What kind of ointment is suitable for treating a tattoo. Stages and timing of tattoo healing

How do I care for my tattoo after application? Our article will discuss the features of care.

Many people who want to highlight their individuality apply tattoos to their skin. This is a crucial step. It is worthwhile to approach this matter deliberately and follow all the recommendations of a specialist after application. A good tattoo is a great way to express your inner world. After application, it requires some care, especially in the early days. Otherwise, fading of the pattern may occur, and most importantly, the skin can be irritated with improper care. Then there is a great risk of infection.

Bandage for a tattoo. What should it be? Peculiarities of dressing and tattoo care

How to care for a tattoo in the early days? To begin with, it is recommended to leave the bandage on for about a day, which the specialist fixed for you after the procedure. When to shoot it, the master must tell. It depends on many factors, primarily the size of the picture and the volume of paint.

Craftsmen use thick bandages. They reliably protect your tattoo and absorb excess moisture. If the dressing is thin, then it is recommended to leave it on for several hours. Wash your hands thoroughly before removing the bandage. It must be removed very carefully and not make any sudden movements. It can be difficult to remove, as it can stick. Soak it with warm water diluted with antibacterial soap. Apply gently and wait for a few minutes. In the future, the bandage should come off easily.

Rubbing the tattoo

The next step is to rub the tattoo with your hands. You need to moisten your palm in the prepared solution and gently apply it to the skin. Do not take washcloths or sponges. They can harm the skin, as in this place the skin is still sensitive. And the final action will be washing off the soap solution.

Drying is best done naturally without the use of terry towels. You can use paper towels to dry your skin. Don't need to wipe thoroughly, this one may cause bleeding. Then, after drying, a lotion or ointment should be applied. These products should be applied over the entire area of ​​the tattoo. Tinctures containing alcohol are not recommended to be applied to the skin in order to avoid redness and an allergic reaction.

Features of tattoo care and clothing selection

The first weeks, and preferably up to a month, it is worth carrying out caring procedures. It is better to do this twice a day. Do not forget about the lotion, and it should be applied several times a day.

This is to keep the skin hydrated and not itchy. At first, the wardrobe should consist of loose clothing that would have minimal contact with the tattoo and would not squeeze it. Pulling things over is fraught with painful sensations and unforeseen consequences. Tight clothing can also cause the tattoo to fade.

Sun rays, hygiene procedures and a new tattoo

Avoid exposure to sunlight during the summer. Especially at the initial stage. When going out into the sun, cover the tattoo with sterile stickers.

Sunscreen should not be used in this area. Taking a bath for a long time or showering is not recommended. This is only necessary so that the skin does not wrinkle and the tattoo does not deteriorate. Spend no more than ten minutes on hygiene procedures at first. Saunas or swimming pools should be postponed for later, because chlorine-purified water is contraindicated for you. It will be detrimental to the tattoo. Don't be alarmed if your skin is crusty. This forms a defensive reaction. This process is considered natural. If less moisture is applied to this area, then the healing process will occur faster. Do not remove the crust, it should move away on its own. With severe itching, you do not need to comb it. It is even recommended not to touch at all in order to avoid infection. Combing may discolor the pattern.

When is it worth seeking help from a specialist?

How to take care of your tattoo at home? It is necessary to monitor whether it is inflamed. If, nevertheless, you suspect this, then you should not postpone the visit to the doctor in order to avoid serious complications. The most serious problems are purulent discharge or foul odor. Do not ignore them as they can lead to life-threatening problems. A rise in temperature may also indicate an inflammatory process.

How to properly care for a tattoo? You need to drink as much water as possible, about two liters per day. Water balance is the basis for proper maintenance of the health of the body as a whole. Water is good for dry skin. It enriches every cell in our body. Of course, tattoos made in a good salon and in compliance with all sanitary standards cause only positive emotions. Before this important step, you should read the recommendations and reviews about the salons and make the right choice. Also, much more also depends on the master.

A beautiful and safe drawing can only be applied by an experienced person who has done more than one hundred tattoos. Of course, unforeseen events associated with allergic reactions can occur. So it is worth consulting a specialist before applying. He will tell you if your skin can be tattooed. He will also warn about possible risks. Alcohol should be completely excluded in the first days of drawing. It can negatively affect not only health, but also the immune system. And immunity is the main thing when applying a tattoo. Also, after the tattoo is full, it is better to drink plenty of fluids and monitor your diet.


Currently, the choice of designs for tattooing is huge, because it is not only fashionable, but also very beautiful. Therefore, young people do not hesitate to tattoo themselves, and some cannot stop, their body is covered with multiple drawings and patterns. In this case, the main thing is to realize in time whether you need this tattoo, whether it will disappoint you in the future. Removal is not cheap at all.

Therefore, calculate correctly whether you will need it in the future. This is especially true for the male sex. Stars often have an unlimited number of designs. Colored tattoos are also very popular, they are, of course, more expensive at cost, but the effect will also please.

A little conclusion

Now you know how to properly care for your tattoo. In general, if you still decide to get a tattoo on your body and are doing it for the first time, then you should carefully follow all the recommendations of a specialist. An experienced master will surely prompt and teach all the rules.

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A tattoo is a permanent permanent pattern on the body, a bright decorative installation with its own characteristic features, style and manufacturing method. Permanent tattoos applied to the skin require not only the professionalism of the master in the process of performing the main procedure, but also proper care during healing - only by following a number of recommendations, you can achieve fast and relatively painless regeneration of the epithelium without any negative consequences.

How long does a tattoo heal? How to properly care for a tattoo? What products and ointments can be used? What if the tattoo does not heal well and complications appear? You will read about this and much more in our article.

Healing stages

Human skin is unique in its own way - the recovery time after tattooing can vary over a fairly wide time frame. The regeneration process depends on the individual characteristics of the organism, the current state of the local immunity of the epithelium, the professionalism of the tattoo artist applying the image, the quality of coloring pigments, the use of additional means of modulating skin restoration and other factors.

How long does a tattoo take to heal? As practice shows, on average, the healing process of a tattoo takes 5-9 days, at the same time, the epithelium is completely restored in 3-5 weeks - after this period, any restrictions and special means of processing the skin are canceled. Below is a photo of the tattoo before and after healing.

Tattoo healing can be divided into 3 stages:

How do you know if a tattoo has healed? A tattoo is considered to be healed if all the "husks" have peeled off the skin, the shine and dryness of the epithelium on the treated surface has disappeared.

Proper tattoo care

Proper care of the applied tattoo tenfold reduces the risks of possible complications and negative consequences for the skin that may arise during the epithelium healing procedure.

Basic steps of basic timing tattoo care include:

  • Secondary processing... After washing and drying the skin, you need to apply ointment to them. Typical options are Solcoseryl or Bepanten. Alternatively, it is recommended to use special professional healing gels, such as Doctor Pro. After secondary processing and absorption of the ointment, cream or gel, it is necessary to re-cover the surface with a bandage (absorbent diaper, since cling film is no longer suitable for these purposes).

The absorbent diaper is used until the release of pigment, ichor and the formation of a thin protective film on the skin with epithelium compaction.

Starting from the second stage of healing (the disappearance of secretions, the appearance of a protective film) and until the end of the third, it is advisable to keep the applied pattern moisturized (already without regular washing with water), using the above-described non-greasy ointments, creams or gels, applying them every 6-8 hours to the epithelium ...

It is necessary to perform primary and secondary treatment of the skin in the process of tattoo healing according to the above scheme for 1-2 days, every 4 hours and at least 3 times a day.

As the healing progresses, the protective crust will peel off, fall off in fragments - it is forbidden to rip it off in any way, by 7-9 days it will completely disappear on its own. From 10 days (the tattoo has already healed, but the skin continues to recover), as a preventive measure, Dexpanthenol can be applied 1-2 times a day for another 20 days.

Tattoo healing creams

Below is a list of the most famous, effective and recommended means of how to smear the skin for tattoo healing.

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Creams and ointments for tattoo healing:

What if the tattoo does not heal for a long time?

As mentioned above, the average healing time for a tattoo ranges from 5-7 days, while the skin completely recovers much longer - on average, this process takes from 20 days to 1 month. However, in some cases, the tattoo does not heal for a very long time.

Reasons for long-term healing of a tattoo:

  • Failure to comply with the recommendations on the procedure for caring for the tattoo;
  • Individual characteristics of the body, along with slowed metabolic processes in soft tissues and the presence of chronic latent skin diseases;
  • Poor competence of a tattoo artist who performed the procedure for applying a graphic installation unprofessionally;
  • Introduction of secondary bacterial infections through damaged skin.

What to do if the tattoo does not heal for a long time:

  • Try to adjust the measures to accelerate the healing of the skin, adhering to the basic recommendations for caring for the tattoo;
  • In the absence of a positive effect, consult a dermatologist.

Features of care when using Suprasorb film and its analogues

In addition to the classic, time-tested methods of caring for a newly applied tattoo, modern science offers innovative professional ways to quickly and easily heal the epithelium, which eliminates the need for regular dressing changes and primary skin surface treatment. We are talking about healing a tattoo using a special protective film Suprasorb and its analogues - T2Paddy, Saniderm, Dermalize Pro and so on.

The film for tattoo healing has its own characteristics:

Many argue that 50% of the quality of a tattoo falls on the professionalism of the artist. The remaining half depends on the procedures that should be carried out after applying the tattoo. The salon will tell you how to care for the tattoo correctly so that it fits well and looks attractive. By adhering to certain rules, you can easily survive the healing process of the skin surface, and your first tattoos will delight you for a long time.

Stages of tattoo healing

Tattooing is accompanied by micro-damage to the skin, which must be carefully and correctly healed. To do this correctly, you need to know what happens to the skin after the injection of paint. Masters mark several stages of tattoo healing:

  1. On the first day after visiting the studio, after unwinding the film with which the master wrapped the surface to be treated, you will see that this place is swollen and mucus with an admixture of paint appears. Many people panic, thinking that the ink is leaking out and the tattoo is washed off. Do not be afraid - this is normal when a small amount of ichor is released when the skin is damaged. This is how the lymphatic system starts the process of cleansing and healing the skin.
  2. On the second day, there are no traces of ichor on the tattoo, which indicates that the skin has begun to accept ink and is getting used to the foreign substance. At this stage, a feeling of dryness and tightness appears.
  3. On the third day after applying the tattoo, the client notices that a crust has formed on it. This place begins to itch a lot, which in no case should be done. To calm the unpleasant sensations, you SHOULD clap your palm on this area.

How much heals

Skin response to a tattoo is different for all people, it is individual in nature. The healing rate of damaged skin depends on several factors:

  1. The site of the tattoo plays an important role in healing. The chest, abdomen, buttocks are quickly reanimated, this happens from 4 to 7 days. Areas where there is little or no body fat, such as ankle, back, neck, arm, take longer to recover - from 7 to 14 days.
  2. The healing of a tattoo depends on the volume of the pattern. The more area it occupies, the longer the process of skin restoration will take place. It should be borne in mind that large drawings are sometimes applied in several stages. Full healing of volumetric tattoos takes one month.
  3. The thickness of the lines affects the speed of tattoo healing: the thinner they are, the faster the skin will heal. The bold outline contains a lot of dye, so it takes 7 to 14 days to heal.

Proper tattoo care

Before going to the tattoo studio, you need to carefully prepare and follow some rules:

  1. Masters advise, before filling a drawing with a laser, to make a temporary tattoo with henna. This will help you avoid mistakes in location and image selection.
  2. On the eve and on the day of tattooing, exclude alcohol consumption so that profuse hemorrhage does not occur during pricking.
  3. Before going to the master, have a good meal, because the process of tattooing is delayed from several hours to a whole day. During this period, one should sit motionless in one position.
  4. A good sleep and a positive attitude are the guarantors of a quality tattoo!

After pricking, the master, without fail, must tell how to properly care for the tattoo. In order for the pattern to be preserved for a long time, the pigment remains bright, it is necessary to keep the skin clean all the time and observe the following rules:

  1. Avoid direct sunlight on the area where the tattoo is.
  2. During exposure to the sun, you must use a special tanning cream to prevent the pigment from fading.
  3. The tattooed area is prone to dryness, so it must be constantly moisturized with a cream or body milk.

In the early days

In order for the drawing to lie under the skin, and the loss of pigment does not exceed 10%, you must know how to properly care for the tattoo:

  1. After tattooing, in the evening you need to remove the protective plastic film and take a warm shower with antibacterial soap. In this case, you can not take a hot bath and use a washcloth.
  2. After taking a shower, you need to treat the tattoo with a special ointment. This should be done at least four times a day.
  3. In the early days, you can not engage in active physical activity, which is accompanied by sweating. You should refrain from going to the gym.
  4. Do not scratch the tattoo or remove the peeling skin, because removing the crust sometimes provokes the discharge of the pigment.
  5. In the first week, it is not recommended to visit the bathhouse, so as not to burden the skin with sweating.

Healing ointment

Immediately after the end of the drawing, the master is obliged to treat the skin with an anti-inflammatory ointment. This procedure must be done at home as well: apply the product to the tattooed skin several times a day with a thin layer. The most effective ointments for healing damaged areas:

  • ointment "Bepanten" - means number 1 for tattoo care. Perfectly moisturizes and heals the skin without causing allergies and side effects. This product must be applied to the tattoo several times a day as it is absorbed.
  • spray from burns "Panthenol" is good because it does not need to be spread on the skin, thereby giving yourself unpleasant sensations. It is convenient to spray it on the body. After applying this product, the skin heals quickly, dryness and itching disappear. It is recommended to use up to 4 times a day.
  • If you are itchy, make a compress from the Sinaflan antiseptic solution.

What to do if the tattoo does not heal

In rare cases, the tattoo becomes inflamed and the skin does not return to normal for a long time. This is due to improper care or individual characteristics of the body. In such cases, use the recommendations of specialists:

  1. Soak a cotton pad in a solution of "Chlorhexidine" and gently wipe the drawing. The antiseptic action will help relieve inflammation and the skin will heal quickly.
  2. After treatment with Chlorhexidine, apply a thin layer of Traumeel S anti-inflammatory ointment. It is allowed to use this tool 2 times a day.
  3. Try to be naked at home most of the time to allow the tattooed areas to breathe. Continuous tissue contact injures the skin and prevents rapid healing.
  4. In the cold season, it is recommended to apply ointment to tattoos before and after sleep.

Video how to care for a tattoo after application

If you decide to decorate your body with a pattern, be sure to read the rules of caring for a fresh tattoo. This will help the first video, where a man talks about his secrets and discoveries on the rapid healing of the skin. In the second video, professional masters show how to smear a tattoo so that the body can quickly recover. You will receive valuable information about effective remedies. You will find out which ointment to use after a tattoo to avoid inflammation.

Care rules

How to smear

Probably, in the world there are as many methods of treating a new tattoo as there are tattoo masters. If your tattoo treatment method is right for you, then just read this article, maybe it will allow you to improve the process.

1 Wear the bandage for 1-4 hours. Remove the bandage and rinse off the tattoo gently.
After the tattoo is completed, the tattoo artist should clean the tattooing area. Gently grease the tattoo with a thin layer of ointment (preferably A&D ointment, retinol ointment or D-Panthenol) and apply a bandage (made of cotton or with a plastic film). Leave the bandage on for at least one hour, but not more than four hours. Rinse the tattoo with clean running water.

Substitute the tattoo area under warm water or submerge it in a warm bathtub. Warm water will open up your pores to flush excess mascara from your wound. The skin will burn a little, it's not scary. Use a mild soap like Dove for rinsing. Gently wash the tattoo with soap and water until you feel the mucous layer is completely washed off. After removing soap, ointment and blood, the tattoo site will become velvety soft to the touch. Now cool down the water to soothe irritated skin and tighten pores.

2. Blot dry, apply ointment. If necessary, bandage
Blot tattoo gently with a clean dry rag or paper towel. Apply a thin layer of ointment to the tattoo. If you plan to stay at home, you can leave the tattoo open. If you feel swelling or soreness around your new tattoo, take ibuprofen or another pain reliever.

Treat your tattoo as gently as possible. If you plan to go to bed, wrap the tattoo with plastic, so you can protect the tattoo from friction and bacteria. On a note to the hostess: so that you do not have to wash your clothes, wear pajamas or old clothes for the night.

You should not smear the tattoo with everything that comes to hand. Use the tools recommended by your master. Do not use ointments that contain antibiotics.

3. Apply water-based lotion to avoid scabs.
Wash the tattoo again in the morning. Do this quickly and carefully. Do not wet the tattoo for a long time, and do not expose the tattoo to a strong stream of water. During this period, your body is already trying with might and main to protect and heal the wound. A crust may form on the damaged area of ​​the skin, this is good, but do not allow this crust to thicken. Then you can no longer use the ointment. Now the skin must begin to cope with the wound on its own, the skin must breathe and be at rest. Start treating your tattoo with water-based lotion (Lubriderm, H2Ocean, etc.) Do not use too much lotion. Apply in a thin layer to only moisturize the damaged surface. If there is no lotion on hand, lubricate with a very thin layer of D-Panthenol. Remember, over-moisturizing your skin can lead to poor healing.

The tattoo needs to be kept hydrated for the next few days, so carry the lotion with you. Flush the tattoo before the procedure. Repeat the procedure about 4 times a day, although the number of repetitions depends largely on skin type and climate. Moistening will prevent excess scabs from forming. The tattoo should breathe, but if you're worried about damaging your skin in your sleep, you can stick cling wrap over the tattoo at night.

4. What to avoid:
swimming pool or swimming in public places, hot tubs, sea / ocean - forget for at least two weeks;
exercise and heavy sweating during the first week;
solarium or prolonged exposure to direct sunlight during the healing period

5. Do not scratch or pick
After 4-7 days, your skin and crust will begin to peel off. It may even seem that mascara is coming out in some places. This leaves the excess pigment, and the dead skin areas are separated. Don't worry, it won't affect your drawing. Resist the urge to scratch the tattoo area or peel away the crust. Continue to gently rinse and moisturize the tattoo. All unnecessary will come down by itself. Hair shaved off at the tattoo site will begin to sprout, adding to your worries in the form of itching and irritation. Pat or lightly pat the area of ​​concern, this will always reduce the anxiety.
... Do not shave or epilate the tattoo area until it is completely healed. You are almost at the finish line.

6. Be patient.
On average, the healing process takes 10 days to a month. This is a very individual process depending on the tattoo site, climate, skin type, etc. - a lot of factors affect the healing process. It takes at least a month for complete healing. The skin, like our entire body, is amazing and has amazing properties, you just need to give them the right tune. Colors, gradients and grayscale transitions will change slightly during the healing process, often after healing the tattoo will become lighter or even brighter. After a couple of weeks of carefully caring for your tattoo, you might get bored of it, but trust me, your concern will be rewarded.

7. Take care of your skin
ANY pigment, ink or paint is destroyed by prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays. Tattoos are no exception. Avoid direct sunlight on your tattoos - using sunscreen is now your responsibility if you want to preserve the colors of your tattoo. Even after everything has healed, your tattoo can deteriorate from sunburn or sunburn. Remember that the tattoo itself is located in the lower layers of the skin (dermis). The top layer (epidermis) is constantly renewing and growing on the tattoo, which is why, over time, the tattoo fades. Over time, skin cells and paint particles deform, which can blur the edges of the tattoo. The tattoo is a part of your body and therefore depends on the natural changes in your body. Skin hydration and sun protection will preserve your skin and give your tattoo a decent look throughout your life.

8. Problems
If pus has formed on the damaged area or other suspicious discharge appears, it is quite possible that you have brought in an infection. See your handyman or doctor. As a rule, the use of Bacitracin can solve this problem in one day, but it is better to consult with experts. Feel free to consult with your master - he gets paid for it. If the tattoo needs to be tweaked, do it after it is completely healed (point # 6)

9. And lastly
Do not be lazy to visit your tattoo artist after the tattoo has healed so that he can take a photo of it or send him a photo by email. Believe me, the tattoo artist wants to know what his work looks like. Remember, the tattoo artist's business in particular depends on his portfolio.

The tattoo is applied by traumatizing the skin with disposable needles installed in special tattoo machines, and at the same time introducing special dyes into the skin. This is the only way to achieve the durability of the pattern on the skin. Tattooing should only take place under sterile conditions and be performed by masters of their craft. Otherwise, skin inflammation or deformation of the tattoo may occur. The process of its healing depends a lot on the characteristics of the organism itself and the speed of skin regeneration. It is important to know how to care for a tattoo, how to process it, whether it is possible to smear the tattoo with oil or not, what adjustments to make in your life in order to avoid negative side effects.

Tattoo treatment in the salon

After applying the final touches, the tattoo artist carefully applies a special petroleum jelly or greasy cream to the tattoo surface to stop blood flow and lymph secretion from the damaged skin. Attaches or attaches cling film over the area of ​​the body on which the tattoo is applied, protecting the tattoo from possible infections and contact with clothing or shoes. After that, the master gives recommendations for caring for the tattoo at home. He will explain how and how to treat a healed tattoo, whether it is possible to smear a fresh tattoo with baby cream, how to rinse it and get it wet, and what should be abstained from.

Tattoo care at home

After returning from the salon, do not immediately rush to take off the bandage made by the master. At least five hours should pass. After removing the bandage, rinse the skin thoroughly using cotton swabs and chlorhexidine. In the absence of chlorhexidine, reading drinking water will do. After rinsing, the tattoo should be gently blotted with a paper towel and spread with a thick layer of healing ointment. You can read more information about tattoo care in our article. "Tattoo care"

There are many controversial opinions about whether it is possible to smear a tattoo with baby cream, replacing them with Panthenol. A baby cream should contain vitamins for skin regeneration, olive or sea buckthorn oil. Such a cream will have the healing and moisturizing effect required for a tattoo. In other cases, it makes no sense to invent something new, when it is much easier and safer to follow the recommendations of a specialist received during the session.

The first week after tattooing: is it possible to smear a tattoo with hand cream

Due to the fact that a newly applied tattoo is essentially an injured area of ​​skin, there are certain precautions. So, the tattoo should be protected:

  • from dust and dirt;
  • contact with clothes or shoes;
  • contact with water.

After the tattoo has healed, you can use sunscreen to protect it. Any cream that is suitable for the skin can be used as a moisturizer.