Cough medicines for pregnant women 1. Safe cough syrups for pregnant women. Cough Relief with Badger Fat, Figs and Soda

The fact that with the onset of pregnancy women should take care of themselves as much as possible is beyond doubt. Unfortunately, the immunity of the expectant mother is sharply reduced, which makes her vulnerable to bacterial and viral infections of the upper respiratory tract (URT).

The cough, which accompanies the inflammatory process, on its formation and development, and with its excessive intensity, easily provokes a miscarriage.

In contact with

Choosing a cough medicine during pregnancy is not an easy task even for an experienced doctor, since there is a high risk of harming a developing child, especially at the very beginning, when the main organs and systems are laid. Therefore, cough medicines for pregnant women are selected with special care and only after assessing the expected benefits for the mother and the risk to the fetus. Despite the difficult choice, treatment cannot be delayed.

Cough medicines during pregnancy

What can be decided by the doctor. It would seem that it is difficult to disagree with such a statement, but many women, because of their "interesting" position, find it difficult to visit a doctor, and they choose treatment at home. To do this, especially using “grandmother's” recipes, is extremely dangerous - medicinal herbs often have a pronounced teratogenic effect. Many drugs for coughs during pregnancy are not used precisely because of the medicinal plants they contain.

All cough medicines for pregnant women differ, first of all, in the mechanism of action and dosage form.

When, especially accompanied by viscous and difficult to separate sputum, mucolytic agents are prescribed that make the sputum less thick and facilitate its evacuation from the bronchi. With a dry, painful cough, it is advisable to use cough suppressants.

They can be combined with inhalation, for which it is better to use. Of the dosage forms, the doctor will most likely give preference to or, since ethanol is often included in syrups.

Cough medicines during pregnancy: what you can

The solution to the question - what kind of cough medicine can be taken by pregnant women, it is better to entrust the doctor. The list of drugs that are allowed for expectant mothers is not so long. The following remedies may be prescribed to treat a wet cough:

  • licorice root syrup;
  • Tussin (not to be confused with the drug "Tussin plus");
  • Dr. Mom in the form of an ointment;

When dry, cough preparations for pregnant women can be as follows:

  • Stopussin, Falimint or Libeksin - all of them can be prescribed, not earlier.

All cough medicines that can be used by pregnant women are prescribed only after the necessary diagnostic measures have been taken, since the symptom in question may be the result of severe infections that can disrupt the normal process of fetal formation.

It is unacceptable to independently use various folk recipes - many herbs have a pronounced teratogenic effect, which manifests itself even when inhalations are carried out.

In addition, honey should not be thoughtlessly used - it is a strong allergen that can easily harm a woman. Essential oils cannot be used by expectant mothers, even in highly diluted form.

Topical antiseptic preparations

Antiseptic or antibacterial medications complement cough medications that can be used in pregnant women. The appointment of systemic drugs at this time is contraindicated, therefore, only local antiseptics are used, which act only in the oropharynx.

It is widely used for catarrh of the upper respiratory tract and inflammatory diseases of the mucous membranes of the mouth, gums and larynx. It is produced in the form of lozenge tablets.

The active ingredient is lysozyme, which can be taken for coughs during pregnancy. Appointed by 2 tab. 4 r / d.

The tablets should be kept in the mouth until they are completely dissolved, without chewing or swallowing.


A drug that has a bacteriostatic effect and practically does not have a general effect. Nevertheless, its independent use is unreasonable - during lactation, the drug is contraindicated, and it is prescribed to expectant mothers with caution. 2 tablets are taken 4 r / d. This drug is a good supplement to other medicines for coughing during pregnancy, that is, it is used as part of complex therapy.

Cough pills

With an unproductive, dry and painful cough, the appointment of drugs that reduce the cough reflex is required. Any cough medicine for pregnant women, especially, is recommended with great caution.

These are cough pills during pregnancy that can be taken as directed by a doctor for dry, irritating and painful cough symptoms. It is taken orally, after meals, without chewing. The drug is dosed taking into account the patient's body weight, so the doctor will determine the exact amount of the drug. Stopussin can be taken in the II and III trimester.

Other pills are either not prescribed to expectant mothers, or are used as a last resort, when the benefits significantly outweigh the possible risk for the unborn baby.

Expectorant pills

With a wet cough, sputum is often difficult to pass due to its excessive viscosity. In this case, the question - what is allowed to take when coughing during pregnancy - is especially important. It is impossible to block the cough reflex, so the drugs should thin the phlegm, which will facilitate its evacuation.


It has a pronounced mucolytic and expectorant effect. Effectively lowers the viscosity of sputum, which helps to accelerate and facilitate its evacuation from the respiratory tract. Alkaline inhalation should not be used during therapy. It is prescribed at 8 mg 3 r / d, regardless of food intake.

This is one of those drugs that can be taken for a cough during pregnancy, including in the first trimester, quite calmly. Mukaltin stimulates the secretion of liquid secretion by the bronchial glands and increases the activity of the ciliated epithelium.

The active ingredient is marshmallow. Take 1-2 tablets 3 r / d before meals. If a woman decides on her own which cough medicine is possible during pregnancy, you should know that Mukaltin is contraindicated in case of a threat of miscarriage or other complications.


The drug has a secretomotor, expectorant and secretolytic action. Stimulates the activity of the ciliated epithelium. Ambroxol can be prescribed in late pregnancy, but with great care - it is better to entrust the choice to a doctor. It is prescribed for 1 tablet 3 r / d, after meals.

Syrups and potions

What kind of medicine can be used by pregnant women for coughing is determined by the doctor. This applies to syrups no less than to tablets. Many people believe that this dosage form is less dangerous than tablets, since syrups are often prescribed in childhood. This is wrong.

may contain codeine or ethanol, which is contraindicated for expectant mothers.

Pregnancy cough suppressants that can be used relatively safely are few and far between.

Herbal preparation used for, provoked by inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. It has an expectorant, broncho- and mucolytic effect. The composition of the medicine includes herbs such as:

  • ginger;
  • aloe;
  • elecampane;
  • basil.

This medicine can be taken for coughing pregnant women only after consulting a specialist. The main indication for admission is a cough with too viscous, difficult to separate sputum.

Gedelix has an expectorant and mucolytic effect, relieves spasm in the bronchi, helps moisturize the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract.

Marshmallow syrup

The indication for the appointment of this drug is caused by bronchitis and other inflammations of the upper respiratory tract. This is a cough medicine for pregnant women that can be administered gently in any trimester. The dosage and duration of therapy is determined differently for each patient.

Other drugs should not be taken by expectant mothers, since there have been no clinical studies regarding their teratogenic effect, and the risk of serious side effects is quite high.

Why is coughing during pregnancy dangerous if left untreated?

If the treatment of cough is delayed and its attacks are prolonged, placental circulation is impaired. A dramatically reduced supply of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus is fraught with developmental abnormalities.

Coughing in expectant mothers often provokes vomiting. This reflex can become a habitual reaction, which will lead to rapid dehydration of the body, as well as the loss of a large amount of vitamins and minerals.

Knowing which cough medicines you can take during pregnancy is of course important. But timely diagnosis is no less important. A barking, persistent cough with wheezing often signals whooping cough, a severe viral pathology that provokes fetal abnormalities. The situation is so serious that whooping cough diagnosed in the first trimester is an indication for termination of pregnancy.

Late deadlines are not a reason to relax. A cough in the second trimester can provoke placental insufficiency, the birth of a child with insufficient weight. There are frequent cases of disturbances in the formation of the nervous system.

In the later stages, the mother's cough attacks are the least dangerous for the baby, however, it is likely that they will lead to a violation of breast milk production, placental abruption and premature birth.

On taking medications during pregnancy and lactation - the following video with Dr. Komarovsky.


As a result, every woman should understand that any cough can cause some harm to an unborn child. It is somewhat more difficult to cure it during pregnancy than in a normal situation, but it is quite possible. For this, it is important to “cooperate” with a doctor, remembering that self-medication is dangerous, especially for women who are expecting a baby. It is easy to harm the fetus, and it often becomes impossible to get rid of the consequences of taking a number of medicines.

Pregnancy is a wonderful period for a woman. If she is desired, all 9 months pass in a positive mood. There are actually many advantages of pregnancy, for example: easier work at work and at home, a daily walk, sometimes even with a loved one, dreams of an unborn child, a conversation with him, and so on. But along with the pluses, all 9 months are fraught with a lot of life-threatening situations for the mother and baby. We are talking about various diseases that a pregnant woman suffers at any time.

Why are diseases dangerous during pregnancy?

For a maturing baby, it is extremely important that nothing interferes with the formation of its main organs, especially the nervous system, intrauterine development and growth. Indeed, during this period, all cells, systems and functions of organs are laid. Almost the entire life of the child depends on the correct behavior and way of life of the mother during this period. If a woman does not take care of herself, is at risk of contracting any infection, this can end in disastrous for the fetus. For example, a disease such as rubella leads to fetal fading. There are also many other infectious diseases that are likely to lead to a lag in the maturation of all body systems of an unprotected baby. This applies to complex diseases. But are seasonal ailments dangerous: common cold, cough? What cough suppressants can I use during pregnancy?

If I have a cough during pregnancy, what should I do?

By itself, a cough does not bring obvious harm to the health and development of the fetus. But there are some nuances that can be dangerous for a woman during this period. If a dry cough appears during pregnancy, it must be treated immediately, since sputum is not excreted and absorbed into the bloodstream, gradually reaching the child. In addition, a dry cough may indicate diseases such as bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, and so on. With such a cough, it is imperative to consult a doctor to determine the diagnosis and receive appropriate recommendations. Also, a cough of any kind at the beginning of the term can be dangerous, since, trying to clear her throat, a woman can provoke a threat of miscarriage. If it is not possible to immediately seek the advice of a doctor, you need to find out what cough remedies can be used during pregnancy. In this case, it is very important to choose the right drug or treatment. After all, there are drugs that in no case can be used for a specific period. The softest and safest way to cure a cough is to use traditional medicine recipes.

Essential remedies for coughing during pregnancy

If we divide the cough into types, then two main ones can be distinguished: dry (unproductive) and wet (productive). The first, due to the lack of sputum secretion, does not fulfill its main function - protective. Most often, it indicates the occurrence of the following pathologies: laryngitis, viral infections, tracheitis, pleurisy, pneumonia, bronchial tumors. In order to translate this type of cough into a productive cough with the release of sputum, you need to treat it as quickly as possible. Why is there such urgency? From a dry cough during pregnancy, bleeding can occur if the position of the baby and placenta previa are low. In the event of such a cough, the doctor may prescribe medications with herbs or with a chemical composition that is permissible in this position. It can be syrups or tablets that inhibit the cough center in the medulla oblongata, and also reduce inflammation and sensitivity of the mucous membrane of all the respiratory tract to irritants that attack them.

Actions of a woman in the 1st trimester

If there are signs of acute respiratory viral infections, and even more so a cough develops, then you should immediately consult a doctor. This period is very important due to the fact that in the first 3 months cells are actively dividing, creating organs and systems of the child's body. Let's imagine the situation from the inside: in a perfectly protected warm place, inside the mother, the process of forming the legs, arms, nose, sponges, and internal organs is actively going on day and night. And here, the baby's nervous system, which has just begun its development, feels a threat in the form of a twitching of the abdomen, a strong sound and tension of the mother's muscles, as well as an infection walking through the woman's body - all this is a cough.

If a cough occurs during pregnancy (1 trimester), you need to take a very responsible approach to its treatment, because at this time the formation processes slow down. In addition, the supply of nutrients and vitamins to the child is hindered. If this condition persists for a long time, some organs may not form properly or fully. It can also happen due to inadequate treatment, such as antibiotics. Cough remedies during pregnancy at this time are selected the most harmless. The main ones are:

  • Inhalation is an effective remedy for dry as well as wet coughs.
  • Compresses. There are effective recipes:
    • a compress with honey (smear the chest with liquid honey, cover with plastic and wrap yourself with something warm);
    • from potatoes (boil a couple of potatoes, heat them and, wrapping them in plastic and a knitted flap, attach to the chest for 10 minutes);
    • compress with cabbage and honey (take a large leaf of cabbage, dip it in boiling water so that it is not cold, then anoint it with honey and sprinkle with a small pinch of salt, then put on the chest, cover with plastic and a warm blanket), this compress can be done on all night long.
  • Gargling - most often this method is used for dry coughs. Herbs for coughing during pregnancy are the best way to safely treat an ailment, therefore, infusions, decoctions, and fees can be used for rinsing.

How to deal with a cough in the 2nd trimester?

Very often there are such drugs for which a contraindication to use is 1 trimester of pregnancy. But already in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters they can be used. Of course, at this stage of the child's development, some drugs pose a threat, but the range of drugs to combat cough has already expanded. Naturally, the doctor prescribes medications. Most often, pregnant women can use those medicines for treatment that are allowed to babies from birth. Cough during pregnancy (2nd trimester) can be treated with drugs such as Mukaltin, Gerbion, Prospan, Pektolvan, Gedelix. From traditional medicine, all those that are possible in the first trimester are suitable.

Cough during pregnancy, 3rd trimester

When a cough occurs at this time, the woman begins to be very worried, because the tone of the uterus can be more often, and therefore, options for premature birth are possible. Of course, I would not want to infect a baby at birth when the disease came at 9 months. Therefore, the question of quick and harmless treatment is very important, because every expectant mother wants to cure a cough during pregnancy as soon as possible. The third trimester is good because the range of drugs and remedies for treatment has already expanded significantly compared to the first. During this period, you can take more of the necessary medicines without harming the fetus. Along with taking medications, folk remedies are actively used during pregnancy. Cough at this time can be treated in the following ways:

  • Taking medications such as Sinekod, Bronchikum, Stoptussin, Fluiditek, Fluifort, Ambrobene, Sinupret, Mukaltin, Bromhexin, Pectusin, Linkas. These drugs contain special chemicals that must be taken with caution in the first trimester of pregnancy.
  • The use of preparations based on herbs: marshmallow syrup, "Prospan", "Pectolvan ivy", "Doctor MOM", collection, dry

You can not use the herb thermopsis, drugs "Bronholitin", "Alex Plus", "Glycodin", "Terpinkod", "Tussin Plus", "Codelac", "Codterpin". Before starting treatment, it is imperative to consult a doctor about the benefits / harms of the baby and not self-medicate.

Foods That Help Reduce Coughs

Foods are an excellent alternative to medicines to help treat coughs. Hot milk with butter and soda is actively used at night (1 glass: 1 tsp: 1/3 tsp, respectively). Also, many people use honey for coughs during pregnancy. If you are not allergic to it, you can add it to tea, milk, just eat it, put it on lemon and dissolve it. In addition to the listed funds, you need to include natural vitamins in the diet - more fruits and vegetables, then no ailment will affect you.

Which is better: dry cough or wet cough during pregnancy?

In any case, when comparing dry and wet coughs, the latter always indicates a healing process. Any cough is undesirable in such an "interesting" position. With a dry cough, it is more difficult to diagnose the cause of its occurrence, so it is fraught with more dangers. A wet cough can provoke a threat of miscarriage with increased expectoration, but it is the first step to a woman's health. All specialists are in a hurry to convert a dry cough into a wet one, as it clearly speaks of good treatment results.

The advantages of herbal medicine

In the treatment of cough, herbs can be used both orally and for rubbing, inhaling, rinsing, and so on. Herbs for coughing during pregnancy are the most harmless way to normalize your condition. Herbal medicine can be used as an effective complementary cough treatment. After all, herbs cannot replace some of the chemicals necessary for treatment, and if they can, then in very large quantities and over a long period of time. It is not always advisable, therefore, preference is given to drugs. Broths and infusions of thyme, chamomile, coltsfoot, rose hips, lime blossom, marshmallow root, plantain are good for coughing.

Inhalation for pregnant women with coughing

Inhalation can be done using a special nebulizer or in the old fashioned way - using a kettle, a saucepan. To do this, you can use potatoes, mineral water, garlic and onions, honey, herbs. But with aromatic oils you need to be careful. Very often eucalyptus is used for inhalation, this method is very effective.

Will gargling help?

Some are skeptical about gargling when they cough. But in vain, because in the process of rinsing, not only the tonsils are involved, but also the larynx. With the help of saliva, the medicinal substance is transferred lower to the trachea and bronchi, where it is absorbed and has a therapeutic effect. Gargle should be done between meals. To do this, you can use herbal preparations, consisting of at least two of the following elements:

  • sage;
  • chamomile;
  • coltsfoot;
  • calendula;
  • plantain;
  • eucalyptus;
  • raspberries.

In addition to herbs, you can use soda, apple cider vinegar, iodine, salt.

Colds are accompanied by a number of typical symptoms such as a runny nose, cough, and fever. Effective treatment requires an effect on the cause of the disease, and for a quick improvement in well-being, it is required to get rid of negative manifestations. During pregnancy, the choice of medications is limited, so eliminating the cough is a problem. It is important to know that even folk remedies can harm the health of the expectant mother and baby, and as for pharmaceuticals, risks for the developing fetus are added to the standard side effects and contraindications. The best solution for a woman before using cough pills during pregnancy is to consult a doctor. The doctor will always choose a drug that is safe and effective to relieve the symptoms of the common cold without causing harm.

Drugs Acceptable During Pregnancy

Before you start taking cough medicine, you need to assess your current state of health and determine the cause of the unpleasant symptom. Treatment of one of the manifestations of allergy differs from the treatment of colds and viral infections and the main task is to eliminate the allergen and stop its negative effects on the body of a pregnant woman.

The choice of a drug is also determined by the type of cough - drugs that help get rid of wet ones may be useless with dry ones, and vice versa.

When prescribing a medicine, the doctor adheres to 4 basic principles:

The listed factors should be taken into account not only during the gestation period. Women who plan to become pregnant in the next month from the start of taking the medication should also adhere to these requirements.

In the 1st trimester

The first trimester is considered the most crucial period, and due to complex physiological processes, a woman's health is undergoing serious tests, which often leads to colds. The female body directs all resources to the formation of the fetus, the immune system is weakened, and hormonal changes further reduce protection. During this period, doctors are afraid to prescribe any pharmaceutical drugs for the treatment of diseases and, whenever possible, use folk recipes and homeopathic medicines. If the symptoms of the disease are limited to mild coughing, then it is better to refrain from taking strong drugs and limit yourself to simple inhalations. It is important to understand that it is in the first trimester that most of the baby's organs are laid and conditions are created for proper development, therefore, the effect of chemicals should be minimized as much as possible. Of the approved cough tablets during pregnancy during this period, doctors prefer the drugs Mukaltin and Sinupret:

  • Mukaltin. The main active ingredient of the drug is an extract from the marshmallow root, and the auxiliary components are presented in low concentration. The tablets are good for dry and wet coughs. Taking Mukaltin makes it easier to cough up phlegm and stimulates its excretion, as well as eliminates perspiration and dry throat.
  • Sinupret. Homeopathic remedy for cough treatment helps to get rid of the unpleasant symptom of the common cold due to its rich herbal composition, and it also relieves the common cold. The drug is safe for a pregnant woman and fetus, so it can be taken in the first trimester and continued treatment throughout the entire gestation period.

The listed funds are considered the safest, therefore, in normal cases, the doctor chooses precisely on these drugs.

In the 2nd trimester

The list of approved drugs in the second trimester is supplemented by stronger medicines. Most of the child's organs have already been formed and there is almost no danger of pathologies. Depending on the cause and clinic of the disease, doctors prescribe mucolytic and expectorant drugs with herbal and synthesized active substances. You need to drink pills, strictly adhering to the recommended dosages, while the duration of treatment can be up to 2 weeks:

The possibility of taking other tablets during the second trimester of pregnancy should be discussed with your doctor.

In the 3rd trimester

As the last period of pregnancy approaches, the woman's body becomes more weakened, since the growing fetus requires increased nutrition and consumption of nutrients. Colds at this time are not uncommon, and when choosing drugs for the treatment of cough in the third trimester, you need to pay attention to such side effects as increased muscle tone. Preterm labor can be provoked by means with active synthetic and herbal ingredients, so it is better to choose pills together with a doctor. Medicines that are approved for administration starting in the first trimester help to treat coughs.

Good results are obtained with the use of Dr. Theiss tablets. The content of sage and vitamins in them helps fight colds, makes breathing easier and provides an antibacterial effect. You can dissolve lozenges with severe sore throat, as well as to eliminate a dry cough.

Prohibited drugs

Among the pharmacological agents for the treatment of cough, there are conditionally permissible drugs, the use of which will not cause dangerous consequences, but their intake must be agreed with the doctor. Prospan, ACC, Linkas, most of the lozenges contain active ingredients, the effect of which on the body of the expectant mother and fetus has been little studied. The use of these remedies is only permitted if the reasonable risk is offset by the benefits of the treatment.

The list of cough drugs prohibited for a pregnant woman is headed by drugs containing codeine. The oppression of the respiratory center leads to hypoxia, which negatively affects the condition of the child. The content of thyme, anise oil, licorice, licorice, thermopsis in tablets is also a contraindication for their appointment during pregnancy.

Pregnancy is an important stage in a woman's life, therefore, taking any medications should be reasonable, and it is better to discuss any doubts with a doctor.

Cough during pregnancy: what to do at different stages of pregnancy

Every third woman during pregnancy suffers a respiratory illness, one of the symptoms of which is coughing.
What to do if a pregnant woman has a cough? It depends on the etymology of the disease and the duration of pregnancy.

Cough: the reason

It is useless to treat a cough - you need to eliminate its cause, that is, the disease of which it is a symptom. Since the treatment of cough during pregnancy should be started from the very first days, it is prudent to see a doctor right away.

It is quite difficult to cure a cough even with conservative treatment. In an environment where most drugs are banned, curing a cough becomes much more difficult.

In cases where cough is a symptom of a sore throat, SARS or flu, professional treatment should be started as soon as possible. Intoxication of the body can become very dangerous for the fetus, cause pathology in the development of internal organs or weaken the baby's immunity. In many cases, bed rest is necessary - a doctor must decide this issue.

The main cause of cough is respiratory diseases: colds, flu, SARS. Rare cases are allergic reactions, gastrointestinal reflux (gastric juice rises up the throat and irritates it), heart disease, etc.

Cough during pregnancy: danger

Why is a cough dangerous?
Major hazards 3.

1. In case of respiratory diseases, cough begins with inflammatory processes in the larynx. If you do not take any measures to treat the throat, the inflammatory process goes deeper, affecting the bronchi and even the lungs. Treatment of tracheitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis or pneumonia requires the use of strong medications that are dangerous for the development and health of the fetus. Therefore, it is necessary to treat a cough during pregnancy from the very first day in order to prevent complications.

2. The cough causes tension in the abdominal muscles. A short cough with normal muscle tone in the uterus is safe.

In cases where the cough manifests itself in long, painful attacks, there is a risk of bleeding due to an increase in the tone of the muscles of the uterus.

Who is at risk?

  • Women at risk of termination of pregnancy.
  • Pregnant women diagnosed with isthmic-cervical insufficiency.
  • In cases of placenta previa.
  • Women with multiple pregnancies.

3. The cough poses an immediate threat to the fetus. Due to overstrain of the abdominal muscles, there is a deterioration in the blood supply to the placenta and, consequently, to the baby. The child receives less oxygen, which significantly harms his development and reduces his own immunity.

In pregnant women, the gag reflex is significantly increased, so a strong paroxysmal cough can cause vomiting. In this case, the body loses fluid and nutrients that the fetus needs. As a result, the baby loses weight, and the formation of internal organs and tissues occurs in unfavorable conditions.

Cough during pregnancy: what to do

The only correct answer to this question is to see a doctor, observe bed rest and strictly follow all the doctor's recommendations. It is not difficult to cure a cough on your own in cases where it is caused only by hypothermia and there are no complications.

In real conditions, a pregnant woman cannot always afford to stay at home or even consult a doctor; most women self-medicate.

Some cough suppressants during pregnancy are strictly prohibited.

  • mustard plasters, banks;
  • general and foot hot baths;
  • UHF and physiotherapy;
  • taking high doses of vitamin C.

What can pregnant women get from a cough so as not to harm the child?

Cough treatment: 1 trimester

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the fetus is most vulnerable, and there is a high risk of spontaneous abortion. Added to this is reduced immunity and a ban on the use of most medications.

What is the danger of a cough in the 1st trimester of pregnancy:

  • fetal hypoxia (lack of oxygen due to overstrain of the muscles of the uterus);
  • detachment of the placenta;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • miscarriage.

If you have a cough during pregnancy, how to treat it in the first trimester? Since there is an active formation of fetal organs, most drugs are prohibited. You can use folk remedies, to enhance the effect of treatment - rest more and eat well.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the following cough syrups can be used: Sinekod, Bronchikum, Stodal.

Cough treatment: 2 trimester

In the second trimester, the risk of miscarriage is significantly reduced, but coughing can lead to a deterioration in the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus, which causes the baby to be wasted.

At the 14th week, the disease strikes the endocrine system, at 16 and 17 weeks - on the bone tissue of the fetus.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, a fully formed placenta effectively protects the baby from viruses and toxins. The range of drugs allowed for use is expanding.

Cough for pregnant women what can you do in the second semester? Basically, traditional methods of treatment.

Which cough syrup during pregnancy is allowed in the 2nd trimester? With a dry cough, Stoptussin, Libeksin, Coldrex Knight, Falimint are taken in lozenges.

Cough treatment: 3 trimester

In the last third of pregnancy, diseases carried by the mother are less dangerous than at the beginning of pregnancy.

At the same time, in the last weeks of pregnancy, the placenta ages and becomes permeable to viruses, toxins and drugs. Viral diseases cause accelerated aging of the placenta, which leads to the fact that the baby does not receive enough nutrients - this can lead to the depletion of the fetus. Viruses also cross the placenta into amniotic fluids, which are directly consumed by the fetus. As a result, the baby's immune system suffers.

Coughing affects milk production, which is also undesirable in late pregnancy.

A severe paroxysmal cough can lead to detachment of the placenta, drainage of amniotic fluid, and premature birth.

Diseases suffered in the last stages of pregnancy deplete the body of a woman who needs to gain strength for the upcoming birth and subsequent round-the-clock care of the newborn.

What cough remedy for pregnancy is acceptable in the last trimester? The list of medicines is the same as in the second trimester.

Cough in pregnant women: home treatment

Diseases, one of the symptoms of which is coughing, should be treated under the supervision of a qualified physician. Even herbal preparations can be dangerous to the fetus, since they increase the tone of the uterus.

It is extremely dangerous to use home treatment for more than 3 days. If after 3 days of home treatment there is no improvement, the cough is just as intense, the state of health has not improved - you need to visit a doctor without delay.

If a cough occurs during pregnancy, only a specialist should decide how to treat it. It is advisable to discuss with your doctor what treatment methods are used at home, especially if herbal preparations are used for the treatment. You can use home treatment methods in parallel with conservative treatment, which will be prescribed by a doctor, then the cough will go away faster.

What are some home remedies for coughing?


Gargling is great for treating a sore throat, when unpleasant perspiration, pain, discomfort when swallowing are felt in the throat. In cases where the cough is caused by laryngitis, bronchitis (chest cough), rinsing is useless.

Gargling will help to quickly get rid of viral pathogens that harden on the throat mucosa, produce toxins and cause inflammation. With weakened immunity, characteristic of pregnant women, inflammation in the throat can lead to the appearance of sore throat, which will require antibiotics to treat. Therefore, it is imperative to gargle with colds, flu and SARS.

For rinsing, you can use herbal decoctions of chamomile, sage, plantain, coltsfoot.

Alcohol tinctures of calendula or eucalyptus are used: 10-15 drops per glass of water.

You can prepare a sea salt solution - 1 teaspoon per glass of water.

A solution of salt and soda will help - a teaspoon per glass of solution.

The solution must be warm. A hot solution injures the inflamed mucous membranes of the throat, and a cold solution will lead to an increase in the inflammatory process.

Rinse frequency, ideally every 2 hours. But at least 3-4 times a day.


How to treat a cough during pregnancy with inhalation?

Inhalation warms up the throat and delivers drugs to the inflammation site. Inhalation causes a violent cough, which promotes the discharge of mucus and for a while the cough stops. It is good to inhale before going to bed so that you can sleep and rest without interference.

Do not inhale at elevated temperatures!

A nebulizer is best suited for inhalation - it delivers drugs directly to the bronchi in the form of many microscopic drops.

In the absence of a nebulizer, steam can be used - it will carry the medicine to the diseased organ.

How to do inhalation?

A bowl of boiling water. Medicines are added to boiling water and they breathe for 10 minutes over steam. To enhance the effect, you can cover yourself with a sheet - if this does not cause lightheadedness!

Kettle. A paper tube is put on the spout of a teapot with boiling water and the end of the tube is placed in the mouth, inhaling the steam.

Hot potatoes. Cook a few potatoes in their uniforms, knead them and breathe over the steam.

Herbs for inhalation (1-2 tablespoons). For dry cough: chamomile, sage, marshmallow, thyme, lime blossom, plantain. With a wet cough: wild rosemary, eucalyptus, lingonberry, coltsfoot, string, yarrow.

Essential oils (5-6 drops): eucalyptus, pine, tea tree.

Garlic gruel - You can simply breathe over a saucer of crushed garlic.

Coniferous extract - added to water.

Validol tablet. 1 tablet is crushed and added to water for inhalation.

Aroma oils

Aromatic oils have a healing effect and improve the condition. You can drop a few drops of oil on a napkin and inhale it, or use a special aroma pendant that will protect against viruses by purifying the inhaled air. Eucalyptus or lemon oil will do.

Compresses on the chest

Helps with chest cough. They make warm (!) Compresses at night, wrapping their breasts warmly. What can be used for compresses? The cabbage leaf is kneaded, smeared with a thin layer of honey and placed on the chest.

Herbal decoctions

How to cure a cough during pregnancy using traditional medicine recipes?

  1. For a painful dry cough, use fresh black radish juice. The top of the radish is cut off, the pulp is selected and 1-2 tablespoons of honey are placed in the recess. The radish is placed in a glass of water so that the "tail" is in the water. This radish can be used for 2 days, adding honey as needed.
    Radish juice with honey is drunk in a tablespoon before meals 3 times a day.
  2. Decoction of figs. In a glass of milk, boil 1-2 fig berries until the milk darkens. Drink half a glass three times a day.
  3. With a strong cough, they drink sage broth in milk at night. A spoon of sage is boiled over low heat in a glass of milk. The infusion is defended in a warm place for at least 3 hours and drunk before bedtime.
  4. Warm milk, freshly squeezed carrot juice and a spoonful of honey are mixed equally. Drink at night.
  5. A spoonful of oregano and 2 tablespoons of coltsfoot and marshmallow root are poured with 2 cups of boiling water, insisted for half an hour and drunk half a glass during the day.

Herbal preparations: danger

When a cough occurs in pregnant women, how can it not be treated?

Some herbal preparations are dangerous for a pregnant woman.

Chest fee 1... Contains oregano, which can cause uterine bleeding and allergic reactions.
Chest fee 2 and 4... As part of the collection - licorice root, not recommended for a pregnant woman.
Chest fee 3... Contains anise, contraindicated during pregnancy.

For a pregnant woman and a fetus, coughing poses a significant danger, especially in the pathology of pregnancy. It is better to carry out treatment under the supervision of a doctor and in bed rest.

Cough is most often a companion of a cold, it occurs due to infection of the respiratory system with pathogenic viruses or bacteria.

A dry cough during pregnancy should be treated immediately, since sputum is not excreted and absorbed into the bloodstream, gradually reaching the baby. Do not forget that a dry cough can be not only with a common cold, but also with bronchitis, pneumonia and even tuberculosis.

It is necessary to convert a dry cough into a wet one as soon as possible. This is important because from a tearful dry cough bleeding can open if the location of the fetus and placenta previa are low.

If timely treatment is not carried out, a severe cough can negatively affect not only the general well-being of a woman, but also the development and condition of the fetus.

Coughing causes a sharp reflex effect, which can provoke hypertonicity of the uterus, detachment of the placenta and, in severe cases, even premature birth.

Cough at different stages of pregnancy

To avoid complications, a woman must undergo a course of special therapy, which may differ depending on the duration of pregnancy.

The first trimester is the most important period in terms of embryo development. Doctors, unnecessarily, try not to prescribe medications to expectant mothers. If the disease has just begun and proceeds without complications, the treatment of cough in pregnant women often comes down to sparing physiotherapy procedures (inhalation, heating, compresses), as well as taking vitamin complexes and safe homeopathic remedies.

In severe cases, drug treatment is carried out. However, doctors still prefer to prescribe natural remedies, drugs based on interferon and herbal preparations (syrups). If the treatment fails and the woman's health deteriorates, antibiotics are prescribed.

In the second trimester, the threat to the baby's health due to colds in the mother is slightly reduced, since the fetus has grown stronger, and its organs function freely.

Do not forget about the "protective shield" of the baby - the placenta, which filters the incoming elements. However, even the placenta cannot fully protect the fetus from serious medications. Therefore, in this period, the choice of cough suppressants, which the doctor can prescribe, is significantly more than at the beginning of pregnancy, but preference is given to more gentle drugs.

The third trimester is the most dangerous time, because the fetus is already practically formed and a strong cough, especially dry and suffocating, can provoke premature birth. At this time, it is permissible to prescribe synthetic drugs for coughing.

Medication for cough during pregnancy

The choice of medications depends on the duration of pregnancy and the type of cough. You must first establish the cause of its appearance and the nature of the discharge, and only then prescribe treatment.

The causes of coughing can be:

  • ARVI;
  • various viruses;
  • measles;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • allergy;
  • chronic tonsillitis.

In no case should a woman self-medicate, but immediately consult a doctor. Only after examining and learning the test results, the doctor diagnoses and prescribes treatment. The sooner the cause of the cough is established, the more effective the therapy will be.

Medicines for the treatment of dry cough during pregnancy

With a dry cough, treatment is aimed at stimulating the secretion of the bronchial glands to moisturize the cough.

Regardless of the gestational age, doctors can safely prescribe the following drugs:

  • Mukaltin;
  • Marshmallow root;
  • Herbion (syrup);
  • Gedelix;
  • Bronchicum;
  • Faringosept;
  • Dr. Mom.

Mukaltin is a medicine known to our grandmothers. This is a natural herbal preparation, available in tablets. Mukaltin has an antitussive effect as well as anti-inflammatory properties. The medicine helps to significantly reduce the frequency of coughing attacks and normalizes bronchopulmonary secretion.

Marshmallow root is available as a syrup. The preparation is based on natural marshmallow root, pectins and saccharins. The action of the drug is to reduce the viscosity of sputum and provide an anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect.

Herbion is also available as a syrup. It is made on the basis of natural plantain extract, mallow and ascorbic acid. The drug gently stimulates sputum discharge, eliminates cough in early pregnancy.

Another "natural" dry cough syrup is Gedelix. It is based on an extract of ivy leaves. Gedelix has a combined therapeutic effect: relieves bronchospasm, dilutes and removes phlegm from the lungs.

Bronchicum is sold in pharmacies in syrup or lozenge form. The medicine is based on thyme. The drug relieves swelling and inflammation in the bronchi, gently converts a cough from dry to wet and promotes sputum removal.

Dr. Mom is a whole line of cough suppressants in the form of syrup, ointment or lozenges in different flavors. Lozenges and syrup are made on the basis of ginger extract and licorice root. The drug quickly relieves inflammation and relieves sore throat.

Ointment "Doctor Mom" ​​is produced on the basis of menthol and camphor. It has a warming and anti-inflammatory effect.

For coughs and sore throats, a pregnant woman may be prescribed Faringosept. The medicine is available in the form of lozenges or tablets. This is a natural, safe for the baby and the expectant mother, a drug that has an antiseptic and soothing effect on the oral cavity and larynx.

Before taking medications, you should carefully read the instructions, for pregnant women there are their own standards for taking medications.

If a pregnant woman suffers from a severe exhausting cough, the doctor may prescribe Libexin. However, this is a very strong drug and the decision on the intake and dosage is made with each patient individually.

From the second half of pregnancy, for the treatment of cough under the supervision of a doctor, you can take Bromhexin and Stoptussin.

Bromhexine is available in the form of a syrup and contains bromhexine hydrochloride. It helps to remove synthesis disturbances and improve sputum flow.

Stopussin is a solution of buramyrate citrate. It acts on the nerve endings in the bronchi, stopping irritation and debilitating cough, thinning and removing phlegm. Attention: contraindicated for admission in the first trimester of gestation.

Medicines for the treatment of wet cough during pregnancy

With a wet cough, drugs with an expectorant effect are prescribed to improve sputum secretion.

For the treatment of wet cough, pregnant women are most often prescribed:

  • Herbion;
  • Dr. Theiss;
  • Bioparox.

Herbion is made on the basis of primrose and thyme. It has antiseptic and tonic properties, and also increases the level of secretion synthesis in the bronchi. Important: Herbion is contraindicated for people suffering from bronchial asthma.

Bioparox is an antibiotic in the form of a spray. It is specially made for pregnant women for cough inhalation. The medicine does not enter the bloodstream, therefore it is safe for the baby. The main indications of Bioparox are bronchial diseases with purulent secretions and prevention of the spread of infection.

Dr. Theiss is a fairly safe and effective cough medicine without strict contraindications for pregnancy. It comes in the form of a syrup and contains natural plantain extract. You can also find Dr. Theiss lozenges with Echinacea on sale.

Folk and home remedies for cough during pregnancy

If the condition of the future mother allows you to do without medication, it makes sense to resort to the wisdom of our ancestors and apply the recipes of traditional medicine.

A warm drink helps to convert a dry cough into a wet one and relieve irritation in the throat.

The most famous, but at the same time very effective recipe is to drink warm milk with honey. If you are not allergic to honey, dilute 1 teaspoon of honey and a small piece of butter in a glass of warm (not hot, but warm) milk, add 1/3 teaspoon baking soda. You need to drink 3-4 glasses of such a useful medicine per day.

You can relieve coughing attacks with the help of viburnum. To do this, you need to pour 2 tablespoons of dried berries without a top with a glass of boiling water. The drink should be infused for 5-7 minutes, then add a teaspoon of honey and drink warm. If the infusion has cooled down, you can warm it up a little.

With frequent coughing, the laryngeal mucosa is irritated and affected, resulting in pain and discomfort. To relieve discomfort, you need to gargle with special compounds several times a day.

A decoction of chamomile, calendula or sage is very good for these purposes. If you do not have herbal preparations, make a soda solution: add half a teaspoon of soda to a glass of warm water, stir and gargle with this mixture 3-5 times a day.

If you have a nebulizer, you can inhale herbal decoctions. It is one of the safest treatments for cough during early pregnancy.

As a result of inhalations, mucous membranes are moistened and sputum liquefied. The cough quickly turns from dry to wet, and the bronchi are cleared.

With a dry cough, a decoction is suitable: sage + chamomile + lime blossom in equal parts.

With a wet cough, it is better to make a decoction from a string or yarrow.

Fill your apartment with the scents of mint, eucalyptus, pine and fir. To do this, you need an aroma lamp and essential oils. The main condition is that the oils must be of high quality, only then will they be beneficial.

Remember that there are a number of prohibited plants that should not be used during pregnancy. Such plants include: tansy, coltsfoot, St. John's wort, barberry, aloe.

Before using folk recipes, consult your gynecologist. Pregnancy is not the time to experiment with yourself and your health.