this is worth remembering.

With the constant use of such products, eyelashes grow far from everyone. In addition, cosmetics only help to lengthen the eyelashes, but they do not affect their thickness at all. For this reason, eyelashes begin to grow in a chaotic manner, and it does not look very beautiful.

To use such funds, you need to study the composition very carefully, because some substances can make your eyes redden. In addition, they should never be used during pregnancy, since the prostaglandins that make up the composition cause labor.

How to grow eyelashes in a week

  1. Every day, before going to bed, it is necessary to massage the eyelids.
  2. Apply eyelash oil daily.
  3. Make a mask for eyelash growth every other day.
  4. Once, in the middle of the week, make a compress.

How to grow thick and long eyelashes

Oils for eyelash growth

  1. To accelerate the growth of eyelashes, rosehip, castor or sea buckthorn oil will become indispensable, in which you need to add carrot juice and a few drops of vitamin A.
  2. Mix rum and castor oil in proportions one to one. Apply this mixture to the eyelashes, while avoiding contact with the skin. This oil will add shine, shorten growth and make eyelashes darker.
  3. Mix almond and peach oil in equal proportions. Apply this mixture before going to bed with a cotton swab.
  4. Mix one teaspoon of vaseline, one teaspoon of burdock oil and the same amount of cognac. Lubricating eyelashes with this oil, growth will accelerate, density will increase and a healthy shine and color will return.
  5. You can use a simpler recipe by mixing castor oil and Aevit, which can be bought at any pharmacy.
  6. To nourish and strengthen eyelashes, you must use the following folk recipe. Mix fish oil, Aevit capsules, burdock, olive, almond or castor oil. With this mixture, the treatment will take about a month.

Eyelash massage to stimulate eyelash growth

  • In order to accelerate the growth of hair on the head, you need to do a massage, the same thing needs to be done with eyelashes.
  • During eyelash massage, you can use any cosmetic oil, but if you are careful that it gets into your eyes, then you can massage without it.
  • Massage is best done with a small brush, previously dipped in oil, you can add a few drops of vitamin A to it.
  • During the massage, you can use the following mixture: mix vegetable oil with parsley juice or aloe juice.

Masks for the rapid growth of eyelashes

Masks for eyelash growth are very similar to oils, but they include castor oil, which in no case should be left overnight, it should be on the eyelashes for no more than one hour.

Castor oil is one of the most effective oils for boosting eyelash growth. In addition, it strengthens, moisturizes, makes eyelashes thicker and more beautiful.

Masks should be stored in the refrigerator, and applied liberally with a cotton swab or brush from an old mascara, without getting into the eyes. Castor oil can be replaced with burdock, which, by the way, is also undesirable to leave on eyelashes overnight.

To prepare the mask, you can mix eight grams of petroleum jelly, five grams of castor oil, two grams of Shostakovsky's balm or Peruvian balm. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and smeared with eyelash ointment. It is worth noting that this ointment is absolutely harmless to the eyes and skin.

Compress for the growth and density of eyelashes

Herbal compresses are also great for growing long and thick eyelashes.

In the process of preparing compresses, you can use dry pharmacy chamomile, cornflower, calendula flowers or coltsfoot grass. In addition to herbs, you can also use regular black tea. Herbs need to be brewed for at least twenty minutes. Water should be used as little as possible so that the infusion is as strong as possible.

Roll a cotton pad in half and moisten abundantly in a decoction, put on the eyelids and keep them for twenty minutes. After the time has elapsed, remove the discs, wait until the eyelashes dry and apply oil to them to accelerate the growth of eyelashes.

The compress must be done within a week.

How to grow eyelashes after extension?

Every woman dreams of beautiful eyelashes, so many resort to their extension. Artificial eyelashes are certainly good, but the relatives are very spoiled by this process. After the extended eyelashes are removed, you need to improve and strengthen the natural ones a little. A one-to-one mixture of castor oil and petroleum jelly can help with this. Dropped eyelashes will begin to grow back after a few days, and the rest will be strengthened and significantly lengthened.

In parallel with this ointment, it is advisable to use a special medical mascara, which has no color. It can be applied under colored mascara or at night. In general, in order to speed up the restoration of eyelashes, it is advisable to abandon decorative cosmetics.

What needs to be done to grow eyelashes?

  1. Proper nutrition.
  2. Do not use mascara at least one day a week, the eyelash also needs to rest.
  3. Properly remove eye makeup.

What absolutely cannot be done

  1. Sleep with mascara on. During sleep, we cease to control our movements, for this reason the eyelashes break.
  2. Trim eyelashes. We all know the fact that if you cut the ends of the hair on your head, then they begin to grow faster, but this should not touch the eyelashes. After such a “haircut”, we will get short eyelashes-columns, and they will grow for a very long time.
  3. Use waterproof mascara every day. Since such mascara is much more difficult to wash off from the eyes, we use aggressive products and rub our eyes, and with them our eyelashes.

Our eyelashes are under enormous stress every day and perform the function we need to protect against dust, debris and other small particles. And we, in turn, must properly care for and nourish them with vitamins, and their gratitude will not take long.

The most beautiful girl that many wanted to become in childhood, Malvina was remembered as the owner of beautiful, long eyelashes. Unfortunately, not many girls have been given thick, fluffy eyelashes by nature. But even those who are gifted with such luxury are concerned about the question of how to preserve and grow them. Bad ecology, improper extension, unbalanced nutrition - make eyelashes weak and brittle. Consider several ways of harmless, proven means for eyelash growth at home.

If you prefer not hormonal, often hazardous to health and very expensive products, but recipes based on oils and herbal decoctions, then do not expect instant results. But you will be able to treat, strengthen, improve the condition and accelerate the growth of eyelashes, without risking anything and at no cost. It is no secret that burdock oil is the best remedy for the active growth of eyelashes. You can simply apply it to the eyelashes with a brush from the used mascara. But it is better to prepare such a composition: castor and burdock oil, good cognac, take vaseline in equal parts and mix thoroughly. Apply to lashes with a brush, like a mask, and leave for 2 hours, then blot with a tissue. Store the composition in a closed container, in a cool place. Apply every day for a month, then take a break. Result in a week. Prepare another recipe based on natural oils: almond, castor, wheat germ, take in equal parts, add a few drops of vitamins A and E. You can buy them at the pharmacy. Apply as described above. It is better to make a mask in the evening, without leaving it overnight, as the eyes may turn red in the morning or swelling will appear. Oils can be replaced at will, alternating them, as long as they are fresh and of high quality. The following vegetable oils are suitable for rapid growth: almond, peach, castor, sea buckthorn, burdock, olive, jojoba, wheat germ. Good additives to oils: cognac, rum, aloe juice (carefully, in minimal quantities), vitamins A and E.

To improve the effect of the oils, prepare a decoction for compresses, apply them twice a week. Take medicinal herbs: calendula, chamomile, cornflower, coltsfoot, black tea, freshly brewed green. Prepare a strong decoction of them in the usual way, insisting for half an hour. Soak cotton pads with warm decoction, apply on the eyelids for 20 minutes. Compresses not only help strengthen and grow eyelashes, but are also good for the eyes - they remove swelling, dark circles, and relieve fatigue.

To strengthen and improve the growth of eyelashes, massage the eyelids along the lash line. Type a few drops of one of the vegetable oils recommended in the second paragraph of the article on your fingertips. It is not bad to prepare a special mixture for massage: a tablespoon of vegetable oil and half a teaspoon of parsley and aloe juice. Very gently, with gentle touches, massage the eyelids and cilia. This is useful for activating the growth of eyelashes and for the eyes - it will help to increase the sharpness of vision, improve blood circulation, and launch the functions inherent in nature. It will take a little time, about five minutes.

When using herbal remedies - be patient, be careful when creating masks, if there is irritation, then do not add anything other than vitamins to the oils. Try not to get a lot of oil on the brush, avoid getting the composition in your eyes. Set a goal - knowing the means for eyelash growth is not enough, you still need motivation, and you will get what you want - gorgeous eyelashes.