How to make a massage baby in 1 month. Massage and wellness gymnastics. Major Massage Takes according to V. I. Vasichkin

You can start a massage as soon as the baby is four to six weeks. The procedure can be combined with gymnastic exercises.

Many children who have just appeared on the light have a pronounced hypertonus limbs. The tiny handles are firmly bent into the cams, the neck is tense, the head is a little bitted back to the back, the legs are always in a bent state.

After the kid turns one month, parents can start massage in the baby. It is important not to miss the moment, because the massage significantly accelerates both the physical and mental development of crumbs, contributes to the establishment of crawling skills, develops plasticity, normalizes muscle tone.

Monthly baby needs exercise and massageThis is especially true of kids with high muscle tone.

At this age period, the body is very susceptible to external influence, therefore, on time, the massage performed according to the correct technique is able to cope with Krivoshea, Rakhit, Valgus, pneumonia.

Stroking the tummy eliminates the baby from the Gazikov.

If you look at your baby for 2 months, see the features of the procedure of this age, you need to do the baby daily.

Requirements for masseuse

  • Nails must be briefly tonsured, bracelets, rings - removed, hands are warm and pleasant to the touch. Otherwise appears Risk of injury to crumbs.
  • Before the procedure, it is important to establish an emotional connection with the baby, all the time you have to talk to him, sing songs or fun, smile to him.
  • Movements must be very neat and light, strong pressure is unacceptable.
It is strictly forbidden to pat and make shock movements.
Fingers can not be pressed on the chest monthly child.
  • Direction - from the periphery to the center (from brushes to shoulders, from stop to the thighs). The tummy is smooth clockwise.
  • Avoid Paho region, the inner side of the hips, knees, elbows, armpits, springs and kidneys.
  • The procedure gives the first impetus to the independent extension of the handles and legs of the crumbs. The actions of the massage therapist are directed precisely on the removal of the increased tone of the muscles involved in flexing the limbs.

Requirements for the room

  • The room is well ventren. The optimal temperature is 18-23 degrees. Since the newborn during the procedure is completely stripped, importantmake sure that Kroch not frozen. This is evidenced by the attack of icotes or cold spout and the back.
  • Preparation of the table: enough to lay a blanket and a one-time diaper on it. The table should not be too narrow. All the necessary things are located at the distance of an elongated hand.

Massage technique

The monthly crumb makes rubbing and stroking.

Massage stages are as follows:

  • lying on the back of the child worry the limbs starting with the handles;
  • turn over the crumb on the stomach and stroke the back;
  • the child is back on his back, and the masseur strokes the stomach area but;
  • the turn of the legs: the feet are stroked, rubbing, legs bend and straighten;
  • turns on the right and left barrel;
  • laying on the tummy to strengthen the muscles of the peritoneum and neck.

Chest and back

Are performed neat strokes From the intercostal space to the sides. Make four repetitions.

The back is stroke both palms in the direction of the head to the legs and in the opposite direction eight times.

At the same time, he lies on his stomach, bending the handles under the chest.


Make delicate strokes with fingertips from the top of the forehead, while rodnichok touch forbidden. Next, they produce soft movements from the top to the temples and the back.

The crumbs are slowly massaged by the pillows of the fingers from his forehead to the temporal fractions. The church of the eye depression gently paint the eight. The neck is stroked on the sides, the cheeks are massaged from the nose to the ears of the arc.


Massage is carried out towards the shoulders from the brushes. The right hand of Mom captures the left handle of the crumbs, the second - strokes and rubs the thrifter muscles to eight times.

Right handle must be arrayed with right hand. Two or three weeks for rubbing elements apply "Saw" and "Strocker".


Baby lies on the back. Left hand take the leg behind the foot, the right palm is eight times smooth on the outer and inside of the legs from the foot to the thighs.

It is possible to rub the leg only in the absence of hypertonus muscles.

The next step is to stroke the palm of each berry muscle eight times. For reflex extension of the spine, the baby is put on the right hand, the left hold both legs for ankle. The child raise four or five times.


Take a leg with your left hand, thumb and stroking the foot, the pad draw eight.

Your crumb is crying and capricious, perhaps he, who annoys him from the second week of life and approximately three months old.


Massage crumbs in the first month of life normalizes muscle functioningDirectly participating in the flexion and extension of the limbs, is beneficial effect on the central nervous system, contributes to its active physical development.

In addition, the emotional communication of the mother with the baby is stronger. The baby, who just appeared on the light, is still very angry, he just begins to adapt to life outside the womb.

Physical contact with mom soothes the baby, it feels its smell, her warmth. This positively affects the overall harmonious development of crumbs.

In this article, you will learn how to make a massage for 3 months (video). Dr. Komarovsky will tell you about the general children's massage with a monthly child, inhibries in 3 months. And older.

Indications for massage 3 monthly baby

Massage has many additional benefits for infants, especially until the age of 1.3 months, including:

  • weight gain;
  • digestion help;
  • improving blood circulation;

He can help 3 monthly infants:

  • develop mentally, socially and physically;
  • stay relaxed and not upset;
  • less likely to cry and fuss to a lesser extent;
  • better sleep.

Studies also proved that he is able to help infants before they turn 3 months to recover faster from jaundice.

Massage technique techniques for newborn baby in 1-3 months

Children's massage The baby in 1-3 months most often lies in the gentle, but dynamic stroke of the child's body with the hands of parents. You can use hypoallergenic oils or moisturizing cream to help your hands smoothly slide on the skin surface.

It is especially useful to premature infants as part of special assistance. It stimulates a key nerve called wandering, which connects the brain with vital organs, including the stomach. Massage can help keep the frequency of heart blows of a premature baby stable.

Scientists even in thoughts could not help that they would create a drug of such a powerful action! In a short time, many people have already helped throughout the country.

Preventive breast massage in 3 months

In the framework of the usual massage, in 3 months it is allowed to gently manipulate the ankles inhibries, wrists and fingers. It can be performed in the format of the game, and then you will definitely like the baby from 3 months.

Promoting the process will be a quiet measured conversation with the baby or singing parents, which will calm and balance the crumb.

Soothing shots with hands are designed to stimulate guaranteed well-being due to the highlight of the hormone - oxytocin.

Vegetable oils for a high content of linoleic acid, such as sunflower, are more suitable for the skin of the baby than the oil with a high content of oleic acid, such as olive.

Therapeutic firming massage for the newborn

An effective addition to the procedures from hypertonus (with a tone, increased muscles), and in cases where Krivoshoy is diagnosed, for infants, in addition to activities, including a complex of special exercises, there will be gymnastics on phytball.

There should be no doubt about whether the massage needed, especially if he is a constructive, parents, whose children are diagnosed with PPTSNS (characteristic of the perinatal damage to organs forming the central nervous system).

Within the framework of the first several times, it is possible to simply massage with moistened cream or oil hands of the child's legs until it gets like sensations. The legs are well suited for the beginning of the manipulation because the baby is habitually, which is touched by his feet during the change of diapers.

All the time you need to focus on the reaction of the baby. If it is quiet, you can continue. If you are worried, it is necessary to change the manipulation maneru. If the baby cries, it means that the session should be completed.

How to make a common children's massage infants

It should be moved upside down, slightly squeezing the caviar and the hindered area. Next, you should take one leg in your hands and carefully turn it several times in each direction, and then tick down the fingers on it in the direction from the ankle down to the fingers of the legs. Then you need to change your leg and repeat it.

You need to use your fingers to describe the circles on the heels and the feet of each leg.

Then you need to take it alternately for the base every finger of my legs and carefully pull it out so that your fingers slip away from it.

By analogy with legs, the array of the handles is performed.

Do you know ? We have detailed information on this page. Perhaps you will be interested to know what it looks like, because it flows pretty unpleasant.

If you do not know how to clean the nose of the newborn from snot, for this, follow the link, because the correct cleaning of the nose will not lead to bad consequences for your baby.

In the chest zone, the baby and the abdomen, you need to carefully put both your palms (in the flat state) in the center, and slowly dissolve them to the sides. With this fingers, it is necessary to describe small circles directed outwards.

After the baby is turned on the tummy, follows the fingertips, describing the tiny circles, move along both sides of the spine from the neck to the buttocks.
Special attention should be focused on the neck of infants.

Contraindications for massage

Some contraindications make a common massage in unsafe for children aged 0 in certain situations.

When babies are 3 months. They sick, it is unacceptable to massage their specific parts of the body.

For example, the stomach may be too sensitive in premature newborns up to 3 months. They have internal organs may be too thin, and bruises may occur if too much pressure is applied.

In addition, infant skeletons are also thin, and bones can be easily violated if too much pressure is used in the wrong place, especially in the back area.

Despite the fact that this course (daily, firming or other), for newborn 3 months of age, it will be contraindicated, if infections or irritation of their skin are present.

Dr. Komarovsky about various types of massage (video)

In order to know how to make a developing massage to a child at home, it makes sense to download the video on which is described in detail. The author is Dr. Komarovsky.

Of course, many parents of an infant child will be more convenient to familiarize themselves with the techniques of how to make a children's massage aimed at developing a newborn, not due to the video, and materials in pictures.

Dr. Komarovsky is confident that it will be useful to choose a moment for a session between feeding segments (for example, after a bath, before feeding and sleeping). Then the infants will not be satisfied and rejected by food. It is also better not to start just before cooking.

In the video of Dr. Komarovsky, it is said that before starting it is necessary to make sure that the room is warm (about 24 ° C), put the baby on the towel, it can be completely naked or dressed in something thin.

Be sure to complete each session of the arms. Massage is a great opportunity to mostly feel like careless parents and get close to your beloved child.

Looking at the video of Dr. Komarovsky below, you will learn a lot of new and useful.

Conducting a children's massage has nuances in different age groups. For newborns - movements stroking, in 1-3 months, rubbing is added.

Baby massage helps to establish a tactile contact between the baby and his mother, normalize the muscular tone of the child, prepare it to an independent seat, crawling, and then the goal.

In its appointment, children's massage can be therapeutic and preventive. If the first is shown in deviations in the body of the baby and is carried out by a specialist, the second must be carried out for all infants.

Usually in such cases the doctor writes: Massage number 10 for infants. This means that 10 preventive massage sessions are assigned to the baby. Such a procedure may well master the mother's mother to independently conduct it in home, comfortable for the infant.


Common massage improves tissue blood supply. During the session, skin receptors are stimulated. This has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous, muscle system. The baby improves a dream, he is less capricious. This is partly due to the improvement of digestion: massage techniques contributes to the elimination of colic, the normalization of the chair.

Massage treatments strengthen the immune system, providing a challenge effect on the body. Baby massage has a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system, the cardiovascular system of the kid, contributes to the development of motility.


Conducting manipulation contraindicated:

Preparatory stage

Before carrying out the procedure, you must ventilate the room. The room temperature should be 20-22 0. It is necessary to conduct a children's massage on a solid smooth surface. It can be a changing table or a regular writing desk. The place where the child is planned to lay out the manipulation, be covered with a glued, blanket and a sheet.

Nails at the future masseur must be briefly shiny. Before manipulation, you need to remove jewelry from the hands, so as not to injure them the gentle skin of the child.

To perform massage techniques, it is better to use baby cream or butter Johnsons Baby. These funds do not cause allergies.

For the prevention of jeeping, the manipulation follows 30 minutes before or after feeding. The procedure should not cause negative emotions in the infant, it is worth it only with a positive setting. If the baby is capricious, it is better to postpone the session.

All necessary (cream or oil, diapers, baby clothes, spare pellery) should be at hand.

The procedure starts from 5 minutes, gradually, as the child is addicted, the duration increases.

Features for different age groups

Conducting a children's massage has nuances in different age groups.

For newborns

Massage for newborns is recommended under the age of no earlier than 20 days. Movements should be light, stroking, in the distance from the bottom up and from the periphery to the center. The knee joints, the front surface of the legs, the inner surface of the hollow, nipples, genitals, the spine area are left free from exposure.

The whole procedure consists of several stages.

From 1 to 2 months

You can add light rubbing to strokes. In one - two months, the muscles of the child are still in physiological hypertonus. It can be seen on the bent and listed on the stomach legs and handles, the position of the body. Massage for infants from 1 month is aimed at relaxing muscle tissue. For example, when rubbing the palm needs to pay attention to each finger. Ladoshka will be gradually disclosed.

Thematic articles:

It is necessary to avoid pressure to the center of the palm of the palm of the center - at this age it will work grave reflex. Palm will be squealing, as if holding a touch of a touch or finger. Hypertonus increases.

From 2 to 3 months

Massage for infants 2 months In addition to stroking and rubbing, it may contain elements of vibration. This is a slight shaking of the hands, the legs of the child.

When laid out on the stomach, it is necessary to observe the behavior of the baby. To this age, he may not for long (10-15 minutes) hold his head.

Thematic material:

The massage of the child in 2 months is aimed at reducing the increased muscle tone. Starting and finishing the procedure should be easily stroking movements.

From 3 to 4

Z month is a transitional age when most children are already confidently holding their heads. Increased muscle tone continues, but it is already close to normalization. The child is trying to independently roll over the back or abdomen.

Massage 3 monthly child should be aimed at strengthening the muscles, to provide a common-developing effect.

The procedure can be combined with elements of simple gymnastic exercises. Slightly pulling the child by the hand, help him turn over. After some time, the child can already rip the abdomen or back on the side and back.

Massage for infants from 3 to 6 months contributes to the emergence of new and consolidation of old motor skills.

From 4 to 5

At the age of 4 months, muscle hypertonus disappears, massage can be held longer than at earlier age. Now one procedure can take before half an hour. Massage techniques are aimed at strengthening muscles.

Massage a child of 4 months needs to be done, gently talking to him during manipulation. At this age, the kid perceives well-faithful to him, understands not so much the meaning of the words said as the tone with whom they were pronounced.

From 5 to 6

Massage 5 monthly child is carried out taking into account the development of its motor skills. At this age, the baby can be prepared for crawling. Special attention is paid to the massage of the legs.

Massage for a child of 5 months includes a plotting of crawling. The baby is laying out on the tummy, the legs bended in the knees, the handles are fed under the sides. Feet fixed palm. The baby is repelled from his palm, reflexively trying to make movements resembling crawling.

From 6 to 8

In this age group, the kid will crawl independently and sits down. Earlier 6 months, the child is not recommended. It may not affect posture. Babe massage with a semi-annual child combined with seating training. For this, the baby lying on the back is given to clasp the fingers of the hands, and slightly pull them on themselves. The kid is reflexively pulling up, trying to sit down.

Massage a child of 7 months make more long. At this age, you can hold a rehearsal of walking. The kid of seven months is transferred to a vertical position and supported on the waist. Give him to proceed with the horizontal surface, without relying completely on it. Baby, feeling a support, will go through legs.

The spine of the child is still weak and not prepared completely to walking. Such training exercises teach a child to move independently, and then he is faster to learn to walk.

From 8 to 12

Using the massage, the skills of crawling, seats and continue to train walking are fixed. Massage the child in 8 months can be done several times a day.

Daily massage in combination with simple gymnastic exercises performed passively, contributes to the consolidation of motor skills in the baby.

Massage for children is a soft, measured baby stroking the baby with their own hands. You can use butter or children's cream so that your arms can slide the crumbs into the skin.

As part of the massage process, you can gently manipulate your baby's ankles, wrists and fingers, thereby conducting passive articular gymnastics. During the massage, speak gently, whitewash or sake your baby. This will make your manipulations even more soothing for the baby.

Soothing strokes with hands activate the production of hormone happiness, oxytocin, all participants in the massage session.

Positive Massage Properties Breast Children

There are many advantages of children's massage, which can have a positive impact not only on a newborn child, but also on his parents.

Massage will help your child:

  • develop physically, cognitive, socially;
  • stay relaxed and not upset;
  • cry and fuss less;
  • sleep better.

One study showed that a newborn massage can help him quickly recover from jaundice.

Massage sessions are especially useful for premature babies, according to the results of which there will be several improvements:

  1. Faster body weight gain, especially when using oils. The massage activates the key nerve called the wandering, which connects the brain with the main parts of the body, including the stomach. The activation of this nerve improves the digestion and emptying of the intestines, helping the baby to gain body weight.
  2. Stable cardiac frequency. Massage improves the functioning of the nervous system, which regulates the operation of our organs. Thus, massage can help support the constant frequency of heart abbreviations of the child.
  3. Calmly behavior in stress and pain.
  4. More stable brain activity. Prematurely born children, receiving massage, as a rule, have a normally developing brain activity. In premature children who did not make a massage, there is a decrease in brain activity.

Massage Baby from 0 to 3 months is, first of all, in order to train the body of a child for various movements, reduce the hypertonus of the muscles of the legs, hands, and also actively develop the neck muscles, reinforcing the upper chest, spine muscles and shoulder belt.

The massage of the child in 1 month is also carried out in order to contribute to the normal functioning of internal organs, muscle relaxation and the improvement of metabolism.

Unability sharp and hard pressure when massage is done with a monthly child. This is especially significant when massaged the face and the baby's head. After all, the bones of the baby are still formed, and they are very sensitive and fragile.

  • massage for infants from 1 month includes soft strokes, slowly moving on lightness;
  • massage The child in 2 months contains soft stroking, and may also include rubbing, kneading and vibration. Massage for a 2-month-old baby is designed to weaken colic, relaxing the muscles of the legs, the hands still in the tone. Also, the massage should contribute to the rejection of the nervous system. Rubbing should be carried out carefully, because the skin of children is still very gentle and thin. From rubbing should be abstained if you have noticed rash infant on the skin;
  • a regular massage for a child in 3 months allows to prevent the appearance of umbilical hernia, constipation and colic, a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system, strengthens muscles and joints, improves blood circulation. The massage of palms and handles has a positive effect on the development of small motility, therefore, on the speech and cognitive skills of the child in the future. The total massage for a three-month-old baby includes soft stroking, rubbing and gymnastic exercises.

How to make a massage for newborns at home?

Before deciding how to make a massage newborn, select a place that is safe for a baby massage. It must be comfortable for you to conveniently dissolve the child, and for the baby itself.

Until then, while your baby does not know how to roll over or move a lot, you just need to make sure that it lies on a stable surface.

As soon as the child can turn over, it is better to choose the surface with which he will not be able to fall. Babies can turn over in the blink of an eye, especially if the child is covered with oil and will be slippery.

The middle of the bed or even the floor is quite suitable. Just put a clean towel or sheet below the child. And never leave a baby unattended.

Make sure that there is a comfortable temperature, there are no direct air flows or drafts. If the weather is hot, do not make a child with a massage directly under the fan or under direct air conditioner impact. The baby does not like the massage if it fell cold.

Since this is a special moment for you and your child, make sure that there are no distracting moments in the room. If there is a pet, remove it into another room and transfer your mobile phone to a silent mode. You may even want to enable relaxing music to a low volume so that the child can hear how they communicate with him.

Have all that is useful for massage, at hand.

It is necessary to prepare:

  • massage oil;
  • towels to wipe over the oil or cream;
  • clothes for changing the child;
  • the usual set for changing diapers;
  • bath bath and towel, if you are bathing the baby after massage.

How to make a massage newborn? The main techniques of massage

Infants love elected routine and repetition.

Therefore, if you massaging your child every time, he knows what to expect, and enjoys the procedure.

  1. Start the baby massage from the legs, gradually moving to the body, ending your head. The legs are a great place to start a massage session, because the baby is used to that his feet are when changing the diaper.
  2. Pour a few drops of cream or oil on hand. Heat the oil or cream, rubbing it between the palms.
  3. Very gently rub it into the skin of the baby, starting with the legs.
  4. Go to the legs. Then you can gently stroke the thighs to the fingers.
  5. Follow the same session and on your hands. Mass them from shoulders to fingers. Massage is useful to combine with light exercises.
  6. Exercise for finger hands. Long clamp some finger between your big and index fingers and slowly bend and break it. Repeat with each finger. Such exercises are useful to accompany fun.
  7. Exercises for the chest and tummy include circular strokes clockwise. Circular strokes of the tummy made with gentle pressure help the food move along the digestive tract.
  8. Keep the legs of the child below the knee and, raising the legs up, gently press the knees on the belly. This will help exit excess gases.
  9. Complete the massage of the front of the child's body with extensive strokes from the chest before the hip.
  10. Turn the baby on the stomach to massate the back. Use large circular movements counterclockwise, climbing back from its base to the shoulders.

    Do not press the area of \u200b\u200bthe spinal column. It can harm your child.

  11. Finish the back massage with strokes with a large amplitude from the shoulders to the hip, as you did on the front of the body.

Massage head baby year

In India, no children's massage is done without a head massage.

Some children love more when they touch their heads than any other part of the body.

If your child is one of those who do not like touching the head, do not insist on such a massage. Wait until the kid grows a little, and then try again. As the child becomes more familiar with the massage, it can love the head massage too.

How to massage the head of the child?

It is necessary to be very gentle with the head of the newborn, since the bones of the skull have not yet grown.

When inspection, you can see soft places that sometimes pulsate. They are called spring. There are two springs, one is located on the theme (large spring), the other - on the back of the head (small spring) of the child. Rear Rodnichok closes when your baby is about 6 weeks, but the springs on the top of the head closes by 18 months.

In the first six weeks, do not make pressure moving, conducting head massage. Just intend to gently all parts of the head using oil, let it absorb on your own.

As soon as the head of the child is hearse, you can gently pressed with your fingers, making little circular movements, moving around the baby's head.

But never apply the pressure to the top of the baby's head, where the larger springs are still soft.

Spring closes and harden by themselves, since the bones of the head of the child grow and grow together.

While the child does not know how to keep his head alone, apply oil on the head when the baby lies on the back. So any oil that dripping will not fall on his face. When the child keeps his head independently, you can apply oil when it lies on the stomach. This will make the exercise position even more convenient.

If the baby has seborrheic dermatitis, do not deduct the crust while applying oil. You will find that if the oil is left on the head of the child overnight, it will help soften the crust, which can then disappear with itself when bathing, either during the washing of the head or tear of the baby's hair.

Even if it is not so, seborrheic dermatitis does not prevent the baby and is very common among children. He often passes himself when the baby grows.

Having having a crust, you risk damage to the scalp and incur infection.

How often do you need to make a massage?

Traditionally, the child is made massage every day before or after swimming. Some parents in the first three months make a massage twice a day. But there is no ideal number of massage sessions.

How often do you do it, depends on the time that is, and from the well-being of the child during massage. If you are a working mom, then most likely, daily making a massage to the baby will be difficult.

Even if the child gets a massage only from time to time, all the benefits of massage will have their own action.

Duration of the massage session

The duration of massage changes with the age of a child. Some kids love him from birth, and then for a massage of the whole body takes up to 30 minutes.

If your baby does not like the massage, do sessions short. When a child starts crawling or walking, you can notice that he does not want to lie so long. Then you need to make a massage for 5 - 10 minutes.

Just "read" the signs that your child serves. They will tell you, like a massage him or not.

Do massage a child when he is not hungry and not tired. So the massage will like it more. It can happen at any time of the day.

Babies love predictability, so if you do anything at the same time and in the same sequence, they feel safe and happy. For example, if you start with massage, then swimming, feeding and finally sleep, the child will learn to recognize this procedure and will wait for it.

It may be difficult to do with newborns when you need a frequent feeding and baby is practically all the time. When he grows and there will be more time to awake, you can not hurry.

Since the massage is relaxing the child, you can even make it part of the ritual of preparation to sleep. Massage before bedtime will help the baby to relax after an active day and calm down, be ready to rest.

If the baby often crying at night, evening massage will be able to help reduce the probability of crying. Over time, you will know better than the child and you can find the right time for massage and bathing. Let the kid become your conductor.

When is the massage contraindicated?

If a child has a rash, do not apply a cream or skin on the skin without prior consultation with the doctor.

If it becomes clear that the rash is caused by cream or butter, which used for the massage of the child, stop using it, contact the doctor to find out which oils or creams will suit your baby best.

Some experts believe that it is better not to carry out a massage when the child is fever or he is sick. Others argue that gentle massage during a viral disease can help learn body pain.

If the child has risen the temperature, consult the doctor before making a massage.

Always take and explain for yourself signals from the child. In case, he can become fussy and abandon the massage. On the other hand, if your touch facilitates the pain in the body, the baby will be able to calm down, faster will fall asleep with your gentle stroking.

If the child's fever increases, he may feel cold. So you can just stroke and embrace it over clothes, not undressing. However, if the fever decreases, the kid can feel the heat and prefer to remove clothing.

Watch the child. Always try to understand what makes his condition most comfortable.

In winter, it is also necessary to carry out a massage. But the baby will like it only if it does not feel cold. Therefore, make sure that it is warm enough, before undressing the child.

How to make massage the infant, is largely determined by the child himself. The ability to read signals of his behavior is the most important of the massage moments. Your child will show himself when he should end, which strokes the baby loves, and which is not.

Massage has long been known for its wide healing and preventive properties. Massage types are a huge set, they are all aimed at improving blood circulation, strengthening muscles, relieve pain and tension, as well as to stimulate physical and intellectual development. Therapeutic massage is made after the decision of a specific diagnosis, and it is better to provide it by a specialist.


Pediatricians recommend starting a massage aged 4-5 weeks. It is believed that before this time, there are many new impressions. In addition, in the first month of life, the child is still too susceptible to the ambient temperature, and the mother is afraid to disturb him once again. In short, it is better to postpone until the second month.

  • The room should be warm, not less than 20 degrees.

  • The child must be fed 1-2 hours before massage, but not too hungry, otherwise it will be quite fair to capricious and demand the milk.

  • Massage can be done on the changing table or on the usual table, putting a thin mattress and a one-time diaper on it (a conventional diaper and a loaf under it).

  • It is important that you and the child be comfortable.

  • The process should like you both. If someone cries, nervous or tired, it's time to finish.

  • Do not forget to cut your nails, remove the decorations and the clock so as not to scratch the child.

  • Hands in front of the massage can be lubricated with butter or children's cream and must be lost to each other so that they become warm. Do not cease!

  • The child himself is better not to smear the oil. There are various opinions on this, but most of the experienced massages do not recommend its use, as it clogs the pores and forms a fatty film on the skin.

Technique implementation

Nothing supernatural in children's massage and no: all that is required of you - slightly pressed and stroke in the right direction in the right places. Application Map is about this: feet - legs (from the periphery to the center) - the tummy - the chest - palms - hands (from the periphery to the center) - the turn on the belly - the shoulders - the back. You can gently stroke the face, reading the poem about the eyes, mouth, nose. It really likes the kids.

  1. We begin with a slight kneading of the upper part of the feet and fingers - storage facilities associated with all the internal human internal organs.

  2. Go to the leg. Pads of the index and middle finger, not straining the brushes, circular movements come from the foot to the buttocks. We do the same with the other foot.

  3. The tummy must be ironed clockwise, avoiding strong push and the area of \u200b\u200bthe right hypochondrium.

  4. Chest smooth circular motions. The area of \u200b\u200bthe right chest counterclockwise, and the left is clockwise.

  5. Palm and fingers are softly smear and go to the hands. Move from the palm to the shoulder with the circular movements of the middle and index fingers.

  6. After turning on the stomach, salt the shoulders and intend the back of the front and back side of the palms.

  • Talk to the baby, call parts of the body with which you work, smile, play, tell the poems and sing songs. No mechanically performed movements!

  • No need to force if the child cries. In this case, massage will bring more harm than good.

  • You can make a massage every day. The best time for such a procedure is in the evening before or after bathing. The baby will be fattened, calm down and will fall firmly. But if you and the diet is more convenient in the morning or day, then the choice is yours.

  • If you are not confident in your abilities, you can hire it to show you how to make a massage.

  • The gymnastics suitable for the age of the baby is well suited to the massage.


Consistent with the doctor still stands. Notify your good intentions and consider the opinion of a specialist who is familiar with your child personally.

It is better to postpone with the massage if:

  • baby sick

  • the baby is crying,

  • on the skin, rash, irritation.

On a note.Your husband may envy and demand "the same massage." Try to find time for him. Good relations between mom and dad affect the child even better massage.

Touch, contact with mom is the need for each kid. No one better than you feel a shift in his mood and will not understand, it's good to him now or not. Enjoy moments of closeness with your child, and your love and care will best affect his health and development.

Electrophoresis prescribe children from the first month of life. Thanks to the current, the active ingredient falls into the tissue, without providing systemic effects on the body. It can be used both the main method of therapy and auxiliary.

Electrophoresis - exposure to the body by electrical current and specially selected drugs. The latter begin to act against the background of changes caused by the current, therefore even at low concentrations of entering the body, drugs become effective.

Advantages of using electrophoresis

Electrophoresis procedure has an anti-inflammatory, relaxing effect. Can also be used for anesthesia.
For children, it is prescribed under the following problems:
- elevated or reduced tone;
- neuralgic disorders;
- diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
- Allergic reactions and diathesis.

This method can be used for children of almost any age, starting from birth. Since the effect of drugs is amplified under the influence of current, it is possible to achieve positive dynamics within a shorter time. It should be noted that such treatment has a pronounced local action, therefore allows for therapy without the appearance of side effects.

The electrophoresis session itself lasts only 6 to 15 minutes, so the baby is not fattening during this time, which means it will not begin to capricious. In some cases, the procedure can be carried out at home, which is very relevant for those families who are not able to visit the clinic daily.

Disadvantages of electrophoresis

Since the skin acts on the skin, during the procedure there may be a feeling of burning and tingling, which do not always like kids. Moreover, doctors are not allowed to make electrophoresis if there are damage or wounds on the skin. Otherwise, on the thin skin of the child, even greater irritation and rash may appear.

The disadvantages of using electrophoresis include the fact that the method cannot be used at elevated body temperatures. Pay attention to the fact that most often the procedure is carried out in the conditions of polyclinic. Small children can be frightened and cycling in an unfamiliar atmosphere. But this deficiency is solved, thanks to the skillful medical personnel and the presence of toys in the cabinets.

And the last disadvantage to which it is necessary to pay attention is the possibility of allergic reactions to the drug.

Specialists recommend watching the behavior of the infant during the course of the course. If the parents discovered that the baby began to behave worse, irritability, problems with sleep, treatment should be stopped, preferring softer methods.