Card file of didactic games in the nursery group. Word games for nursery

Hope Bliznyuk
Word games for nursery

Word games for nursery

Card 1

Target games. Teach children to listen to the speech of the teacher, correlate the action with a word of nursery rhyme, anwser the questions.

move games. Children sit in a circle on chairs. The teacher takes such a position that everyone can see him, and He speaks: "Children, now we will play the game" Ladushki ". Let's clap our hands! Clap! Clap! - clap their hands."

The words:

Sweeties, sweeties!

Where were you? - By Grandma!

What did they eat? - Kashka!

What did they drink? - Brazhku!

Butter bowl,

Brazhka sweetie,

Grandma is good.

Drank, ate


sat on the head

Sit down, sit down

Fly away!


The teacher and the children quietly clap their hands to the beat to the words of the nursery rhyme.

They raise their hands, wave them and put them on their heads. On the the words"Fly away" spread their arms to the sides and lower them to their knees.

Playing again, the educator after words"Where were you?" pauses and waits for answers children: "By Grandma"; "What did they eat?" - "Cash"; "What did they drink?" - Brazhka.

The next time the whole nursery rhyme is said by the children together with the teacher.

Card 2

About magpie

Target games. Teaching children to listen word, catch the rhythm of the nursery rhyme, understand what it says.

move games. Children sit opposite the teacher. The teacher with the index finger of the right hand makes circular movements in the palm of the left hand (“cooks porridge”, sentencing:

The words:

magpie, magpie,

Magpie - white-sided

I cooked porridge.

Jumped on the threshold

Called guests.

Guests in the yard -

Porridge on the table.

This on a plate

This on a platter

This in a cup

This in a bowl

And she gave nothing

You didn't carry wood.

You didn't carry water.

You didn't cook porridge.

Here's a spoon for you

Make your own porridge.

Here is a stump, here is a deck,

There is firewood

There is hot water here.


The teacher and the children cook porridge" together.

Fingers are bent in turn, starting with the little finger.

The thumb does not curl.

On repeat games the teacher offers the children to help pronounce the nursery rhyme. After words"this" pauses, and the children finish phrase: "on a saucer", "in a cup", "in a bowl".

Card 3

Finger play

Target games. To teach to listen to speech, to understand what is said in the nursery rhyme, to correlate the words with finger action.

move games. The teacher examines the fingers on his hand, speaking: "This is a thumb, and these are smaller, but a very small one is a little finger. They all live side by side, like brothers."

The words


Where have you been?" -

"With this brother -

Walked into the forest

With this brother

cabbage soup cooked,

With this brother

With this brother

Singing songs!"


The teacher shows the thumb and, turning to him, bends his fingers in turn.

"What song did he sing with his little brother?" - the teacher asks, referring to the children. Children offer to sing a familiar song ("Gray cat", "Kalinka", and fingers "dance" (children raise their hands and "dance" with their fingers). Card 4.

Goat horned

Target games. To amuse children, teach them to listen to the rhyme to the end, to understand it.

move games. After the children look at the picture of the goat, the teacher offers to play,

Children stand in front of the teacher, facing him. The teacher, putting out his index finger and little finger, goes to the children, sentencing:

There is a horned goat

There is a butted goat

For the little guys.

Top-top legs.

Clap-clap eyes

Who does not eat porridge

Who does not drink milk -




At word"gore" the children run away from the goat, and the teacher catches up with them. Next time you can choose one of the children as a goat and then he repeats nursery rhyme words.

Card 5

Target games. Teaching children to agree the words action poems.

move games. Children become in a circle. The teacher chooses a bunny with a counting rhyme, he becomes in the center of the circle. The teacher and children walk in a circle and sentenced:

Zainka, along the senichka

Walk, walk!

Grey, brand new

Walk, walk!

There is nowhere for the hare to jump out,

Nowhere to gray jump out

Zainka, you will jump -

jump out

Gray, you will dance -

Will release.

The teacher with the children sings a dance tune, everyone clap their hands, and the bunny dances. After that, the bunny is released from the circle and a new one is chosen. The game is repeated 2-3 times. Card 6

In the poultry yard

Target games. To consolidate children's knowledge of how poultry scream, to cultivate the correct sound pronunciation

move games. The teacher invites the children to listen to the new poem:

Our ducks in the morning - Quack-quack-quack! Quack-quack-quack! Our geese by the pond - Ha-ha-ha! Ha-ha-ha! And the turkey in the middle of the yard - Ball-ball-ball! Baldy-balda! Our bunnies at the top - Grru-grru-u-grru-grru-u! Our chickens in the window - Kko-kko-kko-ko-ko-ko-ko! And how Petya the cockerel Early, early in the morning We will sing ku-ka-re-ku!

"How do ducks cry?" the teacher asks. The children answer. So he clarifies, consolidates the pronunciation of sounds with children.

The next time the teacher divides all the children into groups -"ducks", "geese", "turkeys". "Our ducks in the morning," says the teacher, "and the duck children answer: "Quack-quack-quack! Quack-quack-quack!" etc.

This game teaches kids to be patient. Everyone wants to scream like ducks, but you can’t, you must be able to remain silent, wait your turn.

Card 7

Target games. Develop children's speech, exercise them in the correct sound pronunciation.

move games. Children stand one after another and depict galloping horses. The teacher becomes so that the children can see him, and together with the children says nursery rhyme words(the words learned in class beforehand).

The words:


You gallop.

You fly, horse, soon, soon,

Through the rivers, through the mountains,

All at a gallop, at a gallop, at a gallop.


Whoa. - says the teacher.

The game can be repeated by changing the child.


Children jump around the room, imitating the running of a horse. The run is getting faster.

The children stop and also say "Whoa...". Card 8

Target games. To develop the speech activity of children, exercise them in the correct pronunciation, consolidate knowledge about the cockerel.

move games. Children and teacher sit on chairs in a circle. In the middle is a chair for a cockerel. The teacher refers to children: "Children, look, whose hat is this? (Shows a bright cap cockerel.) Yes, it's a cockerel, let's play with it. Now we will choose a cockerel with a counting rhyme, whom she will point to, he will be a cockerel. ka-re-ku "like a cockerel.) The cockerel sits on a chair and crows loudly. Then the teacher and the children say the words:

Cockerel, cockerel,

golden scallop,

butter head,

silk beard,

Why do you get up early?

What are you eating out loud?

Don't let the kids sleep!

After words“You don’t let the children sleep,” the teacher offers the cockerel to crow several times. Then a new cockerel is chosen.

The teacher works on the expressiveness of children's speech, teaches them to distinguish with intonation golden words, oily, silky, teaches to highlight the question with intonation, pronounce loudly and melodiously "ku-ka-re-ku. The game is repeated 3-4 times.

catch up

Toddlers love to run away from someone or catch up with someone. In this game, they learn to run around the perimeter of the hall.

Plant a toy bunny and a bear on opposite sides of the hall. Explain to the children that the bunny starts the game, he “runs away” from the children, and they catch up with him.

The teacher takes the bunny and holds it behind his back while running so that the kids can see who they are running after. Not far from the place where the bear sits, the children are catching up with the bunny. “He is tired and wants to rest,” the teacher says and puts the bunny on the floor. Then he takes the bear, and now he “runs away” from the children, and the kids are catching up. So the children run two circles around the perimeter of the hall. The game ends.

Talk to the children about how the bunny and the bear wanted to run away from them, but the children have fast legs and they caught up with the animals.

Combine the leadership of the game with the performance of the main role: you help the bunny and the bear "run away" from the kids.

Make sure that the children run in the same direction, do not hit each other. Don't let yourself be overtaken.

As the game progresses, ask who they are running after, who they are chasing.

Thus, you help the child to keep in mind the task assigned to him.

I'll catch up, I'll run away

This organization game resembles the game "Catch up", but the cat "plays" with the children. At first she "runs away" from the kids, but they quickly catch up with her. Then the cat catches up with the children running away from her.

When playing, change the direction of movement, the children should run along the perimeter of the hall from right to left, then from left to right.

In the course of performing motor tasks, talk with children, ask questions, evaluate their actions.

If the children cannot answer the question, the teacher himself gives the answer.

For example:

Who are you running from right now? (From a cat.)

- The kitty ran fast, but did not catch up with the children!

Are your legs rested? Yes? Now the cat will run away from you, and you need to catch up with it.

- Did you catch the cat? What fast legs you have!

Teach children to run in different directions.

Beads (option)

String other items on the cord and put on new beads. I wonder if the children will see that the beads on the lace are different? Otherwise, you will draw their attention to these differences.

Ask the children what game they will be playing now.

Then the children - big "beads" - stand along a long cord, and you lead them around the hall or playground.

Funny "beads" decided to clap their hands and show how big they are; the cord falls, the children run and hide from you. Look for them, deliberately looking in the wrong places: “Where are my beads, where have they gone?”

Call the children: "Beads, come to me!" Kids run out of their hiding places with delight.

The game is repeated several times.

Sparrows - birds

Talk to the kids, revive in their memory the knowledge of the birds, the behavior of which they observed on a walk. Ask which birds they fed crumbs and how the birds said, "Thank you."

The teacher explains the game where all the children will be birds.

On one side of the hall, put hoops - these are “nests”, “sparrows” sit in them.

Sparrows are birds.

gray shirts,

They rise with the sun

Loudly sing a song:

Chick chirp, chirp chirp, chirp chirp!

"Sparrows" sang a song and "flew" for a walk. They “flyed, flew”, sat down on the path, found “grains” and began to “peck”.

A car pulls out of the garage. At the signal of the educator “The car is moving!” - “sparrows fly away” and “sit on a bush” (children stand on a bench), behave quietly and watch where the car will go. The car returns to the garage.

"Sparrows" became cheerful, they sang the song again and "flew" for a walk. “Sparrows” can not only “peck grains”, but also drink water, “clean feathers”, warm their noses in the sun, but as soon as a “car” appears, they “fly away”.

At the end of the game, sparrows fly to their nests.

Kids in the game imitate everything they see. Show the children these bird-checks during a walk, on the street. It is interesting to hear how loudly they "talk" (chirp) when a flock of sparrows sits on the bushes. Talk to students:

- What are they talking about?

The birds are having fun, they are enjoying the sun!

Throw them some crumbs and watch them peck. What else can you feed the birds?

Show how sparrows clean their feathers, dust off their tails, spread their wings, pull their paws one by one.

When repeating the game, change the conditions, come up with new actions; make familiar movements more difficult. From the car, the children of the “sparrow” may not “fly away to the nest”, but “fly” from one place to another.

Such pedagogical guidance encourages the development of recreative imagination in children.

We are fun guys

On one side of the hall for each kid, put a few hoops with a diameter of 50 cm - these are their houses, and on the opposite side, put two or three hoops with a diameter of 1 m.

The children get up in the "houses", the teacher next to them plays a big ball and together with the kids says the following text:

We are funny guys

Ball, try to catch up with us.

One, two, three - catch up!

As soon as the last words are spoken, the children run to the opposite side of the hall, the ball “catches” them.

Several babies get into each hoop. Praise them: “What friendly children live in houses!” Ask the names of friendly children, everyone should give their name.

The game is repeated. Children run to the opposite side of the hall and hide from the ball, each in their own "house".





On the site it is necessary to draw two lines at a distance of 5 - 6 meters from each other. The players stand in one line. The driver stands between the lines approximately in the middle with his back to the players. He names a color. If the players have this color in their clothes, they freely pass by the driver. If the player does not have such a color, then the driver can knock over the running player. The salted one becomes the leader.

Game "WATER".

The driver stands in a circle with his eyes closed. The players go in a circle with the words:
"Water, water,
Why are you sitting underwater?
Look out for a glimpse
For one minute
1, 2, 3".

The circle stops. "Vodyanoy" points with his hand at one player and approaches him without opening his eyes. His task is to determine who is in front of him. "Waterman" can touch the player standing in front of him, but his eyes cannot be opened. If the driver guessed correctly, they change roles, and now the one whose name was called becomes the driver.

With the help of a counting rhyme, the driver is selected. On the ground, two stripes are drawn with chalk at a distance of about 20 meters. This is the start and finish. All players stand at the start line, and the driver stands at the finish line, and turns his back to everyone. He says:

Players must have time to get as close as possible to the finish line before the end of the phrase, and after the word "stop" they must stop and freeze. If the driver noticed that someone continues to move, this player immediately returns to the very beginning of the path, and those who stopped in time and do not move remain in place. After that, the driver turns his back again and repeats the phrase. The participants of the game must have time to run to the finish line and touch the driver. The player who touches first takes his place and the game starts over.

2. The person whose movement the driver noticed after the word "stop" is out of the game

3. The winner is the one who first reaches the finish line and touches the driver - he takes his place, and the game starts over.


The game "Hare, hare, what time is it?"

The number of participants is at least three. The driver is called a hare. Participants stand behind the hare at a previously planned distance from it. They take turns asking him a question: “Hare-Hare, what time is it? I'm in a hurry for my birthday! My watch is standing and they don’t want to work ”The hare, without looking at the participant (without turning his head), calls the distance to him using arbitrary units of measurement:

giant - a step for the whole span of the leg;

midget - when the heel of one foot is placed immediately in front of the toe of the other;
ant - take small steps on the toes (one step immediately in front of the other);
umbrella - a circle around you on one leg;

duck - squatting steps;

frog - jump.

If the participant manages to get to the hare in a given "time", then he becomes the driver, and the game continues.

Silent phone game

The first (who is also the host) whispers any word into the ear of the player sitting next to him (anything that is enough for fantasy). The second also (in a whisper and in his ear) passes the word to the third, and so on - to the end. The last player stands up and says aloud what he heard.

The game "Above the feet from the ground"

Before the game, children choose an area beyond which they cannot run out. Then one catcher is chosen. He starts catching players who run away. And, as soon as he approaches someone at arm's length, the task of everyone is to jump somewhere and preferably higher (for example, stand on a bench or a stone). In this position, the catcher has no right to touch them. If the leader nevertheless managed to tamper with the participant, then they change roles and the tethered one becomes the leader.

1. Children who are caught by the driver must take their feet off the ground. In this position, the catcher has no right to touch them.
2. The participant of the game is forbidden to stay with his legs up in one place for more than 20-30 seconds, and the catcher is forbidden to lie in wait for the player.
3. If the catcher catches up with the player, then they change roles.


The game " Paints"

The leader is chosen - "monk" and the leader - "seller". All other players think in secret from the “monk” of the color of paints. Colors must not be repeated.
The game begins with the driver coming to the "shop" and saying: "I, a monk, in blue pants, came to you for paint paint." Seller: "For what?" Monk: (names any color) "For the blue." If there is no such paint, then the seller says: “Go along the blue path, you will find blue boots, wear them, and bring them back!” "Monk" starts the game from the beginning.
If there is such a paint, then the player who guessed this color tries to escape from the "monk", and he catches up with him. If he caught up, then the driver becomes the paint, if not, then the colors are guessed again and the game is repeated.

The game " Rules of the game "Ring-Ring"

Selected driving, the rest of the players sit down in a row on a bench and fold their palms in a boat.

The driver takes any small object, it can be real ringlet, a pebble or a very small toy.

The driver hides the object in his palms, also folding them with a boat.

Then he approaches each player in turn, saying:

- I wear, I wear a ring and I will give it to someone

The driver, putting his hands into the hands of the participants, must hand over a ring to any of the players so that the rest do not guess who exactly.

The player who receives the ring must not pretend to have received it and must try to sit with as straight a face as possible.

After the driver has passed all the players, he moves away from the bench a few steps and says:

- Ring, ring, come out on the porch

The player who has the ring in his hands must jump up from the bench and run up to the driver.

The task of the other players is not to let him run away and try to keep him,

If the one who received the ring managed to run out, he becomes the driver.

If he was held, the driver remains the same.



Game "We stomp our feet"

We stomp our feet

We clap our hands, nod our heads.

We raise our hands

And then we circle.

We stomp our feet

We clap our hands

We nod our heads.

We will spread our hands

And we'll run around.

game on parade

Like soldiers on parade

We walk side by side

Left - one, left - one,

Look at us all.

Everyone clapped their hands -

Friendly, have fun!

Our feet pounded

Louder and faster!

Let's hit the knees -

Hush, hush, hush.

Handles, handles raise -

Higher, higher, higher.

Our hands are turned

Were down again.

We circled around

And they stopped.

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Page creation date: 2016-08-07

Outdoor games for children of the first junior group of the preschool educational institution

Author: Lashkova Oksana Evgenievna, educator, Kindergarten No. 4, Russian Railways, Bologoye, Tver Region.
Work description: I offer you a selection of outdoor games for children of primary preschool age. This material can be used by educators and parents for outdoor games in a group room, at home and on a walk, with children from 1.5 to 3 years old. This material is aimed at the formation of children's interest in play activities, the development of such qualities as coordination of movements, speed of reaction, orientation in space, attention. Outdoor games comprehensively develop the child and evoke positive emotions from the actions performed.
Target: To introduce kids to a variety of outdoor games. Increase physical activity and health of children. Develop attention, coordination of movements, the ability to navigate in space.

The game occupies a significant place in the life of every child. From an early age, while playing, the child first learns to manipulate objects, studies them. Looking for their relationship with age. Playing with a baby, not only motor skills develop, but also thinking, imagination, fantasy. While playing, the child builds logical chains, thinks, reflects. It is impossible to imagine a child's childhood without play. It is not in vain that it has been noticed that how a child behaves in a game, so he will behave in society. Many great teachers have developed and successfully implemented a huge number of games into programs. I work with the smallest, with kids from one to three. And over the years I have collected a card file of games that I use in my work. These are mobile and developing and didactic.
The benefits of outdoor games in a child's life cannot be underestimated. During active movement, metabolic processes in the body, blood circulation, and respiration are activated. In addition, outdoor games develop coordination of movements, attention and speed of reactions, train strength and endurance, and relieve impulsiveness. I propose to get acquainted with a few, but my favorite outdoor games that can be played both in the group room and on a walk. I hope this will be useful to someone in a noble cause, in educating and shaping our infinitely beautiful younger generation.

Outdoor games for children from 1.5 to 3 years.

"Sun Bunnies"

Tasks: increase motor activity, develop dexterity; evoke positive emotions from the actions taken.
Having gathered a group of children around him, the teacher, with the help of a mirror, casts sunbeams on the wall and says:
sun bunnies
Playing on the wall
Beckon them with your finger
They will run to you.
After a pause, he gives a signal: “Catch the bunnies!” Children run to the wall and try to catch a bunny that is slipping out from under their hands.

"Catch the ball"

Tasks: to induce to act on a signal, to improve running in combination with actions, to enjoy joint actions.
The teacher shows the children a basket of balls and offers to stand next to him along one of the sides of the playground. Then, with the words “catch up with the ball,” he throws them out of the basket, trying to make them roll in different directions, away from the children. Children run after the balls, take them and put them in the basket. The game is repeated.

"Collect the balls"

Tasks: increase motor activity; contribute to the emergence of positive emotions from joint actions.
For the game, balls (wooden or plastic) are selected, different in color. Putting them in a basket, the teacher invites the children to see how beautiful the balls are, he calls what color they are. Then he pours them out with the words: “This is how the balls rolled ... Catch up with them and put them back in the basket.” Children run after the balls and take them to the basket.
When repeating the game, the teacher calls who brought which ball: red, yellow, and so on.
The teacher makes sure that the children do not huddle, but run all over the site (each child runs at his own pace).
At first, the game is played with a small group of children, gradually the number of players increases.

"Catch me"

Tasks: improve running in a certain direction; learn to navigate in space.
“Catch up with me,” the teacher suggests and runs to the opposite wall of the room. Children run after the teacher, trying to catch him. Then the teacher says again: “Catch up with me,” and runs in the opposite direction, the children catch up with him again. After two runs, the children sit on chairs and rest. Then the game restarts.
The game is best played with small groups of children: while one group of children is playing, the other is watching, then the children change roles.

"Cat and Mice"

Tasks: increase motor activity; develop imitative movements; arouse interest and desire to perform actions in accordance with the text.
The game is played with a small group of children in the playroom or on a walk.
With the help of a cord, a place for mice is fenced off. A cat is chosen. She sits on a chair or a stump. Mice sit in burrows.
The teacher says:
The cat guards the mice
She pretended to be asleep.
Mice crawl out of the "minks" and begin to run.
After a while, the teacher says:
Hush, mice, do not make noise,
Don't wake up the cat...
This is a signal to the cat; she gets off her chair, gets on all fours, arches her back, says "meow" loudly and starts catching mice that run into their holes.
The game can be repeated 3-4 times with other cats.

"Shaggy Dog"

One of the children portrays a dog; he lies down on the rug, puts his head on his hands outstretched in front.
The rest of the children quietly approach him, and the teacher at this time says:
Here lies the shaggy dog,
Burying your nose in your paws,
Quietly, quietly he lies,
Not dozing, not sleeping.
Let's go to him, wake him up

And let's see if something happens.
The dog jumps up and starts barking. The children run away. The dog is chasing them. When all the children run away and hide, the dog again lies down on the rug. The game is repeated with a new driver.

"At the bear in the forest"

Tasks: to teach to act on the signal of the educator, to improve running in a certain direction; learn to navigate in space
One of the children imitates a bear; he sits on a chair, hands folded under his cheek, pretending to be asleep.
The rest of the children quietly approach him, leaning over, as if picking mushrooms and berries, and the teacher at this time says:
At the bear in the forest,
Mushrooms, I take berries,
The bear doesn't sleep
He keeps looking at me.
And then how to roar.
And he will run after us.
The bear jumps up and runs after the children. The children run away. The bear is chasing them. When all the children run and hide, the bear again sits on the chair. The game is repeated with a new driver.

"Chickens and a Cat"

Tasks: improve running; develop the ability to imitate, be attentive and act on a signal; encourage independent action; cause a feeling of joy from joint actions, teach children to run in a certain direction.

The teacher depicts a chicken, the children - chickens. A cat is chosen as a counter. The cat sits on a chair to the side. Hen and chickens walk around the room. The teacher says:
The chicken came out
With her yellow chicks,
The chicken cackles: “Ko-ko,
Don't go far."
Approaching the cat, the teacher says:
On a bench by the path
The cat lay down and dozes ...
The cat opens its eyes
And the chickens are chasing.
The cat opens her eyes, meows and runs after the chickens, who run away to a certain corner of the room - "home", to the mother chicken.
The teacher (chicken) protects the chickens, spreading his arms to the sides, and at the same time says: “Go away, cat, I won’t give you chickens”!

"Sun and Rain"

Tasks: to develop in children the ability to run in all directions, without bumping into each other, to quickly respond to a signal, to learn to perform actions at the word of an adult; encourage independence, initiative of children; evoke a sense of joy from joint actions.
Children squat down behind the chairs, located at some distance from the edge of the site or the wall of the room, and look into the "window" (into the hole in the back of the chair). The teacher says: “The sun is in the sky! You can go for a walk." Children run all over the playground. To the signal: “Rain! Hurry home!” - run to their places and sit down behind the chairs. The teacher says again: “Sunny! Go for a walk" and the game is repeated.

"Inflate the Bubble"

Tasks: encourage children to act on words; learn to coordinate their actions with the actions of other children; to consolidate the ability to become in a circle, gradually expanding it and narrowing it; develop physical activity.
Children stand close in a circle, holding hands. Together with the teacher they say:
Blow up, bubble
Blow up big
Stay like this
Don't crash.
While reciting verses, the children gradually expand the circle. When the teacher says: “The bubble has burst,” all the children lower their hands, saying in chorus: “Clap” - and squat down. The teacher offers to inflate a new bubble: the children get up, form a small circle again and the game resumes.

Tasks: to teach to move in a certain direction, to coordinate actions with other children, to encourage independent actions.
The teacher offers to play the "train": "I will be a locomotive, and you will be trailers." Children stand in a column one after another, holding on to the clothes of the person in front. “Let's go,” the teacher says, and everyone starts moving, saying: “choo-choo.” The teacher drives the train in one direction, then in the other, then slows down, finally stops and says: "Stop." After a while, the horn sounds again, and the train sets off again.
Where is the bell hiding?
Tasks: to teach to navigate in space; develop the ability to run in different directions; evoke a sense of joy from joint actions.

The children are facing the wall. Nanny hides at the other end of the room and rings the bell. The teacher tells the children: "Listen to where it rings and find the bell." When the children find the bell, the teacher praises them and then invites them to turn back to the wall. The nanny rings the bell again, hiding in another place.

"My cheerful sonorous ball"

Tasks: teach children to jump on two legs; learn to listen carefully to the text; evoke a sense of joy from action.
Children sit on chairs placed in different places in the room. The teacher is in the center. He takes a big ball and begins to beat it with his hand on the ground, saying: "My cheerful, sonorous ball ...". The teacher calls the children to him and invites them to jump like balls. Children jump at the same pace. The teacher puts the ball down and repeats the poem, making a movement with his hand, as if hitting the ball, and the children are jumping. Having finished the poem, the teacher says: "I'll catch up!". The children run away.

"White Bunny sits"

Tasks: improve running; develop the ability to imitate, be attentive and act on a signal; encourage independent action; evoke a sense of joy from joint actions.
On one side of the site, places for hares are marked. Everyone takes their place. At the signal of the teacher "Run in a circle!" all the children gather in a circle, and one of the hares, which the teacher appoints, becomes in the middle. Children with a teacher recite verses and perform movements to the text:
A little white bunny sits and moves its ears, - the children stand in a circle,
That's it, that's how he moves his ears! - move the hands, raising them to the head.
It's cold for a bunny to sit, you need to warm up your paws,
Clap-clap, clap-clap, you need to warm up the paws - clap your hands.
It's cold for a bunny to stand, a bunny needs to jump
Jump-jump, jump-jump, the bunny needs to jump - they jump on 2 legs in place.
Someone scared the bunny, the bunny jumped and galloped away! - the teacher claps his hands, the children scatter to their homes.

"Birds in nests"

Tasks: enrich motor experience; encourage children to follow the elementary rules of the game; encourage independence; cause a feeling of pleasure from communicating with an adult and peers, as well as from performing movements.
On one side of the playground, hoops (“nests”) are freely laid out according to the number of children. Each child (“bird”) stands in its own “nest”. At the signal of the teacher, the children - "birds" run out of the hoops - "nests" - and scatter all over the site. The teacher imitates the feeding of “birds” either at one or the other end of the playground: the children squat down, hitting their knees with their fingertips - they “peck” the food. "The birds flew into the nests!" - the teacher says, the children run to the hoops and stand in any free hoop. The game is repeated, jump up twice.

"Geese - geese"

Tasks: improve running in combination with hand actions; cause the need to imitate; enjoy collaborative activities.

Children depict geese, located at one end of the room, an adult stands at the other end. They take turns saying:
Adult: Geese, geese!
Children: Ha-ha-ha!
Adult: Do you want to eat?
Children: Yes, yes, yes!
Adult: Come to me!
Baby geese fly towards an adult, flapping their wings, hissing: "Shhh"
Then the adult says, “Ksh! Run into the field!" The geese run to their place.

"Birds and Cars"

Tasks: improve walking in different directions, on a limited surface; develop attention, the ability to respond to a signal; encourage active interaction with peers.

All children represent birds. The role of the car is initially performed by the educator. He says: "The birds flew out for a walk." Bird children fly in a group, flapping their wings, pecking at grains. At the signal of the educator "Car!" the birds quickly run away from the road. One part of the children is placed on one side of the group, the playgrounds are birds. On the other side there is another part of the children - these are cars. The teacher says: “The birds are flying!” - birds fly, flap their wings, squat, peck grains. At the signal "Cars have left!" children, representing cars, go out onto the road, and the birds fly away to their nests. Cars drive along the road, avoiding obstacles (benches, cubes). When the game is repeated, the children change roles.

    just lace up;

    study colors;

Speech development for the nursery group

I must say right away that the most important elements in the development of a young child are speech and motor skills, which, by the way, are very closely interconnected with each other. At one time, I had to dig through a huge amount of literature in order to find out the features of classes, systematize them and offer my daughter only the most interesting and useful.

Games for the development of speech are always combined with , since, according to leading scientists from different countries, the hands directly affect the projection of the entire brain. Therefore, you need to build classes according to the principle of combination: speech + fine motor skills. And do not forget about the knowledge of the world and physical activity, because the more mobile the baby is, the more knowledge he receives in the process.

There are several types of games that can be safely used at home, continuing what the educators started.

It would seem that an ordinary lace, but you still do not know that with its help you can:

    just lace up;

    use it in role-playing games;

    study colors;

    to get acquainted with such concepts as longer, shorter.

Lacing contributes to the development of logical thinking, fine motor skills of the hands, as a result of which there is a direct effect on the speech apparatus. The same can be said about such games as pyramid or - simple, but at the same time very useful.