New Year's craft from quilling step by step. New Year's decorations for the Christmas tree using quilling technique

New Year's card using the quilling technique “Herringbone”.

Master class with step-by-step photos.

Ovchinnikova Svetlana Aleksandrovna, teacher of OGKOUSH No. 39, Ulyanovsk.
Purpose. Making a gift with your own hands.
The master class will be useful for children of senior preschool and primary school age, educators, and teachers. The material will be of interest to everyone.
Target: creating a New Year's card with your own hands.
- continue to introduce the quilling technique, create elements - “drop”, “triangle”, “washer”;
- development of fine motor skills of the hands;
- formation of interest in creative activities;
- cultivate aesthetic taste and accuracy in work.
New Year, garlands are shining
And the balls are swinging
Let both adults and children
They will be happy and kind.
Let good gifts
Santa Claus will bring it to everyone,
And may the whole year be bright
What a fun round dance!

(Author: Stepnova Arina)
Cards are always a great addition to a gift. And if these cards are made with your own hands, then the value of the gift increases to the skies, because the soul of the giver, his good mood and sincere wishes are invested there.

- blue pastel paper 15x30 cm (density 160 g/m2);
- scrap paper – square with a side of 15 cm (you can print a beautiful background on watercolor paper);
- a piece of paper for watercolors or whatman paper;
- green quilling paper, width 2-3mm, red, light and dark yellow, stripes width 5mm;
- quilling tool;
- a simple pencil;
- manicure and curly scissors;
- figured edge hole punch;
- stencil ruler with circles of different diameters;
- PVA wood glue;
- creasing (you can use a non-writing ballpoint pen);
- half beads;
-a silver-blue ink pad and the “Congratulations” stamp;
- cutting - frame;
- and most importantly... a good mood!

Cut a 15x30 cm rectangle from a sheet of pastel paper. This is the base of the postcard. For an even fold, crease in the middle and fold in half.

Punch a square of scrap paper with a side of 15 cm with a shaped edge hole punch. If it is not there, then a beautiful edge can be created using curly scissors. In this case, the size of the square will be 14.5 cm.

Using PVA glue, glue the scrap paper onto the front side of the card, placing it in the center. And put it under the press. You can use double-sided tape when gluing scrap paper. This glue is thick and bonds quickly and firmly.

From a sheet of white office paper, measure a square with a side of 13.5 cm.

Cut a 13.5 cm square using scissors. Thus, you will get 2 straight edges and 2 curly ones.

Glue to the inside of the back of the card. This will be the place to write your congratulations. You can decorate a twig with a stamp (it was given as a gift while I was preparing MK, so it’s not in the photo with the material).

To create bells you will need 6 strips, each 5mm wide. Glue the paper tape in this way: 2 dark yellow + 2 light yellow + 2 dark yellow.

Using a special tool, roll up a tight roll and glue the tip. Roll the second roll in the same way.

Gently squeeze out the roll, giving it the desired shape. Pour plenty of glue. And leave to dry. I used the ruler to take a photo.

For the bow you will need 3 red stripes 5mm wide. Using a quilling tool, twist the roll from one strip and unravel it to 12mm. Make 2 parts.

Give the roll a “drop” shape, and then, holding the tip with your fingers, press it with the base of the tool (brush) on top. The result will be a triangle shape.

Roll the third strip into a tight roll and pour plenty of glue on it. This will be the knot of the bow.

To create a Christmas tree you will need 36 strips 2-3 mm wide. (I had strips cut from office paper 5mm wide. I cut them in half along the long side.) From a strip 30 cm long, twist the roll and spread it to 12 mm. Glue the end.

Give the roll a “drop” shape.

Coat all parts generously with PVA wood glue and let dry. The glue forms a transparent film that prevents the roll from falling apart. And gives flexibility.

Assembling the Christmas tree. Determine a place for the Christmas tree. First glue the bottom row of 8 parts, in the form of a small arc. Apply glue to the workpiece. For preschoolers, you can draw the top line of the row to make it easier to navigate.

Then glue the second row of 7 parts, placing them between the parts of the first row, slightly gluing them on top of the lower parts. Like this.

Each next row will have one less piece. Glue them in the same way as the previous ones. Thus: 8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1.

Continue assembling the postcard. Glue the bells with PVA wood glue, placing them side by side.

Decorate the bells with a bow by gluing the parts, corners to each other. Glue a “knot” over the joint.

Trace the “frame” cutout on a piece of watercolor paper or whatman paper using a creasing tool. Cut with nail scissors.

Mark the edges of the cutting with a stamp pad of a suitable color. The stamp pad can be replaced with watercolor paint by applying it to a sponge or foam rubber.

Glue to the chosen location.

Use an ink pad to follow the “Congratulations” stamp.

Place the imprint on the die cut. Be careful when doing this!!! You can also put a print in place for congratulations.

Complete the decoration with half beads using PVA wood glue: in the corners of the scrap paper and above the Christmas tree.

New Year's card is ready.

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Crafts for the New Year always bring joy. And it doesn’t matter whether you make a large panel with a beautiful landscape or give a miniature postcard with an embroidered picture - all the same, the recipient will be incredibly happy that you paid attention to him.

Every person understands that a homemade gift is much better than one bought in a store. In any case, it is several times more pleasant. Today we want to introduce you to one interesting way that allows you to make amazing New Year's gifts in just a few minutes.

Crafts using the quilling technique for the New Year 2017 will allow you to feel an indescribable calming effect, and will also appeal to all the guests gathered at the holiday.



What is quilling?

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For those who do not know what the quilling technique is, I would like to give a short excursion. This type of needlework is considered very simple, but at the same time, very beautiful. Quilling does not require expensive tools and materials. All you need to work is a good mood, an interesting idea and time.

When creating compositions, paper strips with a width of 3, 4, 6 and 10 mm are used. There can be several devices for twisting.

There are professional curling machines that are sold in specialized stores, as well as improvised tools, such as a tapestry needle with a large eye and a round wooden stick 10 cm long.


It is also advisable to stock up on tweezers with flat tips. It is needed to hold the paper blank, apply glue to it and stick it to the surface.

As for other devices that are necessary for working with the quilling technique, they can be found in any home. These are scissors (preferably with sharp ends), a ruler, toothpicks, PVA glue.

If you decide to seriously engage in this type of needlework, then stores sell entire sets that include all the necessary tools and you do not have to assemble them separately.



Ideas for crafts in the style of quilling for the New Year


When deciding to make such a New Year's surprise for someone close to you, you must understand what or who you will glue from strips of paper. There are a huge number of themed crafts on the Internet and sometimes it’s hard to figure out which one you like best.

Among such abundance, you can choose the main “figurants” that you might like - these are Christmas trees, snowflakes and cockerels. The last craft will be not only a wonderful, but also an appropriate gift, because 2017 is the year of the Fire Rooster. So your Petya, made using the quilling technique, will become a pleasant symbolic gift for the Christmas tree.

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Bright cockerel

It would seem impossible to create such wonderful pictures and figures from ordinary strips of paper. But as practice shows, the main thing is perseverance and a little imagination, and the rest is a matter of little things. If you decide to make a cockerel for the New Year 2017, then choose the perfect example for yourself (photos are presented below), stock up on all the necessary materials and get down to business.

Examples of how to make a New Year's rooster can be found in any format and size. These can be either free-standing figures or the silhouette of a bird.


There are quite a few basic forms for quilling that help you create real masterpieces from paper. The picture clearly shows how this or that curl should look.


Go for it! You will succeed, and after a while you will be able to present a cute panel or a wonderful picture with a cockerel in the title role.



Original snowflake


The most common decoration for the New Year holiday are snowflakes. We hang them on the Christmas tree, draw or sculpt them on the windows, and make garlands out of them. Why not go beyond the usual boundaries and create wonderful winter compositions using the quilling technique as a basis?! Put in a little effort, and you will have beautiful openwork snowflakes at home, which you can also give to friends as souvenirs.

To create a New Year's snowflake you will need:

  • special paper for quilling;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • stationery knife;
  • toothpick.

Step 1. Cut strips of quilling paper 25-27 mm long and 3-5 mm wide.


Step 2. Take a toothpick - it will be your main tool in this work. Cut off the sharp tip on one side and use a stationery knife to make a small incision - about 1 cm.

Step 3. Insert the first strip of paper into the cut and slowly twist it into a spiral. Make sure that the paper is curled and not just a toothpick. There is no need to rush in this matter, because then the craft may not work out.

Step 4. The finished spiral must be removed from the toothpick and placed on a flat surface so that it unwinds slightly.

Step 5. Apply a little glue to the end of the strip and glue the spiral together.

Step 6. To make one snowflake, you must use the same principle to make several similar curls of different shapes and sizes.

Step 7 Fold the resulting spirals into a snowflake, carefully gluing each piece.



Volumetric Christmas tree

This bright New Year's composition can be an excellent table decoration, as well as a wonderful gift for a loved one, colleague or relative.

To create a voluminous Christmas tree you will need:

  • scissors;
  • quilling paper;
  • ruler-pattern with circles of different diameters;
  • PVA glue;
  • toothpick;
  • tweezers.

If you don't have a quilling tool, a regular toothpick with a cut end can easily replace it.

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Step 1. To work, take special green paper and cut it into several dozen strips 3 mm wide, and also cut brown paper into strips 7 mm wide.

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Step 2. Brown stripes need to be wound into loose curls, for example onto a regular marker. Lubricate their ends with glue and glue them. Brown “barrels” are ready!

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Step 3. Now you need to make green blanks. Wrap the paper around an awl (toothpick) and insert it into a size 16 ruler. Let it run free. To remove a curl from a ruler, you need to insert a toothpick into the center, slightly move it to the center and remove it.

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Step 4. Glue the end of the spiral with PVA glue. Squeeze the curl slightly so that it takes the shape of a droplet. Prepare 10 of these droplets. Wrap each curl with a white strip of the same width and glue it. This is the first row of your Christmas tree.

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Step 5. We make the second row using the same principle, only insert it into the circle numbered 15. Twist about 10 such curls. Glue the first two rows as shown in the photo.

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Step 6. Now make spirals for the third row by inserting them into hole number 14. Glue them.

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Step 7 For the fourth row you will need a circle measuring 13. The same size should be taken for the 5th and 6th rows. Carefully glue all the parts to each other, as can be seen in the photo. Glue another “drop” onto the top. Decorate the Christmas tree with beads and it is ready!

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Quilling (English quilling; from quill “bird feather”), also known as paper rolling, is the art of making flat or three-dimensional compositions from long and narrow strips of paper twisted into spirals. The finished spirals are given different shapes and thus the elements of rolling paper, also called modules, are obtained. They are already the “building” material in creating works - paintings, postcards, albums, photo frames, various figurines, watches, jewelry, etc.

The art of paper rolling arose in the late 14th and early 15th centuries in Mediterranean Europe. It is believed that quilling was invented by monks. Trimming the gilded edges of the books, they wound them around the tips of bird feathers, hence the name (quill - translated from English as “bird feather”).

In Russia, this art became popular only at the end of the 20th century; quilling is also very popular in Germany and England.

This technique does not require significant material costs.

Very beautiful Christmas tree decorations can be made using the quilling technique.

New Year's snowflake



Stationery knife;


1. Cut strips of quilling paper 25-27 mm long and 3-5 mm wide.

2. Insert the first strip of paper into the cut of the tool and slowly twist it into a spiral. There is no need to rush in this matter, because then the craft may not work out.

3. The finished spiral must be removed from the tool and placed on a flat surface so that it unwinds slightly.

4. Apply a little glue to the end of the strip and glue the spiral.

5. Make the required number of blanks.

6. When the required number of parts are ready, start forming the snowflake. Gently squeezing the round workpiece, give it the desired shape. Start gluing the parts together, forming them into a snowflake.

7. The finished snowflake can be decorated with beads, ribbons, and rhinestones.

New Year's ball

For such a ball you will need a base. It can be a ball made of foam, plastic or glass.

To avoid disappointment and multiple corrections, before starting work, you should think through the concept of your work - what colors the ball will be in, more transparent or denser elements will make it up, and only then begin execution.

To make it you will need the following:

Special paper for quilling;

Special tool or wooden skewer;



Stationery knife;

A base around which there will be paper decoration.


1. Make the required number of blanks.

2. Take the base and apply glue to it in the place where the element will be located.

3. Attach the element and let the glue set. And so, step by step, cover the surface with patterns. It is better to do this with tweezers so as not to wrinkle the paper. It's better to start with large parts. For example, collect a flower from drops or a snowflake from diamonds and glue it to the base. Symmetrically place one or more large patterns, and fill the remaining space between them with small coils.

4. The base will show through the openwork paper. This must be taken into account and colors that match each other must be selected. Quilling on a transparent ball looks airy.

New quilling crafts for the Christmas tree. New Year's toys made of paper are very common. Since childhood, we were taught to make different balls, lanterns and garlands from paper. I remember how my parents didn’t have time to buy colored paper because everyone at school wanted to make their garland longer. And how wonderful it would be if, as children, we were taught how to make New Year’s toys using the quilling technique. How many different toys I would make then! And what a beautiful tree it would be! But you can make it just as beautiful now. Let's decorate the Christmas tree with quilling decorations together, and start with New Year's paper toys in the shape of penguins. They are very easy to make, and together with your child. Use my quilling master class with a detailed description and step-by-step photographs of production - New Year's toys made of paper in the form of penguins.


  • Paper ribbons 7 mm, length 29.5 cm, density 80 g/m2: white, black, orange and blue
  • Paper ribbons 3 mm, length 29.5 cm, density 80 g/m2: white, green and blue
  • Paper ribbons 1.5 mm, length 29.5 cm, density 80 g/m2: orange, red and green
  • Scissors
  • PVA glue
  • Glue gun
  • Twisting tool
  • Quilling ruler
  • Eyes (diameter 8 mm)
  • White paper
  • Hole puncher "Snowflake"
  • Blue thread (length 36 cm)
  • Glue glitter

We make a droplet from 50 white paper ribbons and 20 black paper ribbons 7 mm wide (the diameter of the loose roll is 60 mm).

We roll a roll of blue paper ribbons 7 mm wide with a diameter of 24 mm.

We form a roll with a curved cone up to 30 mm in height. Glue the cone from the inside with PVA glue.

We cut fine fringe with scissors on white paper strips 7 mm wide. We roll them into a roll with a diameter of 11 mm.

Glue the fringed roll onto the top of the cone with a glue gun. We cover the bottom of the cone with fringed white paper tapes.

Glue the cap with a glue gun.

We take eyes with a diameter of 8 mm.

We glue the purchased eyes.

We make a triangle from orange paper ribbons 1.5 mm wide (the diameter of the loose roll is 9 mm).

Glue the beak with a glue gun.

We braid a braid from white, green and blue paper ribbons 3 mm wide.

Glue the pigtail around the penguin.

We take 2 braids of different lengths and glue white fringed paper tapes to the ends.

Glue the braids with a glue gun.

We make 2 triangles from black paper ribbons 7 mm wide (the diameter of the loose roll is 22 mm).

Glue the triangles (wings) with a glue gun.

We make 2 drops from orange paper ribbons 7 mm wide (the diameter of the loose roll is 13 mm).

Glue the droplets (legs) with a glue gun.

We twist 3 rolls of red paper ribbons 1.5 mm wide with a diameter of 5 mm.

We make 3 drops from green paper ribbons 1.5 mm wide (the diameter of the loose roll is 7 mm).

Glue the elements onto the cap with a glue gun.

We make snowflakes from white paper using a hole punch.

Glue snowflakes.

Glue the blue thread with a glue gun.

Decorate the penguin with glue sparkles.

Quilling New Year's paper toys - penguin, ready!

You can use the same sizes of elements, but replace the color and make different decorations, and you will get completely different New Year's paper toys in the form of penguins.

Thank you for your attention!

Today, quilling is not just fashionable, but also useful. This technique allows you to calm your nerves and tune in to mechanical, but at the same time creative work, which develops thinking, fine motor skills and creative imagination. Using quilling you can create large paintings, panels or small cards. In any case, handmade works will bring satisfaction to the master and joy to the one to whom the gift is intended. Quilling New Year's crafts will make the holiday not only fun, but also soulful.

Postcards in the quilling style are distinguished by their delicacy and ease of execution. The quilling technique involves twisting strips of paper of different sizes. Then the finished rolls are given different shapes and an image is made from them.

You can make flat and three-dimensional crafts - such shapes are especially relevant for creating New Year's decorations.

To create this craft you will need a standard set of quilling materials. You can cut the wrapping strips yourself. But to keep them neat, it is better to buy them at a professional craft store.

Craft options for the New Year:

  • "Snowflake". The strips are wound onto a toothpick. For one snowflake you will need a dozen blanks. The blanks are used to make “petals”, “eyes” or “squares”. Before gluing the parts, it is necessary to draw up a preliminary composition.
  • "Christmas tree". Fringe is cut on strips of paper. After this, buds are formed from them. The Christmas tree is formed on cardboard. Before gluing the buds, the cardboard can be decorated with a backing and beads along the edges.
  • "Volume Christmas tree." A three-dimensional Christmas tree can be assembled from drop-shaped parts. The Christmas tree can be decorated with decorative elements: glitter or beads.
  • "Christmas wreath". Can be made up of “eyes”, “arrows”, “hearts” and simple rolls.
  • "Cockerel." It's very easy to make a New Year's rooster. To do this, you need to print a stencil and paste it with multi-colored rolls, which can be shaped like “eyes” or “drops”.

The execution of work must be accurate and scrupulous. It is very important that no excess glue gets on the paper. Crafts are easy and simple to make, but for beginners it is better to use diagrams that will help assemble the image into a single composition.

How to make quilling crafts for the New Year

On New Year's and Christmas holidays it is customary to give gifts. They don't have to be expensive. Sometimes it is important to do something with your hands, because handmade products are always more valuable. New Year's crafts can be made without any special material costs.

All you need for crafts are strips of colored paper, PVA glue with a brush, a toothpick or a long stick, scissors and tongs.

Quilling crafts are made using the technique of twisting strips of colored paper. After this, a roll of the required shape is made from paper. It is easy to apply it to the roll with a light touch of your hand.

How to make a “Snowman” craft:

  • Prepare white strips of paper.
  • Wind the strips, glue the edge of the strip so that the roll does not unwind.
  • The rolls must be of different sizes.
  • After all three rolls are connected, you can make a hat for the snowman from a strip of a different color.
  • Small strips can be used to make eyes and a nose for a snowman.

This craft can be glued to cardboard. If you decorate the cardboard with a beautiful backing and inscription, and stick a snowman on top, you will get a beautiful New Year's card. You can hang the craft on a thread and decorate the Christmas tree with a snowman.

Themed crafts for the New Year: quilling

To give a pleasant surprise to your family and friends, you don’t have to buy gifts. You can make a gift with your own hands, which will definitely be appreciated much more than any purchased gift. Interestingly, both children and adults can do quilling.

If children are making crafts, they should definitely be told about safety precautions and rules for working with sharp objects and glue.

By making crafts from strips of colored paper, children will develop fine motor skills, thinking and imagination. Usually, children do not need diagrams, since their imagination copes well without them. But for beginner adults, if they want to make a craft carefully, but do not have artistic abilities, the diagrams will be of great help at first.

How to make a craft “Snow Maiden”:

  • Prepare blue and white strips of paper.
  • Twist the white stripe - this will be the Snow Maiden’s face.
  • Twist a smaller strip - this will be the neck.
  • Twist the blue stripes and make “drops” from the rolls.
  • Make a Snow Maiden dress from ready-made elements.

The entire composition can be assembled on cardboard. Or you can glue the elements together and decorate the Christmas tree with crafts. Some decorate the granddaughter of Santa Claus with beautiful wings, imagining her as a fairy fairy.

Christmas and New Year quilling crafts

The “drop” shape is one of the most common elements in quilling. With its help you can create original New Year and Christmas compositions. You can do New Year's crafts with your family - such an activity will bring your loved ones together and give you moments spent together.

Professionals advise using special machines for twisting and forming rolls to make paper crafts. This will prevent your arm from getting tired.

The most common shapes are “drop”, “eye”, “diamond”, “triangle”, “heart”, “arrow”, “crescent”, “horns”, “curl”, “twig”. All these shapes can be made by pressing, taking into account the pressure and angle. The more forms a master masters, the more interesting and unique his compositions will be.

How to make an angel step by step:

  • Prepare white stripes.
  • Roll the rolls. Their number is determined by how big the angel they want to make.
  • The rolls need to be slightly loosened and sealed so that they do not fall apart.
  • You need to make a “drop” from each roll.
  • Use the drops to form the body of an angel.
  • The head is made from a tightly twisted roll.
  • Rolls for wings are formed from golden strips of paper. They are also made from "blobs".
  • The composition is joined with PVA glue.

You can hang an angel on a Christmas tree or decorate a chandelier with it. He will protect the house and the family that lives in it. Ready-made New Year's crafts are decorated with sparkles, beads and rain. People of all ages can practice quilling. This is a very useful type of needlework, especially since it does not involve large expenses for the purchase of raw materials. On the Internet you can find many diagrams and examples of work for inspiration. Professional craftsmen produce amazing masterpieces. You can become a professional through experience and acquiring relevant skills.

New Year's crafts from paper and quilling (video)

New Year and Christmas 2018 have already been celebrated. But this does not mean that the gifts end there. Crafts using the quilling technique will be a wonderful handmade gift. Quilling involves using multi-colored paper strips, rolling them into rolls of different sizes and shapes, and composing these elements into an image. New Year's themes involve compositions depicting New Year's characters, Christmas trees, snowflakes, etc. You can make the craft yourself by looking at the instructions and recommendations of professional craftsmen on specialized websites.