Laser hair removal is the essence of the procedure. Laser therapy: indications and contraindications for laser treatment. Video: LASIK laser vision correction - patient review

Update: October 2018

Laser therapy refers to physiotherapy methods of treatment and is based on the use of radiation in the optical range, which is generated by a laser. The most important feature of a laser, which determines its efficiency, is the presence of a fixed wavelength, i.e. it is monochromatic light.

The average power of physiotherapy lasers varies in the range of 1-100 mW, the pulse power is 5-100 W with a duration of light pulses of 100-130 ns. The energy parameters of laser radiation are selected depending on the operating mode of the apparatus and the applied technique, as well as the indications for treatment.

All existing laser equipment is divided into three groups: for surgical, for therapeutic treatment and for diagnostics. Surgical lasers are most often high-intensity, while diagnostic and therapeutic lasers are low-intensity. Accordingly, the latter will be discussed in our article.

Excursion into the history of laser radiation

Physiotherapy treatment with artificial sources of light waves was practiced already at the end of the 19th century. This method of treatment was developed and implemented by a physiotherapist from Denmark N.R. Finsen, for which he received the Nobel Prize in 1903.

For all the time of the study and development of the technique, she went through several successive stages - heliotherapy, phototherapy and laser therapy. On the territory of the former USSR, the technique was recognized as effective in 1974. In 1986, the Institute of Laser Medicine was opened in Moscow, which is currently called the Scientific Center for Laser Medicine of the FMBA of the Russian Federation, where the mechanisms of action are actively studied and new methods of treatment are being developed. Today, Russia is considered the world leader in the practical, scientifically grounded application of laser therapy, the indications and contraindications for which have been studied as much as possible.

In Europe and the United States, the technique was officially recognized in 2003, which was the impetus for a real boom in the research and application of the laser for the treatment and diagnosis of diseases.


The use of laser therapy requires strict and consistent adherence to the parameters:

  • type of technique;
  • wavelength;
  • pulse frequency;
  • power and operating mode of LILI;
  • exposure time;
  • localization of action;
  • periodicity.

Only in this case will the treatment be effective and safe. Hence, it follows that the qualifications and professionalism of a specialist working on a laser installation plays a key role. Despite the simplicity of the technology and methodology of laser therapy, one should be very clear about the features of the method.

Benefits of laser therapy

One of the most significant advantages of the method is a very small number of absolute contraindications. Even pregnancy and old age, which are strict contraindications in most other cases, are a relative limitation and should be taken into account when choosing a technique.

Laser therapy is included in the treatment standards for most areas of medicine.

Laser therapy and oncopathology

For several decades, more than a thousand studies carried out in different countries of the world have proven the safety of low-intensity laser radiation (LILI) for the treatment and rehabilitation of cancer patients. Moreover, there are more and more clinically confirmed cases proving the promise and safety of laser therapy in the complex treatment of patients with oncology.

At the same time, there is a fairly widespread unreasonable misconception that laser light is able to stimulate tumor growth. Most often this is due to the illiterate combination of the term "irradiation" with a technique that has nothing to do with a laser. This myth is actively supported by a number of unscrupulous companies whose purpose is to discredit the method.

At the same time, rarely does anyone think that the sun, bulbs, flashlights and other devices are also sources of light that "irradiates" us almost every day and hour. At the same time, only LILI is capable of normalizing physiological processes, as well as activating them when necessary. The main difference between LLLT and other light sources is its monochromaticity (fixed wavelength), which determines the healing properties.

Laser mechanisms of action

As a result of exposure to LILI, due to the absorption of light energy, a number of photobiological processes arise. A short-term increase in the concentration of free calcium in cells triggers a subsequent cascade of body responses to exposure:

  • proliferative and metabolic processes are activated;
  • the function of the immune system is normalized;
  • the state of the vessels improves, in particular, the vascular walls expand;
  • there is an analgesic effect;
  • cellular and humoral immunity is corrected;
  • the indiscriminate resistance of the organism increases;
  • rheological properties of blood are improved;
  • microcirculation increases;
  • the oxygen transport function of the blood is normalized;
  • the antioxidant and proteolytic activity of the blood increases;
  • hematopoiesis is stimulated;
  • metabolic processes improve;
  • tissue regeneration is activated;
  • detoxification, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects are observed, as well as a number of other positive effects.


The indications for treatment with laser therapy are very diverse, since the technique is not specific. Here are just a few of them:

  • nonspecific and specific inflammatory processes in acute and chronic course;
  • sepsis;
  • inflammatory processes after injuries and operations;
  • diseases of the extremities of the thrombobliterating type (obliterating atherosclerosis and endarteritis 1-3 tbsp.);
  • phlebothrombosis and various localization in acute and chronic course;
  • chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency;
  • diseases of the lymphatic vessels of various etiologies;
  • acquired;
  • immunodeficiency of a different course and nature, provoked by operations, diseases, etc.;
  • autoimmune processes (bronchial asthma, etc.);
  • allergies;
  • acute and chronic;
  • and 12 duodenal ulcer;
  • dermatosis;
  • burns;
  • poorly healing wounds;
  • Trophic ulcers.

For preventive purposes, the technique is shown to prevent:

  • complications after surgery, trauma to the abdomen, chest and extremities;
  • relapses of neurodermatitis and psoriasis, peptic ulcer, bronchial asthma;
  • infections in people with hemoblastosis;
  • immunosuppressive conditions after radiation or cytostatic therapy.

With a health-improving purpose, therapy is indicated for decreased performance, loss of strength, frequent colds, etc. In cosmetology, the technique is actively used to rejuvenate the skin, get rid of scars, stretch marks, wrinkles.

Contraindications to laser therapy

Absolute contraindications for laser treatment are:

  • individual intolerance;
  • first trimester of pregnancy;
  • open form of tuberculosis;
  • violation of hematopoiesis;
  • poor blood clotting and a tendency to bleed.

Relative contraindications, which are resolved in a positive or negative direction, are severe vascular and heart diseases, cerebrovascular accidents, hepatic and decompensated, benign and malignant tumors, chronic tuberculosis (without excretion of bacteria).

Basic methods of laser therapy

When conducting laser therapy sessions, preference is given to emitters that work in the red and infrared regions of the spectrum. In recent years, light sources of other waves have also been actively introduced. Non-invasive cutaneous exposure is the most popular method, which is carried out by imposing a radiator on the projection of diseased organs.

Method Exposure / Mode of exposure Wavelength / nm (Frequency) Power Air time for 1 zone / min
Local 365, 405, 445, 525, 635, 780, 904
10-100 mW - continuous,
5-20 W - pulse
On the projection of internal organs Outdoor / Pulse 635, 904
15-100 W 2-5
On the projection of immunocompetent organs Outdoor / Pulse 904
10-15 watts 1,5-2
Acupuncture, through a special nozzle Outdoor / Pulse and continuous 635 - continuous, 904 - pulse
2-3 mW - continuous,
5-7 W - pulse
20-40 s
Paravertebral Outdoor / Pulse 904
10-15 watts 1,5-2
Intracavitary impact Intracavitary / Pulse and continuous 635, 904
10-100 mW - continuous,
5-10 W - pulse
Intravenous blood light Intravenous / Continuous 365, 405, 445, 525, 635 2-20 2-20
External illumination of blood Outdoor / Pulse 635, 904
15-100 W 2-5

The process of conducting laser therapy

As we have already noted, the patient does not experience any objective sensations. Special preparation before treatment is also not required. Most often, treatment is carried out without hospitalization, and after the procedure, you can go home.

With the help of a special sensor, the effect on the skin or the projection of an organ is carried out: at a distance, with a touch to the body without compression and with compression. With the acupuncture method, 3-5 points are selected that correspond to the pathology, each of which is affected by 1-3 minutes.

The duration of the procedures and the frequency of treatment are selected individually.

Laser therapy devices

The first apparatus for mass use was created in the early 70s. The principle of operation and laser light sources are the same in many devices.

The most common are devices using:

  • helium-neon, argon, nitrogen and other lasers;
  • semiconductor lasers generating pulsed and constant light;
  • multicolor radiation generating waves of different ranges.

There are combined devices that operate with a magnetic field and a laser.

Before working with patients, the equipment must be individually adjusted, checked, and specialists must strictly follow the safety instructions.

Laser treatment for gynecological diseases

Laser therapy in gynecology is used quite often due to its high therapeutic efficiency, externally (on the projection of organs) and intravaginal using a special sensor.

The treatment is painless, well tolerated by patients and is indicated for chronic inflammatory processes, menstrual dysfunction, ovarian dysfunction, mild and moderate endometriosis, endocervicitis (not in all cases), as well as for improving the course of the postpartum period.

The laser is especially widely used for, especially for the treatment of young, nulliparous women, from the 5th to the 7th day of the cycle.

As for contraindications, a number of experts do not recommend laser treatment in the presence of cysts, fibroids, mastopathy, acute inflammatory diseases and malignant neoplasms.

Laser therapy for ENT pathology

The impact on the ENT organs is carried out by low-intensity lasers of a special design, which produce special flashes of light with different frequencies.

- the main indication for the appointment of laser therapy for children. The treatment avoids complications and relapses, and, despite the duration of the course (10-15 sessions 1-2 times a day), proves high efficiency at stages 1-2. Unlike traditional resection, laser treatment is painless. Often, laser therapy of the nose is carried out for chronic and vasomotor rhinitis - 10-15 sessions lead to a complete cure in 90% of cases.

During the procedure, a point effect is carried out on the affected tissues, which allows you to relieve swelling and inflammation. After the procedures, the doctor's recommendations should be followed (refusal of hot food, rest, etc.). To consolidate the result, laser therapy for adenoids in children, as well as for chronic and vasomotor rhinitis, is carried out 2-3 times a year.

Laser therapy for joints

This procedure for joints is indicated for arthritis, primary and secondary arthrosis of the shoulder, knee joints, etc., as well as in the presence of injuries to the joints and ligaments.

Often, therapy is prescribed in the rehabilitation period after joint operations - phototherapy helps the fastest recovery and healing of tissues.

Laser for the treatment of somatic pathology

Intravenous laser therapy is a technique that has a wide range of indications, including CVD diseases (angina

Laser complications

  • Increased pain syndrome. It often occurs when the technique of laser therapy is not followed and in the presence of individual characteristics of the patient.
  • Headaches, dizziness. Possible in the event of a breakdown of the device, violation of individual sensitivity.
  • Hyperthermia against the background of the active release of hepatic toxins into the bloodstream and their excretion from the body. As a rule, such a reaction is passing, therefore, it does not require withdrawal of treatment.

Marina Ignatieva

Reading time: 15 minutes


According to the canons of beauty, women's skin should be exceptionally smooth and delicate to the touch. Unfortunately, the modern woman has very little time for cosmetic procedures - at work, household chores, family, and chronic fatigue, finally, the entire working week flies by. As a result, the legs (not to mention the intimate area) lose their smoothness, and it takes half the weekend to put them in order. Thanks to laser hair removal, today this problem is being solved "on the root" - painlessly and effectively.

Laser hair removal procedure - before and after photos, video

Laser hair removal has become a real gift of the 21st century for all women. Today, this procedure, which involves safe and reliable hair removal, is available to absolutely any girl. What is the essence of the method?

  • The corresponding radiation source sends pulse with a specific wavelength.
  • Flash duration is less than a second. During this time the follicle structure heats up and dies.
  • Thus, all hair visible on the skin is eliminated... Invisible, dormant follicles are weakened.
  • The remaining "reserve" hair follicles are activated after three (four) weeks. Then the procedure should be repeated.

Flash parameters are selected by a specialist based on melanin saturation and thermal sensitivity of the skin and hair. The sensitivity of the epidermis to heat is an order of magnitude lower than that of hair, which excludes its strong heating and damage. This fact allows the procedure to be carried out even on a very sensitive area of ​​the skin.

How is the laser hair removal procedure

Preparation for laser hair removal procedure

Key rules for preparing for the procedure:

Devices for laser hair removal in salons of Russia

Laser installations, based on the wavelength, are divided into:

  • Diode
  • Ruby
  • Niodime
  • Alexandrite

None of the installations is a magic wand that can rid you of all hair at once, but the diode laser is recognized as the most effective today, thanks to the wavelength to which hair melanin is most susceptible.

Hair after laser hair removal - the effectiveness of the method

The result of this procedure depends from such factors, how:

  • Human skin type.
  • Hair color.
  • Their structure.
  • Type of laser installation.
  • Professionalism of a specialist.
  • Compliance with the recommendations.

The result, which involves the removal of 30% of the hair during the procedure, is considered excellent. After 3-4 weeks, the procedure is repeated, and then a more significant reduction in hair is noted, and, in addition, their lightening and thinning. The best effect is achieved in a course of 4 to 10 sessions, with an interval of 1-2.5 months, after which the hair completely stops growing.

Advantages of laser hair removal over other hair removal methods

Cons of laser hair removal

  • The need for several procedures.
  • Inadmissibility of carrying out the method on tanned skin.
  • Lack of desired effect on light and gray hair.

When is laser hair removal the only way out?

  • Too much strong hair growth .
  • Severe allergic reaction (irritation) after shaving (usually in men).
  • Need for hair removal (work in the food industry, sports, etc.).
  • Hirsutism (due to hormonal imbalance).

Contraindications to laser hair removal - why is laser hair removal dangerous?

  • Phlebeurysm.
  • Diabetes.
  • Skin diseases, including cancer.
  • Disposition to scarring of the skin.
  • Pregnancy (undesirable).
  • Acute inflammatory processes in the body, as well as infectious diseases.
  • Fresh (less than 14 days) or too dark tanned skin.
  • Cardiovascular disease (exacerbation stage).
  • Taking photosensitizing and immunosuppressive drugs.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Allergy (exacerbation stage).
  • The presence of burns, fresh wounds, abrasions.
  • Oncology.
  • The presence of implants containing metal (in particular, pacemakers).
  • Individual intolerance.

Concerning photosensitizing drugs, These include:

  • Antibiotics and antidepressants.
  • NSAIDs.
  • Sulfonamides.
  • Antihypertensive and diuretic drugs, etc.

These medications increase the sensitivity of the skin to light, resulting in the risk of burns after epilation.

How painful it is to do laser hair removal - the pain of the procedure

painless but sensitive ... Moreover, the sensitivity depends on the power of the laser beam. With a decrease in power (different for each zone), the number of procedures increases.

Important features of laser hair removal

Laser hair removal - so that hair does not grow after the procedure

With the advent of laser technology in cosmetology, many procedures have become easy to perform. The word "laser" is an acronym (a kind of abbreviation), which has become an independent word in Russian for a long time. Literally "laser" means a high energy light source that can be focused and converted into a narrow beam. One of the methods of laser technology in cosmetology is laser hair removal.

Laser hair removal is one of the fastest and most effective ways to remove excess hair once and for all. In just a few procedures, you can achieve smooth and delicate skin on almost any part of the face and body. Subject to all the requirements for the procedure, it is completely safe and does not harm health. You can do it in the Lachance network of laser hair removal salons.

Pros and cons of laser hair removal

Under the influence of a laser beam passing through the hair shaft, the cells containing melanin are heated, and the subsequent destruction of the hair follicle. In this case, the skin is not damaged, but slightly heats up and cools quickly. Laser hair removal allows you to remove only those hairs that have grown by 3-5 mm and are visible on the surface, that is, are in the phase of active growth (anagen). But there are always "spare" or dormant hair follicles that enter the anagen phase after the procedures, so several sessions are required to completely remove unwanted hair.

As with every procedure, this method immediately showed advantages and disadvantages that you should be aware of before the sessions. The main disadvantage of laser hair removal is the mandatory contrast of hair and skin so that the melanin contained in the hair, and not in the skin, absorbs laser radiation.

So, for example, in the case of dark hair on dark skin or light (red) hair on light skin, the desired effect is hardly achieved. To obtain the effect, you need dark (dark blond) hair on light skin, then the laser beam will be absorbed by the hair. But today it is possible to solve these problems, for this you just need to select the required type of laser action. Laser systems of the latest generation operate on a diode laser, the range of which is both for any skin type and any hair color (except for gray hair). Unfortunately, there are not many centers offering diode laser hair removal services. One of these is the Epilas hardware cosmetology center.

A relative disadvantage is the cost of the procedure, but if you consider that the effect of laser hair removal is the complete absence of hair, then the disadvantage may seem like a big plus.

What are the pros?

  • Lack of severe pain during the procedure.
  • No skin damage in the form of scars and scars.
  • Long-term effect after the course (up to 6 years), and in case of perfect contrast of hair with skin - getting rid of them forever.
  • A short duration of an epilation session in time.

Preparation and implementation of laser hair removal

Preparation consists in the fact that the patient needs to grow hair at least 3-5 mm (in areas where other methods of epilation or depilation were previously used). The choice of 3-5 mm length is also not accidental, since it is in this case that the effectiveness and painlessness of the procedure can be guaranteed.

Small areas of the skin are irradiated with a laser for a certain period of time. So, for example, the "antennae" area is processed for only 10-12 minutes, the bikini area - 10-15 minutes, and so on. The maximum processing time for the thighs is 1 hour.

In patients with a high pain threshold, laser hair removal can be performed without anesthesia, but there are patients with a low pain threshold who cannot tolerate even a little pain. In this case, the affected area is treated with lidocaine gel.

In addition, modern laser systems are equipped with attachments, with the help of which the skin is cooled during manipulation, which reduces its sensitivity. Eyes should be protected with dark glasses during hair removal.

Results after a course of procedures

What undesirable consequences can arise?

Many patients and especially men are interested not only in the question of possible pain sensations, but also in the consequences of this procedure. The occurrence of unwanted effects of laser hair removal depends on the sensitivity of the skin and the patient's allergic reactions. In these cases, hyperemia may occur on the skin, which disappears within a few days.

In addition to redness, patients sometimes complain of swelling or bruising, as well as blistering burn marks. There are two reasons for this - recent and intense tanning, and the lack of professionalism of the cosmetologist. Both reasons are completely removable. Tanned skin has already received a large dose of ultraviolet radiation, and the next stream of light can damage it, therefore, the procedure cannot be carried out after tanning.

In the second case, an undesirable outcome can be prevented by approaching the choice of a salon and a specialist, guided by the experience of the cosmetologist and the level of his professionalism, and not a cheap and affordable price.

Mention should be made of patients with increased vegetation on the skin caused by hormonal disorders. In order for laser or any other type of hair removal to help cope with the problem, you need to eliminate its primary source, namely, hormonal imbalance. Otherwise, the hair will grow back, even after several sessions. With the help of a laser, only the softness of the hairs can be achieved (with hirsutism).

What shouldn't be done after?

In order to avoid the appearance of edema and redness, the cosmetologist immediately after laser hair removal applies a special agent that reduces skin irritation. It is also necessary to apply a cream or lotion to the skin for several days in order to nourish and soften it. Even in the case of traces of burns (which is very rare), you should use a special healing ointment (bepanten, panthenol and others). If all prescriptions are followed, complications disappear in 7-10 days.

  • Sunbathe in the sun and visit the bathhouse, sauna and solarium.
  • Take antibiotics, hormones, antipsychotics, sulfa and other drugs.
  • Peel off the crusts from burns so that there are no foci of hyperpigmentation or scars.
  • Go outside in sunny weather without applying sunscreen with SPF protection of at least 30 units.

Types of lasers for hair removal

The main difference in laser systems used in cosmetology is the wavelength. It is the wavelength that determines the end result and the desired effect.

  1. Diode laser hair removal (diode laser hair removal)... The diode laser wavelength is 810 nm. It is used not only to remove hair with any type of skin, but also to treat hirsutism (coarse hair) and hypertrichosis (excessive hair growth). This makes coarse hair soft and invisible, while soft hair disappears.
  2. Laser hair removal with alexandrite laser... Wavelength - no more than 755 nm. It is used for epilation of light and red hair, especially if the skin is sensitive. Its other application is also for hyperpigmentation foci.
  3. Laser hair removal with neodymium laser... This laser has a wavelength of 1063 nm and contains infrared light in the laser beam. Scope of application - epilation of dark hair on dark or tanned skin, as well as removal of rosacea (capillary mesh), etc.
  4. Ruby laser... The wavelength is 694 nm. Scope of application - epilation of dark hair on light skin, as well as removal of pigmentation and tattoos made with multi-colored and saturated colors.


  • Photoepilation or laser hair removal: which is better? Photoepilation is a method of laser exposure that uses beams of a wide spectrum of waves - from 400 to 1200 nm. The procedures are similar to each other, but photoepilation is a more versatile method and is used where a more intense level of exposure is required.
  • Electrolysis or laser hair removal: which one to choose? These are completely different procedures with which you can achieve the desired effect. Electrolysis is more suitable for patients with fair skin and light (red) hair.
  • Is laser hair removal performed during pregnancy? It is best not to carry out any manipulations during pregnancy, including even the most harmless cosmetic ones. This is due to the fact that long-term results after them are not tracked in women and children, and during the gestation of a child, interference with the natural process of pregnancy has traditionally been reduced to zero.
  • Is laser hair removal harmful? The laser hair removal procedure is no more harmful than visiting a solarium.
  • Does hair really disappear forever? Yes, but for this, the skin must be light, and the hair dark, so that a contrast forms between them and all the rays are absorbed by the dark hair with a high content of melanin pigment.
  • How many treatments do you need to complete hair removal? The number of procedures in each case is determined by the cosmetologist strictly individually. To remove small vegetation, 1 to 3 procedures are enough, and with strong hair growth, 6 to 10 sessions may be required.
  • What is the best laser for hair removal? The type of laser is selected in each case individually, taking into account the type of skin, its color and hair condition.

Video of laser hair removal

Alexandrite laser

Video: Epilation with diode laser

How well a person sees depends on the shape of the cornea. The cornea is the clear membrane of the eyeball that covers the iris, pupil, and front of the eye. In people with nearsightedness, the cornea is too round, while in people with farsightedness, it is flat. When someone is diagnosed with astigmatism, it means that they have an irregular cornea. There are various refractive surgery procedures that can correct these defects.

Until recently, glasses and contact lenses were the only methods for correcting poor vision. There are many reasons for its deterioration: some people like to read a lot, others spend a long time in front of the TV, use various gadgets, and some have inherited poor vision. Professional athletes, law enforcement officials and those involved in high-performance activities see life without lenses and glasses as a gift they should have made for themselves many years ago.

More and more people are choosing laser vision correction for the treatment of moderate to severe refractive disorders. The number of high results of the operation is 96%. After laser surgery, people get rid of the need to wear glasses or contact lenses. In recent years, the treatment of eye diseases with laser radiation has advanced significantly.

Laser vision correction is the term given to surgical procedures designed to correct certain vision problems such as myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism. During these procedures, it is used. It is used to reshape the cornea, which improves the clarity of vision. After the procedure, most patients will be able to drive a car, read books, watch TV or do what they love to do without glasses or contact lenses.

Doctors perform a large number of vision correction procedures every year using the most advanced methods and technologies available today. You can find out how laser vision correction works in our article. This is discussed below.

Preparing for the procedure

Before laser vision correction, patients undergo a thorough screening with a comprehensive eye examination. This preparation is necessary to exclude contraindications for refractive surgery. Based on the examination, the doctor determines which laser vision correction is suitable for a particular patient. It is also necessary to conduct some blood tests, urine tests, fluorography. During a consultation with an ophthalmologist, you can get additional information, answers to questions, and also find out how laser vision correction works. It should be remembered that before the operation, you must stop using contact lenses for 2-4 weeks.


Today there are the following methods of laser surgery:

1. PRK (PRK).


3. "Femto LASIK" (Femto LASIK).

4. "Super LASIK" (Super LASIK).

5. "Epi LASIK" (Epi LASIK).

6. "Lasek" (LASEK).

PRK method

Photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) is an excimer laser procedure for correcting vision in patients with a thin cornea. It is an alternative to the operation carried out using the Lasik technology.

The indications for the procedure are:

There are also contraindications to the operation of laser vision correction using the PRK method, they include:

  • age under 18;
  • the presence of eye diseases, for example, Keratoconus, glaucoma, cataracts, inflammatory diseases;
  • the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • progressive diabetes mellitus and other somatic diseases;
  • mental disorders;
  • oncological diseases.

How is laser vision correction using PRK technology? In this case, only the laser is used for the operation. There is no need to use a scalpel, needles or any other piercing-cutting objects.

Lasik method

Lasik Laser Vision correction is the newest form of laser eye surgery. The procedure is one of the most revolutionary vision care in decades. With this method of laser correction, the refractive power is increased. This makes it easier for the eyes to focus on objects that are near or far away.

Lasik is one of the most popular and affordable operations. The result of the procedure is to improve visual acuity in patients suffering from myopia, hyperopia or astigmatism.

There are the following contraindications for laser correction by the "Lasik" method.

1. Age. The operation is performed on patients over 18 years of age.

2. Deterioration of visual acuity during the last year.

3. Eye diseases such as glaucoma or cataracts.

4. Surgery for retinal detachment.

5. Thinning of the cornea.

6. Pregnancy and breastfeeding.

How does LASIK vision correction take place? The ophthalmic surgeon separates the corneal flap with a scalpel. Next, a certain amount of corneal tissue is removed, then the flap is returned to its place.

Femto Lasik Method

How is laser correction performed using the technology To create a corneal flap, a combination of two lasers is used simultaneously. creates a protective corneal flap, and the excimer laser allows you to correct both significant and the smallest refractive defects. Thus, there is an improvement in visual acuity.

Super Lasik Method

This method of laser vision correction is also based on the LASIK technology. The difference is the use of more modern equipment.

Epi Lasik method

How is laser vision correction performed using the Epi Lasik method? This method is also a kind of LASIK laser surgery. It is specially designed for patients with corneal problems. Such problems, in particular thinning of the cornea, occur in people who have used contact lenses for a long time. During the laser correction by the Epi Lasik method, special equipment is used to separate a thin flap - an epikerat.

Lasek method

How is the operation for laser vision correction using the Lasek method? This technology is based on a combination of Lasik and PRK methods. Like photorefractive keratectomy, Lasek is a good alternative for people with thinner corneal tissue or patients who have previously undergone Lasik surgery. After vision correction, there is a longer healing and recovery time than with other methods of laser surgery.

Smile method

Smile technology is the newest, most expensive and safest technology. How does laser vision correction work? There is no need to create a corneal flap during the procedure. It only requires a laser to work. Recovery and rehabilitation after vision correction using the Smile method is much faster.

Indications for surgery

As a rule, the main indications for eye microsurgery are the following diseases:

  • Myopia. Occurs when the cornea becomes too curved. This feature causes the light rays to focus in front of the retina, which causes blurring of objects at a distance.
  • Farsightedness occurs when the cornea is too flat in relation to the length of the eye. In this case, the light is focused to a point behind the retina, resulting in blurry near vision.
  • Astigmatism occurs when the cornea is shaped like a soccer ball, which is more curved in one direction than the other. Light is focused at different points in the eye, resulting in blurry vision, doubled or distorted objects.

Whatever the reason for laser vision correction, it is important to choose the right technology for the procedure. Many studies show that the results of surgery also depend on the experience of the surgeon.

How is laser vision correction "Lasik" or PRK? The principle of all types of laser eye surgery is simple: using microscopic points of thin laser light, the cornea is reshaped, allowing the incoming light beams to precisely focus on the retina, giving the patient a new life without glasses.

How is the operation of laser vision correction carried out? The following stages of refractive surgery are distinguished.

  1. For the procedure, a special anesthetic is used in the form of eye drops, so there are no painful sensations.
  2. A dilator is placed between the eyelids. It is necessary to keep the eye open. A special ring is then placed that lifts and straightens the cornea. It also blocks the movement of the eyeball. The patient may feel a little pressure from these devices. After installing the ring and before removing it, the person usually does not see anything.
  3. Next, a corneal flap is created using a scalpel, laser or automated equipment, depending on the operation technology. The flap is lifted and folded back.
  4. The excimer laser, programmed with the patient's unique eye measurements, is then positioned centered above the eye. The surgeon checks that the laser is positioned correctly.
  5. The patient looks at a special point light called fixation or target light while the excimer laser removes the corneal tissue.
  6. The surgeon then sets the flap back to its original position and smoothes the edges. The corneal flap adheres to the underlying corneal tissue for two to five minutes. No suturing is required.

After the procedure, the patient needs rest.

Recovery period

Patients usually experience pain and discomfort immediately after surgery. Also, blurred vision and increased sensitivity to light may be observed for several days. To eliminate symptoms, special eye drops are prescribed. They must be used for several days. Functional vision usually returns within 24 hours.

The results of the treatment can be seen already after a few weeks. However, most patients notice a significant improvement in vision within the first few days.

In some cases, it may take three to six months after surgery to improve vision, completely stabilize and eliminate side effects.

As the postoperative period passes, it is necessary to abandon some of the activities that can interfere with the healing process. For example, swimming.

How does laser vision correction work? Reviews

Millions of people who have undergone laser surgery notice that their visual acuity, and with it their quality of life, has improved significantly. It takes about 5 minutes to correct the vision of one eye. More time is spent preparing directly in the operating room itself. For anesthesia, only local anesthesia in drops is used. Literally in 30 minutes a person can look at the world in a new way.

Whether to do laser vision correction, everyone should decide for himself. Some do not see the inconvenience of wearing glasses or contact lenses.


Laser eye surgery significantly improves the quality of life. Visual acuity makes people dependent on the constant use of glasses or contact lenses. Like any surgery, laser correction has positive and negative aspects. Serious complications during or after a vision enhancement procedure are extremely rare. Many of the risks associated with laser surgery can be reduced or eliminated through careful patient selection and preoperative testing using the latest diagnostic technology.

Sometimes, reoperation may be required to achieve the desired vision correction. Such cases occur with high degrees of myopia, hyperopia, or astigmatism. Usually such vision initially requires more intensive correction. Approximately 10.5% of patients require additional treatment.

Potential risks and complications may include the following:

  • infection;
  • inflammation;
  • deterioration of vision;
  • hazy or blurry vision;
  • decreased vision at night;
  • scratches, dryness, and other symptoms of a condition called dry eye;
  • glare, flashes;
  • photosensitivity;
  • discomfort or soreness;
  • slight bruising on the whites of the eyes.

The advantages of laser vision correction undoubtedly lie in improving visual acuity and improving the quality of life. The result of the procedure will depend on the nature and degree of violations, as well as on the quality of the work performed by the surgeon. The vast majority of patients are extremely satisfied with the result of the operation. After laser surgery, they can engage in a variety of activities without the need for corrective lenses or glasses.

The result of laser correction of vision defects is considered a permanent effect. However, image clarity can change with age as you get older. This may result in the need for glasses, contact lenses, or additional vision correction procedures in the future.