How to take care of your skin. Three mandatory stages of facial skin care. Good cosmetics must include a sun protection factor.

The beauty of a woman has three important factors - healthy hair, slim figure and delicate skin. For many years, art workers have tried to embody in paintings, sculptures and poetry the beauty of a woman, including the velvet skin of her body.

Correct care

The appearance of our skin depends on many factors. These include a healthy diet, a healthy lifestyle, exercise, and a positive attitude every day. But even with all these points, the skin requires certain care procedures, because life in a big city leaves a negative imprint on a healthy appearance. Chlorine-containing water and exhaust gases from cars, household chemicals and radiation from various gadgets, as well as lack of sleep and constant stress - all this is detrimental to human skin.


With such a life, proper skin care is required, otherwise, even with proper nutrition and giving up addictions, it will not help you look beautiful and well-groomed.


Cleanliness is the key to health. Therefore, our skin should always be clean, because sebum, dust, as well as keratinized scales pollute the pores and become the causes of various diseases.

The environment around us tends to change, and this process depends on climatic conditions. When the temperature and humidity are normal, the skin feels comfortable. But the heat, dry and hot air bring great harm to the health of the skin and contribute to the appearance of wrinkles. However, the cold and icy wind also do not differ in benefits, because from them, redness appears on the skin, and it becomes rough. It also affects rapid aging.

If the skin succumbs to stress, and you wash your face incorrectly, then even a healthy cover may change for the worse. Therefore, it is easier to prevent the onset of problems than to recover later for a long time and painfully. The choice of proper care depends on the type of skin and its condition, because it can be oily or dry, normal or combination, as well as flabby or fading. Of course, only those with normal skin type can be called lucky. Their cover is always elastic and smooth, the shade is pinkish, the pores are not particularly visible, the skin looks healthy and beautiful. But even it requires care in order to preserve what nature has given you.

We have forgotten about this lately, but water is still one of the most effective skin care products. If it is of high quality and without harmful impurities, then it is thanks to it that our skin retains its healthy appearance. When washing, the pores are cleaned of sebum, dust, as well as bacteria and microbes that settle on it during the day. When you wash your face with water at room temperature, blood circulation in the vessels improves, the skin breathes and better absorbs all creams and maxi that you apply.

It is necessary to wash with water without salts and impurities, not hard and clean. Spring or distilled water is ideal, but you can also use regular tap water that has been filtered or boiled.

Hard water significantly affects the skin - it becomes dry, irritation, flaking and plaque appear. This happens due to the fact that the particles of magnesium and calcium do not dissolve in water if combined with various cleansers. If you have hard water flowing from your tap, then before washing it you need to boil it for about an hour, and then stand for all the salts to settle. You can also add one teaspoon of baking soda to it. Very cold and too hot water is also not useful.

If you neglect the rules and wash your face with hot water, your blood vessels will expand and remain so. From this, the skin will quickly begin to age, wrinkles will appear, and sensitivity to frost will also increase. Cold water dries out the skin, flushes out all the subcutaneous fat, so peeling appears. Therefore, choose the optimal temperature so as not to harm your skin.

Facial cleansers

Should I use soap for washing? According to experts, it can only be used by those with oily skin type, and then only once a day, washing off makeup, dirt and excess fat from the face in the evening. Other types of skin do not respond well to washing with soap. The skin dries up, inflammation appears, and this is even from a special cosmetic soap. In this case, lotions for cleansing pores, as well as emulsions, foams and gels will be relevant - they can be used 2 times a day. There are also liquid creams that do not get inside the pores. An excellent option can be infusions and decoctions of various herbs, as well as unrefined oils (almond, flaxseed, peach or olive). When you dry your face with a towel, don't be too zealous. After all, subcutaneous fat can be easily stretched, which will lead to early wrinkles. Apply a protective cream before going outside. In cold, windy or dry weather, oily types of creams are used.

One of the must-haves for skin care is face masks. They come in two flavors - made at home from natural ingredients or purchased from specialized stores. Such funds are applied only to cleansed skin. In this case, your hands also need to be washed in advance. The finished product should not be taken with your finger; it is better to use a special spatula or spatula. Remember that you should not apply the product on the skin of the eyelids.

While you are walking with a mask on your face, try to be at ease. In this case, you should not read a book or talk. To wash off the mixture, use a cotton pad that has been pre-soaked in warm milk or water. Wash the mask from the skin carefully and slowly, you should not be too zealous.

If the skin shows signs of aging, looks flabby, then astringent and tonic products are suitable. It is also worth eating properly and fully in order to normalize the layer of subcutaneous fat. Meat and fish, dairy products and eggs, vegetables and fruits should be added to the diet - such foods help to improve the blood circulation process and help nourish the skin. If you decide to make a mask for flabby skin at home, you should include yolks, yeast, fruit pulp and juices there. In addition, it is necessary to carry out a facial massage, which has a positive effect on the muscles, blood vessels and glands. Thanks to this, metabolism improves, the fat layer is normalized and the skin becomes smoother, softer and less flabby. However, it is difficult to do a professional massage at home, so it is worth contacting a specialist.

Proper body skin care

The skin of the face receives much more care, because it is always in sight. But our body also requires some care. There are places where the skin quickly loses its firmness and elasticity, and then sags, if you do not carry out the care procedures. These areas of the body include the forearms and inner thighs, cleavage and chest. And also the condition of the skin on the body affects the general well-being. If the pores are clogged, then the body does not receive the necessary oxygen and nutrition, so it is imperative to remove toxins.

Care products

Today, there are a huge number of different types of products on the market that are suitable for caring for body skin at home. These include lotions and gels, creams and scrubs, milk and emulsions. But it's worth starting with exercise in the morning, which helps to restore strength, improves blood circulation, and also promotes nutrition. After gymnastics, you need to take a shower using a scrub or gel, which will not only cleanse the skin from dirt and excess fat, but also remove dead scales.

Scrubbing is carried out on wet skin. You need to apply a little product and rub the skin from top to bottom in a circular motion. At the same time, the skin is rejuvenated, it becomes lighter, smoother and velvety. Frequent use of the scrub is not desirable, therefore, for oily skin it will be optimal to use it 2 times a week, and for dry skin one is enough.

Shower gels also cleanse the skin well, moisturizing it. In most cases, such products contain natural ingredients that create the effect of aromatherapy. They tone, soothe and also relax the skin. Their scent lasts until the evening, which gives self-confidence, comfort and freshness.

Body milk, emulsion or cream is the final action in body care. They must be applied gently, and rubbed in with gentle movements without strong pressure. Then you definitely need to wait until the product is absorbed, so it is better to walk in loose clothes or not wear anything at all. If the cream is chosen specifically for your skin type, they will make it more elastic, soft and silky.

How do the ingredients affect the composition of skin products?

Many manufacturers have now begun to include components of natural origin in the composition, which help to solve problems such as pigmentation, cellulite and many other negative manifestations on the skin. These products are designed to maintain youth and beauty, as well as a healthy appearance.

Home care

At home, peels and baths will be useful for the skin of the body. To soak in warm water, you can add oils and herbs, fruit juices and green tea, chocolate, bran or starch. To make your own scrub, you can use sugar and honey, milk and oatmeal flakes, juices and sea salt, as well as seeds of various plants.


After analyzing her skin type and understanding what problems she has, every woman can choose the perfect body and face care. Only proper skin care will help maintain the health, beauty and tenderness of the skin that nature has given you.

How to properly care for your face skin - look!

Unfortunately, many women have only a figurative idea of ​​skin care, choosing the wrong cosmetics, but at the same time dream that youth will not disappear over the years. To keep the skin fresh and supple for longer, it needs proper care. Cosmetologists have long been saying that it is necessary to introduce into the habit a ritual consisting of cleansing the skin of the face, toning it, as well as moisturizing, followed by nutrition. It is important for a woman to know exactly her skin type, but how exactly can it be determined? What tools should be used, in what sequence, and how to choose them correctly?

Facial care is an important part of daily care for every woman

Cosmetic arsenal: what means to care for your skin

Thanks to the correct use of the necessary cosmetics, the skin will retain its youth and elasticity for a longer time. There is a minimum of cosmetic products recommended by cosmetologists, which should be in the arsenal of every woman:

  • Liquid for removing cosmetics from the eye.
  • Cleanser.
  • Face tonic.
  • Daily cream.
  • Night cream.
  • Eye cream.

For facial care, it is important to use the right cosmetics

What cosmetics to use

The earlier you develop consistent grooming habits, the better for your skin. The ritual of daily care should become an iron habit - twice a day. How do cosmetic products "work" and why do cosmetologists so strongly recommend using the entire set of essential products?

The first step is to cleanse the skin - for the whole day, the skin has collected a large amount of pollution, and it also suffers the presence of decorative cosmetics, which does not allow the pores to breathe freely. Make-up and daytime dirt should be removed with a special makeup remover milk. Its "plus" is that it rather gently removes impurities, and also leaves a thin moisturizing film on the face. In the case of sensitive skin, it will not be superfluous to purchase milk containing chamomile - it will have an anti-inflammatory effect and soothe the skin.

The toner is designed to tone the skin of narrowed pores, and it also removes the remains of dirt and dust that could not be removed by milk. Also, a good tonic affects the restoration of water balance, making it more elastic and fresh.

The treatment should consist of 4 stages - cleansing, toning, nourishing and moisturizing


The purpose of a day cream is to prevent the environment from negatively affecting the skin, as well as to moisturize it.

Also, such a cream protects against the destructive effects of ultraviolet radiation, prevents moisture loss, and serves as a base for daytime makeup.

The night cream revitalizes and nourishes the skin. Most effective when relaxed and warm. At night, the cream "works" and provides the skin with additional moisture. Ideal when both creams are of the same brand.

Proper facial skin care will help prolong its youth

Skin types: how to determine your skin type


Before you start choosing skin care products, you should know your skin type, since the wrong selection of cosmetics can only make it worse.

There are several types of skin:

  • Normal skin - this type is quite rare. Its owner practically does not face any skin problems. It has plenty of moisture and a sufficient amount of grease. Wrinkles appear quite at a later age, the skin is elastic, firm.
  • Dry skin - can be a sign of a lack of vitamins, signal the need for fat, or any internal disease. It is not uncommon to recognize it by its characteristic red spots, translucent vessels. Allergies to soaps and cosmetics are common. With improper care, it becomes wrinkled ahead of time, shrinks, loses its elasticity and fresh appearance. Prone to early aging.

How to determine the type of facial skin
  • Oily skin - porous, shiny, often with inflammation and acne. However, it is thanks to the oily skin that active fatty lubrication occurs, the evaporation of moisture occurs much slower - this allows the skin to remain young for longer. But she is more prone to inflammation, the presence of acne. Most often, oily skin can be seen in adolescents and young people, over time it transforms into a combination type.
  • Combination skin (mixed skin) - Most people have this type of skin. This means that the face is divided into two zones: one part has oily skin, it is often distinguished by a noticeable shine, and there are acne. The other part is dry, often dehydrated and covered with wrinkles. It is important to properly monitor this type of skin, and also have in your arsenal not only products for working with oily skin, but also with dry skin. Gradually, with age, the skin type becomes normal.
The most problem-free is normal skin type.

Proper care of normal skin


Normal skin is not common. If a girl is lucky to be the owner of this particular type, then it is recommended to keep it as long as possible without overdrying.


Regardless of the skin type, the general care program will always consist of several stages: Skin cleansing. Toning. Food. Moisturizing.

  • You should start the morning by washing your face with water - first of all cool, and then cold. The quality of the water should not be neglected. Cosmetologists advise to wash with melt water. Morning treatments should be done with a wash gel or moisturizing soap. After that, it is important to treat the face with an alcohol-free tonic (in extreme cases, an alcohol content of no more than 15 percent is allowed). After that, a moisturizing cream is applied.
  • Evening procedures begin by cleansing the face with special means, then washing with soap or gel. The next step is toning. After that, a layer of night cream is applied to the skin, which nourishes the skin.

Proper care for dry skin

Dry skin must be carefully looked after, as it is prone to early aging. It is important not to expose it to sunlight: not only stay in the sun as little as possible, but also use sunscreen. Cold and too hot water affects the skin badly.

  • It is recommended to wash your face in the morning with medium temperature water or a decoction of chamomile. Then - toning, after which a day cream for dry skin is used. You can apply two layers of cream if the skin is extremely dry. If you use a foundation, then you need it to be high in fat.
  • In the evening, the face should be thoroughly cleaned with milk, rubbed with a tonic, it is important that it is for dry skin and apply a night cream with patting movements. Once a week, it will not be superfluous to make a mask from cottage cheese or honey. Sometimes it does not prevent to carry out a milk course - washing with the addition of milk to the water. It is also important to eat food - it is useful to include in the diet food containing vitamin A - fish, sour cream, vegetables, fruits.

Dry skin care

Proper care for oily skin


Oily skin is difficult to care for. But she also has a "plus" in that she is the slowest aging.

You can use this "plus" only in case of serious "work" on it - proper nutrition, frequent walks in the fresh air, sometimes it is useful to sunbathe in the sun.

  • The morning begins with washing your face with soap or a special foam for washing your face. Then - toning (the amount of alcohol can be up to twenty percent). Application of the cream especially for oily skin with light strokes. Ideally, do away with powders, blushes and tonal creams altogether, as they clog pores and stimulate the appearance of acne, blackheads. As a last resort, e products should be specifically for oily skin.
  • It is useful to wash your face in the evening using tar soap and cold water. Then - toning. The difference between the tonic for oily skin is that it contains agents to narrow the pores. Then a cream for oily skin is applied. If there are inflammations, lubricate them with special preparations.

How to care for oily skin

Proper care for combination skin


A big mistake for women with mixed skin is that they use the same products for their entire face, which is fundamentally wrong.

For proper care, you need to understand where which type of skin is in order to provide it with proper care.

  • In the morning it is useful to wash your face with water at room temperature. Those areas that can be attributed to the oily type should be treated with a tonic that narrows the pores. Apply a moisturizer of the appropriate skin type to the rest of the face.
  • Evening cleansing begins with a facial cleanser. Lubricate dry areas with cream, and wipe oily areas with tonic.

How to care for combination skin

Proper care for aging skin

Such skin is more prone to aging, the rapid appearance of deep wrinkles. Therefore, it is necessary to exclude as much as possible the influence of external factors, such as the sun, dry air, frost, wind. The peculiarity of caring for such skin is that it retains its own moisture extremely weakly, which means that it must be regularly fed from the outside with products with a high content of nutritious and moisturizing components - collagen, plant extracts, elastin.

  • In the morning, you should wash your face with water, and then use an anti-aging cream.
  • In the evening, the first thing you need to do is cleanse your skin well with milk, and then moisturize with a nourishing anti-aging cream.

Mask for dry and aging skin


From time to time it is necessary to visit a beautician for professional advice. With the correct use of cosmetics, the skin of the face can be kept young and fresh for a long time.

The questions are answered by a dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist, doctor of medical sciences, professor Yana Yutskovskaya

How to take care of your skin

I am 26 years old and I still have a problem face (blackheads and acne, which appear especially actively during menstruation). I have now revised my diet: I drink 1.5 liters of water a day, I don't eat anything harmful (except for sweets), but nothing helps. Tell me what else needs to be done?

Most often, the first foci of skin inflammation foreshadow the arrival of menstruation in a week: this is how our skin reacts to changes in hormonal levels. In the middle of each menstrual cycle, the genitals increase the production of androgens. This process immediately affects the condition of the sebaceous glands, especially in women with oily skin. Knowing this feature of your body, you can start an attack on premenstrual acne in advance. Use products with azelaic acid in the composition (for example, Skinoren), which fight acne, easily removes oily sheen, and reduce pigmentation at the sites of healed acne.

Also, remember that you need to be less exposed to the sun and not to squeeze out pimples yourself. Any experiments with new cosmetics are contraindicated, as the skin reaction can be unpredictable and rashes can intensify.

How can you get rid of small capillary stars?

Apparently, you are worried about spider veins (telangiectasias) on your face. The cause of redness is stagnation of blood in the capillaries, which occurs due to a genetic predisposition. Another cause of spider veins can be a systemic disease, such as hormonal imbalances, hypertension, or liver problems. Telangiectasia is a consequence of excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, hobby for the sauna and solariums, as well as improper home skin care. Frost and sun are also enemies of sensitive skin. This skin imperfection can be cured with the help of laser and radio wave cosmetology.


I am 25 years old and have oily skin. How to take care of a problem face? Which daily care creams are right for me?

After 25 years, the skin begins to gradually lose moisture, and this affects the color, structure, fat content, and the appearance of inflammatory elements. At this age, the skin produces less natural collagen, a protein that gives the skin its volume and elasticity. When collagen fibers are destroyed, its elasticity decreases, wrinkles and folds form, and the oval of the face "sags". Therefore, do not miss the moment and contact a cosmetologist who will select an individual anti-aging program for you.

A universal tip for everyone is to cleanse your skin with a gel or foam. Atraumatic cleansing will help to quickly reduce pores and even out skin tone. If necessary, you can also do superficial peeling.

How to choose the right anti-wrinkle eye cream?

Wrinkles around the eyes must be dealt with in a complex way: not only with the help of creams, but also using cosmetic procedures. There is no universal remedy, so it is better to consult a cosmetologist who will recommend the procedures and remedies that suit you.

How to deal with black dots correctly?

What kind of care does a person need in summer and what kind in winter? How harmful are the sun and tanning beds to the skin?

In summer, ultraviolet radiation and high temperature have a negative effect on the skin, which, in combination with humid air, increase perspiration, accelerate the expansion of skin vessels, provoke the appearance of age spots and various inflammatory elements. Therefore, first of all, I advise you to cleanse your face with lotions that do not contain alcohol, and refuse tonal means. Give preference to emulsions with moisturizing properties, ampoule serums or creams with a light texture. At the same time, all creams must have a sun protection factor of at least SPF +15, and if you are going to the beach, then apply the cream 20-30 minutes before going out into the sun. Pay attention to your lips: so that they do not burn, keep their color and volume, choose special balms and lipsticks with SPF factor. When caring for the area around the eyes, replace the eye cream with a gel and use it chilled.

In winter, skin care should be especially careful, because the skin is negatively affected by wind, dry frosty air, heating systems - they increase the evaporation of water from the skin surface, disrupt the connection between the cells of the stratum corneum of the epidermis. The skin becomes dry, more sensitive and vulnerable, flakes in places, and also loses its natural moisture. To cleanse the skin in winter, choose products that do not damage the skin's protective barrier with a pH of 5.5-7.0. Do not use alkaline soaps and scrubs, alcohol solutions, products containing acetone and sodium lauryl sulfate or ammonium lauryl sulfate. Apply makeup 30-60 minutes before leaving the house. Use moisturizers in the evening (especially after a shower - directly on wet skin), and use protective and emollient creams in the morning.

How to correctly summarize the sun protection factor in different cosmetic products?

Pay attention to the markings on the bottle. The SPF factor will protect only from sunburn, and if IPD and PPD factors are also present in the composition, then this tool will also cope with pigmentation. Of course, it is better to choose the latter type of cosmetics. If this is not possible, then combine the pigmentation remedy with sunscreen. In the city, you can limit yourself to sunscreen with SPF +15 in combination with any cosmetic product.

I am constantly worried about red cheeks (the dermatologist said that this is not rosacea) and blue circles under the eyes. How can I make my thin skin healthier?

On thin skin, mimic wrinkles form earlier, it is more prone to stretching, premature aging, and is also prone to dryness. Therefore, you need special care: wash yourself with water at room temperature, wipe your face with a soft towel, choose lotions and tonics that do not require rinsing. The less such skin is exposed to external factors, the longer it will look youthful and maintain its beauty. As for contraindications, hormonal creams and ointments, and cosmetics containing biostimulants are not suitable for you.

Red cheeks and circles under the eyes are a signal that you urgently need a doctor's consultation, as they may indicate health problems (with the kidneys, impaired metabolism, with the pancreas) or an improper lifestyle (smoking, constant stress, chronic fatigue). The skin under the eyes may darken when lymph or blood circulation is disturbed, that is, the blood in the capillaries under the eyes darkens and stagnates, forming bruises under the lower eyelids. Your body probably lacks oxygen, moisture, or vitamins.

How to shrink pores on your face?

Enlarged pores on the face can appear for many reasons, regardless of age and skin type. First of all, contact a specialist so that a dermatologist can establish the causes of this problem. Maybe your sebaceous glands function is impaired, so excess sebum accumulates in the pores and expands them. There is also a possibility that you have a hormonal imbalance. To narrow the pores, peeling with trichloroacetic acid or glycolic acid solution is most often used.

How to care for your skin at 29? What creams should I choose, how to care for the skin around the eyes?

At your age, you need comprehensive self-care, which includes not only special creams and cosmetic procedures, but also systemic therapy. But the main thing is to remember that appearance depends on your lifestyle.

We thank the beautician for answering popular questions about how to properly care for your skin.

Well, finally, the evening of the long-awaited weekend and while our men finish cleaning the sauna, the girls are sorting out their cosmetic bags. Each of us shares our findings and acquisitions, commenting in detail on all our experience in using this or that tool, in turn leafing through the Oriflame catalog. And while everyone is actively participating in the conversation and going over a great variety of cosmetics, I tried to take a few notes and combine all our knowledge and make out point by point how to choose the right cosmetics for the face. And that's what I got.

To begin with, let's remember what stages exist for proper skin care.

1. Purification - this step should not be skipped. The skin of the face must be cleaned in the morning and in the evening, if necessary and during the day, before applying other products. It is recommended to do a deeper skin cleansing once a week - scrubbing or gommage, depending on your skin type. Suitable products for daily cleansing - facial cleansers, makeup removers, facial soaps or baby soaps.

2. Toning is an optional but desirable item. It prepares your skin for basic skincare. It is carried out with the help of tonics, lotions, homemade decoctions.

3. Moisturizing or nourishing - the fixing point of facial care. Depending on your skin type and age, your skin needs to be moisturized or nourished. For a young age, hydration is more suitable, and already at a more mature age it is more rational to use nutrients.

Now we need to determine the type of skin so that the care cosmetics will work at their full potential. This is very easy to do: cleanse your face and do not apply any products afterwards. After a few hours, apply a paper towel to your face and examine it properly.

If the napkin remains dry - you have a dry skin type, if the spots are evenly distributed over the napkin - oily skin, if the spots are only in the T-zone, therefore, your skin is combination. And if there are no spots left on the napkin, but the skin, unlike the first example, does not tighten - you have a normal skin type, but this is rare - only 20% of the population have a normal skin type.

Focusing on our skin type, we choose cosmetics produced specifically for this type. The only thing is that when choosing cosmetics for oily skin, you need to carefully study the products, since if they have a strong drying effect, then your skin may become even more oily.

But not all cosmetics are created equal. In order not to purchase cosmetics with harmful products, we learn to read the composition. The main rule: the component that comes first in the list of ingredients is contained in the largest amount in this product, and then in decreasing order. The content of the component in the very last place in the composition of the product can be 0.01% of the total content!

For example, if your moisturizer comes first with water and mineral oil second, you should think very carefully before applying it to your face. Mineral oil is a refined product, of course, well refined. It is used in many brands, even very famous ones. But its properties can only be useful for very dry skin, since when applied to the face, mineral oil creates a thin film, allowing it to retain moisture.

The skin gets used to the fact that it does not need to work on its own, the oil does everything for it, and it simply cannot do without it. Mineral oil can be disguised as paraffin, paraffin oil, petrolatum, propylene glycol. This is the most common ambiguous ingredient in cosmetics.

Let's take a note of a few more ingredients that should be treated with caution, seeing them in the composition:

  • 1,2-Dioxane (1,2-Dioxane) is a strong carcinogen that favors nasal septal cancer.
  • Components with the ending DEA, MEA, TEA - irritate the skin, carcinogenic.
  • Dioxin (Dioxin) is a strong synthetic poison that can enter cells and damage them.
  • Paraben (Parabene) - destroys skin cells, accumulates in the body, provokes cancer cells.
  • Glycerine - when the air humidity is less than 70%, it completely draws moisture from the skin, which leads to its dehydration.
  • Isopropyl Alcohol - promotes the penetration of bacteria into the skin.
  • Peg (PEG) - derivatives of petroleum products, promote the activation of cancer cells.
  • Silicone (Silicone) - forms a non-breathable film on the face, leading to clogged pores.
  • Benzocaine (Benzocaine) - causes disorders of the nervous system.
  • Propylene Glycol (Propilene Glikol) - causes strong allergic reactions, promotes acne formation.

Now, knowing what products you need, your skin type and armed with a list of harmful ingredients, you can safely go for useful facial cosmetics.

This article will show you how to find the right care. Creams, serums, tonics, lotions, masks, scrubs, peels - what do you really need to keep your skin healthy for a long time?

Girls, lately you very often write to me in the comments that your head is spinning from all this information. Especially the new ones who come from the classic world of cosmetics and try to switch to natural and organic, are afraid of prices and strange, unusual skin care techniques.

And there is nothing to be afraid of, everything is not as difficult as it seems.

Let me here share with you some simple tips on how to find the most necessary care for the minimum amount of money.

First, let's talk about why it is difficult to find the right skin care and how to find it. And then I'll give you a rough program that you can tweak according to your skin's needs.

I warn you right away, I am not a cosmetologist or a doctor, but I understand a little about natural and organic cosmetics: P (Why, you can read in the department)

I myself once switched to natural cosmetics after Lorealei / Merikeev / Vichy / Laroche, etc. And it helped many to get rid of skin problems (this is proved by the daily letters from you, dear girls!).

For example, this:

Why is it difficult to find the right facial skin care?

The modern cosmetics industry, in my opinion, has greatly distorted the idea of ​​our skin. Every day, faces with clean, matte, flawless skin look at us from screens and photographs of magazines, who "scream" to us about deep thorough cleansing, the need for ten products to use for skin cleansing alone.

But we do not see that behind these "screams" are, firstly, the models whose makeup was done for several hours, whose photographs were processed by a certain number of filters. And, secondly, the manufacturers themselves are interested so that the problems associated with your skin do not end, and you do not stop buying the coveted jars.

What conclusions should be drawn:

  1. The condition of the skin is largely dependent on the gene (if your skin is more oily than dry, then you can even break into a cake, but you will NEVER have perfect matte skin 24 hours a day)
  2. The condition of your skin is its current condition. The skin can be dry, and then suddenly become oily or combination. I am more in favor of the philosophy of the Dr. Hauschka brand, which divides the skin into conditions, not types!
  3. The more care products, the better - a delusion (otherwise you would not read my articles in search of help until the night)
  4. Expensive products are not always (oh, not always) the best

There are many articles written on my blog, probably too many on this topic))) I will help you navigate.

My light, mirror, tell me - show me the right care

Personally, I attribute 2 steps to proper skin care:

  1. Proper cleansing (cleansing milk, cream, emulsion)
  2. Proper hydration / nutrition (cream or oil)

Other personal items, such as masks, serums, peels, scrubs, are ADDITIONAL care. This means that if the first two points are wrong, then you can give up on the rest.

Here the heart asks for details.

Proper cleansing

It should be:

  • soft
  • efficient
  • feeding

Milk is ideal. Milk cleanses the skin of dust, excess skin secretions and cometics due to the fact that fat dissolves fat. Regular chemistry. If you've tried it, you've noticed that the oil cleanses the skin surprisingly thoroughly. This is precisely due to the fact that it dissolves the sebum on the surface of the skin and takes it along with the cosmetics.

Why milk and not foam or gel? It does not contain surfactants (surfactants), substances that help the product to foam. Any surfactant, especially Sodium Lauryl or Sodium Laureth Sulfate, irritates the skin. They take up too much sebum and the skin loses its natural protective coating. You can easily feel it yourself, because in most cases the skin after washing with foam (or too hard water) tightens, it requires a cream immediately.

And milk not only very carefully removes just as much sebum as needed, but also nourishes the skin due to the high content of vegetable oils.

Some people still like to wash with gels more. Well, their skin cannot be rebuilt into milk in any way! Then I recommend using products with very mild detergents (Glukoside and Glutamate). Just recently in I checked the compositions of known foams for the content of critical surfactants and other substances.

Proper hydration / nutrition

It should be:

  • suitable for the given skin condition
  • at the right time

No matter what condition your skin is in now, it always needs hydration and nutrition. Owners of oily skin are guilty of using light serums or gels to moisturize. And they dream about food in nightmares. BUT - it is the oily skin that does not have enough NUTRITION. Excessive sebum production is a signal that the skin lacks "lubrication". By choosing the right nutrition with a sufficient amount of vegetable oils, you can bring your skin into balance.

And about the right time - you can experiment and try not to apply the cream at night. I promise you ( especially if you have oily skin with breakouts), you will like the result. In order for the skin to feel comfortable after an evening cleansing, so that it does not tighten, so that it does not peel off, the first point must be correct (read, cleanse not with foams, but with milk).

We select the right care

Which means to choose depends on the condition of your skin. If your skin is oily, prone to breakouts, look for light, non-comedogenic oils in your skincare products. For example, hazelnut oil, jojoba oil, grape seed oil.

Now let's get down to practice. I can recommend hundreds of different brands for you. But I will focus on Russian manufacturers... First, I want to support them. It is very difficult to compete with the competition of world famous popular brands that invest millions in promotion. Secondly, Russian manufacturers are cheaper. And, thirdly, the partner of my blog is an online store where all Russian brands - producers of natural cosmetics are presented. I checked everything that I advise for the presence of critical ingredients. I did not find any.

Of course, you can optimize any care for your needs and the amount of your wallet. In my blog you will find enough information about different natural / organic cosmetics manufacturers and their products.

Dry skin

  1. Purification: Mico Ginger Cleansing Hydrophilic Facial Oil
  2. Nutrition / hydration: Queen's Morning Cream from the Correction Laboratory(worth it - night cream, but we use it in the morning!)
  3. Additional must-have: Alginate moisturizing mask from Zhivitsa

Combination skin

  1. Purification: Cleansing Milk Lavender from MiKo
  2. Nutrition / hydration: Cream White Waltz from the laboratory Corpravko
  3. Additional must-have: