Summer images for full girls. The most fashionable and expensive images. Deep V-neck

As you know, fashion always goes on the spirals and we are constantly returned to the trends of the past years. Often at the peak of popularity are long forgotten things and textures. And this season was no exception. Only with some fashionable strokes we were really pleased with the designers, the rest of all the new things are well forgotten old. So do not throw out an outdated coat, dress or jeans-jeans. It will take quite a bit of time and on fashionable shows again report these things.

If you characterize the season as a whole, then the fashion turned out to be very loyal. More beautifully beauties give preference to restrained stylish things than screaming and extravagant. But everything is different with colors. You can not only imitate the fashionable bows of models from the gloss pages, and and independently create the brightest images. A black business suit is no longer surprised. And I want to bring more freshness and purity to urban bustle. An elegant suit in white, pastel or nude tones will make the image visually light and unobtrusive.

A similar tendency to light and free images is very sensible. It concerns not only business costumes, and everyday, pleasure and evening clothes.

Clothes for full, as a kind of art

Many fine sex representatives belonging to Plus Size models, quite often limit themselves in beautiful clothes. For some reason, there is a stereotype that only dark colors can be slimming, and only shapeless balaphons can hide various imperfections of the figures. This is the remnants of the past. Properly selected image as a whole and each individual element will necessarily create the right silhouette and harmonious proportions. The girl in "his" dress will look feminine and attractive. Fashion for complete women 2017 is not too far away from the classic landmarks of this season. But still there are some differences.

First of all, full girls should pay attention to the textures of the fabrics that they choose. They should not just be combined with each other, but also to harmonize with the features of the figure. It is still very important that the kit would correctly emphasize the dignity and hid the flaws of the figure. It will help to achieve both a combination of textures and colors and forms. Special attention should be paid to the length of clothes. For example, if we are talking about blouse and jacket. If a woman wants to hide full hips, it is better to choose a standard blouse and an elongated jacket, and if you want to emphasize a beautiful chest, then it is better to combine things on the contrary. To give preference to an elongated blouse, and the jacket can be even a shortened model.

In addition to the above, it is necessary to understand that in no case the fashion for complete women can not be associated with fashion trends for teenagers. The basis of clothing for complete is, above all, classic style. So the outfits for rock-party and hippie clothes are better left for home. But the light go out in an elegant and stylish image. Such injustice can be explained at least that such clothes, in contrast to the classics, attracts too much unnecessary attention and above all, is a challenge to society. So leave all these images for young people.

Correct emphasis

although in most cases the fashion for complete women is practically no different from the usual, yet there is one significant drawback. We all know that accents must be present in any image. It can be accented with color or texture. In this way, we highlight those parts of the body that will look advantageously and attract attention. That is, we emphasize the advantages. Such an emphasis in the image should be one, maximum two. So, if the error in the arrangement of the accents of the excuses, then for full - no. It will look ridiculous and wrong. So we should weigh everything for and against and accurately decide what I would like to emphasize, and what to hide.

Full women in the world of fashion

Let's consider some successful images from fashion shows for full women in 2017.
The first thing that rushes into the eyes is dresses. Previously, designers of clothes for full were afraid of images with dresses. And if they are still treated, they were elongated dresses below the knee or dresses in the floor. The short dresses were absolute taboo. However, today designers proved that if the virtues of the figure include beautiful legs, the dresses are not at all banned. Properly selected fabric and colors make an image with light and air. Such an outfit is ideal for a date or evening walk, and the light tint of the fabric will emphasize the tan.

Another pleasant surprise was leather jackets and skirts. They were always attributed to too catchy elements of clothing for complete women. However, if you combine such products with tissue blouses, the image no longer looks bold or extravagant. It looks fresh and stylish. Moreover, in this case, an old good law works that black is slightly slightly. So the black leather skirt in the near future will become a real Must Have in the wardrobe of any fashionista.

This year, the favorite of the genre appeared on the podiums again. These are jeans and free blouse or blouse from flowing fabric. Such a combination will be a very simple and practical solution for everyday life, a hike to the store or just walks. It is convenient, beautiful and always relevant.

Absolute taboos in fashion for the full was also considered shortened pants and breeches. However, here for several seasons in a row, designers stubbornly prove to us that they can be worn. It is important to know how to do it right. First of all, Breeches should be a free clock with an overwhelmed waist. And of course there will be no superfluous heels. They will make the legs thinner and more elegant. In this case, we see also an excellent color combination. White trousers and white sandals make the bottom "soar" and almost weightless, but the accents are arranged on top. This is a bright blouse with a deep neckline and a wide belt tied to the waist. Thus, all the advantages of the figure are highlighted very beneficial. And wide hips are hidden behind the streamlined silhouette of thin trousers.

But overalls in fashion always and everywhere. And as designers did not try to surprise us, using new textures, interesting shades, lace and skin, they could not. In the photo we see another example of a gorgeous harmonious image. The free cut of the overalls smoothly falls on the beautiful bends of this magnificent model. The image looks very calmly, balanced, feminine and mysteriously. If the shoulders are not too wide, then the stylists advise to stop their choice on such models with open shoulders. All attention is thus focused on the line of shoulders and clavicle, and hips and waist simply do not get into the eyes. By the way, the overalls are just hitting the beach season. This is a universal option for both evening walk through the beach and to go to the city.

How not to do

And although the fashion for complete women 2017 did not change so much compared to the past seasons, there are girls who have not learned some lessons. It would seem that everything is simple, you find your advantages, set accents and build an image. But even among the stars there are examples of girls who were clearly overpowered with their fashionable wardrobe. How relevant there was not a thing, first of all, it should be to the face of his owner. And everything should be in moderation. Let's look at some common mistakes on the example of "star images"

At first glance it seems that the image simply failed. However, with detailed consideration, we see that almost all rules are observed. Dark color in clothes, and he, as we know, slightly. Free top must hide the imperfections of the figure. Perhaps misses in the translucent structure of the tissue. What to say, even stars are wrong.

In the next photo, we see a rather ambiguous image. It seems to be a challenge to society, and the refusal of your own complexes. Someone will say that it's just a bust. But in this case we see a rough stylistic error. Downting pearl threads and bare parts of the body just emphasize problem areas. Namely: belly and hips.

In this photo, a rough mistake with non-compliance with proportions. The short legs and wide hips emphasized the specific cathro skirt on the waist. With this complex, it is categorically unacceptable. The ideal choice would be trousers. But if you really want to wear a skirt, then preference is worth paying direct models.

This photo can be left without comment. But even even close the eyes on terrible makeup (we still talk about fashion), then the full girls clearly need to abandon the tights into a large grid. Even on slender fragile girls, such a model may look vulgar and defiant. But in the case of a complete woman, such tights will kill any image.

Top 5 Fashion Trends for Full Women

And at the end, let's talk about some new items, which fashion was pleased with the Fashion for Full Women this season. Taking as the basis of such images, you will always be inimitable and stylishly dressed. Even if some of the images are not particularly impressed, take a note of certain basic things from this wardrobe. Some of them will be just a hit of 2017.

Extra long vests

The first trend is elongated vests. This thing will be the perfect basic element of the wardrobe. It can be combined with sweaters, blouses, sweaters and many other things. It is perfect for both trousers and jeans or skirt. Such a vest is indispensable for the office. Choose a neutral color, and you can safely wear it with any set.


This trend concerns not only fashion for complete. Designers strongly recommend stocky in various sweaters, jackets and cardigans. The main thing is that things would be combined with each other.

Pants under the dress

And here is something really new. When choosing such a kit, you need to be careful. First of all, things must be in one color range or at least in combined shades. Fabric texture must be uniform. Pants for such an image must be straight or narrow, and the dress is free. Such a combination is easiest to build in the business style of clothing.

Extended dresses

Models of elongated dresses are approximately the same. This is either a wide belt, or light flowing fabric, deep cutout and length below the knee. With such a dress you definitely do not lose. It will always look fresh and worthy.


Asymmetry is capable of slightly distorting the proportions of the body. This trend was widespread. It appeared on fashionable shows in completely unreal variations and forms. But the fashion for the fullest this season is a little more detained. Designers so far stopped on the asymmetric bottoms in dresses and asymmetric print. What will happen next, you can only guess.

A selection of video about fashion for full women in 2017

Each modern woman, regardless of the type of figure, age and other characteristics, is obliged to be beautiful, well-groomed and stylish. In this ladies, the whole army of trendy stylists, makeup artists and fashion designers helps pleasure.

Modern fashion does not tolerate any excuses, the clothes under their work can be found absolutely any girl. And if someone else believes that a larger range of clothing is produced for slim, we suggest familiarizing yourself with such collections that are designed for the magnified beauties.

Trendy Clothes Colors for Full 2017-2018 New Photo

If the girls possessing model appearance may not be too conceived about the color decision of their costume ensemble, then the ladies with solid volumes should be approached very carefully.


To make an optimal choice, you need to remember once and for all, what clothes should be worn with full girls, because it is correct to choose the shades and their combinations, you can easily "remove" Palu kilograms.

Light always seems big than dark! The perfect color of clothing for complete is dark in all its manifestations. For women who have the best weight, dark, cold, insensitive colors are perfect, which can be diversified with bright accessories.

This visual deception is associated with the ability of colored items to absorb or reflect light rays. White color reflects the maximum amount of light waves that diverge in different directions.

The border between your white, cream or light gray dress is blurred, and you in such a dress look bigger than it really is. Black and all dark colors absorb light rays, the boundaries of the subject seem clearer than that of light. Consequently, the dark dress will be slightly, and the woman in it seems less than in fact. These properties of the visual deception perfectly adjust our shape. Dark and blonde colors will make their job, and the bottom of the figure will seem smaller, and magnificent shoulders, chest - more and seductive.

Skirts for Full Women Autumn-Winter 2017-2018 Photo

Many patterns of skirts for full women from old magazines created the impression that the girl with the size of the plus there is a very small choice of clothing. This is not entirely true, with the right combination, the owner of even the most magnificent volumes can wear different styles, colors and prints. The sun is the most popular and beautiful option that, regardless of the physique, will make a real princess of you. Models from satin, silk, gabardine are now very popular. Depending on the style of the year, you can find any desired model.


Skirt trousers - this option will help visually slightly balance the parameters, and the folded models will create a beautiful contrast between the worst waist. Despite all the advice of fashion forums, we do not advise you to wear a pencil skirt to full women, you have no waist or it is poorly expressed. The fact is that this model will suit the owners of a figure guitar, i.e. With lush hips, thin waist and large breasts.


Of all others, such a hem will make a "rectangle". Lightweight pareo skirts may be knitted with crochet. Naturally, these are completely summer variations that are mainly playing the role of beachwear, but with the right selection of accessories, you can put on them and to a party. Plistes are very popular now model skirt models with folds. They most often have the length of the midi or maxi and preferably sew from chiffon. With them you need to be neat, in most cases it is difficult for such options to choose the right shoes and the top.

Dresses for Full Women Autumn Winter 2017-2018 Photo

Discussing the shadows of dresses for complete women 2017-2018, it is worth remembering not only about flying podols, but also about the win-win version to sneak admiring views - the "pencil" silhouette.


As always, the asymmetric hem is relevant. In addition, the models of dresses for full combine: V-shaped cuts, thin and low belts, classical length. Alternatively, the dresses in the floor of the Fashion for a complete woman offers models until the middle of the leg.


Take care of the dresses for the complete, which has a-shaped shape or skirt in the form of a trapezium. Especially beautiful looks simple, but elegant cut, slightly fitting figure, elegant and long. The fact is that a long dress visually hides the completeness and makes you slimmer. If you have a lush breast, do not dare to hide it! Choose dresses with deep neckline or V-neck. Of course, all within reason!


When choosing a color of dresses for complete need to give preference to black, brown, purple, blue (and all its shades), emerald, purple, dark red. It is unlikely that you will win look in a bright dress, because everyone knows that light tones will visually increase your silhouette. If you have a high waist, you should stop the choice on the model, the bottom and the top of which is made in different colors, for example: black and white, beige - blue, etc. It is desirable that the colors are contrasting.

Fashionable down jackets for full women autumn-winter 2017-2018 photo

Correctly choosing a down jacket for your type of figure, you will feel stylish and attractive. The shortened down jacket is the perfect model for every day. The holders of lush forms should choose products covering the buttocks to not focus on the full hips. Girls with a figure "Apple" can choose a smooth, slightly fit down down jacket, and the owners of the Figure "Pear" should emphasize the waist of the belt or strap.


Long suitable for colder weather, protect from snow and wind. Prefer directly fitted silhouettes. Down down jackets usually have a stitch in the form of various geometric shapes. Holders Full figures worth paying attention to vertical strips, which are visually elongated silhouette. Thought up - the ideal model for the owner of the punch figure. It will allow you to disguise the bulk thighs and buttocks, while emphasizing the slender top.

The down jackets with interesting details, unusual fittings or asymmetric cuts are ideally suited to girls who need to disguise their drawbacks. An unusual product lies on all the attention, distracting others from an imperfect figure. Choosing a down jacket, be sure to pay attention to the filler inside it. There are a lot of artificial materials, such as Hollofiber, Polyfibiber, Fireberskin, and others.

Curly for Full Women Autumn Winter 2017-2018 Photo

Fashionable jumper, pullover or cardigan should be every woman, of any age and a set. For full women, the jumper or pullover are simply an indispensable element of casual wear, in which you can feel comfortable and successfully masked the features of your figure. Currently, the jumper is a permanent element of the collections of famous fashion designers. Stamps and colors are striking imagination and allow you to choose an instance, both for everyday socks and for solemn events.


Choosing a new clothes, lush women should carefully assess the form and volume of the product. The cut is worth throwing copies with too bulk viscous, made of thick yarn in bright visual flat shades. Its attention to lush beauties should be drawn to more concise and neutral models. The win-win option, a long-recognized classic, will be a straight cut model with a round neckline, long sleeves, small sides.


Women with lush hips and a small breast will fit the jumper with a collar type "Homut", which is relevant again. If, on the contrary, the most prominent part of the figure is a bust, then from the volumetric collars it is better to refuse the neck of the type "boat". The jumper tunic that resembles his form of poncho and having a trapezoidal cut will suit the owners of the protruding tummy, but slender legs and neat shoulders.


Trousers for full female autumn winter 2017-2018 photo

Fashionmented XXL often prefer to wear trousers, which is fairly easy to explain. The pants are extremely comfortable and practical in the sock, they mask the shortcomings and are well combined with many other foundations of the wardrobe. The new cold season presented to girls with outstanding forms. Pretty large selection of fashionable trouser autumn-winter 2017-2018.


Here are classic pants, and shortened, and freely broken patterns, and stylish leather pants, and "bananas" pants. The preferred color gamut is black, blue and gray. The most sought-after fabrics are dense knitwear. If the strict color scheme does not suit you, you can always play with more rich tones.


H & M decorated her trousers fashionable prints and embroidery, and Marina Rinaldi with Simply Be offered full ladies to wear jeans. The best model of the trouser of the 2017-2018 season for complete women will be costume pants. They are perfectly combined with coats and jackets, universal and practical. Wearing this model is necessary exclusively with a high heel. This autumn stylists advise you to choose costume pants not only for the office, but also for dates.


Coats for Full Women Autumn-Winter 2017-2018 Photo

Coats are different: long and short, tight and folded, fitted and straight, species and styles so much that the head goes around. However, the full girls are not so easy to find a coat that will fall on the figure. Girls in the body are recommended to choose from three styles of coat: models of straight cut, model Oversiz and colorable models.


The first thing to be remembered is not to try to hide the shortcomings of your figure behind the dimensionless hoods, which, in fact, only emphasize them. The classic direct cut coat will become not only an elegant addition to your wardrobe, but also will allow you to create attractive and stylish images. The optimal length of such a coat is slightly above the knee or to the middle of the caviar, from the long version it is necessary to refuse.


Harmoniously on such silhouettes, the universal coat Oversiz looks. But the choice of such a model should be taken very seriously, although it looks fashionable, but it can visually add a few kilograms. Therefore, Oversiz models are recommended to buy concise, without decor elements. The cooled coat models for complete women are a great solution. And the "trapezium" looks very good on the full girls. Such a coat allows you to focus on the waist and hide the hips. It is not recommended to combine with a wide bottom.


Tunics for Full Women Autumn Winter 2017-2018 Photo

For most complete women, the main criteria in the choice of clothing remains - freedom and multi-layered. A tunic with leggings or pants-dulls are perfectly suitable for these definitions. This is a very convenient kit that can be designed in any of the in-demand modern styles.


Select the main trends in the fashion of this season for the tunic is quite difficult. They are just in trend. Very relevant straight tunics made of soft knitwear with long sleeves with asymmetric beam or cuts on the sides. They are perfectly suitable as trousers, so to leggings. They can be worn with vests, cardigans and cape.

No less relevant elongated ethnic blouses with embroidery or print and male shirts to the middle of the hip. For a business image, you can choose a straight tunica dresses or expanding to the bottom of a silhouette with contrasting colored blocks. They look great with monophonic trousers with shoes or leggings.

And what fashion trend did you like most?We look forward to your comments!

Fashion always changes. The style of style can be treated immaculately or skeptically. At the same time, the phenomenon itself does not leave anyone indifferent. Regardless of the type of figure, every woman is trying to follow the fashionable industry. Fashion 2019 is relevant now.

Main trends

Future winter promises to be bright, full of paints. What is the fashion concept in 2019? Models are distinguished by originality, bold solutions. When creating images, their functionality, comfort, integrity, naturalness of materials are taken into account. Aggressive notes are completely eliminated. The main trend is the femininity.

All collections of clothing have common features: varieties of styles, styles, complex textures. Selected fabrics are characterized by patterns, bends. Fashion 2019 has the following sources of inspiration.

  1. Victorian era. Designers drew attention to the lace, Ryushi, ribbons, interesting collars.
  2. Vintage 20s, free 70s and daring 90s.
  3. Patchwork. Accent attention on prints from different materials, drawings. Chess patterns are popular.
  4. Photoprints, geometric complex structures, neon inserts.
  5. Natural futuristic motifs.
  6. Blurry ornaments, such as floral.


Middle shirt ladies
with hat full blue
Light jeans dresses
Spring swimwear Blouses

In the cold season of the Russian fashion 2019, attention is wondering the models of Oversis, as well as the A- and X-shaped silhouettes. The following trends are in demand:

  • style with separate bright details;
  • multi-tiered models that combine skirt and trousers;
  • asymmetry;
  • ripped, uneven edges;
  • air basins of products;
  • wide neckline;
  • perforation, American worships, open shoulders.

Also pay attention, what year and.

Many trendy flows of past seasons have become a base for creating truly unique and unusual fashion trends for women in spring 2019. Special contribution made echoes of the 90s.

Designers managed to adopt.

  1. Rus Meringue Silhouettes, complemented by various decorated elements in the style of Hollywood stars.
  2. Dresses and case creating classic feminine images. A lush skirt is welcomed.
  3. Style dresses of the 60s, hiding unnecessary forms and hoodooth.
  4. Dresses-sweaters will be relevant. A practical style is combined with colored tights, leggings or jeans.
  5. Skirts fashion middle length. The relevance of maxi and mini is not lost. Each fashionista will be able to independently select the desired length.

Stylists recommend in 2019 to choose basic clothing options based on personal preferences. Then you can take a chance to create extravagant images.

Color palette and prints

The motto of next year is no durable tones. Fashion 2019 Retot retro for which there are typical color solutions. Women can safely experiment with the following colors:

  • neon shades: green, yellow, red, fuchsia, blue;
  • classic colors: black, white;
  • in small quantities, chocolate, shades of gray.

Provocative are combinations of coral scarf against a monochrome coat or dress. At least two colors should be present in the image. Prints are welcome only animalistic. It is best to choose floral, fantasy options in the form of butterflies, etc.

The most fashionable and expensive images

Brand Description Prices
Stella Maccartney. The new collection is characterized by successfully beaten images in Call. As a material, the designer used gentle velvet, prints on the swan theme. For the cold season, surround jackets are offered, coat. Stella McCartney offers multi-layered clothing, as well as a soft flowing silhouette. Much attention is paid to combined with classic elements. Each fashionista will be able to pick a good option.
Louis Vuitton. Punched by a neoclassical sports punk. Mandatory attribute of any image - black lacquer gloves. The concept of the collection is a discrepancy, freedom of action, the expression of will. The collection is designed for modern stylish girls.
Victoria Beckham. Creating a collection of fashion legislators focused on juicy fruits, various corrugated textures. All images are laconic, bright, feminine. Comfortable clothing, comfortable in the sock. Each fashionable can find a particle itself in jackets, dresses, Victoria Beckham trousers.

Fashionable colors

The color trends affect the eastern motives, the mood of designers and the demand of consumers. Already, you can define the main prevailing colors: bright warm shades.

Women are offered a palette of scarlet, orange, gold, light brown and dark yellow colors. Such motifs must prevail in each outfit.

Summer color gamma will mostly repeat 2017. The fashion will continue beige, terracotta, sand, eggplant, gray, red, blue. The hints of salad, green, nut, khaki, blue, azure, etc. will be inhabited. Classic options are saved black and white. See the fashion for spring-summer 2019 with a photo.

Fashion Autumn-Winter 2016-2017 for Full Women

Fashion for full women 2019 is not inferior to thin humbles. Each lady may choose clothing on the figure, trends, personal preferences.

Clothing for the cold season combines convenience, practicality and beautiful "external data". The following season, the popularity of semi-trailing styles, A-silhouettes, are gaining popularity. Accent attention should be on shortened versions.

Such length looks successfully. The coat slightly covered hips are combined with fitting trousers, pencil skirts. The shoes are selected on a thick convenient heel.

Preference is given to Tones: blue, gray, purple, green, as well as classic options. Bright scarves are selected as an accessory.

Fur coats, down jackets are suitable for protection against severe frosts. Semi-grated stamps or fitted. Modern jackets are lightweight, elegant. When choosing a fur coat, it is recommended to navigate on gray-blue, beige and black tones. It should be careful to light tones, as they add volume.

How to choose a dress

Fashion 2019 accentuated on dresses. When choosing dresses and skirts, pay attention to the length. Long dresses in the floor should be avoided, as they lose their relevance. Long dress or skirt should be worn only in a hot season. Watch photo for women fashionable dress spring-summer 2019.

Winter wardrobe must be combined with upper clothes. The length of the skirt and dresses should be to the knee or slightly lower. You can also acquire high boots on a stable heel or ankle boots. High heel visually slim and lengthens the silhouette.

Special attention should be paid to the material: dense matter well holds the form. Do not lose the relevance of wool, cotton. It is worth avoiding the synthetics that does not hold heat and does not let the air. The last fashion trend is a major bidding.

Autumn-Winter period "Oversiza". The style of clothing implies wearing a free cut, a bit variegated in size. For ladies with forms - the optimal option. It combines well with the cardigan. Things successfully hide the true size of clothes.

Knitted sweaters are best to wear with fitting trousers. The length of the sweater can be free and reach the knees.

Liteller leggings will be reached by a variety of models. However, it is important to combine them correctly. Be sure to dense well preserving.

Narrow pants 7/8 long - a good option. Combined with bulk top. You can choose pants cooled from hips or knee.

Each modern woman, regardless of the type of figure, age and other characteristics, is obliged to be beautiful, well-groomed and stylish. In this ladies, the whole army of trendy stylists, makeup artists and fashion designers helps pleasure.

Modern fashion does not tolerate any excuses, the clothes under their work can be found absolutely any girl. And if someone else believes that a larger range of clothing is produced for slim, we suggest familiarizing yourself with such collections that are designed for the magnified beauties.

Trendy Clothes Colors for Full 2017-2018 New Photo

If the girls possessing model appearance may not be too conceived about the color decision of their costume ensemble, then the ladies with solid volumes should be approached very carefully.

To make an optimal choice, you need to remember once and for all, what clothes should be worn with full girls, because it is correct to choose the shades and their combinations, you can easily "remove" Palu kilograms.

Light always seems big than dark! The perfect color of clothing for complete is dark in all its manifestations. For women who have the best weight, dark, cold, insensitive colors are perfect, which can be diversified with bright accessories.

This visual deception is associated with the ability of colored items to absorb or reflect light rays. White color reflects the maximum amount of light waves that diverge in different directions.

The border between your white, cream or light gray dress is blurred, and you in such a dress look bigger than it really is. Black and all dark colors absorb light rays, the boundaries of the subject seem clearer than that of light. Consequently, the dark dress will be slightly, and the woman in it seems less than in fact. These properties of the visual deception perfectly adjust our shape. Dark and blonde colors will make their job, and the bottom of the figure will seem smaller, and magnificent shoulders, chest - more and seductive.

Skirts for Full Women Autumn-Winter 2017-2018 Photo

Many patterns of skirts for full women from old magazines created the impression that the girl with the size of the plus there is a very small choice of clothing. This is not entirely true, with the right combination, the owner of even the most magnificent volumes can wear different styles, colors and prints. The sun is the most popular and beautiful option that, regardless of the physique, will make a real princess of you. Models from satin, silk, gabardine are now very popular. Depending on style and season, you can find any desired model

Skirt trousers - this option will help visually slightly balance the parameters, and the folded models will create a beautiful contrast between the worst waist. Despite all the advice of fashion forums, we do not advise you to wear a pencil skirt to full women, you have no waist or it is poorly expressed. The fact is that this model will suit the owners of a figure guitar, i.e. With lush hips, thin waist and large breasts.

Of all others, such a hem will make a "rectangle". Lightweight pareo skirts may be knitted with crochet. Naturally, these are completely summer variations that are mainly playing the role of beachwear, but with the right selection of accessories, you can put on them and to a party. Plistes are very popular now model skirt models with folds. They most often have the length of the midi or maxi and preferably sew from chiffon. With them you need to be neat, in most cases it is difficult for such options to choose the right shoes and the top.

Dresses for Full Women Autumn Winter 2017-2018 Photo

Discussing the shadows of dresses for complete women 2017-2018, it is worth remembering not only about flying podols, but also about the win-win version to sneak admiring views - the "pencil" silhouette.

As always, the asymmetric hem is relevant. In addition, the models of dresses for full combine: V-shaped cuts, thin and low belts, classical length. Alternatively, the dresses in the floor of the Fashion for a complete woman offers models until the middle of the leg.

Take care of the dresses for the complete, which has a-shaped shape or skirt in the form of a trapezium. Especially beautiful looks simple, but elegant cut, slightly fitting figure, elegant and long. The fact is that a long dress visually hides the completeness and makes you slimmer. If you have a lush breast, do not dare to hide it! Choose dresses with deep neckline or V-neck. Of course, all within reason!

When choosing a color of dresses for complete need to give preference to black, brown, purple, blue (and all its shades), emerald, purple, dark red. It is unlikely that you will win look in a bright dress, because everyone knows that light tones will visually increase your silhouette. If you have a high waist, you should stop the choice on the model, the bottom and the top of which is made in different colors, for example: black and white, beige - blue, etc. It is desirable that the colors are contrasting.

Fashionable down jackets for full women autumn-winter 2017-2018 photo

Correctly choosing a down jacket for your type of figure, you will feel stylish and attractive. The shortened down jacket is the perfect model for every day. The holders of lush forms should choose products covering the buttocks to not focus on the full hips. Girls with a figure "Apple" can choose a smooth, slightly fit down down jacket, and the owners of the Figure "Pear" should emphasize the waist of the belt or strap.

Long suitable for colder weather, protect from snow and wind. Prefer directly fitted silhouettes. Down down jackets usually have a stitch in the form of various geometric shapes. Holders Full figures worth paying attention to vertical strips, which are visually elongated silhouette. Thought up - the ideal model for the owner of the punch figure. It will allow you to disguise the bulk thighs and buttocks, while emphasizing the slender top.

The down jackets with interesting details, unusual fittings or asymmetric cuts are ideally suited to girls who need to disguise their drawbacks. An unusual product lies on all the attention, distracting others from an imperfect figure. Choosing a down jacket, be sure to pay attention to the filler inside it. There are a lot of artificial materials, such as Hollofiber, Polyfibiber, Fireberskin, and others.

Curly for Full Women Autumn Winter 2017-2018 Photo

Fashionable jumper, pullover or cardigan should be every woman, of any age and a set. For full women, the jumper or pullover are simply an indispensable element of casual wear, in which you can feel comfortable and successfully masked the features of your figure. Currently, the jumper is a permanent element of the collections of famous fashion designers. Stamps and colors are striking imagination and allow you to choose an instance, both for everyday socks and for solemn events.

Choosing a new clothes, lush women should carefully assess the form and volume of the product. The cut is worth throwing copies with too bulk viscous, made of thick yarn in bright visual flat shades. Its attention to lush beauties should be drawn to more concise and neutral models. The win-win option, a long-recognized classic, will be a straight cut model with a round neckline, long sleeves, small sides.

Women with lush hips and a small breast will fit the jumper with a collar type "Homut", which is relevant again. If, on the contrary, the most prominent part of the figure is a bust, then from the volumetric collars it is better to refuse the neck of the type "boat". The jumper tunic that resembles his form of poncho and having a trapezoidal cut will suit the owners of the protruding tummy, but slender legs and neat shoulders

Trousers for full female autumn winter 2017-2018 photo

Fashionmented XXL often prefer to wear trousers, which is fairly easy to explain. The pants are extremely comfortable and practical in the sock, they mask the shortcomings and are well combined with many other foundations of the wardrobe. The new cold season presented to girls with outstanding forms. Pretty large selection of fashionable trouser autumn-winter 2017-2018.

Here are classic pants, and shortened, and freely broken patterns, and stylish leather pants, and "bananas" pants. The preferred color gamut is black, blue and gray. The most sought-after fabrics are dense knitwear. If the strict color scheme does not suit you, you can always play with more rich tones.

H & M decorated her trousers fashionable prints and embroidery, and Marina Rinaldi with Simply Be offered full ladies to wear jeans. The best model of the trouser of the 2017-2018 season for complete women will be costume pants. They are perfectly combined with coats and jackets, universal and practical. Wearing this model is necessary exclusively with a high heel. This autumn stylists advise you to choose costume pants not only for the office, but also for dates.

Coats for Full Women Autumn-Winter 2017-2018 Photo

Coats are different: long and short, tight and folded, fitted and straight, species and styles so much that the head goes around. However, the full girls are not so easy to find a coat that will fall on the figure. Girls in the body are recommended to choose from three styles of coat: models of straight cut, model Oversiz and colorable models.

The first thing to be remembered is not to try to hide the shortcomings of your figure behind the dimensionless hoods, which, in fact, only emphasize them. The classic direct cut coat will become not only an elegant addition to your wardrobe, but also will allow you to create attractive and stylish images. The optimal length of such a coat is slightly above the knee or to the middle of the caviar, from the long version it is necessary to refuse.

Harmoniously on such silhouettes, the universal coat Oversiz looks. But the choice of such a model should be taken very seriously, although it looks fashionable, but it can visually add a few kilograms. Therefore, Oversiz models are recommended to buy concise, without decor elements. The cooled coat models for complete women are a great solution. And the "trapezium" looks very good on the full girls. Such a coat allows you to focus on the waist and hide the hips. It is not recommended to combine with a wide bottom.

Tunics for Full Women Autumn Winter 2017-2018 Photo

For most complete women, the main criteria in the choice of clothing remains - freedom and multi-layered. A tunic with leggings or pants-dulls are perfectly suitable for these definitions. This is a very convenient kit that can be designed in any of the in-demand modern styles.

Select the main trends in the fashion of this season for the tunic is quite difficult. They are just in trend. Very relevant straight tunics made of soft knitwear with long sleeves with asymmetric beam or cuts on the sides. They are perfectly suitable as trousers, so to leggings. They can be worn with vests, cardigans and cape.

No less relevant elongated ethnic blouses with embroidery or print and male shirts to the middle of the hip. For a business image, you can choose a straight tunica dresses or expanding to the bottom of a silhouette with contrasting colored blocks. They look great with monophonic trousers with shoes or leggings.

Regardless of the type of figure, every woman wants to look stylish. Modern trends take into account the wishes not only women with classic model parameters, but also "pyshnes", and many fashionable houses made their specialization of the collection for Plus Size models, emphasizing the beauty of luxurious forms. You can focus on democratic brands like Simply Be, Rinaldi or Anna Scholz. However, it is worth studying both shows from leading houses representing high fashion, because 2017 was the year of stylish solutions that perfectly fit into the wardrobe not the slender ladies.

Fashion for full girls and women sample 2017 is a combination of grace, current trends and tested classical solutions. In the new season, designers say the final "no" habit of "packaging" lush forms into vague balahonic things of dark shades. They offer to afford experiments with bright colors using black only as an additional color solution.

Do not be afraid of bright colors - they will only make you more attractive!

At the peak of relevance - sunny-orange, soft pink, sky blue, saturated yellow, emerald and lavender color. And the most successful trend in fashion for complete - multilayer combinations. So, fashion house A.F. Vandevorst offered textured ladies to become bolder, having tried onions in the supper grunge style. Shows from Chanel, on the contrary, demonstrated multi-layered in combination with femininity and elegance.

Of course, thoughtless follow-up to sharply trends is not the most successful solution even for the owners of a slim figure. However, some peak trends can be safely assigned to weapons in 2017. The main advice of designers are as follows.

  • Do not be afraid to wear leather things. Of course, the leather monoluk will look inappropriate on the lush figure, but the patchwork style combinations are not just relevant for full ladies, but also very well look at the figure of Plus Size. Must-Have 2017 - a shortened leather jacket in a biker style in combination with a romantic skirt-bell-bell coloring or with a decor in the form of large colors;
  • Take the two-server print. The combination of a large pattern with a shallow motley canvey creates an amazing visual effect capable of hide some features of the figure;
  • Relieve the art of color blocking. A combination of several trendy color prisons the highlight of any ensemble. If you are afraid of unnecessarily screaming and bright shades, start with a small - pearly gray and golden or lavender combined with a muffled coffee tinge will help create a stylish image;
  • Take the cardigans. Designers of collections for ladies Plus Size actively use this wardrobe subject, because it is simply created for balanced images;
  • Be above! It is not necessary to think that the only way to pull out the figure is heels, from which by the end of the day you hurt your legs. Designers decreased to the prayers of the magnitude ladies and created a huge number of shoes on the platform, as well as comfortable for everyday wear of a wedge;
  • Wear jewelry. The trends of 2017 did not deprive us of large jewelry, which looks so harmoniously on textured ladies. Actual necklace from natural stones or massive earrings can become a "chip" of any monochrome image, turning the daily outfit in a completely solemn.

And now let's look at fashion trends and their "nonsense" for lush girls!

Boldly throw up the glue - pants must emphasize your ankles!

Pants and jeans

  • The main task of the trouser Niza in 2017 is the station of the accent on the elegant female ankle. Designers reach this goal with a simple solution - the most relevant pants have a narrowed cut and length 7/8. If you choose exactly such a style, complement the pants with a bulk top of deep clean shades.
  • For the summer it is worth noting a model from a light flowing tissue of bright colors, but simple cut. Such pants are just a find for those who wish to distract attention from the legs and become visually higher.
  • Last year's culwood is still at the peak of popularity. This exceptionally successful model allows full ladies to cover not quite the perfect legs. Take a look at the solutions proposed by Zac Posen, fashionable houses Chanel or Mara Hoffman to replenish your wardrobe with this sharply thing.
  • Good news: free Mom Jeans, which are so well sitting on a full figure, remain at the peak of popularity!
  • Do not leave with fashion podiums 2017 and overalls. This trendwear seemed to be created for the ladies of non-standard size. Among the most relevant colors can be noted calm, but not flat shades of gray, beige, peach and indigo.

Lightweight overalls with floral print - perfect choice for summer


In the evening dresses segment, classical solutions prevail - Greek style and draped Maxi, emphasizing seductive bends. Oscar De La Renta insists on the relevance of the fitted style with a skirt-bell and a large 3D print, which successfully looks at a lush figure. Knee-long dress-and-lower case dresses or slightly lower with contrasting inserts on the waist also apply to the most relevant seasons of 2017.

Do not be afraid to try on such a length, even if you are accustomed to hide a figure with a volumetric maxi. High boots, boats or elegant on trend heels visually lengthen your legs and stretched silhouette. Another successful solution is a V-neck, which will make the neck longer and emphasize the dignity of the zone neckline. Do not take care of such fashionable knitted bags of baggy silhouette - due to the invoice, they distract attention from the features of the plump figure.

Flowing fabrics and aerial textures from the brand SIMPLY BE

The most good news can be considered a returned trend on a-silhouette - he makes a hint of the waist line, but not too much attracts attention to her. A-silhouette promote fashion designers from Atelier Kikala and Sergey Sysoev. Also, summer shows are replenished with fuses with swans - they should be put into service, as they exceptionally successfully mask the completeness.

Valentino trendy house offers wearing ethnic dresses with an unusual pattern of African tribes. Well, it is possible to hide from a strange glance. You can use the lanterns with the help of flashlights - like Celine or J.W. Anderson. In addition, the fashion for everything is prefabricated and hypertrophied led to the emergence of parts in the form of volumetric rectangular sleeves, which successfully demonstrated designers from Laroom on their show.


Designers unanimously agreed in the opinion that the most fashionable object of autumn-winter wardrobe will be a stylish coat. This is quite explained - no other type of outerwear is capable of so good to draw the image and put the final chord. Do not think that the full ladies are contraindicated so fashionable coot coot. On the contrary, a successfully selected silhouette can hide a few kilograms embarrasing. Make a bet on the details - a postponed collar, contrast pockets or an edged beaten.

Overseas coat boils lush molds and visually slim

Oversize is perfectly combined with shortened sleeves, and unusual colors will attract attention to the coat, and not to your figure. For example, Anton Belinskiy combined these trends in an incredibly bright coat that sends us to the paintings of the abstraction masters, and Alena Akhmadullina made a bet on current sports-chic, adding playfulness with the help of fringe. Designers did not shake on various styles and textures, but the most successful for complete women are considered a coat of a semi-shot style, a stylish a-silhouette and a single-breasted coat, visually pulling out the image.

Some fashion houses offer pyshechki to try on the knee-length options and even to the middle of the hips. The only condition is to combine such a coat with tights into the tone of shoes and a pencil skirt. Or create a monochrome image with dense narrow trousers. Among trend textures - Drap, soft cashmere and a strong suede. It is best to choose a one-photon coat of juicy color - in the trend rich blue, deep wine, warm gray, emerald green, as well as soft bright colors like Jason Wu and Zac Posen.

Stylish Cape Plus Size - elegant replacement of boning coat

Fashion for full girls does not prohibit worn and trend coats. Podiums are filled with fur for the knee-length, which is confirmed by the collections from Emanuel Ungaro and Topshop Unique. Avoid excessive lush fur and long "boric" styles. It is better to adhere to the trend on the fur coat - they are noticeably strong and pull out the figure. Products in the Patchwork technique especially look good - look at yourself a fur coat with dark inserts on the sides, and seem to see the surrounding graceful co-achievement.

If a couple of years ago, fashion for full in every way avoiding down jackets as an object that is able to emphasize not the most pleasant features of the figure, then in 2017, designers released collections that have been successfully looking at lush ladies. Modern down jackets are an elegant wardrobe subject. It is necessary to look at the models of a semi-grated or fitted cut with the broken bottom, like Ermanno Scervino.

Cardigans, Blouses and Jackets

Fashion on Oversize is just a panacea for owner of magnificent forms, because under it is almost impossible to consider the figure of the hostess. The main thing is not to try to fit in this trend from the legs to the head, otherwise you will achieve a completely opposite effect. So, Kardigan-Oversiz should be complemented by tinned pants and laconic accessories without coupling details.

Soft cardigans visually grind the volume of the figure

Designers offer to shift accents, distracting attention from full shoulders with lush sleeves. So, Fendi's fashion houses, Flow The Label and Issey Miyake deliberately increased the proportions to make the silhouette in general more fragile and elegant. Even the office style went on the feminine fashion 2017, so boldly trying to flow silk, weightless organza and lightweight cotton fabrics with large or small floral prints.


Does not lose the relevance of the classic pencil skirt length to the knee. It is this model that should be the basis of your wardrobe, because it is perfectly combined with bulk cardigans, draped blouses and fitted jackets. One of the key styles was a trapezoid, which successfully sits on the past hips, without turning the figure in something shapeless. Successful images can be viewed on shows from Chanel and Lyn Devon.

Pencil skirt - sliming classic suitable for any figure

To the joy of magnificent ladies, Pleated remains in the trend. Unusual colors and lengths to the middle of caviar are considered the most peak trend in this segment of clothing. You can view details on shows from Karen Walker or in the collections of the fashion brand IZETA.