When discharge begins in pregnant women. Discharge in late pregnancy, which indicates the imminent onset of labor. What discharge can tell about at different periods at the beginning of pregnancy

The first trimester is considered a responsible and anxious period. This is the time when the unborn baby is very vulnerable to adverse factors. That is why the expectant mother should be especially attentive to her condition in the first weeks of pregnancy. One of the landmarks of potential well-being (or disadvantage) is discharge in early pregnancy.

The type of discharge during pregnancy can vary significantly. In some cases, the secretion becomes abnormal, which means that the normal development of a small life is threatened.

In this article, we will consider which discharge is explained by natural changes occurring in the mother's body, and is quite acceptable, and which signal the danger to the health of the woman herself and her unborn baby.

As a rule, expectant mothers are worried about similar questions, we will try to find answers to the most common of them by looking at stories and reviews of real women.

Discharge during early pregnancy: normal options

The effect of progesterone

Inna T. (Samara): “About 18 days have passed since conception. The test is positive. ... I didn’t notice this before my period. Can there be such discharge at 2 weeks of gestation or not? What can they mean? "

Ovum implantation

Irina K. (St. Petersburg): “A few days ago I found out that I was expecting a baby. I am now about the second week of pregnancy. A couple of days before the start of the alleged menstruation, I saw mucus streaked with blood on the daily. I thought that the critical days had begun, but there were no more signs of the onset of menstruation. It was all very strange! Is it normal to have such a discharge in early pregnancy? "

Discharge in the first weeks of pregnancy may have a small amount of blood streaks, and may also turn pinkish or brownish. They appear exactly at the moment when the ovum is introduced into the endometrium of the uterus (8-10 days after fertilization of the egg). In this case, damage to the superficial blood vessels often occurs, which causes mini-bleeding. The amount of blood secreted in this case is negligible, and the phenomenon itself is of a short-term nature. Such discharge in the first days of pregnancy is absolutely safe. If in doubt, it is best to consult a doctor. See how they might look in one of our articles.

Formation of a mucous plug

Ekaterina V. (Moscow): “I noticed unusual discharge at the 3rd week of pregnancy. This is a translucent slime, of which there is quite a lot. No other signs of discomfort are observed: no pain of any kind, no irritation, no feeling unwell. Is there a danger for a child if such discharge appears in the third week of pregnancy? Why do they exist? "

Fluctuations in hormone levels

Arina L. (Moscow): “I recently learned that I had a pregnancy. Becoming a mother was not part of the plans, but it turned out that way. I am now in my fifth week of pregnancy. On the eve of menstruation, some kind of brownish daub suddenly began. It lasted less than the usual period. I did not feel pain or any discomfort, although usually. Who got brown discharge when they got pregnant? What do they mean? "

During pregnancy, serious transformations take place in the body of the expectant mother, first of all, the hormonal background of the woman changes. In some cases, such a hormonal rearrangement occurs with some delay, because each organism is unique and individual. There are times when a woman in a position during the period of potential menstruation appears on her underwear with small discharge mixed with blood. If they are not accompanied by pain and deterioration of well-being, disappear on their own and again change to ordinary leucorrhoea, then there is no reason for concern.

Allergic reaction

Olga K. (Volgograd): “I am 25 years old. Now 11 weeks pregnant. Recently I noticed an increase in the amount of leucorrhoea. In appearance, they are translucent, odorless. At the same time, I feel a gradually increasing itching of the labia. What can such a discharge mean at 11 weeks of gestation? Is it really an infection? "

During pregnancy, the sensitivity of expectant mothers increases significantly. That is why the onset of an allergic reaction in the form of itching and irritation could even be caused by familiar remedies that had not previously provoked a negative response from the body. Gel for intimate hygiene, laundry detergent, fragrance for daily napkins, synthetic fabric of linen - all this can become a provocateur of the appearance of abundant liquid laundry, accompanied by itching and irritation. Such secretion at the eleventh week is most likely caused by this very reason. The first thing to do is try to eliminate exposure to the allergen. Sometimes this is enough to stop such discharge during pregnancy.

Abnormal discharge in early pregnancy with a photo

Bubble drift

Milena V. (Nizhny Novgorod): “Recently I found out that I am expecting a child. Almost immediately, a terrible toxicosis began, I even had to take a sick leave. In the fifth week of pregnancy, a strange secretion suddenly appeared - blood with bubbles. In addition, the pressure suddenly dropped, she practically fainted from weakness. I went to my doctor. The diagnosis stunned me - a hydatidiform mole. All my dreams of motherhood collapsed overnight. Why did such discharge appear at the 5th week of pregnancy? What did I do wrong? "

Cystic motility is a serious anomaly in the development of the ovum, which is extremely rare (1 case in 1000). The appearance of discharge in the fifth week was inevitable. At first, such an anomaly manifests itself in a similar way to normal gestation: a positive test, toxicosis (usually intense), weakness, fluctuations in blood pressure. The next sign of pathology is the appearance of blood that resembles foam. At the same time, the woman's condition is aggravated.
There is no woman's fault in this event and cannot be. Unfortunately, it does not seem likely to predict such a course of events. And it is even more regrettable that surgery is the only treatment. All forces during the rehabilitation period should be aimed at restoring health and strict compliance with the doctor's prescriptions. After all, cystic drift can cause oncology.

Vaginal secretion is yellow

Lyudmila K. (Noginsk): “Can a normal discharge in a woman be of a deep yellow color? I noticed similar discharge in myself at 10 weeks of pregnancy. At the same time, it sips the lower back. What can the dark talk about? "

There are two options for the occurrence of rich yellow discharge during early pregnancy: inflammation in the organs of the reproductive system and the multiplication of infection (ureaplasmosis, gardenellosis, chlamydial infection). In parallel, a woman may experience painful sensations in the abdomen and sacrum region. Itching and irritation are sometimes present. Such discharge in the first trimester of pregnancy can be dangerous, as it can provoke a spontaneous abortion, a slowdown in the development of the fetus and its intrauterine infection, in the future - premature birth.

Early brown discharge

Freezing of the development of the embryo

Larisa V. (Sochi): “When there was a delay of 2 weeks, the test showed two stripes. There was a busy period at work, so I didn't go to the doctor right away. The discharge at 6 weeks gestation made me wake up. They were brown, smearing. Doubts arose involuntarily: maybe the first test was wrong? Bought a second one and it came back negative. Is that possible? The hype does not stop, the toxicosis has disappeared altogether. Did I really figure it out and there was just a delay? "

In some cases, a brown secret may indicate freezing of the development of the embryo. If the woman initially had all the signs of gestation, and then they abruptly stopped, and in parallel, brown marks appeared on the underwear, then intrauterine embryo death may have occurred. And its gradual exfoliation from the walls of the uterus provokes the appearance of a brownish secretion. To dispel doubts, you should undergo an examination.

Cervical erosion

Anna Z. (Kirov): “. This is a brownish daub. After a couple of hours, everything went away. Before conception, she did not have time to cure erosion. Could the discharge in the fourth week be the result of chronic erosion? "

Indeed, erosion can cause the appearance of a brown secretion, which is explained by mechanical damage to the surface of the affected area. A similar secretion can be observed, for example, after examination in a gynecological office. Treatment of erosion is not provided during the period of gestation, it will have to be postponed until the moment of delivery. The details of the upcoming therapy should be discussed with the doctor.

Dark discharge during pregnancy

Yana S. (Voronezh): “Suddenly, dark discharge started at the 6th week of pregnancy. Not very strong, with blood clots. In this case, it hurts on the right side. Weakness appeared. My husband insists on calling an ambulance, but I don't like to panic. Maybe it's not so scary? Could dark-colored highlights be normal? "

Discharge at 6 weeks gestation, which is dark in color and is complemented by acute pain and general malaise, can hardly be considered natural. Such symptoms are characteristic of the ectopic localization of the ovum, that is, a condition when it is implanted not in the uterine cavity, but, for example, in the tube, ovary, or even the peritoneum. Such a pathology can be extremely dangerous for the health and life of a woman, since as the ovum grows, the likelihood of rupture of the organ and the occurrence of profuse bleeding increases.

Secretion of green

Kira D. (Sevastopol): “I am in the seventh week of pregnancy. I developed an unusual secretion of a greenish color with some nasty odor. It hurts to go to the toilet, everything itches and hurts. What kind of discharge could it be at the 7th week of pregnancy? "

The appearance of green secretions (pus) can be a sign of diseases such as trichomoniasis or gonorrhea. These genital infections can cause miscarriage. If such symptoms occur during pregnancy (itching, burning, swelling of the labia, traces of pus, repulsive odor), you should see a doctor as soon as possible and undergo appropriate examination and treatment.

White grains in vaginal secretions

Natalya S. (Kolomna): “Now I am at the twelfth obstetric week. A couple of days ago, ordinary leucorrhoea began to change and turned into some kind of grains. At first there was no discomfort, but then severe itching joined. What caused this discharge at 12 weeks of gestation? Could this somehow affect the condition of my unborn child? "

Such discharge at 12 weeks of gestation occurs with the same frequency as, for example, at the sixth or thirty-ninth. Candidiasis can occur at any stage of pregnancy. This stage of life is characterized by a slight decrease in the body's defenses, against the background of which such an unpleasant disease as thrush very often develops.

At first, the released mass looks like white flakes or grains of cottage cheese, which are easily separated from the mucous membrane. As the disease progresses, the flakes turn into gray films, which, when trying to separate them from the mucous membrane, leave small wounds. The discomfort is greatly increased. The disease is accompanied by itching, swelling, hyperemia of the external genital organs, as well as a characteristic sour smell.

As you can see, in the first trimester, vaginal secretion can be quite varied. In the overwhelming majority of cases, it is difficult for the expectant mother to independently figure out the symptoms that have manifested itself. Therefore, it is extremely important for all doubts and suspicious signs to seek the help of competent specialists.

Pregnancy is always wonderful and exciting at the same time. With its onset, a woman experiences a bouquet of indescribable emotions and sensations, and this is not only about moments of joy. After all, this state of expectation of the baby also implies many experiences, especially in the early stages.

It is very important for a future mother to monitor her health, listening to every change in the body in order to consult a doctor in a timely manner and exclude possible pathologies. One of the most common concerns is discharge. Their nature is somewhat different than in a pre-pregnant state, therefore it is so important to know what kind of discharge occurs during pregnancy, what is normal and what is a sign of a serious illness.

What should be the discharge during early pregnancy

Can there be vaginal discharge during pregnancy? What discharge during early pregnancy is considered normal?

It is no secret that with the onset of pregnancy, the female body begins to actively rebuild due to a change in hormonal levels. It has a special effect in the first weeks: it is under its influence that the discharge during pregnancy becomes whitish, watery or transparent and sometimes quite thick with a slight yellowish tinge.

Such light-colored mucous discharge is the norm during early pregnancy, and it also performs an important function in the body. The fact is that at the beginning of the first trimester, the placenta has not yet formed, which will have to protect the fetus from various external influences throughout pregnancy. However, nature, as always, has foreseen everything, and she assigned this important role to secretions. They form a mucous plug in the cervical canal, which closes the entrance to the uterus, thereby preventing infections from entering its cavity.

In addition, discharge at the beginning of pregnancy actively moisturizes the vaginal mucosa, which eliminates the woman's discomfort. However, remember that these discharge should not have a strong odor and a pronounced yellow or green color, and you should not feel itching or other unpleasant symptoms during pregnancy.

Before menstruation is delayed during pregnancy, in the first weeks, dark brown or bloody(pinkish) discharge. This happens at the time of attachment of the ovum to the wall of the uterus. During this period, the uterus loosens, as it were, and new plexus of blood vessels are formed, which is why discharge occurs. They do not pose a threat to either the expectant mother or the embryo. In this case, you should not experience pain, and the discharge itself is of a short-term nature and contains only streaks and specks of red shades and nothing more.

One of the most common pathologies of the first trimester of pregnancy include the following discharge:

  • brownish (beige) spotting;
  • (pink) discharge during early pregnancy.

As we noted above, short-term discharge with slight echoes of such shades may well be the norm when it comes to the process of implantation of the ovum. However, such signs can be symptoms of various troubles.

Consider what they are talking about brown discharge during early pregnancy.

  • Smudging brown or beige discharge (especially after a delay in menstruation, when the test shows two confident stripes) may indicate detachment of the ovum... You must immediately see your doctor, who will conduct an examination and, most likely, send you to see what condition the ovum is in, and if necessary, you may need to undergo hospital treatment under the supervision of specialists.
  • In addition, "daub" can signal such early pathologies as and. In the first case, this means that the embryo has not reached the right place and has attached itself, for example, in the fallopian tube or ovary, while the woman experiences pain in the lower abdomen. Frozen pregnancy is a condition when the embryo for some reason stops developing. Ultrasound will also help diagnose pathology. If suspicions are confirmed, the woman is prescribed antibiotic therapy and cleaning from the dead fetus.
  • The appearance of such discharge is possible for several months at the expected date of menstruation. This speaks of hormonal imbalance, which can also be a signal for the possible. In this case, it will be necessary, and in the event of a deviation from the norm, the doctor will prescribe a course of therapeutic measures aimed at raising its level to the norm.
  • Light brown discharge during early pregnancy can sometimes appear if a woman has a history of a disease such as. For the purpose of treatment, it is usually cauterized, but in a pregnant state, the procedure is prohibited, and the doctor can offer a medication solution to the problem.

The woman is frightened even more by the abundant blood (red) discharge during early pregnancy. And it is not at all accidental: almost always it speaks of a miscarriage that has actually begun. In this case, the pregnant woman may feel pulling pains in the lower abdomen or in the lumbar region.

The main thing in this situation is not to panic. Needed immediately call an ambulance and take a horizontal position until the arrival of the medical team. In the hospital, you will undergo an ultrasound scan, as well as donate blood and urine for analysis, in particular, to determine the level of hCG. Medicine is constantly developing in this direction, and in the overwhelming majority of cases, pregnancy can be saved. Treatment consists in adhering to bed rest and taking hemostatic and uterine tonic drugs.

The only situation when doctors are powerless is when it comes to a very rare pathology "Bubble drift"... This is a deviation that occurred at the time of fertilization of the egg and consists in the absence of maternal genes. In this case, the development of the embryo is impossible, and the problem requires surgical intervention. Fortunately, the phenomenon is extremely rare.

As in the usual state, and during early pregnancy, a woman can detect yellow or green discharge, they can be brightly colored and can foam and bubble... Most often this is a sign of a genital infection.

What are such discharge during pregnancy, and what their appearance testifies, we will consider below.

  • Light yellow discharge during pregnancy. If such discharge is accompanied by itching, but does not have a pungent odor, most likely, we can talk about the manifestation of an allergic reaction. The allergen can be washing powder or the material from which the laundry is made. The problem of yellowish discharge during early pregnancy is solved by eliminating the irritant.
  • Yellow discharge of bright color odorless during pregnancy. If at the same time there is an increase in body temperature and pain in the lower abdomen, then we are talking about inflammation of the appendages.
  • Dark yellow discharge... Such discharge may indicate the presence of staphylococcus and Escherichia coli in the vaginal microflora.
  • Yellow-green, green foaming discharge with an unpleasant odor during pregnancy signals a sexually transmitted disease.

If you find yourself with any of the listed signs, urgently visit your doctor... The sooner you do this, the more chances that the fetus will not be under the harmful effects of harmful microorganisms. Indeed, until the fourth month, the placenta is only being formed, which means that your baby is still vulnerable, which requires careful attention to his health.

The doctor will take a smear for analysis, and also send it to donate blood if it comes to discharge of a greenish tint during pregnancy. Based on the results, you will be prompted optimal treatment, based on the characteristics of the gestational age. Pharmaceuticals does not stand still and is constantly developing more and more safe medicines especially for women in the position.

With the onset of pregnancy, immunity decreases, both in general and specifically the microflora of the vagina. In this state, nothing interferes with the development and reproduction of bacteria that cause, or scientifically - candidiasis.

The greatest likelihood of developing the disease in women with a history of chronic thrush. In addition, hormones play an important role in the development of candidiasis: under the influence of progesterone, the vaginal environment changes to a more acidic one.

Thrush symptoms during pregnancy in the early stages - it is abundant white cheesy (thick) discharge with a sour odor, while itching, burning and redness of the genitals is observed.

In the pharmacy, you can find many effective remedies for this ailment. Perhaps you have used some of them before and without consulting a specialist. However, now, given your interesting position, it would be correct if you see your doctor... Most often, pregnant women are prescribed Pimafucin or Hexicon suppositories. Treatment, as a rule, is of course nature, and both partners must be treated to exclude relapses.

The problem does not require immediate solution, and ease the condition you can by following some simple rules.

  • Eliminate fresh baked goods and sweets from the diet. Give preference to fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as fermented milk products.
  • Use linen made from natural materials.
  • Avoid intimate hygiene products containing fragrances and artificial additives.
  • Shower twice a day and try to avoid high temperatures.

Thrush at the initial stage is not so dangerous, however, in a situation where the symptoms are vivid, infection of the fetus can occur, which entails the risk of detachment of the ovum and miscarriage.

  • The most important thing - avoid stressful situations... It's no secret that this is what provokes or contributes to the exacerbation of many diseases, including such as thrush or the threat of miscarriage. An interesting book, favorite music, walks in the fresh air - all this will help you distract from bad thoughts and tune in to a positive mood.
  • Pay attention to your... It must be contained in order for the immune system to function effectively.
  • If suspicious signs are found, under no circumstances do not self-medicate: this way you can harm yourself and your child even more. Visit a doctor in the near future, and if the situation is critical, then call an ambulance.

Discharge during pregnancy

By the discharge from the genitals of a woman, one can judge the state of her health. During pregnancy, changes occur in the entire body of the expectant mother, and the discharge also changes, which raises a number of questions for the pregnant woman: Is everything all right? Is that how it should be?

Isolation if the woman is healthy ..

All women, both pregnant and non-pregnant, produce clear, odorless, not abundant mucus in the glands of the cervical canal, which does not cause skin irritation. Ovarian hormones regulate the frequency of secretions that match the phases of the menstrual cycle. At the very beginning of the first phase, on the first day of menstruation, the amount of mucus secreted in the body is 50 mg, gradually increasing to 70 mg. per day and by the time of ovulation, reaching a maximum, during this period the structure of mucus changes, it becomes liquid and viscous, easily sperm for sperm.

During the second phase of the cycle, the mucus becomes viscous and cloudy. This is due to a decrease in the secretion of the glands of the cervical canal. A hormone acts on her.

Since during pregnancy in the body of the expectant mother there is a large amount of progesterone, which ensures the preservation and development of the fetus in the initial stages of gestation, we can say that the pregnant woman has a condition similar to the second phase of the menstrual cycle. Therefore, the mucus in this period is viscous, opaque and there is little of it, the same as that of a non-pregnant woman during the second phase of the cycle.

But it also happens that some pregnant women experience increased discharge from the genitals. The reasons can be varied:

Possible problems

White abundant cheesy discharge with a sour smell very often bother expectant mothers, these symptoms are the result of a disease such as vaginal candidiasis (thrush). In addition, with such a disease, sometimes itching and burning sensation occurs in the perineal region, which grow after intercourse, water procedures and at night. During pregnancy, the hormonal background changes, and therefore the acidity of the vaginal environment changes, the immune system is suppressed, all this leads to the fact that the fungi that live in the vagina begin to actively develop, and thrush develops. Very often, vaginal candidiasis is observed in a woman during the entire pregnancy and is practically not amenable to treatment.

Thrush should be treated in the following cases:

1. If the disease gives a woman anxiety (severe itching in the vagina)

2. There are complications of pregnancy, for example, the threat of termination, intrauterine growth retardation, etc.

3. Since thrush causes significant inflammatory changes in the mucous membrane of the genital organs, its treatment should be carried out at about the 36th week of pregnancy. The mucous membranes, becoming vulnerable, can be easily injured during childbirth. In addition, if the pathogen is in the genital tract, during childbirth, the child can become infected and get candidiasis of the oral mucous membranes.

These medicines can be used without restrictions in the treatment of a partner, while in the treatment of the expectant mother there are certain contraindications. Pregnant women in the first trimester can use only those drugs that in no way affect the development of the child. This borax in glycerin and a solution of brilliant green ("brilliant green"). They need to lubricate a gauze swab and insert it into the vagina. You can also use candles (). Thanks to these medicines, you can reduce the number of fungi in the vagina and they will stop multiplying. But this may be a temporary effect, since in the future, the disease may worsen again.

In the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, for the treatment of thrush, you can already use local complex preparations that have not only antifungal, but also probacterial effects: - D, GINOPEVARIL, LOLIZHINAKS, -COMPLEX. In order to restore the vaginal microflora, which is disturbed after treatment with antifungal drugs, you can use it.

Do not self-medicate, but consult a doctor and he will select for you exactly the drug that is right for you.

What can cause spotting during pregnancy?

Do not worry if the discharge associated with the fact that small placental abruptions, under which blood accumulates, which is subsequently released outside, did not last long and ended quickly.

Small brown discharge is also considered harmless, otherwise daub, which occurs on the days when you should have had your period before pregnancy. In addition to discharge, a woman may experience pulling pain in the lower back and lower abdomen.

If the mucous membrane is injured during intercourse, especially if there is a vaginal polyp or erosion, there may be discharge that does not come from the uterus

With some genital infections, various secretions occur, in order to exclude them, it is necessary to make a smear.

But most often, the cause of spotting in the early stages of pregnancy is the threat of termination of pregnancy. If the gynecologist has identified this threat in you, you should strictly follow his instructions. Do not be upset, since the possibilities of modern medicine are now very large.

But unfortunately, about 20% of pregnant women, with a threat, cannot bear a child.

It's hard to come to terms with this, especially if it was not easy. There are pregnant women who categorically refused to terminate the pregnancy and until the term of fetal viability - up to 28 weeks - lay in a layer and even periodically stood on their heads. And some managed to give birth to a viable child. But this heroism makes sense only in a situation where pregnancy is developing - you can find out by the dynamics of the hCG hormone, and later - by ultrasound and fetal heartbeats. Otherwise, the body gets rid of the foreign body, and to resist this is not only unnecessary work, but also a danger to the life of the mother.

Menstruation during pregnancy

If the female egg meets the sperm, then the conditions created in the uterus for the embryo are not rejected, since a new process starts - pregnancy. How does the period during pregnancy, which sometimes happen to some women, fit into this picture?

It should be noted that menstruation during pregnancy is not at all a natural menstrual rejection, which occurs every cycle in all women, but another bleeding, which has a different nature. So, a consequence of what factors can be menstruation during pregnancy, which we can already safely put in quotes?

The first reason for the occurrence of uterine bleeding during pregnancy, which, by the way, is most often mistaken for menstruation during pregnancy, is associated with the correct implantation of a fertilized female reproductive cell through the wall of the uterus. Features of such bleeding: lack of profusion, short duration, painlessness. In this case, there is no risk of pregnancy.

The second reason that the so-called periods during pregnancy can be caused is hormonal changes associated with the expected period. Such bleeding is also considered normal, does not threaten the fetus, if there are no accompanying problems. Usually, the discharge in these cases is moderate and everything goes "as usual", without pain and heaviness in the lower abdomen.

Another reason for the appearance of bleeding in the early stages of expectation of the baby, which is not dangerous for the mother and the fetus, is the insufficiently high level of hormones synthesized by the placenta. In this case, the woman needs medical supervision, although such bleeding itself does not pose a particular danger.

It should be remembered that in many cases, menstruation during pregnancy is nothing more than uterine bleeding due to rejection of the placenta, indicating the threat of termination of pregnancy. Since it is almost impossible to distinguish one type of bleeding from another at home, if such situations arise, you should immediately visit a gynecologist, conduct a detailed diagnosis

Discharge during nonspecific inflammatory processes of the female genital organs during pregnancy

Such inflammatory processes are called nonspecific because they are characteristic of many infectious agents. Most often it is staphylococcus, Escherichia coli, Proteus, etc. Such inflammatory processes are rarely acute, most often the inflammatory process was already before pregnancy, and with its onset it became aggravated. Therefore, it is so important to treat all possible foci of infection before conception.

Discharge during an exacerbation of the inflammatory process can acquire a yellow color and an unpleasant odor, which indicates that pathogenic microflora (infectious agents) have appeared in them. Such an inflammatory process in the early stages of pregnancy can result in a spontaneous miscarriage, since during inflammatory processes the mucous membrane of the uterus, into which the embryo is embedded, can suffer.

At present, clear methods have been developed for the treatment of inflammatory processes at different stages of pregnancy.

Discharge for sexually transmitted infections

The causative agents of sexually transmitted infections can enter a woman's body during pregnancy, or they can stay there for a long time, with the latent course of such an infection. This happens with improper, untimely treatment without laboratory control: the infection under the influence of antibiotics hid for the time being, and during pregnancy, when the woman's body is weakened by abrupt shifts in hormonal levels and metabolism, pathogens "come to life" and cause an exacerbation.

In such cases, they speak of a specific infection: each pathogen has its own characteristics. So, for gonorrhea, purulent discharge of yellow color with an unpleasant odor is characteristic, which are accompanied by burning and itching in the genital area.

Treating infections during pregnancy is a difficult process, however, there are drugs that can act on pathogens without causing complications from the fetus.

Discharge during pregnancy should be alarming, but not frightening a woman. She should clearly know that the antenatal clinic doctor will always help her figure out whether this is normal or not.

The body's readiness for childbirth.

A clear sign indicating childbirth is the discharge of the mucous plug, which is located in the cervix. Part of the bloody discharge may come out with mucus, and this is a completely normal phenomenon indicating the body is ready for childbirth. Therefore, there is no need to “rush into panic”. It can come out in parts or in one portion at once. The total amount is 20 ml.

Another, even closer moment to the birth of a child is the outpouring of amniotic fluid. They are colorless and although they have an ammoniacal odor, they are quite distinguishable from urine. A woman can feel at the same time their full outpouring, approximately 200 ml or partial, or rather even "drip". In order not to be confused with simple secretions and to be "ready", it is best to put a white napkin on and watch. After 15 minutes, after carefully looking at the result, it will be seen that if the water spot has increased, then it's time to call an ambulance - you will soon become a mother!

With some changes that occur during pregnancy, a woman is faced for the first time. After all, those who have not previously been in a similar state cannot assess how true certain phenomena are. Therefore, the question of what should be the discharge during pregnancy and why there are deviations from the norm is of great relevance. But in order to get a comprehensive answer to medical topics, it is always best to see a doctor.

Norm during pregnancy

It is known that a woman's body begins to rebuild immediately after the conception of a child. The secret secreted by the glandular cells of the reproductive tract also changes. In the blood, the concentration of progesterone, the main protector of pregnancy, increases. It is produced by the corpus luteum of the ovary under the influence of pituitary regulators (lutropin), and then chorionic gonadotropin produced by the placenta. Under its influence, there is a discharge of a thick consistency, glassy or whitish.

Gradually, the level of estrogen increases in the body, stimulating the growth of the uterus and the development of the mammary glands. Starting from the second trimester, the nature of the discharge also changes. They become more liquid and plentiful, retaining transparency or a somewhat whitish color. Immediately before childbirth, their volume can increase sharply - this is a mucous plug from the cervix.

Regardless of the gestational age, the physiological discharge in a woman in position is called leucorrhoea. They are slimy in nature and should not have an off-odor or pathological inclusions. Moreover, the woman will feel good, since leucorrhoea does not provoke any unpleasant symptoms. Such manifestations during pregnancy are considered normal and should not cause alarm in the expectant mother.

If a woman does not know what kind of discharge there are during pregnancy, then she needs to consult a doctor. The specialist will dispel all fears and confirm the physiological nature of the processes.

Reasons for deviations

Having dealt with the question of whether pregnant women have discharge and which of them are considered the norm at different times, you need to start considering situations with deviations. The causes of violations of natural processes are most often inflammatory diseases of the gynecological sphere, but other conditions, including obstetric pathology, can also occur. As a rule, you have to think about such violations:

  1. Colpitis.
  2. Vaginal dysbiosis.
  3. Thrush.
  4. Cervical erosion.
  5. Spontaneous abortion.
  6. Ectopic (ectopic) pregnancy.
  7. Placenta previa.

The spectrum of pathology is quite diverse, therefore, careful differential diagnosis is required. Of particular danger are cases that carry a real threat to the fetus and the woman herself. Accordingly, they should be given increased attention.


What kind of discharge during pregnancy, in addition to physiological, may appear, depends on the nature of the pathology - gynecological or obstetric. Therefore, the first stage of the diagnostic process necessarily includes a survey and a physical examination. And if there is no discharge at the time of the medical consultation, then their character will have to be judged only from the anamnestic data provided by the woman. So, you need to find out the following features:

  • Colour.
  • Smell.
  • Volume.
  • Consistency.
  • Time of appearance.

Every moment can be important for diagnosis. For example, even information alone about the color of the discharge during pregnancy in a particular woman will suggest a probable cause. And with a gynecological examination, it is possible to identify additional signs that help the doctor make his conclusion.


Vaginal infection is the most common cause of discharge during pregnancy. This gynecological pathology is caused by various pathogens: both ordinary staphylococci or Escherichia coli, and specific microbes - gonococcus, Trichomonas, chlamydia. The discharge that can occur during pregnancy also depends on the type of infectious agent:

  • With gonorrhea - thick, greenish-yellow, with a purulent sweetish odor.
  • With trichomoniasis - liquid, abundant and frothy, greenish tint.
  • With chlamydia - scanty and watery, transparent and odorless.

Examination of the vagina reveals reddening of the mucous membrane, its vulnerability. A woman feels a burning sensation, itching in an intimate place, discomfort and pain during sexual intercourse, cramps during urination. Some infections, for example, chlamydia, are completely asymptomatic or with a very blurred clinical picture, which makes it difficult to identify them. And the spread of the pathological process upwards can become the reason for the infection of the fetus.

Pathological discharge often indicates an infection of the genital tract, which creates additional risks during pregnancy.

Vaginal dysbiosis

When the natural balance of the vaginal microflora is disturbed, bacterial vaginosis (dysbiosis) develops. It is characterized by a decrease in lactobacilli and bifidobacilli, in the place of which other microbes develop. Most often we are talking about the colonization of the vagina with gardnerella. Because of this, whitish or gray discharge appears during pregnancy, which has a creamy consistency and an unpleasant smell of fish. Most often, they get worse after intercourse. There are no other signs indicating the development of infection.


Many women, most likely, have already had an unpleasant experience of dealing with thrush. Scientifically, this is called vaginal candidiasis and can be considered a fairly mild pathology. Whitish cheesy plaques appear on the mucous membrane. Due to thrush, discharge with a sour odor often appears during pregnancy. And among the additional signs can be noted:

  • Redness of the vaginal mucosa.
  • Feeling of dryness, itching and burning.
  • Discomfort during sexual intercourse.
  • Soreness when urinating.

Almost the only symptom may be itching in the vagina, which does not subside even at night, provoking insomnia and disorders of the emotional state of the pregnant woman.

Cervical erosion

Normal discharge with cervical erosion may take on a brownish tint. Most often this occurs during sexual intercourse or after it, when the mucous membrane is traumatized. The woman then feels discomfort and even slight pulling pains in the lower abdomen. But such a clinical picture is observed quite rarely - most often erosion is asymptomatic, revealing itself only during a gynecological examination as a defect in the epithelium on the cervix.

Obstetric pathology

The greatest risk is indicated by spotting during pregnancy. Very often they are a sign of obstetric pathology, complicating any period of bearing a child. In the early stages, we are talking about spontaneous abortion or ectopic pregnancy, and in the second or third trimester - about placenta previa. Miscarriage or miscarriage is suggested by the following symptoms:

  • Cramping or pulling pains in the lower abdomen, radiating to the sacral region.
  • Bloody discharge.
  • Pressure on the bladder and rectum.

Similar signs are also observed with a disturbed ectopic pregnancy, but in this case, everything proceeds much sharper. If there is a rupture of the pipe, then symptoms of an acute abdomen and internal bleeding occur. The condition of a woman in the absence of assistance is progressively worsening, since everything goes to hemorrhagic shock and peritonitis.

Premature placental abruption is characterized by scanty reddish discharge, local abdominal pain, and deterioration of the fetus. If the process began not from the edge of the organ, but in its center, then blood can accumulate in the resulting cavity and seep into the wall of the uterus. This creates the risk of coagulopathic complications. And with detachment of more than half of the placenta, fetal death is observed.

Obstetric pathology is of greatest relevance during pregnancy, because it is often associated with dangerous complications.

Additional diagnostics

More research is needed to understand the cause of purulent, bloody, or acidic discharge during pregnancy. The doctor will prescribe to the woman some laboratory and instrumental tests to establish the nature of the pathology and determine the degree of its danger. Based on the preliminary diagnosis, the following procedures may be needed:

  1. General blood and urine tests.
  2. Blood biochemistry (antibodies to infections, hormones, coagulogram, etc.).
  3. Discharge analysis (microscopic, bacteriological, PCR).
  4. A smear from the cervix for cytology.
  5. Colposcopy.
  6. Ultrasound of the small pelvis (uterus with appendages, placenta, fetus).

The results of an additional examination will make it possible to put an end to the question of whether there can be discharge during carrying a child, what is considered normal and pathology. Having found out the reason for the deviations, the doctor immediately proceeds to the appropriate correction. And women with a physiological course of pregnancy certainly should not worry, but it is better to follow preventive recommendations.

By the discharge from the genitals of a woman, one can judge the state of her health. During pregnancy, changes occur in the entire body of the expectant mother, and the discharge also changes, which raises a number of questions for the pregnant woman: Is everything all right? Is that how it should be?

Isolation if the woman is healthy..

All women, both pregnant and non-pregnant, produce clear, odorless, not abundant mucus in the glands of the cervical canal, which does not cause skin irritation. Ovarian hormones regulate the frequency of secretions that match the phases of the menstrual cycle. At the very beginning of the first phase, on the first day of menstruation, the amount of mucus secreted in the body is 50 mg, gradually increasing to 70 mg. per day and by the time of ovulation, reaching a maximum, during this period the structure of mucus changes, it becomes liquid and viscous, easily sperm for sperm.

During the second phase of the cycle, the mucus becomes viscous and cloudy. This is due to a decrease in the secretion of the glands of the cervical canal. The hormone progesterone acts on it.

Since during pregnancy in the body of the expectant mother there is a large amount of progesterone, which ensures the preservation and development of the fetus in the initial stages of gestation, we can say that the pregnant woman has a condition similar to the second phase of the menstrual cycle. Therefore, the mucus in this period is viscous, opaque and there is little of it, the same as that of a non-pregnant woman during the second phase of the cycle.

But it also happens that some pregnant women experience increased discharge from the genitals. The reasons can be varied:

Possible problems

White abundant cheesy discharge with a sour smell very often bother expectant mothers, these symptoms are the result of a disease such as vaginal candidiasis (thrush). In addition, with such a disease, sometimes itching and burning sensation occurs in the perineal region, which grow after intercourse, water procedures and at night. During pregnancy, the hormonal background changes, and therefore the acidity of the vaginal environment changes, the immune system is suppressed, all this leads to the fact that the fungi that live in the vagina begin to actively develop, and thrush develops. Very often, vaginal candidiasis is observed in a woman during the entire pregnancy and is practically not amenable to treatment.

Thrush should be treated in the following cases:

1. If the disease gives a woman anxiety (severe itching in the vagina)

2. There are complications of pregnancy, for example, the threat of termination, intrauterine growth retardation, etc.

3. Since thrush causes significant inflammatory changes in the mucous membrane of the genital organs, its treatment should be carried out at about the 36th week of pregnancy. The mucous membranes, becoming vulnerable, can be easily injured during childbirth. In addition, if the pathogen is in the genital tract, during childbirth, the child can become infected and get candidiasis of the oral mucous membranes.

Thrush is treated with both partners. Necessarily, it is necessary to give up sexual activity during treatment, or use condoms. For treatment, various drugs are used, for example, such as systemic antifungal drugs (DIFLUKAN, DIFLAZON, FLUKONAZOL, NIZORAL).

These medicines can be used without restrictions in the treatment of a partner, while in the treatment of the expectant mother there are certain contraindications. Pregnant women in the first trimester can use only those drugs that in no way affect the development of the child. This borax in glycerin and a solution of brilliant green ("brilliant green"). They need to lubricate a gauze swab and insert it into the vagina. You can also use candles (PIMAFUCIN). Thanks to these medicines, you can reduce the number of fungi in the vagina and they will stop multiplying. But this may be a temporary effect, since in the future, the disease may worsen again.

In the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, for the treatment of thrush, you can already use local complex preparations that have not only antifungal, but also probacterial effects: KLION - D, GINOPEVARIL, LOLIZHINAKS, MAKMIROR-COMPLEX. In order to restore the vaginal microflora, which is disturbed after treatment with antifungal drugs, BIFIDUMBAKTERIN can be used.

Do not self-medicate, but consult a doctor and he will select for you exactly the drug that is right for you.

What can cause spotting during pregnancy?

Do not worry if the discharge associated with the fact that small placental abruptions, under which blood accumulates, which is subsequently released outside, did not last long and ended quickly.

Small brown discharge is also considered harmless, otherwise daub, which occurs on the days when you should have had your period before pregnancy. In addition to discharge, a woman may experience pulling pain in the lower back and lower abdomen.

If the mucous membrane is injured during intercourse, especially if there is a vaginal polyp or erosion, there may be discharge that does not come from the uterus

With some genital infections, various secretions occur, in order to exclude them, it is necessary to make a smear.

But most often, the cause of spotting in the early stages of pregnancy is the threat of termination of pregnancy. If the gynecologist has identified this threat in you, you should strictly follow his instructions. Do not be upset, since the possibilities of modern medicine are now very large.

But unfortunately, about 20% of pregnant women, with a threat, cannot bear a child.

It's hard to come to terms with this, especially if it was not easy. There are pregnant women who categorically refused to terminate the pregnancy and until the term of fetal viability - up to 28 weeks - lay in a layer and even periodically stood on their heads. And some managed to give birth to a viable child. But this heroism makes sense only in a situation where pregnancy is developing - you can find out by the dynamics of the hCG hormone, and later - by ultrasound and fetal heartbeats. Otherwise, the body gets rid of the foreign body, and to resist this is not only unnecessary work, but also a danger to the life of the mother.

Menstruation during pregnancy

If the female egg meets the sperm, then the conditions created in the uterus for the embryo are not rejected, since a new process starts - pregnancy. How does the period during pregnancy, which sometimes happen to some women, fit into this picture?

It should be noted that menstruation during pregnancy is not at all a natural menstrual rejection, which occurs every cycle in all women, but another bleeding, which has a different nature. So, a consequence of what factors can be menstruation during pregnancy, which we can already safely put in quotes?

The first reason the occurrence of uterine bleeding during pregnancy, which, by the way, is most often mistaken for menstruation during pregnancy, is associated with the correct implantation of a fertilized female reproductive cell through the wall of the uterus. Features of such bleeding: lack of profusion, short duration, painlessness. In this case, there is no risk of pregnancy.

Second reason, which can be caused by the so-called menstruation during pregnancy, are hormonal changes associated with the expected period. Such bleeding is also considered normal, does not threaten the fetus, if there are no accompanying problems. Usually, the discharge in these cases is moderate and everything goes "as usual", without pain and heaviness in the lower abdomen.

Another reason that is not dangerous for mom and fetus the appearance of bleeding in the early stages of waiting for the baby is not a high enough level of hormones synthesized by the placenta. In this case, the woman needs medical supervision, although such bleeding itself does not pose a particular danger.

It should be remembered that in many cases, menstruation during pregnancy is nothing more than uterine bleeding due to rejection of the placenta, indicating the threat of termination of pregnancy. Since it is almost impossible to distinguish one type of bleeding from another at home, if such situations arise, you should immediately visit a gynecologist, conduct a detailed diagnosis

Discharge during nonspecific inflammatory processes of the female genital organs during pregnancy

Such inflammatory processes are called nonspecific because they are characteristic of many infectious agents. Most often it is staphylococcus, Escherichia coli, Proteus, etc. Such inflammatory processes are rarely acute, most often the inflammatory process was already before pregnancy, and with its onset it became aggravated. Therefore, it is so important to treat all possible foci of infection before conception.

Discharge during an exacerbation of the inflammatory process can acquire a yellow color and an unpleasant odor, which indicates that pathogenic microflora (infectious agents) have appeared in them. Such an inflammatory process in the early stages of pregnancy can result in a spontaneous miscarriage, since during inflammatory processes the mucous membrane of the uterus, into which the embryo is embedded, can suffer.

At present, clear methods have been developed for the treatment of inflammatory processes at different stages of pregnancy.

Discharge for sexually transmitted infections

The causative agents of sexually transmitted infections can enter a woman's body during pregnancy, or they can stay there for a long time, with the latent course of such an infection. This happens with improper, untimely treatment without laboratory control: the infection under the influence of antibiotics hid for the time being, and during pregnancy, when the woman's body is weakened by abrupt shifts in hormonal levels and metabolism, pathogens "come to life" and cause an exacerbation.

In such cases, they speak of a specific infection: each pathogen has its own characteristics. So, for gonorrhea, purulent discharge of yellow color with an unpleasant odor is characteristic, which are accompanied by burning and itching in the genital area.

Treating infections during pregnancy is a difficult process, however, there are drugs that can act on pathogens without causing complications from the fetus.

Discharge during pregnancy should be alarming, but not frightening a woman. She should clearly know that the antenatal clinic doctor will always help her figure out whether this is normal or not.

The body's readiness for childbirth.

A clear sign indicating childbirth is the discharge of the mucous plug, which is located in the cervix. Part of the bloody discharge may come out with mucus, and this is a completely normal phenomenon indicating the body is ready for childbirth. Therefore, there is no need to “rush into panic”. It can come out in parts or in one portion at once. The total amount is 20 ml.

Another, even closer moment to the birth of a child is the outpouring of amniotic fluid. They are colorless and although they have an ammoniacal odor, they are quite distinguishable from urine. A woman can feel at the same time their full outpouring, approximately 200 ml or partial, or rather even "drip". In order not to be confused with simple secretions and to be "ready", it is best to put a white napkin on and watch. After 15 minutes, after carefully looking at the result, it will be seen that if the water spot has increased, then it's time to call an ambulance - you will soon become a mother!