What a good kiss. Creating a romantic setting. The secret of success is practice

Agree, it is unfair and insulting that in our time kisses, unfortunately, are undeservedly forgotten or look only as a preliminary reception. We, who consider ourselves experts in relationships, knowing thoroughly all the subtleties of psychology, simply forgot about them. Instead, we get rid of our favorite emoticons on "ICQ" and lose the buzz from reality. So let's focus and remember this important aspect. This article is about how to learn to kiss! Study it and brilliant victories on the love front are sure to await you!

Lips whisper

An indisputable fact - only the most skillful and stubborn can boast of impeccable technique and tell how to learn to kiss. Meanwhile, these seemingly simple touches of the lips are the most complex manifestation of human feelings. Saliva contains testosterone, and it is known that it is he who affects the emergence of attachment and attraction.

Doctors are convinced that in the process of such tenderness, we learn information about genetic compatibility with a partner. We take it from pheromones and saliva and decipher it on a subconscious level. Kissing is the best way to learn literally everything about your loved one. His lips merge with yours and he closes his eyes in awe? Congratulations, you've just been able to penetrate the veil of his precious self.

Kissing is the best way to find out about a loved one

By the way, have you ever wondered why we close our eyes during this? According to psychologists, the isolation of one feeling strengthens others. This is a serious sign of absolute trust, however, if you like kissing, gazing into your partner’s eyes, then there is also a completely flattering interpretation for such a scenario: you are so much in love that you don’t want to lose sight of each other even for a moment.

kiss master class

Kiss your loved one as if nothing else exists in this world

Naturally, theory is theory, without practice it is dead. Logical conclusion: practice a lot! But we will still give you some tips that are sure to help you create the best moment in your life and repeat it daily! So how do you learn to kiss?

Be sure to take care of the aroma of your breath, this is important - you want to feel confident, don't you? Take your partner's face in your hands, tilt your head slightly to one side and look invitingly at him. Believe me, it's insanely exciting. Close your eyes and begin to slowly approach your lips to his lips. Without squeezing your lips, kiss your beloved lightly and airily, not forgetting the dimple on the chin, the corners of the mouth and eyelids. Pay attention to the hole at the base of the neck and gently press your lips against it, you can even bite the skin a little, Just a little! Grab your lower lip with your lips and bite it, move your lips without opening them. And do not be silent at the same time - even a barely audible sob, sigh or groan of pleasure will make the process sensual and enjoyable.

kissing technique

It is understandable that you want to know what techniques and ways to surprise a partner exist. How to learn to kiss varied and with fantasy. Please! Here is a quick guide full of ideas. We guarantee that it will not be boring, let's start?


By far the most popular option of all. The bottom line is to kiss with your mouth open, touching your tongues. This technique is easy enough to master, and you can improve indefinitely. Open and close your lips, then lightly lick the lips of your loved one and try to open your mouth with your tongue. Imagine that your partner's mouth is your own mouth, gently explore the territory, go over the teeth - do not be shy and do whatever brings pleasure. Does not work? Check out the "How to Learn to Kiss" video at the bottom of the page and get going!

Kiss one lip

A very romantic choice. To give it to your loved one, you need to take one partner's lip with your own and suck it. If you do everything correctly, a thrill on the back of your loved one is guaranteed.

Have you ever wondered why we close our eyes when we kiss? According to psychologists, the isolation of one feeling strengthens others. This is a serious sign of absolute trust!

Don't forget your earlobe

A great option to switch from the traditional lip-to-lip look. It is necessary to slightly pinch the earlobe with your lips and gently pull up. For intensity, you can add tongue movements and gently suck on the earlobe.

Eximos way

The name speaks for itself. In this option, the partners rub their noses. By the way, it is based on the culture of the Eskimos. Better to do it with your eyes closed.


Sounds a little strange, but so unusual, right? To make it look like a vampire, you need to pay a lot of attention to the neck, do not forget about biting and sucking, quiet whispers and hot breath.

wet kiss

Absolutely any kisses, without a tongue, with a tongue, with an open mouth. A little moisture in the process will only benefit, the main thing is not to overdo it and not drown in saliva. Alternate between closed-mouth and wet techniques to occasionally swallow saliva.


Finally got to him. They can be called any of the above, the main thing is just to feel the tenderness and warmth of your loved one during it. Dissolve into your partner and try to give yourself completely, without thinking about the consequences.

Kiss your loved one as if nothing else exists in this world. As if your life is in this moment! As if you have nothing more to wish for in this life. Good luck!

Video lessons


The easiest way is practice. Although you can often hear or read about ways to learn how to kiss with the help of foreign objects, yet none of these objects will react to your movements in the same way as a living person will, and interaction is the basis of a good kiss! Therefore, it is best to learn how to kiss with someone you really like.

During the kiss, relax your lips, do not keep them too tense, but do not turn into a jellyfish. Some tense up too much and their lips remain very hard. In a kiss, it is important to maintain a balance: the lips should not be like jelly, but some relaxation is simply necessary, otherwise the partner will not be pleased. The same applies to the language: it should not be too hard or too soft.

Be mindful of who you're kissing. Indeed, the process is sometimes so exciting and enjoyable that you can forget about everything. But if you get carried away and do something that your loved one doesn't like, or you act too aggressively, not responding to other people's desires, it will badly affect your entire relationship. This can happen if you are unsure of yourself. When self-doubts take possession of a person, he cannot pay attention to the partner's reaction, as he is absorbed only in his own experiences. Just watch the reaction of the person you kiss, and you can forget about insecurity or embarrassment.

It should be borne in mind that it is impossible to learn how to kiss in such a way that any person would be pleased. Everyone has their own style of kissing, and while you can learn different types of kissing, some people may just not be right for each other, just like in sex.

Try to control salivation. While this happens naturally and real kisses aren't dry, salivation can be uncomfortable.

Try experimenting while kissing, don't just suck your lips or go deep with your tongue. Treat kissing like a game, try whatever comes to mind. For example, a gentle kiss may involve lightly licking the partner's lips with the tongue. The main thing is not to overdo it, it is important that the one with whom you kiss likes everything that you do.

Useful advice

How do you know if you're a good kisser? Just watch your partner's reaction. It is rare that someone will say out loud to another person that he is a great kisser. But you can always understand this by whether the partner reflexively closes his eyes, relaxes, stretches his face towards you. People very rarely pretend during kisses, although they can do it at any other time.

Despite the fact that it is usually a man who takes the initiative during a kiss, a girl can do it too. If the partner pulls away and does not take the initiative in kissing back, then something is going wrong.

In this article, we will analyze how to kiss a guy or girl correctly and describe several kissing techniques. After all, this question worries many, especially young people. Because it happens that young people cannot kiss properly, and what can I say, there are couples who have lived for many years, but still have not learned how to do it right.

What is a kiss anyway? This is a manifestation of feelings for another person, whether he is a relative, friend or lover. But there are difficulties in kissing itself, so we decided to help you in this difficult matter and tell you all the subtleties and techniques with which you will learn how to do it right.

And now let's move on to the study of this complex and pleasant business.

Let's see what kind of kisses are:

  • Kiss with a friend;
  • A related kiss;
  • Kiss of love;
  • Kiss with the tongue (French kiss);
  • Kiss passionately;
  • "Butterfly wings";
  • Goodbye kiss.

When you kiss a relative or friends on the cheek, this will be considered a greeting or goodbye.

An interesting fact: the French and Italians consider kissing with relatives and friends before or after a meeting to be the norm.

But kisses between two lovers are different, and you can use various techniques where you will use the tongue and lips.

French kiss- the most popular and frank of kisses. There are many variations and improvisations using biting and stroking.

Butterfly wings- you will gently touch all parts of the body with your closed mouth. You can also whisper pleasant words to your partner.

Goodbye kiss- you will give it at the end of your meeting with your beloved. So you will thank your couple for the evening spent with him or her. It can turn into a passionate impulse and end in a stormy night.

We will tell you how to learn how to kiss for the first time, here are the basic rules:

  • Do not drink onions, garlic, and alcohol before the meeting, as you will emit an unpleasant odor;
  • You must be well-groomed: hands, nails, hair must be clean and smell good;
  • You should have fresh breath, use chewing gum or spray;
  • The most important thing is to defeat embarrassment and not bother with the kissing technique, otherwise you will do everything wrong;
  • Do not kiss for the first time too passionately and uninhibitedly. Let your first kiss be on the cheek or a light touch of closed lips to each other.

Let's remember that a kiss with family or even a friend should be just a form of greeting or goodbye. So what is the right way to kiss in this case? There are only a few answers to this question:

  • On the cheek (for everyone);
  • In the hand (when a guy kisses a girl);
  • On the forehead (if you are kissing a relative younger than yourself).

Understanding family and friendly kisses is not difficult, but the love theme is more complicated. So next we move on to the question - how to kiss with the tongue.

How to kiss with your tongue - or a kiss in French

As the name implies, the "French" kiss originated in France, the most romantic country in the world. Based on several versions of the opening of this kiss, we can assume that the French are very loving, passionate people, so if you want to know how to kiss a guy with a tongue, you, dear girls, should visit beautiful France!

The first thing to do is to feel your body and the readiness of your partner. For this you need:

  1. Start the kiss more gently, softly, calmly. It is easy to touch your lips to your boyfriend, girlfriend;
  2. Further, in order to learn how to properly kiss with the tongue of a man, a woman using the French kiss method, you need to use a little prelude: tease, attract your partner to continue. After all, a kiss is considered "French" if it also lasts at least 30 seconds;
  3. Next, you need to become a little more active so that the passion between lovers does not fade away;
  4. Opening your mouth, you need to start using the tongue. At first, carefully, touch the tip of your partner's tongue;
  5. If the process is mutual, then you can move on, or pacify your intensity, using more gentle kisses, or become more vivid in your actions, you can also change the pace and depth of the kiss.

By the way, it is very important how to kiss with a tongue with a girl. Since the fair sex is very emotional and romantic, you should not start a kiss right away from the tongue. Kiss the lady gently on the lips, stroke her cheek so that she is ready for a more passionate kiss.

When two lovers have mutual feelings for each other, it is not possible to do without attraction to a partner, in order to know how to learn how to kiss passionately, in order to reach a more intimate intimacy, you need to use several nuances.

You can kiss passionately, both with and without the tongue, using biting on the partner’s lips, gentle touches on the girl’s lips.

The classic kiss sucks continuously and without interruption from the lips of the partner:

  • Grab your partner's upper or lower lip with your lips;
  • Suck your lip lightly and change the position of your head;
  • For more thrills, you can bite your lip or use your tongue, passing it under your partner's lip.

To kiss goodbye, first make sure of the following:

  • Look around, the main thing is that you are left alone;
  • Make sure that the partner is interested in this;
  • You should kiss him when there is an awkward silence between you.

If this happens for the first time, and you see that the girl or guy is inspired, then instead of kissing on the cheek, you can start a passionate kiss, which can smoothly turn into a continuation of the house.

If a cheek is turned to you, then you will have to be content with little, but soon you will enjoy a passionate kiss, it remains only to wait a little.

The butterfly kiss is one of the most pleasurable and passionate kisses that express strong feelings.

Now let's get down to the technique:

  • You must wait for the right moment with your soul mate and take the right position (sitting or lying down);
  • To begin with, you should move close to your partner's face, so that your eyes almost touch, during this moment you can give short kisses to your partner;
  • After that, start waving your eyelashes;
  • You can also change the speed of eyelash movement during the kiss;
  • The kiss itself will only take a couple of seconds, but if your partner is crazy about it, then you can make it longer, for example, a few minutes.

How to kiss on the first date and is it necessary?

Your very first kiss is a grandiose and exciting event that you will remember for a lifetime. If you do it right, you will give yourself and your partner a lot of pleasure.

Many girls have a question, when does a guy let himself be kissed? Let's just say that most normal guys appreciate the girl who will respect herself and will not rush at the guy on the first date.

Most first dates ended not only with kisses, but also continued in bed. But such a relationship will not last. So, if a young man values ​​​​his passion and has serious plans for her, then he will wait as long as his girlfriend needs.

We advise you to give the first kiss to your young man. You need to remember that men are the stronger sex, and they like to do everything themselves. But what if you have a shy and indecisive guy in front of you?

If you feel that this moment has already come, and the young man does not take the first step, although several dates have already passed, then you can kiss him first.

Kissing a guy for the first time is like this:

  • You must frankly look into the eyes of your young man and let him know that you are ready to kiss;
  • Gently hug him and pull him to you;
  • Close your eyes and touch your lips to his;
  • If you are ready for bold action, then open your mouth, and he will understand what needs to be done next.

Now your young man will hug you tightly and give you a passionate kiss.

Many guys do not know how to kiss a girl on the first date and how to understand that she is ready for this, but we will help you.

The first thing you need to understand is whether she is ready for a kiss or not. You must think over the place of the kiss, whether it be this embankment, a park square, or when you are at her entrance. The best option is a kiss goodbye at the entrance, as this will be the logical end of your meeting, and both of you will expect a kiss.

The second thing you need to understand is that you need to avoid large crowds, as this is a direct factor that will fetter your girlfriend.

The third thing you need to understand is that the kiss should start gently, you should feel the girl's actions, if she answered it, then you can continue on, and you can also hug your girlfriend.

And most importantly - immediately after the kiss, it’s better to silently look at her and smile, but just don’t joke and don’t translate the topic.

Here's another thing you need to remember to make your date a success:

  • Most importantly, you should not ask a girl for a kiss, if you ask her about it, then in her eyes you will lose your confidence;
  • If you see that a girl sympathizes with you, but does not allow you to kiss her, then do not rush. Kiss her on the cheek first;
  • Do not move on to passionate kisses if you see that this girl is embarrassed;
  • If you did not like the kiss, then do not talk about this girl and do not even hint.

We think that now you have no questions left about how to kiss a girl or a guy correctly, and you will be able to repeat the described techniques in practice. And you will definitely succeed in giving your companion or companion a magical kissing experience.

Everyone asks where to put your hands during the first kiss, if the nose interferes)) No, the nose certainly does not interfere. But with your hands you can hug your loved one, for example, pull him to you. I had my first kiss the other day. Not that it was scary ... Now I read this article, did I do everything right, took something into account for the future, good advice.

I don't like all these kissing techniques. I sincerely believe that the first kiss should be gentle and pleasant, what techniques can we talk about with you? Use it to your health afterwards!)

I learned how to properly kiss with the tongue not the first time. Girls, I strongly advise you not to stick out your tongue too much, it can be very unpleasant for a partner. And in no case do not bite him, even for fun. This is very painful!

In fact, I really didn’t like kissing passionately. Everything is so wet, the sounds are unpleasant. But the author describes it so beautifully that I just want to take his advice and try again. Maybe I'll get it one of these days!)

And I really like different kissing techniques. I don't know why it might seem strange to someone, kissing for the first time using them. My partner and I really liked it, now it's the only way we always do it. By the way, "butterfly wings" is a very interesting kiss, try everything!

I always like to start a kiss very gently, and then move on to a more passionate one. But for some reason, not all girls like it that way. Now you have to guess, but what about kissing her for the first time ... I read the article, took some notes for myself. Hope it helps.

And why did the author describe so few kissing techniques? There are many more tender and passionate ones, I would really like to read about them. I also hate it when during the first kiss with a new guy they start to seem to attack the girl. It's like he's doing it for the first time and doesn't know how to do it right.

Boys and girls! I highly recommend trying French kissing. Don't believe what others say. By the way, this article is very beautiful and well described. I made some corrections, so now I will use it even more often)) I advise!

The first kiss is always an exciting event. A person experiences a storm of emotions: delight, tenderness, excitement, fear. One gets the feeling that the outcome of all future life depends on this event.

Teenagers tend to dramatize and exaggerate, the reason for this is a riot of emotions caused by hormonal changes in the body.

Everyone describes the first kiss differently. Some do not feel anything, except for unpleasant wet touches, others are so worried that they begin to tremble with fear.

Whatever the first kiss, there will be others after it. Sweet, passionate, tender.

Important! A kiss is a sign of a manifestation of feelings for a person. Kissing is only worth it to whom you have feelings.

There should be no worries about the quality of the kiss. Experiences will not let you enjoy the process, and then what's the point if you do not get pleasure from this.

5 reasons not to worry before the first kiss:

  1. Kissing for the first time, the partners do not have enough experience to evaluate each other's actions, the fact is important for them.
  2. Due to youth, no one expects virtuoso skills from a teenager, this is not natural.
  3. Such touches are a manifestation of instinct, nature itself will tell you what to do.
  4. There are no special rules, everyone has their own taste. You will be able to adapt to each other over time, understand how to act.
  5. It is important not "how", it is important - "with whom".

There are a few tricks, knowing which will allow you to worry less during this important event:

  1. Necessary relax, and show your trust in your partner. Hug him, look into his eyes. Suitable gentle strokes on the back, hair.
  2. Highly sensually - to hold a hand on the cheek of a partner. This gesture causes reciprocal tenderness at the level of instincts.
  3. detain breathing is not needed: you are a living person, breathe calmly and evenly.
  4. Remember! The calmer you behave, the easier it will be for your partner. Do not strain, do not study the reaction, do not analyze. Turn off your thoughts and enjoy.
  5. Girls do not use a lot of cosmetics. Bitter lipstick will not bring pleasure to a guy at the first kiss.

    Use a fragrant, unflavored lip gloss if needed.

  6. Important aesthetic component: it is more pleasant to touch a person who looks neat and smells good.
  7. Usage it is better to leave the tongue for the next dates: for the first time, it is enough to limit yourself to light touches on the partner’s lips.
  8. Purity oral cavity is an important part of the process. The natural natural smell is pleasant when kissed.

    Acceptable light aroma after brushing teeth, breath freshening spray. But it is better not to use onions and garlic at all. Their scent can last for 24 hours.

Important! Remember that the first kiss is a test for both partners, regardless of their experience and age.

Your partner is also worried, try to show him that you like everything, that you are open and ready to accept his caresses. Pushing a person away at such a moment, you risk losing him forever.

Five Minute Kissing Deeply

Three conditions must be met:

  1. You have 5 minutes of your time.
  2. You are alone.
  3. Your palms are clean.

A kiss in a hickey involves deep penetration of the lips, the periodic onset of a vacuum between the lips. This is an exciting process of demonstrating sensuality, affection and trust.

Relax, bring the palm of your active hand to your lips, and try to imagine that this is your partner's open mouth.

Make movements without lifting your lips, as if you are doing a massage. The suction effect creates a continuous movement without tearing off the lips, they are tightly pressed against each other.

What not to do when kissing passionately:

  • Simulate moans of pleasure.
  • Depict a vacuum cleaner.
  • Bite.
  • Tighten the muscles of the lips.

About experiences:

  1. A kiss is not sex, no children are born from it, there is no reason to shake with fear.
  2. The first experience may not be pleasant. Keep experimenting with your loved one, over time it will become your favorite pastime. There is nothing sweeter than a kiss.
  3. Be natural, don't try to hide anything. It's normal that you're worried.
  4. A kiss does not oblige to anything, it is a harmless manifestation of tenderness.
  5. You should think less in the process: just enjoy. This is the secret of success.

Learning to kiss well without a partner on the arm, tomatoes, apples and tangerines

Kissing lessons on various products:

All teenagers, anticipating a date, learn to kiss on vegetables and fruits. There is nothing wrong with this - practice without a partner is better than no practice at all.

Most of all, tangerine looks like lips. But any product will do.

French kiss: step-by-step instructions at home

A frank kiss with penetration can deliver a lot of pleasure.

Instructions - learning French kiss:

  • With half-open lips touch the partner's lips.
  • Softness alternates with force.
  • The tongue penetrates the partner's mouth, caressing his tongue and lips.
  • Shallow penetrations alternate with more intense ones.
  • Lips remain closed.

This technique is most convenient to work out at home on a tomato.

Important! The main thing is to relax, let go of thoughts, trust your partner and try to please him. Good kissing comes with experience.

The second most important component is the desire to become a master in this field. Practice boldly without fear of making mistakes.

Kissing is not an exact science, there is no right or wrong. There are only loved and unloved partners.

Useful video

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Everyone kisses differently. There are people who kiss very well, others kiss worse. Why does it depend? And what do those who know how to kiss, how did they achieve this? From this article, you will learn about how to learn to kiss properly, you will get acquainted with the secret techniques of an unforgettable kiss, you can find the answer to the question - how well I already know how to kiss

I think some have already received an answer to the question of how they kiss. But how honest was he? Important instructions already follow from the questions of the test “Can you kiss? ". Improve and ensure that, in the end, when answering the questions of this test, you score the maximum number of points.

Can you kiss test?

For each answer, from 1 to 5 points are awarded.
No, not at all, never - 1 point.
Sometimes, the average is 3 points.
Yes, very, always - 5 points.

1. Do you like kissing?
2. Do you kiss often?
3. Do you close your eyes when kissing?
4. Do you open your mouth before kissing?
5. Do you press gently and sensually against your partner's lips?
6. Are you completely focused on the kiss, that is, are you really only thinking about this kiss?
7. Do you kiss harmoniously and calmly? (This does not mean slow and boring!)
8. Do you kiss occasionally with variety? (This means, for example, do you sometimes move your tongue and lips differently than you always do?)
9. Can you kiss differently depending on your feelings? (For example, very exciting: intense, fast, relatively large pressure with lips and tongue; loving: calm, harmonious, light pressure.)
10. Do you always have fresh breath when you kiss, or at least did you drink or eat the same things as your partner?
11. Do you pay attention to the fact that in the end, when you kiss with a partner, a harmonious game arises?
12. Are you dry (or slightly wet) after kissing around the mouth? (As opposed to wet.)
13. Do you pay attention not to touch your teeth while kissing?
14. Do you and your partner always get enough air when you kiss?
15. Do you pay attention not to push your tongue too deep into your partner's mouth?
16. Do you hug when kissing your partner?
17. Do you stick your tongue far enough out of your mouth that your partner can easily touch?
18. Do you stroke your partner when you kiss?
19. Do you hug your partner while kissing?
20. Do you touch your partner in places where he especially likes to give even more intensity to the kiss?
21. To give your partner a particularly erotic/intense/exciting kiss, do you emphasize your desire by additional pressure or rubbing of the pelvis?
22. Do you purr or make any other sounds from time to time when kissing?

Only men answer the following question:
23. Do you shave before kissing?

Only women answer the following question:
24. Do you pay attention to the fact that your partner after the kiss was not smeared with lipstick?

Calculate the number of your points. Now you can find out how good you are at kissing.

Test results.

Your score is between 23 and 53: You have great potential to become a good kisser. It is best to learn how to kiss from the "professionals". I don't mean, of course, any corrupt ladies or gentlemen - I'm talking about such women / men that you know that they know how to kiss really well (either you were told about it, or you saw it with your own eyes). If this someone has no established relationship with anyone, you should make an attempt. Rely on him/her completely. Let me guide you. Think of the amazingly beautiful red rose that opens its petals to give and receive love. Relax and absolutely focus on his/her kissing technique. Do not control, let your partner's tongue and lips lead.

Your score is between 54 and 84: You are in the semi-professional class. You are a good kisser, but you can't handle everyone. This means that you just have to be a little more focused on your kissing partner. Some of you kiss really well.

The fact is that everyone has their own, "natural" kissing technique. And each such technique is as individual as fingerprints. With a completely different kissing technique, it will take you some time to get used to and orient yourself. Learn kissing from others so that you can rise as soon as possible to the class of unsurpassed kissers. Experience new things.

Your score is between 85 and 115: Welcome to the kissing class! Kissing you is just great! With you, a kiss is dizzying, and it is impossible to get enough of it. If someone accidentally watches you during a kiss, he will be unable to tear himself away, and in the end you will be envied.

  1. Kiss your partner with all the passion - think only about the kiss, so that it is intense, passionate and very, very good. It is best to close your eyes, completely immerse yourself in the kiss, and most importantly, act with all your heart.
  2. Press your lips to your partner's lips gently and sensually.
  3. The tips of your tongues should touch in such a way that they play with each other lovingly, they should not be "idle".
  4. When kissing, you need to obey your partner, only then you can kiss harmoniously and passionately.
  5. Kissing should be different. From time to time take the lead and let your tongue explore the "surroundings" in your lover's/lover's mouth while breathing through your mouth. Everything will be great, it's a great feeling.
  6. It is necessary to kiss as “dryly” as possible, this means not touching the area around the partner’s mouth with your tongue and the inside of your lips. Chatting is prohibited!

Someone who can kiss as well as you, with such devotion and love, can certainly be great in bed. When you kiss, you merge with your partner into a single whole and lead him to other, new, erotic and passionate worlds.

How to kiss a girl the right way

Remember that a woman loves with her ears

First, kiss her ear very gently and softly. Then move back a few inches and blow warmly and gently into it. Then approach again and slowly penetrate her ear with your wet tongue. Goose skin for your lady is guaranteed.

After a while, you begin to bite the ear and easily massage its edge and earlobe with your teeth. Then your tongue slides inward again, but now a little deeper.

If you did everything right, your lady will certainly get great pleasure and want more physical and intimate intimacy.

Sweet lips - the secret of the kiss

Pamper your partner with good - very, very good - kisses. There is nothing more erotic and more beautiful than kissing an expert in this business. (This applies to both men and women.) So do your best to become such an expert.

Important instructions already follow from the questions of the test “Can you kiss? ". Improve and ensure that, in the end, when answering the questions of this test, you score the maximum number of points. Try different kissing techniques.

Have you noticed that you enjoy kissing less with some women than with others? This can mean the following: either a woman does not know how to kiss wonderfully, or you yourself are not yet a master, or you simply do not fit together in terms of a kiss.

Have you ever had someone say to you, “Oh, she knows how to kiss. I've never had a woman who kisses so well"? Then you get to know this woman better and ... kiss.

And after that kiss, you think: “Yeah, not so stunning…” The point of the story is that not everyone is harmoniously suited to each other in terms of kisses . If you want to remedy the situation, you have the following three options.

  1. Breake down.
  2. Learn further and become a mega kissing master.
  3. You learn it if you yourself have already reached perfection.

Now let's move on to the best kissing techniques.

Secret techniques for an unforgettable kiss

The technique of an unforgettable kiss is the first.

sip of champagne

Imagine that you are wonderfully, comfortably sitting with a glass of champagne. Now you lean in to kiss her. In order to diversify!, a kiss, leave some great champagne in your mouth. With your lips parted, pour the cool and fizzy champagne into her mouth. This is a good opportunity to relax in a somewhat tense situation and demonstrate your rich imagination by starting a game of seduction.

The technique of an unforgettable kiss is the second.

Eat strawberries

For a second romantic evening, you bought strawberries. (Of course, it can also be other fruits, such as a bunch of grapes or finely chopped peaches.)

You sit in close proximity to her and feast on magnificent juicy strawberries. To impress her again with your fantasy, look her insistently and demandingly straight in the eyes, at the same time bite off a piece of strawberry and slowly approach her mouth. Press your lips against hers sensually. Finally a strawberry slips into her mouth. Wait for her to swallow before kissing her further. This is a fruity intro.

The third technique of an unforgettable kiss.

vacuum kiss

Of course, you have a few more seduction techniques with kissing in store.

You kiss the woman of your dreams again, but this time you leave the tongue out. You should concentrate on "sucking the air" out of your partner's mouth, trying to create a so-called Vacuum (air is exhaled through your nose).

It sounds, perhaps, too complicated, but a vacuum kiss works real miracles. Women won't leave you alone anymore. They will be "addicted" to you, seeking to experience something else unusual in the same way. Give it a try, it works amazing!

The fourth unforgettable kiss technique.

Biting and sucking lips

You are once again truly romantic and enchant with the following trick with her lips. While kissing, lightly bite her lips with your teeth. But please do it very, very carefully and sensually.

Bite alternately on the upper and lower lip. For a change, from time to time you gently suck on her lip.

However, you do not need to use these two methods in their “pure form” - they are good as a touch of variety when kissing. Changing techniques works best for a partner.

Technique of an unforgettable kiss fifth.

Licking honey

If you've been hanging out in the kitchen together one evening and you're suddenly craving, that's a good excuse to use the contents of your fridge. Use in the love game all kinds of food supplies that will only fall under your arm and in your eyes. Do exactly the opposite of what your parents told you: "Don't play with food." Oh, on the contrary, they play, and how ...

Tell her to close her eyes, then take, for example, a jar of honey, dip your finger in it and put it on her lips or on her tongue. Hmm, how delicious, erotic and inspiring for more.

It's even better if you blindfold your friend at the same time. Then you could freely voyeurize and enjoy her naked body with might and main. The longer you stretch this game, the more your girlfriend will get excited. She will show you intimate poses and places you would never see otherwise. You will experience absolutely incredible things.

This play with honey is not only a delight for taste, but also a delight for the eyes and the whole body. You should not be limited only to your girlfriend's mouth: after a while (but don't take too long!) drip honey on her chest and lick it voluptuously. To diversify the game somewhat, you can alternate sweet and salty, sour and spicy, warm and cold, use fruits.

This game is a firework of feelings and desires. (But just in case, stock up on some kind of alcohol tincture just to be on the safe side.) If you're still not excited enough, watch the movie 9 1/2 Weeks starring Kim Basinger; there's a great scene there that will show you how it's all done.

caress her neck

If you do everything right, you can bring your friend to madness. Imagine you are at a party. It's a really well-organized, cool party, but you and your girlfriend lusted after each other so much that you'd be better off running somewhere closer to the bed.

You dance, hugging tightly, and let your tongue slowly slide down her neck - from top to bottom. In doing so, you leave behind a wet strip that cools her skin with a light breeze. Blow gently. How nice it is in the heat!

If your feelings are on the verge of boiling, you can show your teeth. Gently and lightly bite her neck. I emphasize: neat and easy! Don't become a vampire!

By the way, what you should never do and what is an absolute taboo is the “hickeys” that you can put on while sucking on your partner’s skin. This is more than taboo!