How to make hair obedient in home. How to pacify naughty hair so that they do not fluff out. Cooking Recipe Home Shampoo

In the modern world, most girls have harassing problems. For representatives of the beautiful floor, the question of how to mitigate the hair to the hair at home can be mitigated. The causes of hard curls can be diverse. Consider everything in order.

Causes of hard hair

  1. If you want to eradicate the problem of hard strands in the shortest possible time, you must first reveal the root cause. Next, you can proceed to the gradual operation of the lap of the chapels. So you can return it to her former softness.
  2. Be careful, often in many of the weak floor representatives, hair remains rigid due to the genetic factor. It is impossible to declare with confidence that such a phenomenon is considered a disadvantage. In this case, the hair is less susceptible to the harmful effects of external factors, the bulbs are stronger.

  3. In most cases, strands are rigging due to dismissive care. Frequent staining, incubation of thermodes, chemical procedures have a detrimental effect on the hair. Also do not forget about external influences on the body.
  4. In addition to the above, the hair acquires a hard structure due to the depressed state, frequent depression and colossal stress. It should be borne in mind that the problem occurs when a lack of vital minerals and elements in the body.
  5. In this case, the chapelur needs to ensure proper care. If you neglect the simple rules, the hair structure soon is depleted, the moisture of follicles is due. From here it begins dryness and rigidity strands. Do not run the situation immediately.
  6. Pay special attention to running water you wash your head. Such a factor can be the root cause of the stiffness of the shock. Most often, water has a number of mineral impurities, which are adversely affected in the state of the chapels. Substances are settled on hair and leather, problems appear from here.
  7. Chlorinated water dries curls and skin head, chemicals are poorly washed away, as a result, hair becomes disobedient. It is strongly recommended to use healing herbs on the basis of filtered water to rinse.

Care rules

  1. It's no secret that hard shock is not only unpleasant to the touch, but also causes a lot of unpleasant moments when laying. To simplify the care manipulation of a similar type of hair, you need to adhere to simple recommendations.

  2. You will need to choose a shampoo aimed at the professional line. Thus, it is worth entering the purchase of air conditioning or balsam. Prefer the creamy mixtures, in this case the follicles get maximum moisturizing.
  3. It should be borne in mind that funds with a similar basis are suitable not to all representatives of beautiful sex. It is not recommended to use the creamy formulations for girls who have a chapels prone to rapid planting. And opposite such funds are perfectly suitable dry and brittle strands.
  4. Be careful when applying professional air conditioners, use the tool, strictly adhering to the instructions. Such a composition must be alternating with mixtures prepared at home recipes.
  5. You can also purchase finished funds based on natural components. These include moisturizing butters of Shea, coconut and wheat sprouts. Take the habit and teach your hair to infrequent washing. Enough 2 manipulations per week.
  6. During the restoration of the hair structure, it is strongly recommended to stop using various thermodifiers. As a last resort, on the strands, it is necessary to apply special sprays that protect the structure of the shock from exposure to high temperatures.

  7. To avoid similar manipulations, it is strongly recommended to purchase a hair dryer of a professional series with a cold blowing function. Thus, the drying of the hair does not represent threats for their structure. Everything else during the manipulation, you can easily make stacking for every taste.
  8. If you can not afford a professional hairdryer with a similar function, resort to a series of detergents that are directed to hard and naughty strands. Such products can be purchased in any cosmetic store. To soften the hard chapel, resort to the co-wargo method.
  9. For this you do not need to do anything supernatural, it is enough to carry out the procedure for washing the hair through one air conditioner. In this case, the use of shampoo is not allowed. Air conditioning fully cleans strands and feeds them necessary trace elements. If you use shampoo, then the composition will once again dry the structure of the strand.
  10. Hair care procedures through a rinse balm is not posted. To do this, it is necessary to take a little more air conditioner and distribute over the entire length of the chapels. Suggest short-term massage, moisten curls and repeat the manipulation of rubbing the composition in the follicles.
  11. After a few minutes, remove the detergent from the head. It is preferable to use purified water or herb decoction for such purposes based on it. Do not forget about folk remedies. Soap nuts may well replace the usual shampoo. Yolks with mustard either are suitable.

  12. If you systematically apply similar products, in the shortest possible time you will be surprised by the positive effect. The strands will restore the former structure, the hair will become soft, silky and obedient. Mustard with a yolk act as a cleansing agent.
  13. If you have chosen a similar composition, consider that the water temperature should be not high. Otherwise, the yolk can turn up and the mask will irrevocably deteriorate. Separate the protein, remove the film, carefully take the animal product. After that, mix 12 grams. Dry mustard. Distribute the composition by wet strands by massaging movements. Remove the toilet water.

Folk remedies for softening hair

Olive and yolk oil

  1. Take 1 Chicken Egg Separate the protein from the yolk. Move the latter into a small container, resort to the help of a whin.
  2. Carefully beat the product, mix 35 gr. Olive oils. Distribute the tool to the root area.
  3. Take the hair with a film and scarf, wait about 1 hour. Remove the mask of the rigorous water.

Sour cream and lemon juice

  1. Connect in total bowl 85 grams. Sour creams of maximum fatty with 50 ml. Lemon Freasha and 30 ml. Coconut butter.
  2. Mix the components to a homogeneous cleaner. Apply a product on the hair with massage movements.
  3. Wrap the champper with polyethylene and towel. Wait about 1.5 hours. Rinse the head with a warm herbal decoction.

Before making focus on professional detergents, try the effective recipes of traditional medicine. Thus, the hair will acquire former beauty, softness and obedience. The structure of strands will also be less susceptible to various chemical additives that are present in professional cosmetics.

Increased "hairiness"

Another name of the increased growth of hairs on the body is hypertrichosis. Under it is understood by the excess amount of them in those places where the men usually have hair cover (on the chest, stomach, etc.).

Why arises?

There are several reasons that hair growth on the body occurs very intensively:

  1. Congenital pathology, when a child is already born with excess hair. Men's hair can actively grow both on all body and in separate sites (face, hands, abdomen).
  2. National feature. For some nations (residents of the Caucasus, Arab countries) thick hair cover on the body is a normal state.
  3. The consequence of drug intake, the effect of chemical compounds stimulating the growth of the follicle (psoralen, diphensypropenone, etc.).
  4. Mechanical irritation of skin.

What to do?

Removal of hair in men by hair removal is the most common method. When hypertrichosis is a consequence of receiving any drugs, it is necessary to replace the drug that does not give such a side effect. Also should exclude the impact of the annual factors listed above to restore the norm.

Hard hair

In order to make hair soft and silky, special care is required. Women are well aware of this, but not bad to know this and men.

Why are they like that?

The tough chapel can be from nature, and may be such due to improper or insufficient care:

  • lack of sufficient nutrition, moisturizing;
  • rigid water;
  • frequent staining, curling, action of aggressive substances;
  • ultraviolet, elevated temperatures.

In such conditions, hair, even from nature, are soft, can turn into a straw.

How to deal with rigidity?

In order for strands to become soft and obedient, it is necessary to use moisturizing balms, masks that can restore and soften them. As a rule, they contain a complex of vitamins, extracts, natural oils, hair growth stimulants, filters, delaying ultraviolet rays. One of the easiest ways to restore softness is to regularly make masks with top oil. The cost of burdock oil ranges from 70 to 120 rubles, so the method is available.

It is also necessary to limit the effect of aggressive factors, for this reason it is better not to resort to staining.

Unruly hair

The vortex sticking in different directions, which do not want to go to bed in the right direction, even after washing, cannot but annoy. Especially if an important meeting takes place in an hour and you need to be in perfect order. This is naughty hair that make a man thoughtlessly approach the choice of hairstyles and means for laying hair (varnish, gel, wax).

As a rule, naughty hair is a congenital feature. Sometimes they "do not listen" due to improper care.

How to tame?

There are many gels, muses, shampoos and air conditioners in order to calm the "reels".

One of the most simple and understandable means for laying is varnish. It is applied when you have already formed your hairstyle. Varnish fixes the form you need and hair position. Modern means allow you to maintain a hairstyle in perfect order, regardless of weather conditions. However, remember that everything is good in moderation. If the lacquer is applied in large quantities, the hair will just stand with a cooke, and the head of the head will experience discomfort. To obtain a persistent effect, one or two clicks. Varnish happens different fixation - from weak to supreme. What fixation to choose - solve yourself, the duration of the effect depends on it. Also, men should carefully read the inscriptions on the bottle, in order to mistakenly do not get a lacquer with sparkles and not get into the ridiculous situation.

So, if you have a naughty hair, start laying immediately after washing, armed with a hairdryer. For especially naughty vortices, apply gel and start using the brush to simulate the hairstyle. Then apply varnish.

Brush and weak

This problem is relevant for those who seek to find beautiful long hair. When the hair is weak, it grows up to a certain length, and after it is rolled. The growth rate of the male hair and the length on which the "bummer" occurs, directly depends on the power intensity of both the follicle and the hair itself.

Causes of fragile

If we talk about the cause of fragility and slow growth (low growth rate), then this is insufficient nutrition and blood supply to the hair follicle, the effects of aggressive substances that swell and burning hair. To prevent the balance of the hairs, influence the growth rate, use special stimulating drugs and masks.

What can be done?

Among the drugs for internal use, vitamins containing amino acids, calcium d-pantothenate, keratin and other trace elements are isolated. A good way to increase the speed of hair growth is a massage, rubbing the ceiling funds (enhances microcirculation). The structure of the hair itself can be restored using keratin masks.

Hair loss

Nevertheless, we cannot but affect such a question as hair loss in men. Why is a man bald and what to do?

Causes of baldness

Several types of baldness are distinguished depending on the external signs and the reasons why the person has thinning hair:

  1. Androgenic. The reason in the increased sensitivity of the follicle to androgen, or increase the concentration of hormones in the blood.
  2. Focal. Most often arises against the background of a long stress, severe infection, injury and flows as an autoimine process.
  3. Diffuse. A man is bald due to unbalanced nutrition, the effects of aggressive environmental factors. It may occur not only on the head, but also on the body: stomach, back, beard.
  4. Scar. If the scar occurs, the follicles are damaged irretrievably, and restore the hair cover on the body is possible only if you make a transplant.

Treatment of baldness

Most often, the hair loss in men is treated with medication, as well as due to the impact on the cause of hair growth, but the most radical method of solving the problem is a transplant.

Treatment of baldness and hair transplantation

Transplantation is a process of transplanting hair follicles from a zone where they grow in sufficient quantities into a problem zone. Sometimes this is the only way to solve the problem of hair growth, but not always affordable, if you consider the cost of the operation.

There are operating and non-operational transplant techniques. The operating method involves the completion of the end and removing the skin strips from the donor zone. From there and the material is taken needed to make a transplant. This method is traumatic, because Deals serious damage to the occipital zone. However, the cost of such a method is significantly lower compared to non-operative techniques.

One of the most modern methods of the non-operative transplant is considered to be a manipulation, which involves the most gentle manual seizure of the material (follicular associations) with the help of microtubule. Then, also with minimal skin damage, in the bald zone is inserted into a certain depth, under the desired slope. By the way, this method involves the fence of the material not only on the back of the head. With a scarce hair, you can make fences on the body: back, abdomen, etc.

The cost of transplant depends on the type of manipulation, the volume of work and the reputation of the clinic.

Below is the comparative cost of hair transplantation in Moscow clinics, depending on the method.

So, despite the fact that there are some problems, each of them has its own solution, including even hair loss on the head. Find the right option and rest assured - you will handle any problem. Thank you for being with us, be healthy!

Beautiful and obedient and smooth hair not only decorate a woman, but also make it more confident.

But unfortunately there are hair that create a lot of problems (this fallout, quickly fat, do not succumb to laying), but as they say everything in our hands.

Right my head

So, let's start with the washing of the head, it seems to be nothing complicated, washed and everything, in fact, you need to know the following:

  • you need to wash your hair only with warm water, because hot water affects the structure of the hair (can damage it), and cool water will not wash the dirt that gathered on her hair.
  • when washing the head, it is necessary not only to wash your hair, but also the skin of the head, fingers do massage movements on the head, thereby improving the blood circulation and nutrition of hair bulbs. Thanks to the massage the hair will grow better.

Natural rinsers

To make the hair look healthy and shiny, every time after washing your heads, use rinsing from:

  1. Ramber chamomile, nettle, burdock roots (for light hair)
  2. Broth of oak bark, hops (for dark hair)
  3. The decoction of Sage - an amazing agent, your hair will not only smooth, but shiny.
  4. Decoration from the husk of onion (for red hair)

To return gloss with hair and healthy view for do forget about twigs and hot styling. Proper head wash is the first step to silky and smooth hair.

Nutritional hair masks

So that the hair is beautifully stacked, made you irresistible, you need to "feed them". Do nutritious masks. Masks need to be done in accordance with the structure of your hair. If you have fat hair Such masks are suitable:

  • 2 table Supplements of onion juice + 2 tables. Supplements of castor oil. Massage movements rub into the skin of the head 5-10 minutes a mixture, put on a polyethylene hat (cuck), wind with a towel and keep 1 hour, after which you wash your head.
  • 2 table Supplements of lemon juice + 2 table. Supply of carrot juice. Massage movements rub in the scalp 5-7 minutes, wrap your head and wash your hair in an hour.
  • 1 table. MEDA + 1 Egg + 1 table. Superior Castor Oil. This dummage in the scalp to the head for 1-2 hours, wrap the film and a towel and then wash your hair.

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Masks for dry hair:

  • the fastest and affordable mask- acid milk; kefir; yogurt. The substances contained in them quickly penetrate their hair roots, nourish them, which gives them shine, eliminating the brittleness. Squeeze the hair for 30-40 minutes with a sour milk product and wash your head.
  • 2 egg yolks Mix with 2 tbsp. Melted honey and 1 tbsp. Tying oil. Blend apply on dry hair along the entire length. Take the head with a polyethylene film, and on top of a towel for 1-2 hours and scatter.
  • 2 st. Long welded in warm water to swelling, then heated in a water bath until the gelatin is completely dissolved, add yolk. Apply this mixture on the skin of the head and for the entire length of the hair for 1 hour and well wash your head.

Very good nutritious mask for any hair species: 1 yolk + 1 stl.l. mayonnaise + 1 tsp Honey. Keep this mixture of 1 hour (under the cap from the film), then wash off hot water.

So that the hair was smooth, after washing the head wrap their towel for 20 minutes. So that the moisture absorbed in the towel, and then dry the hairdryer, but not in hot mode. Wet hair is not combing, thereby throw them fragility. Use wooden comb, brushes.

Care for your hair and they will be smooth and silky, and you will not be a lot of work to make a beautiful laying.


Shampoo do it yourself

To make hair obedient, try to wash them with shampoo prepared with your own hands. It is necessary to do it. Take your usual shampoo - a portion at one time, add a teaspoon gelatin and a raw egg. Thoroughly mix the ingredients in the bowl, and the head of the head. It is not necessary to use the air conditioner and the rinsing balsam after that. The result will be noticeable immediately.

Natural paints

To make hair obedient, painting them with henna or bass. These are natural paints. The substances included in their composition make hair more rigid, voluminous and obedient.

Keratinian hair straightening

If the money for you is not a problem, then you can make your hair in the cabin. There you will be offered to go through the procedure of keratin hair straightening. This procedure is quite expensive, but can give a very good result. It will be necessary to repeat it every 2-4 months.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies will help obedient hair:

Mix 2 tablespoons of castor oil and 2 tablespoons of calendula tincture. Every 2-3 days rubbing in the roots of the hair.

Take 5 tablespoons of vegetable oil and 2 tablespoons of castor oil. Mix and rub the mixture into the scalp.

Take half a spoon of shampoo, add a tablespoon of vegetable oil there, slightly fitting the mixture and vatter in the scalp. Then make the hair to evenly distribute the mixture. The head of the closet and warm cock. After half an hour, the hair with shampoo and we rinse with water, slightly acidified by vinegar.

Here is another mask recipe that will help make hair obedient. Take 5 tablespoons of vegetable oil and mix with lemon juice. The resulting mixture of recrehensive hair. Leave the mask on the hair for half an hour. After this time, the smooth hair is mild shampoo.

Here is another mask option. Stir 20 grams of unrefined vegetable oil, as many castor oil and 10 grams of shampoo. This mixture applies with a cotton swab. Combing hair 2 minutes. Then a pretty albeit head.

Here are some tips, how to make hair obedient. Try them, and some of them will help you.

In the modern world, most girls have harassing problems. For representatives of the beautiful floor, the question of how to mitigate the hair to the hair at home can be mitigated. The causes of hard curls can be diverse. Consider everything in order.

Causes of hard hair

  1. If you want to eradicate the problem of hard strands in the shortest possible time, you must first reveal the root cause. Next, you can proceed to the gradual operation of the lap of the chapels. So you can return it to her former softness.
  2. Be careful, often in many of the weak floor representatives, hair remains rigid due to the genetic factor. It is impossible to declare with confidence that such a phenomenon is considered a disadvantage. In this case, the hair is less susceptible to the harmful effects of external factors, the bulbs are stronger.
  3. In most cases, strands are rigging due to dismissive care. Frequent staining, incubation of thermodes, chemical procedures have a detrimental effect on the hair. Also do not forget about external influences on the body.
  4. In addition to the above, the hair acquires a hard structure due to the depressed state, frequent depression and colossal stress. It should be borne in mind that the problem occurs when a lack of vital minerals and elements in the body.
  5. In this case, the chapelur needs to ensure proper care. If you neglect the simple rules, the hair structure soon is depleted, the moisture of follicles is due. From here it begins dryness and rigidity strands. Do not run the situation immediately.
  6. Pay special attention to running water you wash your head. Such a factor can be the root cause of the stiffness of the shock. Most often, water has a number of mineral impurities, which are adversely affected in the state of the chapels. Substances are settled on hair and leather, problems appear from here.
  7. Chlorinated water dries curls and skin head, chemicals are poorly washed away, as a result, hair becomes disobedient. It is strongly recommended to use healing herbs on the basis of filtered water to rinse.

Care rules

  1. It's no secret that hard shock is not only unpleasant to the touch, but also causes a lot of unpleasant moments when laying. To simplify the care manipulation of a similar type of hair, you need to adhere to simple recommendations.
  2. You will need to choose a shampoo aimed at the professional line. Thus, it is worth entering the purchase of air conditioning or balsam. Prefer the creamy mixtures, in this case the follicles get maximum moisturizing.
  3. It should be borne in mind that funds with a similar basis are suitable not to all representatives of beautiful sex. It is not recommended to use the creamy formulations for girls who have a chapels prone to rapid planting. And opposite such funds are perfectly suitable dry and brittle strands.
  4. Be careful when applying professional air conditioners, use the tool, strictly adhering to the instructions. Such a composition must be alternating with mixtures prepared at home recipes.
  5. You can also purchase finished funds based on natural components. These include moisturizing butters of Shea, coconut and wheat sprouts. Take the habit and teach your hair to infrequent washing. Enough 2 manipulations per week.
  6. During the restoration of the hair structure, it is strongly recommended to stop using various thermodifiers. As a last resort, on the strands, it is necessary to apply special sprays that protect the structure of the shock from exposure to high temperatures.
  7. To avoid similar manipulations, it is strongly recommended to purchase a hair dryer of a professional series with a cold blowing function. Thus, the drying of the hair does not represent threats for their structure. Everything else during the manipulation, you can easily make stacking for every taste.
  8. If you can not afford a professional hairdryer with a similar function, resort to a series of detergents that are directed to hard and naughty strands. Such products can be purchased in any cosmetic store. To soften the hard chapel, resort to the co-wargo method.
  9. For this you do not need to do anything supernatural, it is enough to carry out the procedure for washing the hair through one air conditioner. In this case, the use of shampoo is not allowed. Air conditioning fully cleans strands and feeds them necessary trace elements. If you use shampoo, then the composition will once again dry the structure of the strand.
  10. Hair care procedures through a rinse balm is not posted. To do this, it is necessary to take a little more air conditioner and distribute over the entire length of the chapels. Suggest short-term massage, moisten curls and repeat the manipulation of rubbing the composition in the follicles.
  11. After a few minutes, remove the detergent from the head. It is preferable to use purified water or herb decoction for such purposes based on it. Do not forget about folk remedies. Soap nuts may well replace the usual shampoo. Yolks with mustard either are suitable.
  12. If you systematically apply similar products, in the shortest possible time you will be surprised by the positive effect. The strands will restore the former structure, the hair will become soft, silky and obedient. Mustard with a yolk act as a cleansing agent.
  13. If you have chosen a similar composition, consider that the water temperature should be not high. Otherwise, the yolk can turn up and the mask will irrevocably deteriorate. Separate the protein, remove the film, carefully take the animal product. After that, mix 12 grams. Dry mustard. Distribute the composition by wet strands by massaging movements. Remove the toilet water.

Folk remedies for softening hair

Olive and yolk oil

  1. Take 1 Chicken Egg Separate the protein from the yolk. Move the latter into a small container, resort to the help of a whin.
  2. Carefully beat the product, mix 35 gr. Olive oils. Distribute the tool to the root area.
  3. Take the hair with a film and scarf, wait about 1 hour. Remove the mask of the rigorous water.

Sour cream and lemon juice

  1. Connect in total bowl 85 grams. Sour creams of maximum fatty with 50 ml. Lemon Freasha and 30 ml. Coconut butter.
  2. Mix the components to a homogeneous cleaner. Apply a product on the hair with massage movements.
  3. Wrap the champper with polyethylene and towel. Wait about 1.5 hours. Rinse the head with a warm herbal decoction.

Before making focus on professional detergents, try the effective recipes of traditional medicine. Thus, the hair will acquire former beauty, softness and obedience. The structure of strands will also be less susceptible to various chemical additives that are present in professional cosmetics.

Video: how to make hair soft

Does your hair are constantly filled? Hair has a complex structure. They consist of three layers and thousands of cell cells. Hair behave as because of the fact that their exterior cuticles are raised, making them similar to the corrugated roof. When the hair is straight, their cuticles lie smoothly. As soon as you spend a brush on dry wavy hair, the cuticles are raised, forming a gun on the head. A spoiled mood is inevitable. Take advantage of our advice and experiment with various hair products, as some of the listed funds may not approach exactly your hair type.


We use professional hair care products (instantaneous)

    Before laying the hair, apply silicone serum on them. She envelops every hair, fastening the cuticle in a smooth position and not allowing hair to flock.

    Before combing, apply on the comb's comb's comb. He will help to smooth hair and keep them in this form for quite a long time.

    Take advantage of children's sprays for unwinding hair. A children's spray for unwinding hair is not as oily as other means, and will help to cope with confused strands and chopans.

    To smooth out naughty strands, apply spray shine. Spray a little spray on the hair, and then with a toothbrush or a small amount of little disobedient hairs, which are knocked out of laying.

    • Such a spray can be bought in the store of cosmetics and perfumes or in the online store.
  1. Lay your hair in a low or high bundle. If you have only 5 minutes to bring naughty hair in order, then perhaps the best solution is to collect them in a bundle.

    • High bundle is a great option for naughty fluffy hair, as it should look slightly careless.
  2. Purchase a soft moisturizing shampoo. Hard shampoos even more dried your hair, thereby complicating styling.

    Looking for air conditioning rich in protein. Such an air conditioner will help to doubt curls and give a healthy gloss with hair.

    Get rid of products containing alcohol. The alcohol dries the hair strongly, and curly hair becomes even more disobedient. See that the hair for hair did not indicate the following substances: alcohol, ethanol, ethyl alcohol, denatured alcohol, propanol, propyl alcohol (if the composition is listed in English - Ethanol, Ethyl Alcohol, SD Alcohol, Denatured Alcohol, Propanol, Propyl Alcohol).

    • Other types of alcohols used in hair facilities do not harm them. In the names of these alcohols there are such consoles as "Lauril", "Zetil", "Stearil" ("Lauryl", "Cetyl", "Stearyl").
  3. Take a bottle with a pulverizer and mix water and hair spray in it. An hour before the taking of the soul splash the mixture on the fingers and wrap it into the hair. When it is absorbed, the hair will become more obedient. After the shower, wipe the head with cotton T-shirt, and ready!

    • If instead of an ordinary towel use cotton knitwear t-shirt, it will help make hair softer and silky.
  4. Depending on the type of hair, use a means holding or, on the contrary, pushing moisture. If you have curly hair, take a means holding the atmospheric moisture, and it will help them smallest. If you have straight hair, they, on the contrary, will be filled with moisture, so look for a moisture-repellent product. Perhaps such funds will be needed not all year round, but only in the most dry or humid time.

    We use natural agents (less than an hour)

    1. Rinse the hair with mineral water with gas. This is a simple and easy way to care for amusement hair. The low pH of the gashed water will help reduce hair curling.

      Rinse the hair with apple vinegar. Vinegar acid will give the hair a healthy shine and help them smooth.

      Prepare hair mask based avocado and olive oil. Both of these ingredients will serve as a natural hair conditioner and carefully moisturize them. Avocado contains fatty acids and rich in vitamin E, which is excellent for the pacification of fluffy hair.

      Use raw eggs for hair moisturizing. The egg contains amino acids that are very useful for the revival of hair bulbs and hair smoothing. It also contains enzymes that can kill bacteria and relieve you from unwanted fat on the skin of the head.

      • Mix a raw egg with a spoon of olive oil. Let stand 30 minutes so that the ingredients are mixed with each other.
      • Apply on your hair, carefully distributed over the entire length, and leave for 20 minutes. Do not keep the mask on the hair for too long, otherwise they can become fragile.
      • Rock and wash the hair with shampoo as usual.
    2. Apply natural oils on the tips of hair, such as coconut and olive. Coconut oil is a good moisturizer, and as a bonus also smells nice. Pour some oil on the palm of your hand, and carefully sodium hair, as soon as they become very dry and seal.

    3. Try to make a head massage with warm oil or make an oil mask for hair. Make sure the oil temperature is comfortable for you. Such a mask can be prepared at home from the olive oil Extra Virgin, coconut, almond or rosemary oil.

      • Pour one glass of your chosen oil into a skeleton and warm up for 2-4 minutes.
      • Cool down to room temperature. You can add 2 tablespoons of honey, as warm honey can help smooth hair cuticles.
      • Apply a mask on the hair. Soft massaging movements rub in the roots of the hair.
      • Wrap your head towel or put on the shower hat. Leave about an hour, then wash the shampoo mask.
    4. Rinse your hair with beer. The natural enzymes contained in beer will help to pacify the furry hair and give them a healthy shine. Dark beer varieties provide the greatest moisturizing due to the high content of nutrients in them.

      • Apply beer on your hair and leave for a few minutes.
      • Rinse the hair with cold water to get rid of the smell of beer.
      • You can also pour beer into a bottle with a sprayer and spray your hair, and then rinsed in a few minutes.