Who returned his wife. How to return my wife after a divorce? Is there a chance to return the location of the spouse again? Return of his wife with the High Forces

Many men are interested ,. After all, it is always easy to lose a loved one, but it is sometimes quite problematic to correct the situation. Can I return the love of my wife? Given the peculiarities of representatives of the weak gender, there is a possibility that it is possible to revive feelings, but for this you have to make a lot of effort.

What to do in such a situation?

Many men have a question of how to return with his wife and restore the family. If the gap happened recently, it is much easier to do it than a significant time after parting. Knowing how to return the interest of the wife, you can again bring the harmony in family relationships. To do this, it is necessary to repel from a certain type of personality. It is necessary to analyze what kind of woman likes, whatever actions from the side of the men were especially pleasant to her.

Most of the strong sex representatives are thinking, and is it possible to return his wife after the divorce. In this case, you should not postpone the actions in a long box. But it is advisable to give a woman a short time for reflection. To withstand the pause at least a week. After that, you can proceed to action. For example, make a pleasant surprise, sending a bouquet of roses or something like that.

You can return my beloved wife, you can only show that the correct conclusions are made and all errors are analyzed. You should think why the woman decided to break the relationship and that she did not like most. It is advisable to eradicate this and transform your behavior into more useful for interaction and communication.

How to return my wife back? First you need to work on your mistakes yourself. It is necessary to think that it became a boiling point and the main cause of the gap. If it is inattention to the spouse, then you should begin to manifest yourself. Knowing how to convince his wife not to divorce, you can save a full-fledged family and return love.

Sometimes you need to ask a woman directly about the fact that it does not suit her family life. When the reason is the reason for laziness and non-participation in the relationship, it is recommended to assume the spouse, try to spend the leisure diverse, to be together.

The most difficult question is how to return the feelings of my wife. If a woman is configured decisively, it is recommended to wait until the emotions are going to do not make even worse. When the spouse lacks care and caress, you only need to fill this deficiency, how everything stabilizes.

What should I do?

Restore the relationship is sometimes not so easy, because after a divorce. If a man is religious, sincere prayer can help. You should go to the temple, consult with the father. Prayer must be permanent, and not on occasion.

How to return my wife to the family? Each step should be deliberate, and the actions are gradual. It is not recommended to immediately pump a woman with messages. It is better to assign a full-time meeting. At the same time it is necessary to look attractive, it is desirable to change something in itself for the better. You can start walking in the gym. Changes should occur both external and internal.

Knowing how to return his wife with a child, you can restore a full-fledged family. This is especially important for children to both parents be near. Return a wife home can be argue beliefs. But things should not retreat from words. It is important to show changes in yourself exactly. To behave gallant, respectfully, carefully.

How to return the former wife after divorce, is an urgent topic for many men. If the woman accepted the final decision, it will be not easy to convince it. The same applies to new love. If a former spouse has a new challenger on her hand and heart, it is better not to take any steps at all.

How to return your beloved if she left, want to know everything. You can do this by moving to friendly relationships. Do not hurry. At the same time, it is necessary to behave consistently, to show only your best features. After parting, many women do not want to see their former spouses. If this takes place in a specific situation, it is better to start to close in SMS messages. Return the past relationship for 1 day will not work.

How to return my wife after a divorce? First of all, it should be appointed a date or just a meeting that smoothly go into a romantic dinner. If the wife wants a divorce, how to behave and what to do in this case will tell a psychologist.

Often, in order to return his wife, it is enough to tell her about her feelings, sincerely reassure mistakes, and also ask for a chance to rehabilitate. Some men think how to return his wife after a divorce and what needs to be done for this. First of all, we return the interest of the former spouse with a pleasant pastime. It is advisable to start making a man to terminate marriage. It should be happening with a woman in the theater, cinema, park, in general, try to create a pleasant atmosphere to her.

What else can you do?

How to return his wife to the family, the tips of the psychologist will help in solving the problem. For women, it is important to awareness of its significance, so you need to make compliments, show your feelings. Former wife should do pleasant surprises. It does not necessarily have a dear gift, and at least just a small mark of attention. Box of favorite candies, perfume, some memorable souvenir.

That restoration of the former family idyll is impossible. It is better to leave this business and go about your own life. How to stop divorce if the wife threw and going to break with relationships finally, you can find out by analyzing the main reason for the situation. If these are harmful habits of a man, for example, or gambling, then you need to weigh what is the most important: the presence of your beloved wife or such dubious pleasures.

It is important to say former wife that love did not fade. It is necessary to emphasize that the woman is also beautiful, and she did not lose their appeal. For representatives of the beautiful floor, compliments relating to appearance are very important.

In order to return to the attitude of his wife to her husband, it is necessary to start relating to himself otherwise, not expecting anything in return. It should not be humiliated at the same time, it is enough to behave differently. If a wife has gone with a child, then you need to see the former spouse your best paternal qualities. Always participate in the child's life, be attentive and caring.

If the attitude of the ex-wife after a divorce has become only worse, then you should not immediately despair. It is too hard to persuade too. It is believed that the relationship after the divorce becomes only better when women go first. It helps shake the man and give it the opportunity to work on bugs. Changes do not bypass the party and the woman.

You can try to convince the former spouse that there is always a possibility to have a possibility, but it will be difficult to restore the family. However, one should not manipulate children in this matter. They are better not to pull into this matter.

Additional ways

How to return my wife after a divorce, the advice of a psychologist will help this. The smoke without fire does not happen, but most men denies their guilt. So, first of all, you need to understand yourself that the responsibility is entirely and completely at you. Just so the woman could not leave. It is important to understand what to provoke it to this step, only a spouse could only.

Mentally go back to the past and scroll through all possible provoking factors in my head. If a woman clearly intends to break the relationship and says: "Do not forced to live with you. Lit and dot. " In this case, all the arguments will be useless. It is better to just talk to my wife about what is better to wait for a pause and take a time out. To do this, we can say: "We are divided, but as long as let's give each other time to think about everything."

The wife will return herself, if I understand that it is not right in my belief. However, for this you need time. For some period, you should try to become a truly close person for a woman. You can talk to the exciting topics of both themes, make together somehow hobbies. The common cause will definitely get closer.

Modern psychology, how to return his wife, sets out in many publications from different authors. Some argue that you need to give a woman freedom to make sure that it takes the right decision, and others believe that it should be acting immediately. The best way to visit the psychologist together. It will help to decompose the problem to the components, adjust the thoughts of both spouses.

Sometimes several sessions are enough to revive relationships. Quite frequent cause of divorces is the appearance of a child. This is a turning point in each family. It is necessary to drastically change the routine, there is a lack of sleep, disputes appear about whose turn to sit with a child, etc. During this period, if the wife gathered to leave, you just need to give her a little freedom, allow you to rest, helping her with a child. An understanding should be shown, because the young mother is very difficult to give this period. Also maybe you know about yourself.

The returned wife needs to be taken without complaints. Only asking each other, it is possible to start everything from a blank sheet. This will require a frank conversation and revision of your life plants.

How to return my wife if she loved the other? This question is asked by many men who have a relationship with his spouse in a dead end. Most people are convinced that if the wife went to the lover, it is impossible to do anything. In fact, this is a delusion. Real feelings do not pass so quickly, because relationships are built, develop and supported for years. Partners require only certain efforts to bring attitude to the previous level. The man who is surrendered without trying, is not confident or doubted in his own opportunities.

What if the wife loves another? How to: leave or return? Here you need to look at the situation. Much depends on the internal motivation of the person who turned out to be abandoned. To understand how to survive this injury, you need to learn to count on your internal forces. Just take and leave, do everything to forget the departed - not always the appropriate option. Indeed, in this case, a person will suffer for a long time, suffer, not understanding that such harsh tests fell out. What if the wife went to another? Let's try to figure out.

Consider the situation

Of course, it is very disappointing when someone emerging in the life of the second half, distracting all attention. Most men cannot reconcile with the thought that an extraneous man is engaged in their gentle union with special arrogance. A man in anger cannot calmly take a similar thought. It is important to be able to consider the situation from different sides before starting to act. To do this, it is necessary to calm down, stop nervous. Of course, it is sometimes difficult to do, because anger and insult are all the rest.

Work with your own feelings will help avoid irreparable consequences. It is important not to delay the situation, but try to return my wife to the family at once, as it happened. When it takes a lot of time, people dump apart and even stop suffering. After a year or two, there will be no sense in this. The point is not that there was no love, but in the fact that, having spent too much effort to get rid of suffering, it would not want to return to the situation at all.

To apologize

How to return my wife from the lover? Sometimes for this it is quite enough to sincerely ask for forgiveness. The fact is that when the offense becomes too much, they begin to extremely press on the psyche. It prevents the feel happy. The accumulation of the offense does not allow people to really enjoy each other's closeness. Recognition of your mistakes increases the chances of the fact that the beloved will return.

In many cases, they will have to reconsider their views on life. Just need to act sincere in the question, how to return his wife if she went to another. The more conscious the actions of the rejected spouse, the sooner he can achieve a satisfactory result.

Work with insults

No man can calmly look at how his wife fell in love with another. Immediate thoughts come to mind immediately, feeling impotence and hopelessness appears. It is necessary to work with resentment. Otherwise, it can actually interfere to save the family. Even if there is a mental pain in thought to think sensitly, it remains only to believe in the best and not surrender.

Working on its own character, a person is harder, he is revealed by consciousness, he becomes invulnerable in front of any external adversity. It is very important to have an inner rod in yourself, not to allow yourself to be disassembled and despair.

If the wife loved the other, it is worth remembering that it is not always true. Even she herself can be very mistaken about their own feelings. In most cases, it is simply annoying some kind of behavior of the spouse, and she tries, so he suffers. Instead of sprinkling the head ashes and grief about their own unfulfilled hopes, it should be thought of ledge from what happens and make a right decision. Only in this case, it may be possible to solve the question of how to return his wife after cheating. In most cases, the lover performs the function of the replacement object. And this means that it is not really great worth it for her.

Stop asking

People who have ever tried to restore destroyed relationships know how difficult to make the second half wanted to communicate. One of the most painful and topical issues is such: how to return the confidence of her husband after the cheating of his wife? The easiest way to achieve just physical intimacy and is very difficult to achieve the state of spiritual harmony, when both partners really trust each other.

It is necessary to stop constantly begging about the meeting, daily run for a woman. Do not rush to her statements that life is finished and nothing light is waiting ahead. All this only repels from the goal, prevents its achievement. A person who is constantly moving away from despair to hope cannot radiate confidence. This approach does not contribute to the resumption of relations.


In love with a man you need to call my sincere genuine interest from your beloved. To do this, in no case cannot be neglected with its appearance. If the wife left, it means that it was not satisfied with it. Thinking over how to save relationships, it is necessary to work carefully on yourself. You need to put yourself in order.

It is unlikely that she will like their dismissed unwashed hair, an unpleasant clothing, an unpleasant smell emanating from the former spouse. With such a stay, it does not want to be, because the girls are incredibly sensitive to smells and impressions. If there is a desire to fight for love, then you need to prepare for this.

Joint hobbies

Will fall in love again, if people have common topics for conversation. A joint pastime incredibly brings closer, creates a feeling of spiritual kinship and the need for the presence of this particular person near. If a former partner is attentive, caring, interest in itself as a person, then a woman can and doubt the correctness of his actions.

Each normal person wants to have the best partner next to himself, who would be a reliable and faithful companion. Joint hobbies to return the spouse quite real.

Thus, thinking about how to survive the departure of the wife and whether it is possible to return it back, it is worth noting that there can be no definite solution. It is necessary to fully take responsibility on yourself. The worst thing can be done is to constantly rush between your own assumptions and not attempts. The resumption of relationships after the rupture requires a cold calculation and a balanced solution. This is a painstaking work that helps to cope with despair and offend, to win the beloved by the lover. In many situations, men manage to return their wives and live with them in the future happily.

Consider a conspiracy in detail to return my wife to my husband - with a detailed description of all magical actions so that the ritual did not have negative consequences.

Today we will talk about how to shock a wife without consequences for both. Do not always find other people's wives. There are cases when you need to return your favorite wife, or to melt her frozen feelings, make it difficult to remember the once of the passion of love. But, there are concerns that the magic plot will go to the detriment of the spouse. There is a type of love spell, called energy, which does not give negative consequences, is based on the visualization of the magician - performer and, moreover, has a reverse. This moment will pay attention.

How to Walking your beloved wife - White Magic Ritual

In most cases, people who seek to wander someone who likes is more willingly resorting to other methods of homemade love spell, seeking serious rites, acting conspiracies for women's love, or attention and loyalty of a man. Despite the white love spell on my wife's love It has its advantages and considerable advantages.

It is possible to explain this in the absence of clear and clear beginner magazine recipes for the implementation of the witch influence. However, experienced sorcerers enjoy such magical conspiractions. Newbie to deal with nuances of witchcraft spells for love is not easy, but still, try.

If you are also a matter of visualization for fogging, then you have large chances of achieving a certain effect. As such, the energy spell on the former spouse does not require verbal wording, however, to strengthen and secure the effect, allowed read a conspiracy for the love of his wife to her husband. Independently making an energy spell on the left wife, you need to visualize the color streams of energy in the area of \u200b\u200bits concentration, binding some chakras to its own centers, and the extinction of others.

The visual picture should be a clear, otherwise the love conspiracy on his wife will not be fruitful. Visualization should flow to half an hour within 7 days. Recommended time - after an hour.

With deep concentration, bright visualization and faith in success, the object of impact will manifest itself, a few days later. The energy spell of his wife to her husband has a reverse move, i.e. When the circumstances change, you can build the entire energy system in the opposite direction, removing binding. Thus, it is possible at home to bewitching a wife without negative consequences for her. But, is everything so harmless in fact?

How to chase his wife forever - the consequences of a home conspiracy

A homely way to be safe to his wife is a very strong magical impact, which is accompanied by the suppression of the will of the beloved person, which makes it possible to manage its actions. The wandering spouse really becomes obedient, and this happens as a result of the reducing energy. Therefore, the energy spell of his wife to her husband is scattered with kickback.

Therefore, there are the same security measures here as in the exercise of serious film-based spells for love. When you independently make a black spell so that return the love of the wife, and read a strong conspiracy, you do not do it without security measures - strong magical protection, and such actions called a rollback tap.

With domestic ways to shock his wife at a distance, protection is also needed, and take care of it should be made before making magical rituals. Professionally sorceressing a black magician, making real spells on love, owns protection. The same thing should be done in order to protect himself from rollback. This moment should always be borne in mind if you seriously intend to delay the ex-wife.

It happens, a woman learns that he really happens to him, and removes a love spell made by photo, suddenly breaking the established connections. In this case, for the artist (customer), who worked without protection, everything can endure the deplorable.

How to prepare for an independent conspiracy to return his wife

I, Mag. Sergey Artgrom, I will go from the light white love spellors of the wife by moving to black magic rites. To forever return your beloved wife, who left the family, you need to act comprehensively. If a woman went to her lover (rival), this is a serious problem, and a simple home conspiracy return his wife will help hardly. It makes sense to begin to hold the ritual cleaning of the energy of both spouses. After that, it is time to be Himself to his wife for love and loyalty.

If the beloved wife threw away from the family to another man, it complicates the situation. In this case, it will have to use strong impact methods in order to not lose control over the situation.

  • To break the connection of his wife with her lover, make the witchcraft rites of disguise magic. It is better to make an extreme on lovers, since such an impact quenches the carnal attraction, the passion takes. One of the partners under the influence of the omit is removed, becomes indifferent, not susceptible to the caresses of the other. A strong coordination sometimes happens enough to cool the woman to her lover.
  • You can make a love briefing on my wife with an opponent But, a magical rashorka, as such, does not produce people, but only creates unbearable conditions for living together. There are often cases when people are terribly quarreling, but continue to live together.
  • Heavy artillery - Black Wife Lapel from a young lover. He makes see his partner in the most unsightly light causes disgust. With the help of the challenge, not only hasty love connections, but also strong marriages unions.

Turning magic makes sense to use not only in cases where you want to break the love relationship of your legitimate spouse on the side. It is also a worthy answer to the question of what to do if they were brought to his wife. In other words, if the former wife threw the family not by his will, but as a result of magical influence.

How effective are the strong conspiracies for the love of his wife?

Having influenced the connection of the former spouse with her lover, you can make a home conspiracy on the return of my wife. Negative and positive magical rituals will not block each other, as weak magic comes with a decreasing moon, and all love plots are made on a lunar growth.

Will a guidance conspiracy return his wife to her husband?

Regardless of whether the spouses live together or diverged, the love magic will return the previous alliance. Prospecting conspiracies in order to awaken the former feelings, or establish a new strong magic ligament.

How to return my wife home by plotting by a love spell

How to return my wife home by plotting by a spell and prayer

If a wife gone from you, you can return it to any of the methods described below and all of them have an almost 100% magic effect. With the correct execution of the given way, you can only choose and read the conspiracy of the spell or prayer for a return wife who will quickly make her return to you even from Very rich lover. We will tell you how to return my wife with the help of love magic and the second way to restore relationships with your loved one. This ancient Orthodox prayer can return his beloved wife to a family and establish family relationships. To restore relations, you can use any of the methods described by us, but in no case do not read the entire "Cocktle" from conspiracies and love airstrike to return the expensive stain to yourself under the wing and it has the hasive feelings and love for you. You do not know how to return a girl or wife, use any option and it will definitely be correct and very soon you will be together.

Conspiracies How to bring my wife to my family to my home

Return a favorite left from you will help this quick and easy in conducting a conspiracy, the action of which comes very quickly. The words of the conspiracy are vintage, special, so that in the heart of his favorite fire smoldering to regret, but to attract her love for you with a new force. For a probitive conspiracy, take a photo of my beloved, where she is alone, put a photo in front of you. Type to a cup of holy water, you can take in the church or bring a bottle of simple water with you and defend the entire service in this way consecrated water for the love spell. Three times pick out some water out of the cup, and let's say three times over the remaining water of the word of the privilege of a conspiracy to return your beloved wife:

So that this slave of God (name) without a slave of God (name).

Water sprinkle on the photo of my wife three times after which hide the photo so that no one saw her anymore and wait, soon the wife itself will return. Do not tell anyone how able to return my wife and about the fact that they themselves read the conspiracy to return to the beloved.

How to return my wife in the family love spell

Wife out of home to another, do not lose time until it happened, it is necessary to read a spell to read a spell who helps to quickly return his wife home and make her make it up with you. Magic ways How to return my wife a lot and on this site the choice is huge, but this love spell will cope with this task to refund the words of which you need to memorize by heart before the start of the return rite on your beloved wife.

God you are my Lord's defense and my faith

On which I hope and hoped hopes,

The Most Holy Mother of God and all holy worships.

His prayer for you and ask for help per minute bitter,

Return my beloved slave (wife's name).

Do not leave my molub without attention, hear my prayer.

Lord, Mother of God and all holy worships,

Please indicate the slave of God (name), the way home to me.

Orthodox prayer how to return his wife to the family

Prayer for the refund of a beloved person that needs to be read independently, you can at home, but be sure to the Icon of Peter and Fevronia. Text of prayer for return wife in the family Next:

Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia!

I appeal to you, I'm glad to hopefully.

Submire me, sinful slave (your name),

Prayers to the very Lord God and the Virgin of the Virgin Mary.

And ask the goodness of the slaves of God (wife's name):

Faith, and right, hope, yes, good, love is non-estate!

Help my heart with your beloved, the slave of God (name), be together.

Return his wife home a strong conspiracy for men

How to return my wife from another man plot

Allowing to return his wife home a strong plot will work only if you really love your spouse, because the main energy of this conspiracy is your love. If there is no strong love, but there are, suppose, a sense of friendship or affection, or unwillingness to divide an apartment or lose children led by the spouse from you, then no magical method unsubscribing how to return his wife from another man on their own, you will not help you. Without love, it is impossible to think about how to return the feelings of my wife, because all attempts will be doomed in advance.

What to do to return my wife if you do not like her? In your case, contact the Magu or Witch. Although, if you speak to the end to be honest, it is better to handle the witch if you need to bring a spell or some other non-loving love witchcraft. Perform really a worker that allows you to return my wife home a strong conspiracy, only a man-magazine can only. And in such a statement there is not even a hint of chauvinism. The point is in the amount of energies that men and women possess. And the magicians men will always be much more than anyone, even the strongest Witch Woman, and therefore Magu's conspiracy will succeed much better, and he will act much longer than in case you order him with a witch.

Well, and deciding that it is the main driving force of any return or love plot, let's talk about how to return his wife from another man alone.

How to return the feelings of his wife her husband

And let's start with how to return the feelings of my wife. To do this, collect 5 photos, reflecting 5 different stages of your life - acquaintance, courtship, wedding, family life, and that period when your wife has already begun to disappear feelings towards you. Photos are best selected by one size. But if there are no such things, carefully attach too large photos with scissors. Just do it so as not to cut fragments of people and hair depicted in the photo of people.

After that, fold the photos in chronological order, and hide them for three days. In the evening of the fourth day, you can read that allows you to return my wife home a strong conspiracy. You need to read it for each of the photos, taking it out of the pack and keeps you. Read slowly and out loud. And many who ask me what to do to return his wife, and gets extremely accurate explanations, how to return his wife from another man or how to return the senses of his wife, forget about this important condition. And then they are surprised why they do not work.

"I will stand, pour and cross,

Steel sword gone myself,

I'll rain myself,

I leave home, love you,

To remind you whose wife.

And the wife you are not a man of someone else's

And my husband's husband.

Husband love you

And to another man bat.

Husband kissing you

And another man do not know the other man.

With him, I am longing yes sadness,

It's not a pity to part with him.

Go to my husband, find me!

To my chest of fallen!

In the heart of love Sunday!

Be to you (wife name) loving and beloved,

And our family is a whole one.

The words are my royal jam.

At the progress of the castle.

Castle do not open,

So I (your name) to you (the name of the spouse)

What said, then tied

That the magical word was involved!

You do not see other men!

And only love me! "

After reading all five times for all five photos allowing you to return my wife home a strong conspiracy, hide the photo away, and do not pull them out and do not consider it until your wife returns to you. And if you did everything right, then she will remember you to love you as it was once.

What to do to return my wife to the family

But if your spouse doesn't come back to you, and you again think about what to do to return my wife, remember that the second lability or return ritual does not need to be performed. Failing you fails says that you have no magical forces that allow you to return the spouse back with home magic. And if so, the only correct answer for you to the following questions: "How to return my wife from another man?", "How to return the feelings of my wife?" And "What to do to return my wife?" The following advice will be:

If you do an independent ritual you did not succeed, then instead of spending time on new, do not accept any attempts, contact me. Possessing a huge magical force and many years of esoteric experience, I will definitely pick up exactly the ritual that will return the feelings of your wife, how to return the spouse itself into your family back.

I carry a guarantee for any ritual. Therefore, if I take you to provide you magical professional help, you can count on the fact that the spouse will definitely return to you to quickly and truly love you.

All other conditions of cooperation with me, you will learn after contacting me for magical help. I can still say only three things:

First - I do not assist, without conducting a mandatory preliminary diagnosis.

The second is only after this diagnostic will be held, I can say exactly what kind of ritual can have a positive impact on your life situation.

The third is just just after the magical diagnosis, I can say for sure what the price is for my services. To speak about this or something else before the diagnosis, as you understand, it is meaningless and useless.

I really ask you to remember these three conditions so that in the future between you and I did not arise any nor to me misunderstandings and misunderstandings. I also want to remind you that I reserve the full right to refuse to help people who, in my opinion, my magic will be useless. As with those who, while not understanding this, wants to use her for harm, and not in good. And all the information explaining why magic can bring you harm you, if you want to do it, be sure to find on my site.

Strong and effective conspiracies to return a beloved woman

As if carefully, men either belonged to magic, there are life situations, when even the representatives of strong sex are treated for help to the magicians.

With the help of magic, you can return your favorite girl

The brain of the men is designed so that it is easier for them to believe that it is also proven what felt materially, but magic is not easy.

It is impossible to wait for a lightning result from any prayer or conspiracy. It should be fully plunged into the atmosphere of sent energy. If you think correctly and configure yourself, the result will not wait long.

How to choose the right plot

Today there are many different rituals who are aimed at returning a beloved woman. Before proceeding with the choice of the required conspiracy, you must submit a loved one, to have a photo with you, so that it was easier to recreate the image. The conspiracy to return the beloved woman is the strongest magic ritual, which is carried out in the atmosphere of complete concentration. The correct mood will help choose exactly the option that is ideal in a particular case.

Proper fulfillment of the ritual - the key to success

When a person chose a ritual, who, in his opinion, is ideal for his specific life situation, does not prevent properly prepare for its implementation:

Before holding a ritual, a man needs to relax

  1. If the ritual is made at home, it is necessary to morally prepare for him: relax and tune in to the problem that worries.
  2. Privotes and conspiracies are magical rituals. In order for them to be safe, it is better to use white magic prayers. Texts of white magic do not want a conspiracy evil, while prayers of black magic can carry a bad meaning. For example, so that the woman who left, heard, dried without a man.
  3. It is best to carry out rites during the period when a growing moon in the sky. This is a symbol of growth, as well as the growth of the love of a woman to a man.

Do not use the attractions that are associated with the cemetery. There is a possibility that due to the lack of experience, the ritual will bring harm to his beloved person.

Conspiracy how to return your favorite woman

This ritual takes its roots since a long time. Men performed it in the field, they came far so that there were no soul around, and they began to read certain words. The conspiracy served not only the faithful relationship between a man and a woman, but also by protection against the influence of foreign. Such a ritual binds a woman to a man and excludes all thoughts about treason.

Today, the conspiracy is carried out in several stages: the prayer must be read for two weeks. Waking up early in the morning, go out and read the necessary words.

In front of the ritual in no case can drink water

It is impossible to wash the ritual, eat and drink. Here are the words of the conspiracy:

"Lord! Merciful and kind! Protect my genus from fate evil. The cover of your defense and will, so that there is no one with the (name) of another share! So that they loved, feelings were kept, each other was respected, but babies gave birth. Lord, she climbed me trouble! Own beloved (name) forever! Just think about your will, I wish to return my beloved! Lord, I scream and conquer! Quality from his own and kindness of reason! And my favorite is in my arms. Lord, keep our love forever. Bow to you, your faithful person. (His name) I pray, come to hell! Discover your favorite way! Amen!".

After your favorite woman can be returned, it is strictly forbidden to tell someone about the ritual.

Conspiracy how to return my wife

The conspiracy on the return of the wife is carried out with the help of anise oil and white bread.

In the evening, the day you need to cut off a piece of bread and apply a few drops of anise oil on it.

In the bedroom, which was shared with his wife, reck out this bread on the bed. Chips should be scattered so that they were on sheets and pillows. At this time, it is supposed to read prayer:

"Lord brought in the genus! Rob forbade. As good will of the Lord, our love is so strong. It will turn with the past strength again! How touches the head of the sheets, it will be screwed from love! I walked the Lord to my wife's name (name), I forbid the way! Angels for me, stand with one wall! Amen!".

After the ritual, collect all the crumbs into the handkerchief

These words are read slowly, and repeat them is required seven times. After the end of the prayer, the crumbs are collected in the handkerchief, which is tightly connected and hiding away from human eyes. If it is possible, try to throw them into your wife. If the wife does not spend the night at home, it must somehow bother, because in order for the conspiracy to affect, she must lie on the bed. Only when a woman will spend the night on the conspiracy sheets, the ritual is completed.

Strong love spell with a woman with water

In the bedroom, a glass of the bed is placed with water. Water is previously represented by the following prayer, read three times:

"Animal Passion of the slaves of God (name), wake up, I am fixed on me."

At night, it is necessary to be in an excited state and represent the scene of intimate proximity to the beloved woman. Water is the best element to absorb any information. In the morning of the half a cup of water, a man is obliged to shed at himself, and the second half - to the desired object. This strong love spell will lead to the fact that a woman is about anything, except for the closeness with a man, will not be able to think.

Conspiracy on the hair beloved woman

This ritual is rather simple, the only complexity is that it is required to make hair a woman who plans to speak.

Conspiracy with the help of combs is one of the strongest

The ritual is performed like this: any comb is taken and a woman's hair is screwed on it, saying:

"Calling Tina Bolotnaya, a poodle thick, forest bars. I wonder hot love, a bright soul, a fiery passion. Like hair slaves (name) with hair slave (his name) we will go off firmly, but do not confuse, so love (the name of your beloved) to the slave (your name) stretches, wounds and grows. "

After the ritual, his hair combed this comb. Results should be waited soon.

Conspiracy in the photo

The most efficient are rites that use photographs. It is important to choose the right picture. In the photo there should be only a woman who want to speak. The presence of not only foreign people, but also animals and inanimate objects is excluded.

The only one, whose presence in the photo is allowed, this is a man committing a ritual.

This ritual must be carried out during sunrise

The ritual is carried out in the morning, at sunrise. From the reverse side of the photo of the conspiracy text and read:

"As the sun rises in the morning, and in the heart of the slave (name), love flares. Like the sun shines, and love your love to me (my name) brighter in your heart shines. As the sun, the land is dried, so you will dry and wander without me. How people stretch to the Red Sun, so you will reach me. Without me there will be no life, how people do not have a life without a sun. My word is strong and solid. Amen!".

Before the onset yesterday, the photo is supposed to wrap in dark cloth and hide under the mattress or under the bed. It will be there until it is possible to return the beloved woman.

Love spell on fire

This is one of the strongest conspiracy on the return of the wife. On the table near the mirror set several small candles. One of the main conditions of the conspiracy is that it is held in complete darkness.

Conspiracy on church candles needs to be done at night, in complete darkness

In the middle of the table put seven church candles and light them. Peering in its reflection in the mirror, you should present the appearance of your favorite and shout seven times its name. After each scream, one church candle is stealing. The table is adjusted counterclockwise seven times, repeating the prayer:

"How does not go out the flame without my knowledge, so you are the slave of God (the name) is not going to the step without me! Burn you fire when you see me! I will cool you! In the meantime, it will be so forever and dream! Amen!".

The remaining candles leave to burn out, it is impossible to extinguish them. The remaining seven church candles are put under the pillow and go to bed. In the morning the action of the attitude will be noticeable and soon the beloved will be able to return.

Orthodox prayer for the return of his wife in the family

Return a wife with a very strong prayer is not difficult. Read it must be before the icon, every day:

"Oh, Great Wonderworkers, Saints Saints, Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia! I appeal to you, I'm glad to hopefully. Reports about me, sinful slave (your name), prayer to the Lord God and the Virgin Mother Mother Virgin Mary. And ask the goodness of the slaves of God (name of the wife): Faith Yes, the truth, hope, and good, love is non-estate! Help my heart with my beloved, the slave of God (wife's name), be together. Amen! Amen! Amen!".

During prayer, the candle is lit. When the wife returns, you should visit the church and thank all the saints for the help.

Ancient conspiracy How to return my wife to the family

This ritual is very simple, but effective and will help return to his wife who left the family. So that the previously beloved for the same feelings and could not think about anyone, take her photo and put in front of him.

Take holy water to return your favorite

The holy water is poured into the glass, make three throats and read prayer over the remaining water:

"As a person without water can not live, so that this slave of God (name), without a slave of God (name) could not live. Amen".

This old strongest prayer will help achieve results in the shortest lines. After reading, it takes three times sprinkle to the picture with holy water and hide it, so that no one has seen. It is impossible to tell anyone about the ritual done even after it succeeds to return his wife.

Conspiracy for a young month

To return the woman who left recently (from the moment of the breaking of the relationship did not pass for more than six months), they spend the strongest conspiracy for the young month.

For this, exactly at midnight, looking for a month, pronounce the following words:

"The month is young, the month is the strongest, help me. Make so that the slave of God (name) returned to me the slave of God (name). I can not without her, I do not live without her, I collect me to Krichin, my heart hurts from misfortune. To return it to me, so we lived, did not exist. Misfortunes did not know, they did not know the sorrows. Help me, month, help! "

This conspiracy is read nine times, after which, without talking to anyone, go to bed. This ritual is done for a week, not missing a single day. A few weeks later, the results will be visible.

If the woman is gone and keeps offended

Return offended woman is not easy, but this strong conspiracy will help to reconcile in the shortest possible time and restore love relationships. Quarrels and resentments are represented in the form of a blackcloth and separate it from themselves. Mentally placing this tangle in the snow. And they sentence such words.

Men, however, like women, very often make stupidity and make unproofy mistakes. And often, representatives of strong sex raises the question of how to return his wife. Tips in this difficult, but still try to give in this article.

So, there was a divorce. How to return my wife? There are often men who remained alone with themselves. But before you look for various ways, you need to find out what was the cause of parting. What the lady became decisive in solving the breakdown of family relations (worth saying that women very rarely go to such a serious step)? Here is the main question for which, first of all, a man should find an answer. And only after that try to correct the situation, namely to do everything so that the wife understands that it will no longer repeat or that the husband will change.

So, often decisive factors for women are alcoholism, cruel behavior, the lack of desire from the man to provide a family. Only by correcting your miss, you can still be done. However, how about all this, learn (after all, the men are extremely rarely recognized about these reasons for the breaking of relationships)? There are several options:

  • ask the wife (if there is such an opportunity), in which the cause of parting;
  • ask the advice from close friends who were quite closely talked with a couple and knew some nuances of their private life;
  • speak with his wife's relatives (mother-in-law, test) and find out if they have the cause.

An excellent advice on how to return his wife: surprise her. You can do this in different ways. So, if the lady complained that the husband does nothing around the house, you can make a repair in the home. If the spouse often drank, you can encode. This woman will definitely have to do, and she will look at her chosen one on the other hand. However, you can also make a lady nice other way: to get a meeting and make the evening with his wife so romantic so that she believes in all the changes. When going to make a pleasant, you need to think carefully what the spouse would like the most and that it will accurately appreciate.

The next advice on how to return to the wife: remember, what her husband first conquered her. So, here you need to carefully scan your past and guess what has become decisive in the decision of the lady. And this again take advantage. A man should be strong, courageous, caring (which he is often in the first stages of acquaintance). The same qualities should appear now. However, it is not necessary to make myself too much my wife knows who deals with.

The next hint about how to return the wife: just talk to her frankly. Very often, in marriage, people forget that you need to be completely honest with your second half, sometimes swallowing offense and holding back your indignation. That's it now and you need to talk about everything with your beloved. Find out what she liked that she would like to change and, in general, as in her opinion it is possible to fix the situation for the better. However, during the conversation, the lady of the heart does not need to be interrupting and trying to justify before it, nothing good will work out of this. It is better to listen to everything silently, but after just saying your opinion. Only in a calm conversation you can find the grain of truth.

Another excellent advice on how to return: change. So, for this you can go to some courses, will study the new case, to find a new passion, to do everything to be visible to be the result of work. It is necessary to show the lady that after her care did not stop her, she flows, and everything goes with her! However, it is important not to overdo it and not to begin to prove the lady that she was wrong, leaving the family and such a great husband (although it is most likely completely wrong).

If you want to return my wife, she needs to tell about his plans for the future. It also works. After all, the ladies do not see a common future with a man, since he just does not build plans and does not think about tomorrow. It is necessary to think over your life to the smallest detail and provide everything for your beloved. However, it is necessary to be attentive and not to overdo it with promises, especially those that simply cannot be performed.

How to return my wife after divorce if there are children in the family? So, a woman needs to show that the relationship with the baby dad is very important and needed. We must try as much as possible to walk with your chance, meet him, call and find out how are you. Women will always appreciate this behavior. But if earlier the father did not show any interest in his karapuz, to use this advice is unlikely to succeed.

What should not do?

If a man is looking for ways to return his beloved wife, he also needs to tell what should not do. So, there is a list of errors that representatives of strong sex are committed from the best motives, but thus cut all the threads and burn bridges, with which it was still possible to return everything.

  1. You do not need to try to look too good in my eyes, making it a straight ideal guy (my wife knows how it really is in fact, and it simply does not believe in all these showing performances).
  2. In conversations with the lady, you do not need to use logical evidence (women think somewhat differently, the main thing for them is the emotional component, so it is better to play on it and cause a splash of positive emotions with certain actions).
  3. In no case can a man descend to the level of nods and begging, causing the beloved to return to the Lono of the family. The guy should be strong and able to make volitional solutions in any situation, even the most difficult.
  4. It is impossible to pretend that the husband is very good without a wife (especially if it is not so), because the lady can breathe with relief, having learned about it.
  5. It is not recommended to fall asleep your beloved with gifts and flowers, it is unlikely to help and only once again convince the lady that a man, in addition to the material component, she has nothing to provide.
  6. If a divorce happened, a man should not forget about his appearance. After all, you can even meet on the street with your beloved, and for this you need to always look attractive and good.
  7. It is strictly forbidden to constantly repeat the phrase "I love you". It is necessary to prove your attitude actions, not words. After all, in essence, the words are empty, if all this is not confirmed by actions.

According to statistics in recent years, more and more families fall apart after a few years after the wedding. And if earlier the initiators were more often a man, now women often leave the husbands. And now the guys come to psychologists with the question, how to return his wife after the divorce? We gathered advice from specialists and recommendations of abandoned spouses, below you can read them.

Frequent causes of divorce

Women - Family people, they are located in nature to preserve marriage, as they are preparing to give birth and grow offspring. Therefore, for leaving the family, they need a speedy reason, much weighty than for a man who is enough that the wife, for example, is poorly preparing soup.

It may be, according to psychologists:

  1. Unsatisfying sexual relations - egoism in bed;
  2. Treason;
  3. Rudeness and cruelty;
  4. Pathological jealousy;
  5. Pathological laziness - reluctance to participate in the life of the family.

Knowing the reason that happened, you will understand why the divorce happened, accordingly there will be a chance to correct the situation if the feelings still remain.

Is it worth trying to keep marriage?

The main thing is to deal with yourself, if necessary? This is the second important point that you have to think about.

Understand what is now talking about in you - a man's pride or a desire to return the only native beloved person.

Unfortunately, it often happens that family life turns into confrontation, everyone is trying to find benefits and impose his opinion, to prove something. Love in this case goes into disgust, and sex can not be with such a hostility.

Men with this situation are looking for satisfaction on the side, but they do it imperceptibly, and the woman always burns bridges, because the ambitions take the top over the mind.

If this happens in your life, think about whether you need to return my wife. Perhaps you are not compatible and divorce - natural inevitability for you, if not, read on our article.

How to return the love of my wife if she sobbed?

To begin with, remember that no need to do:

  • Let gossip and boast friends;
  • Trying to call pity;
  • Trying to find out the relationships on elevated colors and reject.

Given the above items, start working on the situation. Of course, when a woman went to another - it is much more difficult to fix something, almost impossible. Probably, in this situation you need to accept and retreat, or wait, suddenly it will be discarded.

But accurately everything will decide after talking with the ex-wife. You need to get a date with it for any reason. Make it you need to be unnewable, so as not to sigh it and do not cause suspicion of the new cavalor.

It is not necessary to speak about the possibility of restoring the marriage, ask some leading questions, for which it becomes clear how seriously everything is serious. Ask:

  • How does she live now?
  • Where do they live?
  • Do travels go to travel?

Knowing his wife spouse will see and understand when conversation, it really is good to her with a new guy, whether she is happy or Lukavit, perhaps he is trying to take revenge for the resentment.

If the chance is high - you can take care of it on a par with others, start doing it again.

How to return the former wife after the divorce?

Correct the shortcomings that you probably know:

  • Eliminate misunderstanding with her parents if they were;
  • Get rid of bad habits;
  • Put in order an external look;
  • Change work;
  • Find an interesting hobby.

These are banal tips, but meanwhile the causes of the divorce most often the same banal and the same in all pairs.

And of course, take care as she likes it, let it understand what is needed, but within reason. Do not reach extremes - respect yourself, do not allow to humiliate and use. Such cases are not uncommon when a girl who realized its influence, skillfully uses it for its own purposes.

It is useful to do admixture - go on, master the new profession, to enter into a group of interests and lead an active life. Then, if you used to be boring and larger, you will not notice how to change. And she will notice, maybe take a look, on the other hand. And if not, then your life is no longer so boring and without it.

Women's psychology has long been studied, almost all ladies after parting behave equally. At first, they feel freedom and enjoy her, then begin to be in this freedom. If you are interested in preserving the family - do not rush, let go of the first euphoria, only then take steps.

In addition, note that it will definitely be interested in your life, the girls are so arranged, they all need to know, especially about their former. Therefore:

  • Drive a prudent lifestyle - do not walk and do not drink, otherwise it will not be right away;
  • Take care of sports;
  • Make home repair;
  • Change the wardrobe;

In general, do what they did not do, living with her. Live realizing that you are watching and do it with the benefit of yourself. But keep in mind that changes should not be temporary, change forever. And most importantly, tell her less, let him judge about what is happening. Keep calm and some mysteriousness about yourself, it always attracts.

So, if you ask yourself how to return my wife after a divorce, the first thing to do is to think and not hurry. After all, the case has come far away, apparently there are good reasons. However, there are many couples who pass the marriage termination procedure later lived a long time and happily together, having received long-awaited freedom.

In this video, a family psychologist Roman Vavilov will tell what proven ways you can return the former spouse without requests and humiliation, even if she has already sobbed you: