How to become a stylish woman in 40. What kind of products are useful for youth and beautiful appearance? Important rules for maintaining youth

Let's talk about you, dear women. We will talk about how to be a young long-to-year years.

To date, the topic of cosmetology is very dangerous and very relevant. Look, when you come to a beautician, most often it starts with something small, harmless: to squeeze 3 acne, put a mask, make a massage, and it seems like everyone else.

Then they offer you a pinch of any oxygen cocktails, it seems to be harmless ... then a little to increase the lips, it seems to be a little moistened. Then pour the filler under the eyes, then slightly lift the eyeballs with the help of Botex, then put a string ...

And here - not very clear the boundaries - when with these start and when you need to finish it, so as not to overdo it? Sometimes you look at the girl and I want to tear your hands at her beautician. But the cosmetologist is the same person as this girl. But he just stops seeing - "the eye is closed."

"The eye is covered" - it happens like a cosmetologist and a woman who goes to him. A woman stops adequately to rate himself from the side and begins to see the face segmentally, and the whole painting!

She sees that there was a depression here, and now she is not; She sees that the nose was before here, and now he is thinner; She sees that there was a nasophack here before, and now she was smoothed. And the fact that, in general, your face looks unhealthy, Even (especially -), you do not notice. You can't adequately evaluate your image.

This does not mean that it is not necessary to resort to cosmetology. Need to! But so neat !!!

You often see such a beautiful woman, but as if shit was founded - all such a unhappy, etc. The second point is when a woman is depressed: on the face of longing, sadness. And it all hangs on the face and takes gravity at the energy level.

And in this case, younger is not! Youth goes through the eyes - glitter eyes, through a smile, through active actions, through emotions. If the look is Purdy, extinct - it will start, immediately folds up 50% of all beauty, adds 10 years.

A woman as you like to put your hair and paint, but if she did not bother his face - everything was gone. It is necessary to be easy. Youth is ease.

Catch your precise individual weight

Excess weight Makes a cargo woman, he pours her year. Sometimes you do not understand - how many people are 30, 40, 50 or 60 ... a very thick woman as it should not be aging, but no matter how young. It was swollen and a person is in one age "always 50" - and at 20 years, and in 30, and at 40.

Thin Also cannot be - if the woman is very thin - it will also look to loosen. It is necessary to catch your weight so much - your individual weight! Keep track of your extra kilograms and try to be in good shape.

Excessive passion for sports hall

Tychny sports lovers will not agree, possibly. Girl walks, Yaro does, everything shakes and shakes ... Yes, the press is beautiful, the figure is perfect ... And with the face what? Perhaps any processes of dehydration are occurring, everything is individually. But the faces in women who love to run well, becomes very old, worn, emaciated. Please watch your face and try not to get involved in this.


What "rolled" at 20 years, no longer ride today!

You understand what it is about. If at 20 years we could fall to bed after the disco, do not wash, with cosmetics - and in the morning wash and like a cucumber to go to the university beautiful. Now it will not work ...

We now need:

  • long sleep;
  • observe the mode;
  • walk a lot in the fresh air;
  • eat useful products;
  • minimize alcohol;
  • refuse smoking;
  • do daily sex;
  • massage;
  • take the morning cool shower and evening hot;

You need to organize your day - like in kindergarten \u003d) for breakfast - it is fresh fruit, porridge, juices ... Permanent strict-rigorous fanatical day of the day! This isides all the creams that you use, etc. The day of the day is much more important.

Do not overdo it not work

It is necessary to feel your acceptable load. You need to spare yourself. Previously, when you were 20 years old, you could plow like a horse. Now, to look younger in 40 years, you need not overload yourself.

Very visible to a woman who plows and a woman who sits at home and cleans the feathers.

And now the question arises -? A woman very quickly, unlike a man wears. And sometimes it is very difficult to restore. It is also very difficult to recover former addicts, alcoholics, avid smokers.

Take care of yourself, you have one!

You will be useful:

"A woman will not learn to dress well until she is 35"

Ccycian Dior

"At the age of 20, your face gives you nature, in 30 - it sculpts his life, but in 50 you must earn it yourself ... Nothing is so old as the desire to be pushed. After 50, no one is no longer young. But I know 50-year-olds who are more attractive than three-quarters of poorly well-groomed young women. "

Coco Chanel

There was a girl. Locked to 40 years. I woke up in the morning and thinks: "So lived ..." And what's next?

The other looks at your life and sadness from unrealizations, heaps of unresolved problems, incomprehensible and disturbing future. It seems to her that life has passed, he feels an old woman and does not dream of a prince or a promising work, or about the lesson.

But the one, and the other understand that 40 years is not 20. What they look different, but as well as how much is objectively to say.

Of course, most women at this age have their beliefs about their appearance, their own, the past style, but at a certain point they understand that "they don't understand anything" and see something new, not yet compressed, sometimes disappointing or disturbing Sometimes amazing or paradoxical.

Unfortunately, I can not give in this article specific recommendations for the correction of the figure, according to the selection of color range, the texture of the tissues, the accessory group suitable for you, my dear reader, because I do not see and do not know exactly you.

But we can designate those highlights that it is worth paying attention to every woman who has reached the adulthood that wants to look like not as a girl lost in their forty years, but as a self-respecting, valued and loving modern successful woman.

10 rules of the image of a successful woman after 40

  1. Refuse black in clothing. If you bought to it with all the soul and it is difficult for you to believe that it will be better for you without him, remove it away from the face. If, nevertheless, you put on a black top, definitely add a scarf, golk, decoration, "diluting" black.
  2. Black color can be replaced with dark brown and dark blue.
  3. The older you become, the brighter your natural paint becomes, so with age you need to give preference to the choice of less saturated (in the direction of clarification) of colors and shades.
  4. Fashionable, the image becomes due to the correctly selected clothing silhouette and the actual accessory group: shoes, bags, belts, clock, decorations.
  5. After 35 years, attention should be paid to the quality of the purchased products. This also applies to clothing, and accessories, and to cosmetics. They should not look like her cheap.
  6. Prefer fabrics from natural fibers or mixture tissues, leather and suede. Come goes around the product from 100% synthetics, unless this is not clothing for sports, which is made from special high-tech fibers in its functionality exceeding natural.
  7. Belt yourself with decorations made of precious and semi-precious stones. But do not pass by the high-quality jewelry, which has recently from the season in the season is not inferior to its position in the rating of popularity.
  8. Pay special attention to bags and shoes. Nothing refreshes and does not actualize the image as these accessories. If you are very neat and you can wear one and the same bag or shoes for 10 years, or you have so many bags and shoes that you do not see sense to buy them a replacement, because they are not taking off - you have every chance even with fashionable Facoon clothes, look old-fashioned.
  9. It is also necessary to remember the features of the use of cosmetics.

After 40 years, it is necessary to say hard not:

  • pearl shadows, blush and lipsticks.
  • mascus for eyelashes on the lower eyelid.
  • tonny tools with a dense covering texture, because The skin becomes thinner and land.
  • cheap lipstick, in order to avoid her spreading and filling in small wrinkles around the lips.
  • black pencils for the contour of the eyelid, replacing them on gray and brown.

10. The crown, in the literal and figurative sense of the word, a stylish image at any age, and especially in a ripe, is hairstyle! It costs to ask for help for help to a good stylist and pick up a suitable haircut, for which it is easy to follow, which pulls up the whole figure, "collects" the whole image into a single whole, gives it a completeness - and you will know that you "order" when hiking to His hairdresser. Remember that the person with whom you communicate for many years knows the features of your hair and this is a plus, but it gets used to you and, sometimes it is also difficult for him to get away from my stereotypes to look at you from the side, with other eyes.

But if you want to learn more about yourself and your abilities to effectively use your natural data and always look 100%, follow our publications, come to group classes and individual advice.

The choice is yours! And we have what you suggest!

The biggest mistake of women in the question how to look beautiful After 40 years - do nothing at all. Hair, makeup, clothes in which the lady looked just fantastically in young years, is often not suitable for the ladies of noble age. If you want to grow gracefully, you need to make some changes. Many women do the same thing that has been done for decades. This technique does not work very often and cannot be flattering for women for 40. Often women do not even understand what makes mistakes.

Error number 2 - insufficient attention clothes

Unfortunately, times when "hot" things from the beach could be put on not only on the beach, passed. How to look beautiful After 40 years - invest in clothing, buy things from stylish and expensive brands. You can find suitable clothes at any age. Probably, you will have to make up for business class clothes.

Error №3 - compare yourself with 20-year-old

Sooner or later, the lady will ask: "Who is this beautiful lady in the album?". And it is necessary to prepare for this issue. Some young ladies look so attractive as in young years. Do not "walk through the alleys of memory" and despair. Purpose, how to look beautiful After 40, not to recreate your face and body of a 20-year-old girl.

Error №4 - do not do fitness

Middle age is not a reason to stop working on themselves (although for many temptations). Fitness is a movement, the ability to prevent health problems in the coming years, such as "creeping" weight, diabetes, heart disease or dementia. Now is the time to visit the gym, swimming pool, start doing yoga, or fall in love with fast walking.

Error number 5 - do not get enough sleep

Those times passed when a cute lady could stay hanging in the club for the whole night, and in the morning to get up with the shining faces and ease in motion. Many probably heard that the lack of sleep leads to a tired mind. Of course, everything is hard to have time, especially if the woman is caught by the parents or follows the children. But the responsibilities of the responsibilities, and you need to take care of your health. It's time for change. Less hours for sleep - more opportunities to show true age on your face, not to mention the emergence of health problems.

Error №6 - ignore your teeth

In the fight against age, you can focus on wrinkles, gray hair, but do not forget to smile in the mirror. One thing that can make a woman older -. But the condition of the teeth is more than just unattractiveness. Teeth health is closely related to general health. The gum disease is becoming more common that with age can be associated with the high risk of heart disease. So do not miss a visit to the dentist.

Error number 7 - Excessive Anti-Aging Efforts

This is a common mistake that celebrities and real women allow. No one it does not like wrinkles, but it is better than a "frozen" Botoks face or terrible collapsed lips. Can help reduce wrinkles Cosmetic products with retinol. If the result suits, why look for an alternative? The face without a single wrinkle is not real, it looks unnatural.

Error number 8 - short haircut

Woman should do a short haircut or slightly above shoulders as soon as it reaches middle age. This is not a rule at all, but a delusion, because there is no rules of the game with hair for middle-aged women. The choice depends on the woman, lifestyle, the state of its hair, preferences. With age, it is likely that the hair will become more subtle, maybe rude, we will develop. Choose a natural hair color that will help stay at the age of 30.

There is such a saying: "In 40 years, life just begins!". During this period of his life, the woman has already achieved a lot of things. She found a family, children grow up with her, there is work in the soul. It remains only to live and enjoy the beauties of an amazing planet called Earth. What looks younger in 40 years? Let's talk about it.

Basic Rules for Maintaining Beauty

In order for a woman in 40 years to feel his beloved and at the same time an incredibly beautiful wife, mother and girlfriend, the following rules must be followed:

  1. Eat right.
  2. Observe all the principles for care for your skin.
  3. Regularly engaged in physical exertion.
  4. Good to fall out.
  5. Pick up the hairstyle.
  6. Dress properly.

Proper nutrition

At this age, the body is no longer young, and he slowly begins to remind a woman about the following problems:

  1. Violation of the function of the ovarian work.
  2. Reducing the function of the thyroid gland.
  3. Violation of the hormonal background, resulting in changing the condition of the skin, nervous system and metabolic disorders.
  4. Health problems and nails.
  5. Sharp mood swings.

Proper nutrition will help to establish the work of the body in the mode that will protect the woman from age-related changes.

The following foods are used in food:

  1. Products with phytoestrogen content capable of changing the hormonal background. This is linen oil or flax seeds, soy sauce.
  2. It should be excluded from the diet of nutrition, everything is sweet and salty.
  3. Baking, cakes and pastries need to be replaced by cereal cereals. You can add both dry and fresh fruits in porridge.
  4. It is necessary to exclude the rational meat broths, oily meat and smoked meat from the diet.
  5. A large number of vegetables and greenery should be eaten.
  6. In the daily diet, it is necessary to turn on the eggs 1-2 per day. Egg yolk is rich in a large number of vitamins and amino acids.
  7. Do not forget about such products such as cottage cheese, kefir, sour cream, that is, about all fermented dairy products.

Also do not forget about drinking clean water. But it is worth remembering that it is better to drink it in the first half of the day, so as not to suffer from the morning edema.

Face care

Comprehensive face care for women of this age consists in combining four main cosmetic procedures.


The habit of washing in the morning should enter the life of every woman after 40 years. After all, it is at night that the process of skin regeneration occurs. Therefore, in the morning it is necessary to wash off the dead crates from your face. Washing is carried out cool water using suitable cleansing agents. This process can be completed by the face toning with ice cubes, which can be freezed from a variety of dishes of medicinal herbs. Such a procedure will refresh the appearance and help remove swelling and bags under the eyes.


All cosmetics must contain substances that help to fill in the skin moisture. It is desirable to use cosmetic agents that include hyaluronic acid, retinol and natural minerals. The main function of all listed substances is the retention of moisture in skin cells.


According to cosmetologists, the best nutrient for the skin of the face at this stage is the cream based on the Minerals of the Dead Sea. This cream perfectly nourishes the skin with calcium, iodine and magnesium. This vitamin complex normalizes the metabolism, thereby launching collagen and elastin synthesis.

In addition, at home, you need to make masks for the skin of the face. As components, honey and dairy products will be suitable.

It is desirable to finish the entire nutrition procedure to finish with a soft massage of the face.


As ready-made decorative creams, it is necessary to use those in which natural peptides are included, accelerating the processes of skin regeneration.

At home, masks based on oatmeal and potato starch are manufactured.

These procedures will help pull the skin of the face, thereby smoothding deep wrinkles.

Physical exercise

Do not lead a sedentary lifestyle. At work, get up, walk through the office, if you have such a job, knead the neck and hands. In the evening, do not seek more convenient to get on the sofa. Go to the park, raise the fresh air, take a walk with children or dog. In the morning, do not forget to do physical exercises. Pick up the appropriate complex and not be lazy, your diligence will definitely turn on your body a good result. You can also sign up in the fitness club, swimming pool or yoga.

Healthy sleep

Ideally, everyday sleep should be at least 7-8 hours. Just sleeping well, you will be tuned to positive emotions during the day, and your appearance will tell you thanks. For a healthy sleep for the night you can drink soothing tea, and in the room decompose the fragrant dry herbs of medicinal plants that can cause a feeling of comfort and peace. Such as lavender, mint or fenhel fruits.

Haircut in 40 years

Any woman wonders how to trim after 40 years to look beautiful and elegant. Answers lick in the following:

  1. The thick bang will help to visually hide a straight nose, and the smoke nose will emphasize the hairstyle with a combed hair.
  2. Kudri will greatly decorate women with small features.
  3. The triangular edging will help more gracefully look a short neck.
  4. The hairstyle in the form of curly curls will suit high women, low ladies should pick up the hairstyle of Bob or Kara.

Examples of original haircuts on women of forty years old can be viewed in the photo:


How to dress after 40 years, what to choose color solutions and accessories? Consider this.

  1. Refuse long baggy dresses and dark tones skirts. Choose bed shades, they will make you younger.
  2. Discard the flat sole, let it be small, but the heel should be. It will give gracefulness to your movements.
  3. Avoid youth style. It looks ridiculous and ridiculous.
  4. Do not wear large bags, use small and elegant.
  5. Avoid too bright color solutions in clothes, even if there is spring or summer on the street.
  6. Do not assume yourself with all the decorations of gold. This visually adds age.

Video on the topic of the article.

Hello, cute women. No matter how much we should, always want to look younger. In 30, we begin to notice the first bells, and at 40 someone, unreal panic begins at the form of himself in the mirror, especially in the morning. And it is very unpleasant to scratch when not a "girl", but a "woman" appeal in transport or on the street.

And the question is - how to look younger than its years - it becomes very and very important.

Why do some look young and well-keeled and fifty years old, and the beauty of others is beginning to fade already thirty-five? How nice to see a beautiful woman walking on the court with three children who name her grandmother ...

Our biological age often does not match the passport, but someone is happy, and someone is unraded to peg. It's a shame when you give more, but everything is in our hands. We may look like you want.

Let's not postpone in a long box, right now stop the biological clock, and we will try to look at 20 in 40 years.

1. Mandatory breakfast

Useful breakfast is the first recipe for youth and good health. If you still eat in the morning, sandwiches with jam, sausage and ham, then you immediately need to stop it disgrace!

These simple carbohydrates increase in your blood insulin. As a result, you get excess fat and a bouquet of sores.

What should be useful "female" breakfast?

The body requires complex carbohydrates (they are contained in the porridge of slow cooking, in vegetables and fruits), as well as fiber (creates a sense of satiety, useful for digestion, is found in bran, oatmeal, vegetables and fruits).

Eat for breakfast salads from fruits, omelette, muesli, oatmeal with yogurt, buckwheat porridge, bananas and apples.

2. No ultraviolet

The sun affects the state of our skin much more serious than you think. Melanin is useful for women only in small quantities. Overdose entails irreversible changes in the skin and even becomes the causative agent of cancer.

If you have more than thirty, give up solarium, active sunbathing during rest, use UV protection for the face not only in summer, but also in winter. This is another prescription youth.

Of course, winter sun rays will not harm your health, but still leave the trail on the skin.

3. Vitamins

List of youth vitamins that will help look younger:

E - the main vitamin of youth. No wonder it is called female. It improves the process of cell renewal and contributes to collagen generation. Sources: sea buckthorn, peanuts, vegetable oil.

C is a powerful immunity stimulator. Slows down the aging process. Sources: kiwi, peaches, apricots, cauliflower, parsley, green onions.

D - It is he who makes our teeth strong, the hair is beautiful, and the nails are durable. Sources: Fish fat, cheese, cottage cheese, egg yolk.

F - normalizes metabolic processes and prevents the level of cholesterol in the blood. Sources: fish, salad, vegetable oil.

A - is responsible for the elasticity of our skin, its elasticity and filling moisture. Adjusts vision. Sources: lemon, orange, mandarin, apricot, spinach, eggs, raw carrots.

4. Garlic capsules

Garlic helps to prevent cancer and cardiovascular diseases. In addition, it significantly reduces the risk of stroke. It has a good anti-inflammatory action. One such capsule per day is rejuvenating and improving the body.

5. Sport

Scientists have proven that regular sports extends our youth and life. After studying human chromosomes, scientists came to the conclusion that physical exercise slows the processes of aging. And this is another prescription youth!

It is not necessary to torment yourself in the gyms and on the treadmills. Enough, several evening and simple exercises - and you are in shape!

6. Good cosmetologist

We ourselves know! So exclaim many girls and women, not wanting to spend money on a hike to the beautician.

But in order to look younger than his years, the cosmetologist must be visited, besides, it is not so expensive. If you show your face with a specialist twice a year, then you will only win this.

7. Changing image

The hairstyle and makeup should be updated at least once every two years. It is possible and more often if the fashion changes sharply. It will help you look not only modern, but also younger.

8. Regular sex + love

Scientists do not get tired in one voice to firm that regular sex life helps look for 4-7 years younger than its biological age. Moreover, if there is such a factor, like love, the effect is able to double.

find out Sexual secrets of women who are never thrown.

How do you like these recipes youth? Want more? Read.
Nothing difficult, isn't it? And most importantly - beauty and attractiveness - all this in our head.

Remember when you have a good mood, then you look excellent, and the gait is flying, and the smile charming. So let's create a mood for yourself, which will help look much younger than his passport age!