Short SMS greetings on the day of the rocket troops of strategic destination. Congratulations on the Day of the RVSN

Today we congratulate the lords of missiles, but not those flying into space, because today - the day of the RVSN! From our heart, we want to wish you success in service, good luck in personal life, good health, long years and favor of fate so that battles happen only on the exercises!

Herbroma Racket on the day of the RVSN I send my congratulations and wishes to be a thunderstorm not only enemies, but also female hearts, always to achieve goals in service and in everyday life, and not to be upset, not to lose courage and generosity of the Spirit!

Our world and peace are all in your hands, dear employees of the rocket troops of strategic destination and today, on the day of the RVSN, we warmly congratulate you, helmet from all the people and wish you always warm in the well-deserved rays of glory, live long and happily!

Congratulations on the Day of Rocket Forces of Strategic Appointment! In this holiday I want to express a wishes that you never have to run rockets in the skies, because only free birds and comets should fly in them! Let our common, the whole country and your privacy will be prosperous and happy!

To you, our faithful defender, on the day of the RVSN, we sing congratulations and praise, wishing you from the whole of the nice, a little bit of happiness and brilliant days of service to the pension itself! With such a military as you - we will not disappear, which means that our Earth will be every year spring and the world!

In this glorious holiday, on the day of the RVSN, I want to congratulate those who keep our country at all turns, and in any moment I will be ready to make the enemy retreat, without allowing him to break our happy, peaceful life! Today I congratulate you and I wish to serve faith and truth, deserveing \u200b\u200bawards and new titles, for many years, and also - just be a happy person!

Rocket members, on the day of the RVSN I want to say hotly thanks for their faithful service! You have a temper eye, strong hands and a living heart! You are from those people who you always wish all the best, so let all have been said from the soul on this day - will be fulfilled for you!

On the day of the RVSN, I congratulate you, dustpage sent for our expanses! It would seem that one person can? But he, in the ranks of the same glorious soldiers, holds a silver shield, over our homeland and no one will allow it to break her peace! So let everything and always be fine in the life of our glorious defender!

Rocket cells, military wizards who reliably keep a powerful nuclear weapon, today, on the day of the RVSN - a triple "Hurray!". From the heart of my soul, I wish you happiness, prosperity, long life, and of course, achieve new service heights!

Rocket troops of strategic appointment are invincible, and every combat unit in their composition is an weight of gold. In the holiday dedicated to him, on the day of the RVSN, I want to congratulate you and wish you to always be at the height, to serve my homeland with honor and joy and live happily!

Long live missile troops! They are always on the platoon and are ready to act at any moment. Presidential decree is considered a commemorative event. They celebrate it in the frosty December day of the 18th. Thanks to the rocket troops, our people can feel protected. These courageous and brave servants, sometimes risking their own lives, give us the opportunity to sleep peacefully. Before them is a strategically important task to prevent war on earth and in heaven. These brave guys are worthy of the best awards. Many boys dream of becoming rocketmen, but only chosen and persistent manages to fulfill their dream. Raising the glass on this day, you do not need to be shy to congratulate the rackets standing. Thank you for the service in the good of the Motherland.

Again in December in Saluti, the whole country.
We congratulate you, missile troops!
Beats artillery, salutes chord
Takes and surprises all the people.
Artilleryrs and rocket troops
In the people, your glory is great
"Katyusha" glorified the country,
In harsh with fascists warrior,
And after convincing victories
Cover fire from new troubles,
The country will save you probably ...
We believe in you, missile troops.
Salutes in honor of victory will be made
And breaks up in the sky lights parade,
And again joy will be great.
Thank you, rocket troops!

The rocket is sitting, crying:
In rocket hundreds of tons,
And she will not knock on the ball,
And only in Washington!
On her head is
Shinted - and to the stars!
She shouted: "Hooked with you!" -
Friends, raise a toast.
So that life was beautiful,
Without grief and offended,
Glass on the red button
It has long been nanit!

Troops such named "God of war"
Since the very first foys,
Mortira, guns were invented -
Although something has already been handed over to the museums.
In any war, the victory is simple -
How many people have rockets and guns?
As, remember, - answered the question
Great immortal "Katyusha"!
You are the God of War! But not war needed
But people all over the world are craving for people!
Artilleryrs! Your orders
The key to the fact that our peace will be peaceful!
Artilleryrs! Festive order:
Congratulations on you, glorious sucks!
Artilleryrs! The step rate appreciates you!
We wish peace, happiness and health!

Rockets are a shield for the world
Confidence in the coming years.
So that in us as in childhood a miracle lived,
After all, there are no wars in the world.
We congratulate you, wish
So that the wars were not roads.
We are guys, congratulations,
We wish you to help you.

Salutes in your honor the country is allowed,
Missile troops.
Today everyone congratulates you!
We know, your service is not easy.
You also take congratulations
After all, we bring them them from the soul.
And may not leave you lucky.
Oh, the world in the beloved world, hurry!

Someone hit the blue seas
Someone-in-minded height.
And we have rockets for, shoulders,
Tomorrow we are rackets with you.
In novels are not described
And in the songs are not allowed,
Stand like the word of truth
Reliable missiles.
And we are latoms with you -
We are strong in friend
And we are the defendants and me
For the fate of the whole country.
Name is no wonder
Named school with us -
We are always in building a shock,
Every life will give my life for the homeland.
Girls, loved, do not be afraid
Believe our friendship and love
Because we and the shield, and conscience
We have grown the grandfather earth.

Tipper a glass with a sigh
I will stepmaking yelling shoulders.
As a child, I played well in Ping Pong.
It became a little ... Rocket!

congratulations on the Day of the RVSN

Just like keep our sky
Clean the hope of the country of giving!
May heaven let the air
In this snowy month of December!

I wish respect, courage and honor,
I wish to be worthy warrior always.
And on the day of this way (there is neither a drop of flattery)
Your arrival to you is a happy star.

Let in your work everything will be able to
Let it work any business!
I wish the world, joy and happiness -
And, of course, health - without limit!

You are a strategist. And move straight
For nothing to retreat!
Let the whole look be proud of -
You miss the rocket!

The meaning of the magic was laid
In your ratios:
Appointment strategic
You are satisfied and proud,
And for the whole country, defendants -
The world makes you like wax
Congratulations, rackets,
Happy Mighty Your Troops!

You are a day and night carry service,
Awards without requiring in return.
For many years men's friendship
Slotted you in RVSN!
Today is your holiday, guys,
We wish you long years!
Worthy will let the salary
At the lords of missiles!

Readiness flawless
The aggressor will not pass!
And therefore careless
In life, we go!
Thank you, rocket
Fearless troops!
For clear and bright,
Choined clouds!

Let your rockets keep the country
From enemy intents of cunning
Let it be bullied from you to the moon!
And it will be forever stronger.

Let your rockets bring you happiness,
Let my friend go
She will save from all the misfortunes,
It will help to solve any task.

Happy Rocket Forces Congratulations on you,
Let luck go to visit to you rather rushing
As a rocket, happiness let her shine
And great joy sparkles!

Congratulations on the Day of Rocket Forces,
And wish, from the soul, idleness.
To in the sky pure, without stripes,
Only birds sang for fun.
In order for the world to reign in the world,
And you always met at home.
To and ordinary, and commander,
Worried only at the hospital!

Let everything be converted
In the house, service and in the soul!
And good luck in the life of personal
Reach - it's time!

Not just you know all this
But you do not lose
You sometimes just throw
On the ambrusur of being.

Happy rocket troops you congratulate you
Faithful defenders of the country,
From the heart you wish you on this day
So that there was no war.

Our fatherland you guard
The debt of our ancestors you repeat
The power of the unscrewing forcing
These are needed by our homeland, know!

You are heroes, rocket troops,
You are standing on guard of the country,
You keep the wealth of the unable
A sense of debt you are not poor!

For Rackets Day
Fell just very nice,
Because your holiday
From the military - the most important!

I wish you steadily
At the post of standing,
Listen like a shit
And to defend!

Congratulations to you, friends,
And from all who in a citizen
We wish you
Well, they would cover the clearing!

Guard your homeland as it should
Be alert, let him continue
In life will not be war, but joy,
To love, create and all have time.

Miss tapes let them stored calmly in the caches
Until the enemies get angry and do not catch fear,
I wish to be very persistent, go to my homeland,
You know myself that strong,
Boyless can suffer everything.

I hope that somewhere please.

Troops that the strategy knows
We appreciate what you are with us!
Rockets while resting
But it is important to have them sometimes.
We wish everyone only the sky,
So that peacefully blue it.
We wish the shine of light,
And let him not get the fire!

Congratulations on the Day of Rocket Forces,
Let the life take off the rocket up.
You are not just a guy, you are for all the hero,
I wish you take off without barriers, noise.

Troops, the strategy is immortal!
I wish the war I avoid.
Rockets will refute the troubles,
I want to wish all the world!

Congratulations to the troops
Let flowely sound.
We wish you now -
Let life be pure!

Today is the day of rocket troops
Special significance
We are those who are connected with this day,
Congratulations without a doubt
We wish the goals to achieve,
Be accurate and brave
And never regret
About what has already been done!

Happy Rocket Troops Congratulations!
You wish for strength, excerpt
Health loving families
Calm, peaceful, bright days!

Let only happiness in the house knocks
Adversity will not happen
And in the walled this hour
Let everyone around hugging you!

Happy holiday I want to congratulate
You, rackets, friends.
The importance and danger of service
In short, it is impossible to describe.

I wish everyone health,
More peaceful, warm days,
Happiness to you and your families
Let them become more fun.

RVSN! You are pride and support,
The warheads are subordinate to you!

The combat reserve is not useful.
Today we raise glasses,

RVSN, I have a hurry to congratulate you
Brave, wonderful men!
I want to smile you now,
Let it be for happiness one hundred reasons!

All the best want to wish today
Let be cheerful to the spirit, healthy - body,
I always wish goals to achieve
So that you can easily be easy!

Day of missile troops today
Notes the whole country.
Defense is ours even
Space is great in space.

Wishes for forces, health
Helmet today you, fighters.
Pride you and our strength
You are strategists, bravets.

All raques today
Congratulations, Salute!
Let in wealth, the world, happiness
Years are only going.

Winter came, frost came
And the holiday of "nuclear" men
What will protect us from the threat
And they will not be offended without reasons.

Let his mother dreams,
Let them love their homeland.

Clean the world and sleep rockets,
Sleep away from our walls.
I want to complete this -
Happy Warrior RVSN.

Winter came, frost came
And the holiday of "nuclear" men
What will protect us from the threat
And they will not be offended without reasons.

Let be a peaceful formidant atom,
Let the enemy in someone else's edge
Let his mother dreams,
Let them love their homeland.

Clean the world and sleep rockets,
Sleep away from our walls.
I want to complete this -
Happy Warrior RVSN.

You are the basis of the nuclear forces of Russia,
You are a strategic rocket
Your power is similar to the Messiah,
Your work does not tolerate misses.

Congratulations on a significant day!
Be healthy, responsible and painstaking.
Let the opponents be defeated by fire,
And you will be awarded the medal beautiful!

RVSN! You are pride and support,
The warheads are subordinate to you!
And if you are always ready for battle,
All residents of the country are calm!

And you peace, perhaps, not to dream,
After all, you are not sleeping - Such is fate.
Let the rest with you happened,
You switch to an hour or two!

Over the head of the sky will be peaceful
The combat reserve is not useful.
Today we raise glasses,
And standing for courageous drink now!

Not just you know all this
But you do not lose
You sometimes just throw
On the ambrusur of being.

Cosmos and Motherland you choose
I give yourself to the service of Russia!
You are pride and strength of our country,
Will the oath always you are true!

Teachings, alarms at the console
The enemy meet from afar.
We wish you victories in life,
And services without trouble.

You congratulate you today
Happy Rocket Forces,
From the soul, we wish you
Good health.

Know everything about what you
In response for the fate of the country,
So we lived in the world
Keep our rest.

Let the rear be reliable,
So that there is no war
And without explosions, so that
Children see sweet dreams.

Rocket troops -
Long you have a hand
You have a rocket long
In steel side are dressed.

Russia is the power of men,
With your day congratulations,
We wish you success,
From the systems about armor.

So that the best in dreams came true,

Work of strategic missiles.

On the map Life, health, whole city.
Stern look and power for the enemy.
Reply to once, if there is a reason.
Does not get a hand in a difficult hour!

You, rackets - the joy of the people,
You are sacred defenders of the country,
In your holiday, we wish only good
And let's drink for the fact that there was no war!

You are always alert, and the enemy will not pass,
We can rely on you boldly
While you are guarding, then the Russian people
Sleeps calmly, without shuddering the body.

We wish the reaction of lightningry,
We wish the service easy and balanced,
We wish you success in everything and always
We wish you lucky all your work!

We wish today pure sky,
We wish today weather without wind,
We wish you the homeland of our love
We always wish only faith to serve!

Let your troops are only mounted,
And volunteers acquire.
Let the service be not complicated
And your life is important for everyone.

I have long mastered space by man,
And we are grateful to him for it.
Now it is necessary to guard space too,
To make troubles from there not to wait.

Rocket troops - Serious support
For our strong and big country,
Rocket forces to us as a fence for the house,
As a martar machine is needed.

Nowhere I was not on the big planet.
In rocket, I troops for a whole year serve.
Riding a ballistic rocket
I hope that somewhere please.

In alarming weekdays on the command post,
On combat duty of strategic brigades,
So that the world has not collapsed in the world conflict,
Strategies stored us.

Health to all and happiness in the world
And only a bit of my desire,
So that you never had to do in real life
Use your own skills.

S shut off your power, your power,
Whoever disrupts peace slightly, amaze on the day and night.
The heart of the audience trembles when the technique goes
At the parade, a friendly spruce, shuddering sky.

Believe in the best, free, in the sky, in the sun, in blue
What at any time of the year you do not leave the country.
Let it be worthy to be a holiday of glorious feats, victories,
And let the darling toddler let him dream to be like a grandfather.

R high! You are pride and support,
The warheads are subordinate to you!
And if you are always ready for battle,
All residents of the country are calm!

And you peace, perhaps, not to dream,
After all, you are not sleeping - Such is fate.
Let the rest with you happened,
You switch to an hour or two!

Over the head of the sky will be peaceful
The combat reserve is not useful.
Today we raise glasses,
And standing for courageous drink now!

The rocket has created a rocket for war,
And in order to complex the world Berg,
In order to the sky, rockets
They did not give to overshadow the gaps of summer.

So as not to fly a black wing,
So that the shadow on the planet did not go
Wars bad ugly body
So that an evil in his nest was always sitting.

Rocket people, we trust you
Skillful and resourceful guys
After all, zorkie eyes and so in the movements of the deft
The wizard of anti-aircraft installations.

Health, happiness, family joy,
Grow children, good dreams to his wife,
Let them not be afraid of people sitting at home,
Strank grommets.

Slims to protect from an evil enemy
Rocket, ours, troops will help.
Today, on their day, they want to wish:
Do not sleep on the post and apt shoot.

Let them be healthy their families and children,
Before everyone let these rows reach.
Let the whole country sleep without fears.
And only traffic jams with champagne fly to the sky!

B dude is always ready for you to battle
But friends, brother, with a head.
In vain at the "Start" do not click
Follow the directive.

After all, rocket troops -
The most secret.
We do not disclose the secret
High in dreams flying.

Think quickly, deftly,
Take care of a warhead.
So that on the turn on the personal
It was all always perfect!

R Aket troops -
Long you have a hand
You have a rocket long
In steel side are dressed.

Russia is the power of men,
With your day congratulations,
We wish you success,
From the systems about armor.

So that the best in dreams came true,
Missiles to fly did not happen.
And even if it does not see the light
Work of strategic missiles.

The day of the rocket troops of strategic destination is a holiday of real men. It is often that peaceful citizens and the position of our country in the face of danger often depends on them. So let your service brings only joy, constant combat readiness passes without starts, and the containment of aggression and intercontinental fighting strikes remain only the possibility that is not realized in life.

You congratulate you today
Happy Rocket Forces,
From the soul, we wish you
Good health.

Know everything about what you
In response for the fate of the country,
So we lived in the world
Keep our rest.

Let the rear be reliable,
So that there is no war
And without explosions, so that
Children see sweet dreams.

On the day of the rocket troops of the strategic appointment, send its missile with congratulations and wishes of strength, perseverance, confidence, good luck and victory. Let your work are famous for success and accurate getting on the right point, let your life will always be full of explosive happy and wonderful moments!

Rockets are power, they are not a soft wax!
Today we celebrate the day of missile troops.
They are strongly erased by Russia
The enemy penetrate there - we know - they will not give.

Let the country quietly and awake, and sleeps,
Her rest will reliably save!
Rocket cards today are handing a congratulations,
Long live rackets and day of missile troops!

Happy Rocket Forces Today
Congratulations to you, friends,
Forces, cheerfulness, health,
Being happy always!
Apply your knowledge
Only in theory always,
Never country so that our
Would not overtake war!

On the day of missile troops rocket
Let them dust and silent.
It will be useful for them,
As a beauty outfit.

I wish the service easy
New and award ranks
Let confident walking
In the house love with good hurry!

Be happy, healthy
And money is not scarce,
Always ready to walk ...
If only there was no war!

On guard of Mother Russia
Invisibly for everything costs
Huge power, terrible power,
The thunderstorm of enemies is a rocket shield.

You save our peace
Simple, brave guys,
Let go by side
Our eternal opponent is NATO.

Today we want to congratulate
Let it be known to all
We hurry from my whole soul
The day of our brave Ervesen!

For Rackets Day
Fell just very nice,
Because your holiday
From the military - the most important!

Congratulations to you, friends,
And from all who in a citizen
We wish you
Well, they would cover the clearing!

And also health sea,
And love big big
Get a congratulations
Poems and with soul!

Serve in rocket troops
Solid, a lot of prospects,
Let your life be beautiful
And only gives a positive.
Serve and further chinno, peacefully,
To the general is loss,
There you will build everyone at "Smirno",
Well, while I hold on here.

Willingness combat constantly,
Here every minute in the account.
For the honor of the country, risking tirelessly
We are all in the unspecified debt!

On the map Life, health, whole city.
Stern look and power for the enemy.
Reply to once, if there is a reason.
Does not get a hand in a difficult hour!

Strategic forces
Honor and glory, and honors,
So that the service is yours walked
Like a song, on notes!

To the morning rise
Was pleasant and desirable
Breakfast, dinner and lunch
Well, not very long-awaited!

To girls you
Were best all in the world
To in the world and good
Fortunately lived your children!

When nuclear weapons were invented, it became clear that the world had changed and from now on, to preserve his peace and life on Earth, you need to enter inventions in decent hands. So, the troops of the RVSN appeared, whose day we celebrate today, and whose servicemen addresses festive congratulations! Let me wish you a happy, peaceful life and clear sky and bright joy every day! Everyone knows that the military is carried by the military from the rocket troops of the strategic appointment, but only you one know how Gulko beats the heart at the post when you know what's behind the back - a whole peaceful world, and you are his defender! On the day of the RVSN, accept my congratulations and wishes of the glorious service and life happiness! We have entrusted the most expensive - our security and our lives, our very bright future, and to your honor, day and night you store your native expanses, and today, on the day of the RVSN you have to take greetings from all the people! And old and young, and with them we, all today I wish you happiness, good luck and love! On the day of the rocket troops of strategic appointment, probably best, wish you, bold warrior and the keeper of relatives of the relatives, peaceful calm and happy life, in which no matter is that good weather, that neither the event is good, and that neither dream - That is definitely executed! The nuclear weapon is undoubtedly a terrible threat, but everything is fine and it will not harm while you, employees of the RVSN stand at the post and guard of our country! On the day of the RVSN, we congratulate you, we wish you happiness, peace, long years and good health! To the red buttons whom they do not appeal, and today, on the day of the rocket troops of strategic destination, I congratulate you and express my appreciation for the fact that you keep a peaceful sleep and life, ordinary citizens! And besides, I sincerely wish you, soldiers, happy life! No matter how paradoxically sounds, but today, without weapons you can not keep the world on Earth! On the day of the RVSN I congratulate you, and what should I wish you, Herbrome Soldier? Perhaps you will not be superfluous luck, promotion and some more happiness, love and good health! You are the most men who store poplar, and it is not about the elegant trees at all, but about nuclear weapons, which, as you know, provides our country with a reliable shield! On the day of the rocket troops of the strategic destination, I send you, Defender of the Fatherland, Lightning Congratulations and Hot Wish to live peacefully and not know worries! Rockets with nuclear warheads are a serious weapon. Only sent him to the flight - it is already at the goal, and the goal, in fact, there is no longer in the world ... Let it happen only in theory, because we all so dear world! I congratulate you on the day of RVSN and I wish to carry the service worthy, and live - happily! Congratulations on the Day of Rocket Forces of Strategic Appointment! We know if the enemy is granted, you will not allow him to close our peaceful sky, and believe me, in your holiday you are worthy of not only praise, but also the laurel wreaths of real heroes! Today, we sincerely wish you to live in the world, happiness and rest, love and find a minute-other, to look at the sky, to smile warmly! Today we congratulate the lords of missiles, but not those flying into space, because today - the day of the RVSN! From our heart, we want to wish you success in service, good luck in personal life, good health, long years and favor of fate so that battles happen only on the exercises! Herbroma Racket on the day of the RVSN I send my congratulations and wishes to be a thunderstorm not only enemies, but also female hearts, always to achieve goals in service and in everyday life, and not to be upset, not to lose courage and generosity of the Spirit!