Research in infant early age. Nobes. General foundations of psychology (12). The initial stage of learning

Age from birth to three years is one of the key in the child's life, because Largely determines its future mental development. At this stage there are three most important neoplasms: strain that provides a wide orientation in space and the influx of information necessary for its development; Speech communication, which plays a huge role in the development of the thinking and self-regulation of behavior, and helps the child to join human culture; Subject, which develops the ability of a child.

Each of these factors is indispensable, and all together, they are sufficient for the versatile development of a growing person.

Leading activities in infancy, according to D.B. Elconina, emotional communication with his mother. Therefore, at this stage, the mother is a key figure in the life of a child. First of all, it must fully satisfy all the urgent needs of the child: in food, warm, emotional comfort, bodily contact. It was during this period that the nature of communicating with the mother depends largely, how to develop in the future emotional contacts of a person with other people. Thus, at this stage of development, a sense of basic trust (or distrust) is formed to another person.

The main areas of learning in infancy are movement and mental processes (perception, memory, speech hearing, vividly effective thinking).

In the first year of life it is very important to take care of the development of the motor activity of the child. The hands and feet of the baby should be enough of time to be free, so it is not recommended a child very tightly swaded and keep it long. From one and a half months, you can start doing special exercise with the child. From the second half of the year, the child can reproduce the movements of adults, i.e. He is ready for vicarial learning.

From two months with a child, it should be accepted as much as possible during feeding and care. It is desirable that the child see the face of the speaker, his facial expressions and gestures. This moment is important, because In this case, there is a primary learning to the complex perception of speech. In the same period, the phonderatic hearing of a child begins to form, which plays great importance for the development of human speech. In eight-nine months, it is necessary to take care so that the child learns to understand the words related to the actions and signs of objects, for which adults must accompany the speech of various manipulations with the subject environment.

Special attention should be paid to the development of the movements of the hands and verbal designations, with them related (let, throw, bring, receiving, etc.). To the second half of the year, the child is already able to solve the simplest visual-effective tasks for the search for familiar items. For example, you can hide a good familiar toy, to distract the child for a few seconds, and then ask him to find a toy. At the same time, the memory and thinking of the baby develops well.

The ten-year study of Dr. Barton L. White and his colleagues on children from eight to eighteen months showed that human abilities should be sought as part of a critical period of development from 8 to 18 months. Everything that the child knows during this period has a greater influence on its future intellectual abilities than similar experience in another period of life. Therefore, the world around the world should be filled with different bright toys moving, smelling, publishing sounds, etc.

According to the results of its research, Dr. Barton made the following conclusions:

    1) an indispensable, most important factor in the life of a child is a mother than any other external circumstances;

    2) the number of words of the "live language", i.e. facing directly to the child (and not television, conversations among themselves, etc.), is vital for the development of basic linguistic, intellectual and social skills and child skills;

    3) children who are provided free access to the main life space apartment or house progress in their development faster than those whose possibilities of movement are limited;

    4) To grow a normal, healthy and capable child, the sustainable friendly relations of all family members are needed, both among themselves and towards children;

    5) The best of parents will be those who will succeed in performing three key functions:

      If they best organize and plan the environment environment;

      If they are allowed to add a child to them, regardless of whether it interrupts this occupation of an adult or not (calm the baby, give advice, etc.);

      If there are hardness in compliance with the order and at the same time will not hide their love, attachment and care for their children.

The conclusion of researchers also testifies that: "The best thing you can do for a child to guarantee him a full development of its abilities and the formation of thinking is to provide him with rich impressions and contacts life aged from year to 15 months."

Leading activities at an early age - subject-manipulative.

Early age is a sensitive period for the assimilation and development of speech. For about one year, the child utters separate words, calling things with their names, and at this age the child reacts to the word, as a holistic system: the word is associated with the situation, the situation. From one and a half to two and a half years, the baby learns to combine words, combines them in the 2 -3-slike phrases. By three years, the child is already listening, as they say adults among themselves. He likes fairy tales, poems, stories, i.e. A child can know the world not only through the senses, but also in his ideal, conceptual reflection. During this period, adults need to take care to diversify their speech, make it possible bright and understandable for a child.

The vocabulary of the child up to 1.5 years ranges from 30 to 100 words; By the end of the 2nd year - 300 words, and by 3 years 1200-1300 words.

Parents often have anxiety about the delay in the child's speech development. If a child says little to two years, but everything understands, there is no reason for concern. Often there is a quick increase in speech activity between two to three years. It should be remembered that in the assimilation of speech, there are significant individual differences.

Psychological mechanisms of learning speech are:

    Imitation (especially affects the phonetics);

    Conditional reflexibility (due to the use of adults a variety of promotions, which accelerate the development of speech in children);

    Own children's word "

Silents of early bilinguals. If the child grows in an environment where they speak two or more languages, then to avoid the phenomenon of "language interference", it is necessary to speak in different situations to some one language, without moving to another. It is desirable that the conversations in different languages \u200b\u200bin different situations led the same people.

Early childhood is a period of rapid development of cognitive processes. For children is characterized by increased curiosity, the support of which leads to rapid intellectual development. During this period, the child moves from visual-effective to visual-figurative thinking, and the ability to arbitrary control of behavior is born.

In early childhood, it is very important to enable the child to explore the surrounding world (independently or with an adult) and provide him with a variety of impressions as a source of information.

If you want the development of the child to go accelerated pace, then he should more give tasks for imagination, encourage the desire for independence, to drawing, design, creativity. In other words, communication with adults and joint creative games is the basic condition for the development of the child's abilities.

The consequences of the early sensory motor deprivation (deprivation of the child of the necessary incentives for its psychophysical development, such as free movement in space) is difficult, but are overcome. But the consequences of speech, emotional and intellectual deprivation are serious and resilient.

Early age is a period when the child is first faced with a ban, social norm. First of all, it concerns the child's teaching to the toilet. Gradually, by the end of early childhood, the beginning of the ability to arbitrarily regulate behavior appears.

Therefore, at this age, the main task in the educational aspect is becoming gradually by the child to order, accuracy and leaning. All this is produced when the child's interaction with toys (collect them after the game, repair broken, etc.). The main thing about it is not to overdo it and do not forget about the leading needs of the child, in every possible way giving him to understand what he loved.

In early childhood, a special place in the child's life takes up toys that have an invaluable effect on its intellectual and personal development.

While there is no rules and prohibitions in the child's life, it is impossible to understand what items are "serious", and with what he can play himself without asking for parents. Night pot - the first "serious" thing in the life of a child, with which it is impossible to play. The appearance of the first "not toy" is associated with a teaching to the toilet, i.e. introducing a certain norm.

Playing with toys, the child does the following discoveries: It turns out that there are desires that he can satisfy himself, without mother's help, i.e. He is not completely unarmed in the face of his obvious helplessness; Many hard-warning toy makes it overcome (for example, a child eating from the body of a mother, it is difficult to fall asleep alone. Most children find the way out: fit to sleep along with a soft toy that replaces the missing mother's body and creating the illusion of the presence of the "friend").

As a rule, the child is strongly tied to one single soft toy accompanying the ritual of his waste to sleep. He really values \u200b\u200bher, and her parents should learn to go out. It should be remembered that this toy replaces mom in the forced moments of loneliness and anxiety before the occurrence of darkness, and a complex complex of feelings, initially addressed mother, is transferred to it.

At the stage of mastering the first rules and prohibitions, games are dominated with the material ("in the sand", "build and destroy", with water, with a filling of blood vessels and waterproof, etc.). These games symbolically reflect the need to master the methods of arbitrary regulation of the excretory functions of their own body, because The regulation of highlighting functions is often uncommon is not immediately associated with a sense of anxiety and the feeling of its own "inefficiency."

When playing with the material simultaneously satisfies the adoption of the first rules, and protest against them. After all, the child is building something according to rule or by "form"; Buing, can and destroy, showing protest against the rule. Thus, conflicting, ambivalent desires characteristic of the anal phase of the development of the child are satisfied. Those educators and parents who prohibit the child to destroy the dice or a pyramid built to them from cubes or a pyramid-built to the child.

Each educator could observe children, extremely carefully applying to toys and aggressively, and sometimes severely applying animals and peers.

In this phase of development, it is extremely important to form the right ideas about what a destructive (destructive) action can be sent to what can be sent to which. A permitted direction of destructive actions can be safe for the child himself and the surrounding space of the game type "Build and destroy", and unambiguously prohibited - the direction of destructive actions on people and animals, as well as on items, valuable and beloved to other people.

At the stage of the role-playing game, the child makes another discovery, the world of toys is exposed to another cleavage: it turns out that one and the same toy can perform in completely different qualities (a plate, for example, can be called a boat and send to swim). This magic feature of the toy the child opens himself.

Thus, in the game with the material and in the role-playing game, the child creates the world to him and inhabit it with imaginary or real characters, and then toys acquire a new quality: their pragmatic, utilitarian significance is cleaved from the non-grinding, continuous, determined by the child himself.

The role of toys with a fixed value is especially large for children with physical disabilities, mental delay or for a long time chained to bed due to long-term illness. For them, the problem of adaptation to the real world is much more acute than for a healthy child. For them, a toy with a fixed pragmatic value performs not only a learning role, but also gives such a necessary sense of power, competence, "similar" to other people.

Children with physical disabilities are harder to realize their right to the game, because Limitations in movements do not allow to play with conventional toys. There are some ways to solve this problem: to make special (electronic, radio-controlled) toys, which is very expensive and not always available for the middle wealth family, or use toys that have already been available on the market, but with minimal changes to their function, which may if you wish to implement Any adult seeking to help the child.

The toys offered for children -inalides are very pretty animals or just a face with legs, which are singing, smiling, crawl, jump and other ways express their owner in other ways, if he takes them in hand or presses one of the large keys on the control panel . This is especially important for a disabled child who is not used to the idea that he can really change something in the world. Toys with remote control, allow such a child to explore the space inaccessible to him if he, for example, cannot walk.

Any toy represents a visual, crystallized image of one or more people or objects connected with each other. For example, for a child with a speech defect or voice apparatus, a negative adult response to the sounds pronounced by them is obvious (parents in this case are difficult to suppress the feelings that they arise from them, because it is impossible to hide suffering). For such a child, an indispensable toy, which is marked by his voice, guarantee him positive feedback and emotional reinforcement, whatever strange sounds he pronounced. Such a toy can come in handy and later, for especially shy, shy to talk on extraneous children, when an adult is drawn to them: it can be put in front of a timid child during his response in the school in kindergarten ..

The child, for a long time remaining motionless or long stayed in the hospital in the separation from the parents, is needed primarily toy chicken in full size.

You should say a few words about modern computer games for children of preschool age, which allegedly contribute to the development of higher mental functions: memory, thinking, attention, perception, concentration ability.

The real experience of parents and educators often testifies to the opposite: a child devoting all his free time with computer games, loses interest in communicating with peers, reading, moving and role-playing games. The purpose of the child is reduced, its ability to the volitional effort is reduced, the total energy potential decreases, fatigue increases.

The computer game creates an artificial world of easily achievable purposes. Automates the skill of immediate action, next directly for the perception of the situation on the screen. Because of this, the thinking itself is automated: it becomes stereotypical and folded, reactive. Forced tempo specified by the game, encourages the child to experience success primarily from the speed of its own action.

In addition, computer games in their mass do not require coordination of efforts with another person, and therefore do not contribute to the development of communication skills. If the child is fond of playing, already having difficulty establishing contacts with peers, then these difficulties are only aggravated.

Creating an illusion of an easily achievable target, computer games reduce the motivation and ability of a child to a volitional effort in the real world. As a result, the child may have addiction from computer games by the type of narcotic. By the foregoing, it should be attentive to children's computer games and, depending on the individual characteristics of the child, regulate the time of these games in one way or another.

In conclusion, we want to note that for a child of early age it is necessary to have toys admitting them to the world of adults, as well as cubes, materials for crafts, designers and toys, helping to develop social roles.

    1. Characteristics of the overall development situation in infancy and early childhood.

    2. The main spheres and the possibility of learning in infancy.

    3. Factors of the formation of a healthy personality.

    4. The role of the maternal relationship in the mental and personal development of the child.

    5. The main tasks of parents in the upbringing of kids.

    6. The consequences of the early sensory-lapse deprivation of children.

    7. Patterns and conditions for the development of the child's speech. Delays of speech development.

    8. Development of a child's relationship with the world around.

    9. Teaching the child to accuracy and discipline.

    10. The role of toys in the development of children.

    11. Features and opportunities for the game in early childhood.

    12. Development of imagination in children 2-3 years.

    13. Formation of personal traits and socially important qualities in the child.

    4. Ratter M. Help difficult children. M., 1987.

    5. Ranshburg Y., Popper P. Personal Secrets. M., 1983.

    6. Karandashev Yu.N. Development of ideas in children: studies. benefit. Minsk, 1987.

    7. Carlson L. and others. Child from 0 to 2 years. Development in the subject with surrounding people. M., 1983.

    8. Novoselova S.A. Development of thinking at an early age. M., 1978.

    9. Didactic Games with Early Children. M., 1985.

    10. Shcherbakova E.I. Formation of children's relationships 3-5 years in the game. M., 1984.

    11. Elkonin D.B. Children's psychology (child development from birth to seven years). M., 1960.

    12. Wallon A. Mental Development of the Child. M., 1967.

    13. Kudryavtsev V.T. The meaning of human childhood and mental development of the child. M., 1997.

    14. Labadina S.V. How to develop the ability of a child. St. Petersburg., 1997.

    15. Smirnova E.O. Psychology of the preschooler: the first year of life. Part 2. Abakan, 1997.

    16. Smirnova E.O. Psychology of the preschooler. Early age (1-3 years). Part 3. Abakan, 1997.

    17. Mental development of an anomalous child. St. Petersburg, 1996.

    18. Children's psychologist. Rostov-on-Don, 1996. №14.

    19. Ibuka M. after three is already late. M., 1992.

    20. Langheimer I., Mateyachik M. Mental Defencing in childhood. Prague, 1984.

    21. Campbell R. How to cope with the anger of the child. St. Petersburg., 1997.

    22. Le Shan E. When your child is crazy. M., 1990.

    23. Psychology of the interaction of mother and infant. St. Petersburg., 1998.

    24. Leslie J. How to work with young children, encourage their development and solve problems. M., 1991.

    25. Dolman G., Dolman D. How to develop the intellect of the child. M., 1998.


The initial stage of learning. The consistent appearance of basic forms and signs of learning: Imprinting, conditionaloreflexing learning, operant learning vicinal learning, verbal learning. The role of the word at the initial stage of learning a child.

The combination of different forms of learning. The combination of conditional reflex and vicarial, operant and vicarial, vicar and verbal learning. The need for such a combination for the accelerated development of the abilities of the child.

Features of learning children of infant age. Movements, mental processes of perception and memory, visual-effective thinking and speech ear - neighboring areas of learning in children of infant age. The importance of the physical development of the child and the improvement of its movements for mental development. Physical hardening techniques. Development of baby movements from birth to one year. Stimulating the development of arbitrary movements. Formation of need for knowledge. The main components of speech hearing and methods for its development in babies. Preparation of children to straighten. Development of visual effective thinking.

Early age. Creative tasks as a factor contributing to the transition from visual-effective to visual-shaped thinking. Features of the child's entry into a sensitive speech development period. Stimulating active speech through the development and satisfaction of the cognitive interests of the child. The role of communication with the surrounding people in the speech development of an early child child. Optimal organization of communication. The problem of delays in the development of the active speech of the child. The value of non-verbal communication at the initial stages of the formation of active speech. The problem of early bilingualism. The optimal conditions for parallel assimilation of children of two languages \u200b\u200bin the first years of life. Ways to develop imagination and speech thinking. Games and toys helping the development of two-year children. Probable consequences for the development of deprivation of sensory systems or increased sensory activity.

The initial stage of learning

Child learning actually begins with the moment of his birth. From the very first days of life, mechanisms for learning, such as imprinting and conditionaloreflexive learning come into effect. Motor and food reflexes are found in the child immediately after his birth. At this time, children establish distinct conditionalflex. And the reaction to the light and some other stimuli. Next, the following forms of learning appear: operant, vicarious and verbal (learning to verbally specified samples or instructions). Thanks to the rapid progress of the operant and vicarial learning, the child of infant and early age with amazing speed and amazing success improves motor skills, skills and speech. As soon as he detects a speech understanding, verbal learning arises and quickly improves.

By the end of the infant age, we discover from the child with all five major types of learning, whose joint action ensures further rapid progress in psychological and behavioral development, especially noticeable at an early age. Initially, all types of learning function as it were, independently of each other, and then their gradual integration occurs. Let us clarify the example of the four most important forms of the lifetime acquisition by man of experience: conditionaloreflector, operant, vicarious and verbal.

Even I. P. Pavlov showed that a person has two signaling systems, due to which it learns to respond to the original neutral, and then acquiring the vital significance of the impact. This is the ability to respond to physico-chemical incentives (sound, light, touch, vibration, smell, taste, etc.) and for word. One signal system is named first, and the other second. The second signal system for a person is certainly more important to acquire life experience. In an adult, she does not just become the main, but significantly converts, making more subtle and perfect other forms of learning. Using a word, an adult can draw the child's attention to those or other details of the situation, the features of the action performed. The word pronounced as a name of a particular object or phenomenon becomes its conditional signal, and an additional combination of a word with the reaction in this case is usually not required (if, of course, a person has a speech well enough). Such is the role of the word in conditionaloreflex, learning.

If the learning is performed according to the method of samples and errors (operant condition), then the word makes the acquisition of a new experience more perfect. With the help of the word, it can be clearer to allocate its successes and failures in the minds of the child, pay attention to anything substantial, in particular, for which he gets encouragement: for the efforts, made efforts or for the ability.

In a word, you can direct the attention of the child, to manage its activities. Without verbal maintenance and instructions, neither vicarious, neither more verbal learning (the latter without a word (by definition) is simply impossible).

In a child to one and a half-year-old age, all types of learning exist as it were separately and regardless of speech, and they themselves are used almost exclusively as a means of communication. Only when it comes to a child as a means of thinking, it becomes the most important tool for learning.

Combination of different forms of learning

An important task of learning at the initial stage in the earliest years is to combine different forms of learning in children: convention and reflex with operant, vicarial with verbal, vicarial with operant. Such a combination is necessary because various analyzers come into effect under different types of learning, and the experience gained using different senses is usually the most versatile and rich. Recall, for example, that the correct perception of space is ensured by the joint action of visual, auditory, proprioceptive and skin analyzers.

Parallel work of different analyzers helps development in a child's abilities. Every human ability is a combination and joint, coordinated work of many mental functions, each of which is developing and improved in various activities and learning. Conditional Reflex Positively affects the ability of the senses organs to distinguish physical incentives (differential sensory ability). Operant learning Allows you to actively improve movement. Vicarium learning Improves observation, and verbal develops thinking and speech. If we use all four types of learning in the child's teaching, then at the same time he will develop perception, motility, thinking and speech. That is why from early childhood, starting to teach children, it is necessary to strive for a combination of different types of learning.


The initial stage of learning. The consistent appearance of basic forms and signs of learning: Imprinting, conditionaloreflexing learning, operant learning vicinal learning, verbal learning. The role of the word at the initial stage of learning a child.

The combination of different forms of learning. The combination of conditional reflex and vicarial, operant and vicarial, vicar and verbal learning. The need for such a combination for the accelerated development of the abilities of the child.

Features of learning children of infant age. Movements, mental processes of perception and memory, visual-effective thinking and speech ear - neighboring areas of learning in children of infant age. The importance of the physical development of the child and the improvement of its movements for mental development. Physical hardening techniques. Development of baby movements from birth to one year. Stimulating the development of arbitrary movements. Formation of need for knowledge. The main components of speech hearing and methods for its development in babies. Preparation of children to straighten. Development of visual effective thinking.

Early age. Creative tasks as a factor contributing to the transition from visual-effective to visual-shaped thinking. Features of the child's entry into a sensitive speech development period. Stimulating active speech through the development and satisfaction of the cognitive interests of the child. The role of communication with the surrounding people in the speech development of an early child child. Optimal organization of communication. The problem of delays in the development of the active speech of the child. The value of non-verbal communication at the initial stages of the formation of active speech. The problem of early bilingualism. The optimal conditions for parallel assimilation of children of two languages \u200b\u200bin the first years of life. Ways to develop imagination and speech thinking. Games and toys helping the development of two-year children. Probable consequences for the development of deprivation of sensory systems or increased sensory activity.

The initial stage of learning

Child learning actually begins with the moment of his birth. From the very first days of life, mechanisms for learning, such as imprinting and conditionaloreflexive learning come into effect. Motor and food reflexes are found in the child immediately after his birth. At this time, children establish distinct conditionalflex. And the reaction to the light and some other stimuli. Next, the following forms of learning appear: operant, vicarious and verbal (learning to verbally specified samples or instructions). Thanks to the rapid progress of the operant and vicarial learning, the child of infant and early age with amazing speed and amazing success improves motor skills, skills and speech. As soon as he detects a speech understanding, verbal learning arises and quickly improves.

By the end of the infant age, we discover from the child with all five major types of learning, whose joint action ensures further rapid progress in psychological and behavioral development, especially noticeable at an early age. Initially, all types of learning function as it were, independently of each other, and then their gradual integration occurs. Let us clarify the example of the four most important forms of the lifetime acquisition by man of experience: conditionaloreflector, operant, vicarious and verbal.

Even I. P. Pavlov showed that a person has two signaling systems, due to which it learns to respond to the original neutral, and then acquiring the vital significance of the impact. This is the ability to respond to physico-chemical incentives (sound, light, touch, vibration, smell, taste, etc.) and for word. One signal system is named first, and the other second. The second signal system for a person is certainly more important to acquire life experience. In an adult, she does not just become the main, but significantly converts, making more subtle and perfect other forms of learning. Using a word, an adult can draw the child's attention to those or other details of the situation, the features of the action performed. The word pronounced as a name of a particular object or phenomenon becomes its conditional signal, and an additional combination of a word with the reaction in this case is usually not required (if, of course, a person has a speech well enough). Such is the role of the word in conditionaloreflex, learning.

If the learning is performed according to the method of samples and errors (operant condition), then the word makes the acquisition of a new experience more perfect. With the help of the word, it can be clearer to allocate its successes and failures in the minds of the child, pay attention to anything substantial, in particular, for which he gets encouragement: for the efforts, made efforts or for the ability.

In a word, you can direct the attention of the child, to manage its activities. Without verbal maintenance and instructions, neither vicarious, neither more verbal learning (the latter without a word (by definition) is simply impossible).

In a child to one and a half-year-old age, all types of learning exist as it were separately and regardless of speech, and they themselves are used almost exclusively as a means of communication. Only when it comes to a child as a means of thinking, it becomes the most important tool for learning.

The content of the work.IntroductionChapter 1. Types of learning.

  • Imprint Ing.
  • ConditionalFlex.
  • Operant.
  • Vicarious.
  • Verbal.
  • Chapter 2. Recognizing children in infant and early age. 2.1. The initial stage of learning.2.2. The benefits of learning children in infant age.2.3. Early child learning.Conclusion.Bibliography.Introduction Concept research Use when they want to emphasize the result of the teachings. It characterizes the fact of the acquisition by the person of new qualities and properties in the process of exercise. Etymologically, this concept comes from the word "learns" and includes everything that an individual can learn.First, we note: not everything is associated with the development may be called learning. In it, for example, the processes and results that characterize the biological ripening of the body are unfolded and proceeded according to biological, in particular genetic, laws. They are few or almost independent of training and learning. For example, an external anatomo is the physiological similarity of the child and parents, the ability to grab items with their hands, follow them and a number of others arise mainly according to the laws of maturation.Any process called learning is not, however, completely independent of maturation. This is recognized by all scientists, and the only question is, what is the measure of this dependence and to what degree development is determined by maturation. It is unlikely that, for example, you can teach the child to speak until the time when it matures the organic structures necessary for this: the voice apparatus, the corresponding brain departments responsible for speech, and the other. Recovery, in addition, depends on the ripening of the body by the nature of the flow of the process: it can be accelerated or inhibited, respectively, accelerates or slowing the ripening of the body. Recovery to a much greater extent depends on ripening than, on the contrary, ripening from learning, since the possibilities of external influence on genotypically determined processes and structures in the body are very limited.Chapter 1. Types of learning
  • Imprint ing
  • A person has several types of learning. The first and simplest of them combines a person with all other living beings with a developed central nervous system. It -science to the mechanism of imprinting, i.e. fast, automatic, almost instantant compared to the long process of learning the adaptation of the body to specific living conditions using almost ready-made forms of behavior. For example: it is sufficient to touch anybody to the inner surface of the palm of the newborn, as the fingers of the hands are automatically compressed. As soon as the newborn concerns the breast of the mother, he has a congenital sucking reflex. Through the described Imprinting mechanism, numerous inborn instincts are formed, including motor, sensory and others. According to the tradition, which established since I. P. Pavlov, such forms of behavior are called unconditional reflexes.
  • Conditional reflex
  • Second type of learning -conditionalFlex. The beginning of his research was found by the works of I. P. Pavlov. This type of learning implies the occurrence of new forms of behavior as conditional reactions to the initial neutral incentive, which was previously a specific reaction caused. Incentives that are able to generate a conditional reflector reaction of the body should be perceived by them. All the basic elements of the future reaction should also be available in the body. Thanks to the conditionaloreflexive learning, they bind to each other into a new system, ensuring the implementation of a more complex form of behavior than elementary innate reactions. Subsequently, in this process, conditional incentives begin to perform a signal, or orientable role. For example, a certain one who has become a familiar situation in which it repeatedly turns out to be during feeding the baby, conventionally reflexively can begin to cause organic processes and movements related to the use of food.
  • Third type of learning -operant. With this form, learning, skills and skills are acquired by the so-called trial method and error method. It consists next. The task or the situation with which the individual encountered, it gives rise to a complex of various reactions: instinctive, unconditional, conditional. The body consistently tries in practice to solve the problem each of them and automatically evaluates the result achieved. That of the reactions or then their random combination, which leads to the best result, that is, ensures the optimal adaptation of the body to the situation arising from the rest and is secured in the experience. This is to scatter the method of trial and errors.
  • Vicarka
  • All described types of learning They meet both in humans and in animals and are basic ways to acquire life experience with various living beings. But a person has special, higher learning methods, rarely or almost not found among other living beings. This, firstly, learning through direct observation of the behavior of other people, as a result of which a person immediately adapts and assimilates the observed forms of behavior. This type of learning is calledvicarka And presented in humans in the most advanced form. According to the method of functioning and results, it resembles imprinting, but only in the field of the acquisition by a person's social skills and skills. Vicarial learning is especially significant in the early stages of ontogenesis, when, without owning a symbolic function, the child acquires a rich and diverse human experience, studying on visual examples by observing and imitating.1.5.Merbal Secondly, this verbal learning , i.e., the acquisition of a new experience through the language. Thanks to him, a person has the opportunity to transmit to other people who own speech, and get the necessary abilities, knowledge, skills and skills itself, describing them verbally in detail and is understandable for the student. Symbolic, or verbal, learning becomes the main way to acquire experience, starting from the moment of learning speech and, especially when studying at school. Here the prerequisite and the basis for effective learning becomes the highest mental functions of a person: his consciousness and speech.Chapter 2. Recognizing children in infant and early age 2.1. Propupication stage The learning of the child actually begins with the moment of his birth. From the very first days of his life, mechanisms for learning, such as imprinting and conditionaloreflexing learning come into effect. Motor and food reflexes are found at the child immediately after his birth. In it...

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    Chapter 1. Types of learning.






    Chapter 2. Recognizing children in infant and early age.

    2.1. The initial stage of learning.

    2.2. The benefits of learning children in infant age.

    2.3. Early child learning.




    Concept research Use when they want to emphasize the result of the teachings. It characterizes the fact of the acquisition by the person of new qualities and properties in the process of exercise. Etymologically, this concept comes from the word "learns" and includes everything that an individual can learn.

    First, we note: not everything is associated with the development may be called learning. In it, for example, the processes and results that characterize the biological ripening of the body are unfolded and proceeded according to biological, in particular genetic, laws. They are few or almost independent of training and learning. For example, an external anatomo is the physiological similarity of the child and parents, the ability to grab items with their hands, follow them and a number of others arise mainly according to the laws of maturation.

    Any process called learning is not, however, completely independent of maturation. This is recognized by all scientists, and the only question is, what is the measure of this dependence and to what degree development is determined by maturation. It is unlikely that, for example, you can teach the child to speak until the time when it matures the organic structures necessary for this: the voice apparatus, the corresponding brain departments responsible for speech, and the other. Recovery, in addition, depends on the ripening of the body by the nature of the flow of the process: it can be accelerated or inhibited, respectively, accelerates or slowing the ripening of the body. Recovery to a much greater extent depends on ripening than, on the contrary, ripening from learning, since the possibilities of external influence on genotypically determined processes and structures in the body are very limited.

    Chapter 1.

    Types of learning


    A person has several types of learning. The first and simplest of them combines a person with all other living beings with a developed central nervous system. It - science to the mechanism of imprinting,i.e. fast, automatic, almost instantant compared to the long process of learning the adaptation of the body to specific living conditions using almost ready-made forms of behavior. For example: it is sufficient to touch anybody to the inner surface of the palm of the newborn, as the fingers of the hands are automatically compressed. As soon as the newborn concerns the breast of the mother, he has a congenital sucking reflex. Through the described Imprinting mechanism, numerous inborn instincts are formed, including motor, sensory and others. According to the tradition, which established since I. P. Pavlov, such forms of behavior are called unconditional reflexes.

        Conditional reflex

    Second type of learning - conditionalFlex. The beginning of his research was found by the works of I. P. Pavlov. This type of learning implies the occurrence of new forms of behavior as conditional reactions to the initial neutral incentive, which was previously a specific reaction caused. Incentives that are able to generate a conditional reflector reaction of the body should be perceived by them. All the basic elements of the future reaction should also be available in the body. Thanks to the conditionaloreflexive learning, they bind to each other into a new system, ensuring the implementation of a more complex form of behavior than elementary innate reactions. Subsequently, in this process, conditional incentives begin to perform a signal, or orientable role. For example, a certain one who has become a familiar situation in which it repeatedly turns out to be during feeding the baby, conventionally reflexively can begin to cause organic processes and movements related to the use of food.


    Third type of learning - operant. With this form, learning, skills and skills are acquired by the so-called trial method and error method. It consists next. The task or the situation with which the individual encountered, it gives rise to a complex of various reactions: instinctive, unconditional, conditional. The body consistently tries in practice to solve the problem each of them and automatically evaluates the result achieved. That of the reactions or then their random combination, which leads to the best result, that is, ensures the optimal adaptation of the body to the situation arising from the rest and is secured in the experience. This is to scatter the method of trial and errors.


    All described types of learning are found both in humans and animals and are basic ways to acquire life experience with various living beings. But a person has special, higher learning methods, rarely or almost not found from other living beings. This, firstly, learning through direct observation of the behavior of other people, as a result of which a person immediately adapts and assimilates the observed forms of behavior. This type of learning is called vicarka And presented in humans in the most advanced form. According to the method of functioning and results, it resembles imprinting, but only in the field of the acquisition by a person's social skills and skills. Vicarial learning is especially significant in the early stages of ontogenesis, when, without owning a symbolic function, the child acquires a rich and diverse human experience, studying on visual examples by observing and imitating.


    Secondly, this verbal learning, i.e., the acquisition of a new experience through the language. Thanks to him, a person has the opportunity to transmit to other people who own speech, and get the necessary abilities, knowledge, skills and skills itself, describing them verbally in detail and is understandable for the student. Symbolic, or verbal, learning becomes the main way to acquire experience, starting from the moment of learning speech and, especially when studying at school. Here the prerequisite and the basis for effective learning becomes the highest mental functions of a person: his consciousness and speech.

    Chapter 2.

    Recognizing children in infant and early age

    2.1. Propupication stage

    The learning of the child actually begins with the moment of his birth. From the very first days of his life, mechanisms for learning, such as imprinting and conditionaloreflexing learning come into effect. Motor and food reflexes are found at the child immediately after his birth. At this time, children are installed in children's deprivable reflex reactions to light and some other stimuli. Next, the following forms of learning appear: operant, vicarious and verbal (learning to verbally specified samples or instructions). Thanks to the rapid progress of the operant and vicarial learning, the child of infant and early age with amazing speed and amazing success improves motor skills, skills and speech. As soon as he detects a speech understanding, verbal learning arises and quickly improves.

    By the end of the infant age, we discover from the child already all five major types of learning, whose joint action ensures further rapid progress in psychological and behavioral development, especially noticeable at an early age. Initially, all types of learning function as it were, independently of each other, and then their gradual integration occurs. Let us explain the example of the four most important forms of the lifetime acquisition by man of experience: conditionally reflex, operant, vicar and verbal.

    Even I. P. Pavlov showed that a person has two signaling systems, due to which it learns to respond to the original neutral, and then acquiring the vital significance of the impact. This is the ability to respond to physicochemical incentives (sound, light, touch, vibration, smell, taste, etc.) and for word. One signal system is named first, and the other second. The second signal system for a person is definitely more important to acquire life experience.

    Using the word, an adult can draw the attention of the child to those, or other details of the situation, the features of the action performed. The word spoken as the name of a particular object or phenomenon becomes its conditional signal, and the additional combination of the word with the reaction in this case is usually not required. Such is the role of the word in conventionally reflex learning.

    If the learning is performed according to the method of samples and errors (operant condition), then the word makes the acquisition of a new experience more perfect. With the help of the word, it can be clearly allocated in the mind of the child of his successes and failures, pay attention to anything substantial, in particular, for which he gets encouragement: for the efforts, made efforts or for the ability. In a word, you can direct the attention of the child, to manage its activities.

    2.2. The benefits of learning children of infant age

    The main areas of learning children in infancy are movements, mental processes: perception and memory, speech hearing and clearly - effective thinking. Development motor activity The child is necessary to expand the possibilities of its independent movement in space for research and knowledge of the surrounding world, as well as for mastering subject actions. Without acquisitions with the relevant processes of human properties, it is impossible to further develop the child with the actual human abilities.

    If from the very first days of life, it was possible to start an active training and educational work with a child aimed at the development of his cognitive processes and speeches, it would have done, starting learning the child immediately after his birth. However, we know that in the first days of their existence, a human baby is one of the most helpless in the light of creatures and above all, requires physical care. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of his physical education first. It is not recommended, for example, too much to swaded a child and keep it for a long time in such a state. The hands and legs of the child should be able to move freely from two to three weeks. From the movements of the baby in the first days and months of life may depend on the development of its motor abilities, skills and skills. From one and a half months, it is necessary to carry out special exercises. It may be lightweight, stroking the massage of the hands, legs, back and belly of the child. From three to four months plus a free passive movement of the hands and legs of a child, their flexion and extension of the hands of an adult.

    From four to six months, an adult should already be carefully watching his own attempts to a child like getting and capturing items, turning out from side to side, attempts to take a sedental position. An exemplary complex of physical exercise for baby 6 - 7 months of age should include mainly assisting the child in the movements performed on their own initiatives. In 9 - 12 months it is especially important to stimulate your own effort to get up and walk. During classes, it is necessary to maintain a good mood at the child and affectionately talking to him.

    With age as the improvement and development of movements are necessary stimulate the activity of the childaimed at independent meals, dressing and undressing. For hardening and physical development useful bathing and swimming with an adult. The child, starting from two to three months, should not only be surrounded by bright, multicolored, beautiful and attractive toys, emitting a variety and pleasant sounds, but he himself can be concerned about them, take into hand, move, turn, generate certain visual and Hearing effects. All manipulative actions of the child with objects should not be impeded, since with these actions the baby actively knows the world around. It begins the formation of arbitrary movements and cognitive interests. Maintaining and securing them at this age can lead to the formation of an important need for a civilized person in acquiring new knowledge.

    In the second half of life, children begin to reproduce and repeat the movements of adults. Thus, they demonstrate preparedness to Vicar Research With repeated independent exercises. This circumstance is of fundamental importance for the further general development of the child, in particular for the formation of his speech. Under the influence of the speech of adults, the child first develops a special speech hearing.The infant pronounced by adults associates with what he feels, sees and hears. So happens primary learning to comprehensive speech perception,the ability to distinguish its elements and understanding is formed.

    Along with the assimilation of words denoting items, it is necessary to take care that the child learned to understand the words relating to the actions and signs of items. Special attention during the formation of a child's speech should be paid to the development of movements of the hands. In the lexicon of an adult, there should be enough words denoting similar movements. These are such words as: "Give", "Take", "Raise", "throw", "take away", etc.

    The main thing that should acquire a child by the end of infant age, - this is a straight. The baby almost from the first days of life is manifested by a special support motor reflex, which is that when the palm is touching the lower surface of the foot, the child automatically extensions, straightens the legs. This reflex can be used to actively develop the leg muscles from him, gradually preparing the child to get up on them.

    At about the beginning of the second half of the year, the perception and memory of the child achieve this level of development, which it turns out to be quite capable of solving elementary tasks in a clearly effective plan. From this point on, it is time to take care of the development of a child visually - effective thinking. For example, in front of the child, you can hide the toy, to distract his attention for a few seconds and then ask to find a hidden thing. Such questions and games with children are not only well developed, but has a beneficial effect on thinking.

    2.3. Early

    Throughout the childhood, the intellect of the child is improved, the transition from clearly - effective to clearly-figurative thinking. Practical actions with material objects are gradually replaced by actions with the images of these items. The child makes another and very important step towards its intellectual development. Early children need as much as possible to give tasks for imagination, in particular drawing. Joint creative games with adults act as the main conditions for the development of the abilities of the child.

    Early early age is entry into sensivile period of speech development. At the age of one and three years old, the child is most susceptible to the absorption of speech. Passive perception and response to an adult speech in an early preschool childhood is replaced by active speech. At the heart of the development of the child's speech, in the initial period of its active use, there is a operant and vicinal learning, externally acting as imitation of speech of adults. In the second year of life, the child is sharply increasing the interest in the world around. Children want to learn everything, touch, hold in their hands. They are especially interested in the names of new items and phenomena, the names of the surrounding people. Mastering the first words, children often ask adult questions "What is it?", "Who is it?", "What is the name of it?". Such questions cannot be ignored, it is always necessary to answer them as fully as possible in order to satisfy the natural curiosity of the child and contribute to its cognitive development.

    Incorrect, too fast and unintelligible speech of adults prevents the speech development of children. With a child, it is necessary to speak slowly, clearly pronouncing and repeating all the words and expressions. By the end of the first year of life, the child reacts to the facial expressions, gestures and pantomimics. On them, he catches the meaning of those words that pronounce adults. Therefore, talking with young children, especially at the beginning of the absorption of active speech, it is necessary to exercise widely in communicating the language of the Mimici and gestures.

    We have already noted that for young children is characteristic increased curiosity. Its support leads to the rapid intellectual development of the child, to acquire them the necessary knowledge, skills and skills, and the mental development of children of this age is carried out in different types of activities: in games, in classrooms with adults, in communicating with peers, in the process of attentive observation of What surrounds him. Of particular importance for the development of curious child have toys. Among those toys that are at the disposal of children should be a lot of such with which children, imitating adults, could communicate to the world of human relations. Here, there should be dolls depicting people and animals, cubes, from which you can create various designs, household items, furniture, kitchenware, garden equipment (everything in the toy version). If the toy accidentally broke, it should not be thrown away, it is better to ask the baby and help him fix the toy. It is important, however, the other: from an early age to teach children to accuracy and leaning.

    Another question is associated with learning and education of young children: how stable for the further psychological and behavioral development of the child can be the consequences of early sensory - motor deprivation, that is, the deprivation of the child of the necessary incentives for its psychophysical development. Children with whom in early preschool age adults talked little, which, for example, did not read books, did not encourage to actively study the world around the world who did not have the opportunity for games, these children are usually noticeably lagging behind their peers in psychological development. Of these, the so-called pedagogically launched children grow often.


    Of all the above, we can conclude that the necessary and important task of learning children in the earliest years of their life is to ensure that the learning has passed with a combination of different forms: conventionally reflex with the operant, vicarial with verbal, vicarial with the operant. Such a combination is necessary because various analyzers come into effect under different types of learning, and the experience gained using different senses is usually the most versatile and rich. Recall, for example, that the correct perception of space is ensured by the joint action of visual, auditory, proprioceptive and skin analyzers.

    Parallel work of different analyzers helps the development of the child's abilities. Conditional reflector learning Positively affects the ability of the senses organs to distinguish physical incentives (differential sensory ability). Operant learning Allows you to actively improve movement. Vicarium learning Improves observation, and verbal develops thinking and speech. If we use all four types of learning in the teaching of the child, then at the same time he will develop perception, motility, thinking and speech. That is why from early childhood, starting to train children, it is necessary to strive for a combination of different types of learning.


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      Recognition of preschool children ageThesis work \u003e\u003e Psychology

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