How to tie long balls. Figures of long balloons. Phased master class for beginners

Figures from the balls are not only air gifts and decorations of the festive interior, but also a great way to spend time with children for a fascinating occupation, independently manufacturing original designs in the form of flowers, animals or abstract figures. The manufacture of figures from the balls was so popular that he had its own name - twisling or modeling from balloons. All that is required to occupy this exciting hobby - hand pump and multi-colored oblong balls.

Figure from the balls "Hare"

To make a stylized hare, you need to fill the ball with air, leaving about 5 cm of the empty space to facilitate the process of twisting the figures. Tie a ball tail. We retreat from the tail at 5-6 cm, we make the first twist, which will be the head of the figure. After the ball is twisted, it needs to hold his hands to fix the first element of the figure, otherwise under the air pressure, it will return to its original state. Measure the next plot, which should be 2.5-3 times longer than the first, twist. One ear has a hare. We apply ready-made parts to the second half of the ball, measure the second sector-ear of the same length as the previous one, twist the ears together. Measure 4 cm, twist. This plot will be the neck of the figure from the ball.

Then, measure about 10 cm, which will be the first paw, twist, fold, as well as in the manufacture of the "ears", we connect the second paw with the "neck" and twist well. We make a "tummy", measuring about 4 cm, twist. The free part of the ball bend in the form of a loop. He retreating 1-2 cm from the edge, twisting the ball once and connect the hare in the tummy's tummy. The smallest segment serves as a tower of a hare, and a circle loop - rear paws. We produce the front legs in the circle and "sit down" the hare.

Figure "Flower" of two balls

For the manufacture of a flower, it will take one step of red and green. We start with a red ball. Punify the air, leaving about 3 cm free "tail", tie. We connect both ends of the ball with two nodes, then bend in half, making a double clench. Both parts need to twist together at an equal interval, so that the design of three consecutive identical elements-sausages. We fold it with "accordion". One hand take the design with a large and index finger in the places of twists, turn the three items with the other hand. It turned out a flower of six petals.

I inflate the green ball to the end, but not very tight, tie. After 10 cm from the knot, we make a twist. Then we fold the resulting "sausage" in half, without twisting, and tighten the nodules with the place of the previous twist. The free part of the green ball insert into the center of the red flower in such a way that the volume twist remains from above. "Stem" is approximately in the middle or below bending up, we leave about 20 cm, the rest bending down without twisting. Twisting the resulting zigzag in the middle of the 20-centimeter plot, forming the rings-leaves on the stem. Flower ready. Making a slightly identical colors, you can create an original bouquet of balloons.

Figures for beginners - Biraffe from balloons

We choose the ball of warm shade - yellow or orange, and inflation to it, leaving a blank tail with a length of about 6 cm. Tie the node and begin to form a figure. Recovering the knotted nodule by 5-6 cm, we make the first clench - the head of the giraffe. Then we take the next part of about 20 cm long, we turn into the loop and make a twist, connecting it from the first. The loop is stylized ears and giraffe horns.

For the neck, leave a sufficiently long section - 30-40 cm, we make a twist, then measure about 10 cm, we make a second clench. We fold a small "sausage" and free part of the ball, twist together, attaching the front legs to the neck. Memind the "torso" - a small "bubble" about 7-8 cm long, then make the rear legs are similar to the front. The last free bubble site will serve a tail. Well twist the tail and rear legs. Our giraffe is ready.

Volume Figure Fish from several balls

In addition to the usual longone ball for modeling for the manufacture of fish, you will need a round ball and two mini balls (five-year). The long ball and mini balls should be the same, and the round ball is better to choose a contrasting shade. I inflate a long ball, leaving a small tail - up to 5 cm. We fold it in half, twist. On one of the parts we make the following twist after 3 cm, then twist the resulting bubble again. I do the same on the other hand - the lips of the future fish turned out.

Undoubtedly, many people love balloons, they cause delight and good mood, but somehow the air shapes of them look particularly. The celebration looks more elegant and colorful, and impressions from him are unforgettable.

Over time, such a direction appeared as twisting - from the English word "twist", which is the modeling of air figures from special balls created precisely for these purposes.

It will learn to twist the balls and create air figures really, you just need to be patient, durable balls and a special pump. Figures from balls can become a decoration of the holiday, a gift or simple décor in the room. Especially interesting will be to study the art of tweetting with children: the process itself will teach the perfection, patience and accuracy, and the result will certainly reap the child.

What will be needed for tweeting

Start follows from the selection of basic materials that will be needed in learning twisting and creating figures from long balls. To begin with, only a few items will be required, and after purchasing certain skills, the kit may increase:

  • Long balloons or shdm (balloons for modeling). To the choice of balls you need to come seriously, since the quality and strength of the figure depends on it.
  • The piston two-way pump is an important tool in working with long balls, because the durable balls to inflate without a manual pump is almost impossible. Sometimes the pump is sold in a set with shdm.
  • Scissors, marker and other auxiliary items.

Before inflating a long ball, it is recommended to stretch a little - stretch several times with hands for heating the latex material, then it will be much easier to work with the ball.

Rules of strong figures from long balls

After heating, the ball needs to stretch in length and put on the hole on the tip of the pump. Inflating the balls is leisurely and evenly. Be sure to leave a small tail so that the air goes there and when twisting the ball did not burst, as a rule, it is about 10 cm. The thickness of the ball depends on the type of shape, it is possible to focus in phased instructions.

As soon as the ball reaches the desired length and width, it must be carefully removed from the pump and tighten the tip of the knot. Threads for shdm are not suitable.

An important rule is strong figure: twist it only in one direction, for example clockwise. Be sure to hold the twisted places with your fingers, since at any moment the figure can spin and the time spent on it will pass in vain.

Types of twisting

To get an aerial figurine in the form of an animal or flower, a long inflated ball twisted into bubbles of different lengths, and then connects to the lock. Depending on the type of figure, the following types of twisting are distinguished:

  • Normal twist - twist the small bubble on the ball. The size of the bubble is determined and is compressed by hand at this distance, then twisted in one direction about 3-4 times. Subsequent bubbles are twisted into the same direction.
  • Twisting with lock- fixing the 3-contract walking bubbles into a concrete figure. There are 2 extreme bubble in the place of their compound, then twisted around with the following place in the same place 3-4 times.
  • Twisting with lock (one more way). Two bubbles are twisted and the ball bends in the place of the last twist, the working part is compressed and the next bubble is planned and only then twisted together.
  • Twisting with a bend- fixing the three consecutive bubble in the figure, where two extremes are not twisted, but simply bent. A bubble twisted, the ball is driving and twisted 2-3 times.

Types of twisting can be worked on the balls to a crime to tweetting to gain the skill of hand agility. When the twisting technique is worked out in practice, understand the instructions for the formation of figures and follow it will be much easier.

Figures of long balloons

Some air figures do not be difficult, you only need to adhere to step-by-step instructions. Also, each figure has its own characteristics, so carefulness is required - it is not possible to do not immediately, but do not despair, tweetting loves perseverance.


The most common figure of long balls is a poodle. Make a dog is not difficult, sticking to the following instructions:

  • Pump the ball with the help of the pump and leave not an inflated part of about 8 cm.
  • Make three bubbles about 4 cm in size, the first is a poodle face, fix it with your fingers (so as not to be promoted).
  • Retreat one bubble and twist the lock.
  • Make three more identical to the size of a twist and twist the lock so that the loop come out is the feet of the poodle.
  • Twist another 4 bubble.
  • Retreat one bubble, make a castle again.
  • It turned out a dog, but inverted, it remains to turn the face and raise up the tail - the figure is ready.

If you lower the ears down, and the body to lengthen a little - it will turn out to be a dachshund.


Make a flower from long balls is a little harder. Here are already three balls:

  • Tint of petals: red, pink, orange, white, etc.;
  • The color of the stem and leaf, as a rule, choose green, but can be experimenting;
  • Color middle of a flower: yellow or orange.

Start creating a flower better with petals.

  • Inflate a bright bulb pump, leave a tail of 3-4 cm in size, tie a hole with a knot.
  • Click the beginning of the ball and its end - to tie them to get a circle.
  • Folded the circle in half and twist three pairs of bubbles, so that it resembled a double row of related sausages.
  • Now you need to fold this bunch of harmonica, as shown in Scheme 5-6.
  • Complete with your fingers in the middle and twist into a common twist, it will turn out 6 petals.
  • You can proceed with the stalk, inflate the entire green ball with the pump, but not to do it too tight, because there will be two more leafs on the stem.
  • From the knotted nodule, it is necessary to retreat about 10 cm and twist, and then the resulting twist bend ingredients and twisted again, so that a double twist is.
  • You can insert the resulting twists of the stem in the petals, and you can inflate the yellow ball (or other color) and make the core from it, having finished the extra part after the twist.

A round ball is suitable for the core, if it is not completely inflated, and consolidate the usual knot to the stalk.

  • To create leaves on the stem, it is enough to twist with the inflection and align the resulting leaves - the flower is ready.

Bouquets of air colors are more effectively looking, they are quite large, so it is enough for the holiday 5-7 such flowers tied up with a beautiful wide ribbon.

If you leave the petals at the harmonica stage, as in the diagram 6 of Figure 4, and then tighten with the stem - the charming tulips are obtained, which can be donated on March 8.

Now there are many variations how to make flowers from long balls, there are different schemes and methods that are not available not every newcomer, but you can easily make charming lotuses, or water jugs that will spectacle look in water or on the table.

So, in order to create a wonderful lotus, you will need:

  • Two pink / white / red balls or other colors - for petals;
  • One yellow ball for core;
  • One dark green shade ball;
  • Pump and scissors.

Before inflating the balls, they need to be understood a little and pull, because there is a lot of scrubs for the lotus.


If the dog turned out, there will be other animals. The technique of twisting shape in the giraffe is very similar to the modeling of a dog, there are some differences:

  • Doing the giraffe, you need to simulate the smaller, and leave only 2-3 cm on the muzzle;
  • After the face there will be not 5 scrubs, but 4;
  • The neck of the giraffe will be longer and it is necessary to take into account when twisting;
  • The body will turn into shorter, and the tail is less.

It is not difficult to simulate and bunny, the technique is very similar to a dog. For a bunny, one ball, pump and marker, will be required to complete the image.

  • Inflate the ball with the pump and leave about 8 cm not an inflated tail.
  • Twist the first bubble, a long 8 cm is a hare's head.
  • Two more bubble twist is the bunny ears.
  • Twist the next bubble, about 13 cm, repeat this action again.
  • Connect two end of the chain of two extreme twists into the lock.
  • Twist the next bubble for only 2-3 cm long - it will be the neck of the animal.
  • Further twisting will be performed for the front paws of the hare: twist the bubble about 5 cm, the following 2-3 cm, the following is as 2-3 cm, and one more - 5 cm.
  • Connect the chain from the last 4-twists into a single lock - the front paws are made.
  • Twit a bubble in size of 5 cm is the animal torso.
  • It remains to twist bubbles for the rear legs: to make a twist of 15 cm long and connect both ends into the lock.
  • Another bubble is a small tail.

To complete the modeling of the bunny remains only to deploy all parts of the body into its places, collecting a hare in the figure. For complete completion, you can draw eyes, nose and mustache - bunny ready.

It is also not particularly difficult to make a tiger or a cat. The simulation scheme in these animals is one, and the color changes.

  • Inflate the ball with the pump, leave the tail, unfilled by air 13-14 cm, remove from the pump and tie a hole in the nodule. There will be 11 twisted bubbles.
  • Twist 7 small bubbles holding hands.
  • Between 2 and the 3rd twist to make one more, between 4 and 6 the same.

Simulation of forehead, jaw, ears and tiger cheeks / cats:

  • Take the first bubble and inspire the tiigrine muzzle inside, holding it from the outside, wrap this bubble between 8 and the 9th bubble - the nose and mouth tiger will appear, and the 4th and 6th bubbles are ears.
  • The body and the paws of the animal is modeled together. Tie the ends of the ball with a double knot and divide the pressure, two bubbles will remain - these are the rear legs.

The resulting figure of long balls will look more like a tiger if the marker is supplementing the image: draw eyes, nose, mustache and characteristic stripes.

On the same technique, a cat is simulated, only the color will be different.


From long balls you can do anything and anyone, including birds. Swans are particularly common. To simulate from the swan, you need only one ball, white or light yellow.

  • To inflate the ball with the pump and leave a small tail about 6 cm, it is needed for twisting and for the future of the beak of the bird.
  • Shape a ring of most of the ball and hold your fingers, bend the ring in the other hand.
  • Twist each ring separately and put one ring to another, to form in the body torso.
  • The remaining part is the neck and head, it must be gently bend and hold for a while so that the ball takes shape.
  • Take the swan of eyes and arrange a keyboard - the bird is ready.

You should not be afraid to twist, even if there are a lot of similar actions in the scheme, the ball will not burst: first, there is a place for air, secondly, the balls are made of latex and have high elasticity, and in the third - before inflating the ball must be heated and stretching .


As can be seen, if there is a scheme and description, make figures from air long balls is not difficult. Gradually, from light figures, you can move to more complex modeling schemes, purchasing more and more skills of twisting and agility of hands.

In Japan, there is an incredible tweeting master who creates entire masterpieces from the balls, and he also started with dogs and floweries once.

The balloon is the real embodiment of joy and childhood. It is brazily allowed to call the happiness consisting of air. Balls love adults and children. They are allowed to decorate any holiday. Exceptionally truly look at the figures made of special long balloons: dogs, flowers, caterpillars, birds and even people. The art of twusting (this is what is called the creation of figures from long balloons) received its formation in the 20th century in America. Then the balls themselves were produced in Japan, but their quality left to want the best, and only real specialists could create intricate figures of them. In the 60s, the quality of the balls has improved, their color palette has increased. And closely in the late 80s, the first exposition of the balloons figures were held, which created ordinary people. These comical air figures can become excellent presentation for the child and an object for different games. There are firms that provide services for the manufacture of such figures. However, they are allowed to make them at home without additional preparation.

You will need

  • balloons, Piston Pump, Water Flometer


1. To create a balloon figurine, it is necessary to purchase special latex balls for modeling. Ordinary air balloon can burst. Also note that when you inflated such a ball, it is necessary to apply only a manual piston pump (the ordinary will be inconvenient in this situation, and it can break the ball). Occasionally pump comes complete with modeling balls. Stretch 1 ball in length and put it with a hole on the tip of the pump. Cheer slowly, evenly. Strictly retreat 8-9 cm from the ponytail of the ball. So it will be more comfortable to twist it in the future, the pressure does not bloom the figure. Adjust the thickness of the ball. Tip Tie a knot. If you hurried and praised the ball full, then blow it a little and leave the probability for further scrubs. You will remember the beginning of the formation of the form of figures: in any case, make twists only in one direction. Constantly hold them with your fingers until complete consolidation. In the process of making figures, all fingers are required to be involved. It is necessary to hold all the elements, opposite the design at all in the moment it can spin, and your efforts will not justify yourself.

2. One of the most primitive and most famous figures is a dog. To create it, you will need one inflated long latex ball. For comfort and accuracy, take a ruler, measure 5 cm from the start of the ball and make a twist. Stick it with your fingers. Measure 6 cm from the first twist and make the second, and then the third at a distance of 6 cm from the 2nd.

3. Now it is necessary to overload the first and third twist together. You got the face of the coming air dog. Measure 7 cm from the last twisting point from the last place, make another twist. After that, step up 8 cm and twist the coming front paws of the dog under her face. Align the resulting details. At a distance of 10-12 cm from the front paws and muzzles, make another twist, indicating the body. Form 2 bubbles for the hind legs according to the manufacture of the front paws. The remaining part is the tail of the dog. Secure it on the torso. Take a marker on a water basis and draw a dog eye, nose and mouth.

4. It turns out, you can do the dog now. A little harder to make a flower. To do this, you will need 3 balls for modeling: scarlet (natural for flower), green (for stem and leaf) and yellow (for the stem flower). Inflate scarlet bowl. Return 3 cm from the tail (leave this part not inflated). Tie a ball with his beginning. You must have a circle (oval). We make several cycles with two hands, in order to get 2 twists. After that, mentally divide the figure into 3 parts. Steptedly make twists in places between 1 and 2, 2 and 3 part. You must have an original bunch, similar to a dual row of sausages with an interval between them. Later, fold the design to the harmonica. Twist all parts into a solid twist. To do this, hold the harmonic in the left hand with huge and index fingers, twist 3 more petals. Flower you have more closely.

5. Next, take a green ball and melted it with a pump. In order, he did not burst, make it not in a dense. Tie into the nodule. After that, from the nodget, step 10 cm and make a twist. The twisted should then be easily divided into 2 sheets. To do this, we divide the twisted part into 2 equal parts. Hold the petal and barrel with one hand, and twist the design several times.

6. After that, it is allowed to go in two ways. 1st - easy to insert the stem in the flower and thus involuntarily make a green middle. 2nd - to make the manufacture of a sedition of yellow color. Take a yellow ball, inflate it at all. From the fact that the core of the flower should not be large, you will have to cut off the excess part of the ball (together with the nodule it is necessary to leave each 7-8 cm). Before cut, press onto a portion of the core, which will be visible. So it will be much more like this. Tie the resulting chuck to the trunk by an ordinary knot. After that, hesitate to remove it between the petals. To create stamens is also allowed to apply the most ordinary round ball.

7. Especially spectacularly look at large bouquets of air colors. To create such a bouquet you need to make 10-15 colors. To secure the composition, tie it with an ordinary bow or make such a bow of one more balloon.

8. In the 1st time you will leave a lot of time to create a dog or flower. But with regular training, this process will occupy each a few seconds (as at clowns in the circus). Remember: there is no limit perfection. The insisted specialist and the tweeting master will be able to easily twist from one sausage 33 bubble (or compartment).

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Balloons themselves bring the solemn atmosphere in any event, both in the room and in the air. Extremely truly and fascinating on the holiday looks different compositions from balloons, in particular, figures, for the manufacture of which are used by special long thin balls from latex for modeling. Such figures will become a beautiful present for any child - they raise well-being and can become a good object for games.


1. Learning to model various figures from such balls is not difficult. Prepare long thin balls of various sizes, adhesive tape, pump, pin, scissors and felt-tumbler. Acquire good and strong balls that do not burst during twisting.

2. With the support of the hand pump inflate the ball. To do this, stretch it out for tips and put on the inlet on the neck of the pump. Consider the ball, pressing the pump piston. The tail part of the ball is not enough, so that it was permanently twisted in the future. If you inflated the ball is entirely, let out of it a little air. Bowl tip Tie a loop.

3. Before starting twist the ball, determine the necessary value of the bubble. Cut the ball in the neck, holding both sides of the twist with your fingers.

4. In order to secure twisted bubbles, so that they did not unfold, twist four bubbles, later, fold together the 2nd and 3rd, and twist them with each other. Wrap the resulting twist between the first and fourth bubble. Thus, you got the "Palace".

5. In order to twist the dog, take the ball number 260, as well as prepare a marker on a water basis. Inflate the ball with a manual pump, leaving a slightly free place at the end and not inflating the last 15 cm bowl.

6. Twist the ball into three elongated bubble and combine the 2nd and 3rd bubbles in the palace. Separately twist a small bubble for the neck and, holding it, make the front paws in the form of 2 small sausages, combined with the neck. Align your head, neck and paws.

7. At a distance of 12 cm from the front paws, make another twist, forming a torso, and twist two bubbles for the rear paw, combining them with a lock with a torso. From the remainder of the ball, make the tail and secure it on the body. Water feltster Draw a dog's muzzle.

8. By the same thesis you can easily make any other figurine, varying the sizes and combinations of bubbles.

Reincarnation of air sharikov In the most diverse figurines - the favorite fun of the set of adults and children. On the 1st gaze to make something exciting and strange from the elongated ball - the task is not from the lungs. In fact, having a phased instruction of reincarnation of balls in different figures before your eyes, without special efforts, it is allowed to make one of them yourself. The simplest model of air sharikov For modeling is a dog.

You will need

  • 1 ball for modeling and pump pumping pump


1. A modeling ball should inflate the pump to pump the ball. At one end, the details should be left the tail 10-15 cm long, unfilled by air. The 2nd end to tie a nodule.

2. Start reincarnation of a bowl in dog It follows from the end that the nodes are placed. Having retreated centimeters 5 from the nodal, the ball should be overloaded. At the same time, both twisted pieces of the figure should hold hard with their hands, opposite the ball can spin back.

3. Now, still holding a five-meantime portion of the ball with your left hand, you need to retreat centimeter 4 and twist again. Next should be made another part with 4 cm. Left hand should hold all 3 of the resulting site. Now it should be folded together and twist together 2 last parts of the ball. Thus, the dog has a head consisting of a nose and eye.

4. Further you should twist the ball in 3 places. At the same time, it is obliged to obtain 3 identical parts of 4-5 cm. A part that is closer to the head of the dog's neck. And the next 2 parts are the front paws. Now the front paws of the dog from the ball should be combined. Then twist the figure in the place where the neck of the dog ends.

5. The dog has a closer and front paws. So, it remains to add her torso, the rear legs and tail. The front paws should be measured about 10 cm and twist the ball. Now the dog has a torso. Further on the thesis of the manufacture of the front paw dogs should be made rear. From the torso, it is necessary to retreat 4cm and twist the ball. Then once again retreat 4cm and twist the ball. It turns out 4 parts: the first torso, 2 of the following - the rear legs of the dog and the latter - its tail. The feet of the paws are to be overwhelmed in the place where the torso ends.

6. The dog from the ball is ready. The process of its creation is presented that it will be able to cope with it not only mature, but also a child.

Video on the topic

Twisted is the technique of making diverse figures from balls for modeling.

Balls for modeling (in the people they will behave as "sausages") allow you to decorate a children's holiday with bright comical figures and make a revival to the entertainment program. Among adults and children are allowed to organize an interesting competition for the manufacture of latex animal and bouquets. In order not to complicate yourself the task, it is recommended to inflate long balls with a force of the pump. In extreme cases, try to do this without special devices.

You will need

  • - Set of long balls;
  • - pump;
  • - Water.


1. Get a set of long balls and a special pump for their inflation. If children grow up in the house and you like to make genuine presents, then this device will help you repeatedly. With a certain skill, you can easily inflate with its support and round balls, and more intricate rubber figures. However, allowed to use also a bicycle pump and a nipple cap to inflate balls.

2. Clammable a long ball for the top and the neck, later, which thoroughly stretch it in length several times. After that, cautiously fright the product in the hands, learning not to damage the thin surface.

3. Inflated the ball is not too rapid. Than it is longer and thicker, the more frequent might of the piston can be frequent. Please note: for further modeling of rubber figures, you need to leave a little incredible "tail" (10-15 centimeters in length). Then, when twisting the product, there will remain free space for air, and the ball will not burst.

4. Try to inflate a long bowl without a pump. To do this, you will need much more effort. It is permitted in advance to fill the "sausage" with water from under the water tap, after that release the liquid - latex will become softer and stopped. Later, I'm slightly inflate the ball and blow, then stretch and disintegrate latex.

5. Squeeze from the neck of the product about five centimeters and clamp the rest (starting from the top), so that the air acted only in the free space. Purify the ball, gradually intercepting and clamping its short cuts. At the same time, it is necessary to prevent the product with the movement from itself.

6. Let's release a small air number from the infllity ball - then you can easily cover the neck into a durable nodule, and the coming solemn decoration will not burst.

Constantly start to form a figure from the latex ball with the neck. When operating the air will move toward the incredible "tail". Do not forget that you need to twist the product in the same side, opposite all your bizarre twists will disperse!

The art of creating a balloon figures is called twisling. There is a mass of firms that are engaged in the manufacture of similar decorations for holidays. However, allowed to learn how to fold the compositions themselves. Start excellent with the most primitive.

You will need

  • - markers;
  • - Balloons.


1. Figures are made of long close balls, which are then twisted. If you have never been involved in similar creativity, then you should search for pictures with finished figures on the Internet and create your own figure on the finished example. To do this, take the balls that would fit in colors and inflate them. It follows this way, so that there remains a lot of free space in a bowl, in the disgusting case, if it is tightly inflated, it will be supported when twisting it.

2. All balls in the composition should be twisted into the same side, so that they perfectly held together and so that the figure kept its shape. Say, the dog is done like this: inflate the ball, leave the tail in 10 centimeters inadvertent. After that, twist three sausages of identical length, leaving the essential part of the ball free. Form the second and third sausages together and turn on the ball in the way, so that the 1st twisted segment was like a muzzle, and the two followers on the ears. Later twist three more sausages of the same size. Collect the second and third again together and turn it out so that the paws turned out.

3. Later, twist the sausage equal to two length. This is a torso. Behind it should be twisted three small sausages equal to the size of three first. The first and second are once again going together and turn towards the body so that the rear paws turned out. The last sausage is a tail. Dog is ready. All other figures are made on the same thesis. A ball is twisted on the segments of different lengths, and then these segments are collected in the composition. When you feel the material, you will be able to create figures from the balls of various colors, combining them together.

4. In order for the figures, they were more realistically, they were allowed to draw eyes, buttons and other elements with markers.

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Gypsum is a unique material, which is allowed to cast a lot of multiple figures. It is safe and not toxic, even a child can work with him. The most primitive thing is allowed to do is Christmas decorations or a magnet for a refrigerator.

You will need

  • - Children's molds in the form of features of animals, sun and machines;
  • - Gypsum;
  • - glass container;
  • - water;
  • - oil or thick cream;
  • - knife or spatula;
  • - acrylic paints.


1. Take a package of plaster in the form of a powder (or squeeze out of the bag that remains later repairs), pour it into a glass or faience container, add water there and stir up. Note that the water should be room temperature. Pour it as much as indicated in the instructions. Observe the proportions right, opposite the product will be fragile.

2. Remember that the gypsum freezes the dipstick rapidly, the molds must be prepared in advance. Lubricate them inside with oil or any thick cream, so that the plaster is easily behind. If you use silicone forms, you do not need to lubricate.

3. Boil the gypsum on the molds, rapidly dissolve the knife or a spatula, and then leave for 30 minutes or forty minutes. During this time, the gypsum hardens, however, check it on hardness before removing. To do this, you can trust the plaster. If a loud dry sound is heard, and the plaster is strong, then your billets are ready.

4. Diligently get your figures from the form. Gypsum strong, but fragile material, investigate on the table, where you do this, soft fabric either folded thick magazine.

5. Now you can paint your figures. Cancellation of each use acrylic paints, because they slowly fall, they will dry rapidly and do not smell. In order, the paint fell out excellently, apply the soil layer. You can use ordinary construction primer for ceiling and walls.

6. If you are planning to hang figures, then even before the gypsum will freeze, place a difficult loop of the fishing line. And if you want to make a fridge magnet, then the magnetic tape must be pressed into the gypsum when it is still soft.

7. Figures made independently can be a wonderful presentation for every holiday, exclusively children. From the gypsum is permitted to make toys for children, however, they are rather fragile. But if you do them together with children, it will be a good occupation for each family.

Inflated the balls of the house is allowed with the imaginary homemade hydrogen installation. For its manufacture, a bottle, copper sipop, salt, syringe, hose and copper and aluminum wires are required.

Balloons are a permanent sign of the holiday, but what should I do if you have to inflate the major number of balls, and there are no cylinders with helium? Do not attack. It is permitted to get personal hydrogen, even without leaving home. This will require a simple plastic bottle, syringe, hose, natural cork, copper sulfate, copper wire, aluminum wire, and class aluminum foil, sealant, food salt and actually air balloons. As a replacement of aluminum wire or foil is allowed to apply an aluminum bank, an exceptional condition - it is necessary to clean its inner surface from paint and a protective polymer layer. And yet - all work is repeatedly carried out in protective gloves and glasses.

Hydrogen installation assembly stages

In the cover of the bottle, two holes should be drilled: one under the hose, other under the syringe. For better fastening of the syringe on its tip and in one of the holes on the lid, it is welcome to make a thread. Secure the screws and the hose in the holes done by the holes, and the locations of their connections are marked with a sealant. To the free end of the hose to wear a plug - it will secure the bowl. To the piston, the syringe is needed to attach a wire out of copper, the place of the joint is also handled by a sealant. To the free end of the attached wire is required to tie a wire from aluminum or crumpled foil. The piston will ensure the free movement of the aluminum reagent in the bottle. Looking at the aluminum reagent into a bottle and closing the cover, allowed to get the finished hydrogen installation. In order to start its operation, the cover from the bottle together with the reagent of aluminum must be removed, and in the bottle, fall asleep the copper vigorous and food salt in the ratio of 1: 1. Pour water and wait until the mixture is soluble. The contents of the bottle need a cold, for this it is allowed to put it in a cold water pelvis. A balloon is put on the plug fixed on the end of the hose, the air balloon is put on, later aluminum should be immersed in a solution from the mood and salt and spin the lid.

How is the ball of inflation

The reaction will follow immediately: the highlighted hydrogen will fill the ball. As the aluminum oxide film dissolves and the heating of the solution, the reaction will only be accelerated. In the case of too mad hydrogen is allowed to remove aluminum from the solution, pulling the piston of the syringe. Tenten the air balloon directly on the neck of the bottle is severely forbidden! The resulting balls are allowed to leave in the form in which they are, and it is permitted to fly away with white or black bags, as well as attach the LED and run the ball in the dark.

It is necessary to perform twists with one hand and invariably in one direction. The second hand at the same time must hold the penultimate bubble.

Helpful advice
Start plexus with the neck, then the air will be shortly moved to the tail, and the ball will not burst.

Ball balls themselves - excellent holiday decoration. Bright, fun, they always create a special mood, give joy and fun, not only for children, but also adults.

And if you look for the easiest way to decorate the room, then it will be balloons. And if different figures also make different figures ... and for this you do not have to call the decorator, simple, but beautiful and spectacular figures can be made independently.

After reading our article, you will find out what you can do from the balloons with your own hands, how to make simple figures, letters and crafts from the balls.

Non-flat figures from round balls with their own hands

So, what can be made from ordinary round balls? Many things. The most important thing in this relieval to include fantasy. What would you like to see in your room? Flowers, animals, little men, can be something unusual, such as a car or. Invented? And now proceed to creating.

First of all - the so-called primitives , that is, figures consisting of 2 or 4 balls. To make a double primitive, just tie two balls to tails. And now we take two such primitive and twist them with each other, so that all 4 balls are on the same plane. Here you have a second primitive flower.

If you do another flower, but the balls are smaller, you can make a complex figure. Big flower, on top of attached small.

Now it remains to take a small round ball, attach to the middle of a small flower - see what a beautiful composition turned out.

Based on primitives, it is possible to make garlands, for this it is enough to ride "flowers" on a thin tape.

Another option - couch . They are easy to do on the basis of figures of 4 or 3 balls. The base is a flower of 4 balls, the figure of 3 balls is attached to its middle, and the pretty, neat and bright hand is ready.

How to make letters from the balls with your own hands?

From balloons you can make different inscriptions, which will only add beauty and festive mood. Letters make out of long balls, twisting them in a certain way. For example, the letter "B". For its manufacture, you need two balls that are not completely inflated - the tail of 5 fingers is left. The algorithm of work is:

  • Start with the manufacture of the lower semicircular part. From the tail retreats 5 cm and twisted a small ball.
  • Next, 9 cm retreat, twisted the ball so that there is a jumper, and after it is made another small round segment - this is a horizontal part of the letter.
  • They retreat 30 cm, they make a jumper, after it - two more round segments are the lower semicircular part.
  • 13 cm retreat, and again - twisting the ball so that the jumper turns out, plus - one round segment is the lower vertical part.
  • Round segments of the lower semicircular part are connected to each other, changing the places.
  • Take a second ball, at its end, too, make a round segment.
  • The second ball is attached to the lower semicircular part of the letter.
  • Minimize 11 cm, they make two round segments - this is a vertical part.
  • Put off 24 cm, make one twist the ball and one round segment is the upper semicircular part.
  • The upper semicircular part is fixed to the central horizontal.
  • We spread the letter - everything is ready.

By the same principle, other letters of the Russian and Latin alphabets do. And you can find a lot of lessons, including video, how to make letters from the balls with your own hands.

Alternatively, you can offer ready-made foil balls in the form of letters or the creation of letters according to the method discussed earlier using primitives. Just influence small balls, and the formitive flowers we ride on the ribbon in the form of the letters you need.

Crafts from long balls do it yourself

The simplest thing can be made of long balls - chamomile on the stem . To do this, there will be two long products of different colors - from one make the flower itself, and their other stem.

To make a flower, a long ball fold the ring and fasten the tails. Then the ring is folded in half, and form three double "sausages". Then the "sausages" twisted between themselves with the middle and spread out - the bud.

The stem is formed easier. At the end of the ball make a small round segment - this is the core of the bud. In about the midst of the stem form two leafs, making the usual eight. Flower ready!

What else can be made from a balloon? Some animal, children love them very much. For example, you can do cute Tigrenka . To do this, you will need two long balls.

The first twists in a complex scheme (the main thing is not to confuse anything):

  1. small round segment (ball);
  2. sausage;
  3. sausage;
  4. small ball;
  5. sausage;
  6. ball;
  7. sausage;
  8. sausage;
  9. sareel twice as much;
  10. same big sausage;
  11. and one more big sausage (this is the tail).

Now form a figure. Between themselves twist the parts of 2.3 and 7.8. After that, part 1 is asleep inside the design, so that part 2 can be wrapped around parts 8 and 9. Two and 6 parts are twisted. So, it turned out a tiger head.

Now you need to take a second ball, inflate it and closure in the ring, fold the ring in half and twist into three parts. The first part is the rear paws, the middle - the torso, the third part is the front paws.

What can be done from the balls?

In principle, you can do anything from the balls. Build a house, for example - for this you do not even have to master complex twisting techniques, it is enough to use long balls as logs and columns. Or make a car - Again, using long products. Immediately forms the framework, to which the "trim" is screwed, from the same options.