International Civil Aviation Day congratulations. Poems about aviation, congratulations on Civil Aviation Day

Celebrated since 1994, when it was announced to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the signing of the International Convention on Civil Aviation in Chicago.

International Civil Aviation Day celebrated annually on December 7, in Russia - on February 9.

Pages: [in prose]

congratulations on civil aviation day

Aviator is great!
This is heaven, happiness, light,
Life opened in a new way!
This winds roar in response!

This day is Aviation Day
I will only say good things:
Joy, good luck, brothers, to you,
Let everything be on the shoulder!

May the good come true
And the bad will go away!
Let it feel at hand
Good, powerful plane!

How much is hidden in these two words:
Civil aviation, on guard of dreams.
They are heroes, but not in thoughts, but in deeds,
Although they do not show orders of light.

Let it sound for civil aviation
Always a song of glory, a song of your honor!
Good luck may rush to you at full speed,
You heroes, there is not even a drop of flattery!

We will celebrate Aviation Civil Day,
I want to wish you well and happiness today!
Airplanes, helicopters - this is what is the best of all cars!
Brave pilots know that there is only one chance for a mistake ...

I wish you not to neglect caution in life,
To live without knowing problems, you must not forget in the future -
People are very grateful to their native aviation!
Let your life be gorgeous! Congratulations to the whole country!

Your element is heaven
The soul only opens up there!
The calling of all life is to be in flight,
And trust an experienced pilot!
You are the stewardess, you are the goddess of the sky
You are wandering in the heavens, in the wind!
May the weather always be good
Absolutely any time of the year!
Let there be a beautiful view from the window
And may it always bring you happiness!
Happy Civil Aviation Day,
I wish you success in heaven!

Happy Civil Aviation Day! Let the sky
Only peaceful cars plow.
I wish your relatives were waiting for you
Always while you are somewhere in a foreign land.
I wish the sky blue, beautiful,
No lightning, turbulence or clouds.
I wish you happiness, and always be
Rich, healthy and happy and powerful.

Everything is familiar: the sky is clear
Soared, hiding the chassis, board,
And already with red lights
The airport blinked -
Everything is as usual, without sensation ...
I am pleased at this hour
Happy Civil Aviation Day
I hasten to congratulate you!

Happy Aviation Day today I want to congratulate you,
To confer upon you the title of Heavenly Highness,
Give a bunch of gifts, stuck at customs,
Pour one hundred grams of fuel, today it is possible!

On Aviation Day, you want to wish today:
Let everything difficult be honed in your profession,
Earth storms do not care, obstacles are fleeting,
Let your finances grow and titles of honor!

You have been faithful to your dream since childhood -
Dream of the sky and flights
Be free from vanity
Soaring skyward on an airplane!
And you achieved what you wanted
I did not lose hope, growing up
Dreamed, studied and took off
Not believing his own eyes!
Happy Aviation Day my friend
Congratulations to you today!
Be protected from storms and blizzards,
I sincerely wish you!


Flying on an airplane is fear and horror for someone, but for aviation workers it is an element! In 1923, a powerful air fleet was created in Russia. It was intended for the transportation of passengers and goods. From this day on, every year all people involved in aircrafts receive congratulations. Thanks to these professionals, citizens can travel in the fastest of vehicles!

New technologies

Aviation is one of the fastest growing industries in the country. Airplanes are being modernized, becoming safer. Workers who have dedicated their lives work for the good of the country selflessly. They are responsible, attentive, sometimes cold-blooded. This dangerous profession requires high knowledge, skills and experience. Aviation is accepted right at the workplace, but without champagne and cake. All this only after the change is over!

Aerial poetry

You need to prepare for this wonderful holiday in advance. If you decide to surprise a loved one who is directly affected by this celebration, you need to choose the warmest words. Many poems have been written about dangerous airplanes and flights. If you just read these wishes in the form of a toast, it will get boring. Get an inexpensive RC airplane model. Attach a wish card to it. Raise the ship to the sky and hand the remote control to the culprit. Let him land the plane himself and extract from there his congratulations on Aviation Day in verse.

May fast planes become obedient

And above your head there will be a crystal clear sky!

Happy Aviation Day, we congratulate

We wish you success in work and happiness,

Wonderful flights

New, fast planes

Reliable and simple colleagues,

And gold medals!

Do you hear the applause? Today is Aviation Day!

Congratulations to all those involved,

And we wish you happiness!

Wonderful pilots and wonderful flights!

Houses so that they are warmly welcomed and seen off with hope.

I wish you success in your work, safety in flight.

Without a cloud of clear sky

And so that the career flies up!

Such universal congratulations on Aviation Day will suit both loved ones and unfamiliar people.

Short but clear

In the world of the latest technology, a simple postcard sometimes seems like a relic of the past. But congratulations with the help of short messages sent to a mobile phone are relevant. Everyone, young and old, knows how to use this feature. It is very convenient and fast. After all, it makes no difference how sincere wishes are conveyed, the main thing is to pay attention to the person and show that you remember him. Congratulations on Aviation Day can be sent in any format! There is no need to be too smart, it is better to use a little humor! Moreover, on this day, warm words are received not only by the pilots, but also by flight attendants, technical workers.

  • Let every day be happy and bring only joy. Let takeoff and landing be soft, and in life so that everything works out.
  • You are always at your best at your important job! You soar like a bird above all! Fly after your dream!
  • We would like to congratulate the valiant pilots and gentle stewardesses, taking off to the skies! Let the sky be clear and the sun radiant.
  • On this professional holiday of yours, know that you are a hero for us! May good luck fly in the sky hand in hand with you.
  • I wish you great happiness! So that you are at home more often, so that the authorities appreciate it, and you shine like an asterisk.
  • The roar of the motor is heard, the iron horse is breaking into the clouds, this work is not easy! After all, every day for the clouds! Sometimes it is difficult for you, you always risk yourself! Good luck, the sky is clear!

Do not forget to send congratulations to everyone involved. Cool short messages will delight people in a dangerous profession! After all, it is so important to know that their work is appreciated, worried about them, and always expected at home!

Serious tone

You can send a comic message to an unfamiliar conqueror of air spaces. The closest people need to express their wishes in a more serious way. Sincere words coming from the heart will do just fine. After all, before each flight, you say goodbye, as if it were the last time! Congratulations on Aviation Day in prose can be read at the festive table. Then all the invitees will feel the seriousness and danger of the profession.

“Today is a very important day! A holiday for brave and desperate people - air transport workers! Every time you are in the sky, I do not find a place for myself on earth! I look forward to landing and calling! May luck always be with you, and you already have knowledge and skills! Good luck in your work, not a single slightest misfire! Heart and soul I am with you in the sky! ".

Don't forget the fun

Any holiday should be celebrated with fun! Come up with quizzes, contests, games. No matter how old the guests are, they will frolic like children. Banal feasts with mournful toasts have long been out of fashion. The holiday is dances, songs, delicious food, loud laughter and chatter! Small gifts for professional holidays for colleagues will come in handy. Even a tiny airplane-shaped keychain can become a lucky charm for a lifetime! Have fun - don't be lazy!

Working in the air is associated with daily risk, high loads and stress for the whole body. The profession of heroes, it is respected, admired, aspired to, it is worthy of awards and generous, high-profile holidays and congratulations on the dem of aviation. Aviation holidays are those days on which you simply have to congratulate your friends and relatives working in this field. About and congratulations on aviation day read below.

If the heavens parted for you

So you are winged wizards,

And the wondrous expanses stretched out,

And soar, from dawn to dusk, you are.

Daily life is trusted

Hundreds, thousands or more people

Hearts and souls are entrusted to you,

To carry them into the distance faster!

Take care of them, take care and keep them,

Side to get around the trouble

Carry on your wings

We will always pray for you!

Of course, such a large-scale multifaceted profession associated with daily risk has more than one date to celebrate.

  • The successes of aviation on an international scale could not fail to go unnoticed. In 1992, the UN General Assembly established the holiday "International Civil Aviation Day", which has since been traditionally celebrated on December 7th.
  • February 9 - Day of Civil Aviation of Russia
  • December 23 - Long-Range Aviation Day
  • June 1 - Day of Military Transport Aviation
  • July 17 - Day of Naval Aviation
  • August 12 - RF Air Force Day
  • 3rd Sunday in August - Air Fleet Day.
  • And of course, every 13th day, every month, as if in the face of fate, the heavenly warriors celebrate their successful, countless landings.

Air fleet great celebration

We single out him among many.

And he is collected in the hearts of the most different

Whose exploits we do not know.

Heroes, quickly soaring into the skies,

Risking my life every day for you

Whose infinitely continuous streak,

Both takeoff and its own.

Civilian or military,

We honor you each and congratulate you,

Immortals, steel and immutable

We wish you from the whole world:

Take off ... fly ... fly ...

Always, at any time of the year,

So that the angel can give his protection,

Both on sunny days and in bad weather!

How to congratulate the pilot?

If a person close to you has connected his life with heaven and such a special profession as a pilot, then you should congratulate in a special way. Pick up wonderful words that reflect the essence of the profession, create an unforgettable environment and, of course, interesting gifts.

Why were wings given to man?

To soar into the sky endlessly

How small the particles of the planet are from above,

And the little men are not visible at all.

You soar up, you soar up

Every day, keeping my finger on the pulse

Responsible for life, responsible for everyone,

So, soaring beautifully above the ground, and circling!

We wish you health, strength and patience,

We wish the weather always good

May luck fly with you, luck,

And non-flying hours will never happen!

Probably the greatest holiday experience for pilots is being at home with your family, so don't suggest going out to restaurants or other establishments. The holiday should be a family one, unless, of course, it is already a corporate party.

Fly pilot, fly, take off

Be above everyone every day

And throw all your strength

Land without interference!

And on the sides they fly with you

May the Angels be yours

And they are looking after you,

Until the very ground!

Holiday decoration, at home.

Order a cake in the shape of a steering wheel or a uniform cap, you can arrange a dinner like on an airplane, serve all dishes at parcels and in disposable packages, but, of course, exclusively homemade. Or prepare them in the form of an airplane, emblems and other flying paraphernalia, give interesting names associated with this profession. For example, come up with cocktails and name them in an original way, "Runway", "Turbulence Zone" or "Seven thousand above the ground." To design and name the salads - "Chassis", "Steering wheel", "Trap" (for the color palette we use black olives, brown nuts, purple onions and cabbage). Spread out the hot dish on a platter in the form of an airplane or an airline logo.

Hang small paper airplanes, balloons and other little things associated with air around the apartment.


Banquet invitation in the form of tickets. The serving staff of your banquet should change into the uniform of the company that is celebrating and hand out "takeoff and landing" sweets at the entrance. Decorate the hall with balloons with the emblems of the airline, select the appropriate music, periodically diluting it with announcements that sound in airplanes and airports.

Chairs can mimic the semblance of aircraft seats, for example, equipped with head restraints or seat belts. Dishes can be served in disposable containers, foil, or simply reflect a specialized theme.

Organize the event itself in the form of a flight, an exotic trip, an exam for employees of the air industry, an unscheduled landing. In a retro style, for example "Flight of the 60s", and maybe, on the contrary, "Heaven, 3100" and so on.


It is very difficult to surprise a person who has seen many times more than you, but you still need to try. One of the options is to approach the issue with humor and present him with a train, bus or sea vessel ticket for any tour of cities, European countries. Present a model of an airplane, cufflinks or a cigarette case with symbols, a personalized watch, a comfortable leather chair, as in the cockpit.

Of course, these are exclusively themed gifts and nuances of the holiday; you can choose topics that are completely unrelated to flying.

Congratulations lines.

Pilots, flight attendants and flight attendants! Every third person in the world has trusted you with their lives and the lives of their loved ones at least once. And you, at the highest level, have coped with this task millions of times. And all because you have neither professionalism, nor courage, nor courage, nor dedication. From the bottom of our hearts, on your holiday, we want to wish the most important thing - health! After all, only it gives you the opportunity to soar into the heavens, and we will be in good hands. Incredible luck, on which our destinies also depend. Cloudless sky, endless expanses, the strongest guardian angels and thousands of flying hours ahead! Happy holiday to you heavenly employees of the flight industry!

On the day of civil aviation, I wish
You have a fair wind on the way,
And I congratulate you from my heart and soul,
May luck lie ahead.
May happiness in life warm you up,
And gives success, and strength, love,
And fills the soul with warmth and kindness,
To bring the smile of the soul over and over again.

On Civil Aviation Day, today,
We wish you sunny weather,
Let there be no black clouds on the way
And he expects only happiness ahead.
May every day bring you victories,
And good luck, and light smiles,
May the Lord drive away troubles from you,
And it will warm you with warmth for many years.

Airplanes crash into white clouds
Airplanes of people also carry cargo
A confident hand at the helm
Aviation is hard work.
Happy Civil Aviation Day
We congratulate you today, friends
The sky will be above you always let it be blue
After all, you cannot live without heaven.

You know how to dream about another
Doesn't even dare. You are much cooler:
You can fly above the clouds
You fly above the most formidable cloud!
Other: are you a bird? is not it? - will not understand,
But, the gravity of the gravity was overpowered,
You take a plane to the sky
As if you are straightening your arms-wings!
No, not one year to fly under the Sun
To you, and therefore: earthly luck,
Soft landings, less bad weather,
Wives, beautiful children, at home, summer cottages!
Flying in the skies like a bird
We wish you don't turn into a bird!

Civil aviation is always on top
Flights are made all over the country
The pilots at the controls are big daredevils
And the stewardesses! At least write pictures from them.
Happy holiday, we congratulate you,
We wish the crew happiness and good health,
Let the weather always be flying.
God grant that you have a wonderful life.

We sincerely congratulate the pilots,
May luck smile at them on the way,
We wish them a fair wind.
May happiness in life with you along the way
It goes, brings bright moments,
May the angels always guard
And all sunrises give clarity of mood.

We congratulate you on Aviation Day
You are our security defendants,
Our hearts are in the heavenly pulsation.
We wish you a peaceful, clean sky,
A firm hand and a tenacious motor,
Family happiness, radiant sun,
The kindest, the best!

Civil Aviation Day
The seventh of December will come.
Celebration question for sure
Then it will rise before you.
So a little earlier
I want to congratulate you with him
So that all your strength for the holiday
You could easily direct tomorrow.
Your job is very important
Was, and is, and will be needed.
I'm glad that in this whirlwind
You have not forgotten about our friendship.
Therefore, I wish you
Do not change yourself over the years,
And try your best at work
Do not exhaust yourself with work.

On International Civil Aviation Day
Let's raise our glasses
For those who are in our blue sky
In love with both heart and soul.

We wish you wonderful flights,
And a passing breeze on the way,
Landing soft and successful takeoffs,
So that there is no fog or thunderstorm.

The flight has been announced. Everything is battened down
The strip is empty
And the motor roared desperately
Smelling heaven instantly
And with unprecedented grace
The board despised its earthly weight ...
Happy Civil Aviation Day!
And cloudless skies!

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts
From aviation, we are in the afternoon,
We wish all civilians
To fly more often during the day.

We adore planes
We respect you very much,
Kohl we go along the ladder.

We wish you happiness and success,
Your service is not easy,
More joy and laughter
You are always a hero for us!

Welcoming hosts of the aircraft cabin -
Today is the flight attendants' holiday.
Whom do we trust to take care of comfort,
When do we fly in the midst of a thousand winds?
Who will feed us, the instruction will open,
Will he give me the medicine, bring the bed?
Who collects reviews in flight,
So that everything is also in the sky - like people?
We congratulate you with love today
And from the bottom of our hearts we thank you for everything,
Let the sorrows drive away from you
And the heart will be forever young.
I wish you health and trembling happiness,
Smiles and patience are everywhere -
After all, you live in two different elements,
In heaven and a fiery earth.

In the sky, like at home - but only at work.
This is how the conductor lives on board.
May health keep pace with you,
Every route will be calm.
New countries greet you brightly
At home, relatives, your friends, are waiting.
Angels will be generous with gifts
The native land is waiting impatiently.

My pilot is dear, beloved!
I want to congratulate you!
Wish you successful flights -
Let the sky be on the shoulder
I always miss you
And in my thoughts I'm flying to you,
I miss you so much!
But I will not say anything about it!
Forward! Let the clouds call!
Fireworks for romantics of heaven!

Our old friend, Aeroflot,
Lord of the blue heights
Creator of miraculous trails,
You are familiar to each of us!
When the plane takes off
The soul rejoices and sings
Two wings shine in the sun,
And the distance is transparent and light.
And joy fills the eye
From the beauty of forests, lakes.
Live, grow, Aeroflot -
The ruler of the blue heights.

Today we drink champagne for you,
To the whole world to praise you is not too lazy:
Hail, civil aviation,
On this snowy bright winter day!
The wings carry us, and at night, in the evening,
Even on the worst day
Stewardesses, pilots, dispatchers
We sing to the heavens of health resorts
We wish you new fast "boards" we
And the number of landings is strict,
In armchairs to sit carefree
And we were carried across the oceans !!!

Poems about aviation, congratulations on Civil Aviation Day

They don't plow or sow,
The days are spent outdoors;
We are transported and cherished
And they feed the chicken.
Here is a verse that came down from heaven:
For pilots and flight attendants!

High, high in the blue sky
You fly - the eagles cannot keep up!
Good luck! And Russia is proud
For civil aviation!
Though you rarely meet here
"Boeings", "Yaki", "Anushki",
"TU" - what has been built!
But the pilots are civil warriors -
The whole Lufthansa will be gagged!
There they have everything not easy either,
And not everyone can fly Boeing!
Well, ours can easily!
Will their pilot be able to fly the YAK?
No, they can't keep up with ours!
Today is a holiday - it should be celebrated!
Happy Civil Aviation Day!
How many take-offs to you - so many landings!

Happy Civil Aviation Day
Congratulations to wonderful people
Im on a wave of improvisation
We make up wishes:

Love and carefree life
Health and do not know the problems!
Weather - so that only flying,
After all, everyone needs a civilian fleet!

May the sky be gentle with you
We are all immensely grateful!
Let it play with bright colors
Your holiday, fabulous and glorious!

On Civil Aviation Day
Congratulations to the pilots,
And we wish with all our soul
Reliable aircraft for you!

To meteorological conditions,
Your flights have not been canceled,
On earth, so that loved ones
You were greeted with a smile!

The sky attracts everyone from childhood,
But not everyone can fly!
We wish you a lot of joy
Let's drink wine for pilots!

Today is Aeroflot Day,
And we congratulate those hunting,
Who sends the planes
And makes flights -
Flight engineers, flight attendants,
Similar articles to princesses
Pilots, navigators, cashiers,
Dispatchers and commanders.
Let there be summer weather
Not only on Aeroflot Day!
We want to fly by plane -
There is no more reliable Aeroflot!

Today is the day of civil aviation,
We give our stormy applause
A passenger plane takes off into the sky
And your next flight has begun,
Let the sky be only blue
So that there are no force majeure in flights,
Congratulations on this day,
We wish you only endless spaces.

That's what aviation is for -
That soars high!
That's why airliners -
To float across the sky.
That's why they are pilots -
Draw strokes across the sky.
That's what the stewardesses are for,
So that in the blue sky
Served us
And pleasing to the eye.
And let the standing ovation thunder
In honor of our aviation!

Poems about aviation, congratulations on Civil Aviation Day

All your life you accompany us,
With a smile, you please with a kind word,
And if you need to satisfy your appetite -
You just love everyone who flies.

And we love you in return and wish you
So that you are expected at home all the time,
So that the road of life is flat and wide
And to its end, as well as to the stars, it was far away.

White-winged giants
Conquer the heavens
Talent Aviators
Give people miracles:
Give meetings and goodbyes
Strength, speed and progress,
Give a thrill from contemplation
Long-legged stewardesses!
We wish you pleasure
From the flights of your birds
And rather return
Into a kind circle of loved ones!
Raising our toasts
We are for every plane
We thank you and congratulations!
Thrive, Aeroflot!

Happy Civil Aviation Day,
Congratulations to all of you now,
Let them together with planes
The soul aspires to heaven.

Aircraft deliver cargo
Those that cannot be delivered by trains
Parcels, letters and parcels
Delivered from across the ocean.

How wonderful it is that humans have created
Wondrous birds that move us
We will now fly across the sky,
Congratulations on the pilots' holiday.

The landing gear is already removed, in flight,
Our plane departed!
Will cover the distance
Where we need-will bring.

And the stewardesses are so nice
They give us care.
And now the landing is announced,
Lights are visible below.

We wish you soft landings,
Let the flight be pleasant
And the impressions are wonderful
Let the sadness forget about you.

The earth is known to be round
The land is also divided by the sea.
Bodies transported
They tremble for their own soul.
Piercing the heavens
The bourgeois and the proletarian are flying,
Hoping Firmly: Bodies
All kinds of accidents will be avoided.
Don't be pilot, you're too proud
Communicating with heaven only:
Get the bodies to the airport
And we will save the soul ourselves!

I congratulate you, my pilot, my hero!
May happiness and good luck always be with you
May the airways not let you down
And remember you at home, in your dear family, they are waiting!

Happy Civil Aviation Day
(in Russia it is celebrated on February 9, in the world - on December 7)


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Civil aviation today honor and glory:
Mechanics, refuellers and flight attendants,
To technicians, pilots, and loaders from the warehouse,
On duty, registrars and all dispatchers.
We wish you a peaceful sky, health and prosperity,
Smiles and attention, care and love.
You devote yourself to work without a trace,
So let all days be filled with joy!


Happy Civil Aviation Day
I am in a hurry for you in a snowy February.
You love the sky and you can't fix it
You are comfortable, it is interesting to be together!
You recognize him by the sun and the wind,
Through the airy multi-colored clouds
Together with him you travel the world.
Well, fly! But come back to us again!


Congratulations to the aviators of Russia!
Prosperity and happiness to you, friends,
So that the heavenly expanses plowed,
After all, we cannot do without you.
Let there be as many landings as take-offs,
Let the car never let you down,
There will be many bright episodes in life,
May you be lucky in the clouds and on the ground!


We do not notice the frost on a winter day,
After all, the motor beats fiery in the chest.
We celebrate Civil Aviation Day,
Leaving all sorrows behind.
We have spread wings behind us
There is always a planned route ahead.
We know neither fear nor despondency,
We really appreciate it when they believe in us and wait.
May we have everything: success and joy,
Warm home, health, friendship and love.
We got a wonderful profession,
So let's celebrate this common holiday again!


The coolness of the apron and the hum of the plane
Parking lot markings, station lights -
The usual everyday life of any pilot.
So let them be successful!
Let the sky meet you with a ray of sun
And your iron friend will be reliable,
With soul and warmth, let the earth welcome
And in life there will be no hardships and partings!


Congratulations, aviator!
Today you have a holiday.
Without a winged profession
You will not live a day.
May the work be joy
May dreams come true
Weariness runs away
Everything will be as you want!

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