As the child lies at 38. I will soon become a mother! What does it mean? Compression of the femoral nerve

The 38th week of pregnancy has arrived, which means that the long-awaited day of childbirth is approaching. A pregnant woman listens to the slightest manifestations of her own body, and with no less care - to the behavior of the baby. Joyful expectation: "Rather, rather!" gives way to anxious - "What if something goes wrong." During this borderline period of pregnancy, it is better not to be alone for a long time, or at least not to part with your phone.

This week of pregnancy, the growth of the baby reaches 48 cm or even more, weight 2.7-3.2 kg. The head is fully formed: it is round in shape, the ears and cartilage of the nose are elastic and dense. On the skin, there is less and less primordial lubricant, it can be seen only in the folds of the skin. Lanugo's protective fluff has practically disappeared. The subcutaneous fat layer is well developed, and the skin itself has a pink tint. The nails reach the end of the fingers or even protrude beyond them. While they are still soft due to being in the aquatic environment. The hair on the baby's head can be up to 2 cm in length.

The intestines are filled with the original feces - meconium. Normally, emptying will occur at birth. If meconium enters the amniotic fluid, and this is indicated by the greenish tint of the waters, then this may mean that the child was experiencing oxygen starvation. The contents of the intestines remain sterile until the baby is born. The colonization of specific bacteria in the intestine will occur in the first weeks of a child's life. They will help not only with digestion, but also improve the functioning of the immune system.

The digestive glands of the stomach and intestines are already fully prepared for the digestion of food, and are capable of producing enzymes. However, the liver and pancreas will continue to develop during the first years after the birth of the baby. The adrenal glands produce hormones - adrenaline and norepinephrine, which means that the child reacts to stressful situations.

The amount of pigment in the iris is not yet final. If the child's eye color is brown, then, as a rule, it will remain so. And if the shade of the eyes is light colors (gray or blue), then the probability that in the first year of life the iris will change its color to green, or even brown, is great.

The lungs are in a collapsed state, but the development of the alveoli (the smallest branches of the bronchial tree responsible for gas exchange) is almost complete. The breathing center, located in the baby's brain, is also ready to provide the baby's first breath.

The placental vessels gradually thicken, and two circles of blood circulation, large and small, are preparing to completely take over the movement of blood through the vessels. It is with the first breath that the blood circulation will switch from intrauterine to extrauterine. The heart rate this week of development is 120-160 beats per minute.

The reproductive system does not lag behind in its development from other systems of the fetus - in boys, the testicles are already lowered into the scrotum, and in girls, the labia majora cover the small lips and the clitoris and close the genital slit.

All the reflexes necessary for a child's life are already developed, especially the sucking one. The muscular system is in good shape.

In the brain, there was a differentiation of the gray matter from the white, and the separation of functions. The brain is almost ready for the flow of information that will overwhelm the child when he is born.

38th week of pregnancy: a woman's feelings

Pregnant women at 38 weeks experience great discomfort in walking and movement, as well as during sleep. To the woman herself, the belly seems to be huge. In addition, stretch marks (striae) are not uncommon on the abdomen, which are accompanied by itching and dry skin. The navel is flattened or in a convex position. This fact should not bother, after childbirth, he will return to its original position. Stretches are worth paying attention to if you haven't given them much attention until this week.

Weight gain by this week should normally be 9-14 kg of the woman's initial weight. In any case, there is no time to adjust the weight. Childbirth can come from day to day. And those who, together with their doctor, closely monitor the correct weight gain, will be rewarded with an easier course of labor.

The expectant mother feels that her baby has become less active in comparison with the previous weeks. This happens because the child has less and less room for active movements, but if he kicks, then this is very noticeable. It is important to count the baby's jerks, because if there are more or less than 10-12 of them per day, then this may indicate a danger to the child. You should immediately inform the doctor supervising the pregnancy about this.

Pleasant moments for a pregnant woman include reducing heartburn and improving breathing, because the stomach dropped slightly and the pressure on the diaphragm receded.

However, recurrent pains in the lower abdomen and lower back still bother the expectant mother, and sometimes even intensify. This is due to the pressure of the baby's head on the ligaments and bones of the pelvis. As a result of this pressure, pain can occur in the area of ​​the pubic articulation and along the back of the thigh. This means that the nerve has been compressed.

Short-term and irregular pain in the abdomen is associated with the so-called training contractions. They can be painless, a woman can only notice that her stomach has become like a stone. They are designed to prepare the body of a pregnant woman for labor. Their occurrence is associated with any irritants, even from pushing the baby or improper body position. Take a comfortable position, relax, and they disappear.

If this tactic was not successful - pain sensations increase, and the interval between them is reduced, then we are talking about one of the main harbingers of childbirth - true contractions. And this means only one thing - it's time to go to the maternity hospital.

Discharge from the genital tract at this time may become more abundant. This is due to the fact that the cervix is ​​already beginning to open slightly, and mucus is secreted. In this case, the color of the discharge remains transparent or slightly milky, with a slightly sour smell. It is worth paying close attention to the discharge interspersed with blood or pinkish. It is likely that the mucous plug has already departed and childbirth will come soon. Greenish or cheesy discharge, with a strong unpleasant odor, will indicate the presence of infection. You should immediately inform your doctor about their appearance. Discharge with a brown color indicates the presence of blood in them, and this may indicate such a formidable condition as placental abruption. In this case, you need to call an ambulance.

Too thin discharge may indicate either amniotic fluid drainage or leakage. In any case, you need to notify your doctor, because this indicates the onset of labor. If the amniotic fluid leaks, the doctor will choose the tactics of managing the pregnant woman, because a child cannot stay for more than a day in a waterless space. This is fraught with infection.

The mammary glands are strongly "poured", the nipples and areoles darken significantly, the sebaceous glands are more clearly visible on the latter, and increased sensitivity appears. When the nipple is squeezed, a small amount of thickish liquid with a yellow tint is released. This is the original milk called colostrum. However, you shouldn't try to squeeze it out on purpose. Better to blot with a clean cotton cloth.

The digestive system before the approaching birth may manifest itself as loosening of the stool. They say that the body is thus cleansed before childbirth.

All thoughts of a woman are aimed at the imminent appearance of a baby. But at the same time, she is seized with anxiety whether she will be able to pass all the upcoming tests associated with childbirth. Some withdraw into themselves and pay little attention to those close to them. The majority, in spite of their sluggishness and rapid fatigue, indulge in the improvement of the "nest". Scientists attribute this spike in activity to an increase in the concentration of the hormone oxytocin, which peaks just before childbirth. The main thing is that this activity does not cross the line of reason, and does not encourage a pregnant woman to rearrange furniture and the like.

A small percentage of pregnant women may experience depression. In this case, you should seek medical help, and in no case should you take any pills yourself. Treating depression is important because a woman’s condition can have a negative impact on her child. And not only in this period of development, but also in the future, negative consequences can manifest themselves.

38th week of pregnancy: childbirth

According to statistics, a small percentage of women give birth in the 40th week of pregnancy. And if this is a repeated pregnancy, then only 5% of them carry on until the 40th week. It is also noticed that girls are trying to be born faster, while boys prefer to wait longer. In any case, worries about premature birth are unnecessary, childbirth at the 38th week of pregnancy is considered urgent (that is, it occurs on time), and the baby is full-term. The spread of the onset of labor is normally 38 to 42 weeks.

Therefore, a 38-week pregnant woman should be fully prepared for a trip to the hospital. It is imperative to take with you a pregnant woman's card, which records all the studies and observations of the doctor. Otherwise, they will not be accepted to the hospital. In the absence of an exchange card, the woman will be sent to give birth to the infectious diseases department.

Childbirth at the 38th week is no different from childbirth at the estimated time. There are 3 stages:

  • dilatation of the cervix;
  • birth of a child;
  • the birth of the placenta (placenta and membranes).

The longest of these is the first stage. The contractions are getting stronger and longer in duration, and the intervals between them are getting shorter. The cervix is ​​opening more and more due to these contractions. At the same time, the doctor observes the opening process and the baby's heartbeat. When the opening of the cervix reaches 9-10 cm, the very process of giving birth to the baby begins, i.e. second stage.

In primiparas, it lasts 1-2 hours, and in multiparous, the duration varies from several minutes to 1 hour. At this stage, attempts appear. They are made up of contractions of the abdominal muscles and the diaphragm, and help drive the baby out. On average, one push lasts 10-15 seconds. Their appearance is associated with irritation of the receptors of the cervix, vagina and pelvic muscles passing through them with the presenting part of the baby. It can be the head or the pelvis. Although the attempts arise involuntarily, the woman herself can control them - strengthen or hold them. It is at this stage that the obstetrician's instructions should be followed when to push and when not.

Correct breathing is very important in these moments. As soon as there was a push, you need to exhale deeply, and immediately inhale just as deeply. On holding your breath, push as directed by your doctor. When there is a feeling of shortness of breath, exhale slowly. And repeat all over again.

The main thing in this process is the correct direction of the attempts. It is necessary to make sure that all the energy is directed not to the head area (which is fraught with bursting vessels of the eyes), but to the perineum area. Feelings in a woman should be such as if the forces are directed to emptying the intestines.

When the doctor gives the command not to push, the woman is unable to completely stop pushing. But it is quite possible to weaken it significantly. To do this, you need to relax and slowly exhale the air through the lips folded in a "tube". Sometimes it becomes necessary in the process of labor to give a woman time for a break. Then they use frequent and shallow breathing. It is also called dog-like breathing.

The end of the second stage is the birth of a long-awaited child. After he took his first breath and screamed, the baby is placed on the belly of a tired but happy mother. At this time, after the pulsation stops, a clamp is applied to the umbilical cord and cut. A woman has a small margin of time (15 minutes) to communicate with a newborn baby, before the third stage of labor begins.

Attempts will arise again, but this time due to irritation of the nerve endings by the placenta. They are much weaker, and will no longer require huge efforts. Light straining leads to the birth of the placenta.

From that moment on, a woman from the status of a woman in labor (who gives birth) goes into the status of a woman in childbirth (who gave birth). Doctors will observe for some time how the uterus is returning to normal, and only then the woman will go to rest in the postpartum ward.

There are many little things that the expectant mother does not pay attention to, but which in their totality will greatly help to make her life easier. Here is some of them:

  1. The mammary glands are best prepared in advance for feeding your baby. It is recommended to use a coarse towel for this. With its help, you need to massage the nipples. Over time, the skin will coarsen a little, and cracks will not form when it is time to breastfeed.
  2. To relieve the sensation of "poured" breasts, it is preferable to wear a bra made of thick cotton fabric.
  3. Stretch marks. Of course, stretch marks are better prevented than cured. But, if they are at the 38th week of pregnancy, it means that the preventive measures either did not help, or they were not carried out. If the stretch marks are still pinkish in color (early stage), moisturizers and oils should be used. With the help of oil, it is good to carry out a light massage of the skin areas on which stretch marks have appeared. Olive oil has proven itself very well. But peach and almond oils are also good. Of the creams, it is better to give preference to those that contain vitamin E. During the massage of problem areas, it is advisable to alternate stroking and pinching. This will improve blood circulation.
  4. Read specialized literature in advance on how to properly breastfeed your baby and what actions to take if you have milk problems. After giving birth, there will be no time for reading literature. If you have not yet decided on the name of the baby, literature will come to the rescue here too. With its help, you can not only choose a suitable name, but also find out its interpretation.
  5. You should not postpone the choice of a maternity hospital until the last. Collect as much information as possible about this institution, about doctors. So it will be psychologically calmer. Uncertainty brings additional excitement. Having decided on the maternity hospital, it is worth finding out about the written and unwritten rules that you will need to take with you. Do they provide medicines in this maternity hospital, or, if the need arises, it will be necessary to purchase medicines on their own.
  6. In the time remaining before birth, pay more attention to walking in the fresh air. Oxygen will not be superfluous either for you or for your baby. The duration of being in the fresh air should be at least 2-3 hours.
  7. No less attention should be paid to a complete sleep and wakefulness regimen. It is necessary to maintain your physiological and psychological health for the upcoming birth. Sleep should be at least 8 hours, and it is advisable to enable additional sleep for 1-2 hours in the middle of the day. Heavy physical labor is strictly prohibited.
  8. More positive emotions and elimination of stressful situations. The child is very sensitive to both one and the other.
  9. Pay attention to Kegel exercises twice a day. These simple exercises will help train your perineal muscles before childbirth and promote faster recovery in the postpartum period.

38th week of pregnancy: nutritional features

In the remaining time before childbirth, it is recommended to reduce as much as possible meat food in your diet, as well as eggs and cottage cheese. This will increase the elasticity of the tissues, which means that the risk of tears in childbirth will decrease. For the same purpose, it will be useful to take carrot juice diluted 1: 1 with water. It should be taken in 1 tbsp. a day after meals. Vitamin A contained in carrots will help increase tissue elasticity.

The diet at the 38th week of pregnancy should mainly consist of plant foods, vegetable oils, and fermented milk products. Vegetables should undergo minimal heat treatment, so most of the nutrients will be preserved. Some nutritionists recommend eliminating cereals this week, especially rough ones (for example, barley porridge and brown rice).

At the same time, the food should be high in calories so that there is enough strength for the upcoming birth. It is necessary to pay special attention to foods that contain iron. These include cabbage and other green vegetables, currants, radishes, raspberries, legumes, and beets. Iron is vital for blood formation and oxygen transport.

Eating complex carbohydrates is also important. They speed up the process of converting proteins and fats into other useful substances. In addition, they are an irreplaceable source of energy. They are found in wholemeal flour, potatoes, cucumbers, pumpkin, tomatoes, cabbage and fruits. Fruit should be selected with less sugar, because it is pure glucose, which means it belongs to simple carbohydrates.

The drinking regimen, in addition to pure water, should include various fruit drinks, diluted fresh juices and compotes. Avoid spicy, spicy, overly salty foods and pickled foods. The list of exceptions includes yeast bread, sweets and fatty foods.

All food should be fresh and of high quality, special attention should be paid to additives and dyes, which can be found in excess in some food products.

38 weeks pregnant: video

At 38 weeks, the fetus is both morphologically and functionally ready for birth, so if the baby does not have any pathologies, the neonatal period will pass for him without problems. The expectant mother also feels the desire for the baby to be born soon. Due to the movement of the baby deep into the pelvis, she has discomfort in the perineal region, urination becomes more frequent, and the work of the intestines is upset.

Fetus at 38 weeks gestation

The average weight of the fetus at 38 weeks is 3100-3200 g, height 49-50 cm. If there are several babies in the mother's stomach, their weight now hardly reaches 3000 g, but you should not worry, after the birth of twins and triplets they quickly catch up with their peers in all respects.

Most babies at this time have already settled down in the uterus. This position is considered optimal, since the head of the fetus is the largest part of it, and it is much better if it comes first. All other options for placing crumbs in the uterus are quite problematic in terms of delivery. For example, the lateral position of the fetus is always an indication for. When a baby is born in a natural way, it is possible, but not always - if the fetus is large or the mother has a narrow pelvis, doctors will have to perform an operation. Such patients are usually hospitalized by obstetricians-gynecologists in the hospital a few weeks before the expected date of birth, which gives doctors the opportunity to examine the woman in more detail and finally resolve issues related to delivery.

At 38 weeks, active preparation of the baby for birth continues. Any childbirth for him is a big test. When passing through the birth canal of the mother, the baby will feel strong pressure from the uterus, muscles and pelvic bones. In addition, he will periodically experience hypoxia, since during contractions, blood circulation between the fetus and the mother's body deteriorates.

Labor is no less difficult and operational - although the baby does not need to participate directly in them, the birth, bypassing the birth canal of the mother, is a great stress for him. This is why it is extremely important that the fetus is fully ripe by the time of birth. If he is in no hurry to get out, then it’s not the time yet. It's not worth adjusting the crumb.

Well-being of the expectant mother

The situation with the emotional background is not in the best way either. In the head of the expectant mother every now and then there are completely opposite thoughts: "when this is all over" and "I do not want the approach of childbirth, because I am afraid of pain." It is best to discuss issues of concern with the doctor who will take delivery. Today, doctors have several methods of pain relief in labor, perhaps one of them will be offered to you.

At 38 weeks, the uterus drops to the level of 35 weeks (but not always), active prenatal preparation of the cervix begins - the organ softens and shortens. A mucous plug partially or completely leaves the cervical canal, which throughout pregnancy protected the fruit membranes and the baby from the penetration of microorganisms from the vagina. It is very simple to distinguish a mucous plug from ordinary vaginal discharge: it looks like a small clot of whitish-yellowish, light brownish or pinkish mucus with a small amount of blood streaks. In some women, this mucus leaves the cervix only during childbirth, which is also the norm.

The closer the delivery is, the more active the training contractions become. The muscular layer of the uterus thus shows that it is already ready to do the hard work of expelling the fetus. If the stomach turns to stone several times a day, you should not be afraid, but if several times in an hour, the expectant mother should carefully listen to her body, perhaps this is already childbirth.

How does labor start?

There are two options: either the amniotic fluid leaves first, or the contractions begin.

If amniotic fluid flows out of the genital tract, the woman urgently needs to go to the hospital, even in the absence of contractions ... The drainage of water means that the integrity of the fetal bladder is violated, respectively, an infection can penetrate the child. In addition, when the liquid disappears, a completely different pressure begins to act on the baby's head (the presenting part of the body), blood rushes to it, which is subsequently fraught with various neurological problems. Therefore, doctors must keep such patients under control, and if the contractions do not start for a long time, they stimulate labor activity with medications.

By the color of the diverted water, you can determine the state of the baby:

  • Transparent or slightly whitish is the norm.
  • Green (with an admixture of meconium) - the fetus suffers from hypoxia.
  • Yellow - there may be a conflict between the mother and the baby over the blood group or Rh factor.
  • Pinkish - the crumb is in danger, since blood has got into the water, and this is a sign of premature detachment of the placenta.

The second option for the onset of labor is considered calmer. If the fetal bladder is intact, you can not rush to the hospital, but only on condition that the medical facility is located not far from home. It is allowed to stay at home during the entire first phase of the first stage of labor - it can last 6 or more hours. This phase begins with contractions, which are repeated every 20-30 minutes and last at least 30 seconds. A sign that it's time to go are uterine contractions lasting 40-60 seconds with an interval of 5-7 minutes.

During the first phase of childbirth, which is also called hidden, since not all women feel it at all, the expectant mother should not lie down. But you even need to take a shower, carry out the necessary hygiene procedures, prepare things and documents. For these worries, contractions will seem less painful.

Complications of 38 weeks of pregnancy

The reason to immediately go to the hospital is not only the outpouring of amniotic fluid, but also the discharge of blood from the genital tract, and a sharp pain in the abdomen. These symptoms can be a manifestation of premature placental abruption - a very dangerous complication of pregnancy.

If the expectant mother suffers from preeclampsia and does not receive the necessary treatment, with the approach of childbirth, she may develop eclampsia - a condition accompanied by severe, ami and. In order not to bring herself to an extreme degree of gestosis, a pregnant woman should regularly check her blood pressure, take it on, follow all the doctor's instructions and, if he insists on hospitalization, go to the hospital.

Pain relief during labor

Although childbirth is a normal physiological process, not all women can handle the pain that comes with them. For such sensitive patients, anesthesia can be carried out by injecting a special drug into the space above the hard shell of the spinal cord. This method involves a puncture between the lumbar vertebrae.

Anesthesia is performed by an anesthesiologist. It is necessary to discuss all the nuances with him in advance, since in some cases epidural anesthesia cannot be used. Contraindications include:

  • Blood clotting disorder.
  • Severe diseases of the nervous system.
  • Infectious and inflammatory processes in the body.
  • Allergy to pain medications.

Modern research confirms that this method of pain relief is safe for both the mother and the fetus. Therefore, if a woman is panicky about pain and has a low pain sensitivity threshold, epidural analgesia can help her go through one of the most important events in her life with minimal discomfort. In addition, an obstetrician-gynecologist himself can advise to do anesthesia, for example, if the patient has a large fetus, if there are structural changes on the part of the cervix, or if stimulation of labor activity with medications is required.

At 38 weeks, the expectant mother needs:

Labor can begin in a few weeks or a few days. The date of birth set by the doctor on the first day of the last menstruation is not for nothing called the estimated date - it very rarely becomes real. This is due to the fact that ovulation does not necessarily occur on the 14th day of the cycle - every woman is different. In addition, heredity also plays a role. For example, there are families in which almost all children are born a few weeks earlier or vice versa later than the expected date. ... Therefore, a pregnant woman and her relatives should now be always on the alert.

By the 38th week of pregnancy, the child's internal organs and systems are fully formed, they are functioning, and if childbirth occurs, they will not be considered premature. 260-266 days have passed since conception, the baby can be born at any minute. The woman must prepare the necessary documents, collect the bag for the maternity hospital, since she will become a mother one of the following days. If a cesarean section is planned, it is carried out at this time.

Only 5% of women in labor carry the second and subsequent children before the due date (40 weeks). Babies who appear 2 weeks earlier are considered full-term, and childbirth is not characterized by premature.

Belly and well-being of a woman at 38 weeks

Pregnancy is a special, incomparable state that every month brings new sensations, dreams, hopes, excitement, fears and anxiety. Every mom-to-be wants to foresee everything, ideally prepare for the long-awaited meeting. By this time, the belly has reached the largest possible size and brings serious inconveniences in movements, you can forget about a comfortable sleep, even the world's best orthopedic mattress will not help you sleep well. The child presses the head against the pelvic floor, preparing for birth, this explains the lowering of the tummy at 38 weeks of gestation.

Heartburn disappears, breathing becomes easier, pressure on the bladder and intestines increases, which is associated with frequent urge to urinate. Mom's body is preparing for the upcoming birth and, if they are not the first, then with a 90% probability the baby will be born at this time, especially girls do not like to sit in the womb until 40 weeks. Sometimes abdominal prolapse at 38 weeks of gestation is immediately noticed, you can check it yourself. In the morning, lying on the bed, it is necessary to put an open palm between the stomach and chest, if the hand is pressed tightly to the body - the stomach sank.

Physiological condition

Over the entire period of pregnancy, something happens to a woman all the time, sometimes not very pleasant, but quite understandable:

  • discharge of a different nature from the genital tract;
  • insomnia, or vice versa, you want to sleep all the time;
  • tiredness, lethargy;
  • swelling;
  • heartburn;
  • the abdomen looks stony;
  • excessively dry skin;
  • suffer from bouts of hunger;
  • tingling sensation in the chest;
  • frequent urge to use the toilet;
  • a feeling that the bones are getting soft;
  • pain in the sacrum and back.

Some signs are found throughout pregnancy, but often the entire list accompanies the last weeks. The joints and ligaments are stretched, preparing for the birth canal, the compressed femoral nerve causes pain, cramps of the calf muscles appear due to a lack of calcium in the woman's body.

In general, the condition at this time is characterized by fatigue from bearing the fetus and the expectation of its birth. The woman has become clumsy, her independence is limited, she is looking forward to the start of labor pains. With each attack, when the belly pulls, she hopes that labor has begun.

Discharge at 38 weeks

The release of a secret throughout the entire period of bearing a child is a natural phenomenon. Normally, the liquid should be of a uniform consistency, milky, odorless, mucus may appear in small quantities. The presence of blood in the mucus indicates the separation of the plug, which is the first sign of imminent labor. The infection is accompanied by a cheesy discharge with or without pus, which has an unpleasant odor. This condition requires consultation with a gynecologist and treatment.

Bloody profuse discharge indicates placental abruption, this poses a threat to the life and health of the baby. Emergency medical attention is required. A watery, cloudy liquid, slightly yellow in color, is the amniotic fluid. It is not necessary that they all go away all at once; sometimes, the separation occurs in small quantities, in portions. This is possible if the integrity or aging of the membranes is broken, which is a favorable state for the penetration of infection to the fetus.

Painful sensations

The weight of the child is large enough, which causes a shift in the center of gravity, worries the sacrum and lower back, and the birth canal is laid. The calves begin to ache, cramps appear, if there is not enough calcium in the mother's body. Also, pains at 38 weeks of gestation are provoked by false contractions, you can easily distinguish them from real ones. If, when changing position, the discomfort does not stop, but appears with some frequency, you need to go to the hospital.

A slight swelling of the limbs and face in the later stages is acceptable, this is normal. When other symptoms are present, it means that gestosis develops:

  • dizziness;
  • weakness;
  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea.

With gestosis, blood circulation worsens, the work of the kidneys, blood vessels and the brain of the future woman in labor. Therefore, it is required to monitor the degree of edema and pay attention to whether other warning signs are added to them. If you have a headache at 38 weeks of gestation, it is important to stop being nervous, it is necessary to avoid depression. The best doctor in all unpleasant situations is good rest and sleep.

Child activity

It is very interesting to know what happens at 38 weeks of pregnancy with a baby. Every day, as the fetus grows, there is less and less space for active movement in the abdomen. Therefore, the movements are not felt so often, but they are very distinct and sometimes cause severe discomfort. One of the first recommendations of the observing doctor at this time will be tracking the movements of the child. Normally, coups and tremors per day should be performed at least 10 times, which indicates the normal development of the crumb. If there is no activity, urgent medical attention is needed, most likely, something threatens the baby's life.

How the fetus develops

By 37-38 weeks of gestation, the child already looks like a full-fledged man: facial features have been sharpened, the skin has smoothed, the original fluff has practically disappeared, the hair on the head has grown. It's too early to talk about eye color, it will change after birth. It is possible that a natural delivery will occur at this time, but while the child is developing and growing. In boys, the testicles should descend into the scrotum; after birth, the doctor must check this moment in the baby.

Approximately, the weight of the fetus is more than 3 kg, its height is over 50 cm. The fetus has already matured all organs, it is completely ready for life outside the womb, it is able to breathe fully. Of course, the maturation of systems and organs will continue after birth, this applies to the nervous system, bone tissue, which will grow stronger.

External and internal development of the child:

  • all organs and systems are formed;
  • the pancreas and liver continues to develop;
  • movements are rare, but coordinated;
  • strong grip of the hands;
  • the nails protrude beyond the fingertips.

Instead of amniotic fluid, the lungs will be filled with air after birth, the immune system will actively begin its work to protect the body.

Harbingers of childbirth

Signs indicating that labor is about to begin may occur days or weeks in advance. It is not at all necessary that this will happen exactly at 38 weeks of gestation. The very first precursors of childbirth are abdominal prolapse and weight loss, in any case, a woman will not confuse the beginning of labor activity with preparation for it.


The most striking sign of the preparation of the body is the relief of breathing due to the drooping of the abdomen. If the cork has come off, a secret of white, milky or pink color will appear on the linen. The baby presses more and more on the pelvic area, due to which there are pulling pains in the lower back. If there were no problems with stool before, they appear before childbirth, along with frequent urination. Weight is reduced by 2-3 kg due to the removal of excess fluid from the body, plus the appetite decreases.

Training contractions, as a rule, take place when the position of the body is changed or during rest, in the evening the painful contractions intensify. Immediately before childbirth, there may be a lull in the movements of the fetus.

38 weeks pregnant: harbingers in multiparous

The peculiarity of precursors of childbirth with repeated pregnancies is that the belly may not go down at 38-39 weeks. This can happen at the very beginning of the birth act. The mucous plug comes off completely, not in portions. The rest of the signs of the imminent birth of a baby, in principle, do not differ, they are just more pronounced in women giving birth to their second and subsequent children.

Childbirth at 38 weeks

With each next attack, when the belly starts to pull, the expectant mother with a sinking heart is waiting for what will happen next - the birth will begin or this is training contractions. It is not worth focusing too much on this, it is better to enjoy the moment of preparation for the meeting with the baby:

  • collect the necessary things and documents at the hospital;
  • finish the renovation;
  • wash undershirts;
  • purchase diapers, napkins and other necessary baby care products;
  • choose a doctor;
  • complete all household chores.

After the birth of a baby, a woman will not be able to fully return to her household duties for a long time. She needs to pay more attention to the baby, and not be distracted by annoying little things.

Of course, everyone is guided by the expected date of birth, which was determined by the doctors at the beginning of pregnancy, then repeatedly confirmed by ultrasound. However, these figures are relative, very few women give birth strictly on time. As a rule, this happens earlier or later by 1-2 weeks. This fact is considered normal, and in terms of development, children born at 38 weeks of gestation are considered full-term and do not differ from babies born at 40-41 weeks. The lungs and genitals are formed, children hear and understand everything.

How the body of a future mother is changing

There is an active preparation not only for the birth itself, but also for breastfeeding. The mammary glands are poured, colostrum appears, leaving characteristic spots on the bra. It is worth stocking up on special pads. At 38 weeks of gestation, the breast becomes sensitive, reacts sharply to cold, a network of small veins is visible on the surface of the skin.

The woman herself can also participate in the preparation process. Massage your breasts with light movements, lubricate with stretch marks or olive oil, pour a contrast shower over your skin.

Due to a large belly at 38 weeks of gestation, sleep problems arise, it is difficult to find a comfortable position, it simply does not exist. Sleep is light, often at night there is a frequent urge to urinate and hunger. The pressure on the sciatic nerve provokes the development of another problem - varicose veins. Regular rest, compression underwear will help alleviate the condition. Whenever possible, you should put your feet above the floor level, and while lying down, put a roller or pillow under them.

Ultrasound procedure

Three main studies have already been completed, diagnostics for this period are prescribed according to the testimony of a doctor or if a woman missed the last ultrasound scan for some reason. It is important to make sure that the baby is not wrapped around the umbilical cord, develops normally, and the state of the amniotic fluid is not characterized as pathological. The weight of the fetus with ultrasound at 38 weeks averages 2900 grams, height - 34 cm. Of course, these are approximate data, since the genetic characteristics of the organism affect it. Dilated bowel loops indicate intrauterine infection or hypoxia.

In 96% of cases in boys, by 38-39 weeks of gestation, the testes descend into the scrotum. The remaining 4% experience this during the first year of life. If not, specialist advice is required, otherwise the child will face serious problems in sexual activity in the future. Girls have fully formed genitals. Ultrasound studies show that the placenta weighs about 300-650 grams, it is already mature enough and begins to age.

At 38 weeks, there comes, one might say, a "turning point": now mom can give birth at any minute. Moreover, it is more likely that childbirth at 38 weeks of gestation ends with the birth of girls, while boys like to "sit" in their mother's tummy longer, waiting for the prescribed 40 weeks.

And yet, childbirth at 38 weeks of gestation is highly likely, especially for women who give birth again. So, only about 5% of women who are pregnant with their second child “take care of” all 40 weeks. Childbirth at 38 weeks gestation occurs according to the standard scheme, in three periods. In the first stage, contractions occur, during which the cervix becomes thinner and stretches. In the second stage, attempts are required - for the baby to come out and be born. The third, concluding period is the birth of the placenta, or placenta, after which the woman becomes a happy mother.


An ultrasound scan at 38 weeks of gestation is usually no longer performed - three planned ultrasound examinations are already in the past, and a woman with peace of mind is preparing to become a mother. An ultrasound scan at 38 weeks of gestation may be needed unless for some special indication, for example, for the exact exclusion of an umbilical cord entanglement, to confirm the correct location of the baby in the uterus.

Belly at 38 weeks pregnant

A woman, of course, is already looking forward to meeting her beloved baby. And not only because it carries the baby for a long 9 months, but also because the stomach is already giving quite understandable inconvenience. The belly at 38 weeks of gestation seems to have increased to a huge size, it is uncomfortable for mommy to walk with it and find a comfortable sleeping position. The skin on the abdomen is tight, sometimes dry and itchy.

The navel, which used to be a neat "button", became flat, and some even turned outward. You should not worry about this especially: after childbirth, the navel will return to its "original size".

Usually, at the end of pregnancy, a woman feels that her belly has dropped down. This is a natural phenomenon, which is explained by the lowering of the baby and pressing his head against the pelvic floor. Thus, the baby is preparing to travel and meet the new world.


The fetus at 38 weeks of gestation is already completely ready for birth, all its organs and systems are perfectly debugged and functioning. If the pregnancy continues further, there are practically no special changes other than weight gain. At this stage, the baby has "impressive", in comparison with the early stages of pregnancy, parameters: weighing 3 kg or more, and having a height of about 50 cm.

The skin of the baby has already smoothed out and acquired a pinkish tint, the original lubricant disappeared, and lanugo practically disappeared with it. By the 38th week of pregnancy, the original meconium feces have also been formed - the baby's intestines will get rid of it after birth. True, it may happen that the baby is "freed" from meconium even before birth, then the amniotic fluid acquires a characteristic greenish tint, and the baby itself is born covered with greenish mucus.

If a boy is preparing for birth in the womb, then by the 38th week of pregnancy, he should have descended the testicles into the scrotum. If this did not happen by the time of birth, the boy may have difficulties in the future, which is why at birth the doctor must check whether the testicles have descended into the scrotum.

Weight at 38 weeks gestation

A significant increase in weight for the entire continuation of pregnancy, the mother is mainly obliged to the baby. The weight at 38 weeks of gestation, with its favorable course, should normally be approximately plus 14-15 kg to the original weight. If the weight at 38 weeks of gestation exceeds the recommended one by several kilograms, the woman should be prepared for more difficult childbirth.


Regardless of whether a boy or a girl grows in the mother's tummy, the sensations at 38 weeks of gestation hardly change from this. So, mommy notices that the baby has become much less active than a few weeks ago: he has already grown to such a size that there is simply not enough space in the uterus for intense movements. So, at this time, the baby can only turn or move lightly, because it greatly restricts it in movements and cephalic presentation. But the woman still feels the shocks and movements of the baby, and it is also necessary to monitor them now. Normally, a baby usually moves at least 10 times a day. If the movements are felt less often or are not felt for a long time, you should urgently consult a doctor - the absence of movements may indicate problems in the baby and even a possible threat to his life, which can be eliminated with the help of timely medical intervention.

In general, the sensations are characterized by an agonizing expectation of childbirth and fatigue from bearing a baby. A woman who is weighed down by clumsiness and overweight looks forward to the onset of contractions. Therefore, at the moments when the stomach begins to pull, more and more often hopes that childbirth will come right now.

At the same time, the well-being of the mother due to the lowering of the abdomen somewhat improves. Due to the decrease in the pressure of the uterus on the internal organs, it becomes easier for a woman to breathe, problems with digestion, belching and heartburn disappear, which is definitely good news.


Pain at 38 weeks gestation can be justified. For example, lower back pain - as a result of relaxation of the ligaments and joints, which prepare the mother's birth canal for the baby to pass through them. Pain at 38 weeks of gestation, sometimes even very severe, is a consequence of the same softened ligaments and joints and a significant shift in the center of gravity due to the growth of the baby.

Now the baby has already pressed his head against the pelvic floor, which increases the load on the pelvic bones. That is why pain also occurs at 38 weeks of gestation in the area of ​​the pubic joint. Painful sensations in the sacrum and the back of the leg almost to the knee are explained by the compression of the femoral nerve, which runs next to the uterus. It is likely that pain in the calf muscles will appear at 38 weeks of gestation, as a consequence of a lack of calcium.

Pain at 38 weeks of gestation is accompanied by false contractions. False contractions are not Braxton-Higgs contractions at all, the difference is that they are more frequent and painful. To distinguish false contractions from true ones, it is enough just to change the position of the body and walk around the room: usually in such a situation, false contractions subside, unlike birth contractions.

The norm is considered a slight swelling at 38 weeks of gestation, not accompanied by a deterioration in the well-being of the mother. In the case when the swelling is strong, does not go away for a long time and, in parallel with the swelling, headaches and dizziness, vomiting, diarrhea, double vision are observed, an ambulance team should be called immediately. Such signs indicate the manifestation of preeclampsia - gestosis with impaired cerebral circulation.


Discharge at 38 weeks of gestation is quite common. Normal discharge can be considered milky, uniform in consistency and with a slight sour odor. Since by the end of pregnancy, the cervix softens and slowly opens, it is quite possible that a certain amount of mucus appears in the secretions. However, if the discharge at 38 weeks of gestation generally looks like mucus interspersed with or admixed with blood, or the mucus is pinkish, you should prepare for an early birth - such discharge indicates the separation of the mucous plug.

It is urgently necessary to go for a consultation with a doctor if the discharge at 38 weeks of gestation is cheesy, flakes or pus appear in them, the discharge has an unpleasant odor. Most likely, in this case, there is an infection that requires compulsory treatment.

Also, an ambulance should be called on an emergency basis if spotting appears at 38 weeks of gestation. They usually indicate abruption of a normally located placenta or its presentation, although the latter is usually excluded during preliminary examinations during pregnancy. Placental abruption is a threatening condition for the health and life of the baby, and, even if the bloody discharge is insignificant, at any moment their number can take on an alarming proportion.

In the event of the appearance of liquid and cloudy discharge, most likely, we will talk about the outpouring of amniotic fluid. Their outpouring indicates either the likelihood of an early onset of labor, or the depletion of the membranes. It is within the power of the doctor to determine exactly what the discharge of amniotic fluid is connected with (if it is accompanied by contractions, then the woman, of course). In any case, you should not hesitate - it is advisable to go to the maternity hospital as soon as possible.

Sex at 38 weeks pregnant

The possibility of intimacy at 38 weeks of gestation is a controversial issue. On the one hand, having sex at 38 weeks pregnant can be extremely beneficial for mom, because it brings her pleasure and promotes the production of hormones of joy. In addition, sex at 38 weeks gestation improves blood circulation, which means that the baby receives more oxygen through the placenta.

On the other hand, since the cervix is ​​very sensitive by the end of pregnancy, and the birth canal is already open, sex at 38 weeks of gestation can cause some damage to the cervix and cause easy bleeding.

And sex at 38 weeks of gestation is one of the methods of stimulating labor. Many women who are already tired of pregnancy practice sex as a natural way to induce labor. True, it is better to resort to it, having previously discussed this topic with the obstetrician-gynecologist leading the pregnancy.