What does the belly of a pregnant woman look like at 18 weeks. Proper nutrition is the key to the health of your baby. Nose bones are lagging behind

18 weeks pregnant is a wonderful time for a woman. First, most of the ailments disappear. The pregnant woman begins to feel vigorous, active, cheerful again. Secondly, some mothers can feel the first movements of their baby. Thirdly, the time for active rest begins. We will consider in more detail about the well-being of a pregnant woman and a fetus at this time below.

18 weeks pregnant: how many months?

It's the fifth week of the second trimester - the most wonderful period of pregnancy. Most women experience symptoms of early toxicosis: vomiting, nausea, fatigue, lethargy, weakness, drowsiness. Appetite returns to normal, "strange" taste preferences rarely arise, the attitude to "unloved" dishes is fixed. The woman returns to her usual way of life, can travel, play sports, swim.

According to obstetric data, it is 18 weeks of pregnancy. If you count from the moment the menstrual days are delayed, then there comes only the fourteenth week. And according to the parameters of fetal development, it is the sixteenth. To find out the month of pregnancy, obstetric data must be divided by 4 weeks. That is, we are talking about four months and two weeks.

Despite the improvement in the mother's well-being, the fetus is at risk. Improper diet, bad habits, excessive physical activity, sports, chemical and radioactive substances can lead to a threat of miscarriage. Doctors will not be able to leave the child, since the fetus at 18 weeks of gestation is not ready for independent existence.

How does a pregnant woman feel?

Hormonal changes are actively reflected in the appearance and internal well-being of a woman. Hair can become unnecessarily oily, shiny or dry and discolored. Most of the skin becomes covered with age spots, acne, moles become darker.

Some women get a runny nose. This is due to swelling of the nasal septum. Sometimes it protects a woman from unpleasant odors, but it is better to consult a doctor to prevent the occurrence of chronic rhinitis.

Emotional changes also disappear, the woman begins to react more calmly to those around her. However, they are also very vulnerable. So, when watching a children's cartoon, a woman may burst into tears, or be offended by her spouse. On such an "emotional" wave, the entire period passes, not only the 18th week of pregnancy.

What happens to intimate relationships? Under the influence of hormones, attitudes towards sex change. A woman may crave intimacy with her spouse more passionately or become indifferent. Doctors pay attention to the fact that the activity and regularity of sex is beneficial for the female body. First, orgasms are inherently labor-like. Secondly, the emotional closeness between spouses is strengthened. Thirdly, the child feels the love of his parents, receives positive emotions.

Indifference to sex can mean either frigidity or a defensive reaction. If the reason is the first, then both spouses need to contact a sexologist. If the reason is the second, then there is a possible risk of a threat of miscarriage, so the woman feels apathy towards sexual relations.

A pregnant woman may experience lower back pain, which is associated with a shift in the center of gravity or spinal injuries. Swimming (avoid pools with chlorinated air), homeopathic ointments, light massage, a maternity bandage, a warm blanket, special exercises will help improve your well-being. Do not forget to consult a gynecologist, as the situation can have more serious consequences than it seems.

18 obstetric week of pregnancy may be accompanied by visual impairment. If this phenomenon occurs in healthy women, then after childbirth all unpleasant "neoplasms" will disappear. In pregnant mothers with visual impairment, disorders of a different nature may be added. For example, retinal detachment (flies in front of the eyes). Then they will cauterize the retina of the eye, which will in no way affect the development of the fetus.

With an improper unbalanced diet and lack of a regimen, constipation, heartburn, and increased gas production will occur. Avoid foods that make your stomach puffy. Eat often, but in small meals at least six times a day. To avoid constipation, drink more water, but not more than two liters (thirty-five milliliters per kilogram of weight). If you have persistent heartburn, see your doctor for a medicine that is safe for the fetus.

Sometimes at 18 weeks of pregnancy, a stomach ache. Aching constant pain or cramps can mean an increase in the tone of the uterus, so go to your doctor right away. With early signs, treatment can be at home with pills and suppositories, but if the pain is accompanied by bloody discharge, then the pregnant woman is hospitalized.

Most often, women may have low blood pressure. The reason is a decrease in hemoglobin. It is important to undergo a blood test here to find out the iron content and to exclude the occurrence of anemia. If a woman is absolutely healthy, but dizziness remains, then this indicates a lack of clean air. Walk more in the woods away from gas-polluted areas.

According to external changes, a woman's breasts and abdomen increase. The chest becomes less painful. At 18 weeks of pregnancy, the abdomen rises, since the mother's weight adds about five to six kilograms. Although there are thin women whose pregnancy is invisible until the seventh month.

Mothers with a noticeable tummy have discomfort with sleep. If a woman in a dream takes a pose that presses on the fetus, then she immediately wakes up from unpleasant sensations. But from the fourth month, many mothers can enjoy the first barely noticeable movements of the fetus. Ultrasound of many parents pleases with the news about the sex of the child.

The main danger of this period

The threat of miscarriage remains a fundamental danger. The reasons for this are:

  • Hormonal disruptions. When the work of the thyroid and adrenal glands is disrupted, then some hormones become more, others less. More often, with a lack of progesterone, a miscarriage occurs.
  • Rh negative factor. This phenomenon does not always cause a miscarriage or a pathology of fetal development, but tests will have to be taken very often. The 18th week of pregnancy is just the period for a second ultrasound.
  • Genital infections. Changing sexual partners can lead to sexually transmitted diseases (syphilis, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, toxoplasmosis) causing miscarriage. Other infections (herpes, thrush) can cause developmental abnormalities in the fetus or infect the baby during childbirth.
  • Viral diseases. Influenza, pyelonephritis, tonsillitis, pneumonia, viral hepatitis, rubella, appendicitis can also lead to miscarriage or change the normal course of fetal development.
  • Abortion. If there were cases of abortions, miscarriages before pregnancy, then the risk of a threat to the life of the fetus increases. This is due to a malfunction of the ovaries. Therefore, be careful at 18 weeks of pregnancy: the size of the fetus, the number of shocks and other parameters of ultrasound diagnostics will help identify developmental abnormalities.
  • Medicines. Preparations with hormones, antibiotics or ordinary herbal teas with nettle, chamomile, St. John's wort, parsley, tansy, cornflower cause bleeding.
  • Stress. Any strong positive or negative emotions cause hypertonicity of the uterus, which leads to a miscarriage.
  • Antisocial lifestyle. Alcohol, smoking, drugs lead to miscarriage or cause abnormalities in the development of the child.
  • Improper nutrition. The absence of a full-fledged vitamin and mineral complex in the mother's body leads to the threat of miscarriage at 18 weeks of pregnancy. The size of the fetus by the time of delivery can go beyond the normal range and gain more than four kilograms. Remember that all doctors are wary of big kids, attributing to them a bunch of all kinds of diagnoses.
  • Sports, hard physical labor, intercourse can also cause bleeding.

Lifestyle of a pregnant woman at 18 weeks: nutrition

Meals should be six meals a day, divided into small portions. The last dinner will consist of kefir, which can be drunk at nine in the evening. Meals must be structured in such a way as to eat dishes with proteins and fats (fish, meat) until 1 pm, and then prepare a menu of vegetable, dairy or cereal products. These rules do not cause difficulties for a woman, since the “taste” oddities must pass by this time (18 weeks of pregnancy), the sensations become adequate.

Be sure to follow the diet. Do not chew all the time, at least three hours should pass between meals, dinner should be no later than three hours before bedtime, and the night break should be at least ten hours. Discipline helps not only to facilitate the work of the mother's gastrointestinal tract, but also teaches the baby to feed at certain times.

Pregnant women must always eat freshly prepared food containing nutrients. Do not eat hot meals, drink at least two liters of liquid (by the twenty-sixth week, reduce the volume of water to one and a half liters per day). Remember that improper nutrition leads not only to overweight mothers, lack of nutrients in the fetus, but can also cause allergies in the baby.

Gymnastics at 18 weeks pregnant

Physical activity is not prohibited during this period. Athletes and trained women are allowed any kind of sports where there is no heavy load on the child. For physically untrained women, the 18th week of pregnancy is also favorable for sports. If necessary, the gynecologist can show you a special set of exercises. Due to this complex:

  • the flow of oxygen to the child increases;
  • the muscles of the mother are stretched;
  • the woman is being prepared for childbirth;
  • the occurrence of flat feet is excluded;
  • woman learns to breathe correctly.

The exercises are walking on the toes, heels, outside and inside of the feet; slow slopes; raising and lowering on the feet; light squat; abduction of the legs to the side and back; lying and sitting exercises to relieve back pain.

The set of exercises for each stage of pregnancy has its own characteristics. But the main thing is not to allow jumping, active running, deep squats, aerobics, tension of the abdominal muscles. Despite the favorable period for sports (meaning the 18th week of pregnancy), a woman's feelings are of major importance. Stop all activities if you feel unwell. Do all exercises slowly, plastically, with breathing restoration.

Pregnancy activity at 18 weeks: travel

The second trimester is becoming a rest for many pregnant women. During this period, expectant mothers accumulate strength before childbirth and possible sleepless nights. It is for this purpose that many couples go to rest. To do this, you need to remember a few recommendations from specialists.

  • Optimal gestational age. It is not recommended to travel until the twelfth week of pregnancy, when the internal organs of the fetus are laying, and after the thirty-second week, when premature birth may occur.
  • Transport. You can travel by any type of transport at the optimal time of pregnancy, the main thing is to create the most comfortable conditions for the mother and fetus. Do not forget to undergo an ultrasound scan at the 18th week of pregnancy before your trip.
  • Climate. Choose a vacation spot with the same climatic zone.
  • Bathing. Swimming in open water is not prohibited unless there are contraindications (infections, placenta previa).
  • Tan. It is strictly forbidden for pregnant women to sunbathe in the sun, visit the solarium. Under direct sunlight and hormonal changes, the skin can become covered with age spots.

What tests should I take by this date?

The woman is undergoing a routine gynecological examination, blood and urine tests. With poor tests, the pregnant woman should re-donate urine according to Nechiporenko or for bacterial culture. To exclude bad tests, you must follow the rules for collecting urine in a clean container.

You also need to go to a dentist, as many women begin to bleed gums due to a lack of calcium in the body. In addition, tooth decay and bleeding gums lead to the fact that the baby is born underweight, and sometimes infections can lead to premature birth. Taking fluoride by mouth is a deeper protection against tooth decay, so consult your doctor about the dosage.

At 18 weeks of pregnancy, the baby's movements can be seen on an ultrasound scan, which is prescribed up to 22 weeks. Also, ultrasound diagnostics are prescribed for women with complications of pregnancy, with "bad" heredity and older children with congenital defects. This also applies to women who have their first pregnancy before the age of sixteen and later than thirty-five years.

18 weeks pregnant: what happens to the fetus?

By this time, the growth of the fetus is twenty centimeters, the weight is two hundred and fifty grams. Bone tissue is being actively strengthened, milk teeth are being formed, so a mother with a calcium deficiency may experience cramps or joint pain. Remember that for the full development of the child, you need to consume three hundred milligrams of calcium per day. The fatty layer of the skin is still folds, covered with a special lubricant and fluff. But after a couple of weeks, the baby's skin will be smoothed out.

The brain continues to develop. Vision and hearing begin to function. The fruit reacts to bright light, loud sounds. Pregnant women begin experimenting with musical compositions and sounds of nature in order to determine the taste of the baby at this time (18 weeks of gestation).

What happens to innate reflexes? The kid already knows how to swallow and drinks amniotic fluid with pleasure. The lungs continue to develop, but the baby is not ready for birth. First, the organs of the respiratory system did not take the required shape. And secondly, the lungs will only begin to produce a special substance (surfactant) necessary for spontaneous breathing by the twenty-fourth week.

At 18 weeks, you can determine the sex of the child, since the formation of the genitals is almost over. The kid gets in touch with the parents when he first starts to push and move. Active movement contributes to the development of muscle mass, but hyperactivity can indicate a lack of oxygen.

Ultrasound parameters

How the child develops in utero will be shown by studies of ultrasound diagnostics of this period (pregnancy 18 weeks). A photo of the fetus usually contains the following data:

The intestine continues to produce meconium, which is made up of amniotic fluid and digestive tract substances. The process of defecation in the fetus is carried out normally after childbirth. But if a child is born, and the composition of the waters contains meconium feces, then this indicates fetal asphyxia. It is not yet possible to see the state of suffocation in a child during intrauterine development through ultrasound by the color and content of amniotic fluid. For this purpose, the pregnant woman is referred for the amnioscopy procedure.

In a male fetus, the prostate gland begins to form. This is what parents like about the 18th week of pregnancy: the gender of the child allows them to purchase the necessary goods for the newborn.

During the examination, you can catch the baby sucking a finger, yawning, rubbing his eyes with his fists or in motion. Despite modern equipment, it is impossible to study the development of the fetal nervous system. His nerves are protected by myelin, which transmits impulses along the nerve trunks. However, the functioning of the brain can be judged by the functioning of the senses. By the eighteenth week, the organ of sight and hearing is formed.

Immunity is developing, the fetus is already producing some substances that resist infections. They are called immunoglobulins and interferon. The child's health and the success of adaptation to public collective places (kindergarten, school) will depend on the immune system. Therefore, check with an immunologist how you can strengthen a woman's immunity during pregnancy.

Brief conclusions

If there are no prohibitions from the doctor, then a woman in the eighteenth week of pregnancy can travel, swim, play sports, yoga, swimming. The main thing is to monitor your well-being. A child at 18 weeks of pregnancy jerks off about his discomfort. During the second trimester, it is important to gain more positive emotions, spiritual strength, and restore emotional connection with your spouse and baby.

Waiting for the birth of a new life is an exciting period in the life of every woman. But any expectant mother is worried about how the pregnancy should go and how the baby should develop in her belly. This article will go over the basic facts about how the 19th week of pregnancy goes. Photos of the fetus will also be posted below.

Second trimester of pregnancy

From the first fetus, changes occur in the woman's body. But already in (from 13-14 weeks), the state becomes more stable. Most often, morning sickness and dizziness pass. Pregnancy 18 - 19 weeks proceeds more calmly, the fetus has already taken root in the mother's body and continues to develop actively. However, you should be responsible for your position, avoiding stress, physical exertion and injury. During this period, there is a small risk of premature labor.

How to correctly calculate the date of birth

Most ladies, who first learned about their situation, begin to calculate the due date and date of birth. But you should know that there is also an obstetric period for bearing a fetus, according to which pregnancy lasts not nine months, but 41 weeks, that is, more than nine. The gynecologist begins the countdown of the course of pregnancy from the date of the beginning of the last menstrual cycle. Usually, the difference between the obstetric period and the mom's calculations is about two weeks. Following these rules, it is quite easy to find out the approximate day of the baby's birth.

19 week of pregnancy, how many months are left until delivery according to the obstetric calendar? Having made the calculations, it turns out that this is the end of the fifth month, therefore, there are still four left before the birth. However, it is determined by the embryonic date, that is, the countdown starts from the week when conception occurred. The fetus must correspond to 17 weeks of development.

Pregnancy 18-19 weeks. Features of a growing belly

Until the beginning of the second period of fetal development, the abdomen is practically invisible, since the baby is still very small and the uterus has only slightly increased in size. The belly at the 19th week of pregnancy becomes already much larger, which limits the expectant mother in freedom of movement. It becomes difficult to bend over, stay in one position for a long time and sleep. The uterus begins to press on the internal organs of the pregnant woman. Very often there are heartburn, constipation and the urge to urinate more often. Much attention should be paid to the food consumed, since from this moment the doctor begins to strictly monitor the weight of the woman carrying the baby. It is important to take a responsible attitude to the position taken during sleep. It is undesirable to sleep on your stomach or back, because this can harm the fetus. In the position there is a risk of damaging the fetus, and in the supine position there is a high probability of crushing the aorta, through which oxygen enters. You should rest lying on the side where the baby is located.

At every physical examination, starting in the second trimester, the doctor should measure the abdomen. Its volume directly depends on the size of the fetus, uterus and the amount of amniotic fluid. Of course, each woman, while carrying a child, has her own individual characteristics, depending on her physique and body weight before pregnancy. But there are certain acceptable standards.

The abdomen at the 19th week of pregnancy, when measured vertically, reaches 18-20 cm. The uterus is already beginning to rise to the navel. These data are provided only for singleton pregnancies.

If the doctor notices deviations from the norm, then the pregnant woman is sent for additional examinations. Since the cause of the enlargement of the abdomen may be too much amniotic fluid or other abnormalities.

What changes occur in the fifth month of pregnancy

A woman expecting the birth of a child is already getting used to her condition by the fifth month. Time flies, the first period is already behind, the 19th week of pregnancy has come. What happens to the child's body at this moment?

Within five months, the fetus developed from an embryo to a little man. At this time, the baby has already formed arms, legs, fingers, auricles, the shape of the head and parts of the face. The respiratory, digestive and nervous systems, the subcutaneous layer, and the rudiments of the teeth also continue to form.

If before this time mom had already felt the first movements of her child, now his movements will become more confident and clear. And some expectant mothers just have to rejoice at the first jolts and kicks. The child's brain is already actively developing. The embryo begins to move in the abdomen, very often changes its position. In connection with the onset of brain activity, fetal movements become more concentrated. There may be a reaction to the sounds of the parents' voices and the touch of hands to the stomach.

Second fetal ultrasound

As a rule, in the second trimester of pregnancy, in addition to all the usual examinations, an ultrasound examination of the fetus is also performed.

At the first planned examination, the doctor confirms the presence of a normal pregnancy (not intrauterine or frozen), specifies its duration, determines the age of the fetus and the sex of the child (the probability of determining the sex of the fetus is very low).

The ultrasound procedure at the 19th week of pregnancy is performed to identify possible pathologies in the embryo and examine its anatomical development. This study also determines the position of the fetus in the womb, which plays an important role in the way in which childbirth will take place. Also, with the help of the device, the doctor conducts fetometry, that is, determines the size of the circumference of the head and abdomen, bones of the arms, legs, hips, shoulders. The symmetry of the external and internal organs is visible. The sex of the child being determined has a probability of up to 90%.

Based on the data recorded by the specialist, it is concluded that the development of the fetus corresponds to its embryonic age. In addition to studying the parameters of development, the doctor examines the state of the uterus and placenta. When pathologies are detected, the gynecologist, based on the results, makes a diagnosis and prescribes treatment.

Norms of ultrasound indications.

BPR - from 40 mm to 50 mm;

LSD - from 53.5 mm to 60.5 mm;

OG - from 140 mm to 180 mm;

DB - from 25 mm to 35 mm;

DG - from 23 mm to 31 mm;

DP - from 20 mm to 26 mm;

Coolant - from 125mm to 155mm;

NK - from 5.2 mm to 8.0 mm;

Height - about 22.1 cm;

Weight - from 230 g to 320 g.

With the second ultrasound examination, the 19th week of pregnancy comes to an end. A photo of the child can be obtained from the doctor. In the picture, you can already see the formed man, all parts of the body are clearly visible. Modern technology allows you to take a 3D photo of the fetus.

Pregnancy 19 weeks. Fruit size

When a pregnancy of 19-20 weeks passes according to the relevant norms, the embryo already reaches a growth of 20-22 centimeters. It's about the size of a banana. The weight of the crumbs is 240-300 grams. All parts of the body grow in the baby.

As it was described in the norms of ultrasound results, during the period when the pregnancy is 19 weeks, the size of the fetus has already increased significantly. The circumference of the small head is on average 160 mm, the length of the thigh is 30 mm, the length of the lower leg is 25 mm, the length of the shoulder is 24 mm. Tummy circumference approx. 140 mm. The length of the nasal bone is also very important, it measures about 8 mm. Fingers of arms and legs grow. The foot is already formed. Its length reaches 2.5 mm, and from this stage its size will remain that way until birth.

From the 20th week of pregnancy, the fetus begins to actively gain weight and grow. By the time of delivery, the average weight of the baby is 3000 grams, and the height is 50 centimeters.

Fetal development

By the end of the fourth month after conception, the baby has not yet opened his eyes. However, he already distinguishes between light and darkness, he can turn to a strong light source. By this time, the baby knows how to move knives and handles, he begins to eat, roll over, constantly changes his position. In a few weeks, mom will be able to see how the heel, elbow or butt of her miracle protrudes on her stomach. The fetus is able to raise and turn the head, developed His sleep is about 18 hours. During wakefulness, he learns the world around him. From now on, thumb sucking will be your favorite pastime. This is remarkable for the 19th week of pregnancy. An ultrasound photo can capture this amazing moment. Pregnancy of 19-20 weeks proceeds calmly, but the expectant mother should be attentive to her state of health and limit physical activity.

It is very important that the mother's body has enough calcium and iron. For the normal growth of the bones of the embryo, a pregnant woman should use vitamins prescribed by the gynecologist, under whose supervision she is.

Role in the upcoming labor

For a woman carrying a child, at 19 weeks of pregnancy, the location of the fetus is no less important issue than its growth and development. There are three options for the position of the baby in the womb.

At 19 weeks of gestation, the position of the fetus is not constant. Since the size of the embryo is not yet large enough, it has enough space in the uterus to periodically change its position. Therefore, at this stage, the doctor will not worry.

At 19 weeks of gestation, the location of the fetus can be transverse, angular and pelvic. But there is a lot of time left before the baby is born and the baby is able to roll over at any time and more than once.

Head presentation

The head is located towards the birth canal. This option is considered the most favorable, since the head is the largest part of the body of the developing embryo and is most difficult to leave during childbirth. After the head comes out, the body easily leaves the womb. If the fetus has taken this position closer to birth, then this is 90% of successful births.

Breech presentation

In this case, during childbirth, the pelvis first comes out, and then the whole body. Since, as mentioned above, the head is the largest part of the baby's body, the birth process becomes more complicated. Very often, with pelvic diligence, the doctor decides on a caesarean section.

If at 19 weeks of pregnancy the location of the fetus is pelvic, then you should not worry too much. At the age of 17 weeks, the child does not yet occupy the entire uterine cavity, and this gives him complete freedom in the possibility of changing his position.

Transverse presentation

In such a situation, the head and butt of the fetus are located on the sides of the uterus. That is, it lies across the birth canal. This is the most difficult case. Since with such a diagnosis, the process of natural childbirth is impossible. The baby is born only with the help of a cesarean section.

Until pregnancy has reached 30 weeks, the expectant mother should not worry about how her child lies. At 19 weeks of gestation, the position of the fetus is unstable. And until the third trimester, no effort should be made to change the situation. The baby can take head diligence even a couple of weeks before delivery.

When carrying a child, a woman should take special care of her health. The body of a lady in a position needs constant replenishment with useful substances. Therefore, the diet must necessarily contain cottage cheese, liver, meat, eggs, fish, fruits and vegetables. In no case should you smoke, consume alcohol and antibiotics. Start each morning with a light warm-up.

For great health, you should take daily walks in the fresh air, rest several times a day and do what you love. Positive emotions and calmness play an important role. Throughout pregnancy, from the moment of registration, you should regularly visit a gynecologist and follow all instructions. In case of any complications, you should immediately contact a specialist for help.

The second trimester has been going on for almost two months, during which time the child has grown significantly and your tummy stands out more and more clearly. Now is the quietest time when you need to replenish the supply of nutrients in the body, walk a lot, rest and actively communicate with the baby. During this period, many women can already feel the movements of the fetus, which fills the mother with trepidation and excitement. It is worth revising your diet by removing highly allergenic foods from it, since the embryo's immune system is already working and can react to them.

What happens to the body at 18 weeks

The 18th week of pregnancy is the fifth obstetric month, its second week, according to the calendar it is four and a half months. The second trimester of pregnancy is in full swing - the quietest time when health and general condition are usually the best. The woman's body has already acquired roundness, and grandiose events are taking place inside the body. In order not to gain extra pounds and not suffer from puffiness, you should be careful about your diet and drink, avoid highly salty and spicy foods, excess confectionery and flour products. The tummy this week is already clearly visible - it has grown significantly, has risen up and is clearly visible to everyone around. Due to the growth of the abdomen, the center of gravity shifts forward, which leads to a change in the curvature of the spine, its deflection in the lumbar region and deviation of the mother's shoulders. This gives pregnant women a special gait. In this period, it is important to choose comfortable clothes and shoes, as well as the right underwear - a bra with wide straps and no seams to support the chest and comfortable panties that do not squeeze the body. Also, many women will benefit from wearing a special support bandage that relieves pain in the back and legs.

Due to the large uterus on the back, it becomes uncomfortable to sleep, which requires new positions for rest and sleep, you can use special pillows for the lower back and legs.

Fetal development: weight, size and gender

Now the baby is actively growing and improving, this is already a fully formed little man, which has grown from the coccyx to the crown of the head by 14 cm (and completely reaches 20 cm), and gained almost 200 g of weight. While the growth of the uterus allows the baby to feel relatively free in the abdomen, he actively moves in the amniotic fluid - makes turns, somersaults, moves his legs and arms, nods his head, touches the umbilical cord, pushes against the walls of the uterus. Doctors believe that such active movements are very useful for the baby, due to them the area of ​​the motor cortex of the brain is actively developing and the musculoskeletal system of the fetus is being improved.

The kid is actively improving - his arms and legs are fully formed, and the legs are longer than the arms, the fingers and toes are actively divided into phalanges. The finger pads have acquired a unique fingerprint pattern. Children of both sexes have fully formed genitals - both external and internal. The child actively stores adipose tissue, brown fat is especially actively stored in the area of ​​the shoulder blades and the whole body, the formation of the brain is actively taking place. The development of the immune system of the fetus is actively developing, now the immune organs can actively produce immunoglobulins and interferons, which protect the fetus from viral and microbial infections. The rudiments of both milk and permanent teeth have already fully formed, and the permanent teeth are located above the milk ones and will appear in due time. The eyes, although they are formed, but still closed, can actively react to light. In addition, the baby's hearing is actively developed, he can perfectly distinguish the sounds of both the mother's body and the sounds coming from outside. Therefore, now it is useful to talk a lot with the baby, read fairy tales to him, put on classical music and avoid harsh frightening sounds. From such sounds, the child can freeze, worry.

Now you can accurately determine the sex of the baby using an ultrasound study, and prepare for the birth directly of either a girl or a boy. Also, during this period, many wives can already feel the first movements and movements of their baby. The child's bones actively store calcium, and if the mother lacks it, calcium will be extracted from the woman's teeth and bones, which will lead to dental problems and the need to visit the dentist.

The baby may develop a certain sleep and wakefulness regime, which often does not coincide with the mother's; often in the future, the mother will feel the fetal movement during the minutes of her rest. The baby can now sleep up to four hours in a row.

Feelings of a future mother

The main sensation in this stage of pregnancy can be the first movements, which bring untold joy to the mother - they can be very light and unclear, like pouring water or barely perceptible jolts. Gradually, the movements will become more confident and strong. Usually, movements are felt in the period from 17 to 22 weeks, much depends on the complexion of the woman and the size of the crumbs, the amount of fatty tissue on the abdomen. If you have not yet felt the movements, you do not need to worry, soon you will feel them. Previously, the movements are felt by thin women and re-pregnant women. Usually, four to eight movements per hour can be recorded. If the movements are felt strongly and clearly, too often, this may be a sign of a lack of oxygen in the fetus. Then the child begins to move more actively in order to activate blood circulation and saturate the blood with oxygen. It is important for the mother to take care of the baby by taking frequent walks and breathing deeply and calmly. You can also do yoga or gymnastics for pregnant women, they will also help in the prevention of hypoxia.

The period of 18 weeks is quite calm in terms of sensations, with a normally proceeding pregnancy, the mother does not feel any discomfort, there may only be some inconveniences from the actively enlarging abdomen. You are not yet accustomed to the fact that it is, it is difficult for you to find a position for rest and sleep, since it is no longer possible to lie on your stomach, and your head may spin on your back. Sometimes mothers can touch the surrounding objects with their growing tummy, not yet accustomed to the new "dimensions" of their body.

Get used to resting more often on your left side, in this position, blood circulation is most active, the easiest way for the fetus and uterus to take is the correct position for childbirth. Learn to get out of bed through the side, you can't jump out of bed suddenly, it may darken in your eyes and dizzy. The woman's breasts in this period are not so sensitive, but the juices have increased and darkened, colostrum discharge from the yellowish nipples may occur. There is no need to worry, the breast is preparing to feed the baby in the future, and even if there is no colostrum until the very birth, this is also quite normal. Any manipulation of juices can lead to an increase in the tone of the uterus, so nothing needs to be done with the breast.

The condition of the uterus at 18 weeks of gestation

Due to the growth of the uterus, there may be some discomfort from the pressure of the fundus of the uterus on the navel from the inside. This is because by this time the fundus of the uterus has almost reached the level of the navel, it can be 2-3 cm below it. if you put your hand on your belly, you can feel the bottom of the uterus just below the navel, about two of your fingers. The queen has reached the size of a medium melon and continues to grow actively upward and outward. From the level of the pubis, the uterus has risen by about 18 cm, and protrudes forward, giving a distinct growth of the abdomen in a circle. With a weak abdominal wall and thinness, the occurrence of back pain, a prenatal bandage can be very useful from this time on, supporting the uterus in the correct position and relieving excessive pressure on the back and lower abdomen. Gymnastics exercises for pregnant women and comfortable clothes with shoes also help to cope with the discomfort. From this time on, it is recommended to periodically take the knee-elbow position to relieve the back and internal organs, especially for the kidneys, since the outflow of urine improves. And do not worry about the size of the abdomen - it depends on the strength of the abdominal muscles and the capacity of the pelvis, gradually the abdomen will grow more and more.


In terms of 18 to 22 weeks, pregnant women are assigned a second scheduled ultrasound examination to determine the sex of the child, as well as studies of the main indicators reflecting the growth and development of the baby. This study aims to identify defects in the development of the fetus and gross malformations of internal organs. the doctor carefully examines the heart and kidneys of the fetus for their abnormalities, can determine the presumptive signs of Down syndrome or gross brain defects.

In addition, with ultrasound of the fetus, a detailed scan of the placenta takes place, its structure and umbilical cord with vessels are assessed, and the main indicators are assessed:

  • the circumference of the abdomen and the head of the fetus,
  • occipital-frontal size,
  • the size of the tubular bones of the thigh, lower leg, shoulder and forearm.

It is also possible to carry out a 3D ultrasound scan with photographs or recording the baby on a flash card.

Discharge from the genital tract

At this time, the discharge from the genital tract should be quite insignificant and uniform, light or milky in color, without impurities and unpleasant odor. They should not bring any discomfort to the expectant mother. In comparison with the previous weeks, their number may become slightly higher due to the action of hormones.

It is worth worrying if the amount of discharge becomes abundant, their color changes to yellow, gray, greenish or foamy, crumbly, itching and burning are formed, sexually transmitted diseases or thrush, bacterial vaginosis can be suspected. They are dangerous for pregnant women, so they need to be treated immediately. Brown discharge should become especially dangerous during pregnancy, which may indicate the presence of erosion or other pathologies of the cervix, or spotting, which may be a sign of placental abruption or abortion.

What tests to take

In the period of 18 weeks, a mandatory urine test is performed to exclude kidney pathologies, and if anemia is suspected, a general blood test is performed. In this period, if this has not been done earlier, a triple test can be performed to identify possible anomalies in the development of the fetus, chromosomal pathology and congenital malformations of the nervous system. For this purpose, a study in blood plasma is carried out:

  • hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) level,
  • unconjugated estriol level,
  • the level of alpha-fetoprotein.

Pronounced deviations of these results from the norms in combination with ultrasound data make it possible to suspect the presence of hydrocephalus or malformations of the brain, Down syndrome and some other pathologies in the baby. But these data are not conclusive, and to confirm them, a geneticist's consultation and special invasive studies are needed. With the threat of gestosis or pregnancy complications, doctor visits will become more frequent, as will tests. The doctor will monitor the woman's weight, the increase in abdominal circumference, the height of the bottom of the uterus and pressure, general well-being.

Pain in the abdomen and lower back

In this period, there should be no special painful manifestations. Although there may be some discomfort in the form of stretching in the back and lower back, in the area of ​​the pelvic bones. This is due to an increase in the size of the uterus and tension of the ligaments, a change in the center of gravity. The load on the spine increases, and the body is forced to assume new static postures. Because of this, the muscles and ligaments can experience discomfort. To prevent these pains, you need to rest more often, monitor your posture, and wear comfortable shoes. Exercises to relieve the back and lower back, and wearing a bandage can be helpful.

Back and lower abdominal pain can be signs of a urinary tract or kidney infection, fever and pain when urinating. It is necessary to strictly control the process of urine separation. If the right side hurts, and the pain increases, this may be a sign of appendicitis, which is also possible in pregnant women. You need to immediately call an ambulance and conduct an examination. If the lower abdomen pulls, there are regular prolonged abdominal pain with contractions and tension of the uterus, with the appearance of brown spotting discharge, you need to immediately call an ambulance, this may be a sign of termination of pregnancy.

Colds and runny nose

Although the child's immune system is already working and can actively resist the effects of viruses and microbes, a pregnant woman still should not get sick, including colds. The presence of ARVI with high fever and poor general condition, runny nose and cough is especially dangerous. A severe cough can lead to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure and uterine tone, a runny nose can interfere with normal breathing and cause hypoxia. High fever can pose a threat to pregnancy, causing placental abruption or miscarriages. Therefore, at the first signs of the disease, bed rest and treatment are needed, but only under the supervision of a doctor.

Mom's diet and weight

At 18 weeks, the mother's appetite is quite good and there is an active weight gain, as the child grows and the woman's body is restructured to suit his needs. In this period, you can add from 4 to 6 kg, although if the woman is slim, the increase may be more, and with a tendency to be overweight, less. From this time on, it is necessary to control the weight gain in order not to add too much - it will be difficult during childbirth. If the weight is much higher than the established norms, it is worth discussing with the doctor the use of a special diet or fasting days. It is forbidden to go on a diet or unload on your own, this can harm your health and the child, since only a doctor will develop a diet taking into account the intake of all the necessary nutrients and vitamins to the fetus.

Nutrition during this period should be complete and varied, correct and healthy. It is worth excluding sweets and sugar, excess flour and confectionery from the diet, and limiting fatty and carbohydrate foods. Shown will be calcium-containing foods - dairy, nuts, as well as meat and fish, vegetables and fruits. You need to eat fractionally, in small portions, take additional vitamins if the food is not rich in them. It is worth limiting the consumption of salt and spices, they retain water and can provoke swelling.

Signs of a frozen pregnancy

Although this rarely happens at this time, sometimes there is such a pathology as the fading of pregnancy. In this case, the development of the fetus stops, and he dies in the womb. The fetus in this condition is not rejected by the woman's body, and the mother may be unaware of what has happened for a long time. This usually happens in the first trimester, and in the second critical periods 16-18 weeks of pregnancy will be considered. The main reasons for this are considered the presence of bad habits, infections, genetic pathology and the impact of external harmful factors.

It is not easy to identify such pathologies on your own - usually the first suspicions are the lack of abdominal growth and fetal movements, the appearance of aching abdominal pains and smearing discharge. The exact diagnosis is established according to ultrasound data, and requires further curettage of the uterus as soon as possible. In the future, long-term treatment and rehabilitation is required.


18 weeks of pregnancy is the heyday of a woman's sensuality, although sex may no longer be so diverse in terms of positions and intensity, but it will be filled with tenderness and new sensations. now the threats of termination of pregnancy have passed, the calm time has come and it is quite possible to make love as much as you want. The only thing is to avoid excessive depth of penetration and hard contacts, poses, with pressure on the abdomen. Otherwise, pleasant sensations and the release of pleasure hormones will benefit both the emotional tone of the woman and the baby. A ban on intimacy will be imposed if there is a threat of placental abruption, leakage of water or multiple pregnancies, cervical insufficiency.

At the eighteenth week of pregnancy, your unborn child has already formed arms, legs and fingers, on the pads of which unique imprints appear more and more clearly. The process of formation of the genitals can also be considered complete. Now the formation of fat cells, the development of the brain and central nervous system, and the improvement of the immune system are actively taking place.

Baby size, weight and height

The size of the fetus at the eighteenth week of pregnancy from crown to coccyx is 12.5-14 cm, and from crown to heels - about 20 cm. The fetus weighs almost 200 g. The diameter of the head and chest is approximately 40 mm. The thickness of the placenta is 21-26 mm.

The child's body is becoming more and more proportional. The head no longer looks as big as it used to. The length of the foot is about 2.5 cm. Its proportional relationship with the length of the thigh and lower leg will remain for life.

What's new in the development of crumbs

The development of the fetus at 18 weeks of gestation is actively continuing. So what's the news in the intrauterine world now?

  • The joints and bones of the fetus are strengthened;
  • The fingers bend and unbend freely. The baby knows how to stick a thumb in his mouth, touch his face and grab the umbilical cord;
  • The baby is comfortable in the tummy. Nothing prevents him from tumbling freely, waving arms and legs, turning in different directions. Such physical activity has a beneficial effect on the development of his brain activity and the strengthening of the muscular system;
  • The kid is sensitive to sounds, and hears both sounds inside your body and sounds from outside. He is accustomed to internal ones and treats calmly, and especially loud external ones he can be frightened. But the gentle, calm voices of mom and dad certainly soothe him. You can already hum lullabies and read fairy tales aloud. And let the meaning of them be still incomprehensible to the baby, but pleasant emotions are provided for both of you!;
  • The process of forming the genitals is complete. However, the testicles in boys are still in the abdomen and not in the scrotum;
  • The cerebral cortex is constantly developing. Every second, many nerve cells are formed that connect the brain to the nervous system of the fetus;
  • The endocrine system begins to function (in particular, the adrenal glands and the thymus gland);
  • Baby's skin is very delicate, sensitive, transparent and consists of folds. It looks bright red due to the fact that blood vessels are visible through it.

The first long-awaited fetal movements

The most interesting and desirable of everything that happens at the 18th week of pregnancy is the first tangible movements of the fetus. They bring the expectant mother an indescribable joy that cannot be compared with anything! Some women manage to distinguish mild abdominal tremors from bowel movements a little earlier, but in most cases this happens at 18-22 weeks.

Lack of movement, if the pregnancy is going well, should not be a cause for concern! Just be patient and wait.

Fetal activity is recorded earlier than others by thin women or women who are not going to give birth for the first time. But in women who are full, or are carrying their first child, there may be some delay in sensations.

At the eighteenth obstetric week of pregnancy, it is not yet necessary to note the frequency of movements. The mere fact of their presence is enough.

In the future, 4-8 perceptible movements per hour will be considered normal fetal activity. If this happens much more often, then the risk of oxygen starvation of the fetus is high.

You can fix the situation like this:

  1. Go out for a walk in the fresh air more often;
  2. Breathe regularly, deeply, and frequently;
  3. Master breathing exercises;
  4. Practice yoga.

Many expectant mothers note that the baby begins to be especially active at night, before bedtime.

Well-being of the expectant mother

The most pleasant symptoms at the 18th week of pregnancy - fetal movement - have a positive effect on your mood, pushing aside all fears and including maternal instinct. However, joy at this time can somewhat overshadow the appearance of painful sensations in the lumbar region, back, abdomen.

Pain and discomfort

  • Back pain... According to statistics, every second pregnant woman knows them. Consult your doctor regarding the purchase of a bandage, well, rest more!;
  • Drawing pains in the lower abdomen... They usually occur on getting out of bed or on a chair, sneezing, coughing, etc. They are irregular and pass quickly;
  • Edema... Beginning this week, many pregnant women have a tendency to retention of sodium in the body. This contributes to the appearance of puffiness on the hands and feet. You need to pay attention to the presence of marks from the elastic bands of socks, panties, or marks from the rings on the fingers. The amount of liquid you drink per day does not need to be reduced (if you drink up to 2 liters per day), but the amount of salt you consume is necessary;
  • Light or milky discharge with a slightly sour odor... At the 18th week, their number may increase, but the nature of the discharge should not change. Normally, if the discharge has a uniform consistency, does not contain blood clots, mucus and pus. The presence of pathology requires urgent consultation with a gynecologist !;
  • Sleep disturbances... The recumbent position may already give you some inconvenience. It becomes impossible to sleep on the stomach due to the presence of a toddler in the abdomen; it is impossible to lie on the back for a long time, because the uterus can pinch the inferior vena cava, through which blood is transported from the lower body to the heart. Therefore, you have to master and love sleeping on your side. And to sleep more comfortably, you can put small pads under your back, stomach or legs.

Weight gain during pregnancy

Many mothers in their fifth month of pregnancy experience a significant increase in appetite. However, you need to be careful with the diet and diet. Normal weight gain at the 18th week, on average, is 500-700 g. This figure is due to the growth of the fetus, as well as an increase in the amount of amniotic fluid and the size of the uterus.

Since conception, your weight has increased by approximately 4.5-6 kg. Carefully control the increase, because extra pounds can be fraught with complications during childbirth, and problems with losing weight after the birth of a baby.

However, in no case should you go on a diet on your own without consulting a doctor!

The fetus must receive all the nutrients in the right amount in order to fully develop. Only an experienced specialist is able to develop an individual menu for you, adhering to which you will not gain excess weight, without prejudice to the baby's need for vitamins and microelements.

Growth rate of the abdomen and uterus

As the fetus grows, the uterus also continues to grow. This week, it is already located 2.5 cm below the navel, so there may be a slight tension in this area and a feeling of pressure from the inside. Now the size of the uterus corresponds to the size of a medium-sized melon.

It is almost impossible to hide the tummy at the 18th week from prying eyes. In addition, due to the enlargement of the abdomen, your center of gravity shifts. The typical gait of all pregnant women becomes characteristic of you.

To relieve stress on the spine and prevent back pain, take a responsible approach to updating your wardrobe. Clothing should be comfortable and free of movement. It's also a good idea to get maternity panties or shorts that support your belly well.

Photos of tummies in the 18th week of pregnancy:

Ultrasound scan for a period of 18 weeks

A second ultrasound scan is usually scheduled between weeks 18 and 22.

Do you want something interesting?

By means of ultrasound at the eighteenth week of pregnancy, certain parameters of the fetus are determined: frontal-occipital size, length of bones, etc. In addition, the doctor with a high degree of certainty can already tell you the sex of the unborn child.

Of course, throughout the entire period of pregnancy, you will probably repeatedly hear assumptions regarding the sex of the baby. However, studies have shown that grandmother's ways (based on the shape of the abdomen, changes in appearance, sleeping on a certain side) are just guesses. And yet some find it amusing!

Also, thanks to ultrasound, it is possible to identify the presence of possible defects in the development of the fetus:

  • Down's disease;
  • heart disease;
  • congenital diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Below you can see the photos taken by ultrasound at the gestational age of 18 weeks:

Migration and low placenta previa

The placenta (baby seat) is a particularly important organ that appears in the female body during pregnancy. Thanks to him, the fetus receives oxygen and all nutrients. The placenta protects the baby from infections and removes metabolic products from the amniotic fluid.

If the pregnancy is developing normally, the placenta is attached to the front or back of the uterus, but this does not prevent it from changing its position (this is called placental migration).

Low placentation at 18 weeks is not uncommon, but it should be monitored by your doctor to avoid complications.

Do not worry too much, because often by the third trimester, the placenta returns to its original position.

The most common causes of a low placenta are:

  • Damage to the mucous layer of the endometrium due to abortion, cesarean section, inflammatory processes, etc.;
  • Myoma of the uterus;
  • Multiple pregnancy;
  • Second or subsequent pregnancy.

The fetus grows and gains mass at 18 weeks of gestation, thus, the pressure on the misplaced placenta increases.

This can lead to severe bleeding, lack of nutrients for the fetus, and termination of pregnancy.

If you have been diagnosed with low placentation, then no special measures on your part are required. Limit only physical activity, do not stand and do not sit for a long time in one position, diversify your diet. High-quality medical supervision will allow you to take the necessary measures in a timely manner to carry a healthy baby.

For 18 weeks of pregnancy, the following recommendations are relevant:

  1. Now is the time to purchase a bandage that performs a supportive function in order to relieve the load on the spine;
  2. Exercise to strengthen your back muscles;
  3. Get enough rest and try, if possible, to shift some of the household responsibilities onto your husband or someone from the household;
  4. Try not to overcool so as not to induce the onset of symptoms of cystitis;
  5. Eat a variety of wholesome and balanced foods. To prevent gaining extra pounds, exclude sweet treats and foods high in fat from your menu;
  6. To prevent calcium deficiency in the body, use cottage cheese, kefir, milk;
  7. Fresh fruits and vegetables can help normalize the digestive tract and prevent constipation. Apples are a recognized storehouse of vitamins!;
  8. Limit salt intake to avoid puffiness;
  9. Surround yourself with things pleasing to the eye, watch your favorite kind films, listen to melodic music, join the beauty !;
  10. Now many people close to you and even bystanders may express a desire to touch your tummy. If you are annoyed by the desire of others to connect to the expectation of the baby, then do not hesitate to tactfully warn them about it. You have the right to do it!

This material is for informational purposes only, before using the information presented, you must be sure to consult with a specialist.