Urine is dark cloudy. Darkening of the urine in women. Dark urine from Trichopolum

Each of us noticed that the color of his urine changes periodically. Yes, normal urine should be light yellow. But it is not always constant and deviations are possible, the color can either lighten or darken. And in this article we will talk just about those cases when urine becomes dark. In fact, there can be many reasons, some of them are quite harmless and pass quickly, but sometimes the dark color of urine hides the pathological processes occurring in our body, and often in such cases it is important to suspect something is wrong in a timely manner and start an early treatment.

Why does urine become dark, what affects it?

To understand the main reasons that lead to the darkening of urine, let's look at what basically affects its color. In the urine there is a coloring pigment, which at normal concentration makes it straw-yellow. In the case of an increase in the concentration of this pigment in the urine, its color will be darker. This pigment is called urochrome, aka urobilin. Before it acquires its final form and stains the urine, this element goes through many stages of metabolism. First, it enters the intestines in the form of bilirubin along with bile. There it undergoes further disintegration under the influence of microflora to urobilinogen. Then it is absorbed into the bloodstream, where it passes into the stage of urobilin. After that, the kidneys remove it from the body along with urine. Thus, urine acquires color. It should be noted that when interacting with oxygen and sunlight, the urine darkens. This is because it also contains urobilinogen, which, under the influence of the above factors, passes into urobilin. That is, when the urine stands, as a result of chemical reactions, the concentration of urochrome will increase and the urine will darken.


If you are going to take a urine test, it is best to collect it immediately before delivery. Also try to limit the access of sunlight to urine. And close the lid tightly. Thus, the composition of the urine will be close to the original.

So, we found out that dark urine becomes due to the high concentration of urochrome. Then let's find out for what reasons its concentration is exceeded, and the urine darkens. Of course, not only he can change the color of urine, it happens that other substances get into it, which change its color.

Dark urine - what is the reason?

The causes of dark urine can be divided into two main groups:

  • Physiological - related to the characteristics of life.
  • Pathological - various kinds of diseases and dysfunctions of internal organs.

You can also highlight some points that relate to gender. In men and women, sometimes there can be excellent reasons due to the structural features of the body and the hormonal background.

Natural (physiological) causes of dark urine

Natural factors that can cause dark urine include the following:

  • Dehydration - it can occur with increased physical exertion, for example, after playing sports.
  • Foods – Certain foods can cause dark urine.
  • Taking medications - if your urine color has turned dark while taking medications, then read the column about the side effects of the medications you are taking. It is quite possible that the culprit is some kind of pill.

Also, remember that in the morning the concentration of urochrome is higher than usual and the urine at this time is darker, this is the norm.

Urine turned dark - signs of pathology

The most common causes of dark urine among pathogens are dysfunction of the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, kidneys and urinary tract. In general, the culprits are all those organs that are involved in the digestive processes. Since they are directly involved in the formation of the coloring pigment. Also, a metabolic disorder can cause the urine to become darker. In inflammatory processes in the liver, bilirubin is formed in much larger quantities and, as a result, there will also be more urochrome, while the urine becomes dark and cloudy. When the urine becomes cloudy, precipitation appears in it, this means that the concentration of some components has significantly exceeded the norm, one of which is salt. But turbidity of urine can also occur due to the ingress of pus into it, as a result of inflammatory processes in the urinary system. If you are poisoned, then dark urine is a common side effect, since vomiting and diarrhea cause dehydration of the body. If the urine not only darkened, but also acquired a greenish, reddish or some other shade other than yellow, then this already indicates impurities in the urine, for example, blood.

If the dark color of urine has pathological roots, then you will experience other symptoms in the form of various kinds of ailments.

Pathological features in men and women affecting the darkening of urine

There are a number of pathological causes that are characteristic only of a particular sex, let's talk about them.

Pathologies that cause darkening of urine in men:

  • Inflammation of the urethra - this leads to the fact that pus and mucus enter the urine, causing it to become cloudy and dark.
  • Inflammation of the prostate.
  • Inflammatory processes of the epididymis.
  • Scrotal injury.

All of the above pathologies entail additional secretions that change the color of urine and, of course, additional symptoms - pain when urinating, fever.


If your temperature is above normal, even if you are healthy at first glance and are sure that there are no colds, this indicates the presence of inflammatory processes. For example, you may have hurt yourself and while the body heals the wound, the temperature may be slightly higher than usual.

Dark urine about the cause of pathologies characteristic of women:

  • Tumors of the cervix.
  • Venereal diseases.
  • Violation of the microflora of the vagina.

Due to these ailments, urine will not only become dark cloudy, but its smell will also change. Also, you are unlikely to fail to notice the presence of secretions from the genitals.

Dark urine during pregnancy - is it normal?

When a woman bears a fetus, all her organs are subjected to a serious test. Often the urine becomes dark due to dehydration during pregnancy. Vomiting and diarrhea dehydrate the body, along with the liquid, it loses a lot of useful substances. A woman needs to drink more fluids and take as many vitamins as possible to make up for losses. By the way, nutritional supplements taken by pregnant women can also affect the dark color of urine.

In late pregnancy, the uterus exerts significant pressure on the internal organs, which can cause bile stasis. Because of this, the content of bilirubin in the urine increases.

Violation of the kidneys during pregnancy is not uncommon, if you have pain in the lower back, and the urine has become dark cloudy, then you should immediately consult a doctor.

It's time to sum up and finish our article. Urine is a good indicator of the state of our health and the functioning of internal organs. Therefore, we need to be able to distinguish its signals, we need to know when this indicator does not portend trouble, and when we need to be on the alert and seek medical help. If the urine has become darker for physiological reasons, then it is necessary to pay attention to changes in the diet and lifestyle, perhaps they have become the cause. When they are adjusted, everything should fall into place. In the case of pathology, as a rule, other additional symptoms should be present, which will clearly indicate to you that something is wrong.

On the air site - be attentive to various kinds of changes in the color of your urine. We wish you good health.


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It's no secret that a healthy body produces clear urine of a light yellow hue, which has a slight characteristic odor. This physiological fluid is the very first to reflect in itself all the changes that occur in the body, and therefore the acquisition of a darker shade by it, or the appearance of impurities becomes an alarm signal for many people. Often, this condition is explained by changes in the daily menu or hormonal failure (for example, during pregnancy), but if such a change becomes stable, and it is accompanied by other symptoms, dark urine can be considered a sign of serious pathological processes secretly occurring in the human body.

Causes of dark urine

All factors influencing the appearance of such a symptom are divided into two large categories: natural, associated with external or internal effects on the body, or pathological, due to a pathogenic effect on the human body.

You should immediately consult a doctor if, in addition to a change in color, the patient notices symptoms in himself, including:

  • chills, fever, drowsiness, fatigue, weakness, pain, characteristic of complex intoxication of the body;
  • yellowish tint of the skin, mucous membranes and whites of the eyes;
  • the appearance of itching and burning during urination;
  • pain in the lower back, as well as on the right under the ribs and in the abdominal cavity;
  • excretion of sediment with urine in the form of flakes, threads or grains;
  • polyuria, accompanied by a feeling of discomfort.

natural factors

Natural causes include the following:

  • dehydration due to insufficient drinking, excessive physical activity (including sports training) or too high ambient temperature;
  • eating foods rich in dyes, as well as fatty, salty and fried foods;
  • long-term effects on the body of medications that have urine staining in the list of side effects.

In addition, in men and women, the portion of urine excreted in the morning will be noticeably darker than what is excreted later throughout the day. This is due to the fact that at night there is an increased work of the kidneys of a filtration nature, while the substances intended for excretion from the body have to dissolve in a smaller volume of liquid, since a person does not visit the restroom for a long time (all night). The same effect is observed in cases where the patient does not have the opportunity to consume a sufficient amount of fluid, or he is in the heat for a long time. Too intense physical activity, which increases sweating, negatively affects the color of the urine produced by the body. In the predominant number of such cases, the normalization of the water balance in the body solves this problem, after which the urine is clarified.

Taking medications can also affect the color of this waste product in a similar way. For example, during a course of vitamins B and C, dark yellow urine becomes the norm. A similar effect on urine is exerted by the patient's use of anti-tuberculosis and anti-malarial drugs, as well as nitrofuran. If the patient takes drugs that have a laxative effect, due to the release of rather large volumes of fluid through the intestines, there is a sharp decrease in the volume of urine formed in the kidneys, which increases the concentration of coloring pigments (urochromes) and, if dark urine appears, it becomes the norm.

Eating foods rich in coloring matter can also cause a change and a darker shade. A person who eats legumes, beef, rhubarb, or drinks a large amount of strong black tea should expect that the next time they have a bowel movement, their body will excrete a very dark (compared to normal) liquid. However, such a change is only a temporary phenomenon, and soon enough the color of this waste product will normalize. Alcoholic products also affect the color of urine, and therefore people who are on a binge may find themselves in a serious change in the shade of this biological fluid.

Pathological conditions

A serious danger is the appearance of dark or due to the development of any diseases in the patient's body. The list of such ailments is quite extensive, and the following pathologies are considered the most common:

  • hepatitis, cirrhosis;
  • cholelithiasis and cholestasis (diseases of the biliary system);
  • anemia;
  • copper poisoning;
  • diabetes;
  • cancers of the pelvic organs;
  • nephrolithiasis, glomerulonephritis, polycystic;
  • infectious inflammation of the urinary system;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • alcoholism;
  • porphyria, tyrosinemia, hemochromatosis (disorder of the metabolic process);
  • dehydration.

Of great importance is the exact shade of the fluid secreted by the body. If the urine becomes dark yellow, then among the pathological causes, first of all, is urolithiasis, which causes excessive saturation of urine with salts. Next in importance are dehydration of the patient, the development of inflammatory processes of an infectious nature, as well as stagnation of urine in the urinary system, which may mean that the urine will soon turn dark yellow. The green tint of this waste product signals hepatitis, which is secretly developing in the body.

The dark color of urine, which has shades of brown, is often caused by pathologies of the liver and gallbladder, which increases the amount of bilirubin and biliverdin excreted from the body. This condition is often caused by a disorder in the outflow of bile.

The red tone of urine (some sources also use the concept of “color of meat slops”) is a typical manifestation of erythrocytes entering the urine. This is caused by inflammation occurring in the organs of the genitourinary system, as well as hematuria and hemoglobinuria.

During pregnancy, expectant mothers are characterized by all the same factors that affect the change in urine color as for healthy people. This is due to the fact that the body of a woman in position is literally working for wear and tear. The load on all organs increases due to the appearance of the fetus in the womb, which often develops a toxic state that affects the hormonal background. In addition, an exacerbation of all diseases is possible, and we should talk about pathologies of the urinary system - most often, doctors encounter gestational pyelonephritis (expressed in the appearance of purulent inclusions or mucus in the clinical analysis of urine, staining urine green). If the change in the color of urine is of a short-term nature, and there are no accompanying symptoms, there is nothing for the expectant mother to worry about.

Alkaptonuria is quite rare - for this hereditary disease, a typical manifestation is the excretion of homogentisic acid with urine. Oxidized after interaction with oxygen, this substance turns black, which causes a noticeable darkening of the liquid released during emptying. In adults, unlike children, this disease is accompanied by: the formation of calculi, disorders of the heart and arthritis. At the same time, black or, which begins to smell strongly, almost immediately makes patients think about visiting the clinic.

Diagnostic principles

It is quite difficult to judge only by external signs of urine that has changed its color or transparency. Therefore, after contacting the attending physician, he will without fail examine the history and refer the patient to undergo additional diagnostic procedures aimed at establishing the exact cause of such a change in the color of urine. You should not rely on your own sixth sense, engage in self-diagnosis or self-treatment, since the lack of an adequate therapy strategy can lead to serious consequences in the form of chronic health problems. Among the diagnostic methods carried out in laboratories, the following procedures are considered the most popular:

  • clinical analysis of urine;
  • urine sample according to Nechiporenko;
  • analysis according to Zimnitsky;
  • general blood analysis;
  • a biochemical blood test aimed at detecting the level of creatinine, urea, liver enzymes and some other indicators;
  • ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs, which, according to a preliminary conclusion, are the cause of the formation of dark-colored urine;
  • computed or magnetic resonance imaging;
  • gastroscopy.

Only after a complex of necessary diagnostic procedures has been carried out, the doctor will be able to establish the culprit for the change in the color of urine, and, if necessary, select a treatment plan. It often happens that the reason for changing the color of urine is a banal change in the daily menu: in such cases, after a few days, the color of the urine returns to normal and does not cause concern. But to exclude the possibility of developing pathologies that secretly occur in the human body, you should consult a doctor immediately after the appearance of noticeable changes in the appearance of urine.


Therapeutic procedures for each patient are strictly individual, as they depend on the state of health of the patient, and on the specific disease that develops in his body. It is important to understand that treatment should be aimed at eliminating, and not the symptom itself.

When natural factors are most likely to be the culprit for a change in the color of urine, a “painless” correction of these causes is possible, which helps to quickly return the urine to a normal color. The most common recommendations include: putting in order the drinking regimen, avoiding harmful foods and alcohol. After drinking alcohol, men and women often experience a hangover in the morning, and therefore resort to "treatment" with beer, which also causes a change in the color of urine and the appearance of a pungent odor.

Patients who have been diagnosed with diseases of the renal system are prescribed antibiotics or antiviral drugs. If malignant or benign tumors are found, the patient is prescribed anticancer drugs and a course of chemotherapy.

In rare cases, it is possible to avoid surgical intervention if the change in urine color is due to the formation of stones in the biliary system and urinary tract.

During pregnancy, in girls with diagnosed toxicosis, this condition is corrected by an outpatient method, which is accompanied by a special diet and some other recommendations. Patients in moderate and severe condition should be hospitalized in a hospital, where the necessary infusion treatment will be carried out, aimed at replenishing the water level in the body.

The color pigment urochrome is responsible for the color of urine. The higher its content in urine, the darker it is. A healthy woman's body excretes light yellow urine. The secreted liquid can change its color throughout the day. In the morning, the urine is dark in color, since fresh liquid did not enter the body during the night. The next time you urinate, the color becomes lighter. Sometimes the dark color becomes regular and then the woman has a well-founded question - why the reasons that led to the darkening can be divided into natural and pathological. Natural causes are temporary and should not be cause for concern. Pathological changes in the color of urine from yellow to darker can be caused by a number of diseases in a woman's body and require urgent consultation and diagnosis from a specialist. How to determine why brown appeared, more detailed information below will help.

natural causes


The color of urine directly depends on the amount of fluid in the body. The more liquid is supplied, the lower the concentration of urochrome and naturally the urine will be light yellow in color. When the body is dehydrated, brown urine will be released. Replenishing the fluid supply, the urine changes color to normal. A particularly attentive woman needs to be during the summer heat, when the body is in dire need of fluid.

When the body is dehydrated, urine can be very dark in color when urinating. This is explained by the fact that the concentration of urochrome increases.


Eating certain foods can temporarily change the color of the fluid produced by the kidneys in women and men. Black coffee, strong tea, legumes change urine colors. After the rejection of these products, the color stabilizes.

Taking medications

Taking certain medications tends to change the color of urine in men and women. These drugs include:
Ascorbic acid.
Some representatives of the antibacterial group.
Medicines for tuberculosis.
Malaria drugs.
All B vitamins.
Laxatives used for constipation.


Strenuous exercise as well as lifting heavy weights can result in brown colored urine when urinating. This is caused by heavy loads on the internal organs, in particular, on the kidneys. Women should protect themselves from heavy loads.

Injuries and damage

In some cases, trauma to the genital organs, urinary tract, may be the reason that droplets of blood enter the urine when urinating. As a result, urine may change color.

Pathological causes

Dark urine emitted during urination is accompanied by health problems, may indicate pathological causes. Symptoms to watch out for:
Increased body temperature, fever, chills.
Severe pain, burning sensation when urinating.
Discomfort during intercourse.
Headaches, pain in the lumbar region and lower abdomen.
Strong smell.
Dark urine.
Consider diseases that can cause changes.

1. Jaundice. With obstructive jaundice, dark urine is secreted, which in some cases has an almost black color. If you shake the urine container, a yellow foam will appear on the surface. This is due to the increased content of bilirubin. Additional symptoms:
Greenish-yellow color of the epidermis.
The feces became colorless.
Reduced blood pressure.
Weakness throughout the body, may be accompanied by increased or decreased body temperature.
Dizziness, sometimes accompanied by the urge to vomit.
Dark urine.

Parenchymal jaundice develops as a result of liver damage, as a result of hepatitis and cirrhosis. Urine changes its color as a result of an increased content of urobilin and bilirubin. Accompanied by the following symptoms:
Skin tone is bright yellow.
Fecal masses are clayey in color.
Sharp weight loss.
Weakness, a sharp increase in body temperature.
Enlargement of the abdomen.
Brown urine, in some cases black.

With hemolytic jaundice, the color of urine changes as a result of an increased content of urobilin, while bilirubin is absent. Feces become more acquire a lemon color.

2. Acute intestinal poisoning, which is accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea, leads to dehydration and, as a result, brown urine appears when urinating.

3. Diseases of the kidneys, bladder.
Often the color of the urine darkens due to the appearance of blood. This may indicate pathologies in the urinary system. An admixture of pus, a whitish precipitate may indicate kidney disease in men and women.

Brown urine indicates urolithiasis.

This is due to the fact that stones injure the kidneys. The presence of malignant tumors is accompanied by urine, which takes the form of brown meat slops.

Associated symptoms that indicate problems with the kidneys and urinary tract:
Urine color changes. Brown urine appears.
Pain, burning sensation, when urinating.
Frequent urging, accompanied by small portions of the excreted product of the kidneys.
Weakness in the body, pain in the lower abdomen, lumbar.

4. Features of darkening of urine in men and women. The regular dark color of urine should alert, because the reasons for the changes can be caused by a number of diseases. In men, dark-colored urine may indicate prostate disease or the presence of inflammation in the testicles, vas deferens. The causes of discoloration in men can also be injuries to the genital organs.
In women, the cause of darkening may lie in diseases of the reproductive system.:

Myoma of the uterus.
Malignant tumors.
Inflammatory diseases.

5. Pregnancy in women
Often, when carrying a child, urine changes color. In most cases, the cause lies in dehydration of the body due to toxicosis, which is accompanied by frequent vomiting. Sometimes a large load on the kidneys during gestation can lead to changes in the color of urine.

Noticing that the products of the activity of the kidneys have changed color, you should not panic and should act according to the following algorithm:
We monitor our body for one or two days. We measure body temperature, monitor the general condition of the body. Observe the color of the urine. This study will help eliminate the natural causes of changes.
After the allotted time has passed, noting that the urine is dark in color, we immediately contact the nearest medical institution.
A specialist will conduct a study and diagnosis, which will help to establish an accurate diagnosis, which will answer the question of why pathological changes have occurred.
Finally, it is worth noting that the darkened color of urine should alert both men and women.. This fact should not be left unattended, otherwise serious health problems may occur.

In contact with

Having noticed the discharge of dark urine in the morning, you should not worry, because this is considered the norm because of its high concentration, if you do not go to the toilet at night. This condition is called morning hyperchromia, when a large amount of pigments accumulate in the excreted urine. There are other non-pathogenic factors that influence the change. Consider all the reasons that can provoke the darkening of urine in men and women, as well as in pregnant women and children.

Why is it safe to change selections in some cases? Dark urine should alert everyone, but first of all, it is worth excluding the influence of non-pathogenic factors that could cause a change in the color of urine. These include:

A diet rich in beets, beef, blackberries, legumes, rhubarb, and other foods high in natural or artificial colors. Dark-colored drinks can very quickly change the yellowish color of urine to rich yellow or brown.

Medications and vitamins:

  • rifampicin;
  • metronidazole;
  • chloroquine;
  • methocarbamol;
  • nitrofurantoin;
  • quinine;
  • preparations based on aloe extract;
  • diagnostic dyes;
  • herbal preparations, one of the components of which is chrysophanoic acid;
  • laxatives, which include cascara, senna leaf;
  • vitamins B and C.

Such a change in urine can cause antimalarial, antitumor drugs and some others. If you notice that dark urine appeared during a course of drug therapy, carefully read the instructions for each drug: it always indicates the possibility of its components affecting the color of urine.

Dehydration of the body, which is observed in conditions of constant stay in a stuffy room (work in a hot shop), with intense physical exertion, staying in a country with a hot climate. Toxicosis during pregnancy, low fluid intake, some diets (coffee and chocolate) can also lead to this condition.

If you have dark urine, you should exclude the influence of the three factors described. Stop taking medications, adjust your diet and increase fluid intake: drink at least 8 (and in the warm season 12) glasses of water per day. If the color of the urine does not normalize, visit a doctor.

Pathological causes

Persistent darkening of urine can be a symptom of a serious illness that needs to be treated immediately.

Therefore, an early visit to the doctor in the event of any deviation in the color of the excreted urine is the key to successful treatment. The diagnostics carried out will allow to assess the state of the body and confirm or refute the presence of the disease.

Urgent examination and treatment is required in cases where, against the background of dark urine, a man or woman has the following symptoms:

  • permanent or temporary pain in the lower back, any part of the abdomen;
  • uncomfortable or painful urination;
  • fetid, pungent or unusual smell of urine;
  • fluctuation or persistent increase in body temperature;
  • frequent urge to empty the bladder;
  • nausea, vomiting.

Darkening of the excreted urine can be associated with various diseases and conditions.

Liver diseases:

  • hepatitis caused by alcohol or drug poisoning, the action of viruses. In hepatitis, the dark color of urine is due to the excretion of bilirubin through the kidneys, which normally should leave the body through the intestines;
  • cholelithiasis leading to obstruction of the bile ducts;
  • cirrhosis of the liver. This disease is accompanied by jaundice associated with an increase in the level of bilirubin in the blood, which is then excreted in the urine.

Dehydration of the body, which occurs against the background of severe vomiting and diarrhea. This condition can provoke a functional disorder of the gastrointestinal tract.

Alkaptonuria is a hereditary disease characterized by the excretion of hemogentisic acid in urine. Upon contact with air, this component becomes black, so the urine also becomes very dark. Against the background of this pathology in adult patients, heart problems and arthritis are observed.

Diseases of the bladder, kidneys:

  • urolithiasis disease. Stones can injure the tissues of the urinary tract, after which a small amount of blood enters the urine, which causes it to darken;
  • cystitis. More often this disease is accompanied by darkening of urine in men;
  • polycystic;
  • pyelonephritis and glomerulonephritis. In the first case, pus is usually released along with dark urine.

The breakdown of muscle cells can be the result of hard physical work in the cold or an adverse reaction of the body to taking statins. This pathology is accompanied by the appearance of severe pain in the muscles of the legs.

Hemolytic anemia, in which an increased amount of bilirubin is formed in the urine.

Tumors that develop

  • in the kidneys;
  • in the prostate gland (in men);
  • in the pancreas or liver;
  • from moles (melanoma).

Other pathological causes of dark urine can be:

  • heart failure;
  • malaria;
  • burns;
  • cholestasis.

All described pathologies require medical intervention, regular monitoring of the patient's condition during therapy, sometimes inpatient treatment is necessary.

Pathological factors in men

In addition to the above reasons, in men, the darkening of urine can provoke some pathologies of the reproductive system:

  • inflammation of the urethra: pus and mucus enter the urine;
  • inflammation of the prostate: impurities of mucus, red blood cells and pus appear in the urine;
  • inflammation of the epididymis;
  • scrotum injury.

If a man notices a darkening of the excreted urine, especially with the appearance of additional symptoms (pain when urinating, fever, etc.), he needs to urgently consult a doctor.

Pathological factors in women

They are associated with diseases of the urogenital area:

  • tumor of the cervix;
  • venereal diseases;
  • decaying uterine fibroids.

When the color of urine changes against the background of these reasons, women change the smell of urine and secretions from the genital organs. These symptoms require urgent medical attention.

If the urine has darkened in a pregnant woman or a child

Such a change in pregnant women is a fairly common occurrence. Why is this happening? The body of the expectant mother is subjected to severe stress: toxicosis and, as a result, dehydration of the body, a large load on the kidneys, hormonal changes. In addition, a varied menu for a pregnant woman and the intake of prescribed vitamins, which can change the color of urine, play an important role.

In children, such a pathology can occur as a result of dehydration, eating a large amount of soda, berries, sweets, it can become a reaction of the body to medications or prolonged exposure to the sun.

But if children and pregnant women in parallel experience abdominal pain, or fever, you should immediately visit a doctor.

Hue of urine: what does it say

Changes in urine may be associated with diseases and have a certain color. But you should not immediately diagnose yourself and try to independently prescribe treatment for yourself after determining the color of urine. Only a doctor can prescribe the appropriate therapy.

urine color Pathological condition
Black Alkaptonuria
Acute hemolytic kidney
Marchiafava-Micheli disease
Brown Parenchymal jaundice
Hemolytic anemia
Condition after blood transfusion
Dark yellow With toxicosis of pregnant women
Heart failure
Feverish state
congestive kidney
Red Urolithiasis disease
Kidney infarction
lead anemia
"Meat slops" Acute glomerulonephritis or its exacerbation
Greenish Mechanical jaundice


Therapy is selected individually, based on the reasons that provoked the darkening of urine:

  • if the cause was dehydration, it is recommended to strengthen the drinking regimen;
  • if the problem was caused by the use of certain foods and medicines, it is worth excluding them;
  • if the darkening of the urine was caused by a disease, an appropriate therapy is selected after the diagnostic measures taken.

It is better to immediately consult a doctor to identify the cause of such a pathology in order to respond in time to the ongoing changes in the body and take adequate measures.

When you are sent for testing, everyone, even without a medical education, tries to make a diagnosis based on the external indicators of urine. Dark urine is the most disturbing. And before we get results, we wind ourselves up that this color indicates kidney problems or other diseases. How to be?

There are many reasons for this shade, and they do not always consist in the presence of diseases. Let's try to dot the "i", revealing all the reasons for the darkening of urine - both natural and pathological. You will also find out for which diseases a concomitant symptom is dark urine.

1. If dark urine is a deviation, then what color is the norm
2. Dark urine: we analyze the natural causes
3. What causes will indicate pathology in the presence of dark urine
4. Dark urine - details depending on the different shades

If dark urine is a deviation, then what color is the norm

The color of urine depends on the amount of urochrome pigment it contains. Its concentration increases if a person consumes little liquid. So, if at night you do not get up to drink water, then in the morning you get more dark portion of urine. If we talk about the norm, then ideally it is a light yellow color of urine.

The pigment dissolves easily with the drinks you drink, especially ordinary drinking water. You can notice: if you had to drink a lot of water during the day, then the urine also acquired a light shade.

But not all drinks reduce the concentration of urochrome - if you decide to drink a dark carbonated drink, then get ready for dark urine.

Dark urine: we analyze the natural causes

If the mustard shade of urine in the morning can be taken as the norm, then the same situation throughout the day may indicate deviations. Although it is quite possible that sin is not on diseases, but on your lifestyle.

Natural causes that change the shade to a darker one depend on the following indicators:

You drink little fluid throughout the day, in particular drinking water;

You experience increased sweating, for example, on a hot day or during physical exertion;

You have been taking certain medications for a long time ( vitamins C,B, laxatives, etc.);

Your diet is dominated by foods such as beef, dark teas, rhubarb and legumes.

By changing the diet or lifestyle, the color of the urine will return to normal, and if this does not happen, then it's time to move on to identifying pathological causes.

What causes will indicate pathology in the presence of dark urine

Having revealed that the urine is darker than normal, you should not beat all the bells. Let go of the natural causes first. If your drinking regimen is 1.5-2 liters per day, you do not overwork physically and do not take medication, only then think about the pathology.

Do not self-diagnose the best option is to see a doctor. He will prescribe laboratory tests and then you can judge the presence of a problem.

Most often, a dark shade indicates diseases of the kidneys or the genitourinary system. But in any case, only a doctor can refute or confirm the situation.

Dark urine - details depending on different shades

dark urine- this is a generalized concept, because it can vary in shades, which may indicate different deviations. So, here's what the shade will tell you:

dark brown color suggests that it is time to pay attention to the liver and gallbladder, the development of an ailment is possible, when bile pigments are excreted into the urine by the kidneys;

dark yellow shade- a symptom of problems with the bladder or kidneys, may be symptom of pyonephrosis;

the presence of blood impurities(reddish tint) indicates injury to the tissues of the urinary system.

Separately, it is worth paying attention to the dark shade during pregnancy, when you need to changes in a woman's body treated very carefully.

Then this symptom may indicate several problems:


Improper distribution of substances in the body.

Dark urine has pathological and natural causes. If the natural ones depend on the amount of fluid consumed, lifestyle and other factors, then the pathological ones indicate the presence of a different type of disease.

So, you should not immediately panic when you notice dark urine in yourself. First, exclude natural causes, and then you should think about a possible pathology and conduct a diagnosis.

An important role in the shade of urine is played by the drinking regimen and nutrition, so if you drank a glass of water during the day, then do not rush to disturb the doctor.

A dark color for 1-2 days is not a deviation, but when the shade does not change for a long time, regardless of the diet, then go to the hospital.

The article only helped you figure out when the color is far from the norm and what can cause it, but decide for yourself how to act.

Please note: to make a diagnosis for yourself, and even more so to select treatment with medications, is extremely life-threatening. estet-portal.com

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness - together we change the world! © econet