How to wear a prenatal bandage for pregnant women. Bandage for pregnant women. Which one to choose, how to wear universal, prenatal, postnatal, underpants, belt-bandage, supporting

A bandage is a special elastic belt that is desirable to wear during the entire course of pregnancy. There are advantages and disadvantages of a bandage for pregnant women, which must be taken into account before choosing the right product and using it.

As a rule, the bandage is in the form of a belt or panty, made of a specialized material with a high level of elasticity. Its main purpose is a comfortable fixation of the outer wall of the abdomen.

Bandage belt during pregnancy

The bandage must be used to relieve the load on the musculoskeletal system of a pregnant woman. Correct and comfortable fixation of the spine plays an important role in the normal course of pregnancy. The prenatal belt has a long history. Without going into details, it is worth noting that it began to be used back in the 60s. 19th century.

  1. Complete support for a rapidly growing belly. At the same time, no pressure and harm is exerted on the fetus itself.
  2. The bandage forces the fetus to take the correct position. This minimizes the risk of premature lowering of the baby and significant problems directly during labor.
  3. The prenatal belt allows you to significantly reduce the load on the spine, relieving pressure on its lumbar region. In addition, the belt has a beneficial effect on the legs of the expectant mother, promoting proper blood circulation and preventing its stagnation.
  4. cosmetic effect. It is thanks to the bandage that you can significantly reduce the number of stretch marks.

Medical research confirms the effectiveness and benefits of the bandage, both for the mother and for the unborn baby. However, it should be remembered that a positive effect can only be achieved if the correct choice and proper application of the bandage is made. For medical reasons, only certain categories of pregnant women who are under special control must wear a prenatal belt without fail. Other expectant mothers can wear it at their discretion.

Medical indications

  • a large fruit or bearing several fruits at once. In this case, there is a strong pressure on the musculoskeletal system of a pregnant woman who needs effective support;
  • the threat of miscarriage;
  • in the absence of tone of the outer wall of the abdomen. In some cases, this can lead to premature descent of the fetus;
  • the prenatal belt helps to correctly fix the position of the fetus;
  • in the presence of acute pain in the lumbar spine, severe swelling or varicose veins;
  • surgical interventions in the uterus several years before the conception of the fetus;
  • poor development of the cervix;
  • pinched nerve endings in the lumbar region, which can provoke severe pain;
  • a bandage is mandatory for women who spend most of their time on their feet;
  • in the case of repeated gestation, the prenatal belt helps to avoid flabbiness in the abdomen, and the excessive appearance of stretch marks. It should be noted that during the second pregnancy, the stretching of the peri-abdominal tissues occurs much faster, so it is important to pay special attention to this area.

In the absence of such indications, there is no need to apply a bandage on a regular basis. The muscle tissue of the outer wall of the abdomen should already be in good shape, so it can cope with the increased load on its own.

There is one small nuance, after the birth of a baby, it will be much more difficult to cope with fat deposits in the abdomen. This is due to the fact that wearing a prenatal belt leads to the fact that the muscle tissue simply becomes lazy, and does not want to contract for no apparent reason.


  • misplaced fetus. If after 24 weeks the fetus is not properly located in the uterus, the use of a bandage can only harm him. The prenatal belt will be an extra obstacle if the baby nevertheless decides to change its position in the womb on its own and roll over with its head down. In a situation where, shortly before the onset of labor, the baby nevertheless turned over, some gynecologists recommend using a bandage to prevent the fetus from returning to its original position;
  • the appearance of various allergic reactions associated with the material from which the bandage is made. In this case, everything is purely individual.

Varieties of bandages

In the modern world, there are several types of bandages that are advisable to wear during pregnancy. Most often they are made from cotton and elastane. It can be specialized panties, a belt or a corset.

In pharmacies, you can also see bandages that can be worn after pregnancy. Their main purpose is to restore the full functioning of the outer wall of the abdominal muscles.

Especially often such, or very difficult pregnancies. They have a number of anatomical features, so pregnant women should not use them.

Universal bandage

Perhaps this is the simplest and most effective model that most pregnant women resort to. Under the universal bandage is meant a wide elastic band, which is fixed on the tummy with the help of certain Velcro. The effectiveness of its functioning lies in the fact that this belt can be worn both before and after pregnancy.

Universal bandage during pregnancy in the last stages

During pregnancy, this bandage helps to properly distribute the pressure that is exerted on the back and lumbar region, and also helps to reduce the load on the legs. This belt can be worn at any time of the year. It is worn over underwear under clothing.

Some bandages are made from a specialized perforated material that allows the skin to breathe even in especially hot seasons. This model of the prenatal belt is best for expectant mothers who are prone to rapid weight gain and the appearance of a large number of stretch marks. In addition, this bandage has a fairly wide price range, which makes it affordable for every mom.

Of course, one of the most popular supporting devices is the bandage belt. Its main advantage is that this belt can be put on and taken off an unlimited number of times without any problems. In this case, the size of the abdomen does not matter.

Such bandages are made from dense cotton fabrics, which reduce the risk of allergic reactions. Some models have a specialized ribbed surface on the back, which allows you to fix the body in a comfortable position. And with the help of side fasteners, this belt can be almost perfectly adjusted to the desired size.

Velcro belts are most in demand. With their help, you can quickly and easily choose an individual size. However, many women who have used this support on themselves complain that these velcros ruin clothes and underwear. In particular, we are talking about tights and panties.

Bandage panties

They are a kind of corrective underwear, which has an oversized insert in the front of the abdomen, which allows you to keep your muscles in good shape. To date, there is a wide range of various models and colors of such panties.

Maternity bandage panties

The main advantages of such underwear are its comfortable wear, convenient maintenance of a rounded tummy, and financial availability. However, like any other thing, these panties have some nuances that are important to observe when using them.

Bandage panties need to be washed every day, so for greater hygiene, you need to have a couple of models in stock, or you can use them over regular underwear.

There is a special line of insulated models that are advisable to wear in the cold season to keep warm. These panties are contraindicated for expectant mothers who are rapidly gaining weight or carrying a very large fetus, since this device is not designed for very large stretching. If you do not follow this rule, over time, the panties will begin to put pressure on the front wall of the abdomen, and simply rub, which has an extremely negative effect on the entire course of pregnancy.

The beautiful appearance of this supportive product attracts most of the pregnant women. Many prefer this particular model of bandage. However, it is necessary to take into account a number of disadvantages that are inherent in this model:

  • in the later stages, panties are quite problematic, since they are extremely difficult to put on with a large tummy;
  • if there is no fastening valve on the gusset, every time you go to the toilet, the panties will have to be removed completely. This brings a number of serious inconveniences to a pregnant woman. By the way, in some women this problem occurs even at a gynecologist's appointment;
  • if the supporting agent is incorrectly sized and does not correspond to the anatomical features of the woman, it can cause serious harm to her health, as well as disrupt the full development of the baby in the womb.

In favor of bandage panties is the fact that they can be perfectly hidden under clothes, and this is extremely convenient for women who, up to late pregnancy, try to lead an active lifestyle. You can wear them to work, for a walk, or for shopping.


This is a rather interesting version of the supporting device, which has lacing on the front of the abdomen. Despite the fact that this tool perfectly supports the tummy of the expectant mother, it is extremely difficult to put it on without the use of outside help.

This model is not as in demand as the belt and panties. The main advantage of the corset is that it can be easily adjusted to almost any tummy, even if it increases almost every day.

Bandage corset for pregnant women (lacing in front)

How to choose a bandage taking into account the individual characteristics of the body?

For the correct choice of a supportive agent, it is necessary to seek advice from an obstetrician-gynecologist who guides a woman throughout her pregnancy. Since only he knows all the medical contraindications that can significantly affect the choice of a bandage.

  • the material from which the bandage is made must be exclusively natural. The fabric should be well ventilated. It is extremely important that the necessary amount of air enters the skin;
  • most bandages are attached to the stomach with Velcro. Therefore, special attention should be paid to their quality and durability. They should be as far away from exposed areas of the skin as possible so as not to rub them when worn;
  • it is important that the product does not squeeze the stomach and does not restrict movement. The expectant mother should comfortably walk, sit, and eat. To do this, during the fitting, you need to do as many different movements as possible, which will help you understand if the bandage is holding you back;
  • if pregnancy is accompanied by rapid weight gain, it is necessary to change bandages depending on the required size;
  • it is better not to buy the first available model, but to evaluate the quality and advantages of several at once. Perhaps, in some of the tested models, a woman will feel much better.

After the bandage is purchased, it is best to show it to your gynecologist, who will confirm or deny the correctness of his choice.

Where can I buy?

To date, there are many trading platforms where you can buy a bandage tool. As a rule, these are pharmacies, stores specializing in the sale of goods for expectant mothers, and various online markets.

As practice shows, it is best to make a purchase in trusted places. Most mothers prefer to purchase a bandage in a pharmacy, as the pharmacist will provide qualified assistance in selecting the correct size and material, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body. A woman will be able to ask all her questions and get professional answers from a physician.

In this case, there is a significant nuance - it is not possible to try on a bandage in a pharmacy and fully appreciate its quality and convenience.

And in a situation where he did not fit, the money will not be returned, since the bandage belongs to personal hygiene products, which, according to the law, cannot be returned. During the fitting, a woman needs to carefully listen to her own body, respond to all unusual compressions and discomfort.

When buying a supportive product via the Internet, the expectant mother runs the risk of receiving not only a low-quality product, but also health problems that may result from wearing it. Therefore, it is better not to resort to this option.

Should I wear it if there is no evidence?

This question, first of all, must be discussed with the gynecologist who directly leads the pregnancy. It is he who, having assessed the physiological state of a woman and, having analyzed her main indicators, can recommend or prohibit wearing a bandage.

Before buying a bandage - consult your doctor!

When to start wearing?

This decision is made purely taking into account the individual characteristics of the expectant mother. However, once again I would like to draw attention to the fact that making independent decisions in this case is not recommended. All actions must be coordinated with the observing gynecologist. Only he can assess the presence or absence of medical indications.

From what period?

As a rule, they begin to wear a supportive product, starting at 23 weeks. From a medical point of view, the optimal period to start wearing a bandage is the 4th month of pregnancy. Since it is at this time that the uterus begins its growth, which leads to an increase in the size of the fetus.

In this case, the main thing is to strictly follow the recommendations of a specialist and listen to your own body. Starting from the 39th week, the bandage is necessary for prolonged loads on the spine. Many women wear it for long walks or doing household chores. It is at this time that the child begins its preparation for labor. Therefore, it is extremely important to fix its position correctly.

How to properly use a prenatal bandage?

It is recommended to buy a bandage at 3-4 months of pregnancy. Since it is during this period that the fetus begins to noticeably increase in size. Some OB/GYNs recommend using the support for no more than 4-5 hours a day.

Most doctors are of the opinion that even prolonged wear of the bandage does not affect the health of the mother and baby. However, it is still worth taking some breaks in wearing it. To do this, it is enough to remove the belt every 4-5 hours for at least half an hour.

During sleep, the abdominal muscles should completely relax, and take a break from excessive tension. The bandage is essential during long walks, exercise, and sports. This tool can be used in late pregnancy.

For full use, gynecologists advise having at least two bandage belts. It is necessary to carefully monitor your own hygiene and wash bandages regularly. This is due to the fact that intense wear, and close proximity to the body, not only pollutes the bandage, but also significantly stretches it. And this, in turn, leads to a deterioration in its main function - pulling.

If slight redness and other allergic reactions are observed during wearing, it is necessary to treat this part of the body with a hypoallergenic agent and reduce the time of using the bandage. At least until the disappearance of skin rashes.

In order for the wearing of the bandage to benefit both the mother and the baby, it is necessary to follow a number of standard rules for wearing it:

Despite the fact that the choice of a bandage is purely individual, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the standard recommendations of specialists:

  • it is best to purchase the product only in specialized places (pharmacy, specialized stores), where you can fully try it on;
  • it is necessary to carefully study the composition of the bandage material;
  • when choosing a bandage, it is better to focus on the national manufacturer. Despite the fact that the range of such products is not as diverse as in the case of imported ones, it is domestic manufacturers who strictly comply with all the standards for the manufacture of such products. Plus, they have a more affordable price;
  • in the case of purchasing bandage panties, you should be especially careful about choosing their size. It should be several positions larger than the usual size of your underwear;
  • it is extremely important to monitor the condition of the product during its use.
  • if the baby begins to actively move, it is necessary to immediately remove the supporting agent;
  • it is necessary to carefully study the instructions for using the product, washing methods and fabric composition. This will keep the elasticity of the tissues longer;
  • the bandage is forbidden to be used during sleep.

Knowing all the rules for choosing, trying on, buying and using a bandage, a woman in position will greatly facilitate her pregnancy, especially in the later stages, when it’s hard not only to walk for a long time, but also just lie down.

It is most convenient to lie on your back, slightly raising your hips: it is in this case that the internal organs occupy the most correct position, and the tight fit of the bandage to the body is also ensured. It is recommended to wear a bandage no more than 10 hours a day. During the day, every 3 hours it must be removed for 30 minutes. It is not recommended to use the bandage at night.

During pregnancy, the universal bandage is put on so that its narrow part passes under the abdomen. The wide part should be at the waist and support the back. It is most convenient to put on a bandage while lying on the bed. Put the product, lie on it with your back. Wait a couple of minutes for the baby to move up. Fasten the bandage with Velcro so that in the prone position a palm passes between the product and the skin. After childbirth, it is necessary to put on a bandage with a wide part forward, also lying on your back. Before fixing it, relax the abdominal muscles so that they take the correct position.

With a maternity bandage, you will feel much more comfortable, move more and lead an active lifestyle throughout your pregnancy.

The universal bandage can be worn before and after childbirth. It is designed to be worn from 20-24 weeks. Wearing time - no more than 10 hours a day. You can wear a bandage with a semicircular part both up and down, depending on your feelings and the recommendations of an obstetrician-gynecologist.
After childbirth, the belt must be turned “back to front”, so that its wide part pulls and fixes the stomach, and the narrow part is fastened on the back. In the postpartum period, wear a bandage daily until the shape of the abdomen is fully restored.
It is necessary to select the size of the universal bandage according to the circumference of the hips under the abdomen, guided by the size determination table.


Before deciding to buy a prenatal bandage, you should consult with your doctor.

The bandage is purchased for the entire period of expectation of the baby, because with an increase in the duration of pregnancy, the circumference under the abdomen remains almost the same, especially since the bandages are made of elastic fabrics. It is necessary to select the size according to the girth of the hips under the stomach, guided by the size determination table. For multiple pregnancies, models with an increased degree of support are suitable, and for sedentary work, a seamless bandage will be more convenient. Universal models can be worn before and after childbirth, they are suitable for most women.


Prenatal bandage pants - high elastic shorts with an elastic supporting insert. They have a dense elastic band sewn into them, which stretches as the size of the uterus increases, adheres to the lumbar region, and passes under the stomach in front, giving it the necessary support without squeezing. The wider the tape, the more effective the bandage. The front insert has a high waistline, completely covers the stomach and "grows" with it without putting pressure on it. Bandages are offered not only in the form of panties, but also in the form of shorts.

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On the market of medical devices there are bandages-panties made without seams, having a two-position bottom fastener, thanks to which the bandage can not be removed when visiting the toilet (just unfasten the buttons or hooks). Bandages of this design are very popular among pregnant women: they are easy to use, fit well, and do not stand out under clothing. Moreover, they also satisfy the aesthetic needs of women, thanks to the presence of various model and color variations. The size of the bandage is selected depending on the size of the growing belly. A bandage-panties is put on in the prone position in order to properly fix the pregnant uterus and redistribute the pressure correctly: less in the upper abdomen, more in the lower part. It is also more convenient to remove the prenatal bandage lying down.

JavaScript is disabled in your browser Please note that bandage-panties can be worn both on the naked body and panties. In the first case, the bandage will need to be washed daily, and therefore you will have to purchase at least two bandages per shift. If the woman is obese or the pregnancy is accompanied by
pathological weight gain and edema, then, in some cases, by the end of the period, bandage panties begin to “crash” into the hips and rub the skin.

2. Prenatal bandage-belt - a supportive elastic belt with three adjustable Velcro joints, which is worn directly on the underwear. The central and two lateral joints allow you to adjust the size of the brace. The model is put on both lying down and
and standing.

It should be borne in mind that a wide and dense support tape will give a better effect and deform less when worn (roll, gather into folds, crash into the body). Another positive aspect of this bandage is that it allows you to adjust the fit due to the side flaps. If during wearing it turns out that the bandage began to put more pressure on the stomach or, on the contrary, stretched, then the side valves allow you to adjust the diameter without unfastening the bandage. At the same time, it fixes the uterus, but does not press from above. Very practical, comfortable in the summer, as it does not completely cover the stomach, it will not be too hot for a pregnant woman.

The bandage-belt for clothes is an elastic band that is fixed with a Velcro fastener under the stomach, reducing pressure and tension in the abdomen and pelvis.

3. The universal (combined) bandage belt is used both before and after childbirth. It is a two-sided belt of an orthopedic design, in which one side is much wider than the other, reinforced with an overlay. Velcro side flaps allow for adjustment
the size and degree of tightening of the belt without removing it. Such a bandage can be worn both as prenatal (the reinforced part of the belt will be located on the lower back), and as postnatal (in this case, the wide part pulls the abdominal wall). Before childbirth, you can wear a bandage with a semicircular detail both up and down, depending on the sensations of the pregnant woman. After childbirth, the skin and muscle tissue of the anterior abdominal wall needs time to return to its original tone. Postpartum bandages are designed to help a woman in this situation.

Postpartum bandage - a product that tightens the abdominal wall and contributes to a more rapid recovery of the tone of the muscles and skin of the abdomen in the postpartum period, leads to the normalization of pressure inside the abdominal cavity. The bandage relieves the load from the spine, relieves back pain, helps to maintain the correct posture and grace. Wearing a postpartum bandage relieves stretch marks, helps the abdominal organs to take the correct position, preventing the prolapse of internal organs or the formation of hernias.

Thanks to a special cut and elastic materials, the postpartum bandage has a high tightening ability, supports the abdomen and hips, creates the necessary compression, forms the correct proportions of the figure, and can significantly reduce the recovery period after childbirth. A high-quality bandage is made of hypoallergenic elastic cotton fabric, which makes it easy to absorb and evaporate moisture from the skin surface.


A postpartum bandage belt is a wide (from 15 to 30 cm) elastic belt covering the entire abdomen to the hips and fastened with Velcro (Velcro) in front or on the side. Such a bandage has a good tightening ability, in the case of abdominal delivery, it contributes to the formation of a strong postoperative scar and reduces the risk of postoperative hernias of the anterior abdominal wall. However, such a bandage creates certain inconvenience for a woman in the process of wearing (especially with active movements). In addition, made of a dense solid fabric, the bandage does not highlight the waistline and pulls both the stomach and buttocks with equal force.

Postpartum bandage panties (grace panties) are panties with a slimming front insert in the abdomen. The material from which they are sewn has a high degree of extensibility combined with elasticity. The bandage perfectly keeps on the figure, does not slip, it can be worn under any clothes instead of underwear - it will be invisible. Reduces the volume of the waist and hips, slightly tightens the buttocks. Models with a lower fastener can be left on when visiting the toilet. Bandage panties are more functional, in which it is possible to adjust the force of tightening the abdomen with the help of multi-position side fasteners on hooks or Velcro (Velcro).

The difference between corset bandage shorts is a high waist, the presence of internal inserts and braces, bones of various lengths, due to which the correct redistribution of pressure on all problem areas (and not just on the stomach) occurs, the former tone returns to the muscles and skin and beautiful proportions of the figure are formed. The stomach is flattened, the waist is reduced and there is a graceful transition from it to the hips, and the buttocks look rounded and taut.

There is also a separate type of bandage for women who have undergone a caesarean section - "surgical postoperative". Special "surgical" bandages may be required after caesarean section to fix the postoperative suture and support the lower
parts of the abdominal wall.


Prenatal bandage is recommended to be worn starting from the 3rd trimester of pregnancy (or from 20-24 weeks). However, it is better to focus on your feelings: if the stomach is large and the fetus is large, you can start wearing a bandage earlier, in agreement with your doctor. The main function of the prenatal bandage is to support and unload the back.
With an increase in the weight of the fetus and a change in the parameters of the woman's body, the load on the spine and internal organs increases, as a result of which the woman may be disturbed by pain in the back and lower back.
According to research by obstetricians and gynecologists, regularly wearing a prenatal bandage reduces the likelihood of:
- termination of pregnancy;
- premature birth;
- symphysitis and varicose veins;
- the appearance of stretch marks in the abdomen and back.

The moment when a woman feels the need for a bandage may come at different times. Some pregnant women do not experience any heaviness for the entire nine months, while others find it difficult to carry their stomach after the fourth month. Just at this time, the active growth of the child begins, the internal organs of the woman are displaced, and the pelvic bones gradually begin to diverge. All this causes discomfort. The use of a bandage helps to relieve the load from the lower back, support the stomach and internal organs, and avoid stretch marks on the skin. The bandage is also an indispensable assistant during postpartum recovery. It is needed to prevent prolapse of internal organs, rapid contraction of the uterus, toning the muscles and skin of the abdomen. And in the case of a caesarean section, the sutures are protected and fixed with the help of a postpartum bandage.

Doctors noted that with an excessive increase in the size of the uterus caused by polyhydramnios, multiple pregnancy, a large fetus, as well as with a scar on the uterus after previous operations (caesarean section, myomectomy), the bandage will prevent excessive stretching of the skin and muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, due to its design evenly distributing pressure over the entire surface of the abdomen. The role of the prenatal bandage is also invaluable in case of the threat of termination of pregnancy in the second and third trimester. The use of a bandage in this case can significantly reduce the pressure of the presenting part of the fetus and amniotic fluid on the incompetent cervix. With the presentation or low location of the placenta, the role of the bandage also comes down to the prevention of preterm birth. The use of a prenatal bandage will also be the right solution for a second pregnancy, because in this case the abdominal wall stretches faster and stronger. If a pregnant woman has weak muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, then a prenatal bandage will be a necessary help when carrying a child. Another group of indications in which the use of a prenatal bandage will be an important condition for maintaining health is curvature of the spine, osteochondrosis, pain in the lower back and back. In these cases, the bandage relieves the load from the lumbosacral spine.

There are practically no contraindications for wearing a prenatal bandage. The only exception is the case when, after 30 weeks, the fetus has not taken the correct position (i.e., head down). In order not to prevent the baby from rolling over, it is not recommended to fix the stomach with a bandage. After the baby rolls over, you can wear a bandage.
Additional support in the form of a bandage is especially recommended for working women who spend more than three hours a day on their feet, i.e. in an upright position, during repeated pregnancy, in case of discomfort in the back, lower back and neck, with osteochondrosis, curvature of the spine and some other pathologies.


To determine the size of the prenatal bandage, it is necessary to measure the hips under the abdomen (not in their widest part), while the centimeter tape should be parallel to the floor, and correlate the result with the size table. You should not focus on the size that you wore in your last pregnancy or are wearing now, but from a different manufacturer. Before each purchase, it is recommended to re-measure and study the dimensional grid of the selected brand.


Universal bandage belt. Such a product performs two functions at once: before childbirth, it supports a growing tummy, and after the birth of a baby, it helps to restore tone to the skin and muscles. Before childbirth, the bandage-belt must be worn with a wide part back. The semicircular part can be located both at the top and at the bottom - depending on the recommendations of the doctor and the feelings of the expectant mother. After childbirth, the bandage must be turned over with the wide part forward - to provide a tightening effect and fixation of the muscles. The bandage can be made of perforated material, which provides good air exchange, allowing the skin to breathe.
Among prenatal bandages, there are also seamless models: they have no seams, are easy to use and are invisible under clothing. It is easier to choose a seamless product in size: having a large margin of elasticity, such products are able to adapt to the changing parameters of a woman.


Medical bandage (fr. bandage - bandage) is a special belt for holding the anterior abdominal wall and internal organs in a normal position during pregnancy and after childbirth, with hernias
abdominal wall, etc. Medical underwear is made taking into account the anatomical and physiological characteristics of a woman's body during pregnancy, after childbirth, and helps prevent many adverse events, provide a woman with more comfortable conditions for bearing a fetus.

The question of the advisability of using a bandage during pregnancy and in the postpartum period is rarely discussed in the medical literature. However, in recent years, obstetricians and gynecologists have increasingly advised pregnant women and puerperas to wear bandages.

Types of bandages for pregnant women. Bandage instructions.

For women who are pregnant with their first child, the question often arises: why, when, and most importantly, how to wear a pregnancy belt? We will answer all these questions in our article.

What does a maternity bandage look like?

The classic maternity bandage is a special belt with an extension on the back and a narrower part that is worn under the stomach. Also known are such types as bandage-pants and a corset.

The main purpose of this device is to help a woman more easily endure the gestation period. The bandage supports the stomach, promotes the correct distribution of the load, protects against stretch marks, relieves pain from the lower back and spine, and also helps the child himself to some extent.

IMPORTANT: There is also a device for the postpartum period, designed to stimulate the speedy return of the previous figure.

What is a maternity bandage for?

The bandage greatly facilitates the course of pregnancy. Familiarize yourself with the main positive aspects of using this device:

  • The bandage prevents stretching of the skin, loss of its elasticity and the appearance of ugly red stripes, which soon turn white and remain on the skin forever. Stretch marks can be removed only in a beauty parlor, and this requires financial costs. All other ways to overcome them come down to lightening and slightly smoothing the bands. Therefore, if you want to look good after childbirth, be sure to consult your doctor about wearing a bandage.
  • The bandage reduces the pressure of the fetus on the pelvic organs and the spine, as a result of which you will not be bothered by pain in the lower back, lower abdomen, back
  • Significantly reduces the risk of miscarriage
  • The bandage helps to cope with pain in the legs, swelling of the lower extremities and their fatigue. Wearing a bandage is especially important for women who spend several hours on their feet in a row.
  • The belt regulates the course of pregnancy and gestation. Its use is mandatory if you are expecting twins
  • It's no secret that cephalic presentation - the position in which the baby is head down before birth - is optimal for an easy and successful delivery. With a breech presentation, a caesarean section is prescribed, this position of the child is fraught with complications. The bandage regulates the correct position of the fetus in the womb, so experts recommend wearing it to all pregnant women without exception.
  • In untrained women, the abdominal muscles are often not in good shape. Relaxation of the abdominal muscles is also observed during repeated pregnancy. In this case, wearing a bandage is mandatory, it perfectly supports the stomach when the body's own resources cannot cope with it.
  • By about 38 weeks of gestation, the fetus begins to descend, preparing to be born. Along with it, the stomach also drops. The droop can occur earlier, which is not normal, and to prevent this, wear a brace
  • The bandage is indicated for varicose veins, osteochondrosis

IMPORTANT: Some doctors oppose wearing a bandage. If you do not have any of the following indications for its use, it is better to refrain from using it.

Indications for the use of a belt for pregnant women:

  • carrying twins
  • low position of the fetus in the womb, as a result of which the stomach also drops
  • pinching of a nerve in the lumbar region, which provokes neurological pain
  • operations in the abdomen that were performed no later than 1.5 years ago
  • a scar on the uterus that appears after surgery on the gynecological part, including a caesarean section preceding the current pregnancy
  • underdeveloped cervix
  • chance of miscarriage
  • unbearable pain in the legs, lower back, back, spine

IMPORTANT: Before deciding on your own whether or not to wear a belt, consult your gynecologist. According to all your examinations, he is the only one who can recommend a device.

How to choose a bandage for pregnant women in size?

There is a table of sizes of bandages, which you can refer to when choosing. But the only way to get the belt really true to size is to try it on.

You can buy a belt at a pharmacy or special stores for expectant mothers. Experts advise choosing a device in a pharmacy located at the maternity hospital, or in departments for pregnant women. Consultants work here to help determine both the type and material of the device, and its size.

Feel free to try on different belts. After all, the wrong size of the bandage can affect the health of the child. The fabric should not put pressure on the stomach, but only gently envelop it and support it. In the case of a tight bandage, you risk causing serious harm to the developing baby.

Bandage size for pregnant women, table

In the tables below, you can find out the size of the belt that is right for you, by height and weight or by hip circumference. Additionally, information is provided on the sizes of postpartum bandages.

How to choose the right bandage for pregnant women?

IMPORTANT: In order to choose the right bandage, you need to decide on the type - panties, corset, belt or combined, as well as the size.

It is also important to choose the material from which the belt is made. Cheap models, which women often stop to avoid overpaying, are made of synthetic fabrics that do not allow the skin to breathe. This is extremely harmful for both the expectant mother and the baby. Choose a belt only from natural materials.

As for the model itself, it is best to try on each and choose the one in which you are most comfortable. The belt should not press either on the stomach or on any other area. If you experience even the slightest discomfort, immediately discard this option.

Types of bandages for pregnant women

Bandages are divided into prenatal, postnatal, as well as universal - those that are perfect for both periods.

There is also a division of bandages by models.

Belt is an elastic fabric band that expands at the back and narrows under the belly. Belts have different fastening options. They are worn exclusively on underwear for hygiene purposes.

Panties made in the form of ordinary shorts, only in front they have a special insert that supports the stomach. There are certain inconveniences in using this type of device. Since the bandage-panties are worn without underwear, it has to be washed every day, so it is advisable to purchase several of these models at once. If a woman experiences frequent urge to urinate, there are difficulties in wearing such a bandage, since it has to be constantly removed

Suitable for both pregnancy and postpartum. It is made of rubberized fabric, ordinary Velcro acts as fasteners. Such a belt is put on with a narrow part forward during pregnancy and a wide part on the stomach after childbirth.

Corset can still be found on sale, but this is an outdated model, which today is recognized by gynecologists as ineffective. Doctors do not recommend purchasing this option

When should you start wearing a maternity bandage?

You should think about using a belt already when the stomach is just beginning to appear. Usually this is the 4th month of gestation, which is equal to 20-24 weeks of obstetric pregnancy.

IMPORTANT: Often a bandage is indicated at an earlier or later stage. Talk to your gynecologist about your individual situation.

How to wear a maternity bandage? Video

Each device for pregnant women comes with instructions for dressing and wearing the model. Check it out carefully. You can try putting on a belt in the store when you choose it. Qualified consultants will help you here.

Your doctor can also explain all the subtleties of wearing a bandage, do not hesitate to ask him questions. And remember: the health of your child depends on the correct wearing of the belt.

Video: How to put on a maternity bandage

How long should you wear a maternity bandage?

The bandage cannot be worn all day, it must be removed. This is due to the fact that the device, while supporting the stomach, to one degree or another still limits the possibility of moving the child in the womb. So that the baby does not feel constrained, every 2-3 hours the bandage must be removed for at least 30 minutes.

Belts are not recommended in the third trimester. If by this time the child has not taken the desired position with his head down, then the belt will greatly hinder him from doing this. But if the baby is already in head presentation, then the bandage will only fix this position and prevent the child from rolling over incorrectly.

At the very last stages of gestation, the bandage is contraindicated. This is due to the lowering of the abdomen on the eve of childbirth, which the belt will prevent.

Video: Choosing the right bandage for pregnant women, childbirth. Tips, tricks, reviews

During pregnancy, a woman's body is subject to great stress. To relieve tension from the spine, a bandage is worn. When used correctly, it supports the stomach and relieves the feeling of heaviness.

The bandage holds the abdominal wall.

This contributes to:

  • Relieve pressure from the back.
  • Reducing pressure on internal organs.
  • Better support for the abdomen, with weak muscles.
  • Prevention of early descent of the fetus.
  • Prevention of stretch marks in the abdomen.

There are 4 types of bandage:

  1. Belt.
  2. Elastic high pants.
  3. Universal. The difference from the usual belt is that it can be worn after childbirth.
  4. Corset.

Should I wear a bandage during pregnancy?

A bandage for pregnant women (how to wear it, the observing gynecologist will advise) is recommended to be used during the gestation period, if there is any discomfort, or there is a risk for pregnancy.

Doctors advise to start wearing it after 4-5 months, when the child is growing rapidly. But before buying, you should consult with an observing gynecologist in order to take into account indications and contraindications.

Pros and cons of a bandage for pregnant women



  1. Possibly weakened abdominal muscles. After childbirth, it is difficult to restore them.
  2. Allergy to bandage fabric.
  3. Bandage in the form of underpants does not provide for an increase in other parts of the body, except for the abdomen. If there is a rapid weight gain, then you need to change the product often.
  4. Bandage shorts need daily washing.
  5. Bandages cannot be worn standing up, which will make it difficult to visit public toilets or hospitals.

Medical indications for use

Usually the pregnant woman herself decides whether she needs a bandage. But in some cases, wearing it is mandatory.


  1. The woman leads an active lifestyle, goes in for sports.
  2. The fruit is large.
  3. Diagnosed with varicose veins.
  4. Twins or triplets are expected.
  5. Polyhydramnios.
  6. Back diseases: neuritis, osteochondrosis, scoliosis.
  7. Weak muscles in the abdomen.
  8. The woman had previous abdominal operations.
  9. Risk of preterm birth.
  10. There are stitches after caesarean.


Wearing a bandage is prohibited if:

Types of bandages

A bandage during pregnancy (how to wear it correctly will be prompted by an observing doctor) can be of several types: a belt, 2 in 1, panties and a corset.


It is an elastic wide dense tape, which is fastened with Velcro under the stomach.


  1. Easy adjustment as your belly grows.
  2. Easy to put on and take off by yourself.
  3. Natural material. The skin under it breathes and does not sweat.
  4. Minimal risk of allergies.
  5. Low cost.


  1. Velcro hasn't held on so tightly since the beginning of time.
  2. Velcro can damage clothing.
  3. Visible under light clothing.
  4. If it is badly fixed, it will slide.
  5. Possible rubbing.


Its uniqueness is the possibility of use after childbirth. The front looks like a regular belt. Expands at the back. After giving birth, you need to wear it the other way around.


  1. 2 in 1.
  2. Easy to operate.
  3. Low price.
  4. natural materials.


  1. Visible under clothing.
  2. May slide.
  3. Velcro loosens over time.
  4. Possible rubbing.


They are shorts with a special insert on top.


  1. Not visible under clothing.
  2. Easy to put on and take off at home.


  1. They need to be washed every day like normal underwear.
  2. Not designed to take on heavy loads. Suitable only for fetal support.
  3. One pair is not enough. Compared to other types, it is expensive.
  4. You can only put it on while lying down.
  5. Not suitable for women who are rapidly gaining weight.


Ideal for women who suffer from serious back problems.


  1. Well and correctly fixes the fetus.
  2. Supports the spine.
  3. Improves posture.


  1. High cost.
  2. Can't be worn on its own.
  3. Covers a large area of ​​the skin.
  4. Visible under clothing.

When to start wearing a bandage during pregnancy

The observing obstetrician at the examination during this period should ask the pregnant woman about her well-being. If there is discomfort and heaviness, then it's time to use a bandage.

A separate case is multiple pregnancy and polyhydramnios. It is recommended to wear a bandage from 15-16 weeks.

If a woman feels well, she has strong abdominal muscles, then it can be postponed until 28-30 weeks.

If the pregnancy is the second or third, then wearing a bandage begins immediately after the appearance of the abdomen.

How to put on a bandage during pregnancy

A bandage during pregnancy (how to wear and put on a gynecologist will advise) must be worn correctly. It is necessary to perform all actions correctly so that the bandage has the maximum benefit and minimum inconvenience. Also, it should not harm the baby.

How can you tell if the bandage is on correctly?

  1. There is no feeling of discomfort in any position: lying, standing or sitting.
  2. The hand passes freely between the body and the bandage.

If in doubt, the first time you can ask the obstetrician for help when putting on.

How to wear a bandage during pregnancy

  1. No sudden movements.
  2. It is not recommended to bend over in it.
  3. The bandage should be removed every few hours.
  4. Can't be left overnight.
  5. You can't lie on your back.
  6. If sitting discomfort is felt, then wear only when walking.

How to remove a bandage during pregnancy

How long to wear a bandage

In the absence of contraindications, it can be worn until the very birth. Starting around 20-24 weeks, the bandage can be worn daily, but not all day. After 3 hours of wearing, you need to remove it for about 40 minutes.

How to choose the right brace size

A bandage for pregnant women (how to wear it is described above) is selected taking into account several factors that allow you to choose the best option.

Factors to consider when choosing a size:

  1. The age of the pregnant woman.
  2. What is the pregnancy on the account.
  3. Fetal position.
  4. How many weeks of pregnancy.
  5. Type of holding device.
  6. pregnant weight.

When buying a belt, you should take the size that was before pregnancy. Pants should be purchased one size larger.

Correct measurements and fitting at the time of purchase will ensure comfort when wearing a bandage for pregnant women without harm to the health of the mother and child

What you need to do before buying a universal option:

  • measure the circumference of the waist at the level of the navel.
  • add 5 cm.

The main parameter when choosing will be the girth under the stomach.

Dependence of the size on the girth under the belly:

1. Belt or universal:

  • Size XS - Pre-pregnancy hips 850-900 mm.
  • S - 910-950.
  • M - 960-1000.
  • L - 1010-1050.
  • XL 1060-1100.
  • XXL - 1110-1150.

2. Briefs:

  • Size 92 - Girth of the lower abdomen 890-920 mm.
  • 96 – 890-920.
  • 100 – 930-960.
  • 104 – 970-1000.
  • 108 – 1010-1040.
  • 112 – 1090-1120.

You should not take a bandage without trying it on.

In what cases should you refuse to wear a bandage?

You need to stop wearing if:

  1. Until 30 weeks, the baby did not take the correct position.
  2. He is restless, more active than usual.
  3. There is a feeling of pressure.
  4. Breathe heavily.
  5. The occurrence of shortness of breath.
  6. Feeling of strong pressure in the abdomen.

Consequences of improper wearing of a bandage

Pregnancy involves correctly putting on, wearing and removing a bandage. Wrong sock will not help relieve the load, but only increase it.

Problems from improper wear:

When is a postpartum bandage needed?

After childbirth, a woman's body needs to be restored. The uterus is still in an enlarged state for some time, stretched skin is not immediately restored to the prenatal state, this is evidenced by a sagging abdomen. To do this, use a postpartum bandage.

Indications for wearing


  1. Seams at the crotch.
  2. Kidney disease, accompanied by edema.
  3. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. Skin diseases.
  5. Hypersensitivity to product materials.

Types of postpartum bandages

2 in 1. It is worn while carrying a child with the wide side towards the back, and after that - with the wide side on the stomach.


  • Affordable price.
  • Easy to put on and take off.
  • Versatility.


  • Visible under clothing.
  • Allergy is possible.
  • Can move out.
  • Velcro does not hold up well over time.

Belt. It is made in the form of a wide tape, which has a wide insert in the abdomen. It is fastened with Velcro. Tightens the area from the hips to the ribs.


  • Low cost.
  • Holds the stomach well.
  • Prevention of hernia.
  • Good fixation of stitches after caesarean.
  • Easy to operate.


Underpants. They are shorts with a dense high belt from the pelvis to the ribs. In the area of ​​​​the abdomen - a dense insert.

Suitable for women who do not suffer from back pain and need only light abdominal support.


  • Not visible under clothing.
  • Hook fasteners.
  • Some models can be unbuttoned from below.
  • Good fixation of the product.


  • You need several sets.
  • Need to wash every day.
  • Not suitable for overweight women.

Briefs-corsets and bermudas. The corset differs from the previous version in that it has an overstated belt - it pulls it down to the waist. Bermuda shorts are ideal for winter, as they protect from the cold. Well emphasize the figure, hiding imperfections. A slightly sagging belly after childbirth will not be noticeable.


  • Tightens the figure.
  • Gets rid of cellulite.
  • Gets rid of striae.
  • Supports the stomach.


  • Price.
  • Need to wash frequently.

Skirt. The product looks like a belt. But it has a large width - up to 40 cm. This allows you to drag a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body.


  • Tightens the stomach.
  • Gets rid of stretch marks.
  • Forms a beautiful figure.
  • Fixation of sutures after caesarean section.


  • May slide.
  • Possible rubbing.
  • Velcro fasteners lose their properties over time.

How to choose the right postpartum bandage:

  • Choose your size carefully. You will need: waist and hips. If the weight has returned to prenatal, then the size of the product will match the size that the woman wore before pregnancy. If the weight has increased by more than 10 kg, then the bandage will be 2 sizes larger.
  • Choose models from natural fabrics and materials.
  • Buy at a pharmacy or a specialized store.
  • You can not buy "from the hands."

The bandage should be put on lying down, lifting the hips. After fixation, there should be no feeling of discomfort. Gynecologists advise wearing a bandage for about 2 months daily, taking breaks after every 4 hours for 30-40 minutes. At night, the product must be removed.

Bandage from the company FEST

Production- Russia.

Price: from 500 to 2000 rubles.

The brand has received official approval from the Russian Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.

FEST offers several types of bandages:

  • Belt.
  • Universal.
  • Underpants.
  • Bermuda.
  • Grace.

All of them are made from natural materials. But to give elasticity, synthetic additives are also needed. About 70% of the composition is cotton.

  • Helps to relieve stress from the back and maintain the abdomen.
  • Postpartum bandage promotes uterine contraction.
  • After washing, it does not stretch and does not lose its original shape.
  • Of the minuses: in hot weather, the skin under the product sweats.

Bandage by Orlette

Manufacturer– Germany.

Price: from 2500 rub.

It has been produced in Russia for about 15 years.

Includes prenatal and postnatal products. A large dimensional grid expands the choice.


  • Large size range.
  • High wear resistance.
  • The skin under the fabric breathes.
  • Supports the stomach well.
  • Removes stress from the spine.


  • High price.
  • Doesn't protect against stretch marks.
  • Small selection of colors.
  • It's hot in summer.

Trives bandage

Manufacturer- Russia.

Price: from 800 rub.

The company has been producing bandages for 25 years in Russia.

For pregnant women, Trives offers 3 types of bandages:

  1. Prenatal.
  2. Postpartum.
  3. Universal.


  • High content of cotton threads. The material is breathable, the skin under it does not sweat.
  • Adjustable Velcro fasteners.
  • Panty bandage insert stretches as your tummy expands.
  • An unusual belt model is presented that covers the entire abdomen.
  • Eco plastic plates on the universal model relieve the load from the spine.


  • Sticky Velcro, can damage clothes.
  • Panties are not designed for women who are rapidly gaining weight.
  • Uncomfortable to sit - Velcro on the side cut into the stomach.

Ecoten bandage

Manufacturer- Russia.

Price: from 2000 rub.

The prenatal bandage is presented in 5 types, one of them is universal. Prenatal options have different belt widths from 15 to 25 cm.

Several possible colors will allow you to choose the best option for your clothes. In a sitting position, sometimes there is a feeling of constriction.


  • Breathable fabric.
  • There is a model that supports the entire abdomen.
  • Different colors.
  • Additional supporting inserts.
  • Cotton panels on belly.


  • Uncomfortable to sit.
  • Price.

Nuova Vita bandage

Manufacturer- Russia.

Price: 1000-1500 rub.

Several models of prenatal and postnatal bandages have been proposed. The one-piece model supports the stomach well, while the fasteners do not interfere. Convenient for exercise.


  1. There is a prenatal model without fasteners.
  2. Not visible under clothing.
  3. Doesn't roll down.


  1. Stretches with prolonged use.
  2. The spools appear.

Where to buy a bandage for pregnant women

Where can I buy:

  • Pharmacy.
  • Special shop.
  • Store of goods for expectant mothers.
  • Shops for children's goods and goods for newborns.
  • Shop of orthopedic goods.
  • Online store.

What to look for when choosing a bandage?

Criterion Why?
ModelEach person has an individual body structure, so there is no type of bandage that is equally comfortable for everyone.
SizeThe main selection criterion. An incorrectly selected size will not only cause discomfort to a woman, but can also harm the child. Before buying, you need to measure your parameters
TextileThe composition should mainly be natural fabric - cotton. It breathes, does not accumulate moisture in itself, does not rub the skin. The fabric must be durable so that the bandage retains its appearance and properties after washing.
DesignNot the most important criterion. But it must be taken into account. The chosen color determines how much the bandage will be visible under the clothes. Some manufacturers add ruffles and lace to decorate.
Place of purchaseYou can not buy products "from the hands." The pharmacy is not the most convenient place, because there is no fitting. The best place would be an orthopedic store with a large selection of manufacturers and types of products, where a consultant will help you choose the right option.

Modern medical products greatly facilitate the course of pregnancy. The bandage, when worn correctly, will remove part of the load that a woman experiences in the second half of the term. You can not choose it at random, you need to know the exact parameters and focus on your feelings, and the feelings of the baby. At a consultation with a gynecologist, you need to discuss all the pros and cons of such a product.

Article formatting: Vladimir the Great

Video about prenatal and postnatal bandages

How to put on a maternity bandage:

Every woman, having become pregnant, looks forward with great impatience to the moment when her stomach will be rounded, when the new life developing under her heart can be both felt and touched. But the growth of the fetus and an increase in its mass is fraught for a pregnant woman not only with pleasant moments. The less time remains until the expected date of birth, the greater the load on the spine of the expectant mother and her internal organs becomes. And in order to somehow compensate for this load, as well as to prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the skin of a pregnant woman, her doctor may prescribe her wearing a bandage. And since young women are unlikely to use this device in everyday life, many questions often arise about its use. How and why to wear a bandage during pregnancy? Where to buy it and what to look for when choosing? Let's answer these questions together. And, for starters, perhaps, let's figure out what it is - a bandage.

The bandage compensates for the load on the back muscles, supports the abdominal muscles and prevents the appearance of stretch marks on the skin of the abdomen in pregnant women

bandage for pregnant women called a special medical belt (or elastic panties), which is designed to support the anterior walls of a woman's abdominals.

  • When worn, the load on the spine and legs of the pregnant woman is compensated.
  • Reduced overall physical fatigue.
  • The bandage prevents back pain.
  • The skin of the abdomen is less stretched, which significantly reduces the likelihood of striae (stretch marks) on it.

Usually, expectant mothers start wearing a bandage from 25 weeks. And when - even earlier.

As for the appearance, modern bandages are very pretty and aesthetic. They are hard to see under clothes. And if you put on a bandage correctly, the expectant mother, in fact, should not even feel it on herself.

Like any other device used in medicine, the bandage can only be recommended for wearing by your doctor.

Because, like any other device, it has both indications for use and contraindications. And you should definitely know about this.

The bandage is contraindicated to be worn by pregnant women in whom the child in the womb is not positioned correctly (breech or transverse presentation)

Indications and contraindications

The bandage is prescribed, far, not for all pregnant women. If your abdominal muscles are well developed and your back does not hurt after walking, then you do not need to use a bandage at all.

If after 24 weeks the baby does not lie head down, it is strictly contraindicated to wear a pregnant bandage. In principle, these are all contraindications.

But there are quite a few indications for wearing a bandage by expectant mothers

  1. When a pregnant woman leads an active lifestyle and is on her feet for at least 2-3 hours in a row.
  2. For cosmetic purposes - to prevent.
  3. Back pain, osteochondrosis, scoliosis.
  4. Nerve entrapment in the lumbar spine.
  5. Pain in the legs,.
  6. Weak abdominal and pelvic floor muscles.
  7. Underdevelopment of the cervix, polyhydramnios.
  8. Surgical interventions in the abdominal cavity (if less than one and a half years have passed since the operation).
  9. The low position of the fetus - the bandage does not allow the child to fall ahead of time.
  10. Multiple pregnancy or large fetus.
  11. Threat at a later date, etc.

Despite the fact that, as you can see, there are very few contraindications to wearing a bandage, compared to the indications, before deciding to use it, be sure to consult with your gynecologist.

Modern bandages for pregnant women look quite attractive

Types of bandages for expectant mothers

Bandages for women awaiting replenishment in the family are prenatal, postnatal and combined. We are interested in prenatal, which, in turn, are of two types.

  • Elastic panties. Dense and high. They differ from the underwear that you are used to wearing in that they have elastic inserts in the front and back in their lower part, which support the stomach and back of the pregnant woman. But they are not recommended to be bought by expectant mothers who are gaining weight very rapidly.
  • Universal bandage belt. You can wear it during pregnancy and after childbirth - for the speedy recovery of the tone of the abdominal muscles. It is a bandage belt - an elastic band tapering at the edges, having fasteners or Velcro. In such bandages, it is possible to adjust them depending on the size of your tummy.

But besides the fact that you need to decide on the type of bandage, there are a number of criteria that you will also need to pay attention to so that wearing it is useful and comfortable for you.

When choosing a bandage, the material from which it is made is of no small importance. Preference should be given to a bandage made of natural fabric

How to choose?

  1. Buy a bandage in a specialty store for pregnant women. There you can try it on and take a good look at it. In pharmacies, this option is not available.
  2. Pay attention to the manufacturer. Today, domestic bandages have established themselves as a fairly high-quality product. And the price for them compares favorably with the price of their foreign counterparts.
  3. If you decide to purchase a bandage in the form of panties, its size should be an order of magnitude higher than the size of your underwear.
  4. You should choose a bandage belt, starting from the volumes of your abdomen (in a standing position, the extreme point is the navel) and hips.
  5. Carefully consider the quality of the material from which the bandage is made. The ideal option is natural fabrics that allow your skin to breathe and do not cause irritation on it.

During the fitting, pay attention to the fact that a properly selected and correctly worn bandage should not cause any discomfort in you.

How to put on?

How you put on the bandage will depend on what kind of bandage you have chosen for yourself. After all, the bandage panties are worn only in the prone position. A bandage belt can be worn both lying down and standing.

A bandage purchased at a store or pharmacy must be accompanied by instructions for its use and care. If you do not find one, again, contact your doctor. He will tell and show you how to wear a bandage during pregnancy, and how to put it on correctly.

Bandage-panties are put on in the supine position. In this case, your hips should be raised

Bandage panties must be worn only when lying down. And your hips should be raised. Under them, you can put a small pillow or roller.

The bandage is worn over your underwear. Make sure that the elastic insert on the panties is not too high, otherwise it may put pressure on the fetus. And this cannot be allowed.

It is important to fix the bandage belt correctly so that it fits you in size

Bandage belt

The bandage belt is convenient in that it can be worn both lying down and standing up. But, for starters, until you understand how to do it correctly, nevertheless, use the lying position to learn how to dress in it.

The bandage in the form of a belt in front should pass under the stomach, capturing the pubic bone. And from behind - along the upper part of the buttocks, resting on the hips.

It is very important to fix the bandage correctly. After all, too strong fixation can harm the fetus. And too weak will simply be ineffective.

Correct bandage to wear over underwear

How to wear a bandage during pregnancy?

When using a bandage during pregnancy, a number of rules should be observed. Only in this way its use will be useful for you and safe.

  • Each time, carefully check that you put on the bandage correctly. If you do not feel it at all on yourself, then everything is in order. The bandage is on correctly.
  • If the child begins to actively move in the abdomen, the bandage must be removed immediately. You can put it on after that no earlier than 30 minutes later.
  • Every 3-4 hours it is necessary to remove the bandage and take a half-hour break in wearing it. This is required to restore blood circulation in the pelvic organs.
  • Carefully read the instructions for use and care of the bandage. Care, as a rule, consists in washing it in compliance with the temperature regime, so as not to damage the elastic inserts.

Agree, these rules are not so complicated as to cause any difficulties. But, if you, due to circumstances, do not have the opportunity to take a break from the bandage during the day, this is allowed. But, as you know, as an exception.

The duration of wearing a bandage depends on the individual characteristics of the course of pregnancy.

Application duration

When should you start wearing a brace? Only the doctor who manages your pregnancy knows the answer to this question. If you periodically feel back pain or fatigue in your legs, this is certainly a reason to raise the issue of prescribing a bandage for you at your next visit to the antenatal clinic.

But you shouldn't make such a decision on your own. Be aware of contraindications. Only your gynecologist knows if you have them.

Usually, pregnant women wear a bandage from the moment of its appointment (weeks 23-30, depending on the individual characteristics of the course of pregnancy) and until childbirth.

After the baby is born, you can be prescribed a postpartum bandage for the speedy contraction of the muscles of the uterus and abdominals.

Now you know how to wear a bandage during pregnancy and why you need it. Bandage - a device, no doubt, useful. Provided that it is assigned to you by the local gynecologist, and you follow all the instructions and rules while wearing it. But you probably don't need to be reminded of this. Your love for the little man living under your heart will act as a guarantee that everything and always you will now do only the right thing ...

Video "Bandage for pregnant women: how to wear, which one to choose?"