Breastfeeding myths. Front and back milk: is it necessary to express before feeding and what to do if the baby is lazy

  • Problems with new products

A healthy baby eats well and gains weight. He is active, sleeps well and cries little. If the baby does not eat well, you need to understand the reasons.

Causes of the problem

If the child does not ask for food or refuses to eat, then the parents immediately question why this is happening. The most common reasons why a baby does not eat well are as follows.

If the problem arose during breastfeeding, then perhaps the reason is that there is little milk or, conversely, a lot. If the mother has little milk, then the baby refuses to breast and does not ask for her. In this case, you need to introduce complementary foods. If there is a lot of milk, then it can enter the baby's mouth with a strong pressure. He will begin to choke, and this circumstance will alienate him and reduce his appetite.

If the child stops eating at night, it is possible that he simply does not want to eat. Moreover, the timing of when this happens is influenced by the type of feeding. How many months do babies stop eating at night? Children who eat the mixture at night may not eat from 3-4 months. With breastfeeding, the baby can hang on the chest all night.

If the baby eats only breast milk a year and day and night, you need to begin to wean him from this. In this case, you can try to follow several recommendations.

  • Every day he needs to give more food, he should drink such an amount of milk, which is equal to the daily norm. There should be a hearty dinner before bed.
  • You need to communicate more, play and pick up the child in the daytime.
  • The baby goes to bed earlier than the parents a year, and before going to bed, you will need to wake him up to feed him. In this case, he will sleep longer at night and will wake up at most once.
  • It is necessary at the same time to wean the child from joint rest at night. It is better if the baby sleeps in another room.

You can start weaning at night from 6 months. In a year, the child will no longer ask for anything in a dream.

How many times a day does the baby eat? In the first months, a breastfed baby should eat up to 12 times a day at intervals of 2 hours. Moreover, he can eat only in a dream. How long should one feeding act last? The time spent at the breast can be 15-40 minutes. But you should not increase it, as the child falls asleep and begins to simply play with his chest in a dream.

How many grams of breast milk should a newborn eat? In the early days when colostrum is produced, one teaspoon is enough, and nothing else is needed to offer the child. Gradually, every day the amount of milk will increase by one teaspoon. By the fourth day, the baby should drink 30 ml of breast milk. On the fifth day, the amount of milk required for the baby is increased to 70 ml.

If a child eats a year only in sleep, it means that during wakefulness there are many distractions (sound, light, the presence of other people). A child can eat only in a dream a year simply due to the fact that such a regime has been established.

Poor appetite with artificial feeding

If a baby who is fed with mixtures refuses to eat, then there may be several explanations for this.

  • The formula is more nutritious than milk and takes longer to be digested by the baby's body. The feeling of hunger occurs at a greater interval. How long does it take to give the mixture? It is not necessary to give the formula earlier than 4 hours after the last feeding.
  • Perhaps not satisfied with the taste of the mixture. You can try another brand of mix. The main thing is to make the right choice. Carefully read the composition, take into account the age of the child.

  • Incorrectly fitted nipple. The size of the hole in it should correspond to the age and developmental characteristics of the baby. If the child is sick, was born prematurely, then a non-rigid nipple with a large opening should be chosen.
  • Refusal to eat may be due to abdominal pain.
  • Teething, diseases of the oral cavity, infections also lead to the fact that the child does not eat anything except milk or formula.

If the child eats only the mixture, then you cannot overfeed him. In this case, it is better to underfeed. To correctly calculate how many grams of the mixture you need to dilute, the instructions and recommendations of the doctor will help. You can calculate yourself how much mixture you need to make in the first week of life. To do this, the number of days from birth is multiplied by 10. For example, at 5 days he should drink 50 ml.

The day needs to be planned so that the baby gets the mixture after 3-4 hours. It is very important how long it takes to give the mixture at night. At night, the interval is extended to 5 hours. The mixture is absorbed and digested by the stomach more difficult and slower than breast milk.

Problems with new products

Often mothers are faced with a problem when the baby refuses to eat complementary foods. Why it happens?

  1. Perhaps the previous portion of food has not yet been digested, and the baby is not hungry.
  2. The baby may not like complementary foods, you should not insist on eating the dish.
  3. The dish is too hot or cold.
  4. You should choose the right spoon for the first feeding. It shouldn't be too big and metallic.
  5. Inflammation of the nasopharynx or ear also causes refusal to eat.

It happens that a child is one year old, and he does not eat anything except breast milk. Breast milk fully fulfills its functions only up to 6 months, after which complementary foods need to be introduced. By this time, the digestive organs begin to work quite well, and the child shows interest in new products. This interest can be easily discouraged by starting complementary foods with the wrong foods or foods that your baby doesn’t like. Large portions and force feeding can also alienate the baby.

If the baby does not ask for anything other than breast milk in a year, then you need to take actions:

  • Play more with the baby, distract from the need for breast. How much milk does a baby need per year? After the child turns one year old, 500 ml of milk per day is enough for him. If he gets more, he will not want to eat complementary foods.
  • Remove all sweets from the menu.
  • Choose a dish that your baby will like.

What to do to fix the problem

After the reason is established that the baby does not eat well or completely refuses to eat, a further plan of action will be outlined.

If the baby does not want to eat or eats only in a dream, while being active, playing, communicating, it means that he has enough nutrients. You can try increasing the time interval between feedings.

Perhaps a complementary food has been introduced, which is offered to the baby from a bottle. Eating from a bottle is much easier than sucking on your mother's breast. Any complementary food is given from a spoon, all bottles and pacifiers are removed.

Any disease requires a doctor's consultation. Therefore, if the baby refuses to eat due to illness, appropriate treatment should be started. Stomatitis, cough, otitis media, and other illnesses can lead to loss of appetite and other complications.

During the period of teething, you should use special teethers, gels. You can massage the gums. There is no need to offer new complementary foods during this period.

If colic periodically begins to bother and this leads to weight loss, you need to give the child medicine, do gymnastics and massage. It helps to lay the baby on the tummy before each feeding.

A nursing mother needs to establish a daily routine and adjust her nutrition. You can not eat too fatty, spicy, salty foods. It is necessary to refuse products containing dyes, stabilizers and flavor enhancers.

The existing division into front and rear milk is causing great excitement in many nursing mothers. The composition of breast milk is constantly changing depending on many factors: the age of the baby, the mother's diet, the time of day and the duration of feedings. Nowadays, there is widespread misconception that only the second type of milk is valuable for the growth and development of the newborn, since it is much more fatty. The neglect of a lower-calorie diet has reached the point of absurdity. Some suspicious parents seriously wonder whether it is necessary to express foremilk before feeding.

In this article, we will analyze this far-fetched problem in detail and explain why there is no need to interfere with the process of saturating a baby who suckles a mother's breast. The main thing to remember is that the baby must have access to food for every need. While the little one is actively sucking out the contents of the breast, it is not recommended to tear it off and transfer it.

Nutritional value

There is still some truthful information in the rumors. The hind milk is really more fat (2-3 times fatter) and the amount of suspended solids. However, in terms of the content of carbohydrates and proteins, the composition of milk during feeding is practically the same (see table).

Despite this, there are persistent rumors in the Internet media that the "first" milk contains more protein and lactose.

Lactose is milk sugar that plays a huge role in the development of the child's nervous system. Lactose promotes the colonization of the intestines of a newborn with a healthy microflora, that is, it participates in the formation of immunity. If you partially express the "empty" liquid, the baby will lose a significant portion of nutrients.

When breastfeeding, a balanced cocktail is important, and its proportions should be regulated exclusively by the toddler himself. Moreover, it is impossible to determine the line beyond which the fore milk ends and the hind milk begins.

Why separation occurs

The female body actually produces one formula for babies. The conditional division into anterior and posterior is due to the fact that as it accumulates in the glands, milk stratifies (the molecules of its chemical components occupy different positions). The liquid flows down to the nipple, and the fat particles, due to their chemical properties, combine with each other, attach to the walls of the ducts and end up behind.
The longer the breasts remain full, the more pronounced the process described. Many women are familiar with how cream is formed after settling. We can say that a similar phenomenon occurs in their glands. If you feed a child with long breaks, he will suck the first milk for a long time, gradually getting to the fatty top.

For women obsessed with the desire to give the baby the coveted fat-free food, we can advise you to often apply your child to the half-empty breast, it is in this state that it contains the richest nutrition for the child.

Fat content: myths and reality

Contrary to popular belief, the diet of a nursing mother does not significantly affect the fat content of her milk. A varied diet after childbirth is certainly important, but its role is essential, first of all, for the mother herself. Fat does not only change during each feeding, it does the same throughout the day.

The less milk there is in the glands, the fatter the taste. This indisputable fact refutes the belief of young mothers that in the evening after all daytime attachments, her reserves are not enough for the child to suckle and eat his fill. In fact, you can remain confident, the baby will be fed up with a small amount of "cream" and will calmly fall asleep even deep sleep without artificial feeding.

In the morning, after a long sleep, the child will begin to suck out the least high-calorie "dish". But even in this case, nothing needs to be done, since there is no point in controlling the amount of fat obtained with each individual meal. It is much more important how many of them entered the body of the crumbs per day. In order for the baby to be able to eat the "cream", you need to give the little one the opportunity to suck as much as he wants, and then when he asks.

If you forcibly tear your daughter or son off the nipple and force them to take a second full breast, you can only harm, depriving them of the opportunity to eat properly. Instead of saturated milk, the baby will again receive "removed". So let everything go naturally. The little man himself must decide how long to eat from one "vessel".


Each baby is individual, has a different appetite. Someone eats a little, but often, someone lies for hours with a nipple in their mouth and makes long pauses between meals. There are also some children who have a very weak appetite.

If the capricious suckles for a short time, is lazy and then does not soon show a desire to eat again, you need to attach it to the same breast as in the previous feeding after 15–20 minutes.

The question of the alternation of the mammary glands during subsequent feedings should be decided by the mother independently. If mommy thinks that her finicky ate poorly last time, it would be right to offer him the same breasts. In this case, you do not need to worry, he will get a portion of fatty foods, which he refused earlier.

Imbalance in front and back milk

This problem occurs during hyperlactation, when the baby sucks only the first milk, which contains a lot of water and little fat. Due to this, it quickly moves along the digestive tract, entering the large intestine, without having time to properly digest. For the digestion of lactose, the enzyme lactase is needed, which does not have time to break down lactose when the food is eaten too quickly through the digestive system.

As a result, milk sugar begins to ferment in the baby's intestines, causing him severe discomfort. This phenomenon is called lactase deficiency. You can talk about this problem if:

  • the baby is restless while eating;
  • spits up a lot;
  • liquid, foamy feces are released;
  • bloating is observed;
  • poor weight gain.

You should not stop breastfeeding your baby. You need to behave correctly in this situation, and there is a high probability that lactation will soon meet the needs of the child. Firstly, you can often apply the baby to one gland, increase its stay under the breast. Secondly, even if it is impossible to do without pumping, it is recommended to gradually reduce its duration by a few minutes every 3 days.

It is possible to talk about stopping breastfeeding only when the baby suffers from congenital lactase deficiency. In this case, it does not matter how much and what kind of milk he sucks - front or back. As a rule, lactase is simply not produced in his body. Such babies can only be fed with dairy-free artificial mixtures, the diagnosis must be made by a doctor, since this disease is quite rare (according to statistics, 1 in 20,000).


Summing up all of the above, we say with conviction that there is no easier and simpler way to feed your little angel than GW on demand with minimal interference in the process of saturating the baby. If the butuz is actively sucking, gaining weight well, behaving calmly and showing no signs of discomfort, nothing needs to be done. The little man will naturally receive a cocktail of first and second milk, mixed by nature itself. The main thing is to feed the baby at least as often as he asks about it.

Of course, all loving adults sincerely want to surround their family fools with exceptional care and attention. But, as life shows, excessive efforts often lead to the opposite result. In some situations, the newborn has a better understanding of what he needs. Therefore, do not exaggerate the importance of secondary things. Just loosen up the control over every sip of the newborn and give him the opportunity to eat what he needs.

Thanks to the breastfeeding consultant Olga Shipenko for the illustrations. Olga's article can be read at

My baby Mishenka is now a year and a half. After birth, he immediately went to intensive care - he breathed earlier than necessary, and swallowed amniotic fluid, so he could not even apply to the chest.

While the roommates were feeding the babies, I tried to express at least some drops, first with my hands, then, from the fourth day with a breast pump. My husband bought an Avent at my request. Before that, I read a lot of literature, magazines and realized that he would suit me the most.

Over the next 3 weeks, I managed to see Misha only 2 times for 2 minutes. I took milk to the hospital, expressed every 3 hours, just so that there was more milk - and so the child without a mother, alone, how could I help him ... After discharge, he did not take the breast, no matter how hard I tried. Now this time is hard to remember.

It was especially difficult to adjust the pumping schedule to the feeding time to keep the milk fresher. Sometimes she was holding her son with one hand, with the other she was pumping, that is, she knew all the charms of both breast and at the same time, and even 4 to boot. She treated mastitis with compresses of honey and flour, alternately with a golden mustache.

The first 3 months milk flowed from the breast, you express one breast - it pours from the other, the breast pads saved little, I used the pads to collect, by the way, also Avent. Yes, there were many difficulties, but leaving my child without breast milk ... It was beyond my strength, although many discouraged, only my mother supported. Since I could not accurately dose how much to express, I was left with excess milk, which I first poured out, and then, after reading that frozen milk can be stored for 3 months or longer, I began to freeze it, then I diluted it with mashed potatoes and cereals.

When my son was 10 months old, I had to go to work, and Misha remained in the care of my grandmother, my mother. But I continued to pump in the morning and in the evening, and the rest of the time he fed on my "reserves", since there were a lot of them. On his birthday, the son still drank my milk. It was not difficult for me to finish feeding, it was just that I gradually pumped out less and less. And when the night pumping ended, there was very little milk. For two weeks I pumped only in the morning, then a few days later, and that's it, I didn't even have to pull my chest or take pills, as some do.

Now all the difficulties are over, and I am proud that I fed the child myself, without using formula for a year. And now, when someone says that he “did not have milk,” it seems to me that there was simply little effort or desire for this. And many thanks to Avent!


LenUlya, it was not me who called the article, I said in my letter "Thank you, Avent!" But in reality, every effort was made to preserve lactation, starting from all sorts of lactogonic teas and ending with pumping 3-4 times per night (I am sure that if less milk was expressed, milk disappeared in about three months, there were prerequisites). It is night feeding (pumping), from 12 am to 6 am, that gives the result. Yes, it was very difficult, but it’s for your child. Of course, there is a percentage of mothers who do not have milk, but this is a very small percentage - those who do not have it for physiological reasons, and the rest are not even what they do not want, but simply there was no good doctor or at least good literature nearby ( I read the magazines "my child" and "happy parents" and they really helped me a lot). There was also a lot of advice about fat milk, and about problems with the belly of the child. Mamulya - you read a lot too, huh? This is immediately noticeable. :-)

04/18/2007 15:25:49, Elena

and someone summed up statistics, not official, as well as for their relatives, friends, acquaintances, for grown-up children, at least preschool age, or better, older, how much children are sick who have not received mother's milk in their time, or who have received very little of it (less six months, say), and babies who have been breastfed for a long time, say, more than a year. I am interested in physical health, how often there are colds, allergies, adenoids, otitis media, etc. We do not take into account chronic diseases inherited from parents. It would be interesting:)

01/30/2007 21:19:27, Tixius

I've also been pumping for 7 months already. I refused because of the bottle. Milk, as it seemed to me, disappeared 3 or more times, and I got up, clasping my teeth THREE times at night to get lactation back, and during the day ... every two hours .. Now lactation is mature, but if I know what to do. The fact is that I have never left in my mind the formula as an alternative. Only breast milk! This is the best guarantee of future health. Any formula cannot be better than breast milk. Too fatty milk does not exist, all the more fatty milk in the back can be expressed in small quantities. hard work, I was afraid of it, I gave it up: ((So if a person wants everything, he can do anything !!!

30.01.2007 14:05:59, mamulya

And Avent did not help me at all: after the first birth, my chest was very tight, the doctor was straining. After the second there was no milk. Although I also did not understand how there is no milk ... You're in luck, congratulations.

Why bring GW to fanaticism? , feed, - well, do not feed, then there are reasons for that. And don't judge anyone! My story: I fed the first up to 9 months. Gradually switched to cereals, mashed potatoes. I never fed them with a mixture. Refused himself. at first he stopped waking up at night (milk began to decrease), and then during the day. In short, everything went harmoniously and painlessly both for me and for Grishenka. A daughter was born. considered it her duty to feed no less than her brother. just stuck on it. She turned out to be weak sucker, after a week mastitis, hospital, antibiotics (I ate the mixture for 4 days) Then I still had GV
Anovila. My daughter has persistent constipation, bowel problems, and poor blood counts. THE CAUSE OF CONSTITUTION HAS BEEN MY TOO FAT MILK. Diet. Does not help. The doctor hinted (just hinted, not advised) to transfer to the mixture. My daughter was 6 months old, but I had a quirk: at least 9 to feed! She continued to scoff with an enema. I forgot something else. Sophia received breast milk not from the breast, but from the bottle. After the hospital (I was with mastitis) I refused to breastfeed, because I got used to the bottle in 4 days. In less than 9 months I honestly pumped. when I finished, my daughter stopped having bowel problems after about 2 weeks. we are now 2 years old. Pah-pah, it's okay. So tell me, did it cost me 9 months to pump, and 9 months to give my child an enema every day? I wouldn't do that now ...

01/27/2007 15:56:17, Tixius

I fed my eldest daughter up to 2 months. and then she gave it up, because there was a lot of milk, but there was little use (the baby's tummy hurt, she didn't gain weight). And I have mastitis one by one. So we switched to artificial nutrition and everything became fine. Now I'm feeding the second 6 months. , everything was both mastitis and a sea of ​​milk (but the tummy did not hurt and was gaining weight well). So we are still feeding. Here are two different feedings and both are good.

Believe it or not, drop, it really can go away on its own. And, believe me, every effort was made to restore the guards, but failed. Not because I didn't want to. On the contrary, until now the feeling of guilt is gnawing that the neighbor is feeding and at least that, and we are eating a bottle. And I try very hard to convince myself that it’s okay, and all the same it’s insulting to tears.

25.01.2007 16:32:37

another tale - "... the milk left by itself ...")))

01/25/2007 09:17:54, White drop

Why are you all so cursing about breastfeeding and artificial feeding? I do not understand. Since we are all gathered here, it means that we want only good things for our children. And which way of feeding to choose is a personal decision of everyone. Not everyone succeeds, not everyone wants it, and not everyone really has it. Still different. The main thing is that the child is full.
I fed my elders until 5.5 months, and then the milk went away by itself when I went to work. Now I have been feeding the younger one for up to 4.5 months. And I want to feed longer (I hope that at least up to a year, because it gives me pleasure). And if I didn’t want to, I would give the formula. So I am both breast and artificial. The main thing is just to eat.
We all need advice on the choice that we have already done, some for breastfeeding, some for artificial feeding. Why quarrel and run into the personal choice of everyone.

Drop, don't be so categorical. Even if they weren't fed, didn't want to, etc. - what's your business? The main thing is that you and your child have achieved what you wanted - so rejoice, do not judge others. At 3 months my milk went away by itself - no pills, no pulling - it simply did not become. I transferred the children to the mixture and do not regret it a bit. And a friend fed for up to a year - and all the same, the child has problems with the tummy, constant colic, runny nose, colds ... Immunity does not depend on the type of feeding, but on the baby himself.

24.01.2007 14:59:11

ladies, it's better to get rid of your complexes: you didn't want to feed, so you didn't want to, honestly admit it))))

01/24/2007 14:10:20, White drop

Ladies, these are your complexes ... otherwise they would not rush at those who talk about their GW. the girls write correctly - they did not feed, it means they did not want to, and there is nothing to justify themselves))))

01/24/2007 14:08:59, White drop

Oh, listen, this is all very categorical. I myself fed very little, because I did not want to, did not consider it necessary and convenient (although there was milk). But my friend, having given birth, probably read such fanatical articles before that, tried to drive out at least a drop of milk from herself! In my opinion it was a self-made hell. What has she been through! I tried to calm her down a little, because you can't do that either. But she persisted .... and still nothing came of it. As a result, both mine and her child are artists, but she tortured herself with this GW to the point of disgrace, and also a guilt complex as a gift for the rest of her life.
You shouldn't write like that, remember you are read by very different people.

01/24/2007 12:16:22 pm, growl

Lovely girls! Well, just as the well-fed does not understand the hungry, so those who have milk in any situation will not understand those who did not have milk, is gone, etc. Yes, the phrases are annoying, you just need to ignore them. Let young mothers firmly believe that only their DESIRE helped them to feed their children. And we ... we ... so, fools .... we DIDN'T want to ... :) We will forgive them.

01/24/2007 11:10:43, Yana.

Something title is not connected with the article ... You did not have milk, but you returned it? Or do you not believe that, in principle, there can be no milk? If the latter, then you are mistaken.
I am very glad that you managed to breastfeed your baby. But the article is yet another "bragging-denunciation" on the topic of GW.

Comment on the article "When there is" no milk "

How can a nursing mother survive the "stormy rush" of milk? Immediately after childbirth and during the first 2-3 days, colostrum is produced in the breast. It is released in small quantities, and my mother practically does not feel it. Then, by the end of 3, the beginning of 4 days after childbirth, the breast begins to increase in size, become more dense and tense. These changes indicate the beginning of the milk arrival process. They are often accompanied by painful sensations, a slight increase in local temperature ...


I had little milk after giving birth, as I had a cesarean section. Some tips from the article were needed when weaning the baby.

During the first pregnancy, she suffered for a very long time, expressed herself. And when my son was giving birth, I bought a breast pump, heaven and earth, it is much easier and very convenient!

On June 1, Milk Day is celebrated all over the world, which was established at the suggestion of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in 2001. Since then, the tradition has become widespread in many countries around the world. The purpose of this holiday is to popularize milk and dairy products, therefore the social program "Three dairy products a day" will tell you about the milk of which animals are consumed in the world and how it is useful! Pork cheese - in 30 seconds Pigs produce very little milk and ...

When to stop breastfeeding Many pediatricians, both in Russia and abroad, believe that a child should be fed until he himself has given up breast milk, which usually happens by the end of the third year of life. WHO recommends breastfeeding for up to two years and continuing feeding further if desired by the mother and baby. This position is often supported by statistics that babies who have been breastfeeding more than average tend to have better health and ...

The amount of yogurt eaten in the home seems to increase in proportion to the prices in the store. Buying 125 gram cups for breakfast has long been beyond our family budget. Therefore, I prepare yogurt myself, only the container has to be taken more and more. First there was a liter can, then one and a half. Both of them successfully fit into the multicooker with the yogurt mode. Then they switched to 2 liter. It only fit in the oven. (I abandoned the yoghurt maker with and without glasses for a long time - the volume is too small for us) Yesterday ...


Is there somewhere a step-by-step recipe for such homemade yogurt in a cartoon? Can I have a link? Well, for those who ... not even in a tank, but in an underground bunker))))
Until now, I have only seen posts about yogurt makers, but I was not interested in them. But in the cartoon ...

Yul, I just take off my hat every time I read about your inventions and discoveries :)

Recipes for natural food for cats 0) Very small meatballs (half a teaspoon or less), put in boiling water, cook until they come up. Drizzle with skimmed sour cream. 1) Liver cakes "Weakness Cannon": Mix 1 glass of water and 2 eggs with 0.5 kg of flour, add 100 gr. minced liver and stir until a soft dough consistency. Cut into pieces and toss in boiling water. When the cakes have surfaced, they can be removed and served. Put the remaining minced meat in the freezer. 2) ...


List of some premium and super premium feed

Canned food
HILLS (Hills)
BOZITA (Bozita)
IAMS (Yams)
MERRICK (Merrick)

Dry food
HILLS (Hills)
EUKANUBA (Ekanuba)
IAMS (Yams)
INNOVA (Innova)

Feeding kittens

You can feed small kittens with a special cat milk substitute - sold in pet stores, veterinary pharmacies.

How to feed kittens that are separated from their mother or have lost their nurse too early:
In pet stores, veterinary pharmacies, veterinary clinics, a special substitute for cat's milk is sold, and the corresponding attributes can also be found there - a bottle with a nipple.
If it is not possible to buy, then you can prepare the mixture yourself.
Mix recipe:
- 0.5 liters of concentrated milk, egg yolk and 2 teaspoons of granulated sugar;
- 50 g whole milk, 15 g whole milk powder, 2.5 g dry yeast;
- 50 ml whole milk, 50 g boiled, half raw egg yolk, half a teaspoon of corn oil;

Food stock is prepared for no more than 24 hours and stored in the refrigerator.

Food must be warmed up to 38 ° C.
For the first 3 weeks of life, the kitten should be given 1 teaspoon of artificial nutrition 7-8 times a day (every 2-3 hours, and at night too), with a night break of 5-6 hours. food at a time.

The nutrition of children in the first year of life has several functions. The first is to give the child the substances necessary for growth and development. The second, no less relevant, is to ensure the prevention of allergic diseases or, if an allergy has already manifested itself, to minimize its manifestations by selecting low-allergenic products. And the third is to promote the skills of swallowing, chewing, and the formation of a meal plan. How to feed a baby in the first year of life if he has an allergy? Breast-feeding. For...

Hello girls! Tell me, who knows when milk arrives after cesarean? girlfriend caesarean 13jan. there is no milk. the baby is fed with formula and is brought sleepy. the breast is not ...

No milk. Girls, good time of the day! We are here for the first time, just yesterday we were discharged from the RD and there were a lot of questions at once.


I got it only on the 5th day, even in the hospital, but my daughter refused both colostrum and milk, they applied the whole hospital to me, it seems to me, but she was not in any, in the hospital there was supplementation, and on the fifth day I decided not to give supplementary food at all, and shoving her breasts, maybe she’ll take it out of hunger, but it wasn’t there, even the pads on the nipples did not help, while a hundred nipples were normal, and the bridle under the tongue of my daughter was also normal. as they sucked with the pad, so my nipples were splashed with the pad, well, now she sucks one breast, and the second one I pump and freeze. In short, the struggle continues .... I wish you as soon as possible, so that milk comes in. when it came to me, I cried from happiness in the literal sense of the word)

With the first daughter, milk came on the 5th day. I also drank everything that you drink. Then she fed for over a year. This time it came on day 3 (before that there was not a drop of anything), but the nipples were corroded to very deep cracks, it got to the point that before each feeding I started shaking all over, and when my daughter sucked my tears flowed like a hail and howl I was ready to speak (stopped that the children could be frightened). I smeared the nipples with both bepanten and purlan (unlike bepanten, it does not need to be washed off, it is 100% lanolin) and from the very birth. Then I smeared the cracks with brilliant green, it became better. But until I bought silicone nursing pads (Aventovskie) nothing healed, it was constantly absorbed. This time I realized that overlays are a thing! We did not use them for long, the nipples healed and I removed the linings.

02/09/2014 21:05

Russia Moscow

Even in the maternity hospital, they began to give supplementary food to my son. The maternity hospital doctors diagnosed me with tight breasts and a lack of a nipple. The child lost weight and did not take the breast, I tried different poses and asked for help so that the child took the breast, but they didn’t help me, they said that only to express in my case. I pumped for a month and gave my milk from a bottle, I tried to attach the baby to my breast, but to no avail. Now there is almost no milk and I have almost nothing to express (50g per day). Tell me what did I do wrong? and does it happen that, due to physiological characteristics, the child does not take the breast at all?

04/08/2014 20:47

Russia, Apatity

we didn't have a "fight". As long as I could feed (up to 5 months), I fed. When my health did not allow me to continue GW, I switched to the mixture. No tragedy. I feed the youngest and will continue to feed while eating the opportunity, most likely up to a year. But I see no point in making a tragedy and a feat out of GV.

04/08/2014 12:42

Russia, Ishim

I am also against the "fight", but I breastfeed myself as long as there is an opportunity, because it is free, and I am too lazy to mess with this baby infantile - to measure, measure, sterilize. I would like to continue feeding until at least one and a half years, starting complementary foods at six months, because I think this is the best option for feeding a child.

01/08/2014 00:50

Ukraine, Makeevka

I don’t know until the very last moment I decided to fight for GW. And even when we had problems with hepatitis B due to the fact that I did not have enough milk, I did not despair, I began to look for ways out of this problem. And on the advice of our pediatrician, who saw that we began to gain a little, began to drink apilak. He then helped to restore lactation, milk began to suffice. We began to gain weight well.

24/06/2014 15:17

Ukraine, Nosovka

My oldest daughter was at IV. I didn't get sick until I went to kindergarten. (I don't consider chickenpox - we were sick with it together!)
The son was on GV until 2.5 years old - for himself and for his sister;). The first year was constantly ill. Cause? In the year when he was born, the eldest went to grade 1 and constantly carried new infections.
Now both are hardened, healthy guys. So immunity is not only HB, but also very, very much.
In general, it seemed to me that it was easier to feed with a bottle. And I have a wonderful "spiritual connection" with all my children.

05/04/2014 04:10

Russia, Tyumen

my baby got into intensive care after he was born, after 2 weeks he was discharged, I immediately retrained him from the bottle to the chest, but a week later this time I was admitted to the hospital (the stitches parted after the cesarean), my husband fed from a bottle. Now we have retrained on the chest again. We are 3 months old. But my husband fully knows how to take care of the baby, calmly lets me go shopping once a week. And I really wanted and want to breastfeed, firstly, this is a pleasant activity, and secondly, I would very much like to reduce the risk of diabetes mellitus in the baby (the baby was born large 5 kg). And thirdly, mom's milk is free!

29/10/2013 13:15

Russia, Omsk

We are 5 months old with a penny. The baby was born and immediately went to intensive care. The breast was not given after birth. And my son did not take it, as it should be. I pump all the time. Already accustomed, although sometimes I really want to sleep. But what can't you do for the sake of the child.

20/10/2013 11:53

Russia, St.Peterburg

And I do not agree ... I am for GW by any means. And about psychological contact - without GW there is no full-fledged contact. A mother who did not breastfeed and did not sleep with her baby lost a lot. Only she will never understand this, alas, because she has nothing to compare with.
My child is 1.7 years old. Still on GW.

11/10/2013 12:02

Ukraine, Ilyichevsk

I have a child from 5 days on the formula. My husband periodically hinted that others succeeded, but I did not (he was worried about the price of the mixture abroad and the opinion of friends). But then, when he himself began to feed the little one who sniffs his hand, sucks the mixture and falls asleep and he needs to stroke his cheek and feed him, then since then he himself convinces everyone that there is nothing wrong with artificial feeding if GV does not work out. The child is as healthy and is developing as well as the rest, and for dad this is an additional opportunity to communicate with the child and love and tenderness for the child from this is even greater.

25/09/2013 01:17

Russia Moscow

You need to fight for GW only when it is necessary for mom, then everything will work out. I gave birth 5 weeks ahead of schedule. by means of KS, the child was in the hospital for a month, was too small and weak to fully suck, but I was focused only on HB and not because the doctors say so, I just wanted to breastfeed. Not to be a hero or a martyr, not to follow fashion, not to try to "give the child all the best", but simply to breastfeed, as nature intended. I coped, my son is now 1.1 we are fed with pleasure. Here's what worked for me: Expressing once an hour for 5 minutes. each breast (it is possible less or longer, but it is necessary to achieve at least 1 flush) after 4-5 days there was more milk and I removed the pumping so that there would be no hyperlactation, the baby's stay at the bare breast as long as possible (it is not necessary to apply, you can just hold so that the baby touches the nipple), if the baby kisses the breast, do not tear it off until he lets go (at first it can be a long, very long time, but this is your decision to fight for HB), feed from 3 am to 8 am at least 3 times or pumping (this until lactation is established, then 1-2 times will be enough), if you feel a rush - attach the baby, even if he is asleep (this is also for several days until there is more milk), sleep together - in addition, that night feedings powerfully stimulate lactation, joint sleep will allow you to get enough sleep, but for this you need to learn how to feed while lying down, drink very warm drink (except milk) during feeding, but not more than 2.5 liters per day, eat well.

Since ancient times, the sacrament of childbirth and breastfeeding has been surrounded by many superstitions. The more knowledge accumulated by humanity, the less these superstitions remained, but even now a lot of rumors about breastfeeding reach the young mother. These rumors are in many ways contradictory, which can confuse the mother, cause erroneous actions and, in the end, interfere with correct and rational feeding. Therefore, it is necessary from the very first days to figure out which of the many opinions are just idle speculations.

It often happens that the mother has little milk. In general, in order to breastfeed a child, you need to have a special heredity.

This is not true. Almost every mother can fully and successfully breastfeed her baby. This does not require any special data. The ability to breastfeed is inherent in women by nature. True hypogalactia (insufficient milk secretion by the mammary glands) is very rare (no more than 3% of all cases) and is associated with severe hormonal pathology. In all other cases, the mother, if she has the appropriate desire and desire to breastfeed the baby, can quite successfully cope with this task.

Feeding is often painful.

This is completely untrue. If during feeding the mother of the baby is in pain, this can only mean one thing: the baby is not attached to the breast correctly, he has not grasped the nipple correctly and therefore injures the breast.

During the first few days after giving birth, there may be mild discomfort associated with the fact that the very delicate skin on the nipples experiences intense friction during feedings, but gradually the skin becomes rough. If, during feeding, the mother feels a sharp pain, if after several attachments to the breast, abrasions or even cracks form on the nipples, it means that from the very beginning the child began to grasp the nipple with his mouth not completely, but only from one edge. If this happens, you should immediately interrupt the feeding process and carefully remove the nipple from the baby. This should be done as follows: press your finger on the nipple next to the baby's mouth so that air enters the mouth, after which it will be quite easy to pick up the nipple. If you start pulling the nipple while the baby continues to suck, then the risk of injury increases many times over. After that, you need to try to give the baby a breast in such a way that he captures the entire areola around the nipple with his lips. Such sucking not only prevents breast trauma, but also ensures maximum feeding efficiency - the baby sucks milk as much as it needs.

In the first days after childbirth, there is either no milk at all, or there is very little of it, so it is necessary to supplement the newborn with a formula.

In fact, the need for supplementary feeding during the first days of a baby's life is extremely rare. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the amount of colostrum that is produced in the mother's mammary glands is quite enough for the child. On the first day after birth, a newborn's nutritional requirement is 10 ml per feeding. On the third day, this need increases to 30 ml. It is on the third day after giving birth that the mother experiences the so-called inflow of milk - the breast begins to work actively and no longer colostrum is released, but transitional milk, and its amount increases every day - in accordance with the needs of the growing crumbs. There is no need to supplement the child with a formula during this period - on the contrary, it can only do harm. If by the time of the next feeding the baby is experiencing a healthy feeling of hunger, he will suckle the breast with the necessary activity, which will certainly stimulate the work of the mammary gland. As a result, even more milk will be produced for the next feeding, because this process is regulated according to the principle of "feedback" - the more actively the baby sucks, the more active signals the brain receives about the need to excrete milk.

The baby needs to be fed strictly by the hour, maintaining 3-hour intervals.

This rule has long been promoted among young mothers. Fortunately, women are now encouraged to feed their babies on demand - giving breast milk when the baby wants it. Such a regime will provide the baby with a sufficient amount of food for normal growth and development and sufficient lactation for the mother.

A baby may not gain weight well if breast milk is of poor quality, low fat. And vice versa: if the milk is too fat, the child is overweight or has a stomach ache for this reason.

Completely wrong statement! Milk cannot be of bad quality! It cannot be lean or too greasy. All women who are breastfeeding have approximately the same composition of milk. The content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in it, as well as minerals and vitamins, are constant values.

But there is a rather noticeable difference in the composition of the milk of the same nursing mother. This difference lies in the fact that at the beginning of feeding, the so-called foremilk is secreted from the gland. It is more watery, contains less fat, but is rich in proteins and minerals. And at the end of feeding, hind milk begins to be released from the breast, which, on the contrary, is rich in fats and carbohydrates. The fore and hind milk also differ in appearance: the fore milk is lighter and transparent, while the hind milk is yellowish and thick.

Thus, the child cannot suffer because the mother's milk is somehow flawed. Insufficient weight gain can be caused by improper attachment to the breast, improper sucking, or time limitation of the number of attachments to the breast.

A young mother needs to eat as much high-calorie food as possible, drink a lot of tea with milk or milk; only when these conditions are met, lactation will be sufficient.

In order to ensure adequate nutrition for your baby, you do not need to eat a lot of high-calorie foods. The diet should be balanced, contain a sufficient amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates. Do not forget about vitamins and minerals as well. In order for mother and child to receive a sufficient amount of vitamins, micro- and macroelements, it is better to use vitamin-mineral complexes.

The amount of milk a mother has to a greater extent depends on the amount of milk that the baby consumes, and to a much lesser extent - on the mother's drinking regime, although her diet should include a sufficient amount of liquid - at least 2 liters. It is better not to drink milk, especially undiluted, because its protein can cause allergies in the mother and, more likely, in the baby.

Be sure to wash your teats before each feed.

If the mother thoroughly washes the nipples before each feed, then she will wash off the protective film from the skin, which prevents injury. In this case, there is a high probability of the occurrence of those abrasions and cracks, which we talked about above. In fact, there is no need to carefully clean the nipples before each feed - a daily shower is sufficient. The mother's skin contains a certain amount of microbes, which are normal inhabitants of healthy skin. And if they enter the intestines of a child, they cannot cause any diseases. On the contrary, the contact of the newborn with the mother's skin contributes to the formation of a healthy intestinal microflora.

Express pumping after each feed.

It is important to breastfeed the baby on demand, then milk will be produced as much as the baby needs. If, after each feeding, it is expressed, then milk will be much more than necessary, and this can lead to stagnation of milk - lactostasis.

Breastfeeding is very difficult and inconvenient for the mother.

Breastfeeding is natural above all! And what is natural cannot be incredibly difficult. In this matter, a lot depends on the attitude of the mother herself to the problem of breastfeeding, on her willingness to listen to her intuition and to the needs of the baby. Breastfeeding is no big deal. Indeed, in this process, nature provides everything in the most optimal way. Milk is released in a completely finished form - sterile, at the best temperature, in the amount that the child needs to meet his needs. This food is always at hand. It cannot deteriorate, it cannot end at the most necessary moment, there is no need to sterilize the dishes and run to the supermarket for it.

This is the only food that costs nothing, but is absolutely priceless!

Modern formulas can successfully replace breast milk - they are almost identical to it in composition.

Of course, science does not stand still. But nevertheless, even the best and most modern formula cannot be completely identical to mother's milk. No matter how much the mixtures are improved, they will never contain antibodies to those diseases that the mother has suffered, the mixture will never change in composition from the beginning of feeding to its end. Formulas still contain too much protein compared to the mother's milk, and the quality of the protein in the formula is significantly different from that in breast milk. Mother's milk was created specifically for her child, it is not only the best nutrition for him, but also unique, the only one, it always meets his changing needs during the first year of life.

If the mother is sick, breastfeeding should be interrupted.

In fact, in almost all cases (with rare exceptions), the mother's illness is not a contraindication to breastfeeding.

If the mother suffers from a viral infection or a cold, then it will be quite sufficient to feed the child in a gauze mask, which must be thoroughly washed before each feeding.

As a rule, the mother breastfeeds the baby even during that period of the disease, which is called the prodromal. During this period, there are still no pronounced complaints, but the infection has already occurred, and the mother's immunity is actively producing antibodies to the causative agent of the infection, which somehow end up in milk. By the time the mother is already feeling sick, the baby receives a hefty dose of "vaccination" for the infection that his mother had had. Exceptions can be serious conditions that complicate childbirth - metroendometritis (inflammation of the uterus) or purulent mastitis. Fortunately, this happens very rarely!

Breastfeeding your beloved baby is simple, enjoyable and, most importantly, natural. A modern mother, even if she leads an active lifestyle, can successfully breastfeed a child if she trusts herself more and listens to the voice of her heart.