Fashionable bows for women 40 years old. Bananas or tapering to the bottom. Fashion evening look ideas for middle-aged women

In clothes after 40, the most important thing is elegance and style. They make a woman younger. And before you buy a thing, you need to think: is it elegant? Extravagant clothes, bright lacquer and decorated with shiny prints in large quantities - only for young people (with rare exceptions)! No shapeless overalls, incomprehensible sweaters and many frills! They are aging. You also need to pay attention to how the clothes fit on the figure. A well-chosen, flattering outfit makes you look younger, slimmer and more elegant.

Much also depends on the color scheme. Light colors of clothes and the same accessories (scarf, collar), casting glare, work wonders. The number of wrinkles is visually reduced, the face looks younger and fresher.

Clothes, shoes, accessories

Shoes for ladies should be exquisite. The height and shape of the heel can be any, the main thing is comfortable. What aunts of "indeterminate" age wear are not for the young at heart!

Trousers will rejuvenate if they are slightly flared from the hip or with arrows. And always with high heels. Jeans also have a "rejuvenating" effect. But only dark blue and well-fitting. No rhinestones or embroidery - this is for, not for self-confident women.

Skirts and dresses for elegant ladies should not be too long or too short - a long one can turn into a badge, and too short will look ridiculous. The best length is just below the kneecap. Again, you need to focus on the figure - slim and athletic women are allowed almost everything, except for what they will look vulgar or contrary to their status.

Blouses don't have to be tight - fit is better. And, as already mentioned, no rhinestones, beads, frills and ribbons. These are the elements that age. Better to replace them with fashionable accessories. And there should be just enough decorations so that they harmoniously complement the image, and not turn into a New Year tree.

Accessories need to be taken very seriously so that poor choices don't negate all efforts. No old oilcloth bags! Only stylish medium-sized handbags, clutches and matching gloves or a scarf.

A lady at this age has already found herself, she is feminine and charming. If a young girl can afford to be casual and strange in her clothes, then for a 40-year-old woman this is unacceptable. The most suitable image for her - in which chic and conservatism are successfully combined. She can choose any direction in fashion - retro, vintage or provence.

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Not every woman in her 40s can boast of a good figure and skin with virtually no wrinkles. Youth is already in the past, however, this is not a reason to start dressing at random. Rather, on the contrary, you need to clearly think over your style in order to look feminine and charming. The wardrobe of a woman over 40 should consist of certain things that look solid and fit.

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Before thinking about what to wear, you need to understand what things should be categorically discarded. First of all, you should not try on shapeless clothes that resemble a hoodie. Of course, such things will hide excess weight, but at the same time all the advantages of the figure. Such outfits should be left for women who are over 60 years old. In the meantime, you should pay attention to outfits that emphasize the waist, hips or neckline.

Another common mistake is casual outfits that look great on young girls but look silly on older women. Clothes for a 40-year-old woman should not be torn and resemble those of a teenager. This will create dissonance between age and outfit. You should also, if possible, give up shoes without a heel - from boots, ballet flats and sneakers. They can only be worn if there are leg problems. In other situations, it is better to prefer shoes with heels, albeit small ones. This will add grace and femininity to the image. It is also highly undesirable to choose dark and long clothes: skirts, dresses and shapeless raincoats. All of this looks more like the wardrobe of retirees, but not at all like fashionable clothes for women over 40 years.

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Modern women's dresses for women after 40 years

Answering the question of how beautifully a woman should dress at 40 years old, one cannot fail to mention dresses. They must be in the closet without fail for both young girls and older ladies. It is best to choose dresses in light shades, it is permissible to wear even things with a floral print. They should not be too long, unless it is an evening dress made, for example, from satin. Everyday thing should barely cover your knees. So she will hide excess weight, if any, and at the same time will not visually increase age. By the way, you should not choose dresses with too open neckline. They look vulgar, not attractive. Models are suitable that hide the chest, but at the same time slightly expose the neck and collarbones.

Stylish trousers for women after 40years

40-year-old women in classic trousers look stylish. These are ideal clothes for both a business look and a casual one. Pants are complemented with fashionable jackets, jackets, tops or blouses. The main thing is to choose clothes by color and style. For work, you can choose banana trousers or trousers that are tapered to the bottom. Shortened models are in fashion. Trousers with or without arrows - it's up to you to choose. In 2017, fashion allows you a lot.

Of course, jeans are needed in a woman's wardrobe - without unnecessary details and pretentiousness. They should not have prints and youth jewelry. Jeans in dark blue, light blue, traditional blue colors will suit you. Depending on the condition of the figure, you can choose a loose or tight model, but remember that too tight jeans on a woman after 40 years old look vulgar. You can put on jeans on the road, for a walk and even to the office to work - if the dress code does not prohibit it.

Fashionable evening dresses for women after 40 years

No matter how old you are, you should always remain a woman. Dresses are an exclusively feminine element of the wardrobe, and therefore it is a sin to refuse beautiful things that highlight your femininity. At 40, you are full of energy, sex appeal and interest in nightlife. Classic colors such as black, navy blue, red are perfect for an evening dress. Also, an evening event is a great occasion to choose a bright outfit, for example, with a floral print, a reptile skin print or a sheer lace blouse. But everything should be in moderation. An outfit that is too flashy or transparent may suit a 26-year-old woman, but not a 46-year-old.

What is fashionable to wear for women after 40 years

Walking the streets, you may notice that some girls dress incorrectly, wear those things that do not suit them at all. Following the simple tips of stylists, you can create your own individual image, thanks to which a woman will have an irresistible look, despite her age. For forty-year-old ladies, a win-win classic style is well suited, the characteristic features of which are the severity of lines and a minimum of details. It is this style that can emphasize the dignity of the figure of a woman over 40 years old.

At this age, it is worth giving up low-quality things, it is advisable to wear products made of high-quality materials. If the fair sex, who are a little over 40, prefer the classic style, smoothed calm tons, then jewelry made of gold and silver can be safely replaced with expensive jewelry. Scarves, glasses and belts will help to add brightness to the image. Mature ladies need to pay special attention to their color when choosing clothes.

Despite the fact that bright colors have become fashionable in recent years, you should not wear such clothes, as they will look defiant and inappropriate. An incorrectly chosen shade can give a person an age, which is completely undesirable for forty-year-old ladies. The right decision would be to purchase clothes in light pastel colors, but when creating an image, you can also use a small amount of muted colors - peach, pink, yellow, blue.

Fashionable casual skirts for women over 40

A skirt is a must-have item for every woman's spring-summer wardrobe. If you do not yet know which ones will be in fashion, then be sure to check out the collections of famous brands. All presented models are characterized by freedom, sexuality and, of course, lightness. Every woman can choose the right one for herself. How important it is to choose a skirt not only of the correct length, but also of the correct fit and style: after all, it is a common bow that can show all the differences between how you look - amazing or tasteless, young and fashionable or older than your years. The right look for women over 40 is the embodiment of elegance, sophistication and harmony. But still, at 40, all skirts simply have to end as close to the knees as possible.

In the spring and summer of 2017, stylists choose feminine things with a beautiful pattern. When choosing a fashionable skirt, be sure to think about what you will combine it with. Only with the right top you will get a stylish and harmonious look.

Knowing which fashionable skirts will be relevant in 2017, you can make the right choice and replenish your wardrobe with new things. Experiment and create unusual looks and you will always be in the spotlight.

Are you ready to experiment with your look? We look forward to your comments!

At both eighteen and thirty, we changed our approach to wardrobe creation. After forty, many women notice that their usual clothes begin to grow even more for them, or, conversely, it seems that you have long "grown" out of the clothes that you wear. It becomes clear that dressing as before will not be entirely correct.

One thing is unclear: what should women buy and wear after 40?

Many stylists advise to submit to age and wear strict and classic clothes. Let's say right away: we are against such advice!

We believe that you need to clearly “know by sight” those things that add extra years to your passport, as well as be able to choose what will emphasize your individuality and style.

How to dress after 40?

To do this, you need to follow a few simple rules.


We say "NO" to too solid clothes.

The myth that with age you need to change clothes is nothing more than a myth! If you start wearing boring suits, you will definitely not look younger!



Revealing #black outfits with a defiant neckline, deep slits and short skirts, as well as thin, overly tight knitwear, will likely have to say no. You want to look young, and not be one of those who are "younger"?

Overly feminine and sexy clothes only emphasize age, and we don't want that, right? Sexuality can be broadcast much more aesthetically, without vulgarity. And honestly, there is nothing sexier than self-confident, loving and accepting as women are.



Ruffles and ruffles, floral prints and polka dots add age in most cases. Feminine style is good. And the "woman's style" is not very good. Do you agree?



It is important to understand that a youthful and well-groomed appearance, as well as a style that will be admired, starts with the right basic things, not burdened with an intricate cut or completely unnecessary business dress code.

If for some reason you mean by "base" a black and gray sweater, then I am waiting for you at the School of Shopping. :-)





YES! Modern styles and shapes. We have already said and we will repeat again: a classic can visually add many years!

Dress up-to-date!

Follow fashion, but adapt trends to your own appearance, figure and lifestyle. If you are unsure how to do this, seek professional advice.

The need for this information for self-esteem and appearance is difficult to overestimate!


YES! Correct cut and fit of clothing. There MUST be "air" between body and clothing. Modern women look stylish and feel comfortable because they know how to buy the right basic items. It is not necessary to "fit in".

Every woman wants to be beautiful and sexually attractive, regardless of her age. Meanwhile, it becomes much more difficult to achieve this after 40, because the appearance and figure undergo noticeable age-related changes.

Despite this, there are many ways to highlight the natural beauty of a 40-year-old woman, hide her age and give her image a unique charm and elegance. This becomes especially important on the eve of summer, when beautiful ladies have to take off their warm fur coats and coats, and openly demonstrate to those around them what is excellent.

What should be included in a fashionable summer wardrobe for a woman over 40?

To always look good, a forty-year-old woman needs to have several things in her wardrobe that can be easily combined with each other, creating fashionable and stylish looks. The following basic summer wardrobe items for women over 40 will be at their peak in 2016:

  • pants for everyday walks and creating a business image. By and large, they can be anything, but the best option for forty-year-old women of fashion this summer season will be wide trousers, flared from the hip, as well as trendy culottes;
  • jeans... These versatile pants have long earned their well-deserved popularity among women and men of all ages. In the wardrobe for the summer for a woman after 40 years, they must also be present. When choosing jeans, it should be understood that a "torn" design on a forty-year-old beauty will look ridiculous. Low-waisted models are also best left for younger girls;
  • skirts for women aged 40 and over, it should be selected with extreme care so as not to weigh down the figure and make the created image ridiculous. The ideal option in this case is a skirt that ends in the knee area, as well as 5-7 cm above or below this line. Mini-models that do not even reach mid-thigh, as well as floor-length skirts, women at this age should be avoided;
  • of course, every woman's summer wardrobe must be several dresses... For ladies over 40 years old, light sundresses made of flowing fabrics, mid-length wrap dresses, shirt dresses and other models that do not fit the figure too much, but also are not overly lush, are best suited;
  • blouses, tops, shirts and all kinds of blouses should favorably emphasize the beauty of the bust, but under no circumstances should the woman's belly be exposed after 40 years. It is best to choose classic models that will be appropriate in all situations;
  • finally, in the wardrobe for the summer must be warm cardigan, jacket or jacket... For beautiful ladies over 40, it is better to give preference to fitted or semi-fitted models in a calm color scheme, not too weighted with decorative elements.

Having at her disposal all these items of summer wardrobe, a woman in her 40s and older will have no difficulty in creating a magnificent stylish image for both everyday look and evening walks.

1. Do not go to extremes

The most important and important rule that many women break with sad regularity is to go to extremes. This means one is wearing a Mickey Mouse crop top and the other is wearing a gray floor-length grandmother's skirt. Know when to stop: short shiny shorts will not make you look younger, and an old lady's blouse will only aggravate the situation. The right solution is elegant silhouettes, classic cuts and the absence of strange decorative elements.

2. Wear comfortable clothing

After all, it's time to forget about very tight skirts, 15 cm heels and slippery jeans. Wear whatever you feel comfortable in (not a tracksuit!). Clothes should not constrict anything, squeeze or hinder movement. Remember once and for all: the outfit should fit the figure.

3. Clearly define what to show and what to hide

It is natural that your figure is no longer as fit as it was 20 years ago. There is no need to be afraid of this, because of this there is no need to be upset. Just learn to emphasize strengths and hide weaknesses. Do you have beautiful calves or an attractive décolleté area? Wear knee-length skirts and V-neck blouses.

4. Wear pastel colors

First of all, you need to understand which colors suit you. Perhaps you had enough time to figure this out. For example, soft blue instantly makes you younger and more attractive, while yellow is strictly prohibited. From this and make a start. Meanwhile, if you are a little over 40, stylists recommend paying attention to light pastel shades: beige, ivory, brown, white, gray.

5. Say a firm "no" to shapeless clothes

Returning to the question of a beautiful and elegant silhouette. Forget about hoodies, weird stretched sweaters, insanely wide trousers. Only one size fits all and only semi-fitted things (but not tight!)

6. Choose prints with care

We are not saying that after 40 years you can not wear bright prints, but it is better to choose them with extreme care. Pay attention to something muffled, uncommon, unflattering. It can be geometric shapes, flowers, and abstraction, but with the proviso that the print does not look too childish. Moreover, without funny cats and red lips.

7. Don't forget about heels

High-heeled shoes are in the closet and "walk" only on special occasions? This is the wrong approach to business. Just buy at least one pair of really comfortable and stable mid-heeled pumps.

8. Choose skirts and dresses of medium length

The ideal length is mid-knee. It is feminine, beautiful, stylish. A mini dress will look vulgar and vulgar, perhaps only Demi Moore can afford such outfits. In order not to be mistaken, we always choose something restrained and without going overboard.

9. Find a nice fitted coat

Have you bought a cool fitted coat in a delicate shade? Match it with ankle boots and consider that you are ready for spring and autumn. Forget black or gray and don't be afraid to get dirty - a light coat will make your look gorgeous.

10. Add stylish details

If in clothes we advise you to stick to the classics, then when choosing accessories, you can include imagination (in moderation, of course). For example, sometimes wear a beautiful hat or large jewelry, add an unusual brooch or bright shoes to the image. In general, be original, it will benefit your style.

11. Do not get carried away with jewelry

Another extreme that older women sometimes fall into. Wearing many, many expensive jewelry at the same time and turn into a Christmas tree. We understand that jewelry is an indicator of wealth and luxury, but still, for everyday style it is better to stick to modest accessories. At least no 20 carat diamonds.

12. Carry small, neat handbags

Try to avoid large bags that look more like grocery shopping bags. Wear clutches or neat medium-sized handbags - they will never ruin your elegant look.

13. Buy only high quality clothing

We think that the realization has already come to you that it is better to buy several high-quality and expensive items of the basic wardrobe than to buy up all the lurid blouses with protruding threads on sales. A woman after 40 cannot afford to wear low-quality clothes that will not last more than 1 season. An expensive bag, a good coat, cool shoes - we select the perfect option and enjoy it for several years.

14. Always stick to simplicity and elegance.

Let's leave experimenting with trends to young girls, okay? Eternal classics - that's what a beautiful woman needs after 40. Fitted trousers, a feminine blouse, a stylish jacket will never go out of fashion. Simple and tasteful, as they say.

15. Be well-groomed and tidy

There are no ugly women. There are only those who do not want to take care of their skin, hair, nails, clothes. Of course, you can make excuses for the lack of time, but this excuse will not work with us. We officially declare: women, love yourself, and then everyone around you will love you!