Baby development calendar. Physical development indices. Newborn feeding time

All the moms are tracking how the child develops by months from birth to one year , going through the stages of physical and mental development, but remember that the development of a child up to a year is individual. There is no need to adjust the baby to the development plate, the discrepancy per month is quite acceptable.

Natalya Chalaya - author's table of child development up to 1 year by month

In the table, I will tell you in as much detail as possible, based on the accepted standards and my experience, how the child develops by months. I will break the plate into 4 blocks, 3 months per block.

Photo of a baby in 1 month

Child development from birth to 3 months

Baby development at 1 month

  • He will spend most of the first month in a dream, somewhere 70% adapting to life outside his mother's tummy and gaining weight.
  • Weight gain will be 700 grams - 1 kg, but these are average figures. I saw children who were gaining 300-500 grams each. It depends on the weight with which your treasure was born. The lower the weight, the more it is usually set, and vice versa - large babies gain less.
  • In the first month of life, the baby will stretch 2-4 cm. A funny story happened regarding the growth of my Anya in the maternity hospital. They measured her and wrote 56 cm on the tag. At the first measurement in a month, it turned out that her height was 46 cm. Decreased by 10 cm, or is this how our doctors take measurements?
  • Since there is still no coordination of movements, and the nervous system is intensively forming, in a dream, your happiness either sleeps peacefully, then randomly waves its arms and legs. Do not think that this is some kind of fright, or excessive nervousness. I advise you to swaddle your baby for the first month, so he will sleep much more calmly.
  • From harsh sounds, he blinks and shudders with his whole body, which means that his hearing is developed. It is more terrible when, on the contrary, there is no reaction to sounds.
  • The fixation of the gaze can be checked 3 weeks after birth. Bring a bright blue, red rattle to the toddler's face and wait until it attracts his attention, and then slowly move it aside. For a couple of seconds, the baby can already fix his attention on something interesting: a toy, a mother's face
  • Closer to 4 weeks, you can see that the baby laid out on the tummy is trying to raise and even hold the head for a couple of seconds. Pay attention to whether your child turns his head to one side all the time, this could be a sign of torticollis, which can be corrected with massage.
  • Palms clenched into a fist in a dream can be a sign of increased tone, but not by themselves, but in combination with other factors.

Development in 2 months

photo of a baby in 2 months
  • Chaotic movements in a dream are less and less, sleepy palms gradually straighten from clenched into a fist.
  • Most of the time, the baby is still sleeping and eating. Breastfeeding takes a lot of energy from the mother, and in order to quickly restore them
  • Everything that accidentally falls into the field of visibility is firmly grabbed: mother's hair, chains, earrings. Personally, the princess grabbed me by the earring so that she tore my earlobe to blood, naturally I instantly took off all the earrings and chains.
  • Hearing your voice, searches for the source of the sound.
  • He can see already at a distance of 40-50 cm, but so far he sees everything in black and white.
  • At 6-7 weeks, he consciously smiles when you pick him up, responds to the speech addressed to him with the first attempts at humming. You may be able to distinguish sounds such as: a, o, y, eh.
  • He responds to your smile with a smile and bursting laughter. For my daughter, this happened only when she was 3 months old, so I repeat, all this is conditional. All 2 months she just slept and ate.
  • If he slept in a room with closed curtains, having received a portion of bright light, lying in the arena, he tries to turn his head away. Having raised it from a prone position on its stomach, it is able to hold it for about 10 seconds. The same situation is with keeping the head in the position of the baby "in a column". However, you should not rush things artificially, just remember that more frequent laying on the stomach helps to strengthen the muscles of the cervical spine as soon as possible.
  • Especially developed babies, by the end of the second month, from a lying position on their side, can roll over onto their backs.
  • I almost forgot. It is impossible to assess exactly how a child is developing month by month without tracking changes in weight and height. Weight gain is usually 800 grams, but can reach 2 kg.
  • Growth will increase by 3 cm.

Development in 3 months

photo of a baby in 3 months
  • Weight gain ranges from 700 g-1 kg, height changes by 2, 5 cm.
  • The kid already needs the first toys - soft cloth cubes to grab and throw. It can play about 3 minutes with one toy. In your presence, a small tumbler will fit for games. She will cause delight and laughter at the sight of the toy returning to its original position.
  • Binocular vision appears - the ability to perceive an object of attention simultaneously with two eyes at once.
  • The next stage in the development of a baby at 3 months is the development of convergence - the ability to fix both eyes on one toy.
  • The stage of looking at your pens begins.
  • The kid notices if you put the toy away - he looks for it with his eyes.
  • There are different reactions to different music. Rhythmic music evokes animation, and classics - listening.
  • Smiles become meaningful, the intonation of laughter changes.
  • He recognizes the faces of relatives, expresses emotions of joy at their sight.
  • An important stage in the development of a child by months is that he begins to distinguish colors. Some experts argue that at the initial stage it is only red, and after it other colors. Recent studies refute this, claiming that the child sees not only all colors, but even their shades.

Further, our plate, the development of the child by months up to 1 year, moves to the stage of 4-6 months

This period of development of the child by months will allow you to track the skills that the baby acquires, starting from attempts at coups, to the appearance of the first babble and teeth.

photo of a baby at 4 months

Development in 4 months

  • It grows by 2.5 cm, and gains about 750 grams in weight.
  • 4 month old baby clearly distinguishes between "friends" and "strangers". Giving preference to mom. May cry. If mom disappears from sight.
  • Lying on their backs, most of the children are already turning over on their stomachs. My princess raised her legs up, and rolled like a bun, using her legs as an additional center of gravity.
  • Taking the child in your arms, you will notice that he not only confidently holds his head, but also turns it in different directions, accurately identifying the source of light and sound.
  • You can track the appearance of the first emotions: fear (fading and then crying), delight, curiosity, anger. Builds eyes and wrinkles the forehead.
    He listens if music plays, fairy tales recorded on a dictaphone with mother's voice.
  • The grasping reflex decreases, but is still strong enough.
  • In between periods of sleep, not only looks at his hands, but also tries to coordinate them.
  • Grabbing a toy, pulls it into his mouth. This is what he does with everything he can reach, exploring new things for smell and taste.
  • Increased salivation before the eruption of the first teeth.
  • Finally, the period of "gaziks" and colic is over. In order to avoid depletion of the body (especially in winter), mom needs to introduce new healthy foods into her diet. (to increase hemoglobin), rich in trace elements.
  • Lying on his back, straining his neck, briefly raises his head. Some children even lift their upper back from the bed for a couple of seconds, making their first attempts to sit down.
  • The "favorite" toy appears.
  • Delight expresses very emotionally, literally with the whole body.
  • If a child of 4 months is brought to a mirror, he will begin to flirt with his reflection.
  • At this stage of the child's development by months, it is important that by the end of 4 months the little one will delight you with the first meaningful sounds with which he designates you: ma (mother), ba (grandmother), pa (dad).

Development at 5 months

photo of a baby in 5 months
  • There are periods of long wakefulness, when the baby, entertaining himself "talking", saying: "Ba-ba-ba" or other sounds.
  • In weight, it gains an average of 700 grams, and grows by 2 cm.
  • Plays hide and seek with loved ones.
  • Can suck fingers not only on the hands, but also on the feet.
  • Throws the toy on purpose, waiting. When they pick her up to be thrown again.
  • Hearing becomes very acute, and even your tiptoeing he can hear.
  • Distinguishes the intonation of her mother's voice and sometimes recognizes her name.
  • A bottle of milk can be held with two handles.
  • Acquires the skill of shifting an object from one hand to another.
  • If at 4 months at first everything was drawn into the mouth, and then it was investigated, then at the 5th month of the baby's development, the opposite is true.
  • Increasingly makes attempts to sit, stretching the neck and arms forward.
  • The baby at 5 months begins to stand on his feet with support.
  • I saw babies crawling at 5 months.

Development at 6 months

photo of 6 month old baby
  • Weight gain is 650 g., 2 cm in height.
  • The periods of wakefulness increase.
  • At 6 months, the baby is trying to sit with might and main, freely mastering the coups from the back to the stomach, to the side and back.
  • He is already able to transfer small toys from one container to another.
  • It is at 6 months that most babies make their first attempts at crawling. Leaning on the outstretched arms, the legs begin to swing.
  • Reacts to and responds to his name.
  • A 6-month-old child accompanies his games with continuous babbling.
  • Develops imitation skills (especially those that delight adults).
  • You can observe that reaching for one toy, the little one shifts it to the other hand and reaches for a new one.
  • Babbling has intonations.
  • The kid is aware of his influence on parents, he likes to be in the spotlight.
  • With constant play, his reaction can outpace the event itself. Example: “As soon as you bring your hand to him and say:“ There is a horned goat, ”he starts laughing in advance.
  • If you rock the child in your arms, then assuming the usual position, he will sing to himself: "A-a-a".
  • Most have 2 lower incisors.

My author's plate about the development of a child by months up to 1 year goes to the stage of 7-9 months

Development at 7 months

photo of a child at 7 months
  • He can sit for a long time, and crawling skills are improving.
  • The weight gain is 600 grams, and the growth increases by 2-3 cm.
  • Some children, holding on to the playpen, begin to get up, but they still do not know how to sit back.
  • I saw babies who took their first steps even at 7 months.
  • He plays with toys, studying them: shakes, knocks them on the playpen, tries to measure the size.
  • Angry if something doesn't work out.
  • If a 7 month old baby is offered 2 toys at the same time, it can be seen that he is already learning to make a choice.
  • Describing how a 7 month old baby develops, it is worth noting that round objects are of greater interest to him, the baby is trying to find where their "corners" are. Realizes that there are toys that can be disassembled like matryoshka dolls.
  • The child's facial expressions and gestures become expressive.
  • He can show his mom, dad, cat, dog, TV with his finger.
  • He himself can press the buttons of musical toys to listen to the melody.
  • Loves his reflection, strokes it.
  • Understands not only the intonation of adult family members, but also the word "no".
  • The words appear in the speech: "Give-give", accompanied by the gesture of clenching the palm.

Development at 8 months

photo of a baby at 8 months
  • The toddler is recovering by 500-550 grams, it grows by another 2 cm.
  • Crawls actively, exploring everything and everywhere.
  • Learns to open box lids. Loves to take out and take out everything. Loves insertion games, for example, different balls in different buckets.
  • Knows simple games: “Okay, over bumps, horned goat, hide and seek.
  • An 8 month old baby is able to fulfill a simple request from a mother: "Give your hand, give your mother a bear."
  • Waving bye-bye, blowing kisses.
  • He can watch other children for a long time, everything that moves.
  • Confidently and for a long time stands at the arena, even holding on with one hand.
  • He loves to have his own "adult" toys, and enjoys playing with toy mobile phones.
  • I want to note that the developmental skills of each 8 month old baby are very different. Some kids are already running around with might and main, and some of their more well-fed and overfed peers have only mastered a confident sitting without having to lay pillows. Believe me, if the baby is emotionally and intellectually not lagging behind in development, then sooner or later 100% will begin to walk.

Development at 9 months

photo of a 9 months old baby
  • Weight gain in a 9 month old baby will be about 500 grams, and growth will increase by 1.5 cm.
  • He is able not only to simultaneously raise 2 objects with his hands, but also to play with them at the same time.
  • Your 9 month old baby is, first of all, a pioneer: knocking on pots, making new sounds, with a bottle against the walls of the playpen. Standing at the arena, he dances to rhythmic music. Anything that makes sounds attracts his attention.
  • Fine motor skills are well developed, this is tracked in that he captures large objects with his palm, and small ones with his fingers. At this age, he will like what you have done
  • Claps his hands, turns the pages of the book.
  • I learned standing at the support not only to stand, but also to squat and jump.
  • A child of 9 months already utters many sounds that parents are able to understand along with vivid facial expressions. The first communication, when the little one holds out an empty bottle with the words: "Give-give."
  • Memory is developing intensively. He already knows exactly the purpose of some objects, and this is a big jump in how your baby develops by months. Having got a cup in his hands, he does not examine it, as before, but immediately brings it to his mouth. If he didn’t have a memory, he would study subjects over and over again each time.
  • If moms hide something under the covers in his presence, he is able to find the hidden one.
  • Crawls quickly. My eldest son crawled in an unusual way, he rather moved at 5 points, helping himself to push off with one foot, and then immediately went.
  • Shows eyes, mouth, ears.

The final stage of the child's development in the table by months up to 1 year (10-12 months)

Development at 10 months

photo of a baby at 10 months
  • At 10 months, a baby feels like an "adult" and will be happy to help his mother.
  • Crawls quickly.
  • He walks in a walker, and some of the children are already without them.
  • Independence is manifested in the desire to eat with a spoon, drink from a cup.
  • Knows the names of his toys, can bring them on request.
  • A baby at 10 months old understands the purpose of many objects: a TV remote control, a telephone.
  • Added in weight 450 g., In height only 1.5 cm.
  • Fear of strangers and places appears.
  • Curious, able to open cabinet doors and dump all of them.
  • Loves toys that can be invested.

Development at 11 months

photo of a baby at 11 months
  • A baby of 11 months makes the first awkward steps, constantly balancing, legs apart and raising his arms.
  • The 11 month old baby knows the word "no" very well, but sometimes ignores it deliberately, trying to take the position of the center of the universe in the family.
  • Able to lift very small objects with 2 fingers.
  • He makes persistent attempts not only to walk on his own, but also to do many other things.
  • If holding the hands of adults, or furniture, it moves quickly and confidently.
  • Can hang for about 1 minute on rings.
  • He knows how to independently climb 2-3 steps of the Swedish staircase.
  • Shakes his head in approval or denial.
  • The transition to a one-time nap.
  • Weight gain is only 400 grams, in height one and a half cm.

Development at 12 months

photo of a baby at 12 months
  • A one-year-old baby walks confidently, sits down, gets up (but there are perfectly healthy babies who begin to walk confidently closer only to 18 months).
  • He is able to assemble a simple pyramid himself, and literally by the age of 2 he will already be assembling it, naming the colors and the size of the parts.
  • The range of games is increasing, it is already riding cars, putting dolls to sleep and wheelchair riding.
  • Trying to help around the house: making the bed, folding toys
  • Some perseverance and concentration appear (they like it when they read it)
  • She clearly pronounces the words: "Mom, dad, woman, grandfather, give me bye."
  • He tries to command, showing with his finger the object he wants to get, and when he wants to walk, he is able to bring his walking shoes and clothes to his mother.
  • Refuses, there is something that you do not like to wear anything.
  • Reacts very negatively to mom's absence
  • Loves solid food in the form of cookies, bread.

So our table of child development by months up to 1 year has ended. After reading the entire table about the development of the baby by months from birth to a year, you realize how fast everything happens. This is comparable only to the fact that a paralyzed adult with a sufficiently low intelligence in just a year of his life will not only begin to move fully, but will also become a Nobel laureate in nuclear physics.

Nine endless months passed. Behind expectations and anxiety, morning toxicosis and daytime sleepiness, recommendations for pregnancy from doctors and advice from friends, the first impulses of a small life inside a mother and prenatal contractions. Everything that happens in the life of every woman before the start of a real miracle - the birth of a new person.

Child development calendar by months

The little man is born absolutely helpless. He has the simplest reflexes: sucking, swallowing, grasping and others. And only careful care and constant care of the people around him will help him grow up and learn many necessary things. For 365 days, from a small baby, he turns into a mobile, inquisitive person.

Each baby is different and no two are alike. But there are general patterns and stages that children must go through in their development. And moms can be advised to rely on them. But you do not need to carefully check each step by months, you should focus on your beloved child.

Baby in the first month of life

One of the important aspects of the baby's development is latching on to the mother's breast a few hours after birth. Even in the maternity hospital, according to children's doctors, an “unbreakable emotional contact” is formed between the mother and the baby. It manifests itself in an understanding of his condition and needs, even at a distance.

The kid was brought home, and a difficult period of adaptation and habituation begins. The newborn sleeps almost round the clock, up to 20 hours. During sleep, development and growth occurs up to 2-3 cm per month, and the body adapts to new conditions. The few moments when the baby is awake, he actively waves his legs and arms.

During the month, the main activities are eating and sleeping. Another 600-700 grams is added to the initial weight at birth. It is very important literally from these days to form the baby's diet. Experts advise 6-7 feedings per day after 3-3.5 hours, at night it is advisable to increase the time between meals to 5-6 hours. Some mums take a different view and latch their baby to their breasts at the first sign of anxiety. It turns out up to 12 feedings per day, the number of which decreases with the growth of the child.

Frequent companions of babies in the first month of life are colic and bloating. This is how the newborn organism adapts to new nutritional conditions. Massage the tummy or taking a certain amount of dill broth will help get rid of them.

Having been born, the baby already has some reflexes that help in adapting to new conditions. For example: sucking, grasping, swimming and others. Children's doctors closely monitor the presence of those that give impetus to the development of the nervous system. Some of the reflexes disappear as the child grows up.

What can a baby do at the end of the first month:

  • to fix a glance at objects for a short time;
  • lying on your stomach, trying to raise your head;
  • listen to loud sounds, flinch;
  • recognize the mother's voice, her touch, and respond in response;
  • try to communicate with mom at the first sounds.

For the first month, the baby communicates with the world through crying. This is his reaction to something that doesn’t suit him or he doesn’t like it: he is hungry, he has a wet diaper, something is bothering him. People around the baby need to pay a lot of attention to him, be patient and caring.

Baby in the second month of life

In the second month, the active physical and psychological development of the baby begins. His reactions become more meaningful, attention to the world around him begins to form. In response to communication, he more actively waves his arms and legs, tries to make the first sounds. Vision becomes more focused. Above the crib, you can hang toys, which will help the child to look from one object to another. For a month, the baby gains an average of 800 grams and grows by 3-4 cm.

Now, after feeding, the baby can stay awake for up to an hour and a half. This time you can communicate with him, sing songs, gag. Daytime sleep consists of several periods: two long (one to three hours) and three short (up to 30 minutes). For some, a night's sleep can last until the morning, they wake up only for feeding.

What can a child do at the end of the second month:

  • lying on your stomach, raise and hold your head for a few seconds;
  • follow objects with your eyes, turn your head to sound;
  • try to keep the toy in the cam for a few seconds;
  • examine your hands, suck your fingers;
  • in response to communication, make sounds;
  • lying on its side, turn over on the back;
  • actively respond to the appearance of mom.

Babies of the second month begin to enjoy bathing and respond with crying to the attempts of their parents to take them out of the bath.

Baby in the third month of life

This month is characterized by the fact that the baby is in better control of his body. His coordination of movements improves, and he can move his arms or legs separately, turn his whole body in the direction of interest. He opens his fist and tries to hold the toy. Unknowingly pulls the pacifier out of his mouth and inserts it back. The sucking reflex gets a new development, everything is dragged into the mouth: fingers, toys, diapers.

Weight gain during this period is 800 grams, and the body increases in height by another 3 cm. Vision and hearing continue to improve, the child is able to follow a bright object for a long time and recognize parents by voice. Quiet and calm melodies soothe, distract his attention. Speech begins to be laid, so you need to communicate with the baby as much as possible, sing songs, turn on audio fairy tales.

Sleep time decreases and the "day-night" regime begins to form. Now more often nights pass when the mother does not have to get up to the crying baby. To strengthen the muscles of the back and neck during the day, you should turn it over on the tummy.

What can a child do at the end of the third month:

  • hold the head in an upright position by turning it to the sides;
  • smile when recognizing loved ones;
  • manage with your own hands;
  • roll over on your side, lying on your back;
  • lying on your stomach, rise on your elbows and keep your head for a long time.

Baby in the fourth month of life

The child changes not only psychologically, but also externally. Many begin to notice the sane look of the baby during this period. Weight will increase to a lesser extent compared to previous months, and an increase in height of 2-3 cm will remain until the end of the year. During the day he can sleep four times, and the night's sleep is eleven hours.

Already with pleasure he lies on his tummy, examining his surroundings. Can give preference to individual toys, grab them with both hands, knock, throw.

The peculiarity of the baby's development during this period is the desire to communicate with others, and simple syllables appear in speech. Consciousness begins to develop, and simple needs for food and sleep are clearly not enough. The kid can show by crying that he does not want to remain alone during wakefulness and requires an "interlocutor".

What can a baby do at the end of the fourth month:

  • roll over on your own, lying on your back;
  • try to lift the upper body;
  • look at your reflection in the mirror;
  • react to the pronunciation of your name;
  • crawl a little on your stomach;
  • smile, laugh, squeal, distinguish between loved ones.

Child in the fifth month of life

At the end of this period, the baby weighs almost twice as much as at birth. Growth increases by 2-3 cm, weight - by 700 grams. This is the time when some children begin to erupt their teeth.

The mode of wakefulness and sleep changes. Now he is put to bed 2-3 times during the day, and at night he sleeps without waking up until 10 o'clock. A five month old baby is ready to switch to five meals a day at intervals of 4 hours. In addition, at the end of the month, mothers begin to introduce the first complementary foods.

Now the baby becomes extremely mobile, which requires mandatory attention behind him, instantly turns over, pulls the objects he likes into his mouth, and can even suck his toes. He tries to crawl on his stomach and makes the first attempts to sit on his own.

The child can distinguish between friends and foes. Reacts violently to the appearance of relatives in the area of ​​attention and calms down incredulously at the sight of strangers. Can hear changes in intonation and respond by crying to serious or harsh notes in voice.

What can a child do at the end of the fifth month:

  • lying on your back, roll over on your stomach and back;
  • hold the head with confidence and turn it around;
  • sit for a short time, leaning back;
  • choose the toy you like;
  • for a long time "talk" with himself, listening to his sounds.

Baby in the sixth month of life

This is the period when the baby's teeth are teething. Discomfort from swollen gums, a possible increase in temperature lead to irritability and frequent crying.

The child begins to shift rattles from one hand to another, often deliberately throwing them down in order to see the fall. Makes timid attempts to get down on all fours. If you put your favorite toy in the distance, it can quickly turn over on its stomach and make every effort to get to it.

He continues to master speech, and the simplest syllables may appear in his babbling: ma-ma, pa-pa. Moreover, in the intonation, notes imitating the parents are clearly slipping. At the same time, the baby can be included in simple finger games.

The sucking reflex is somewhat weakened, it is worth starting to teach the baby to eat from a spoon, attaching complementary foods from one-component vegetable puree. Only you need to enter it carefully, because the child's gastrointestinal tract is not yet fully developed. At this time, you need to gradually get used to drinking from a mug. Weight gain - 600 g, height - 2-3 cm.

What can a child at the end of the sixth month:

  • sit down on your own;
  • to crawl in a "bell-like manner";
  • trying to get up on all fours;
  • take toys with both hands at once, throw them;
  • play simple games, clap your hands;
  • find with the eyes a large object that mom calls.

Child in the seventh month of life

The time of active exploration of the world by a little fidget begins. Some kids are already crawling, stubbornly trying to get to things of interest. Therefore, you need to monitor the cleanliness of the room in which the world is learned, to remove dangerous objects as far as possible.

A second complementary food is introduced - fruit puree. Later, milk porridge (buckwheat, rice) is also added, to which the yolk is added after a few weeks. By the end of the month, he can gain up to 600 g in weight, and up to 2 cm in height.

The kid begins to recognize the surrounding objects and can show them. Crawls on its own, makes the first attempts to stand on its feet. The number of sounds spoken increases. Therefore, it is imperative to deal with the baby, read books to him, telling him in simple words about the world around him. Likes to play simple games, during which fine motor skills of hands are developed.

What can a child at the end of the seventh month:

  • sit confidently with a straight back without support;
  • get on your knees, rise on your legs, holding onto the sides of the crib;
  • confidently crawl, and some only get backward movement;
  • point to objects, remember their names;
  • repeat some of the actions of adults;
  • look at pictures in books, turn pages.

Baby in the eighth month of life

At this age, the baby sits independently without assistance. Can hold toys in both hands at once. The mastering of the crawling skill continues.

Most children have up to six teeth at this time, they learn to chew food. For this, thicker cereals are boiled, and stewed vegetables are crumpled, rather than rubbed into a liquid state. Children's experts recommend teaching chewing as early as possible in order to prepare the body's transition to "adult" nutrition. The child can drink from a special drinking cup or from a mug.

The baby eats every 4 hours, and sleep lasts up to 15 hours a day. Weight is added by about 600 grams, and height by 1.5-2 cm.

He enjoys communicating with family members, can try to manipulate them, requiring constant presence. Recognizes mom and dad in the photos. He speaks a lot and willingly, changing the volume of his voice, learns to whisper after adults.

What can a child at the end of the eighth month:

  • sit independently, get up and step over the support;
  • navigate in a familiar environment;
  • express different emotions: delight, surprise, discontent;
  • speak deliberately simple words;
  • perform simple actions at the request: show, bring, etc.

Baby in the ninth month of life

This is the period when the baby, having learned to crawl quickly, begins to scrupulously master the world around him. His curiosity is so great that it is worth thinking about security, blocking access to cabinets and shelves. He can stand up on his own, holding on to the support, with pleasure moves around the house, holding the hands of adults. Makes timid attempts to walk on his own.

Every day brings new syllables and sounds. Likes to copy adults, but not mindlessly, but understanding the meaning of the words spoken and pronouncing the combinations heard. At this stage, it is important to communicate a lot with the baby, the formation of speech and the volume of vocabulary will depend on this. Fine motor skills of the fingers are improved, can examine small objects, wave the index finger.

In this month, the weight increases by another 500 grams, and the growth indicators - by 1.5-2 cm. The child's diet continues to expand. If meat has not yet been introduced into complementary foods, then it's time to do it. The daily routine includes two naps, but some children prefer to sleep three times.

What can a baby do at the end of the ninth month:

  • emotionally relate to parents;
  • try to eat on your own with a spoon;
  • turn back when crawling;
  • crying and screaming to manipulate loved ones;
  • drink from a mug, holding it yourself.

Baby in the tenth month of life

The month is characterized by the fact that the child gains less weight - up to 350 grams, the height increases by only 1 cm.But he is getting better at controlling his body, while mastering new skills and improving old ones faster. Sits and stands well without assistance, but still holding on to the support.

The mode of daytime sleep also changes. For many babies, one rest is enough. But then it is worth going to bed early in the evening. The baby's diet continues to increase, cottage cheese and kefir are added (you can give up to 100 grams per day). You shouldn't force-feed, it can form a negative attitude towards certain foods.

At the tenth month, the child more and more confidently controls his movements, performs many small actions with his fingers: crumples plasticine, tears paper, goes through small toys. The better the fine motor skills develop, the faster the intellect develops. You can pay attention to which hand the child uses more, left or right, it depends on whether he will be left-handed or right-handed.

The first social skills begin to develop, parents help the baby to play in the company of children. She claps her hands with pleasure, stomps and dances when music appears.

What can a child at the end of the tenth month:

  • sit down independently from a standing position;
  • try to name the surrounding objects;
  • perform more complex actions: opens - closes, takes - puts;
  • deliberately play with toys: rolling a car, building a tower;
  • repeat gestures and facial expressions after adults.

Child in the eleventh month of life

The baby's energy is overwhelming, he uses every opportunity to get acquainted with the world around him. Therefore, he tries to climb onto chairs and a sofa, he is interested in the contents of cabinets and nightstands. She takes the first steps on her own and walks with her mother with pleasure. Can spend a long time with a toy or a favorite object.

The kid already has several teeth, so the daily menu necessarily includes meat and low-fat fish once a week. You can give small pieces of boiled potatoes and carrots. And special baby biscuits and yoghurts. For a month, the increase in height is only 1 cm, the weight increases by 350 grams.

During this period, the baby understands the word "no", understands the mother's reaction, realizes what he did - good or bad. Some people call objects from the environment.

What can a child at the end of the eleventh month:

  • walk a few steps without support;
  • try to be independent, wears socks himself, eats with a spoon;
  • nod in approval, shake your head in denial;
  • take small things with two fingers - index and thumb;
  • play story games with parents;
  • "Read", leafing through the book.

Child in the twelfth month of life

Action becomes the main component of a one-year-old child. Walking by hand or on your own, taking an active part in the processes of feeding and dressing, playing alone or with peers, exploring everything that catches your eye - the baby can do all this all day long with great desire.

This is the time for the active development of the baby, when he begins to feel like a person, strives to do a lot on his own (myself!), Is capricious in case of refusals and prohibitions. Psychologists talk about the crisis of the first year, but it may not affect every baby.

Many mothers transfer the baby to a common table, but this does not mean that you can feed him along with adults. The children's menu remains, oat and semolina porridge, butter are added.

What can a baby do at the end of the twelfth month:

  • squat down, get up from this position;
  • use a mug and spoon, chew food;
  • show addictions in food, refuse to eat what you don't like;
  • understand what is being said to him;
  • know how to use household items: telephone, comb, broom;
  • disassemble and assemble multi-part toys;
  • look for the required item.

All that has been said is rather arbitrary. A child necessarily goes through many stages in his development. But if one baby actively tries to run a year, then the other still makes timid attempts to walk. Someone happily communicates with all people, and someone starts crying loudly when they see a stranger. It depends on the environment in which the child grows up, on the living conditions, on the temperament and character of the baby. Heredity also plays an important role.

But don't compare it with others. The time will come, and the baby will learn everything. One year is a huge stage in a child's life from infancy to an independent person who speaks, walks, plays, laughs, understands those around him, becomes a real person with his own tastes and preferences. And the main thing for loving parents is to surround him with love and care, help and support, teach and educate.

Nine months in my mother’s tummy came to an end. Childbirth is behind, the baby lies on her mother's chest in a gentle embrace, listening to her soothing heartbeat. A cute creation of nature, fraught with incredible power! How much you have to try and demonstrate in the new world. Welcome kid! An article about the most significant successes of the baby in each month of his life up to 1 year.

The development of the child is described in great detail in the book of Professor A.M. Kazmin.

Development from 0 to 1 month. What a 1-month-old baby should be able to do

I sleep and eat!

Minutes of silence and great happiness from meeting my mother are interrupted by the feeling of hunger. In the delivery room, the first skills are manifested: finding the breast, sucking and swallowing breast milk. Congenital reflexes (searching, sucking, swallowing, etc.) help the child adapt to the new environment.

By the month the baby's strength arrives, he learns to raise his head while lying on his stomach. The look becomes more conscious. The child reacts to the mother's voice, loud sounds and bright colors. The baby spends most of the day in a dream.

What a baby should be able to do at 2 months

My first smile!

Lying on his stomach, the baby keeps his head up for some time. Legs and arms are relaxed and more active. The child gets acquainted with the fingers, tastes them. Intestinal colic may bother him.

You can observe the conscious smile of the baby. He sees and follows the object of interest better at a distance of 40 cm. Imitating an adult, he shows his tongue, thereby demonstrating communication with him.

What a 3-month-old baby should be able to do

The strong man is growing!

The baby has become stronger, rolling from stomach to side, sometimes from back to stomach and vice versa. Begins to get acquainted with the legs, pulls them into his mouth. Intestinal colic is behind and does not bother in this period.

The baby needs more attention. Begins to whimper, to be capricious, to walk. Having received what he wants, he gives a smile or laughs loudly.

More interest is shown in toys, he moves them with his fists and can even grab. Reacts to the sounds of rattles, while turning the head.

What a baby can do at 4 months

I want and take!

The prodigy manages to grab the rattle that interests him with one hand. When she is no longer needed, the kid leaves her. Lying on his back, he confidently raises his shoulders in an attempt to sit down. Often at this age, children get on all fours, thereby preparing to master crawling.

In speech, syllables can be traced and for the first time you can hear the word "mother".

Ability of a child at 5 months

Jagged smile

Muscle hypertonicity by this period passes. The child learns to crawl. Stands on straightened legs or sits with support. Later, the child will overcome all these processes on his own. Distinguishes "friends" from "outsiders". Knows how to hold small objects in his hands.

Speech becomes more varied, like babbling. Teeth begin to grow. Food from the common table attracts the kinder's attention.

Baby development at 6 months

I'm sitting!

A six-month-old baby doll sits on its own. He spins on his stomach, tightens his legs, crawls on his bellies. Holding on to the support, it stands perfectly. Relatives can more easily understand his desires.

The first tooth is visible and the catfish is ready for the introduction of complementary foods. Likes to be present at a common family meal. A favorite toy appears. Begins to imitate the sounds of adults: he can cough like a grandfather or laugh like a brother.

7 months old baby - what should be able to

Here is my nose!

At the request of the parents, he shows familiar objects, points to his body parts. Likes to play finger games. He holds objects in both hands, knocks them against each other, transfers from hand to hand, throws. Creeps more confidently and faster.

Flips through the pages of books, examines pictures. Mimics the sounds of animals. Drinks from a mug, eats from a spoon. Understands the word "No", but does not listen yet.

What a baby should be able to do at 8 months

I'm standing!

The eight-month-old strong man sits on his own, crawls quickly and far, stands. Vocabulary expands with new words and imitations. He is attached to his mother as never before and it is hard to bear separation. At the request of loved ones, he gives or finds familiar things. The cub notices the reflection in the mirror and loves to play with it. Takes small parts by grasping them with the index and thumb, resembling work with tweezers.

9 months baby skill

Show me, I'll repeat!

The toddler has mastered crawling to perfection, climbs over the hills. Holding on to the support, walks to the side, sits down from a prone position and vice versa. He repeats many movements of adults: claps his hands, picks up the telephone receiver, having heard “Hello!”.

There are more syllables and sounds in speech. Imitating the conversation of relatives, he connects sounds into whole sentences and decorates them with the appropriate intonation. The mood on the face is already easily read. Something succeeded - a charming smile, failed - eyes are full of tears and a mouth in a sad curve.

10 months - what boys and girls should be able to do

The first steps

Taking the first steps without support. The distances increase, the gait becomes more confident. Knows how to independently put on something from his wardrobe, brush his teeth, comb.

Shows character, argues if something is not pleasant. The enthusiasm grows with the child. Sitting in a saucepan or putting it on your head is no wonder fidgeting fun. Shows a love of music by dancing or singing along to the beat.

What a baby can do at 11 months

Where has my nose never been?

Many children begin to walk without support, climbing stairs with the help of their parents. They dress the dolls, feed them and put them to bed. A typewriter can transport cubes from one corner of the room to another. There are more words in speech, their lack is compensated by gestures. Communication with family members becomes clearer and more accessible.

The inquisitiveness of the crumb makes you climb where you shouldn't. The furniture in the house has a special look without handles and corners.

Child 1 year development - what should be able to

Independent man

The child confidently sits, stands, walks, crawls under an obstacle, successfully gets out of it, bends over for the necessary thing. The kid manages to achieve understanding with family, despite the small vocabulary.

Takes an active part in games with children. He waves his hand goodbye or as a sign of greeting, sends an air kiss.

Flew 12 months outside of mom's tummy. The little man has become independent: he sits, walks, talks, dresses, eats, drinks, plays. Even if all this is under the supervision of an adult and not ideal, the baby has mastered these skills and deserves the highest praise.

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Each baby is individual, the development of a child depends on many factors. And yet, pediatricians distinguish the age characteristics of an infant up to one year old. After all, the first year of life is very responsible, every month the child learns something new, learns the world. Newborn development is a world of discovery and joy for every parent.


The first week of life is already rich in bright events. The newborn learns to recognize mom and dad by voice, responds to peculiar grimaces. The main activity at this age is sleep, it is necessary for children for full development. Rest takes the baby almost all the time, about 20 hours. A child wakes up only to eat or to feel the presence of parents nearby.

The development of a newborn is rapid, every day he learns a new skill, but it may still not be noticeable to a young mother. The muscles of the baby are not sufficiently developed, they are still weak. This can be seen if you raise it or put it in a sitting position, the head will begin to fall back. The handles also do not have a conscious action and move in a chaotic manner.

In the first month of life, it is necessary to monitor the baby's head, it must be supported.

A child is born with unconditioned reflexes, for example, trying to grab any object that falls into his hands. Soon they will disappear and new ones will appear to replace them.

An average weight gain of 600 grams is considered optimal in the first month of life, growth should increase by 2-3 cm.

The first month

The baby is already showing independence and can hold the head in a straight position for several minutes. The development of the baby continues at an active pace, he learns new things, learns to distinguish between parents, gets used to the environment in which he is, to the regime established by mom and dad.

The baby begins to react to the manifestations of sound, this is a reflex that is given to all children from birth. When bathing, the baby can respond to stimuli; when the water temperature is uncomfortable, he begins to cry. Muscles are still underdeveloped.

Pediatricians advise from 1 month of age to carry out special exercises for the legs, arms and back to strengthen the muscles. It is best to seek help from a specialist, this will help eliminate the tone that is present in almost all babies after birth.

The first month is important for the mother, as it determines the outcome of natural feeding. If the baby is accustomed to breastfeeding, then, as a rule, the earliest weaning that can occur from it is six months. Weight gain on average 600 grams, 2 cm in height.

Second month

This is the period of "revitalization", when the baby begins to understand the emotional state of the mother, he reacts to her irritability or affection with the help of crying or the first smile. Sleep becomes shorter and takes up not 70% of the whole day, as it used to be. Now the period of wakefulness can be every hour, but still with a small interval of 10-15 minutes.

The baby is holding the head more and more tightly and is already trying to make out its arms and legs. The optimal weight gain in a newborn during this period is 800 grams and an increase in height of 3 cm.

Third month

The child development calendar identifies 4 main dates: 3 months, six months, 9 months, a year. The third month brings a lot of new things to the baby. He begins to hold his head on his own and, with the help of his parents, in the elements of gymnastics, imitates a coup on his stomach and back, on his side. This gives the baby great pleasure, thus he learns the world and communicates with his parents.

Mom and Dad can hear the first sounds, the most frequent of which are "a", "o" and "y". The ability to recognize the source of sound and light is developed. Children at this age can play with an adult using a rattle, pulling their hands to the object. Growth increases by 3 cm on average and body weight by 750 grams.

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Fourth month

If we consider the development of a child up to a year by months, then the fourth month is considered to consolidate what the baby has mastered during the third. Now he knows how to confidently hold his head, begins to sit with support, with support he masters the sitting position. Can respond to the pronunciation of his name, the sound of music, loud laughter or crying. Weight gain is about 700 grams, in height - 2-3 cm.

During this period, it is extremely important to develop the emotional sphere of the baby. It is necessary to show him grimaces, pictures, to talk more with various intonations.

Fifth month

Now you can fully play with your baby with toys that are characteristic of his age-related development. This period pleases parents with the first word, as a rule, it refers to mom or dad, grandmother.

The child can now play independently in a musical mat for sensory and tactile development, move objects and rattle rattles. Average duration of activity is 1 hour. The baby starts sleeping 2 times a day, in the morning and at lunchtime. Children begin to sit on their own and roll over on their backs, side and abdomen.

At this time, it is important to constantly communicate with the child, especially during a walk. This will encourage early speaking.

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Sixth month

Six months of age is distinguished by an important skill - crawling. Here you do not need to expect standard behavior from the child, all children master this skill in different ways at the initial stage. Someone crawls backwards, someone prefers to pull themselves up only on their hands, and their legs trail behind. This will pass over time, your baby will begin to crawl correctly and quickly.

At 6 months old, it is worth carefully watching the baby, children begin to pull into their mouths all objects that come across them on their way. This is a kind of knowledge of the surrounding world. In addition, teething makes itself felt. It usually starts at 4-5 months of age. A six-month-old child begins to pronounce the first consonant sounds, support him in this skill. You can read a fairy tale with him, consider the characters and study new types of animals.

Seventh month

The development of a child by months speaks not only of his physical capabilities, but also of his mental capabilities, of his state of health. So, if by the age of seven months the baby has already had the first teeth, it can be concluded that the development and formation is correct in the future. By this time, children can sit on their own, keeping their backs straight, and crawl on their bellies or on all fours.

It's time to develop fine motor skills of the hands. The child should master new objects, be able to hold them in his hand and knock on each other. Many toddlers can answer questions from adults, recognize a request, and make it happen.

From 6-7 months of age, complementary foods can be introduced, this is the ideal time for him, as babies begin to imitate adults in everything, including in food addictions.

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Eighth month

Toddlers can crawl on their own. They are amused by games of catch-up and hide-and-seek, when it is necessary to find one of the parents or an object. From this age, you can try to put the baby on his feet and help him master the steps with support.

At 8 months, the child becomes more active and independent. He can move around the apartment by crawling and learn about the world around him. Sleep is still divided into two: morning and lunch. Babies begin to move while standing, leaning on a side support, or the hands of their parents.

It's time for gymnastics and massage, which will help you master the complex process of walking.

Ninth month

The crumb can move along the wall or furniture in the house. He still studies all objects tactile and oral, placing them in his mouth and trying them “on the teeth”. Kids are interested in everything and therefore they try not to miss anything and reach out to any subject that aroused interest.

  • the skill to turn over the leaves in the book, independently examine the illustrations;
  • fulfill the requests of parents;
  • vocabulary expands, the baby learns new words and sounds.

Tenth month

It is at this age that you can determine the leading hand in the crumbs. He can now place several small objects in his hand. He likes to walk on the street and learn new things.

Children understand how to play most of the games that are offered for their age. They can roll cars, add blocks, look at books, assemble a pyramid. The crumbs are constantly exploring the space, they like to master the new and unknown. Doors of cabinets, dressers begin to open, chairs move, etc.

It's time to take care of the safety of the baby and protect him from electrical appliances with the help of special devices.

You will be interested in the following article:

Eleventh month

Each parent counts by months up to 1 year, how many new words the baby has learned, which he has mastered at each stage of life. Pediatricians advise against using the standard framework for each child, because all children grow and develop individually. There is no need to try on a baby according to one measure, which can fluctuate completely depending on various factors. For example, even gender difference can play a role. It is believed that the development of a boy and a girl is slightly different; girls master speaking and walking faster.

At 11 months, these differences can already be noticed, there is one month left before the long-awaited date and the parents are already starting to take stock. Yes, the baby should be able to walk with or without support, sit, pronounce light words: "mom", "dad", "give", "on", etc. But all this is so individual that you should not be upset and upset if the children by this time do not know how to do something. Someone develops more slowly by months up to 1 year, and then begins to outstrip their peers. This is especially evident in colloquial speech.

Twelfth month

Most often, it is at the age of one year that children master upright walking without support. This is an important stage in the life of the baby and his parents. He can learn more and learn more in the world around him.

When parents are interested in what level the child's development is by months up to 1 year, one should not forget about the individual characteristics of the baby. There is no need to forcefully force him to perform any actions if they do not fit into the generally accepted framework. It doesn't matter how old the kid is, the time will come and he will learn everything on his own or with your unobtrusive help.

During the first 12 months, the baby develops especially actively. And although all babies go through different stages of development according to their individual schedule, there are some common characteristics inherent in most children of the same age. To determine whether the baby is developing normally and whether it is necessary to inform the pediatrician about any problems, parents should know how the baby is growing and what skills the baby acquires in the first year of life.

Parents need to know if the child is developing in accordance with age in order to consult a specialist in time in case of deviations

Child development indicators

First of all, the physical development of the baby is assessed, the indicators of which are:

  1. Child's weight. This indicator is very important for a baby. In the first days after childbirth, the baby loses a little in weight normally, but then it should only add. Typically, a baby's weight becomes twice its birth weight by 6 months of age and three times as much by 12 months.
  2. Growth of the baby, indicators of head and chest circumference. During the first year, the child grows in length by about 25-27 centimeters, while in the first months the baby grows especially actively, adding 3 cm in height, and in the second half of the year - only 1-2 cm per month.
  3. Static and motor functions. The child's ability to hold his head, grab and hold objects, roll over, sit, crawl, stand on his feet, walk and others are assessed.
  4. The presence of teeth. The first teeth (incisors at the bottom) usually appear by 6 months of age. The normal number of teeth for a baby is calculated by subtracting the number 4 from the age in months. By one year old, most babies have 8 teeth.

The emotional and mental development of the crumbs is assessed by the following indicators:

  1. Baby's emotions. A month-old baby begins to smile, and at the age of 3 months, he perks up when an adult turns. The grown-up toddler is showing more and more emotions, both negative and positive.
  2. Speech development. The first sounds that the baby makes are grunting and puffing, but by the end of the first month, the baby begins to walk. As the baby grows, it first begins to babble, and then pronounces its first words. By the age of one year, a baby's speech has an average of about ten words.
  3. Toy manipulation and games. At first, the baby grabs the toys reflexively, but later begins to grasp them purposefully. Growing up, the little one learns their properties and learns different ways of playing.
  4. Comprehension of words and intonation of speech of adults- starts at 6 months of age. The child begins to react to the words of an adult if they are accompanied by gestures, recognizes his name, finds familiar objects with his gaze in response to an adult's question.

The emotional and mental development of the baby is no less important than the physical

Calendar-table of child development from birth to one year

Every month the baby not only gains weight and body length, but also pleases the parents with new skills. Traditionally, the development of a child of the first year is celebrated by months. We have collected the main features of the child's development in the following table:

Age and physical performance


At the time of birth

Height (length) - 49-50 cm

Weight - 3200-3300 g

Head circumference - 34-34.5 cm

Chest circumference - 32-34 cm

Moves legs and arms while awake.

Shudders and starts blinking at harsh sounds.

Replies to the stimulus by crying.

1 month

Height (length) - 54-55 cm

Weight - 4200-4500 g

Head circumference - 36.5-37 cm

Chest circumference - 36-36.5 cm

He tries to raise his head in a prone position and hold it for up to 5 seconds.

Keeps track of moving bright objects and the face of an adult.

Reacts to harsh sounds.

Replies with a smile.

Begins to walk.

2 months

Height (length) - 57-58 cm

Weight - 5100-5600 g

Head circumference - 38-39 cm

Chest circumference - 38-39 cm

Holds the head for a long time.

Turns to the sound of an adult's speech.

Grabs objects reflexively.

She is actively interested in the world around her.

3 months

Height (length) - 60-61.5 cm

Weight - 5800-6400 g

Head circumference - 39.5-40.5 cm

Chest circumference - 40-42 cm

Holds his head well in an upright position.

He looks at objects for a long time.

Makes different sounds.

Supported under the armpits, it leans on its legs.

In the prone position, it rises on the forearms.

Turns on its side from the back.

Emotionally responds to the conversation, shows discontent with loud crying.

Sucks fingers or fists.

4 months

Height (length) - 62-64 cm

Weight - 6400-7000 g

Head circumference - 40.5-41.5 cm

Chest circumference - 41.5-42 cm

Confidently raises his head, lying on his tummy.

Holds mother's breast or bottle with handles while feeding.

When playing, he laughs and smiles.

Long hums.

Grabs hanging objects with his hands.

Rolls over from back to stomach.

In the prone position, it rises with support on the palms.

Lying on the back, raises the head and shoulders.

5 months

Height (length) - 64-66 cm

Weight - 6900-7500 g

Head circumference - 41.5-42.5 cm

Chest circumference - 43-44 cm

Recognizes mom and other close people.

Consciously follows the subject with a gaze.

Turns over from the tummy to the supine position.

Grips and holds objects with both hands.

Takes an object from the hands of an adult.

Sits with support.

Long singsong hums.

Answers to the heard nursery rhymes and songs.

Examines pictures.

6 months

Height (length) - 66-67.5 cm

Weight - 7300-7900 g

Head circumference - 42-43 cm

Chest circumference - 44-45.5 cm

Sits without support.

Draws his hands to the object that interests him.

Picks up a toy that fell out of his hands.

Tries objects "to the teeth".

Begins to crawl.

Learning to eat from a spoon.

Begins to pronounce syllables.

He tries to stand on his feet, holding on to the support.

Responds to the name.

Listens to an adult attentively.

Finds with a glance the object that the adult is talking about.

7 months

Height (length) - 67-69 cm

Weight - 7600-8300 g

Head circumference - 43-44 cm

Chest circumference - 45-46.5 cm

Crawls and sits well.

Stands with support for both hands.

Holds an irregularly shaped object in his hand.

Plays with toys for a long time, studying their properties.

Drinks from a mug with the help of an adult.

He tries to sit down.

Shows body parts.

8 months

Height (length) - 69-70.5 cm

Weight - 7900-8600 g

Head circumference - 43.5-44.5 cm

Chest circumference - 46-47 cm

Looking for the toy that fell.

Shifts the item from one handle to another.

Stands up, holding on to the support.

Crawls quickly.

Sits down, lies down, steps over objects.

Babble with intonation.

She enjoys other children.

Shows familiar objects, answering the question "where?"

Holds solid food (crackers, biscuits) on its own.

Afraid of parting with mom.

9 months

Height (length) - 70-72 cm

Weight - 8200-8900 g

Head circumference - 44-45 cm

Tries to stand and take the first steps.

Imitates other children.

He reaches for the object of interest and tries to get it.

Deliberately manipulates toys.

Shows body parts of a person and a toy.

Tears and crumples sheets of paper.

Holding onto the support, she dances to the music.

10 months

Height (length) - 71.5-73 cm

Weight - 8500-9200 g

Head circumference - 44-45.5 cm

Chest circumference - 47-48 cm

Begins to pick up small objects with his fingers.

He puts his fingers in the holes, opens the drawers.

Plays hide and seek.

He walks with the support of the two hands of an adult.

Can go up and down stairs (3-4 steps).

Understands adult requests.

Repeats gestures and sounds after adults.

Waving his hand at parting and meeting.

She tries to eat herself with a spoon.

11 months

Height (length) - 73-74.5 cm

Weight - 8700-9400 g

Head circumference - 44.5-46 cm

Stands alone.

Walks with support for one hand.

Raises objects without squatting (bending over).

Knows how to sit down without support.

Assembles a pyramid.

Adds cubes.

Begins to pronounce "lightweight" words.

Plays okay.

Reacts vividly to a stranger or new toys, as well as to praise.

Interested in books and musical toys.

12 months

Height (length) - 74-76 cm

Weight - 8900-9600 g

Head circumference - 45-46 cm

Chest circumference - 48-49 cm

Tries to walk on her own.

Rises from a squatting position.

Drinks from a cup on his own.

May refuse unloved food.

Bites off biscuits and other solid foods.

Understands the words "no" and "you can".

Recognizes animals and shows them in the picture and on the street.

Knows how to use some items.

Pronounces 10-15 words.

For what the famous pediatrician E. Komarovsky thinks about the early development of a child, see the next video.


Immediately after birth, the baby begins to adapt to new living conditions, and his parents - to their new responsibilities. The main need of the baby during this period is bodily contact with the mother.

The first reflexes must be checked by a pediatrician.

  • The baby spends most of the time in a dream. The baby's sleep is deep when the baby's body is completely relaxed and the eyes are closed, as well as shallow, in which the baby's limbs can move, and breathing is uneven. While feeding, the newborn may doze off.
  • The baby responds with crying to cold, hunger, pain, wet diaper, heat and other irritants.
  • The child has unconditioned reflexes of grasping, searching, swimming, walking and sucking. Their presence must be checked by pediatricians. Some of these reflexes disappear over time.
  • During this period, it is very important to feed the crumbs, the best option for which will be mother's milk. The baby eats very often (usually with an interval of 1-2 hours), including at night.
  • If you put the baby on the tummy, the baby will try to raise its head. Some babies do it for a few seconds.
  • The child can hold his gaze on a stationary object, as well as react to the appearance of a sharp sound.

Watch the following video for an overview of what happens to your baby in the first month after birth.

1 month

  • The baby is already consciously smiling at the adult and trying to hold his head, but so far he can only do this for a few seconds.
  • The baby can already stop gaze not only at motionless, but also at moving objects, if they are bright and large.
  • Sharp loud sounds cause a pronounced reaction in the month-old toddler - usually the child shudders or freezes, but may also start crying.
  • If you walk up to the baby and smile at him, you will revive the baby. The child will smile back and begin to move the arms and legs.
  • The baby begins to utter in response to conversations and the smile of an adult, sounds reminiscent of “ha”, “gee” or something similar, so this “speech” of the little one is called agukanye.

Already in a month, the baby begins to react more clearly to sounds and emotions

2 months

In the second month, compared to the weight and height of 1 month, the toddler becomes 700-1000 g (on average 800 g) and 3 cm larger.

  • The baby begins to spend more time awake. On average, the baby does not sleep about 15 minutes per hour. At this age, babies still do not know how to distinguish between night and day, so they can stay awake at night.
  • A two-month-old toddler has already learned to hold the head for about a minute, and also to roll over from a lateral position to the back. If you put your finger in the baby's palm, the baby will grip it tightly. The tone of the pens has almost passed, but it is still preserved in the legs.
  • A 2-month-old baby actively walks, fixes his gaze on both motionless and moving objects. Seeing a bright object, the baby freezes. Of all the sounds heard, the little one already knows how to distinguish a person's speech, and in response to the appeal and smile of an adult, the baby also smiles.

As a rule, the baby becomes calmer at three months.

3 months

For the third month of life, the baby on average adds 750 g and grows in length by 3 cm. The baby is awake longer - about 1-1.5 hours. At this time, you need to talk to the baby, hug him, show everything around.

  • The kid confidently holds his head if held vertically. Lying on his tummy, the baby rests against the surface with his elbows and forearms and raises his head. If you take the little one under the armpits, then he will firmly rest against the surface with his legs. Also, the baby begins to turn from a supine position onto a side.
  • The child is already looking at objects in his environment for a long time and with concentration. He is attracted by bright toys and everything that happens around.
  • In the child's speech, in addition to vowel sounds, consonants appear. The baby begins to show different emotions - if he is dissatisfied, then he cries loudly, and when he is happy, he moves his hands, smiles, makes sounds, laughs. At the same time, the emotions of the crumbs become clear to the parents.
  • There is no hypertonicity in the palms of the crumbs. The child reaches for the toys with his hands, tries to grab them. He also tries to study his body - he touches his face, sucks hands, catches legs.

It is more and more interesting to communicate with the baby.

4 months

By the age of four months, in comparison with the indicators of the previous month, the child is gaining an average of 700-800 g of weight and grows in length by 2.5 cm. The baby has already developed a certain regime of the day, and sleep at night is longer.

  • The baby has already learned not only to hold his head well and turn it to the side, but also to roll over on his tummy from a position on his back. Lying on its stomach, the baby can already lean on its palms and rise to see everything around. When the baby lies on its back, it also raises its head and shoulders. This is how the baby makes the first attempts to sit down.
  • The crumb already controls his hands well, grabs the toys that are hanging, feels them, pulls them into his mouth, throws them, knocks. When the baby eats, he clasps the mother's breast or bottle with his hands.
  • The baby walks for a long time, reacts with a smile or laughter to the speech of an adult, music, her own reflection in the mirror. Mom may notice that the little one likes some toys more.
  • Breastfeeding babies begin to introduce complementary foods, introducing the baby to porridge or vegetables. Breastfed babies still eat only breast milk, which is enough for them.

At 4 months, the child can raise himself a little to look at the desired object

5 months

For the fifth month, the growth of the baby increases by 2-2.5 cm, and the weight - by about 600-700 grams.

  • The physical activity of the crumbs increases. To the coups from the back to the tummy, back coups are added - from the prone position to the back. Many toddlers at 5 months of age can already sit, but the baby's back is bent. With the support of the armpits, the baby is already on straight legs.
  • If an adult gives a toy to a five-month-old toddler, the baby takes it with his hands. At the same time, the baby can hold objects in both hands for at least 20 seconds.
  • A child of 5 months already reacts differently to the faces of loved ones and strangers. He recognizes his mother's voice, while distinguishing whether she speaks kindly or sternly.
  • When a five-month-old baby is awake, he walks for a long time, pronouncing sounds in a chant.

Stimulate the development of the child, but do not force him

6 months

For the sixth month, the baby adds about 600 grams of weight and about 2 cm in height.

  • A six-month-old toddler has already learned to sit without any support, but many children do not yet know how to sit on their own. Many babies at this age begin to master crawling around the room, but some only learn to stand on all fours and sway. If you take the baby by both hands and pull it up a little, then the baby will rise to his feet. Holding the baby by the breast, the parents notice the baby's first attempts to step over the legs.
  • The child already grabs objects with ease, and if the toy falls out of the hand, picks it up. He can transfer an item from one handle to another.
  • The baby of six months babbles a lot and begins to pronounce syllables, but so far they do not have any semantic meaning. Parents can hear from the little one "ma", "yes", "ba" and other syllables, the number of which increases daily.
  • A six-month-old child already knows his name, and can also look for a large object that his mother tells him about.
  • Many babies six months old are wary of strangers or even fearful of strangers. At the same time, they like other children. They observe them with interest and even begin to repeat their actions.
  • At 6 months of age, some babies have their first teeth. They are cut in the lower jaw.
  • A six-month-old baby can already eat from a spoon, removing food with his lips. It is from six months that the introduction of complementary foods for babies, who were previously fed only with mother's milk, begins. In bottle-fed babies by this age, the diet is already significantly expanding.

At 6 months, the most interesting thing begins: the child learns to crawl and receives the first complementary food

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