How to decompose paper napkins on a festive table. How to fold napkins in the napples: ideas and recommendations

This option is easy to execute, but I like the guests. The layout starts with the tail of the bird. To do this, it is necessary to pick up bright, saturated colors of napkins. Monophonic will also fit, but the bird looks less effectively. Production sequence:

  • each napkin is bent two parallel corners. The napkin is folded in half. There is a trapezium - one tail item. Continue to work until these parts are the right amount;
  • make head and neck. To do this, the napkin needs to be folded several times, forming a flat tube. The tube needs to be adjusted to the upper part, forming a head;
  • all items are placed in the holder.

This interesting method of layout is suitable for any celebration. Bird symbolizes heat, homemade comfort. Especially relevant such a figure in the celebration of the new year, whose symbol is the rooster. Juicy colors will also decorate a festive table at the birthday of a child. Bright closets will attract the attention of young guests and delight the birthday girl.

On a note!

Before looking for layouts for folding napkins, it is necessary to determine the place of placement. It can be a cloth, a glass, plate. Based on this, the option of addition will be selected.

Schemes at plates

To emphasize the importance of the event will help beautifully decorated napkins at the plate. They can be located in a glass, on the dish. Envelopes under cutlery look solid, and fan and roses give romance. You can surprise the guests an unusual addition scheme - under the ring. It is interesting and very elegant. And the scarf on the plug, albeit simpler, but it looks playfully and self-sufficient.

Fan and rose in a glass

To make a fan, you need to straighten the napkin and fold out the harmonica from it. The resulting billet bends in half and placed in a glass. Just and beautiful.

Very exquisitely looks a flower in a glass. There are several options for making roses. The most simple includes the following steps:

  • the napkin is deployed and folded into a flat tube from the angle;
  • the upper corner is sweeping, and the tube is folded into the bud;
  • "Petals" of the resulting flower is slightly rejected;
  • you can wrap the flower with a green cloth, imitating rose leaves;
  • the resulting composition is placed in a glass of suitable size.

To make a festive table more colorful, you need to make bright colorful roses. Instead of glasses, paper flowers can be placed in a wide shallow bowl, forming a bouquet. In this case, it is important to ensure that the floral buds are tightly twisted and have not disengaged.

Three fold schemes for a ring and a scarf on a plug

Rings are a good idea for tissue napkins. In the first two cases make an elegant bow. To do this, the napkin is bent, forming a strip. The edges fell into the middle, slightly overlapping each other. The resulting part is made in the ring, which serves as a middle bow. The edges slightly pull out. Graceful bow ready.

In the second embodiment, instead of the ring uses a monochrome satin ribbon. She is tightened by the middle. Instead of rings and tapes, you can use a solid foil strip. She reliably fixes the workpiece without giving a fabric figure to deform.

In the third version of the folds - the manufacture of a classic flower. A rhombus fold out of the napkin. Free edges are slightly rejected by forming petals. The bottom of the flower is drawn in the ring.

The simplest, but spectacular solution - scarf on the plug. For its manufacture, the tissue napkin turns into striped. Striped fold in half. The plug is placed on top of the workpiece, the edges of which turn around around the table appliance and are drawn in the resulting loop. Slightly tighten. Simple and elegant scarf ready.

On a note!

No need to invent too complex folding options. Especially if this is a children's holiday. Guests may have difficulty when unfolding the napkin, which will spoil them mood.

Three envelopes under cutlery

Any of the envelope folding schemes allows you to beautifully issue a festive table. The difference lies in the difficulty of manufacture. Choosing the most convenient scheme, you can practice in advance, folding your pocket. Having gained experience, you can quickly make an original and practical decoration for a festive table:

Instead of cutlery in beautiful pockets, you can put postcards with wishes, a card with the name of the invited guest, a spruce twig. Envelopes are better folded from monophonic napkins. The drawing will distract, and the altitude of the material, on the contrary, will help to emphasize the elegance and skill of the manufacture of an envelope.

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Volumetric Candle and Crown Figures

Flat figures are easy to manufacture. But there are also volumetric figures - a candle and crown - which can be done in a couple of minutes. The candle will fit well for a romantic dinner or a New Year's party, and the crown will perform the rods for the branches of ate or flowers. For the crown it is better to take a napkin with openwork edges. Such an exercise will look solemnly.

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On a note!

To secure the edges of the figure and facilitate execution, you can use the stationery clip. But it must be remembered that paper products are easy to break. Therefore, it should work carefully.

Napkins decorated in this way adorn the table and give it an aesthetic appearance. It is easy to make them, so you can attract the process of making children. They will enjoy the skill of creating volumetric figures from napkins. This is a fascinating occupation, the result of which will delight the owners of the holiday and guests.

Choosing materials

Choosing paper napkins, you need to take into account their color. Bright, saturated colors are suitable for a fun holiday, children's birthday. White napkins and a white tablecloth on the table - emphasize the atmosphere of special solemnity. When choosing tissue napkins, it is better to take those whose dense texture: linen, cotton, viscose. They keep the form better, do not impenet and look solid.

Start working out the art of folding is better with simple schemes. After examining them, you can take for more complex. On the eve of the holiday, it is necessary to fold the selected figures. In this case, you do not have to do it in a hurry, before the arrival of guests. It will be necessary to just reach the finished products and beautifully decompose on the table.

Each hostess wants her festive table to be flawlessly served and created an appropriate atmosphere. A special role in serving is played by napkins. This indispensable accessory today not only serves as a means of hygiene, but also opens up great opportunities for decoration. Original styled products can give a festive feast special solemnity. This article shows the ways of serving the table with napkins in a glass.

Today, napkins are presented in a wide variety of sizes, shapes and colors. Planning a festive table serving, it is important to take into account all the features of this item:

  • The size. For tea, the medium-sized napkins are suitable, large-format products are desirable to use at celebrations.
  • Material. Napkins are paper and fabric. Ideally, both material should be present on the festive table.
  • The form. Mostly the range is represented by square napkins with chopped edges. However, oval, round, as well as products with openwork edges and fringe are not inferior in popularity in square.
  • Colors.Bright colors are suitable for secular rounds - pastel shades to the table. Color must be harmoniously combined with a tablecloth and dishes.

Watch that the napkins were solely clean. Fold them only washed, dry hands. Upon giving the form as small as possible and turn them out.

It is advisable to pre-eat, so as not to spoil the pack of new products before the arrival of guests. In addition, it is necessary to fold the napkins so that the guests were comfortable to deploy them.

Decor options for general table

If there was no cloves at hand, or it is not quite suitable for the theme of a party or celebration, then the pack of napkins can be unusual and gracefully put in a beautiful glass or a cup. This option is easy to execute, but does not inferior in the grace other means of serving.

Easy way

Take two packs of different paper products. Form the first row: fold 4 napkins angle in a glass, alternating colors. For convenience, turn them around their fingers. Starting up the corners gently bent for the outer edge of the glass. The second, third, fourth rows fold the same as the first, alternate color in a circle, but the corners are no longer bend.

"Pink Flowerba"

If you wish, you can create a beautiful flower leaf on the table with roses. To do this, take a shallow wide cup and pack of paper napkins. Pour them into rectangles, twist into small rollers and moderately fold them into a cup, having vertically. As a result, the composition should be similar to a flowerbed or a vase with roses.

"Bilateral Waterfall"

Take a low steady glass. Expand each paper napkin once per rectangle and fold the length into a narrow strip. Then put stripes to each other. Bend the stack of them in half and put in a glass so that they are beautifully hung on the sides of the dishes.


Fold each napkin to the diagonal in half and twist into the tube perpendicular to the base of the triangle. Tightly fold the tube into a glass and repent the sticking ends slightly so that they look like a flame candle.


This method is perfect for the children's holiday, especially if you use multicolored, bright napkins:

  • One angle of the expanded square is adjusted to the center.
  • As you thin, turn the paper product into the cutting tube to the opposite corner. So that the tube does not turn out, secure the corner of the water drop.
  • Put the tubes into the glass.

Decorations in individual glasses

Napkins in the glass fold both for public and for each guest individually. Usually, linen or cotton wipes are used as individual jewelry, but sometimes they are replaced with paper. The main thing is that the products are dense and multilayer. So that they hold the form, fabric options carefully starch.

Individual napkins look perfectly both in Fugers and in simple glasses. The following describes several popular methods for such a serving.


Take two napkins. Place them perpendicular to each other and raise, holding them for the center. Shake so that the edges are smoothly and beautifully hung. Tighten the center slightly and carefully, not smile, put a "bouquet" in a glass.


Fold the napkin in half. The resulting rectangle fold the harmonica with a step 2, see. Bend the harmonica twice and put in the dishes. Starting the end to straighten the fan.


Fold the napkin twice. Bend the two opposite angle to the middle, then the lower angle should be adjusted slightly above the sides of the side corners. Roll into the shape and insert it into a glass or glass.


Square to fold in half. Bend the corners to the middle. Turn the triangle with the other side and bend it the side also to the middle. Then fold the resulting figure so that its upper and lower angles are connected. Twist the shape around and put it in a glass.


Fold the napkin in half diagonally. Twistly twist in the roller, the resulting triangle from the base to the angle. Then the roller needs to be bent in half and put in a tall glass.

"Rose flower"

To perform this decoration you will need two napkins of red and green colors. First you need to make leaves. To do this, fold the green napkin diagonally twice. Then you can proceed to the manufacture of a flower. Red product also fold in half diagonally. The resulting triangle, connecting it with a vertex and base, fold in half. It turns out a flat trapeze.

If the napkin is distinguished by a large size, the last action can be repeated. The resulting trapezium must be collapsed into the tube. So it will be similar to the rose bud. Insert the bud in the leaves and place the entire design in a beautiful cup.


To perform such a figure, take two napkins of different colors and a tall glass:

  • Fully expand one napkin.
  • Bend the second half diagonally and put it on top of the first. The base of the triangle should be located just below the diagonal line of the napkin bottom.
  • Bend the angle of the bottom napkin to the upper one.
  • Bottom, move twice the strip of 3 cm wide.
  • Turn the resulting triangle to the other side and roll into the tube.
  • Insert the design into a glass.

Today, the dining room is considered the usual thing in everyday life. She protects clothes while eating, gives the table a variety. Even simple paper can be given a peculiar look. And here is a number of tips on how beautifully folded the napkins on the festive table.

Classifieds related to the request

Subtleties serving

  • Remember that products of any quality must be square (35 * 35 or 46 * 46 for special occasions). Rectangle give the desired shape, bent correctly;
  • During folding in the original figure, try as little as possible to concern her hands. The same applies to cutlery, if you make a composition with them;
  • The folded design should be easily massacled;
  • All napkins of any quality on one table fold on the same scheme;
  • If you collect a modest dinner, do not try to give the napkins an intricate form. Flat figures are best suitable. But if a snack plate is used during meals, make a bulk figure. Special solemnity attach columns;
  • Do not overdo it with decoration of the festive table. Remember the functionality of the napkin;
  • Install the napkin on the piring plate or dishes for snacks. Permissible putting it on the left. Exception - Tooling with drinks. Place a napkin in a cup or wrap it around the handle;
  • When choosing a product on a tone of the tablecloth, remember that more subtle copies look better. If on a shade tablecloth lighter or darker, the material should be the same;
  • Use rings. These elements for decorating the table are created from completely different materials (skin, beads, fabric strips or colors). Sometimes the rings are included with the sets, but simply make them and do it yourself.

Original ideas

To surprise guests at a festive table or a banquet, you need even napkins to give the original appearance. For you, we led 18 text ideas and detailed schemes.

To begin with, fold the fabric or paper diagonally, having received an anoscele triangle. Align both equal angle with a vertex, bend in the middle. Begin the top of the triangle and carefully deploy the future flower. Rehend to this process seriously, if your napkin is paper and thin, when unfolding it easily break it.

Bend in half to the two free edges to be left. For the second time, fold the resulting rectangle. Lower napkin slice roll up diagonally. Both angle wrap over yourself, and their protruding parts are adjacent inward. Fold the napkin on the vertical axis back, and then the future sails of the vessel from its sinuses carefully.

This method is suitable for a tissue napkin, because it is associated with the reversals of the material. Far times bend the material for the future megaphone in half. Determine the middle, and both sides of the received rectangle bend down. Turn the face face to yourself and twist out of the ends of miniature rolls. Connect them as in the photo, and install the napkin on the plate.


  • Horizontal sachet allows the original cutlery originally. To create it twice, fold the product from the fabric facial side inside. Make so that the fold is bottom. Bend 1/3 of the top down to appear the central fold. Expand the napkin to the other side of yourself. Insuate the "wings" so that they docked in the middle. Repeat this action.
  • For diagonal sachets, fold the square tissue napkin fourly. Bend the level of the first fabric layer on 5 centimeters. Bend the second layer as well, follow it over the first, forming miniature pockets. Carefully turn the napkin, removing all the remaining pieces of fabric. Put the future of sachet on the table, maintain it from above and below, so that the cutlery can be easily held in the tissue, and the folds passed diagonally. The diagonal sachet is considered a complex method of folding, so use the master class with the video.

About 1/4 Napkins from any Material Innek down. Expand the napkin and wrap 1/3 up, fold it in half from the bottom up. Form the similarity of the harmonica is a fan of the material, hold one of the sides. Pull out of the top of the hidden folds. Fix them using pressure or paper clips.

Envelope or handbag

Fold the material in half vertically. Place it so that the bending of the napkin walked on the right side. Bend the resulting rectangle from the bottom up. The first two layers of paper in the upper left corner are arrived to the middle, the same do and right. Tiny triangles upstairs are attached to Niza, do the same for non-accepted layers.

Put the napkin face down. All four corners of a paper square will turn over. Repeat this manipulation. Turn the napkin, somerside bend the corners inward. The last stage remained: pull the tip of the napkin, remaining inside the quadrangle. Then straighten all the remaining corners so that they look the same.

Napkin on a fork

Roll the napkin diagonally. Its bottom edge bend to 2 or 3 centimeters. Make three equal folds and place them between the fork teeth. If you use a non-conventional fork with four teeth, change the number of folds.

Bend the napkin so that the free edges are from below. Top corners wrap up to the middle, and the sides are connected so that the sharp corners are revealed from below. Remove the figurine and generate paper ends to the future design support formed. Bend inward, install the napkin in the shape of a pointed mountain vertically.


Make a napkin diagonally. For about 2.5 centimeters, invoke the base up. Starting from the left edge, gradually twist the napkin in the roll. Load the lower edge inward and put your column vertically on a flat surface.

Bend the fabric vertically in half, make it so that the fold is to be left. The left and right upper corners are angled down, and the bottom - at the same distance up. Roll both of the resulting triangle down or up (depending on their location).

Fold the napkin of the painter. The resulting triangle will roll up in a small harmonic. A small triangle left from above, use to secure. To do this, contact the figure in half, straighten it. Secure the resulting flame ring for napkins, clip or other decorative elements.

Simple tents

  • To create a tent for two, fold the napkin in half, so that the place of the bend is upstairs. Top corner of the left. Boot to the middle, do the same with the opposite. Fold the napkin and put it on a flat surface of the table or plate;

  • The triple tent is considered one of the simplest folding methods of a paper napkin. Unfurn a square napkin from the paper diagonally. The resulting miniature triangle, bend once again by connecting the corners together. Roll the napkin again, and then install the design vertically.

Put the napkin on a flat surface in the folded defect. Correct angle bottom to top, and speaker left - down. Do the same manipulations with the right. Now the parties carefully start to the center and straighten the napkin, turning to the side with the pattern. It can be decorate with a miniature shell.

Etiquette use of napkins

  • After the dish brought, put the napkin on your knees bend to myself;
  • Wipe the mouth and palm to the top of the napkins, carefully lifting the fabric or paper from the knees. Never use a napkin to wash tracks from lipstick, do not shift it on the surface of the table and do not rub in anticipation of the new dish;
  • If you started feeling thirst while eating, first vaccine the lips;
  • Do not use the fallen napkin again: Replace another. Even if we are talking about fabric;
  • Do not remove the napkin from the knees, until all those present will finish the meal. After just put the paper to the right of the plate. These uncomplicated rules will allow you to shine knowledge at any celebration and even arrange your own with non-standard decorative elements.

This seemingly minor item has a wide variety of colors, shapes, sizes and materials. It can be the easiest, and may be an exquisite, large or miniature, bright or monophonic elegant. Previously, such a product was used only in hygienic purposes, so that after eating it was possible to wipe the hands or clean the clothes from possible spots. Today the napkin also serves as a decoration of the table and there is a mass of all kinds of ways. But, except that its folded design should be unusual and interesting, it is necessary that guests can easily deploy and use it if necessary.

The setting of the napkin has a lot of all sorts of options, for example, it can be folded in the form of a certain figure if products are openwork, they will excellently watch the rolled tube, envelope or triangle. Very often there are tablets with rings for serving, they have a napkin and placed near the plates. Of course, it looks very aesthetically, guests and owners will be pleasant to be at the table. But for those owners who want to save time and make a serving quickly, you can simply add them to the parcels. It does not take much time, but it will look unusually and a beautifully napkin, pulling into the cup handle. You can also tighten with a dessert spoon.

Correct paper napkins

According to the connoisseurs of the rules of etiquette, the setting of wipes of paper and fabrics has its subtleties and certain rules. So, the most suitable for the festive table will be square products.

If there are only rectangular in the house, they can easily give the right shape with the help of folds. Normal tea drinking or lunch does not require solemn and bugly rolled napkins, suitable for this simplest. Before folding paper products, it is necessary to wash your hands and touch these items as less as possible.

Some hostesses, wanting to surprise guests, invent and make whole masterpieces from the napkin, for example, you can quickly and easily twist the flower from it, and the most in many ways.

The Origami technique has long become quite common, thanks to which all sorts of figures, flowers, pads, boats and much more will appear on the table.

Paper napkins for table setting can be twice as highway in the tube. To give solemnity, more complex compositions are built: cylinders, cones, candles and much more. On the snack plate it is customary to put a napkin, folded twice.

Some guests are trying not to touch such decorations, often forgetting their direct appointment.

How to fold napkins for table serving?

The setting of napkins, which can be seen on the page, is quite diverse today and depends on the hardworking and fantasy of the hostess. But there are some simple options that will not require much effort and will look very festive at the same time.

Composition "Clay" is performed as follows. The napkin is diagonally, then the right and left corners are connected to the top of the resulting triangle, the horizontal axis is mentally carried out and the resulting figure is folded in half relative to it. Next is the right angle with the left from the back of the product, the upper corners are delayed in opposite sides.

You can fold from it elegant Lily. The napkin folds diagonally, with the top of the resulting triangle, the right and left corners are connected, as in the first case, the resulting figure is folded in half relative to its horizontal axis. Top corner unscrewed.

Another simple option. The napkin folds two times in half in one direction, two sides of the rectangle are symmetrically wrapped. After that, the figure unfigrates in such a way that its auto part is visible, at the ends of which you need to make two kules and connect them together.

In order for the product to be original and beautiful, it is necessary to delve into the process of its manufacture, then this occupation can become a real fascinating hobby, during which fantasy and the outstanding abilities of the one who decided to thoroughly do such things will appear.

Beautiful setting of napkins using different colors

The color range of napkins also affects the overall design of the table, so to set the desired mood, you should try and choose the right color. For example, green is always associated with freshness, plants, flowers and leaves. In addition, he perfectly emphasizes the juiciness and beauty of other shades.

This unique property can be used when compiling the following composition: put on the table small multicolored flowers, and instead of leaves use green napkins. Gray when serving and decoring the table is practical and universal. It is combined with any tones: bright and dull, warm and cold.

If you take a gray tablecloth as the basis, it can create interesting compositions that will be supplemented with napkins of the same tone. The setting made in the white color scheme can be both simple and solemn. White napkins are easily combined with any other, the effect will be bright and unusual.

Red is considered the most distinguished among others. It can simultaneously transmit heat and annoy, always striking and sometimes happens, therefore it is important not to overdo it. It should be combined with more dull and neutral shades and before selecting the napkins of such a tone, you need to think about how to combine them correctly with other colors present on the table.

It is worth remembering that when choosing a napkin need to take into account the color of the tablecloth and settings. From the skillful and correct design of the table largely depends on the overall impression of the festival, so you should add napkins in such a way that the serving is not only elegant, but also created the mood to all those present at the celebration, set up for a festive way.

In addition, a beautiful setting of napkins is the key to a good appetite and mood. The hostess covering the table will won his first victory when unusually laid products will attract the attention of guests and please them with their attractiveness. To the same time, this will serve as a reason for a relaxed conversation, which can smoothly go to other topics.

Napkins for serving a table on video

The setting of paper napkins, photos of which are presented on special sites, often serves to design a tea table, where it is customary to use 35x35, cm products. There are several rules. First of all, they must be flawlessly clean. The presence of any, even the most imperceptible and small spots is unacceptable. There are such products under the appliances of guests, as well as under vases with fruit and dessert. It is unacceptable to wipe the napkin before using cutlery. With the tea party ceremony, it should be under the side of the plate. A beautifully folded figurine will decorate the table and leave the guests a pleasant impression of the evening spent, but without preliminary preparation it is quite difficult.

Therefore, it is worth watching a video serving napkins, where you can clearly familiarize yourself with the ways of their folding and learn how to do it with your own hands. After all, as they say, "it's better to see once than hear than a hundred times," and this is true. Looking at how easily and quickly, a specialist performs an unusual application, it is possible, inspired by his example, try to do it yourself.

The napkin is not only an important detail when serving the table, without it it is also impossible to observe the purity and tidy during the meal or tea party. They are usually divided into two types: cutlery and tea. They differ in their sizes and destination. Dining rooms are somewhat larger, their size is 46/46 cm, they are used for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Tea apply accordingly when serving to tea, their size is 35/35 cm. When preparing and decorating the table to a small wipe event, you can collapse in a simple way, for example, a triangle, in half or four times. And for a solemn event, more complex and bizarre forms of their folding are used.

About how beautiful and unusually can be servicing the table with paper napkins, tells the video on this topic:

We use fabric napkins for setting table

Fissure wipes for serving the table will serve to decorate the interior and protecting clothing from pollution, which can be obtained during the feast. According to etiquette, it is impossible to wipe the hands or the evaporated face, for this purpose paper products are designed.

Make a handkerchief from them, is also considered a sign of bad tone. It happens that products from the fabric fall to the floor, in this case you do not need to raise the fallen object, instead you should ask for a new one. Rapping from the table, it is customary to put the napkin to the right of the plate and in no case on the back of the chair or the seat itself.

Of course, the initial form to give it no longer possible, and it is not necessary to do it, it is enough to turn the product. Interestingly, according to the rules of etiquette, it is impossible to remove the napkin from the knees until the last guest finished the meal. Fabric products must necessarily be at ceremonial receptions, regardless of the availability of paper.

Almost always folded paper napkins help to emphasize the feature. Unusually lay napkins can learn each.

Before beautifully folded paper napkins on the table, they first need to choose, in order to have a harmonious look.

White napkins are universal and suitable for any occasion, red - most likely decorate a romantic evening, bright suitable for the children's holiday, green, gold and silver - for the New Year's table.

Before it is beautifully folded paper napkins in the napkin, the latter need to wash well and wipe dry.

Important! Bring out the folding napkins only with dry hands.

Napkins in flat cloth

When choosing a method for folding napkins, you must take into account their appearance and size. Also, cloths are different. Sometimes have a very specific form.

Having put on the table an amicing napkin, you can surprise guests. In order not to put them in an awkward position (they will not know how to use), you need to install either a clear device, or immediately hold the master class to use the amazing device.

The most popular flat and round napples are very convenient to use.

Here's how to simply fold paper napkins in a flat cloth actually with the following scheme below:

  • Each napkin is addressed diagonally, a triangle is obtained.
  • Triangles put a pile.
  • Carefully shift the corners to get a kind of fan. Allowed displacement no more than 1 cm.
  • The resulting fan is put in the napkin.

Located just so napkins, guests can easily take.

Brightness This method will give the use of monochrome napkins or two colors. It is better if they are contrasting: blue and white, yellow and white, green and yellow, red and green, yellow and red.

The effect is guaranteed if the shades of one color scheme are selected, as shown in the photo below.

The Bird of Happiness

For example, to put paper napkins in a flat cloth in the form of a bird of happiness, it is worth taking ordinary napkins of various colors, bend off their parallel corners and bend in half.

Then insert one into the other and plunge into the napkin.

For the neck of the bird you need to add a napkin from the angle, then beatenly "head".

A detailed video allows you to see the nuances:

Napkins in a round napkin

For round napkits, large napkins are used, which first unfold, and then fold, applying a variety of folding methods.

Here are 2 ways to lay napkins in a round closet:

  1. Plain. Each napkin turns into the tube (in the thickness of the pencil) and one is tightly installed near the other by filling out the entire closet.
  2. Harmonic. At first, the napkins are spread, then folded by the harmonica, which is then bent in the middle and inserted into the cloth. The amount and brightness of the composition depends on the number of napkins

Vase cloth or glass

Sometimes for the festive table, the cloth is not suitable. Its function can also be performed by a glass, a glass, a fuer.

Vase and Ryumka

The comic instruction clearly demonstrates the options, how can be placed bright and monotonous napkins.

By the way, be prepared for the fact that the construction of the second fuel will need a little longer, but the table will have a beautiful view.

So, see:


It will be implicated to look at the table, the napkin in the glass, a little sent in the middle, the edges of which are hanging freely or stick out in different directions.

You need to do this:


To fold the napkins in the form of a candle Consider step by step instructions:

  1. Take a large monochrome napkin, spread it with a big square.
  2. We fold the square diagonally and get a triangle.
  3. With two hands twist in the tube. We start with a wide place and follow the top of the triangle.
  4. When the whole napkin is twisted, it is necessary to bend it in half.
  5. Also insert all other napkins.

Guests must quickly take napkins and deploy when they need it, while not the order of the rest. The greater the holiday, the more difficult form of laying napkins.

Video about how to fold napkins for a children's holiday

Interesting way of laying napkins on video: