How often have you changed the plastic bottles. How many bottles does a baby need? Hole size selection

A large selection of bottles can be confusing for parents. To implement it correctly, you need to rely on the type of feeding: the mother feeds with breast milk or artificial feeding takes place. When thinking how many bottles a newborn needs, keep in mind the distinctive features between them, calculate how many of them will be needed in the first weeks.

How many feeding bottles does a newborn need?

When choosing containers, give preference to convenient to use. Buy well-known brands, check for a certificate of quality. Dishes for babies should be made from environmentally friendly materials.

Does a newborn need a bottle? Maybe you can do without it? If the baby eats mixtures from birth, it is definitely necessary. A child who feeds on mother's milk will drink water and juices from a bottle. This means that he will not need it immediately after birth.

How many and what bottles does a newborn need? A baby who is breastfeeding will need a couple of containers:

  • 1 - 2 x 100 - 120 ml for water;
  • 2 x 150 ml for the journey.

Sometimes moms do without them. They feed, add a spoon to the baby.

A baby needs more bottles when he is bottle-fed:

  • 3 x 250 ml for mixtures;
  • 2 x 150 ml for water;
  • 1 x 100 ml for juice.

How many bottles does a newborn need when bottle feeding? At least up to 4 bottles are needed for a newborn per day when he is feeding with formula. Parents should have time to sterilize the dishes, dry them and prepare a fresh mixture for feeding. As the crumbs grow, the number of bottles increases.

How long can infant formula be stored in a bottle? The shelf life can be up to 2 hours, if the child has not yet eaten from this bottle. Storage is carried out in the refrigerator, at room temperature it can quickly sour.

When the baby has not finished eating, and there is something left in the container, pour it out. Do not store leftover formula in a bottle. Rinse it thoroughly and prepare a new one as required. Some moms think they can give their baby the leftover formula from the last feed if it was less than an hour ago. However, it is not. Remains of the mixture quickly deteriorate and can cause poisoning.

How often should baby bottles be changed?

First of all, considering the degree of wear. Consequently, someone does it earlier, someone later. Glass bottles do not require replacement at all. Doctors recommend regularly changing plastic baby bottles, at least once every six months. If you see scratches or dents on it, replace it faster.

The nipples fail earlier. They require replacement every three months. Change the teat when you hear hissing noises coming out while your baby is sucking milk. The hole in it has increased, the baby can choke and swallow air.

How much do baby bottles cost? The name of the manufacturer plays an important role in determining the price value. World brands regularly confirm the quality of their products. Today there are bottles of the "Avent" company. The nipples on them are removable, sold separately, if necessary, you can always buy and replace cracked or lightened ones from long boiling.

Plastic bottles are much cheaper than their glass counterparts. However, this material becomes cloudy, small cracks may form, where bacteria will accumulate. Therefore, they will have to be changed more often.

Glass is more practical, and it lasts 3 times longer. So consider which bottle is more profitable to buy. The estimated cost of baby bottles is from 150 to 330 rubles. The decisive role is played by the manufacturer and its place in the rating for the production of children's tableware. In terms of their qualities, the containers are practically the same.

Many mothers manage to do without bottles at all when feeding a baby. For some, a standard set of three is enough. However, if you are not lucky with the quality, you will have to change it as it wears out.

From the moment the baby is born, parents try to surround him with due care and attention, provide proper care, create ideal conditions for his growth and development. The choice of quality products for a newborn baby is also important. This partially applies to the first baby dishes. So, bottles for feeding newborns are used by absolutely all parents, regardless of the feeding method (GW or IV). If the baby is breastfed, the bottles can come in handy when the mom needs to go away. Then she is in advance, after which dad or grandmother can feed the baby without any problems. If the child is bottle-fed, then you cannot do without a few bottles. These utensils for children are also necessary for giving a child some water. In connection with the relevance of using this piece of tableware, young parents have a completely natural question - how to choose the right bottle for a newborn baby and what should be paid attention to when choosing.

Criteria for choosing a feeding bottle

When choosing baby bottles, first of all, you need to pay attention to the manufacturing quality of these products. To protect your child from low-quality goods, it is recommended to purchase bottles and accessories for them in pharmacies or children's specialized stores. Such a product must have a quality certificate.

When giving preference to this or that model, you need to take into account several points:

  • size / volume;
  • the form;
  • material;
  • manufacturer.

The size. In the first months of life, children drink at a time no more than 90 ml of milk and 50 ml of water ( link to article:). Therefore, for the first time, you can buy small bottles for feeding - from 80 to 150 ml. They are compact and easy to use. Some moms also find it better to choose wide models than narrow ones, as they are comfortable to hold while feeding and are easy to rinse and process.

Anti-colic bottle shape

The form. When wondering what shape a baby bottle should be, many parents disagree. Some believe that the most optimal is the so-called "anti-colic", which has a curved shape. Others believe that you need to purchase bottles of standard cylindrical shape. The main point that young parents must take into account when choosing a shape is simplicity and ease of washing and processing. The main thing is that this piece of dishes can be washed well and quickly.

Material. Of no small importance is the material from which the containers for baby food are made. The most common material for making these utensils for children is plastic.

Benefits of plastic bottles:

  • ease;
  • fast processing;
  • variety of models.


  • when boiled, plastic can release substances harmful to the body;
  • plastic bottles need to be changed frequently;
  • with prolonged use, microcracks can form in plastic.

There is also a more reliable material for making children's dishes - glass... However, glass bottles are not often found in children's supermarkets. However, they are quite popular due to their long-term use and the ability to sterilize them for a long time without worrying about the health of the baby. Their only drawback is that they are quite heavy and can break if handled carelessly.

Having orientated in the size, shape, material of children's dishes, it is important not to forget about the manufacturer. Parents prefer to buy bottles of proven and recognized brands.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn't think that the problem of stretch marks would touch me, but I will also write about it))) But there is nowhere to go, so I am writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method will help you too ...

Video gallery: how to choose a bottle and a nipple

How to choose the right baby bottle for feeding and a nipple for it, what you must pay attention to when choosing how to keep the bottle clean and other popular questions are discussed in the videos below.

Open video

The best baby bottle manufacturers

The best baby feeding bottles come from the following manufacturers:

  • Philips Avent - it is this company that mothers give preference to when choosing children's dishes. The products of this manufacturer are distinguished by a wide neck, compactness, and an anti-colic valve. The product passes all the necessary testing and certification procedures.
  • Dc. Brown Is another favorite brand. The concave shape of the bottles of this company allows you to achieve an anti-colic effect. Dc products. Brown has a unique ventilation system with a straw that prevents excess air from being swallowed during feeding.
  • Nuk - recognized by young mothers as the best manufacturer due to high workmanship and strength. Almost all models are brightly colored, attracting the attention of both parents and little fools.
  • Chicco Nature - a manufacturer who cares about the maximum compliance of the feeding process with breastfeeding. This effect was achieved with the help of a special physiological nipple, which makes feeding a newborn easy and pleasant.

Photo gallery of bottles of different manufacturers (clickable)

Philips Avent bottle

Video gallery: bottles from different manufacturers (comparison)

Open video

Philips AVENT

Dc. Brown

Chicco nature

Avent or NUK? Who will win?

Bottle nipples: what to look for

In many ways, how a newborn will drink milk or water from a bottle depends on the correct choice of nipple. Most baby bottles come with matching nipples and other sizes. Nevertheless, in some cases, children are sensitive to one or another nipple: some babies normally perceive standard silicone nipples, while others accept only soft latex nipples. In this case, mothers need to observe which nipple is best suited and specifically liked by her baby.

When choosing a nipple, it is important to choose the right hole size, which affects the milk flow. Experts in the pharmacy chain or children's stores will help you choose the most optimal bottle nipples, depending on the age and individual preferences of the child.

  1. When shopping for feeding bottles, be sure to get some cleaning brushes. It is necessary to thoroughly rinse the baby dishes from the remains of milk or milk formula after each feeding of the baby.
  2. When processing, you can use a small amount of detergent for washing baby dishes.
  3. It is most thoroughly necessary to rinse hard-to-reach places - the bottom and the neck of the bottle, since it is here that milk residues can settle. This is a favorable environment for the development of pathogens and can provoke intestinal disorders.
  4. The baby bottle brush should only be used for this purpose.
  5. Before each use, the baby food container must be boiled for 5-10 minutes or sterilized in a sterilizer ( See (rating)).
  6. Do not forget to change baby bottles, nipples, washing brushes in a timely manner.
  7. For babies who are breastfed, 2-3 small bottles up to 80-100 ml will be sufficient. They will be needed to add some water, and later - juice and baby tea.
  8. For "artificial" need a larger number of bottles: 4-5 up to 180-250 ml volume for milk formula and 2-3 with a volume of about 80-100 ml for water, juice, baby tea.

Thus, when choosing a bottle for feeding a newborn, it is necessary to approach this issue with all responsibility and seriousness. The correct choice of utensils for baby food affects the absence of problems when feeding a baby.

Olga Nikitina

Reading time: 14 minutes


The first bottle in the world designed for feeding a baby was patented back in 1841. From that moment to the present day, it has been actively improved by various specialists, and on the shelves of modern stores you can find a variety of its modifications. As a rule, the purchase of bottles is carried out even before childbirth, so that by the time of discharge from the hospital there is no need for additional "raids" on children's stores and pharmacies.

What bottles to buy, in what quantity, and which brands to pay attention to?

Types of baby bottles for feeding and water - the main criteria for choosing bottles for a baby from 0 to a year

In Soviet times, choosing a bottle did not take much time - the market did not offer a rich assortment. And today, the choice of such a seemingly simple subject rests on a whole list of criteria and requirements. What can we say about trade marks, of which there are a great many on modern "children's" counters.

What should you pay special attention to?

Glass or plastic?

Today, in the production of bottles used ...

  • Glass. Pros: sterilization, easy care, durability. Disadvantages: inconvenience, heavy weight, risk of breaking the bottle while feeding.
  • Silicone. Pros: imitation of mother's breast in terms of thermal conductivity and elasticity, safety. Disadvantages: Long-term sterilization is not recommended.
  • Plastic. Pros: lightweight, comfortable, unbreakable. Disadvantages: When warm / hot liquids get into it, cheap plastic can release harmful substances, so when choosing such a bottle, it is recommended to focus on a manufacturer with a good reputation.

Which shape should you choose?

Modern technologies have provided manufacturers with ample opportunities to create bottles that are truly comfortable for mothers and babies.

The most popular forms:

  1. Classic. It is convenient to wash, but inconvenient to hold for the baby.
  2. With a wide throat. Good for formula feeding.
  3. With a narrow throat. Good for water and juices.
  4. Curly. These bottles are comfortable for the baby's hands, but for the mother, this shape is a real headache. It is extremely difficult to wash such a bottle.
  5. Drinking bottle. An older version of a bottle for toddlers who are already taught to drink on their own. The bottle is a container with handles, a sealed lid and a special spout.
  6. Anti-colic. Special modern bottles, which are distinguished by the presence of an air valve that provides pressure control. In such a bottle, the nipple does not stick together, the air does not enter the child's stomach, and food flows to him uninterruptedly. The valve can be located at the bottom, on the nipple itself, or as part of an anti-colic device used.

Bottle teats - selectable by shape, material and hole size

Material selection:

  • Silicone. High strength, long service life, easy maintenance.
  • Latex. Low price, fast deformation.
  • Rubber. Presence of rubbery taste and odor, rapid loss of shape and properties.

Shape selection:

  1. Spherical classic: the top is round, the shape is elongated, the presence of a "skirt" to protect against air intake, wide base.
  2. Orthodontic: the shape is flattened, forms the correct bite.
  3. Pulling: imitates the sucking process, requires effort when sucking. Recommended for mixed feeding.
  4. Anti-colic: protects against gastrointestinal problems and regurgitation.

Hole size selection

Important: the number and size of holes directly depends on the age of the toddler and the type of liquid. The baby should not choke when using the nipple, but there should be no fatigue from sucking either.

  • For the smallest the little man will have enough nipples with 1 hole, from which 1 drop per second drips, if you turn the bottle upside down.
  • A nipple with several holes is purchased for a grown-up toddler, as soon as you begin to notice that the baby is very tense when sucking, gets tired and malnourished.
  • Large holes in the nipple - for liquid cereals.

How often to change nipples and bottles?

  1. Latex nipples - once every 2 months.
  2. Silicone nipples - once every 3-5 months.
  3. Plastic and silicone bottles - every 6 months.

What else do you need to keep in mind when choosing a bottle?

  • Completeness. A set with a bottle may include nipples of different sizes, supports and lids, as well as removable handles, etc. Pay attention to the presence of the cap!
  • Tightness. If you shake the bottle, nothing should twist off and fall off.
  • Quality. The bottle and nipples should not smell anything, and the packaging should contain an inscription about the absence of bisphenol A, etc. Be sure to check for a certificate.
  • Trademark. The choice depends only on the buyer, but for the safety of the baby, it is better to focus on proven brands and companies with a good reputation.
  • Dosage labels. Ideal if the marks are embossed (raised), because the marks printed on the bottle wear off over time from washing and boiling. Pay attention to the accuracy of the scale (unfortunately, many manufacturers are guilty of accurate marks), especially if you plan to feed the child with a mixture.
  • The presence of a temperature scale indicator. This "option" will allow mom to control the temperature of the liquid in the bottle. This function will be especially useful for a family where the baby often stays with the dad, who does not understand what temperature the liquid in the bottle should actually be.

Manufacturers of the best baby bottles - ranking of the most convenient baby bottles

There are a great many manufacturers of baby bottles in Russia today, but we will note the 10 most popular of them that have become in demand due to the quality and convenience of their products.

Philips Avent

Average price: 480 rubles.

Features: wide neck, anti-colic system in the nipples (as well as the ability to regulate fluid flow), compactness, high quality.


Average price: 600 rubles.

Country of origin: USA.

Features: the presence of an anti-colic system, a wide neck, lightness, a wide base of the nipple.

Tommee tippee

Average price: 450 rubles.

Country of origin: Great Britain.

Features: anatomical nipple, wide neck, anti-colic system.

Average price: from 400 rubles.

Country of origin: Switzerland.

The assortment includes regular bottles, sippy cups, bottles with smart pumps, etc.

Features: full imitation of breast sucking, universal size and shape, anti-colic system, Swiss top quality.


Average price: from 250-300 rubles.

Country of origin: Germany.

Features: high strength, striking design, imitation of natural feeding, choice of orthodontic and anti-colic nipples, narrow neck.


Average price: from 330-600 rubles.

Country of origin: Italy.

Features: wide neck, stability, anatomical nipples, large selection of glass bottles.

The world of childhood

Average price: from 160-200 rubles.

Country of origin: Russia.

Features: wide neck, ergonomic shape, anti-colic system, striking design. They perfectly tolerate sterilization, do not contain harmful substances.


Average price: from 500 rubles.

Country of origin: USA.

Features: removable bottom, anti-colic system, inclined shape, wide neck, imitation of natural breast sucking, thermal sensors.

Bebe Confort

Average price: from 250 rubles.

Country of origin: France.

Features: the ability to regulate the flow of liquid, the presence of a protective cap, wide neck, anti-colic system.

Canpol babies

Average price: from 150-300 rubles.

Country of origin: Poland.

Features: anti-colic system, maximum proximity to natural feeding, wide neck, comfortable use, increased nipple strength.

How many and which feeding bottles and water should I buy for the birth of a baby - how to care for baby bottles?

Some mums and dads fill the bedside tables with bottles, others buy one at a time and change only when necessary.

How many bottles does a baby really need?

  • For the baby who just came into the world , a 120 ml bottle is sufficient.
  • For an older toddler who already eats more than 120 ml at a time , we need bigger bottles - 240 ml each.
  • For babies on artificial nutrition, at least 6 bottles are needed : 180-240 ml for milk and 80-100 ml for water / tea.
  • For naturally fed babies - 4 bottles, 80-100 ml each for water, juice and supplementary feed.

How to Care for Feeding Bottles - Basic Rules

The most important thing in bottle care is timely sterilization and replacement.

It is pointless to argue about the need for sterilization - it is mandatory for babies up to 1-1.5 years old.

Sterilization methods - choose the most convenient:

  1. Boiling. Fill clean disassembled bottles with water, put on fire, after boiling water, boil over low heat for about 10 minutes. The boiling time of silicone nipples is no more than 3 minutes.
  2. Cold processing. We dissolve a special tablet with disinfecting properties in water, lower the bottles for the time specified according to the instructions. The method is highly controversial given the chemical composition of the drug.
  3. Microwave. Simple and convenient: we put the washed bottles in a glass container filled with water and, setting the maximum temperature, sterilize the children's dishes in the microwave for several minutes.
  4. Steam. A gentle, dish-friendly and effective way to disinfect dishes. You can use a regular double boiler for a few minutes, or lower a colander into a pot of water, and then place the bottles there with the neck down for 3-4 minutes.
  5. Multicooker. No less convenient way than a double boiler. We put in the device a sieve for steaming food, put the washed bottles in it, pour water to the bottom, press the “steam” button and turn it off after 5 minutes.
  6. Shop sterilizer. This device is designed exclusively for the disinfection of children's dishes. If you have such a device, you do not need to look for other methods of sterilization: we just install all parts of the bottles in the device and start the device.

Care rules:

  • Be sure to sterilize the bottles after each use. New bottles are also decontaminated!
  • Before sterilization, it is mandatory to wash the bottles.
  • We change plastic bottles every 6 months, and nipples every month.
  • To wash the bottles, we use only safe products: baby soap, soda, mustard or special ECO products for washing baby dishes.
  • When washing the bottles, we use a children's (!) Brush, which should also be disinfected periodically. This brush cannot be used for any other purpose.
  • Drying the bottles after sterilization! No water should remain at the bottom (bacteria will grow quickly in it).

With the advent of a child in the home, the number of purchases and purchased items increases significantly. Parents try to make most of the preparations before the baby is born, but some items have to be selected even after the crumbs appear. If a child is partially or fully artificially fed, the question arises for the parents: which bottle to choose for the newborn.

The modern baby products industry offers so many bottles that it's easy to get confused and doubtful. They come in different shapes and sizes, made from different materials, varying in volume and with additional functions. For example, bottles have already been invented that measure the temperature of the mixture inside and show it on a small thermometer.


Feeding bottles have several basic characteristics to consider when choosing. These include: volume, material, nipple, shape, scale. Such nuances as the presence of a pen or thermometer, the color of the cap, the name of the company are considered secondary. Before buying, it is important to decide on the main items in order to calmly explain to the seller in the store what exactly needs to be purchased.

Elena, 33 years old, mother of weather children: “The eldest daughter grew up breastfed and we didn't even buy a bottle for water. After six months, she began using the toddler cup. Therefore, when we were faced with the question of purchasing a bottle for feeding our youngest daughter, I was completely irresponsible in the process and thought that I could buy any one. Arriving at the children's goods store, I realized how wrong I was. There were so many of them, completely different, that I was not ready to choose a specific one. The same evening my husband and I re-read a lot of information on this topic, figured out their varieties and the next day we were able to choose the right product for us. "


A fully bottle-fed newborn baby can consume up to 80 ml of formula per meal. And although this amount will gradually increase, for the first time it is enough to purchase a 125-150 ml bottle. It will be lightweight and compact for convenient feeding.

If the baby is partly or completely breastfed, the bottle is large enough to feed him, give him water, or feed him with expressed milk. After 2-3 months, you can purchase a larger volume, for example, 250-300 ml.

Manufacturing material

Today, the most common materials from which baby bottles are made are plastic and glass. Both have many advantages, so the choice is up to the parents. It should be borne in mind that plastic is lighter, safer, easy to clean and can be of any, even curved, shape. Its only drawback can be called the appearance of microcracks during constant sterilization, which leads to clouding of the plastic.

A glass bottle is much more efficient and lasts longer, but it is noticeably heavier than a plastic bottle and can be dangerous if accidentally broken. Despite this, many parents continue to use glass because of the environmental friendliness of the material. Indeed, when buying a plastic one, it is important to find a quality product from a reliable manufacturer that does not harm the child.

The famous pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky claims that sterilization of bottles for a newborn is an unnecessary process. He puts it this way: “From the point of view of medicine, sterility is contraindicated for a child ... A child needs cleanliness. Any children's dishes must be washed intensively in running water. And if a detergent is used, it is important to ensure that all residues are thoroughly removed. "

The form

In addition to the usual straight cylindrical bottles, you can purchase a variety of curved options that are marketed by manufacturers as anti-colic. Their shape allows the mixture to be distributed when consumed by the baby and to minimize the likelihood of air getting into the baby's tummy. They are made of plastic and look pretty, but it is difficult to wash such bottles.

A variety of cylindrical bottles can be widened at the bottom or concave in the middle for ease of holding in the hand. Such nuances are important for older children who themselves are trying to hold the bottle in their hands. For the child, the straight design remains the optimal shape, which is easy to hold and wash.

Bottle teat selection

Nipples vary in size, shape and material. Such a variety can make any adult doubtful, but you still need to figure it out. Nipple sizes are numbered from first to fourth. The numbering affects the flow rate and the amount of liquid. The older the baby is, the larger size he needs. The slowest flow teats are suitable for newborns.

The shape of the nipple for bottles is anatomical and normal. The anatomical shape is slightly curved on one side, fits correctly between the tongue and palate, without affecting the child's bite. For an artificial baby, this is preferable. Whereas an ordinary nipple has an even, symmetrical shape, which makes it easier to wash.

Bottle nipples are made of latex and silicone. The latter last longer, do not change their color and size from frequent use. Latex nipples are harder and may not be accepted by the baby. This is especially true for mixed or breastfed babies who are used to the softness of their mother's breasts.

2 possible problems with nipple selection:

Some babies drink very quickly, while others, on the contrary, drink too slowly.

  1. If the newborn chokes while feeding, the hole in the nipple is too large. Be sure to replace the teat with one with a slower flow.
  2. It also happens that a bottle-fed newborn gets nervous and refuses the bottle. The problem may be that it lacks the flow rate. The solution is to move to the next size.

Scale with divisions

Using bottles with a scale on the surface makes it much easier for parents to keep track of how much formula or milk they have eaten. It is important that the divisions are not written with paint on the wall of the bottle, but are squeezed out and voluminous. Then over time they will not be erased.

You can purchase a bottle with transparent heat-sensitive paint on the scale. When the mixture inside is at a suitable temperature, the word "OK" will appear on the surface. This innovation of some bottle makers relieves mom from having to try the temperature of the mixture herself.

Convenient bottles, on which the graduation scale is applied from bottom to top and top to bottom. Then, during feeding, you can see how much the child ate.

Additional accessories and features

When the main parameters are taken into account and selected, you can think about the additional features of feeding bottles. A bottle cap is now a must-have for any product. In addition, some manufacturers offer a removable handle that can be put on the bottle when the baby learns to hold it in his hands.

Often a brush for washing is sold along with the bottle, especially if it is curved. Buying such a kit will make cleaning and maintenance easier.

Additionally, you can also choose a special handbag or cover that will allow you to take food with you for a walk or trip. The thermal bag will allow you to maintain the desired temperature of the mixture for a long time.

How many bottles does a baby need

The answer to this question depends entirely on what the child will eat in the first 4-5 months of his life. If the baby is breastfed, one bottle will be enough. It can be used for water or expressed milk if the need arises.

For a baby on artificial feeding, 3-4 bottles are needed. Small bottles are suitable for a newborn, and after 2-3 months you will have to buy 3 more large ones. This amount is due to the convenience and the ability to give the child different liquids from different bottles.

If the artificial person has only one bottle, the mother will constantly have to take care of its cleanliness and readiness for use. And if it becomes unusable, or is forgotten somewhere, there will be additional efforts to find a replacement. It is better to purchase several bottles of different shape and volume and be calm about feeding.

It is worth considering! In the choice, an important role is played not only by its characteristics, but also by the characteristics of the child himself. Therefore, in order to find the best option, you may have to change or revise several unsuitable ones.

How often should I change my feeding bottles and teats?

Bottles that fit your baby perfectly, especially glass bottles, will last a very long time. They need to be changed in the event that a defect has appeared: cracks, swelling or any other deformations.

The nipples are usually used until the end of the "newborn" period (up to 28 days). Next, you should buy a teat with a faster flow, otherwise the baby will not fill up.

Hygiene of bottles and nipples is a very important process not only in artificial but also in breastfeeding. It is necessary to carefully monitor the cleanliness of the bottle and nipple, wash it after each use. There should be a separate brush for the bottle and nipple. For the nipple, it is more convenient to narrow, ending in foam rubber, and it is more convenient to wash the bottle with a brush with bristles.

Popular manufacturing companies

The manufacturing company is not paramount, but important when choosing. Many baby product manufacturers have been in the business for decades, constantly introducing new products and conducting research to make it easier for parents to grow and develop their babies. It is these reliable companies that you should trust when choosing any baby products.

The most popular manufacturers are:

  • PhilipsAvent is an English manufacturing company that meets all international standards and has the necessary certificates confirming the quality of products; all products are made of safe plastic and equipped with an anti-colic valve;
  • ChiccoNature is a company from Italy that specializes in the entire line of products for children from 0 to 5 years old; bottles are made of glass and safe plastic, and the latex nipple helps to simulate the process of breastfeeding as accurately as possible;
  • Dr. Brown is an American manufacturer that continually brings the latest in childcare. Bottles from this company are concave for an anti-colic effect and come with a handy brush for washing them;
  • Mir Detstva is a Russian company that keeps up with world leaders in quality and innovative technologies, but at the same time offers its products at a more affordable price.

On a note! When trying to make a choice among the whole variety of firms and brands, it is important to take into account the characteristics of the baby and his needs during feeding, and not the popularity of a particular brand.

Natalya, 32 years old, mother of one-year-old Lisa: “Before Lisa was born, we bought one bottle, just in case. But a few weeks after returning home, it turned out that I did not have enough milk, I had to supplement her with mixtures. We bought 3 more different Chicco bottles, they seemed to me the most comfortable and lightest. I was pleased with this choice, later we bought two large bottles of the same company. "

What's the best bottle?

Having studied all the features, characteristics and varieties, parents go to the store or pharmacy and try to figure out which is the best. But theory doesn't always work the way we want it to. If possible, it is better to first buy 2 small different ones and try using them at home. Even a few days of feeding the baby will show which one is more convenient, easier to clean and more often used. Then you can buy two more pieces of the model you like. The best bottle is the one that fits the baby perfectly, allows the mixture to pass through well, prevents air from entering the stomach and is easy to maintain.

What are the best baby bottles? The answer is simple - the ones that fit your baby perfectly.

Thus, choosing a bottle is an important and responsible process that can seem complicated and problematic. Choosing a suitable option from the whole variety of the offered assortment is not an easy task. For the best result, it is worth studying the characteristics and features of different parameters of the product, deciding which of them are the most important and relevant for specific parents and their crumbs. When buying, you should trust reliable well-known manufacturing companies.

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Who is on iv / s, how often do you change the feeding bottle? Once a month?


Although I am breastfeeding, I give water, chamomile. I change the nipple from the bottle every two weeks, and the bottle once a month. I generally have a pen with these nipples and so on. I give a new pacifier every week

- @ matashkova150598, don't you change it often? 😲🤭

- @panovochka I say I have such a pen. He often takes pacifiers, because he takes an ordinary chamomile and they wear out faster than silicone ones, he does not part with it, plays to her, throws it, takes it in his mouth, sleeps all night, in the morning it turns white already.

- @panovochka we also have the usual "Kurnosiki" bottles, so it's not costly to spend 200 rubles on them and on their nipples.

- @ matashkova150598, well, we also take snub-noses, so it's interesting how often the bottles are changed

- @panovochka from the mixture it seems to me just how we change and need to change. Well, this is my opinion))

In general, I did not change anything as we used it and we still use it.

I don't change either, I just wash it and boil it all the time.

And by the way, for tea I have a glass bottle, here it is from birth. Does not absorb odors, washes well

I only changed my nipples by age.

I changed it once every four months, my son recognized only the pygeon, I would go broke more often ... but I'm in the sterilizer that processes them every time

Why change the bottle ???? Changed only because they were not comfortable. Now Dr. Brown is completely satisfied, why change them? Into the sterilizer once a week and everything is ok ☺️

We changed only three bottles, and then we bought a new one, because the last blah star threw it out in the shopping center somewhere, and where 🤷 and so with my brush and boil regularly, I change the nipples according to the degree of wear

- @ ekaterina.tuapse, what bottles do you buy? I like the little ones from the series of snub-noses, but the big ones are nightmarish, the nipples on them are disgusting, the air is poorly let through, and therefore when she sucks from such a bottle, the whole puffs 😖 the mixture does not come out well and the nipple remains flattened for a long time

- @panovochka the first Kurnosiki, the second (which was thrown out) Fairy tale, but it is terribly uncomfortable, the top was badly buried, the air was leaking, in general, a nightmare. And now the world of childhood

- @panovochka we are rosy

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