Write a nice to the girl. What to write a girl who likes in contact? Nice words of love for a girl should be

Want say something to the girl so she melted? Let's figure it out for a start, how and why do it.

As you already heard somewhere - the girls love ears. They like when guys make compliments. But it should be understood that the compliment compliment is retrid. Because it can be said not at all that is suitable in this situation, as well as look unnatural.

I want to say more about the last moment. When you communicate with a girl, try to make your communication with her looks as natural as possible. Guys often try to say what, in their opinion, wants to hear the girl. It is incorrect, as it starts to sound tight and unnaturally. Of course, when you behave unnaturally - it pushes another person.

How to tell girl nice things

Therefore, when you want to tell the girl compliments, so that she melted - try to speak from the soul, and the way you want it. In this case, your sincerity will really appreciate. This article presents a few examples that you can say. But if you want to say sincerely, you can very quickly come up with something. After all, every girl is unique. Think carefully what exactly do you like in it most that your heart begins more often. Maybe this is some kind of her sweetheart habit, a speech manner, behavior, or just a feature in appearance. Hold it, tell her, and show how this feature has a positive effect. The more unexpected compliment, the stronger it will impress the girl.

Remember that everything should be in moderation. You can say a girl something very pleasant and unexpected. But if you constantly fall asleep with compliments, it will get used and will not perceive them.

What to say to the girl so that she melted - examples

All the phrases below really work. However, use them at the right moment. You can write these suggestions in VC, or just say in real life.

#1 Communication with you makes me think about the theory of kindred souls.

#2 I can not imagine my life without you in it.

#3 How do you always look so attractive?

#4 I feel happy next to you.

#5 You always know how to surprise me.

#6 You are so cute when you smile.

#7 You dreamed of last night.

#8 I'm crazy about your smell.

#9 You are so cool dancing!

#10 When I see your smile, my mood rises to heaven.

#11 And why did I meet you now?

#12 You are the most beautiful girl I've ever met.

#13 Your eyes are so deep and expressive that you can drown in them.

#14 Your love for me makes the mountains shake every day.

#15 You are very cute when you sleep.

Now you know what to tell the girl to melted.

Pleasant words beloved man - this is perhaps the best way to express your feelings and make a confession in love. What beautiful phrases can be said to his wife or a beloved girl? What is better: compliments in verse or prose?

These questions are concerned with many representatives of strong sex, because not all of them have a gift gracefully and directly say compliments with young young ladies.

In the meantime, such a skill significantly increases the chances of young people to reciprocity, since it is no longer a secret that warm words are pleasant to every girl.

Before making a compliment to your girlfriend, you need to understand that every representative of the weak floor is a bright individuality, therefore affectionate phrases need to be chosen based on the character of your chosen. However, it is useful to know what happens.

  1. Comparison. These phrases are needed to support and enhance the self-esteem of the girlfriend. We can say that it is very similar to the pretty artist or a new Miss World.
  2. Open praise. Tender words celebrate the most positive qualities in the girl be sure to open. For example: "Few people understand the gadgets better than you," "You are leading yourself as a true lady."
  3. Indirect compliments. Such an indirect recognition is a rather tricky admission, since it allows you to say warm words without resorting to direct compliments. That is why this method is used more often at the beginning of the acquaintance, since the wife can already (and necessary) speak direct praise. For example, just tell me that her mother looks great, or mark the cleanliness in the house if young specials still invited you to her apartment.

Beautiful words of his wife and sweetheart need to pick up very carefully and gently to correctly express their feelings. Otherwise, you are waiting for a completely unexpected and completely unwanted effect.

How to say compliments?

Men are worried about many moments, among them one of the most common questions: - in their own words or better search the Internet? Of course, sincere recognition, which was said at the right time and the right place will add to you a lot of points. Other rules should be followed:

  1. Comparison with stars is definitely a win-win. However, it is important to avoid any comparisons with your former girls, her familiar friends, especially if the girl is inferior to them. For example, you do not need to speak your wife similar phrases: "You have a soup better than my mom."
  2. Write or tell a woman something related to appearance is more like a razor blade. Even if you are enjoyable her rounded shapes, you should not call it a "ponchik", "my favorite queen", etc. Gentle hints for any disadvantages in appearance are also not related to pleasant words.
  3. The most beautiful and pleasant women compliments, oddly enough, are not related to its physical charms, but to certain abilities and skills. You can simply note its excellent taste, easy gait: "You have an amazing skill with dignity to wear even ordinary things."
  4. The best recognition is the words spoken on time. Therefore, you should not tell a woman pleasant phrases without stopping, as she is most likely not to appreciate. Select the right moment and tell me how they are going on these earrings that perfectly shake her beautiful blue eyes.
  5. To become a real professional in this matter, try reading more classic works - no matter, in verses or prose. The main thing is that they be associated with relations, they would be described in the feelings between loved. Recognized literature matters very subtle mixed every subtlety of flirting and an emotional game between representatives of opposing floors.
  6. If you are not easy to improvise, try to write about a hundred compliments for every taste (also in verses and prose) and then adapt to a particular girl. These gentle words can be sent via SMS in the morning ("I miss without you"), to do unexpected recognition for the night ("Without you, this night is empty").
  7. If you share the distance, warm words can always be written and send a beloved woman in the form of an SMS or social network messages. With a special trepid, cute young two belongs to the pleasant wishes for the night, the short phrases "I love, miss." You can make delicate recognition and with the help of the picture - just send the photo of the worshipers, and the girl will understand what you wanted to say.

Tender words beloved woman

It is time for specific examples, if you, of course, want to make a pleasant wife or conquer the heart of an impregnable beauty. These affectionate phrases can or say personally, or write in SMS and the message. So, proceed:

  1. Beautiful words at night:
    • "The night without you is too empty. I miss you, my sweetheart ";
    • "Good night, the most beautiful girl in the world";
    • "It's time to sleep, but I could chat with you round days";
  2. Tender support words:
    • "You are the best. You will definitely work out ";
    • "I never met such a pleasant interlocutor. You are an excellent psychologist ";
  3. Tender and beautiful words in prose:
    • "I want to tell you a very curious story. As a child, I guess a desire to meet the best woman in the world. And when I saw you, I immediately understood that my desire came true. And our meeting turned the whole of my life. "
    • "My feelings for you are only stronger day by day. If you are not there, I really miss. And when we together, I want to rejoice like a child ";
    • "Without your support, I would not have achieved anything in my life. Only your love was able to give me the strength for all sacrifices ";
    • "Listen, I like everything in you - your smile, gait, even anger and insult. I miss your crazy leavings and whims. I do not even know what happens to me ... "

It does not matter how you say nice words: send an email message, send an SMS girl who likes, or tell the compliment at a personal meeting. Only your sincerity is important, the desire to make a pleasant beloved lady and remind about your feelings.

And with one point - for a wife, with which a lot of years lived, gentle phrases are just as pleasant as for a young chosen one who came to your life recently. Give your favorite compliments!

Hello, I am the hope of carpenter. I successfully studied in SUURSU at a special psychologist, several years have dedicated to working with children with problems in the development and consultation of parents on the upbringing of kids. The experience gained, including, in the creation of articles of psychological orientation. Of course, in no case I pretend to be the truth in the last instance, but I hope that my articles will help respected readers to deal with any difficulties.



Girls love ears, conquer with romantic words and excellent compliments. What to say a romantic girl to fall in love with her, will you like and seduce? In order not to break the head in search of a beautiful compliment, save yourself this useful list.

Sometimes nothing is prevailed to mind, but you need to say something romantic or beautiful to the charming girl. Here is your hint for all occasions. List of beautiful words and phrases.

1. Beautiful
2. Smart
3. Thoughtful
4. Attractive
5. Sexy
6. Prejoy
7. Gentle
8. Honey
9. Charming
10. Charming
11. Unique
12. Apospectable
13. Unforgettable
14. Reasonable
15. Chic
16. Dazzling
17. Passionate
18. Inadequate
19. Divine
20. Fascinating
21. Angelskaya
22. Rezexyar
23. Sexy
24. Bright
25. Fluffy
26. Wenden
27. Stunning
28. Slim
29. Solving
30. Coquetty
31. Sophisticated
32. Graceful
33. Fun.
34. Energetic
35. Creative
36. Stylish
37. Communicable
38. Tactical
39. Lubvious
40. Romantic
41. Diversal
42. Fabulous
43. Syptic
44. Dusty
45. The only one
46. \u200b\u200bAffectionate
47. Sweet
48. Skilled
49. Desired
50. Unpredictable
51. Mysterious
52. Blooming
53. Immaculate
54. Harmonious
55. Responsive
56. Perfect
57. Besta
58. Modest
59. Exquisite
60. Chalovyaya
61. Outpad
62. Spread
63. Friendly
64. Understanding
65. Extravagant
66. Dreamy
67. Aromatic
68. Sprinky
69. Pointed
70. Manyst
71. Enthusiastic
72. Disinterested
73. Immediate
74. Seductive
75. Informant
76. Cheerful
77. Adorable
78. Smiling
79. Shy
80. Ignitional
81. Honest
82. Exciting
83. Frequency
84. Playing
85. Charming
86. Auditative
87. purposeful
88. Divna
89. Women's
90. Blessed
91. Unmatched
92. Rezezarna
93. Non-chart
94. Necessary
95. Amazing
96. Fabulous
97. Touching
98. Miniature
99. Favorite
100. The most

101. I like your crazy unpredictability ...
102. I like that you could become the only and unique for me ...
103. I like that you often say: "I have become really happy with you."
104. I like that you understand me so well, like no other.
105. I like your sincere sensuality and unbridled sexuality.
106. I like that I was able to conquer this embodiment of femininity.
107. I like what you think about me and believe in my strength ...
108. I like your wild seductive ...
109. I am conquered by your gentle-intriguing-mysterious look ...
110. I like your "Mu-Rr" when you get down to my shoulder ...
111. I like your inspirational smile breathing ...
112. I like your figure beautiful nymphs ...
113. I like your affectionate and playful cat behavior ...
114. I like that you can give an infinitely much warmth and smiles around ...
115. I like that you like to be beautiful for me ...
116. I like that you are so touching gentle with me ...
117. I like that you are so changeable - from the seductive devil, when we are alone, to a strict and collected business lady, with an invariably flirting look, when I pick you up from work ...
118. ... and in any kind of conitual smile ...
119. I like that you can silent with me ...
120. I like that you are interested in what I think about ...
121. I like that after kisses, your fragrance remains on my lips ...
122. I like that you miss me even after my little lack of ...
123. I like how you fall asleep on my shoulder ...
124. I like that you hear the knock of my heart ...
125. I like that you have such a gentle and passionate night that the next morning I just don't want to get up and it is impossible to break away from you Wink ...
126. I like that therefore we do not need to wake up early on the weekend ...
127. I like those feelings that arise when I stroke you ...
128. I like to wear you in my arms ...
129. I like that you give me the opportunity to feel like a man ...
130. I like that you are my sunshine ...
131. I like what you love to lie on my shoulder in the cinema ...
132. I like that after the film my clothes smells like your spirits ...
133. I like that when I dress it the next day - the feeling that you are near and hug me ...
134. I like that you are insanely delicious!
135. I like your soft and warm pillows of your fingers ...
136. I like the touch of your gentle-cool palms ...
137. I like your playful marigolds ...
138. I like that my heart participates a knock at the sight of you ...
140. I like our bet ...
141. I like it nice to amaze you and see surprise on your face ...
142. I like that you are trying to surprise me in response ...
143. I like that you want to be for me myself ...
144. I like your crystal laughter ...
145. I like the tickness of your fluffy cilia ...
146. I like the touch of your fingers to breathe ...
147. I like that you taught me to believe in happy cilia and other signs, although I am not superstitious ...
148. I like your playful bang ...
149. I like that we are able to see unusual in ordinary things ...
150. I like that you opened new writers for me and their heroes ...
151. I like that we "entered the castle from the rain" ...
152. I like that only you can kiss my palms so ...
153. I like that I smile, waiting for you ...
154. I like how you negate touch me when we are in a cafe or restaurant ...
155. I like that all happy poems - about us ...
156. I like that you share my love for skating ...
157. I like that you adore when I massaging you with aromatic oil ...
158. ... And then you turn into a witch, like Bulgakov smile ...
159. I like that you left traces of delicate feline legs in my soul, having closed for her with curls ...
160. I like that you appreciate me ...
161. I like to feel your body when we are lying in the bathroom ...
162. I like that you are my princess ...
163. I like that you are comfortable in my bed smile ...
164. I like that every evening I am waiting for your call ...
165. I like that you hug me with a look ...
166. I like that you smile happily when I give you flowers ...
167. I like that you give me a caress ...

168. I like how you touch me with cold fingers quietly approaching the back ...
169. I like that we are interested in looking together on the beauty of the northern sky ...
170. I like your unexpected parishes ...
171. I like that suspiciously I often accompany you home exactly at night ... Fate? Wink ...
172. I like that in the hourglass, which you gave me the sand stopped ...
173. ... So we are together until the end of times ...
174. I like that you do not care about the opinion of others ...
175. I like the feeling when we make a friend of massage ...
176. I like our frank conversations ...
177. I like that you learned to deliciously do my favorite cocktail from Vermut and Cola ...
178. I like that you are just with me, and no extra words and promises are needed ...
179. I like your opinion on many things and questions ...
180. I like that you try to be erotic and seductive for me ...
181. I like what you do good deeds to others ...
182. I like to read each other out loud ...
183. I like to just walk with you ...
184. I like that you adore the place ...
185. I like the way you send me a kiss when goodbye ...
186. I like that you believe that "everything will be not just good, but great !!!" ...
187. I like to wake up in the morning only with you ...
188. I like that you want to be an unusual bride ...
189. I like that you love to play with my hands ...
190. I like that you call, just to hear my voice ...
191. I like that you gave me the northern sky with his breathtaking white nights ...
192. I like that you dream of me ...
193. I like that you are attentive, tender, cat-sexy, inventive, passionate, affectionate, playful mistress ...
194. I like that you are worried about our relationship ...
195. I like the fact that the phrase: "To the World You May Be One Person, But to One Person You May Be The World. You are the World To Me." About us...
196. I like that you seek the angel in the rays of the white night light ...
197. I like that you are - Lady !!! ...
198. I like that you are - my half ...
199. I like that you are all my life ...

200. I like that I'm just happy if you're near ...
201. I like that you see me knights ...
202. I'm going crazy from romantic dinners, cooked to you ...
203. I like that I want to see only you ....
204. I like that you always try to understand me ...
205. Looking before your patience to my character ...
206. I like that my shirt, which you touched in the morning, keeps the warmth of your hands all day ...
207. I like that none of us at night is trying to drag the blanket Wink ...
208. I'm crazy about the sexuality of your tummy ...
209. I like that tenderness with which you care for the films donated by me ...
210. I like that when you're near, the world around is filled with happiness ...
211. I like that people around smile when we go, hugging, down the street ...
212. I like that even in business clothes you look very seductive ...
213. I like how we read each other poems at night ...
214. I like the community of our literary tastes ...
215. I like that my life after our meeting has become so unusual ...
216. I like the little holidays that you arrange me ...
218. I like that your caress and love can even raise a very "cloudy" mood ...
219. I like that we are together contrary to all circumstances ...
220. I like that you are such sensually seductive Saturday evenings ...
221. I like to listen with you raining ...
222. I like our nightlife ...
223. I love to sit with you in our favorite cafe ...
224. I like that when you are far away, you call and ask to put our music on the phone ...
225. I like that I learned to be gentle, without losing masculinity ...
226. I like that we successfully pass all the checks of our love ...
227. I like that my friends admire your charm ...
228. I like the way you are preparing unreacted coffee ...
229. I like that roses that I give, you have at home for many weeks, without fading ...
230. I like that I became with you "sample", for which my friends makes to equal your young people ...
231. I like that we burn one fire ...
232. I like that we ourselves chose each other ...
233. I like that I make 1000 madness for you ...
234. I like that we can easily say goodbye before separation ...
235. I like that you are waiting for me wherever I am ...
236. I like that when we are lying, hugging, our hearts knock on the tact ...
237. I like that our hands themselves are looking for each other when we go around ...
238. I like that we can even dance with you without music ...
237. I like that you are the road my concern ...
238. I am proud that you appreciate my ability to cook delicious ...
239. I like that you left everything to be with me ...
240. I like that we can be near endlessly long and not tire from each other ...
241. I like that our relationships tightened us as avalanche ...
242. ... And we did not save some of it ...
243. I like that no one did for me those things that you could do ...
244. I like that our solutions support the universe itself, giving a slight resolution of complex issues ...
245. I like that no booking romance can compare in brightness with the history of our love ...
246. I like that we always want to make something pleasant to each other ...
247. I like that we are so expensive minutes to come together ...
248. I like that the star of our love gently shines at night ...
249. I like that we can easily be together ...
250. I like that our feelings are stronger than the time and distances ...
251. I like that with me you are so relaxed and peaceful ...
252. I like your trust ...
253. I like that we are so thin, we feel the mood of each other ...
254. I like that you love to read the books out loud ...
255. I like that they are talking about "perfect couple" ...
256. I like that we are able to smooth out the sharp verge of our characters ...
257. I like that you love to be at me at home ...
258. I like that the flame of our love is not fading for a very long time ...
259. I like that you are interested in my opinion on many issues ...
260. I like that you do not argue with me with regard to things that I know a little more ...
261. I like that we are understood by the language of gestures of each other ...
262. I like that you don't remove the ring I donated even at night ...
263. I like that you smile when I look at you ...
264. I like that no one in this world can dance so unlikely as you ...
265. I like to constantly take care of you even in trifles (because it is so important) ...
266. I like that we are stronger than all obstacles to those who give us ...
267. I like that we can just listen to music ...
268. I like that breakfast with you fills me with a great mood for the whole day ...
269. I like that we easily give the warmth of our shower to each other ...
270. I like that we go crazy caressing each other ...
271. I like that you do not make me give promises, but you believe that I myself will do everything as it should ...
272. I like that you consider our meeting with the destination ...
273. I like to see - what lucky you come from work ...
274. ... And what you realize how important my work is important to me ...
275. I like that our warmth is mutual ...
276. I like that we read some books in childhood and so we understand each other ...
277. I like that with you, I began to write very beautiful poems ...
278. I like that the touches of our hands are given in my soul ...
279. I like that we were able to see the wings of each other ...
280. I like that our "honeymoon" smile (as you called a mad month after our acquaintance) still continues very and very long ...
281. I like that you become so lazy after our favorite cocktail ...
282. I like that we both laugh at the word pianist ... and only we know why ...
283. I like that our relationship is not closed with any suspicions ...
284. I am sure that no one in this world will give you and the hundredth of the lobe of love and tenderness that I try to give me ...
285. I like that you consider me a fairy tale ...
286. I like that we do not fall asleep until the dawn ...
287. I like that you could tame me ...
288. I like that you chose me ...
289. ... And still believe that I was not mistaken ...
290. I like that passion with which we discard clothes ...
291. I like that we do not have sex, but love ...
292. I like that you also love ice cream, like me ...
293. I like kissing you under the jets of the rain ...
294. I like when you are far away, walking the places where we were together ...
295. I like that you taught me to listen to the violin ...
296. I like that we have our little secrets ...
297. I like that we remain romantics in this overly realistic world ...
298. I like that we are so different and at the same time such the same ...
299. I like that we are constantly looking for new routes for walking ...

334. I like that for the sake of us you were able to go to the opinion of the best friend ...
335. I like how sexy you look, when you eat strawberries with cream ...
336. I like that everything in life becomes "sweeter" when you're near ...
337. I like the way you say: "With you, I learned to feel the taste of life." ...
338. I like all our little madness ...
340. I like it, despite your independence, you will lean at me in everything and seek help first for me ...
341. I like that our feelings over time are only enhanced ...
342. I like that you can walk with you, without insurance, just holding hands, climbing the almost vertical slope ...
343. ... And all this in sight of the holidays ...
344. ... when all the "normal" people climb near the stairs smile ...
345. I like, with what pride we looked with you down, after that lifting ...
346. I like your induditably roasted stewed cabbage with vegetables ...
347. I like that your mother was able to understand all our madness ...
348. I like that our relationship is so similar to idyll ...
349. I like how you hug me from behind and kiss the neck ...
350. I like to remember how we are told about each other when you first get acquainted ...
351. I like that I still keep in your wallet with a meeting with the meeting connected us ...
352. I like that, no matter how much time we had to spend it together, we still can't satisfy each other ...
353. I like that I do not disappear while I am waiting for you ...
354. I like that only you can be told all those beautiful words that you intend to me ...
355. I like that you strive to become even better to like me even more ...
356. I like your fascination with ballroom dancing ...
357. I like that your hand is able to raise the sun over the horizon in the polar night ...
358. I like what you think you can not live and weeks without sounds of my voice ...
359. I like how you chehed my head ...
360. I like our mutual love for melons smile ...
361. I like that you took a ring as a gift from me ...
362. I like how you know how to beat your surprises ...
363. I like to drown in tenderness of your arms ...
363. I like that only with you I feel such a tide of the strength, which is ready to roll the mountains ...
363. I like that your feelings warm me with cold and foggy evenings ...
364. I like that your love was able to heal my skepticism in relation to the fidelity of the female ...
365. I like that only you are capable of "love", that I believe in it ...
366. I like how mysteriously you look in the twilight ...
367. I like that in the light of the candles, I feel with you as a secret from all over the world ...
368. I like to walk with you shopping, despite the fact that I usually do not carry it ...
369. I like every touch ...
370. ... And I would like them to repeat them infinitely ...
371. I like the scarlet velvet of your lips ...
372. I like your sparkling look from a mischievous framing of bangs ...
373. I like how we feel when together ...
374. I like that you look at me when we sit opposite each other ...
375. I like that you are the most objective judge of my actions ...
376. I like your ability to keep royal dignity in any situation ...
377. I like that you can only argue with the arguments of the heart ...
378. I like that we do not have to create illusions, but just enough to be as we have ...
379. I like that you like a dream - you can't predict what you will be today ...
380. I like that I am ready to say goodbye to all other women, just to be with you ...
381. I like that we decided to you with the eternal paradox - how to love and love at the same time ...
382. I like that you understand those moments when I need to be alone ...
383. I like that we cannot say "Goodbye" to each other in less than 20 words ...
384. I like that I am conquered by your virtues ...
385. I like your ability to predict my actions ...
386. I like that we are pleased to overcome the difficulties hand in hand ...
387. I like that in our love all the elements were awake ...
388. I like that our love is not a fairy tale, it's just our love ...
389. I like that you believe that "I will close your masculine heart from any adversity" ...
390. I like that together we will know ourselves deeper ...
391. I like that your love, like a guide star, tells me what to do ...
392. I like that, having met you, I did not have to choose between female mind and female beauty ...
393. I like the eloquence of your eyes, in which I am in love without memory ...
394. I like that night gives your eyes a special shine ...
395. I like that you are created for love ...
396. I like that we are enough for happiness all that we already have ...
397. I like the waiting for the joy that our meetings give us ...
398. I like your "madness" ...
399. I like your ability to forgive my little disadvantages ...

400. I like your impermanence in love - every day you go crazy from my other SMILE quality ...
401. I like the music of your voice ...
402. I like to feel like the most fortunate thief, for I was able to steal your heart ...
403. I like that the peace cannot get along in our hearts thanks to our feelings ...
404. I like to enjoy life next to you ...
405. I like that we can use every minute of our happiness ...
406. I like that we can again and again admit to each other in our love ...
407. I like that the butterfly of happiness sat on my shoulder, after our first kiss ...
408. I like that no one knows me as well as you know ...
409. I like that with your arrival my heart was balanced at the squeezing of the razor named life ...
410. I like that with you I do not want to fall asleep - our reality is better than any dream ...
411. I like that we were able to build a bridge between the hearts of each other ...
412. I like that since we together, "we" became more important for me than "I" ...
413. I like that you write their love poems on the sheet of my heart ...
414. I like that I was funny for me to discuss the topic "What a perfect woman should be" ...
415. I like that I successfully completed the mission on the ground to find each other ...
416. I am grateful to you for the fact that I mean so much for you ...
417. I like your not measurable concern about me ...
418. I like that only you are capable of putting your head on my shoulder ...
419. I like that together we can enjoy all the pleasures of the world ...
420. I like to learn with you the arithmetic of our love ...
421. I like that you are able to understand and realize the importance of my evenings alone with friends ...
422. I like that you come from every trip, bringing with you some new part of the foreign culture ...
423. ... And these raisins make my heart beat even stronger ...
424. I like that your love changes me so much ...
425. I like the subtlety of your diplomacy ...
426. I like that we had enough courage to approach the edge of the abyss and disrupt the love flower ...
427. I like that you exactly as you can be ...
428. I like the rescue circle of your affectionate hands ...
429. I like that I forget with you about the vehicles of this life ...
430. I like that you gave me a chance to post happiness in our love ...
431. I like that all my plans are carried out with you ...
432. I like that your hands and lips are my shield against any sorrows ...
433. I like that you like the sun ray - you wake me in the morning with your light and warmth ...
434. I like that you are capable of such things that even many men are afraid ...
435. ... That's why you do not condemn me for the risk on the verge of "disqualification" ...
436. I like that you became myself ...
437. I like that only with you I can experience all the shades of the palette of human feelings ...
438. I like that you are the most desirable in the whole universe ...
439. I like your poems ...
440. I like that our love, like a lighthouse, gives a landmark in the sea of \u200b\u200blife ...
441. I like how much new I recognize, communicating with you ...
442. I like how the crashing of your cilia make me cool in a summer time ...
443. I like how elegantly you wear costumes ...
444. I like that you discovered the culture of other nations for me and taught it to respect ...
445. I like that you are unlikely oriented in a male fashion ...
446. I like your comments to the movie viewed by us ...
447. I am insanely grateful to your mom for you ...
448. I like to watch how you enjoy the aroma of the colors donated by me ...
449. I like that you can understand me when I can't find words to express thoughts or feelings ...
450. I like that you descend me my little men's weaknesses ...
451. I like your refinement ....
452. I really like to sit with you on the floor and drink from high glasses cocktail ...
453. I like your manner - a little leaning on the elbows, read my poems that I am writing on the sheet at this moment ...
454. I kneel before you are capable of such a fiery feeling ...
455. I like that such a girl like you, it is impossible not to worship ...
456. I like that you woke up in me the love of serious books ...
457. I like that after our acquaintance my views changed so ...
458. ... And everyone says that for the better smile ...
459. I like that you were even better than I assumed ...
460. I like that you encourage others to get better and better ...
461. I like that you can convince in the wrong, not humiliating pride ...
462. I like that only you can kiss so passionately ...
463. I like that you became an example of a virtuous heroine for my stories ...
464. I like that all the best, what a woman can possess, collected in you ...
465. I like that you and only you can melt the ice of the Arctic Ids ...
466. I like your ability to memorize interesting quotes from "our" books and remind them to me at the right moment ...
467. I like that you worry my heart ...
468. I like that you know how to make the most ordinary dishes so appetizing ...
469. I like to draw your fingertips on you ...
470. I like all your original jokes ...
471. I am grateful to you for all your free time want to be with me ...
472. I like that you can be so fabulous that I feel like a child in the enchanted forest ...
473. ... And the amazing fairy saves me ...
474. I like that you close me with your wings from unkind views ...
475. I like what you feel nearby, even if you are 4,000 kilometers from me ...
476. I like that you are insanely beautiful not only outwardly, but also internally ...
477. I like that you are not afraid to reveal me too ...
478. I like that you know how to admit that it was disregard ...
479. I like that your hands guide me where I really need ...
480. I like that I can listen to you by clock ...
481. I like that we do not make jealousy ...
482. I like that we are happy when we think about each other, and happy is doubly when there is ...
483. I like that we correctly oriented our sails in the Rose of the winds of our feelings ...
484. I like that you are a deity that can sow and grace, and repentance for my heart ...
485. I like that we do not look at the past ...
486. I like that you can see so much that my heart freezes ...
487. I like that you take my defense and desire to take care of you ...
488. I like that you can love only with all my heart and soul ...
489. I like that you are not afraid that it can be difficult with me ...
490. I like that you have such versatile interests ...
491. I like that you have remained the qualities that the majority of modern girls were left in you ...
492. I like that you revealed the beauty of the Norwegian language for me ...
493. I like that we can discuss my scientific ideas, and your promising projects ...
494. I like that you, like me, adore the road ...
495. I like that you are a flaper of passion and the Ice of innocence ...
496. I like that you covered all my past pure snow cover ...
497. ... And on this cover, we draw the ways for which our relationship will behave ...
498. I like that you have gathered all my good qualities and, intensifying their love lens, forced to shine more brighter ...
499. I like that you every day is deeper and deeper in my heart ...
500. I like that all this is a fairy tale that has become a jaw, and which will still last very long, as I hope - all our lives.

And finally, I love you! "

Pleasant words for the girl: 5 useful tips + 8 types of pleasant words and recommendations on how to speak them correctly.

In the older boys of high estates, almost from the youngsters taught the art of conversations.

And the mentors were taken care of that these boys, when they become men, knew how to talk compliments and charming the girl with words.

Yes, before the men knew how to talk nice words for a girlBut then somehow lost this skill.

And absolutely gap!

I believe that all fathers should teach their sons to speak beautiful speeches to the ladies, followed by courtship. Yes, and the Lady's already conquered is to indulge her with his oratory.

Why is it so important to learn how to speak nice words for a girl?

Women love ears!

This, a little beaten, a little boring phrase is still absolutely true and relevant.

I would even say that today she is superactual, because modern girls are not too spoiled by beautiful, intricate compliments, sincere apologies.

I do not know why it happened so that men lost the skill to lead conversations with the ladies. Why did they begin to believe that they squeeze out once in the five-year plan "And you sexy" or burst "Well, sorry" is the feat that is worthy of all imaginable and inconceivable awards?

Perhaps everything is superfluous to all the intense twentieth century with its revolutions, wars, repression, coups, lost by the noble estate and destroyed by the intelligentsia.

But understand, men, you do not apologize to the fact that you have learned to speak pleasant words that are vital to hear every girl.

Men, which can be beautifully explained, will always have an advantage over their fellow people who believe that "all sorts of compliments and recognition in love there are a Babskaya Blarian and there is nothing to go on these extortionists."

Dima and his ability to speak nice words to girls ...

There were three comrades.

They were still in school and what they did in one university only strengthened their school friendship.

Two of the three comrades were handsome athletes with impressive external data, which for all the laws of the genre should have enjoyed a huge success of the girls.

They, in fact, used - the little girl could resist the male beauty of the guys.

But the greatest success in the female used exactly Dima. Slim, skinny, in minds.

And the secret of Dimin Success was that he knew what nice words would tell the girl to melted.

Usually guys with pretty girls in some cafes took place one scenario: they chose a table with three most pretty girls, someone from handsome friends asked the permission to the ladies. Those naturally agreed, because they saw another charming, well, and Dima.

At first, Dima walked like both in the load, and each of those present girls hoped that he would not get to her, but at the expiration of the time of conversation for the guy, the real struggle was unfolded.

Against the background of two handsome boys who were mostly silent by inserting short proposals or interjections into the conversation, Dima looked with pleasant words, fled in witty jokes and could support the conversation practically on any topic, ranging from nuclear physics and ending with fashion trends in spring 2017.

Well, as not to fall in love with this and do not wish him to become your boyfriend?

And you do not believe in the usefulness of the ability to speak nice words to the girl.

Yes, skilled speakers can any disadvantages of appearance and nature to carry out beautiful speeches, so that the girl will not even understand that they have these shortcomings.

Useful tips for guys who want to learn to tell the girl nice words

You got up to the Path of Correction, if you try to master the art of beautiful speeches that are pleasant to any girl.

Here are some useful advice for those who want to learn to speak nice words:

  1. Speak all sincerely: and compliments, and confessions, and apologies, and wishes, and even passionate obscenity.

    False in words we love the mile.

  2. Do not complicate everything.

    To push in front of the girl speech for half an hour about how beautiful it is - this is a clear bust. Complement, which consists of one - two sentences, it will be quite enough.

    If you can not say in your own words - Carry the ideas of the Great.

    And poets, and prosaica already so many of those nice words argued in their works, which is enough for all guys in the world. Lained to turn the thick books to find a couple of beautiful words?

    Well, use the ready-made selections on sites:

    • http://love.a-angel.ru/stihi/ljubovnye-devushke-2.html
    • http://smsta.ru/m/say_3.
    • http://kompli.me/krasivye-slova-dlya-devushek
    • and others.
  3. Do not confuse and do not laugh when you say something nice to the girl.

    It is clear that it is difficult to overcome the embarrassment, but if you will build an ardock or nervously giggle, then spoil all the impression.

    How often do you need to say pleasant words for a girl?

    Frequently quite, but so that it does not pass the flow of your wordies. In this question, it is better to focus on the Personality of the young lady.

And what kind of pleasant words do you need to be able to say a girl?

The main question that will certainly arise the guys - this is "And what, in fact, the words of the girl are considered pleasant."

To enjoyable words, every girl relates:

  • recognition in love;
  • compliments;
  • apologies (especially when you really rooted);
  • passionate words;
  • what conveys your concern, for example, the wishes of the speedy recovery, etc.

1) Pleasant compliments for the girl.

Compliments are the kings of all beautiful words.

Each girl craves so you melted her beauty, mind and other advantages.

  1. Speak about her specific advantages, and not just limit the common phrases "You're so beautiful", "you are so sexy", etc.

    In the appearance of each girl there is something that she considers her dignity - find out what it is and praise it.

  2. It is better not to remember about its disadvantages.

    We are so arranged that at any age we will find a reason to be dissatisfied with your appearance.

    If you know that she considers her legs with curves (it may not be so, but it seems like it), then you should not invent a compliment on her legs. You can make only worse.

    But if she herself asks "I have a foot curved?" / "I am fat?" Or something like that, without thinking, answer "No, of course, you are very beautiful and you have no shortcomings."

    Remember the diversity.

    Do not say the same thing, it comes. Even if you came up with a stunning compliment, then you should not repeat it daily.

    Look for new words that you can express your admiration for the girl.

2) Beautiful words of love.

Even the usual "I love you" has a magical action. Girl is ready to forgive much if the guy sincerely confesses to her love.

Just imagine what trumpors you will have, if you learn to speak beautiful words of love and defeat embarrassment, to speak calm and confident.

Yes, you will master any female heart!

Pleasant love words for a girl should be:

  • relevant;
  • competently formulated;
  • not banal;
  • honest.

If you can't overcome embarrassment in the presence of a girl and squeeze out the words of love, so that they do not sound stupid and artificially, you can write her love letters, SMS or Sat postcards.

It will be no worse than full-time confession.

3) Sincere apologies melt the heart of any girl.

Now go to apologies.

So that I forgive him, should own every guy.

I am not a supporter of gender injustice when the ladies are waiting for an apology guy and in the event that they okay themselves, motivating everything stupid: "Well, I'm a girl ...".

But I do not understand guys who do not want to ask for forgiveness even when it is really to blame.

A lot depends on what kind of pleasant words you will tell the girl, apologizing. Important:

  1. Express sincere repentance.
  2. Specify what exactly you apologize, and not "okay, catch your" sorry ", only give up from me."
  3. Do not climb a hot hand, and wait for a really relevant point.
  4. Do not arrange public apologies (well, except that your girl really loves showing).
  5. Do not do more than that they just asked for forgiveness.

It seems to me that it is best, asking for forgiveness, to speak in your own words without intricate phrases. But, if you find it difficult to formulate the thought yourself, then keep some tips:

Talk to girls nice words should be able to!

And who, like a girl, will teach you to do it right:

4) Other pleasant words are also worth mastering.

If you learn to speak a pleasant compliments, beautiful words of love and sincere requests for forgiveness, then the minimum plan can be considered performed.

This will be enough for you to conquer the heart of almost any girl.

If you wish to cultivate, we should know that the pleasant words of the girl also consider:

Nice words for a girl All guys.

Believe me, we are vital to hear compliments and recognition in love, and other sweet speeches.

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Once people got acquainted on the street, on dancing, at work and in other places. Now the world of technical progress has come. Significance and acquaintance on the social network is very popular. "VKontakte" is one of the most successful projects. Today, almost every person is in this social network. Now guys to succeed in personal lifeIt is required to include a stormy fantasy and come up with that you can write a pleasant to the girl VKontakte.

What to write to the girl so that she melted?

Girls of a pant on flattery, romantic stories and beautiful words. Use it, write her a personal message in which the prose of your love will be present. You can come up with a message yourself or choose one of several options below:

  • My dear angel, in the evening I looked at the stars in the sky. One of them fell right on me. I decided to give it to you, let her highlight you the road that will lead you to my heart;
  • You are a great girl. I am afraid to touch your skin, it seems to me that only Angels can touch it. I will love you while I am alive. You can be sure I will not forget about you for a minute;
  • I am ready to lay angel wings before your slender legs. Tell me what you want, I will do everything you need. For me, life is equal to hell without you, and the paradise in my soul appears only when you are nearby.

Let your message consist of sincerity and a little flattery. You can be sure your girlfriend melts and will reread your message several times.

How to write a girl anything nice in your own words?

In order to make a girl pleasant, it is not necessary to write long messages and compose poems. A smile from his beloved can be caused by several phrases written in their own words. Here are some examples of such messages:

  • Hello my favorite girl. What are you doing now? And I sit in a cold, gray office, I miss you. How I want to end the work day soon in order to see you again;
  • I look through the window in the sun. Sometimes, it seems to me that it has a similarity with you. It also gives me warmth and illuminates my soul with joy. I hope that in our relationship will always be all clear and colorful. Let the clouds and clouds bypass us with you face;
  • Hello my jewel. Finally, I had a free minute. What do you think, what did I spend it? All this time I thought how to organize a joint weekend. I thought everything! You are waiting for a surprise!

You should not exaggerate in messages, it is required to write it as sincere. For example, if you do not have the opportunity to buy a lover gift or make a surprise, then you should not promise this in my message in order to temporarily raise her mood.

What to write a girl who likes in contact?

Shlevia guys were undoubtedly lucky. They can confess to the sympathy of the girl you like through the social network. It is much easier than to do the same thing. But there are several nuances here:

  1. The first thing you need to do is to find the page of the girl you like, add it to friends and try to talk. Women do not like when the guys are smart. Therefore, it is recommended to communicate as simple as possible and understandable phrases. Try to ask leading questions to develop your dialogue. Carefully watch what you write. Girls do not love illiterate guys;
  2. Occasionally add emoticons to your message. This will make your text bright and memorable;
  3. Make sure that your text is attractive. Thus, the girl you like will have an interest in you. Having writes: "Hi, my name is Alexander, let's get acquainted," you may not wait for the answer. But communication will definitely continue if your first message will look something like this: "Good day, I studied your page, I'm just delighted! You have such cool photos. You everywhere positive and cheerful. I even got a mood ";
  4. Continue chatting further by simultaneously studying the page of his beloved. Specify questions regarding its photos and questionnaires. Ask about what my favorite book of the said author, where she in the photo or how long has been listening to the artist.

Watch the girl answers your messages. If it is the same type phrases, then do not impose your communication to it.

How to invite a girl on a date VKontakte?

  • Sign it. Write the beginning of the dialogue and tell her that if she wants to know his ending, then she must agree to meet you. For example, tell the girl that I like everything in it, and especially several qualities. Which ones? It can only learn at a personal meeting!;
  • If you have already taken place the first call to each other, then tell her what a pleasant voice has it, and how would you like to listen to him live;
  • The easiest way to interest the girl is to just tell her that you like it and you would like to get to know her closer.

During the correspondence, you should not make vulgar hints. It will forever scare your interlocutor from you.

How to interest the girl in VKontakte?

Do you think it is impossible to interest the girl through the social network? Oaky! The task is solvable if you find the right solution path.

  1. Use the boomeranga principle. Three to five days actively talk about everything with her, be aware of the obsessive. Then, for a few days you will disappear from its species. If she starts trying to contact you, then you managed to interest her;
  2. Find common interests with it and communicate with these topics. According to the correspondence it is easy;
  3. Install, if you have a common acquaintance with it. You will be surprised how much the world is crazy.

There are several points that are not recommended to do according to correspondence.

  1. Deceive. If you are hoping for a serious relationship. Your lies will open and present you not at the best;
  2. To present himself in her eyes in the role of a steep guy if you are not so;
  3. Use vulgar phrases or jokes. This will be offended by the girl;
  4. Talk about all your shortcomings, complain about life. In her eyes you should be a strong person, not a whitney;
  5. Being strongly intrusive.

Do not know that you can write a girl VKontakte pleasant? Manifest a fantasy, use the search engine on the Internet, add a bit sincerity! The combination of these qualities will present you in front of it in the best light!

Video about nice words

In this video, Anton Rodionov will tell how to interest the girl in Vkontakte and write her nice words from which she melted: