How to live if your woman is hysterical. Women's tantrums. Who is to blame: Man or Woman and what to do

The causes of women's tantrums are thoughtfully studied by specialists in various fields - from psychologists to endocrinologists. Previously, attacks of hysterical inadequacy were easily treated - with a slap in the face. They are now subject to respectful understanding by others. And if from time to time you break down and switch to screeching, perhaps we can find you a worthy excuse.

  • As soon as progressive humanity received the word "hormones" in its active vocabulary, life became much more entertaining. Excess weight, acne, depression can be blamed on hormones ... In fact, a real disease will be the only tiny case in a million. The remaining 999999 cases are explained by banal laziness.

Version: The causes of female tantrums are associated with a sharp drop in estrogen levels. Every month, a week before day X, the girl has the unwritten right to hurt others because of the inevitable PMS. The girl's hormonal balance is critically disturbed - she needs to be understood and forgiven.

In fact: A number of studies have measured the level of estrogen in women during another critical period for women's mood - menopause. The studies involved both patients suffering from neuroses and those who remained calm. Tadamm! - the level of female hormones in both groups was the same! Which, as it were, hints: it is not estrogens that push us into the abyss of a scandal. Proponents of different theories agree on one thing: if PMS interferes with normal life, the condition must be corrected - with vitamins, hormones, psychotherapy ... The task of the hysterical is to turn to a specialist in time and give yourself (and others) a chance to find out how wonderful life is without hysterics.

And then what? Mood swings along with fluctuating hormones are common to everyone. But only those who have not found a socially acceptable outlet for negativity break down on their neighbors. Go in for sports, compose a sad poem, post it to the community of sympathizers ... In the end, instead of a scandal, you can have sex. Moreover, many consider it to be another hormonal factor in mood.

Version: One of the reasons for women's tantrums is a consequence of sexual dissatisfaction. If earlier it was supposed to look for truth in disputes or, at worst, in wine, then the sexual revolution opened everyone's eyes: the truth is in sex. Is it good for a woman? So the night is right. Is it bad for a woman? She probably hadn't had sex for a week.

In fact: Practicing gynecologists do not consider a long break in sexual activity critical for women's health.

During sex, nothing happens to us that cannot be obtained without intercourse: orgasm is the work of skilled hands, and endorphins can be obtained in the gym or in the nearest coffee shop with chocolate cakes.

Even oxytocin, which gives a feeling of peace and satisfaction, is not necessarily the result of sex: modern research shows that sometimes the voice of a loved one is enough.

And then what? Dissatisfaction, of course. But not a lack of reciprocating movements, but the discrepancy between the desired and the actual. The girl does not feel attractive, needed, loved - and that is why she freaks out. This is much easier to believe than the pathogenic effects of abstinence. Especially me, the imperturbable wife of a sailor who has been away for four months.

  • For those who find the physiological details of the hysteria too complex or unpleasant, cutting edge "science" has carefully prepared a sophisticated modern version. She is in great demand in our age of werewolves and ghouls.

Version: Hysteria is energy vampirism. When, rolling your eyes, you whisper in a tragic whisper, declare yourself an energy vampire, you seem like a twilight diva to yourself. Power over people, evil fate, doomed to suck energy ... And I would be glad not to make trouble, but such is the natural essence: only by ruining someone's life, you gain harmony for a short time.

In fact: Popular psychology, of course, is still a science, but - in the case of brain drainage ... sorry, energies - it places accents more intelligently. Experts have the term "psychological sadism". It is not dark forces that make the hysterical woman push others around, but only the desire to mock. True, naive healers of souls believe that a sadist may not even be aware of his cute peculiarity ... But psychologists are supposed to believe in good by their position.

And then what? With energy vampirism - as with being overweight: you can tell everyone about heredity and wide bones, or you can refuse starchy foods and sweets. You can yell at your husband or colleague, or you can pull yourself together and achieve calmness with the help of yoga or psychotherapy, for example.

Version: The reasons for female tantrums are an immanent property of the hysterical personality type. The possessed, but psychologically savvy ladies believe that the hysterical personality type that prompts them to squeal, beat cups, and yell at innocent people is like karma from which there is no escape.

In fact: Personality is not so much a temperament as a choice of how to apply it. Indeed, people of the hysterical type make scandals out of the desire to be in the spotlight. But at the same time, other people of the hysterical type read poetry from the stage, go to rallies, gush with ideas on brainstorms.

And then what? Laziness, as usual. After all, in order to stop bullying others and find a socially acceptable source of satisfaction, you need to work on yourself, study, strive, achieve ... PR, journalism, politics, acting - any public sphere will give you satisfaction and save others from unreasonable screams. In extreme cases, you can shave baldly and put on a red dress - you will definitely be noticed.

  • And finally, a few more weighty excuses for the scandal that you have arranged or are going to arrange today:
It is trite: everyday life. Sometimes even the most wonderful and seasoned girls go into a tailspin of scandal - for no apparent reason or a history of bad inclinations. Because the time right now is so ... disturbing.

Perfectionism. To be the best lover, promising business woman, gentle mother and still have time for a manicure - how can you not yell at someone who dares to stand on your rapid path to success? Let them not get confused!

Fatigue. Heroic sleep for four hours a day, the inability to relax during the day, food on the run and other sacrifices in the name of success quickly lead to depletion of immunity and diseases that may not knock down, but shatter the nervous system.

And generally speaking! How not to be hysterical when there are so many objective reasons to be happy with the first comer?

Any woman loves to be in the center of male attention. Quite often, she tries to attract him with the help of tantrums. One of the most common female characters is hysterical. It is much more common in women than in men. They believe that the reason for their condition is those around them, who, by their behavior, drive them to hysterics.

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Photo gallery: Hysterical character in women

Such women are characterized by a vivid manifestation of their emotions. They do not accept a quiet and calm romance. It is possible to understand this character trait only in the process of communication. It may not appear immediately. Necessarily in a relationship with a hysterical nature must be present anguish and emotionality.

Causes of nervousness

There are several reasons for the appearance of hysterical character traits. It is necessary to determine them in order to cope with this problem. Hysterics can be the result of congenital disabilities.

In this case, the brain cannot fully control the behavior and adequately cope with some situations. Stress, uncontrolled intake of certain medications have an impact on the development of hysteria. Also, the reason for this nature is considered to be poor upbringing, when during the whole life there was no refusal. The age of 4-7 years is of great importance in raising a daughter. He plays a very significant role in later life and in relationships with men. In psychology, this period is called Oedipal. The relationship with the father is especially important. The first man in a girl's life is her dad. Much depends on his attentiveness and behavior. It is very important that he supports the nascent femininity, but does not focus on some intimate issues. Sometimes the fathers themselves are the cause of many problems for girls. Unconsciously, they can transfer their unfulfilled sexual desire to the child. Inappropriate behavior, expressed in indulgence of all desires and pampering, can have a negative effect. Especially if it is connected with indifference to his wife and the mother of the child. Sometimes in later life a woman compares all her young people with her father. This is absolutely not worth doing, especially out loud. It is worth appreciating individuality, there are no similar people.

Most often, hysteria occurs among women who have had problems with their father in their lives. At some point, he betrayed or rejected her love. Men very often do not live up to the expectations of their children. They are not faithful and may leave the family, work hard or die early. Trust in men is destroyed at a very early stage. All processes occur unconsciously and cannot be independently controlled. The woman begins to torn between strong love for her father and hatred for him.

A prerequisite for hysteria is the presence of an audience. There must certainly be people on whom this behavior is calculated. In loneliness, there is no point in showing your tantrum.

Hysterical women are unusually dependent on their desires. This can lead to illogical inertial actions. She does not care at all what the consequences of her actions will lead to. She is capable of achieving certain goals with any recklessness.

All manifestations of a hysterical nature can be divided into two main groups. They can be quiet or loud. In the first case, there are no screams, but there is resentment in the eyes, silence and everything is aimed at influencing the conscience of the person who is nearby. Directly with such a woman, a man feels extremely uncomfortable, he will certainly understand her condition and mood. In case of loud hysterics, there is breaking dishes, sorting out the relationship on raised tones and sobs. In this state, she is able to use physical force and offensive expressions.

In both cases, these actions will continue until they receive due attention. The person for whom this is all meant must definitely begin to calm down and put all his affairs aside. It is very difficult for men to be with a woman who is hysterical. The most correct way to get through it is to behave quietly and calmly. You can try to hug her or calm her down. It is worth being prepared that the woman does not control herself and is able to throw any object nearby. If this happens all the time and the other half does not want to change, then it is better to just leave. Sometimes a man slaps her in the face to bring a woman into feeling. This method is very rarely effective; it most often leads to the opposite result.

Hysterical natures are highly suggestible. This often leads to serious and deep disappointments. They are also dissatisfied with their lives, everything is always wrong for them. Even if loved ones try to please her as much as possible, it will not cause joy at all. On the contrary, she will begin to think and look for what she lacks. She very often thinks that nothing good and joyful should be expected from life.

Sexuality of "hysterics"

Hysterical women are sexy enough. They hide their numerous complexes behind the femme fatale mask. Such women have so many fears. They are especially worried about their age. Already at the age of 25, they begin to think about old age. 30 years for them is practically the end of life. It is very difficult for them to perceive themselves. A woman with a hysterical character has absolutely no idea how to live with cellulite, wrinkles and other age-related changes.

Hysteria is an unconscious process, but gradually a woman can understand the all-positive aspects of this state and become dependent on it.

An intelligent woman necessarily understands her hysterical state and tries to cope with it in all possible ways.

First you need to calm down a little and stop, perhaps even be alone. It is imperative to find a safe outlet for your negative emotions. This can be sports, career development, or hard physical work. It is possible to change profession and do business in which the woman will be constantly in the center of attention. You need to be able to relax and not set unattainable goals. If hysteria is combined with talent, it can be an excellent basis for achieving significant heights. The people around her are obliged to help and support her. A woman should objectively assess why she needs men. It is important to realize that each person is individual and you should not change them to suit your ideals.

If you cannot cope with the systeria on your own, you can turn to the modern methods of treatment that our medicine offers. It can be methods of psychotherapy, sometimes even hypnosis. Perhaps the use of medication or sometimes even labor therapy is prescribed. The most correct and effective treatment can be prescribed by a psychoanalyst. But women suffering from a hysterical nature very rarely turn to him.

It is worth remembering that hysteria can also lead to real physical illness. It causes headaches, cramps, numbness and even blindness. Therefore, at the first symptoms of a hysterical nature, it is necessary to start serious work on yourself.

Female hysteria is a mental disorder that manifests itself in the form of movement and sensory disorders. Hysteria is caused by self-hypnosis and the desire to attract everyone's attention.

The disease refers to an outdated general medical diagnosis that develops from mental disorders, usually of mild to moderate severity. The disease affects women with neurotic character traits, but there are exceptions.

The main causes of female hysteria are internal conflicts and external irritating factors associated with an overload of a neuropsychic nature, for example, with frequent conflicts. In hysteria, the moment of inner experience that occurs in the patient is of great importance. The risk category includes those who have frequent physical and mental stress, dissatisfaction with themselves, negative situations in the family, frequent use of sedatives without a doctor's prescription, alcohol.

Signs and symptoms

For a long time, emotional reactions, such as tears, nervous laughter, and screams, have been attributed to the general symptoms of the disease. In a more severe form - deafness, cramps of the limbs and muscles of the face, partial loss of sensitivity, excessive sexual activity, clouding of consciousness. A woman prone to hysteria can be easily recognized by her pretentious dressing, as well as by stories filled with excessive theatricality. General symptoms noticeably distinguish a hysterical woman from the general mass, among them the following are described: erratic movements, twitching of the head, unreasonable excitement, hiccups, stuttering, etc.

The diagnosis of hysteria, previously used in medicine, is currently not used due to the breakdown into clearer formulations of diagnoses, such as anxiety hysteria, somatic and dissociative disorders. A hysterical personality is betrayed by the desire to always be in the center of attention, craving for provocative situations, the use of one's natural data to attract attention, increased suggestibility, exaggeration of emotions and reactions to these emotions.

In some cases, hysterical seizures last quite a long time, so they need to be recognized in time and properly treated. To begin with, one should distinguish an attack of hysteria from an epileptic seizure, since visually they have much in common in the behavior of patients, but the assistance provided is significantly different.

Diagnosis of female hysteria occurs in the psychotherapist's office by talking with the patient and identifying three or more signs, such as:

  1. Suggestibility.
  2. Self-centeredness, obsessive desire to be recognized.
  3. Superficial emotionality.
  4. The desire to manipulate.
  5. Touchiness.

Psychotherapists attribute female hysteria to a form of neurosis associated with the inability to consciously control their behavior. Such disorders of the nervous system sometimes continue throughout life, which indicates the presence of hysterical psychopathy. The same symptoms are observed as a result of concussion, as well as in the presence of some other diseases. The duration of the attack directly depends on the attention given to the patient. The more attention is given, the longer the attack lasts. To remove the patient from a hysterical state, it is enough to douse him with cold water or cause a little physical pain.

Treatment of female hysteria

When falling, a patient with hysteria creates the effect of surprise, but at the same time does it slowly and carefully so as not to get serious injuries. A patient with epilepsy falls to the ground abruptly, frothy discharge is observed from the mouth, often at the time of the fall, the tongue bites, and he learns about the injuries received later, since in a seizure he is unable to control anything.

Treatment of women's hysteria begins with first aid: calming, eliminating bystanders, providing a safe place.

During this period, it is impossible to leave the patient alone, it is also undesirable to hold hands and head. The path to treatment begins with the help of a doctor who will analyze what happened and prescribe the necessary therapy. The support of relatives is also important, they will need attention and calmness. Anxiety is one of the reasons that interferes with recovery. Medical practice recommends an integrated approach to treatment, which is accompanied by an effect on the somatic and vegetative systems. Drug treatment involves psychotropic and sedative drugs. Various methods of persuasion and suggestion, hypnosis have a positive effect.

Successful treatment depends on the severity of the disease. In especially severe cases, female hysteria is treated in a stationary setting. The effect of treatment occurs when a traumatic situation is completely blocked. Repeated trauma to the psyche often leads to a protracted course of the disease, subsequently accompanied by a relapse.

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Hysterical character in women

Any woman loves to be in the center of male attention. Quite often, she tries to attract him with the help of tantrums. One of the most common female characters is hysterical. It is much more common in women than in men. They believe that the reason for their condition is those around them, who, by their behavior, drive them to hysterics.

There are several reasons for the appearance of hysterical character traits. It is necessary to determine them in order to cope with this problem. Hysterics can be the result of congenital disabilities.

Most often, hysteria occurs among women who have had problems with their father in their lives. At some point, he betrayed or rejected her love. Men very often do not live up to the expectations of their children. They are not faithful and may leave the family, work hard or die early. Trust in men is destroyed at a very early stage. All processes occur unconsciously and cannot be independently controlled. The woman begins to torn between strong love for her father and hatred for him.

A prerequisite for hysteria is the presence of an audience. There must certainly be people on whom this behavior is calculated. In loneliness, there is no point in showing your tantrum.

Hysterical women are unusually dependent on their desires. This can lead to illogical inertial actions. She does not care at all what the consequences of her actions will lead to. She is capable of achieving certain goals with any recklessness.

All manifestations of a hysterical nature can be divided into two main groups. They can be quiet or loud. In the first case, there are no screams, but there is resentment in the eyes, silence and everything is aimed at influencing the conscience of the person who is nearby. Directly with such a woman, a man feels extremely uncomfortable, he will certainly understand her condition and mood. In case of loud hysterics, there is breaking dishes, sorting out the relationship on raised tones and sobs. In this state, she is able to use physical force and offensive expressions.

In both cases, these actions will continue until they receive due attention. The person for whom this is all meant must definitely begin to calm down and put all his affairs aside. It is very difficult for men to be with a woman who is hysterical. The most correct way to get through it is to behave quietly and calmly. You can try to hug her or calm her down. It is worth being prepared that the woman does not control herself and is able to throw any object nearby. If this happens all the time and the other half does not want to change, then it is better to just leave. Sometimes a man slaps her in the face to bring a woman into feeling. This method is very rarely effective; it most often leads to the opposite result.

Hysterical natures are highly suggestible. This often leads to serious and deep disappointments. They are also dissatisfied with their lives, everything is always wrong for them. Even if loved ones try to please her as much as possible, it will not cause joy at all. On the contrary, she will begin to think and look for what she lacks. She very often thinks that nothing good and joyful should be expected from life.

Hysterical women are sexy enough. They hide their numerous complexes behind the femme fatale mask. Such women have so many fears. They are especially worried about their age. Already at the age of 25, they begin to think about old age. 30 years for them is practically the end of life. It is very difficult for them to perceive themselves. A woman with a hysterical character has absolutely no idea how to live with cellulite, wrinkles and other age-related changes.

Hysteria is an unconscious process, but gradually a woman can understand the all-positive aspects of this state and become dependent on it.

An intelligent woman necessarily understands her hysterical state and tries to cope with it in all possible ways.

If you cannot cope with the systeria on your own, you can turn to the modern methods of treatment that our medicine offers. It can be methods of psychotherapy, sometimes even hypnosis. Perhaps the use of medication or sometimes even labor therapy is prescribed. The most correct and effective treatment can be prescribed by a psychoanalyst. But women suffering from a hysterical nature very rarely turn to him.

It is worth remembering that hysteria can also lead to real physical illness. It causes headaches, cramps, numbness and even blindness. Therefore, at the first symptoms of a hysterical nature, it is necessary to start serious work on yourself.

Female hysteria

When it comes to hysteria, it is usually attributed exclusively to the female sex. Even translated from Latin "hysterus" means "uterine rabies" - an organ that can only be found in women. However, hysteria can be not only female, but also male. The reasons for this are different, as well as the methods of struggle.

It becomes unpleasant for a person who witnesses hysteria. Especially if it is aimed at the person himself, then he definitely feels discomfort. Women's tantrum is as uncontrollable, unpredictable and incomprehensible as a child's tantrum. Even the reasons can be distinguished here the same, except for the objects that caused them.

Men often face female tantrums, since this form of behavior is aimed specifically at them. In rare cases, female hysteria is manifested in the address of parents or girlfriends. Basically, the cause of female hysteria is a man who does not understand what he has done.

Since female psychology for many representatives of the strong half of humanity seems mysterious, you can seek the help of a psychologist on the website to find out all the important questions for yourself.

What is female tantrum?

Women's hysteria is in many ways reminiscent of children's, but only more conscious and deeper in its understanding. What is female tantrum? This is an emotional state, which is accompanied by inappropriate, uncontrollable behavior, crying, screaming, loud voice and active gesticulation.

The climax of female hysteria is the most uncontrollable. Then everything is really "on the brakes." However, at the time of the development of female hysteria or its inception, something else can be done. If a man understands the reasons and mechanisms for the development of female hysteria, then it will be easier for him to stop this process.

It is generally accepted that hysteria is exclusively female behavior. In fact, for every 10 hysterical women, there is 1 hysterical man. Men can also be hysterical, but this behavior is much less common. Why? Here psychologists point out the only reason for this state of affairs - sociocultural education.

The fact is that boys and girls are raised differently. Girls can cry, but boys can't. Girls can be pampered, but boys are not. If the girl is in pain, then she can tell everyone about it, and the boy must grit his teeth and endure like a man. In other words, girls (future women) and boys (future men) must behave differently in society. What is acceptable for one sex is not acceptable for the other.

Thus, female hysteria is a socially acceptable form of behavior for the fair half. If a man begins to hysteria, then he will be perceived as a fool. Society itself allows a woman to be more emotional, explosive and dissatisfied, while a man should throw out his experiences with other forms of behavior (for example, playing sports, beating a pillow, drinking, etc.).

All people have negative emotions. They are an indicator of what the person does not like. When reality does not match what is desired, resentment arises. How is it customary in society to show negative emotions to a woman? Tantrum is included in the list of all types of behavior that a woman can afford.

Women's hysteria can be called a manifesto, because it is at this moment that the lady will not restrain her thoughts and emotions.

  1. On the one hand, the lady expresses all her experiences, fears, worries, worries. She shows them in full force, therefore, at the moment of hysteria, she becomes sincere.
  2. On the other hand, the lady begins to pronounce everything that caused her hysteria. The problem is not that the woman says a lot of unpleasant words, but that the man does not want to listen to her at this moment. It is at the moment of hysteria that she directly states what caused her behavior. If a man runs away, ignores, does not listen, then he aggravates the problem (the hysteria may stop, but it will repeat itself more than once).

Separately, two types of hysteria should be distinguished:

  1. Household, which manifests itself in a stormy showdown, an outburst of emotions, the possible throwing of objects.
  2. Clinical, which manifests itself in a separate category of people - hysterics. Their behavior is the result of an impulsive nature and a developed imagination. Since childhood, they are accustomed to vigorously splashing out their emotions.

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Causes of female tantrum

To fix the problem, you should understand the reasons for its occurrence. Women's hysteria often remains noticed by others, which is what a woman is seeking. Everything "smells" of theatricality, pretense, exaggeration. It should be noted that female hysteria is directed at the public. If there are no spectators, then the woman will not be hysterical (at least it will not last long).

The following factors can be called the reasons for female hysteria:

  • Psychopathic or hysterical personality type. Some women loudly sort things out, become uncontrollable, and unreasonably start quarrels that they resolve intensively, since this is the structure of their psyche. They are naturally prone to hysterical behavior.
  • Hormonal disturbances or disruptions that occur before menstruation, during pregnancy, after childbirth, or during menopause. As much as the woman herself wants that, but she is influenced by her own hormones, which dictate her behavior.
  • Stress, nervous tension, psychological pressure. The woman is also actively involved in social life. She works, tries to keep up with the house, brings up children. For some, life develops in such a way that not a single day goes by without stress. In such a situation, even the most balanced and calm young ladies explode, lose control over their emotions.
  • Constant load of problems and worries. When a woman takes on too many responsibilities, tries to solve everything and help everyone, to simplify life, she comes to chronic fatigue, which soon turns into hysteria.
  • Emotional release. For some people, a tantrum is a way of defusing emotionally. They are unbalanced individuals who are used to expressing their emotions, and introverted people who are accustomed to keeping their feelings to themselves. When there is no outlet for emotions, reserved people soon "explode" under their pressure from within.
  • Fear. If a woman is worried for a long time, is afraid of something, then it can turn into hysterics. To prevent it, it is necessary that there is a person nearby who will reassure and convince that there is nothing to be afraid of.

Hysterics on the part of a woman often manifests itself in relationships with men. What reasons are noted here, in addition to the ones described above:

  1. Melancholy, monotony, lack of violent emotions. If a woman becomes a housewife, “driven by a horse,” loses her friendly contacts, communicates little with different people, does not visit previously interesting places, then she soon begins to get bored. The lack of self-realization that a woman needs leads her to hysterical behavior. She begins to resent what is poured out on her man.
  2. Lack of contact with a partner. Here we are talking about communication, when a man does not hear and does not understand a woman, her desires. Often partners either do not communicate at all, or communicate, but understanding does not come from all sides. When a woman sees that they do not hear her, do not listen, do not take into account her desires, then she begins to try other ways to convey her thought to the man - hysteria.
  3. Manipulation method. Do not exclude those situations when a woman is simply manipulating a man. In this way, she wants to get her own, especially if she notices that it is working.

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How to deal with female hysteria?

Since the objects of female tantrums are often men, it is they who naturally question how to deal with such behavior. It is easier to stop a woman's tantrum when it just starts. The woman at this time:

  • Begins to blush.
  • Her eyes become rounded.
  • Begins to stomp his feet or actively gesticulate with his hands.
  • Behave nervously.
  • Go to screaming, crying.

Men should understand that it is at the stage of development of hysteria that its level can be reduced. However, already at the moment of the climax, practically nothing will be done.

What to do, how to deal with female hysteria? It is necessary to understand the reasons for its occurrence, or rather, the indignation of a woman. Here you can directly ask the woman what happened, or you can ask what you can do for her to calm her down.

A woman's hysteria cannot be stopped as long as the man himself incorrectly refers to the situation:

  1. He takes responsibility for women's emotions, while she herself must understand what she is doing.
  2. He treats hysterics as an insoluble problem, followed by an unforgivable and erroneous act - throws, leaves, ignores the woman.
  3. He himself begins to experience negative emotions. In such a state, it is definitely impossible to make the right decision and calm a woman down.
  4. He either literally understands the woman, or does not try to hear her. There are only a small part of women who understand their own indignation and can directly explain the reasons for their hysteria. Usually, women are covertly talking about something that translates into a set of words. Here it is necessary to show flexibility of thinking in order to understand, behind the flow of words, what a woman is worried about.
  5. He treats the woman as inadequate.

These male mistakes prevent him from eliminating female hysteria or stopping it in time. Undoubtedly, the woman herself should also make an effort so as not to sort things out in a violent manifestation. The following recommendations will help here:

  • Ask the man to pay attention to you so that you can convey important thoughts to him.
  • Warn your partner that you are an emotional person, it is important for you to sometimes throw out your emotions. You can even explain what he should do at the moment when you violently splash out emotions.
  • Improve your sex life. Sexual tension affects women's behavior.
  • Establish a daily routine when rest is full and all work is done.

If it is impossible to cope with female hysteria on your own, then you can contact a psychologist or gynecologist. The first specialist will deal with the psychological problems of a woman that push her to hysterical behavior. The gynecologist, in turn, will check the woman's hormonal balance, which may be the cause of her mood disorder.

Any female tantrum has its reasons. The main thing is not to respond aggressively to a woman's attacks, so as not to lead to an even more disastrous result. If a man does not want to put up with female tantrums, then he leaves. If a man maintains a relationship, then a woman should make an effort to “shake his nerves” less, and not write off everything on her own impotence.

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Caution - hysterical woman

Tantrum is a storm in a teacup. And almost always work for the public. If there are spectators, there will be a stage, if there are no spectators, everything will be okay. Hysteria in women is in their blood (however, men also sin with this, and the further, the more). To achieve what you want by screaming, smashing dishes or doing some extravagant act is a typical female behavior. But, as a rule, there is no real hysteria here.

Hysterics are good psychologists, they feel a person very subtly, easily find a weak spot, skillfully play on weaknesses. They are able to portray either defenselessness, then impudence, then submission, then unbending stubbornness. Hysterical reactions can be divided into active and passive. When you are active, you risk something material - you will break it, throw it out, raise your hand against others or against yourself. A passive reaction mainly spoils the nerves, which, however, is no better. She closed herself, went into herself, if she did something, she would clearly make it clear that only from under the stick, only to make it even worse. In principle, you can find a common language with a hysterical woman. If you promise her something, make some concessions - look, and she revived, cheered up, changed her anger to mercy. It is worse if hysteria becomes a style and a way of life.

Hysteria, in contrast to everyday hysteria, is a real illness. Previously, doctors called hysteria "the great simulator" - for the ability to very plausibly pretend to be any disease (and not only disease). In the Middle Ages, with the light hand of the Holy Inquisition, there were frequent attacks of hysteria: all of a sudden, during the service in the church, women, one after another, began to shout, swear, and fight. It is clear that this is the machinations of Satan, and therefore all those present - to the jail and to the fire. And the more inevitable the punishment was, the more the hysteria spread. A little later, already in the enlightened 18th - 19th centuries, husbands literally groaned from their "paralyzed" wives - they regularly fell into hysterical paralysis, which was overcome only by sending them to the water, buying a new fur coat or consulting a visiting doctor-charlatan.

95% of women suffering from vaginismus are hysterics (the rest are schizophrenic, normal - a few). In fact, with vaginismus “below” everything is in order. The pains (which, no doubt, the unfortunate woman feels) are born in the head. This does not make it easier for a woman, but the approach to her is completely different than if she had some kind of inflammation or anatomical defects. The same is often the case with anorgasmia. “I have no orgasm, and you are to blame for this,” the lady believes. Although in fact it is she who unconsciously or even consciously suppresses her arousal - in order to have additional leverage over her husband. Sometimes, having accidentally experienced pleasure, a hysterical woman “punishes” herself by starting to experience pain during intercourse or after it. A hysterical woman can be turned into an ideal partner by applying the method of training tigers in a circus (and with the same level of danger). The principle is very simple: a tiger, that is, a hysterical woman, must be placed in such conditions that she herself wants to do what you expect from her.

Hysterics have three character traits that can be turned both for benefit and harm - theatricality, assertiveness and suggestibility. Gradually and carefully instill in her that what you expect from her is precisely her idea, that you are delighted with her ingenuity and are ready to follow her lead in everything. Light hesitations on your part will only spur the hysterics, and she will fully show her leadership inclinations. By encouraging and restraining, you will play on her assertiveness, while simultaneously taming her unbridled energy to a level that is safe for life. Calling on your imagination to help, build a theatrical stage on which your lady will realize her dreams (in fact, yours). If you want sex to be tough - give a bright light, fighting music, alcohol, behave aggressively, not getting tired of repeating that you are doing this not at the behest of a pike, but at her will. Preliminary conversations on the desired topic with an expression of admiration for her relaxedness and decisiveness - all this increases the chances of successful implementation of the plan. The main thing here is not to overdo it. She’s hysterical, not feeble-minded. Pressing too bluntly will likely not work. You need to act carefully. If you want bliss and peace, completely opposite ideas are suggested from the same positions: you want to be quiet, you dream of becoming languid, you have all the makings of submissive service to a man. The style of the bedroom is romantic, the music is classical, the drinks are light, with beautiful names. In general, from a hysterical woman, like from soft wax, you can sculpt anything you want. Step by step, you will bring up from her, if not the most passionate, then at least an obedient and skillful mistress.

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Signs and treatments for female hysteria

Hysteria is one of the forms of neurosis, characteristic of women and has mental and various somato-vegetative manifestations. This disease has a synonym - hysterical neurosis, to which the "artistic type" of personality is predisposed. The "feminine nature" of hysteria, according to scientists, is associated with the level of estrogen in the blood. This fact was noticed in ancient Greece. Hence the name of this disease "hystera" - translated from Greek means "uterus". Female hysteria is a very common condition.

  • Stress, physical and emotional stress;
  • Sexual dissatisfaction;
  • Chronic intoxication (alcoholic, narcotic);
  • Trauma;
  • Problems at work;
  • Fluctuations in the hormonal background (pregnancy, phases of the menstrual cycle, puberty, menopause);
  • Family problems.


Female hysteria can manifest itself in two forms - hysterical fit and hysterical behavior.

  1. A hysterical seizure is acute in women. An unpleasant situation, words, can be the trigger for hysteria. The woman begins to scream, her face turns red, cries, stomps her feet, gesticulates sharply, tears the hair on her head. Female hysteria can be stopped with violent pain or cold water. Active consciousness at the moment of a hysterical fit in women is darkened and a woman can hardly remember all the details of what is happening to her. Hysterical seizures can recur quite often and cause conflicts in the family. Husbands offer their wives to seek help from a doctor: "You got me sick with your tantrums." Sometimes, husbands themselves bring their wife to see a psychotherapist. With the help of hysteria, women want to attract attention to themselves. Female hysteria in the family is one of the ways to manipulate others;
  2. Woman's hysterical behavior. Due to her desire to be always the subject of admiration, envy and surprise. She comes up with extraordinary stories, pretentiously dresses, dyes and has a haircut. There is a lot of pretense and theatricality in her behavior. The behavior of patients looks pretentious, ridiculous and does not correspond to their age and social status. Quite often, female hysteria is caused by sexual dissatisfaction or prolonged sexual abstinence.


Among the peculiar manifestations of female hysteria, one of its varieties can be noted, which has long been known in Russia as hysteria. It was expressed in the fact that the klikushi had an uncontrollable desire to cry out in the church at certain moments of the church service, and sometimes to fall into a real hysteria. Habitat is in very close connection with the belief in corruption, obsession with various demons, which was widespread among the people at that time. Indeed, many hysterics-hysterics had a subconscious idea or even a conscious thought that they were "spoiled", that they were possessed by an unclean spirit against their own will and desire. This belief may not be recognized by the clickers and is stored in the unconscious area.

It is very likely that many cases of healing of patients under the influence of conspiracies and other things, and should be explained by the fact that these diseases were in fact symptoms of hysterical neurosis. Analyzing the symptoms of other hysteria, one cannot fail to notice that they always do not correspond to the picture of the actual defeat of one or another organ or organ system. In particular, with hysterical paralysis, paralysis of individual muscles is never noted, as is the case with neurological diseases, when one or another nerve center is affected or nerve conduction is disturbed. This circumstance allows us to say sometimes that hysterical neurosis is a rather mediocre plagiarist. The detected signs correspond to the patient's idea of ​​the disease and the views prevailing among the population, that is, common opinions about mental and somatic diseases.

Sometimes, however, it is difficult to identify such a discrepancy. In the history of psychiatry, there are cases of false hysterical pregnancy, when the patient not only sharply increased the volume of the abdomen and mammary glands, but also developed such characteristic signs of incipient labor that her relatives in a hurry brought her to the maternity hospital, where only her true nature was revealed. suffering. It is interesting that, as a rule, the exposure is accepted by the patient with hostility, causing a violent reaction of protest, indicating her unwillingness to recognize reality.

Simulation of CNS disorders

Often, hysterical symptoms mimic various types of lesions of the central nervous system, vascular spasms, infectious diseases, as well as angina pectoris, bronchial asthma, and myocardial infarction. Most often, the symptoms of female hysteria are various kinds of painful sensations in the abdomen, heart, chest, spine, which are not weakened by pain medications. Less often, various difficulty in breathing, a decrease or complete loss of sensitivity are noted. For example, legs, arms, or just parts of a limb.

Movement disorders in female hysteria can manifest themselves in paralysis, inability to stand or walk, or, on the contrary, twitching of the upper or lower extremities, frequent winking of the eyelids, stereotypical and unusual contractions of the muscles of the neck, face, and extremities. Contractions of the muscles of the larynx during hysteria can lead to loss of the woman's voice (the patient speaks only in a whisper), or complete loss of speech. The patient with hysteria, however, even in this case does not lose contact with others, for example, by means of writing.

There are also cases of hysterical deafness and blindness (in one or both eyes). Surprising. that the patient with hysteria, having lost the power of speech, does not at all strive by an effort of will to overcome the violation that has arisen. The composure with which the patient sometimes refers to her illness is also striking. She, apparently, is not at all burdened by unexpected paralysis, does not show the appropriate anxiety in this case. Just as often, these patients with female hysteria display a peculiar ambivalence towards the symptoms and signs of the disease. On the one hand, they turn to a doctor with a request for help, and on the other hand, they do not strive for recovery and even protest violently when they learn about the absence of a serious illness.

"Conditional pleasantness"

All these observations reveal one characteristic feature of female hysteria, which psychiatrists call "conditional pleasantness" or "desirability of a painful syndrome." Careful questioning of a patient suffering, for example, with hysterical pseudo-infarction and therefore forced to leave work and not leave home for months, may lead to the conclusion that she simply does not want to leave her child in the care of her mother-in-law, to whom for some reason she feels a sense of acute hostility. The patient is completely unaware of this. At the same time, it is obvious that the means used by it are clearly disproportionate to the goal achieved in this case. The patient's behavior indicates that she has a special system of values, which she subconsciously guides.Along with the primary benefit from the disease, for some patients it is important that when they get sick, they surround themselves with great care and attention of loved ones.

They tried to explain the amazing ability of the hysterical patient to transform his mental experiences into somatic ones on the basis of assumptions about the hypertrophy of a number of mental functions or their regression at a primitive level. According to some psychiatrists, hysterical symptoms are manifestations of phylogenetically old adaptations that serve the purposes of instinctive self-defense. Sometimes hysterical neurosis can end with depression and suicide attempts.


Treatment of hysteria in women is mainly psychotherapeutic. The psychotherapist must find out the reasons that led to the formation of hysterical neurosis in a woman. One of the important points in the treatment of female hysteria is the normalization of her sex life and the harmonization of relations with her husband. Many women with hysteria need to consult a sex therapist.

The main principles of the treatment of female hysteria are aimed at eliminating traumatic situations and strengthening the nervous system - adherence to sleep and rest, balanced nutrition, exclusion of various types of intoxication (in particular, alcoholic), relaxing therapy (physiotherapy), sports.

Some women are shown a consultation with a gynecologist, who can prescribe medications to normalize her natural hormonal levels and reduce vegetative manifestations. Prescribed sedative therapy, mainly herbal preparations (motherwort, valerian), various sedative herbs, as well as Novopasit, Persen, Corvalol, Afobazol, Grandaksin and others.

In severe cases of female hysteria, treatment is indicated in a hospital setting and the appointment of neuroleptics and tranquilizers.

All information provided on this site is for reference only and is not a call to action. If you find any symptoms in yourself, you should immediately consult a doctor. Do not self-medicate or diagnose.

The hysteria of a woman

Women's hysteria is a special emotional state, practically uncontrollable, inadequate, accompanied by a raised voice, crying and excessive gesticulation. It cannot be controlled, especially at the moment of climax, although when the tension is just beginning to build up, it is still possible to influence, calm down, take control of the situation, and the woman herself.

In hysterics, a woman gives vent to her emotions, accumulated pain, fear, powerlessness, worries, and at that moment she becomes extremely sincere. Also, the reason for this condition may be a desire to achieve something, to declare something, therefore female hysteria is a kind of manifesto.

It is necessary to take into account that one should distinguish between everyday and clinical hysteria. Household is accompanied by an emotional outburst and is in the nature of disassembly, clarification of relations, with the possible throwing of objects. In clinical psychiatrists, real hysterics are defined as hysterics. These people (women and men) have an impulsive character and an overly developed imagination, from childhood they are predisposed to a particularly violent manifestation of emotions.

Causes of female tantrum

Women's hysteria is very often a way of manipulating loved ones and people around them for selfish purposes. In any case, a woman's hysteria is a very noticeable, effective action and it is impossible not to pay attention to it, which, in general, a woman for the most part is trying to achieve. Such a feminine loves to be the center of attention, to be the subject of admiration and envy. To do this, she creates an image for herself: she dresses pretentiously, dyes unnaturally and cuts her hair inappropriately for her age. Her behavior is feigned and smacks of theatricality.

In order to understand how strong a woman's hysteria is, what to do in such a situation, you need to understand its reasons.

The peculiarities of the nervous system can be the cause of female hysteria. If a woman often starts unreasonable quarrels and this happens very intensively, if it is impossible to calm her down and she becomes completely uncontrolled, it is necessary to turn to a good specialist (psychotherapist, psychiatrist). If, after the diagnosis, it turns out that the representative of the weaker sex is characterized by a hysteroid or psychopathic personality type, it will become clear why she is unable to restrain her fuse, explosive emotions.

Thanks to a timely visit to a doctor and a correct diagnosis, a lot of energy and nerves will be saved. The specialist will draw up a program according to which psycho-correction of behavior will be carried out, prescribe the necessary remedies and prescribe a course of psychotherapy.

Also, hormonal disorders, malaise, hormonal disruptions during menopause, during pregnancy, during premenstrual syndrome can provoke a female tantrum. In these states, women become overly touchy, vulnerable, depressed, anxious, with frequent mood swings.

Constant tension, regular stress, nervous breakdowns provoke the occurrence of female tantrums. Even the most calm and balanced femin under the constant influence of nervous tension cannot withstand, her stable psyche "breaks down". Such a nervous state is eliminated by the fact that all factors destabilizing the psyche are completely removed from life. It is often very difficult to do this, but it is possible.

Very often, strong-willed, strong women suffer from hysteria, accustomed to shoulder all worries on their shoulders and alone to control everything that happens. From such excessive control of everything, chronic fatigue and congestion of the nervous system are formed, which requires a certain way out.

A woman's hysteria is a way of emotional release. It arises not only in unbalanced hot-tempered persons, but also in those who, due to their upbringing, are accustomed to the fact that emotions must be contained, not allowing them to come out. This is a big blow to health. Emotional discharge is simply necessary, but in order to prevent it from getting hysterical, you can find alternative ways of "letting off steam": sports, dancing, intense physical work, visits to a psychotherapist.

Women's hysteria in relationships arises under the influence of melancholy, despondency, unfulfillment, which is formed on the ashes of nothing to do. Often this is found among housewives, feminines who have not taken place in life, live at the expense of a wealthy husband. They have a moment when they realize that at one time they could self-actualize. It is under the influence of such thoughts that female hysteria arises, during which femins make claims to their husbands that they do not give them the opportunity to realize themselves.

When a representative of the fair sex is active, takes part in public life, she is less threatened by the occurrence of a hysterical state. But when a woman who loves communication, meetings, is forced to sit within four walls, she begins to get bored, emotions gradually accumulate in her and the most accessible way to pour them out is hysteria. In this case, the way out is to search for an additional lesson, a hobby, take training courses on any topic that interests her.

Experiencing fear and anxiety also leads to tantrums. If a feminine experiences some kind of fear for a long time, she needs to analyze its occurrence, to understand the reasons. During the experience of fear, someone should be present near her in order to calm her down, to convince her that her fear has no basis and to try not to bring this restless state to the degree of hysteria.

How to deal with female tantrums

Many people (in particular, men) at a certain moment face the question of what a female hysteria really is, what to do when it arises.

In order to do something, you need to know how dangerous female hysteria is and how you need to treat it.

An attack of hysteria in women is expressed quite noticeably and sharply. An unpleasant situation or a replica could be the cause. Femin begins to raise her voice, blushes, at the most acute moment she begins to cry, stamp her feet and gesticulate sharply. Consciousness at this moment becomes clouded and when the woman calms down, she cannot remember thoroughly what exactly she said and what was happening all the time. Such hysterical attacks can be repeated very often.

Women's tantrums in relationships cause conflicts and divorce. Men often take the initiative into their own hands, look for ways out of the situation, offer their wives to see a doctor, or even insist on seeing a psychotherapist themselves.

Tantrum is inappropriate behavior that should be avoided, but there are special forms of its manifestation that can have the worst consequences. Quiet hysteria, for example, is very specific. A stifled quiet voice, a special tone, a sullen look, a gloomy mood - this is what is dangerous for this type of female hysteria. If a woman does not swear or fight, she still has to put her energy and anger somewhere. If you ask such a femin - what happened, her answer will be unequivocal - nothing. At this moment, you immediately need to start taking some measures, because in such a state a woman can make various sets up, act in spite, collect things in order to leave.

First of all, a man must find out what is the reason. The easiest way to do this is to simply ask directly. But do not ask what happened, but ask if you can somehow fix the situation and what can be done now.

Femins with more complex tantrums should be treated under the supervision of a psychotherapist. He finds out what is the cause of the seizures and prescribes a course of sessions.

The normalization of a woman's sex life can save her from hysterics. Therefore, it makes sense to contact your husband for a consultation with a sex therapist.

Adherence to the day and night regimen, sufficient sleep and rest, proper nutrition, a ban on bad habits, relaxation, sports - these are the basic principles that, if adhered to, minimize the influence of negative factors, which in turn helps to eliminate and prevent the occurrence of tantrums.

If the reason lies in hormonal disruptions, then it is necessary to consult with a gynecologist so that he prescribes medications that normalize hormonal levels and reduce the manifestation of autonomic reactions. Along with this, sedatives are prescribed.

During hysterics, a woman should never answer aggressively for anything, this will only aggravate the situation even more. You need to show composure and patience, accept the woman's opinion, and then give her affection and care. When the woman calms down, she will appreciate it and thank you.

A popular question on this topic is: are men afraid of female hysteria? A woman with a hysterical personality type is a very difficult person, and not every man is capable of enduring constant quarrels and her constant breakdowns.

A man primarily looks for support, stability and support in a woman, and her tantrums indicate an imbalance of character. If at the beginning of a relationship a woman was calm, restrained, but at one point she made a tantrum, she should expect one of the two options for a man's behavior.

In the first case, a man, in a state of shock from such a sharp change, without understanding anything, immediately breaks off relations with a woman.

In the second case, the man will first try to find out what the problem is, understand what provokes such a state, and try to do something. But if the tantrums are very frequent and too intense, then even the strongest can give up. And here it’s not even a matter of whether men are scared by female hysteria or not, something needs to be done with it. Therefore, a woman must draw conclusions about whether to be with a man through whom she suffers. Or if it's not about the man, she must learn to control herself, if in fact the relationship is dear to her.

Both man and woman should be happy in their relationship, rejoice, and not torment each other with hysterical manifestations.

8 comments on the post "Female hysterics"

You write in the article that a woman should not respond aggressively. Allegedly, after the woman calms down, she will thank. Practice shows the opposite, if he showed participation and gentleness, the confrontation grows with a vengeance. The woman thinks - once he gave up the slack, went on the leash - I will crush completely. This is not an isolated example. Resisting the aggressor puts him in his place.

The son in the family has the same situation: his wife's tantrums 2-3 times a week, screeching, rushes at her husband, children, yells at me, at her parents and brothers (she is 40 years old), although she lives separately with her husband and children. loves his children (6 and 8 years old), does not want any divorce, but he is on the verge. I'm afraid for their family. The reason for the hysterics: the daughter did not make the bed, did not finish her homework before she came home from work, the husband did not have time to clean the plumbing or vacuum, although he leads the children to school and kindergarten. (She leaves early and comes back from work later). He does not want to go to a psychotherapist, he immediately switches to screeching. What pills can you give her to calm the nervous system? I buy vitamins "iherv" -American for her. But everything is already very neglected, what can be taken from the medication? I beg you to help our trouble so that the children do not become orphans.

And I divorced my third wife. Let the fool be treated in the madhouse, and now it’s good for me alone!

Everything is relative.))

I would have it, I would have sued for such blatant disgusting sexism.

Yes. The article is good. I faced this situation myself. The intensity of the hysterics is growing, I ask you to contact a specialist (since I already do not find resources in myself at the moment). The offer is ignored. During periods of lumen, everything is fine, but they become less frequent. In the next period of enlightenment, I will talk and put the lines to which she should make efforts and improve. I will make decisions based on the results. I objectively eliminated my 50% of the reasons for hysteria, but I still remain the culprit of the hysterics, which I do not consider myself to be. If after the end of the term there are no positive changes, I will leave the relationship, although it will be very sorry (second marriage, second child, I love it very much).

There is one point to clarify! Did the woman recover from her regular normal cycles after giving birth to her second child? If not, then this problem may be in the woman's hormonal background (in this state she cannot control herself). Pay attention to PMS (these are two days before your period, or two days from the beginning of your period). Please note one of the important facts, monthly cycles are roughly 28 days, the starting point of hormone change for the worse falls on the 14th (after which the level of female hormones decreases).

Any hysterical scene evokes unpleasant emotions and leaves not the best aftertaste. And even eyewitnesses to the scene, not to mention its participants. What are the causes of female tantrums and how to deal with them?

In time immemorial, ancient healers called an ailment accompanied by uncontrollable outbursts of emotions, the word Hysterus, which is translated from Latin as “uterine fury”. Doctors believed that this ailment is characteristic only of women with an unstable hormonal background. Today it is known that hysteria is by no means a woman's preference; men are also susceptible to it. However, according to statistics, there is one hysterical man for every 10 women who are hysterical.

What causes hysteria? As a rule, female hysteria comes from powerlessness and a desire to achieve from others what a woman has long wanted to receive. Hysteria in this case is the highest point, the threshold of emotional restraint, which a woman crosses when she can no longer endure. This is a kind of valve for the release of accumulated grievances. This process is uncontrollable for the woman herself.

Often hysteria is associated with all sorts of female ailments, hormonal changes in the body.
Tantrums are divided into three categories:

1. Hysteroids are individuals who from birth have impulsive character traits, a developed and mobile imagination. They are artistic natures who are easily aroused and have a good command of the art of manipulation.

By the way, congenital hysteria often not only does not disrupt their adaptation in society, but helps to reach certain heights. Zhirinovsky is one of the most illustrative examples of hysteroids. Hysteroids are not treated, the maximum that is shown to them is psychotherapy aimed at correcting behavior.

2. Suffering from hysterical neurosis. This condition is both congenital and acquired. Often, the first manifestations of it can be noticed even in childhood, when the child suddenly falls, begins to roar heart-rendingly and pound on the floor with his hands and feet for the slightest reason. And it is at these moments that one must immediately deal with neurosis.

The main thing is to teach your child that you will not react to his seizures. Indifference is your best assistant against such escapades. A tantrum always needs an audience; without it, the intensity quickly fades away. And, of course, a child with signs of hysterical neurosis must be treated by a child psychologist. Otherwise it will get worse.

3. Suffering from hysterical psychopathy. These people are definitely not manipulators and blackmailers, their behavior is not a pose or an artistic trick, but a severe form of mental illness.

Hysterical seizures in these patients are of a rude, brutal nature - with loss of consciousness, impaired motor functions (suddenly the legs are taken away) and even a hysterical arc (when the body bends with a bridge). Such people need serious psychiatric treatment.

How to stop a tantrum?

Except in serious medical cases, when you need help from specialists, there are several quite effective methods to stop a tantrum.

If possible, just get out of sight, leave the hysterics alone, and the attack will stop itself without "spectator support".

Sometimes, if the hysteria is not the most extreme, a simple glass of water offered to the flushed person can help.

A quick and sudden painful effect will help to interrupt a light attack. You can sharply squeeze the hand hysterical, pinch painfully, or even slap in the face, although, of course, these are all extreme options. Better to try something suddenly and quickly to distract the hysteria. For example, invisibly call his cell phone.

If a tantrum was thrown by a person, usually calm and restrained, but explosive, do not try to argue, shut up, listen. He will calm down and regret his explosion.

And one more observation: in general, emotional outbursts are normal and useful if they are right.

When it comes to hysteria, people often point out that it is characteristic of women. However, this opinion is erroneous. Women are simply more likely than men to show hysterical qualities for which there are reasons. How can a man deal with female hysteria? How does it manifest itself?

Hysteria is attributed to women only because they allow themselves to manifest it often and in public. However, there are also men who do not hide their hysterical qualities.

Hysteria was previously attributed exclusively to women, since in the old days all sciences and research were exclusively men. And it is common for every person to look for the causes of problems in others, but not in themselves! Men had more freedom in their manifestations, attributing hysteria exclusively to the female sex, which was under pressure and in bondage to the male.

Only over time it was determined that hysteria is inherent in both sexes. However, in this article, we will talk about female hysteria as a more frequent occurrence than male one. Let's try to analyze this phenomenon so that the male sex has leverage over women when they go into hysterics.

What is female tantrum?

When talking about hysteria, people point to the negative aspects of this phenomenon. It seems that a person shows bad qualities of his character when he begins to hysteria. However, hysteria has many reasons for its manifestation. What is female tantrum? This is inappropriate, uncontrollable, explosive behavior, accompanied by screaming, crying, crying, and imbalance.

Psychologists point out that female tantrums are not controlled at their climax. However, even at the stage of its development and formation, you can at any time reassure a woman, returning her to benevolent feelings.

Women’s hysteria should not be judged extremely badly. As with any phenomenon, female hysteria has its own reasons for manifestation. Some thus throw out, powerlessness and experiences, becoming sincere. Others try to state something, because in other cases they go unheard. Still others strive to achieve their goal through screaming and crying.

Depending on the reasons for the manifestation of female hysteria, one can speak of this phenomenon as something good or bad. However, people unequivocally judge the manifestations of the female side. If she is hysterical, it means “fool”, “hysterical”, “insane”. If she is hysterical, it means she is nagging, she has lost her mind. Men speak especially insultingly about female hysteria. Psychologists characterize this as a male inability to cope with the problem. And in order to subconsciously justify themselves, they make women guilty.

It is better to offend another person by making him sick than to admit your own lack of understanding of the situation and correct it. This trend dates back to ancient times, when they just began to consider hysteria as a phenomenon. In those days, women were treated with disdain. Today this trend continues and is expressed in the fact that men simply do not want to understand the nature of female behavior.

What is female tantrum? In the everyday sense of this word, this is an emotional outburst, which is aimed at clarifying the relationship through showdowns, shouting or throwing objects. If we talk about the clinical manifestation of hysteria, then we are talking about people of the hysterical type (it can be both women and men). Since childhood, these persons are emotional, impulsive and have a developed imagination.

Causes of female tantrum

To understand how to cope with female tantrums, you should consider the reasons for its occurrence. There are many reasons why not every hysteria can be called negative behavior. In some cases, it is only through hysteria that a woman can prove herself as a sincere person.

It is customary to treat female hysterics as a way to attract attention. In fact, theatrical hysteria is full of falseness and insincerity. Often this form of hysteria is used in labor activity or in show business. In the circle of close people, where female hysteria often manifests itself, this behavior is of a different nature.

The physiological reasons for hysteria include a special type of nervous system that makes a person a representative of the hysterical type. This diagnosis can be made by a specialist who should be contacted if a woman regularly and without good reason starts tantrums, while she is unable to stop and cannot be reassured.

If a specialist identifies the physiological causes of hysteria, then a special course of treatment will be prescribed. This will allow loved ones to save their strength and nerves in a situation that they simply cannot cope with.

The second reason for female hysteria is called hormonal changes that occur in the following situations:

  • Climax.
  • Menstruation.
  • Malaise.
  • Pregnancy.

In such situations, women begin to show the following qualities:

  1. Touchiness.
  2. Vulnerability.
  3. Depressiveness.
  4. Anxiety.
  5. Frequent mood swings.

The third reason for female hysteria can be called constant stress and emotional stress. A woman suffers for a long time and suppresses emotions in herself. In this case, the hysteria that she rolls when she can no longer keep everything to herself can be called the last stage of despair, a cry from the heart. A woman in such a situation seeks comfort, because she is not able to cope with the emotional problem in other ways.

Quite often, hysteria is a consequence of fatigue. Strong and strong-willed women take on many problems and concerns. And when they don't see a positive result from their efforts, they explode. They tried so hard, and their efforts were in vain. This provokes female tantrums.

It is necessary to indicate the female tantrum, which is used as a manipulation. Usually the woman remains calm, but screams loudly in order to induce guilt in the person to whom the actions are directed. Such tantrums can be seen in young children who begin to fight in it when their parents refuse to buy them toys or sweets. This reason for hysteria is manipulative. If the “victim” (man, parents) succumbs to her, then the woman (or child) will continue to resort to hysteria when she wants to achieve what she wants.

In some cases, hysteria is a way of emotional release. This happens in people who are used to holding back their emotions. Having no way out, emotions accumulate, and then pour out on others in the form of screams and tears.

It should not be ruled out that the reason for the occurrence of hysteria, as a habit. A person from childhood is accustomed to hysteria. If at the same time he always gets his own, then this model is fixed and becomes a strategy of behavior in a situation when the desired is not achieved.

Hysteria is inherent in people who are active and purposeful, but who are squeezed within the framework of everyday life and monotony. When a person cannot show his full potential, he begins to get bored, indignant, indignant. Soon it turns into a hysteria aimed at the one who became the culprit of the person's lack of fulfillment.

Not the last reason for a woman's hysteria (as well as a man's) can be the fear that has accumulated in a person. If a person experiences a lot and experiences pain, then soon it manifests itself in the form of hysteria, during which he does not control himself.

How to deal with female hysteria?

Women's tantrums are often directed at men. When interacting with other women, hysterical behavior becomes rare. At work, unpleasant consequences can also arise if a woman allows herself to be hysterical. Only in the circle of close people can a lady relax and show her food. Often, hysterics is directed at men, who may have a natural question: how to deal with female hysteria?

It seems to men that female hysteria arises from scratch. In fact, this is not the case. By ignoring the woman's behavior, the man further aggravates the situation. The beloved can calm down, but she will remember for a long time how the partner ignored her “cry from the heart” when she needed his support and attention.

Any word or situation can cause a tantrum. This is due to the internal reasons of the woman herself. In a moment of hysteria, she ceases to control herself:

  1. Her face turns red.
  2. Crying begins, sharp gestures.
  3. She starts screaming.

Demanding reasonable arguments and actions from a woman at the moment is a pointless exercise. She needs understanding and help, which must come from the person at whom the hysteria is directed.

In a state of hysteria, a woman conveys a state of pain. If a man demands logical explanations, then most likely he will not receive them. She does not think with her head, but “screams with her soul,” expressing her emotions. A man can calm a woman only by showing emotions: sympathy, love, understanding. If in such a situation a man leaves, ignores, pretends that nothing is happening, then he will further aggravate the situation. A woman will deeply take offense at a man, which will not contribute to their reconciliation.

What if your loved one is hysterical? You should be attentive to her words. Usually, a woman will directly state what worries her. Based on the reasons for her hysteria, you should calmly take actions that will help calm her down:

  • If a woman is crying, you should hug and stroke her.
  • If a woman is scared, you should let her know that you will help and decide everything.
  • If a woman demands something, then a clear answer should be given: will you fulfill what she wants from you, or not? Often, the manipulative hysteria does not stop, so in this case it is permissible to leave, ignore.

A woman sometimes wants to be heard. This often happens when a man thinks women are stupid, their opinions are unfounded, their actions are reckless, etc. Neglecting a woman's desires, a man himself provokes hysteria in her as the only way to loudly declare his desires and, possibly, to be heard. If a man is not able to hear his woman on ordinary days, then let him prepare for tantrums.

Physiological causes of female hysteria should not be ruled out:

  • If a woman is sick, then she should be taken to a specialist who will treat her.
  • If a woman is not satisfied with sex life, then she should be satisfied.
  • If a woman sleeps little, eats, rests, then she should be provided with all this. Having slept well and rested, she will relieve loved ones from their tantrums.
  • If a woman has hormonal disruptions, then you should contact a gynecologist for help.

In no case should you respond to a tantrum with aggression. This will only further inflame the conflict that has already arisen between a man and a woman.


Is the responsibility of both women and men. Hysteria is a consequence, not a cause for the development of conflicts. If both partners understand that their hysterical clashes are destructive for the relationship, then this will help not to get divorced, not to quarrel and not to spoil their feelings for each other. The outcome depends on both.

It should not be ruled out that hysteria is the only manifestation of a woman that society still permits. Men would also be hysterical if they were not taught to restrain emotions and in more aggressive ways (fights, sports, etc.) to express their negative feelings. Hysterics is, after all, feminine behavior rather than masculine.

You should not treat hysterical behavior as an exclusively bad manifestation. A woman always has reasons why she is hysterical. The exception is people who are simply mentally ill. But psychiatrists, not men, should already be fighting their hysteria.