How to soften the feet new leather shoes. Leather shoe mitigation tips. How to make leather shoes soft - video

01/10/2018 2 9 777 views

Sometimes during the purchase, shoes are suitable, but when fitting at home, she sits badly on foot, but it's a pity to return it to the store. Consider how to soften the skin on the shoes at home? There are options that will help to cope without the intervention of specialists. It is important to remember that it will not be possible to increase the size of the boot.

It is necessary to understand that not all methods are suitable for any materials. First of all, it is better to apply creams and other shoe cosmetics. Acquire them in household or special stores. There is an option to come to the workshop and purchase a tool on the advice of a professional. If there is no possibility, you should resort to folk methods.

Indications and contraindications

In order not to spoil the material, you need to know what can be done, and what methods are better to avoid.

  1. Shoes will not work longer, only wider. If the feet is not fully straightened, it should be replaced.
  2. Deformation is better to be subject to products from genuine leather, in contrast to synthetic materials.
  3. Certain methods, such as hot steam, should not be used for skin and nylon substitutes.
  4. Thin shoes should not produce a larger load.
  5. After experiments on shoes, they lose fats, their elastic properties become worse. It is important to end the cream on shoes.
  6. Products will be stretched due to softening of the skin and paving with warm socks. They will sit perfectly on the leg at the same time, without damaging it.
  7. On the label, there is usually an instruction in which there are important care information. You should pay attention to this before choosing a method.

Before applying the tool, be sure to try it on an imperceptible small area.

How to soften the skin on shoes at home?

In almost every apartment or the nearest store you can find a lot of money to eliminate inconvenience when wearing new shoes. Consider the most popular methods for softening the skin on shoes inside.

Hot air and boiling water

On the device, choose hot air mode. You need to keep it a few minutes in the direction of the site that needs softening. If a liquid method is used, you need to pour it in a small amount inside the boot. After the procedure, we should wear wool socks and walk half an hour.

For the considered methods fit shoes from real skin. It is not afraid of high temperatures, even to a three-graduated mark.

The use of the box is considered gentle. It is necessary to put shoes in it, cover with a lid. Lower the rag in hot water, wrap them. Softening artificial leather shoes by listed options is very risky.

Even if for this purpose will not be able to get a hairdryer, warm water is found in any apartment. If it is turned off, you can heat.

Paraffin and soap

The method is used if you need to wear shoes immediately. For example, they were bought for a long time for a specific holiday. When the time came up, it turned out that the shoes are rigid and stay in it all evening is simply impossible.

Paraffin candle and solid soap will be in this case rescuers. Due to its composition, the boots will not only become softer, but also will not leave damage to the legs. Frames need from the inside and then put on right away. The method is suitable for crying skin and suede.

Other methods

  • alcohol. Alcohol has an aggressive impact, making shoes softer. It requires a mandatory preliminary check in an inconspicuous area. Pour a bit of vodka or a clean form in a sprinkler or apply to a cotton disk. Process the necessary sections. After you need some time to walk in the shoes around the apartment or put inside the paper. Also for this purpose are applied cologne;
  • oil or vaseline. The means will give not only softness, but also elasticity. It is not suitable for light colors and suede, they can remain spots or a color will be changed. Casteca has the most intense effect, it can be put in order even very thick skin. Application should be on the inside, after it should be a little like in boots;
  • cold. The method is used for shoes purchased for the winter season. It is designed for socks at low temperatures. With regard to artificial options, it should be special caution. Pour water into packages, put in shoes, put in the freezer for the night. Liquid due to freezing will expand and make the effect of mitigation. On the awakening, pull them out, remove the cellophane;
  • special block. It can be purchased in stores for shoes. The device looks like a screw construction made in the shape of a leg. You need to put the boots on it, set to a dense contact. Wait a few hours, the material will acquire compliance and softness;
  • kerosene. The tool effectively copes with the task, but leaves a very sharp smell. Because of this, not everyone wants to apply it. The uncomfortable sensations will decrease if the procedure is not indoors, but on the street. In extreme cases on the balcony. The main thing is to completely weigh the fragrance from the boot. Up to this point should not wear them. Fluid to apply a voice disk to the back, after wait a few hours;
  • pork lard. The method is absolutely environmentalized and non-hazardous. It follows the product in a supreme form. Grasp the problem area. You can also carry out the surface processing so as not to polish shoes. This will protect it from moisture effect;
  • wax. The method is quite simple. Make the candle, apply to the necessary site. Be sure to wait for a complete cooling so as not to cause harm to the skin;
  • glycerin. It is not considered aggressive, but can easily cope with the task. Processing places causing uncomfortable feelings to wait a bit. After eliminating the extra liquid, carry out polishing;
  • linen oil, vinegar and vaseline. Products are applied by one algorithm. The process occurs in different ways, but the impact is mild. Loose funds, walk around the room.

Video: How to soften the skin on shoes at home?

How to soften the backs on the shoes of the skin?

Sometimes shoes are beautifully sitting, and the size is properly correct, but they have a very hard backdrop, causing discomfort while walking. Do not wait until the problem is eliminated by itself. Most common methods:

  1. Tapping with a hammer. It is worth not only on the heel, but also around her. The procedure should be carried out carefully in order not to damage the product. If the color of the shoe light or tissue is thin, put the tight material between them and the hammer.
  2. Pliers. The method is not suitable for long boots.
  3. Vinegar. Lubricate the backs, they soften from it.
  4. Funds purchased in specialized stores are considered effective, but will not be saved.
  5. Vegetable oil. The method is used for artificial leather. Apply the product on shoes, hold the night.

If you press the back, you should stick or sew a small piece of soft rags. The fabric will not move as a leukoplasty and protect the heels from rubbing. For too close shoes, the method does not fit. Also for this purpose, a small pillow of silicone is put under his leg. Thanks to her, the stop will hold tightly. A special pencil will also help. After use, the inner part will become slippery. In this case, the agent leaves no traces.

Do not wait until the back is spread, and to endure an unpleasant feeling. Guarantees that the problem will be eliminated independently, no. Sometimes in the manufacture of shoes, they choose a hard material or an uncomfortable block. It is worth trying to act independently, since wearing such boots leads to the disease of the limbs or deformation. If necessary, you should contact the workshop. Boots with timely adjustment will be saved for a long period.

The best folk methods for softening the skin on the shoes at home

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It happens that when buying shoes in the store, it seems comfortable and accurately in size, but at home it is found that it sits on her leg a little harsh. At such moments, the question arises: "How to soften new shoes at home?". Of course, many fashion guards and fashionists do not want to return the favorite purchase, especially if it was the last size, and on the leg of the shoes look just perfect.

Soften the new shoes at home, without resorting to the help of specialists, is real. There are many methods that are suitable for different materials and types of shoes. All options specified below are suitable only to soften, and not to increase with their help size shoes or boots.


In order not to spoil only the purchased pair, you need to adhere to some recommendations before it softening:

  • not all methods are suitable for any material;
  • pay attention to the labels on which the instruction manual is indicated;
  • before softening the material, try to start on a small area.

Hot air and boiling water

Use the method of exposure to hot air and boiling water at home is very simple. If the hair dryer is in the farm in almost everyone in the house, then hot water is certainly at all. In the extreme case, you can boil it. Hair dryer and water affect approximately the same, so you can choose any way like that.

To soften the material with a hair dryer, turn on the device for hot air supply mode. For several minutes, send a hairdryer to the places where the fabric needs to soften. When using water, apply it on shoes from the inside. After hot air and water procedures, put the rigid pair on thick socks and go in it for 30 minutes.

For hot temperatures, new shoes, boots or boots made of genuine leather will be suitable. It is well withstanding larger temperatures, up to 300 degrees. Artificial materials are better not to experience for strength, the leatherette can burst from overheating.

A more sparing method, which includes the effects of temperatures and moisture, is the use of the box. Place the hard shoes in the box and close the lid. Wrap everything with cloth, pre-watered it in hot water. In a kind of bath, the shoes will also become softer.

Alcohol and vodka

Alcohol aggressively affects shoes, softening it. This method is also suitable not to all materials. Before proceeding, check its response to alcohol.

To soften shoes at home with vodka or alcohol, pour a small amount of alcohol into the sprayer or onto cotton. Treat the alcoholic space of the place that you hise. After the procedure for strengthening the effect, go to the shoes at home for some time or place the newspaper in it.

Instead of alcohol, you can use cologne, it will also help soften stiff shoes.

Oil and Vaseline

The use of oil or vaseline will not only soften the shoes, but also make the material more elastic. Do not use oil, processing light shoes, as well as suede. The oil has a property to leave stains and make the material darker. The strongest impact on the material has castor oil, it can soften even the largest skin.

As in previous cases, process shoes is needed from the inside. After you smeared the necessary parts of the shoe oil or petroleum, go in it so that it takes the shape of your foot.

Paraffin candle and solid soap

This method is suitable for those who need to wear shoes right now. Imagine you bought new shoes specifically for the upcoming event, after which they successfully placed them on the shelf and temporarily forgot them. When it came to get them, you discover that the shoes are pretty tough, and stay in them a whole evening with a solid torment, and you need to go out of the house in a few minutes. Here and use paraffin candle and solid soap.

They affect the material immediately, and because of their composition not only soften shoes, but also protect their legs from the corner. You need to handle shoes from the inside, simply racing it with paraffin. Immediately after that, you can safely wear shoes. This way you can soften and suede shoes.

Freeze shoes

The method in which to freeze is suitable for winter shoes, as it is immune to the cold. Be careful with artificial materials, in contrast to genuine leather, they can be spoiled.

Before placing shoes in the freezer, type water in packages. They must be put in rigid shoes and put in the freezer for the night. Due to the freezing, water expands and softens uncomfortable shoes. In the morning, get a pair of freezer and give it to know how to pre-deliver packages with water.

Newspapers and fabric

This method can soften any shoes, including suede. Most in the house has newspapers or unnecessary fabric, which is not sorry to smith well, here they will be useful to mitigate.

For softening individual parts of the shoes, as well as to increase its size, fill the shoes with a large number of paper or tissue. Try to make the form not deformed in the process. If the distortion is present, correct the newspapers, otherwise you will not be comfortable to walk. Put the shoes in this state at night. This time should be enough to mitigate.

Use pads

One of the effective methods of softening shoes at home is the use of the pad. The device can be bought in specialized shoe stores. The block is a screw construction resembling in its form of the foot.

Place your shoe or shoes on the block, then adjust the size so that they were tightly sitting on it. For several hours, the material will become softer and militant.

Use kerosene

Kerosene perfectly softens the material. The only minus of this method is the smell. He will have to do not like everyone, but if you do a process, for example, on the balcony or on the street, you do not feel discomfort, the main thing is to give the smell then weathered.

Apply kerosene with your wool on the back and leave shoes for several hours. It is not recommended to wear shoes until weathered.

Use of hammer

If the boots are very tough, you can increase their softness with the help of a hammer. You need to choose the hammer, not very hard to damage the material. Also for safety bed on the boots fabric and start to beat through it.

To tapping with a hammer, it is necessary as accurate as possible, the skin and other materials may be damaged from shocks. Periodically check the softness so as not to overdo it.

About 100 years ago, the problem of the hard back was solved simply: hesitated with a shoe shoes with a hammer. Outside, from the inside and from above. Hard method. For some models, completely unacceptable. But when to soften the heel in the new shoes does not work with nothing, the hammer remains the only way out of the position.

Safety in the softening of the head of the shoe hammer

The method of mitigating a backbone on the shoe hammer works well with coarse pairs, for example, a split. But it is not worth subject to this procedure Italian, Spanish, Brazilian and Portuguese shoes. On them, as a rule, there is an upper, "facial" layer of skins - the most natural smooth gentle skin. For this material, the methods of softening the heel must be as gentle and neat as possible. We will tell about them further. As for the softening of rude rigid shoes of the domestic production shoes, the hammer will be appropriate here. It is only necessary to comply with certain rules:

  1. Apply a homemade or purchase agent on the inside of the scold. It can be oil, balsam or shoe cream.
  2. On top of the skin, put a dense fabric, for example, felt or flannel.
  3. Bring off the bundle only from the inside, trying to get a hammer on the laying of the fabric.
  4. Periodically try on a couple to track the moment when the jacket will become soft enough.

The method of softening the armock of shoes with a hammer is not suitable for a half-shog, a hood and a boot with a high-top. Before the jetty of these models, the hammer just will not get.

It is better to soften the heel on the shoes with a hammer with a shock part of rubber, copper or with replaceable nylon heads.

How to carefully soften the backdrop on expensive shoes

Model shoes made of genuine leather and suede requires careful circulation. The best option to soften the heel on such shoes is to use a specialized agent. For example:

  • Leather Revive Furniture Clinic (LETECH),
  • Shoe Stretch Salamander
  • salton stretcher.

If you have only a home first aid kit at hand, you can also find anything to mitigate a tight hole.

Glycerin perfectly softens not only the skin of the hands and legs, but also shoe skin. Just before applying, you need to break the backdrop well to open the pores. For sprinkling, you can use a hot slightly wet towel. 10-15 minutes will enough so that the heat and moisture softened the skin is enough to absorb glycerin.

There are enough 0.5 teaspoons of glycerol on the back of one pair. Leave glycerin to absorb all night. In the morning, the backs will be much softer.

Castor and coke oil are safe even for new shoes made of thin dear skin. That is why these means you can safely soften the backs of Italian, Brazilian and Spanish model shoes. No need to break the shoes. Just smearing the inside of the shoes on the back of the butter and leave to be absorbed. Perhaps lubricate will have several times.

Before you wear shoes, check whether all the oil has absorbed. Come on the backscale cloth. It should not be fat spots.

There is a hardband problem and an alternative solution. Instead of softening the heel of new shoes, you can protect your own from corns. To do this, it is enough to buy in a pharmacy pencil or stick from corns. It works like a lubricant, creating a protective colloid layer between shoe and your skin. Using a pencil daily, sooner or later you will notice that the backs of the shoes have become softer. Without hammer, glycerin, oil, bloody corns and a holopal.

By purchasing new shoes or shoes, anyone first try them at first. Sometimes after the first fitting, follow some more. And anyway, after the purchase, a stunningly convenient new thing rubs the heels. And the point here is not at all in size. It is impossible to tolerate such discomfort that can spoil legs. There are several ways to help soften the backs.

Leather shoes

The most important value is the material from which shoes are made. It is on this basis that, first of all, it is necessary to select means for softening. In addition to the inappropriate size, the heels can also have an inconvenient block. Do not believe the opinion of the familiar, that genuine leather is distributed over time independently. When this moment is coming, legs can be simply disfigured. And even new shoes will not be able to compensate for the horror of the type of these legs.

First of all, you should refer to the story. Having no utility funds, our grandfathers and grandmothers saved the hammer. They should knock on the heels from all sides: from the inside, outside, behind and from above. After this treatment, the skin softens and stops rubbing. But all this must be done very carefully, so as not to damage the surface of the shoes. This method is not suitable for fine, light and decorated leather. And for another, it is better to put a piece of dense tissue on its surface.

From tools for such treatment there may be more pliers. But they are unlikely to cope with back boots. Before them cannot be reached.

Vinegar, quite abundantly, wetted the backdrop, and also hesitate like a girlfriend tool. The same pliers will be useful. In this case, the cloth needs to be needed to prevent surface damage. With boots, it is better to use a hammer or some other tool. All these actions are performed very carefully.

This remedy is sold in all pharmacies. Before applying, skin requires preparation. It is necessary to pre-expand the pores of genuine leather. For this, a hot wet towel is placed inside the shoes. And only after fifteen minutes, the backs are lubricated by glycerin. In this form, they are left overnight.

Industrial Methods
In stores you can purchase a chemical composition designed specifically for stretching genuine leather. He copes well with his task and does not spoil the appearance of the shoes. This is the easiest way, but it will require additional financial costs.

Also with the problem, you can simply turn to the shoe master. It can stretch shoes in length and soften their backs. Here, in addition to additional costs, it also takes time for a trip to the workshop and waiting.

Artificial shoes

It includes all types of leatherette and textile materials. Even in the case of a natural tissue base, synthetic impregnations are used to improve the effect of moisture resistance and extension of the socks.

Very good effect from vegetable oil. They are enough to handle the backs from the inside and leave in such a state for several hours. There should not be saved on the oil. It's easier for its surplus to remove the napkin.

Alcohol solutions
It may be cologne, vodka or alcohol. They act as well as vinegar, but contain acids that are capable of crushing synthetic fibers. Alcohol without additives is better to breed with water. Or the backdrop itself is first wetted with water and warm up with his hands. Before applying these funds, make sure that there is no cardboard insert in the heels. Otherwise, they can be blown, and shoes will lose their shape.

For artificial materials, glycerin also use, but its effectiveness in this case is much lower. Mechanical impact can be used, but the risk to spoil the new clothes is much higher than correct solid backs.

After using any of the methods, it is best to test the house. To go and walk around the apartment for some time. If there is no discomfort, the goal is achieved.

How to soften the backdrop on boots

With this shoe, the task is complicated by the fact that it is very difficult to get to the back. To wet them from the inside, something else will succeed, but it will be more difficult to get with the hammer or pliers. Therefore, to protect the heels from rubbing, you can use a plaster or pencil from corns.

The plaster in this case is glued both on the heel and on the back of the boot - it creates double protection. But here is the high likelihood that the plaster when walking slides and strengthen rubbing. Much more convenient silicone pillows under the foot. They protect from slipping and reduce the friction of the heel on the back.

More comfortable are patchwork-gaskets. They are not knocked up and protected from rubbing the seam on the back. They must be glued or sewed on the inner side of the boot. They are very simply made of dense, but soft tissue.

You should not immediately fall into despair, if new shoes are fined heels. Legs will need rest. And during this time, using one of the above methods, the backs can be softened.

Video: How to stretch shoes at home

Shopping shoes - Case Serious. Often in the same shoes, boots, boots, we have to go for several hours a day. What if the shoes turned out to be a rigid and began to rub his legs? If you part with a new pair do not want at all, you can fix the problem. Let's talk about how to soften uncomfortable shoes at home.

Why shoes rubbing legs

Each at least once in life bought shoes, which during the socks for a long time caused a sense of discomfort. Even the most expensive genuine leather shoes can deliver a lot of inconvenience to their owner, to cause corns and unbearable pain.

The main reason for the rigidity of the new shoe is the low quality of the product. Bad block or wrong tailoring provoke the appearance of inconvenience, discomfort, ugly gait.

But not only new shoes can turn into a real misfortune. During socks, some skin models also become rude and rigid. The reason may be the effect of dirt, water, sweat, as well as the wrong drying, for example, on the battery or heater.

Is it possible to return rigid shoes to the store

If you still purchased shoes or sneakers and after a walk found that they rubbed their legs, is it possible to return such shoes to the seller? Do not share, they will not be accepted back with such a claim. If no factory defects are found on the shoes, which are detected using the examination, it is impossible to pass it into the store after socks.

Another case is possible: you did not have time to diagnose the boots and the warranty period (14 days from the date of purchase) is not yet expired. Boots did not lose consumer appearance, but you have already managed to understand that they are made of coarse skin and will rub your legs. Then try contacting the seller, present the shoes, check, packaging, all labels and tell me that this product did not suit you in your shape, size, color, style, dimensions. There is a large proportion that you will dedule your rights and you will be returned to money or offer another product.

To soften shoes, contact the workshop

In the event that new shoes have already managed to look like, and you do not want to part with them even after they were not alone with one corn, you can give a new job for softening by a specialist. These are engaged in any shoe workshop.

Please note: the wizard will accept for softening only shoes, sewing from genuine leather or suede.

To stretch a pair of other materials, try using folk recipes.

How to soften shoes yourself: home

The most proven method of spreading shoes, which other grandmothers used are woolen socks. Soak them with alcohol or vodka, ride and go to them as long as possible. Alcohol will have an aggressive impact on the surface of the shoe, and the sock will help her to stretch faster.

This method is great for mitigating seams of fabric sneakers or a ked. When tensile leather shoes, alcohol is better not to apply.

How to stretch natural and artificial skin

If the gully leather shoes are very rigid, put a soft cloth on a solid part and knock on the desired place with a hammer, then go to the shoes. There is an effect - well, no - try again, but do not overdo it, so as not to spoil the product.

Artificial leather shoes can also be softened, using newspapers.

  1. Water mint pieces of newspapers.
  2. Tightly score shoes.
  3. Leave until complete drying.

Some sources are proposed to soften shoes using glycerol or sunflower oil. We do not advise you to apply these funds. Sunflower oil though softening the skin, but over time it will become more rougher. Glycerin at first will also give a good effect, but then the skin on shoes will begin to crack.

How to make leather shoes soft - video

We remove the rigidity of the lacquer shoes and boots

How to "make" new, but not too soft lacquered shoes "Love" your legs? Models with a lacquer surface require a delicate relationship. One of the most effective ways to mitigate this material is any fat cream and hair dryer.

  1. Apply cream to the inner surface of the shoe.
  2. Pretty warm it from the inside.
  3. Put in thick socks.
  4. Bear and go to the maximum amount of time.

Follow the temperature during the warm-up, from too high shoes may lose its shine.

Soften the shoes with a hair dryer - video

How to cut shoes from suede and nubuck

Softening suede shoes can be the same methods that are used for leather products:

  • mechanical (hammer chopping);
  • hot (with a hair dryer);
  • processing spray for skin softening purchased in the store.

To soften the nubuck it is better to buy a special foam or resort to the help of professionals.

Note, nubuck peaks and does not like any fat creams, alcohol, vaseline, which are left on its surface of divorces and stains.

To do not rub the shoes: Useful Lifehaki - Video

Secrets Stretching Rubber and Kizzy Boot

Rubber shoes soften very simple. This material is durable, so it is possible without fear and risk to treat ordinary boiling water.

  1. Pour boiling water in boots.
  2. When the water cool down a little, put on themselves several pairs of warm socks and from above the boots.
  3. Pass 15-20 minutes, then cool the boots in cold water, intensely moving your fingers.

After such processing, the rubber takes the shape of the foot and stops rubbing.

Sometimes it is required to soften the kersea boots. This shoes are made of several layers of durable cotton fabric impregnated with a rubber solution. Experts recommend to apply mitigating means on problem areas:

  • hot goose fat;
  • birch tar;
  • a mixture of bee wax and teak oil;
  • castor oil.

Get rid of hard heels

A little softening backs will help an ordinary paraffin candle or a household soap. Sattail one of these funds the inner part of the heel of shoes and try to like. It is possible to soften the backdrop and vinegar, at richly wetted the skin in a problem.

Make artificial shoe materials soft will help alcohol diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1. Moisten to them the backbone and "break" his hands. Before the procedure, make sure that there are no cardboard inserts in the heels, it will flash and shoes will lose form.

Softening back boots hammer - video

If your favorite shoes or new sneakers rubbed the skin - do not be discouraged. You can soften them at home. When choosing means for softening, pay attention to the material from which shoes are made. Pick up the suitable way to you and enjoy walks in your favorite shoes or sneakers!