How not to fall for the child's advice. Mom's anger or can you hate your child? Will the child have psychological trauma?

The problem of violation of the written language of a student remains always relevant, both for parents and for primary school teachers. The presented recommendations will help interested parties to provide all possible assistance to a child who has such problems in writing as not adding words, missing letters in a word, words in a sentence.

It is no secret that recently the number of such "narrow specialists" as teacher speech therapist in general education schools decreased significantly. However, the number of children in need of speech therapy did not decrease.

But not all parents are able to pay for the services of a private speech therapist. At the end of the second year of study, the child writes the final dictation. He makes a large number of typical mistakes in writing: the endings of words are not completed, consonants are missing when they coincide, words are missing in a sentence.

How can I help my child?

1. We are working on the sound composition of the word and the syllable structure of the word:

  • we determine the number of sounds in words (frame, car, poppy, etc.);
  • we select sounds from a word in a breakdown;
  • we determine the number of vowels and consonants in a word;
  • we name only vowels, only consonants;
  • sequentially select the sounds in the word;

We select words in a certain sequence in accordance with the complication of the syllable structure (we use the classification of A.K. Makarova). Words become more complicated both in increasing the number of syllables and in terms of the complexity of the syllable (open and closed, forward and backward, syllable with and without consonants):

  1. Two-syllable words from open syllables (frame).
  2. Three-syllable words from open syllables (car).
  3. Monosyllabic words (poppy).
  4. Two-syllable words with a closed syllable (bud).
  5. Two-syllable words with a concatenation of consonants in the middle of a word (form).
  6. Three-syllable words with a closed syllable (corridor).
  7. Two-syllable words from closed syllables (watchdog).
  8. Three-syllable words with a confluence of consonants (gifts).
  9. Three-syllable words with a confluence of consonants and a closed syllable (fireworks).
  10. Trisyllabic words with two consonants (sweetie)
  11. Monosyllabic words with a confluence of consonants at the beginning or in the middle of a word (table), (bison).
  12. Two-syllable words with two combinations of consonants (trail).
  13. Three-syllable words with a concatenation of consonants at the beginning and in the middle of the word (jump rope).
  14. Polysyllabic words from open syllables (telephone). Working according to this plan, the speech therapist must take into account the pronunciation abilities of children, the goals, tasks facing the lesson, the sound studied at this time, topics for vocabulary development.

2. We form the ability to sequentially isolate and combine sounds in words of different syllabic structures.

We offer the following exercises:

One sound is missing in the words. The child needs to guess which one, and think about whether it is possible to get words of different meanings by introducing different sounds.

  • Ox ..., ... loss, ... rach, mi ... ka, ... points, roof ... a, ... elet, bu ... ka, ba ... an.

We transform words by changing one sound.

We exclude one sound from each word to get a new word. For example: a handful is a guest.

Crib, duck, pillar, crack, prick, bison, scythe, darkness, regiment, fishing rod, wolf, laughter, deer, tick, stranded, shell, hail, livestock, to their heart's content, paint, table, heat, trouble, screen.

We add one sound to each of the words to create a new word. For example: a mole mouth.

3. If the dictation contains a large number of unfinished words, then we offer exercises for adding words.

It is very useful to connect kinesthetic control... Each spoken word is "tapped" with our fingers on the table. In this case, it is necessary to require a clear pronunciation of the end of words.

  1. Sasha bought colored pencils.
  2. The gardens and fields are greener ___.

The next exercise will be dictation of endings only:

  • "Colored - ———— oh,
  • turn green - —————. "
  • Winter is cold, and summer is ...
  • We write only the ending. What kind of roof? Triangular - ———— th.

4. We work at the supply level.

We offer auditory and graphic dictations.

Auditory dictations increase the amount of auditory memory. Children love auditory dictations. The guys strive to consciously remember the sentence. You can play with children: name the second word, the last, etc.

Before writing a sentence, it is useful to draw up its graphical diagram, i.e. mark the beginning of a sentence, and then all words with separate lines.

It is useful to systematically include exercises for copying texts and writing poems, small texts from memory.

We select dictations in accordance with age, training program.

Sataeva N.V.,
teacher speech therapist

Hello dear parents. Today you will learn how to teach a child to write dictations correctly. In this article, we will analyze what can affect a poor result, and how you need to prepare for the work ahead.

Dictation - what is it

Children write dictations in order for the teacher to check the assimilation of the acquired knowledge in the language, in particular in Russian. There are generally accepted requirements:

  • reproduction by a student in a notebook of a text read by a teacher;
  • the child will hear each sentence three times: the first time it is pronounced for familiarization and so that this or that rule appears in memory, the second is for writing, and the third is for checking;
  • in order to write a work of high quality, the student must be able to apply the learned rules in writing, as well as recognize punctuation marks, taking into account the intonation of the teacher;
  • after the teacher has finished reading the entire text, children are given the opportunity to independently re-read what has been written and make corrections, if any.

Factors contributing to poor performance

Parents should understand that dictation can become stressful for a child, because children are able to worry about making the slightest mistakes, and there is a lot of work ahead. However, it must be remembered that the dictations in the school curriculum are selected taking into account the material covered. Not always, even excellent students completely cope with writing test papers. It is quite possible that your child will receive a bad mark. What can influence this?

  1. Features of child psychology. When the question arises of how to teach a child to write a dictation, it is necessary to take into account the predisposition of your child to stressful situations and the ability to overcome them. There are cases when a child who knows all the rules is so worried that he is not able to concentrate and makes the most stupid mistakes. In order to prepare your baby for the upcoming assignment, it is necessary to simulate the conduct of the school dictation at home as often as possible. If there is an opportunity to bring friends of your offspring, sit them nearby and give a task similar to the school one. So, being already in the lesson, it will be much easier for the child to survive the dictation. In addition, some children are worried that they will not be able to cope and will be given a bad grade. Explain to your toddler that you will not scold or punish him for poor grades.
  2. Poor spelling vigilance. In order for children to be better at writing dictations, it is necessary to develop this skill. For this purpose, various exercises are performed, for example, tasks in which it is necessary to put down the missing letters or an analysis of mistakes made by another child or a mother who wrote the wrong dictation in advance.
  3. Keep in mind that not all children write at the same speed. There are known cases of poor grades for dictation due to the fact that the child did not have time to write half of what the teacher read. If you know that your child does not have good motor skills, it is necessary to train him. Ask him home dictations more often. In addition, such children need to be able to instantly apply the rule to words so as not to waste time thinking about how to spell this or that word correctly.
  4. Practice familiarizing the child with different words, this will allow you to write test papers faster and better. For this purpose, you can give to rewrite texts, especially if the baby is dealing with an explanatory or spelling dictionary.

Basic methods

In order to, it is necessary to pay special attention to the study of the rules and the acquisition of this skill with children, from the second to the fourth grade. This period is considered the most favorable for building knowledge. If the question arises of how to teach a child to write 2nd grade dictations, then you can go in several ways.

  1. Practice writing this type of job at home.
  2. Give the child additional exercises, taking into account the learned rules.
  3. Allow to rewrite text from a book, preferably one in which there are vocabulary words or studied spelling.
  4. The child should read as often as possible, preferably aloud. Thus, both visual perception and his hearing will work.
  5. Learn by playing. You can write rules or vocabulary words on separate cards and hang them around the child's room. Now ask him the task to explain what is written on this or that card.
  6. Dictate several sentences to each other in turn, now exchange notebooks and check. The child will definitely like to feel like a teacher.
  7. Motivation. It is important to explain to your child why it is so necessary to have competent speech and correct spelling.

Preparing for the work ahead

To understand how to teach a child to write dictations without mistakes, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of home preparation.

The teacher is warned in advance that a test will be carried out in the next lesson. The teacher also informs about the upcoming topic. If your child is attentive and writes it down, it will be easier to prepare for the work ahead. If "your student" forgot to do this, then you can flip through the previous paragraphs of the textbook. Dictations are written either on the last few topics or for a whole semester, a year. If you are very worried, then you can contact the teacher and clarify which spelling will be aimed at the upcoming dictation.

When all the questions have been resolved, you need to proceed to the following:

  • repeat the rules with the child;
  • analyze examples on the topic;
  • let your child independently select several options with the studied rule;
  • dictate four to five sentences to the child so that he remembers what type of work he will be dealing with;
  • repeat learned vocabulary words;
  • give your son or daughter a task similar to those they are asked in class after writing the dictation itself;
  • now it's time to conduct a study of the mistakes made by the child and their analysis;
  • the task of parents is to pay special attention to the moments that are difficult for the child, they do not need to be missed;
  • you can also offer to write off the text, literally from several sentences, just select one in which there will be spells known to him;
  • when cheating, the child should comment on why he writes in this way and not otherwise, that is, reproduce the rules aloud;
  • remind your child that the mark can be lowered also for sloppy spelling and dirty corrections. Show how you can carefully cross out an error in a word with a pencil and write the correct version.

Dictation day

  1. While writing, you should not be distracted by extraneous sounds or actions.
  2. The child should be focused only on the teacher.
  3. If you carefully listen to the teacher's pronunciation, you can easily identify in which places you need to place punctuation marks.
  4. It must be remembered that the first time the teacher reads so that the children can listen, think about the writing of this or that word and the placement of signs, and the second time they dictate so that the students can reproduce what they have heard on the page of their notebooks.
  5. When in doubt, do not look into the adjacent notebook. It is quite possible that the neighbor's letter was misspelled, while yours was correct.
  6. Do not forget to re-read what you have written. It is not always possible to see the mistake made the first time. If this is noticed, correct it carefully.

Why work on errors is needed

I'll tell you from personal experience. My son terribly disliked spelling and spelling mistakes. He always resisted it, and sometimes did not even want to admit that he needed to do this kind of work.

  1. Parents should understand that working on mistakes made can improve the quality of thinking and improve the knowledge of the child.
  2. If the baby repeatedly writes words in which a mistake was made, motor memory is developed and the chances are increased that he will not do it again in the same word.
  3. It is important that children ask how a particular word is spelled if they have doubts about it. Thus, it will definitely be deposited in their head.

When oral speech suffers, everything is clear, a speech therapist is required. When written speech suffers - it takes ... what? Severe punishment for lack of diligence? Or "should you just teach better," as liberal parents say?

Sometimes it's better to teach. And sometimes - and teach, and a little bit of treatment. And in general, you will have to contact a speech therapist (yes, and with a written speech too) so that he can figure out whether an ambulance speech therapy is needed. Some parents are very surprised when they are advised at school to check with a speech therapist. And they are even more surprised when a speech therapist advises to work out. And in no case use a belt and other medieval methods of influencing a person. Another speech therapist says the word - dysgraphia, which means a disorder of writing.

Dysgraphia diagnostics

By what signs can you guess that a child has dysgraphia? First of all - if he makes mistakes when writing ... let's say, strange. They are not related to breaking grammar rules. It is impossible to find rules for these errors. There are mistakes in completely innocent words, the spelling of which does not allow for ambiguity.

Instead of "house" writes "don" or "volume", instead of "for" writes "dyal", instead of "cat" - "who", instead of "came" - "sat down", "squirrel" turns into "bloka" and so Further. The child may not finish writing words, insert extra letters or skip them.

One 11-year-old boy wrote during the examination: "The girl hid in the same direction." The phrase was dictated to him: "The squirrel hid in a hollow." When asked how, they say, we write prepositions, the sufferer answered correctly - "separately." He knows the rule, but in practice he cannot apply it.

But this child is not bad, not stupid, he is very nice. It's just hard for him to write. Only special exercises and self-confidence can help.

Dysgraphics often have very poor handwriting - small or very large, illegible. It is difficult for a child to observe the line, words drive into the fields, on top of each other, slide off the line or suddenly fly over it, the word is free birds. Also, young dysgraphs do not finish the endings. They can write in a mirror image, turning the letters over, they may not add individual elements of the letter or add unnecessary ones.

When a child is just learning to write, he may still have such strange mistakes at the very beginning of learning, but they quickly fade away. And dysgraphic is very slow to master the correct writing. One gets the feeling that he is uncomfortable with writing, he does not like to do it. And indeed it is. Often the very volume of what needs to be learned, read, and written is scary to the student. And when they are also scolded for failures, their hands are completely discarded.

Dysgraphia treatment

Better not to try to deal with all the problems at once. You have to choose one - and focus on it. For example, a child confuses b-p, d-t, and also confuses prepositions with prefixes. If you take on everything right away, the amount of work can be daunting. But if you try to cope only with bp, and then draw the attention of the schoolboy, that, they say, there are fewer mistakes, then you can wake up enthusiasm. And then the fight for universal literacy will go much more fun.

A speech therapist in a polyclinic will be able, upon a timely visit (at three years old, at five years old and in front of the school itself), to determine if there are speech therapy problems, which will then come back to haunt, if necessary, will advise special classes. A neuropsychologist and neuropathologist can join a speech therapist.

Often at the reception I have to see very sad children. They frown when they are asked to write a dictation, they immediately admit that they "study badly." Then, to cheer them up, I begin to remember various famous people who were also not friendly with writing and reading. Maybe a modern child will not be interested in learning that Sergei Rachmaninov, Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein, most likely, were also dysgraphics, but I think almost any boy will be moved by the information that the great Neo, the winner of the terrible Smith agents from "The Matrix ", also had a hard time coping with letters and words in childhood. Well, rather, the actor Keanu Reeves. I usually tell girls about Agatha Christie. Despite the fact that the creator Poirot and Miss Marple studied poorly and wrote with mistakes, she became a famous writer. The main thing is to believe in yourself.

Briefly about the main thing

Dysgraphia is a specific and persistent violation of the writing process, caused by deviations from the norm in the activity of those analyzers and mental processes that provide writing.

The disorder occurs in both children and adults. In children, the defeat or underdevelopment of the corresponding parts of the cortex is most often associated with the pathology of pregnancy or childbirth in the mother, trauma.

Symptoms: specific and repetitive mistakes in writing, not related to ignorance of grammar rules. The peculiarity of these mistakes is as follows: they are allowed where the spelling of words does not seem to cause any difficulties.

Five types of dysgraphia

1. Articulatory-acoustic form of dysgraphia

The child writes as he hears. If all sounds are not delivered by the school period, problems with writing may arise.

For example, a child replaces "p" with "l" in oral speech. And he writes instead of "rum" - "scrap", instead of "gunpowder" - "polokh". Or, if the sound is completely absent in speech, it can be skipped altogether. For example, write "koshun" instead of "kite".

2. Acoustic form of dysgraphia

The child can pronounce all sounds cleanly, but at the same time replaces the letters denoting phonetically similar sounds. On the letter, pairs of letters d-t, b-p, zh-w, v-f, g-k or s-sh, z-z, h-sh, h-t, c-t, c-s are most often mixed ...

3. Dysgraphia on the basis of violation of language analysis and synthesis

Most often occurs in children with writing impairments. With this form of dysgraphia, children skip letters and syllables, rearrange them, do not add words, write prepositions together or separately prefixes. Sometimes you can find such a violation as contamination: when syllables from different words are found in a word. For example, "crabs" are crab sticks.

4. Agrammatic dysgraphia

As the name implies, it is associated with the underdevelopment of the grammatical structure of speech. There are no grammar rules for such a child. Harmonization of nouns and adjectives, nouns and verbs suffers ("Masha fled", "blue coat").

5. Optical dysgraphia

The elements that form the letters are few in number: mainly sticks, circles, hooks ... But they are combined in different ways in space, forming different letters. But for a child who has insufficiently formed visual-spatial representations, visual analysis and synthesis, it is difficult to grasp the differences between the letters. Either he will add an extra stick to t, then he will not add a hook to w.

If the child does not catch the subtle differences between the letters, then this will certainly lead to difficulties in mastering the outline of the letters and to their incorrect depiction in writing.

Forewarned - almost forearmed

It is better to prevent dysgraphia at an early age, without waiting for problems in the second or third grade, and the child will have an aversion to learning. You should look at both the child, closely observe the process of mastering written speech:

  1. if the child attended a speech therapy kindergarten;
  2. if there was a delay in speech development in 2-3 years;
  3. if the child has problems with memory and attention;
  4. if the child left-handed or a retrained left-hander;
  5. if the child has had head injuries;
  6. if by the age of seven the violations of sound pronunciation have not been corrected.


OK! All clear!. Tell me, is it possible to correct these violations at the age of 10? Just answer yes or no. There is no need to ask and ask questions, why haven't you studied before and what else is it !!!

Hello Larisa111!
I really want your article, my son suffers from dysgraphia, at school they completely showered with deuces and the gap is not visible.

There are good notebooks and albums for dysgraphia correction
ID "Litera", "GNOM I D", etc.
"To young clever men and clever men" O. Kholodov (Computer science, logic, mathematics - 1st grade) - also very good aids for training spelling vigilance, phonemic hearing (dictation according to the manual).

I can’t say that I “finished” with dysgraphia 100%, but there are some successes. No longer confuses letters. Errors usually appear due to haste, due to carelessness. Now we are fighting for handwriting, so that letters can be written quickly, but at the same time they remain understandable and more or less accurate. And in other subjects, you constantly need to additionally explain, "pull up", train spelling, solving problems and examples in a column ... Based on my experience (I am just a mother, not a specialist, experience - only my son with dysgraphia and books from the Internet) wrote an article HOW we fought with her, WHAT exercises we did. Anyone interested?

To defeat dysgraphia requires a lot of time, a lot of patience, exercises to train spelling vigilance and phonemic hearing.

09.10.2012 11:34:00, Larisa111

To study with a teacher additionally, if the child is in the third grade, and in the fifth grade too. At home, writing more little dictations and reading more - this develops visual memory.

Sorry, I did not rate the usefulness correctly. I accidentally poked one apple, but I wanted 5. The article is useful, it inspires hope.

And we were engaged with a speech therapist and knows the rules inside and out, but cannot write. We are 13 years old, I don't know what to do - tears ...

And if it's too late - and a child in the third grade skips syllables - go to a speech therapist again, what should children who are already schoolchildren do? have general recommendations? read more?

Comment on the article "Dysgraphia: When a Child Writes with Errors"

Writes ... my God! This is not "bad", this is a horrible horror! Error on error, and the most elementary ones ... I can answer as a mother of a child who, by the middle of the 2nd grade, "suddenly" developed a terrible dysgraphia. In the 1st grade, the child wrote very slowly, letter by ...

Dysgraphia: when a child writes with mistakes. When a child is just learning to write, he may still have such strange mistakes at the very beginning of learning, but they quickly fade away. school for a child with dyslexia and CRD.

While treating a child's cold, mothers may come across erroneous recommendations that not only will not help the baby recover, but sometimes even are dangerous to his health. We propose to consider the most common mistakes and misconceptions in the treatment of respiratory infections in children. "The temperature must be brought down urgently." The increase in body temperature is a protective reaction of the child's body, the purpose of which is to destroy the infection. Knocking down the temperature already at ...

This video will change your ideas about the origin of school problems and the catastrophic illiteracy of Russian youth. Parents, colleagues, be sure to watch it to the end! The statistics in the study are as follows: Only 30% of 11th grade graduates can read. Reading refers to the ability to understand what has been read. That is, 70% of children graduate from school not being able to comprehend the text they have read. There is a short test at the end of the lecture. You will learn how modern school methods ...

Dyslexia exists only in a society where there is a written language. No writing, no dyslexia. Dyslexia is broadly defined as a persistent selective learning disability. But Russian speech therapy, unfortunately, looks at dyslexia narrowly - as an inability to read. All domestic methods for correcting dyslexia proceed from the child's lack of formation of higher mental functions, language skills, phonemic hearing, etc., they try to form these functions, and even sometimes ...

Dysgraphia: when a child writes with mistakes. When a child is just learning to write, he may still have such strange mistakes at the very beginning of learning, but they quickly fade away. school for a child with dyslexia and CRD.

🔹 In the first months after birth, the baby spends all his time with his mother, he needs her for full development. Mom leans over to the baby, looks into the face, gently coos with him, intuitively choosing the right way to communicate. It is important that the mother constantly talks to the child, hums to him: A-ah! NS! So that the baby can see the mother's face, see her articulation. 🔹 Talk to your child about everything, comment on all your actions: “Here mom took the bottle. Mom poured into ...

“It is incorrect to say that children began to read less than their parents at their age,” says school psychologist Natalya Yevsikova, “they just read other literature.” Does this mean that we worry in vain? “By forcing children to read, parents often go too far and easily“ get a taste ”,” continues Natalya Evsikova. - Parental pressure, as a rule, begins at the same time as the beginning of first grade, but gradually the coercive relationship style becomes ...

Dysgraphia: when a child writes with mistakes. When a child is just learning to write, he may still have such strange mistakes at the very beginning of learning, but they quickly fade away. school for a child with dyslexia and CRD.

Conference "School and additional education for children". Section: Teachers (dysgraphia individual training at school). I also write dictations and essays with a bunch of mistakes, but there are other tasks: to answer the rules, exercises where you have to substitute the word in the right one ...

Anyone who has encountered THIS knows how many problems arise in all subjects at school and HOW it is difficult to solve them. There is a LOT of problems, why? to start and HOW ?. These questions tormented me a lot, about 2 years ago, when my kinder was in the 2nd grade. I read very slowly, copied words by 3 mistakes in a word, did not pronounce at least 9 consonant letters. The milk teeth fell out, and the permanent ones "lingered" for the WHOLE SCHOOL year, that is. "we got out already in the summer. If the story of my war with dysgraphia is interesting, take a look at my ...

Clever thoughts, so as not to get lost, decided to write down in the DIARY. And from foreign articles on the topic "Dysgraphia and dyslexia" also clever thoughts in the same place (like a squirrel in a hollow), maybe they will prompt something clever. [link-1]

Hello! Tell me what to do: my son is 7 years old, here I told my grandmother that he sometimes doesn’t want to live, when my mother hurts me (I’ll shout for something or slap), I sit in the room, and I have a voice in my head “kill yourself ", you can, after all, jump from the roof or from the stairs (we have a Swedish house wall) to jump onto something sharp ... Grandma says to him" Dimochka, you will die then ", and he answers her:" Grandma, but the soul will remain "... I am in shock how to speak correctly and save my son from these thoughts ...

My son is April, now in 4th grade. Inattention, poor memory. At school, he is interested ONLY friends, homework (homework) in some last place, after games and entertainment with friends, a computer. We are struggling with dysgraphia (grade 1-2 - IT was a NIGHTMARE and HORROR) is now easier. But, at the end of the 4th "State final certification" in language, reading, mathematics, you need to prepare him both morally and knowledge, skills to "save", train, check. There is still a lot of work to do.

dysgraphia and English. School. A child from 7 to 10. The speech therapist answers perfectly, but how he starts to write ... The mistakes are classic for dysgraphics: There is a ljustra hanging on the ceiling, a catnip is playing with a shredder, Vova is tarrying flowers.

A 9-year-old son is suspected of dysgraphia. Has anyone faced this problem? What exercises are there?

Conference with Yulia Borisovna Zhikhareva, a psychologist-defectologist at the MEDSI II Children's Clinical Diagnostic Center 1. My 3-year-old daughter speaks very badly. Should I start taking her to a speech therapist? Yes! You must first of all come for a consultation with a speech therapist, who will make a conclusion: what and why? After that, you will discuss the need for speech therapy classes with a speech therapist. 2. My daughter is 4.5 years old. Constantly says "I did", "I took a walk", in short he confuses the feminine and masculine gender. Your ...

Dysgraphia: when a child writes with mistakes. When a child is just learning to write, he may still have such strange mistakes at the very beginning of learning, but they quickly fade away. school for a child with dyslexia and CRD.

Is dysgraphia curable? School problems. A child from 10 to 13. You can learn to write and read with dyslexia and dysgraphia (using special methods), and even Skipping a letter is considered a mistake, mirror spelling is also, in my opinion, what can a daughter be like?

Analyzing the life of a person in the 21st century, one might think that it is not at all necessary to be literate. The world is not what it used to be. The question arises: do today's children need to be literate, and how can you develop a love of language in children?

If you were asked what the word literacy means, what would you answer? Is it writing and reading? In fact, the word "literacy" is more extensive in itself and means the degree of a person's proficiency in reading and writing in their native language. The highest degree of literacy for a person is the knowledge not only of his own language, but also of the languages ​​of other countries of the world.

Remember the history of the development of civilization. Not every parent could afford to teach the art of reading and writing to their child or send him to school. Unfortunately, there were not many literate people. But with every goth, the desire to learn their language, write and read books appeared in more people.

Now we have literate educated people. We send our children to school and university. But is it possible to live in the modern world without, for example, competent spelling and pronunciation of words or clearly structured sentences?

Do you need literacy?

Many mothers on the Internet complain about their children, because children, in turn, believe that it is not necessary to study well at school. In fact, this is the usual laziness that some teachers instill in their unwillingness to lead the lesson in an interesting way and discuss important topics and problems for schoolchildren. Much depends on how the teacher loves his profession and treats children. For example, children assimilate information better if it is presented in the form of a game, where everyone can feel their role through a life, real example.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of such teachers who are out of place. But how to make sure that from the very childhood the child perceives information well and tries to remember it?

Raising a love of language and literacy directly depends on the parents themselves.

How to teach a child to love the language?

Have you ever met families in which children and parents speak Belarusian? Of course we did, but you must admit that this is a great rarity. From childhood, such parents try to show their children that they need to love their homeland, language and be literate. Some families try to teach their children Russian and English from an early age, but they don't really care about Belarusian.

It is not necessary to teach your child the Belarusian language, but try to make sure that your child at least falls in love with the Russian language, reads Russian fairy tales with pleasure and understands what a rich language he is mastering.

Stages of preparing a child for spelling

Instill a love for the language from an early age. Play games that develop thinking with your toddler. Show pictures of animals, call them by their proper names, and let the child at least visually remember what this or that animal looks like and, of course, what it is called.

Today, every mother can buy an educational toy for a child in any store. Whether it's a constructor or an ordinary typewriter. While playing, the child grasps more the words that you say to him during the game.

For very young children, you can buy an easel on which they will draw with chalk or felt-tip pens, and learn to write. Small children perceive magnets best of all, so magnets with different letters are suitable for a child, which in the future he will definitely add into words.

Read as many interesting fairy tales as possible with your children. Moreover, if the child has already learned to read, let him try to read you a fairy tale, and then retell what he saw.

Young children, most likely, do not understand what they are being told about; they can look at the pictures in the book and remember what is drawn there. When the child grows up a little, read fairy tales to him on his own, without using audio.

The child has grown up - we learn to write

Should I teach my child to write letters and words at a young age? Everything, of course, depends on you. Many teachers believe that it is better to let teachers and educators try to teach children to write beautifully and correctly. But, if you still decide to teach your baby how to write, start from the most important stage - teach you how to sit and hold the handle.

Remember, your child's back should be straight. Teach your kid sit right and stick to this position when he is busy drawing or writing.

The next important step is to teach your child hold the pen correctly or a pencil in hand. Make sure that the child is comfortable and after a while his hands do not hurt.

Next - teach your child coordinate the work of the hands, forearms and arms while writing. Learning can begin with such simple activities, because the child, first of all, must learn to sit correctly, hold a pen in his hands and move it while spelling.

When your baby learns to do these three things at the same time, without hesitation - calmly start learning letters and numbers. Why is it so important? Because if a child sits correctly, holds a pen well in his hands and coordinates his movements, then his handwriting will be beautiful and understandable.

In addition, from a very young age, monitor the child's posture, because it is at this age that you can correct and ensure that the child does not bend and injure his back.

Do not yell at the child if something does so, help him understand what is right and what is wrong. Psychologists also advise that it is best to find a comfortable body position together with the child, then you will make fewer comments, and the child will be comfortable, and he will think about what he is writing.

How to write correctly?

Back in 1879, the French Hygienic Society established the basic rules - the key to successful and beautiful handwriting. Scientists argued that a child must sit upright, not leaning on the table with his elbows, and hold the notebook with his left hand (if the child is right-handed). In this case, the handwriting will be beautiful, and the letters will be tilted, thanks to this arrangement of the notebook and hands.

Now that the child has learned to sit correctly, let's proceed to the possible options for teaching literate writing.

The golden thing is right for every parent - try to conduct dictations at home as often as possible. It is in them that the child perceives words by ear, and then reinforces his new knowledge with visual perception.

Scientists have found several more ways to help make any child literate. The famous linguist, Dmitry Ivanovich Tikhomirov, found the most suitable way to teach children to write correct. He believed that parents should enable the child to read the words as they see them, that is teach children spelling reading. This means that any text consists of sentences, those - of words, words - of syllables, individual sound units of the word. In order for a child to learn to read the whole word, he must first learn to pronounce it in syllables. When a child has learned to read syllables, he can pronounce the whole word. After the child knows the words, try to return him to syllables and teach him how to write the words that he recently uttered.

After a while, you will definitely notice that the child not only quickly grasps new words, but also writes them extremely competently.

In addition, educators believe that the words read and written are best read aloud... Every mistake will cut the ear, because if the letter is out of place, it is immediately noticeable.

It is best to devote to reading and spelling in syllables 5 to 10 minutes a day. You can decide for yourself when and at what time it is best to do this.

A useful activity will also be reading words in a spelling dictionary... Teachers advise reading and memorizing about 10-15 new words every day.

The best way to strengthen the literacy that your child will acquire every day is by reading classical Russian literature. Turgenev, Tolstoy and Bunin will give your child more words in stock, many of which will help him navigate in life and grow up as a well-read and interesting interlocutor.

Dear Readers! How are your children doing with literacy? What methods can help you fight illiteracy? Share your experience in the comments.

Schooling almost always involves a lot of effort. Moreover, both on the part of the child and his responsible parents. And one of the fundamental points for a student for all his school years (and not only) is the ability to write correctly.

However, as important as this skill is, it is just as difficult to develop. Errors in the notebooks of a student of any class do not surprise anyone. However, if they are repeated over and over again, this becomes a cause for concern for parents and teachers.

In this case, it is important to find out why literacy suffers: is it only the child's lack of attentiveness and perseverance that is to blame, or does the reason have a medical explanation?

What is dysgraphia?

Today, children are increasingly diagnosed with dysgraphia. This is a disorder in which the child is unable to learn writing skills. At the same time, he may know the rules of the Russian language by heart, but when it comes to practice, the student cannot write without mistakes.

Dysgraphia is expressed by the following "symptoms" for which one should be alert:

  • the child writes unnecessary elements of letters or, conversely, does not add letters;
  • some letters and numbers are written in mirror image;
  • letters are often missing in words;
  • in writing, the child rearranges the syllables in places;
  • letters are repeated in the word ("lalina" instead of "raspberry", etc.);
  • there may be no spaces between words, periods between sentences;
  • the lines often continue beyond the margins of the notebook.

If such phenomena are systematic, it will not be possible to master an error-free letter in a short time. However, the situation is fixable. If the mistakes are of a different nature, the fault is the baby's inattention, which will also be dealt with over time.

How to help a student write correctly with dysgraphia?

If you suspect that a child has such a disorder, you should first of all contact a good speech therapist.

When confirming the diagnosis, the parents have to do painstaking work:

"Magic dictation"

You can teach your child not to miss letters using the Magic Dictation game. Before you write a phrase of 3-4 words, you need to determine (tap) how many syllables there are in each of them, and fix each with a dash. In the next step, not syllables are indicated, but letters - by dots.

Mastering vocabulary words

If the child is not given vocabulary words, you can try to make a story out of them with him: the parent dictates the sequence of words to the child, and he comes up with a plot with them, pronouncing the correct spelling by syllables.

The sequence is then dictated again and a self-test is performed. You can also resort to drawing, highlighting the spelling (for example, the sun with the letter "l" inside).

"Foreign reading"

No less effective is the "Foreign Reading" method, in which the child must read 5-15 minutes a day (depending on age) spelling, that is, as it is written ("Give a cow's milk"). This is how the visual images of the words are fixed. For such reading, it is best to use a spelling dictionary.

"Pencil" dictations and cheating

Arrange for the kid with dysgraphia "pencil" dictations and cheating: let the child write with a pencil, then he checks each word himself and erases the wrong letters with an eraser, entering the necessary ones. As a result, you will get a clean and competent text, which will be an excellent motivation for the student.

In addition to these exercises, there are many others. They are aimed not only at developing the skill of correct writing, but also at stimulating the brain in general, which has a beneficial effect on the student's academic performance.

Among them:

  • games with constructor and puzzles,
  • sewing on buttons,
  • weaving from beads and beads,
  • drawing miniatures,
  • burning out - in general, everything that develops fine motor skills and makes both hemispheres of the brain work.

How can I help my child cope with inattention?

As we have already found out, not all schoolchildren make mistakes in their notebooks due to dysgraphia, most of them receive bad grades in writing due to banal carelessness. It is not worth scolding children for this, but it is necessary to correct the situation.

In this case, games and exercises to develop the child's attention come to the rescue.

Here is some of them:


Offer your baby to be a proofreader. At first, give the child the task to find a certain letter in the text and mark it. For older students, you can prepare a text with errors and ask to correct them, along the way pronouncing the rules of the Russian language, according to which this or that letter should be written.

So in the child's memory both the rule itself and the correct spelling of the word will be fixed. Such correction of texts written earlier by the student himself gives a good effect.

Games for changing the composition of objects and logic

Games like “What has changed?”: The child looks at a sequence of objects (drawings, toys, etc.) for some time, then turns away, and the parent removes one object or rearranges the objects. The kid-player will have to determine what has changed.

All kinds of board games for logic: walkers, chess, checkers and backgammon, even "sea battle" - all of them will give a positive result. Puzzles and constructors are also good.

In addition, attention and writing skills can be developed in a child in other ways. The most important of these is reading. Read together, syllabically and fluently, regularly, with interest. On walks, notice signs and announcements, price tags, determine if there are errors on them.

In addition to reading and exercise, it is certainly important for the student to organize the correct diet and daily routine, outdoor games, dancing or sports. All this will keep the brain in good shape, while not straining it unnecessarily, which means that it will be faster to teach a child to write without mistakes.