Lactation milk. Raising lactation is the most effective means and methods. How to increase lactation? The most effective folk and medical

Often, women have problems with breastfeeding, for example, when a child ceases to take her breasts or, even worse, little milk, it lacks for the baby. But often these conclusions are erroneous. What are the signs that the child really lacks nutrition, in what cases mommy is mistaken about the number of their milk, what techniques and means to increase the lactation of breast milk exist?

The supervisory mother will not miss signs of lack of milk. They are quite clearly visible. So, mommy may noted that the baby rarely has to change one-time diapers. In the first days of the child's life, while it feeds on a colostrum, urine can be only 1-3. After more - up to 6-8 per day. And after the 10th day of life, their number grows up to 10-12, no less. Since disposable diapers are able to absorb a simple, find out the amount of the baby's urination is not so simple. Need to resort to tricks. Or very often watch diapers, weigh them or acquire such diapers, who have a front-end control strip, changing the color of the hygiene. Saw stripes? Change the diaper and consider it when counting.

The number of child's feces per day is not so significant, but it can also take into account. Breast children from about 5-7 days after birth, for the most part empty 2-5 times a day. They have a casheck or liquid consistency.

All these rules must be observed, and take attempts to restore normal lactation. To do this, it is necessary to eat right, a lot of rest, often feed the child and drink more fluid itself.

What fluid is better to drink? People's Molver usually says about special tea for lactation of milk and cow's milk. And doctors advise simple water. Necessarily or boiled, or bottled. Not from under the crane! As for cow's milk, it needs to be used moderately. A large number of cow's milk in the diet of Mom will almost certainly provoke the intolerance to the cow protein in the child. It is better to eat fermented dairy products, but also their moderately. If you are afraid of the lack of calcium in your body, eat more fresh greens and vegetables, there are also a lot of calcium in them. Or drink special mixtures for nursing mothers (by the type of children's).

Some women love to quietly use herbal tea for nursing mothers, containing fragrant herbs: anise, dill and fennel. Many notice the positive effect of using this drink. However, modern doctors believe that it is not the case here in the lactoral properties of tea, but simply that a woman begins to drink more and in general to fulfill recommendations to strengthen lactation.

Now they say a lot about the fact that there are products that increase lactation, and they traditionally include walnuts, carrot juice, just raw carrots and milk. As for milk, we have already written. But the carrot for the body of the mother is useful, but it is not too much to get involved in avoiding an allergic reaction from the child.

Preparations are actively advertised to increase milk generation in a nursing mother. These are biologically active additives containing anise already mentioned earlier, fennel and dill, as well as uterine milk. For example, "apilat". Before starting to take any dietary supplement, carefully read the instructions. Any drug can provoke allergies with you and the child, to cause a baby sleep disturbance.

It is proved to stimulate the dairy glands can only drugs for raising lactation, which have passed a number of studies on efficiency and safety. But there are no such yet. Is that "oxytocin", this is a hormone who is bought to women in maternity hospitals for rapid recovery (cuts) of the uterus. It provokes emissions of breast milk. Here are just injections of these are encouraged to make a maximum of 3 days, as they have many side effects, including provoking the appearance of postpartum edema. And of course, they should not be used independently for lactation.

We hope that we were able to answer most of your questions regarding successful breastfeeding. Breast feed is not difficult. Listen to the recommendations of breastfeeding consultants and ignore those who say that you will not succeed.

Almost every woman (if there are no contraindications), who endowed and giving birth to a child, can and should fill it with his breast milk. Unfortunately, this is not always happening. And not only because the woman does not want to breastfeed. Some may have hygoglactium (from Greek Hypo - low and gala - milk), or insufficient milk generation with milk iron. Sometimes pregnant women who heard about such a problem from girlfriends and relatives, worry about whether they will be able to fade their baby breasts. And those young mothers whose children are not enough in weight, they usually associate it with a shortage of milk. However, experience shows that hygoglactium is not fatally, it can be prevented.

Why lactation decreases?

True (or primary) hygogalactium is rare, no more than 5% of women, which is associated with their health condition (in particular, with serious hormonal violations). In other cases, the shortage of milk may be caused by a number of disposable reasons. List the main ones:

  • the lack of lactation dominants (so experts call the psychological attitude to breastfeeding);
  • irrational food during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • unfavorable family circumstances: stress, the need to go to work, etc.;
  • rare baby applying to the chest;
  • early and unreasonable introduction of discomfort by substitutes for female milk and a gentle dust;
  • feeding a child is not at the request of the baby, but on schedule.

During the already established breastfeeding, the amount of milk can suddenly decrease. This condition is called a lactation crisis. Usually it occurs like this. A growing child needs more and more milk, and the baby's appetite may not increase gradually, but jumps. In this case, the mother's body seems to adapt to the increased demands of the child. In addition, it is in these periods that a temporary change in the hormonal background may occur, which also affects the amount of milk. Typically, lactation crises arise at 3-6 weeks, as well as 3, 4, 7 and 8 months of lactation. Their duration on average is 3-4 days, and they do not pose a danger to the health of the child. If the mother knows about the possibility of lactation crises and at the very first signs, it begins to make a child to his chest more often, then it successfully overcomes this temporary state, increasing the volume of milk.

How to find out about the child lack milk?

The main symptoms of lack of breast milk are:

  • insufficient body weight gain for the month;
  • reducing the daily volume of breast milk;
  • child concern;
  • symptom of "dry diapers", indicating a decrease in the daily volume of urine (the child of the first months, on breastfeeding, should urinate at least six times a day, and urine should be colorless or pale yellow).

Table. Main specialized products recommended by women during breastfeeding for lactation stimulation

Group number Products Manufacturer a brief description of
Dry dairy and soy mixes
I. "Femilak" "Nutrytete", Russia Dry nitamined milk mixture enriched with polyunsaturated fatty acids and taurine
"Enfa Mom" "MEAD JOHNSON", USA The same, without taurine
"Dumil Mom Plus" "INTERNATIONAL NUTRITION", DENNIY The same, without taurine
"Olympic" OJSC "Istra" / "Nutrition" Dry nitamined mixture based on soy protein
Dry mixture enriched with lactogenic additive
II. "Milky Way" LLC "Vitaprom" Guni Food, Ramna Dry nitamined mixture based on milk and soy protein isolate, enriched with grass grass extract
Juices, drinks, decoctions, teas
III Fruit juices and drinks "Hipp", Austria
"Nestle", Germany
Natural juices and drinks enriched with vitamins and iron
Tea for pregnant and nursing women "Hipp", Austria
"Kruger", Poland
Soluble herbal teas with the addition of medicinal herbs, fruit powders and sugars
Infusions and decoctions of food and spicy taste vegetables and herbs Homemade cooking Infusions and decoctions from lactogenic vegetables and herbs
Biologically active additives (BAA)
IV "Apilactin"
Firm "Leoveit Nutrio" Russia, Kazakhstan Based on product life products Bees and spicy flavors
Vitamin Mineral Complexes
"Mantna" and others
Polyvitamins, Minerals, Microelements

But these symptoms are only indirect evidence of hypoglactics. Finally make sure that the milk is really missing, you can, by defining its number per day. In practice, this is carried out using a toddler test. At the same time, the baby must be weighed before and after each feeding during the day. Pay attention - a breast child in different feedings can eat a different amount of milk. That is why the volume of the steamed per day is taken into account, and not for one feeding. It is important to emphasize that the main criteria for the effectiveness of breastfeeding are normal growth and development, well-being of the child. There is no need to weigh the baby every day, if everything is in order. This will only make an unnecessary anxiety and can move you to replenish the imaginary shortage by a substitute for breast milk.

It is unacceptable to appoint a child to the child with milk mixtures only if the hypoglactic is suspected without the direct confirmation of this diagnosis. Yes, and in the event that the diagnosis is confirmed, a young mother can still "compete" for their milk. To do this, it is necessary to make a child to breast more often, resort to the methods of increasing the amount of milk, which will be said below. In addition, in some cases, women helps the consultation of the psychologist.

Proper nutrition plus stimulation

Our studies have shown that among the causes of hypoglactics, a large place belongs to the food factor. Therefore, first of all is necessary to rationalize the nutrition of the mother. The need for protein-vitamin and mineral components of the diet of pregnant women and nursing mothers is particularly important. You should not forget about drinking mode - from 1.5 to 2 liters per day, including liquid diet dishes. It may take the purpose of lactogenic, i.e. Increasing products of milk, products and beverages, physiotherapy procedures and drugs, vitamin and mineral components, Bad 1.

We list the products of industrial production capable of stimulating lactation. Specialized products we were conditionally divided into five groups (see Table).

I group. Preparations that corrective diet on the main food factors, especially in the protein of animal origin, fats, the entire range of minerals, microelements and polyvitamins.

"Femilak" contains milk protein, enriched with a particularly important substance - Taurin present in female milk, 15 vitamins, corn oil. The use of the product "Femilak" during pregnancy has a positive effect on the health of the future mother and the correct development of the fetus, and in the period of breastfeeding, it contributes to sufficient lactation and improves the composition of maternal milk. "Enfa Mom", "Dumil Mom Plus" - similar products, but they do not contain Taurine. Nursing mothers are also successfully used by the domestic product "Olympic", created for athletes. "Olympic" - a dry vitamined mixture based on soy protein.

II group. Products that corrective diet and lactogenic enriched.

This group includes a new product for nursing mothers "Milky Way", developed by LLC Vitaprom, together with the power of the RAMS. It includes a dry solid skimmed cow's milk, solid protein, sugar, chicory, grass extract, dietary fibers, vitamins, mineral salts.

Grass extract gallets - a powerful lactogenic factor. As the clinical studies have shown, the product is well tolerated with nursing mothers and infants. The product effectively enhances the lactation function of a nursing mother. It can be used from the first days of lactation of women who are included in the risk group on hypoglactics (slow lactation starting "lactation, early translation to artificial feeding of previous children).

III. Products of plant origin with lactogenic properties, in the form of juices, beverages, teas.

Among plants that enhance lactation, a large role is assigned to food and spicy taste. These include carrots, licorice, leaf salad, radish, cumin, dill, nettle, dandelion, fennel, soul man, melissa, anise, yarrow, rosehip, walnut wood and others. From these plants are preparing infusions, decoctions that are taken as drinks.

Drinks to raise lactation

Carrot juice . Wash brushed carrots to grate on a small grater, squeeze the juice and drink half aak on reception 2-3 times a day. To improve taste, milk, cream, honey and fruit-berry juices are added to the juice of carrots. Additions should be not very large (1-2 tablespoons per glass of juice) so as not to reduce the action of carrot juice.

Carrot marching with milk . To put 3-4 tablespoons of grated carrots, pour with milk (or cream) and drink 2-3 times a day. In the evening, you can add 1-2 teaspoons of honey to drink - to remove nervous voltage and good night sleep.

Salad seed drink . Salad seeds have the most pronounced milk grown effect. For the preparation of the beverage, 20 g of seeds are taken, carefully crushed in a porcelain mortar and poured 1 glass of boiling water. Insist 2-3 hours and drink 2-3 times a day by half a cup. To improve taste, you can add 1-2 teaspoons of honey to a glass of boiling water.

Tminate drink . For the preparation of 1 liter of drinks, 15 g of cumin seeds, 100 g of sugar, medium-sized lemon or 2 g of citric acid are taken. All ingredients are poured with water, boil on a weak heat for 5-10 minutes, filter and drink 2-3 times a day.

Cream 10-15% with Tmin . 2 cups of cream pour into a ceramic pot, add 2 tablespoons of cumin seeds, close the lid and put into the oven for tom (with a small heating) for 30-40 minutes. Cool to room temperature; Drinks for breakfast and dinner. Drink on a half pack for breakfast and dinner.

Tmin Kvass . Rye bread, cut into small pieces, dried, slightly roasted, poured with water and leave for 3-4 hours. After that, the infusion is filled with yeast, sugar, cumin and put in a warm place for fermentation for 10-12 hours.
On 1 kg of black bread - 40 g of cumin, 500 g of sugar, 25 g of yeast, 10 liters of water.

Infusion of droop seeds . One tablespoon of dill seeds is poured with water (1 cup), insist 2 hours. Take an infusion by half a cup of 2 times a day or on a tablespoon 6 times a day, depending on tolerability. They drink small sips, delay for some time in the mouth.

Infusion Anisa . Prepare from 2 teaspoons of seeds on a glass of boiling water. Insist 1 hour. After cooling, drink 2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day for 30 minutes. before meals.

Drink from Anisa, Fennel and Oils . Mix 10 g of broken fruits of anise, 10 g of fennel fruits and 10 g of soul rods. One teaspoon of the mixture is poured with a glass of boiling water, insist 2 hours. Drink on a half package for reception 2-3 times a day.

Radish juice with honey , diluted (1: 1) chilled boiled water and slightly salted. 100 g of radish take 100 g of boiled water.

The same group includes special teas and enriched juices.

IV. Biologically active additives (BAA).

The dietary supplements created by the company "Leoit Nutrio" based on the product of the life of bees and spicy-flavoring plants, - "apilatin" and "Lactogon". Bad is prescribed with nursing mothers included in the risk group on hypoglactic (preparation "Apilactin") and mothers from the same group, but with a burdened obstetric history ("Lactogon"). "Apilactin" contains apilax - uterine milk and flower pollen; Lactogon is a royal milk and a number of spicy-flavor plants with a famous lactogenic action (oregano, carrot juice, ginger, nettle, dill). The only contraindication to the use of these drugs is the intolerance to beekeeping products.

V. Vitamin and mineral complexes. Appointed from the second half of pregnancy and during breastfeeding as drugs that corrective diet and stimulating lactation.

With an insufficient effect of the listed foods for the prevention and treatment of hypoglactics, drug treatment has to be used. At the same time, first of all, it is necessary to find out the reason for the reduced lactation and try to stop or weaken its action. From drugs, vitamins, microelements, soothing drugs, hormones, physiotherapy methods and other means are recommended for hypoglactics.

In addition to medical methods, homeopathic agents can be effective in combination with the improvement of nutrition. Like the remaining drugs, they are appointed by a doctor.

How and when use the funds described above? It should be emphasized that the use of each of them has its own specificity.

The use of products I and IV groups recommend women belonging to the risk group on hypoglactics, from the second half of pregnancy and from the beginning of lactation. Products II groups with the most active lactogenic properties are recommended to take mothers with reduced lactation in the maternity hospital and at lactation crises. Groups III groups are also used with lactation crises.

In conclusion, it should be said about the results of our observations of a group of 500 women who experienced difficulties with lactation. If, from those women who have stimulated lactation, 80% fed the children with breasts up to 4-6 months, then women who did not resort to stimulating drugs, to preserve the lactation by this time managed only in 20% of cases.

Thus, we are convinced that long-lasting breastfeeding is manageable. Nursing women have many opportunities to keep lactation and thereby strengthen their child's health. Mother's conviction is very important in the need for breastfeeding and supporting it in this from family members and medical staff watching the health of the child and mother during this period.

1 Biologically active additives are the components of natural or identical natural biologically active substances intended for direct reception or additions to their usual food in order to enrich the diet.

Nursing mother advise from time to time to apply warm scarves to the chest, there are less meat and more vegetables, fruits, flour bread with bran baked with Tmin.

Cmina is boiled in sour cream - 1 tablespoon on a glass. Cook on low heat for 3 minutes, insist one hour, divided into 4 day portions. This not only adds milk, but also contributes to the digestion of the baby.
Noticeably increases the quantity and quality of maternal milk carrot juice. He is advised to drink up to 3 glasses a day per hour before meals or an hour after eating.

As an additional means for increasing the milk, it is recommended to eat 10 times a day for 10 times a day - 15 pieces of hazelnut.

A dandelion root: 1 teaspoon insists one hour in a glass of boiling water, drink on a tablespoon 5 times a day shortly before meals. With an allergic organism of the mother and the child, a tablespoon of roots are poured with two glasses of boiling water overnight in the thermos or warmly wrapped with dishes, drink this outstand for 3 - 4 receptions for half an hour before meals.

With a small amount of milk, the juice of the grass of yarrow is very useful. It is drinking 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.

Non-bad milk grunge means nettle. The infusion of leaves is generally useful in all respects, and even better - fresh grass juice. It is diluted with a double amount of water, bring to a boil, allow to cool and take 1 - 2 teaspoons 3 times a day during meals.

There are interesting information about malicious weed - a rudeness of garden. It is rarely used in medicinal purposes, they have not written anywhere, it has been studied little. However, it is quite reliably that the osry increases the amount of milk in a nursing mother. 1 tablespoon of dried grass is recommended to pour a glass of boiling water, to insist for 1 hour, the heat is wrapped, strain. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

Homemade lactation improvement means

    For several weeks, eat a daily 2-3 season with carrots welded in milk to improve lactation.

    To increase the amount of milk in a nursing woman daily there is a green bow for improving lactation.

    Mix 1 tablespoon of cumin seeds and 1 cup sour cream. Boil on low heat 3 minutes. Accept 1 reception. To enhance lactation in nursing mothers.

    Drink up at least 2.5 liters of fluid per day to improve lactation.

    Four feed to improve lactation.

    During the feeding of the child, it is important for improving lactation contact "Leather to the skin".

Nasty Tumin.

Prepare the infusion of dry fruits of Cumin in the ratio of 1:20 and drinking it to 1/3 - 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day to enhance the separation of milk in nursing mothers.

Infusion Ukropa

Cooking the infusion of dill 1:20 and drinking it 1/2 cup 3-5 times a day with a decrease in lactation in nursing mothers.

Lactation improvement and birch juice

With insufficient formation of milk in nursing mothers, drink 1 cup of birch juice for half an hour before meals or 1-2 hours after it.

Birch juice has a beneficial effect on the metabolism in the body and stimulates the production of milk in nursing women.

Carrot juice

Insufficient formation of milk (hygigalactium) is most often observed in the first month of breastfeeding. The reception of a carrot juice sowing at half a glass 1 time per day an hour before meals will contribute to an increase in the branch of milk in nursing women. In the juice you can breed honey (half a glass of juice - 1 tbsp. Spoonful of honey).

Vangu Recipes to improve lactation

    Five grams of anise seeds, dill or fenhel mix with one glass sour cream and put in a stove or oven on a quiet fire. One hour to get. Take once a day in a warm form at night.

    Broth of parsley seeds: 15 grams of chopped seeds of parsley seeds to pour with one glass of boiling water, boil 15 minutes, strain. Drink one-quarter cup 4 - 6 times a day.

    A decoction of cumin fruits: 15 grams of crushed fruits of cumin pour two glasses of boiling water, boil five minutes, strain. Take half a cup 3 - 4 times a day before meals

    The infusion of the filter is yellow: five grams of crushed grass of a yellow pour into a single glass of cold water. Insist for three hours. Take one third of the glasses during the day.

    The infusion of the grass of the souls and dill: mix 10 grams of the grass of the souls and dill, pour with one glass of boiling water. Insist two hours. During the day for two receptions. The grass of the souls in combination with the seeds of dope has a pronounced milk grown action.

    Infusion of grass Melissa: Five grams of grass Melissa pour into a single glass of boiling water. Insist one hour to take during the day.

    Infusion of mint: 10 grams of mint forest pour with one glass of boiling water. Insist one hour. Take over the day.

    Infusion of daisy flowers: five grams of daisy flowers pour one cup of sweet drink. Insist 20 minutes. Drink on an empty stomach. Take two glasses in the afternoon and the third overnight during the week.

    Infusion of dill seeds: 10 grams of crushed dill seeds to pour with one glass of boiling water. Insist two hours. Take half a cup before meals.

    30 grams of anise to be confused into powder, pour 300 grams of water, cook until 250 grams remain. Drink before dinner as tea. This decoction is also recommended for nursing mothers who have little milk.

Herbs and fees for lactation improvement

    Take in equal parts by weight of the Anis seeds, seeds of dill garden, Fennel seeds. 1 tablespoon of mixture pour 1 glass of boiling water, insist in a closed vessel 1 hour, strain and drink 0.5 glasses 2 times a day 1 hour after meals for improving lactation.

    We take by weight 1 part of the seeds of Fennel and Anis seeds and 3 pieces of grass gallets. Pour 1 teaspoon of a mixture of 1 glass of water, insist. Take 1 cup 2-3 times a day to improve lactation.

    Take by weight 2 parts of the seeds of Anisa, seeds of the garden, for 3 parts of the fennel seeds and seeds of the fenugreek. Pour 1 teaspoon of a mixture of 1 glass of water, insist. Take 1 cup 2-3 times a day to improve lactation.

    Drink tea from nettle leaves to improve lactation.

When the baby is born, he becomes the main concern of a young mother. All her thoughts are only about not to harm, but, on the contrary, improve the condition of the newborn. And especially frequent anxiety is the imaginary shortage of milk. There are many and traditional methods, but you can find out how to increase breast milk lactation by folk remedies and make a choice than to use.

Often the shortage of milk is just a contrived, imaginary problem. Usually parents and relatives are focused on the behavior of the baby. If he is plain, often asks the chest and long on it "hanging" is not at all that he is hungry. Perhaps he has something hurts, he does not like the environment surrounding it or just a thread fell into an interheretatic fold and prevents him from him. And his mother's chest uses to calm down, because it is so warm and native smell from it.

According to these features, they understand that the child is undernourished:

  1. Small set in weight. Usually after birth, the child is somewhat losing weight in weight. Finally, he should be fingered to two weeks. But if this does not occur or the set for the month is too small, you do control weighing before and after feeding. Also follow the dynamics within two weeks daily weighing.
  2. Consider the number of pubes. The newborn should write at least 12 times a day. To do this, you should not wear a diaper at least one or two days.
  3. A rare and small chair is also an indicator of underfloor. Another inclusion of green mucus is the indicator of the so-called "hungry" chair.

These are the real criteria for lack of maternal milk. If there are at least 1 - 2, then you should contact the pediatrician or a consultant for breastfeeding so that you advise some kind of treatment.

There are cases when there is no milk at all. This is called hypolactation. It happens primary and secondary. In the first case, this is not the arrival of milk from the first days. And in the second - the sharp disappearance of milk.

There are less than 3% of women with hypolactation, so do not panic. It is necessary to treat it under the supervision of doctors.

Any doctor and consultant when treating a nursing mother with a problem, as will immediately tell you to pay attention to your diet. It must be full and nutritious, but it should not be a huge amount of calories. Since extra calories will remain in the mother on the sides, and not on the cheeks of the baby.

Therefore, forget the old rule "eat for two". It is necessary for a large number of proteins, the right carbohydrates and some fats. In this case, the power will be high-quality, baby and mom is enough. Mandatory in the diet of mothers should be:

  • meat;
  • a fish;
  • eggs;
  • milk;
  • dairy products;
  • cottage cheese;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits.

But it is worth forget about smoked, sweets, products that can cause allergies, fast food.

Be sure to drink clean non-carbonated water. Nursing woman should take at least 2.5 liters of fluid. At the same time, this volume does not include dairy products and juices.

It is necessary to feed the newborn at the request. He himself builds his day of the day, but at first it is necessary to adapt to each other, teach the baby correctly sucking, finding the right and comfortable two feeding poses for you. Night feedings are especially important in the formation of milk lactation. From 3 to 8 am - this is the time of installing the volume of milk for the whole day. Therefore, try to feed during this period at least once.

It is also necessary to hug as often as possible, keep the baby on the hands. All "horror stories" about the fact that it will be hand, only myths. As soon as he learn to walk and crawl, he will not need it. And now he needs the warmth and care of the mother.

No need to worry, because various stress and depression can cause the loss of milk. Mother needs peace.

Her single concern should be a newborn. Therefore, consult my husband, what kind of house responsibilities, he will be able to take over, while the child is still very small.

Folk remedies for lactation

Folk remedies for improving lactation are various herbs, infusions, decoctions, juices and much more. Most often, young mommy learns about them from the older generation. Here in these councils it is worth listening to them. After all, these recipes were not even over the years, and centuries.

Main folk remedies for increasing lactation - decoction and tinkers. The following herbs help well:

  • raspberry leaves;
  • fennel;
  • nettle;
  • lucerne field;
  • thistle;
  • caraway;
  • chamomile;
  • dandelion and others.

In addition to increasing the number of milk, these herbs possess many other positive qualities. In particular, the leaves of raspberries help the uterus to come back after childbirth, the thistle treats the postpartum depression.

To simplify, you can take ready-made lactagon fees in the pharmacy. Currently, they are in a wide range. Russian manufacturers present good competition imports in quality and winning in price.

You can brew any herbs listed above by the instructions attached to them. Usually such herbal teas are bought from 1 to 3 glasses per day.

Cumin can be brewed in milk. To do this, a teaspoon of cumin pour a glass of milk and bring up to boil. Cool and drink 1 cup per day.

For the proper digestion of the baby and to increase the lactation drink the decoction of Fennel. For this, a tablespoon of fennel seeds to pour 200 ml of boiling water and let it stand for 2 hours. Strain and drink 0.5 glasses of Dom twice a day.

The folk remedies for lactation also includes various juices. The most famous is carrot, apple and black-cormoranodine. Especially they are good. Freshly squeezed.

In freshly squeezed carrot juice (1 cup) add a couple of tablespoons of milk and a bit of seeds of cumin. Be a blender. Drink such a cocktail 1 time per day, better in the morning.

In a glass of currant juice, add several spoons of ragger of crimson leaves. Mix well. Drink at 0.5 glasses per day.

You can mix juices: apple-carrot or apple currant.

To increase lactation, nuts are used - walnut, almonds, hazelnuts, cedar. But you do not need to forget that nuts are a very allergenic product. Therefore, at the beginning it is necessary to try one thing and look at the reaction of the child's body. If everything is in order, you can eat 5-6 pieces per day.

Delicious and useful walnut milk. For his cooking in a blender, pour a handful of nuts, grind them. Add two glass of milk and beat up uniformity. The resulting milk cocktail can be drunk no more than 2-3 times a week.

The usual butter (which also has an increasing ability on the amount of milk) can be replaced with a nut paste. For her, 2 glasses of nuts put in a blender and grind to flour. Then add 2-3 tablespoons of butter and beat well until homogeneous. This paste can be simply smeared on bread or add to various dishes.

Very well helps for lactation Drink warm tea with milk 30 minutes before feeding.

Also praise the products of beekeeping, believing that they increase the production of milk. Honey can be eating with tea or add to some dishes. But you should not add it in hot drink, so at high temperature it loses its healing properties.

Medicine for breastfeeding

Medicine also does not stand still and thinks how to improve lactation. To increase milk, quite a few drugs are invented. The most famous are "Apilak", "Femilak" and "Lactogon". Since they are on a vegetable and uterine basis, then harmless to the health of the baby.

You can try homeopathic preparations. Malkoin is one of those drugs that are advised by mothers. But before the choice of any of the drugs requires a consultation with a specialist, as they can cause allergies or food intolerance.

In addition, if nevertheless there was no particular need, these drugs and funds will excessively increase the tides, and then may have to undergo a lactation treatment, which can go to mastitis. The latter can be treated only by surgical path.

It is clear that any mother is worried about her baby was full. But the main thing is that this excitement does not transcend the baby, he needs a calm and confident in his forces of Mom. If you do not once again be nervous and worried, but you will feed the baby on demand, eat well, then the baby is enough food. But herbal teas will not harm. They have a pleasant taste and aroma and possess positive properties. Yes, and the remaining folk remedies practically do not have contraindications. Therefore, use them to enjoy the lactation of milk, and you have nothing to worry about.

For a newborn baby in the first year of life, breast milk is considered the best tool. For nursing mothers, it is considered a sharp decrease. If she notices such changes in its body, then seeks to quickly find funds capable of quickly solve the problem. requires proper nutrition, performing a complex of simple exercise and compliance with the rules. Preparations are prescribed only in the absence of positive dynamics from the use of other methods.

Why the amount of breast milk decreases

The woman's body is sensitive to any external changes, especially in the first months after the child's appearance. The following reasons for reducing lactation are distinguished:

  • violation of the nervous system due to stress;
  • high emotional loads;
  • bad sleep;
  • high level of physical exertion;
  • within one day, a woman drinks an insufficient liquid;
  • improper nutrition in which not enough vitamins and minerals;
  • does not follow the feeding mode of the child;
  • presence of bad habits;
  • hereditary predisposition.

Unfortunately, today, fewer women want to feed the child on their own. Greater priority is a good figure and a breast form. Even when choosing an artificial version, the kid must feed the breast at least three months. During this period he will have time to form a nervous system. It is recommended to regularly carry out the test weighing of the baby. Only in this case, it is possible to determine if the amount of milk is sufficiently obtained for normal growth and development.

If a woman opted his choice on a natural feeding option, there is a huge amount of funds used to increase lactation

Food for increasing the number of breast milk

Specialists in the field of lactation argue that its intensity primarily depends on the nutrition of a woman. With breastfeeding, it is important that the body makes a sufficient amount of minerals, vitamins, proteins and other useful elements. On a day, it is necessary to drink at least two liters of pure water. Woman's diet should include a large number of hot soups.

Based on numerous studies, a list of products were drawn up, which are necessary to increase the number of milk in the organism of the MAM:

  • Women's diet should include daily dairy products. To do this, drink one cup of kefir, ripples. This component is required not only for lactation, but also improves the digestion process.
  • Nuts have a positive effect on the amount of breast milk produced. You can use walnut and cedar fruits, almonds and hazelnuts. Additionally, they contain a large amount of fats and vitamins. There are them with accuracy, since excessive use can lead to the appearance of allergies in a child. Remember that any new product in the diet should be administered gradually.
  • Cumin is useful to use with bread or in boiled form.
  • Natural honey contains a huge number of useful components. This product is also allergen, so be accurate with it extremely neat. Its properties have long been used to stimulate lactation. The product prevents the appearance of constipation and colic in a child. Honey contributes to the proper formation of the nervous system, so it is recommended to be taken if the child has problems with sleep.
  • Carrot is a common product that can be consumed in cheese, boiled or fried. It is advisable to add this ingredient to all sorts of dishes. Carrots enriches the organism by Mom Vitamins. They are largely contained in the fresh product, so nutritionists recommend that there are salads from a grated product with butter or sour cream.
  • Due to watermelons, the amount of milk in the body is largely increasing. Commier about buying a berry without nitrates. Otherwise, it can only apply harm.

Additionally, we note that the quality of food plays a big role, and not its volume. It is important only useful food that enriches the body with all the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals.

After the advent of the baby, the woman should gradually enter one or another product in the diet. There should be more vegetables and fruits. The diet should be healthy, in no case is allowed to starve. You can restrict consumption of only bakery products and sweets.

The daily diet of each nursing woman should include the following foods:

  • 150 grams of fish or meat alternately;
  • 150 grams of homemade cottage cheese;
  • a glass of milk product;
  • any cereal.

After childbirth, restore the water balance will help regular drinks. The total fluid should be at least two liters. Experts recommend drinking one glass to feeding and the same amount after its completion.

A positive impact to increase lactation to the body is not only food and exercise. Doctors recommend paying attention to the pose during feeding, reduce drug use. For the proper work of the chest gland to follow the following rules:

  • breastfeeding should be made according to the first requirement of the baby, but not less than 12 times a day;
  • kroch should not be limited in time near the chest, for example, sometimes it takes about an hour in order to obtain the necessary dose of milk;
  • pose during breast feeding should be convenient for mother and child;
  • the kid should not drink an excessive amount of water;
  • reviews We testify that the influx of milk increases, if you protect the child from sucking the nipples, pacifiers and bottles;
  • during one feeding, only one breast use is allowed;
  • the kid is more eaten if during feeding is captivated not only the nipple, but also a small part of the halo;
  • a woman should not be nervous and worry, it is advisable to constantly be in a good mood;
  • any medication can only be drunk after agreeing with the attending physician.

Exercises for lactation

Specialists are recommended for improving lactation daily in the morning and in the evening take a contrasting shower. At the first stage, only warm jets of water should be used, which are alternately sent to each chest. Next, you should make circular manipulations. After that, the jet should be kept sent several seconds between the blades. For convenience, it is best to attract a husband to help in this manipulation.

When you have already taken a shower, you need to rub your chest with your hands, which are pre-lubricated with oil. To do this, put one hand under the chest, and the second on it. Next, all movements are made clockwise. At the same time, the region of the halo and nipple should not be affected.

Doctors recommend regularly plunge. Due to it, lactation increases significantly. For this purpose, it is necessary to use a special apparatus - breast pump. Apply it immediately after feeding. The process can be discontinued after the formation of milk in the body of a woman will return to normal. Thanks to a simple procedure, lactation is not stated in the body, and updated regularly.

Increase the amount of milk by performing simple exercises every day:

  • Become a comfortable position and spread your arms around. After that, they must be crossed in front of the breast. We repeat manipulations alternately, at the same time raise your hands all the above. End the exercise when they will be high above your head. To obtain the maximum result, you should repeat the exercise 15 times.
  • Pre-bend your hands in the elbows. Palms need to be combined with each other, with the fingers should be directed upwards. Next, you must mostly press them with each other as much as possible, and then relax. Exercise is repeated at least 7 times.

Lactation is a process that depends on the overall state of women's health. Therefore, for its improvement, the most comfortable conditions for a young mother should be created.

Exercises will have a positive effect on the shape of the chest and make it more elastic.

Medicia treatment

To date, an extensive arsenal of funds is used to solve the problem of lactation. Tablets are capable of solving the problem in a short time, but they can only drink them in accordance with the appointment of the doctor:

  • Apilah. The main operating component is beeteric milk. With it, immunity rises, neurological disorders are eliminated. It has a number of contraindications to use.
  • Malkoin. The preparation includes nettles, sharply, aging-cactus. Components have a positive effect on the blood system, improve sleep and normalize the work of the nervous system. You can carry out the reception throughout the entire period of breastfeeding.
  • Lactogon -davit, which is used to add to food. Existing components: carrot juice, ascorbic acid, ginger, dill, nettle and uterine milk. The drug shows excellent properties for improving lactation. Even in folk medicine, the positive properties of carrot juice on the organism of the young mother are known, because thanks to it, a larger amount of milk is produced in the body.
  • Femilak. The tool has a powdered structure. Components contribute to the enrichment of the body of the woman by all the necessary vitamins and minerals. Proper use of the drug serves as excellent prevention of the lack of some components in the organism of the MAM.

For quick restoration of lactation, an integrated approach should be used. A woman needs to eat balanced food, because this is the main way of normal operation of the whole organism. Each mother independently solves the feasibility of receiving a particular means for lactation. They have a positive effect on the body in hypolactation. Do not overestimate their role in the formation of milk in the body. After all, sometimes even after stopping the reception, milk production remained at the same level. To date, the most effective and harmless way of increasing lactation is considered to be regular attachment of the child to the chest.

Folk Methods

For a woman, it is important to try all methods for improving lactation. Folk remedies for solving this problem are offered to use various medicinal herbs. The nettle is a saving agent, the effective effect of which our grandmothers has tried on itself. Regular use of the composition contributes to the normalization of the amount of milk in the body of young mothers.

Prepare miraculous tea is quite simple. To do this, you need to take 1 tablespoon of grass and brew it in boiling water. After insistence, thoroughly strain the mixture. Only regular reception will help restore the formation of a sufficient amount of breast milk. The finished composition should be drunk on one tablespoon three times a day. The unique properties of therapeutic herbs help the body of a woman quickly come back after the toddler appears.

This tea is suitable for use not to all women. If after a few days of reception there is no improvement, then the process should not continue further. The situation is observed in case of, for example, the presence of problems in the body in working with the digestive system. For moms, we recommend that you get advice from your attending physician before admission.

Such fluida additionally contributes to the raising of hemoglobin in the blood. In some cases, it is advisable to supplement its composition by anise or mint. Ingredients improve the physical condition of the woman. It should not be abused by the reception of this composition, since nettle in large quantities can vice versa to reduce the amount of milk.

A young mother may often have a problem with an insufficient amount of milk. The reason may wage in a stressful situation or violation of the digestive system. In this case, it is advisable to accept other herbs useful for the body.

Sometimes a nursing mother seems that she has low-fat breast milk or it is too small, how to increase lactation in the most difficult situations and make your milk with calorie?

Breast milk is given to the nature of nature itself. Each mammal can focus his young. So why do we sometimes have problems with this? How to increase breast milk lactation at home and save for a long time, ideally for 2 years, as WHO recommends. But at least up to 6-8 months, when a child gradually begins to move on adult food? These dates are very important to withstand for various reasons:

  • material (adapted milk and fermented milk mixtures are not cheap, and sometimes they need to be changed, as the composition may not come to the child);
  • artificial nutrition often provokes stool violations in a child;
  • powered from the bottle at times increases the risk of intestinal infections in the kid;
  • the child is most likely to need a pacifier, and not one year;
  • the immunity of the kid will be at a lower level than his peers feeding out exclusively maternal milk.

How to understand that the child lacks milk and need to increase the lactation

There are false and true signals. False refers to the softness of the mammary glands. By the way, this is a common misconception. Even among pediatricians. But if the breast seems empty, while the woman feeds the breast often and the child does not quiz, it does not mean anything. Apparently, the child sucked in mom's front milk. But there is also the rear. That which is rich in fats and nutrients. Thanks to which the child is gaining weight.

Often children cry during feeding. Doctors again say that this is due to lack of milk. Especially if it happens closer in the late afternoon, when the chest becomes soft. In fact, the child can cry because of uncomfortable posture when feeding. For example, many milfs feed children lying. Moreover, they lie on the back, and the head turned to the mother's nipple. Try to drink in this position and understand the toddler's discontent.

Another frequent cause of children's crying when feeding is lactase insufficiency. With it, during feeding, a child also grabs in his stomach. And there are violations of the chair - it is green, abundant and frothy. Children with lactase insufficiency suffer from gas formation, poorly sleep and little gain weight, as a rule.

Specialists in breastfeeding say that this technique will not show - how much milk in the breast is in a woman. Very few can follow it completely. Milk from the rear fractions of the breast is almost impossible to write. And few of the women know how to make fruitful, right.

Another "Study", which often recommended pediatricians is a test feeding. But it can be suitable except for those children who feed according to the regime. For example, classically 1 time at 3 o'clock. To the next feeding kids managed to get drunk and suck well. But if the child fell on demand, if it is small and weak, then in 30-40 minutes, there can be sufficiently little milk, sleeping in the chest. But after 30-60 minutes, he wants everything that is due.

There is another way to find out hungry whether the child is to offer him a bottle with a mixture or its own writing milk. Just necessarily after feeding. If he squints a lot, will suck with hunt, apparently, really wants to eat.

But the best way to calculate the number of wet diapers. Children of the first months of life should urinate at least 10-12 times a day. If you are accustomed to using one-time diapers and you do not feel sorry to spend a little more disposable diapers per day - purchase such diapers in which the test bar is manifested when they are wet. With the appearance of a strip, you need to immediately wear a new diaper, and this postpone. Such a strip is on diapers "Pampers Premium Kea" and "Haggis Elite Soft", for example. The amount of diapers used will be equal to the number of urination.

If this option is not suitable for you - then try weighing the diaper before use and after use. Small children should urinate about 300-350 grams per day, no less.

Any of these calculations will be informative only if the child does not receive any other drink, for example, it does not give a water.

Look at the number of feces is not informative. The child on breastfeeding with absolutely adequate nutrition can be practiced as 1 time per day and 7. or 1 time in a few days if the milk mom is good, fully absorbed by the body.

Preparations and products increasing breast milk lactation

What do you need to eat so that milk makes more? Unfortunately, the amount of milk does not directly depend directly. You can eat a lot, but the milk will not become more. Milk comes in response to the irritation of nipples and their areal. The more often the nipples will be broken down, the greater the lactation hormone - prolactin will be produced, and oxytocin - hormone emissions, which contributes to the approach of breast milk from the rear shares of the mammary glands to nipples.

As for the products, walnuts usually recommend walnuts. Allegedly, not only more milk will be, but the composition will be better, greater, the calorie for the child. In fact, every woman has a milk to two types - front, innocent - drink for a child, and oily - from the rear stakes. For the baby to get fatty milk - it is necessary to keep it with one breast. Try to give only one breast in feeding.

The increase in lactation may in some way contribute to an increase in the volume of a used liquid. It can be ordinary water, fermented milk drinks. In the summer of watermelons. But the watermelons are not too fascinated, as they contribute to strengthen the appetite, contain a lot of sugar. You can drink coffee and tea, but moderately and not strong. Nursing woman should use at least 2.5 liters of fluid per day. This volume includes liquid dishes - soups, borshs, etc.

But the various folk remedies and methods that increase milk lactation at home should be used very carefully. Often, various grass and spices are offered for these purposes, for example, Fennel, Anis, Cumin. But the use of some of them can provoke the development of an allergic reaction in a child and change the taste of milk, which will also adversely affect the lactation.
Preparations Increasing breast milk lactations also do not have proven scientific research and safety research. These are ordinary dietary supplements. Moreover, often having allergens in their composition. Is it worth risking?

Causes why milk disappears in nursing and methods of resolving the situation

In order not to try the incomprehensible techniques and means to understand the reasons for bad lactation and eliminate them.

1. Bad sleep. How it is not trite. Sleeping a woman should not less than 7-8 hours a day. If at night it does not work so much sleep, you need to sleep during the day. Let together with the child. It is said that 2-3 days in bed with a child helps to significantly increase the amount of breast milk better than any biologically active additives.

2. Insufficient, undust nutrition. In the milk, of course, all the nutrients will also fall. But the mammy of vitamins may not be enough. And from there fatigue and, as a result, weak lactation. Even if your child is inclined to allergic reactions, try to make your nutrition rather calorie, diverse and tasty.

3. Poor mood, stress. If mom has a bad psychological state, then she is not before feeding and not to the child. The heavy stress, such as the loss of a loved one, can almost simultaneously lead to the "brave" of milk.

4. Rare attachment of the child. If the child is applied 5-7 times a day, lactation can start fading. Especially dangerous feeding "on schedule" in the first weeks after the birth of a child when lactation is being established. Do you want the milk to be more? Apply child more often to the chest. Even if it seems empty.

5. No night feedings. Quietly sleep at night - this is a need for both mom and child. But I don't forget about feeding about feeding. After all, it is night feedings that help increase the amount of breast milk by producing prolactin hormone.

To sleep as calm as possible, you can lay a child next to you. Sleep together. If it is unacceptable for you - to omit the bed of the bed and put to your bed. Then it will be possible to give the child the chest in the lying position, while not getting up with the bed itself.

6. Frequent sucking paws. The more often the child sucks a pacifier, the less applied to the chest and stimulates it. Take the pacifier and give the baby to the chest. In addition, the dummy does not contribute to the formation of a proper bite in the child. And often children, sucking a pacifier, begin to make the chest incorrectly. This leads to an even greater decrease in lactation and lactostasis at mom.

6. The rapid growth of the child. When he acquires new skills, for example, learns to turn over. In these moments, it also has growth racks and more and more nutrition are required. However, with regular feeding, the breast begins to produce more milk, respectively, the requirements of the child. The so-called lactation crisis is a temporary phenomenon. There are such races of growth on the third, sixth week of child's life, at 3.6, 12 months. Of course, the deadlines are very tentative, they may vary from different children. So, in 3 months, the baby learns to turn over, begins to distinguish between many colors, people of people, etc. In 6-7 months, studying, sitting, standing at the support. And closer to the year begins to walk.

There is another one, a rather controversial way to increase the milk mother's milk during lactation is the plugging of milk. Mommy feeds the child with one breast, and after feeding it fits it literally to the last drop. And in the next feeding of milk, it comes a little more, exactly as much as she has been. To grind breast milk to increase the lactation - the method is obsolete and, rather, harmful, as the mammy can provoke a surplus of milk. The child will not be able to cut so much, and lactostasis is formed - weaving milk.

As you can see, there are a lot of nuances. For an experienced milf, feeding breast milk not the first child, everything can be extremely clear. And for the greatever, the same lactation crisis can be a reason for the transfer of a child to mixed or artificial feeding.

If you doubt as or the number of your milk, go to the reception to the pediatrician, weigh the child. If weight gain will be slightly less than the norm - it is enough to simply take measures to increase the amount of milk, start feeding the child often, and very soon everything will work out.