How to refrain the face in photoshop CS6. Fast Degrunge technique. Increased aesthetics

In that lesson on photoshop You will learn how to retouch skin professionals. The skin will look healthy and, most importantly, without a "plastic" effect or blur.

I hope our photoshop courses do you like. We will proceed to the lesson ...

1. Open a photo in Photoshop.

In this lesson on retouching photo, try using high-resolution images where you can see texture of leather.

2. Make a duplicate layer and insert it into the group.

To make it, click Ctrl + duplicate the layer and then Ctrl + G.To accommodate the newly created layer in the group. We call the group "airbrush", and layer "blur" (blur).

Layer "Blur" We will use for skin blur. Then, we will add another new layer to return the natural texture of the skin.

3. Select the Blur layer.

To blur the current layer, we use filter Blur over the surface. This filter is similar to Blur in Gauss, the difference is that it leaves the boundaries more detailed. We must blur the layer so that the skin is smoothed, but without blurred edges.

4. The result of using the filter is blur over the surface.

Your drawing should look like mine, the details of the eye should be intact.

5. Create a new layer and place it above the layer with blur.

Let's call the current layer "Texture" and change the swing of mixing on Stern light (Hard Light). The existing layer will be used to add textures on the skin, as well as adjust the skin tonality.

6. Textures created in this layer, will really not be noticeably in the final image.

It can be seen if you apply a big increase. But despite this, the skin will not look too smooth or "plastic".

Below is the prototype of the result obtained.

7. Make sure you have a "Texture" layer.

Click SHIFT + F5. or go to the list Editing\u003e Pouring (Edit - Fill). Put the fill tool settings as in the picture below.

8. Further choose in the menu Filter\u003e Noise.

Thus, you will add light noise to the image, which will avoid the "plastic effect effect." Due to the use of the filter, your photo may begin to look too sharply. In the next step, we will fix it by applying the filter Gaussian blur (Gaussian Blur).

9. Select in the menu Filter\u003e Blur\u003e Blur in Gauss.

Blur radius put 1 pixel.

10. Now we will take a color sample from this layer.

First, select the Tool Pipette. Take the skin color sample that you seem like more suitable, you can not be quite accurate, since you will definitely configure the color later. In the colors palette, click on the Liliputian triangle in the circle and in the pop-up list, select the model HSB.. We need to know HSB values \u200b\u200bfor the next step.

11. Open the panel Color tone / saturation, Pressing Ctrl + U.

Tick Tonatand check the parameters to match the settings HSB. From the top step.

12. Select the AIRBRUSH group on the layers panel.

Then go to the menu Layer\u003e layer mask\u003e hide everything (Layer - Layer Mask - Hide All).

Thus, we will create a layer mask filled with black, which will hone the whole group. In this mask layer we will draw areas in which we want to add retouching.

13. Press D on the keyboard to determine the color folding of the default black and white.

Select a tool Brushwith the following settings.

Increase illustration up to 100% and felt the skin. Do not worry if the skin tone seems wrong. This happens because we did not choose the exact color when we used Color Tone / Saturation With a tint on the Texture layer. Just, then it is very difficult to make. We will come to the correct result a little later. Use the following hot keys PhotoshopIn order to change the size of the brush and hardness:
* Reduced brush size: [
* Increased brush size:] * Reduce soft brush by 25%: SHIFT + [
* Multiply soft brush by 25%: SHIFT +]

In those places where you painted the skin, your layer mask should have a white area, and leather look smooth.

14. Now we are going to fix the skin color.

We have already spoken about this before in this lesson on the retouching of the skin in Photoshop. So select the "Texture" layer and click Ctrl + U.. Change the settings to get the usual tone of the skin.

IN " Color Tone"Settings are usually correct. But I increased it for 10 units by adding a yellow shade to reduce the red areas.
Settings " Saturation"Often have to significantly reduce. Adjust the parameter until the tone of the skin does not look good, but not pale.
Brightness"On the contrary, it requires minor changes when you will regulate it, you will see how this parameter is sensitive. If the brightness is configured exactly, then the photo will be viewed more naturally.

15. Restore skin details.

We go to the list Image\u003e External Channel (Image - Apply Image). In the window that appears, put the following settings.

Final results.

Here you see the final photo after applying the airbrush technology.

By changing the range of the image, you will notice that small skin irregularities are still visible. Even at the right bottom image, the result obtained looks naturally due to the texture layer. Outside this layer, the image would look like a monophonic color without noise.

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You know where most of the modern girls draw uncertainty in their beauty? That's right, from the Internet and women's magazines. And all due to the fact that the portraits of the models hosted there were retouches in Photoshop. This is such a "written beauty"!

What is retouching?

Of course, not one professional will have to work on the retouch of this girl. But hide the flaws of the face in the photo of an ordinary person is not so difficult. This we will deal with a little later. And now we will deal with what is retouching.

Under the retouch, understand the change in the image of the image using the graphic editor tools (in our case). Most often, the retouching of photos in Photoshop is produced to hide small facial flaws and human figures. Or to implement the creative idea of \u200b\u200bthe artist. This adjustment is called portrait retouch.

The scope of portrait retouching has a wide range. She uses:

  • Professional photographers;
  • Designers;
  • Artists;
  • Ordinary people.

But most of the men of the whole land are confident that the retouching came up with women to seem more beautiful and slimmer. That is, to hide your drawbacks.

If you do not agree, then go to the Internet. There will see that most of the women's portraits are retouching.

How is the retouching faces in Photoshop

The girl has a handsome sowing faces, eyes and lips. But due to the high resolution of the camera, all the pores of the skin become visible and its excessive shine. All these shortcomings we will try to remove with Photoshop.

To begin with, we take over the setting of the color saturation of the photo. We do this as follows:

  • Open a snapshot in a graphic editor;
  • In the main menu, select the "Image" item;
  • In the list we find an element of "adjustment" and pass through it to the item " Tint / saturation».

In the "Tonsycia" dialog box that appears, three parameters are available for configuration. We are only interested in two of them ( saturation and brightness). "Tone" is better not to touch.

As can be seen, the sliders of all parameters are installed in the middle in the zero value. That is, the setting of the original is taken for the reference point. In front of the retouching portrait in Photoshop to give the face of a healthier color, you can slightly move the saturation slider in the plus side, and make the brightness less:

Now we will take the procedure for adjusting the face. To remove small wrinkles and well-visible skin pores, we use the "Blur" tool. Procedure:

  • On the sidebar tool (left) the cursor you activate the instrument we need:

  • On the top panel, we set the rigidity of the brush and its diameter within 15-30. Or simply set all the parameters as shown in the picture:

  • Then the movements of the brush are adjusting the skin of the girl's face. This is how about it should turn out as a result:

As you can see, all the pores, and small wrinkles are almost completely smooth.

But not all parts of the face must be smoothed. Some of them on the background of the main blur need to be focused on the contrary. That is, make a little sharp. To such parts of the person belong:

  • Eyes;
  • Eyelashes;
  • Lips;
  • Eyebrows.

For their correction, we use the "sharpness" tool. It is located next to the previous tool on the sidebar.

To "not miss," each of the corrected sites should do more. Therefore, we increase the overall scale of displaying our picture.

This tool even at a zero stiffness is characterized by a high action force. Therefore, for subsequent retouching in Photoshop, set all the parameters as shown in the picture. It should not often be carried out to the "sharpness" tool on the same site of the image, otherwise you will have to cancel all actions through the story and start all at first:

As a result of processing, the girl in the photo gained silky skin, shine in the eyes and outlined lips:

We fight with acne and freckles in Photoshop

But this is not all the possibility of how to refrain the face in Photoshop. There is one remarkable tool here, with which you can get rid of the face from freckles and acne. For his demonstration, take a photo of another girl. This is what the source looks like:

Most likely, the girl would want to get rid of his freckles in the portrait. This will be done. We will use the "Harry Brush" tool. It has a point action. Its principle of work is based on the fact that a certain area of \u200b\u200bleather (intact) is taken as a reference. It is then used to remove the problem area.


  • On the toolbar, choose the "Attending Brush" tool:

  • Expose all the brush settings as shown in Figure:

  • Click the "Alt" button and press the left mouse button set the reference area;
  • Pressing the mouse, pass through all the problem areas.

When working with the "Attendant Mouse" tool, try not to expose it to the action of the bends of the face, the contours of the eyes, lips and the wings of the nose. If you are inappropriately treated these sites, then use the "Historical Brush" tool to restore them.

Here is the face of the photo after "treatment" with a brush:

In addition to these tools for removing skin defects, you can use the "Dodge and Burn" set. It includes tools:

  • "Lightening";
  • "Blackout";
  • "Sponge."

For example, in the following image, partial removal of freckles from the face is achieved by lightening the skin shade:

Mobile lips in Photoshop

On this capabilities of photoshop on making makeup are not exhausted. Consider an example in which we will cover your lips. Here they are:

The procedure for performing "painting" works:

  • Open the image in a graphic editor;
  • Making the main layer of the picture open for editing. To do this, click on it in the layers panel:

  • Then create a copy of the main layer of the image. On the same panel by pressing the right mouse button on the item call the context menu. In it, choose the item " Duplicate»:

  • Now in the panel we are displayed two items. For work we need a layer copy. Therefore, activate it with a mouse clicking;
  • The next step will paint lips using a conventional brush. It is available on the toolbar. And all its settings are similar to those described above. Color "lipstick" choose themselves. It turns out something like this:

  • Before making the retouching lips completely, we need to set the transparency of the applied paint. This can be done on the layers panel, moving the fill slider:

As you know, practically no sensibo finished photography does not do without one or another processing. It allows you to emphasize and highlight the basic elements of the picture, remove or muffle the extra and unimportants, strengthen the emotional effect from the image and competently arrange accents.

This is connected in particular with the fact that the human eye with the brain react to the data obtained is quite definitely. And therefore, understanding how and what the brain draws attention to, while retouching can be clearly defined, wherever the viewer will eventually see.

The priority is contrasts. Color, light and sustainable.

Creating and controlling them, you can take such pictures to which the human eye will be nice to watch.

Like a fan of minimalism, in my photos, there are usually 2-3 central elements, between which I am trying to try to make a slide view of the audience.

It is clear, it is possible to achieve both the opposite effect, if approaching the retouching is illiterate. So you should show a revolutionary just in the question of what is worth retouching, and what it would be nice to leave as it is.

To some extent, it depends on the goals and the genre, in which it is planned to get a final picture.

For example, so-called. The "glamorous" portrait requires a minimum of unnecessary details and maximum "subline." As a result, the model may not be recognized in the picture, as the features of the face and the figures can be subjected to serious refinement - to bring them to more "perfect", sometimes even a "puppet" mind. More "personal" portraits, on the contrary, require the preservation of such characteristic features of the face, as a present living person asymmetry, important moles, wrinkles, pits, scars, etc. There are no ideal people, and our goal is usually achieving an authentic picture with a specific character and character.

Trained taste and personal preferences here also play a considerable role. This is especially affected by the stage of color correction. Some lazy, however, try to avoid this interesting stage through the translation of the snapshot in b / w, but we know: h / b - for lazy people and weaknikov !!!

By the way, there is an opinion that "Photoshop relaxes", "Photoshop - evil" and "before this was not cooler."

In general, with the entry until everything is slowly proceeding.


First of all, the manipulator.

If it seriously thought to retouch pictures in more or less decent quantities - to get a tablet. Buy, take friends (thank you, o Jezek !!!), persuade the boss to buy a job. For to process snapshots with the mouse - just hell.

This, it is clear if you want not to kill the skin and face with a blue / filter, but work competently, handles and within a reasonable time. Also an order of magnitude accelerates and becomes more convenient to work with masks. And in general, "draw" during retouching has to be abundantly and do it more convenient to the tablet.

Vaku, even the younger, will be an excellent choice. But it is desirable to take more size. Larger tablet size \u003d great accuracy.

Retouch photos - One of the most popular features when working in Photoshop. The number of methods to achieve one or another result is excessively large, and the methods have a fairly wide variety. Traditionally, every professional photographer or designer for retouching photos have its tricks and subtleties to achieve one or another effect. The following describes various techniques that will expand the skills of work in this area.

In pictures with natural illumination, sunlight, one way or another, creates some texture. Some places look excessively shaded, sites where the sun's rays fell without any obstacles, look too bright. In such cases, it becomes necessary to somehow control the intensity of light and brightness in the photo. To do this, create a new layer using the combination of the Shift + Ctrl + N key, or go to the "Layer" menu → "New" (new) → "Layer" (Layer), and change the overlay mode here: "Lightening the base "(Color Dodge). Opacity must be set at a level of 15%.

With a pipette, choose the color on the site of the photo you want to make lighter. Next, take the brush with soft edges and begin to adjust the light, selecting each time the tone, the most suitable area you work with. Using this method, you can not only increase the brightness of some areas in the picture, but also to adjust the saturation of the color scheme. As a result, it is possible to achieve the effect of the most close to the real picture.

To begin with, open the photo using the Camera RAW format. You can do it in the PhotoShop program itself, following the "File" path (File) → "Open as Smart Object" (Open AS Smart Object). In addition, Bridge can also be used, here by clicking the right mouse button, select "Open in Camera Raw". To optimize the original snapshot, you must specify the basic settings. You can do this, for example, playing with "Fill Light" runners or "Recovery). Now we go to the Shades tab "HSL / GRAYSCALE), we click on the" Convert to GRAYScale "item and select the" Yellows "value of approximately at +20," Blues "to -85," GREENS "At +90. The result should be almost black sky, and shrubs will get white.

You can not stop at this result and give a picture greater grain. To do this, we go to the "Effects" tab (Effects) and set the following parameters: for Roughness 80, for Size 20 and 15 for Amount. In addition, you can use the Vignette effect (Vignette) using -35 values \u200b\u200bfor Roundness, -30 for Amount, 40 for MIDPOINT. Thanks to the actions done, the snapshot becomes like an infrared picture.

Manipulations with levels

Using the Levels Adjustment tool, you can install white and black points to regulate the shades of different colors. But when working there is a problem with the definition of the most dark and bright places in the photo. To resolve this issue, you need to go through the "LEVEL" menu → "Corrective Layer" (Threshold), or press the "Layer" palette at the bottom. We specify the runner parameters so that only a pair of white spots remains in the picture. On one of these stains, we set the point using the Color Sampler Tool (Color Sampler Tool) to this. Now we move the runner to the left until only a few black spots remain, we put the second point on one of them.

We are looking for a neutral gray halftone on the resulting image. Between the original image and the corrective layer of "Isaohelli" (Threshold), we create a new layer. Now you need to go to "Edit" (edit) → "Fill" (Fill) or clamp the SHIFT + F5 keys, pour a new empty layer with gray by 50% by selecting 50% "GRAY" in the Contents field.

Make an active layer of "Isaohil" (Threshold) and change the overlay mode on the "difference" (Difference). We choose the "heels" (Threshold), move the slider until it stops left, and then we smoothly move it to the right before the appearance of small black points is neutral halftone. We add "Color Sampler Spot" to the black area and remove a gray layer (50% "Gray"), and the correction layer (THRESHOLD). Create a new empty correction layer and on the black area itself, use the first pipette, and on the bright area itself - the third, on the third point of the color reference we use the average. Thus, we reduced the number of shades on the source photo.

In the Layer (Layer) menu, select the "Corrective New Layer" (Hue / Saturation), select the blending mode "Soft Light" (Soft Light) and set the checkbox in the position "Toning "(Colorize). Using the manipulation of the "Brightness" sliders (Lightness), "Color Tone" (HUE), and "Saturation" (Saturation), we make the image tones are colder or warm.

In addition, you can use color layers. To do this, use the "Create Layer / New Fill" function (Adjustment Layer / New Fill) function, change the overlay mode to the "bright light" (VIVID Light) and set the layer opacity at 11-13%, clamp the Ctrl + I keys And invert the layer mask. The plot to be toned, paint using a large brush with soft edges of white. Especially well the result of the work is visible on portrait pictures having a textural background.

Often when editing landscape and landscaped images there is a need to increase the details. To achieve this goal, you can try to increase the contrast of the middle tones. CTRL + J key combination with a background layer on a new one. Moving in the Filter menu → "Convert for Smart Filters" (Convert For Smart Filters), then again "Filter" (Filter) → "Other" (Other) → "Color Contrast" (High Pass), where We set the pixel radius equal to 3. Change the overlay on the "overlap" and open the Layer Style style window with a double click near the layer name.

For the first gradient, the "given layer" (this layer) sets the values \u200b\u200bat the level of 50/100 to 150/200, while holding the ALT key and digital intelligence. This increases the contrast of only medium tones. In the layer palette, double-click again activate the "Color Contrast" filter (High Pass) and adjust the radius values. As a result, we get a photo with an enlarged contrast of the average tones.

Imitate sunset

By itself, the sunset, like a natural phenomenon, can already be unusually beautiful. If we are talking about the sea in the rays of the sunset, you can talk with confidence about the painting of such a photo. After resorting for tricks and tricks in Photoshop, it is easy to create a sunset imitation. You can change the tone using a gradient card. Let us move in the "Adjustment Layer-Gradient Map / New Fill" menu (Adjustment Layer-Gradient Map / New Fill), open the gradient panel.

Open the editor by clicking on the gradient itself. For the first marker, we will change the color of the gradient to the red, for another marker, we set a yellow color for another marker and at the same time changing the imposition mode on the "soft light" (Soft Light), reducing the opacity to a level of 50%. The result should be a sunset of a warm, golden shade.

Resorting to the method described below, you can easily create a beautiful and relaxed smile.

We choose the "Straight Lasso" tool (Polygon Lasso Tool) and highlight the area around the mouth, it is possible to do this enough, far standing behind the edges of the lips. In the "Selection" menu (SELECT) → "Modify" → "Rastune" (Feather), choose a radius of 10 pixels. Next, clamp Ctrl + J and copy to a new layer. We go to the Edit menu (EDIT) → "Puppet Warp" (Puppet Warp), as a result, a grid will appear around our previous selection. On the options panel, find the "Extension" parameter (Expansion), can be controlled by the volume and size of the grid. In support places - that is, in places that should remain fixed, lay down the pins. Change the network by dragging it before getting a beautiful smile.

With the help of macro photography, you can create colorful pictures of water and water droplets. Sometimes it is not unnecessary to emphasize their painting with the help of color correction. To get water drops with optimized colors, you can use the gradient: "layer" (layer) → "Layer Style" → "Gradient Overlay". We change the imposition on the "Color" (Color), we reduce the opacity to a level of 50%, the gradient "ForeGround to Background color" and set an angle of 90 °. Thus, the gradient is saved as a layer style, it can be changed at any time, double-clicking on the layer in the palette.

You can also paint the surface with a linear gradient, create a new layer style and gradient from No. 772222 (RGB 119, 34, 34) to №3333BB (RGB 51, 51, 187). As a result, we obtain highlighted water drops.

Sometimes after retouching the skin in the photo looks not natural enough and completely. The reason may be a common color tone specified for the snapshot. This flaw can be eliminated by creating a "new adjusting layer" (New Adjustment Layer) → "Hue / Saturation" (HUE / SATURATION). Now inverting the layer mask by clicking on its miniature, and clamp the Ctrl + I keys. Pain the areas of the skin, the color of which is unsatisfactory. In this case, use a brush with soft edges of white. You can adjust the colors and with the "Brightness" runners (Lightness)

"Color Tone" (HUE), "Saturation" (Saturation). Recommend certain values \u200b\u200bhere is difficult, it all depends on the photo, so guided by your preferences.

Matching skin tones

On paired or group images, the pallor of the skin of one person may be unprofitable to shade the tan of the other, or vice versa. To optimize different skin tones, it is resorted to the use of the "Match Color" tool. Suppose that in the photo where 2 people are present, the skin of one is very different. Working with this image start from opening it by resorting to the "Quick Selection" tool. To begin with, we highlight the red skin, apply to the selection

Rastune (Feather) by 10-15 pixels, and copy the CTRL + J. key combination to a new layer

Acting the above sequence above, run work on pale skin.

We make the active layer on which the red leather is located, and go to the "Image" menu → "Correction" (Match Color) →\u003e "Correct the color" (Match Color). Correct the tone to get the desired result. The intensity of the effect can be adjusted through the movement of the "Luminativity" runners and the "flower intensity". When the result is saved, you can vary the effect, changing the opacity of the layer.

Reduce the intensity of noise

"Noisy" images may not be very pleasant to the eye looking. Try to reduce the noise using the channels. Cleash Ctrl + J to copy the original layer. In the "Channels" panel (Channels), we select the channel with the smallest noise level, drag it to the "New Channel", which is located next to the basket. Next, we move in the "Filter" menu (Filter) → "Stylization" (Stylize) → "Edge edge" (Find Edges) and use "Gaussian Blur" with a radius of 3 pixels.

Now climb the Ctrl key and click on the miniature of the new channel, highlighting its contents in this way. We again turn on the RGB mode and go to the "Layers" panel, where we create the "Add Layer Mask" mask. A click on the thumbnail make a layer active and go to the filter menu: "Filter" (Filter) → "Blur" (Blur) → "Blur" (Surface Blur). Now you caulate the values \u200b\u200bof the RADIUS sliders (RADIUS) and "heels" (Threshold) in such a way that noise is minimized as possible. The essence of the described method is that the contours - that is, the darkest places of photography, thanks to the created mask, remain intact, everything else becomes blurry.

The effect of "retro" in Photoshop

We will achieve the desired effect using curves. Go to the "Layer" menu → "New Adjustment Layer" (Curves "(Curves) and changing RGB mode on Red. Playing with a slider, pulling it down a bit down for shadows and slightly up for light. Next, change the mode to Green. And we do everything exactly for it, as for RED. For the Blue channel, you need to do everything on the contrary, so that the shadows began to cast a blue light, and brighter areas have become yellowish.

Now we create a new layer, clamp SHIFT + Ctrl + N, and set the "Exclusion" overlay mode. Created layer flooded with color No. 000066 (RGB 0, 0, 102). Press Ctrl + J, copy the background layer of the snapshot, install the "soft light" overlay mode (Soft Light). If you wish, you can group the layers of the photo by pressing Ctrl + G, and play with their opacity before receiving a suitable result.

Definition of layers

Often when working with a complex template and collage, an oversupply of layers with standard names occurs, since the original names of the layers are most often neglected. As a result we have a lot of one-type names like "Layer 53 / Layer 5 Copy 3", etc. There are problems with the identification of the layer. In order to prevent confusion, Photoshop offers several solutions. For example, you can select "Move tool" and click on it right mouse button, so you will see which layers are located for the current layer. This method is convenient with a relatively small number of layers, otherwise the desired layer in the discontinuing list will not be very simple.

You can click on the Move Tool (Move Tool) left-click with the Ctrl pinch, it will move you to that layer that you have pressed.

In addition, you can resize the miniatures themselves and the style of their display. To do this, click on the arrow in the upper right corner of the "Layers" panel and select "Panel Options" (Layers Palette Options), the layer palette settings window will open. Set the parameters and style at your discretion.

Save resources

When using plugins, you may not have noticed that the work of Photoshop program is noticeably inhibited, the load time and response increases. To resolve this disadvantage, you can create a new folder in the Adobe → Adobe Photoshop CS5 directory, we ask it the name plugins_deactivated. All unused expansion are dragging there and, with the next program download, these plugins will not be launched, although they will be ready to work at any time. Thus, you free up the computer's operational memory, which will significantly increase its performance.


Classical sepia shades are hardly lost their relevance. To enhance sepia on a black and white image, moving along the path "layer" (Layer) → "Corrective Layer" (Photo Filter) and use the "Sepia" filter with 100% density. Open the layer style window (Layer Style), double-clicking on the layer. Move the white slider on the first gradient to the left, pressing the alt key. So the transition between the adjusted and uncorrected area of \u200b\u200bthe photo will be smooth and soft.

Frequently, trying to help us, puts the objects at all where we would like. Sometimes this function is useful, sometimes just prevents. The fact is that photoshop by default binds our item to other objects. To remove the binding of the elements for a while, you just need to hold the Ctrl key when items is positioned.

Several shadows for one object

Sometimes there is a need to create two or three shadows from one subject. At first glance, it seems difficult, but creating such an effect is quite real. We will create shadows in turn, first throw one. We follow the traditional path "Layer" (Layer) → "Layer Style" → "Shadow" (Drop Shadow). Click right-click on the layer icon and select "Convert to Smart Object" (Convert to Smart Object), now the shadow and our object is one whole, from it can also be discarded the shadow in the same way. And again convert it into a smart object. Similarly, you can create a lot of shadows for one object.

Plus, the shadow can be converted into a new layer by clicking the right mouse button on FX. Here you choose to "form a layer" (Create Layer). This is useful in order to apply your filter to each of the created shadows.

Based on materials from the site:

This lesson tells how to quickly achieve the effect of smooth skin without losing her texture.


Any image can be considered as a combination of images on various spatial frequencies. With the help of blur on Gauss and the filter, the color contrast can be decomposed image on the frequency components, and the view of the source image will not change. No, this is not a waste of time, because you can control individual parts on which it is details of different sizes. In this lesson, we will use the image separation technique into three parts:

  1. Blurred image
  2. Part with small details
  3. Part with intermediate items between blurred and small.

We are most interested in the third part, since on it we can control the parts of the middle sizes regardless of the rest of the image


Have you ever considered a person's skin? Exactly considered carefully? If not, then you need to do it, just be careful in public placesJ.

The texture of the skin is arranged as follows: there are tiny pores and hairs, then enclosures of bigger and irregularities, and a common shape and color.

Now let's divide the image into three components:

  1. Common shape and color
  2. Pores and hairs
  3. Irregularities and defects of medium sizes that need to be removed

... and then get rid of irregularities and defects!


Let's do it together. Primarily. Three times duplicate the background layer.

1. Blurred part

Apply to the bottom copy of the filter Blur in Gauss. Radius increase until irregularities and defects disappear. Be careful, this step is very important! Pick the radius correctly.

Here I used the radius of 5.1, it is selected depending on the size of the image in pixels. Remember the value of the radius, it will be needed in the following step.

2. Small details

On the second copy of the layer, we use the filter color contrast and select such a radius so that small parts are visible, but irregularities have not yet been manifested. It is not always easy, but in the first approximation you can divide the blur radius by three. That is, I applied here 1.7 radius.

3. Rightness

On the third copy, you need to apply a color contrast filter with a radius that we used for blur, that is, 5.1, then blur the resulting layer of Gauss with a radius that was used for the filter color contrast on small parts, that is, 1.7.

Now let's organize layers. Position the blurred layer above the background, above it layer with irregularities, the upper layer will be with small parts. For layers with irregularities and details, set the mixing mode Linear light and opacity 50%.

We got the original image again! But wait ...

Eliminate unevenness

Turn off the visibility of the GRUNGE layer and you will see pretty good skin, but somewhat ugly borders. Turn on the visibility of the layer back

Add a white mask on a grunge layer and a soft black brush, paint the places where you want to eliminate irregularities, but stay away from the borders!

Yes, it's great, you will say! But what, should I do it every time?!

No, just this in order to find out how the method works. Now let's do it quickly.

Fast technique Degrunge.

  1. Make a duplicate layer
  2. Open the filter Blur in Gauss and pick such a radius so that all defects disappear. This is a very important step! Remember the radius value, and do not apply the filter.
  3. Apply the filter color contrast with that radius you remember.
  4. Apply Blur on Gauss on this layer by setting 1/3 of the previous radius.
  5. Invert the layer (Ctrl + i), set the overlay mode linear light and opacity 50%.
  6. Apply the mask - hide everything and a white soft brush, paint there. Where you want to get rid of skin irregularities.

Why does it work as well as three-layer equipment?

Let's call three layers B Blur, G Grunge and D Detail

In place, we see the sum of all three layers:

B + G + D \u003d original

When we cleaned some defects, we did it:

B + (G - part G) + d \u003d good skin

Recall brackets:

B + G + D - part G \u003d good skin

Or the original - part G \u003d good skin.

Thus, we do not need a blurred layer and layer with details - just deduct from the original some parts of the layer with irregularities (Grunge)