How to wash fabric roller blinds. Prohibited grooming activities. What not to do when trying to clean the curtain fabric

Several years ago it became fashionable to install blinds in apartments. It was a more practical option compared to fabric curtains: dust accumulated less and cleaning the blinds is easier than washing the curtains. But the rooms with plastic blinds look formal, they lack comfort and warmth. A great alternative to both the fabric version and the blinds are roller blinds: stylish, practical, comfortable.

But how to wash roller blinds? Contrary to popular belief, this is not difficult. The work is facilitated by the fact that such products have a special coating, due to which the dust is no longer so actively deposited on the canvas and stains become a rare occurrence. But nevertheless, the care of curtains is necessary, and it is somewhat different from what we are used to in the days of curtains and tulle.

Roller blinds care

New curtains are bought, installed and have served you for some time. Sooner or later, the question will arise: "How, in fact, can roller curtains be washed?" The standard fabric version could simply be shoved into the washing machine, pour in the powder and press a few buttons, after a while, get clean and fragrant curtains. It is enough to simply wipe plastic blinds with a damp cloth from time to time. And what to do with roller blinds is not entirely clear.

In fact, washing the fabric of a roller blind is no more difficult than the more familiar options.

  1. In order to keep the roller blinds clean, it is enough just to periodically ventilate the room. This simple method will quickly and effectively remove accumulated dust from your curtains.
  2. If you don't trust the ventilation, then you can arm yourself with a soft cloth or a vacuum cleaner with a cloth attachment. Thanks to special impregnation, dust does not penetrate into the canvas, but accumulates on the surface, and it can be removed with the help of simple devices. It is enough to resort to such care once a week or two, and the curtains will look quite presentable.
  3. In the event that dirt spots appear on the canvas, you can use a regular stationery eraser, which can be found in almost every home. It removes various dirt from the surface of roller blinds quite well. Just do not be too zealous with rubbing, otherwise you can damage the fabric. If you cannot remove the stain, it is worth resorting to more effective remedies.
  4. Despite the constant care of roller blinds, sooner or later it will be necessary to wash them. The easiest option is to take them to a dry cleaner. It is only worth contacting a reliable organization, where they are well acquainted with the peculiarities of caring for roller blinds. In this case, you no longer have to waste time washing the curtains. It is enough to remove the canvas, take it to the dry cleaner and get it back in a few days.

If you do not trust dry cleaners or are not ready to spend money on this, you can wash the curtains yourself. It is strictly forbidden to wash the canvas in a typewriter. Therefore, it is worth emptying the bath for a while - this is the best option in order to wash roller blinds.

  • For washing, use only mild detergents without bleach and various additives. Better if they are natural.
  • Dissolve the product in water so that no grains remain.
  • Using a soft sponge, apply the solution to the surface of the canvas in a circular motion. Do not rub heavily, the movements should be soft and neat.
  • Rinse the cloth thoroughly, preferably several times. The curtains should not be left with the slightest trace of detergent. Residues of the product on the fabric can lead to the fact that later, under the influence of sunlight, they change the color of the fabric, and not for the better.

The removal of stains of various kinds requires special attention, since it is with them that problems most often arise. Of course, the ideal option is to fold the curtains while you are cooking in the kitchen or the children are painting next to the windows. But it is not always possible to do this on time, and sometimes stains of grease, coffee, from paints, berries and the like are not very pleasant manifestations of everyday life appear on the canvas.

The matter is slightly complicated by the fact that you cannot use bleach and chemical stain removers, to which we are so accustomed, but which can make the roller shutter unusable. On the other hand, it is a little easier to wash roller blinds thanks to the protective coating. Moreover, today on sale you can find a huge number of gentle cleaning agents on a natural basis, with the help of which it will be much easier to get rid of difficult stains. Just before buying it is worth reading the recommendations for use. If this tool cannot be used on the fabric from which your roller blinds are sewn, then you should look at something else. And just before washing, be sure to test the stain remover on an inconspicuous place. If the structure and color have not suffered, then you can, exactly following the instructions, start cleaning the surface.

What cannot be done?

Like any other type of window decoration, roller blinds have some care features. Ignoring these very features can not only affect the appearance, but also simply ruin the curtains. Therefore, it is worth knowing and, most importantly, following the recommendations so that the new curtains last as long as possible.

  1. Never try to machine wash such curtains, even if they are made of fabric. Such care will only ruin the canvas, and you will have to go to the store again for new curtains.
  2. You can dry roller blinds only in a straightened form. Do not allow the formation of kinks, you can no longer fix it.
  3. It is not recommended to iron roller blinds. If you want to smooth the fabric a little after washing, then use only the tip of the iron, and iron only through the fabric or through damp gauze.

At first glance, it may seem that the maintenance of roller blinds is very difficult and time-consuming. In fact, everything is not so scary. Firstly, the dust already accumulates on the curtains not as actively as on ordinary fabric; it is enough just to periodically clean it up with a cloth. You can wash the canvases in no more than an hour, and you will have to resort to this process very rarely.

Today, roller blinds are preferred by an increasing number of consumers, and they can often be found in the works of fashion designers. This happens for the reason that roller blinds are not only stylish, but also one of the most practical and convenient interior decorations.

The modern design industry does not stand still and more and more beautiful things appear in the interior. One of the recent inventions is roller blinds. They are as beautiful as ordinary fabric curtains and as practical as blinds. Roller blinds are easy to use, a house with such a piece of furniture looks stylish and cozy.

Due to the special impregnation of such curtains, dust practically does not sit on them. And if it does sit down, it does not penetrate the inside of the canvas, but remains on the surface. This allows the curtains to be washed very rarely. If your curtains have lost their original appearance, you need to clean them.

Dry cleaning roller blinds

To prevent the curtains from getting dirty and dust settling on them, the room should be periodically ventilated. The air stream simply blows away dust that cannot adhere to the special impregnation. In addition, you need to get used to the fact that roller blinds are another item from which you should dust off. Wipe down the curtains with a dry cloth once every two weeks, as you would on polished furniture. It will not be difficult, but it will allow you to keep the interior fresh for a long time.

A vacuum cleaner can be used as active dry cleaning. Vacuum the roller blinds every few months to remove the smallest debris and dust. Be careful, however, that excessive suction power does not damage the belt or leave creases or wrinkles on the belt. To do this, you can buy or sew a special nozzle for a vacuum cleaner, which will be used only for delicate cleaning of roller blinds. It is a regular fabric that is attached to the tube of the vacuum cleaner with an elastic band.

Wet cleaning of roller blinds

With sufficient and proper care, roller blinds do not need a cardinal wash for the first few years. But they need wet cleaning at least a couple of times a year. To do this, take a flannel cloth and soak it in warm water. Walk all over the curtain, rubbing every corner. Then wipe the curtains with a dry cloth and leave them unfolded to dry completely.

Curtains should be protected from stains in every possible way. Raise the curtains when cooking to prevent splashes from splashing onto the flooring. The same should be done if children paint near the windowsill. Preventing ink and felt-tip stains is much easier than removing them.

However, if stains do appear, they can be removed with a regular stationery eraser. The fact is that the stain, falling on the treated coating, does not eat into the very structure of the fabric, but remains on the surface. Therefore, it is quite easy to remove it with an eraser. If the eraser does not work, you can use special stain removers. Please note that they must be natural. Stain removers for roller blinds must be free of chlorine and other aggressive components. Greasy stains are very easy to remove with damp wipes. They not only remove the stain, but also do not leave streaks.

But no matter how you take care of your curtains, no matter how you look after them, sooner or later the moment comes when it's time to wash them.

Remember that washing partially destroys the roll of fabric, so such curtains should be washed only when absolutely necessary. You cannot wash such curtains "For prevention".

  1. First you need to collect the curtains in a roll and remove the roller shutter. Different designs have different mechanisms, so if you can't cope, it is better not to experiment and call a master. He will carefully remove the roller shutters and show you how to put them back, after which you can do it yourself.
  2. It is prohibited to wash roller blinds in the washing machine. After washing them this way, they can be thrown into the trash can. Hand wash only!
  3. This requires a bath. Put warm water on the bottom of the tub and dissolve the detergent in it. It can be powder or laundry soap, the main thing is that the composition does not contain chlorine and other aggressive components. Make sure that the detergent is completely dissolved and no grains remain in the water.
  4. Lower the roller shutter into the tub and gently spread one end of the curtain. Clean it with a soft brush or rag, but very delicately so as not to damage the protective coating.
  5. The washed part of the curtains should be rolled up, and the dirty part should be gradually unrolled. This way you can clean (wash) every corner of the roller blinds.
  6. After washing, they must be rinsed. This should be done under the shower, simply rinsing off the soapy water from the canvas. The second way to rinse with soapy water is to draw water into the tub, then lower and raise the curtains in the water until they are clean. Rinse the curtains very carefully, otherwise the remaining soap streaks will be visible after drying.
  7. Drying curtains also requires adherence to some nuances. Firstly, the curtains should not be wrung out and, God forbid, twisted. They are simply left in the bath until they are completely drained of water.
  8. After that, the curtains must be straightened and dried in an upright position. In principle, they can be immediately hung in place and fully opened. In this case, access to fresh air and a draft is important - open the windows.
  9. In no case should roller blinds be dried in a twisted state. Do not dry curtains on a clothesline. The formation of creases and folds is unacceptable.
  10. Do not dry roller blinds near heaters or a gas oven. High temperature deforms the canvas - it can curl, shrink, or, conversely, stretch.
  11. If the folds are still formed, the curtains can be ironed. However, this should be done very delicately and only in exceptional cases. You need to iron the curtains at a moderate temperature, always through cheesecloth.

These simple rules will help you clean and freshen up your roller blinds. If you are afraid of damaging the delicate coating, it is advisable to dry-clean the piece of furniture. Experienced professionals know how to clean roller blinds and keep them looking original.

Roller blinds care

At first glance, it may seem that the maintenance of roller blinds requires a lot of effort. However, it is not. Timely cleaning will help you keep your finish fresh and clean, bright and vibrant.

Do a routine inspection of the curtain mechanism once a year. It should be lubricated regularly with silicone spray. The use of the chain mechanism should be as careful and delicate as possible - no pulling is required.

Roller blinds should not be hung near radiators. They contribute to the deterioration of the quality of the canvas. High temperatures can burn out curtains or change their shape. It is not recommended to hang roller blinds in a room with high humidity - they will lose their properties.

Any interior item requires periodic cleaning, and roller blinds are no exception. If you give them a very small amount of time on a regular basis, they will look perfect for years to come.

Video: how to wash roller blinds

Fabric roller blinds are an excellent solution for covering a small window opening. They practically do not collect dust, are equipped with a convenient chain mechanism for raising and lowering and well shade the room. Basically, they are chosen for the kitchen and living room by residents of private houses. However, if the opening is in close proximity to the work surface, splashes of water and drops of grease may fall on the blinds during cooking and washing dishes. In such a situation, a thought arises in the head of every housewife: how to wash roller blinds so as not to spoil them?

Rules for the operation of roller blinds

Rolled blinds, unlike Roman blinds and plastic counterparts, attract the consumer with their low price. But how to keep their attractiveness for a long time? Fortunately, the fabric of the curtains is coated with a special substance that protects them from dust and dirt. Therefore, roller blinds can be subjected to water procedures only occasionally. And there is no need to do this all the time, since they remain clean for a long time with proper handling.

When the curtains are sewn on their own (and this is quite easy to implement), then in this case the hostess always knows how to wash them. But if the accessory was purchased in a store, then you should adhere to special rules when cleaning it. To avoid frequent washing, you must pay attention to the following recommendations for the care of fabric roller blinds:

  • do not place them near an electrical or gas surface, and if the window is directly above the radiator, then it should be covered with a wide window sill;
  • roller blinds are afraid of moisture, so in a bathroom, a damp basement or basement they will quickly become unusable;
  • if the chain mechanism stopped giving in and began to creak, it must be lubricated with a special silicone grease;
  • make sure that there are no bends and creases on the curtain canvas, since it is quite difficult to align them later, and dust accumulates most of all in these places;
  • before you wash the window, sill or start cooking, the curtain must be rolled up. The best option would be to purchase a roller shutter with a protective case designed for these purposes;
  • when the room is ventilated, it is better to keep the blinds down so that the draft blows off dust from their surface;
  • fabric roller blinds can be washed only when dry cleaning does not help.

The above simple measures to prevent contamination will help keep your curtain clean for a long time and not wash it.

Dry cleaning

Many could be convinced that the cheapest models of fabric roller blinds open quickly and have to be replaced. Such curtains will definitely not withstand washing - after it only scraps will remain of them, so they can only be dry cleaned. Here's how to care for them:

  • wipe once a week with a soft, damp cloth, microfiber is best for this. Do not put too much pressure on the canvas - the movements should be light;
  • when did the light curtains noticeably gray? a vacuum cleaner will come to the rescue - you need to walk the cloth attachment several times over the roller blinds surface.

Do not use steam cleaning! This can spoil the shape of the curtain over time and impair its ability to repel dirt.

How to wash and dry

If the curtains are of better quality, then sooner or later they are not only possible but also necessary to be washed. Almost all models are made of polyester, only some are thinner and others are thicker. The best option is to have the item dry-cleaned, especially since it does not need to be done too often, which will not entail large costs. If, for some reason, this cannot be done, then you will have to wash the roller blinds at home. This should be done as follows:

  • before washing, remove the mechanism from the canvas;
  • it will be too tight to wash the curtain in the basin - there is a risk of wrinkling the canvas, so it is better to carry out the procedure directly in the bathroom;
  • the curtain should be fully spread and spread well;
  • Liquid detergent for delicate fabrics or dishwashing detergent is the best solution. If the choice fell on an ordinary washing powder, then it must be well dissolved in water so that after drying there are no streaks on the blinds.
  • with a soft sponge, apply the solution to the curtain and distribute it evenly over the surface;
  • Thoroughly rinse the detergent from the canvas under a good pressure under the shower.

It is worth noting that you need to wash the fabric blinds quickly, so that the product does not eat into its fibers and does not damage the fabric. In addition, if you do not rinse the roller shutter properly, then in the sun stains and streaks can appear on it in those places where the detergent is left.

It is better to dry the roller blind on a folding clothes dryer in a horizontal position, so that it does not stretch under its weight. Ironing fabric blinds is not worth it, but you can lightly walk with an iron through a dense fabric on the canvas, if necessary.

Removing stains

If a stain has formed on the fabric roller blind, you can try to remove it without going to wash.

  1. Do not start with chemical stain removers right away. At first, it makes sense to take a regular pencil or pen eraser and lightly rub the dirt.
  2. If the first method does not work, then you will have to purchase a special tool, you just need to carefully study the label. For these purposes, substances with a natural composition that can be used for polyester are suitable. To make sure that the area of ​​the treated area does not lighten after treatment, you need to try the effect of the stain remover on the back of the curtain in an inconspicuous place.

To remove the stain, you can try applying ammonia or peroxide to it, but again, the main thing is not to damage the structure and color.

How not to handle roller blinds

Fortunately, roller blinds rarely need washing and do not collect dust and dirt - this is precisely their ergonomics and convenience. What cannot be done so that they do not deteriorate too quickly?

  1. Firstly, it is obvious that polyester will not withstand machine washing (not to mention wringing and drying), therefore, in no case should a fabric roller shutter be subjected to such execution.
  2. Secondly, ironing the canvases is not recommended - if you want to smooth out the defect, then this must be done very carefully, at the lowest temperature regime and through a dense cloth or gauze.
  3. And thirdly, when cleaning and washing, do not use aggressive chemicals, solvents, gasoline and kerosene.

The demand for roller blinds is growing every day. It is an excellent solution for kitchen windows, offices and private houses. It is quite easy to preserve their original attractiveness, because roller blinds do not require special maintenance.

It is possible to wash fabric roller blinds only occasionally, following a few simple rules. Before washing, the canvas must be well spread so that there are no creases, and after it it should be thoroughly rinsed so that there are no stains later. It is unacceptable to use hard graters and washcloths - roller blinds on plastic windows can only be washed with a soft cloth or sponge. The blinds should be dried horizontally to prevent the formation of creases. Ironing them is not worth it, but if necessary, it is better to do it through a cloth.

That's all the rules for washing roller blinds. It is not at all difficult to adhere to them, and it will not take much time to care for fabric roller blinds. It is best to keep the accessory safe and hang it away from the source of contamination, as it is easier to prevent stains than to get rid of them later.

How to wash fabric roller blinds (roller blinds, fabric blinds) at normal home conditions using washing powder.

Fabric roller blinds are beautiful, fashionable and comfortable, but like all things they get dirty. They got very dirty with me during a partial repair. And in the kitchen, over time, everything becomes covered, if not with dust, then with grease, so everything gets dirty. In principle, fabric roller blinds can be simply replaced - buy new ones, or you can try to wash them and give them a new life. I did not take photos of the process, because I did not think that the experiment would work. I didn’t think that they could be washed in principle, I wanted to buy new ones, so the next time I wash the window sill in the kitchen, I decided to wipe the dirtiest places on the roller blind with a soapy cloth. Seeing the black rag after the test, I realized that I can try to wash them and save money on buying new blinds.

The fabric of this type of blinds (they are also called roller blinds) is quite dense, moreover, it is glued to the pipe, so the possibility of simple washing in the washing machine has disappeared by itself. There is still a sure way to wash the product by hand with ordinary hand washing powder and a brush with a relatively hard bristle.

How to wash roller blinds

How to wash fabric roller blinds, which are usually hung on plastic windows? I did it as described below.

Materials and tools:

  • household brush with hard bristles or a sponge for washing dishes,
  • washing powder for hand washing,
  • fabric roller blinds.

How to wash fabric roller blinds

Washing process:

In principle, you can try to peel off the fabric from the iron pipe and wash without it, but I decided not to create unnecessary difficulties for myself. She poured a sufficient amount of washing powder into the bathtub, plugged the drain, turned on hot water and thoroughly fluffed the powder in it. Then she took the roller shutter and gently unwinding it, lowered almost the entire fabric into the water. She cleaned the most dirty places with a brush, washed the rest of the dust in a standard way, simply by squeezing the cloth. But you need to clean it very carefully with a brush so as not to damage the fabric, it is even better to take a sponge for washing dishes.

There was a suspicion that from such a zhmakanya you would then have to iron the roller shutters, but nothing happened, the fabric evened out by itself, the color did not fade (well, maybe just a little bit, I didn’t notice).

She left the fabric to soak for 30 minutes, then walked over the fabric again, checking if everything was washed off and then rinsed the product in the most usual way in cool water from the powder. Yes, I also washed the rope with laundry soap, with the help of which the roller shutter rises and falls.

She carefully twisted the roller shutter to its original position, put it in the bathtub so that the water would glass, and after a couple of minutes the roller shutter hung on the window. The result exceeded all expectations: the fabric was wrinkled quite a bit. Of course, I didn't wash everything the first time, but the question of buying a new one disappeared, since now the fabric blinds in the kitchen are clean again, almost like new ones, well, they seem to have hung on the window for only a month, although they are already several years old.

Can roller blinds be washed

There is information on the Internet that roller blinds cannot be wrung out, ironed and machine washed. Some dirt can be cleaned with a stationery eraser, and only mild cleaning agents can be used when washing, washing the roller blinds with a soft sponge. It is also said that you can dry them only in a flattened form.

To summarize:

  • What to wash fabric roller blinds: mild detergents, completely dissolved detergent using soft sponges and washcloths.
  • How to wash roller blinds: only by hand, not in the washing machine.
  • Iron fabric blinds: not allowed.
  • How to dry: only in the straightened form, any folds of the fabric will be impossible to correct if dried incorrectly.

In principle, intuitively, I did everything, as described by others. In any case, everything must be done carefully so as not to spoil the product.

Roller blinds are becoming increasingly popular in the design of modern interiors. Owners of such products sooner or later face the problem of cleaning them.

Cloths of this kind require good and regular maintenance. If you want to keep the original look of your curtains, wash them properly.


It is not necessary to wash the cloths at once with every contamination. Better to dry clean.

The canvases are treated with special impregnations, so dust does not penetrate into the fibers, it remains outside. Thanks to this property, you can wash much less often.

How to clean roller blinds:

  1. Wipe the product with a soft cloth. The number of such wipes depends on the speed of contamination. You should not do this every day, because no matter how high-quality impregnation the material is processed, it tends to wear off under the influence of moisture. This method can be used once every 1-2 weeks.
  2. Roller blinds are allowed to be vacuum cleaned. This is not a joke, it is really possible and many housewives practice this cleaning method. After all, it takes a minimum of time and shows a good result. In this case, you do not need to remove them. The main thing is to ensure that the air jet does not deform the product. You should use a vacuum cleaner no more than once every 2-3 months.
  3. Surface contamination is removed with folk remedies or professional. The choice of product depends on the type of stain. Stains should be removed as soon as they appear. Do not wait for them to dry out.

All cleaning methods are good and effective. Choose the one that suits you best and feel free to get to work.

If you are afraid to ruin the canvas, or the dust is no longer cleared, contact a dry cleaner.


How to wash roller blinds? It is not difficult to care for the curtains, just follow the rules and tips.

Can roller blinds be washed? Can. Thanks to a special impregnation, all dirt is quickly washed out of the fabric. In addition, textiles dry quickly, so they can be washed with detergents and soapy water.

How to wash roller blinds at home:

  1. First you need to remove them from the plastic windows. Screw them onto the shaft using a chain, use a screwdriver to remove the curtain from the window. Be careful not to damage the spring-loaded axle in the body of the plug, as well as the pipe itself. If you are afraid to shoot on your own, ask your neighbor to remove the roller blind or invite a specialist.
  2. Now place the shaft on a flat surface and unwind. Spread the blinds across the floors and start removing stains.
  3. After removing the dirt, you can wash the canvas completely. To do this, use a soap solution, which is obtained with the addition of dish detergent or regular hair shampoo.
  4. We collect enough water in the bathroom, put a canvas or roller blinds in it, take a sponge and wash it.
  5. How to wash your roller blinds: Don't rub too hard. From this, the fabric may not be as bright as before.
  6. Once the curtains are completely lathered, you can leave them alone for a few minutes to allow the product to eat away at all the dirt.
  7. Then we drain the dirty water and proceed to rinsing. Use a shower, it is easier for them to wash off the soap suds.
  8. The washed linen must be blotted with dry cloths and dried horizontally, in a flattened form.

A simple rinse with clean water can help keep the curtains fresh. If they are clean, simply rinse them with some water to remove the dust.

After such a procedure, it is not a shame to hang roller blinds on plastic windows.

Removing stains

Removing stubborn dirt takes not only more time, many traces remain visible even after using more than one remedy against them. Therefore it follows immediately.

To prevent the appearance of various kinds of contamination in the nursery or in the kitchen, simply raise the lower edge of the canvas to the required distance from the floor.

How to clean roller blinds at home:

  1. Cleaning roller blinds with an eraser: Take a regular stationery eraser and gently rub the soiled area. Fast and efficient.
  2. You can use stain removers. In a household chemicals store, ask which one is better, not forgetting to mention which stain formed on the canvas. Use stain removers first on an inconspicuous area.
  3. Laundry soap is good for removing greasy stains. Remove the roller blinds, dampen the stained area and rub well with 72% soap. Wait 5 minutes and remove the foam with a damp cloth.
  4. Use a dish detergent. It is effective for , berries and fat. Apply a small amount of product to the stain, lather and leave to act. After 10 minutes, wipe everything off with a damp cloth. Dishwashing detergent can be used an unlimited number of times, it does not contain aggressive components.
  5. Fresh bold footprint can be removed with a toothpaste, but not whitening. Also for such purposes, soda, salt, potato starch or flour are used. The loose substances will absorb the fat, and the roller blinds will be as clean as before.
  6. Berries and wine are excellent at removing roller stain removers. Such DR tools are considered the best in this area. BECKMANN or RAUN-HEITMANN Gallseife flecken-roller. Their formulation is unique, thanks to which they are able to remove any kind of pollution, not only and berries. Roll-on stain removers are great for removing coffee, blood, oil and grease stains.
  7. For elimination ammonia is effective. It can be diluted with water or used neat, depending on the freshness and volume of the stain. It is necessary to clean with rubber gloves.
  8. Red wine and excellent removal of hydrogen peroxide. How to wash roller blinds: apply peroxide to the contaminated area with a cotton swab or cotton pad. After a few minutes, remove the residue with a damp cloth. Remember that hydrogen peroxide will bleach and therefore cannot be used on colored or black roller blinds.

You can clean the canvas from dirt in different ways. Find the right product and follow the recommendations.

Any folk remedy must be tested on an inconspicuous area.

If you were unable to clean the roller blinds yourself, use the services of a cleaning company. Now you can not only take the canvas to the dry cleaner yourself, but also call a specialist at home.

Care features

The sellers are obliged to explain the roller blinds care when purchasing the product. However, not all sales consultants will tell you what is possible and not, and how to generally take care of the canvas.

Roller shutters maintenance:

  • hang the canvases away from gas and electric stoves;
  • you cannot use such products in rooms where the air humidity is very high (this applies to baths, baths and saunas);
  • wash only in exceptional cases;
  • lubricate the mechanisms regularly with silicone greases.

Most often, such curtains are made from washable fabric, but this does not mean that such a procedure can be carried out daily.

What shouldn't be done?

How to care for roller blinds? This question arises immediately after purchasing this product.

Inexperienced housewives not only use bleaches, but also try to wash them in the washing machine. And this cannot be done.

So, what cannot be done with roller blinds:

  • wash in an automatic machine;
  • dry on a clothesline or other devices on which the canvas is hung vertically;
  • fold during drying in several layers (this will lead to folds and creases of the fabric);
  • use abrasive products and iron brushes during washing;
  • iron or use the steaming function;
  • use cleaning agents such as acetone, gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel and other aggressive solvents.

Such methods of cleaning roller blinds from dirt cannot be carried out. After such processing, they will have to be thrown away, because it will be impossible to use them for their intended purpose due to the spoiled appearance.