Having luxurious skin is easy: we prepare a salt scrub at home. The effects of salt scrubs on the face and homemade peeling recipes

Smooth velvety skin of the face - without deep wrinkles, spots, and even more so without acne and blackheads - has always been considered an important and indisputable attribute of female beauty. This canon of beauty has not lost its relevance to this day. Unfortunately, a rare girl can boast of the perfect skin that nature gave her. In most cases, good skin is the result of a girl's careful grooming and care for her face.

The most difficult thing is for the owners of oily and problem skin, which regularly "pleases" its mistress with rashes, painful acne and blackheads. The most effective way to overcome this problem will be a face salt scrub. However, this procedure will help in the care of both dry and normal skin, not just oily.

The salt scrub gained its popularity due to the unique properties of salt, including sea salt. So, salt perfectly dries and cleanses the epidermis from old cells, and sea salt also enriches it with essential minerals. In addition, such a face scrub, depending on the auxiliary components, perfectly nourishes, moisturizes the skin, reduces the number of wrinkles, and evens out the structure and improves the complexion.

Salt scrub application

Features of a salt scrub with soda

Making a salt face scrub at home is easy. The main thing is to take fine salt for cooking, since large crystals can damage the epithelium. Experts call a soda and salt scrub most effective in treating problem skin with blackheads (comedones). Mix equal amounts of salt and baking soda (approximately 20 g each). Add some warm water to make the resulting mass look like a gruel. You can add a little lemon juice to the soda-salt solution, which also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and reduces the secretion of sebum.

Before carrying out the procedure, the face needs to be steamed a little over a steam bath so that the pores open up properly. After that, with gentle massaging movements, apply the peeling, bypassing the area of ​​the eyelids and lips. Leave the mixture on your face for no more than five minutes, then rinse with warm water. Attention! In no case should a salt and soda scrub be done if there are inflamed rashes on the face. After the procedure, it is recommended to apply a moisturizer. Salt and baking soda are unique ingredients that work similarly to facial cleansing in a beauty salon. After all, salt dries oily skin and "pulls out" impurities from the pores, and soda narrows the pores and evens out the skin structure.

Using a body scrub

Scrubs for dry and normal skin

If you have normal to dry skin, you can also use a sea salt scrub for your face. To make such a scrub at home, you need sea salt and sour cream (you can replace it with heavy cream or olive oil). Mix the ingredients in a ratio (1: 2) and massage your face with this mixture for no more than 5 - 7 minutes, then leave the mixture on your face for the same time. Sour cream and salt scrub not only cleanses well, but also perfectly moisturizes.

Experts recommend that owners of dry skin type regularly carry out honey-salt peeling. Mix equal proportions of fine salt, liquid honey and olive oil (approximately 20 g each). Add about 100 g of oatmeal (pre-shredded). Perform the procedure at least once a week, and your skin will delight you with its freshness and velvety.

Toning scrubs

If you want to tone your face, try a salt and vegetable oil facial scrub. Take a glass of fine salt, add 100 g of any vegetable oil (it is better, of course, olive oil). By varying the amount of ingredients, this exfoliation can be used in body care.

Another scrub recipe can also be used not only for the skin of the face, but for body care - this is a scrub made from sea salt and with grapefruit. In two cups of fine sea salt, add 100 g of chopped orange zest and the same amount of olive oil. To give the drug a pleasant aroma, add lemon or grapefruit essential oil there. Massage your body for at least a quarter of an hour. This scrub is an excellent anti-cellulite and tonic agent. If you are trying to get rid of the orange peel, add 50 g of coffee grounds to the recipe, and the anti-cellulite effect of the peeling is significantly increased.

Beauty, first of all, is body, hair and face care. Plus, proper nutrition, water intake, vitamins and microelements is important. And beauty is also important, both external and internal. Today I want to talk about external beauty. How important it is for a woman to be attractive, slim and beautiful. Such women are admired by those around them, because this is an example to follow. We all strive to preserve our natural beauty of the face and body for longer. For this we try to devote a lot of time to ourselves. It also takes a lot of money to preserve beauty. But there are also very simple and affordable recipes that you can cook at home.

Body skin care is just as important as hair and face care. Soft, delicate, smooth body skin is perfection. For body care we use various scrubs, oils, gels, etc. I would like to pay special attention to scrubs. Today I want to talk about recipes for a salt scrub. Salt body scrub at home is extremely simple and quick to prepare, the result is noticeable from the first application.

Scrubs deny a positive effect on the skin, helping to exfoliate dead cells, while moisturizers are absorbed into the skin much faster. Thus, the skin looks smoother and more delicate. Salt scrubs are also used for cellulite. Since the salt scrub perfectly tones the skin, improves blood circulation in the cells, helps to remove toxins and excess fluid.

Apply salt scrubs once a week. If the skin is dry, then the scrub can be applied no more than once every two weeks. The most important thing is not to dry out your skin. Be sure to apply the scrub to damp skin. Preferably after taking a bath or shower.

Along with using a salt body scrub, a salt scrub can be used on hair. Applying a salt scrub for hair improves the blood circulation of the scalp cells, removes the remains of cosmetics, excess dust and grease. There are a lot of scrub recipes, my favorite with essential oils.

As a rule, there is nothing difficult in making a salt scrub. The composition of the scrub is simple. These are salt (we will give preference to sea salt), vegetable oil, essential oils and additional components.

Scrub salt

In my opinion, a salt scrub is best prepared with sea salt, if it is coarse, then it can be crushed. Sea salt is undeniably healthier than regular salt. You can buy sea salt at a grocery store, supermarket or pharmacy. You can in cosmetic stores and shops. It is best to use pure sea salt, no additives. Sea salt is very affordable.

And if it is not possible to purchase sea salt, you can try making a scrub from table salt. Moreover, you can buy fine salt, and you will not need to bother to grind it. But I am still in favor of sea salt.

Vegetable oil for scrub

Any vegetable oil can be used for the scrub. You can use almond, peach or apricot kernel oil, olive oil, jojoba oil. Almond oil, as well as peach or apricot kernel oil, is considered the softest and most delicate, non-allergenic, for the skin.

Essential oil for scrubs

I prefer natural and high-quality essential oils and today these are Primavera oils for me. You can buy synthetic oil at the pharmacy that will not have the desired effect.

If a salt scrub is prepared in order to get rid of cellulite, then a group of citrus essential oils (lemon, orange, grapefruit, tangerine) will be appropriate here. Choose the one that you like best.

Additional components for scrub

Additional components can be used for the scrub. Such as citrus zest (orange, lemon, lime).

You can use oatmeal, ground almonds, semolina or corn grits, ground coffee. very tones the body, evens out the skin, improving its appearance. Moreover, coffee scrubs can be used for both face and body.

Dry herbs and flowers. I really like the scrub made with lemon zest and dried lavender flowers.

Salt body scrub recipes

There are a lot of recipes for salt scrubs. In fact, you need to choose the recipe that is closest to you. For me, the ease of making a salt body scrub at home is also important.

Olive Salt Body Scrub

To prepare a scrub, you will need 200 grams of salt, 150 grams of olive oil, 2-3 drops of essential oil. Mix all ingredients in a container and apply a body scrub.

Take a portion of the scrub in your hand and apply it with light movements on the body. Take the scrub in small portions and distribute over the body. Moreover, this should be done with light movements so as not to damage the skin.

After that, shower with your favorite gel. Dry your skin with a towel and moisturize with body cream. Very important! In the composition of the oil scrub and when using it, the skin becomes oily. Don't slip in the bathroom. I am talking about this because it was an unpleasant experience.

Salt scrub with lemon zest

A very pleasant refreshing, aromatic scrub. To prepare it, you need to grind (preferably fine) the zest of one lemon. Mix the zest with a glass of fine salt.

Add 150 grams of vegetable oil. Mix the scrub and apply it to the body with light massage movements.

Honey-salt scrub for cellulite

Of course, I do not promise great miracles in getting rid of extra pounds. This is not to amuse yourself with hope. Since in achieving the result, that is, when reducing excess weight, it is necessary to combine sports, proper nutrition, massage, and of course scrubs.

Honey must be taken liquid, if honey is candied, then it should be melted in a water bath. Mix one hundred grams of honey with one hundred grams of salt. We mix everything and apply it to the body. This scrub perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin.

Citrus essential oil can be added to the scrub. I really love adding my favorite lavender oil to scrubs.

Salt scrub with flowers and herbs

Dry herbs and flowers can be added to the salt scrub if desired. I like to use dried lavender flowers. You can grind the herbs before adding them to the scrub. A simple scrub recipe, we take salt, oil and herbs or flowers as a basis.

Apply to the body with massage movements, rinse off the scrub under the shower. Be sure to apply body cream to your skin.

A salt scrub for face and body is a cleanser and exfoliator that helps keep the skin feeling fresh and velvety. It is very easy to make a salt scrub for the face and body at home, and such a product is much better and more useful than industrial cosmetics. It is based on the available components, and you can make a new portion of the product immediately before use.

Interesting! There are many types of scrubs, which can be classified by purpose, composition or action. Perhaps the most unusual ones today are. Not many have heard of this type of cosmetics, but those who have tried it describe the result with enthusiasm. We recommend that you try this type of product on your own experience using our recipes.

Beneficial features

Salt scrub is an abrasive and caring product. It is simply not replaceable for oily and flaky skin, as well as for those who wish to achieve better skin cleansing.

A salt scrub has a number of positive effects:

  • Helps to cleanse the skin from keratinized particles of the epidermis, various types of impurities and sebum;
  • Enough cleanses pores from blackheads, helps to narrow them;
  • Promotes faster renewal of the surface layer of cells;
  • Prevents the appearance of itching and flaking of the skin;
  • Normalizes the production of sebum by the sebaceous glands, preventing the formation of oily sheen;
  • Strengthens blood microcirculation, helping to speed up metabolic processes in cells;
  • It has an anti-cellulite effect, removing congestion;
  • Gives the skin a fresh and velvety appearance;
  • Provides better absorption of nutrients that are contained in its composition.

Important! Remember, those ingredients that are used with salt also have a number of positive effects. Therefore, select recipes and substances based on your skin type, its needs and the desired effect.


The most important thing is to identify the ingredients that are suitable for the salt scrub. You should carefully study the properties and positive qualities of each of them.

First of all, you should choose the type of salt:

  1. Sea salt is a constituent that is obtained after the evaporation of sea water. It contains in its composition a complex of useful substances that saturate the cells of the epidermis with necessary elements. Please note that the sea salt grains must be free of additives. Large granules should be ground to small particles that are safe for the skin.
  2. Table salt is the salt that we add to food. It is this product that is present in every home, therefore it is always at hand. These granules are significantly inferior to sea salt grains in their properties, but it performs excellently the main cleaning function. In addition, it enhances blood circulation, enhancing its flow to the skin, and has excellent antiseptic properties, which is also beneficial for the epidermis.

What else can you add to your salt scrub:

  • Vegetable oils are a component found in almost every salt scrub recipe. They help to soften the abrasive properties of the salt granules, preventing damage to the epidermis. Oils not only make the scrub safer, but also give it additional properties. For example, olive oil will saturate the skin with beneficial elements, and tea tree oil will prevent excessive sebum production.
  • Chopped nuts, cereals, cereals, coffee, herbs - all these components fit perfectly into a salt scrub due to their cleansing properties. Use what you have in your kitchen, for example, oatmeal in your cleanser recipes.
  • Essential oils are substances that not only add additional characteristics to the product, but also add a pleasant aroma to the final product. The pleasant oils will turn your facial cleansing at home into a real spa treatment.

Important! All components you use must be of high quality and not expired. Use those foods that you would eat, and additional components that have not expired.

Recipe for face and body salt scrubs

Scrub from sea salt for cellulite

This type of product is great not only for cleansing the skin, but also getting rid of such a problem as cellulite. Due to the activation of blood microcirculation, the excretion of stagnant phenomena from the subcutaneous layer is enhanced. Solve two problems with one sea salt and grapefruit product.


  • 5 tablespoons of chopped sea salt;
  • 1 spoon of olive oil;
  • Orange zest;
  • A few drops of grapefruit and lemon essential oils.

It is imperative to grind coarse salt as large granules can damage the skin. Add orange peel, essential oils and olive oil to it, stirring thoroughly until smooth.

Apply the product in a circular motion to problem areas of the body, carefully rubbing the mass into the skin. Leave the mixture on for a few minutes and take a contrast shower.

Salt and baking soda face scrub

This tool can definitely be prepared by every woman, since all the necessary components are sure to be found in the house. This tool amazingly cleanses the skin, especially the oily type. It works no worse than facial cleansing in the salon; in the economy and simplicity of the procedure, it can be used even by those who do it for the first time.

Remember! That such a scrub is contraindicated for rashes, inflammatory processes and violation of the integrity of the epidermis. In addition, such cosmetics should be used with caution for women with dry and sensitive skin.

We will need:

  1. Soda;
  2. Chopped table or sea salt;
  3. Warm water;
  4. Lemon juice optional.

Mix dry bulk ingredients to make it easier to dissolve in water. Add warm water in small portions. The consistency of the finished product should be like gruel. Add a small amount of lemon juice if desired. It will reduce the secretion of sebum and refresh the skin.


Salt scrub for the body and face is a remedy that perfectly cleanses the epidermis from pollution and keratinized scales of dead skin. It improves the appearance of the skin, promotes the activation of metabolic processes and faster cell renewal. Try making this cosmetic at home.

The content of the article:

Salt is a unique and very useful mineral that is of natural origin. Without this substance, life on Earth is simply impossible. Salt is found in vegetables, fruits and plants. To ensure the normal functioning of the human body, it is necessary to regularly replenish the salt supply. The most important thing is to maintain a balance, since not only a lack of salt, but also an excess of salt, negatively affects your overall health.

With an excess of salt, there is a risk of developing hypertension, the appearance of excess weight, and in case of its lack, the correct sodium metabolism is disturbed, which is manifested by such signs as severe drying of the skin, muscle weakening begins, and a sharp decrease in body weight is observed. The human body receives salt not only in its pure form, adding it to food during cooking, but also from food.

Cosmetic properties of sea salt

This natural mineral has a positive effect on the skin, which is why salt is widely used in the field of cosmetology:

  • intensive skin whitening is performed;
  • mechanical gentle cleansing is carried out;
  • skin cells are saturated with natural and beneficial minerals;
  • there is a pronounced antiseptic effect;
  • excess fat and moisture are gently removed from the skin.
Today, salt is found in a variety of scrubs, tonics, peels, and exfoliating masks made by modern pharmaceutical companies. This natural remedy is widely used in spa salons during various cosmetic procedures designed for skin care. However, the most affordable and simple use of salt is a special scrub that can be easily and quickly prepared on your own at home, adding simple and natural ingredients.

Using a salt scrub

Regular use of a salt scrub will only be beneficial if you adhere to a few simple rules:
  1. Salt scrub should not be applied to the skin around the lips and eyes. Massage the décolleté area with special care.
  2. A face scrub will be much more effective if the composition is applied to pre-heated skin. For this purpose, you can use a simple compress, which is done as follows - a terry towel is moistened in warm water and applied to the skin for about 6-8 minutes. Thanks to this procedure, the skin becomes more receptive to the beneficial substances that make up the scrub.
  3. It is recommended to use a salt body scrub after taking a hot bath or shower.
  4. It is forbidden to carry out a cosmetic procedure using a salt scrub if there are abscesses, dermatitis or acne on the surface of the skin. Otherwise, such actions can provoke skin infection or significantly increase the existing inflammatory process.
  5. The optimal option for using a salt scrub is the following frequency - for problematic and oily skin once a week, for dry and normal skin 2-3 times a month.
  6. When applying the product to the skin, you must be extremely careful. On the face, the product is applied strictly along the massage lines, on the body with soft circular movements. It is not recommended to use force, as there is a risk of injuring delicate skin.
  7. At the end, the remnants of the salt scrub are washed off with plenty of warm water. Be sure to moisturize the skin with any nourishing cream or cosmetic milk.

Salt facial scrub

It is impossible to get delicate, smooth and velvety skin without regular, and most importantly, proper cleansing. Decay products released by the epidermis during metabolic processes, as well as dead cell particles, should not remain on the surface of the skin.

To obtain high-quality cleansing, simple hygiene procedures will not be enough, which is why cosmetologists have recognized the need and benefits of scrubbing. The most popular product for effective scrubs is simple salt. Today, two types of salt are used in cosmetology - table salt and sea salt.

Sea salt is a natural product obtained by evaporation from sea water. Thanks to this method, sea salt retains all the valuable trace elements and nutrients that are in the sea moisture.

Salt scrub based on sea salt saturates the skin with valuable sea minerals. When choosing this product, it must be remembered that it should not contain additional dyes or fragrances. When making a homemade sea salt scrub on your own, you must first grind it using a coffee grinder or blender.

Simple table salt, which is mined in underground mines, is also a natural product. Unlike sea salt, it has a more modest composition, but cooking salt has certain advantages - it has a pronounced antiseptic effect, it is also hypoallergenic.

Salt face scrub recipes

Today, you can buy a ready-made salt scrub for skin care at almost any store, or make it yourself using the recipes below.

Scrub for problem skin

  • For cooking, take salt (1 tsp.), Baking soda (1 tsp.), Natural yogurt or sour cream (1 tbsp. L.).
  • All components mix well until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  • To care for very oily skin, you can use boiled water instead of sour cream.
  • The ready-made composition is applied to damp skin, and problem areas where blackheads are located are gently treated.
  • The exposure time of this scrub is 5-6 minutes.
  • After completing the cleansing procedure, a slight reddening of the skin may appear, but this is a completely normal reaction.
  • With a little nourishing cream, you can quickly soothe your skin.
Toning scrub for combination to normal skin
  • To prepare a scrub, you will need to take fine salt (1 tsp), olive oil (1 tsp) and lemon juice (1 tbsp).
  • All components are thoroughly mixed. This is a homemade acid peel.
  • Lemon juice combined with salt provides effective skin cleansing and whitening.
  • During the procedure, you must be extremely careful, as there is a risk of provoking severe skin irritation. That is why the duration of the procedure should not be longer than 10 minutes.
Scrub for sensitive and dry skin
  1. To soften the effect of the salt scrub, you can add a little flour to the product. It is best to grind rice or oatmeal in a coffee grinder, but plain wheat flour can also be used.
  2. To prepare a scrub, you need to take fine salt (1 tbsp. L.), Milk or water (1 tbsp. L.), Flour (2 tbsp. L.).
  3. The liquid is mixed with flour until a gruel is obtained, to which fine table salt is added.
  4. Use immediately and do not refrigerate.
  5. The scrub is applied to damp skin and a gentle massage is done for several minutes.
  6. The product remains on the skin for about 5-6 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water.

Salt body scrub

Thanks to the use of a salt scrub, dead cells and skin particles are removed from the surface of the body, and excess moisture is removed. As a result, the skin becomes firm and perfectly smooth.

Certain components can be added to the composition of the salt scrub, due to which the signs of cellulite, stretch marks and other skin irregularities are eliminated.

The cosmetic composition must be applied to clean and pre-moistened skin, after which a massage is performed using a special washcloth or simply with your hands.

The exposure time of the salt body scrub is 10 minutes, after which the residues of the product are washed off with plenty of warm water, but without the use of detergents. The body is gently blotted with a towel, and then smeared with a light baby cream.

The following main ingredients are added to the body scrub:

  1. Sea or common table salt.
  2. Various additional components that improve the effect of the composition - for example, oat flour, ground natural coffee, honey, citrus peel, dry green tea and herbs.
  3. Essential oils can be added to the scrub, which not only give the skin a pleasant and light aroma, but also have a healing effect. You can add no more than 5-6 drops of oil, otherwise there is a risk of provoking a strong allergic reaction.
  4. When adding oil, it is necessary to use only the product that is ideal for the specific skin type. If a large amount of a scrub is being made, which is planned to be stored for some time, almond oil should not be added to its composition, since it has the ability to quickly oxidize. An excellent option would be burdock or olive. Massage oils are also suitable, since they not only can be stored for a long time, but are also adapted for the skin. You can use sunflower, corn, grape seed, or peach oil.

Best Salt Body Scrub Recipes

Depending on the problem at hand, the initial condition of the skin and its type, you can choose the perfect recipe for a salt scrub for body care.

Moisturizing salt scrub

  1. To prepare a scrub, table salt (0.5 tbsp.), Olive oil (3 tbsp. L.), Favorite essential oil (2-3 drops) are taken.
  2. All components are thoroughly mixed.
  3. The scrub can be used immediately by applying to previously moisturized skin.
  4. This product can be kept in the refrigerator for some time in a glass container with a tightly closed lid.
Orange body scrub
  • This remedy has an excellent tonic effect. After using it, the skin becomes plump, velvety and soft to the touch.
  • Instead of orange peel, you can use lemon or grapefruit peel.
  • The scrub contains table salt (2 tablespoons), orange peel (1 tablespoon), chopped on a grater, olive oil (1 tablespoon), orange essential oil (2-3 drops).
  • All components are mixed, after which the scrub can be used immediately.
Honey body scrub
  1. To prepare a scrub, take coarse salt (1 tbsp. L.), Natural liquid honey (1 tbsp. L.), Cinnamon (1 tsp. L.), Olive oil (1 tsp. L.).
  2. All components are mixed, then the composition is applied to moistened skin, a light massage is done, the remnants of the product are washed off with warm water.
Honey has a nourishing and moisturizing effect on the skin, saturating cells with a mass of useful substances. Also, this product has a regenerating and bactericidal effect. Thanks to the use of such a scrub, the skin becomes supple and soft.

Regardless of which recipe for a salt scrub for face or body skin care will be used, the main thing is to carry out such cosmetic procedures regularly. After all, using the product once a month will not have a positive effect.

How to make a salt scrub, see this video:

Salt has been known to mankind for more than one century, but few people realize that, in addition to cooking, it can be used for cosmetic purposes as the main component of body scrubs.

Natural salt body scrub helps to cope with the main female problem - cellulite, as well as to rid the skin of stretch marks, make it velvety and unusually smooth. When is it recommended to use salt and how to do it correctly? But let's talk about everything in order.

The salt body scrub is very easy to use. To do this, we take the prepared homemade composition and, using force, rub the skin with it. The action of a body salt scrub should be rough, but not painful.

You should not rub the skin with the composition for too long, because your task is to cleanse dead cells, and not completely remove the skin. After applying the composition, it is recommended to take a shower, after which the skin should certainly be lubricated with a moisturizer.

Caution: When using an oil-based saline body scrub, be careful when applying it, the oil makes the bath greasy.

How to choose a scrub salt?

Before making a salt scrub, you should decide on its type. In this case, you can take absolutely any salt, it is not necessary to use sea salt. You can use a simple cookery for these purposes, which everyone has at home.

Of course, an anti-cellulite scrub with sea salt will be more useful, as it contains more minerals and other beneficial components that nourish the skin.

When making a body scrub with salt, you can also use a special pharmacy salt, which already contains cosmetic extracts or oils. You can also take the salt of the dead sea.

If the salt is rather coarse, then before applying it, it is recommended to pre-grind large particles so as not to injure the skin.

Sea salt for body skin is useful in almost any combination of products, and all the recipes are simple enough for everyone to repeat them at home. However, there is a universal recipe, a kind of basis for all salt scrubs. To make a salt body scrub at home, you will need the following ingredients:

  • one glass of carefully chopped sea salt. If the skin is extremely sensitive, then you can replace it with sugar, since it is softer in structure;
  • half a glass of oil. For these purposes, grape seed oil, almond or any other massage oil is well suited;
  • 6 to 15 drops of high quality essential oil. At the moment, there is a wide range of such funds, each of which will need to be used for specific purposes. For example, if you want to relax and unwind when making a body scrub from salt and oil, then it is recommended to add lavender to the composition, if you want to get a feeling of freshness, then lemon oil is suitable, and for stimulation it is better to use rosemary oil.

When making a salt body scrub at home, all the ingredients must be mixed thoroughly; for this purpose, you can use wooden sticks or a spoon.

In texture, a proper salt body scrub should be dewy, uniform, but not very greasy. It all depends on the amount of oil you add, so use just the amount you need to create a wet texture.

If you are a fan of aromatherapy, then you can also add additional scented oils to the resulting composition.

Sea salt for body skin has unique properties, combined with olive oil, it can instantly refresh and revitalize your skin.

The simplest recipe is as follows: just mix natural olive oil and sea salt together. We take equal parts oil and salt and mix thoroughly with each other. As a result, all the oil should be absorbed into the salt.

This salt body scrub can be applied while taking a shower, sauna, or regular bath. To wash off the product, you can take both cool and warm water, but at the end it is recommended to rinse with a cool stream. This product tones and moisturizes dry skin.

Salt scrub against stretch marks on the body and fight against cellulite

A coffee and salt scrub is an excellent remedy for eliminating cellulite and stretch marks. It is very simple to prepare such a composition: for these purposes, you should mix together several tablespoons of ground coffee, salt and oil. Now we rub the resulting composition into problem areas on the body. As a result, you will get beautiful skin with a pleasant coffee shade, and your stretch marks will be less noticeable.

Scrub with salt for cellulite is prepared as follows. To do this, you need olive oil, grapefruit and sea salt. Making a body scrub from salt, mix two tablespoons of chopped orange peel, and five tablespoons of table salt. Now add a tablespoon of olive oil to the resulting composition, as well as four drops of lemon and grapefruit essential oil. Stir all the ingredients and apply the composition to the skin for ten minutes.

Salt and sugar scrub

Another effective recipe for combating problem skin is a sugar salt scrub for stretch marks. In order to prepare the composition, you will need to take granulated cane sugar and sea salt in equal proportions and mix everything with vegetable oil. Three drops of orange essential oil can be added as needed.

Body Salt Honey Scrub

This honey and salt scrub will leave your skin smooth, supple and healthy-looking. To prepare a scrub with honey and salt, you need to mix a spoonful of table salt with three tablespoons of liquid honey.

Perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the epidermis.

Scrub with baking soda and salt

Scrub with salt and baking soda is suitable for normal to dehydrated skin. To prepare it, mix both components in equal proportions with olive oil. It is recommended to use such a tool once every 7 days.

As you can see, the sea salt anti-cellulite scrub is very popular among many girls. With its help, you can cope with cellulite, make stretch marks less noticeable, increase the elasticity of the skin and give it a healthy, toned look.