Can be sick in the evening early. Nausea? What leads to the speed of speed on the snowy road and leaving the rut. Can be sick with frozen, ectopic pregnancy

Hello! I have such a problem: I am on the early period of pregnancy (10 weeks). Evening toxicosis is stronger than the day. If for a while more or less, then in the evenings rolling nausea. What is it connected and is it normal?

Good day! It is a frequent symptom of pregnancy and is considered as a norm. But I would like to draw your attention to the nature of nausea related precisely with the hatching of the child, and not with any other states.

The same and in the morning, and in the evening, and can also torment the woman all day. There is no such thing as evening or morning toxicosis. Mostly nausea is provoked by sharp smells of spirits and other flavors, the smell of food or its reception, and quite often it is accompanied by vomiting.

If you are sick mostly in the evening or in the morning, then it is most likely due to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, which were before pregnancy, for example, gastritis, ulcer of stomach or reflux-esophagitis (GERD). If at least one name is familiar to you, then perhaps the disease aggravated.

For the nine months of tooling the child, all chronic diseases will definitely be aware of themselves, because the body specially relaxes immunity during pregnancy so that the fruit is not rejected.

It is still nausea to strengthen in the evenings and at the same time, hungry at work, you overeat for the night, then try not to postpone the main meal for the evening and saturate the stomach with all sorts of culinary products and candy. It is better to eat sweets in the first half of the day. Give your preference to a light dinner from vegetables with fish or chicken and snack before bedtime cottage cheese or kefir. With these simple things, many digestive problems can be avoided. More detailed recommendations for

Nausea is not a disease, but it can be a symptom of many diseases. The term "nausea" is called unpleasant spamming sensations in the upper part of the abdomen - under the spoon - and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe neck, where the point of the projection of the stomach is located.

It occurs this feeling when slowing the peristaltic processes and reducing the tone of the gastric wall.

Causes of unpleasant condition

What are the reasons for what is sick in the morning and in the evening?

The main factors provoking this phenomenon:

  • diseases of digestive organs;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • violation of the work of the endocrine system;
  • toxicosis during pregnancy.

With gastritis, gastroenterite, the reflux disease is nausea - one of the most characteristic symptoms.

With gastritis and gastroenteritis, it provokes inflammation of the gastric mucosa, during reflux disease - the casting of food content in the esophagus:

  • causes unpleasant sensations of pancreatitis - inflammatory-dystrophic process in the pancreas,
  • dyskinesia of the biliary tract - disruption of the gallbladder motility;
  • cholecystitis - inflammation of the gallbladder;
  • acute states - appendicitis, intestinal obstruction and others.

Infectious intestinal diseases, intestinal infections are accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

In the evenings there may be a violation of the food regime: irrational nutrition or saturation immediately before night rest.

Nausea cause directly stressful situations and memories of them. After the brain injuries with a sharp change of the position of the body - during slopes - this unpleasant feeling reminds of itself. It often appears nausea in the attack of the headache associated with the change in blood pressure, or migraine.

Many are sick in the evenings after a very busy day associated with emotional overvoltage or exercise.

In the night period, the exchange processes flow slow down, but the indicators of blood sugar or blood pressure may change. Nausea at night may indicate glycemia.

Why is it nauseous in the evenings in hypothyroidism - insufficient production of thyroid hormones? The slowdown in metabolic processes makes the production of hormones even more slowdown, which leads to inhibition and decline in force, causes dizziness and weakening of the tone of the intestinal wall.

Pregnancy is not a disease, but still ...

Toxicosis during pregnancy - the usual phenomenon. Classic is considered when nausea and vomiting appear in the early period of pregnancy in the morning, and by the end of the first trimester, this unpleasant state passes.

Practice shows quite another - in most cases constantly sick. In the evenings, in the morning - the clock day. During pregnancy, an unpleasant condition can begin in the first trimester, and will end only after delivery.

At the early term, the following reasons cause nausea:

  • Improving the production of progesterone and estrogen - slow down metabolic processes, and food addictions, tastes, fragrances perception are changed.
  • Lack of vitamin V.
  • The aggravation of chronic diseases associated with digestive bodies.
  • Diseases of the kidneys, due to which exchange processes slow down and toxic compounds accumulate in the body.

Late toxicosis is very dangerous. The development of the fetus slows down, it lacks nutrients and oxygen. Late toxicosis is usually hospitalized.

But sometimes nausea and vomiting in the later timing provokes an increased uterus, which supports the diaphragm and presses the stomach.

The following tips will help stabilize the state during pregnancy.

From bed requires to get up slowly, without making sudden movements:

  • It is necessary to avoid stressful states, emotional overloads.
  • It will help to remove the unpleasant symptoms of aromatherapy - only the use of natural agents. Determine the pleasant smell, restoring state, experimentally. Some sufficiently sniff the crust of lemon, a mint leaf or a green apple to remove the attack of nausea. These items must always be worn with you.
  • Already found out that it may be sick in the evenings during pregnancy. In this case, the last food intake should go 2 hours before sleep. It helps to get rid of unpleasant urges of ginger root, which is introduced into the diet as welding for tea in combination with honey and lemon. Only the drink must be impossible.
  • In the later dates, the knee-elbow pose helps to stop the vomit.

And on any time, the first medicinal event in nausea is the observance of the diet from which products are excluded, irritating stomach.

Elimination of unpleasant symptoms

It is impossible to definitely say why nausea appears. Each case must be considered individually. Consultation of the therapist, a gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, cardiologist may be required.

But there are general advice that will help reduce stomach irritation and increase the tone of its walls.

Food techniques are to systematize. There should be no none dietary swing during the day - you should eat small portions if possible at the same time.

If the stomach is first experiencing a feeling of hunger, and then overflows, then from unpleasant sensations the body is getting rid of vomiting. Even if it is suppressed, then an unpleasant feeling in the esophagus will be felt quite a long time, causing nausea attacks.

Improve bortery will help brazers: rosehip, immortals, cornfolders, coriander.

There are many medical preparations made on the basis of natural raw materials that help increase bile allocation.

The most famous and safe of them are:

  • allohol - the drug not only improves bortoid, but also removes toxins from the body, it contains: condensed bile, activated carbon, garlic extract and nettle.
  • holenzim improves digestive processes, consists of pancreas enzymes and bile.
  • silimar is the main active ingredient - the extract of distillers Spotch.
  • tanachoetol - acts similarly to Allhol, but instead of bile in it, the extract from the flowers of the Pijmas.

If there is no time to mess around with decoctions, they will successfully replace the holyas - syrup from rose hips. As a bonus, this tool will delight immunity. The drug cannot be taken with diabetes.

In case of diseases of the endocrine system, it will help to get rid of nausea for the purpose of hormonal drugs.

Morning toxicosis is considered a normal symptom of pregnancy. But some women have symptoms and in the evening. Nauseous in the evenings is usually for several reasons: a violation of a diet, aggravation of the diseases of the stomach, violation of hormonal balance, inflammatory diseases. Sometimes such a phenomenon is considered the norm, especially if pregnant works a lot, she has problems with sleep or it rarely happens on the street.

Evening toxicosis

Toxicosis (prestal) - the malaise inherent in pregnant women - most often arises in the first trimester, although it can be manifested in other periods of pregnancy. It appears due to the poisoning of harmful substances and toxins, which are formed in a pregnant woman in the development of the fetus. This causes the attacks of nausea, vomiting and dizziness. So reacts the immunity of a woman for the future child. Despite the fact that the toxicosis is moved very painfully, it is still useful, because together with a vomiting the body displays all toxins, cleaning the body of a woman.

Doctors have identified such dates for toxicosis:

  • early toxicosis appears on the 5-6th week of pregnancy or in the first days of delay;
  • he ends, as a rule, at the 13th and 14th week, but it can end up before - each case is individual in its own way;
  • late toxicosis is manifested from the middle of the second trimester and continues until the end of pregnancy, this type of gestosis is dangerous for the fetus and mother.

The manifestation of toxicosis is characterized by discomfort, which will experience a woman, a common deterioration of well-being, weakness, vomiting and nausea and the pallor of the skin appears. In the first trimester, the body adapts to pregnancy, and pathology is associated with the restructuring of the female organism.


  • increased irritability;
  • nausea;
  • drowsiness;
  • weight loss;
  • migraine;
  • vomiting and pivot reflexes;
  • changing taste receptors;
  • change of appetite;
  • increased salivation;
  • weakness.

The most characteristic time of manifestation of the symptom is morning, since this period is characterized by a low level of glucose. Therefore, it is possible to fight with him a simple method: to drink or eat something nutritious and sweet, which immediately normalizes sugar in the blood and remove nausea.

For manifestations of toxicosis, women often try to recognize pregnancy before the delay. In this case, they can observe weakness, dizziness, nausea. Mostly this feeling before monthly, not pregnancy.

But there are less characteristic - evening seizures of toxicosis. Some pregnant women complain about this kind of nausea.

Evening toxicosis is usually accompanied by such symptoms:

  • violation of digestion;
  • nausea and vomit;
  • strong headaches of headaches, dizzy;
  • tremor;
  • strong sweating;
  • sleep violation;
  • sometimes, severe weight loss.

In particularly acute cases, treatment is required if the pregnant woman is rapidly losing weight and due to severe vomiting it is observed dehydration.


Evening toxicosis is most often manifested at an early stage of pregnancy, in the first month. It appears as a result of the fact that the woman did not eat well enough, she had a heavy and exhaust day and the nervous system was overstrain. Thanks to these factors, the body will become exhausted and easily succumb to the attacks of toxicosis.

Such attacks of toxicosis do not give normally relax and relax, the manifestation of insomnia is characterized for them. With such phenomena, it is necessary to fight, because they can cause harm to the body. Therefore, pregnant women need a full rest, proper nutrition, healthy sleep.

It is worth avoiding stressful situations. It is advisable to watch positive movies, listen to calm music. In order not to provoke the seizures of toxicosis, it is worth limiting the amount of food in the evening, eat small portions throughout the day.

It is recommended to drink as much liquid as possible - frost, compote, fresh juices, water is especially useful. It is worth limiting the consumption of sweet carbonated drinks, strong tea and coffee, and if possible, exclude them from the diet. Very helpful to take teas from natural herbs. Possescently affects the combating toxicosis use of various fruits and berries with sourness, such as: currants, green apples, lemons, kiwi.

Promote a strong sleep and eliminating the toxicosis of the outdoor walk. Especially if these are walking through the forest, near the reservoir or the park.

To date, there are medical drugs that help in the fight against gestosis in early pregnancy. They cannot be taken independently, to decide on the feasibility of their admission should an obstetrician-gynecologist, who is observed by pregnancy. These drugs are distinguished: Limontar, Hofitol, Cerukal, Coklin. With a mild toxicosis, the use of such drugs is inappropriate due to side effects.

Diseases and features of pregnancy associated with gestosis

Evening toxicosis can provoke such reasons:

  • any pathology in the body of a woman;
  • late or early pregnancy;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • changes in hormonal background;
  • various infections;
  • chronic diseases of the stomach;
  • little-moving or too active lifestyle;
  • mental disorders;
  • anomalies of the placenta;
  • hormonal background failure.

Sometimes with toxicosis pulls the bottom of the abdomen. This may indicate the threat of abortion. Toxicosis may continue until the placenta will be fully formed. This happens on the 12-14th weeks. In the third trimester, signs may arise again. Such a phenomenon does not apply to the norm, it threatens the life of a woman and child and is accompanied by three signs: increase in pressure, protein in urine and edema. Requires treatment in the hospital, and sometimes - emergency cesarean sections.

Occasionally, it happens that the spasmodic manifestation of the muscles of the skeleton (Tetania), dermatosis, asthma attacks, mitigation of the bone substance (osteomalysis) begins to develop. Toxicosis is manifested and when the fruit is measured, it is detected in the absence of heartbeat and movement of the child.

At the 13th week of pregnancy, one of the most unpleasant manifestations of toxicosis - dermatosis can occur. The disease is characterized by rashes and brings a lot of discomfort. Dermatosis causes an unpleasant itching throughout the body, comes to the genitals. Because of him, irritability, insomnia, depression appears.

DANGER AND DEVELOPMENT OF OXTOMATIVATION AND TOTALIA. It manifests itself in the form of emerging disorders between the calcium exchange and phosphorus in the body of a pregnant woman. Tetania mainly causes convulsions in the muscles of the upper extremities, but occurs on the lower limbs and face. Osteomalating softens the bone tissue, the bones become very fragile, it leads to frequent fractures. Calling toxicosis in the first trimester can weakened immunity, it leads chronic or not to the end of treated diseases and infections.

Some believe that toxicosis in the evening can say that women will have a boy. This statement has long been challenged by many women.

Toxicosis is an unpleasant condition, often occurring during pregnancy. Toxicosis of pregnant women is a number of diseases that complicate the course of pregnancy.

We are accustomed to assume that toxicosis is manifested in the morning hours. And often it happens. There are reasonable explanations for that, because it is in the morning in the body a glucose level is reduced, the body is weak and toxicosis can be carried out in full force. If you eat or drink something sweet and nutritious on time, toxicosis will retreat.

Can the toxicosis be in the evening?

Some pregnant women complain about the evening attacks of fool. After a severe and tense day, especially if the woman did almost anything during him, the body is exhausted and quickly succumbed to attacks of cunning toxicosis.

Evening toxicosis interferes to fall asleep, it is necessary to fight with it, because a good rest is needed. In order to prevent the manifestations of toxicosis, it should not be treated sharply, coming from work. It is better during the day there are small portions and drink more liquid - water, fresh juices, frost.

You can cope with the attack of nausea using acidic fruits and berries - kiwi, grapefruits, green apples, lingers, currants.

If in the evenings during pregnancy torments toxicosis, put the order to walk before bedtime. Fresh air works wonders. Especially if you are supported by the spouse, the walk will help to distract from unpleasant thoughts and give a good mood. A favorable emotional state and a lot of fresh air before bedtime is the key to healthy sleep and high-quality recovery.

Be that as it may, do not despair. Toxicosis during pregnancy is a frequent phenomenon that runs about the 12th week. Soon you will forget about him and will become fully enjoying our new pregnant state.

Nothing new is that a woman is sick during pregnancy, no. The body is rebuilt, the hormonal background changes, immunity decreases, and the nervous system simply goes. It is believed that toxicosis is brighter than everything in the morning, but it does not always correspond to reality. Yes, there are morning attacks, but a lot of pregnant women are nauseous in the evenings. In itself, this phenomenon is not hazardous, but extremely unpleasant. A little relief will help a correctly selected diet and even psychological attitude. It will be possible to completely get rid of nausea, only by the end of the first trimester or a little later, when the body completes the formation of the placenta and the hormonal storm will calm down a little.

Why pregnant sick?

Toxicosis (intoxication) in the general case is the painful state of the body in the poisoning of toxins (hence the name). During pregnancy, according to one of the scientific versions, the "family quarrel" of the central nervous system and internal organs acts as a trigger mechanism of toxicosis.

During this period, the depth subcortose structures of the brain go to the fore, in which most protective reflexes are stored. From the point of view of nature, it is quite justified - the woman should behave several times careful and attentive to keep offspring. And nausea and subsequent vomiting - the ability to get rid of potentially dangerous food or unload the stomach so that the rest of the organs (liver, kidney) are not under severe load.

The so-called center of pregnancy is formed in the brain and violates its debugged work. All brain centers responsible for the main organs and functions are also detained and experiencing a certain inconvenience from the "new neighbor". Therefore, with toxicosis, elevated salivation, in-depth breathing, the increase in the pulse, vessel spasms (pale leather) is possible.

And this is only one of the theories of the appearance of toxicosis. Other versions accused of the entire immune system, which seeks to rejected the organism excellent on the gene composition (fruit). Or declare a guilty placenta, which begins to produce hormones, eased former "leaders". Whatever it was, it is clear only one thing - no one knows why toxicosis appears and how to completely get rid of it. It may be sick in the morning, afternoon or in the evening, and this is relatively normal during pregnancy. Some absolutely healthy women are delivered from nausea attacks, but the overwhelming majority experiences the whole "bouquet of sensations."

Important! Especially dangerous late toxicosis - nausea and vomiting in the last trimester. It threatens mother and child. Even with the current level of medicine - one of the main causes of maternal mortality.

Who toxicosis threatens to a greater extent?

Since the exact causes of toxicosis are not installed, nausea can threaten each pregnant woman. But, according to statistics, women fall into the zone of special risk:

  • suffering from chronic gastrointestinal diseases, liver, thyroid disease;
  • suffered an abortion;
  • after inflammation of the genital organs;
  • experiencing stress;
  • not passing for food;
  • having an asthenic type of addition.

Nausea at any time, including in the evenings, can accompany multiple pregnancy. If the toxicosis appears in the first week and passes by the end of the first trimester, it is not required for special treatment. It is necessary to change the nutrition a little, try to calm the nerves and patiently wait for the improvement of well-being.

If the attacks of nausea are strengthened, you should immediately consult a doctor. First, there is a whole group of drugs that take these symptoms. Secondly, it may be the beginning of some kind of disease, to determine which can only be able to specialist.

Important! If the evening nausea in the early periods of pregnancy does not pass over time, appeal to the doctor must!

Why nausea is in the evenings

Most often, the usual day of the woman looks like this: I got up, fed and gathered the children and her husband, myself grabbed a dry sandwich and ran to work, spinning all day, in the evening collapsed without his strength and finally reached meals. Even if you throw a hike to work from the scheme, nothing will change. First, care about the family, work on the house, and the main meal is moved "for later."

Is it wondering that the stomach, starving all day, can not immediately cope with a large load? And if food, fried or sharp dishes enter the evening reception, and even the portions are far from small, then the poor organism just gives up and suits the strike.

Evening nausea in pregnant women can be caused by a psychological state. Experiences about the toaling and childbirth, problems at work, stress, bad mood - all these are also the causes of toxicosis.

It turns out a vicious circle: the future mother is experiencing about nausea, sleeps badly, worried in the afternoon, in the evening it is expected to roll the next attack and it all starts first. Unfortunately, only time will help to get rid of nausea. At about 13-16 weeks, when the placenta is fully formed, these symptoms pass by themselves. Someone happens before, someone later, but if nausea does not pass in the second trimester, then you need to immediately contact the gynecologist. Perhaps these are symptoms of some other disease that pregnant adopts toxicosis.

Important! Most often, pregnant women are sick in the evenings due to nervous tension, fatigue, stress. In these cases, plant soothing agents will help (herbal fees with mother or valerian).

How to reduce nausea?

Tips will be useful to all pregnant women, regardless of what time of their day is sick. First of all, you need to deal with meals:

  • it is impossible to allow long starvation;
  • you need to eat little, but often;
  • food should not be too hot or cold (unnecessary irritation for the stomach);
  • it is worth abandoning heavy dishes in the evening;
  • the last meal must be 2-3 hours before departing to sleep.

Sometimes the manifestation of toxicosis provoke sharp and unpleasant odors. If the work is related to chemicals, it will have to change it, since the smell of paints and varnishes and household chemicals can cause significant damage to health, as well as smoke from tobacco products. And household smells (cooking, the aroma of spirits or cosmetic means) are not dangerous, you can get rid of the premium or aromatherapy.

Banal tips on walks before bedtime, for pregnant women or visiting the pool, too, no sense is not deprived. These are reliable ways to calm the nerves, which means one reason for evening nausea will become less.

Important! Nausea is not so dangerous during pregnancy, like vomiting. If the attacks of vomiting become frequent and long-term, then the risk of dehydration arises. Therefore, at the first appearance of vomiting you should contact the gynecologist. Perhaps the correction of nutrition will remove the problem.

Folk ways to remove the attack of nausea in pregnant

Keep nausea usually helps some sourish taste. For example, tea with honey and lemon. Someone helps just slicing or a piece of lemon peel, fresh mint leaves, ginger tea. Familiate the state of ragners of therapeutic herbs: rosehip, coriander, mint, calendula flowers. But only provided that pregnant women have no allergies on these plants.

With a sharp smell (mint, ginger) will also help to remove the attack. It is enough to apply a few drops to the palm, rub and sniff. Small bottle with beloved oil can be constantly carrying with them or make inhalation with this smell.

Evening nausea associated with pregnancy, manifests itself mainly in the early stages and passes by itself. Most often to blame for this upset nerves and fatigue. But in any case, the gynecologist should be informed about the attacks, and as soon as possible. Toxicosis can mask symptoms of poisoning or infectious disease. The earlier the disease will be diagnosed, the more successful treatment will pass.