Makeup for a greenery eye: features. How to make makeup of green eye makeup: Lifehaki refreshing makeup for greenery greenery day

The same principle - in the evening makeup: you first need to work on the tone and not only align it, but also give him a velvety mattness, because in the image for a special occasion of the eye, as a rule, shine even stronger. In addition to the Rumen for correction, use the sculptor powder to attract more attention to the expressiveness of the face.

It will take more colors than in the make-up day. Choose, besides soft and calm, more rich shades - for example, rose gold complete with a plum color. The latter "lay down" into the fold of the century, is pretty rustling, or use in Smoky Ice. Graphic arrows and the Mascara with Drama-Effect will help complete the make-up and make it truly elegant.

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Matte lipstick of coffee and pink shades - on the one hand, a delicate version of the makeup of the lips, on the other, is still quite noticeable accent. What is needed in addition to bright eye makeup in this case! Use, for example, the funds from the Lip Lingerie collection from the NYX Professional Makeup for lips.

Do you make makeup, based on the color of your eyes? Write a comment - and remember even more professional advice for make-up karea-green eyes.

Choose the shadows of a little darker of your eye color - it can be purple shades (lavender, eggplant or grape), which emphasize their green component. Or Golden Shadows - Such Harmoniously complement the nut shade in the color of the eyes. From light shadows, choose the colors of champagne, soft lilac and gentle-salad.

Combinations of brown shades (beige, coffee with milk, caramel, chocolate, terracotta and all "complex" walnut shades) - Another excellent addition to the kare-green eyes. A complex shade of the eyes is needed as the same shade of shadows: brown-green, olive, beige-pink or bluish-lilac are suitable.

Competent makeup application is almost art, which is obliged to have every girl who is not indifferent to her appearance and how they perceive others. Even the owner of the ideal nature of appearance thoroughly belongs to the selection of cosmetics and optimal colors. For each color, specialists have created their own rules of the combination of shades in the Make-up, it is necessary to follow them in order to avoid ridiculous errors leading to the opposite effect - not to emphasize the beauty, but the selection of flaws.

Green eyes are most rarely found in people, which makes them even more attractive and charming.

The makeup artists hold the opinions that green-eyed beauties can not be chosen for themselves especially complex makeup options, since nature endowed them with a unique distinctive accent, which, moreover, changes depending on the type of lighting. If you need to approach the issue of optimal makeup in more detail, it should be noted that green eyes are divided into several subspecies, for each of which there are some professional nuances for choosing color and technology of application. For example, makeup for kara-green eyes will have differences in the selection of shades for gray-green eyes. Given the highlights of the combination of eye color, hair and skin, you can easily create a perfect image for any situation.

Step by step make-up for green-eyed brown

The key rule for brown having this beautiful eye color, reads - makeup for kara-green eye is impossible without shadows, in color is more dark than iris. It is this contrast that looks incredibly deep and expressive. One of the few colors unwanted for a brown, is gray, so it is worth minimizing its use. Caution should be treated with bright pink, turquoise and salad shadows.

To make a light dairy makeup for brown, you need to perform such actions:

  • Carefully clean the skin of the face with your usual washbasin, apply a small amount of toning means, as the last stage, use the daily cream, which, as a rule, can replace the basis for makeup.
  • The tone cream coinciding with the skin tone, align the texture and color of the face, explicit disadvantages to disguise with a conservaler, pointing the face with a transparent powder to give him velvety. It should be remembered that the daily make-up should not rush into the eyes, so the tones are better to take with a light texture, for example, gentle fluids.
  • At the top eyelid, apply a basic shade of shadows - olive.
  • The inner eye zone is neatly allocated with light pearl color, to create an incredibly memorable warm look.
  • The lower eyelid emphasizes the pencil close to the color of the iris, the most optimal will be brown tint. The pencil line should meet at an outdoor corner of the eye with shadows.
  • The same pencil should thoroughly paint the interinsunnant space of the upper eyelid.
  • If necessary, dark shadows emphasize eyebrows.
  • Apply a brown mascara on eyelashes, as well as carefully growing shadows.
  • Complete the daily makeup for brown, it is necessary to tinted lips with lipstick calm nude tones.

A beautiful evening mission for a brown blade allows us to use a brighter palette of shadows, black carcass and eyeliner, bold pearlescent shades, carrot or saturated burgundy lipstick.

Unlike a daily visa, which is obliged to be a weathered and universal, festive makeup for a brown-shadow is selected taking into account the colors of the outfit, so that there is no dissonance in the image.

Talled with girlfriends about beautiful makeup for green eyes, and I thought - why not write a guide? In the end, I even once went to the courses for makeup artists, and I can explain many questions more or less professionally. In general, if you have green eyes and you want to learn how to paint them - read further.

Let's first go through the theory - in which colors can make a makeup for green eyes? Someone will say that the easiest to use green, and ... and make a mistake. Because if you are not sure that you have a stunning feeling of color and you picked up exactly that shade that makes your eyes with chagging, and will not kill them - it is better to stay from green away.

By and large, color can be used almost any - the shades and their temperature scale are important. It can be cold pink and warm brown, such nuances are better to know.

I advise every girl to figure out my cosmetics and make hundreds of little photos - with ordinary daylight, with artificial light and under direct sunlight - so you can figure out which temperature characteristics is your cosmetics.

Surely everyone saw an unsuccessful makeup, which when leaving the street looks just a nightmare - so, his owner simply did not take into account this nuance.

The next important point to take into account all the owners of green eyes is the tone saturation of those or other shades. When I say that you can make makeup for gray eyes in any shades, I have nothing to do - it all depends on your needs, from what the impression you want to produce.

Want to make a look dark, slightly mysterious and witch? Teach Makeup Smoky Ice for green eyes using blue and purple shades, the depth of your eyes will envy even Mariana Wpadin.

Want to look a boring teacher? There is nothing easier, take inexpensive satin shadows and emphasize the corners of the eyes with light gray-earth shades. Your eyes will not look green, but will look gorgeous.

With great care, use shadows with a flickering effect, with frost-finishes and an egg coating - for some reason, in combination with green eyes, such shadows look not glittering, but simply dirty.

Get some different proofreaders - so you can keep the skin perfect. And if possible, purchase a couple of brockets for the face and body - there is nothing more beautiful than bright green eyes, shaved with a golden tan.

Choose cosmetics

How to choose cosmetics? The easiest option is to go to a good store, where there is a stylist or makeup artist for consultation, and ask for several types of you, and then purchase those colors and shades that have been used in the process. However, it will only fit residents of large cities - in small such luxury to find it difficult.

Another option that will require costs is to visit the makeup artist in private and ask you to make you a good makeup, and better two. A competent specialist will not only pick up perfect combinations, but also be able to advise the brands of cosmetics and individual names of certain products. The minus of this option - the makeup will need to pay for consultation.

And the last option I like is to regularly view the makeup for green eyes photo and video with parsing of shades. So you can learn a lot. As well as:

  • you will find interesting lessons that you want to repeat;
  • you will be much better oriented in modern trends;
  • you can easily navigate the world of cosmetics;
  • as a result, you will collect your own collection of makeup products that are suitable for you.

What should I pay attention to when choosing cosmetics? On quality and color. With quality, everything is simple - if you doubt your ability to choose good inexpensive cosmetics, then try to bribe a little bit and get a good pallet of the shadows from any luxury brand. Believe me, you will not regret never.

With flowers, everything is somewhat more complicated. Doubt the choice? Ask advice from a consultant, and even better in several. Make cards on the wrist, and attach the color to the eye to understand how the tone will look next to your beautiful eyes.

Consider your colorboard - it is natural that the makeup for a greenery eye with a blonde and brunette will be absolutely different and made by different means.

Be sure to get a beige label of shadows - best satin or matte. It will be the so-called workhorse - if the shadows are quite good quality, and in the palette there will be at least 3 shades from light to the dark, you can do several different make-ups and not look monotonous.

Buy one doublet with a bright color combination. Pink-blue, yellow-blue, turquoise and peach, gold and brown, mint and chocolate - these combinations will never come out of fashion, and you will always have a little painting your makeup a little, make it brighter and interesting.
Understand all modern beauty products that will help you improve your Maik-AP, namely:

  • proofreaders and Consilers - to make the skin perfect;
  • tints and pigments - for applying bright colors;
  • black and white kayals - for an open and open glance;
  • combinations of shadows with different finishes - for texturing.

How to make a casual version

Look a simple lesson how to make daily makeup for green eyes in natural colors. I want to remind you that observe the priority of actions, as in the photo - it is very important. The fact is that different layers of makeup should have time to go well on the skin, and therefore, the Mayk-AP needs consistently and in strict accordance with the manual.

Try to make day makeup for green eyes in the style of Pin-AP - everything you need is a good black kayal, absolutely any light shadow and that mascara, which makes a triple volume.

First, prepare the skin, apply the database under the shadow. Then drew the arrows. By the way, if you are not sure that you can draw a flat line, use a credit card instead of a ruler. Cover the rolling part of the century by shadows, and then repeat the arrow. Make a few glare - for example, under eyebrows and near the inner corner of the eye with a highlyera. Apply mascara, and your makeup is ready.

Want to learn how to make indian makeup for a greenery eye? This species of Maik-APA is no less popular than Arabic, but looks softer and more interesting. It is sometimes important to withstand an absolutely non-aggressive style.

Do not know how to make makeup for dark green eyes to emphasize their cold shade and depth? Use gold shadows, envelop your glance with a golden haze, and it will play brighter any emeralds.

Lifehaki gorgeous evening

Want to learn how to make stylish makeup for green eyes step by step at home? See how you can make makeup stages in just a couple of minutes.

If short, then the owners of dark hair you just need to choose the right shadow for green eyes - it can be old gold, dark velvet or even dusty rose. For the green eye makeup in a couple of minutes to make it easy - you just need to lure the dark shadows in the fold of the century, gradually reducing them to not to the growth line of the eyelashes, and then tinkering the eyelashes. If the initial shadow of good quality, then they will create a light haze. Of course, you can make the Makeup of Smoky Ice for green eyes.

Try executing step-by-step guide and make up green eyes as on video.

Learn never late

How to make makeup for green eyes and blond hair:

  • do not use boring gray shades, in combination with rusia hair, they do not make beautiful shadows, but rather bruises over and under the eyes;
  • make sure that the shadows were not the darkest, which is in your image;
  • take advantage of silver shimmer to emphasize the cold shades in appearance.

How to make neutral makeup for green eyes and blond hair:

  • drink, let off and drink again - pass the light mineral powder on the skin, to give it velvety, gently point the area around the eyes. If the powder is dry, then there is better to get around the face;
  • use warm shades that are peculiar to your appearance - roughly speaking, pick up colors under the natural tone of your lips, hair, eyebrows and moles. He may be a little warmer - so the face will look fresh.

How to make business makeup for blondes with green eyes:

  • underline the White Kayalum of the lower century line;
  • apply peach or olive shadows (depending on skin subtone);
  • well-grave shadows and add chocolate droplets, visually raising the corners of the eye to the eyebrows;
  • give the perfect form of eyebrows and walk around the highlight not only under them - make a pair of glare on top of your eyebrows;
  • use a colorless lipstick or beige non-adhesive lip gloss to complete the image;
  • to make the shade of the gray-blind eye warmer, use the gold liner;
  • even if you have an important day, do not disturb the procedure for applying makeup in the hugs - consistently perform actions for each eye, an eye behind the eye.

Makeup for Kare Green Eyeit looks amazing - an expressive look, saturated colors, brightness and riot of paints. Of course, it is better to select the color gamut of Make-Apa, leaning both on the shade of the eye and on other factors - the skin, hair and others. However, there are some rules developed by stylists, thanks to which you can almost unmistakably choose the shades suitable to the eyes. For kara-green eyes, the most successful solution will be a combination of various shades forming contrast. One example is a combination with pink shadows - it is they emphasize the natural charm of a greenery eye. Next should be based on other factors - for example, with a cold color, it is better to choose purple tones.

The following color gammas are most suitable for makeup kare-green eyes:

  1. Copper;
  2. Silver;
  3. Golden;
  4. Yellow-red.
For daytime meyk-ampa, it is best to select either dark-coffee-coffee, or grayish-pink muffled shadows. Evening makeup can be perfectly supplemented with green, dark blue or dark-lilac shades. Other cosmetics - eyeliners, pencil or mascara can have, in addition to black, and other colors are dark purple, rich blue or grayish brown.

Below we will analyze several options for both day and evening makeup.

What could be the daily make-up for a karea-green eye?

  1. First you should prepare the skin of the face - it must be clean, without noticeable defects. Clear it can be a special tool. Then align the skin tone with a tonal agent. The corrector will help hide pimples, redness and other disadvantages. Also, the foundation should be applied to the upper eyelids.
  2. The eyebrows also need to prepare, giving them a beautiful shape and removing knocking hairs. If eyebrows have a light tone, they can be drawn by shadows or pencil. You can also fill with cosmetics noticeable gaps by creating a beautiful and even line.
  3. Next erection. White shadows are applied on the upper part of the century. Do not use a large number of such shadows - white color is necessary for clarifying a century and giving a look of freshness and lightness.
  4. The rolling part of the century is covered with dark shadows - dark-bodily or brown.
  5. Black pencil output a flat line in the lower eyelid, slightly darkening the outer corner of the top. The eyeliner does not need to be done too noticeable and bright is a day makeup, and it does not imply excessive saturation.
  6. Between the moving and stationary century - the shadow coffee is applied to the folding. You do not need to impose too much layers - it will be enough only one loose.
  7. We are completing the day makeup of the procraner of the upper eyelashes. The most carcasses should be imposed near the external corners of the eyes. The lower eyelashes can not be cricked.

How can I perform evening makeup of a greenery eye?

Remember, despite the brightness and intensity of evening makeup, it should not be causing.
  1. The skin of the face is cleaned and covered with a tonal cream. Disadvantages, as in day makeup, hide under the proofreader. You should not apply it too thick layer, otherwise you can get the effect of the mask.
  2. Eyebrows It is necessary to draw shadows or pencil. Here you can use more rich colors than in the daily make-up, and apply them more intensively. To secure the form, use a special wax or gel.
  3. The eyelid completely cover beige shadows, paying special attention to the inner edge of the eye.
  4. Green shadows apply to the moving area of \u200b\u200bthe century. If desired, visually increase the eyes and look out, do not blame the inner edge of the century with green shadows.
  5. Dark-brown shadows make a flat line in the upper eyelid - on the border of the growth of eyelashes. If you have large, smashed almond-shaped eyes, you can bring the eyelid and bottom, moving along the border of the growth of eyelashes from the inner edge of the eye. If the eyes are close to planted, start moving from the middle of the century, and stop at an outer corner. Narrow eyes are better not to paint below.
  6. Finally, use the mascara, proking the upper eyelashes well, pulling them away a bit aside.

How to quickly make an evening make-up?

The makeup presented below has long become classic and is still relevant.

Draw a smooth outline with a black pencil, moving along the growth of the upper, and then the lower eyelashes. After that, cover all the upper eyelids with bright dark blue shadows. In this case, you can safely refer to the damp and saturated shades of blue - it will give the image of brightness and courage.

How to create flawless makeup in the phials-plum gamma?

  1. We use the shadow plum color on the moving eyelid, as well as on the area located below the eyebrows.
  2. On the moving eyelid, add pink-golden shadows. The transition is growing, making it smooth and slightly noticeable.
  3. Draw a V-shaped shadow shadows - move from the center of the upper eyelid to the center of the bottom.
  4. Looking over the eyelashes of eyelashes. Move the dark gray pencil. The arrow should turn out to be fine and smooth.
  5. Eyelashes tinted with volumetric ink. At the same time, two or three layers can be applied to the top or three layers, while one will be enough.
  6. On the lips, apply the lipstick of a neuropy shade, preferably natural. Also a good solution will be a transparent shine.
  7. Unusual evening makeup in plum-purple tones can be decorated with glitter or rhinestones.

How to easily apply makeup in a brown-gold gamma?

  1. First hide all skin irregularities under the thin layer of the base and align the tone. The inner edge of the century make golden color.
  2. Movable eyelo in the middle cover with golden-strawberry shadows.
  3. Outside the edge of the eye is painted in a brown color, after which you carefully grow the transition between it and the golden tint.
  4. Approach to arrange the lower eyelid, having spent a smooth thick line.
  5. The area under the eyebrows Down with a highlighter, lightening the skin. After that, you can cut the top eyelid to the top eyelid and go to the next step - the blasting of eyelashes with brown or black ink.

How to avoid widespread errors?

  1. No need to try to combine a large number of colors. Avoid using more than three shades, while observing their color combinations.
  2. Refuse smoky makeup. Often adding flowers such as gray and black, in make-up kare-green eyes, can take a look. As a last resort, use more easy colors, and use the pencil, which later we grow out.
  3. Pick the color gamut, based on the features of your appearance. Even if another owners of the greenery eye are pink, purple and lilac color, you may not come up.

Try to observe the rules listed above, and try different types of makeup to determine which colors you are most. Then you can create more interesting and amazing views of Make Apa every time.

Girls who have kara-green eyes look charmingly. Most often, they have the owner of chestnut or black different shades of hair and dark or very light skin. The eye irises are very beautiful when illuminated, they seem to be karium, then green with Irry. And the shadows can choose different shades, for example, light-bodily and others popular, which is very convenient. Beautifully sprinkle under different clothes. Sports to apply a beautiful makeup for a greenery eye.

Makeup for kare-green

Makeup for green-karich eye There is an opportunity to do differently with a very beautiful palette of colors. They are suitable brown with green tones, perfectly look at the face of golden with silver. There are still advantageous shades - these are peach or copper. Under the clothes and mood of the owner of such eyes, can be tinted with violet or pastel pink tones.

Most often, kara-green eyes in girls are shy and not always decisive. You have a pleasant character and you can adapt in any society. In addition, you will become a devoted companion of life to your beloved man. He can rely on you, since you are patient and bring started to the end. It is best to feel at home where you have comfort and peace. Therefore, you go to such shades of light peach and other pastel, soft.

When you apply makeup for kara-green eyes, keep in your head for what reason do you paint? Somewhere enough to bring eyebrows, eyelashes, eyes, lips, and in other cases it takes a solid on the evening makeup for kare-green eyes with the base of the tonal cream.

Try to feel that thin face, where the brightness is relevant, and where the discreet @ makeup for gray-green eyes with brown splashes. The main thing is to look pretty. This is quite enough, you do not need to excessively paint on the carnival.

Make Makeup

Why start beautiful makeup for green eyes? Let us advise what lipstick, shadow, tone cream, etc. Choose if you have such spring eyes.

See also: How much actually keeps the tattoo eyebrows

Tone or powder

You can forget about the tonal cream, it is too heavy. The powder will be perfect, which will remove the fat shine from your face, and it will become matte. Suitable as the basis and mousse. They will be @ light @-going or other shade. Together with a powder, use and proofreader. They can be masked temporarily small acne, scratch, trace from scar, etc.

Mascara with pencil

Pencil acquire black or brown. If you want to make a festive makeup for a greenery eye, you can buy a pencil with a silver rod. He will make a visually eye wider.

What shadows choose

Very good to your green with brown eyes are shadows: brown or light green (or darker), beige or silver. Pink with purple are good, like beige. You do not need to buy too bright and choose better light matte. Pearls are used only when makeup makeup for green-brown eyes. Do you prefer the shadows of dark colors? Buy matte, otherwise, the eyes will be drowned in glitter.


If you tried and accent in make-up, choose pastel lipstick. Suitable beige or pale shade pink. You can simply smear the lips with glitter, revive. If you want to emphasize on the lips, then use lipstick more juicy: bright pink, red with orange or orange.

Casual Make-up

The main thing is that the skin of the face is clean. Make a daily makeup for green eyes with brown dots. Corrector Mount various redness or acne. Apply to the face of a suitable shade and skin will seem velvety. The tone cream is applied to the eyelids, and the shadows are superimposed on top.

In the eyebrows, apply some shadows (in tone) to become brighter. Apply makeup for green eyes with brown splashes. Hold the eyelid closed and do not move, and apply white matte or white with pearl shade with a pearl sampling. Do not overdo it. Some white tone and enough. Such a base will refresh the look.

See also: Makeup Secrets for Green Eye

Now the shadows should be applied to the eyelid, which naturally moves. Take the bodily shadow of a dark-bodily shade or brown. Excellent Makia will come out Well for green eyes step by step.

Take the adjustment pencil, for example, black (you can and dark brown) and from the edge to the edge at the bottom century, spend a thin line. In the upper eyelid you need a little darkening the corner at the top. Day makeup for green eyes with karium inclusions need to be done carefully so that it is clear that you brought the eyes only to those who sit or stand, on the contrary. Important naturalness.

Where the bend line passes from a moving and still century, you need to apply the shadow of brown. Requires a small layer. So you will emphasize a little fold of your century. Now put eyelashes. Try in the corners of the exterior several times to walk with a tassel to be more authentic. Excellent daily makeup came out for green eyes with brown dots.

Make-AP Evening

Try to ensure that your evening makeup for green eyes with karium stars turned out to be juicy, not vulgar. Often girls with such eyes are dark hair color. On the face you need to apply the basis in the form of a tonal cream. Corrector lubricate small flaws on the skin. The main thing, all apply neatly and thin layer, otherwise, the face does not work, but a mask that people are noticeable.

makeup for the kare of green eyes of shadows of suitable color. So that the eyebrows carefully looked, you need a fixer. To do this, use gel or wax. On the very eyelid, right up to the level of eyebrows, apply gentle beige shadows. Play eyes in the corners located inside. The eyelid when moving well coat with shadows of a light green shade. The eyes will look big, and the look alive.

Inside the corner of your eyes, these green shades do not need to cry, otherwise it will get a hard look. Where the eyelashes grow, apply a good brown shade. He will emphasize the brightness of the hair. Excellent evening makeup came out for green eyes with brown grains for dark hair.