As in Photoshop, smooth out crumpled clothes. We make dramatic wrinkles

In this article, we will learn not only to remove wrinkles and make the skin of the face smooth, but also give photos more color saturation and depths, which will complete the resulting image.

To begin with, open the necessary photo in the Photoshop program, and, relying on the desired result, analyze the scale of work. In the tab, using the keys Ctrl + J., Make 3 spare copies of the original.

Clinical picture

What do the doctors about wrinkles say

Doctor of Medical Sciences, Plastic Surgeon Morozov EA:

I have been engaged in plastic surgery for many years. Many famous personalities who wanted to look younger through me through me. Currently, plastic surgery loses its relevance. Science does not stand still, there are still new and new techniques for the rejuvenation of the body, and some of them are quite effective. If you do not want or have no opportunity to resort to the help of plastic surgery, I will recommend no less efficient, but the most budget alternative.

For more than 1 year, the European market has a miracle preparation to rejuvenate the skin of Novaskin, which can be obtained IS FREE. In efficiency, it is several times greater than the injection by Botoks, not to mention all sorts of cream. It is easy to use and the most important thing you will see instantly. Without exaggeration, I will say that small and deep wrinkles take place almost immediately, bags under the eyes. Thanks to intracellular effects, the skin is completely restored, regenerated, changes are simply colossal.

Learn more \u003e\u003e

On the top toolbar, in the menu "Filter", We are looking for a tab "Blur". Here we need a filter "Blur over the surface." (photo 3).

In the window that opens, put the box view and arbitrarily for the slider "Isaohelia", Prior to the achievement of the desired result, when the radius parameter is displayed in 3 pixels. Zhmem. OK. (photo 4)

This filter smoothes the skin, hides small disadvantages, and also is able to reduce the bold glitter. Next you need to remove the effect of the filter from eyes, eyebrows, hair and clothing. To do this, we choose the sidebar tool on the left "Eraser", I put the opacity of 100%. Boldly erase everything too much. (photo 5)

Reduce the transparency of the layer until the skin smooth effect is reached while maintaining its common texture. Remember that the effect of the mask should not be present on the skin. (photo 6)

Combine layers again by making a copy - Ctrl + E, Ctrl + J. Now you can proceed to the main topic of the lesson. By pressing the alt key and scrolling the mouse wheel, we increase the scale of the photo in the problem area.

So, proceed. The first and most popular tool for smoothing wrinkles on the face is "Restoring brush". Select it on the toolbar on the left. (photo 8)

Using a key Alt + PKM. Adjust the size of the brush. It is not recommended to set it more than it is necessary, since the tool is quite rude, and the blurred traces remain in the photos. We will achieve maximum naturalness as a result of processing.

With pressed Alt + LKM. Choose a smooth area near the wrinkle that you need to remove. This stage can be characterized as the selection of the sample for retouching. Now we process the surface with wrinkles to the full elimination. It is important to observe the color combination of skin shades near wrinkles to work "Restoring Brushes" It was more neat. Therefore, it is worth picking new samples as often as possible.

After completion of the processing, we remove the transparency of the layer to 70%. Compare the result. (Photo 9)

We combine again and copy the top layer (Ctrl + E, Ctrl + J).

The next main character in combating wrinkles in Photoshop - tool "Stamp".
"Stamp" At the first acquaintance it looks even more rough than the usual for most "Restoring brush". But this is only at first glance. For his back there are a number of advantages, it is only worth setting the necessary parameters. Choosing our hero from the list on the left and go to the panel of its main settings by clicking PKM.. (photo 10)

Here we remove the rigidity of up to 20-30%, adjust the size of the brush, on the top panel setting the transparency not exceeding 18%, be sure to remove the checkbox from the function "Sample Alignment". Works "Stamp" on the same principle as "Restoring brush": With the help of squeezed Alt. Choose a sample short press LKM. Edit the shortcomings of the previous tool. Here is more freedom in the choice of the brush scale. Also, the stamp is good in reducing the greens in the problem areas of the face. At the end of the retouchs again, the layer is moving again and make a spare copy by pressing the key combination Ctrl + E, Ctrl + J.

Making sure that the top layer is highlighted, go back to the window "Filter" On the top panel of the main menu, choose "Blur" - "Gaussian blur". (Photo 12)

Put a value in 1 pixel, click OK

After the operation done, on the panel in the overlay mode, select "Soft light". (photo14)

This stage of processing will help us make colors and shadows in the photo more rich. We reduce the transparency of the layer to 20-30%.

Tip: In the process of retouching, it is welcome to periodically turn off the visibility of the layer at all stages of work, for the possibility of comparison with the original. If the final work seems too "Converted", Do not be upset: Remove the transparency of the processed layer to a pleasant coefficient of your face.

We draw conclusions

If you read these lines, it can be concluded that you are still looking for a method to rejuvenate your face and get rid of wrinkles, at the form of which in the mirror it becomes unable.

We conducted an investigation, studied a bunch of materials and most importantly checked most of the ways and means against wrinkles, ranging from popular methods and ending with the procedures that doctors can offer. The verdict is:

All means, if they gave, then only a small temporary result. As soon as the procedures stopped, after a few days everything was returned back.

The only drug that gave a significant result is novaskin.

This serum is the best alternative to Botex. The main feature is that novaskin acts instantly, i.e. Literally a few minutes you can see significant improvements!

This drug is not sold in pharmacy networks, but is funded by the Ministry of Health and applies IS FREE. Reviews about novaskin can be read here.

In this small lesson, we learned to remove wrinkles with two popular adjustment tools, disassembled similarities and differences in working with them, and also met with one of the possible editing options for the saturation of the color scheme in the photo.

In "Photoshop". You will need ultimate attention to all outlined information. PhotoShop today enjoys great popularity. And often people know it precisely as a means to improve appearance. After all, "Photoshop" has many tools for this operation. Next, we will disassemble the question of how to remove wrinkles in "Photoshop".

Required funds

Immediately it is worth saying that you do not require any deep knowledge of this graphic editor. This method allows you to quickly remove the photo in this case it is best to select with high extension. So it will be easier for you to learn. It is recommended to first work on other pictures, and then proceed to edit the original.


This manual is designed for beginners of the "Photoshop" program. For beginners, this method is suitable perfect. But if you already have experience in retouching photos, you may also be useful to get acquainted with this instruction. Steps:

  1. We add our image in creating a copy of the background image using the key combination "Ctrl + J".
  2. Further actions are made on the duplicate of the main layer. Select the "Patch" tool (button "J"), put it in the "Source" mode. We allocate with this tool wrinkles. To do this, with the left mouse button (LKM), we supply the necessary area of \u200b\u200bthe face. Let's let go of the LKM. And once again we bring the pointer to the already dedicated area, press the LKM again. Without vacation buttons, drag this part to clean skin without wrinkles and other flaws. We repeat all these actions with another facial area.
  3. Since we consider wrinkles under the eyes, the second part of the person will serve, respectively, the second eye. And the actions will already be carried out on the new layer. As a result, when the main work will be performed, you may seem that the person now looks too unnatural. The solution of this problem is the adjustment of the "opacity" parameter of each layer separately. It is necessary for wrinkles a little performed, then our changes will look realistic.

additional information

The answer to the question of how to remove wrinkles in the "Photoshop" will be incomplete if we do not consider one important problem that may occur during the work. During the use of the "Patch" tool, this situation may occur when other flaws (acne, scars) will be copied together with skin (where there are no wrinkles). Naturally, we do not need it. Therefore, before work, you need to prepare a photo and remove all these shortcomings. To do this, it is recommended to use the "Spot restoring brush" tool. Working with this tool must be performed on a new empty layer. Either you can apply the "stamp" tool. One way or another, you need to remove all flaws with the "donor" part of the person using any means. In the photo below you can see the result of the work done and compare it with the original image.


This article comes to an end. The question of how to remove wrinkles in "Photoshop" is quite interesting, since it can be accessed from different sides. You today learned only one way under the eyes. But there are still dozens of other methods to solve this problem.

On portraits, the skin does not always look perfect, many small defects that are familiar and practically invisible in everyday life in the photo immediately rush into the eyes. I already wrote how to achieve, but in that article we got like a "glossy" photo. And often this effect is not needed, I just want to remove small disadvantages. Therefore, now we will try to hide exactly small defects without affecting the photos in general. The application of the described technique will help quickly improve the portrait photo. But besides this, using the same techniques, you can remove wrinkles and adjust the face form.

As an example, I have two photos, on which the flaws of the skin are quite visible. In the first case (photos with a young man in glasses) are moles, pimples, i.e. Completely small point objects that need to be adjusted. In the second photo (girl) are larger areas, which were due to the fact that wrinkles were strengthened with artificial light, as a result of which the face in the photo turned out with ugly shadows.

And in that and in another case, we will use the same techniques to obtain the desired result. But for the second photo, to preserve the features of the face form, the additional processing phase will be added.

So, take the first photo. I brought it into its part and denoted the areas you need to fix.

Areas that require correction in Photoshop

We proceed to work, for this, how we usually copy our original layer. Go to the new and choose on the toolbar " Healing Brush Tool.» (« Attending brush"). The main thing is not to confuse with " Spot Healing Brush Tool» (« Point attending brush"), She has a slightly different icon. This is a different tool that in this case can spoil the photo. Their main difference is that Attending brush"Allows you to select an area that will then be used, and" Point attending brush"Does it at its discretion that in the presence of sharp transitions (for example, the area next to the scone) can lead to deplorable results.

So we chose the desired tool, now by pressing the keyboard " Alt."(The cursor will change it) we bring the mouse to the area next to the left button correctly and click on it. We let go " Alt."And gently paint defects. The choice of the "donor" area is desirable to produce for each photo corrected part to shades, etc. were as much as possible. If somewhere the result does not suit, then you can try to choose a different source, or just go through the brush again, often it helps.

Source and result after "attending brushes"

As a result, we get a natural image without visible defects, while the photo remained almost unchanged. By the way, to this photo, it would be good to apply a little blur to smooth out uneven lighting.

Go to the second photo. The feature of its correction lies in the twofold nature of the shortcomings that manifested themselves in the photo.

Correct the flaws of the skin and lighting

To the first group, we will draw point defects of the skin and numerous glare (shown in blue), which are easily removed by the method shown above. The second group includes too dark shadows from nasolabial wrinkles and on the chin (shown in red), which appeared as a result of unsuccessful lighting. If they are completely hidden, the face will become more flat than in fact, so you need to reduce their intensity, but not to get rid of at all.

Let's start with the blue regions. We make a copy of the layer, go to the new and with the help " Halfbrush»Gently clean the glare, shadow and small skin irregularities. We have about such an intermediate result:

Intermediate result

Someone can stop at this stage, but it seems to me that the result can be further improved, and quite quickly.

Now we make a copy of the layer with whom we worked and go to it (it turns out to be the third). And again with the help " Halfbrush"After taking a shepher, correct wrinkles. At the same time, the brush is better to take a large diameter, and if it turns out a little blurry, then nothing terrible. It remains to change the parameter " Transparency of the layer» (« Opacity"). I made 60%, so we made the shadows softer and thus, as it were, reduced wrinkles, but did not remove them at all and the face turned out much more lively and retained naturalness. For comparison, I did all the changes to the comparison in the picture below.

The result of working with the "Attending Brush" tool in Photoshop

The techniques shown above are well combined with the method described in the article on how to do and may well be applied together.

Good time! Today, as part of the study of the Photoshop program, let's talk about some questions of retouching. Often even well-shot portraits do not always satisfy the client. One of these moments are wrinkles. Not everyone loves when any "flaws" stand out on the face.

And then the successful photo must be saved. In this we will help retouching. Today we will use the two main tools and simultaneously apply the technique of "finishing" photos to the desired condition.

For example, we will use this photo. In the program, remove this age feature will be much easier than to do the same on the lively face of the cosmetologist. Of course, most people need and live wrinkles live, but as they say - this is a completely different story.

And we will look at how to remove wrinkles in the photoshop program. You can do this with two tools. One of them is "restoring brush", and the second - "patch". Moreover, the operation is carried out very simply. We read further, I am sure - you will also work out too!

We remove the wrinkles in the photo using the "Restoring Brush" tool

So, we use at the beginning of this tool. Running forward will say that they better remove large wrinkles, and for small use "Pack". We download the photo to the program. On the left panel, we find the "Restoring Brush" tool and activate it.

Next, we carry the cursor, it will be a circle, a part of the face on clean without wrinkles. This area will take for the sample. Click the ALT key, the cursor has purchased the target view, and click the left mouse button. Thus, we set a sample. Now let's release alt and go to the wringer themselves.

For comfortable and high-quality work, the image can be enlarged on the monitor screen. To do this, use the CTRL + key combination, to reduce CTRL

Click on the right mouse button, drive through wriggles. Next we see a cross walks. This is a portion of a brush that defines the color template. It is necessary to monitor that this cross walked exactly the clean area of \u200b\u200bthe skin. Periodically correct the main color, clamping alt and choosing the desired area. In the course of the actions taken, we obtain the result.

Hurray, we just removed the disadvantages of interest to us! We work further.

How to smoke wrinkles in Photoshop using the "Patch" tool

This is the second tool with which you can remove wrinkles. We load a photo and go to the same tool set as in the first version. Just choose a "patch" there.

It is a rectangle with dashes, it seems like the flasks of matter and scrolls of the thread. Therefore, apparently and named. What we do next. Select a place to remove and pressing the left mouse button, we supply the site.

We had something like a dedicated area, as if used tool "Allocation". It may have to be accessed to choose the right plot.

Now bring the mouse cursor to the center of the selected area. He took the type of patch and two arrows, one directed up, the other to the side. This means that you need to move this dedicated area toward the clean area of \u200b\u200bthe skin with the mouse key. What we do

Moved, now let go of the mouse button. The highlighted part flashed and wrinkles disappeared. What happened? Just a clean plot became a template for isolation and replaced a removable area. Similarly, we do with all sections of wrinkles. However, in some places we see a strong difference in tonality. On the removed area it turned out a stain. You need to "bring" an image to an acceptable characteristics.

All because such large areas are more convenient to make a "restoring brush", but the "patch" is well suited for wrinkles, which are located under the eyes. However, here you can fix everything.

The first thing we create a copy of the layer, which has just been treated with a patch tool. After that, select the "Filter - Blur - Blur over the surface" in the menu.

In the window that appears, select the necessary filter settings. For different drawings, they can be different.

Now for this layer will create a mask. Click Alt on the keyboard and click on the mask icon in the layer palette. As a result, we get:

It remains to eliminate small errors. For this, first of all, create a print of all layers by pressing the key combination at the beginning of Ctrl + Shift, and then immediately Alt + E.

The photo remains somewhat blurred. To eliminate this, activate the very first source layer, the one with wrinkles. Create a copy of it and move to the very top.

In the window that opens, select the following settings:

Then you need to change the overlay mode of this layer on the "overlap".

The picture acquired a more pleasant look.

That's all. As you can see, nothing complicated. Practice, bring your hand, everything will turn out! Successes to you in the development of photoshop.

The range of tasks, successfully solved using professional raster graphics editors, such as Adobe Photoshop, enters the restoration of old photos. One of the most frequent defects present on similar images are deformations of the paper base in the form of folds and fractures. You can remove folds in Photoshop using multiple tools.

You will need

  • - Adobe Photoshop;
  • - File with the original image.


  • The first way to remove wrinkles in the photo is the use of "attending brushes" (Healing Brush Tool). Such an admission allows you to eliminate wrinkles in the forehead and neck. So, open the desired photo in Photoshop: "File" menu (Open) menu.
  • Then create a new photo layer by pressing the Ctrl + J key combination on the keyboard with a magnifying glass (zoom tool), which is located on the toolbar to the left of the workspace, increase the problem area of \u200b\u200bthe skin.
  • In the same panel of the left, find and select the HEALING BRUSH TOOL, key J). In the properties panel, which is located at the top of the window, select the required thickness and rigidity of the brush.
  • Press the ALT key and holding it down, click the left mouse button on the clean skin area, which is located next to the wrinkle area. This site will become a model for cloning. Then, releasing alt, carefully fasten the wrinkles. To do this, spend on them while holding the left mouse button.
  • You can remove wrinkles in the photo and using the Patch Tool (Patch Tool). Such a tool is convenient to eliminate the mimic wrinkles in the corners of the eyes and nasolabial folds. In the toolbar on the left, find the "Healing Brush Tool" tool and click on the right mouse button icon. In the drop-down list, select a tool called "Patch" (Patch Tool).
  • Circle the problem area of \u200b\u200bthe skin with wrinkles in the photo by holding the left mouse button. Then Move the cursor over the dedicated area and, by pressing the left button again, drag the selected area to the pure skin area without wrinkles.
  • If the processing result looks not too natural, do the following. In the Layers panel (Layers), which is located to the right of the workspace, find the Opacity parameter (OPACITY). By clicking on the right of it on a triangular icon, adjust the level of the layer opacity. To do this, move the slider until the processed area with wrinkles does not look more natural.
  • After the actions done, save the processed photo: "File" menu (Save As ...). Now you know how to remove wrinkles in the photo. Agree that it is not difficult at all. Experiment with the aforementioned tools, and you will always succeed.
  • How to remove wrinkles in the photo - Print version