Wedding makeup with beige gray tones. Wedding makeup for gray eyes. Tools and cosmetics

Gray eyes with a rich ash tint can be considered quite rare. Therefore, for gray eyes, it should emphasize the uniqueness of the appearance and expressiveness of the bride's gaze. You need to choose the right color scheme. To create harmony between the girl's hairstyle and accessories and the make-up, you should experiment with the image long before the gala event.

Important nuances

In determining the best shades for eye beautifying, the colors of "silver" or "steel" refer to the basic principles of color theory. Tones of orange, fuchsia, or unripe eggplant will make gray eyes appear bluer, emerald or ash gray. Also, with the help of color, you can visually increase or decrease the volume of the eyes, direct attention to the lips.

Make-up masters advise to apply shades of orange in different shades to the eyelids - brown, peach, salmon. In order for a light blue to appear in your eyes, you should apply sky-blue shadows with mother-of-pearl to the inner corners of the eyes. The transition from one tone to the next can be made with lilac or coral shadows, slightly shading the outlines of the shades.

Attention! Visually, dark saturated colors: burgundy, plum, purple will help to give gray eyes a shade of Kelly or myrtle.

You can also use pink, red-brown and wine shades. On the eyelids, they are alternated in this way: pink is applied from the inner corner, then purple, and the maroon outer corners complete the image.

To further emphasize the color of the eyes, a chocolate brown pencil, applied along the outline of the upper eyelids, will help. This trick will give the eyes more volume. Used paints: silver, gray, charcoal and black. The application scheme is very simple - alternating tones from the lightest to charcoal black, they are applied to the eyelids. In addition to this dyeing of the eyes, the lips will not stand out - a neutral shade of matte lipstick is applied to them.

The image of the bride

through the eyes of a young girl - this is an event at which she will pass her first "baptism of fire" as an independent adult woman. On this day, the bride cannot look worse than her rival or a banal waitress.

Correctly executed wedding makeup for gray eyes will help to turn an ordinary girl into a queen, and a beneficial one focuses attention on her eyes. In this case, the colors of red and purple tones in a clear black or dark brown frame will be appropriate.

Eyes in orange shades - peach, salmon, terracotta - will look no less impressive. An eyeliner in a non-standard shade of bronze, copper or borax will be appropriate in the makeup of a gray-eyed bride.

In this case, you cannot use bright lipstick (strawberry, overripe mango or fuchsia color), so as not to look like a Hollywood star after an unsuccessful plastic surgery. Only nude, beige or smoky pink in a matte version (pearlescent is also not good).

Wedding planner

To make your eyes shine not only from happiness, but also from successfully applied makeup, you need to shade cream pearlescent shadows in the center of the eyelids and inner corners with your fingers.

Elena Sokolova


A good option for girls with deep-set eyes will be a smooth transition of shadows from light lilac to burgundy.

Svetlana Maslova

Tenderness, elegance and expressiveness

To create a harmonious and laconic image of the bride, one must take into account the color and size of the eyes, the type of appearance and the complemented suit. Stylists can offer the bride several successful wedding makeup options:

  • Smoky ice (smoky look)- this is a smooth transition from dark blue to black, the inner corners in this version can be shaded with silver, turquoise or scarlet (fuchsia) shadows. Lips also need to be emphasized, then only in a light peach tone without pearlescent or glossy sheen.
  • Copper and gold- will add elegance to the image, these colors must be correctly combined: from the bridge of the nose, apply shimmering white shadows on the eyelids, then warm purple or light burgundy, then copper-golden. For lips to accentuate the beauty of the eyes, they must be painted with terracotta or plum lipstick. In this type of makeup, it is unacceptable to use a bronze highlighter - only a matte tone for the skin of the face.
  • Steel gaze- to create a penetrating look, the eyes must be shaded with the following colors: slate gray, dark silver, charcoal, black. To prevent these cold colors from fading, they are diluted with gray lavender, pink and violet shades. Procedure: apply a black or slate shade to the outer corners of the eyes and the growth line of the lower eyelashes without shading. The inner corners should be decorated with lavender, the middle of the eyelids - with pink shadows with an admixture of dark silver. In conclusion, you need to focus on the lips - paint them with a glossy lilac or plum sheen.

A good example of wedding makeup for a bride is shown in the video of the famous video blogger Maya Mia.

The first thing to do to create the perfect make-up is to apply the tone to the skin of the face, having previously matched it to yours. The second stage is to apply the base on the eyelids under future shadows with light finger movements. Then, with a brush over the base, blend the gray-ash shadows. With a beige tone from the palette, hatch the area under the eyebrows.

Then, with a coal-ash shade of shadows, you need to separate the outer corners of the eyes, shade the transition. To emphasize the expressiveness of the look, a dark line of shadows applied to the lower eyelid under the lash line will help. To complete the process, the inner corners of the eyes can be tinted with creamy white pearlescent eyeshadows.

Interesting! We have collected more examples of DIY makeup

After the eyes, it is the turn of the lips - a contour pencil one tone darker will help to make them more voluminous. Then apply a matte gloss and once again smooth out the outline with a pencil. To make the shape of the head more oval, apply a bronze blush or highlighter to the top of the forehead, bottom of the chin and cheekbones.

For blondes

The key to a beautiful make-up is a full sleep. This was considered until humanity began to produce cosmetics that even out all skin irregularities. Before the bride hears the coveted phrase “I declare you husband and wife!”, It is necessary to spend several hours on her transformation into a queen. A competent make-up artist, high-quality cosmetics, a minimum of excitement - and the face of the future wife will become perfect.

Wedding makeup can be done like this:

  • Face- Perfectly even tone due to the base, concealer and foundation. In conclusion (after coloring the eyelids and lips) - highlighting the cheekbones with a highlighter
  • Eyes- white, lilac and slate colors. To accentuate the growth line of the upper lashes, use Liquid Black or Charcoal Gray eyeliner. Mascara - the same color as the eyeliner
  • Lips in a neutral matte color, if they are voluminous, then cinnamon-colored lipstick can emphasize the splendor

If there is no need (the bride has not previously made a correction), then it is necessary to dye the eyebrows too - first "shade" their entire surface, then comb them with a thin brush.

Blue-gray shade and make-up for him

An acceptable option "to the point" is a palette with orange shades: bronze, copper, gold, terracotta. Peach, brown and salmon eyeshadows are also good options.

To create a wedding look, you need at least three colors from the palette.
For example, you can combine two shades of purple eyeshadow with pearlescent white and charcoal black. The first thing to do is shade the outer corners of the eyes with black. To keep the line clear, you can glue tape or a patch (if you have not yet had time to apply tone or powder to the skin).

Next in line are the inner corners, on which you need to gently smear white pearlescent shadows with a creamy texture. The next step is to add color with purple shadows - a lighter tone follows from the bridge of the nose, and a dark one closer to the temples. The final action on the design of the eyes is shading and coloring the eyelashes with dark brown mascara. The lips in this image are no less important than the eyes. They must first be outlined with a pencil to match, then shade with persistent lipstick in lilac, scarlet or pink.

What will add expressiveness and sensuality

A variety of color combinations can bring a fresh hue of jade or malachite to the eyes. For example, light lilac, purple and burgundy. Another option is indigo, eggplant, reddish brown. Before shaping the eyes, you need to hide all the imperfections on the skin with the help of a concealer and foundation.

Step by step wedding makeup for gray-green eyes looks like this:

  1. A light pink color is applied to the outer corners of the eyes, a neutral beige under the eyebrows.
  2. Further, indigo shades are shaded to the center of the eyelids.
  3. The completion of the color composition is the coloring of the outer corners of the eyes in burgundy color.
  4. If the eyes are not deeply set, then the growth line of the lower eyelashes can be emphasized with a thin brown line.

Attention! Lips will look harmonious with spectacular shadows if they are slightly discolored by lipstick to a tone darker than the skin.

How to choose the most accurate eyeshadow, lipstick and tone for your face

Choosing a trendy yet uncluttered look for gray eyes can really enhance them. A few tips for choosing laconic colors when creating makeup for a gray-eyed bride will help to avoid mistakes in the image:

  • The best makeup tones for gray-blue eyes are copper-orange, bronze, peach, terracotta.
  • Gray-green eyes are best decorated with shades of hazel, salmon flowers or shades from the violet family (orchid, plum, eggplant).
  • Happy owners of gray-brown eyes can use cocoa, mocha and bronze colors in their wedding makeup.
  • Applying a lighter shade of eyeshadow (apricot, beige, mint) and eyeliner will darken gray eyes and vice versa.
  • Tones that gray-eyed brides should avoid are deep pink (Barbie color), emerald, lemon, pear.

Another nuance that is important to consider when applying wedding makeup is that you cannot highlight the eyes and lips at the same time. Also, we must not forget about the combination of skin tone with shadows and lipstick - the eyes should be "brought to the fore" with dark shades against the background of sunburn, while a pale pink shine will become complete tastelessness.

And once again about the beautiful

The beauty of a woman is betrayed by her eyes. And if in everyday image there is no need to look for methods of focusing attention on color, then a completely different case, solemn, wedding makeup for blue-gray eyes. Photos from a wedding in the wrong light can distort the complexion.

Using harmonious colors, the correct ratio of shades, you can make them expressive, insightful or dreamy.

Correctly performed wedding makeup can turn a girl into a charming beauty. When creating it, the color of the bride's eyes is always taken into account: shades of shadows, pencil, eyeliner, lipstick are selected for it.

The makeup for blue and gray eyes is identical as these shades are very similar. If there is a difference, it is insignificant. According to experts, makeup for gray eyes is also suitable for blue.

There are important nuances to keep in mind when applying wedding makeup:

  • Almost all shades of eyeshadow are suitable for blue and gray eyes.
  • If you want to make your look more expressive, it is recommended to use dark shadows. In this case, a light, dim lipstick is selected.
  • A brown pencil is used to highlight the eyebrows. It is used very carefully, it is important not to overdo it. The eyebrows should look natural and not too flashy.
  • Eyeliner is used to create a playful, flirty look. You need to make small, barely noticeable arrows.
  • Metallic shadows are suitable for gray and blue eyes. They create a unique, effective image. However, you need to be careful with them: a small number of such shadows is enough.

Makeup mistakes: what to avoid

You need to understand that makeup for the bride requires special attention. Even the smallest mistakes at first glance can spoil the image. To prevent them, you must remember:

Blue and gray eyes don't need too much makeup. It is enough just to emphasize the dignity of the bride, to make the look more expressive. Too long, voluminous eyelashes and a rich shade of lipstick will make the look vulgar.

Plucking eyebrows on your wedding day. This is one of the most common mistakes. Due to this procedure, the eyelids swell, redden, and it is difficult to apply cosmetics. Pluck eyebrows a few days before the celebration.

Uneven skin tone. When using foundation, it is very important to distribute them evenly over the entire surface of the face. Any irregularities will be visible in the photographs.

Multi-layer application of mascara. It is not necessary to apply too much mascara, the look from this becomes too expressive, and the image is vulgar. Two layers of mascara are enough.

Incorrect lipstick application. Before using lipstick, you need to apply a moisturizer to your lips. This will protect them from drying out. Plus, the lipstick lays on the moisturizer more evenly and lasts longer.

Dark lipstick. For blue-eyed and gray-eyed girls, dark lipstick shades should be avoided. They will make them look older, and a feeling of fatigue will be created. The priority is light tones: from peach to light pink.

False eyelashes. Girls with light eyes are not recommended to use them, as a vulgar image is created. Experts recommend using high-quality mascara to lengthen the eyelashes. She is able to make the look expressive and at the same time there will be no hint of vulgarity.

Some girls visit the solarium before the wedding. It is better not to do this, as it dries out the skin, which can affect when applying makeup. In addition, too dark, unnatural skin tone can ruin the image. It is recommended to give up the solarium.

Makeup by nvesta color type

It is important to create makeup, taking into account not only the color of the bride's eyes, but also her color type.

Makeup for blonde with blue, gray eyes

Girls with light hair color, blue or gray eyes look very delicate, fragile. they do not need too much makeup, it is enough just to emphasize the natural beauty.

According to experts, the lighter the hair color, the more natural the makeup should be. A black pencil, too dark shadows should be discarded. A brown pencil and very little mascara are the best choices.

Shadows should be chosen in light gray, beige. A brown shade will do, but in a small amount. Bright colors will ruin the look.

Girls with this color type have fair skin. This means that the blush is used in the lightest, natural shade, the same goes for the lipstick tone. The priority is light pink. peach. It is necessary to refuse from saturated red lipstick, as it will make the image impudent, vulgar. The girl will look older than her years.

Eyebrows are tinted with only a slightly brown pencil. You can completely refuse to dye your eyebrows, since with a light hair color there is no need to make them too expressive.

How to make up a brunette

Girls with dark hair are very showy. To emphasize their beauty, you can use bright shades.

Shadows can be as gray. brown and metallic shades. A great option is gold. It is evenly distributed over the upper eyelid. Dark and burgundy shadows also emphasize the image.

Use a black, dark brown, or dark blue pencil as an eyeliner. The mascara is applied in two layers to create an expressive look.

Girls with dark hair usually have dark skin. Its beauty is emphasized with rich blush, bright enough. If the skin is light, then the blush is selected in a natural shade. Lipstick is chosen in a light red shade, not too bright. A beige tone of lipstick with a light mother-of-pearl, which is often used by brides, is also suitable. Pink lipstick will ruin the look. it is excluded from makeup.

Don't forget to highlight your eyebrows. Dark-haired girls need it. The pencil is used in dark brown and black shades.

Makeup for brown-haired woman

Brown-haired women are distinguished by their enigma, mystery. When applying makeup, they are advised to focus on the eyes to emphasize their individuality, to make their eyes open and expressive.

It is better to choose shadows in a metallic shade, or in a dark gray. A light brown tone is also suitable. Mascara is chosen in brown, less often black. The eyeliner is done with a gray or brown pencil. Long arrows are prohibited, they will ruin the image.

Experts recommend giving up the pink shade of lipstick. It should be barely noticeable, peachy. You need to focus on light shades. The same goes for the choice of blush: they are applied in small quantities, natural light colors are chosen.

There should be little makeup in the image of a brown-haired woman. This will emphasize her beauty, help to avoid vulgarity. The bride will look very natural and romantic.

How to paint a red-haired bride

Red-haired beauties are very bright by nature. They attract attention with their fiery hair. If a girl has gray or blue eyes, you should be very careful when creating makeup.

For such girls, eyebrows are emphasized with a brown pencil, but not too much. The eyebrows should not stand out, they only complement the image.

It is better to choose mascara brown for the most natural makeup. Black mascara is also appropriate, but just one layer will be enough.

Liners are done with a brown pencil. The beauty of the eyes is emphasized by shades of brown, gray, beige. Small arrows are drawn in brown pencil at the corners of the eyes to create a flirty look.

Girls with this hair color have very delicate, fair skin. If redness is noticeable, a foundation is used. It is distributed evenly over the entire surface of the face. Then a peach-colored blush is applied. The lipstick should be of the same color. A light pink shade is also appropriate.

You should refuse from bright red tones, saturated pink. Dark shades of lipstick are prohibited, as they spoil the image, make the girl visually older.

Applying bridal makeup is not at all as easy as it might seem at first glance. It is important to highlight the beauty of the bride. but do not overdo it with makeup in order to avoid vulgarity. Correctly performed makeup will complete the festive look, turn the girl into a charming bride.

Surely, many gray-eyed brides are interested in the question - how to choose and make for gray eyes? Of course, every bride wants and will look her best on her wedding day. And not in vain, because this day is remembered for many years like no other. A variety of chic outfits and accessories help to achieve the perfect appearance nowadays, but do not forget about the face. It is to him that the attention of all those invited and, of course, of the future husband will be riveted.

In 2014, it became very popular to apply makeup with your own hands, without resorting to makeup artists and cosmetologists. Following the step-by-step descriptions, you can easily create a unique image yourself. A huge plus of this skill is the sufficient amount of time. At home, a girl can create her own image as much as she wants.

Makeup for gray eyes for a wedding should be in perfect harmony with the outfit and accessories of the bride. Gray eyes are not so common in nature, which makes them special and unique. The wedding makeup of a gray-eyed bride can be of almost any shade, brightness and saturation. This is a pretty strong plus of gray-eyed beauties - almost everything suits them.

Variations of a wedding make-up for a gray-eyed bride

As with any other image creation, some instructions must be followed when applying makeup for gray eyes. The face should always be well cleaned. Before applying cosmetics, you must use a base, this applies to the tone of the face and eyes and lips. Gray eyes require a foundation under the eyeshadow to keep the makeup fresh throughout the evening.

Expressive eyes

This makeup of a bride with gray eyes became the most popular this season in 2014. It makes the eyes especially expressive, attracting all the attention of others, and also visually increases their size. To create it, you will need shadows in dark and black tones, a pencil, matte silver paints and mascara.

  1. Create a contour of the movable eyelid with a pencil, underline the lower eyelid slightly from the center.
  2. Apply dark eyeshadow over the top of the pencil and blend.
  3. After the dark shadows, a color should be applied two tones lighter than the first. All transitions are well shaded, there should not be any sharp contrasts.
  4. The last color will be matte silver, applied under the eyebrows. With the same shade, accentuate the lower eyelid.
  5. The final stage of makeup for gray eyes will be the application of a classic volumizing mascara.

Blue depth

This wedding makeup for gray eyes will look perfect on blonde girls. It makes the color of the eyes deeper, which does not allow the gaze to be taken away from them. To create a similar look, you will need shadows of different shades of blue, brown mascara and two pencils - blue and brown.

  1. With a brown pencil, draw the upper eyelid, making a small arrow with a bend towards the top.
  2. Draw the lower eyelid from the middle with a blue pencil. The contrast of colors will make your look confident.
  3. Apply the thickest blue eyeshadow on the upper lid, immediately above it, place the color two shades lighter and blend the border.
  4. On the inner corners of the eyes, apply the lightest blue shadows, they will give expressiveness to the look.
  5. Complete the make-up with brown mascara, applying two coats to the outer edges of the lashes.

Eyes in gold

For gray eyes, a wedding is one of the most unusual and daring, but worth it. The look in this image becomes warmer, giving those around you positive emotions. This style will look especially gorgeous on red-haired beauties. To create it, you will need shades of red, beige and gold, black pencil and mascara.

  1. Line up the upper eyelid with a pencil along the lash line and apply red eyeshadow. It will be great if glitter is present in the cosmetics.
  2. On top of the reddish shade, apply the color two shades lighter and blend the transition. Underline the lower eyelid with the same light color, drawing a thin line from the middle of the eye.
  3. Apply light beige shadows to the inner corners of the eyes and blend all borders in the same way.
  4. Fix the result by applying classic black mascara to the lashes.

Neutral eyes

The scheme for creating this type of makeup is one of the simplest. As everyone knows, there can only be one part in making up that is accentuated. These are either lips or eyes. In this makeup, the emphasis is on the lips, they are bright and juicy, so the eyes should be left neutral. But how to do it right?

Wedding makeup will not look very appropriate for a gray-eyed bride with "colorless" eyes. Make sure must be present, but be correctly selected and applied step by step. To create neutral eyes, you will need a black pencil, mascara, and translucent eyeshadow with a bit of glitter.

  1. Draw a line along the growth of the eyelashes on the upper eyelid. No arrows! The eyeliner should be barely visible.
  2. Apply a thin strip of transparent eyeshadow over the black line. With the same colors, emphasize the lower eyelid from the middle of the eye.
  3. For a more expressive look, you can apply some translucent shadow under the eyebrow and blend thoroughly.
  4. As a result, you should get a “paint-free” look with a transparent sheen present.
  5. Fix the result with black ink applied in two layers.

As you can see, the scheme for creating wedding makeup at home is not quite complicated. Each girl will burn to train and create her own masterpiece, an exclusive image. Undoubtedly, in a beauty salon, experienced stylists will make you the queen of the evening in a matter of minutes, but why do you need this if you have the opportunity to do the same yourself, or maybe you can do even better. In any case, creating your own individual wedding image with your own hands, you will get a lot of pleasure from it.

Video: beautiful makeup for a gray-eyed bride

Basic rules for applying the correct makeup

To make a beautiful makeup, it is not enough just to have a set of high-quality professional cosmetics, you need to know the basic rules for its creation and be able to apply them in practice. A neat make-up always looks impressive, attracting the attention of others. A girl who knows the technique of applying it can easily transform, highlighting her dignity and arousing enthusiastic compliments. Despite the fact that makeup is predominantly a feminine art, not every lady owns it. And the availability of the most expensive and elite cosmetics does not guarantee an excellent result if you do not master the rules for its use. Knowing how to apply makeup correctly, you can look impressive and attractive in any situation, even without having an arsenal of tubes, jars and palettes.

Makeup can be of two types - simple and complex. The first is necessary to give freshness to the woman's face, with the help of the second, skin imperfections (moles, scars) are carefully shaded. Depending on the time of day and function, make-up can be daytime (close to natural) and evening, that is, intended for a solemn exit.

Everyday makeup is simple. It is designed to mask minor imperfections, give the face freshness and emphasize its natural beauty. If the skin does not have very noticeable defects, and the facial features are harmonious, the correct daytime make-up will only enhance the natural charm of a woman, while he himself will be invisible. Evening make-up is usually complicated, requires more time and cosmetics. It allows the use of decorative elements, glitter, false eyelashes and other paraphernalia.

Regardless of the type of makeup you choose, you have to go through the same stages of applying it: toning and dusting the skin, eyeliner, eyebrow, applying blush and covering the lips with lipstick or gloss.

Preparing for the makeup process

Preparation is no less important than the process of applying cosmetics. Make-up should be applied correctly only on clean skin. Therefore, first you need to remove the remnants of makeup, wash, wipe your face with tonic. Next, we determine the type of skin. It is important to moisturize dry skin with a day cream. For oily or combination skin, apply a matting agent or base.

The durability and accuracy of the makeup, as well as the time spent on its creation, largely depends on this stage. It is important to pay attention to every little detail, try new techniques and choose a harmonious combination of shades and textures. Practical skills will be developed over time, and then the question of how to apply makeup correctly will no longer arise. Make-up adheres better to a cleansed and moisturized face and retains its durability longer. It is not allowed to apply new layers on the existing "plaster". Make-up removal is imperative. In general, the more the skin has a rest from cosmetics, the better its appearance and condition. If you have free time or during weekends, you can practice the use of face masks with your own hand or from the store range. The regularity of such procedures is 1-2 times a week.

Washing with water is not enough for adult skin; it must be supplemented with cosmetic cream, milk or gel. Cleansing is completed with tonic or lotion. The treatment is selected depending on the type of skin and the season. A caring agent can be a fluid cream, a nourishing or moisturizing cream, an emulsion.

How to apply foundation and foundation

Correction of problem areas and minor defects is carried out with the help of a corrector, concealer. They can "hide" dark circles under the eyes, pimples, protruding streaks, pigmentation. To consolidate the camouflage effect, apply foundation and powder, which also provide an even complexion.

To choose the color of the foundation, it is tested: it is applied to the inside of the brush.

For oily or combination skin, you can use products with a mattifying effect to absorb excess sebum and eliminate the oily sheen.

  1. We apply the base. Before applying the foundation, you need to prepare the skin. To do this, you need a special makeup base. Girls with oily or combination skin should choose a product with a matting effect; for normal or dry skin, a nourishing, moisturizing base is suitable. Such products effectively even out the complexion, refreshing it. After applying the base, hide the circles, puffiness under the eyes with the help of a corrector. This should be done with the pads of the fingers, soft patting movements.
  2. Apply a tonal foundation. It should cover the sharp edges of the face in order to smooth them out, making the face softer and more tender. Walk along the line of the cheekbones, bridge of the nose, forehead, cheeks.
  3. Apply foundation. Do not put too thick a layer of tone on your face, because even the highest quality and expensive cosmetics in excess can give your face an unnatural look. Squeeze some of the cream onto the inside of your hand and begin to gently apply it with a brush, moving from the edges of the face to its center. Blend thoroughly all over the skin. Lightly powder the layer of foundation with a soft brush - this will give your face a natural look.

When creating makeup, it is important to choose the right color for the base and foundation. Too light shades will make the face look like a doll, lifeless. Dark ones are able to create an unnatural contrast with the neck and other exposed parts of the body. When choosing a tone, apply it to the inside of the hand - the product should completely match in color with this area of ​​the hand. To correct the shape of your face, you need to use two shades of foundation - your natural one and a darker one. The first is applied to the entire face with an even thin layer. The second is applied zonally, depending on the type of person.

Tools and cosmetics

Determination of the color type of the appearance, namely the shade of the skin, eyes and hair, is the next step on the path to flawlessness. A correctly selected palette of eyeshadows, blush and lipstick can embellish or completely transform a woman's face. You can determine the range empirically, relying on the recommendations of professional makeup artists and your artistic taste. It is clear that for daytime makeup it is worth choosing nude and pastel shades that will not clearly stand out on the face. Bright, saturated colors, enchanting combinations, interesting textures are suitable for an evening look.

In any case, it is better to prepare the necessary cosmetics and tools in advance so that you can apply everything at once and not be distracted by the search in the process of creating makeup. It is important to pay attention to the shelf life of cosmetic and decorative products and not to forget about the storage time after opening the package.

A set of sponges and brushes of different shapes and sizes will help in the difficult but interesting process of creating "make-up". Cotton pads and swabs will correct errors and remove excess makeup. And of course, it will be easier to apply makeup at a comfortable table with good lighting and a large (preferably magnifying) mirror.

  • For owners of a square face, it is recommended to apply a light tone to the middle of the forehead, the tip of the chin and the area under the eyes. A dark remedy is to treat the area near the hairline, in the corners of the jaw and temples. The boundaries between the transitions should be carefully shaded.
  • A round face should be covered with a light foundation, and with the help of a dark product, visually narrow it, darkening the area of ​​the cheeks and temples.
  • Girls with a triangular face type need to apply a light tone to the forehead, chin and under the eyes - this way you focus on the center of the face. Cover the line of the cheeks, forehead with a dark tone.
  • With an elongated type of face, it is necessary to darken the lower part of the chin - this will visually shorten the face. Do not spare your cheek blush, because this accent also helps to bring attention to the middle of the face.
  • On a pear-shaped face (narrow at the top, full at the bottom), the forehead area, the area under the eyes and the tip of the chin should be highlighted in a light tone. A dark tone is applied to the cheeks and jaws - this visually makes them narrower.

Step-by-step make-up creation

It is important to follow the sequence of applying cosmetics generally accepted by make-up artists. In makeup, especially in the evening, it is recommended to focus on one part of the face. As a rule, these are the eyes. They give unlimited scope for using unexpected shades of shadows, their interesting combination with the natural color of the iris. A sweep of luxurious eyelashes, a bewitching look - these epithets are not in vain used when describing attractive women.

If you want to highlight seductive lips on your face, it's easy to do with bright lipstick. In this case, eye makeup is correctly made natural and inconspicuous. Focusing on two or more parts of the face will make the image look like a puppet or too "womanish". Confidence and neatness are the hallmarks of a stylish and luxurious woman.

Eye makeup is the most crucial and difficult stage.

How to properly apply eye makeup? The first thing to consider is what type of makeup you need to do. For daytime make-up, you should use a couple of shades of eyeshadow and a dark brown or black pencil. With a gentle movement of the pencil, shade the lash line and the mucous membrane of the upper eyelid. Visually, the eyelashes will appear thick, and the eyes will acquire an expressive, beautiful shape. Apply eyeshadow with a round applicator or brush. If you don't know which tone suits you, you can use universal shades - they are considered gray and brown tones. To enlarge the eyes, apply light shadows on the inside of the eye and dark shadows on the outside. Matte shadows in pastel colors look natural. For evening make-up, choose pearlescent warm or cold tones. The final step will be the application of mascara to the eyelashes.

It usually uses tools such as:

  • base under the shadow;
  • pencil or liquid eyeliner;
  • palette of shadows;
  • mascara.

In the daytime version, only light shadows and mascara can be applied, or only mascara. Evening or stage make-up is unthinkable without expressive arrows and rich colors; it allows the use of false eyelashes or rhinestones. Also, a festive look should be combined with an outfit, hairstyle and accessories.

In a complex visage, the eyeliner is applied after the base, then the shadows are shaded. There are various makeup schemes - horizontal, vertical, "birdie", "smokey ice", "banana". Their use depends on the shape of the eyes, the distance between them, the shape of the eyelid. The choice of mascara is determined by the natural density and length of the eyelashes. It can be lengthening, twisting, increasing the volume. Waterproof swatches provide longer-lasting makeup. The color of the mascara may also vary. So, brown-eyed girls are recommended to use brown shades in daytime makeup. For a festive occasion, blue, purple, green or silver ink can be useful. Especially extravagant ladies turn their attention even to red. Some manufacturers offer 2-in-1 products, consisting of a caring serum, which further increases the thickness of the hairs, and a coloring composition.

The shade of the shadows must be combined with the color of the eyes. Green-eyed girls need to use warm colors to create their makeup. The beauty of green eyes can still be emphasized with the help of blue, gray, purple shadows. Brown eyes should be set off with ash-gray shades, brown-beige colors. For blue eyes, shadows of a cold spectrum, for example, smoky, white, blue, are suitable. To achieve the desired effect when dyeing eyelashes, you can try several methods of applying mascara:

  • vertical, in which the brush moves vertically relative to the eyes, that is, parallel to the hairs;
  • blinking - quick flaps of eyelashes when you horizontally touch them with a brush;
  • zigzags - alternating movements of the brush from left to right and up and down.

One of the final steps is lip makeup.

To enhance the natural beauty of your lips, choose light, but not very pale lipstick colors. Fresh shades are perfect for summer make-up or light makeup for every day. Choose from light coral, sheer berry, peach or pink lipstick. As a result, the lips should not look bright, but expressive. It doesn't matter what the girl chooses - lipstick or gloss, both products are allowed for creating a classic make-up. If she prefers to use lipstick to get an even layer and a clear outline, apply it with a brush.

Lips can be pre-softened with a balm and thus prepared for the application of lipstick. There are also special scrubs with fine exfoliating particles that gently remove stratum corneum and chapped skin. The lip liner will accentuate and, if necessary, correct their shape. Its color should match the lipstick or differ from it by several tones. A soft, well-sharpened lead will help you achieve a clear outline.

It is important to carefully paint your lips with lipstick and capture their inner surface as much as possible so that the makeup looks beautiful and natural when talking, laughing. The first layer can be powdered or blotted with a cosmetic napkin, then another layer can be applied. This will make your lips look rich and long-lasting.

The shade of lipstick should be combined with the color of the shadows, skin tone. For each color type of appearance, there are recommendations for choosing cosmetics. With bright eye makeup, nude lipsticks are usually used, that is, lipsticks close to the natural color of the lips. In the daytime make-up, you can limit yourself to liquid shine or balm. Someone may like long-lasting lipsticks, but do not overuse their use, as they dry out the skin of the lips.

Blush - refresh the complexion

Gives him a natural glow and completes the makeup. Their color is usually matched to the tone of the skin: pink and beige are suitable for fair-faced, bronze or brown for dark-skinned ones. By changing the direction and width of the strokes, you can correct the shape of the face, visually stretch it vertically or horizontally, increase or decrease the width. The optimal intensity for how to apply the blush is when it doesn't stand out on the face.

Wedding makeup is the creation of a solemn image of a girl, which is not used every day. If you want to look impeccable on your wedding day, then it is important to understand the correct techniques, feminine tricks so that you shine with beauty, femininity and irresistibility. Wedding makeup for gray eyes is one of the simpler ones, but it should be borne in mind that the make-up is selected according to the shade of the hair. If you are the lucky owner of mysterious gray eyes, then there are some subtleties here that must be observed when making evening makeup.

Wedding makeup options for gray eyes

Gray eyes are a neutral color, so the variety of wedding makeup will pleasantly surprise you. Due to its variable property, gray eyes wonderfully reflect any color and absorb its shade, so you can look completely different every time: now blue-eyed, tomorrow shoot green eyes, and the day after tomorrow surprise everyone with the blue depth of your gaze.

Smoky makeup

Smoky makeup will help you create an enigmatic and dramatic look that will make you look different than in real life. This technique is widely used today in a wedding look, but it is not new and has come to us since the beginning of the last century, which makes it even more appropriate in a retro style. The subtlety of this make-up is to create a shadow of haze with the help of cosmetics:

  1. Shadows are applied, moving from dark to lightest tones, carefully shading each shade so that it smoothly passes from one to another.
  2. To achieve the result of "smoky" eyes, three shades are traditionally used: basic (base), light (closer to the inner corner) and dark (outer side of the eyelid).

Smoky eyes technique

Using the Smoky eyes wedding makeup technique as an example, we will consider in more detail the process of highlighting your eyes with cosmetics, starting with the most basic steps, ending with some features, following which you will achieve the desired result. Follow the steps below step by step and you can easily depict the Smoky eyes technique on your own without the help of a specialist.

  1. Even out the overall complexion by applying toning agents: corrector, concealer, cream, powder. The main thing is not to overdo it with the layer.
  2. Take a dark, soft eyeliner and trace generously along the outline, extending the straight line towards the outer corner. Afterwards, thoroughly blend with the applicator.
  3. Apply shadows of beige tone over the entire area of ​​the upper eyelid, without affecting the inner corner of the eye, blend.
  4. Then take a light shadow palette and apply them to the inner corner of the eye and the area that is under the eyebrow.
  5. Start creating a haze from the dark shadows by applying them to the outer corner of the eye, shading well so that there are no abrupt transitions between different shades.

Features of makeup depending on hair color

To make the image look complete, perfect and not argue with some of the features of the girl's appearance, there are recommendations for evening and wedding makeup techniques for each shade of hair. In order not to look ridiculous and highlight all your beautiful facial features with bridal makeup, follow the recommendations, depending on your hair color.

For dark hair

Those representatives who have dark hair and gray eyes are incredibly lucky, because they have a lot of variations in their choice of wedding makeup, for example, the tones of dark blue and copper shades. However, do not cling to the idea that literally everything will suit you, in which case you risk looking tasteless. Check out a few tips to help you create the perfect beauty bride look:

  • If you want to visually enlarge your beautiful eyes, use the cosmetics of the purple or steel palette.
  • For evening makeup, use bronze or gold eyeshadows for a brighter look.
  • Avoid heavy application of green eyeshadow on the upper eyelid - this way you risk losing the expressiveness of your look.

For light

Girls with green-gray eyes and blond hair have a dizzying appearance, but the overall positive impression can be easily ruined by the wrong technique of applying evening make-up. Here it is worth considering many points and subtleties that must be applied to achieve an effective result. See below for more details:

  • Forget about ash, blues, delicate pinks and strawberries in your makeup. Because during the application of these shades on light skin, you will achieve only a bright effect of sore, inflamed eyes.
  • Eyeshadows for makeup, for example, bronze, delicate peach, lilac, can emphasize the look and give it even more expressiveness and depth.
  • Coffee, lilac, gray-brown shades will look insanely advantageous with your appearance.

For redheads

For a sensual red-haired beauty - brightness, this is her motto for life. Therefore, in this case, the secrets of evening makeup are no longer aimed at highlighting and giving expressiveness, but simply at lightly emphasizing the already beautiful lines of your face. In this case, the main attention is paid to the skin, its color, condition, because thanks to the perfect radiance of the skin of the face, red-haired brides will look flawless. Check out the following guidelines below to achieve this goal.

  • The very first thing red-haired girls need to watch and fight for is dark bags under the eyes, as well as puffiness. Regularly apply refreshing compresses with tea tampons and cucumber discs.
  • For evening makeup, you can safely use even the most unexpected bright images and colors, this will never create a defiant or inappropriate image for you.
  • The main note in wedding makeup for red-haired brides is to eliminate the accents of the lower eyelid with liquid eyeliners. In such a situation, you run the risk of sounding vulgar and unnatural.

DIY step-by-step photo-lesson of make-up

It is possible to do wedding make-up by yourself, without resorting to the help of a professional make-up artist. The result is a beautiful bridal look with a bold look, fresh blush and radiant skin:

  • Step one. Skin preparation. In order for the wedding makeup to lie evenly and without flaw, you must first cleanse your face with a toner, and then moisturize it with a light day face cream. Wait 20 minutes until the cream is absorbed into the skin, and then remove the residue with a napkin.
  • Step two. Alignment of the overall complexion. The main stage of a beautiful wedding make-up is flawless matte skin, the effect of which is achieved by using toning agents. They should not be dense, so give preference to lightweight foundation with a high percentage of water content, so as not to create a mask effect and unnaturalness on the face. Finally, fix the complexion with powder.
  • Step three. Accentuating the eyes. For wedding makeup, use shades of smoky shades, gray, honey, beige, delicate pink, turquoise, olive. Use a white pencil for the lower eyeliner, and brown and dark gray for the upper eyelid line. Apply beige shadows on the eyelids, and then combine the colors: light to the inner corner, and dark to the outer one. Then apply the mascara in several layers of a dark expressive color.
  • Step four. Eyebrow correction. The eyebrows should be in perfect shape, so comb the previously plucked eyebrows thoroughly with a brush and draw with a special pencil that matches the hair color.
  • Step six. Perfect lips. The main accent of the makeup is already ready - these are expressive eyes, so the lips should not stand out with any contrasting bright colors. Just use a soft matte lipstick or a sheer gloss in a delicate shade. Beforehand, so that the lips have a neat look throughout the day, apply a tinting agent, and the lipstick will not lose its durability.
  • Seventh step. Applying blush. Choose a matte, peach blush. Apply them with a wide brush on the cheekbones with blending movements.

The presence of a girl at a solemn event without makeup has long been bad manners. Each lady not only knows how to apply cosmetics on her own, but also subtly notices the details of the shirt of other women.

At the same time, the varieties of makeup are growing every year, adjusting to each girl and event. Wedding makeup for gray eyes deserves a separate discussion. It is special, because you can emphasize such an ambiguous color in completely contrasting versions. Let's analyze the subtleties of its creation in more detail.

The most important condition for creating high-quality and long-lasting makeup for the bride is to prepare the skin for the application of cosmetics. It includes the following procedures:

  1. Cleansing the face. It must be done a day or at least a few hours before applying the base coat. The subtleties of cleaning include the correct selection of products and the use of moisturizing, nourishing creams after peeling. They are different for every girl. It all depends on the type of skin and the problems associated with it. The ideal time to cleanse your skin is the evening before your wedding. You should not do deep cleansing of the facial skin using harsh scrubs and chemical peels directly on the wedding day, such procedures can be carried out 2-3 days before the event, otherwise the skin will not have time to recover, and the makeup will not last even several hours.
  2. Moisturizing and applying a base. The use of nourishing, moisturizing creams or lotions will help to saturate the skin with moisture and vitamins for the whole day, as well as protect the skin from the long-term effects of cosmetics. This treatment should not be neglected, because it not only protects the skin, but also prolongs the life of the make-up.

If you don't have a special base on hand, a daily moisturizer for the face can replace it.

An important condition is its application: the layer should not be too dense, the application follows the massage lines, the excess cream must be removed with a napkin, the absorption time is at least 5 minutes. For the skin in the eye area, use a special base or moisturizer specifically for this area.

You can prepare your face for the upcoming solemn make-up yourself at home, there is nothing complicated about it. Here it is important not to use too rough sponges and sponges, forget about ordinary soap and categorically abandon expired lotions and scrubs.

High-quality cosmetics are not only a guarantee of successful make-up, but also a guarantor of skin health.

Choosing a color palette for make-up for gray-blue and gray eyes

The correct T-shirt always takes into account the characteristics of the girl, in particular, the color of the eyes, hair, the color of the wedding dress, the time and place of the celebration. Even for seemingly similar shades of gray-blue and gray eyes, makeup can have its own characteristics.

Let's consider each option separately. The palette for gray-blue eyes necessarily includes the following shades:

  • black;
  • White;
  • blue;
  • silver;
  • steel.

They most subtly emphasize the gray color with a blue tint. For shadows, the owner of such eyes should choose several tones, combining, for example, blue or blue with white or silver. Playing with the tints of related colors, the shadows create the effect of an inner glow, and the eyes look especially attractive.

Eyeshadow for girls with clean gray eyes is not limited to cold colors, as in the previous version.

Soft sandy, brown, beige tones calmly flow into the palette. Preference is also given to the lilac shade in its dark design.

As a rule, it lays down on the outer edge of the eyelid and adds depth and mystery. For both options, a black pencil or eyeliner remains indispensable. It plays in contrast with gray and blue and, merging with mascara, favorably emphasizes the eyes.

The arrows can have different shapes and thicknesses - it all depends on the physiology of the eyes, the need to use shadows and the time of the celebration. For a wedding ceremony lasting several hours, do not use too bright makeup. Emphasizing natural lines will be more appropriate both in daylight and in the evening in a restaurant.

Photos with such makeup will also look more harmonious and will delight you after many years.

How to make makeup for a wedding gray-eyed brunettes, blondes, brown-haired women - tips

In addition to eye color, make-up professionals always pay attention to hair color, because what goes to brunettes is unacceptable for blondes, and not all colors are suitable for brown-haired women. So as not to be mistaken when creating makeup and take into account all the nuances.

The tips are simple.

  • For blondes and girls with light brown hair, you should pay attention to natural, nude makeup. Even at a wedding, it looks very harmonious and emphasizes the image unobtrusively and elegantly. For eyebrows, it is better to use a brown pencil. Naturalness is the credo of blondes.
  • All paths and experiments are open for burning brunettes. They suit almost all shades of shadows and mascara. In moderation and with caution, only dark brown and black shades should be used - their excessive use can visually deepen the eyes. However, you should not completely abandon them, because these colors very softly emphasize gray eyes, making them shine. For brunettes, the law is to measure and search for ideal proportions.
  • Brown-haired women and girls with brown hair should give preference to shades of beige, silver, purple and soft blue. You can also use colored mascara if needed. As a base, an ivory tone with a matte sheen is ideal.
  • The general rule for all is the need to gently emphasize the line of the lips, and this also has its own subtleties. For brown-haired women, the tone of lipstick depends on the saturation of the hair color: the richer, the brighter. Light red lipstick is suitable for them. But for blondes and fair-haired, lipstick is already a less restrained tone. Their colors are pink, coral, beige. Brunettes can afford to use almost the entire color gamut of lipsticks, from pale pink to black. It all depends on the girl's preferences and the style of the wedding.
  • The choice of tone also has its own nuances. So, for brown-haired women, soft, warm colors of foundation will be acceptable - they will look natural, but it is better to avoid too pale and pinkish. For brunettes, calm skin tones will be ideal. Peach and yellowish bases should be excluded from the palette - they make the makeup depressed and sick. Blondes should also pay attention to soft tones. The choice depends on the color of the skin.

The most important rule for girls of any skin type, eye and hair color is the choice of quality cosmetics. Before going to the store, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the possible options, read their composition, find reviews and then apply on yourself.

Rash experiments with cosmetics can lead to disastrous consequences.

Master Class

Sometimes beauties, having spread out cosmetics for make-up in front of them, do not always have an idea of ​​where to start working on their eyes. Let's consider the whole process in stages:

  1. A light foundation is applied to clean skin in the eyelid area. A soft, rounded brush is used for this. A thin layer of beige shadows lays on top of the base from the outside of the eye.
  2. Apply the main color. The shadows fall just above the crease of the eyelid, going to the outside.
  3. With a wide brush, draw the main tone to the inner corner of the eye.
  4. Add a light tone to the inner corner and make a soft transition from dark to light.
  5. Add some basic dark shadows to the lower eyelid area.
  6. We paint eyelashes.

For eye makeup, it is necessary to have and actively use several brushes: a wide one with a rounded bristle - for general overlay of the base, a medium flat brush - for distributing the main color, fluffy - for shading borders.

Beautiful wedding makeup is the final touch of the bride's image, and not everyone can be trusted to create it. If a girl can create the perfect T-shirt on her own, that's great, but often in the hustle and bustle of a wedding morning, it is impossible to concentrate and do everything right. Therefore, specialists come to the rescue. Their work takes about 30 minutes and lives up to expectations, because professionals always take into account all the subtleties, including eye color. There is only one thing left - to agree in advance with the master about the work. And who did your wedding makeup and did it highlight your eye color?