What massage to use for burns and scars. Treatment of scars and scars after burns. Contractubex: specific scar treatment

Surely everyone faced burns, even once in their entire life. Boiling oil, accidentally touching a hot stove - such injuries, as a rule, heal quickly without leaving any traces. But there are other types of burns, deeper and more serious. Such injuries are very painful and constantly remind of themselves with ugly scars on the skin.

Let's look at ways to help get rid of burn scars without causing negative consequences.

What burns do scars leave after?

In order for the fight against post-burn skin changes to give a positive result, you need to know the cause of the burn and its degree. By the nature of the occurrence, burns are:

  • thermal caused by exposure to high temperatures, such as boiling liquid, fire, steam, sunlight, etc. 1st degree burns disappear without a trace, since only the upper layer of the skin is exposed. Grade 2 lesions can leave small scars and red spots. Burns of the 3rd and 4th degree injure not only the epidermis, but also deep fat layers, muscle and nervous tissue. Such injuries are the most serious - in the process of skin regeneration, the body forms scar tissue that differs from normal. The result is a noticeable scar that is unlikely to go away on its own;
  • chemical appearing on contact with heavy metal salts, alkalis, acids and other harmful substances. With the 1st degree of a chemical burn, only the epidermis is affected, there is redness and a burning sensation. For the second degree of damage, the formation of bubbles with liquid and puffiness is characteristic (traces usually disappear after a while). The 3rd and 4th degree of a chemical burn is characterized by tissue necrosis and the formation of a scab. Such injuries take a long time to heal, leaving noticeable scars in their place;
  • electrical- formed as a result of exposure to electric current. Passing through fabrics, electricity is converted into heat, causing a burn similar to thermal. As with thermal burns, there are 4 degrees of damage.

In the process of scar formation, a crust forms, which cannot be touched, otherwise you risk making the damage even deeper and uglier. After scarring, you can choose how to remove the burn scar and start treatment.

Currently, there are surgical, medicinal and traditional methods of getting rid of post-burn scars. Depending on the degree of damage to the skin, you can give preference to one or another option.

Radical removal methods

In the fight against old scars and keloid scars, the following methods are effective:

  • ... A post-burn scar is removed with a skin graft taken from another, healthy area of ​​the body. Such an operation is indicated for burns of the 3rd and 4th degree, when the deep layers of the skin and bone tissue are affected. If the patient does not have his own skin, the donor's cover or special synthetic materials can be taken;
  • laser resurfacing. This procedure is essentially a deep peeling, in which the entire surface layer of the skin (epidermis) and part of the dermis are removed. Laser resurfacing significantly flattens the skin and removes deep scars. If the area of ​​the post-burn scar is extensive, the procedure requires the use of local anesthesia or general anesthesia. The number of procedures, depending on the depth of the skin lesion, varies from 1 to 6, and their duration - from 30 minutes to 2 hours;
  • excision of the scar. This is a simple surgical procedure that involves removing scar tissue and applying a cosmetic suture. As a result, the scar becomes thinner and less noticeable;
  • microdermabrasion. The essence of the method consists in delicate grinding of the burned surface with microcrystals. In the process of peeling, the upper keratinized skin particles are removed, the epidermis is renewed and scars become less noticeable. For the treatment of scars after a burn to be effective, an average of 5 to 10 procedures are required, depending on the depth of the injury. One procedure lasts 30-40 minutes. Microdermabrasion is absolutely safe and is performed only under the supervision of a cosmetologist.

Medication methods

Medicines are effective only during the formation of scar tissue and are exactly the means with which you can smear a burn so that there is no scar left. The most popular are:

  • Contractubex... The gel prevents the formation of post-burn scar, relieves pain and speeds up the process of tissue repair. The onion extract in the composition has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect. Heparin speeds up the healing process and the formation of connective cells. Allantoin soothes pain and relieves itching. The drug is applied daily to the damaged area 2-3 times. If the scar is fresh, 3 weeks of use will be enough. With old scars, the effect of application is much weaker, and the gel needs to be used longer, - from 4 to 6 months;
  • Kelofibraza... The main component of the cream is urea, which softens and fills rough skin with moisture, improving its elasticity. It also contains heparin and D-camphor, which have analgesic, anti-inflammatory and regenerative effects. The cream should be applied to the burn spot 3-4 times a day, rubbing in with massage movements;
  • Dermatix... The drug is found on pharmacy counters in the form of a gel and ointment. It has a corrective effect on post-burn scars, making them less noticeable, and in some cases helping to completely get rid of defects. The product contains siloxane polymers that saturate the skin with oxygen and nutrients, moisturize and relieve itching. Applications with the drug should be applied to the affected area at least 2 times a day, and the total duration of treatment is on average 1-2 months;
  • ... The main active ingredient is heparin, which is present in many drugs for the treatment of scars. The ointment has a powerful anticoagulant effect, prevents the formation of blood clots and starts the process of resorption of old scars.

Traditional methods

The use of folk methods for removing scars and scars from burns can be quite effective and can significantly reduce the defect. The most effective methods are:

  • camphor oil compress... Soak gauze or a soft cloth with oil and apply to the defective area overnight. The optimal treatment period for post-burn scars is 1 month;
  • Badyaga... Natural remedy obtained from freshwater sponges. It can be sold both in powder form and in the form of ointments. It has a local irritating and regenerating effect, improves tissue blood supply and accelerates metabolic processes. A mask from Badyaga is applied to the burn mark for 10 minutes, and then thoroughly washed off with warm water. It is recommended to repeat the procedure in 5-7 days - this time is enough to restore the upper layer of the skin after peeling with Badaga;
  • a mixture of melon seeds and eggshells... Grind equal parts of melon seeds and egg shells and add a little vegetable oil to obtain a thick, mushy consistency. Lubricate the defective areas with the resulting mixture for 2 months.

Do not delay with the treatment of post-burn scars and scars. The sooner you begin the process of getting rid of defects, the higher the likelihood of their effective elimination. Otherwise, you cannot avoid radical costly methods.

Burns and frostbite often occur in peacetime as household and professional injuries or as a result of terrorist acts. They are united by damage to the skin, loss of skin functions (barrier, protective, sweating, respiratory, excretory, bactericidal, the formation of biologically active substances). Local changes are always combined with the general reaction of the body, since all organs and systems are involved in the pathological process. Therefore, it is more correct to talk about burn disease, which develops with extensive or deep burns. The development of the disease is influenced by the condition of the victim before the burn (illness, starvation, cooling, overwork, stress, etc.). It is more severe in children and the elderly. The area of ​​the lesion is important (more than 10% of a burn leads to a burn disease, more than 50% is often fatal), localization (the neck, perineum and other painful surfaces are more dangerous), the depth of the lesion, etc. four degrees:

I degree- pain, redness, slight swelling of the skin. It passes without consequences, since there is no tissue necrosis.

II degree- necrosis of the epidermis, which exfoliates, transparent blisters are formed, with suppuration - scars. It passes in 1.5–2 weeks with proper treatment.

III degree - mild: the epidermis, papillary and partially germ layers die. Heals with scars. Severe: necrosis of all layers of the skin. Rough scars are formed, the function of the skin and internal organs is sharply disrupted.

IV degree- death of all skin and underlying tissues. Healing does not occur, plastic surgery for skin grafting (auto- or homoplasty) is performed.

Causes of burns: flame, hot liquid, steam, molten metal, chemicals, electric current, light and radiant energy. The most severe burns are considered napalm as this substance adheres to the skin, deep lesions are formed. The tissue temperature reaches 1500–2000 ° C. Light a burn occurs in a nuclear explosion. The fireball, its light, creates light, infrared and ultraviolet rays. Such burns are more often II and III degrees and are directed to the ball in localization on the body. Beam burns develop from contact with the skin of radioactive substances; skin protein degenerates. In grade III, all tissues are affected, as in a grade IV thermal burn. Healing occurs with rough scars. These burns do not appear immediately, but after 15–20 days. Complications of radiation burns are ulcerative lesions and malignant skin tumors.

The severity of the burn depends on: area, depth, localization. The area of ​​the burn is determined using the palm method(the area of ​​the victim's palm is 1% on average) and using the "nine" method:(hands conventionally make up 9% each, legs - 18%, head, neck - 9%, trunk back and front - 18% each, crotch - 1%, hand - 1%). With a large area of ​​the burn, plasma is lost through the wound surface, the blood thickens, hypoxia is possible. The flow of urine decreases or stops, and acute renal failure is possible. The functions of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems are impaired, congestive pneumonia and constipation are possible. The motor regime is strict bed to reduce tissue tension.

Burn disease occurs in four stages.

Stage I - burn shock. Lasts 2-7 days. It is conventionally divided into two sub-stages: excitation and inhibition.

Stage II- accession of a purulent infection, high fever, blood poisoning (sepsis). There is an increase in protein loss through the wound, blood loss, blood flow is disturbed. Severe pain is characteristic. The nervous system is depleted, mental disorders, hallucinations are possible. Torso burns reduce the mobility of the chest, shortness of breath, pleurisy, hepatitis, and ulcerative processes are possible.

Stage III. After 1.5–2 months, burn exhaustion develops: weight loss up to 70%, bedsores, edema, secondary anemia, diarrhea. Dystrophy of all body tissues, including the myocardium, develops. Rejection of dead tissue is complicated by bleeding.

Stage IV. If the exhaustion is insignificant, then recovery occurs, if it is severe, then, as a rule, death occurs. It is also possible in stages I, II and III. For prophylaxis, surgical treatment with skin grafting is necessary.

With burn disease, analgesic reflex contractures. Muscles atrophy, their tone decreases, even in healthy tissues. Burns in the area of ​​the joints give external articular adhesions and adhesions of tissues around the joints, movements are limited, there may be dislocations, bone loss (osteoporosis), subluxations, pathological fractures, neuritis, paresis. May occur complications: burn scars, adhesions, deformation of the affected area, long-term changes in the functional state of internal organs and systems, disability of the victims.

Treatment: limited movement regimen, treatment of wounds with open or closed methods, physiotherapy, antibiotics, transfusion of blood or blood-substituting fluids, diet, surgery for transplanting one's own or donor skin.

For localized burns (eg limbs) massage is recommended. Massage healthy tissues from the first days of the burn. If there are scars after the burn, then include stretching exercises. The purpose of the massage is to improve blood and lymph flow, tissue metabolism; softening the scar (scars), giving them elasticity, mobility, restoring the function of the limb.

The massage technique is as follows: massage of healthy tissues is carried out, in the presence of scars, their rubbing, stretching, shifting is provided. If there is no tissue damage on the back, then segmental massage techniques are used. The duration of the massage is 5-10 minutes. Course - 15–20 procedures.

Frostbite- pathological condition of prolonged decrease in tissue temperature under the influence of cold. According to statistics, mortality in winter reaches 16%. Damage is possible on any part of the body, but more often it develops on the ends of the body (limbs, nose, ears, feet). With frostbite, blood flow is disturbed and tissue hypoxia occurs due to vasospasm, metabolic processes decrease.

Distinguish four degrees of frostbite:

I degree- a slight decrease in tissue temperature, cyanosis (cyanosis) of the skin, marbling, edema.

II degree- the appearance of bubbles with transparent content is characteristic. The growth layer of the skin is not damaged, scars do not develop.

III degree- necrosis of the entire skin. Blisters with bloody contents. The skin dies, rough scars are formed.

IV degree- death of skin and tissues to the bone. At this degree, treatment is usually surgery (skin grafting).

There are two periods of frostbite: hidden(no signs of damage) and jet period(local and general changes occur in warm conditions). If the body temperature drops to 30–26 ° C, this is general freezing: all functions are reduced, loss of consciousness. If the tissue temperature drops to 24-25 °, a fatal outcome is possible. Emergency care is the gradual warming of the tissues.

Complications: damage to joints, nerve trunks and internal organs.

Exercise therapy shown to all patients, regardless of the severity and area of ​​the lesion. Contraindications temporary: shock, deep injuries near large joints, nerve and vascular trunks, severe complications from the internal organs. After coming out of these states, only special exercises are performed, and general developmental exercises are performed in a minimum dosage.

Exercise therapy often rehabilitates according to the mechanism toning organism. A combination of local and general exposure is required. After a burn shock, ORU with a minimum load and breathing exercises are recommended. Active movements in the area of ​​the burn are performed very carefully, since they stimulate the work of the heart due to the motor-cardiac reflex, which is undesirable in case of burn disease. Breathing exercises combined with movement of the abdominal wall reduce the risk of constipation and prevent the development of pneumonia. In addition, exercise stimulates the tone of the cerebral cortex, reduces shock inhibition and the risk of contractures due to low-volume movements in the area of ​​the burn. At severe shock only breathing exercises are permitted.

In II period diseases, special breathing exercises are permissible in order to prevent pneumonia.

With the acute development of complications (liver damage, kidney damage), exercise therapy is canceled. Special exercises in the burn area are aimed at maintaining mobility in the joint area and at accelerating the healing of burn wounds (with a general threatening condition, they are canceled).

V III period Exercise therapy is performed to prevent hypodynamia in unaffected areas. The load depends on the degree of general depletion of the body, but exercise therapy is always carried out, only the magnitude of the load changes.

V IV period Exercise therapy is aimed at the formation of compensations, adaptation to household and professional stress. The load increases gradually.

Burns I degree require exercise therapy.

For burns II degree exercises are performed to increase the elasticity of the skin, to increase mobility in the joints after epithelialization of tissues; III and IV degree- ORU, special exercises to increase the elasticity and mobility of tissues and joints.

If surgical treatment is indicated, then exercise therapy is carried out both before and after the operation. Before surgery: ORU and preparation of the tissues surrounding the affected area for surgery. After operation: active movements on muscle areas located above and below the operative field. Active movements in the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe burn (especially with plastic) should be started no earlier than the 8-10th day. After the operation, tissue immobilization is required, but exercise therapy is required. Deep damage, contractures require long-term development. After the therapeutic gymnastics procedure, treatment with a position (on rollers, splints, pillows, hinges) is recommended to maintain the achieved effect. In the process of physical rehabilitation, ideomotor exercises, stretching, and relaxation are widely used; in the last period - on posture, applied, sports.

A feature of exercise therapy are exercises with local and dosed muscle tension, which reduce the percentage of complications at the site of the burn, form a scar, and reduce adhesions. Active exercises in the burn area are performed until light pain occurs (these are stretching exercises, with resistance, with shells (sponges, expander). Before active exercises, passive exercises are performed and exercises in sending impulses to the patient themselves until they are mild pain. Applied exercises include: dressing, undressing , combing, sewing, writing, drawing, crawling. Execution time ranges from 3-5 to 40 minutes. Exercise therapy technique also depends from localization burns.

On the chest: the scar lowers the mobility of the chest, tissue hypoxia develops. Breathing exercises are necessary from the first days. Compensation is due to diaphragmatic breathing (in the position of bending the legs at the knee joints), the exercises are performed with an extended exhalation.

On the hand: contrasting flexion at the elbow, adduction at the shoulder joint. Early, high-amplitude active movements and stretching exercises are recommended. Exercises with objects of different shape, material, hardness, as well as for the development of everyday skills, are aimed at restoring sensitivity.

Burns to the feet: because of the pain, the tension of the tissues decreases, it is difficult to walk, there may be subluxations, swelling of the legs when walking, tingling (exercises with crutches, swinging at the wall, climbing the wall, stepping over objects).

With frostbite, the main tasks for restoring the body are as follows: increasing the general tone, preventing local complications from the internal organs, improving tissue nutrition, motor functions, accelerating the separation of living tissues from damaged ones, reducing edema.

As part of the provision of first aid, it is necessary to carry out an urgent gradual warming of tissues (hot drinks, baths, heating pads). The massage is done with great care due to the possible injury to damaged tissues.

The exercise therapy technique is similar to burns. Prosthetics after amputation is possible. Preparation for it is carried out with the help of exercise therapy: exercises with objects made of plastic, wood, metal; smooth and rough surfaces restore sensitivity better. Exercise therapy is used in combination with physiotherapy, massage, hardening. Changes in deep tissues last for a long time, exercise therapy is performed until complete recovery.

Massage for frostbite. In case of local frostbite, a massage of healthy tissues is performed. After skin regeneration, the frostbitten surface and scars are massaged. In case of frostbite of the fingers, segmental reflex massage is performed. In case of frostbite of the fingers, massage the cervicothoracic spine, then the shoulder and forearm, toes - the lumbar spine, gluteal muscles, thighs, legs and abdomen. Techniques are excluded: chopping, beating. The duration of the massage is 5-15 minutes, depending on the location and area of ​​frostbite. Course - 15–20 procedures. With a small area of ​​frostbite (especially if they are localized on the periphery), massage with brushes in a bath (pool) or manual massage in a bath (water temperature 32–36 ° C) is indicated.

An innovative complex of exercise therapy for burns of the torso (first period)

I. p.- lying on your back.

1. Slow flexion and extension (alternate and simultaneous) of the fingers 3-4 times for each movement. Breathing is free.

2. Alternate and simultaneous flexion and extension of the ankle joints. Repeat 6-8 times. Breathing is free.

3. Diaphragmatic breathing 30 sec.

4. Take the arms and legs bent at the elbows, bent at the knee joints, to the sides, perform 2–4 slow deep inhalation and exhalation, return to and. NS. Repeat 3-4 times.

5. Take a deep breath, while holding your breath (2-3 s), raise your head; return to and. NS., free breathing - 4–6 s. Repeat 3-4 times.

6. Turns of the head to the right and to the left 4-6 times. Breathing is free.

7. Hands lie on the bed, laid out to the sides. Deep chest breathing with prolonged exhalation. 8-12 times.

8. Alternate and sequential-simultaneous flexion and extension of the legs in the ankle, knee and hip joints. Repeat 6-8 times. Breathing is free.

9. Alternate and simultaneous alternation of raising and lowering straight arms up. Breathing is arbitrary. Repeat 6-8 times.

10. Diaphragmatic breathing. 30 s.

11. The arms are bent at the elbow joints. Active alternate flexion and extension of the fingers 6-8 times. Further - the simultaneous active sequential flexion-extension of the fingers and forearms. Repeat 4-6 times. Breathing is free.

12. Free (chest and diaphragmatic) breathing with extended exhalation 30 s.

13. Raise your right shoulder from the bed, touch your left shoulder with your right hand, turn your head to the left - exhale, and. NS.- inhale. The same to the left. Repeat 8-10 times.

14. Circular (unidirectional and multidirectional) movements in the ankle joints inward and outward 8-12 times. Breathing is free.

15. Diaphragmatic breathing. 30 s.

An innovative complex of exercise therapy for burns of the upper extremities (second period)

I. p.- lying on your back. Breathing is free.

1. Slight flexion, extension and rotation with healthy limbs in various joints. 10-15 s.

2. Simultaneous sequential flexion and extension of the fingers and forearms of both hands. Repeat 5-6 times.

3. Flexion, extension of the affected arm in the elbow joint with the help of a healthy one. Repeat 6-8 times.

4. Alternate (3-4 times for each leg) and simultaneous (3-4 times) abduction and adduction of straight legs. Breathing is free.

5. Chest breathing, sagging on inhalation. 5-6 times.

6. Alternate (5-6 times for each arm) and simultaneous (6-8 times) flexion and extension of the arms in the elbow joints. 5-6 times.

7. Alternate raising and lowering of straight legs. 5-7 times.

8. "Walking" lying (with flexion at the moment of bringing the leg forward) and extension (when returning to and. NS.) stop. Run 6-8 times.

9. Abduction of straight arms to the sides with flexion, extension and rotation of the hands. 4-7 times with each hand.

10. Opposition (sequential, starting with the thumb) and simultaneous fingers. 6-10 times.

11. Flexion and extension of the fingers. 10-12 times.

12. Raising the pelvis with support on the feet, head and healthy hand. 4-6 times.

13. The arms are bent at the elbows. Alternate and simultaneous circular movements in the wrist joints in both directions. 4-6 times in each direction.

14. Meditative diaphragmatic breathing. 20-25 p.

15. The arms are bent at the elbow joints, supination and pronation of the forearms and straight arms. 5-6 times with each hand.

16. Lying on a healthy side, abduction of the hand - inhale; and. NS- exhale. 5-7 times. Further, the same with the connection of the movement of the same leg. 5-6 times.

17. Dosed (simultaneous 4–6 times) and sequential (6–8 times) raising and lowering the shoulder girdle. Breathing is free.

18. Meditative breathing of mixed type with extended exhalation. 40 s. It is possible to use the exercises listed in the complex for burns of the lower extremities.

An innovative exercise therapy session with preschool children on bed rest with deep burns of the lower extremities (in the postoperative period)

1. I. p.- lying on your back. Bend your elbows, squeezing your fingers; straighten your arms, unclench your fingers. 5-6 times. Breathing is free.

2. I. p.- too. Raise the chest, leaning on the elbows and head - inhale; to lower the chest - exhale. 3-4 times. The pace is slow.

3. I. p.- too. Flexion of the toes, extension of the toes. 5-6 times. Average pace. Breathing is free.

4. I. p.- too. Circular movements of the feet outward - 5–7 s, the same inward - 5–7 s; relaxation 8-10 sec. Perform slowly, with a large amplitude. Repeat 3-4 times.

5. I. p.- too. Meditative diaphragmatic breathing, placing the left hand on the chest, the right hand on the abdomen. 20-25 p. Average pace.

6. I. p.- too. Bend your right leg, pressing it to your chest - exhale; straighten - inhale; the same left; return to and. NS. Perform at a medium pace, sliding the heel on the bed. Repeat 6-7 times.

7. I. p.- too. Meditative simultaneous flexion and extension of the legs. The pace is slow. Repeat 10-12 times.

8. I. p.- too. Move to a sitting position, legs straight, hands on knees - exhale. Deep breath, exhale, return to and. NS., relaxation, free breathing 4–5 p. Repeat 3-5 times. Perform, leaning on your hands.

9. I. p.- lying down. Diaphragmatic breathing 10-15 sec.

10. I. p.- too. Legs apart - inhale; and. NS.- exhale. 6-7 times. Execute slowly.

11. I. p.- the same with support on the forearm. Exercise "bicycle" 4 cycles, relaxation 3-4 p. Perform on a large amplitude 3-4 times. Relaxation 10–12 sec.

12. I. p.- too. Exercise "bike" in the opposite direction. In this case, the right leg works for straightening in the knee joint and extension in the ankle, and the left leg - vice versa. As you move, the flexion and extension functions of the legs change. 4-6 movements in each direction.

13. I. p.- lying on the right side. Abduction of the left arm and leg - inhale; and. NS.- exhale. Repeat 4-5 times. Do not bend the arm and leg.

14. I. p.- lying on the left side. Similar to the previous exercise. Repeat 4-5 times. Do not bend the arm and leg.

15. I. p.- lying on his stomach, hands clenched into fists, at shoulder level. Raising (slightly helping with hands) the head and shoulder girdle - inhale. Return to and. NS.- exhale. Repeat 4-6 times. The pace is slow.

16. I. p.- too. Alternate raising (inhalation) and lowering of the legs, do not bend. 3-4 times on each leg. Average pace.

17. I. p.- too. Leaning on your hands, bend your legs at the knee joint, bend - inhale; and. NS.- exhale. Repeat 4-5 times. Perform at a greater amplitude.

18. I. p.- too. Simultaneous lifting of the head, shoulders and legs - inhale. Return to and. NS.- exhale. 2-4 times. Fixation for 1–2 s in the bent position.

19. I. p.- lying on your back. Leg movements "breaststroke" 4-5 times. Raise your legs by 20-30 cm.

20. I. p.- lying on your back. Bend your knees, meditative walking, with a slight lifting of the feet from the bed, with their alternate flexion and extension. 1 minute.

21. I. p.- too. Meditative diaphragmatic breathing. 20-25 p. Put your hands on your stomach.

22. I. p.- while sitting, lower your legs out of bed. Raising and lowering the heels without lifting the toes off the floor; Raising and lowering your toes without lifting your heels. Repeat 8-12 times.

23. I. p.- too. Using your hands, bend your knees, connect your feet with your soles - inhale; return to and. NS.- exhale. Repeat 4-5 times.

24. I. p.- the same, hands on knees. Spreading your knees with a slight yielding resistance of the legs, put your feet on the outer edge, bend your fingers with tension - inhale; and. NS.- exhale. Repeat 4-5 times.

25. I. p.- too. Straighten your legs - inhale; and. NS.- exhale. 4-5 times.

26. I. p.- too. Meditative walking. 1 minute.

27. I. p.- lying on your back. Hands to the sides - inhale; and. NS.- exhale. Perform at a slow pace. 10-14 times.

28. I. p.- too. Bend your right leg and left arm at the same time - inhale; fix this position while holding your breath; and. NS.- exhale. The same with the left foot and right hand. Repeat 3-4 times.

29. I. p.- too. In a state of meditation, bend your legs, relax them, return to and. NS. Perform - 10-15 s.

30. I. p.- too. Meditative diaphragmatic breathing 1 min.

An innovative complex of exercise therapy for burns of the lower extremities (recovery period)

I. p. - about. with. Breathing is free.

1. Meditative walking with the simultaneous raising of the arms to the horizontal level. 2-3 minutes

2. To rise on toes, hands through the sides up - inhale; and. NS.- exhale. 6-9 times.

3. Turn to the right, right hand to the side - inhale, and. NS.- exhale. The same in the other direction. 6-8 times.

4. Bend forward (forced inhalation), and. NS.- exhale. 5-7 times.

5. Tilt with a turn to the right, left hand above the head - inhale; and. NS.- exhale. The same in the other direction. 4-6 times in each direction.

6. Leg back, arms to the sides, bend - inhale; and. NS.- exhale. 5-8 times.

7. At the gymnastic wall, grip the rail at head level. Sit down - inhale; and. NS.- exhale. 3-5 times.

8. Counter (opposite legs and arms) swings in the frontal plane with backward bending. Only 6-8 times.

9. Climbing on the gymnastic wall with successive movements of the same name (for example, left arm and left leg) and opposite movements of arms and legs: 3-4 ascents and descents on 3-4 steps.

10. Climbing on the gymnastic wall with sequential (for example, left arm and right leg) movement with fixation (1–2 s) of the “step” position on each step: 2–4 ascents and descents by 3–4 steps.

11. I. p.- standing, feet shoulder-width apart, throwing the ball. From hand to hand with squats 3-4 times. Breathing is free.

12. I. p.- the same, throwing the ball (0.5 kg) up and catching 8-10 times. Whoever throws higher and catches more times.

13. Walking on toes, on heels, on the outside and inside of the foot. 1 minute.

14. Meditative walking. 30 s.

15. Stepping over objects, rope at different heights and widths. 1 minute.

16. Light bounces on toes. 10-15 times.

17. Easy running. 1-1.5 minutes

18. Meditative walking. 3-4 minutes

An innovative complex of exercise therapy for burns of the face, neck and trunk (recovery period)

The selection of exercises is carried out according to the condition of the patient.

I. p. - lying on your back. Breathing is free.

1. Flexion of the arms at the elbow joints and squeezing the fingers 6-8 times.

2. Turns the head left and right, bends forward, to the right and left shoulder. 8-12 times.

3. Raising the chest with support on the elbows and legs - exhale; and. NS.- inhale. 4-6 times.

4. Incomplete turn on the side with palms touching each other - exhale; fixing the position (1–2 s) - inhalation; and. NS.- exhale-inhale. 3-4 times in each direction.

5. Raising, lowering the head 4–8 times. Free breathing. 10-15 s.

6. Raising the pelvis with support on the forearms. 4-6 times.

7. Bringing (with hands behind the knee) legs alternately to the stomach (chest) with fixation of the thigh and rotation of the feet in different directions (up to 6 times for each foot).

8. Bringing the legs alternately to the stomach (chest) with rotation (with the help of the hands) in the hip joints (up to 6 times for each leg).

9. Turns to the side. 3-4 times in each direction.

10. I. p.- lying on its side. Abduction of the arm bent at the elbow to the side - inhale; and. NS.- exhale. 4-6 times.

11. I. p.- sitting with a gymnastic stick. Hands up - inhale; and. NS.- exhale. 4-6 times.

12. I. p.- too. Turning the body to the side - inhale (holding the breath for 1–2 s); and. NS.

13. I. p.O. with., hands on the belt. Tilt to the side, arms up - forced inhalation; and. NS.- exhale. 4-6 times in each direction.

14. I. p.- too. Circular head movements with maximum amplitude. 4-6 times in each direction.

15. I. p.- too. Hands to the side up, tilt your head back - inhale; breath holding (2-3 s); and. NS.- exhale. 4-5 times.

16. I. p.- standing on the left side of the chair. Walking in place with high knees. 30 s.

17. Squat - exhale; and. NS.- inhale. 3-4 times.

18. Meditative walking in place. 2-3 minutes

19. I. p.- sitting in front of a mirror. Open and close your mouth 10-12 times; smooth minimal movements of the lower jaw in both directions (5–6 times); wrinkling of the forehead, reduction of eyebrows (10-12 times); puffing up the cheeks (8-10 times), pulling the lips forward (10-12 times), squeezing the lips (10 times).

20. Accentuated pronunciation of different letters, syllables, words (2-3 minutes).

21. Meditative breathing 30 p.

The scheme of physical therapy classes for burns of the torso during the recovery period (for independent work of students) Introductory part (4-5 min)

Tasks: create a positive emotional background, activate attention, prepare for the exercises of the main part. Building, walking, attention exercises, breathing exercises, play exercises. Playful exercises should not tire, but only create a positive emotional background in children.

The main part (20-25 min)

Tasks: have a tonic effect. Strengthen the child's body. Restore load adaptation. Restore motor function, especially in the area affected by the burn. Restore respiratory function. Promote the formation of compensation for irreversible functions.

General developmental exercises for various muscle groups in various starting positions. Relaxation exercises, especially in the area of ​​transplanted skin grafts and healed burn wounds. Exercises that increase the range of motion in the joints, various tilts and turns of the trunk. Exercises to strengthen the respiratory muscles. Various objects and shells are widely used, as well as toys (pins, balls, hoops), outdoor games and elements of sports games are used. Exercises to restore everyday skills. All exercises should be combined with breathing exercises. The pace of execution is up to fast, but careful monitoring of the child's condition is necessary. When tired, give active rest, monitor posture.

The final part (5-6 min)

Tasks: decrease in workload, gradual transition to normal activities.

Slow walking, relaxation exercises, attention, calm breathing. Make sure that the tasks of the final part are solved, if necessary, extend it.

Section 15

Meditative techniques

Meditation translated from Latin is meditation. At the heart of meditation is deep concentration, which presupposes the active work of consciousness, subconsciousness and requires some effort. Consciousness is switching from logical to intuitive, creative. A kind of fusion of the object of meditation, its subject and the process itself is created. It is usually accompanied by bodily relaxation, lack of emotional manifestations, detachment from external objects. The use of meditation techniques can be found in any ancient culture.

For meditation, a person is involved in the process entirely and completely, with his whole being, as a result of which real changes occur in the body, which can be temporary or permanent at all levels of consciousness, subconsciousness and unconsciousness. Meditation can be static, dynamic, and situational. The meditation process can be broken down into five steps.

1. Concentration of attention on movement, object, sound, idea, organ. The goal is to force yourself to focus on one thing.

2. Deep concentration - involves the active work of consciousness, subconsciousness and requires some effort.

3. Contemplation - concentration goes into an autonomous mode and efforts are unnecessary here. There is a switching of consciousness from logical thinking to intuitive, creative, that is, the transition of thinking from the left-hemispheric type to the right-hemispheric type occurs, and even, moreover, they are combined, due to the fact that the figurative-syncretic type of mental activity has a higher adaptive ability.

4. Togetherness - there is a merging of the object, the subject of meditation and the process itself. There comes an amazing feeling of all-unity, destruction of one's own "I", merging with the Absolute. The outer world becomes equal to the inner world.

5. Enlightenment can be characterized by the words: "knowledge that is above understanding." A person understands and receives completely new knowledge (sometimes this can be called a revelation).

The scheme, as a first approximation, is very simple: emotions - muscles - action. If at least one link falls out, then violations begin. A person who lives under the yoke of unrelenting internal anxiety, within the framework of society, is forced to constantly restrain himself or be able to truly control himself. Stress is tiring emotionally, mentally, physically.

Music and meditation

Much is known about music, its influence on psychosomatics, mood, state. This is a set of vibrations, arranged in a certain order, which means that if it harmonizes you, then it is "your own", if not, then you can either try to adjust to it or not listen. In addition, a certain scale can be useful for various diseases.

Music is included in the training of athletes, especially if certain exercises are monotonous, monotonous. In addition, the rhythm of the music affects the heart rate, which means the entire cardiovascular system as a whole. It is desirable that the music be without textual accompaniment, since the text additionally loads the attention with a semantic load. The psychoemotional and psychophysical significance of music in muscular activity is well known, but the selection should be sufficiently individual.

Individual elements of music cause mental states and physiological reactions adequate to the nature of the stimulus. Conventionally, the use of music can be divided into several directions.

1. Methods aimed at "reacting" to a melody, including emotionally activating ones.

2. Training methods.

3. Relaxing methods.

4. Communication methods, including listening to music together.

5. The so-called creative approach, including mechanisms of self-expression (dance, improvisation, vocals, etc.).

6. Methods to increase the possibility of perception and expand its boundaries.

7. A psychophysical method that increases the level of ethics and aesthetic perception of the world.

Music with a pronounced rhythm, melody, quiet, on the verge of audible, corresponds to the removal of the centers of tension from the cerebral cortex and the implementation of techniques in the desired rhythm.

Walking meditation

This type of meditation aims primarily at insight. It can also help develop significant serenity. It is especially suitable for people of an energetic and active nature, but it can also be a good remedy for those who are prone to drowsiness and depression.

When walking in a state of meditation is done in the forest or countryside, there is no problem with solitude. It is necessary to find a quiet place and adapt it to the practice. Usually the walking path is sprinkled with fine sand, then you can practice walking barefoot. In other cases, any smooth material is suitable. The path should not only be flat, but also straight. A useful addition to many meditation walking sites is a brick or stone seat (at one end of the site) where the meditator can sit cross-legged during the recovery period. In fact, walking at normal speed is preferred over some of the other methods that teach ultra-slow movement.

Errors and shortcomings most common in the practice of meditation:

Sluggishness of thinking (intolerance to other people's opinions, judgments or experiences, including mystical);

Expectation of immediate enlightenment, change or emergence of paranormal abilities;

Inconsistency in the application of techniques, “grabbing” from various systems that are often not joined together;

Separation from society, from obligations to family, relatives, collective;

Excessive efforts to get results;

The personality of the instructor, teacher, who announces the extraordinary own abilities of the students; gets along badly with people, connects students' enlightenment only with their own concept and methodology;

Deception of the senses, withdrawal into an illusory world, which may be accompanied by a thinning, or even a rupture of the veil.

Meditative walking technique. The duration of walking depends on the time available to the student, as well as on the volume of the load performed in the lesson. It is performed with the presentation of oneself in conditions that maximally contribute to psychophysical relaxation. In fact, walking at normal speed is preferred over other options. Brisk walking can seem to be effective when the problem of a higher level of energy supply to the body is being solved. Before starting classes, you need to focus on the tasks of meditation. While walking, the gaze should be on the ground or on the floor, not to allow it to "wander" around. At the end of walking, you must lower your arms, fold them in front of you, continuing to move until a complete stop.

Meditative running technique. It is advisable to perform in small groups, no more than 15–20 people and under the guidance of an instructor who constantly gives instructions on the correctness of the technique. All exercises performed in conjunction with running are carried out at a high energy level, which enhances their action and effectiveness. At the same time, the effect of group monotony contributes to high meditative concentration. In this regard, the group must be homogeneous in composition. In cases where meditative running is carried out at the beginning of the exercise therapy complex or separately from it, then it must necessarily be preceded by a warm-up to activate the cardio-respiratory system, tissues of the musculoskeletal system. Warm up is best done in a warm room. It is most rational to start with an introductory (adjustment) meditation, which synchronizes the participants, adjusting them to each other. Next, a leisurely run with breathing meditation is performed. Gradually, the pace of running can increase up to heart rate values ​​equal to 110-116 beats / min.

During training sessions, it is possible to increase the duration and intensity of meditative running up to 30 minutes with a pulse rate of 120 + 10 beats / min.

Meditative breathing technique. Involves calm deep breathing with closed eyes, imagining oneself in various comfortable conditions, natural landscapes or periods of the most favorable moments of life.

Section 16

Independent work of students in the discipline "Exercise therapy and massage"

Therapeutic physical culture and massage have firmly become one of the main means of comprehensive medical and social rehabilitation of all groups of the population. Physical exercise is used for almost all types of diseases as a powerful preventive and therapeutic agent aimed at restoring human health and performance. The discipline of subject training "Exercise therapy and massage" is closely related to biomedical, theoretical and psychological-pedagogical cycles of physical education. Independent work of students in the course "Exercise therapy and massage" increases the general theoretical outlook of students of physical culture faculties, their pedagogical skills, prepares them for the use of the knowledge gained in the system of sports, physical culture, health-improving and rehabilitation measures.

The use of exercise therapy means is especially important for students of modern general education institutions of various profiles, who, according to official statistics, have various deviations in the level of health with a tendency to increase over time. The availability of remedies for exercise therapy and massage, the possibility of dosing the load in accordance with the individual capabilities of the body allow them to be widely used to correct the health of schoolchildren classified as a preparatory or special medical group, for weakened, often and long-term ill children, teachers, parents and other interested persons in the process physical education and beyond.

Similar information.

A burn is one of the most common household and industrial injuries. Even a skin lesion that is insignificant in area leaves a trace. Scars and scars after burns cause physical and aesthetic discomfort, and sometimes limit joint mobility. How to get rid of them - we will consider in our article.

Types of burns and their consequences

The appearance of post-burn scars depends on the underlying cause of their occurrence.

The main types of burns:

Thermal... It occurs as a result of exposure to high temperatures on the skin. It can be caused by sunlight, fire, hot liquid or steam, hot objects.

The likelihood of scarring depends on the severity of the burn. A grade I burn does not leave traces, since only the epidermis is affected. With grade 2 burns, red spots and small scars may remain on the skin. With burns of III and IV degrees, the skin, muscle and nerve tissues, and the fatty layer are injured, from the cells of which a dense scab is formed.

Chemical... The cause of chemical damage to the skin is caustic alkalis and concentrated acids. Traces from such burns have clear contours, the color of which depends on the chemical (black or brown scars are formed from sulfuric acid, yellowish scars from hydrochloric acid, yellow-green or yellow-brown scars from nitrogen, and white scars from hydrogen peroxide).

In some cases, a keloid (dense tumor-like growth of the fibrous connective tissues of the skin) may form at the site of the scar. The impetus for its development can serve as trauma or scratching the scar. During growth in the area of ​​the scar, itching, burning, painful sensations are felt when pressed.

Electric... In places of electric shock or lightning, there are “marks” (bubbles with serous fluid), in the place of which ugly scars are formed.

Radical scar treatment

For the treatment of keloid, chronic scars, as well as scars that occupy a large area, radical treatment methods are used:

Medicinal remedies

The maximum effect from the use of pharmacy products can be obtained at the stage of scar maturation. The course of treatment is usually about 6 months. The most popular drugs are:

  • ... The ointment contains onion extract, which prevents the formation of scar tissue and has a bactericidal effect on the wound. It contains heparin that softens tissues and promotes the regeneration of new cells, while allantoin eases discomfort during the healing process. The ointment should be rubbed into the burn site several times a day.
  • Kelofibraza... The cream is made on the basis of urea and sodium heparin, which increase blood circulation, make scar tissue more elastic, promote skin regeneration and resorption of the scar. The cream is applied to the post-burn scar 4 times a day with light massaging movements until completely absorbed. On old scars, you need to apply compresses with cream at night.
  • Zeraderm Ultra... The ointment has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and regenerating effects. Effective for celiac and hypertrophic scars after burns. It is applied after complete healing of the wound 2 times a day.

In no case should you remove the crust formed on the wound after the burn. Thus, the situation can be aggravated by increasing the depth of the scar.

  • ... An anti-scar drug of a new generation, intended for the correction of scars and the prevention of their development. It is produced in the form of a transparent gel, which must be applied to the affected area twice a day, 3 weeks after the burn, or in the form of an electrophoresis kit. With the help of an electrophoresis procedure, the medicine is injected under the skin and acts on the scar from the inside.
  • Silicone plate "Spenko"... A transparent silicone plate 10x10 cm in size is intended for the removal of cicatricial formations of various origins, incl. post-burn. It is attached to the scar with a bandage or adhesive plaster and is removed only a few times a day for hygiene procedures.

Burn remedies in the photo

Traditional methods

Quite good results in the fight against the consequences of burns can be achieved with the help of folk methods:

  • Cosmetic clay mask. Helps to make scars less visible. Mix the clay powder with water until a mushy consistency and apply to the damaged area twice a week for 15 minutes. Rinse off leftovers with cool water.
  • Bodyaga. A natural remedy to fight scars and hardened skin. To eliminate scars, the bodyagi mask is applied 2-3 times a week. The product cannot be used on the area around the eyes, if there is rosacea and open wounds on the skin.

You can make post-burn scars less noticeable with the help of compresses from finely grated fresh potatoes, aloe juice, sea buckthorn oil, and parsley broth.

If you do not want to waste time preparing medicine from natural badyagi, in the pharmacy you can find ready-made gels with this component.

  • Melon Seed Blend... Grind 20 dried and peeled ripe melon seeds, 2 egg shells and mix with 5 ml of olive oil. Apply a compress from the resulting mixture to the scar and fix it. Change the compress daily for 20 days. If necessary, repeat the course after a 14-day break.
  • Beeswax mask... Melt 2 parts butter and 1 part natural beeswax in a water bath, cool, add 10 drops of lemon juice and aloe juice. Lubricate the scars with the ready-made composition several times a day.

Burn scars: what not to do

  • Those with noticeable post-burn scars, especially on exposed areas of the body, try to mask them with tattoos. This should not be done. Tattooing itself is a traumatic procedure for the skin. And its application to an already damaged area of ​​the skin can lead to serious consequences.
  • The scar formed after the burn must be protected from exposure to ultraviolet rays, otherwise it will become more noticeable. Therefore, sunbathing is not recommended for people with similar skin defects.
  • Do not self-medicate. Be sure to consult with your doctor before using any method. It is possible that complex treatment will be needed to achieve the best result.

The sooner you start treating post-burn scars, the higher the likelihood of getting rid of them permanently without resorting to radical methods.

A "sunken" scar can be smoothed out if the right treatment is applied correctly and on time.

There is no such person who has no scars on his body at all. Wounds, burns, cuts and surgeries all lead to scarring on our bodies. And if a large, uneven scar is in a conspicuous place, then our appearance can be significantly affected. Fortunately, scars can be dealt with quite successfully.

A scar is an area of ​​connective tissue that has formed at the site of injury. 4 types of scars are distinguished depending on the appearance of the scar and the features of its structure:

  • normotrophic
  • hypertrophic
  • keloid
  • atrophic

Let's talk about atrophic scars. Why do they form and what do they look like?

How an atrophic scar is formed

An atrophic scar is a rather thin scar that is located below the level of the surrounding skin, it is, as it were, concave into the body. This appearance of this type of scar is due to the lack of connective tissue. It's all about the deficiency of special proteins: elastin and collagen, which are necessary for the formation of a full-fledged scar.

Atrophic scars often appear paler than the surrounding skin, but may also be pigmented. The skin in the area of ​​the atrophic scar is usually flabby and has a transverse striation.

Atrophic skin changes can occur in places of skin damage that occur due to:

  • trauma
  • acne
  • chickenpox
  • specific medical procedures
  • burns

Stretch marks or striae that occur during pregnancy and a sharp increase in weight can also be attributed to a type of atrophic scars, but their formation is not associated with wounds. Stretch marks are caused by breaks in collagen fibers in the thickness of the skin. At the site of such breaks, connective tissue is formed.

Scar formed for quite a long time. After tissue damage, the mechanism of its recovery is triggered. First, the wound site becomes inflamed, edema forms. Then special cells are pulled up to this place - fibroblasts, which begin to actively produce collagen. A young scar is formed. With an uncomplicated course of the process, this scar eventually turns into a normal one. But if the body's response to injury is reduced, or the damage is located in an unfavorable place, not enough collagen is formed. The result is an atrophic scar.

Methods for the treatment of atrophic scar

All scars should be treated as early as possible. A "ripe" scar, the structure of which is already fully formed, is much more difficult to treat. Although the appearance of an old scar can also be corrected.

An atrophic scar can be smoothed out and made invisible. For this, there are a variety of treatment methods:

  • mesotherapy
  • laser therapy
  • chemical peeling
  • enzyme therapy
  • surgical excision
  • use of special creams and ointments

To funds that effectively affect atrophic scar, include Kontraktubex gel. But only a qualified doctor who has assessed the condition of your scar at a face-to-face consultation can prescribe a treatment that will lead to the desired result. If treated incorrectly, any drug can be harmful, which is why the treatment regimen should be prescribed by a doctor.

Keloid scars: how to deal with them

An ugly and uncomfortable keloid scar can be made invisible!

Remember, the treatment of atrophic scars is not quick and can take from several months to a year. This is due to the fact that the regenerative processes in the skin are rather slow. Kontraktubex, produced on the basis of high quality natural ingredients, can be used for a long time without harm to health. The gel is able to restore pigment metabolism, which is very important for the scar to be invisible. The components of Kontraktubex not only give softness and elasticity to the scar, but also help maintain blood circulation in it and retain moisture, stimulate the regeneration of healthy skin cells.

The scars do not disappear, but they become subtle

The scar tissue does not completely disappear. But this is not a reason not to do anything. Fight with it cosmetic defect is quite real.

“You need to know: scars and scars are not completely removed. The condition of scars and scars can be made as invisible and unobtrusive as possible, smoothed up to 70-90%, but it is impossible to remove them completely and restore the skin condition that was before the tissue was torn, ”- is talking esthetician Barkova Tatiana Viktorovna.

But to make an invisible scar out of a rough, conspicuous scar is already quite a lot! There is no need to put up with the presence of an ugly atrophic scar in a conspicuous place. With the help of modern methods of treatment, it is possible to significantly improve the appearance of the scar and make it unobtrusive.

Massage for diseases of the musculoskeletal system Svetlana Ustelimova

Massage for burns and frostbite

Massage is applied to the damaged area after complete epithelialization and during the scarring period.

Massage activates lymph and blood flow, promotes scars resorption, improves mobility, reduces pain, stimulates regenerative processes in damaged tissues, and increases immunity.

Massage begins with stroking and rubbing the area around the injury. Then they start stroking and rubbing directly on the area of ​​damage (scar). The following techniques are recommended: sawing, pliers stroking, rubbing, kneading, shearing and stretching, pressing, labile continuous vibration (fig. 14)... After a while, intermittent vibration can be introduced: puncturing, tapping with fingers, as well as shaking the entire limb or shaking the whole body.

14. Labile continuous vibration The duration of the procedure depends on the area of ​​the injury, its location and the degree of dysfunction. The course of treatment is 10-15 procedures. After a break of 1 month or several days, a repeated course is shown - 7 - 10 sessions. Massage is performed daily or every other day.

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