How to care for a newborn. Daily and weekly baby care from birth to one year old. Preterm newborn care

Mothers who have given birth to their first child are sometimes terribly confused: preparing for the appearance of a baby and caring for him raise so many questions that you just do not know where to run and what to do. There is no need for anxiety and despair, because the newly-made parents already have enough reasons for worrying. This article contains the main rules and tips for caring for a newborn, so it can be safely used as an instruction on all issues of concern to parents.

Preparing "dowry" for the child

There is a superstition that it is impossible to buy something for an unborn child, therefore some mothers do not specially prepare "dowry" for children. These are just prejudices. For future parents and all relatives, it is a real pleasure to go shopping, choosing tiny hats and undershirts. The preparation of the "dowry" helps the expectant mother to tune in to early motherhood. In addition, when the baby is born, there will be such a commotion that it will be simply impossible for the baby to choose, wash and stack things calmly. So, what needs to be prepared for the appearance of the crumbs:

  • Diapers (In total, they will need about 20-25. The ratio of thin and warm diapers is determined based on what time of year the baby is born. By the way, knitted diapers are very comfortable: they are very soft, stretch well and fit the body).
  • Blouses or bodysuits (Undershirts without fasteners are no longer relevant, since they are not comfortable. It is best to buy several blouses with a button or ties and several bodysuits).
  • One-piece overalls (one insulated overalls will be enough for the first time, and you can buy several thin ones).
  • Hats (The most convenient knitted hats without strings. 2 thin and one warm are enough).
  • Socks (Soft knitted socks will come in handy even in the warm season. You can safely buy 4-5 pairs).
  • Warm woolen blanket.
  • Biker blanket or blanket.

Some purchases can be left for later and, if necessary, entrusted to their grandmothers. These include, for example, anti-scratch mittens. Not all children resist cutting marigolds, so mittens may not be useful. Another purchase from this series is a pillow. Babies up to one year old can sleep without a pillow, using a folded diaper instead.

In addition to things, you need to prepare a first aid kit for the appearance of the baby:

  • Baby oil for treating folds (you can do with sterile vegetable oil),;
  • A pipette, hydrogen peroxide, a bottle of brilliant green for treating the umbilical wound;
  • Zinc ointment for rashes and diaper rash;
  • Bathing herbs, potassium permanganate;
  • , a hot water bottle with cherry pits, carminative drugs (, and others ()) in case of colic;
  • Wet wipes, cotton pads, sterile cotton wool, spout rinse - for hygiene procedures.
  • Antipyretic (better in suppositories), antihistamine (Fenistil) ().
  • Absorbent diapers and diapers for newborns.

According to the situation, it will be possible to buy powder.

Something for Mom

After being discharged from the hospital, mom will also need some things that need to be bought in advance:

  • Bepanten cream for cracked nipples.
  • Absorbent breast pads.
  • Comfortable underwear for feeding.
  • Sanitary napkins (either special post-natal, or regular, but with maximum absorbency).
  • Postpartum bandage (for better abdominal muscle recovery).
  • Breast pads for breastfeeding ().
  • Breast pump ().

If in everyday life everything is ready for the appearance - it's time to figure out and master the basic procedures that a young mother will have to perform daily and more than once.

Morning toilet: wash eyes, clean nose

In the morning, it is imperative to treat the umbilical wound. To do this, drop a few drops of hydrogen peroxide into the wound with a clean pipette. Peroxide begins to foam, separating the crusts and "carrying" them to the surface. We remove these crusts with a clean cotton swab, and then apply brilliant green to the wound with another stick ().

Changing the diaper

Most modern mums prefer to use disposable diapers. A baby has to change a disposable diaper about 10 times a day: a baby should not be in one diaper for more than 3-4 hours, and besides that, a diaper needs to be changed every time after the baby has pooped. The second point, moreover, must be performed even at night, because the feces are not absorbed by the diaper and greatly irritate the skin.

Before changing the diaper, the baby should be washed. If he gets wet - with soap, if not - with warm water from the tap (if it is not possible to wash it, wipe it with damp wipes). If there is irritation, you can apply a diaper cream on the skin, if not, just let the skin dry.

It is imperative to take care of the umbilical wound and make sure that the fastener of the diaper does not rub it. There are special diapers for newborns with a notch in the place of the navel. If you are using others, fold the edge of the diaper or cover your navel with a piece of sterile bandage.

Let's go for a walk

If the child is healthy, you can walk with him from the first day of life. Regarding children's walks, the rule is "nature has no bad weather." You can only cancel a walk if there is severe frost, abnormal heat or other extreme weather conditions outside. In bad weather, you can carry the cradle with the baby to the balcony.

Usually babies sleep in a stroller, so the mother can choose the time for a walk at her discretion. It is better to start walking from 30-40 minutes, gradually increasing the walking time. Over time, you can walk up to 4-6 hours a day, dividing this time into 2 "runs".

After bathing

After bathing, you also need to carry out some procedures:

  • Treat the umbilical wound exactly as we did in the morning.
  • Trim the marigolds until they are soft with water.
  • Wipe all wrinkles with oil (including the area behind the ears - crusts often form there).

We watch the video of how the baby is bathed:

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn't think that the problem of stretch marks would touch me, but I will also write about it))) But there is nowhere to go, so I am writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method will help you too ...

We go to bed

Most babies on HBV fall asleep with their breast. You can rock the baby in your arms, and then gently transfer it to the crib. The experience of mothers shows that it is better to swaddle babies for sleep: so their own movements do not cause them any anxiety, they are not afraid of their own arms or legs. By the way, it is better for a newborn baby to buy a bassinet, not a crib. A limited space is more comfortable for a baby than a spacious bed that is not commensurate with his body.

The room must be ventilated before going to bed. It is believed that where the baby sleeps - about 20 degrees.

You cannot put the baby to sleep on its back - in a dream, the baby can spit up and choke on vomit. To prevent the baby from rolling over on his back, having laid him on the side, prop his back with a small pillow or rolled up blanket. The position of the sleeping baby needs to be changed periodically, shifting it from one side to the other. This is necessary so that the bones of the skull do not deform.

The most popular questions for young mothers

An anxious young mother flinches from every sneeze of her baby and falls into confusion in front of many unfamiliar phenomena. Let's try to deal with the most common questions of young mothers.

Strange color and dryness of baby skin

The skin of a newly born baby may have a reddish, yellowish tint. The first is associated with a very thin layer of subcutaneous fat: the red tint is the blood vessels visible through the skin. Yellowness () is a consequence of the increased content of bilirubin and goes away when the liver begins to work more actively.

Baby hiccups

Many babies begin to hiccup in the stomach. Usually, hiccups in babies are due to excess air trapped in the stomach during feeding. The best way to get rid of it is to abuse the baby in a "column" and massage the tummy ( ).

The baby spits up

Regurgitation is a consequence of the underdevelopment of the digestive system and a special children's mechanism of "fight" against overeating. As a preventive measure, make sure that the baby (so he does not swallow excess air), and keep him "column" after feeding. In general, regurgitation is not nearly dangerous. Normally, once a day, a child can even vomit like a "fountain". If this happens more often and regurgitation continues for more than 6 months, you need to contact a neurologist ( ).

The child sneezes and coughs

If there are no signs of a cold at the same time (runny nose, high temperature), these are natural reflexes of the body's self-cleansing of mucus in the throat and nose.

How to dress your child

The body of the crumbs still poorly retains heat and maintains a constant temperature. This must be taken into account both at home and on the street. Overcooking a child can easily overheat, and leaving undressed - on the contrary, overcool. The main dressing rule for a baby is to dress like yourself + one layer of clothing.

Clothes for the baby should be made from natural fabrics, have a comfortable design and secure fasteners. It is best to choose blouses and overalls that can be easily put on without twisting the arms and legs of the child or pushing the head into a narrow neck. All fittings (buttons, buttons) must be of high quality and securely sewn so that the little one cannot tear off and swallow a small piece of clothing.

How to know if a child is warm

The temperature of the arms and legs in this matter does not say anything, because they are often cool in babies due to poor thermoregulation. To understand if the child is warm, you need to touch his neck: if it is cool, it is better to dress the baby warmer.

Can I give my baby a pacifier?

If there are plans for successful and long-term breastfeeding, it is better not, in any case, months to 6, until lactation is fully established. The nipple confuses the baby, he begins to confuse his mother's breast and its silicone substitutes, and may refuse to breast altogether. In addition, it is believed that nipple sucking is bad for bite formation. Read

Together with a newborn child, a special atmosphere of tenderness, care, joy and pleasant excitement appears in the house. The baby requires special care and attention, so many young parents do not know how to behave with a newborn at home, how to care for him, so fragile and vulnerable.

In contact with

The first days of life

After birth, the newborn is not yet able to understand what is happening and how to behave.

Parents note that even the gaze of a baby in the first month of life is, as it were, directed into another dimension, into unknown distances, where adults cannot look.

What to do with a baby after birth , how to provide due care and leaving in the first days and months... We will tell you everything about newborns from birth to the first month of life.

The first days after the hospital are the most exciting for mom and next of kin. What a child feels after birth, let's take a closer look at his emotional sphere.

The first days of a newborn's life can be briefly described as follows:

  1. Complete abstraction from everything that happens around.
  2. Lack of reaction to the people around him.

This situation is often frightening and alarming for young parents who for the first time felt the joy of motherhood and fatherhood. But don't be upset. This state of the baby is considered quite normal in the first days after the hospital, very little time will pass, and the baby will happily smile at his mother, show his love in every possible way and demand attention.

In the meantime, only take care of the babyand wait patiently. In the first days and even weeks, newborn babies still do not see anything around, they cannot focus their gaze on a specific object or person. This is due to the fact that the visual organs are not yet fully developed, and the whole organism is just tuning in to new living conditions.

After all, inside the mother's womb, it was not at all like that. The embryo was constantly in the amniotic fluid, even its movements and itself did not yet feel the way it did in real life.

In utero, the baby was, as it were, in a state of weightlessness, movements were limited, the system of nutrition and digestion also worked in a completely different mode.

All necessary nutrients were supplied through the blood. And after birth, there is a lot to learn and get used to.

And in the first days and weeks, the baby needs to immediately understand himself, and then everything that is happening around him.

The newborn learns to breathe, moves involuntarily and is often afraid of his own movements, because everything around is new and unknown. Even a wave of your own hand can significantly scare and puzzle the baby.

The baby listens to the sensations within himself and tunes in to a new, completely different life.

First week of lifea newborn is the most responsible for a woman. Every mommy probably noticed that in the first days of birth, the baby feels very cozy and comfortable while bathing in the bath, like a fish in water, this is a natural and natural environment in which you can completely relax, have fun and even sleep peacefully. Everything else needs getting used to and mastering everything new.

In the first days and weeks after birth, ideally, this must be present breast-feeding... No matter how much the formula industry has advanced, no one has yet managed to find the optimal balance of nutrients found in breast milk. And no matter how adapted the formulas are, only Mother Nature can provide that perfectly balanced composition of nutrients in breast milk.

Breast milk is best absorbed and is much easier for a child's body to digest. The sucking reflex is inherent in infants from birth, but feeding newborns in the first days has its own nuances.

After birth, the baby must still learn to adjust to the rate of milk flow from the breast and adapt to swallow it quickly.

Often this is difficult in the first days, and babies quickly get tired of the pace of sucking and swallowing, and as a result, they quickly fall asleep, lose the feeling of satiety and again demand milk with a loud cry.

In the same way, the natural reflex of urination and bowel movements can frighten a child in the first days, because often the baby cries at the same time.

And all the digestive system of the babynot yet fully adjusted and is accompanied by painful sensations in the form of colic. Constipation is also a frequent companion of the period. Up to 3 months, or even 6 months of age, the digestive system will improve and learn to work properly. Thus, pain in the tummy area can often bother, and the baby can only report them by screaming.

Despite the fact that during the neonatal period the baby is only still studying himself and learning to live in new conditions, the emotional connection with the mother during this period is very strong, not realizing that he intuitively needs a close connection with the mother.

Therefore, quite often the baby can cry, being alone in the crib, but as soon as the mother takes him in her arms, he will immediately calm down and calm down.

To help the baby comprehend the world, a caring mother must be next to him, pay maximum attention to the baby.At the expense of the general pastime of mother and child and, in particular, general sleep, the opinions of experts were divided. Some argue that you should not accustom the child to hands and sleep with him, arguing his point of view that in this way the baby will quickly get used to it, and in the future will constantly demand mom's attention, completely preventing her from breathing calmly.

Others, including psychologists, on the contrary, recommend that the mother spend as much time as possible with the child, ensuring peace and comfort.

Then he will grow up more confident in himself, and it will be easier to overcome all obstacles on the path of life.

What opinion is worth listening to depends only on the parents and on the individual characteristics of the baby.

If a newborn is sleeping peacefully in his crib and does not show any signs of anxiety, then maybe you shouldn't unnecessarily accustom him to the hands, the constant presence of his mother.

But if the baby was born restless, he often cries and feels calmer with his mother, it is worth providing him with coziness and comfort, being near... Let's talk about caring for a newborn.

At this age, a baby will be needed:

  1. Feed regularly.
  2. Bathe.
  3. Take care of the delicate baby skin.
  4. Walk in the fresh air.


Feeding newborns in the early days should be administered by the breast. But if it was not possible to establish breastfeeding, then an experienced pediatrician will tell you which mixture is best to choose, taking into account all individual characteristics.

When the question of what to feed the baby is decided, then you should take care of the feeding time.

Previously, all doctors were categorical and allowed to feed every 3 hours (the only exception is if the baby was born prematurely).

Each mother set a feeding schedule for herself with a 3 hour break and strictly adhered to it, regardless of whether such a schedule suits the baby or the number of feedings needs to be increased.

Modern doctors are not so categorical and argue that feeding a baby is not on schedule, but on demand. This may be in three hours, and in two, and even in one hour.

Important!At what intervals to feed, the baby will tell him himself, showing concern.

Young mothers are interested in whether to wake up the baby for feeding or not. This issue is also decided on a purely individual basis. On the one hand, if the baby is weakly gaining weight, asleep at a time when he should already eat, then you can lightly pat his cheek to stir up the sucking reflex and feed. But if the baby is gaining weight well, but sleeps at the expected feeding time, you should not disturb his sleep and feed him after the baby wakes up.


Bathing is an important procedure both for the physical condition of the baby and for the emotional one. Water procedures are simply necessary for delicate and sensitive skin, because the thermoregulation processes in a newborn are not yet established, and he often sweats. Lack of bathing may cause a rash in the form of a prickly rash on the skin.

Important!It is worth bathing the baby in a decoction of herbs or in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. It is not necessary to use baby soap every day; it will be enough to use it 2-3 times a week.

How to take care of your baby

Bathing should be done daily, and on hot summer days, you can 2-3 times a day.

Skin care

Sensitive baby skin requires gentle care. For this, there are special baby powders and creams, they processing of the skin is carried out, especially in places of folds. To prevent skin irritation, clothes and bedding should be made of natural cotton fabrics.

Important!The peculiarity of the child's body is such that it is easier for it to warm itself up than to cool it down, so that excessive wrapping can end, at least, with prickly heat, and as a maximum, with an increase in the baby's body temperature. If the baby freezes a little, he will be able to warm himself up with the help of movements and screaming, and when it is hot, then he cannot help himself.


Fresh air is a prerequisite for growth and strengthening of the immune system. In the warm season, it is necessary to provide the baby with sleep in the fresh air, in the cold season, you should regularly ventilate the nursery and go out with a newborn baby for a walk, at least half an hour. It is unacceptable to keep the child in a stuffy and hot room.

Video: how to care for a newborn

We told you what to do, how to provide care for a newborn baby, what you need to know about it. By adhering to all of the above tips and tricks, you can provide the newborn with the necessary care and attention, and after a month the baby will thank the adults with the first smile.

With the advent of the long-awaited baby, many parents have a need for information about the correct care for him. Especially often there are questions from young mothers about caring for a newborn baby in the first month of life.

It is during this period that the baby needs the most attentive attitude towards himself. The new family member is still completely helpless and completely dependent on others. Everyday careful care, walks and cleanliness will guarantee its full development and good health.

Proper care is very important in the first days of a baby's life. Particular attention should be paid to the baby's skin. To reliably protect it from harmful bacteria, it must always be clean and healthy. The skin is an indicator of changes and condition of the entire child's body.

Caring for a newborn in the first month of life includes:

  • morning toilet;
  • washing, bathing and massage;
  • properly organized sleep;
  • daily walks and keeping the children's room clean.

Such simple actions require the most scrupulous approach from parents. They must keep the tiny man healthy, because he has a long and interesting life ahead of him.

Morning baby toilet

The regime of a newborn in the first month of life will not do without a regular morning toilet. Every baby's day should be started with water procedures. Washing will be the first experience in teaching cleanliness and hygiene. This procedure is convenient to carry out with cotton pads and boiled water. In order for washing to pass without difficulty, it should be started after feeding. First you need to cleanse the eyes, and then the entire face of the baby. A baby nose definitely needs attention. It can be cleaned with special children's cotton swabs lubricated with vaseline oil. Next, the newborn needs to clean the ears using a wet cotton pad, it is necessary to wipe the ears and folds behind the ears. Then the neck, armpits, elbow and knee folds, palms and places between the fingers are washed.

After washing the skin folds of the baby, be sure to lubricate them with oil or baby cream. It is important to fully take care of these places, otherwise they will turn red pretty soon and may become inflamed. It is possible to carry out a toilet using wet wipes only as a last resort, for example, in the absence of access to water, but in no case every day.

Frequent thrush will require parents to daily cleanse the baby's mouth and tongue with a soda solution. To do this, dissolve a spoonful of baking soda in a glass of boiled water. Processing is carried out up to 3 times a day with cotton swabs or tampons.

Treatment of the umbilical wound of the baby

After returning from the maternity ward, the treatment of the umbilical wound of the newborn should continue until the dry residue disappears completely. The procedure is carried out no more than 3 times a day. It is important to stock up on cotton swabs, hydrogen peroxide and greenery in advance. The first step is to treat the wound with peroxide, and then carefully grease it with brilliant green. If it does not heal well and oozes, it is imperative to notify the local pediatrician. In this case, the baby may need to prescribe certain medications.

Washing a baby

It is imperative to wash babies daily. It is especially important to do this after each bowel movement. It is necessary to choose a high-quality detergent that will not dry out and irritate the most delicate baby skin. Do not forget about the use of boiled water during care. After washing, be sure to treat the folds with baby cream, dusting powder or petroleum jelly.

There are some differences in how babies of both sexes are washed. The structure of the female genitals greatly facilitates the penetration of bacteria. Therefore, caring for the girl must be carried out especially carefully. Washing must be done in the direction from the genitals to the anus. This can significantly reduce the penetration and development of infection.

Caring for boys is somewhat easier, you can wash them in different directions. The most important thing is not to neglect children's hygiene and wash as often as possible. It is especially necessary to rinse the area under the testicles and the anal area. Parents in no case need to move the infant's foreskin unnecessarily. Such manipulations can cause him harm and significant discomfort.

Bathing children in comfort

The first successful introduction of the baby to water is very important. The further attitude of the child to water procedures depends on a successful start. Therefore, it must be carried out in the most comfortable conditions.

Bathing is done daily. The first bathing of the baby can be organized after discharge from the maternity hospital. The parents' arsenal must necessarily include:

  • baby bath;
  • water thermometer;
  • potassium permanganate;
  • baby towel;
  • baby cream, powder and petroleum jelly;
  • means for treating the umbilical wound;
  • cotton buds;
  • light cap and socks;
  • diapers.

Before the umbilical wound heals, it is important to use only boiled water. The baby bath must be well washed and the water temperature must not exceed 37 ° C. A little potassium permanganate must be added to the water. As a result, it should take on a pale pink hue.

The first bath of the newborn should last no more than 5 minutes. There should be a slide or a baby towel folded several times in the bath. It is important to ensure that no water gets into your child's mouth and ears. Then, with leisurely movements, you need to wash all parts of the body, making sure that the water does not have time to cool down. The baby's head is washed last. After completing the water procedures, the toddler must be thoroughly wiped with a towel.

The next step is to lay the baby on a dry surface and cover it with a pre-warmed diaper. You need to put on a hat on your head until the hair is completely dry. After completing the water procedures, it is important not to forget to treat the umbilical wound and apply baby cream to the skin. After all the manipulations, the baby is swaddled or changed into clothes that are comfortable for a night's sleep.

In the future, you can add decoctions of chamomile or to the water. The time of the procedure is gradually increased, bringing its duration to an average of 15 minutes. Baby bath products can be used no more than once a week.

Evening water procedures will be the key to a good sound sleep for the baby, if carried out before the last day's feeding. Sweet sniffing of crumbs in a crib will be an indicator that the parents did everything right.

Sweet sleep as an indicator of a child's health

Parents should definitely know how much newborns sleep in the first month of life. The newly born baby mostly spends time in a dream.

  • The average daily sleep period is 18-20 hours.
  • Until one year old, the baby should not sleep on soft surfaces, pediatricians and orthopedists recommend using hard orthopedic mattresses. This will help avoid abnormal development of the spine.
  • Do not start laying down immediately after feeding. It is better to start it a little later. Mom's quiet lullaby song and light massage will relax and relieve tiredness accumulated during the day.
  • For a quiet quick fall asleep, you need fresh air in the room, the absence of noise and bright irritating light. The best position for babies during daily sleep is on the right side.

A useful and pleasant massage is the key to the correct development of the baby

Massage refers to the important points of care in the first month of a newborn's life. The development of the baby implies its mandatory implementation. This procedure will bring joy to both the baby and his parents. The best time for a massage is in the evening after swimming. For comfortable sliding of hands on the surface of the baby's skin, baby oil or cream is suitable. They will also contribute to baby's skin care.

Massage movements are done with warm, clean hands. The process consists of gentle rubbing, stroking and patting. You can combine massage with light gymnastics for the arms and legs of the baby. As a result, the whole procedure will take no more than 5-7 minutes.

Outdoor walks and cleanliness at home

Well-organized walks are extremely useful for newborns, they help strengthen the child's body and saturate the blood with oxygen. It is important to start walking immediately after returning home from the maternity ward. In some cases, the pediatrician may postpone walks and determine other times to start them.

The first experience of walking outside can be acquired in the arms of parents. The initial period for babies to be outdoors is about 15 minutes. Then the duration of the walk is increased to 2 hours, each time adding another 10 minutes to it.

It is undesirable to take the baby outside in bad weather. At low temperatures, it is very important to dress him warmly. At the same time, do not overheat the baby while walking. The easiest way to check if he is cold is to feel his nose. If it is cold, then the little one is not dressed warmly enough. If it is warm, everything is fine and there is no cause for concern.

A good home environment is just as important for a child as regular walks. It shouldn't be too cold or too hot in his room. This setting will not help your baby sleep well. The best room temperature is about 24 degrees. Daily ventilation of the room must be carried out without fail in the absence of crumbs and for at least 20 minutes. There is no place for dust and dirt in the children's room; it is necessary to organize regular all types of cleaning.

Individual first aid kit for babies

First aid kit for a newborn

In addition to all these key points, the parents of the baby should take care of the presence of a children's first aid kit in the house. It traditionally includes:

  • hydrogen peroxide and green stuff;
  • powder or manganese solution;
  • cotton pads and sticks;
  • baby powder and cream;
  • body and water thermometers;
  • antipyretic drugs for babies;
  • anti-colic drugs;
  • wet wipes;
  • small pipette and enema

Compliance with the daily routine of a newborn in the first month of life depends entirely on the mood of his family. All parents can easily master the basic rules for handling babies. Seeming at first difficult and unusual, they will soon become the norm of life and will help create the necessary conditions for the child for growth and proper development.

When a "little miracle" appears in the house, many young mothers are overwhelmed by fear when they have to stay with the baby alone.

There are basic rules for caring for a newborn baby that will help you perform the procedures correctly after discharge from the hospital.

Newborn Baby Care - Washing

First of all, the mother should remember that baby's skin is very sensitive. Improper care can lead to diaper rash and infection. Against the background of prickly heat or diaper dermatitis, staphylococcal skin lesions appear. It is characterized by a small pustular rash (in the folds, on the neck, buttocks).

Daily washing of babies is carried out every time after the baby has emptied. In the matter of washing the girl, the main thing to remember is that the use of soap and wet wipes is recommended only for treatment in the labia area.

If swallowed, the soap irritates the vaginal mucosa and causes inflammation. Moderation and regularity of procedures are the key to the health of the child and the peace of the mother.

Basic rules for washing girls:

1. Use running water.

2. The water temperature should be equal to the body temperature, i.e. be approximately 34-36 ° C.

3. Any intimate cosmetics should be applied no more than once a week.

4. If using wipes, make sure they do not contain alcohol.

5. After using the toilet "in a big way" wash the girl with running water in the direction from the pubis to the buttocks.

How to wash a boy properly?

Parents should remember that proper washing of a male baby is not about pulling or turning to lather or rinse the penis. All that is required of mom is to wash him outside.

Correct intimate hygiene of a boy consists in carrying out a correct and delicate washing procedure.

Newborn Baby Care - Washing

Washing your face is an integral part of baby care. Washing in the morning is recommended after the second feeding. The face is wiped with a cotton swab dipped in warm water. Wrinkles on the neck are also kept out.

A separate swab is used for the eyes to prevent accidental infection from spreading. The eyes are rubbed from the outer edge to the bridge of the nose. If mom noticed a purulent clot in the corners of her eyes, then the procedure should be carried out with the help of a weak brewing of tea or infusion of chamomile, calendula.

You can clean your baby's nose using a flagellum rolled up from cotton wool. Before use, it must be dipped in boiled vegetable oil (naturally cooled down).

Attention! The use of cotton swabs to clean the ears of a newborn is not allowed.

Ears are cleaned a couple of times a week. This is quite enough. After the washing procedure, the baby's skin is dried with a piece of gauze.

Newborn baby care - changing the diaper

There is no single charter on how to change a diaper. However, every mother should know a number of rules that must be followed:

1. Change the diaper after every "serious" bowel movement of the child.

2. Change your disposable panties day and night. A filled diaper will bring discomfort to your baby.

3. Put on a clean diaper before going out or going to the clinic.

4. Is the diaper incomplete after 4 hours? Change it to a new one anyway.

5. If the Velcro is torn off, holes are formed in the top layer of the product, replace the diaper.

6. In the first months, change the diaper more often. Don't skimp on a crumb.

Over time, mom can easily determine how often a diaper needs to be changed. After all, different children go to the toilet with different frequencies. For a newborn baby, it is enough to change the diaper approximately every 3-4 hours, while checking the condition of the skin.

How to change a diaper?

Prepare everything you need: a clean diaper, a towel, powder, a ladle of warm water.

Remove the used diaper. Wet the edge of the towel in water, gently wipe the baby's skin (experienced mothers wash their baby under running water).

Let the baby lie down for a couple of minutes without a diaper (if the room is not cold).

Treat the skin with powder, cream or vegetable oil (boil in a water bath and cool beforehand).

Put on a dry diaper, then sliders.

Newborn Baby Care - Navel Treatment

At home, the mother treats the umbilical wound on her own for a week, 1 time a day until it is completely healed. The procedure is carried out after bathing.

With a weeping umbilical wound, treatment is performed 2 times a day. For healing, use the usual "brilliant green" or 1% solution of chlorophyllipt in alcohol.

In order to prevent damage to the skin around the navel, only the wound itself is lubricated.

If there is a crust in the navel, then it is better to remove it. For this purpose, a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution is suitable, which can be purchased ready-made at the pharmacy.

It is convenient to lubricate the navel with a cotton swab. During the procedure, it is necessary to press the area around the navel with the thumb and forefinger of the left hand, opening it for good visibility and thorough processing. However, everything should be done carefully, without injuring the baby's skin.

Newborn Baby Care - Bathing

You can bathe your baby for the first time on the second day after discharge from the hospital. As a rule, the child is bathed daily. How to carry out the procedure?

1. Prepare the bath. It needs to be washed well with soda, rinsed with water, rinsed with boiling water.

2. Put soap or shampoo, a baby washcloth (a piece of cloth, cotton wool) nearby.

3. Prepare an infusion of herbs. Usually they use a decoction of chamomile, calendula, sage, string, pine needles, mint, etc.

4. Prepare a thermometer, a bucket of water for rinsing, a towel, clothes for the baby.

After everything is ready, gently undress the child and gradually lower him up to his shoulders in water, the temperature of which should be about 37 ° C. The head and neck are on the surface.

It is best to hold the child with the left hand under the head, and with the right hand carry out the ablution procedure. First, wash the baby, then lather your hand or a piece of cloth and wash the head (from the forehead to the back of the head).

Wash the skin behind the ears, neck, arms, armpits, groin. Rinse the child with water from the bucket.

The duration of the procedure is 5-8 minutes. As you get older (if bathing is fun), you can bathe your baby longer.

Nail care

Before you start cutting your nails, you need to wash your hands and wipe the scissors with alcohol. Take the baby's handle in your palm, hold his fingers with your thumb and forefinger. When trimming, press on the pad of the baby's toe. This will help keep your skin clear.

On the legs, the nails must be processed evenly (to avoid ingrowth), and on the hands, trim them, rounding the edges.

Perform the procedure carefully, without zeal, so as not to hurt the child. If, through negligence, you still hurt your finger, then immediately apply a bandage to it until the bleeding stops.

It happens that a day or two after treatment, a slight inflammation appears in the corners of the nail. In this case, hydrogen peroxide and Levomikol ointment will help, with which a napkin is impregnated and applied to a sore finger for the whole night.


An important part of childcare is walking. It is performed in the summer immediately after discharge from the hospital. The main thing is to avoid direct sunlight on the child.

In winter, walks begin 2 or 3 days after discharge. If the air temperature drops below 10 ° C, then the child cannot be walked.

Do I need to swaddle my baby?

Of course, you need to swaddle your baby. At first, the baby needs to get used to the large space. Some limitation of movement will only benefit him.

Usually babies are swaddled before bed. There are two ways: with the first, the handles remain free, with the second, the handles are also swaddled. Free swaddling allows the baby to calm down faster, fall asleep, and in a dream, do not wake himself up with his hands.

Any procedures carried out by a mother should be a joy to her child. It is important to listen to advice, to existing recommendations, but it is even more important to listen to your inner voice. Maternal instinct, even with some degree of inexperience, will help determine exactly what is good for your child and what is not.

While waiting for the baby, every woman studies information about the first days in the hospital. The process of childbirth and the entire time spent in the walls of the maternity hospital is scary, but still during this period, the young mother will be under the supervision of the medical staff. Difficulties can arise after discharge, so it is worth knowing how to care for a newborn baby in advance.

Who will teach you to look after?

The issues of caring for newborn toddlers are discussed in courses for expectant mothers, so if a pregnant woman attends such classes, she will theoretically be prepared for the upcoming care of the baby. Also, the expectant mother can get information about caring for a baby from special magazines and books.

Before giving birth, get things that are needed when caring for a baby

They should also teach in practice how to care for an infant and explain its basic principles in a maternity hospital. The pediatric nurse and pediatrician will tell and show the woman in labor all the steps she will need to take care of the baby. The first toilet of the baby is carried out by a nurse, and then, having received step-by-step instructions, the young mother, under the supervision of a nurse, performs basic hygiene procedures on her own.

In addition, immediately after discharge, the mother with the newborn baby should be visited by the local pediatrician together with the nurse who is carrying out the patronage. They can be asked any questions regarding the care of the baby and the health of the baby. In advance

Maternity hospital care

Immediately after birth, the baby is tied up with the umbilical cord and special sterile clamps are applied to it. Having wrapped the baby in a diaper, the baby is transferred to a heated table for the first hygiene procedures. The midwife takes a sterile napkin, immerses it in sterile oil, and then partially wipes the newborn from the original lubricant. Next, the toddler is weighed and measured.

When the mother and baby are transferred to the ward, a nurse or pediatrician visits them, showing the woman how to handle the umbilical cord, as well as how to wash the baby under running water. Every morning, a newborn is given a morning toilet in the maternity hospital, which includes washing the face and eyes, as well as processing the rest of the umbilical cord. The nose and ears are rinsed as needed.

In the maternity hospital, you should be shown how to take care of the baby

Daily morning care

After discharge, a newborn baby should start with a shower every morning. To do this, a cotton pad is dipped in boiled warm water and wrung out, after which it is wiped with a damp disc:

  • Baby's face.
  • Little eyes. Movement should be from the outer corners towards the nose. A separate cotton pad is used for each eye.
  • Baby ears. You need to wipe the skin behind the ears and the curls of the shell.
  • Baby's neck.

In addition, the mother should examine all the baby's skin daily and detect redness in the folds in time. When diaper rash appears, the baby is shown air baths and special cosmetics.

The rules of the morning toilet are detailed in the video of the "Caring Mom" \u200b\u200bchannel on Youtube.

Navel treatment

A newborn's navel usually heals within the first two weeks of a baby's life. The navel should be repaired until complete healing.

After bathing, the wound that remains after the umbilical cord has fallen off should be treated as follows:

  • For processing, you need to prepare an antiseptic, cotton swabs and a peroxide solution.
  • Mom needs to wash her hands.
  • A cotton swab is moistened with peroxide, after which the wound is treated so that it is cleared of discharge.
  • Remove the remaining peroxide with a dry stick.
  • Soak another cotton swab in an antiseptic and treat the navel. Most often, brilliant green is used, but it can also be chlorophyllipt, iodine solution or calendula tincture.
  • Try not to touch the skin when processing.

Washing and diapers

After each stool, a newborn baby should be washed. If there was no stool, washing is carried out every 2-3 hours. This procedure is carried out under running water, as a urinary tract infection may occur due to washing in the tub or basin. Remember to make sure that the water that comes out of the tap is at a comfortable temperature for the baby. When washing a newborn girl, you should move from front to back.

For information on how to bathe a newborn baby, see the next video.

When washing is complete, place the baby on the changing table or sofa, then blotting away the water from the skin using a clean diaper. Next, treat the folds with a cotton ball lubricated with vegetable oil. You can also use baby cream to treat folds.

Newborn diapers can be either disposable or reusable. A baby should not be in a disposable diaper for more than 4 hours.Putting a diaper on a newborn baby so that the navel remains open. This will help the wound heal faster. During the day, the baby should spend some time without a diaper.

See the following video for the rules of daily newborn care.

Weekly care

Such care includes procedures that are not performed every day, but are performed as needed.

Spout care

Newborn babies have tiny nasal passages, so even with a slight blockage, breathing of the crumbs becomes difficult. To clean the baby's nose, they use flagella that are twisted from cotton wool. They are moistened in vegetable or vaseline oil, after which they are introduced with a rotary movement a maximum of 1 cm inside the spout. You can also wet the cotton flag with plain boiled water or breast milk.

A separate flagellum is used for each nasal passage. Never use cotton swabs to clean the newborn's nose.

How to do it correctly, see the video.

Ear care

Earwax is released normally and special cotton-tipped sticks should be used to remove excess wax. Since the ears of newborns are very small, such sticks should be fitted with a restraint so that the stick does not penetrate too deeply and cause irritation of the eardrum.

Instead of a stick, you can use a cotton flagella, but you cannot insert it into the ear canal. Also, do not rub your ears too much. To make the sulfur easier to remove, the cotton wool can be slightly moistened with boiled water, but the water should not drip from the cotton wool.

Nail care

In many newborns, the length of the nails immediately after birth is such that they need to be cut off in the hospital. Marigolds grow in babies very quickly, but they are very thin, so they often bend or break.

Nails are trimmed weekly with tweezers or nail scissors, being careful not to cut too hard so as not to hurt the skin on the fingers. On the baby's handles, the edges of the nail need to be slightly rounded, and on the legs, the nail should be cut evenly. It is convenient for newborns to cut their nails during sleep, then the procedure will not disturb the baby.

Scissors should be with blunt edges so that the probability of injuring the baby is reduced to zero.

For information on how to process the nails of newborn children, see the next video by Olga Vasilievna Parshikova.


For the first time, it is allowed to bathe a newborn on the same day when the baby and her mother were discharged from the hospital.

The particulars of the procedure should be explained by the visiting nurse:

  • It is most convenient to bathe the baby before feeding, which will be the penultimate one.
  • The newborn should be bathed in a separate bath until the navel is completely healed.
  • The average duration of the procedure is three to seven minutes.
  • Until the moment when the umbilical wound is completely healed, bathing the crumbs should be carried out in boiled water.
  • The optimal parameters of the air temperature in the room where the bathing is carried out is called + 24 + 26 ° C.
  • When bathing, there should be no draft in the room.
  • Before the procedure, the bath should be washed with soap, as well as scalded with boiling water.
  • Before filling the tub with water, prepare everything you need for bathing. You need to put boiled water, baby soap, a soft fleece mitten, a thermometer for water, a pouring jug, a towel, oil or cream for treatment after bathing, clean clothes next to the bath.
  • The hands of a person bathing an infant should be washed with soap and with clipped nails. Rings and watches should be removed before the procedure.
  • It is advised to put a diaper at the bottom of the bath, and then pour water, the temperature of which should be about + 37 ° C.
  • Water is poured to the level of 10-15 cm, so that after immersion in it, the head and top of the baby's chest remain above the water.
  • Lower the baby slowly, starting with the legs. The head is kept on the elbow, and the crumbs are soaped with the other hand. At the same time, you should not rub the baby, so as not to damage the delicate skin.
  • After washing off the soap, the crumbs are turned with their backs up to pour boiled clean water from a jug, the temperature of which should be one degree lower than the temperature of the water when swimming.
  • Having wrapped the baby in a towel (it is not advised to rub the skin at the same time), the folds are treated with oil or cream, then they put the baby in clean clothes, give a little rest and feed.
  • After the navel has healed, you can start bathing your baby in a regular bath using tap water. Bathing time begins to increase to 30-40 minutes.

Every day, only the buttocks and genitals are washed with soap. It is recommended to wash the whole body with soap no more than once or twice a week.

Until the navel heals, the baby is bathed in boiled water, after that in ordinary tap water