How long can pregnant women fly on an airplane? Until what month and until what week is it permissible during pregnancy? Can pregnant women fly by plane? What is the danger of flying

Waiting for a child makes a woman's life richer and more interesting, without depriving others of the joys. Traveling is also a pleasure, but it’s imperative to wonder if flying on an airplane during pregnancy will harm you. What to consider before boarding during this period?

Difficulties during flights in pregnant women: dangers or horror stories

The question of whether to go on an airplane flight during pregnancy is generally answered in the affirmative. But it is important that the experience of other women may not apply to the individual case. It is necessary to consult with a specialist who will take into account the timing, general condition and medical history.

In the absence of complications and contraindications, the doctor gives permission. But you may run into unexpected issues that you haven't read about on the forums:

  • If you're traveling in Economy Class, lack of legroom or a narrow seat will cause discomfort. Sometimes the task of getting up without disturbing the neighbors and going to the toilet turns into a problem. To avoid complications, do not choose window seats.
  • On smaller private jets, the pressure difference is more noticeable. This is not to say that this option is banned, but doctors advise traveling on large liners.

In the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, flights are not a problem. But if less than a month is left before the scheduled birth or the gestation is complicated, consult your doctor, regardless of the carrier's requirements.

Is pregnancy a contraindication to flying: what usually raises concerns

Waiting for a child is not considered a contraindication for air travel. But consider the nuances:

  • Flying an airplane during the first trimester of pregnancy does not contribute to miscarriage. But anxiety, fear of heights, general stress play a role. To reduce risks, travel in business class.
  • Air carriers impose restrictions on the carriage of passengers on the last dates. But the problem lies not in the risk to the fetus, but in the fear that the woman will have a premature birth.

Most of them manage to fly without complications, so there is no reason to immediately refuse to travel by air. But what about the common myths that older generations will share? Consider each case to avoid being fooled.

The birth of a child with developmental disabilities

The myth that radiation at altitude provokes deviations in development is not a thing of the past, but a single flight is not enough to harm the fetus. Abnormalities are caused by heredity or poor lifestyle of future parents, and not by air travel.

Why doesn't radiation at altitude play a decisive role? In flight, its level is indeed tens of times higher than those on the Earth's surface. But this feature is taken into account when designing liners, and the skin absorbs most of the radiation.

It will take 700 hours a year in the cabin to get a dangerous dose, and ordinary passengers do not travel as often. The flight attendants could be in danger, but for a period of 12 weeks they are transferred to another job.

The birth of a foreigner: fears are groundless

The question of the citizenship of a child born on board the ship continues to bother travelers. There are enough nuances, because there are differences in the laws of states.

There are several ways of acquiring citizenship: by the right of blood, the child will be considered a citizen of the same country as one of the parents. There is also an option "by right of the soil", thanks to which the baby will become a Russian in any case. After all, the plane is considered as the territory of the Russian Federation, so there will be no difficulties.

The birth of a child on board a liner belonging to another state does not mean that he will automatically receive the citizenship of that country. For example, babies born on US airlines are not always considered American. For this it is necessary that the plane is in the airspace of the country, at least in transit. True, a woman may have problems, since the United States is taking measures against birth tourism - "maternity tourism".

As for the rights of the soil, it is not obvious: the Aeroflot liner may be registered in Bermuda. True, the baby's citizenship will be Russian, and there is no reason to worry.

The effect of cosmic radiation

The debate over whether radiation is dangerous during flights continues. You may think that the metal frames and hand-held scanners used at the airport pose a threat. But the doses are negligible, so they have no effect on the body. Passengers are exposed to radiation during the flight: at altitude, the air becomes thinner. The fewer molecules that make up the Earth's atmosphere, the worse the cosmic rays are reflected. So far, their effect remains one of the main limitations for a person's stay in space: astronauts develop cataracts, cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

After learning about radiation, travelers wonder if there is a risk of exposure to radiation during air travel. In the United States, the profession of a pilot is regarded as involving work in conditions of increased radioactivity, but doctors have not yet confirmed the danger with facts. As for the average traveler, there is no threat if you do not fly all the time. Studies conducted in the United States show that in order for a pregnant woman to have a noticeable effect on the body, she needs to fly 2-3 flights a week.

With a single air travel, the danger does not threaten either the fetus or the expectant mother.

Respiratory Infection Risk

It is believed that with long flights, the likelihood of contracting respiratory infections increases:

  • The accumulation of people in an enclosed space contributes to the spread of viruses.
  • Microorganisms accumulate in the air conditioning system on board the aircraft, which can enter the cabin.

But studies by American scientists have disproved a common myth. The experimental results are published in the scientific journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Taking air samples on 5 liners showed that the filters of the systems cope with the tasks by 95%. Since the study was conducted during the height of the flu season, it was concluded that the flight does not threaten the infection, even in adverse conditions.

But the situation changes if a passenger with a respiratory illness is located nearby. The results of the experiment showed that the risk of contamination of its neighbors would be 80%. Those who are at a distance of 2 rows have nothing to worry about: the probability of getting sick does not reach 3%.

To prevent risk, wear a medical mask on long flights.

A strong argument against air travel is that carriers impose restrictions on pregnant women, requiring medical certificates. But it’s not about the danger: Companies don’t want to return the plane from the runway or make an emergency landing if you’re in labor. Indeed, during the last weeks it is impossible to accurately predict the date, so you yourself are interested in being closer to the specialists. While the onboard staff are trained and skilled in delivering childbirth, you should not expect everything to go smoothly.

The main contraindications to flying during pregnancy

While figuring out whether it is possible to fly on a plane for pregnant women, you have discarded common myths. But when should you give up air travel? According to WHO, for a period of 36 weeks or more, they are not recommended. If you are expecting twins, then you should not fly on liners already at the 32nd week. And when a delicate condition is associated with complications, do not be guided by the timing: in any case, buying a flight ticket is not a good idea. Also, women and babies are not advised to undertake air travel when less than a week has passed after childbirth.

WHO recommendations are vague, so they are supplemented by practicing gynecologists. They divide contraindications into absolute and relative, and in the first case, you will have to forget about flights. The following phenomena fall into the category:

  • preeclampsia (the disease requires increased health care, even on earth);
  • full placenta previa, when it overlaps the internal pharynx, because during childbirth the child will not enter the birth canal;
  • severe anemia.

With relative contraindications, a woman will make a flight in case of emergency, after consulting a doctor. These include a number of phenomena:

In some cases, they become absolute, when the risk of miscarriage is high due to the peculiarities of the condition. But in general, you will be able to travel, although it is advisable to postpone the trip.

Possible negative factors and complications

Many myths about the dangers of flights are unfounded, but objective factors remain that harm the health of the fetus or the expectant mother. In most cases, they do not become contraindications if you think about measures to neutralize negative phenomena.

Deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism

Pregnancy initially promotes the development of deep vein thrombosis. During flights, the risk increases 3-4 times even in people who are not in a delicate state. Most often, blood clots form in the leg area, which causes complaints of pain, redness, and a burning sensation. They can break off and travel to the lungs, where they obstruct normal blood circulation. Signs of this phenomenon are the following:

  • labored breathing;
  • chest pain or discomfort that gets worse when you cough or try to take a deep breath;
  • dizziness;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • coughing up blood.

Deep vein thrombosis threatens all passengers, but expectant mothers are at risk. This is due to increased levels of estrogen, which increases blood clotting. Also, the weight of the fetus puts a strain on the arteries in the pelvis, and it takes longer for blood to saturate the tissues of the legs with oxygen and return to the heart. As a result, the risk of blood clots increases.

The problem with flying is not air transport, but the need to spend 4 hours or more in a seat. The longer you sit, the higher your risk of blood clot formation, so take action:

  • try to move your legs;
  • get up every hour and walk for 5 minutes;
  • put on compression stockings in advance.

These measures are sufficient, but consult your doctor if necessary. When there are cases of venous thrombosis among relatives, a physician prescribes an examination and gives competent advice.

Risk of premature birth due to pressure drop and turbulence

The opinion that flying on a liner causes miscarriages has strengthened in consciousness. Although doctors say the opposite, on the forums, women share sad stories of how they lost a child a few weeks after the voyage. Why is there such an opinion, if doctors say that miscarriage and flight are not related?

The fact is that sooner or later 20% of women face a similar phenomenon. According to the theory of probability, some of them have recently flown on the liner. Trying to substantiate what happened, women recall a common myth and reinforce it with new "facts."

In fact, turbulence and pressure differences are not harmful to the unborn baby as long as you follow the rules. Flying an airplane early in pregnancy or after 34 weeks requires a balanced approach, but otherwise, if there are no complications, you will travel without consequences. Shaking discomfort is the only threat, but it poses no danger to you or the fetus.


There is debate about the threat of hypoxia for pregnant women. The fact is that during this period changes occur in the respiratory organs. Due to the difference in hormones, the permissible level of carbon dioxide in the body decreases, which leads to increased breathing rate. Also, more fluid collects in the lungs, which reduces their volume. Other physiological changes lead to increased oxygen demand and stress on the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. For these reasons, pregnant women are exposed to hypoxia.

But oxygen starvation does not make itself felt when you are healthy. Hypoxia threatens those who suffer from grade 3 anemia. However, it is not worth the risk: although a one-time flight does not pose a danger, doctors have not found out whether there are negative consequences with frequent flights. Separately, they warn about the dangers that arise when the cabin is depressurized. In this case, passengers are provided with oxygen masks, but you may not have time to use them.

Oxygen starvation during pregnancy is contraindicated

Usually, depressurization of the cabin does not threaten health, since the consequences are gaining strength gradually. The leak can occur due to small cracks, system malfunctions, or poorly closed doors. In this case, you will use a mask, and the pilot will make an unplanned landing if necessary. But with a quick and strong depressurization of the cabin, passengers have 18 seconds to put on oxygen masks, after which a loss of consciousness occurs. Although this is rare, assess the risk yourself.


Those who flew a pregnant woman on a plane leave positive reviews. But expectant mothers stipulate the need to drink more water, since the air in the cabin is dry. You should not also lean on coffee, tea, sugary drinks, because they contribute to the loss of fluid. There will be no problems if you opt for clean water. Drink 500 ml every hour to avoid a drop in blood pressure and dizziness.

Excessive dryness of the air also contributes to the appearance of a runny nose or sore throat. Lack of moisture causes mucous membranes to dry out, so you will need nasal drops and sea salt solutions. Plain water can refresh your face: you will save yourself from drying out your skin.

Possible obstetric complications

Problems during long flights are associated with the fact that in case of premature birth, the passenger and the child will not receive proper medical care. The personnel on the ships are being trained, but a professional doctor and equipment will not be available. If there is a risk of complications, stop flying at a later date.

An example would be the story of a child who was born on an airplane flying from Simferopol to Moscow. The passenger began childbirth, which was accepted by a flight attendant and a nurse who happened to be on board. But the baby who was born did not breathe because of the mucus clogging the respiratory passages. The equipment used to assist the infant in the hospital was not on board. The nurse had to suck the mucus with her mouth and then give the baby artificial respiration. Later, the doctors said that the baby's life was saved only thanks to the measures taken. But is it worth expecting that among the passengers there will be a person with special skills?

Flight rules for pregnant women

Consider the length of your pregnancy to reduce your risks. The 2nd trimester is considered a favorable time, when the body has adapted to the new state, and premature birth is not yet threatened. In other cases, hints will help you.

In the early stages (1-4 weeks) and in the first trimester (up to 13 weeks)

A flight on an airplane in the first month of pregnancy occurs at a time when the organs of the unborn child begin to form. This is an important stage that requires increased health care. Also, women face unpleasant manifestations:

  • nausea due to toxicosis;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • swelling;
  • increased fatigue;
  • eating disorders.

Before buying tickets, evaluate your well-being: you are unlikely to want to fight toxicosis at an altitude of 10,000 m. Nausea may appear due to pressure drops and turbulence, although there will be no health risks. Also, women with high blood pressure or problems with the cardiovascular system should not fly. But with the expectant mother feeling well, doctors see no reason to refuse flights.

If in doubt, discuss the situation with your gynecologist.

2nd trimester (14-27 weeks)

When the third month of pregnancy ends, it is safer to fly on an airplane. By the 15th week, the state of the body is optimal for air travel. You just need to follow the precautions:

  • Move your legs, try to walk along the aisle whenever possible. As you sit still, raise and lower your heels.
  • Position the seat belt correctly: on the hips and lower abdomen.
  • Try to reserve space in the bow of the aircraft where there is less shaking.

Spend a lot to buy a business class ticket, because the ability to stretch your legs or change your posture will save you from the danger of deep vein thrombosis. In some countries, the disease is called "economy class syndrome", so do not spare your money.

During the 3rd trimester (28-36 weeks)

Air carriers recommend refraining from flying when the deadline reaches 36 weeks. In other cases, consult a gynecologist: he may recommend refusal to travel if the pregnancy is complicated or there have been cases of premature birth in the family. Also, those who are expecting twins should not fly.

Keep in mind that the baby is viable from 27 weeks. This means that with the availability of qualified medical care, premature birth is not scary. But, if it happens at a height, the baby is in danger.

What are the requirements of airlines

A woman expecting a baby will hear stories from friends and relatives about shaking and motion sickness in the aircraft cabin, but these aspects also apply to travel by train or even a bus. Therefore, you should not refuse to travel by air: it is enough to pay attention to small nuances.

Most air carriers still put forward restrictions when it comes to whether pregnant women can fly on an airplane. Foreign companies insist that women at the 8th month provide a certificate from a gynecologist. 7 days before the expected date of birth, it is allowed to fly with an accompanying person who will help you board and coordinate with your doctor. A certificate is also required confirming that the expectant mother has undergone a medical examination within the last 48 hours.

Domestic "Aeroflot" also warns about the peculiarities of flights. On the site you will find information that indicates: pregnant women for a period of 8 months. it is advisable to consult a doctor and take a certificate. A medical clearance is required 4 weeks before delivery, valid for 7 days.

Pregnancy does not interfere with travel

Ural Airlines are less demanding, since they allow travelers to independently navigate the situation. You only need a medical certificate issued 24 hours before the flight. You also need to have an exchange card with you.

What is the position of the management of S7 Airlines? It does not prohibit pregnant women from flying, but the responsibility for the consequences lies with the passenger. During registration, she will be asked to fill out a special questionnaire form, where she will tell about her health. Then you will need to present a doctor's opinion, valid for a week.

A similar position is taken by JSC Red Wings, because the traveler will need an exchange card and a doctor's note. The carrier accepts the document if it was issued less than 7 days before the flight.

Utair makes almost no demands: it is enough to provide a receipt confirming that the passenger is aware of the risks. The carrier reminds that there is no specialist on board the aircraft who can provide assistance to the extent necessary for a difficult delivery.

To learn more about carrier requirements for flying during pregnancy, watch the video:

Which week of pregnancy is it better to get on a plane

If you need to travel long distances quickly, choose the 2nd trimester for travel. But flights in the 1st trimester do not pose a danger when pregnancy proceeds without severe toxicosis or other complications. Don't be fooled: your state of mind adds joy, not deprives you of the pleasure of seeing the world.

How to make your flight successful

The main condition for a successful flight will be a timely consultation with a doctor. Do not rely on the advice of friends or stories on the forums, since the condition of the expectant mother is individual.

But even with the permission of a gynecologist, there are 2 ways: to suffer on the road or to take measures to relieve discomfort. If you want to have a pleasant experience, take care of the following:

  • Make safety a priority. Find out in advance the phone numbers of the doctors at the destination, collect the necessary medications, grab a copy of the card and the results of the ultrasound. If necessary, contact the airline representatives and specify what documents will be required upon boarding (necessary at a later date). By thinking over the details, you will get rid of unnecessary worries.
  • Stay calm on board, keep paper bags handy as needed. Also bring a pillow and blanket, or ask the flight attendant to bring these supplies.
  • Clothes and shoes are of great importance. Choose loose items from natural fabrics, do not forget about compression stockings. Also wear flat shoes as you need to walk around the cabin.

With these rules in mind, you will make your trip more enjoyable, so do not neglect the little things.

Gynecologists give advice on how to make the flight comfortable. They know from their patients how unpleasant it is to deal with the coming nausea or increased fatigue. But the good news is, you can get relief from your condition even on board!

The safest time to fly during pregnancy

Californian gynecologist, Dr. Aaron Shufan, says expectant mothers are advised to fly for 20-30 weeks. If you are planning a voyage at a later time, consider an alternative: it is safer to travel by car, because you can change the route and go to the hospital.

Features of the psychological mood

Got a doctor's approval? Then do not torment yourself with thoughts of possible difficulties and enjoy the views behind the window. Think about how you will arrive safely, and do not add stress to yourself.

Flight selection: skip long flights

The idea of ​​visiting distant lands before you experience the dubious joys of a lack of sleep due to crying may be tempting. But staying in the air for a long time and changing climatic conditions will not be beneficial. It's not only about the flight, but also about new factors at the destination: unfamiliar food, seeking medical help from foreigners, complicated by a language barrier, unusual water will cause discomfort.

If the pregnancy proceeds without complications, and the woman observes all possible precautions and follows medical recommendations, the flight does not pose a threat.


Is it safe to fly in the 1st trimester? Sometimes gynecologists recommend refraining from flying.

At this time, the female body changes, and this is reflected in the state of health.

During travel, headaches, bouts of nausea may occur and worsen, and the risk of a threat of miscarriage increases.

Pressure drops and a long flight negatively affect not only the well-being of the expectant mother, but also the fetus. Therefore, it is worth refraining from air travel. Although there is no exact data on the impact of flights on the health of pregnant passengers.

However, expectant mothers are worried about flights not only in the initial stages, but also later. For example, the question is often asked: is it allowed to fly at 6 months (in the third trimester).


Until what time is it allowed to fly, is it valid for 7 months? If the gestation proceeds normally, air travel is permissible up to 34 weeks with a singleton pregnancy and up to 32 weeks with a multiple pregnancy. But each airline insists on its own deadlines for "unusual" passengers.

If a flight is required in the third trimester, check the requirements of the selected airline in advance. This will help to avoid unexpected disruption of the planned trip.

Flying in the last month is fraught with the threat of premature birth. There are cases when a happy event takes place right in the air.

Are flights allowed in the second trimester? If the process goes well (without complications and risks), doctors recommend refraining from flights during the 1st and 2nd trimester (up to 8 weeks). The safest flight is from 14 to 27 weeks.

Possible complications

Air travel is not always neutral for women in position. Although the flights themselves do not have strict contraindications, you still need to take into account the likely risk factors:

Oxygen deficiency... In the sky on board the liner, the concentration of oxygen decreases. For pregnant passengers diagnosed with anemia (severe), this is a serious limitation of the flight. For a healthy expectant mother, this factor does not pose a threat.

Pressure drops... The pressure drop (during takeoff and landing) can cause rupture of the membranes, resulting in premature birth. This applies to late periods and multiple pregnancies.

Stagnation of blood... A great danger is the stagnation of blood flow due to one position during a long flight. In this case, the risk of developing deep thrombosis during pregnancy increases 5 times.

Shaking... Getting into the turbulence zone is inevitable. Shaking increases the symptoms of toxicosis, especially for women suffering from motion sickness.

Inability to get medical help when needed... This is the main argument of doctors against flying in position. Of course, the onboard personnel are trained to provide first aid during childbirth, but they are not able to provide emergency resuscitation for the mother and child.

Modern metal detectors do not pose a threat to the health of mothers and babies, since they generate a magnetic field, not X-rays.

Precautionary measures

Understanding when it is safe to fly and until what time it does not hurt, it does not hurt, nevertheless, to take care of precautions.

Simple precautions will help you reschedule your “fun” flight safely:

  • buy a ticket for a seat near the emergency exit - make yourself comfortable;
  • Pack your belongings in a compact trolley case so that it is not too heavy. If possible, ask to be escorted and met so as not to carry the weight;
  • climb the ladder among the last passengers so as not to get into the crowd and not pick up unnecessary viruses;
  • take a comfortable position in the chair - lean back on your back so that your back is relaxed. You can bring inflatable pillows for comfort;
  • To reduce blood stasis during long flights, wear compression stockings or an elastic bandage. In the cabin, after takeoff, do not hesitate to take off your shoes;
  • dark chocolate will help cope with bouts of nausea;
  • if you feel sick, give up reading, sleep better;
  • eliminate any worries, set yourself up in advance for a safe flight. For your peace of mind and just in case, keep a medical book and contacts of loved ones with you;
  • eat in small portions, but more often;
  • be sure to buckle up at the request of the flight attendants so that the belt passes under the belly;
  • Bring a can of sea water with you to freshen up;
  • drink clean water to stay hydrated;
  • choose comfortable loose-fitting clothes made of natural fabrics for air travel.

During this period, it is best to fly in business class with wide seats, where there is more legroom. In economy class, give preference to the first row - you will be able to stretch your legs, and the air flow in the cabin goes from the bow to the tail. Discard the seats near the porthole so that you can stand up freely.

Airline requirements

Is it safe for pregnant women to fly by plane at 7 months? Each airline has its own "policy" regarding women in delicate situations. It depends on the trimester, flight distance, health of the expectant mother:

  • 28 weeks - flights are permissible with the presentation of a certificate indicating the date and expected date of delivery;
  • 29-36 - for the flight, it is imperative to present a certificate with the absence of contraindications, you will also have to sign a paper on taking all risks upon yourself;
  • after 36 - most carriers refuse passengers in the last weeks.

In addition, even at week 28, the company may refuse to fly for many hours.

The general rules state that the expectant mother signs a commitment before the flight, which relieves the carrier of responsibility for her health and well-being.

If the pregnancy is multiple, then you will additionally need permission from the airline physician.

Thus, to the question of whether it is possible to fly during pregnancy, we answer - yes, it is, if there are no special contraindications.

Contraindications include the following conditions of a pregnant woman:

  • gestosis;
  • the threat of miscarriage, early birth;
  • acute otitis media, sinusitis;
  • partial placental detachment;
  • some heart and lung diseases;
  • anemia (severe);
  • bleeding on the eve of the flight;
  • exacerbation of chronic diagnoses;
  • incorrect position of the fetus (III trimester);

To protect yourself during the flight, if you still have some concerns, you can use medical insurance.

A woman in a position must have a pregnancy certificate with her, containing information about the period at the time of travel, the likely date of birth and a medical permit for the flight.

The document is drawn up according to strict rules - on a special form with the clinic's seals, the doctor's signature and stamp. The certificate is valid 7 days before the flight. Therefore, you need to make sure that it will be valid at the time of return.

Here are the requirements of some carriers:

  • Aeroflot - ban (36 weeks - singleton pregnancy, 34 weeks - multiple pregnancy), a medical certificate is needed, a receipt for the release of liability from the carrier is not required;
  • S7 - there is no prohibition at any time, you need a medical certificate and a receipt;
  • Utair - there is no ban at any time, you need a medical certificate (7 days before the flight) and a receipt (2 copies);
  • Transaero - ban after 36 weeks, you need a certificate and an exchange card, no receipt is required.

Do I need to notify the company in advance?

If we are talking about a flight within a tour, then all information about the client's flight in position is provided by the tour operator.

If you are flying on your own, then you must find out all the requirements yourself. All information is available on the websites of the carrier company. When buying an air ticket, check it first. If you have any questions, please call the office.

If it was not possible to find out information about the rules for the flight of pregnant women, for a period later than 28 weeks, issue a certificate in advance and grab an exchange card, having previously visited your doctor. Prepared documentation is a guarantee of a pass on board.

It is not required to notify the airline in advance about your position; it is enough to provide all the necessary certificates when boarding, drawn up in accordance with all the rules.

Pregnant women are extremely unlikely to have difficulty flying. Taking a healthy approach to your journey can help reduce your risk. It is worth listening to medical recommendations and following simple rules, having previously studied the requirements of the selected airline. And until what month you can fly on a plane for pregnant women, you now know.

Watch the video: when can pregnant women fly by plane and is it possible to fly by plane in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Hello dear readers! During the holiday season, women are concerned about the question: is it possible for pregnant women to fly by plane? I myself faced this problem in 2014, when I was pregnant. Then my doctor strictly forbade me to get on the plane. What is it - the danger of pathologies during pregnancy, or just a banal reinsurance to absolve yourself of responsibility?

Let's take a closer look at what kind of dangers await expectant mothers and which airline is better at treating passengers “in position”.

To take care of the baby's own health and safety, the expectant mother should consult with the attending physician before the flight.

  • Some companies only allow pregnant women with a medical certificate with a flight permit.
  • A number of airlines will ask the expectant mother to sign a waiver of claims.
  • During the first and third trimester, as well as multiple pregnancies at any given week, it is safer to refrain from using an airplane.

Please note: The Ministry of Health and most gynecologists do not recommend flying by air for more than 36 weeks (9 months).

The airline's website contains information on the requirements for pregnant women. In particular, it is indicated up to how many weeks it is possible to fly the company's aircraft. Please read the rules before flying. If the documents do not match, the expectant mother will not be allowed on the flight.

Important! It is mandatory to visit a gynecologist before the flight. How long it is possible to fly by air transport is determined only by a specialist. Refrain from flying in the last weeks of pregnancy and for some time after giving birth.

Why flights are dangerous for pregnant women

Pressure drops, low concentration of oxygen in the air, prolonged immobility, as well as radiation can have a negative impact on the well-being and health of pregnant passengers of air transport. Each of the following factors interferes with travel.

  1. An increase in pressure of several divisions accompanies all flights. Occurs during takeoff and landing. The result is headache, nausea and dizziness. A woman may faint. During turbulence, the tonometer jumps. The most dangerous outcome is premature birth in the salon.
  2. Already at an altitude of 3000 m, the oxygen content in the aircraft decreases. Usually, passenger air transport of any company rises up to 11,000 m. Research by the Swiss professor Ruch has proven that hypoxia does not have a negative effect on mother and child if the pregnant woman is healthy. With anemia, a decrease in the amount of oxygen becomes critical.
  3. During the flight, passengers spend a lot of time in the seat. The diagnosis of anemia limits the flight to 4 hours. As a result of immobility, blood stagnation and edema are formed.
  4. The plane rises into the upper atmosphere, where the protection from cosmic radiation is much less. The real danger threatens only professional pilots and astronauts. The aircraft under the influence of weak radiation does not threaten the health of the mother and baby during pregnancy.

Additional information: Traveling by air is fraught with other negative consequences. Lack of medical attention, and shaking during turbulence, concern for their own health and the life of the baby. Dehydration and swelling of the nasopharynx are possible.

Whether it is dangerous to use an airplane also depends on the presence of a number of diseases and complications. With anemia, placenta previa, uterine bleeding, venous and heart disease, blood stasis and swelling, it is better to refrain from flying. Do not travel by air if you have multiple pregnancies.

First trimester

At the beginning of hormonal changes, the body of the expectant mother adapts to growing the fetus. Gynecologists advise in the first trimester to refrain from traveling by air of any airline.

  • During this time, pregnant women experience many unpleasant sensations, including nausea, tearfulness, and nervous tension. Staying on board an aircraft can exacerbate symptoms.
  • The first trimester is characterized by a high tone of the uterus, which increases the likelihood of losing a baby. This is one of the reasons why air travel is harmful during this period.
  • Hypertonicity of the uterus often occurs when the pressure rises during landing or takeoff, which can also lead to miscarriage.

The aircraft is safer during pregnancy between 14 and 27 weeks. During this period, the body finishes adaptation, tunes in to protect and provide the baby with the necessary.

Important! Before buying a ticket for the plane of the chosen airline, the future woman in labor must attend to the documents: a medical certificate, an insurance policy, an exchange card.

From 27 to 40 weeks, air flights of expectant mothers are considered unacceptable by gynecologists. At this time, the pregnant woman's blood pressure rises and edema forms. The woman quickly begins to feel tired.

Unfavorable conditions in the aircraft cabin - dry air and shaking - negatively affect health. Many airlines do not allow ladies to board their aircraft when they are 30-33 weeks pregnant.

Deciding to travel by air, a woman "in position" takes into account negative factors. The following tips are suitable for traveling with any airline to improve the comfort and safety of mother and child.

  1. When purchasing your ticket, select your Business Class seats. In this part of the plane, the spacing between the rows is wider and the seats are more spacious. Accommodation in the first rows of economy class is suitable. The last rows are undesirable for ladies in "position", as the air circulates from nose to tail.
  2. When choosing a wardrobe, give preference to light natural fabrics. They will make you feel comfortable.
  3. The immobility during the flight causes the formation of edema and blood stasis. Take a walk before departure and go to the drive last. In an airplane seat, do a mini leg warm-up: bend your knees and ankles.
  4. Air travel causes dehydration. A pregnant woman is advised to consume 1.5 liters of liquid. Water is distributed in equal parts in three stages: before landing, during flight and after landing.
  5. It is convenient for expectant mothers to pass the air transport seat belt under the belly. In this position, the fetus is easier to protect in an emergency.
  6. From what you need to take on the plane, it is important to have special pillows for the neck and back. They will help the pregnant woman to take a more comfortable position in the chair.
  7. It is better to use drugs for motion sickness just before takeoff of air transport. Women can take medicines intended for babies 3 years old. Medicines in this category will be safe for the baby and mother.

When traveling by plane during different periods of pregnancy, you should pay attention to your own health. Before the flight, be sure to consult with your attending gynecologist about the safety of traveling by air.

The most favorable for flights of healthy pregnant women is the second trimester. In the first and third, air travel is not recommended. Of what a pregnant woman should take with her on the plane, the most important are the pads for the neck and lower back, and the necessary medications.

Enjoy your trip!

Pregnancy comes with a huge number of restrictions. Some of them play into the hands of the expectant mother, others, on the contrary, make her life more boring. So, the opportunity to sit on maternity leave, while receiving a salary, will delight even the most ardent careerist, and the need to eat only healthy foods will upset a lover of tasty food. And there are a lot of such examples. At the same time, if some of the prohibitions and recommendations are known to everyone, others remain a mystery to many. For example, recently, the question of the possibility of flights by pregnant women has become very relevant. What are the risks and prohibitions in this case - read on.

Can pregnant women fly: possible risks

Many women ask, "Can pregnant women fly on a passenger plane?" In this case, you need to understand the essence of the issue. Are you wondering if the flight company will miss you or what impact the flight will have on your child? If the former, then it all depends on the company, and you need to talk in more detail about the effect of flight on women during pregnancy.

Pregnant women need to be aware that many companies prohibit flights late in their pregnancy. Also, most aviation companies require a medical certificate confirming the possibility of such a trip.

Doctors say that during pregnancy it is better not to take risks and limit flights. However, there is no categorical prohibition for women with normal pregnancy. To begin with, we invite you to see why traveling by plane is dangerous.

Why it is believed that flying during pregnancy is harmful:

  1. Pregnant women are especially sensitive to pressure changes. This unpleasant fact cannot be avoided when flying. It is especially pronounced during takeoff and landing. It is impossible to say for sure how the pressure drop will affect the expectant mother, but there is an opinion that such an anomaly can cause premature birth. Of course, this opinion has not been confirmed, but women at risk of premature birth are prohibited from flying.
  2. As is already known, the oxygen concentration decreases during flight in the cabin. Therefore, many women in a position are afraid to fly, imagining the consequences in the form of oxygen starvation for them and the fetus. However, in this case, breathing problems are possible only in women suffering from anemia. Mainly due to this factor of the flight, the reviews are good.
  3. Flying in airplanes is harmful to pregnant women due to the increased risk of thrombosis. The fact is that during pregnancy, most expectant mothers suffer from varicose veins, and motionless sitting in an uncomfortable position for several hours of flight aggravates this ailment. This risk is especially degenerate if you are flying in economy class.

These are the main problems that you can have with flying. Also, a negative factor is that there is no team of doctors and full-fledged medical equipment on the plane, so if something happens to you during the flight, you will receive qualified assistance only by landing on the ground.

Radiation on the plane: hard facts

Separately, it is worth talking about such a problem as possible radiation exposure in an aircraft. Unfortunately, this is not a myth. Radiation does have a negative impact on aircraft passengers.

Space contains a high level of radiation, but the earth's shell protects people from its evil influence. However, when flying on an airplane, a person approaches close to space and the radiation affects him more strongly.

Thus, when you travel by plane, you are indeed exposed to a small dose of radiation. However, it does not have a detrimental effect not on the mother, not on the fetus.

A few facts about radiation during the flight:

  • Metal detectors before entering the plane will not irradiate you, they work on a magnetic field;
  • Even with the longest flight, the passenger receives radiation 2.5 times less than with x-rays of the lungs;
  • Aircraft pilots receive a dose of radiation per year almost equal to that that irradiates people working in a high-risk zone.

Thus, it is believed that infrequent flights are not capable of harming you or your baby. However, is it worth the risk, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy?

Contraindications or is it possible to fly in the first trimester of pregnancy by plane

If you nevertheless decide to travel by plane, then you definitely need to familiarize yourself with the contraindications for such an adventure. You cannot neglect them, since in this case you endanger your life, and the life of your baby.

As we have already said, many airlines require a certificate from a gynecologist, which will indicate the permission of the pregnant woman to fly. Moreover, most airlines require women in position to sign a document that the company is not responsible for any adverse consequences.

We suggest that you carefully read the contraindications for the flight. Only by taking into account these nuances, you can save the life of yourself and your child.

Contraindications to the flight for pregnant women:

  • Placenta previa;
  • Severe to moderate anemia;
  • Preeclampsia
  • The risk of premature birth and placental abruption;
  • Low placentation;
  • The presence of bloody discharge;
  • Multiple pregnancies;
  • Incorrect location of the fetus at a later date.

For any of these contraindications, it is strictly forbidden to fly in an airplane. You must understand that failure to comply with these rules can lead to the most dire consequences.

How long can you fly on an airplane

Many are worried about "For how long, or up to how many weeks, you can fly an airplane without consequences." Exactly, only your gynecologist can give the answer to this question, but there are several recommendations on this matter.

It is interesting that there is a law, which, by the way, has not been signed by all countries, that if a child is born on an airplane or on a ship, then he can become a citizen of the country to which this vehicle belongs.

So let's talk in more detail about which month you can fly in an airplane. The data indicated by us is supported by all the leading gynecologists in the world.

Which weeks are considered the most favorable for flights:

  1. In the early stages, it is better not to fly in an airplane. During this period, the child's organs have not yet formed, he is weak and susceptible to adverse environmental factors. Flying in the first trimester can lead to miscarriage or complications.
  2. The second trimester is the safest to fly. During this period, the child's organs are already practically formed, and he sits tightly in the womb.
  3. The third trimester is dangerous, the possibility of the onset of premature birth.

Thus, the second trimester is considered the most favorable. However, in any case, you must first consult with a gynecologist.

Flight rules during pregnancy

If you dare to fly during pregnancy, we advise you to use our advice. Responsible approach to this flight event.

Flight rules during pregnancy:

  1. If possible, purchase a business class ticket. If this is not possible, try to get some places in the front, there it will be easier for you to stretch your legs. Plus, you get more fresh air there.
  2. Drink plenty of water during the flight. Avoid coffee and soda.
  3. Make yourself as comfortable as possible. Take pillows and put on loose-fitting clothes.
  4. Skip the seat belt under the belly
  5. Keep your exchange card and the number of a loved one with you.

Following these tips will make it as easy as possible for you to reschedule your flight. Thanks to the exchange card, if necessary, you will be provided with medical assistance.

Doctor's advice: can pregnant women fly by plane (video)

Can pregnant women fly by plane? Yes, but are you willing to take this risk? In any case, you should consult your gynecologist.

You have planned a trip, and decided to replace the many hours of travel by train or bus with an air flight, but you still doubt whether you can fly while in position. The plane during pregnancy is an ambiguous question, there are arguments both for and against this type of transport. In addition to the psychological fear of flying, there are certain medical contraindications, which, now we will figure it out.

The main contraindications to flying during pregnancy

  • Gestational age. Half of all airlines in the world prohibit the flight of pregnant women for a period of 36 weeks or more, they also call women with multiple pregnancies persona non grata from 34 weeks. The remaining 50% of companies will require a doctor's permission and an exchange card from you;

And, for example, the American airline Virjdin will let you board the plane after 34 weeks, but only accompanied by an obstetrician.

The plane at 7 months of pregnancy is another nuance: although carriers do not indicate this period as a contraindication, there is a risk, and it is better to postpone flights.

  • Risk of miscarriage. Regardless of the gestational age, if there is a threat of premature birth, you will be strongly advised to refuse the plane flight, as well as the longest journey;
  • Uterine tone. A flight with pressure drops and shocks is not the best pastime with uterine tone. In addition, in the cabin you will be constantly in a sitting position, which can also negatively affect your overall well-being;
  • Allocations. Bloody discharge is another taboo for a flight, the airline personnel, of course, have an idea of ​​giving birth, but it is simply not realistic to help in case of bleeding or to make a blood transfusion in the air. But about how to behave if you start bleeding when you are on the ground, read the article Brown discharge during pregnancy >>>;
  • The state of the placenta. If your attending physician has voiced a problem with placental abruption, or low placentarity, then the plane is contraindicated for you;
  • Anemia. You will definitely face the problem of iron deficiency during pregnancy, but all this can be solved with the help of a certain diet or taking special medications. In this case, we are talking about the 3rd degree of anemia, since there is a risk of oxygen starvation, the amount of hemoglobin that binds oxygen is low, therefore, the additional load will greatly aggravate the situation. More about anemia during pregnancy >>>;
  • Toxicosis. If with toxicosis in the first weeks of pregnancy (about what it is and how you can deal with it, read in the article Nausea during pregnancy >>>) you are still allowed on board, then late gestosis will bring an unpleasant surprise - it is in list of contraindications;
  • Pressure. Turbulence zones, air pockets, constant pressure drops are a serious test for a healthy person, but if you have pressure surges, then flights during pregnancy should be postponed;
  • Artificial insemination. During pregnancy, which occurred as a result of artificial insemination, plane flights are undesirable;
  • Fetal position. If the baby takes the wrong position at the end of pregnancy, then you need to give up the plane;
  • Vaccination passport. Pay attention to the mandatory vaccination requirements of the country you are flying to. In the first trimester, vaccinations are highly undesirable, and such vaccinations as typhoid, malaria cannot be done at all during pregnancy;
  • Individual contraindications. In any case, before planning a flight by plane, you will consult with your doctor, and at the slightest threat, you should postpone the trip to another time, possibly already in the postpartum period.

The most favorable flights during pregnancy are in the second trimester (article on the topic: 2nd trimester of pregnancy >>>), namely from 14 to 28 weeks. If you decided on a trip and did not find any contraindications, then heed the advice on how to make the flight comfortable:

  1. A place. Economy class is definitely not for you, but if there is no other way out, then choose seats at the beginning of the cabin in the first row. This way you will be able to stretch your legs, in addition, the air is cleaner here, since it comes from the nose of the plane;
  2. Nutrition. You know about harmful products, so before the flight this menu is taboo for you. You can and even need to drink, but only mineral water without gas or purified green tea. Eat small meals and drink more - these are the main recommendations;

If you have any doubts about the correctness of your nutrition during pregnancy, pay attention to our book Secrets of proper nutrition for the expectant mother >>>

  1. Walking. Every hour you need to warm up a little and take a walk through the cabin of the plane, for example, to the toilet;
  2. Equipment. You will need comfortable shoes that can be easily removed, natural clothing made from several layers, a travel pillow or a special device for pregnant women;
  3. First aid kit. All the necessary medications should be at your fingertips, in addition, grab a mask, who knows, maybe there will be a sneezing neighbor nearby. From time to time, you will need to rinse your nose with saline, as there may be discomfort from too dry air in the cabin;
  4. Exchange card. Take an exchange card with you on the road, it may be required on the plane or you may need it to take the gynecologist's permission to fly on your way home;
  5. Additional Information. If you decide to fly on your own or only children are traveling with you, be sure to write down in a notebook all the necessary information regarding the place where you are going with the phones of relatives or friends. Extra precautions will not hurt.

Psychological attitude

Aerophobia is not a fiction, but a real fear that prevents 20% of people from enjoying flights. If you are one of them, then you cannot do without psychological training, since your fear will be fully felt by the child.

Myths and Reality Regarding Flights

You have probably heard many of the scary stories associated with the plane in early pregnancy or in the prenatal period. We discard points with contraindications, when horror stories may well become reality, and consider standard situations:

  • Baggage. You understand that in your position there can be no question of any burdens, so carefully plan who will see you off and meet you, and do not hesitate to ask for help: no one will refuse you with your belly;
  • X-ray irradiation. You must pass a metal detector, but you should not be afraid of it. It works on a magnetic field, and even then a weak one, but there are no X-rays in modern equipment. Also, read the article