What are the rights and responsibilities of the foster parents of a minor? The Difference Between Foster and Foster Care: What Are the Similarities and Differences

The laws of the Russian Federation guard the interests of children, that is why the upbringing of children left without care and control from loved ones in a family environment is welcomed, for which any form is acceptable -, guardianship, foster family.

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Priorities are set in such a way that family education was available to as many children as possible who had lost their parents.

What is a foster family?

When there is no possibility of adopting a baby or in the absence of relatives who could take custody, there is a wonderful form of upbringing - foster family.

The little man is accepted into the family, where 8 children can be brought up at the same time (together with the children, relatives of the foster father and mother).

Living in a family, a child experiences less moral trauma than being in a team of the same disadvantaged. Home upbringing allows the adopted foster child to have, if not his own, but still a family, where foster parents and a mob of brothers and sisters are always waiting and caring, providing bread and shelter.

New parents, taking another child into their family, also take on a considerable burden of responsibility, because it is from them that the demand will henceforth be for the well-being, health and upbringing of the foster child in the right way.

Foster parents are guardians for a child taken from an orphanage, for them it is both a way of life and work: they are credited with work experience and are paid a salary on the basis of an agreement with the PLO (guardianship and guardianship authorities).

Usually, the term of the contract is when the adopted child reaches the age of majority. Legally, the adoptive family is regulated by Ch. 21 of the RF IC.

Become both spouses and unmarried people can be foster parents.

Guardianship or foster family - which is better?

- a form of upbringing of a baby who is not yet 14 years old, then guardianship will be formalized. Relatives of the child are given priority for registration of guardianship; if they are not there, then a guardian is appointed by the PLO authorities.

What is the difference between guardianship and a foster family can be clearly seen in the table:

Psychologically, a foster family is preferable for the adaptation of a child taken for upbringing, since there is both a father and a mother, often adoptive brothers and sisters, performing their duties and playing their roles.

A under guardianship, a small person may feel orphaned feeling out of the family, because he does not see his father or mother in the guardian. So, family accents are clearer and more correct in a foster family.

Which is better is difficult to answer unequivocally. Foster parents are under scrutiny by the PLO who control not only the budgetary sphere, but also the educational process itself. Guardianship is somewhat more free in its activities.

How are these forms of family education different?

It is quite clear that there is no big difference between these two forms of guardianship over children... Each form is designed to respect the child's right to be raised in a family. Both the guardian and the foster parent are obliged to create normal living conditions for the baby..

The difference between foster care and foster care is that foster parents express a desire to take the baby and work as parents under a contract, and the guardian is appointed by the PLO, while the duties are performed free of charge.

A child left without parental care is placed under guardianship, first of all, to relatives, while children are assigned to a foster family when they cannot be transferred for adoption or under the care of relatives.

If we talk about what is preferable for the child, then, ultimately, better for the baby where he is more comfortable, and this does not depend on the form of upbringing, but on the personality of the educator, his warmth and love, which the orphan needs.

Difference in payments to guardians of a child

And in one, and in another case monthly allowance paid... Guardian and foster family help to arrange a child in a kindergarten, school, organize rest and, if necessary, treatment of the ward.

The foster family is given benefits for housing, transportation, and also provides targeted payments for the purchase of furniture, home renovation and other items of expenditure, depending on the state of the budget of the region of residence.

Family benefits with a foster child

New the adoptive family receives an allowance every month, and its value is not constant, since indexing is constantly being performed.

The amount of the benefit varies greatly depending on the region ( the source of funding is the regional, not the federal budget).

Of course, the factor of having many children also matters, that is the allowance depends on the status of the family... All the nuances of receiving benefits must be clarified with the local guardianship and guardianship authorities.

What are the benefits for adoptive parents and a child?

In addition to monthly payments in the form of benefits, the adoptive family has the opportunity to receive for a new family member:

  1. free meals at school;
  2. free treatment in sanatoriums of the municipal form of ownership;
  3. benefits for admission to a university;
  4. the right to immediately register for housing, which is due to him by law after the onset of majority.

No matter how the form of education is called, for every child - happiness to live in a family, and not in an orphanage or in an orphanage.

Statistics show that the number of children left by their parents to fend for themselves, or left without care due to or other tragic circumstances, is not decreasing.

To children left without parental care grew up comprehensively developed, healthy and educated, the state uses various forms of family education: guardianship, foster family, adoption.

Fortunately, the legislative initiatives of people who take on this difficult job - to become foster parents, are supported, especially at the regional level.

In the term "foster family" the main word is precisely the last - and not by chance. It is for the sake of a child who, for one reason or another, without parental care, finds a family, and this mechanism was created. From a psychological point of view, the family is the most important institution for the socialization of a child's personality (and an adult as well). The process of socialization in the family occurs through the assimilation of patterns of normative, socially approved behavior of parents.

The family is the most common type of the so-called small group - and psychologists distinguish a number of specific features for small groups. These, as Svetlana Ivanova, head of the Department of Development and Education Psychology, Pskov State University, notes, are common goals and activities common to all members of the group; personal contact between group members; a certain emotional climate within the group; special group norms and values; the physical and moral pattern of the group member; role hierarchy between group members; relative independence (autonomy) of this group from others; group cohesion; socio-psychological control of the behavior of group members; special forms and methods of managing group activities by members of the group. In addition, for small groups, the conformity of group members (the degree of compliance in favor of a group decision), intimacy of relations, homogeneity (homogeneity in composition), stability of the group, voluntariness of the association of individuals into a group are characteristic. The researcher notes that the family belongs to the category of primary groups and presupposes a high degree of intimacy and trust in relationships, and the emotional involvement of group members in its affairs.

Such close relationships between group members, as in the family, determine the enormous influence of the family on the development of the child. In the family, they receive primary knowledge about the world and culture, in the family they learn to deal with people, assimilate ideas about good and evil, about decency; the family creates the first models of social behavior for the child. That is why the factors of the family's readiness to become foster parents for a child without a blood family are so important - and this category of children often turns out to be quite difficult in pedagogical terms.

Preparedness factors

Psychologists who work with children and their family structure identify several factors that affect the educational potential of the family. This, according to S. Ivanova, is a “family's way of thinking”, reflecting the entire system of values, attitudes, needs and motives of the family, focused on the real possibilities of its life support, as well as the ability to adapt goals, attitudes, value orientations of the family to the realities of external life, formed over time. ; “The image of communication in the family”, which characterizes interpersonal communication, which is of particular importance due to the personal and intimate nature of communication; informality of relations between family members; the development of mechanisms such as empathy, identification, pedagogical reflection, as well as the special importance of relationships with parents; the attitude of the social environment to the family; traditions of the nation, nationality, place of residence of the family - family members have to become familiar with the peculiarities of culture, customs, customs, language of various nations and nationalities; family traditions (family norms and rules of behavior), which are one of the means of forming high moral qualities in children; the intellectual level of students in the school, group, class in which the child is studying - the success of upbringing largely depends on this factor, which is always assessed by comparison.

At the same time, the above factors are not limited to. The success of upbringing in a family is also determined by frequent factors: these are the parents' ideas about the standard of a well-bred personality, on which the subsequent course of upbringing depends; disposition to the sex of the child in the family; pedagogical culture of communication between parents, reflecting the system of knowledge and skills of tactful behavior in various situations, as well as knowledge about the psychological consequences of a particular form of behavior for another person; the motives for the appearance of the child. Also important are the moods prevailing in the family, the individual ability of the spouses to raise children, the parents' propensity for emotional relaxation and humor, the type of personality and behavior of the parents.

Most of all, the well-being of the child, according to research results, is promoted by a friendly atmosphere and a system of family relationships that gives a sense of security and at the same time stimulates and guides the development of the child.

Even more clearly, psychologists outline the “portrait” of a dysfunctional family: it is characterized by psychological neglect, and, consequently, by the consistent inability of the blood or adoptive parent to provide the child with care, attention, support, affection, acceptance and understanding. These factors, according to the experience of psychologists and care specialists, lead to mental deformations of the child, a decrease in his self-esteem and faith in himself, to the loss of a sense of belonging to the society of children and adults, and in the end - to the destruction of the child's health and development.

Thus, the selection of foster parents is becoming an extremely important operation, on which the main thing depends first of all - the percentage of children who successfully establish themselves in foster families and their successful adaptation in a new home. According to S. Ivanova, in this selection it is necessary to take into account not only the age, gender of the future adoptive parents, their social status, living conditions, the presence of their own children and their age, profession and place of work, religious beliefs, income, health status, and leisure activities. and so on. Much more important is the psychological characteristics: the motives for which people are going to take children into the family, the attitude towards the natural parents of adopted children, the style of raising their own children.

The practice of family placement of children shows that there are five main groups of foster parents-educators based on motivation: parent-educators with a clearly expressed maternal attitude towards children (these are often lonely people who do not have their own children); professional educators who, out of a sense of compassion, have taken responsibility for raising orphaned children; young, romantic-minded people for whom raising children is an opportunity to realize their abilities, as well as to benefit other people; finally, parents looking for material benefits and bonuses from participating in charity.

More than motivation

Psychological readiness to become foster parents can be decomposed into several components, noted Veronica Oslon, a leading researcher at the Center for Applied Psychological and Pedagogical Research, Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, and her student Yulia Evstratova. First of all, psychological readiness presupposes situational (temporary) and general (early, long-term) readiness.

Situational readiness - the willingness to creatively use previously acquired knowledge, skills, attitudes and skills in the current situation at a given moment in time. This is a dynamic, holistic state of the personality, the mobilization of all forces for active and purposeful actions and an inner attitude towards certain behavior. General readiness presupposes prior specialized training and replenishment of the arsenal of knowledge, abilities and skills.

As for the psychological readiness to interact with the child, an experienced psychologist and researcher Olga Antonovich identifies several components of such readiness. Motivational component (why does the family need this particular child). Emotional component (parenting is perceived comfortably or uncomfortably; mood background, as a result - the emotional and evaluative attitude of the parents to the child). The cognitive component is an adult's system of knowledge about his own character traits, ways of interacting with a child at different stages of his development and styles of upbringing. The behavioral component is a positive emotional attitude of parents to the child, which manifests itself in the perception of the child's state, in a constructive response to the child's manifestations, in the creation of positive parent-child relationships.

According to V. Oslon, one of the key conditions for the readiness of the foster family is realistic expectations and requirements of the members of the parent family and the foster child (children) to each other. Parents-to-be and children tend to have ideas about the "ideal parent" and "ideal child," the researcher notes - and as a result are frustrated when faced with reality. Thus, it is necessary to form a more conscious readiness for admission - and for this it is possible to teach substitute parents the ability to observe the child's behavior, to think of him as a real person with his capabilities and needs.

Another important quality that directly affects the success of a foster family is maintaining a balance between the autonomy and dependence of its members. It is because of this imbalance that destructive parenting styles arise. In particular, according to the results of a study by Veronica Oslon, foster families tend to be more likely to be overprotective than hypocritical. If there is a fear of not coping with the child and - as a result - overcontrol over the child's behavior, this is also a sign of insufficient readiness.
Ultimately, the degree of readiness of a family to become a foster child for a difficult child left without parental care (and “simple” children in such a situation, let's say, do not happen again) has to be determined not in absentia, but by individual research, full-fledged diagnostics. And this - along with teaching the necessary techniques, theories, skills - is one of the tasks of foster parent schools operating in Russia.

Real education

A foster family, a foster family, is a family for which raising children is a real job. These are professional parents, the approach to which is determined precisely by professional criteria. This is the case from the point of view of both a lawyer and an educational psychologist.

The volume of work requiring professional knowledge is great, notes Zoya Lavrentyeva, professor at the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology at Novosibirsk State University. Children left without parental care need, first of all, help to cope with psychological problems that have arisen in connection with the loss of their own family; find ways to correct emotional and behavioral stereotypes developed in adverse circumstances; to create optimal conditions for development, education and upbringing in a new life situation for them; to provide the most adequate adaptation and socialization.

According to data at the beginning of the 2010s, the percentage of children returning from foster families - that is, catastrophic failures of the “we did not cope” format, which echo in children and failed parents as real tragedies - is about 2%. This means that in dozens of cases every year, the willingness of parents to accept a child into the family turns out to be insufficient. Realizing the limited potential of short-term courses for foster parents, NSU organized a full-fledged correspondence higher education for foster parents several years ago. A special study group was created, where only those students who already have the status of adoptive parents study. It is not only part-time, but also with a training schedule tailored for school holidays.

“At the very first lessons with a group of foster parents, it became clear that it was necessary to find not only organizational, but also non-standard ways of their professional training,” writes Zoya Lavrentieva. “It was clearly not enough for them only knowledge, they were ready to refract any scientific information through their own practice.”

Participant observation was chosen as the main research method, where the stages of research are determined by the time of study of basic educational subjects. The authors of the course also provided for diagnostics and identification of the developmental dynamics of an adopted child, which allows adoptive parents to determine the quality of their work. True, since some research methods tell too much about the life and life of the family, the right to "defer" from public reflection of some research data is stipulated.

The training is organized as diverse as possible, including the creation of temporary groups for research assignments on the basis of additional education institutions and public organizations. And in order not to create a feeling of constant dependence on prompts from outside, the study of the personal growth of the adoptive parents themselves is introduced into the research program. It is necessary to actively introduce trainings for emotional and professional burnout, trainings for the development of creative abilities, etc., notes Zoya Lavrentieva. Such a serious approach to training foster parents - and it can be extended to those who are just about to become one - can significantly raise the level of foster parents and make them truly professionals in raising children. This, in turn, will minimize the risk of returns and will have a beneficial effect on the image of foster families, which has recently left much to be desired.

"What if I want to give it back":

what fears do adoptive parents have

and how to deal with them

80 percent of children living in children's institutions in Russia are teenagers. It is most difficult for them, because they often look for babies in the family. But the elders also badly need help, love and care. There are different ways to support a child without parents. You can help him improve his knowledge, introduce him to new professions, give him the opportunity to acquire social skills, become his friend and mentor.
And you can become a foster parent. And here many have frightening questions that prevent them from making the right decision. Marina Lepina talked with psychologist Natalia Mishanina, head of the psychological service of the Arithmetic of Good Foundation, about what moments most often concern potential and established adoptive parents and what should be prepared in advance.

“I want to help, but I'm afraid to take a child from an orphanage - they are all children of alcoholics or drug addicts.

And they will grow up the same "

Not everything hereditary is confirmed. Alcoholism is not inherited - it is a social story. If we immerse a person in a different environment, different from the one in which he was brought up and lived, we see positive changes in the development of his personality. In us, 50 percent of everything is biological, and 50 percent is social. So it depends only on us, adults, how the child will develop.

If we provide a safe environment, the child is comfortable, he is loved, then he begins to develop rapidly. Lyudmila Petranovskaya notes that the child begins to develop from the point of calmness. So thoughts from the series “the apple is not far from the apple tree” is a myth.

Look not at heredity, but at the history of the child, at his inclinations. People are not born alcoholics. The parents of this child also had some inclinations, positive qualities, but they could not realize them. This, by the way, often happens. Children turn out to be responsible, talented, creative, diligent, although their parents led an asocial lifestyle.

See how the child behaves, what he is inclined to, what he loves and knows how to do - just develop him. So we can take him away from the possible influence of the negativity of the past.

“Why do teenagers need us? They have already grown up, they hardly need a family "

A child needs a family at any age. And teenagers need a family first of all. Because there must be a significant adult nearby. He should help to acquire life skills, and no one will instill such skills in an orphanage. There is a myth that in the orphanage, children are taught everything, they are watched there. Not at all - there children belong to themselves and are consumers of what they are given. And when a child graduates from the orphanage and goes out into society, we observe the trauma of freedom. They do not know what to do with it, they have not received the skills of resilience. Because these important skills can be formed in a child by a person whom he trusts, from whom he will remove the tracing of his life. Even psychologist Lev Vygotsky said that a small person will develop according to a scenario that an adult puts into him.

Therefore, a teenager really needs an adult by his side - even if not a family, then at least a mentor who will help to move through life.

If you want to become a parent for a child, then yes, we can say that "mom and dad" are not so important to a teenager - but he desperately needs a close adult. Counselor, assistant. Who will lend his shoulder and help
in difficult times. Why
in adolescence are children so ruff?
Yes, because for life in an orphanage, they forbade themselves to show emotions. But if there is an adult nearby whom the child trusts, he will thaw out.

Emotions need to be shown, even necessary, so as not to get sick, not to explode.
It is different in an orphanage: you show emotions - it means that you are weak. You will be hammered. They get used to this style of communication.

And from adults, these children have already received betrayal, deception. And they think that adults will cheat, adults will not support. Therefore, they lock up their emotions. It hurts to feel, these children think so.

It often happens that a child has entered the family, everything seems to be working out, and suddenly he does some incomprehensible, bad deed - and this repels the adoptive parents. They even have an idea to give it back. And when you ask him why he did this, the child replies: “Because I started to get attached. And I am afraid that when I get used to it completely and fall in love with them, they will abandon me, give me back. I'd rather not get attached. Better to let them return now. "

With a trusting relationship, the child begins to open up, this has already been proven. Teenagers often begin to communicate more sincerely with mentors, to reveal to them those things that were not discussed with their peers. They are just like us, they are simply afraid to show their emotions.

“Teenagers are cold, callous. We will not break through this ice, we will not melt their feelings, interaction will not work.

We will not be able to become necessary to him "

“I thought that if I just love the child, then everything will be fine, but it turns out that children from orphanages have a completely different psychology, and they need rigid boundaries and hierarchy. This is true?"

The child will come to you with his past. There can be so much non-childish in it that an adult may not be able to cope with it. Therefore, taking a child into the family must be prepared. Study the psychology of an orphan child, understand how his history and past affect his future. Maybe there was a terrible tragedy there. Although, in fact, the fact that he was deprived of his family is already a tragedy. An injury that will affect his behavior in the future. And love alone is difficult to melt. Love is one of the ingredients for success. You need a sequence of actions, confidence in their correctness, endurance. In general, an adult must be internally resilient. You must know where you are taking the child. To understand what is happening to him, to accept his situation. Do not panic, because he himself is scared and difficult.

Therefore, we need boundaries, rules, discipline. This will help pass the adaptation period and ease the lapping phase. Experienced adoptive mothers say that it is better to "tighten the nuts" first, and then gradually loosen them, than vice versa. The opposite may not work.

“What if it becomes hard for me, I can't cope?

Want to give it back? "

It is better to negotiate everything on the shore. Foster parenting is not easy. And you need to calculate your resources and capabilities. For this it is worth going to a psychologist. And to think: to what extent am I, as a person, ready to cope with these situations? Is my family ready, how will the new family member affect the interaction with others, will this not affect the comfort of the children who already live in the family?

What is the most common reason for the desire to return the child?
With unfulfilled expectations. “I thought it would be good to study, but he doesn’t pull,” “he has such an angelic face, but he is rude, calls me names,” “I hoped that he would grow up as an assistant, but he does nothing.”

But it will not be possible to say "I am leaving you." You need to be ready to accept responsibility for your decision. Adopting a child into a family is a very serious step. We must be ready to understand his traumatic experience, his character, maybe even his love for his blood mother.

Preliminary work with psychologists will help to work out the impossibility of returning. Yes, there are such cases, but extremely rarely, for example, when a child is diagnosed with a serious mental illness. But even this does not become a reason for every parent to abandon an adopted child.

“I'm afraid of his blood relatives. What if he leaves me and goes to them? How to share it with his own mother? "

A child can leave you only if you cannot build relationships in your foster family. If warmth, care, respect, kindness reign in the family, he will not leave you. If you can build a relationship of trust that is good for everyone, he will try to keep it that way. This has nothing to do with his interaction with blood relatives, if any. It is best to maintain these relationships within reasonable limits, as long as they do not harm either the child or your family. This process, of course, should be taken under control by the guardian. And this requires the highest, perhaps, the level of professionalism of foster families.

What you need to know if you want to become a foster parent:
10 most important tips

Be sure to complete the Foster Parenting School

You need to approach this consciously, assess your capabilities. Ask yourself questions: how will this change my family, my life? What will happen in our common life in 5 years? After 10 years? Etc.

You must have a place for a foster child - both physically, that is, in your apartment, and psychologically - in your soul and life. Perhaps your life is already filled as much as possible with deeds, hobbies, worries. Is there a place in it for a new person, for a new relationship? Does the adopted child fit into your picture of the world?

If you have your own psychological difficulties, trauma, negative experience - work them out

It's worth working with a personal psychologist. “Otherwise, the child's trauma will drag on, clinging to the traumatic difficulties of the adoptive parents. That is, first you need to strengthen yourself, and then go to the child, ”explains the psychologist.

You can't use the child as a way to heal yourself and lick your wounds.

A child will not be able to plug a hole in the soul or a wound, you can only harm it. You will not be able to give him support, stability. “A child needs a stable adult. The child will not become a kind of mental treatment for you, but you will become a resource and support for him. He needs you as a significant adult for his survival, personality formation and development, ”says Natalia Mishanina.

You need to make sure that your loved ones are ready to adopt a child.

Grandparents who are worried about you, the future adoptive parents, should not be presented with a fact. This can disrupt family relationships. Prepare all those close to you.

Separate work should be done with blood children.

They must be ready in the same way. Adopting a child into a family should still be a general decision. If there is sharp resistance, it means that the family is not ripe. “At the“ Arithmetic of Good ”foundation we have a course“ School for adopting children ”, there are trainings to increase the resource capacity of the family and work out emotional burnout for both children and adults. It is extremely important that children who are already in the family are not injured either physically - for example, it is impossible, for example, to narrow their living space, take away a room, things - not mentally, when the adoptive mother gives herself entirely to the new child, and her own one feels a sense of uselessness. The family should also prepare for these nuances in advance and not make mistakes, ”notes Natalia Mishanina.

Burnout is possible - the main thing is to catch this moment in time and rectify the situation

Never blame yourself "I'm a bad mother, I didn't do it." Be sure to work through the situation with a psychologist. Networking with experienced resource foster parents can also help - participate in foster communities.

Get ready to let go

Any children - both natural and adopted - grow up and fly out of the nest. The child is not our property. Maybe you took him into your family at the age of 15-16, so little time has passed, and now he is already 18 and he wants to separate? The desire of a child who has become an adult to start an independent life is natural - support him in this, help. If he is able to be independent, you have completed your task as a parent and mentor.

Don't beat yourself up "I can't love him"

Treat your mission as a foster parent as a very important task. Love is not always born, but trust, respect, attention to each other appear. You should not rely on unconditional love either from your side for the child, or vice versa, so that later you will not be hurt by its absence.

Think in advance about your role in your relationship with your child.

“If you take a teenager, do not tune in to the role of“ parent ”,“ mother, ”it is better to try to build friendly, mutually respectful relationships,” the psychologist advises. “And it makes no sense to compete with blood parents. "I take care of you, support, help you - this is how I show my love as a foster parent" - it's better to set yourself up for such a working mood. " And if attachment, friendly warmth and even more love is added to such goals, then this is real happiness for the whole foster family.

1. Foster parents can be both spouses and individual citizens of both sexes who are capable of raising children and creating conditions for their full development. However, persons who are not married to each other, although they are members of the same family, such as a brother and sister or de facto spouses, cannot be foster parents of the same child.

The legislation establishes a list of restrictions established for persons wishing to become foster parents. It is similar to the list of restrictions for guardians (trustees), adoptive parents. The subjects, knowingly incapable of carrying out family education, include: persons recognized by the court as incapable or partially incapacitated; persons deprived of parental rights by the court or limited by the court in parental rights; dismissed from the duties of a guardian (curator) for improper performance of the duties assigned to him by law; former adoptive parents, if the adoption was canceled by the court due to their fault; persons suffering from chronic alcoholism or drug addiction, and persons who, for health reasons, cannot carry out the duties of raising a child. The list of such diseases, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 1, 1996 N 542, is general and is used for medical examination of adoptive parents, guardians (trustees) and foster parents.

Direct selection of foster parents is carried out by the guardianship and guardianship authorities from among the persons living in the area who have expressed such a desire, who are able to take the child into upbringing and who do not fall under the specified restrictions. The selection is made from candidates with acceptable moral and other personal qualities, social stability. The nature of the relationship between the adoptive parent and the child is also important, as well as the attitude of other members of the adoptive family towards the child. These circumstances are taken into account by the guardianship authorities when selecting foster parents. On the procedure for the selection and preparation of adoptive parents, see the commentary to paragraph 3 of Art. 152 of the RF IC.

2. The concluded agreement between the adoptive parents and the guardianship and guardianship authorities gives rise to the corresponding rights and obligations of the parties. The rights and obligations of adoptive parents coincide with the rights and obligations of a guardian (trustee) (cl.

2 tbsp. 153.1 of the RF IC).

Foster parents have the right and are obliged to bring up a child in a foster family on the basis of mutual respect, organizing a common life, leisure, and mutual assistance. They have the right to independently determine the methods of raising a child, however, taking into account his opinion and recommendations of the guardianship and guardianship authority.

The foster parents are also responsible for creating the necessary conditions for the child to receive an education. Foster parents have the right to choose an educational institution and a child's form of education, taking into account the child's opinion before receiving a general education and are obliged to ensure that the child receives a general education (clause 6 of article 148.1 of the RF IC). For this purpose, parent-educators ensure that the foster child visits a general education institution, monitor his progress, and maintain contact with teachers and educators of this institution. In the event that a child cannot attend a general education institution due to his health condition, the parents shall ensure that they receive education in the forms established by law that are accessible to the child.

Taking care of the child's health, his physical, mental, spiritual and moral development, providing child care and treatment, systematic examination by specialist doctors in accordance with medical recommendations and the child's health - and these are the responsibilities of foster parents.

Foster parents have the right and obligation to protect the rights and interests of the child. The necessary powers of the adoptive parents are confirmed by a certificate issued to the adoptive parents by the guardianship and guardianship authorities. As legal representatives of an adopted child, adoptive parents protect his rights and interests, including in court, without special powers.

In addition, the adoptive parents become the owners of the rights and obligations stipulated in each specific case at the conclusion of the contract.

For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of their duties, the adoptive parents are liable in the manner and on the conditions that are stipulated by federal law and agreement.

For a number of reasons, today many children are left without parental care and love. The staff of the shelters does everything to make the little ones feel safe. But no one can replace mom and dad. Adopting children is a great alternative. Small members of society are cared for, and adults can feel the joy of parenting.

What is a foster family?

One of the most common orphans is a foster family. This is an opportunity for children to feel like full-fledged people and grow in care and affection. Parents make out only There is no need to adopt orphans. Depending on the size of the living space and living conditions, you can take in a family from 1 to 4 children. The pupil lives with foster parents until the age of 18.

Family-type orphanages are also widespread today. This is a slightly different form of custody. Parents receive appropriate payments for the upbringing and maintenance of orphans. In this case, more than 10 children of any age can be admitted. The little ones know that they are living with a foster family. Despite this, they receive the same care as other children from their parents.

The foster family is constantly monitored by social services. Parents act according to the plan. Orphans most often end up in families with various psychological problems. Foster parents, together with psychologists, are doing everything to make the child adapt to new conditions.

Features of a foster family

First of all, it is worth remembering that the adopted child in the family has the status of an orphan (as opposed to the adoption procedure). This means that all government benefits and payments remain. Social services may regularly offer vouchers to sanatoriums and recreation centers. In addition, a monthly pension is paid to orphans. Children can stay in a family until they come of age or until they graduate from a higher educational institution. Further, they are provided with a workplace and a hostel. Children come to a foster family only for a certain period of life. Despite this, foster parents often have warm relations with their wards. Many orphans remain with families at an older age.

The adoptive family has many responsibilities to the state. Parents receive payments for decent maintenance and upbringing of children. Adults who decide to take care of orphans need to undergo appropriate training. In the future, every 2 years you will have to take retraining courses.

Is the orphan status still?

A foster family is an opportunity to bring up children in a narrower circle. The teachers are adults (man and woman) who decided to take the kids into care. But we are not talking about adoption. Children always have the opportunity to communicate with their biological parents if they wish. Very often babies become orphans with living relatives. Adults who lead the wrong lifestyle, do not take proper care of the child, are deprived of parental rights. The kid ends up in an orphanage. Communication with relatives can only stop if the child is adopted.

Despite the fact that the foster family cannot prohibit communication with blood relatives, meetings with biological parents can be strictly supervised. It is still best to avoid such meetings whenever possible. Communication with family can be a real trauma for a child. And the psychological health of foster babies should come first.

Is adoption possible?

A foster family is a temporary form of placing children. The child knows that the parents are not family members. The most difficult thing is that the baby can be adopted by another family without consent. As soon as people appear who are going to adopt the baby, he can be removed from the register of the adoptive family.

Children quickly become attached to their other people can be serious psychological trauma for the child. Fortunately, babies of a conscious age are rarely chosen for adoption. Most often these are babies up to one year old, who are still little attached to their guardians and quickly adapt to new conditions.

Who can become foster parents?

Upbringing in a foster family can be carried out by adults whose family member exceeds the subsistence level established by law. A man and a woman who are not married cannot be the guardians of the same child. The health of people who want to create a foster family is of great importance. Before processing the documents, you must undergo a complete medical examination. People who are registered in a narcological or tuberculosis dispensary cannot accept children.

People who have previously been convicted or deprived of parental rights also cannot create a foster family. The same rule applies to former adoptive parents if the child was returned to the shelter through their fault. If adults are fit in all respects, they should receive appropriate training. A foster family should become a real rear for a child deprived of parental attention.

Foster parenting school

Foster parenting school is a preparatory stage that allows people to understand if they can properly raise a step child. The program for all such schools is the same. It is approved by the Ministry of Health. During the training, the parents-to-be will be informed about the peculiarities of raising children from orphanages, and learn their needs. During training, 20% of adults give up the idea of ​​creating a reception room seven. And there is nothing wrong with that. Only people who are confident in their abilities will be able to educate a worthy citizen. If there is no such confidence, you should not even start.

During the training, psychologists work with the parents-to-be. Adults have many fears associated with future guardianship. Many are afraid that the adopted child in the family will inherit the negative character traits of blood relatives. Of course, there is such a possibility. But correct upbringing is very important. If you channel the baby's energy in the right direction, he will grow up to be a full-fledged member of society. Also, everyone knows that children copy the behavior of adults. It is worth setting a positive example for the little person. And then all negative character traits will come to naught.

How to start a foster family?

A foster family is a very serious step. Those who decide on it, initially need to come to the city and write a corresponding statement. Next, you will have to collect a package of documents, which will include parents' passports, identification numbers, marriage certificate, health certificates of family members, a certificate of family composition. Copies of all these documents will also have to be provided.

Foster parenting in school is imperative. The corresponding training can also be taken in the regional center of social services. After training, parents have the opportunity to go through a board of trustees. This is where the decision is made whether spouses are suitable for foster families. If all is well, foster parents can choose children to raise (from 1 to 4, depending on the decision of the board of trustees). Within a few days, the final legal stage of paperwork is carried out.

Social support

The state undertakes to constantly provide social support to foster families. Each family is assigned an appropriate employee who regularly visits the family, communicates with the children. This makes it possible to understand whether the adopted child feels well in the family, whether he receives the necessary care and attention from adults. Psychological support is provided to parents and children. There is always an opportunity to seek qualified help.

Once every two years, adoptive parents and families with adopted children take courses to improve the educational potential of adults. Specialists in psychology, pedagogy, medicine are involved in training. Parents should not only surround the kids with love and affection, but also know how to behave correctly in a given situation, how to provide first aid.

Special attention should be paid to the parents who took on the upbringing of an HIV-infected baby. Such children can only get into a foster family with the consent of adults. At least once a year, you will have to undergo training in caring for sick babies. For the upbringing of HIV-infected children, additional benefits are provided to foster families.

Responsibilities of adoptive parents

Foster parents act as legal representatives of children in organizations and businesses. Adults are responsible for the life and health of adopted babies. The mental and physical development of children in foster families also falls on the shoulders of adults. A man and a woman who decide to create a foster family must do everything for the child to become a full-fledged member of society. The kid enters a secondary school. Parents make sure that there are all conditions for normal mental development.

Foster parents have the right to apply pedagogical methods of upbringing, punish a child for disobedience, and encourage him. Upbringing methods are always discussed with social workers. What absolutely must not be done is to raise a hand against adopted children, even for educational purposes.

Rights and obligations of children in foster families

For children deprived of parental care, if they enter a foster family, all state guarantees and benefits are fully preserved. They have the opportunity to receive alimony and pensions that were previously assigned. Foster parents can receive financial assistance for their children. Social services make sure that this money goes to meet the needs of children. For the normal development of orphans, a foster family has been created. Payments can be transferred to the account opened by the guardians in the bank.

Children from foster families have the right to meet with blood relatives, unless prohibited by the court. But this is rarely practiced. Most often, babies, whose mother and father have died or have been deprived of parental rights, end up in shelters.

Adaptation of a child in a foster family

Most parents take care of small children who can easily adapt to new conditions. With an adult child, the situation may be somewhat different. In the early days, a new family member can be quiet and obedient in everything. No more than a week passes and the child stops listening to his new parents. It is important to immediately show who is the boss in the house. Don't be afraid to reprimand a new family member.

It usually takes several months for babies to adapt to foster homes. If the child has reached school age, it is better to take him into the family at the beginning of the summer holidays. At this time, adults will be able to spend more time with a new family member, they will be able to make it clear to him that they will not offend anyone here.

Payments and benefits

The foster family (2014) is fully funded by the state. Parents receive an allowance equal to three times the minimum wage for each child. The time of the baby's stay in the family is included in the total length of service. This means that adoptive parents can also count on a decent pension.

Children in the family have the status of orphans. They are also paid corresponding benefits. Foster parents can manage money in the best interests of the child.

A foster family has many benefits. Payments in 2014 make it possible to fully provide the child with clothing and food. Additionally, children can be offered vouchers to health resorts and rest homes.

Let's summarize

A foster family can be a great alternative to adoption. Children with the status of "orphan" will always be dressed and shod, their parents will be able to surround them with attention and care. But before starting a foster family, it is worth considering several times. The goal should not be income from the state, but the desire to educate full-fledged members of society, who for a number of reasons were deprived of the love of their parents.