How do we evaluate people? How to make a positive first impression? How to make a good impression on a man so that he wants a serious relationship


Punctuality is the hallmark of a collected and responsible person. Being late, even for the most legitimate reason, will create a negative impression of you even before you are greeted. This is not good for getting started. Your punctuality will indicate that you know how to value not only your own time, but also the time of your partner.

However, you should not come too early either. If the person waiting for you is not yet ready or is completely absent, you will have to wait in vain for the appointed time. And arriving early is considered very impolite.

Remembering the name from the moment you are introduced to a new acquaintance is a good way to win over a person. During the conversation, try to address him exclusively by his first name. Such an appeal is not only pleasant and polite, but also focuses the interlocutor's attention on you and your statements. If you cannot remember the name of a new acquaintance the next time you meet, the person may get the impression that meeting him was not interesting for you.

Use your body, smile. These methods of non-verbal communication form a certain impression about a person in the subconscious: positive - if the interlocutor likes the behavior, negative - if it repels. In no case do not look away, do not shy away from eye contact, try not to get too close to the person, violating his intimate space, do not slap him on the shoulder. It is enough to remember two simple actions that can lead to good, friendly relations - a wide natural smile and a long handshake.

Neat clothes suitable for the circumstances, a neat hairstyle, polished shoes, make-up appropriate for the circumstances, well-groomed nails - all this, combined with the correct tactics of behavior, will make the most favorable impression on the interlocutor.

When interacting with new people, watch your statements and speech in general. Do not swear, speak competently, clearly, so that the interlocutor does not ask you again, putting yourself and you in an awkward position, do not use black humor, do not be intrusive. Be especially restrained and polite in dealing with older people and business partners.

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Tip 2: How to make a good impression on the employer

Having found a promising vacancy, make every effort to produce a good impression on employer and get the coveted position. Lacking natural charm and talent as an orator, you can produce a good impression if you are thoroughly prepared for the meeting.


To produce good impression on employer Start preparing for the meeting long before the interview. Search the Internet for information about the head of the company. Pay attention to both his work biography and hobbies. Knowing the characteristics of the personality of a future boss can greatly help you in the interview process.

Having collected all the necessary information, proceed directly to the preparation. Think about what you will wear to the interview. Clothing should not be too frank and bright, but at the same time, “gray mice” are also not held in high esteem now. The best solution for you is a strict but elegant outfit.

In addition to appearance, pay close attention to your speech. This is especially necessary for those who have already been to several interviews, but were not hired. The level of development of a linguistic personality is one of the important indicators when applying for a job. It is difficult for a person in the process of communication to assess the level of his communicative competence. Therefore, record your speech on a voice recorder (it is desirable that it be a dialogue). Listen to the recording and you will be amazed, exclaiming: “Is this really how I talk!”.

Everyone is familiar with such a thing as a “first impression”, but not everyone knows how to make a good impression on people, fill the meeting with only positive emotions and make the interlocutor have a positive opinion of you.

By the way, the first impression can even be deceptive, and only during subsequent communication does a person reveal the true negative or positive qualities of character. Therefore, you should not draw conclusions and judge a person after the first meeting. Another thing is if you have a goal. To do this, you need to positively influence the interlocutor and make a good impression on him.

So, if you want to make a good impression on a person, you need to know a few rules and stick to them accordingly.

Appearance, hairstyle, clothes

As the proverb of antiquity says, "They meet by clothes, but see off by the mind." If you want to succeed, then pay special attention to your appearance, make sure that your clothes are neat, hair and nails are clean.

Also, do not forget that if you want to make a good impression on a person and the meeting, for example, is of a business nature, then you should choose the appropriate clothes, it can be a business suit or stick to minimalism. Bright and revealing outfits are best left for another occasion and for another event.

What questions will you find answered in this article?

  • Why listen to the news and read magazines before a meeting
  • and not alienate the interlocutor
  • Rules for Effective Communication
  • How the Spotlight and Active Listening Techniques Can Make a Lasting Impression

To succeed, you need to be able to negotiate with other people, this requires not only to pronounce words smoothly, but also to turn communication into pleasure. I have observed many times how people did not follow the elementary rules in a conversation and because of this they lost valuable contacts (see also How not to alienate the interlocutor). By studying situations, I have formulated rules for effective communication that will help you learn how to make a good impression, and the interlocutors - to feel comfortable in your company.

and not alienate the interlocutor

Don't leave home without breaking news. Before the meeting, turn on the radio or TV, look through the newspapers, look on the Internet. News is a good conversation starter. In addition, you will avoid stupid situations when you are asked to comment on recent events, and you do not know what it is about.

Prepare answers to the most frequently asked questions in advance. For example, to a question about your studies, you can answer that you are an economist, engineer, etc. But this is not enough to start a good conversation. It is better to add one or two interesting details, for example: “I am a lawyer. Our firm specializes in labor disputes. I'm currently pursuing one case in which the defendant is an employer who asked candidates too personal questions during a job interview."

Don't give one word answers. It is very difficult to carry on a conversation when the interlocutor answers “yes”, “no” or “I don’t know” to any question. Strive to give detailed answers, then your communication will develop more naturally.

Call the interlocutor by name. A proper name is the most pleasant word for every person. Therefore, calling the interlocutor by name, you immediately arouse sympathy in him.

Communicate with the interlocutor in his language. If you are talking to a person working in a different professional field, try to use terms from his vocabulary, this will facilitate mutual understanding.

Look for key words in the interlocutor's answers. Often people themselves suggest what topics are close to them. For example, you complain about heavy rain, and your counterpart suddenly says that this is important for plants. Probably, this topic is close to him.

: 7 Rules for Effective Communication

Rule 1Think about the topics of the conversation

If you have to meet a person for the first time, find out as much as possible about him (age, financial situation, interests). Use pages on social networks that are very informative. If they are not there, then there will be important links about professional activities. Any information will help to informally start a conversation.

I will give an example from practice. We were preparing a serious meeting between the two leaders. We learned about one of the interlocutors that in his youth he was fond of the sea. We used this in small things: we put the prepared documents in a folder with a marine theme, and placed anchors. Thus, important files did not go unnoticed: a person paid attention to them, just subconsciously reaching for a pleasant thing for himself.

Rule 2. Correctly position yourself relative to the interlocutor

Keep your distance. In our culture, it is not customary to be too close to a partner when talking. Determine a comfortable distance. Research recommends 60 cm (arm's length). In the rules of etiquette, this distance is defined as personal space. If you are too close, the person will feel uncomfortable and, not understanding what is happening, will decide that he does not like you. It is better for a woman and a man to sit away from each other: a small distance can be perceived as flirting.

Position your chair at an angle to the other person's chair. You should not sit directly in front of a person, otherwise subconscious mechanisms that trigger manifestations of aggression may work. Move a few centimeters to the side, and the reasons for unpleasant emotions will disappear. I was approached by a man who was about to have a serious conversation with his boss about being fired. I advised him to change the usual position relative to each other: move the chair to the side so as not to sit opposite the boss, change the position a little. The conversation was peaceful - the dismissal did not take place.

Sit with your back against a wall for confidence. To make your partner feel comfortable, also invite him to sit with his back to the wall. If your plans are to unsettle the interlocutor, try to make him turn his back to the door.

Rule 3Start a conversation with abstract topics

One of my clients found himself in a difficult situation during negotiations in Lithuania: from the first minutes he started talking about business, and the conversation soon ended - the partner refused to communicate. It turned out that in this country it is customary to talk about abstract topics before a business conversation. I often noticed this in Russia too: if one of the interlocutors immediately turns to business issues, his partners tense up, and this inevitably sets them against him.

Discuss neutral topics before getting to the point. For example, if you know that your counterpart has a dog, ask about it; if you know that his child is going to university, ask a neat question about this topic.

Rule 4To make a lasting impression, btalk more about the other person than about yourself

Most people tend to talk mostly about themselves: how well they are doing, about their family. But the secret to successful communication is to talk more about the other person. Show interest – ask open-ended questions that do not require one-word answers, such as “How do you spend most of your free time?” The results will not keep you waiting: people will be more willing to talk about themselves, and you will be considered an interesting and attentive interlocutor.

You can use the "spotlight beam" technique proposed by Leila Launders, an American expert in the field of psychology of communication and communication. When talking to a person, imagine that a large spotlight is shining from above: when you speak, the rays are directed at you. The longer the spotlight shines in the opposite direction from you, the more interesting you will be to the interlocutor. Leila Launders gives this example: “A few years ago, a friend and I went to a party where the “cream of society” gathered. Everyone with whom we spoke turned out to be a bright and extraordinary personality. When we shared our impressions between conversations with other people, I asked my friend: “Diana, with whom of all these people who were present at the evening did you like to communicate the most?” Without hesitation, she replied: “Oh, with Dan Smith, of course!” “Who is he and what does he do?” I asked. “Well, I don’t know for sure…” the friend replied. "Where is he from?" "I don't know," Diana replied. “Well, what are his interests in life?” “You see, we didn’t talk about his hobbies.” "Diana," I asked. “And what were you talking about?” “I think we mostly talked about me” 1 .

1 Leila Launders. How to talk to anyone and about anything. M.: Kind book, 200 2. - Note. editions.

Rule 5Practice active listening skills

In addition to the spotlight technique, use the active listening approach, which is a simple technique that helps the interlocutor reveal more information. It consists in the active expression of one's own experiences. I will list some methods.

Nod in agreement. So you express approval and invite the interlocutor to continue.

Use complementary words: “I understand”, “really”, “very interesting”, “good”, etc. A person needs to be aware that you are not just listening to him, but are on the same wavelength with him.

Ask clarifying questions, such as “What did you do in this situation? How did it all end? In this way, you help your partner open up and encourage them to continue the conversation.

From experience, I can say that if one of the interlocutors is good at active listening skills, then the second one does not even notice how quickly time flies.

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Rule 6Give compliments

Many people make the same mistakes: they make banal compliments or say them very quickly, as if in between times. This devalues ​​the compliment, and he loses the right energy. Find in the interlocutor a detail that can be noted, and tell him about it. A man really appreciates when he is told that he has a firm handshake. If we are talking about a business partner - a woman, then a high assessment of her business qualities is accepted with much more gratitude than compliments regarding her external merits.

It is important to remember that in compliments, personal topics should be left out of brackets. It is better to evaluate the atmosphere of the office, the design of business cards, note the competence of the partner's employees - everything that you paid attention to. I will give an example from practice. I attended a meeting of two leaders, a man and a woman I knew. They tried to negotiate a joint event. The woman was of a solid build and on the eve of the meeting she got a manicure, which, in her opinion, emphasized the thickness of her hands very unsuccessfully. The director of the company where we came, on the contrary, noted how beautiful the manicure looked. When the meeting ended, my friend told for a long time how unpleasant it was for her to hear about the color of her nails. She regarded the compliment as low flattery, which finally turned her against this man. The deal fell through.

CEO speaking

Konstantin Belov, General Director of PowerGuide, Moscow

I will share my rules of effective communication.

  1. Listen without interrupting. This is the most complex rule of effective communication and at the same time its most important rule. It will help you make a lasting impression the first time. It would seem that there is nothing easier, but try to remain silent if you are told well-known things for several minutes. You have to make serious efforts to let a person finish calmly.
  2. delve into. By listening, I mean not only your silence when someone else is speaking, but also your efforts to understand the meaning of what was said. This behavior means that you recognize the partner as an equal party in the conversation.
  3. State your interests directly. During communication, each of the participants pursues their own goals, which they do not want to talk about directly because of their delicacy. Therefore, if you, for example, are negotiating a loan restructuring, inform the partners of your understanding of the fact that one of the parties will definitely try to take advantage of the current situation in their own interests. By immediately clarifying the unannounced agenda, you will save yourself and others from empty chatter.
  4. Do not pull with the main. Remember how during meetings everyone is annoyed by speakers who beat around the bush. This behavior is often associated with the fear that the interlocutors will not perceive the main thing if they are not told all the details. This fear is partially justified, but the risk that you simply will not be listened to, as a rule, is higher. Therefore, try to build a conversation according to the principle: first the main thing, then the details.
  5. Do not rise at the expense of interlocutors. Self-assertion during negotiations is expected and normal. However, never do this at the expense of the interlocutors. You should not demonstrate to a person that you are better than him, it is more correct to show that you are the same. Avoid comparing knowledge and achievements in areas that are not directly related to the subject of the conversation. For example, if the interlocutor made a mistake in a quote, there is no need to correct him (see also the figure).
  6. Rehearse. Speak key lines aloud. It is useful to record them on a dictaphone. After listening to the recording, you will understand what needs to be changed. Having spoken out loud the main theses, you will feel much more confident during the conversation itself.

How to make a lasting impression and get rid of controversy

  1. Find two or three helpers. These should be people who know you well, whose judgments you trust. Offer them a ready-made list of negative qualities (sharp, arrogant, stubborn, petty…) and ask them to mark those that they think are inherent in you. Be patient, this can be frustrating.
  2. Do not under any circumstances argue with your assistants and do not try to turn their words against them. But you can clarify: "And often I behave ... (sharply, stubbornly, pettily, etc.)?"
  3. With your answers in hand, start tracking your relationships with other people over the course of a few weeks. Identify and fix in your behavior the annoying signs that your friends have pointed out.
  4. If you learn to notice flaws, you can get rid of them by developing more constructive behaviors (for example, reduce your assertiveness in negotiations if it is perceived by people as harshness, and replace it with active listening).
  5. After two or three months, you will find that it has become much easier for you to establish contact with people.

Adapted from Mark Goulston's I Hear Through You

1. Be natural in all situations.

2. Don't go to extremes. If you are too tense and constrained, then the first impression of you will obviously not be the best. If, on the contrary, you are too relaxed or familiar, you can offend the interlocutor with your behavior.

3. You should not be too serious and pretend to be a very smart and busy person.

4. Show interest in other people, in their affairs and problems.

5. Be discreet and tactful.

6. Express sincere approval. Notice all the things you like about the person and tell them about it.

7. Give more compliments.

If you want to win over a person who treats you negatively, compliment him about his abilities that you do not possess. Compliments require special tact. Any compliment should be without double meaning so that your assessment cannot be interpreted as both positive and negative.

If you gave a disproportionately high assessment of any quality of the interlocutor, then your compliment will sound mocking and will be perceived as an insult. In no case should you make a compliment regarding those qualities that a person is trying to get rid of.

Sincere, devoid of exaggeration compliments are always pleasant.

In some cases, an unspoken compliment can border on impoliteness, for example, if you fail to appreciate the dishes prepared with love by the hostess or other manifestations of her attention.

Compliments quite often relate to the appearance of the interlocutor, and therefore each sentence-compliment usually includes a positive evaluative adverb - good, fine, wonderful or great:

You (you) look good (beautiful, fashionable, great) (look).

You (you) look very good (look)!

You (you) look good (look) today!

If you want to emphasize some character traits or behavior of the interlocutor, use adverbs - very, just like the adjective - what:

You (you) are very (so) smart (smart, smart)! _ How smart are you (smart, smart)!

What are you (you) smart (smart)!

You (you) have a wonderful character.

You (you) have exquisite taste.

It is interesting to communicate with you.

When meeting after a long separation, benevolent people note the good appearance of their acquaintances:

You (you) do not change (eat), do not grow old (eat), you all get younger (eat).

You (you) will not be given your (your) years.

As a compliment, a positive assessment of the interlocutor's professional qualities can also sound:

You (you) are such a good specialist...

Every compliment involves an expression of reciprocal gratitude:

Thank you!

Thanks for the compliment!

I'm very pleased.

Glad to hear it.

Glad to hear that.

A return compliment can also be made regarding the appearance, clothing of the interlocutor or repeating what he said:

You (you) look good too.

And you (you) have a nice suit

I can say the same about you (you).

The same can be said about you (you).

8. Listen carefully to the interlocutor. Observe his nonverbal behavior.

9. Try to find something in common between yourself and your interlocutor. Never look for differences. People love to communicate with those to whom they have sympathy, who are similar to them, then communication allows you to feel inner harmony.

In psychology, there is such a thing as pacing or reflection. In order for the relationship to be smooth, free, open, reliable, you need to try to create an atmosphere of “reflection”, in which everything your interlocutor does, hears, seems right to him. It is important to show in communication those aspects of your character that are closest to the interlocutor. Use pacing consciously. This can be achieved in three ways:

a) through body language: gestures, posture, gait, facial expression, breathing, clothing;

c) through feelings.

The most striking example of unconscious pacing can be considered a relationship between lovers. They repeat each other in everything. They speak the same way, use the same words, have the same opinion, and so on.

10. Show only positive signs of attention, such as praise, gratitude, an appreciative look, and the like. Positive signs of attention will bring joy to your interlocutor, strengthen his faith in his strength.

A person who receives too few positive signs of attention shows discontent towards everyone around him. He blames the conductors, bosses, government for his bad life and often becomes depressed.

Avoid negative signs of attention, such as a contemptuous look, a shrug, an expression of disbelief, ingratitude, ridicule.

11. Gestures and postures of a person can make both a pleasant and the opposite impression on the interlocutor.

Many gestures are not fixed by consciousness, but they fully convey the mood and thoughts of a person.

The raised shoulders of your interlocutor indicate that he is tense, feels the danger emanating from you.

Raised shoulders and a lowered head indicate that your interlocutor is closed. He is either insecure, or afraid of something, or dissatisfied with your conversation, or feels humiliated.

Lowered shoulders and a raised head are evidence that your interlocutor is set for success, he controls the situation.

Head tilted to one side - your interlocutor is interested.

Rubbing the century - your interlocutor is telling a lie.

There are several basic gestures and postures that convey the inner state of a person.

Gestures of openness help win over the interlocutor, call him to a frank conversation and leave him the most favorable impression of himself. The gestures of openness include the “open hands” gesture, when the interlocutor holds out his hands with his palms up, and the “unbuttoning his jacket” gesture. When an agreement is reached between the interlocutors, they involuntarily unbutton their jackets.

Gestures of suspicion and secrecy indicate that the person is not in the mood for a conversation. These gestures include rubbing the forehead, temples, chin, involuntarily covering the face with hands. If the interlocutor looks away - this is the most striking indicator that he is hiding something.

Protective gestures and postures indicate that the person feels threatened or threatened by you. The most common defensive gesture is the arms crossed over the chest.

If your interlocutor crossed his arms, then it is better to end the conversation. And if he also clenched his palms into fists, then this indicates his extremely hostile attitude. In this case, you need to slow down your speech, and it is best to change the topic of conversation.

Gestures of reflection and evaluation show that the partner is interested in the conversation. Gestures of reflection include the gesture of “pinching the bridge of the nose”, the posture of the “thinker”, when the interlocutor props up his cheek with his hand.

Gestures of doubt and uncertainty indicate that something is unclear to the interlocutor in the conversation or that your arguments seem unconvincing to him. Such gestures include scratching the place under the earlobe or the side of the neck with the index finger of the right hand, rubbing the nose with the index finger.

An offended person most often raises his shoulders and lowers his head. If your interlocutor has taken just such a pose, then the topic of conversation should be changed.

The gestures and postures expressing aggressiveness include tightly interlaced fingers, especially if the hands are on their knees, clenched fists. The stronger a person clenches his fists, the higher the degree of his internal arousal.

Gestures and postures expressing irritation - touching the nose or lightly rubbing it; coughing.

Gestures and postures that testify to the confidence of the interlocutor include postures: hands are connected with the tips of the fingers, while the palms do not touch; the body is tilted slightly forward, and the hands are on the hips; chin held high.

They say about disappointment: scratching the back of the head; shirt collar unbuttoning; foot tapping on the floor.

A person who wants to end a conversation lowers his eyelids. If your interlocutor wears glasses, he will take off his glasses and put them aside.

When your interlocutor scratches his ear or sips his earlobe, it means that he is tired of listening and wants to speak for himself.

If your interlocutor walks around the room, then this can be regarded as the fact that he is interested in the conversation, but he needs to think before making a decision.

If your interlocutor, while standing, rests his hands on a table or chair, it means that he is not sure whether you are listening carefully to him.

A self-confident person who wants to show his superiority over others can be recognized by gestures - “laying hands behind his back with a grip on the wrist” and “laying hands behind his head”. It is very difficult to communicate with such a person. If you want to win him over, then lean forward a little with outstretched palms and ask him to explain something to you. Another way is to copy the gesture.

A man smug and arrogant folds his hands together.

If your interlocutor suddenly began to collect lint from his clothes, while he turned away from you or looks at the floor, this means that he does not agree with you and does not want to express his opinion.

A person who, during a conversation, holds his hands on the side edges of the chair or his hands are on his knees, does not want to continue the conversation. You should stop the conversation, then you will leave a pleasant impression of yourself.

If your interlocutor smokes, then by the way he releases smoke, you can determine his attitude towards you and your conversation. Smoke is constantly emitted upwards, which means that the partner is positive and he likes the conversation. The smoke is directed downwards, the partner, on the contrary, is negative, and the faster he releases the smoke, the more the conversation is unpleasant for him.

You can determine the state of a person by gait. A person who keeps his hands in his pockets or swings them strongly, looks at his feet, is in a depressed state. A brisk gait with waving of the arms speaks of self-confidence. A person who walks with his head up, while vigorously waving his arms, is arrogant and arrogant. Hands clasped behind the back and head down indicate concern.

12. The state of a person is eloquently evidenced by his facial expressions. Tightly compressed lips indicate isolation. The drooping corners of the mouth indicate frustration.

During the conversation, try to visually draw a triangle on the partner's face, in which you should look. This will help you concentrate as much as possible.

13. In order to be considered a well-mannered person, you will have to get rid of such qualities as excessive curiosity, irascibility, touchiness and vanity.

Curiosity is inherent in every person. Healthy curiosity expands one's horizons and promotes intellectual development. However, if a person begins to be interested in other people's affairs, eavesdropping on conversations, peeping through keyholes, then such curiosity is a manifestation of extreme bad manners. It interferes with communication between people.

Hot temper will never help win over the interlocutor. A person who does not know how to argue without turning to raised voices destroys relationships. Do not justify irascibility with your natural weakness, irascibility is a lack of education.

Resentment irritates others. Any person in the presence of a touchy interlocutor feels tension. He has to constantly monitor himself so as not to inadvertently hurt his interlocutor with anything. A touchy person, complaining about an unhappy life, easily infects those around him with his bad mood.

Vanity is one of the worst vices. Often vain people occupy leadership positions, endowed with a certain amount of power. They need constant confirmation of their superiority over others. If you find signs of this disease in yourself, try to get rid of it before it becomes chronic.

For the most part, we do not know how to behave when we are going to a very important meeting for us. And here the question arises: how to make a good impression? Here are some tips to always look decent. And it does not matter that it is a job interview, a first date with a young man (girl), any other meeting that is very important for you.

How to make a good first impression

1. Be punctual

It is important to never be late. Plan in advance how to get to the meeting point. Try to be at the appointed time.

2. Wardrobe

A well-chosen wardrobe for each specific situation makes a good impression. Do not show off your entire arsenal of jewelry - chains and rings.

3. Be friendly

When meeting, introduce yourself, smile, shake hands with the interlocutor, look into the eyes, start the conversation first.

4. Know how to communicate

Speech should be calm, correct, cultured. Do not interrupt the interlocutor, show interest in his story - know how to listen. Remember to be sincere when speaking. After all, the first opinion is formed after the first minutes of communication.

5. Try to be confident

When you are confident in yourself, in your abilities - it is always visible and attracts the interlocutor. Behave naturally, do not go to extremes: do not think about how to act in order to attract attention, try to be yourself.

6. Gestures

Gestures are not the last place in the question of how to make a good impression? It should be understood that gestures and postures convey your mood and attitude towards the interlocutor. You need to be open to communication. Want to make a good impression? Then:

Do not cross your arms over your chest.

· Do not cover your face with your hands.

· Do not make sudden movements.

All these moments indicate that you are not interested, you are tense, closed, and therefore the impression of you will be negative.

7. Don't forget to end the conversation correctly:

· Be the first to give a hand and say how pleasant it was for you to deal with the interlocutor.

· Give a few compliments, but don't overdo it.

· Be in a good mood.

Remember that during: an interview, a first date, a business meeting, a casual acquaintance, it requires you to show only positive qualities. Therefore, you need to navigate the surrounding reality, be armed with some knowledge, and you will not have a question: How to make a good impression?

How do you create a good impression of a person?

Be the initiator of the dialogue, don't stand around and wait for someone to come up to you first and start a conversation. During the dialogue, do not skimp on compliments for the interlocutor, be interested in his affairs and problems, express your point of view.

In order not to embarrass a person, you should not behave too relaxed during a conversation. But at the same time, it is important not to be tense, but to try to behave naturally. Try to talk to people simply, without a haughty tone in your voice. To impress, don't be too serious, people might think you're proud and don't want to talk to them.

Support him in difficult times, unobtrusively ask about what worries him, and offer your help. Even if you cannot help in any way, the person will be pleased with your attention and your concern for him. Every person has strengths and weaknesses, to make a good impression and make people think positively of you, use your strengths and don't show your weaknesses.

Listen carefully to your interlocutor during a conversation. Find something in common, similar interests or the same attachments. This should unite you, it is easier for people to communicate with someone who is similar to themselves.

If you need to build a relationship with a colleague at work or school, try praising their achievements at work, or say that you like their appearance. When making compliments, be careful, the main thing is that the person perceives you correctly. And I didn’t think that you decided to make fun of him or just scoff.

How best to make a first impression

Society is a very important criterion in life. Each person lives in society and simply cannot exist without it. It is necessary to behave with people naturally. They say first impressions are deceptive. But it's not. The first acquaintance or meeting remains in the memory of a person forever. When communicating with people, you need to pay special attention to your behavior, you need to know what you can say and do, and what is better to abstain.

To make a good impression in an unfamiliar company or when applying to a university, never focus on yourself when interviewing for a job.

Probably, you have met an ugly person more than once who is clearly unpleasant to you, but thanks to his communication with you, you forget about all his external shortcomings, he seems to be filled with inner light and become so interesting that it is impossible to take your eyes off him and you want to communicate with him forever. How you present yourself at the first meeting will determine how you will be treated. If you show yourself on the good side, then you will definitely be the "favorite" of society.

There are ways that leave a good impression. Knowing them, people will definitely like you and receive respect and love from them.

First, in a new company, try to immediately understand the mood and preferences of people in order to quickly join it. Do not make it so that the whole evening people's attention is focused only on you, be moderately silent and modest.

Secondly, smile as often as possible when you first meet a person, be friendly, attentive, courteous.

Thirdly, when you first meet, try to remember the names of the people you met. Particular attention is paid to the pronunciation of the person's name, which contributes to his disposition towards you.

Fourth, learn to listen, because many people are very fond of talking about themselves.

Fifth, be confident in communicating with others and do not be afraid of the world around you.

Sixth, anxiety often gets in the way of making a good impression and showing your best side, so try to deal with it somehow.

Seventh, never compare yourself or anyone else to other people. Love yourself and respect others.

Eighth, you must have an attractive and neat appearance. The main thing is to remain yourself in any situation. Be sincere, polite and kind.

How to arouse a person's sympathy

Very often, you forgive a lot of things for a person you sympathize with - mistakes, blunders, as a rule, you treat this person more condescendingly. That is why people try to make others like them. To do this, you need to know how to present yourself correctly. There are a few simple rules with which you can arouse sympathy in the interlocutor and create a good overall impression.

Rule number 1. Smile! Try to always be in high spirits, but remember, a fake smile can hurt more than a frown.

Rule number 2. Ask for advice. Thanks to this approach, you kind of increase the self-esteem of the other person, and at the same time this attitude is not perceived as flattery.

Rule number 3. Ask your interlocutor, employee, acquaintance to provide you with a small, easy service for him. In case of refusal, be sure to thank him for listening to you. Next time, he will certainly fulfill your request.

Rule number 4. Try to create the appearance of similarity with your interlocutor, as people sympathize with those who are somewhat similar to themselves.

Rule number 5. Never skimp on compliments. Naturally, at first on business, and then, with closer communication, in order to make a good impression, you can compliment just like that.

Rule number 6. If you have different opinions with your opponent, do not immediately say that he is wrong, first agree with him in some small things, but then firmly express your opinion, then you will be treated with sympathy.

Rule number 7. Try to talk as little as possible and listen more! Many people have a sincere sympathy for those who know how to listen and not divulge secrets. If your interlocutor has decided to “cry” into your vest, listen to him and from time to time nod your head in the affirmative, as if approving him.

Rule number 8. Try to always look in good physical shape, do not lose your physical attractiveness, do everything to look younger than your years. This applies not only to women, but also to men.

Rule number 9. During a conversation, in order to make a good impression, try to mention the name of your interlocutor as often as possible, because the name is a kind of key to the soul of your opponent. And from a stranger, be sure to find out his name at the beginning of the conversation, so he will communicate with you more kindly.

Rule number 10. You should not start a conversation when you are upset or annoyed, as an annoyed person causes an unpleasant, that is, a negative reaction. So try to calm down before talking. Here are some simple tricks that will help you arouse sympathy in a person.